if THE OMAHA DAILY HER KATTRDAY. APRIL 12. 1800. Tin1 onrri'i ITIVP AMDI/PTO lllh vSPLlLLATnE MARKETS , Wt-at Tra Ung tie Gtkwp Bo rd tb < in VOLDME OF BUSINESS IMMENSE. Cr | i KljjHrt" * the GrO.tt riho Day Corn a PIII- Coit'iil I'rorliltm Deal- Ktiorinoiii. Out \r.n. March > ! . { Special Teletrnm to fin Itru ) - Thl win iht > larst st day for the * ht At tn'de In ChtcMo for years eieeptlns i pAult < srowliit out of tthont manipulation. I Tin-net Ion of tin-market mny be judged by i tin se ( "iriirra : I-at nlsht May uhcnt clo * Hl t f-J , < Till * niornlnc at opened at * le. touchwl M 4 went off to.1Se. upafaln to.ISo , oil to KiSup to\e. otMo M\u and upmtnln on an. tht-r l > iite ht NV At I o'clock. Juno old at M , - , * . - > , o. July tnrtcd A' up at < Vold to M v "IT to * * SVo , iipto * .l'jp , t lt tov'ISt * a'ld hu.illy iiptnsU' . * ( > much fur the actlun of thi i > itrkit. When the volunmof trade l < con- li.irttl the ho ln ; wa * ctiually srvnt. Tri.I n wa o wild ami tlu > nisn-tatf of tr 11141 turn * * > srcat that 'tt > n tins lt' dor of Hit' tr.io : * nch iin-n .i < lioam. L nil.ihy. Hutrb- li * < n I'.tnlrrdct' . l xnn. Oiinhnni. l.liiilbloin. > tliwartMct'ormlfk antl other * of c jnnl prvmliu'mv werh > * t - > l < lit of as far as Wop- In.- tab on thtMr Imllvliliml bi lnc * * nont. Tl < r a * tal' thjt thl or th.it heavy OJH.T- 3t r , < r crt'at oominlHslon lioue wa liitvln : or ell'n ' but there w.t * no certainly. The mar ket siirvotl and bulled ami rv- ci .l.tl carrying tr der * . bis and little. nitli It Dim thins wa < comditl on all 1 mil * , the country nra * In tht > m.irkct. and ti a ti on the bti tnklr Mr. llntchlnon lirt tli tlnsnlne l lilnielf by buyInc Ju-t .1 * tin prm-wa * rtvetllnir from the tlrt exoltetl t i a.-r I.-HIT In the tlav liN heitxy bit } in : w f. it hen the price of M.iy went i'loe up toV l ti.laliy wa * an OIKMI eller oil the i rt < in-n th. but the co * hiof the pit crvtl- Itt.l 'K-tli 1'ndahy ami I'anlrldse with running ti - er on their line * , of - hurt wheat about n. ltl uele * ' to ennniomto the lions , . * win li ' > iiht or * od | heavily. All did iMth. l ti tlinetlnrln2 tli dav. Tlie ; reit : In- tli.tiii , ' t f the daj , i * of ooiir o the cover er- " i.t crop ( Isure * . reoel ed late iat nl ht. They make the .n erase condition ofwhe.it f I jcalnstMe on April 1 of lat year , andenin- p rtil with the : icraeof about AX- for ten vtar * . past Tdl * tiiiulUUin at : le U much K er than tlie trade anywher < expoetetl. i.i D. v this ; reit oommotltin. The IlllnoK crop I ullotui sl\e * a % er > dlsoou mlug crop out look altx. Tin un market vr.-i * n , puultn : one nil iiav rrKt' < nileil hllitr anil cln otl at about tin1 toi > - Mav .lil nt nt'c.V , cli ) lnsat :1ITC.7 : > . Jul % sol , ] nt XM.Cl > , p.cliHlnat J cn > ii' . Other . Tlie tnulo .i4 or > nrrvous anil an } attempt to buy orell .my round lot.- priceat ODCO. Ijiiti-hln oiiMJlil M.iy , Itoyiiin Ixniilit M.iv antl Mt'C'crinlfk A : l o. K'usht Anxt > t and - litombor sililey soUI Juno heavily. In ont thcrt' was a seed traile. but the a- prepate fell N-lovr that wltne-til for ; .e\eral ilay-p. t. rrlce > alx > hclil wllliln a narn w ranjre The fei < llnc. lionctcr , a > tinner nml the clo ln ? sale * "honed a net advance iif 'tO'if oxer thiVK' je tenlay. The -.trencth .i ehletly due to "rlrmnes-'and adranre In wheat and corn. Ievelpt ! > were l.irse and e tsxli-d etrnvtatlon- . The demand for round 1 > t of wliitf for shipment was lltioral and a lirtu f.-vltnc prv\.illitl. Car lot > nf > o. 2 In stnrv wen * slow anil quotable at iVi4i23ie ! , K r N.I . " white for Jlay tlicre was fair tradlti ; u i--T.V : < The prtl lon trade rra > enormom todaj. llea irnnsaetlotis are not Indicated hy any . u-ni rhanrts In prices , but the market for a prtnluets as * tr ns from tirst to last. Thi ie was tin- most aetion In the price * of n * p < rt > 1'lrst ticures were onlv 5o aer the < i ilast nlslit. but the crowd felt ut.casy lx - use of the holdli < by the. old * \ yi rllaee clique house * . Thev were sill < "rs of Mav and buyer * of Julv jwrk , Me- i . .rmirk A. C'o Ini the oil } la ; all dav. Mav r t.iuil from 110 iVi to ilUTi and July fromill.U t > ill.kV In-hort rib * the deallm * vn-re re- u .irkaMe. lluti-hln- M'ld. it wa * thought , M all the rih * that were boucht for the day. por- liaps ri.i > oi ) pounds. The market did not v -Id jenerally and the * hort * ab-orbed thetii. Itt ane * N > an-1 Armour A. Co. were the be t biinr * . Ma > ranged from f > SI to27 and J itfmm JMito { "ur. Tradliii In lard wa * F n-r.il. l > ut on a Hr o scale , and price * nere Jin..l > hvld. t'llIt'.IKO LITE STOCK. rinr\r.o. April 11. fpeclal Telerram to Tut. HuCtrrLE ) IlU5lnes was fair and pr. f > a * > jut the same a * for a day or two p.tt Ik'th exporter * and the dre * * d b ef trade vranted cattle , but would not p-.y more tlmn jet < ? nlay. There were * cxenty car-of Tevan * an the market and here bu-Inesua * nut * , > n-iive , with price * rulln- rather In fat or nf liuTi-r * . Cows and mixed stock , together .ii ! all class > - of iMitohc-r' * * -k.old iually a * wr 'I ' a * at any time this week. The * tocker ami f.fdrr traiie oontlnut1 * liht with price * rumdU unthedown turn thanothfrnlse.e eept jirit , . fet ler * , wliioh ell a * hlzb a * anvthlnc. i ti. . ito e\tra b > ete * , f * uitj.li < . mcHlluiu to p.l ! .trs , IT.to l.VJOlb * . ! t.J.il r > : I O to I . IhrUi l.tO : ftV ) to I.1.1 ! ' ) Ih * . * -UttM * i * i. k r and f ler- . { J.