Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    : THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; c tfKIDAY , APEIL 11. 1890.
TlfP PUPPI'l t TUMI iff < tiifnTr * .
Wheat Opens Very Strong Bat Sells Off
Sharply Before Noon. '
Oati Kvprrlpitce n Mild Cnllnp c
In 1'rnvlslon * . on a I.mric
Sonic Huslnt'is In Cattle
Good Vitolnt Ions.
rmr no. April 10.-ppiIal [ Telesrarn to
Tur llr.r. ] Tlie wlicat market , repented Its
netlnn of yesterday during tlio iiintiilns by
operiiii ; ; very strong nrid nfter furtlicr Mljlit
pnlns soiling olT quite slmrply before noon.
Tlit reaction win sufTieiont to more tlmn wipe
onttlicently advance , and before. 1 o'clock
lliuc wan ti reeovcry which put this prices of
all fillui-cs to nboul tliu closlnc points yester
day The tmiiUft , ; is abroad ono and the
rhinites almost violent lit tltno . Tlie few
large operator * were kept track of , but Indi
vidual trading wn largely lo-t Mjlit of In tlie
I'tiorntoin general business In tliu pit. llv > r-
IXKI ! mlileH weir 4d up for future * , with sxit |
wheat ste.ndy. The HI roust li In future * was
t-onslcleied tint n rellev of the strength here
yesterday utid did not lead to any bull feelIng -
Ing Anticipation nf the government ewp
liKUies , due lute this afternoon , had an exelt-
Ing rffopl all day. Kwiisruinoied that the
eomlltlnn will lie given out at ! . hut this Is
entirely a gurssllelow this llgnre may help
the bulls , or better than W may help t he lieais.
Ii.ulaimei-op new sronl limes to lie of the sensa
tional Mirl and theie was good buying on this
New VurK and Hallltnote cleaied l'JO.MOIm ( > li-
< I < jf wlirnl iiiril about : c < ,090 bin iris of llout.
lati r It wns reported that New Vork was load
ing eighteen bouts for I.Ulmn , hut
that wheat vn tulien Mirne tltnn ago.
> < Otleans reported Lfio.ddO bushels of No. ' . '
jeil wheat taken at alow lljiure for export. In
tills ma I Let the attitude of the lending t laders
rnil.v wasinueh llle that of jestorday. ICeani ,
( udahy and Ilutchlnson were early sellers ,
lieiim'n heavy soiling had tiiueh to do with the
d < dine and many small operatois- sold out.
I.all r In the ( lay lltiteliluson was u buyer.
Aetiiin In tin * leading ftituies tip to 1 oVloek
was us follows : Mav opened at ' ! < . sold at
K'i'4r. ' olT to s.'i.e. lu K. , o. to We , to KiHv J uno
Kl V. oil In Wto , HrtC"e , elf to S2\c and tip to
Kl'.es ' July opened at K.V , sold at
K."kf , to M f , to H ifl. to Me. to HV-
The wheat maiket was heavy before the
close. The mii'-lilne , the doubt about
lop figures and the loaded condition of trade
aiised wiine eautloii and general selling. May
went olT toK2'U8 > .jc and closed at M > 4e. or V
lower for the day- June clo-ud ul& ! ' < 2ta3ciuil (
July at M > , chhT.
The corn market wns not so largo as on
ivedneMlay , partly owing to the fact that the
activity In other pits e > pecially provisions ,
tool ; inniiv tinders from the coin pit. The
market. lllo all othersslatted strong and Mif-
feicd a drain , with last prices about the Ibn-
rstof ihr day , Knilv in the day Cudahy was
a free seller through Hoyden & Co. and other
houses , and the scalping ciowd sot Illled up.
When the weakness came In wheat and oats ,
coin went off slowly for want of
support. Slay sold at Ul e to : e , c early and
olT to : il > 4o at the elo-o. July sold at 'Ci'tc
enily and closed : it JfJ'ic Other closing prices
weie : Apill , 'M'c ; June , aiV ; September.
The oats market took n mild collapse today
Tlie buying was overdone. May was run up to
i4'4f tlie lln-t half hour : ind an hour liter the
pilrewasat l' e. July suhl at ' . ' 4'iC. ' oir to
i51'nccarlv. June kept close to July. Later In
the day MIIV recovered to ' l'tr and closed with
a sale of lmi.000 bushels 1,1-I''ft-tUc. vvlillc
June and Julv closed nt the bottom at > e.
Tin re was no iieavy railing on the bre.ik. only
dronplng hack beeaui-e the 'jiiylnz stopped.
Till- provision trade today was large before
the close. It Is manv weeks since s'i mueli
produet changed hands , and prices generally
were much linpiovcd. 'P o large houses bid
; vlUnp earlv until M.iy touched } ( > and
July SlLOTi. 1'ork was then fairly quiet until
near the close , w hen prices were run up to
fllilK ) for May. ill.OO for June and ill.10 for
July nn advance of about ii. > cull round foi the
da.v Lard was nation- , but closed at about
tlie best piiees after heavy sales.
Mmrt ribs were very active. Hutch
ison bought altogether over 4.000.000
bounds. 1'iKiic. Ilaldnln and Ky.-in were the
piuii-lpal selleis. Ono lot of nearly t.0 ! < iO,000
in mills went from lt.\in to llutclilnsoti in one
bli.i k foi July at 8--i.4."f. I'liwler botiglit May
laid und Ilutchlnson sold 10.000 tieices of July.
Thenweie outside orders all day. lloss were
lower ut the yards.
t : o 1.11 > ; s TO CK.
Crnr oo. April 10. [ Special TplpRram to
Tin : llKi-f'ATTi.i : lltisini's-s- all bran'-hes
was fairly aetlvo , with little or no cliariRC In
IHH-CS ns coiiipaicd with yii < Uir < lay. The c\-
IMJI ! ( U'liiaiid vvus n huilu better than yvstcriluy
anil the < lrrss < l beef trade wanted their usual
inimlM'i , licnre tlio sicpr traili * was up to tlie
nvi-rairi1. In tin1 Texas line tliero VVITO tliirty-
tivt rars In sight , but a sufllclent nniiiber of
riirs ueu-icported to rnnkc fifty. The demand
VMIS uctlvf and piiees steady. Tlieio v as u
K < H 1 ( lenianil fen liutehi'is' .stoeK ( if eveiy ill
s < riptliui , vvltli tirli't's fully as Heady as at
IHIV t line , lln-liir-- the stoeler and feeder
t rude u as lather lllit | , \\ltli piiees a Miadn
l .wer tlian last week. Choice * to extra beeves ,
W ' Kii. : > 15 ; niediii lu t o peed steei-s.itX ; ) to l.vm Ibs.
H.MOu'i.dO : 1L1K ) to IXiO Ills. t'lMXiH.W ;
HVI to I'JKl Ibs. tJlAicyi.bO. Moekers und
feeders J2.vyit-'l.tiO : IMIWS. bulls nnd
inlved. JI.'JtKTr.l.liO : bulk. r.aii'2. ) . Te\as eorn
fed steel * . St.tKiif.'LTO ; eiusseis KMGUM.
Mono With LT.IKN ) hops on tliu side , pael.ers
beailsh and shlppeis not buying half the
Dumber they did a month acn. jiriees eontlntie
to neaUen , declining u rood ! < today on all
Ciacles. the ceiK'ral maiKet closing weak v\ith
u lurpe number unsold. I'aekerH bought
rdiili and common at ? l.lKQ > I.I.'iand Iho be-t
mixed nt t.'rt < BI.-'i ; pi line heavy and shippers
grades , tl.'r1 ! ® ! . : * ) , u fu ut $ l.3.r > i
lipht , > l.ii 4.Ti. !
Nnvv YOIIK. April 10. [ Special Telcsrarn to
Tin : Uin. : ] STOCK" . There v\as the usual
amount of gossip ni the Windsor after lioui >
\tt-t \ nlfilit , but it ull counts for nothing in
making " market. continued to bo
tlie principal clmractorl.stle of the stock mar
ket tills mornini ; and trading in lTnInn I'aellic
vuis the only fenture to dealings. Hven the
unlisted depnrtment , vvhlrh has of late sup
plied some animation to trading , was alinost
entirely neglected. Tiie tone of the maiket
vas tirm. however , and tlit pricesvuiro gen-
i-r.illv a sliado bettor thuii lust iilglit * ! , figures ,
wlilrh was siipnlemented by furtlier sllglit
fiaetloiinlgalnsln 1'iilon I'aelflc. I.iickawanim ,
K'Uthern ' Pacific and MUIIC others. vUilIoMls-
souil i'aelfle. Dregon Traiiscontlnontal and
I hlcago tiusdi-oiiped slightly. Local traders
vii re buyers of union I'aellle , while thejnin-
< ipal si llers viei-e arbitrage dealerx. Tliere
v\us iio otlu-r foatuiv whatever to dcnllng * .
S-tn-h changes as occurred during tlio succeed
ing hour vu le In the way of better prices , but
were sllglit. Kock Island re-
11 vi red fnimUHi to 1C. M. 1'jiul moved unto
It- ' * and Missouri 1'iicllio from Tl'i to .1' , .
Hi tiding gained H and Lackawanna , after
toiielilng lXi 4 , dropped oil to W5 * , .
Trust shares Improved from the 11
oiloi-k figures , with I'hleago Gas up to 4.'A
and siiu'nr at MTlie htr-ong spot In thu lall-
road list was in thu 'Vial ' stocks. The weak
Kpot was In Missouri I'acllie , withothcrGould
( locks easy. Tlicm was some Indication of
weakness iimoni : the holders of stock for an
advance which does not come. Conservative
leader-ssay tin-re must.ln- unloading before
there Is much Improvement. Tim falluie , of
tlie rhlcak'o passcnKci meeting to accomplish
iin.v tiling had a dlscouruKlni ; etiect. The bid
ding ui ) of money to 7 percent also pcipieved
the bulls. The total sales were but K J'iOO
The following were the closing quotations :
t1 T ? ' .NorThfrn 'i'aritlc. TTiOTJ
121. Un preferreit . . . ; ' (
t s 4 * rt'itiilnr c A N. W . Ill
t S 4S > C1IUKI1I I ilu preferred. . JIIW
1'nlln i of W. . llll X. V. iVtural . 107
( cuiral I'tiettlc HI I' . , II .1 i : . SIS
l lileiiL-nA Allnn 1JU ItoiL Ulaml . D1K
l IIK-III.-II UurlliiKtuii A ,1' , . . M A st r . . . . C74
vfulnr ; . . . ilo preterred . . . , U-J * {
li . . . . . ' . . ' . .
