r 4 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEflD , FHIDAT ? , APEIL 11 , 1800. THE CITY. SlioHlT Hnyil him nppolntcil W. K. Atlnnw mid Henry Hunt as ilonuty slier- IIT.s for duty nt tlio ball park , r Tlic funonil of Mrs. L. K. Rice , look nlncoioslpfdiiy nftiM-noon nt U o'clock from lior Into ru-aldancc , Twenty-fifth and Lake wti-cola. Sheriff Hoyd took pospocslon of n Hurt of the stock of G. II. Muck & Co.to sntlnfy an nllnchment for 82,000 In favor of Lnndauur , Knln & rftrong of New York. The regular mooting of the Fourth ward republican club will bo hold at Iho olllco of Judge Anderwon I'Ylduy evening' , April 11 , at 7:30. : T. K. Sudborough , pn sldeiit. The Y. P. K. C , K. of the First I'refl- hvlorlan church will hold "An Hour's C'liafcoclal lit the church parlors this ovrning. A rare treat IH In wtoro for all nnd a plcamml Umo IH iiHMiird. IVrsoim who bcllovo in ballot reform nnd who are willing to join in forming n Hub arc requested to M'nrt their name nnd address to John C , TJioinpfou , the Hjcrelary of the old committee. It is the intention to hold a meeting within a week or two , or an soon as a suitable hall may bo hceurcd. The man John Witt < > , who was ar- refttml by Detective Haze and J.ou Grebe Wednesday on suspicion that ho was tlio man who was wanted in Daven port , la. , to answer to the charge of t-c- diiction , was discharged yesterday. The flherllT eamo hero from Davenport to identify the man and take him back , but as soon an he saw Wilto he said that was not Iho man ho wanted. Mr. Ciotliob Zimmerman denies the statement that his pet dog was captured by Count Piilaski'rt dog catchers , or Unit his wife made any demonstration on the street over the event. Ho says also that he has no dog and lives on Pioreo street iiihteud of Davenporthut as ho is the only CJotlieb Zimmerman in Omaha he objects to having his name used in con nection with a taxless dog episode. i , /Mit.idit. Jj ( ' Nnsh of Kcnnicy is at the Pnxton. L I ) . Hlchnrds of Fremont Is at thu Mil- lanl. II I' . Sutton of McCouk is a guest at the Casey. J. II. Munn of Allen is registered at the Casey. K. U. Chase of Shelby is registered at tlio Casey. W A. Dilworth of Hastings is at the Casey. A. G. Sherwood of Central City is at the Casey. AValt W. Soely of llunnett Is a guest at th o Millanl. .1. L Calilwt'll of Lincoln is registered at the Millanl. Jnrvis lUchanl of Chailrou is stonnins at the Millanl. Hovem 13. Winilhani of I'lattsmouth is at the Murniy. S. W. IX Heynolds of Fremont is stopping nt the Casey. \V t' Coup , the old circus man , 14 a guest nt the Millanl. Manager Hull of the American waterworks company is in Denver. D , C McKnlcoof Plattamouth is among the ntn-sts nt the Murray. T ( . 'hnrles Cannon nml wife of Ilnrtlngton nre guests at the I'uxton. O. M .Inmison and H. M. Branson of Albion arc Mopping at theCasoy. T M. Ilrownlco mid wife of Aiusworth are nmong the guests at the Casey. 0. 1' . i-'imcon , K. BInnuH anil II. Lally of Uncoln uru registered at the iMurr.iy. Dan A. O'Neill of Cluvclitndn railroad con tractor , is visiting Omaha on liis way to TCMIS , Covernnr Tliayer Is In the city. 1. S , Jnsblyn returneil homo from the cast ye.steiilny inoining. K. K. Montrose , formerly clerk of the St. .1 nines hotel , Denver , has taken u po.sition as assistant to Chief Clerk Higby of the Mur- nty , this city. Tliomas L.iwlcr . ami his brother of Pr.ilrio flu C'liten , Wis. , sons of the inlUIoniiiro John Trawler , who owns the transfer hriilgo at that jlacijusted through Omaha yc.stcnlay inoniing en route homo from Coloiiulo. Mrs. A. Ilcnnlngs and daughter , accom panied l > y MissSi'hclts , start on the 1'Jthinst. for New York , whence they will .siil : on the Slth ! insl. , per steamer "Calland , " for Hol land , their olil homo. They will bo gone all summer. .tXXOVXt KMKX'l'S. What promises to he 0110 of the most bril liant and fashionable events of the season is the coming engagement at Uoyd's opera house on Tuesday evening next of the dis tinguished tragedian Mr. Frederick Warde. Mr Waiile's season hero is limited to two nights only. The opening play is D'Knnery's powerful romanticdiama"ThoMountebank. " The great Freneh author has written numer ous plays including "Tho Two Orphans , " "Olehratod IVse , " etc. , but his "iMounte- liank" is his masterpiece. Beautiful pictur esque costumes , complete accessories will en- Imiirc the production. "Kiclianf III. " will bo given Friday night. Mrs. ICendal , her hiish.uid and talented rompmiy will maho their Ih-st appearaneo in Omaha next Thursday evening at Uoyd's opera house. She Is the only person connected With the .stage who has ever appeared at "Windsor custlu before the queen hv direct command of her majesty. It is rather'dinienlt to understand that this means a great deal in ICnglaud , for It does not convoy much to the nverajrn Amcilran ivuder. Mr. Irving up- jiearcd at the pfinco of Wales' country seat near Kamlriughamiind one or two actors have Mvurod presentation at court , but Mrs. Ken- dill Is the only person connected with the Btage who has been invited In the ofllcinl resi dence of tlio queen and received a peisomil nmllciicc from her majesty. During their eji- Kngem. nt the following plays will ho pro- hcn''d"A Scrap of I'npcr , " "Tho Iron Mas ter , ' ami "Tho ( Jueen's Shilling. " The .salo of Hfi'tti ' fur the Kemlal engagement will begin lne.