&ULlXt : eon * , bull * and un\i-ij. ilJft W : bulk. ii n ij o. Ti-\a . -.rtifwl steer * . MOnS-XsO ; Kras--r * . Ji-WJati HIK" - llu-tnc * * we * actlte. with an upturn of v in the KIK-IC IIand and Hiirlinston ili > il.tnand . " iIOo in t ic Northwestern dl- ' * U n About ptprvthln ; wi * < ild. with the market eli > - ! iitoady. . I'aeVms cmdes sold at H.a jj.4-r > . and shipper * at } I.X tM.4-J. Utflit n ti- wen rather neglected , tet * old a sbndu urtn ertodaj alil SUO. / ' /.V.I A CIA I. . Nrtr YORK. April 11. [ Special Telerram to THE HEE. ] Srot-K. * . The unusual llr in a few stocks thl * mornln ; wa = r < frehlBS to the tradf. altbouh th - action wo * generally ad- TI re to the bull * . While the general Il > > t wa as Oull a * usual few leading stocks lucludln : lk Ilaud. Missouri Pacific , Union Pacific , I.arkawanna ami St. Paul were specially ac me First price * wens generally from S to : P --ert Ionerth nlate\enln3' * final fizure * . and while Ijckawanna and Ml-ourl Pacific ziitaiicfd slightly durins the int fewrninuto * tif vrudlnr. other * declined and the two stock * thi ntioiiMl afternanl sate way with the r * t. lik 1-Iand * rv > the leader In the decline , drvppln : to''J1 , a h > * * of 1 percent from last i vi . > ! r.'s price * . The los > > In the remainder of The ll-t were generally -lllit. but Man- liuti.in wa * fMniiieiy feterNh and irrvKular. Thi I olun Paelflc recovered f rom ffi1 ! toK ( . hasar trust * twk was otTtoCT'j. Thelhl'-aro jiartj and th Cammack followlniwere-pller * , nf I nlon Paci8c andCiraD4er-tocfcienerally. Tl.r i i'.sin.hour * in stock * were quite active , and there wasqulteaprt s-urebroushtapaln-it t.ransrr > t.k * Jn pnrtk-ular The trade re- r ard * liould' * attitude a * bearish , and think * rI ill not lid j > the market until the Union iac-\orthwestem combination make * lujim ix > uci-Ioii > . * t. I'aulw.iupporte < l by f' n in i ordi-r * . and Union Parltiv held up filrlv well. Iliirllnztiw and Hook Ilan < ] > uf- fmtu the niirst. 2 into Mlv ) and rt > S rvp c- tvely. | MUMNiri Pacific advanced ' 4 and Northwestern 1 per cent , tnuchlnz ll 't- Coal * tiK-k weakeue < t alxj. The total * alc- > -te IM.IHJ harv * . The foltowin : were the cloln ; quotation * : IS Northern l" el e . fff I * l du MvfrrrfMt JH W 4 r A .N 3V . . iu * Wt < o K' ' * rtt . . Ills . vl 11 .S V Irotral . . . . WJ ( vtunl vlA * t I1 II i B. . . . . a < A It. is ia ll./ck 1,104 . . . j4 I * . M. At 1- . KV , . . I S 4u twfwm * ] . . ! I4 Ii KJk W tXM4 * r. I'aul .t UfMba.- lltl < 4 CuMral 111 ilo t ffwrr * * ! . . Wtj t a A wi L nkin I'&clttc. . . . tf i Trial TH W . tU A I- - II llirhlfmntVnuml Iff W l rR U'niun. . 1 "dr [ ' n t M. MOM.I IUy at 442 ; P'r c nt. I'Hiur Wim'i.Mii.E : l'\r K Mi" percent * TtMll.\l ! Kit HAMiK Quiet hIMl l ilu > - < l > bill * . II.S1demand. ; . H. Ti- Mining New VORK. April 11. ( * | w'ltil Telegram to THI , KuTb ! folUjwln ; are tli lululng ti > : k llal * i Nunrui : m Ml _ fu t l A Va. n Olr ( si IruaUf MlU XV4 DMMte T CHWftot.cil 11 -I U D. m. ckWbit - Urui ; Vlriu : . . ! . ! M ; May. . c * h , HJS. M r , I l" r ; ktu > rt cleft r , rib * . . tUUy. U B _ V > * * i.-l'nr | ( , ijM < | : full re u ch 14aM. M 1 S ! . ' " * u * t \ < - . ViAiBf Auierlc * * , lia ll- - . n Nc 1 4 1 1 1 i J H4jJ n . , , Wl.tr J.jf - , , & „ ; n'li.Miidit , iV dry . -alf. JJV ; d < A'-'in . > . | r"Till. w-tiii'li nH't ( N'Alolli ! pke < l 3'4 ' W r- N.v4 ic. rilkl' . lt WlO'ic. Kev lpt 5 . \\hwit . i .n tt&oro corn . Wi.iwo 47.000 ostNR't NR't YOMK. April U. iWO bti h > l : "ipV > rt * . 1T.IOO n e ! < pn lroni : No , i rvtl. Vt't Cie In elvrntor. ftrt.wt , i l 9ic f. n. b. : option * .No 3 ml. April. cl.v.lu.- . Corn -Iterelnt-i , | l..ni lni hpi | ; , Volu hel ; < iHit hlithor : Nn. 2 , a 'tW > Sc In r. Hi W4c altoiit : tinicrniliMl mixed , O : option * Htm. April clunlnir at i * c. , bu hi-N : pot flrinfr : No. 2 white. . mlvl wiMiern. fi.t.V ; while western , 3tft 37l c : opthm-i Hrnt i. April. Se. I ufCtvOption * openoil tt"udy ami tin- ehunsed to. > jtolnti up. and oloM unchan iMl to 5 point * up. . * nli > * . rtTMImr * April. JIT iT-Bt 17 : X : Mnv. JIT WdlT-V. ; spot Itlo steady : fair . . . iliar llnw. ( Inn : n'ntrlfiisrtl * . ft ? to t , : . II , W ! T-ITo : relininli tinner ; mould "A , " ' c. iHimlertil H.VIMo. IVtmli'iimUnited cliMwl for May .US * ? . Kccs nrin : iMtt < rn. ISOU'u' . Porkrirni : n ' me . Ill 7S J IS. . I irdtMfiilatlon active : * | > otdull ; western leant. M.i-1. Muy oliwlnc at Mbid. . llutter < t Hiily : wetern dairy. T13o ; civamery. li > Hlv. t'lcln. Il 11Xt. . Clietxotoaily. . western. H 'iftlVc. T l.oi-i * . April -Wheat-It 1'hor : ct * li. 5.1'jc : Mav. * 4'c. Conv lllsher cah. 2JSc ; May. S9'v' . l > atlll her : e.ih. a'e ; .May , Pork-lllahi-r at ill no. IjinlIlleherat tXkdl \ VhlkyMeiuly atM.lC. It u tier ' Mii.wuKC.rApril 11. Wheat Ktcttwl ; No Ssprlnir. ca < h , .scjtW : M.iy , 77'jc. I'orn I'lrnl ; No. I. .He. Oitlliju | r : No i white , 'JiiJSIJ1 * * Uye llllu r : Xi . I.W.c. Harley-I < ewer ; No. 2. . ' sf..V- . Provision Higher : tHrK.li. : . Mi\.NEitt.t * . April It. Wheat Itecetpt * . I4J car * ; * hlpmeMi * i" > cat * . ; choice , milto active ; other * dull. Clojln ; quotations : No. 1 html. April and" .May. cSUet on track. M43V : No. 1 northern. April and Jiiiy. SJUi1 : on track. { > > lc : No. 2 northern , April and M.iy. 71V ; on tr.ick. 7ualc. CIINVTI. . April 11. Wheat Higher ; No. 5 ml. > * . ! < . torn-lruni : NaStntxetl. 3Ti ? . O.tt-llilicr ; No. 2 mixed , SJe. WhM.y-Jl.cr. ' . I.t VEitroot. April 11. Wheat -Klrw : dctnantt liiiprorln ; : holdet * " otfer * pirluly : Call- foniln. No. I. 7 * ' , d percental. Corn- steady , dcninnd fair ; uew tnlxcd western. .1 * 6 > 4d per cental. Kvvi * CITV. April IK Wheat Hlslior ; No. i li.ml. enh. V , No. 2 , rod. c\-li. T3io ! ; April. 7j > 4c bid. Corn lluher ; No. 2. cah.jo. . Oats N o. 2 cash. i.v'4c. l.ll'K .STOCK. Cntc no April ll. Cnttle- Receipt * , 10.1X0 : mhrkct eak : beeve * . fl. og.V10 : * tcer * . J.I.GO l7-itivkers : and fee < Ier * , > 3y.-j ; Texas corn fed steer * . S5.WA't.sO- HtV = Uecclpt ? . l.Vi > : market stronc antl liicher : inlxeil. 5 K.MJ ( : heavy , } l.li3l.40 ; llpht. Sl.ioai.sKIp ! * . ( UI03I.IM. Sbeop lleci'lpK. 6,000 : market slow and dull ; nati\e * . J4.WftO.tii ) ; western corn-fiHl. J3.3 > 3 5.0 ; Texans , SL-VVJi-VKi ; lamb * . t. > 0 & 7.iX ST. Loci * . April -Cattle Kecelpt * . y > 0 : -hlpment * . l.UOiron : ? ; fair lo fancy native steer * . Kta.tBU ; atockera and feeder * , fiOJS 3.40. 3.40.Hoc ' Hoc ReceiptI W ; * hlpmcnt : = , 4 > JO : < teadj : heavy. tl.l.3l.2r > ; packing , 4.10 ® I 1.2. , . Moc.xc'iTV. la. . April 11. Cattle Receipt * , 7ft ) : shipments. a.V ) : slow. z1 Receipt6W : tnarVetsteadv tostronc ; . . Ko * * * CITV. April 11 Cattle Receipt * . . ) : * hipment * . 