I. AV 1'i.Mj M. I'ttul A imi.llni.
lilini.iii ivntru ! Il4it | ( UipieK'rretl.
1 IIW riilim 1'arltle. . . I5 j
han ai. A Trini- P W . M I * & I * . . . . llti
l-nics-liui-p 107Vi ilii rrelerreil . . . . S.J
Miilill-ulK'enlrnl . . K ' Wcntern Union. . . . bllj
MiKH-url I'm-lllr . . , _ . _ < yV
MUM v-Kasy at 4T per rent.
I'liivir : Mrii ( > Tii.r : I'VPKII SitT'i per cent.
Mi.nt.iMi KACIIIMII : Quiet but strongi
r-ixty-day bills , fl.l-J1 , ; ileiiKiiul. $
Mining Stocks.
Nt-w YOIIK , April 10. lSRslal [ Telegram to
Tin : KMThu : ] follow Ing uru the mining stock
( imitations :
t . titit . -juJU ( intarlu
lnltsUihla .MI O.hlr | .VU
I'uullar . ' .
I n A Vn i1 illv M9 IMjuiuuth
t.l Crlrlo no suvuyi-
4 .ulU A Curry . . . . Hi ) Merru Nevada.
Hale A . . . : D6 -ultcrOrci-k . . . ISO
1U& I Ullll'll I t U . . .
J'Jt O It I TK .11.1 U K KTS.
riiiiro , Atirll la iU ; p. in clo c. Wlioat
L.isy , cnslt , fljo ; Mny , ( Cf',11. '
t ui u K sy ; uush , no io : May. 3l' o.
Oats liisy ; oush , Sic ; Uuy. 23',4t l' c ,
. -
Illlllej .
j'Ux steady ; J1.40.
I'rliiu Tluiiitliy-il.
\\hihkv 11.08. *
J'ork Vlrm ranh. llocT'i ' Mny flOW.
l.arJ Mtadt.rash. ( Ali-i Mas Kl MilA. ? ? t.
luur D ail , ucuUn u tou.t mitauctk tit
l.nB Ti'M' " ' IM ro tlitm last w r k
I'r visit , -Shoulder i , * * IJ > W.flO. short clear.
I.1 nr - . hi short nix. IXB.
IIiittcT-I'ull ' : trrun.cry , KWlltk1 ! dnirr. 1WJ
1 >
( hre r "siadyi full rrvam rhcddars. lOtt
10'tr : flftKs lO Klloac : YOUIIR America * , lid
lffjr ! Qult ! f rf h , lOWlOMf.
lllrtc-i-MeBrly : preen No. 1. 4 < r : heavy
and ilzht srrwn tilt d , 4 tft.V" BtMl | bull.
8\r : crtf nailed e lf. THdrv : flint. ttd > c : dry
lt < tl hides , ( Vrj dry culf , Sftflcj deacons Aw
Tiillow "tenrtyt N'o. I solid packed ,
No. 2 , ! l'tc ; enke , 4c.
Ilerelpt . Phlprn't * .
I lotrr . K.IMO iT.OiK )
\Vhent . 1(1. ( ( W
t'orn . .SW.ciiM 4' i.XW (
Uafj . lli.WO 'J3T.OOO
NKW YoitK , April in. Wheat
l.'UKO busln-N ; export * . 4.VUHO 1 > u tiel : spot
unsettled ; No. S red. W'ifffc-OVc ' In elevator ,
[ M' , < rtlipc nlloht. Ki'tet'IV'- ' - b.- options ,
enily iiHintlis oir. late higher , No. 'J ted , April ,
elosing ui MtV-
Torn IteeelplM. 102roObushcls : exports , llfi.-
( iO btisliels ; spot elosyil weaker ; No. i It- -'fio
In elevator. yi O'fe alloat : ungraded ml.ved ,
'ft\fl4li : : options elo ed weak. April atas'.r.
Oats-Itecelpts. 4I.WH ) bushels ; exports ( sVcOO
bushels ; spot easier ; No. 2 while. , 'C. " iiiVrk' ;
mixed Wfslern. s'fttlc ; wlilto wustein. X'ii
yT'sf. options weaker , April closing ut ! ii'c.
Coffee ( iptloni closed iinphanged to.1 points
up..sales. . . . 'r/Jbas . Mnv. { IT..V5J17.G5 ! spot
Itlo sti-iidv | fair , cargoes , 1.M..VI.
Mignr Haw. firmer ; eontrifugal , M test ,
61 3- Sir : refined steady.
I'elroic'um I'nlled elcxed for May at & 0c. !
Kgg rirmer ; western. ISe.
I'oikrirrn : lieu rues * . ( II. T'i&l2 'i.
l.artl stronger ; western steam , li-"ilji ! May ,
} ' ! . . " ! .
llutter rnsy : western dairy , Q.l"c ; cream
er v. lOTrM-e : Klpln. l ' , ff.1)c.
1'lieese1'iiin ; we.slern. lU'i'SlOyc ' ' ,
i-T. I.oriApril -Wheat Lower ; c.ish ,
He : May. W.e.
I'urti rirrn : eash. SsSo ; Mny , 2
( lats-Illghei ; ; May , -c.
I'ork-Hlpher al 10.s.V
1aid--fctrong at ii.r ! > Sfi.OO.
Whisky -leady at tlM.
lltitUT yiilel ; ereamer } ' , ITftlSc ; dairy ,
Wi l.V.
Mrt.vvu'KKE , Apill 10. Wheat Unsettled ;
No. L' spi In ? , i ash. TT ! ? sc.
Com riitu ; No.3 , Jllp.
Uats-rii-m No. ' . ' white .
- : . , 2.1B23C.
Hye-Illghei ; No. 1.4rK- .
II a rl ey I ' n so 1 1 1 ed ; No. 2. . " 2r ,
Provisions- Higher ; pork. flO.sO.
MiNXKU-OM" . April in. Wheat Sample
dull : Itecelpts , li ; ears : shipments 40 ears.
Closing limitations : No.l hard , April nnd May.
f.'e : on track. x.e : No. 1 northern , April
nnd May. Mr : on track. al'JIJSie ; No. J north
ern , April and May.Tsc ; on track , iSSTj'jc.
CI.NCIN.NATI , April 10 Wheat riim ; No. 2
red. S'k' .
Cum-Slrongj No. 2rnl\ed. M1 jffi'l'e ,
Oats--ti-ong : No. 2 mixed , 2ttti ! < i-'Ti4c.
KANSAS CITV. April 10. Wheat Stronger ;
No. ' . , haid. cash and April , ( iT'Jc ; No. 2 , red ,
TTJ'ji' .
C'om-Htronser ; No. 2 , cash , 25'jC.
O.ils No. ' 'casii.'JItc.
Livini'Hi. : April 10. Wheat -I'inn : dcinann
IKKII : holdeis oiler sparingly : red western ,
n Inter , tls lid per cental.
Coin-Meady. demand fair ; new ml.\cd
western , Js U'4d jer cental.
t : siocic.
CniCAP.o. April 10. Cattle nocelpts. I2.rn0 :
beeves. J4. i > 7 . .l.bteers ; , J.-I.OOS4.S : ) ; Mockers
and feedi-r . S-.Wif.'l.'K ) ; Texan * . . ' . : .K&1.TO.
Hogs Hecelpts. 21.1X10 ; market XjlUc lower ;
mixed. M.ava.t.'JO ; heavy , "H.WiH.i.'i : ; light , * 4.00
® 4JW ; skips. J.l.MUI.oa.
s'hecp-liocolpts. 11.000 ; market lower ; na-
nlves. { I.M3.C 15 ; wcatern , corn-fed , $4.Wiij.7j ;
lambs. } : , .1lr ? , i.T.1.
K\.NS\S CITV. April 10. Cattle Itecelpts ,
3.100 ; shipments. : t.fiK ( ) : market stiong and
iictivjp ; steer81.40 .1.73 : cows , $ l.7ifi.3.40 ;
stockeisand feeders. t'.iffi&AQ.
llogs-H.-ceipts , 4sou ; shipments. 2,1100 ; mar
ket lower : all guides. 5.'AKU7'- | ' .
sheep Itecelpts1. 400 ; .shipments. I.ISOO ; mar
ket , active and steady ; goixl to choice lambs
and muttons U.'iYn AO ; stockeis und feed
ers , J.l.oiKji.1.- , .
ST. Lot-is. Apill 10.-Cattle-Itecelpts , 1..VW ;
shipments. 1.-MO ; strong ; tairto fancy natlvo
steers , M-WiLiM ; stockers and feeders , ft.- > 3
; i.'i
Hogs Iteceipts. 4.MO ; shlpmoiits , 3.SOO ;
lower ; lieiny. * 4.20Zf,4.27'jfi packing , 4.102 ,
4iM ; light , W0.-iai.15.
f-ioL'-X CIT > . la. . Apill 10.-Cattle Iteceipts ,
1.1TO ; sliiiimrrits , Vl ) ; active.
Hogs Itecelpts. 2/-JO ; opened .steady , closed
'c lower ; H0o4.17. ;
Thursday , April 10.
J > tmatod ! receipts of cattle 2.100. compated
with 2U'W jcsteidav and \\va \ \ last Thursday.
Tliemaiki'i opened lower from.i shade to 3c on
light weight steers and from ! > c to lUcon lieavv ,
al which prices the market ruled active till
uftei midday. Quite a number of sales were
made eailj on the lower maiket. Unilngtlie
midday hours the market became listless and
slow , with a sagging tendency. Most of tliu
sellers it-poll the close of the market stronger
and In t-omo cases almost up to yesterday' *
llgiilos. with tlie general market within a
shade its loss , lu ! > ers on the contrary main
tain that they bought during tlie day fully lOo
lower than Ji's1oiday' prices and that some
of their best purchases were made late In the
day. One ol the laigest sellers i-eporl his
safes all Him oi-simnger. The market may bo
limited with a few sales at tinner or strong
prices , with nearly all sales from a shade to
10i-lo\\ei than yesterday ami a few sales as
much as i.v lowi r. closing active with every
thing sold and a better feeling. The best lot
of tit-cry sold at H.S. : ) compared with } -l 40yes-
terday. The bulk of the saleweie at and
above $ l.sO. About fifteen ear loads of
cows were on tlie maikot. all changing hands
eailvon an active market , the bc t grades
pusslhlj holding their own wit li jestcrdiiy's
juices and the ies-j desirable arc shaded oil
and carefully culled. The supply of feeders
was liberal and the demand fully equal to tin :
tt-rrlpts. feeders selling at KUii , tlio hiirliest
pilce reached th s j ear. The recelpt.s of bulls
were liberal nnil the market was iictivuat un-
cljanged prices. Moio e.ilvea v\oro received
than on any previous day for several weeks ,
with the m.irkel active at steady prices.