\l Moudaj morning. Dr. Uirnoy , ] ) ractleo limited to catarrh nh diseases of no&u and throat. Ueo bldg. HnocKeil lie I > OK Caluhert Down. Tim dog catchers huvo again como to grief lor their iiiTojnmco and insulting manners. This time they attempted to selio Iho dog IwloiiBing to a rotund gentleman on Sixteenth htrcet. The gentleman ollered to pay what ever amount thoj should ask provided they would let the dog go. This they insolently refused to do , and the fat man promptly Itnocki d both of the follows down , anil whistling for his dog ho vanished with the canine around the corner. K IiUillcH In Daylight. The thieves of the city seem to have grown liohl and desponito of late mid are resorting to all manner of daring means to secnro plunder. One of their lakst devices Is to mmUli .shopping bags from ladies in broad ilnj light , and tiftor securing what money thciv Is In them to throw them away. Mrs. Kmldls , iillU Capital avenue , is the latest vic tim. She /was on her way up town and wan wl ) a block from homo when a well-dretsod fclli-w JerUcd her shopping bag from her arm mid nm down the street with jt. After talc- ny out the pocket book ho dropped the bajj , SMow.dk Inspector Hermlngham and his assistant , D. J. Arnold , find the sidewalks of thouty in a badly dilapidated condition ami nre endeavoring to Improve them as rapidly us possible and lay now walks wherever untied. They htivo Just llnlshod walks on Miinderson from Sixteenth went to Kightcenth nnd cnubwSlks to Twenty-fourth , new walks DII Twenty-eighth from Douglas to Dodge , nnd croMwidka on Kmmetl from Si.\tceith : to Twcntj fourth. At miMout they aw cnjraRod on l-\\vp\ui \ ; , near Thlity-clxth street , uud ero-iswalks on Thli t ) Jlrtt from Faru.im south to Ma.son. If you Iwpa painful sense of fatigue , find ycur duties irlisome. take Dr J. H McLean j Kai nariH , ! , It will br.icu you up , make jou * and v WIIV T1IKY OPI'OMK IT. Coiinulliitnnlo IteaioiiH Against An nexing South Omnlia. Six member' * of the city council voted npalnst the annexation ordinance last Tues day night. Asked why they did so , the fol lowing replies were elicited : Councilman Sander said : "Well , the onll- nance wits Imlellnlte. It staled that the total Indebtedness was .f.W.lXX ) , but no details were given oud we have no means of knowing Unit this amount may not bo Increased $100,000 , more Ix-foro we know it , " "Have you any other reason for opposing the ordinance1 ! "Yes , I don't think the city would derive any benefit from the annexation. Wo would get a few thousand more inhabitants but that Is all the benefit wo would derive. 'It would increase our indebtedness ami our obligations more than enough to offset the gain in popu lation. " Councilman OstholY stated that ho had voted against the ordinance because ho was in doubt whether South Omaha was a city of the llrst or of the second class. "I asked the question at the council meet ing , " Mild he , "but could get no information. If South Omaha Is a city of the lirst class we cannot annex under that ordinance. I suppose the mayor will veto It if the ordinance is wrong , uml then wo will have a chance to cor rect the mistake if it is one. I am not opposed to the Idea of annexation. " Councilman Chaffeo stated that bo had op posed the ordinance Decauso ho believed it to he wrong. Ho thought South Omaha was a city of the llrst class and had given that as his reason at the council meeting for opposing the ordinance. Ho would not express his views on the question of annexation , but said he thought a question of that kind should be submitted to the people and lot the majority rule. Councilman Kaspar said ; "I voted against that annexation ordinance lost Saturday night simply because I didn't Ifnow what it con tained. The ordinance was intioduccd at a- special meeting of which I had no notice , and did not attend. I do not approve of this thing of trying to rush so important a measure through in a silap sort of style. The ordinance might or might mt have been all right. I dl.ln't know which and so 1 voted against it. I am in favor of annexation but in the oidinauoe I vote forte