2.C ) : market * teady. but t lower ; * teer * . $ nji. . . > cv > : cows. J1.7J23.10 ; stix'kersand feeder * . f-'m .HO ' lluzReceipts. . 6JVO. shipment * . l WO ; market - I ket blsher ; all gradi * . JltX-itl ll ) . | OMAHA LIVE STOOK. i Cattle. 1'rlday. April 11 i E-timated receipts of cattle 2.41. comn.ired wlth2.122yesterd.lv- s"it lat I'rlday. The i market opened active and unchanctd. Buyer * . -eeiuetl to knoiv Ju-t what they -.ranted , seller * had the dt irol fet .and tlie opinioti * of buvi r * and seller * were so nearly alike that trutiiek- Ini was commenced earlv anil ei-ntinupd active at price * varjin littft from vc-tenlay' * pricH. ' * . There were no teer * a- tine a * * ome on the market > eterdav. but the number sell- In ; at and above the JI 00 llrto. a * nearly double. Tlie receipt * of cow * were limited and all ch.inred hand * early * tcady on everything unle * * it a a few of the very ] .ooret one * . Fully tlftecn car * of feeder * were on tuarki t. allot which -old on -teady market at iLSOfc SJ"1 ; . Two car Uad * of bulU were on tale , tbe market -howlni no features , Rsttmated receipt * , of hoes 3.70X compared with 3.IUI yesterday and 2 11) la-t Friday. The market opened active nud stronger , all belli : ; -old earlj and cloin ? tirtn. The ateraieco = t of hoc- was | 4 on , cornpirod with Jl.OJVt yes terday and M Os' , l.ust Friday. .Sheep. There was only a slnle deck of sheep hero and thequahtv of that wa * nofcryzood. . The demand for deirablo { siuttvm > neop N sroud and the pnckcr > complain that there arc not enough couuni in to flu order * . Comparative Table * . The following table * * how the ran o In priceon hois during this and last week : Rays. This week. Last wecV. 4 I tX > rtl 1V TaMdaj- i ; _ \Ve.In * .laj- 3 ISit K * | 4 CD 81 IS Ttur-iar 3 W * l H 3 > l 074 hVltlai 3 514 OTH ' I KV8I I1H * al nlar . . 4 U < jtl 15 Knnst'ot * Prices Hos * . The following table shows the range of prices paid for ho-j- : I. Isht and medium hoi * . f4 ( * ) @ 4.n5 C5o < xl to choice mixed ho- ; * . : uo ftl.fo Good to choice heavy hn * . 4.u2tjS1.07''j Avorajje Cot of Ho * . The follo-rlni table sire * the averaso cost of hoon the date * mentioned , including thu cot today , as bastnl upon sales rcpjrte < l : Date. Price. Date. Price. April 1 . . . J I OT'iprllT . { 112 April 2. . .4 uf > U April * . 4 12 Aprils . . . I Ol'ipril 0 . 4 te'i April 4 . 4 ft * ' i April 10 . 4 ffl > i \prI15 . 4 10' , April 11 . 4 04 i HiKlie t nnd I < oue * > t Sales < > f Ho ji. Today Veterday Hlshe-t- ! 4 OT' , HUhet . . . . ! ! OT > i lowest . 4 W Lowest . 3 10 Stock Kecplptsj. Official Vi > * tenlay Etlmatcd Today Cattle luT. rar * 2122 Critic 119 ear > 24" ) Ho ; * . 4 mr > 3111 Hols . 33 ears 3TUO * ht p . 1 ear UW sheep. . 1 car 123 IIores. . 2 car2 _ _ Atcrae Price or IIo 4. * howln ; the arertzu prieo paid for loadi of ics on tbe days Lu-Jicatud In 1 T , Ii : : , UJ and I > * > ositii > n ill * -Slock. sUowlus tb nnaibcr of cattle , ho , ; * and tMtii lit by t lie packer I mid leudlu ; ; buy en uu today's uiarket. Iluvus J o. Mifft jt , To . f. . T.H i ; * jre II. lUmmond i Co . ti } Trie Annour-i'uilaby I'aeklns ctmipany . . Ul OuiaJm l > m-kiii ? company . . T . . . . I e ftuibfbild _ . . „ . a Itcntoni. L'eJtrwuvKl . , . 13 NvbNurri * . -l lpirs ml feeler * . SB l' tune & VanSant . . . , . ITS IlOfl * . Tb Arun.pr-ru4i ljy I'acfeluj Co . UU Omaha l > * wkiH ; Co. . 1.686 * IU A. t'o . . . 457 1'it-urfa II. lUuiiiiuud A. Co . BSJ J. 1' . iiUlr * i Co . . j-,3 ItwVeri. I ) " en jig I'ri'taltiiii ; 1'rluir * . The follow In ? U a table of prle i paid In tlil > market for the 'rsilfsot lUK-V. meat lonwl- l stwr * . IJMto It' . ) t ii t'OWHUHl 1M/J U > J P * * MMr- t'uuiuMHi enuutt * . Utdlnary fair co * . I// ) feud . . . l.'j ) Pair U ) xoo4 bull * . ( ru4re to ( Miry bull * J.lzl.1 .l.-kerau. | KUr toclM > k llzbl ! * fklr Ujrtujlc * bv vy itofa Fair to ckuk * mlo Ki'jirc * < 'iilatl > o hale * No A r-r. N Vv I'r l iw u a i i : * , Market Mention. r , M. Belkunp marketed cattle. M.Cobb marketed bos * from 1'unk. F. Hedge * contribute. ! hos from Belgrade. Sanster A : Uarnett of Ste art had hoson tliemurkot. Georjo . Uttchens came In from 1'Iainview with c.ittle. Warrln : Brother * had two cats of cattle In from Albion. Goodwin & Duffy marketed cattle from Woodbine , la. J.V. . lliunt brought two car of cattle from West I'nion. la. r. C. lllls * of Ho.vell * , a well knounhipper , eame In with cattle. I. H. Butler of Cre-cent City , la. , brought over a car of ho ; * . Inspector Howard condemned and shot two lump jaw steer * . C. II. Keith of Brock wa at the vard * . He is en route homo from slouv City. V.Coupal. an all-round * lockmm : of Herman , wa * on the market with a car of ho- . James Maher of the well known ( Irm of Smith .t Maher. Blair , waon the market with a car of cattle. Calhoun was represented on the market by Henry I'rahm. who wiuhero lujklns after two cars of cattle. Joeph Bayer , one of the widely known ship per * . to south Omaha , wa * here from Oral ? with two ear * of cattle. J. II. I.ayton. a regular dealer at Plljrer. added two ear * of cattle to the receipts uud came a Ion ? to look after tliem. J. I ) . 1'ord of the firm of Adatnson & Ford. l.oup City. Nob. , came In with three loads of cattle atid a load of hu i. W. II. Davis of Burlington Junction , Mo. . added a car of h.iis to the itlpply and came . - lionto look after them. William Greek of Wayne marketed seientv- one cattle avrrailnj LiCCIlbs. at tl .I ) , and \V. II. N'erf of Auburn had fourteen head that averaged 1,305 llw. and sold at : l S3. Tlie \ \ ' < > ol Market. BOSTON , April U. [ special Telegram to THE BEE. ] There has been a sooil steady demand for all kind * , of wool and the aleof the week asreate2Jis4.00 poundof all kinds. Prices icmaln steady and hulder * arc | t Inclined to prant concessions uwin tot tit' llrmne- shown Inthe et. Mocks of the inotdelrable kind * here are reduced and this fact adds to the Urmnesof the holders. The best territory wmils are In very short supply and line would * ell as hlsh as fine clean Other ctoi-ks of leas desirable territory were offered at SfS-Ve for tine , SKpCftiir tint ; medium and WVtlr fur me dium. Ealern Oreion wool has been * Hliln. at K/ctlit * . and valley nt4'iiV. . some small lots of choice sprins < allfornla * old at 'i'lfe ' Sic. sprlns Texas w mils are In small supply anil are sold In small lutn at n ranzt of lf.ilt' Tine washul lleeee * h.ivt been fiiilet unit * uld nt prt-vlous prices. Ohio X at 'Mli-Mi ; utid XX at : i."ifcSI'e. Michigan X 'ells at"A ! and Now York at Ss. ' . No. 1 i-iimMns U tirm in 'XtMvt * . Ohio Hue delaine at VnV.