Hoys' .
Estimated ircciptsof hogs'dOO , compared
wlthXK * vestei-iliij nnd Il.Ills last Thursday.
The maiket opened a nielel ; lower and re
mand steadv and modeiately aulivo till all
were sold liefoie midday. Thu average pi leu
of hogs was } 4.op ; < . compared with { J.Os'j
jesterday and tl.Ol'j last Thursday.
I'rcvailinjj IVIccs.
The following Is-a table of prices paid in
this kel for the guides of slock mentioned :
I'rlme steei-s. i : K ) to K/H Id- W.OO QH.W
( food steers. UVJ to HHS'S IJ.fir. 0.1.40
tiood steei-s , 1(15)10 ( ) i : J Itn 'I..T ) © l.uT <
Common 1K ( > 0 to 115J tt > steers 2.)3 ) fG\JK \ >
Common cjinneis 1.00 ft2.iO (
liidlnaiy to fair cows 1.GD fl"ti ;
1'alr to good cows Ufl ( t .4 >
( iotid tocholce cows 2.2) ) 4j 'l.iO
Choice to fa lie j cows 2.S. } ftl..Vi
Tair to good bulls 1.75 ( fc2.ti5
Cluilce to fancy bulls 2.T.O WIM
Light stiK-ken , and feeders 2.M ® 'l.25
Peeder-s ! ivr tolKUSis " . (13 ( ft'na
I'ulr to choleo light liogs 4.03 ,
1'alr to choice lieavv hogs 4.0Jliiit.07't )
Puir to choice nil\cd hos 3.W il,03
Cornpnrntlvo Titlilei.
Tlio following tables show the range In
prices on hogs during tills and last week :
n til" I'rlcci HORI.
The followlni ; table/ shows the range of prices
paid for hogs :
Light and medium hogs . $4.00 QI.05
Hood to choice mixed . al CJJ.OS
Uood to eiiolce heavy hogs . 4.0Jl,4il.OT'i
Avornso Cost of
Tlie following table glv 04 tliu average cost
of hogs on the dates mentioned , Including the
cost today , as based upon sales reported :
Hate. 1'ilce. Dalo. I'rlce.
April 1 . S-l O7'j April 7 . 413
Apill 3 . M ft' . ' * April S . 413
April a . 4 01 > 4 April 0 . 4 ( JsS
April 4 . 4 KS'J April 10 . 4 03s *
April 5 4 io ,
nnil l < u\vcM Sales of Hos ,
Today VesttrJay
Highest N O7'i Highest . . . . .M12. '
Lowest 310 Lowest . U 73
Stock llciM-lpts.
Ofliclal YeiteidavIStlniatiHl Toilav
Cattlf. . . W cars sum r.-ttle 104 cars i'joo '
Hogs. 4-can > ais | ( Hogs . . 4s cars. IWOO
fclaep . . . 1 can , 4 7 Mieep , . . i can. JSO
' ' * l'rlrn il"
Avi'i'itui HoK1.
Pliov > Ing tliB average prlco paid for loads of
hoes cm the da ) a IndluutiHl la ! ? . IMS , l a-und
45W : i
Do ; . Aj.rll' . * | April' , April e *
4 HI
' ' " tf
c. ! . ! ! . fcunJui
4 13 48T
4 U StiDdaJ-
sa * 4 W
10 & 0&
Disposition ol * Stook ,
Showing tlio number of cuttle , ho s and
kheep bought by the pucker ! and leading buy-
uy'i tuurkeu
b .U i Oo W-
fir-urge I ? Hun.ti < md A to 20 *
The Am oiir-i i.dahy l'aikiis ctn. . paiiy 2ti
Lee llotWhlld . . . ZS
Ill'lltOII A I'lllll MMHKl ! > 7
Shipper * ninl feedirs . 521
HeckerX Kgan . . . . . 74
,1 HIoil Ixibmtilii . ltd
CrpuoA. Vaiis'ant . * 1
The Annour-Pudnliy I'at'klnsCo . USB
Oirfnhu l'neklll ! ! Co , . 0.3UT
Swift . ' . - Co . SM
( corse II. llantmond Co . 4 *
J. I' . , < qulres , V t'o . , . . , . & !
Ilicsywtenlay \erncwl 347 Jummls and OK
to the ear.
Swift A. Co
Kcjti'ct-cnlallvc Kales- .
Market Mention.
Itltner Tiios. of Madison marketed cattle.
Charles Benson brought Inhojrs from Centra
W. ! ' . Hogeboom of IM I'latte , brought In
I ) . A. Tlclvalasl.y brought In hog = from Ver
\V. II. NcIT marketed cattlu from Audubon -
bon , la.
The rarmei * ' union of Louials sent In a ear
of ho- ; ; .
Geoi gn Dlxson brought In cattlu from Mnl-
vern , la.
J. A.Damcson Ill-ought In a car of cat tic from
P. 11. 1'arU of llaneroft came In with four
loads of cattle.
Karl Ivor ih of 1'lerco was hero looking after
two ear a of cattle.
lav ison .V Mastic of AInsworth , well known
dealers , sent In hogs.
Edward C.illcly uas on the mail.ct with
cattle from Klkhorn.
George Dlxon of Malvern , la. , brousht In a
consignment of cattle.
The Standard cattle company of Ames mar
keted four cars of cows.
A. I , . Ilurr of Stanlon was on the market
with tluec cars of cattle.
M. Itlder , of K'.ser ' ft Itldvr , Oamc In from
Dunbai with a cur of cattle.
T. Itockafellowof Kandolph , la. , was among
the shlppeis hcie with oallle.
II. U. Mlti-lic.ll of > ] oane. la. , brtiught In two
pars of cattle from Coleridge.
Ilnoper was rcpre = entml by II. AVarner , who
was In with two cars of cattle.
Alexander Miller of Miller & Co. , IlratUhaw ,
biiiughl In three cai-s of cattle.
WiKxlhead llr-othersof One and Shock & Otis
of lllue Spilngs niaikcted ho s.
laveiiMiil ) | was repie-ented by \ . M , Miller ,
who \vus lieie with a cat ot hog- .
Ih.'iny Hammer , the le , tiling shipper of Mln-
eola , la. , was on hand with hogs.
( i. A. Dove , u regular patron of this market ,
sent In a car of hogs from Abbott.
I ) . J. I'eed and A.t'riilck-hank. regular shipper
per- , were In from Crete- with cattle.
Tpland was n-pic-ented by 1) . DetrlcU , who
was on the market with a cat of hogs.
11. 1'ord of the Him of I'ord & Norwood , Mayweed -
wood , washoru with two oars of cattle.
Anderson & Johnson of Oakland mar ketcd a
cut of cattle , as did AI.hav \Vuverjy. .
It. ,1. Morris , a prominent shipper to tills mar
ket , sent In tuocurcof cuttle limn Western.
\V. T. liar-stow. Burucll. and I' . M. Ilufllngton
& Co. of Ulcnwoodt la. , contributed a car of
W. II. Hyatt of the Aigus Leader. 5lor i
. - . U. , was thu guest of friends at tlie
\V. llensel of West I'olnt addctl a car of eut-
tlc to the receipts and uatt.u alou ; to look after
\V. K Walton of the Wolbaeh lumber and
grain company , A\ulbavh , Nob. , caruu in with
a car of hogs.
M. Shea , a Lancaster county farmer and
feeder , was In from \Vti\urlj uth | a shipment
of his own feeding.
1' . M. Young nut In an appearance from
with a car of fat uov.s. which sold
at satisfactory prices.
( icorgo Vamos , a regular Inwa patron of
this market , was 011 with tno loads of
blcers that -old for-tv.
Wllllum Ort-ek. one of Nebra ka's rcpt < > -
seritativc cattle men , was t tlio vards with
the cars of cattlu shlpm-d frum 1'Iervc.
Mr Chapman of the lirm of Chapmun A
Str-ong , I'vatistiin. Wyo. . wu here looking for
butchers' bin II to ship tuhvunston to slaugh
Among tho-o who marketed 4-cont cattle
were M. C. HeerlHiwer. Itelgrade. with sixteen
head averaging 1205 ut Jt tw ; W. 1' . Thompson.
Dotvlic-ter. eighty-two head head averaging
1217 at M. ( i ; JarncsCarr. Lexington , forty-ouo
head averaging 12JI ut M.U5 ; David s-lmrnrr-
tiiun. Denl-on. la. , sixteen head averaging 12T.O
ut N.1U ; Duvls.S : Cunnlnglium. Mulxern. la. ,
iilneleen. averaging 12ut | t4.2fi ; J. ( i. Cell ,
l.joris tliirty-slv heud u\ciuglng 1410 ul f4.u ; ,
und ( iiHxInln A Dudley of ouncil Hlulfs nlth
thirteen huad aver i/lni , ' I4 5ut tl.4U.
' '
Et.fiK-Slrlc Hy fr sh t&4 > , * . ; cold storage ,
puklcd. Ian til , tailed uc4 > iuu < i at au >
pr.i l |
I'ULLTUV I .ttiji , , fuc y cry
pn.Vfrii 1 ? " Mo t'.rKcy ' * . ifri lj erHi ! ki hi k-
eti . fancy. ll > l.v. ' 'In. IKI * , < hulcr IVMOC.
chicken * live d ' / fliKi . i * . , gr > tc drroed.
fancy KWIIe gee e , dres ril. eholce fWIOi
cecsp. live. doKU 'K ( . ducks- , dressed
fancy , lie ; duck tliulru I'MOc : duck * , live ,
dor 'f2.V i > W. pigeons. itlir.fl.OYf'l .
( i oiK-.liiok unlpe. II.IKru.ffi ; golden plover.
! l. ( ai.2S : iiiullnrd rtuel ; . $3.0112.25 ; rnnvits-
Irnrk rtiu-k * . J4.H > S .VliO ; red-bend dtu-ks.dof. .