to secure it there must bo conditions favora ble to leaving the big industries down there undisturbed as was the case when Chicago did so much annexation n short time ago. I own considerable pronerly both In South Omaha and here and I helluva that annexa tion done in the light way would increase the value of both. " KvrrytooUy Knows That at this season the blood is tilled with im purities , the accumulation of months of close conlinemciit in poorly ventilated stores , work shops and tenements. All thcso Impurities and every trace of scrofula , salt rheum , or other disease , may bo expelled by taking Hood's Siir&niurilla. the best blood puriiler ever produced. It is the only ine.dic.iuo of which " 100 doses one dollar" is true. AVOIIX OUT HOIM3II.S. I low the Dealers nre Driven from Omaha. "The latest boilers condemned by me , " said Boiler Inspector .indeven , "were found 011 a Hut car at the union depot. They were con signed to a Junk dealer in this city. I prom ised not to tell his name , but will do so if I catch him again In the business. I told him if he unloaded the boilers I would cut them to pieces. Ho objected at first hat soon de cided it would bo boat to comply with the law. " "What was the matter with the boilers ? " "They weio old , almost worn out anil had been cast off by some party who had used them. They had been sold for junk and cer tainly would have been sold again to some one who would use them for practical pur poses. It would bo a serious mistake , however - over , for anybody to have anything to do with them. They were shipped out of town again and arc , I think , in Iowa. "Under the new ordinance , the holler in- spectcr is empowered to prevent the using of these death-dealing engines because it re quires persons intending to place a boiler or boilers in their buildings to apply for a per mit , failing to do this , they may bo lined not less than $ T > 0 and may bo lined us many as $1100. When this application is imulo I give them a permit setting forth that the sumo is granted on the condition that the applicant .shall in all respects conform to the ordinances governing thu matter. " Pierre is pulling for moro railroads and is eeitnin to get them. She has a lively real estate exchange , u _ board of trade widely and well known , a big electric light plant , gas works , and is soon to have electric railways. Street grading lias gene forward through March , and new houses are dotting the slopes and plateaus. Business activity has set in with great promise of a very successful year. A HTIIjLliTTO AIIT1ST. The Carver nl'Slimm Itopo Hi-Ill to the DUti-iol Court. The trial of Marvin Drake and wife , accused of assault with Intent to do great bodily harm on Simon Uopo on March ' 'S , was resumed in the police court. Hope was an interested spectator and up- peaied with an ugly scar over bis right eye as an evidence of the frightful encounter. As the witnesses for the stale had been previously given 11 hearing the testimony of the defense only was brought out , Drake and his wife being the only witnesses. Mrs. Drake swore that Uopo was the ng- Ricsslvo party and that the latter had called her husband to the door and struck him. Mr. Drake defended himself by stabbing Hope. Witness said that she was in her night tiresat the time and did not take any part in Iho melee. Mr. Drake corroborated the story of his wife , while Uopo declared sotto voice that tlio Dnikes were modern editions of Ananaias and Snpphlru. At the iloso of the examination Iho judge discharged Mrs. Drake and held her husband to the district couit in the sum of i''OO. Adolph Lallnz , ciirriago manufacturer , 110 Carioll street , Buffalo , N. Y. , states : 1 was troubled with nausea of the stomach , sick he.ulacho and general debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. Death of W. II. Craig. A telegram was received yesterday mornIng - Ing announcing the sudden death Wednesday ofW. II. Craig at Ids homo in Kansas City. lie was president of the Patrick land com pany and held largo property interests in Omaha. A few months ago ho Joiirnoyod through Florida In quest of health , and upon Ills recent return homo his condition was very greatly Improved. But a low days ago a i.ecoml attack of the grlppo laid hold of him , heart failure ensued , until the end came as stated. Mr. Crnig was about forty-two yours old , a man of wealth and refinement , standing high in church and commercial circles , Mr. W. K. Kurtz , manager of the Patrick land company , loft lust night for Kan sas City whew ho will attend the funeral to day. A reporter asked him what effect Craig's death would'lmvoupoii the business of the lomp.my in Omaha. "Nouo in the least , " was the reply. "Oar enterprises and plans will bo carried out Just the Mime. " The Blessing ; of Strong XOI-VOH Is recoverable , not by the use of mineral se datives , but by a recourse to effectual tonic treatment. Opiates mid the like should only bo used as auxiliaries ) , and then us sparingly us possible. Vigorous neros are quiet ones , and the most direct way to render them so is to reinforce the vital energies. That steiling Invigorunt. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , will be found all suftlelont for this purpose , .since It entirely removes Impediments to Uummgli digestion and assimilation of the food , so that Iho body is Insured Its duo amount of i.oiu Ish- ment , and consequently of stamina. Hheu- nmtle tendencies and affections of the kidne\ and bladder nro also counteracted by iho Bit- tin * . which is besides a pleasant medicinal stimulant , Infinitely than the purer raw e-x- citant.sof commerce , which react injuriously upon the nervous .system. A Woman In D Mis. Slddcll applied to County Poorniastrr Mahoney yesterday for lu-lp. She told a s.vd tnloofdistiwtH. Her husband , ho said , was a laboring man. They had a family of seven i children , all of them under fourteen year * of j a 1,0. A few months ago her younger sister came we t on a tlsll and finally decided to I make her homo with tUo Shhlelb ami give her bbtcr much needed help in the Louse- work. T\vo weeks ago the sister left the house without warning and the next morning Siddell disappeared. Mrs. Slddell thinks they have gone away tojrcthcr. She is In dcs- tltut1 circumstances nnd will bo helped by the county. _ MOIITUAKV. Death of the \VICc of Coimclliiinn Don nelly of ( lie ScooiHl. Mrs. Mary Donnelly , the wife of Council man James Donnelly of the Second ward , died at 10:30 : o'clock Wednesday evening after an Illness of about three weeks. Airs. Donnelly was well known not only In the Immediate vicinity of her home , but also throughout the city mid was generally es teemed by her acquaintances. She was born In Bally Custle.coimty Sligo , Ireland , Decem ber LTi , ISIS. She leaves three sons and one daughter James Donnelly , Jr. , of the Ameri can District telegraph company , Ulchard P. Donnelly , Miss B.T. . Donnelly and AVlllinm W. Donnelly-ail of whom have long been identified with Omaha , having resided huie for the past twenty ycnrs. The funeral will take place from the resi dence of .fames Donnelly , sr. , 1012 Williams street , Saturday morning , April I' ' , at 0 o'clock. The services will bo held at St. Patrick's church , Fourteenth and Castellar streets. ASiiinw.r. siinnans . Andrew .T. Shecreu died nt the rlpo ago of seventy-two years Wednesday at his late home , 141B South Thirteenth sticet. T.ho de ceased has lived In Omalni about four years. The only child ho has , ln this city is Mrs. Broughul. but ho has two sons in Colorado , both of whom have been notified of their father's death , and have announced their in tention of coming to the funeral. I'-l-IJC. Samples of Dr. Miles' Uestorativo Jfervlno at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas , cures headache , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu ralgia , fits , etc. 1IAIID ON IIOKSK TIUKVKS. An Incident of Hnrly IJfo in Fnwnco County lleonllcd. The presence in town of Mr. G. B. Morton of Table Uock recalls an incident of that town and Pawnee county in early days , writes a Pawnee City correspondent to Tin : BII : : . Andrew Fellers , now a prominent and wealthy resident of Table Uock , was the proud possessor of a Hue span of horses , but one cold morning his stable was empty. In company with Mr. J C. Peavey and another resident , ho started after the thieves , who were tracked to Ued Oak , In. , captured and returned to Table Hock. Judge Mason took away the revolvers of the capturing party on their return through Nebraska City , but that night one of these found with the horses and a man by the mime of Kelly , well known in this section , were taken out and hung by a mob. A third suspect was shot twice and the next day met the fate of his companions by the rope route. Mr. Morton , though only a boy , was an interested witness of these pro ceedings , and his graphic < lesepiption of these stirring scenes is well worth listening to. The Only One. The ChicnRO , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway is the only line running' solid vcstibulcd , electric lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Council Blurt's and Omaha. Tlio berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and be convinced. Sleeping ears leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at ( ! p. m. dailv , arriving at Chicago at 90 : ! a. in. Passengers taking this train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council liluffs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got tiekots and sleeping car berths at Union ticket office , IfiOl Farnam at. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agt J. E. PHKSTON PassAgt. . The I'reshyti'ry On convening yesterday morning the pres bytery took up the application of Douglas , AVyo. , for aid In erecting a church. The town was recommended to the board of church extension for a donation of $1,000. Hcv. M. Ulddluthcn ottered his resignation as pastor of the Dunhar congregation , which was accepted. Uev. 1C. B. Ciruhuin was ap pointed to declare the pulpit vacant at the convenience of parties. llov. C. C. Kyle was received from the Xenia presbytery as a licentiate. A committee was appointed on resolutions , consisting of Hev. Hufns Johnson and Elder W. M. Lorinor. Nominations for ministerial delegates to the general assembly resulted in the election Kovs. JC. B. Graham and H , Murray ; alter nates , Uevs. John Williamson and J. C. Lynn ; elders , F. Stevenson and K. 'P. Dean ; alter nates , W. M. Lorimer and G. G. Wallace. Uov. Clinton Kiddle was elected superin tendent ! of missions. Ho was also elected prosbytcrial .superintendent of Sabbath schools. The delegate to the general assembly was instructed to ask the board of missions for the time of eight ministers for various sup plies. Uov. Lynn having imulo a full report of the work in Kearney , was returneil to the Held for the coming year. * The committee on resolutions reported us follows : Inasmuch ns the inannfactuio and sale of InliiYloallng Illinois has proven a snini'o of untold and Incideiilablo e\il , ami is today \M > il < lng Kiealer detriment to the Inteiesls of tlio human iaco than any other 1111(3 eau- ; and , Inasmuch as the cltl/ens of Nebraska are soon to haxo thnoimoitiiiilly of eliooslni ; be- tuccn the piolilliltlon ( if this gient evil tliioii honl the statt * . or the adoption ot a i'on- stltullonal iii > \ Ision ( iislenhi ! ; upon us lilrh license In all mil cities and towns tluoulu ; ; > iit tint state ; nnd Inasmuch as tlio adoption of hl h lleen o will deprive ns \\hato\cr heiiullt tlieio N to be dci Ivi d from 0111 piesent loeal option lau ; theiefoie , licMihed. That wo do most enne : > tly call upon all our mliilteielileis and nieinlinis to labor , \otc and piuj for the piohlbltlon of Iho tiallle In onr stiile. That a committee bo appointed to picpaioa pie nnmno fur a cmiTi'icncc on the subject of tin ) questions to henled on nest 'o\ ember , to bo held nt 0111 .lime meeting. A resolution wus passed in connection with the above endorsing the course of the Mid land. land.An An assessment of 20 cents was nrido ou each member of the various congregations to defray the expenses of delegates to the gen eral assembly. An additional Assessment of " 0 cents was imulo to pay delinquent claims. Kwing was selected for the place of holding the Juno mooting , and Uov. Albert Gordon to preach the opening sermon. Before closing the moderator appointed a committee on preparing a programme for a conference ou ihn constitutional amendment. It was decided to make an effort to secure a pastor for this presbytery , and Uevs. John Williamson , D. D. , and .1. A. Henderson and AV. M. Carson were appointed a committee to attend to it. A verbal lesolutlon was introduced thank ing the members of Iho three churches for their generous hospitality. The presbytery then adjourned. Itx vtipnrlur exi ' ) fn | in. re Until u tiuii i II" ' I nlted hi iit'n I. lii'inli - f tno < ircu l'uri- and m-it lleiitii , u tna I'unilt-r duet n > i i. i Alum Huld only in rim rut' li IIAKIV IUUAUU WIIHRH TIIH DAXGHR UJiS The Mysterious Uml Sudden Ending of so Many Lives Fnltyytcconnted for. Tin' tt'rtl ilmiKfi- Him "Orli | | > o" I * l Hi nfIcr c-lTecH. Nine toittlnnf all tlio itcntlii reiillt- Ing nro fioni imrmnnl.i.VlmtlspuomnnlnV It I * n4iii1itciist < ) | ) piijconmlflllliiKiiP < > 'tlii-lungs ' Thick , lienvy , polKmnus niucoiH got * Into tlio ulr cells mid ptimmtH limitliliitf. Tln y cloR up iiulclily ntul ilumiis ensues. Tlio only Mil- viitlon Is to kvrp tlio lungs working iintl tluow oiT this tcrrlblo lotionus , Thuio Is only out way In which tlili ciin bo tltmo unit llmt Is by sllniuliitlnc them , il'tulcr tlio Influenoo of u proper iiinotint of .pnro . nlilskcy. thu lungs draw In Ocop , full lirrathsnnd throw out thu poisonous air cncli ttinu It Is i-xlinlcd. Hut while this Is trui ; anil wlilsUoylini nvi-tl inoro llvi-s than any other known rcniuily If It Is not puri ! whM.oy , It Is liable to himu bad elTuot. If It contains fusel oil , iiui-atliioliuorti foul tongue will bu iho icsult. On thu other luiml , ulit'ii mi absolutely pure whiskey , llko Dull'yN 1'uio MultVhltkey Is used , mi evil elfcets can by any possibility follow. 