\ and MichUan line delatiiu at JK BJC l'iill > - < l woi/ls have lit'en dull. Australian wiml sold itilt | frtily 43'jeas toiiuallty. uthcr foreign wool * have bvcm < iuiet but tirm. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. I'rixluur. K p - * lrlctly fresh. ea'c ; cold storae. pick ltd. liiued , saln-U nut wanted ut any price. roui.TKi Tiire > , dresse < l , fancy dry picked , I3at > : turkeys , live , i > or Ib.e ; ihlck- CBfancy. . liJC'I.V , ebtckct * . chulcc. OUIOc : chlekeiii. live , doz. . il.u ( * .Hj ; i-tte , dresst-u , fancy , H itllc , XPB H. dre * * l , choice , t > 810ci ; ees , live , diu t < l * 'u .i : ducki , dressed , fancy , lie ; dm-k > . rholct , ( * U10c ; ducks , live. doz. . ti.WH.Ui ; pltfijn * . doz. . iUiJUI. . 0 OIE Ja'-k snipe. 'I. ii Ml 25 : golden plover. l. < aJii ! : mallard dm ks , tVj > US. . euiivu- ! Itaok duckfjji | i-.0o , rtd-head durks.doz. , H-V > 8I75 ; teal duk * . doz. r > X il T > i mixed duek * . doz. . VHI I u ) : CM-.O Canada , t'iJi > S 'l.i. HfiiUt I'rr Ib. i.-i. -I'er Ib full cream Yonns America , lll ! < - ; f ull i-rt-am twin * . 10' , c : full cream Ohio . - ! . l&c , full < -rtiiu WtMX i ln w.n. Hlilii. ' ; full cream brkk , L- ! , full creaui lliubur er s l . I3o. t < rlb : ( .trained , ft1. IVr Un , llurMJa brlshH. n.T5 ; : fallfornla fanry f.'T5 ; * d ) In . IVr lit - . r n.Hj. IS.'o ; half bM. H.V ) ; hard cUler. pure , p r bbl. Uu ) . oruD fc cWcr. im\t \ bbl. . 17 tf' pear cld r. half bbl * . MtM.r. MI.AT - Vyrdelll , jrixxJ lt < fl HAV.ASA 1'tr ' * Uuiti tirtUK'A HlTTtK 4. rtamerj fall'y n.H * . prnt ! St-'S i 'rta'itrjr Ul ) * il ua k. < i . - , ' . " - crtui ) i y i e l xri , 'ialry fir y r i Kai a--i tr uU , 1 * . , ' . , uu.ry. f-j v.tiu p -u TiJlV d.iliy iJioloo. iVjtlVi,1 i iiintry it > ll , f.ini > | I MI ih.'l.c .JjttiV uiintry rvll ei > .Ki o-lis. , cotif.try n IM'fli'Tli'K ' , IM iiiHtiKK. , W. * ' ItoNI' * ilJuotfttMn * ar * tar'ilrlltrry In I'hl- cnitoi liry t-tilTitlo , m'r tun ! t .ix > iii i" dry > untry , blesiehcd. 110 Ot > iHJm ; dr ) country , duhiDHitd mc tv * nvi Ki. . - , funey Mu c tlne. per bbl. I.OO ; "jiUiii * . e\tni fntu1) . JIJnunlun * . fair. MW ; ru < ffni H . Kwi. rnr- r H- . . * i ; twrnlw. | K-W : .ftect . i i ; hoi * > e radlh ro il < . per libl , * I.S > j per Ib , Tc ! celery r K tH. | n-r bbl. } * ) : celury rpots per do , V. JIU.I.IM ItutHc perlb. , lMKtrti ) \ ' \ > t. ( 'holce miillum , ? . luv.iflo. ! . Al'l't.ltVr bhl. Oeirtfilit * . * 4.X ( t Wlllun Twltf. MM : Ben IUvI , ! * * Konmnlte. tlV ) . llKHti nil. We. l'oo.M T * IVr hundred. JI 7.1. I'UXI.BMedium. . lierytlUJJVmall ) : , K.50 : Bl'rrkln * . I'-W ; C. \ II. cliutv chow , lit * , J.Vv'V ! . - . I'OTTI > K1'or bu. fancy. . . lilt-Freh fnxett white trout , pike and plekerel. per Ib. Tet sttlrzeon. Tc. Utt - - . I'IILT * AMI T i.i.iiH-Jreeti * iiltcd hide * . I'ic : dry * nlttl ; hide * . MMk" drv Mini hides Tc : calf hide * . > V. Dama eil hlili' * . .V le * . s'heep pelt * . Kreeti. imeh.iVajlJTi : shn-p tielt * . drv.perlli.t llc : tallow. So. I , a < A4o ; No. 2. : iH9.l > to , jsit'ti-e. white. ; i > t&4c ; yelluw i > . Kk\ lUNlland picked navj. | u % < 8l.t : hand ptcktil navv , mrdiiim. fl.l > Xitl..vi ; hinid plckid country , i I > 'M.40 : pxtd eli'im. ( l. > \I.iu : Avi'l.K HrtTEit Per Hi. fl Tc. ( Jrtioerlo * . Plant ) r riT-itirrniit . tier. iS'ieAT1 * : prune * , c k * . 1.WXI B1 * . fv prune * . liliN or but ; * , ti'jc : cltron peel , driini" . JO R * . 2.V : lemon peel. drum * . Ivt fanl date * . lm\i > , r. C > . lie : ixprlcol * . choice OMiiorat | 'd , IV : apri cot * . Jcllv ctirvtl , i' " > Ri boxe * . 11V * : uprlcot * . fancy. i'ib IHIVC * . UV- ; tipple * , choice evapor ated , IV : apple * , prime new. s.iic ; t\K \ * . Inver. lopcrcent tnre. l.t'ic : In * tck . Tc : lVrIan date * . Tc : salt Lake apple * . : ; bliiekberrle * . evaporated. V ) IMxives 5c , cherrle * . pltti-d , dry cured. ! . ' > < : peaclif * . pared , faucv. Isc : choice , HA * ; salt Lake. Tc ; pitted plum * . I'al. . > Ib bo\e * . sljdU'lic : raspberrle * . evap. N. V. . ne .iSc : prune * , li. f. txi-To. < ! > ! , , uranjre peel. IV' : ralln * . I illforula London erop I * . * . ' . ; ' 'A ) : Ctil.iMk' \ iniiscaiel * . emp lssi. ; { -MO : Viilenela * . 1 * . G'ic : ValcncliiJ. new. y'jc : fal. * eedesks. ! . . T'n1 ; Onditra lavcr , new. 10'ic : dried grape * . 4V : prunelle * , new , 1-Hc , CN.nt ) COOP * rrttlt * . California tandard brand * . -'jc-lb. per diu Apricot * . * ITH'H * ' : apricot * , pie fruit , il.V ) : gallon * . JI.V ) : bl.ick- berrlc * . fcvi'i ; cherries , blai. k f. iH.Vj'.vjS : chcr- rle * . while. 2.32.oO ; gl.tpe * . * 1 HVLMi ; | K > III * > . llarllett. f..t'k'-t.S.V ' peaclu * jellow. J..Umf.'iVi ; peaches , lemon cllnp. f..IO plum * . eRir ! l u' > . i l.0 : plum * , iroldcn dnip * . II * 0 ; plum . pieen saio * . fl.CT'iM * 0 ; peaehe * . with pit * In. fl.tJO : currant * . t..i" > ; coocberrle , J-.SO : iiulmu * * . J..iu ; rtispherrle * . tJ.0 : * trawl > crrle * . i'-.4 * trawbcrrlc-i. tvtfivv S-lb rtipbcrrc ! * . . : --ll ) blueberrle * . M > i4Mclb ; blackber- ile * . ti'.aT.V ; S-lb * tt.i\\b irle * . | ireer\t'd.l.tl ; I J-lb ra-pberrles preset ved. il.H > : 2-lb blacli- l-crrlc * . preerved , } 1 W ; pineapple * , Bahama chopped , KM : S-lb Bahama cnitod. ? - ' . " > : ' . ' -Ib Baiiamillced. * . > . ) ' . ' * . : * .V-lbtaiulardltced. : M.r. < Bl.rx ) ; cherries. S-lb red. Baltimore. * " > a'AV ; pear * . S-lb. . ' , VEOETMit.r ? . Tomatoe * 3 D extra. ! l.fO ; . " . tti * tandard western In and * . uVitlCi : gallon * . * tiletlvtaiidartl.W. ! . i'orn-rine-t trroun , il 60 ; jsllt-vdeed supttr corn.crv Iliii' . Jl.V ) ; choice . ' * ucar corn , J1.50 ; i'lbe\tra wctern brand * . r.Vgfl.W ; S standatd western brand * . COfrTtV , Mushroons-1 a rrench. eittta Hue. t U.V , 1 a rrench , tine. Is 'c : I 2 > French , or- dlunry. ltfiMc. 