! 1.5 n.75 : teal duck * , dor. . -a1.25 ; mixed
duck * , dor. . .VWftil.K ) ! gtieM1. L'anatla , tiJfJfr
2 . ( n- get1. m:4ll. : il.tKwJ ti.
Mu-r.nM'Oui-rcr It ) . 114912'.c. '
t'ltrJMB 1'orlli. fullcrrnnioiuii Amerli'a.
lI'M't fullcrenru tnln . _ lojr ; ; full cremu Ohio
s | , , p : , ; ( nil ereHiu > > l f" > ir sln Swiss. 14fllOc ;
full cream hrlck , 13ci fijj ) , eream llmburger
" " '
HO.SK'V 15210C per lit : sU/iined.Oe ,
Oil \ .NOK1'cr IHIV. lliilldii brlglilo , M.73 ;
Messina. J325 : I'allfornla 'f.incv ' naVHN. Vitui ;
lx > s Angeles. IJ.75i seedllnss Hfversldc. SI.2.Vi
35(1 ( ; mountain. ? J.W : In five-box lots 2.V per
bet le .
. . .
Citinu-l'erbbl. rpflncd. MM ; half bbl. fVO ;
hard elder , pine , per bhl , fi.OO : orance elder ,
hulf bbl . t'.W : pear elder , half bbls , J7.00.
Mi.Mr. Mt.AT .Vjoc tier Ih.
I.uvioss I'rr IHIV. Messina fancy , J 1.09 SI..V ) ;
Verdelll , goiwl. t.'lW.
IU.NANAS-IVI bueh. tl.XV32..V ( ) . Croaiueiy , fancy r\ilN , urlnt * . 2IR
25c : creamery , fancy. , solid packed. 22323e :
creamery. cliolcltS2'c ( : dairy , fancy rolls
HOXE iQuolatlons are for delivery In Chi-
cagot. Dry buffalo , per ton. Slfl.iWffts.O'.i ' : drv
counlry , bleirched. flO.Wai l.OOj dry country ,
damp and meaty. J . ( aiOW.
Vr.nETlil.i.ji-Old t-ttfet potatoes , fancy
Muscatlne. per bbl. il.ixl ; oiilons , extra fancj.
f4V ) : onions , fall. * J.Vi ; rutabagas. J..OO ; cai-
rot2.tiO : p.irntpJ2.50 : heet . I . ' .OH ; hor-e
radish roots , pel bbl. J4.VJ ; per Ib. 7c : celeiy
roots- , per bbl. H.K ( ) : celery mots , per doz , ( 'i"o.
I'liESKiivo-tva.-- Ib.
.Iri.ttrs--34rt4e : ( per 111.
lliii : < sii : ) Vi : i. Choluu taodiurn , 7So ; light ,
V ( fi < ' ; heavv. a@4 ( * .
AlTI.Ks-l'er bbl. Ge-iitons. $1.01 ; Willow-
Twig. M.5J ; Hen DavU , il.5.i ; Komaiilte , $4.53.
Ll.v-snKti On.We. .
I'OCOAMTIVr bundled. J4.75.
I'ICKI.KS Medium , per bbl. $5.V ) ; nnll , t(1.50 ( ;
gherkins , $7.50 ; C. & II. chow chow , qts , J5.15 ;
pt- . l.n. :
I'nTATni : * Pet bu , fancy. 3V ; choice. 2.VT ; iilc.
I'lSlt 1'rcsh frozen white trout , plko and
pickerel , pf r Ib. 7c ; sturgeon. 7c.
111111:4. : IT.I.TS AXD Tvi.t.ow Oreen alti"l
hide4'fpjdry salted \ ih5T \ } | - ; dry Hint
hlde-7e ; calf lildc.V. . llamaged hide2 < -
less. Plnep pelts , gieeli each , 2.V" > jl.25 ; sheeji
pelts , drv. i > cr IK OL'.UC ; tallow. No. 1 , a'ftf4c ;
No. 2.314(3)1ic ( ; gicase , white , 3" . . < alc ; yellow
2lt'ff-k\ '
llr.A.NS Hand picked navy. l..V > gl.nn ; hand
picked navy , medium. tMOiM.V ) ; hand picked
country. $ iw'j.l.40 : good clean. $1 0S1M :
Ari > l.E Ilt'TTEll Per Ib. Gf { 7c.
Groceries- .
Dntnn rnriT Currant- , new , c cvfi ' .c :
prunes , caskI.'IOO Hjs. ( Kpi ; unes , "bbl-'oi
bagO'sc : citron peel , diiims20 fts , 22c ;
Icrnon peel , drums. 1-c ; fasd date- , boxes , 12
lb < . lie ; apricots , choice evaporated. IV ; apricot
cotjellv cuied. 25 . boxes. IBc ; aprlcol * .
fancy. 2" . ft boxes. IRc : apple- , choice uviipor-
ated.lkapples ; , prime nen. b'.c ' ; ( Iglajer ,
10 percent tare , 13'ic ; In sacks7c ; l'cr > lan
dates. 7c ; ? alt Lake apple5e ; blackbeirlc- .
cvaporated.fOE ) bovcs 5V : chcrrle , jltted.
dry cured , 13c ; peache- , pared , fancy.
l > e : choice , tfio ; Salt Lake. 7e ; pitted plums ,
Cal. . 25 Ib boxes. t > 40.t > 'jc ; raspberries , ova p. ,
N. Y. , new , 2S4P ; prunes. IS. C. 00-70. naflijc :
orange peel. l.V ; raisins. California London
crop ivw , J2JU ; Cal. loo-o muscatels , crop 18S ! > .
S2.I ; Valenclas. IssValuriclas : , new ,
h4c ; Cal. seedless sks. . 7'jc ; Onduralajer ,
no , 10'c ; dried grapes , 45je ; pruncllcs. new.
CAXXCD Gootis-rrnlts. California standard
brands. 2'ic-lb ' , pei doz Apricots , l ttti. ! S5 ;
apricots. pe | fi ult , $1.50 ; gallons. W.VJ ; black
berries , S2.25 : cherries black. S2.KN&.2.25 ; chei-
ilcs. white. W.2.VJ12.M : grupit. , $ l.(151tl.sO ( ; pear- ,
Itartlett. t2.1HiU. > ; peaclies , yellow , ti.10ij2.25 ;
licaclies. lemon cling. K.40. jilmnegg. . tl.CS'ifi
l.M ) ; plums , golden drops. fl.sO : plurn- . green
Bagf- , $ Lfl5""M.sOj peaelie- , with pitsIn. . $1.00 ;
cm rants , ft.25 : gt > o-cben ie12.20 ; ( julnees.
$2.10 ! raspberries. ? 2.W ; strawberrlc$2.4(1 ( ;
peache.11 b eastern slumlords. H.sft ; 3-lh pie.
$1.10 ; 0-lb pie. ? 2.I5 ( ; gallon pic , JI.OJ ; apliie- .
liigh standards. $ . ' . ( | i | ; 2-lb gooseberries. IMc ;
2-lb straw her rleln ; IlC > e ; 2-lb ra-pbeirle- ,
JI.OO ; 2-lb blneberrles. sio/Urtp ; 2-lb blackber-
neV.TrT.V ( ; 2lbt raw bin ( ;
2-lb raspberries , preserved. Jl.sll ; 2-lb blaek-
berrleprvMrnd. . ? 1.20 ; pineappleItaliama
chopped. W..W ; 2-1 ! ) Italixrnu grated. 82.75 ; 2-lb ; 2-lb standard sliced , il.25
ftil.5'i : elicrrlc2lb red. Ifaltlmore. KVulKic ;
] ) eai2lb. . $ l.w. :
VKOKTAIII.U- . Tomatoes 3 lt > extra , $1.00 : 3
pi standard western brands. 00 < JC > ; gallon- .
strictly -taiuljiid. $ , ' . ' . * . ) . Coin 1 ine-t grown.
J1.CO ; gilt-cdpcd sugar com. very fine. $1.50 ;
choice 2 S > sugar corn , $1.2 < l ; 2 Ib extra we-tern
niandATf ( Jl.0 : 2 K ) .standard we- tern brands.
fj > 'tic ; ( , Mu-liroons-1 E > rrcnch , extra line. 2.
< CC2'.c : 1 1. rrench. tine. IsJtX'e : 1 tb rrench. or-
dlnatv ' . KV5.1M' . 1'ciifTics , line , per can. 25c ;
dernl'll'ie , per ciui , Id : 2 It ) , sifted , $1.00 ; 2 i
cnrl > June. } ! . ; , 2 8 > Mniron , standard
brand , 41. 10 ; 2 -oaked. . 57c. Mr-ing Hean 2
& high crude. Itefusee. ( . " * ; 2 IB Golden wax
bca us , 7.V : 2 Ib string beans. 70e. Lima Deans
2 Hi soaked. 7.V. llo-ton Hakeu Ile.ins : i Ib
LewiJl.d'i ; crown brand. $1.50. sweet I'ota-
toes : i Hi New Jet-ey. JI.Kl. rumpkln 'i Di new
pumpkin. 41. ( W. Okiu and tomatoetl.W ;
okia , tl.lioueeotash ; , $1.20.
I'l-it Codfish , extra Cieotges , new. "i'.c ' :
giand bank. new. 434cilver. : . -2-11) block- .
( i'tcnow ; white. 2 Ibbiicks , new , Se ; Turkey
cod , large middlelirlck - . bUc ; snow while
ciate125 Ib. box vs. 7V- : Iceland hallliut. lie- ;
medium sealed herring. 25c ; No. 1 scaled her -
ling. 22e ; domestic Holland herring , 55c ,
lls.mbuigjilced herring. J1..MI ; Kns-lan ui-
dlnes. 7fte ; Ituslnnardlnes , plulri , 55c ; Im-
poitcd Holland her r Inc. Crown brand , & 0c ; do
fane * milkers , oie ; mackerel , No. -bore , half
hbls. $13.00 ; liloatei > , half bbls , fipi.oo ; whltc-
ii-li , lialf bbls , fT.OO : troiit. hah' libK..MI ] :
family wliitetlsh. jfj.00 ; hulrnon , $ .M ; I Ib
mackerel then-ins ) . $ l.KKT' ( ( ; 1 Ibflniu.n liad-
dles , J1.75 ; 1 Ib lobsters l2.1.Vjg.2r. ! ! ; 1 Ib Alaska
salmon. Aleut , 11.00 ; 2 Ib oysters , 10 oz , J'J5 | ;
lib ov.terftoz. . $1.15 ; 2 Ib select , 12 oz , S2JI5 :
1 Ib clams , little necks $1.25 ; 2 Ib clam- , little
necks. t-.oO ; ' > Ib sardines Imported , per cusp ,
KKN , $ H.Kiftl0.oO ( ; V Ib. sardines , Imported , per
cu-e , 1W- . * J5.UOJ ( ; ' ? lblmpotcd boneless
s-irdlncs , 26c ; 'i Ib sardines , American , pur
ItKK , Trench -tyle , H.Vi'fr.'i.oo ; 4 Ih sardines
American , per case , 100s , rrench style. J7..M4P
s.oo : ' < Ib sardines , must , ml. per ca-c , M- ,
JJ.7.V2-I.OO : Imiioiled Key aidines. 13.00.