1'iof. Henry A. Mott says : "Thu purity of Duffy's Pure Mult Whiskey jus simple analytical tests will tendlly conMnue ) Is absolute and should recommend It to the highest public favor. " To all wo unhesitatingly hay , Insist upon lni\- Ing DiHTyVuitiil do not bo peisuaded to tal.o any other. 1108 PAHS-AM RTII : IT : , OMAHA , Nun. ( Opposite I'iutim Hotel. ) Onico hours , 0 n. m. to p.m. Sunday ! , 10 n. m to 12m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , SUIn nnd lllood Diseases. tlsrConsultatlon nl olllco or by mall free. Medi cines sent by nmll or ixpupccnrely packed , free from observation , ( iiiarantccj to euro quick ! ) , Mifc- ly nnd pciinancntly. . Speimiitorilm'n.Feinl- J , iialI.ssi-sNlglilKinls- ( flon . 1-hy.ilcal decay , nrlxlnK from Indiscretion , ev- ct" < t or Indulgence , producing sIccpIetMicss. de | " ' - dency , pimples on thefnce , nterdun to nuclei- ) , easily illi-coiirancil , lack of fondence. dull , unlit lor htudy or business , and tlnili life a burden. Safely , pprma- nently nnd prluitcly rtm-il. Consult Uia. Hells A. Hctls , U03 Karnam street. Omaha , Neb. Blood and Skin Diseases. liP iM.list . terrible In Its rotull" . i-olnpletely pradli-ated wllhout the aid of ineiciiry Scntfula. crjilpclas. fever Mires , blotclies , Hirer" , palm In the head and bones , s ) phll- Itlc oru throat , mnutli and tongue , e.itairh , etc. , permanently cured where others have failed. and UlndilcT Coinplitltits V\tnr \ ] IVmivu L 1 KHlllCJ7 , llliUy Painful , Dllllciilt. too frequent imrnliiKnr lilooily urliit * . line high colored or with milky "cdlment < in" Ktandlni.cak back , KOII- orrliien , uleet , ejHtllit , etc. I'romplI ) and salely turcil , Charges ie.T-miable. STRICTURE ! . , Cure , re moval complete without culling , caustic or illllatloir Cures eHected nt home by patients nlthuul iiiuu- rucnt'B pain orannoyanco. Young Men-and - Middle-Aged Men. ? riKM ! ? Tll ° "w'ul i'IT 'i-ts of i OUlxl . t-iiily vlci1 , wlik-h In Ings oiKiniln weakness , dcstrolni : botli mind iiiut body , with all Its diL-adful ills , peimancjitly cured. C IIIJT'I'C Address these who luivo lin- O. 1J1 1 1O palled llii'in'-eHoh liy im proper IndulRcnccs and solitary hablls , which inln both body and mind , unllttlni , ' them for business , study or mairlaKO. M.MUilKl ) Mi.s : , or tho'o enterliiK on tlial happy life , awnroof ph > < ilcal deblltt ) , i OUR SUCCESS lstm crtiiport facti , tlrnt , practical rxporlonoo : fco- unil. I'vrry caiti Is imperially i-tuilloil , thun ftartlni : nrlclit ; thlnl , incillelnra nre prcpan-il In nur onn la- lioiatDry uxnctly to Null each case , thuii eliciting cnrrs without Injuiy. tif Senil li ci'iitH pD'taun for cclebrati-il workion Chiiinlc. Nervous anil Delli'atu Dhenies. Thnu anil > < eured. liTA frlenilly letter ol call may HUO > on futiiro "uili-rlin ; and ulinini' . and Mild i-'olilen jeari to lite , f Z"Nii letters answered iiiie ! s accompanied lij 4 cents In ttiinipt. Aildrets or call on IJliS. LJMTTS & LiKTTS , 1403 TAU.VAM uir , OMAHA , Xh ESTABLISHED IN 1078 BY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , OF THE PUBUC CHARITY. OpcratiM uniltT n twenty jc'nr's rnntrnit by tlio Mutlnin lntoru.iUiitiul liiiiru | > eiiii > nt Ciiinpany. ( irnnil Montlily ilrnulnts liuM In tlm > fnrr qiin I'nvllliin In tint Al.iiiii'il.i 1'iirk. city "I Jli'xlcii. anil pulillc'ly cunilucti'il by JKM irnininl iilliclalsiiinilntiMl | | Inr tlin iiiirposuti ) thu peiTc-tai ) of lliu Intc-ilor nnd lliuTrt'tisiiry. LOTTERY OF THE BeneficiBnoia PUblica , THE NEXT MONTOLY DRAWING Will 1)0 ) lii-lil In the flTY 01' MK.ML'U , MAY 5 , 1SOO , Wlllllllv tllP fillAM ) Hl.MI- \\Nl\\t K.VTIMOIII1IV- Ain lit\uiMi ) , thu I'M'ITAI , I'HIXi : UC-IIIK One lluiiUrcil anil Twenlj Tliumaml Dull. us. S1SOOOO.OO 'i : OP TIC'KKTS-Aiiieili'un Money .M , Wholes W : Miilvos , it ; Qtiaititis , HI ; ri-rhth Club Hales : } Vi north ol tli-kvls for fJU. l.lhT 01' I'lllXIItf , 1 Taiiltal Prloof JI71MMO . Is J120.)00 ( ) 1 Capital I'rlzuof < u. ( > X ) . . . . . .is 4iiu ) ( 1 I'aiiltnl I'rlM'iit ai.uoil . K WUkW 1 liranil I'lliiM.t 5uii ) . li : . , UXJ ( J I'rlzpKDf tJMU . uru 4 , ( . . ' , I'll/us nf luuu , . , . mo . ' , , ( > Cil I'llzcsuf MO . aru lei ll ) I'llci-sof ISKI . nro I'M ) I'lld'auf luo . nro is.ixx ) iKI l'rl/i'9 of 40 . no Sl.ltW AI'I'IIIIKIMAIIIIS' ISO ril/es nf irjoiippiiiilmnl'g to tr.UUUO prl/c , SIS.OIX ) ISO 1-rlzei of Ml approximate to 400m ) prize , 1VUIII lUII'rlu-iiir Ul nptinixliimlV to .ll.lli l prl/e , ! il WJ Terminals of tiu decided by KM.UUUprUe , JI.UiU ' . ' ,2S1 I'rlte * AinountlnK to S.i'i ? I'.M All I'lUci mid lintho Unltcil stutcs full ) paid In U. B. Curtency. AGKNTS WANTHI ) . JITTouri.iMi ltATr , or any further Inf , itntitmn ilcilied , urllu leKltily tnulio llllili'l-lflic'il i i , 'y ' atallnejonrreilileiire , lli ( cliilo. county , Mreei .ml nnmlicr. .Murn laplil reiurn mall dolltery will iio iikkiiriHl by ) uurinck liu " entulupo buailnu juur IMPORTANT. ClTV OF MlIMi O. O.Mrxn Mrxn lly ordinary letter , contntnlnil MOXIiV i'HI ' Hl ln-ili'il by nil llxpri' s ruin | > ; uili's. . .Nuwniu 1 thiinie , Draft or 1'ojtnl Null ) . 