1'ea * Tre * . line , per can.iV ; deml li-ie. per can. IGo , i' > * ltcd. fl.u ) : 2 earlv June. $1 i"i"il V > ; - ' Ib Marrow , standard brand , i 1.10 : - * soaked. 3Te. string Bcans-S ft hich critic. Itcfitsree , sv , sa > ( ii > lden wax bean * . T.VS 3 > * trln ? beanT0 > * . Lima llcans i 2 > * oaked. T3c. Boston llakeu Bcun 3 ft I.e.vi * . M.iVi ; crown brand SI. ' ) , sweet Pota toes , i a Ni-w Jersey. I1.B ) Pumpkin J & new pumpkin. ll.tW. Okra and tomatoes , jl.dO ; ukri. iUV : succotash , il a > Fi-ii-Codli-h. extra Get rpenew. . .Ve ; jrauo : > - rniiknew. . 4 ; iver. | --Ib block * . 0V4C. snow white. L'-lb lirWks , now. . ; Turkey cod. lam middles , bricks. s.lOlnow white crate- . tS-"tll > . lioxe * . TJiC. Iceland halibut , lie ; miKllum-caled hcnlnt : . 2.V > ; No , l * cahd her ring. 'iV ; domr-tlc Holland herilnsr. .VK- ; Hamburg spiced lierrinj/ . { I V ) ; Iulan ! * ar- dlne * . T.V : Ku-lan * ardlnes. plain. 5So : im- IHirtcil Holland hermit. ( .u.vn brand. SV ; do. f.rncv milker * , l lc : tunckeriJ. No. 1 * liorv half " bbl > "fw.tx : bloater * , half bbl * . * 1 mi ; whlte- fish. half obi * . sT.ai ; trout , hah bill * . * .V : family uhltellh. &i.ifl ! * ilinun. f .v ; 1 Ib mu kcrcl iherrlnci. f I.OVJI m ; 1 Ib finnan hud dle * . il. : 1 Ib lobstetfM.V ' .i' . : 1 Ib Ahi-ku salmon. Aleut. Jl.ti ) : - Ib oyster * . l o/-l.l : 1 Ib ov-tcr-loz. fl.l.'i : i Ih * elect. IS oz. fj.'K ; 1 Ibelatn * . little neck * , J | :21b : clams , little neck * . C-'OU : l lbardlne * . liuporuil. pet cae , H > * . fll.iOi'lUi" ) ; > t Ibsaidlnc * . ImiKUted. per inUS' * friO-MiUW : J Ib Imported lNinvles sardine * . -Jc : 'A Ib sardlnt i , Anicrlcju , per 1W- , French * tvle , j4- > > \U ) , ' , 16 * .udlne * . Atiierlcan , pcrcasc. 110s , French style. K.Vx/ . * lO : it Ib * aniine * . mu tani , per case , M * . J"l.T5ti4.w ) ; Impoitcd key * ardlne * . flJ.W. SODV Pks * . 10 Ib * to IH\ . S'-iti'iSc. NtTs Almonds. l.V ; Brazils. 14 ; Filberts 12'ic ; pecan * , lie : 'fahiut * . 12'jc ' : peanut coek * * c ; roastid. He ; Tcnnc * = < .c pianut * , Tc. DKL'OS ( Grocers' ) 1'er Ib Borax. I''c ; cop- pera * . 2Sc ; Baj leive * 14c : clue. IE1 : epom -alts , Ic ; lauber salts. . ; * ulphnr. S4e ; bluu vitrol. Uc : alum , Ic : t.m.iric acid , 42c ; tosln. 2c : saltpeter , absolutely pure. 10v ; sum i-aru- phor. 2 Ib * in box. 1 oz cakecc : : hop * . 4 and a Ib packages. 20c , sase , ' 4 and 't Ib packages , 15c ; Madder. l' > c ; Indigo. .1 Ib unit " > Ib Ixixes , s F. . CiS'TOe : Indlso. : i Il > and 5 Ib Ixixe * . Madras. T.V _ . _ ; sealing . , - . ; . wax. . . . . 25 . t.i. Ib . . boxe , . - * , red , "J'jc : seallnjr rtniu ini\tr * . . . .iiiitit. . r.vxsttt MB\T l Ib lunch tonittp. ! J.tV ) : 2 Hi lunch toiuue. I4."r 1 11) corned beef , f 1.20 ; 2 Ibeon.iHl beef TSu't : C Ib corned beef. sl-Ti ; 14 Ibeonied beef. iH'i' ' , Sit , bonelt-s * pi ? * feet. * Ji 0 ; 1 Ib KnslMi Brawn , tlJW ; 3 Ib Kncltsh braw n , t..ftj ; U Ib nii'-'li-h Brawn. S3A ) ; 1 Ib eomprcs-ed Itaii. . M.T3 : 2 Ib compressed ham , i2T5 ; 1 Ib chipped beef. { . ' 00. sois - Castile , mottled , per Ib. KjlOe ; do tvhlte , peril ) , 12c. BuooJt.s-l'arlor.4 tie. iJ.T5 : 3 tie , IJJ3 ; sta bles , 2s. > ; common. ilVil.Tj. . COCOA ' i Ib tin , we perlb , CHOCOLATE 223Tw perlb ; German chicory , rcd.s'jc. s VI ODA Bbls , 1 3-S ; granulated , lsic ; Kep * , ISc. sL'O < iU * Cut loaf. T'Se ; cut loaf cubes T e ; -tnndard , powdered , r'3c , XXXX , powdered. : c ; sranulated. standard. 6'i&54e ; confection er * . A. O'.c ; white extra , C , Cc ; e.\tra C , Neb , 5Hc ; amcr. 5'jC. Corpnc Hoasted ArbucMe's Arlo a , l" Hf : McLau hllu's XXXX , CSV ; ( 'erruan , 23\cj Dllworln , 2TiSc ; Alaroinn.23tic ; hulk. 2.Vc. COKKKBGreen Fancy old golden lilo , i'o ; fancv old pea berry. 2.VItlo ; , choice to fancy. S4e : Uln. prime. SIV1 ; "I" . Rood. SJc ; Mncha. 2Ue ; Jura , senulne , O. tf. . Ssc ; Java , jiootl In terior. Sic : African , 22c. I'oi'E Basis Manilla rope. l.V ; sl-al rope , 12' jc ; cotton rope , lu * ; new priKesxljc. . COTTON TwtsB Blhb. vsiy tine. .1 or 4 ply. 22c ; line , 2XDaisy. : . Isj ; candle wick , S2e , Ot.tvfcs Quart * . pirdoz , SJ.T3 ; pints , p..rdoz. j ttJi- . ; bulk , per sal , u > . Vi.NFiutt * ; ; r. elder , tc ; gcxxl , 12c ; whlti' , . wine , IV. STOVE POI.IMI j2.M/3i T per pro- . Bvos Am. , per lee , M7.W ; Leulston , per ICO , 1TW. Mor.-r. * BbN. N. O. . fancy , per pal. "fa ! 5Tc ; choice , 4.i ,4Tc : ! rood. . ir.r'c ; I uba bakln ? . Js'ifaOo , bl -Irap.-Vit'i.'c. . Wmi'i't.Nn l'Ai't.H"Straw. per Ib , l'.Q2'- < - ; rrr2'jc ; manitla. II. : .afV ; No.l. Tc. , IHf.s-l'nlon square , : > g : ! , ' ) per tent olT 111. I s\t.T-DaIry. 2 > ulbsln bbl. bulk , iS.10 ; bt cradc. O ) , 5s , 12-J ) ; beit crade. ICO. . .Jt.4U : best cr.ide. 2 * . UK S2-J ; rock salt , crushed , tl SO ; common , bbl . " hors l'ooi Barley , . * ll4@ c ; farlnl , e ; pea * . ; ! < ; oatmeal. I'j i-1 * ' ; macaroni. 10 > - ; vermicelli. lOc ; rice. 4ao3c ; ; sazound taploeu. ffCTi1 ; 1 Im u beans , Ge , Oius-lv'en > * eno P. W. . lOc ; W. W. . 12Ue : headlight. Tie' ; gaullne , T-'c ; salad oil , t..l" > a O.oipcrdoz. MKAT. Ham * . No. 1 , 10 ! , avi-raKu , 94c ; 'JO to 22 lb * . t"4e ; 12 to II Ibs lOc ; shoulder * , & : breakfast bnron. No. 1 w-t ham -ausa e. < ; dried bief ham * . O't'&J'io ' ; buef tonrue * . W.OO lierduz ; dry salt meats , Vj1Jtfi'4c per lb ; ham roulette , iS'ic ' ; boneless ham , T'IC ; picnic ham. Co. Co.I'mSTS Martha Washington. Go ; American , C > ic Arnold , bvc : Arnuid II. Ions cloth. Id1 : American , lOe : Mifel A.J2c ; Amana A. 12c ; Merrimuck ' , ,10.- : Gold Leaf , liw : Uold Ticket. lOc ; Hamilton , 3'jc , Alley pinks < * > , < . ; Allen Chambray , fc : I'limcuMrr. J' ' c ; Kdd > stunt1. li'.c ; Wliulxir. 'jc : Hamilton. ( ' ' ; steel Itlver. dHamapo ; , 4'jc : i-t. I.escr , 5'c ' ; Mar tha \ \ , l" c ; Allen 5c ; Merrlmack , .V4c : Fountain , ti'ic ; Garner , Tc ; Crctield , ' < ; Berlin. 