SiniA 1'kgs. till Ibs to box. 5Vy-54c.
NLTS - . Iftilliazlls ; lie ; rilbcrl- .
12'sc ; pecan- , lie ; walnuts 12'sc ; ) ieaiiut
cooks , M1 ; loasted. lie ; TcniR 'eo peanuts , 7c.
iCJio'eiPer ) Ib llor \ , 12c ; cop-
jx'ra2'c ; llriy loaves 14c ; glue. KM.oporn ;
wilts 4ofKlanbi'ralts , 3c ; sulphur. 2V ; l > lue
vltrxil. IKriluru ; , 4c ; turtarlc ueiu , 42c ; ro-ln.
2c ; saltpeter , absolutely pure. . lOc ; gtlm cam--
phor. 2 Ibs in liov , 1 m cakc > . 'Etc ; hops , " ; uid
4 Ib ] > aclages 2iic : sage. 4 and ' - Ib package- ,
15c ; maddei. l.kindlco. ; . 3 Ib and 5 Ib boxes. - .
1' . , ( lVii70c ; indigo. 3 Ib and 5 Ib boxes. Madras ,
75c ; sealing wax. 25 Ib boxes , red , 34c ; sealing
wax. 25 Ib boxes , white , 4c.
CAS.vct ) MI. TI 1 Hi lunch tongue , $2.00 : 2 Ib
lunch tongue , 41 75 ; lib corned beef , $1.20 ; 2
Hi coined beef. J2.U5 ; ( i it ) coined beef , $ ( i..VJ ; 14
Ib corned 1'cef. $14.Ki ( ; 2 Ib boneless pigs fec-t ,
f..2v ) ; 1 IbKtiglisti llrawn. $ l.2ii ; 2 Ih Jlngllsh
brawn , 42.05 : Olb r.iiL'Iish lliawn , M-fto : l Ib
eompie-scd hum. JI.75 ; 2 Ib compics-cd ham ,
$ . ' .75 ; 1 11) chipped beef. * 2.W.
MMi-t. Cast lie. mottled , per Ib. b 210e ; do
wliite , per II ) . 12c.
ItltooM' i'arloi,4 lie. $2.75 : 3tle , $2.25 ; sta
bles. $2.s5 : common , $ l Vxif 1.75.
CoaiA-4 Ib tin. 40c per Ib.
Ciiorui.ATi : 22S35c per Ib ; German chicory ,
red , 64e.
.SAI.-OIU Hbls , l 3-M granulated , If c ; kegs ,
-Cut loaf. "Sc ; cut loaf culics , 7'sc ;
standard , jiowdeied. TV1 , \ \ \ \ , powdeicd.
M1 ; granulated , standard , ( i'iG.lii ( ? > ; confectlon-
eis , A , O'jc ; white e.\tra , C' , U1 ; extra I' , Noli ,
fi'ic ; amber , 5V.
L'OFIEK lioastcd Arbuckle'j. Arlosa , 25tc ;
.Mcl.aughllir.S5Sc ; ( Jermaii , 25'c ' ;
Dllvtottn , 2.Vc ; AliiuimA,25 , c ; bulk , 21'4e.
fouKU lireen-rancy old golden ! | , 2.V ;
fairt-y old pcabeiry , 25c ; } | Ky , eholco to fancy.
2)c ; Kio , pilme - lriKlo. : . good , 22c ; Moclia ,
Sk1 ; Java , genuine , t ) . G , 2sci Java , gmid In-
tirloi,2lc : African , 22C. '
Itopr Hasis " .Manilla loc | , l.V ; sisal rope ,
1UV * ! cotton rope , Ilk- ; new process , sifo.
COTTON Twrxt. llllb\sry ) line , 3 or 4 lib ,
22c : tine2i ) < - : Daisy , IN.tandlo wick , 22c ,
Di.tvt'.s guuits , peruojvJ.75 ; jilnts , per do * ,
J2.25 ; bulk , per gal , UV. ,
VixwjAit-30 gr. cider , Sc ; good , 12c ; white ,
wine , l.V.
STOVE roi.tsii-J2.n.ia5.t7 ( per gi-ow.
lUfis-Am. , per 1W , } 17.IH | l.ew ton , per 100 ,
Mm.vpsis-Ilbli : , , N. O.ifaiicy. nor pal. f VB >
Sir ; cholci1 , 45u47c ; iriMjd.U'ViUt'ot Cuba baking ,
isj-tKlOc ; black hirap,2i i22c.
\VIMITINO l'ArKi--strim'- ( jier Ib , I'j 'n1 ;
rnc2ltc ; munllla , II. Mi Up ; No.l , 7c.
IHts rnlon > ( iuare. ; iSr. ] > ercent off list.
.sM.T-Dalry. 2sulbsnlihl. | bulk. 12.10 ; best
giadc , (50 ( , Ss. h' . : i ; be t crude , lee , 3s , W.40 : best
grade , 2' . 10s , } 2.2i ) ; rock bait , crushed , Jl.sO ;
common , bids , $1.25
rAlll.NAi'Eors ( Joolis Ilarley , 3'4ff-4c ? ; farlnl ,
.V ; pcab. Ik1 ; oatiiiial. l > 4 < &ac ; macaroni. lOc ;
vermicelli. Ilk1 ; ilec. 4fiGV : bago and taplot-a.
ftl/Tej lima beans. Oi- .
-Kerosene 1'V. . . Iflo : W. W. . 12'4e :
headlight , He ; gasoline , 12c ; sulud oil , flWil ,
tUUpcr ( in/- .
MliVT.s- Hams , No. 1 , lOtt- . average , O'.e ; 20 to
22 His. c > 4e : 12 to 14 His. UK. . ; shoulders , ( ic ;
breakfast bac < m. No. 1 .v ; ham suusage , Si1 ;
diled bi'ef hams , C ! ft7j ; e ; beef tongues , VMt
pi-rdoz ; dry * alt meiUh , 'i &ti c per Ib ; ham
roulette , O'ic ; bonelc-ss hum , 7'tc ; picnic hum ,
i'nixTF-Marilia Wushlngton , fie ; Amerleaii.
C'4c Ainold , 0'4P ! Arnold It. long cloth , lOc ; ,
Amorlcan. Idtlfil : A. Viv Amarm A. ISo : I
Merrlmack S.IOiold ; ( Leaf. lOc ; Hold Ticket , i
lOc ; Hamilton. iV : Alley 1'lnU. < ! ' - , < : Allen
t'hambruy. Uiloucester. ; . 5V ! l ldystone.
64c : AMlMlsur. CV1 : llHiiiHton , 0V ; Meel I
lilver. & ; Iturnapo. 4'tc ' ; St. J.eger. 5'c ; Jlar- '
tlia Wakhlngtoti. 4V4 , ; Allen 5c ; MerrimacU.
f > ' 1'uuiiiuln. ; . C'jc , ifurncr , tc , t refltld. ' < ; >
lll-llill b' i
MIIIITINO tllUlks Iitln. lf | 5-i Inll.ri-
be XX , t 11 , Cruwftrd , fc , ui .s , e , , L-uii-
mi r . - . l'arl > hn'X IV talcdutuaX 0 i.
I .ifedonl.i X X K ) . ' .' outlet. 7 icWhltletlton. .
7VstnterSt Amoskeae. tripc . t i- , Arne -
keag. plaids , li'.e : r-n Island. lnH < kfuld.
H4c. M'a l li > iHKikfohl. 12 tc : Kdlnburc. Po.
THKlNC.s-.Oakliind. A.C' ' c , Oakland. O. 7c :
Aliioskeasr. At A. IH'ic ; llerwlck , bookfold
sateen , 1-c : Hannah. Invikfold snteen , 14o :
WHrn'ti. lKHl fold ateen. IrtiNorwood ; , book-
fold Mitecn. 114o ; l'onll < No. f > , l'4c ' ; Ikittll *
No. 4. 104c ; CordK ACT . 134e ; CordK K 1'
fane ) . - ' , , - : CordN 120 fnncv. l > 4i % .
I'orro.s \ tiiVork : Nankin. 104c : Everett.
fo/ , | sc ; Klgln. s or. IsI'lat ; Itook , S oz ,
| sc : l.o l ton , 10 oS84c ! Worklngman's.
14c : Tradesman's , 14c ; l'otk orpw Cashruero
ltu\ lllevens' 11. 10 In. S'4c : Ptevpin' I ) , IS" ! Mevens' A. Ifi In. 7c ; Stenens1 1 * . is In ,
7\c ; Stevens' M. l * In. t > 4o : Mevens' N. 20 In ,
"tc : Stevens' NN. 22 In. l 4e ; Stevens' SKT , 20
In. I14c : bleached. Ic extra.
lit.Mvrj-Amoskeag , Hoi. 10'ie ; York. camlet.
12c ; Kverett. staiulaitl. 124c : Andover , 12o :
rotT-ler. II C , 1240 ; Haymaker's 74c : Old
York. AX. 104e : Old York , XXX. I2c :
rvnee. 250. 114c ; Lawrence. 220. 13 < c. Law-
ti'noe , B oz , l.V : fancy stripes and checks , 114c.
llt.oCK Tix-Smiill pip. 2Sc per lb ; bar30o per
CnppKit-I'lanlshpd boiler sire * . 32o perlb :
cold rolled. > ( > per lb ; sheathing 27e per IB ;
pllts and Hats 2Vc per Hi.