11) terniHuf tontrntl Ihtiuimpany muit ilipoiiho mini uf all pil/ci Inclinliii In the ti-ht-inu bi-imi > , u- Imr n ltiilu | ticket , Mint rccclto Iho toll nliM ullu al i Miiiurtrr I lirn-by roillfy Hint th Hank l."inli > ii niul .Moxlro hat on ili'pi > tt I'1 ' nen"n. , > tinnl t * iiaiaulL-u liio | MI im 'it of nil | ii/i" > i b ) llic I I'U'ii.i ' Uf la lli'iiclfi'i'iii'lii I'liblli u Al'iil IN Ml I IMII K ) lliti > rt < n i FllllllIT till- rullplll ] ) lMIMllllt-ll | | CMll"lnl.u.l-l . ' kU I'i'i IIMII ul thu v.ilill ) nt all llii > tliili'l > in i M/ > > n lai t-i | ortluii tlijn IH XIM' i ' ' > a'1) ' "thi ' 1 'Uf v I ln.ilh tinimiuini ul ilrlii-l' iMinli ' ' 'I" ' ! iUWlcih.in ! ) ; ire ki > M b ) ulla-i lutu-rlvn un. . kllll.1 ' CHICHCSTCR'S ENQLIBH PENNYROYAL PILLS. BCD cnosa DIAMOND DRAMD. 4 _ . _ - EVERY DEPARTM In our store has contributed to make onr display of spring goods superior to that of any previous * cti son. In each department we will offer every week during the entire season sonic remarkable specials , whereby we expect to make our establishment the busiest place in town. In the men's suit department yon will find this week : ' 100 fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and 3 button cutaways- , regular price $12.50 ; will be sold this week at $8. The material in these suits is all worsted ; they arc lined with an excellent quality of farm er's satin , well made and very dressy. In the boy's department we will continue the special sale of the several lots of suits , which we start ed last week. Our boy's department never was so busy , and customers arc delighted with our stock and the way they can buy boy's suits of us this season. In the hat department we have opened and placed on sale today another shipment of our now justly celebrated 95c fur Derbys , the latest spring : shapes. Hundreds of our customers who have been waiting ' for this "Special" will be pleased to hear this. They wear no other hat now as they find them as good as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for. In the shoe department we offer for this week , 20 cases fine dongola lace shoes , of an > excellent quality at $2.25 a pair. They arc easy and comfortable shoes and well adapted for spring wear. They arc of just such quality as shoe stores are selling for $ f. At the neckwear counter you will find an elegant line of silk tccks , in new spring shapes and pat terns at I5c , the regular value for these is at least 50c. C. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. AVenrp now show IIIR our new lines of SpilniClnthlni. . Thoylatc moiu eninp- leto and atltaulho than i-ior brfoio piesejited. Men's spilns suits In linth saelisand ciiti\vii : > s made from falnlcs holeeted fiom the ht"-t nianufaetuie-i and hest of till , at liilc'us within the leaehof o\ciyone. Special ilopartinciit for boys and chil dren's cjothln ; ? . ATTEND ' PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN'S Special 10 Day Dinner Set Sale Commencing Saturday , April 12th. W ) nnsllsh Pets $10 each. : ) SoM ledueeil fiom MS t $11.7.1. M hets tedlireil fiinn f'.1 to $ lh. hut-go line new sets tl.l , foinirr pi Ice ! 50. \Vo will olfer every Dinner , diiino niul f'l tilt Set In oiifhtocU. liicluillii ) ! line HitUlund without icsene , at special puces. PEE1KEWS , GATCH & LAUMAN. S3LVERWARE , CHINA AND GLASSWAHE. 16H rill.NAM ST. NUV I'AXTON III'II.UINO. ' jj&MSn & ? 9 JAVA& MOCHA pr" " A P rfeet Art ftlhum corUlnlng 24 Tea and Codec c.'K , * i be sent on rcce pt of ycjr lidrtsi. CHASE i. SANQORN. Ut D'oatf t , Doston , V/c / trn Dtl , 80 Frandlm Cu CiiMgo , in. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. rortltitie.itmptit of .ilirilKON'IC AND HlTUtJlCAT. DISBA IN llrnrtx , Appinncpi for doTnim'tli'i ' nnd Triiunt. Itcblai ! Ililli" , An | > untin ami lli > mi'illt < i for siiiwssful Tu'itmt'iit ot t-vi-rj form < il ilisi-i-y IK- iliililnilMt'illi'al or SiiritlriilTriMtini'nl NINiri'V IIOO.MS FOIl I'ATIINTS , Hoar I nml AlKMiilniu-o lli-t Acrommoiliitlon * W * . " < t. Wrlto fin rlrrnl IIHOM DolormllU'-t niiil Itr.'K'tM. TriiHitH , riul > IVt'l ruruitnti'i of Spine. rile . Tumor * . Cnnror. Cntnrrli , llmm-hltl * . Inlialatluii. Illci'trlrlty. I'nniltiH. KplkM'MMilnot , IH.'u ! cler , II.vi- , liar , ! -Mn anil Illooil , and nil MiiKlcnl Opt-mUom DISHASliS 1)1' WOMKN a tMu'clnll ) . line * of Plscnsi" ) of Womi'ii Knv Wi > luivu