6Sc. ' ' t'HKViOT Wliiiifonnct. 7'JoWhlttrntor. . 7'jc ; staler , m ; AriuHkuaSiktrlpt * . * ' < ; Amo- ki-ar , pluld * , U'tc ; tru. Island bookfiild , 11-ic ; b. u tile bookfolrl. I2'c ; Kdlnbur , Oc. Tn MM3S--Oakland. A. ' 4c ; Oakland , u. 7r , Aitio-.k'a ! ; , AC A , 1'1'jc ' , . Ilerwlck. hookfold sit iun. Io ; Hannah , bookfuld van i-n , 14i Wjirrun , Ixxikfold satc'cn , ICcj .NnntMxI. bot/k- fold'lati'on , ll'ie : t' < mlU No. 3 , 'J4c ! C < irdl No 4. iu'c ; ( Virdls A C rX MV ; CordU , K I * fancy , b'c : t'ortlls 1J > fancy tt' ' c. L'nTTO. > * iiKi--V rk .Nankin. 10'ic ' ; K > orttt suz , ! < ; KlMn , ( i/ , l o ; Dat Itm-k. S o/ lc ; lowltiiii , IU < n.22lc ; Wurkliiifnian'M JUn ; Tradi'ariian't , 14u ; Curwscruu ( 'anliinero lKhlctovcns' * II , If. In. 54c ; . * lc cms' D , Ib In. ( V. MiMtnVA. 18 In. 7c ; Mfnena' I' , li-In , 7 4c ; Steven * * JI. I1In.b'cj ' Stevenn' N , 'JU In , 'sVteveni'NN. ' : . In. ' " * tu > tn ' sKT , 'M III , 114i" bleat'lifMl , Ic extra. t > kMtitf Amoikeair. Ooz. ISS .j V'fk carnlft. ISe : Kterftt , utandard. l 'ic ; An.lnnr. | jc l"orwt r. II O , ISSe ; lluiimki > r . I'.c ' : Old York , XX. Wic ; Ofd York. X.\X. 12. . / . renco , a" . ) , ll'o ; I.u r iice , 2JH M > ic. I.MM r tic , Soz , 13 ; , fanoy > trlpo and Lhnks , II , . Dry fioiiilH , IlBOWN rivrTOVtlantlc A 7'4f Atlsnil II. 7c ; Atlantic l . * c ; Atlantl , I' n , \nr < , r.i 1 ngt. ii 1,141 tarn r * . % l' / , d Li , ' I f if V in.ta II fc t. A i r 11 t i Arr w C v Alia * O S ll T , . , iiw A. H . .I'I , l.f U 1 t 4 1 tu ' jicrrll ll rt 4i lYpptrcilr K-uuh 'k I an > , i.i u ti B IV . st In u * i4c III Kvt lirt ) rortttx * Berkdry raiiil-t > > \ , Bit Vet n t , lllni-k tiuie A A btittrr ilith \ \ 4 > < r ( . nN.t 7'ic ' IHvUlit \nchor 'V , Dlnnioml \ . hrunk < * ' , < , Fllcrton \ \ < :4 : > " Fnrmi'r' * Choice. fl' c. Pint t'wll B'ir. Fllchvllli' , Tikc : Fruit of the Umni. * i ( iolden Wcddliiit , i . Hill Srtnpor Idem. * > . H r\i'l.rt'4c llotie. "lic. lloui'ki'ein'r , sl i" Kins riillllpeHtiilirlc. Itv , l.niiadon U II f'f. Uuixta ! ! * . MIC : l in > dnle ciunbrlc , ItK' ; New ork millllr * MI l'if.ihw-r < iMiirown | I'i'pperell. l-VIn KV : IVpiH-rtll. tl. t . ! * > , IVp- iii-n-ll. l4 l , avt IVpix-rell. It'-l ' , i"V. Bo-ton VI , i * ' e : Biwton.l. . vivItiMton. : . IM. - . ' . " llos- ttin. 10-4. AV ; Plica. 4s-n | , I.V- : PHeii.ln IT c : Plica. T-ln ' 'I- Ptl.-a Nl-lti , ' .YnPlica. ; . ! tl-ln. 25c Bleached -I'cpperi'll. I'Mn. UK" Pi pperell. 4fl-ln lie ; Peppervll. fi-l. I4'tr ' : IVli- tH'roll. s-4. av Pcpperell ! M. SSe ; Pcpierell. | 10-4. lie : Bi > * tou. VI. Uc : lloton.I. . tc ; Bo- ton. U-l. V : Boston , ltt-4. 2T'tc : Plica , s-l , .Me : Pttca. IM. SlV : Plica. 10-4 , S * ' i > . tiiMHHMAmo'ketiji : . tl'fcmokoatf : , dre * . * , ? ' , ! ' : Bates tm % : Warwick dres % > I c : t..ini'nt 'r. i' lic : tJU'iialri' . 6licVliltiMHnn. : . dres . * < ! : York Kn\iirltn. dres * . ) .ic : Cal cutta. dr * s - ; Nortnaiulle. dtes * . > c ; Leices ter. dii' * * , IK.- . Ill OOK Ttv Siiinll pi ? , 2M- per lb ; bar .TOo per lb. CortKllI'tanMipd lioHrr * I > * . re.V per llr cold rolled. s i jicr Ib : sheathlnc 2Te per in ; pills and Mats 2c per Hi. . lM.v\M7H ! > S.IIKCT ltto.s-DI c't .V-IO per cent , pat. plan. Iron. Nos S4Q47. ! A , 10'ic ; II , P'4c. .loiiri\n-Cliaroanl , I. C' . . UxVO. 112 , K. " < ; I ' "lii.rr Iitnv No. W. M.TJ ; No. ST. M.SV - oi.tihitiKri.1,0. . TIN I'l.vTK-l. C , 10x14 , 22.K.T3 : I. X. . 10x11. ! * . J.M1I. TIN I'HTK-foKi- . r. 10x11. 223 , SrKM. N uuB.ic. . S.(4 ( * . srrn. WIIIK N viu * ll.ii > . } X10. \ \ lltE-Jup. barb. flBO ; Rtilv. . f I.W. IltlllllllT. . . . . . . . Yi t row PINK -Clear. Vln . . l'LMr.NT-M.13. II lilt -S.V. -TIMV , III ) \ linJI.IO. . Pl.V.sTl-il-i.i3. : Ttlt Biuitt-I..V ) . Bt'lt.UlMl BltHk-l'er M. SS.CO to J9.00. SKWI ii BiitCK-1'cr JI. t'JMt ' to 110. ( ) . PltKf n Knit K Per JI. } | s.UO tj ) iJ.OO. THH UK.VI/TY MAKKKl' . INsntl'MI'NTs placed on record duiltu > i'-terd.ij : J * * UlliMiii to I O lllioadc * . lot 4. blk 4. Kllby I'luci' . u d I aTiO K S Hood anil wife toV c ; * loanclot IIblk 15. \ \lhrlsht'-Annt'\ d ftW J M * wi'tiKim and wife to II E llosli * . lots lit. ir und 17. blUI : lots o. III. 14. 15 Ul. 20. 21. 22 and 2X blk L' . 1st mid to Cen tral I'.irU. , c d . . . 1 C. II Heir , : * .mil wife to 1'i.ink Pro * . lot5 to * blk 7. P.itk lorct. w d . . l\ M f ti.irard and wife to Peter HOIK" , .lot 12. blk in. Ninth Oinulia. w d 3.2ft ) T C and T .IvtTcri * to - X Kolitt. lot 3 , blk 4. Jt'Tfit * . leplat.ud . 45(1 ( J W Comer and wife toV I , * elb\ . lot II. blk I. U I. * olb > - * lt mid tos'otitlj Din.ill.i. ii c il . . . . I .1.1 .M.-l.iiuy et at to Util'laik. lot * : , blk 2. Maht'itcy & Mlnahan' * lt add to Miiith Omaha , w d 33J ; I. Dunham and wife to \ \ II Mt'ivn * . lot 13. block 2. Muvt'll * ' Place.v d . . . . I.TOD Jo-uph i.nd H K Marker to . .Incoblll - liinis. lot * * nnd U. blk Id. Mi-yet * . I'.lcli- lsS. Tlld. n'Midd. w d SW Mary Dworal ; to Public , Unornk' * add to South Oni'ih'i pint. . II n ( lark , i'iil vlfe to Cuthiie Haydun , lol 5 IliH'Il Place , w d - T\\el\e transfer tlUM HtiililiiiIVmiil * . The following building permit * \veii ) Usucd \cstctday snan Andt'ion. addition. 2027 Center street J 20U E. r. Hlnirer. one stuo frame cott.iso , Poitlati'l Place . 1,000 Mrs. E. Union , repairs U14 * outh Thir teenth . . Sw ) Jolin Ki'eir. . addition , 1125 North Tuintlt'tli . 50 C' MaiNi u. uiii" .toiv fr.tiiii nitta' e , Twenty-fourth .tnd Mason slteits l.OOJ Ttn.il 82.4-fl SGHROBDER & DERN , Provisions and Stocks. Basement First National Bank. SOB South 13th Street , Omaha. FOR CHOICE B Call or Write for Our APRIL LIST. Local anil other securlllcs roiiuM anil sold. INTEREST ON TIMEJ DEPOSITS. Banking in all Brauchoa. S. i. IBAN & CO. , 115 Broadway. 