U M.VAM7.KI ) SIIUET Ino.v Dlse't WHO per
cent , pat. plan. Iron , Nos24j 27 , A , Id'ici ' II ,
.iSfWl.Ml-Cliareoal , I. C. , x20 , IIS , W.73 ; I.
siiKCTlnox-No.26 , $ .1.75 : No. 27 , M.-5.
TIN Pi.MI.-I. C. , 10x11 , 225 , f7.75 : I. X. , 10.xU ,
225. JO.IKI.
Tl. > Pl.Ti-CoVo-I. : C. . 10x14 , 225 , K.23.
.STKI-.I. Nvii.-t-Ila c , $2.00.
STIKI : , \ Viiu.'NAit.liiisc. . $1.10.
Wlllt : Jap. barb , Sl.i ( ; galv. . 44.20.
Dry C7iiols.
Itiiow.v COTTON Atlantic A. 7'4o : Atlantic
II. 7c ; Atlantic c : Atlantic P. ( V : Aunira
C. 434c ; lluck'Head. . ( , \c ; CaUitV. . G4c : Dar
lington. ( i ic : runners' No. t. 'i.44c ; Atlantlu
I.I , . CK- ; Aurora II , V'tPi Aurora H.C'ip ; Arrow
brand. RlictlasUN ; It , ? 4e ; Chlcasiu A I ! ,
4c : Chce-e cloth. 4c : Clifton IT , 54e : 1'eii-
lictell IS , n e : l'epjcrcll K. 40-Inch , 7Ue ; Lang-
non O It. ' .k1 ; Cast Iron. 7'4e.
. . . llerkeley cambric No.
( V ) . Ik1 ! Host Yvt. fi C ; lllacl.stone A A. 734c :
butler chilli XX. 4'c ; Ciibot. T'Jc : Dwlght
A in-hot , Ik- : Dlumond . shrunk , 1140 ; Kllerton
\VS74c ; Palmer's Choice. C , 4c ; l'lr t Call ,
( .4c ; ritchvllle , 74e ; Trult of the Loom. SV' :
( iolden Wedding. Sc : Hill Semper Idem , "c ;
Harvest , fi e ; Hope. 74c : Housekeeper. s'c ' ;
King I'hllllpcamhilc. Ide : Lansdon O It U4c :
Lousdale. t'tv ; Ixirrsdulo cambric , lOc ; New
York mills , lie.
Popper-oil. 4"ln. . 10c ; 1'eppeiell. ( . 1-e : I'cp-
peiell. 11-1 , 20c : Popper ell. 10-4. 22c : Ilo-ton 5-4.
I2rc ] : Utiston. s-4. 2Uc ; llo-lon , d-4. 224e ; Hos-
ton. 10-4. 2V : I'tlea , 4--ln , l.V : I'llca , .Vs-ln ,
174e : I'tlea , 78-ln. 24c : Utlea. SO-ln. 2tK' ! I'tlc.i.
HO-hi. 2s4c. lileached-l'eplietell. 42-In. 10c ;
I'ciijH'iell. 40-in. lie ; I'eiperell. | 0-4. 144c : I'cp-
perell. 4-20o : Peppei-ell. 0-1. 22c ; Pepper ell ,
JO-4. 2lc ; llo-ton. 5-4 , Ik1 : Iloston. S-4. 22c : Hos-
lon. SI-4.2.V ; lloston. 10-4. 27'-c ; Utlca. b-4 , 24i- ;
Utica. ! l-4. 20c ; ft lea , 10-4 , 2s4c.
l l > oil\vi Amoskeag. t > 4c : Amoskeag.
dtess , S4c ; Hates , ( ! 4c ; Warwick , dress. M.c :
Lancaster. r > 4c : ( jleualie. ( i34c ; Whltenton.
dress , t-4c : York 1'avorlta , dress. h4c : Cal
cutta. dicss , frc ; Noimandle , dress , t-c ; Leices
ter , dress , yo. _
IjlllllllCl- .
Uppers 1'4. 14 and 2 In. ; WsOO ; A select. 1 > 4
and 14 In. . J43.KiII ( : select. l > 4 and 14 In. : f.Tp.OO ;
A slock boards. 12 to 10 ft. , 12 In . Jfi.OO ; II stock
boards. 12 to 10 ft. . 12 In. . $ . ' . ( K ; C stock boards.
12 to IB ft. . 12 In. . U7.03 : I ) stock IxranK 12 to Ifi
ft. . 12 in. . $27.00 ; A bo13 In. and upwards.
Hd.dO ; It box. 1. 1 In and upwards $45.00 : C box.
13 In. and upwards. l-iO ( : A lloorlng. C In. ,
$ . ! 4.iO ( : I ! flooring. 0 in. . S.12.00 ; C lloorlng , G In. .
* 2-.00 ; select fencing. $20.00Idlng. ; . 1st and 2(1
clear. $ - ' ! 00 ; -Idlng , $20.00 : 11 siding. $10 ( Kl ; C
-Idlrig. * r > 00 ; common lioards , f 13.51 ; No. 2
board- , all lengths , f 15 ( O ; fencing. 1st. 12 to 20
feel. Jls.K ( ) ; fencing. No. 2. 12 14. IS and 20 feet.
; 14.rtUjoi-t-and-cantllng.2\4.14 ; tolOft . $15.00 ;
limber , 4vl to.vs. . 12 to 10 feet , 510.00 ; pickets.
Hat , common. $12.00 ; pickets , fancy , head and
dtp pd. selected. IJ2.00 : shingles , choice A to
extra A. $ J..VvTJp2.75 ; shingles , standard. $2.25R
2.40 ; shlncles. cedar , e2.rkij' ' > i.50 ; lath. dry..75. .
SofTin.HN YLLLOVV PI.NB clear. * t-in ceil
ing , Jls.OO : stjir 'ii-lii celling , 5,111.50 ; 1st and 2(1
clear , 2-ln lloorlng. 8.1 ( M : common 4-in lloor
lng. $14.50 ; star l-ln lloorlng. ill'.oO ; clear J4-ln
partition. $22.50 ; clear finish. No. 1. 1'4-ln s2s ,
J-li 00 : clear , con ttgated celling , 4-lu , J2G.OJ.
LIVIL Host. s5c.
Ch I.NT-$1.45.
STIUVV Ilnn ( ) $1.40.
I'HSTElt J2.35.
TAil llii\ltti-1.50.
Itfli.DiNO Hitick Per M. $ S.OO to$9.00. : linn K Per M. W.t to $10.00.
PniSsKi ) ISltiCK Per M. $ lf-.00 to $2il.OO.
1N TKr.MiNTS placed on rccoid duiiii } ;
icstciday :
o 11 and K O llallou to Cmelia Archer.
lots 11 and 12. lilk 3 , Amnier I'lace. il. t NIO
L.I Ilioun and husband to School Dis
trict No. f > . lot 1" . blk Kill , rioience. w (1. 700
ane Latey to A.I Latey , lot 3 , blk-ri2. :
Omaha , w d. . . 25,000
Alice O'Connor and husband to J A
Crclghton , lot 12 , blk 1 , M Donovan's
add , ijcd . . C2
K.I Dee to Alice C'Connor. lot" , blk 1 ,
M Donovan's . o c d . 1
A P Drake , et al. to W.I Hroatcli. lot 10 ,
blk ft. Drake's add. w d . . 1,500
L Selii-oeiiei. trustee , to J U rieenec , lot
10. blk 4. Hi-own Park , w d . fi50
A nton Hies ] and wife to Lena Schneider ,
w 4 lot 14 , blk 2 , Campbells add , w d. . 1.200
I' W Wessels : ind wife to Adrlen Illanch-
ard. s'jlothii and 7. blk 4. Dellone's
add. w d . .
Otto Lobeck and wife to ( Jus Harriett , lot
1 1. blk s. Lincoln Place , w d .
William Madelman and wife to Kva M
Pi ugh , lots 1:1 : and 14 , blk 2 , Wakely's
add , w d . 1..VJO
n H Mrerwood and wife to V H CoiTruan ,
so sw 22. w 4 ne no nw 27. and an Irreg
ular tract In so 27 and ne 34-1G-12 , wd. . 40,000
H H Sherwood and wife to V II ColTman ,
n 4 22-10-12. w d . 20.000
S H 11 Claik , trustee , to M Gabion , lot ft ,
blk l.'Wcst Mile add , wd . 050
M Donnellv to r A Yale.- , lot 4hlk2 , lots
3 and I. lilk 4 , Hillside add No 2. vv d. . . . 23,000
1' Mans- and wife to M OKen , lots 1S and
IH , in addition to blks 1 and IN 2nd add
to Hodford Place , vv d . 2.400
Miruo to same , lot 17 , In same , w d . 1,230
tame to City of Omaha , vv 71 1 34 of n30 ,
ne nw d-15-13 , oc d . , 1
W.I H rout eh anil wife to W H Morand ,
lot 10. blk 5. Drake's add , w d . 0,000
W ( i Mai tin to J . ) Moran , pt lots K and 1' ' ,
blk 1 , Jcttei's 1st add to - > outh Omaha ,
w d . . . 4,000
Twenty transfeis . $120,704
iK Permits.
The following building permits were issued
yestcixlay :
G. H. Ciaves. two-slot v and attic frame
rx-slilcnoc. Summit Place . S5OUO
Ivan Delyoe , onu-story frame kitchen ,
25IUCissus : | street . , . 15'J
Carpenter paper company . 30
V. It. Victor , ono-stoiy frame bain , 2013
Hurdettu . 250
Total $5.430
Two IJollH of Fire From n Clear Sky.
The bell.s in the flock lowers were jusi
r-trikiiif ? 0 lust evening1 when there wm n
Midden , blinding1 Hash of light , a ringing
of bc-lls and u slight detonation in the
electrical dptmrtment on the sixth floor
of the city hull , pays the Philadelphia
Ledger. The light wiib ciu > ed by n ball
of lire that leaped. , from the mammoth
switchboard simultaneously with another
ball that earno from the telephone room.