lat ( > l > inlilt'il n l.vlnlii -mrtin l | < 'nt lor Wonii-n Dinliu Coiillnrmunl Ihlilrlly I'rlvntc ) Out } Ili-llnliln Moillru ! Jnitltiiln MnkliiK a S-0 | 'l.ilty of I'lll VATII D1.SIsii : ; All Itlooil DSt.'n fM sutci'- ' fully liuatfil Svplillltlc IIOMOII rriuovoit from the Hyrtti'iii without iniMi'iirr New Itrsloratlvc treatment ( or I.OHS ij * Vital 1'owt'r. PnitU'-i un.iblu to vMIt IIH in i > ho troaUnt nL honiu hy eori < " . | mmm ! > oo. Alli-ipmiiiiinlc.ilhmiiomlilentl.il. MiMklne or InitriimriiU ci'iit tiy null or e\in"o | sn- 1:111 : ply paokoil , mi inarkn to luilli-ilu conti'iiH or ci-ildcr Oni" iii'rsiin.d liiti < r\li * iwfi'm'il ( nil anil i mill 11 tin or i < iil ! hlatury ill yoiu ua < e. anil wu lll noiul In plain wi.ippor our IIOUIC Tl ) MIJN ntlii : . upon l'rl\ato Epcclal or NI'IVOIM DNeaHL" * , linpotoncy , S > plillH t.lot-t anilVarfooci'li * . with ij H" tlon list AildMMi Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Coi'ner9th nnd Harney Sts. , Oinnha , Nob. "TIME IS MONEY. " Wo must sull out the remainder of our retail stool : without ftutlior tic-lay , n j our wholesale business demands our entire time , attention and capital. For the next few days we invitu you to a feast of bargains such as you will never again enjoy. Wo are hablo to runt btoru and soil our fixtures now any day , so come at once before it is too late. AH our genuine Diamonds now go nt importer's prieas and tlio mounting * thrown in. $00,000 worth of Diamonds to select from , prices ranalnu Irom $2.50 up to $3,000 , for Kings , Pins , Earrinsfas. . Pohd Gold Watches Irom $15 upward. Solid Silver Watches from $5 up. Nickel Watches from $2.50 up. Solid Gold Chains from $7.50. Host Rolled Plato Chains from $2. Charms and Lockets , $1 r.iul upward. Solid Gold Kings $1 and $2 ; worth $3 to $6. A in of Solid Stviling Silver Collar Buttons nnd Scarf Pinsat 25c and 50c each worth $1. Heavy Solid M-karat Gold Collar BuUona , woi th $2.50 to $0 each , now , choice for only $1. Ono lot assorted Cull Buttons nt 60c pair ; worth $1 to $2. Solid Gold Spiral Back Studs , 50c and $1 each ; worth four timo- , tin inoiiHy. 1,000 fine Bronchos and Lice Pius fiom 50c up. Fmo Krencii style Mantel Clocks , 8-day , hull-hour fatriko , cathedral oii | , at $5 , $0.50 , 08 and $10 ; worth $10 to $20. Elegant Silver Lamps , with sill : umbrella shades , from $5 up. Hundreds of other equally good bargain.Ojiuu Saturday evening until O o'clock. Store for lent and fixtures for > alo. MAX MRYBJR & BRO. , Corner Sixteenth nncl Fnrnnni Streets , - - Omnho , Nib. Etchings. Emei cjii , . Hnllc-t & Davis. Engravings. Artists' Supplies. Kinibull. Mouldings. Pianos & Organs. Shoot Music. Frnmes. 1B10 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. MANHOOP RESTORED' . SANATIVO , " the HI Illi'llv , ill HnlllUllh it Written ( iiiiiriin- li-o t > > Ltiie nil NI iv * Wi-fik Mi mory , I or * iurilruliil'ourr.lli-iiil' _ > nclii ; , WiiUefiiliKu" , ' Usb. J-onOliiiiliiiml Ism- Bpforo-'After . - , rh.'lD/Klplli'll ' IIOIII Lllti , DIICIIUM , LbUUItlllll1 , DllUrjIiiHiiiKl lumofpfivterol the 0 uriktltuOi- ini : > , ln I'ltlii-raer , cnniicilliviivcr-PXPitlnii , J" itU- in ) liiiiscri'lloiiior ( thocxci-nlvo IIHO nf tu ai m , oiiiuiii , ur ( illmiilaiil , Mliicli iiltliniitily li IM to liiflimltr. C'liumiiiiptlun 01 < 1 Iiifnnlly. ri.t up I" hi ! t f , rm to lairy In tliu M'tt puclvc-t. 1'mu l a [ ini l.n- . ' , or I , l i S'W ' Illi every ? ri orili-i isnu 11 ii-rlttfH fiiiiirinili" tu eiim ' ' / < " " tin' IIIOIK-U. htnlhy tniill t ony ( iilili-ne. - tilirfiti. Mi-ntioli this liaper. Addremj MADRID CHEMICAL CO. "f1.I11S1i.til'i'V | ' "M . . , A1O 1J.U. 417 li-uili'-rn Slri'it. I'llll , r'i > AI-K IN " > ' MIA. NIln - Kulin A I ii , I 01 ISHi A Ituuflu * Mn. u .1 \ 1 nllcr .V I ii . I or IVIi i P'iuiii" ! "lrccl , anj A 1' I btlLT i l.u , LUUIH.I IHUttl , lull i. ArrcoU illsctorRos/rom the urinary orgsni In tlthcr rex in 40 houra , It L ) BUitrlor t Cogalba , Cut ) b , or Inlee- tloni , niul Irco dou all U-J ctai.il vr oiuor tuconvcnteni.il , tiinulti , K 1 1 r Ik ) n . - . In uii rt wulioul Idtb nee oie ' I 11 , p t iii ti i I h i t < J I h * n v I'i' ' I I ' "f i's IllL ti t t il , V Jl liOUl | ( i lit , I t IK.11II11 > It . I i Ul ( lui.lMl' DM. HAUr.HAWOUT , IV * J > ' * ii''lu > -i * ih.i. Tim \ \ i U Kinrn M pi i Lillet * t HI ) - 111 J tif I Ml th < > t'Mil til lit f U i f. nm t 1111 * \ i ih , i- iit. < i * i i t u ' < * * H tMtii'itd In , f- i 1 ' Mm o < i nut ( i , , i * HM I sy I * HtllK HO * * ' - k * UH'li * trl | < l | > o , kl J ' Mui * r \\oiuiu > r i > ( > u > ntt u > f < ciniio lJi r i " t , „ k y t r ' ' r 'I lUlir ill ( jy < L > t l | M 'Ult'lKB | . r I n , ltl' n f-e ( I Cvi IvUt ii a > a k8vu kltCCUi UliiuUu , t