1OO Washington St Now York. Chicago , 111. INVESTMENTS THAT WILL NET- 100 Per Cent Profit IN SIX MONTHS. TALLAPOOSA , - GA. , A Yankee City Under Southern Sun. Has now In opti.ttlori and under construc tion. tweUe new manufacturing Industries , emtiloj In ; ; nearly l.vm hand * and many more under negotiation This means that real es tate and stockswlll double In six months. Now U the time to Inti'St , us prices wlllad- tani'f > per cent by April 15th. For partlc.i- lai * uddn-sa thu Tallapoosa Land , Mining and 3H'g Co. , Tnllnpoosa , Gn. C. O. WALLANDER , Agent , 27O2Cuming St. , Omaha , Neb. NO RIBBON Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength. Sold Under n POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , Gcni rul A tnt NtbruaUu und Io\ra. 31OS ICth St , - - - Omflha RAILWAY TIME GRRD. . . ( tui h lVpol KHtiin.l Mixon < lr i ( A P m Chl ( fi / n m 4A n m i Mount Kiprf < u i p m ' , ' I ) p m I'UInuKipft ! < > i n ui i VJ | > 01 _ ' ' ' " UKKU ( ncapi S II n ) a m i ; . tM t'FrtfSfs'ifros VsMI ) i . \rttri < r IMpel loth ADI ) Mitim Uft < Oumha lrtft x in Ih'iitfr VMtll > u1n Ktprt > 9fiu"i < fu JO m llmtlrifi A l\tncor > llft UHW ! F IS | i m * .4J n m Deiitnr Kinw . ' . ' n m -l- - * z - - = r I TIVI | h v.nrJ.&l ' . It. i Arrltui " ° > ln-rt | Oaltliv titi"iTni"Kutmtftlir fJIy ftYpr 'M 7 "Klipm " u | i m K r Mintit Kip tin U f. Trnn 6 U it m iJate rxToJ * I'ACTr ir. Omntn Depot 10th mil Mirer "IrecK 3 lip m " tTfrrTiiufVtfur "M p ni , I'nollU Kipie" 10.10 it ni IVn rr Kipre ' I 45 p hi ( "ramt ttliiiit Kip. leicept * Um. 5.33 a m1 K n t lily l.iprv s iicii fi < iiiTOAi1o. it TSTvAnPiT\ " If I' depot , loth ami Mtrcy ft OnmtiA 11' ' Mtftit Kiprr" Hi UN i > m ' 'IS n m ; Allanlla i : pif . < ) p ni Ill p tu' ' Vr ? lltiulo I.imlli'il ll ) 12 .1 m l-fnfpi . ' NOHfllWIMl'KKN'l - .CIIU'Altll A Arrlffi Oraah4 | t' I * ilfpot , UWi unit Mari'y ! < t * . I Omulm 1 U t m . ippM . . . . tvJU | i m I JO p m \VMlbtlln I.trultpil DM m 'I li p iu ( l.r t Hilt Milt ( Ar CT Mon ) 7 ID n in * . . . . . * . . iapml ) l * tl 4J | > m U'Htfi It'lTft'AliO. MIU. A SI' I'AlfU Umaha. I' I' ilt'pol. IDlii unit SUrcjPl I Omaha i ) 15 a m t lilrnirn > Ull leicepl Siiiultj ) . I i li T "i dm ) p ni l'tiU' * o Kiproi * ' .l 13 R m 9 U p m1 I'lilraKu Ktpir ) ' I ! U P ni l < tT * l" DM MIA A - < r t.Ol'IM. ' j ArrlTtM flninhi I' I * ilt'pot IDtli nnJ Mfrcj # l _ " * " I 15 p m' ' "I lx'iil lnnni > nilall _ 1 * * " I' ' " ' i. iTM i sioux nrv A \nKii' 7rrlrfi 7 Onnihi l" _ P ickit. 10th anJ M ri > jr _ M i _ [ Omnh'j T linTm ! 7 Slunt ( lt I'liVwnxer . IlillKl p m li.15 p m' ' . * t I'nuJ nipjtti _ IIOIU n iu i ' .ivei i aiui'x ofrv , \ p.u'ini' " Oiuaha I IK'IHU 15lli ami > \ I > tor * t _ il O p ni St I'aul I.luiltiil U-STM I f , i : . MO VAllKV Arrlrci Hrualin I " Depot OUi nn.1V < 'l , < r S" > . ' _ _ Omaha 9Un ml . . . iflmli tllll Kiprt ? " 1 .V p m 'JO ) n in | ILvtlnit * K > p iK im.larl Ml p m .S 10 p ml Wnlino A I.lniiilr l'm cnser 10' n in .MO p m1 York A Norfolk iF . | IO 3D n in l.cafei i l > T I1 . M A C > Arrive ) Omha 1 Depot Uth and \\eb ter ti Oiml.i _ SCO "a in' ' hluui ( Ity AcioniQio tntlon "V 43 p ui I ID p m Mont HIT KipreinKt Sun ) 1.1) p ui i.i. * > p ID M I'mil l.lmlte.l . . 0 U n in II.U a ml'l l > a itnrf.lr ( Kx Sun ) S 0 n ni S.J2 ni Hon'aco I'-im-nitcr i Ii Snnl C . " 50 p ni Mihsofiti I'.vrinr I Arrlvei Oauliu I Depot 1Mb ami Webster t < t . Oinnlin IiMf ml' H IAJUI A h t' K\prcs . . | 4iS p m ft I4UIK A K I' Klpre.t . . [ . .1 in Tfl.UNS Westward. tin mln ntip m p.ni.p in In m I ' Webfter "t . J M07 \ | S0.t , I5i | Ilij 15 S..TS IV'i- Oak Clnlh.in ) . i N > 'ii ' V - K . MS It III 14 S lii i : K Drul.l 1IIII . 3 Mi Jrt t ; 8 4TI u n , l.ako Street. .1 Vl5 | Mti , TO s so1 1354 Walnut Hill u ou T.O ; s oi f.li I ( I ! Dundee I'lnce ! IW S I UU 5 Xl\S \ M < 54' ' 1 0.1 Wcit Sld . . 10 307:1 : IT.1,5 , 35 ti O 8 M ! I W IAWU 3 ( Mil Ul . Maacut . s 11,11 , > ; . a.ut , I IIi M.jruour I'nrk S 15 , < II . D.Uil ' I'ortal y Ui i : ) . .a m a m am p ci , p m p m a m p m Portal . . . . . 's KJII ID I ' Seymour I'ark < > . . \tJO\4Jai \ \ . . . V < ] I li .Mascot. . . . j ' 'S ' 43 I 41\ \ . . 9 47. . I M Invrn . . I . 'S ' 4Vt 44 . 9 4 } < I W Weil I'M. * 'B ' a ) T y > s so i n'o ' a R 43 J M i 1 57 DuililfO I'l/uc / t > 31 7 31 3 51'4 ' W llfi ; M M > Walutit Hill . . d 31 7 24 s : .i 4 AJ s ! ! , c ij 9 s i . > 01 Lake street ll % 7 W i . ' 'i I 54 5 IS ri 51 10 Or 3 01 Drulil Hill . 'b ' 31 7 31 * W 4 37 5 49 ii 5. ' , 10 0:1 : . ' 03 Oik Ctiathnill | 6 35 7 M 0 O ! 4 59 4 3.1 T O ) 10 07 ; 3.10 \Vftli-l -triH'lln 4S 7 45 1" 10 "i 05 0 U0'7 ' 10IO | 15 ] ' . ' 30 UNION 1'ACIHC SL'ItL'ltllAN 'lltAINS. Tie ! o train * al'o stop nt llth. 17th.Vth nml llth Mreols. summit nml avlilne Crosslns WorLlni : rat-n' lraln' it J nutjrun * > miilajr Brontl-i Tram-1 Shu l wiy fur Oiuahi I Ma > South Albrt t Clllntr < | IVwit i Duput i lion Oamlm ' IK-pot I 3 ; f ' 7. > r - i ! : A M \ VI AMI V M A > l . \ M 5 O 5 to , 015 . . . . ,5W . . . S15 . ; . . t ! 15 B.IO 0.115 tf 17i5S7 4J li K\ \ . t50 ! 6 W ii3o'8. ' 7"tI7 7U)1 ) 1,15 7M B I0 | 7J ) fi-OJ 7 JJ 5 53 T 13,74) , T ' . * ? . < M ILT , -0 S 13 , T I \ S * . ! 705 S < I'7UJ 815 835 tJS nM PDA . , . 945 9.15 C5J 917 10ft ( tf 15 i'J07 . . S.SS S M PM'I'Mll'JI ' PM PM I'M I'Ml * M.I'll PSi'l'JI ' I'M ' ' . I I 30a it 11 3 Ji . U.1) ) , - ' ' 437 1115 I 15 I 12 4 07 4 Z3I 3 M 4 TOIJ 50 A5 4 5.S.-7 : 6U5I 515,5 , 135071 5 ' 4M5J0.4W . I ' . 'BIO1 ' ' 'SMI V7 005 r. H i , li B07 , < 25 | 555lB.Wl5iV ) 6.15' ' _ t _ 7'JTi _ 7 15 ' _ 707i I B55I li JO leavifa I CIUCA.o7 U l A 1'ACIHU. I ArrlTeV Transfer Lnlon IVpot. Council Hliiff * [ Tran r * * . " " " 6 1 p iui . Mghl rTxpFc . . . . . . I IT < S a ra 930 n ra1. , . .Atlnntlc Kzpreas I 5.Vi p in 03 ji m1 . .Ve'llbnls l.ltn'.le.l . . . . . .IIUJU a m iTeaTWTcaTf'AliO A .VOHTir\VK.LTl'ilX ; ' Arrives Tranafprl Union Dopot. Council lliurl * iTran fcr J 10 ml . Chleazo Kipre" r IXJ p m 51U p m . . . Vrstlbulo l.l.iiltcil 840 n ui 10 'JO p in VtW p ni SK ) p Atlnntlc Mall 7 10 a m ' , MIL i. ST. I'AUUI Arrive' TransfHr1 I'nlon Depot. Council HlutTj "s.iO a m Cblcapii Mall icjorpt imilJT ) 6'fl p 5i GSJ p ui I hkaEO Kxprc ? . . . ! i 15 a m 1000 p m ThlraKO Ki press . 