Both globes of fire joined and ran down
the counter along the 11 ro alarm repeat
ers , and then disappeared. At the time
the ila h occurred Operator Lindsay
a- > just handing over the railing the
reporters'1 blotter to two reporters who
were in waiting. Operator Stewart was
close by the switchboard. Operator
Klwards wits near the window and Opera -
era ton MeCallum was at the desk , while
Telephone Operator Slemler wa in his
room. So alarming was the Hush that
the rejiortero ran out without waiting to
pick up their notes. Stewart ran back
of the board , Edwards made a break for
the window , Lindsay was too scared to
run , Slemler name out of the 'phono box ,
yelling : "Ureat Scott ! What was that ? "
and "Aleck" dashed from the "chief's"
room. In less than one minute , how
ever , finding that no ono was hurt , an
inspection of Ihc wires and instruments
was made , and it was found that four tel
ephone wires had been burned out ; but
no further damage was , discovered. The
operators were at a loss to account for
the occurrence , as the bright , clear sky
precluded the idea of a htroko of light
ning , and it was not thought that it
could have been caused by an electric
light wire , ut > it wiii > too quick in its
Plastered \Vllli
The real estate of Great Britain and
Ir.-land is mortgaged for oU ptr cent on
its value , M rites a correspondent of the
Cleveland Leader. 'J hi farm lands of
urt luuit u i U ut i j .i niu of
.ilu' ' , nml the n\\l osltilo of ( 'o-
p . -nhagiii for 70 per i-enl , the IH.T i-sinlc
of France Is niorlgHgeo1 for JJ.IHK ) inHi.000.
or $2-5 an ncre for ox cry lU'iv , itn-Uiiling
inountjiln tois | nnd tixers. in the oinpire :
SO i > el' cent of the entire tnxnlilc real e
Into of Ciermnny is mortgHgcil. "with
mortgag ( , " . tiys l'ivs er , n tJermHH
writer , "scarcely redeemable. " Tlie
German fnrmcrs.according to Dr. .Inopor ,
pay JlL'o.tMKl.lKKl a year interest on mort
gage ; ' , and Stoopel , niiothrr ( iermnn
writer. MIVS that it ifar above that
sum. Italy is morlgaged 40 per cent on
all her taxable real estate : Sweden JW
tier cent , and others in like proiortion. ]
These are all old countries , and their
mortgage * represent generation * of un
profitable farming , not the devolopmen.t
of a great and new empire.
A Pure and Hcllablo MedicineA rmn-
] K > iind fluid extract of roots , leaves , Inulss
and berries Is UtuxliK-k Ulootl Hitters. They
( nire nil illseases of the blood , liver and
To Mark Itevoliitliiiiary I-'leliN.
The Pennsjlvania society of Sonsof
the Revolution at a recent meeting took
action on two points that must prove of
particular Interest and importance.sns
iho Philadelphia 1'nsApril ' > . It was
decided to umlcrUiko the erection of
stone tablets to mark the scenes of the
revolutionary battles in the country
about Philadelphia , and also -cvuro
copies at least of sill accessible paper *
and dociimentsof value bearing upon the
times1 of the revolution. Uoth these
movements mu-t prove of great \nlue.
All about Pliilndeliihla , extending
through several countic.-J , there t- most
interesting historical ground. The con
tinental army fought over a considerable
portion of the territory , ami wis : purticu-
larly active in Chester count > . liut th'-re
has nox'er been rin.v thing to mark Iho-e
operations in ilclmitewaj thnt i-de
Provisions and Stocks.
Basement First National Bank ,
3O3 South 13th Street , Omuhu.
CorrefpondcnccMlicited. COMPANEB , , CTC.
H.W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
163-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
7O BtctoStraat. BOSTON.
Irf'ave * lllll A,0 Ml UUNitJ'ON , \ V Arrive
Omatin IK.'i "t 10th nml Mnvin ftrt'ct * Oniulia
II l.r > j ) m l tilf-atrti Vi tt mil * Kxprc t 1' ' 4 a tn
1 < 4& a ui riiicnpn K\pios t.ji j. n >
! i l.'i p m ( 'rilrnco ixiri" | < h 10 a in
liW p TO lnvi I nriil cxi-ii | similar II i n in
I/oari's llfillJXt.'loS \ MO "JtlVTIt Mrlrp
Omulia lij'pot lutti tind Ma uii street * onitiha
10U > H m Denver Vr tltinle Kipro-j * MM p ni
S.VInni llnMInc' i funrordl-i Ix't-dl 1.1 , ' , p m
JiSftpru . . Denver i : pr , ' s . . _ _ . li.l'in rn
"Iavfi ( K l' sf ,1 \ i , n. Arrive *
Oiaaha ' Dep l lillii mid Mas in lreen. Olmlia
" " "
! iIS"n"dni ! Kim a Clt > ) : > K prp s l > IS p ni
1U.1 ii mK C Nlclit Kip vlii r 1" . Trail * MS a ui
"l.enves " fXW.N I'Ai 1KIP" " Arrive-
Omalia I Depot Klili nnil Marey * tre"t * . oiualin
" 2.1ilTiirf ! T. . .overuTud ri > cr ' . ' -'Jprn
7.M p in. . . . I' 7 ! . " > a in
10.10 a ml . Demor iipres . . . . l i al p m
4 45 p in ( irancl IMami K\II. ( exeept bun ) I" 4 ji in
fii5 ! n nj . . . .Knn n 111 } Kipre * * _ J''d" ' u m
iTeTave" * i ( llll A tin It 1. \ f'AOITil. Arrli < i
Omaha. U I' ileput. lOUi ii'iil Mnreyst _ * duiatia
" "
"fiTi p m . . . . . NlKlit Kxpre * "T. . . HKl.'i n m
! H5um Atlnntlc ixprc : 3 0Klini ; [
415pm1 " . .Veitllmlt1 l.liultpd . Ill 4Sn _ ui
"I > ea"ve 1ClI10A.0 ft XOUTHXVKSTKItN Arrlipi"
Omaha. | l' 1' depot. 10th nnd Slnrcy M Oninlm
' . 'iinni. . . Chleaco llxpreo ii-.Mpm
4.u : p m . . Vestibule I.Unite 1 ! .i. a 111
( . .la p m nr. CA em ) Mnii i.vr > . . . UOH : to H m
VMy m1 . . iaitern Pljer _ . _ ' . 4i p in
"Ieaves'fHKAliO. . Mil , . .1 Vrr"I > Al I. Arnve
n.-nclia. t' I" , depot. lnh ! anil Mjirey Sl timalij.
' . ' .15 a rar .ClilnaEn Mall lexec-pt sunrtnj > ft ii p > n
( KiLI p ID' ' CliU'.ico Kxpres * . . . . I145 a in
JiROpin' ' . .I'lilcnL'i * l xprest . . I'lMlpin
Tea"Ve I OV1AIIA.VST I.OUIS. Arrives
Omnha- * I' depot. lUth nnil .Marcy Ft" dmah.i.
TT" t1 m * " ' I-1" t'liiiiiTiri Ilnll l .tPrirn
"Leave * I rlOl'A CIT \ f'ATlKlC Arrives
Omaha t * I' depot. lUlli r.nd Mine ) M ( imnlia
7.15 a tn . .Houx 1'ltj l tcn er IOU.pi p m
_ .l.f _ ji in' ' s ( i aul llvpies * _ . lOlO i. in
"iHjaVeTi 5lJr.rri'V ( A I'AlTKK1. " Arrives"
Omaha ! _ Depot 1.1th and WcbMer Stv Omnha
( i45jTnii . s | p , , , , ! Limited. . . . . . I'.li ' n in
"lx-3ves | K.i : . A MO VAlXRvr Arrive *
Omnha | Dcpnl Uilli nnd Welnter ct . limnlca
" "
"liTu"a ni | . Hl.-uk Hill" Kipreii * I ft 'M p in
CKIuin1. Hasting Hxp ( Kx.Sundayi 'A ' liini
& 10 p mi. Wnluiii A Lincoln Taii-enKer 10 .M a in
JilOptn Ytirk , V Niirfolk ( Kx simdav ) [ III si a m
leaves I I' . . ST. I' . M A 0 . Arrives
( ) inchiij _ Ilepnl l.tli nnil Welnier SI * Oiniiliji _
f.ui n ml t ldiix C'lt > AeeoiiiuHKlutlun t .i4 * p m
1.0) ) p ml bloux Cllv Kxiue * " ( ix. Sun ; ' 1.4) p in
C.4.'i p in ! .M I'anl Lliulloil > .i.u a in
fi. ; in rioreneo l'n--pnKcr ( Kit. Siini k 4. > n m
tM p ml H renr-riiK en er ( J5x jun > | I..K ) p in
Tx Tea'l .MlssoUJtl 1'AClVlC , Arrives
Ouiahn ! Depot l'tli nnrt X\'pb"liirSl _ ; . _ ( iinahn.
fJjBI n riiI .St. l iuta A K r Kxpre * * . . 4 . 'M p in
' .1.15 p ui1 H l iul < A K ( Kiinc. ? u : ) n in
'Acint' si'iuMtiiA.N THAINS- .
' ' r : * v. ' x 'J K ' * si' ' - 'J'i
* = M = H H " * l = w 5 = r
= . = , . = , r ! ? ! = T = - = H in n.m p m p in H in p in
Webster Ft. . . . f > at f. Ut 7 Wi.l 4J.J . lr.U | 15 t : 'A is
Oak etintlinin 5..V > ( . ; . . ' . ; S.W.S . 21 ( i 24 4. ' . is 5.1
Druid 1II1I . I..UI7.UT | ( | . ' 6 S M , . ' . Si1.1.1 ! ! : F IT II1 'll
Luke Street B.IM 1.UI f 01 it W . ' . .IS G.S"J S.'JII2 , .Is
Wiilnut Hill . n ( vi T ( - . 8 ui .1 M . ' ) . : .I s..v. I ir.-
Dundee I'liire. ( i ( > s ; .03'6.i,4 ' ( , O ) 5.S3 6.M , f.-l I 0.1
\\c-t tide , ( i.lO , " lOif 07 4 ( r.'i.85 ' 0.4,1 h , I ( H
I.nwn . . ' . . . ' 8 0.1 4 Ol1 . . .i . . . h..Vi l IH
Mascot ' . . . .S II 4.0.1 . . . . POI 111
Si-i.ioiir I'jrU , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ! > ( ft 117
Porml . . . . . . . . ' . ! | . ) . . . . | . . . . ji 15. . 1 O
In in n.ui E.tnlinn p.m'ii ' in , n in p in
I'ortnl ' ( I..BI' ' 4.S ) . . . . . . . .I ! i xi
Seinour I'ark. . .I . . . 6W'4 ' 39 . . . . tl 42 I 45
Mnneot ! . ' . ' . . . h 42,4 , 431 . . . . . . . { | i4 * 1 WI
liwn : | if , 45,1 , 41 H 4 ! ) 1 52
XVfit Side. . . . ( i.--J 7.-JJ . . S.40 4.1' ' | ) A4 I S7
Dundee I'l.-ue. . , O.SI 7 21 .51 4.43i.41 | 11.16 V .V ; 1 ill
\Vnlnut Hill . B 2J 7 24 tl M 4 63 5 44 I ! 4'.i 9 .V 2 03
l.-ikl. street. ! 2'i 7 2'liE If 4 MS.4' ! G fil 10 III 2 UI
Drum inn . .in.n : iM < k.o 4 r > 7 t > 41 * n y > 10 ai 2 n
OuL fliatlinui li .15 7 U.r > U ( U 4 .V.I "i V < 7 It ) IU (17 ( S 10
Wfb > lersiieetih 4S 7 < Vl > 10 : > ( l.Vli.O ) 7 10 lu IS 2 a
IMOX TAririC--flifltllAN THMXs
Tlii'je trnln * BII-P Mop nt nth. 17th. 20tli nnd 211)1 )
Hrecu. Siiinmlt tind sa idco CruskluiVorkluj -
iiieirs trnliit do not run Sunday.
llroudv Tran - | stieul'71 " ,
ny | Jt-r Oranlm ! sta. [ soutli ' Albrt't
Clllun * Deixit I Deput | lion I Om-iliu ' Deixit.
i h
. J . . i i 5.WJ _ ' | . . 545 . ' .W .
. . . ( ! ! & I . l'C.o : .
S 10 C.ft ( t. 17 5.4 ; b. 10 , i I.VUH7 I..W . I , U
I..40 IIS ( I 47 C..2 ? 711) I. If , 7.05 li 10 7iU > II ( ) ; 2i 5 .V.
7.45 ; 40 ; .ai' ' twi 7 e.i : : is1 8251 t.oi iio jui
v45lti1npu'iizi ! ' lo'oit o.ii ' tun ' ! ' ! ' i. . KW !
I'Ml I1 * ! I'M r.Ml- ! l ! l' l I'M I'M
8.01 ! 25
14ss 40Ji ( .li 4 1 * 4 in 1 54 s u 4 .ai < nt
4 4j fi.ti& 4 W.biH t.UJ & I.S & IS 5U7j 5.SJ 4 .Vi j 7J l.M
. . J ' . I ' . ' 4KI
, . _ . , _ . . HIS i . . . . 4.MI.SU5M
CIS ! . (1.621 ( ! ' , M 7 IS' ' 707' ' IBM l.M
nxve "i CHICAGO. It I A PAI'ITIC"Arrhra *
Tronnlcr _ I'lilon l > ei > nt Ciniricll Illutu. Tinntfer
'fi.ajpiui. T. . .S'lclit l ! iirt' * A n ni
t'.klniu ' . . . .AtlHIitlr Kirire-o . . . . . . . ' . .V. | > m
_ 5lio | i nj Vi-Jlllinlo l.tmlleit . . , luiOuni :
"U-avei. ClIU A.O ( A .S'mTllWl ; ' < TttlN ( I Arrtvc-t
Trnin.fer . _ t'rilun.iit. | | . Coiini-ll Illun * . iTinnifer
IJWn ni rtilengo K > i > r ( ! g . . . .7. i.uu p m
[ . ( O p in . . Vcttltiule l.tnilteil t < 40 u ni
lutio p ui . Kattcrn I'lrcr ill ) | > in
filij | i UK . . Allnfitlr Mull . 7 : il n in
U-aves ( HlCAliii. Mil. , v sT PAl' | > Arrm ,
Trmi'frr I'nl'in De | it > nuni-ll lllun 'rmutfrr
\ \ a m riilev ? ' . .Mull < i' > rcpt sundajri o if ) p in
n U { . m ( hli-aiic. i : r.r . < < i . . IM. . u m
IOO ( | i in . I hlri.yu I : > | > M-I . tW Iin
lA-a\vi \ K i sT JdK i f. II Arrive.
TrinMer1 1'iilun liepiit. l nuriell Illutli 'Jruntler
ft)07 u rn Kim > n Cliy liar Ki | > re . \ ( ' . ( Iru
lu.'Ji p m' ' Knn i. ntr Melit i : | ircji > i ; II ) n m
lAtavei I DMAIIA i sT l/IL'Iif Arrive *
Trannfiy1 I'nUiii tx-jtit. Cnundl iilajtn Tmntfer
" "
4 4'"jrm SI Ix.illi . Conon Hull I ? IS i , m
"lx'ove. fill ! .M.O , 1ICKI/N , \ griSl'V Arrltr *
Trnnnfer rnlun DeiM.t Cuunvll Illultn. 'I'minfer
D 4' ' ) u m , riiicnvu iiin-i : | > i. . ) | . w
10.IU p m Clilofo Kiprcru . . K'JU a m
&UU p m . CliKtavo I'nH Mull . . . . bill ; . in
7 SO p m l re t..n l -nl IIJ" n in
1/uat * ! slot X < IT > A 'A IHf " \rrn- ,
Trmmlfr t'ul'.n l)4'Kit | i < unrll lllurlft 'irniikter
7 45 ft U , tll'UX < Itj Ai-fl-Iuuli.rlAllC.0 i s fc UI
C U D u , bl , 1'i.ul tlfllll . . , t' s ( . m
National Bank
u. s. DKPosiTony OMAHA. NEB.-
Cnpltnl , - $ . , OO.OOO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1S0O , - D7.BOO
* and lUrwtorHpnrr W Vntv > rr lrtrntt
ITW | S Itool , tlrcitifiWent .turn * * W S.v ct. .
V Mor r. Jnlin O'llln * . It i'u lins. ! J N IL
1'ttrlrliV. ; . II S lltulir * . ca.hlrr.
Corner IJtli nnrt rarnnni SlrcoU.
A Orncral llutiklnz Iliiiliies Transacted.
National Bank
Cnpitnl , - $ AOOOOO
Surplus , - 40,000
Oniccr * unit Illrrplnr * K VI vtor fm n O M.
llltilieiirk. Jooi-rli ( inrim n. .Ir V llenrr 1C .VI.
An.UtfOn.Vllllnm li Vtaiil M.Ii'rr ' < hlclil U H ,
VVIIIIiiui * A I * llr.lln | | .rc lili'nl A Milliard ,
1-nMilrr : I1 U llriniil. < l'Unl ci > * lilrr
Omaha ManilfactUrBrs ,
Moots mid Sillies.
Wholesale Mamifaiturersof Boots & Shoes
Agent ! , fur lln.ti.n liill.'r s | , , , . i „ 111.3 HOI uml 1100
llnruf > > sin-n oinnlm Nrb
" " " " '
Lager Beer Brewers ,
l.Vtl Nirlli I'lli ircct mntliii Xcb
Oir-iili-i- .
Manufacturers of Calvani/ed / Iron Cornice.
Window nip * nnd mtiilr : * kyllilil * Ji-liu I | > f1iift < > ri
| ii.inlrlor ] UMin.l lliisiutli ICIli rtn-rt
A. HO5PK. Jr. .
Ai lists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
l..l.s Di-iiklm Slu-'l Oni.ilin. Xeb
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
R Cor ltlh and ! > iMiln * stierl.1 , Omulin. Ntb.
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
211 South I.ih siri-ci oniahn Neb
: = = - r - - =
Cirjnr i.
Wholesale Cigars.
402X 10tlisPftllfll.i' | ' 1419
Dry Goiids and Notionp.
M. E. ? MITH . \ : * > . ' 6. ,
1 Dry Goods , Furnishing ( ioods and Notions
Cmiier llthniil It ' street *
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods ,
'rurtiMilnci.ixul * i mner lltli unit tlurm-jr
sin-t-t * Ontiiliatl
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
rarnnm Slroel Uinilm Nct.rn-Va
Wholesale tracers ,
IStlinntl 1avin > - . . .rthJinel * < lnmlm. Nc
IjIllllllCI1 , I'IC.
Wholesale Lumber , Htc. , Htc.
Iinporteil vnil Anierl.-nn 1'irtl-inil Cement Slnt4
acent for Milwaukee Il > i1r ulli I umcuU and
tnine ! * VVInle l.tlue.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
\Vooil eartiet * nnrt imrqupi tl. . . . ring Mb nnd D
Mieeti ( iniHlm Sehr.iilia
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Ioor , Oc1 VnnJ * Curner ; ti ! and
i urnei iOtli nail lijuEl
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Me. , Etc.
Corner Bill anil Dnuulu * Mi eels. Omulia.
. \lillliK-i-y anil Not Ions.
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
SOs. ; iOcna2l.'S uili l.ili.trt-et.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
11JI Hurnev mieet omaha-
! Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Aileirea e , eic iiinnlm A JI lll li"i | Munmjer
' - .
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carrj a ulie l"eV of print MB wrapping DIM wrltlnj
j.iilier . , Mie. lul altei.ti * . i civen tu taril | .aicr . |
= a
Safeslti : %
A. L. DEANE 4 : CO. ,
( jpneralniil * fur
Halls' Safes ,
321 Mid ' . ' 1 snuili lOtli fet . Om tm
TOJH. Hi 1- ,
H. HARDY Jt co. ,
J-.b'.cr . it
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
lloure lirnl"lilnciii'.d ) ' * < nlldren r c unniiie * 1
I arnniu > lreet ( iinalia Ntl- -
\ VatcrSupplies. .
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallliin7 lnd mill * ' .iliiuid .KjJ.jnus tt Uiuulia
( . 1 Iti.sitliitf llnuuk'vr
nROWNELL i : CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and ( ieneral Machinery ,
I blu-el-lron tx.rk , ftoum IIUIUP * u 12U ll'lj
I Ix-aTi-nwurlli * lrin-l unmlia
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
Kliclnei , l.rasn Tc.rfc fi-nHru ! f . .uidrr ma. u.i.t uu4
tlatk inltli .il ( .mil1 and w.rki I 1'
Hr Ru-1 rtli l.i . ft "maba
Manf'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Viiulli lull 11..Ik . ' ihuii.-ri anl tlrr orui'ta.
O Andrren rirup t ( > r lull nu Jockmn fen
Sasli , Doors , I-Jto.
M. A. DltfilROW 4 : fO ,
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Ilrani'li i.rili-p r-'lb ii-l I/a'I I'rArli. On aim Srn
So u t li
01 South Omaha , Limited.