300 p ID k C/l JOB A P II TAN-ITCS" Tran fi > r t'nlon I'epot roiincll UlutT * llransfpr IOU7 n utl K.m ns I'ltr Dar Uiprcu . b ll ) p m lU35pjiil Ksnsas l ity Mvlit Kipri'ss i 0 II ) a in Leaves I CM AH \ A > T LOUIS * . I Arrlrcr TrTiufprl I'nlon Dppo : . Council Hlggi. [ Trantfor I 43 p inj * t NiulJ Canon Hall 11315 p m 7 43 a m.SIoui | Citr Accommudtllun I 915 a m 0.63 p m' ' . . tit 1'rul Kipre5i . . I 955 p w NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. M UNI * s\ | , Apill 19 I III'MA Mnyl DI.NOMV . ' 0 ASUIOltU , 10 Nf\v Vork , Queonituuu and UvcYpool. 'I hi > I I'h'brati'il I Mny W May lint CITur IIOMK Junu > th July Si.th SALOON , SECOHO-CLASS AND STEERAGE rattsuii lowektternu to itn-1 fnnn th prlnrlr a I SCOTCH. EDGUSI. IRISH AID All CONTIHtHTU I'd IMS. hxLuriiontlckclif r ltict-i ) , niii.Jt * o\ni.Qt m to return 1 } titlicrih < * iJtPtiirt-Miii * t'lytip HlverXt-rncyNorth or ciRCUlAflTETTER ? O 'CREDIT AMD DRAFTS at lue t currrnt ralr Anplv lo any ut our luial gcnu , ur to HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago. Ixirnlki'it alllmnlm Ilinv l ; \ln.ri > I'linrlO' Mnre , NS h \alll II 1' Di-ufl l Ilizcn 5 Hank , Oiln Wolf State Line. To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin nnd Liverpool. rilOM NKWYOHK I.VI.UV TIllU'SDAV. Cabin | iuagt ! ' " to ( v > , in Liirillng to locutlun ( if StlitlIIMIIII. . FtCPnisc to ami fruin I'limin * lit I.owi'st Unto * AL'TIN IIAI.DVM.N A. ID. li'iii ! > rul AgL-nti , , .M llry.nl ; ij Ni'iv Voik , .Ino IIIi-v'i n ( mural \\ftiTH Asft'nl ! ! I'llinlolpli Mrtul. Iliriy I. .Mnori.4 , Tlios C'uniif ALLAH LINEOGEAN STEAMERS o Pittageto and from Great Britain and an patll of Europe Montrca.Li | erpoal route , by ( ho ttitercol St. Lawrence ( hortett olall UlkHuowto Iloaton , to I'hilail'ilptiiii l.lverjiool to anil from llnltlmore. 1 tarty Moameri. i la 9 ozcel lur. Accommodation ! untor'uuMci * Weekly sailing ! . ALLAN A ) . . ( ien Weit , A 'tB. C. J. Sundell. uu.itr IU La Ualle bt. , Chicago , UU A GOOimilH 1 y. I I'lurbi.rn si fi < I. , i . - Iyi . * vf il | ir i ' f Ad fn- < i' ' i < ay l.i , fa 1 l > i n NELIttAbKA Nalioiial Bank U S. DKl'OSlTOlvY. OMAHA Nr W Cnplttll , - $ .H10.OOO Surplus Jnn. 1st , ISOO , - 07.0OO Omror nml lllrivlnr < Ili-nrr W V ti" P' * ilrnli l 7l * i IIWil , tire . IIP. Mriil JIHIMv ir , i \ \ ? * \iut.ns , l'ol'ln1- ' , " . ' fii"litn 1 H U. kV II M iiuiii , . , , m | | | r H1 \ IRON' LJANU. Corner I2tli.int Kirn.im SlrpfK A Ociu'riil llaiiMn : lluilne-i < < Triiii < ati'd. OOMMKUOIAIx National Bank Cnpitnl , $ < OOOOO Surplus , A O.OOO ORttvrt nml DlrrvlOM K M Mortciinn I ) M. IlltilifmV Jii i'iti i.irniMit Jr. A Id'nrr I' .M , Anipr | 'iii , UIMIHMI i ; Maul , ticprtdilriit I II , i \H1llatiK A I' llnpVliK prc'lilont V MiUntJ , intlili'r I * II llrtnni , nttntnnl oa lilir Omaha anil N 3 : co , sAlc Jlanufiicliircrs of Boots & Shoes f Cor IKvt.'M Iliihlirr "h < o Cn . IUO hui nml UW Unmet MI 'cl Ouiiilni < h * ILEll , Lajlcr Beer Brewers , Omnlia KAGLK COUNIC'EVOHKS. . Miinnfiicturcrs of ( ialvjnizcd Iron Cornice \ \ Inilonnp , iml ni t illr kllklit lulin I fancier , pr 'prlot r lusiinl Ho * < mill Illtli tie t ArtHls1 Material * . "A IJOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , IJII Dc M.IVP ! Umalin Noli Coal , I'olci" , OJIAIIA COAL , COICE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. S K Tor li'lh tart Utu * Street * , Oinalm , Nob. NEBHASKA FUEL CO , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 ' outli I ilhilnot. . Oinnhn. Sob I i Wholesale Cijiars. Ifti.V IMh street "Hullo' ' U39 Drj ( . ' ( MiilH and Not loin. . . , . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions I 'rnpi Illiiaiul Iluxrnnl Street " " " K1LPATKICK-KOCH DRY GOODS l'O , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Gt.ru luriiNlniuii iMl < Corner lllh ami Ilium1/ tiri.'ci < . Oin.ili.i , X b i'lirnittirc. c STONK , Wholesale Dealers in Fimiittire , Karntm * lri'ftl , Uiinlin , "selini'.l.i CHAHLES SKIVERICK , Ftirnittire. Onialn Nt'rn ti McCORD , Wholesale Grocers , l.'lliand IiMvenwortli Street * . Omaha , Ncbrnskn. Ijinnlicr , IJtc. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Klc. Inipurtdl anil Amord-an IVirtUnit Omcnt " ita agent for Mllirnuk"0 lIy lriuHe ( Vnicnt an I ' ( jiiliu-x l\iltt ( > I.lme CIIAS. i Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood carpet * nrd innjupt tiimrtng Ptlt anil U * Oai thi Nebrtukx LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli. Door ? , Etc Varils , Turner Jill unit Douitlai OWco , Curni-r lUttl uuil Dci'ul.Ti FRED W. GREV , Lime Cement Etc Etc. Lumber , , , , , . Cornel 5th and IJminIna Street * Om.ibi Milliner } anil Not Ions. iToBERFELDElTS bT , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , MS 310 anil It. ! rfoutli llth utrcet Niitlotis. " J. T. ROBINSON NCmON CO , Wholesale Notions and Punishing Goods , II'.1 ! Harnof elrtct. Onialin Oils. _ _ CONPOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , Wholesale Hclined and Lubricating Oils , Axlctrensc , cto Oinalii A 11 Ill liop Mu CARPENTER PAPER CO , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Cnrrr a nlin ntui k cf printing , nrm < | ilnK nml > rittln paper M'OLUI ' atlrutiun tlTOh Iu innl pnprr Safes , Ktc. A. L. DEANE fc CO. , liinrral AK nt for Halls' Safes , 1 anil Mmill 10th Ht , Ooi n H. HARDY Ac CO. , J'.bberiof . Dolls Albums Goods Toys , , , Fancy , IIou > c Kurnlililnu < > ' ChlMreii f ri II 120t ruriiiiui l , iiuiMtiii , Nek Water Supplies , U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP C i" > , Steam and Water Supplies , HitlliiUy wlnrt rnlll iH anil 'fJUJcuiP * i Kni.ili * . (1 I lt 3i Actlnu ilunaif i nnOWNELL to CO , Enuincs , Boilers and General Machinery. < n woik | iunin nw ml U i itroet , Omatm Iron \VorkH. PAXTON & VIERLINO IRON WORKH , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Woik , hi. j * * 4 hrtim wor < k nerul futinilrjr IHU > I nt anil blkiknuillli r irk IIRIi u nml . > rkl , L I * lit an. I Kill meet , Oman * OMAHA hAKE ie IRON WOKK8. Manf'h of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , \Aitlln jitl ) tr in ihuttom nml flry r t * Amlrv tj' r Cur llth antl Jm ki n , Doors , Kir. M. A DItiliKOW < fe CO , U Luleialv fUHuufitclu er f Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llrain Ii i mm I 'Hi guJ lianl truflti Uuialm Nrb I'NION Klui K YAHUm Ot UI bUUttl Oddllu , Lllllltld ,