8 THE OMAHA DAILY BBiB , TUESDAY , APRIL 8 , 1800. THE CITY. r 1C. Jncobs la In jail for stcnllnfj beer bottles. Shennnn rtanFOin Is nocu'ctl of Btcnl- Intf 12.1 from Hose Williams. Loulftt Matthews Is accused of stealing n pair of gloves from Hnintlcl" , tbo mcr- clinnt. Storz & Ilei' Imvo commenced suit In tbo county court against I' . H. Murphy nnil .tobn Howycr to recover $170.00 for goods bold and dullvorud. Sheriff IttKcncrnntz of Ilushvlllo , Bhorltlrm rjunty , pns cd through tlio city jc'stcrday ' , taking two short term priKJiicrs to tlio ] ) onltentlary. A funeral was lii-lcl at 2 o'clock ypMcr- < lay afternoon over tlio remains of the in fant child of Peter Gees , Unit died Sun day. The interment took place at Pros pect Hill. Captain Mostyn will attend TA Gor man's funeral tomorrow , accompanied by six olllcorsn ! memory of the fact that tlio duei-nfecd was for n long time u mem ber of the police force. Triangle lodge , Knights of Pythias , will celebrate its fourth anniversary ulth u feodnl party at tlio ledge room , corror of Twentj-becond and Cuming btrcets , Thursday evening next. Tlio body of Frank Holland , an Irish man about forty-seven veins , is lying un claimed at Jleafey & lleafej'ri undertak ing establishment. Ho is not known to luiAGuri } relatives or friends in Omaha. It Is ptobublo that the remains will liavo to be interred at the expeiibo of the county. A number of complaints arc dally lodged with Chief Seavoy about danger ous houses , rotten sidewalks and holes in thn street. The chief biiggcbts that if these complaints were sent to either tlio city building inspector , the street com missioner or the city bidowalk inspector they would receive more prompt atten tion. tion.Thorp Thorp is considerable complaint about the condition of Locust ntrcot between Sherman a\enuo and tlio lake. At pianos the street is almost impassible. The banks have caved in on the bide- walk and there have been several loads of manner dumped there by parties who were stuck in the mud and could not get out miles they left their load. An eilort will bo made to induce the council to pave this portion of the street. The Hush Creek land and live stock company filed articles of incorporation yesterday. The incorporators were ' .Thomas K. Wells , Thomas Kent , W. C. Scott , N. U. Persinger , John T. Clark , William II. Hovins and George II. High. Tlio capital htock of the company is fixed at $ li" ,000 , and the biibino'-s to be transacted is the buying and selling of land and live htock and the operating of a rani'li in the counties of Cheyenne and Deuel , and in Ilutcliinson and Carson counties in Texas. IM 1Z SUnloy ofFiicnd is at tlio Paxton. .7. U Dailies of Not folk is at the Millaul. W A. Diiilf 'sof O'Neill is at tlicMillaiJ. S S. Uiocnuf Schujlcr is u guest at the Casey. U J. Tlcincy of Ansloy is icgistcicil at tlio Cnscy. I ouis Nathan of West Point is at the Casoj . I U Doty of Daviil City is stopping nt the Pnxton Goncinl J. C. MuQildo of Lincoln is at the P.ixton H U Tisiluloof St. Paul is a guest at the Millmtl .1 Cohvell of Fremont is stopping nt the Milhnil .1 C. Kestei-son of Fuh bury is icgisteictl nt the Pn\ton .7 D JIoDonaltl of Fiemont is stopping at the Mia my. John Hut-shy of r.iiimont is rcgistcieil at theMuu.iy. N H Pcrsingor of Ccntr.il City is n guest at the Paxton. John Br.ulforil anil lufo of Gietiia aio stop ping at the Casoy. F U. S.Uvanus anil wife of Lincoln aio guests at the Mlll.inl. General Fioight Agent Kngelcr of the Koclf Isliuul left for Chicago. Will G. Jones nmluifo of Fullciton aio rcgisteied at the Muuay. Dr Wattii-oivtuincd on ycstciilay from a two weeks visit in Chicago. W A Alsilorf nnilifo of Lincoln ai-o among the guests at the Murray. C. Piitterson nnd H. J. Koscerans of Itush- villo aio among tlio uuis-als at the Mlll.it d. Mr J F Knapp , manager of the Halt Lake Daily Tiilmne , is in the city Ho says that cvciybodIsuild uith hpocnlati\o excite ment In bait Lake , nnd thiit money is being mailo by c\ei > boily nppaiently , A riuilcr Hnsiieot . Abe Lish , a suspect in the Jones murder case , has been disc lunged upon the recom mendation of County Attorney Mahonov.who did not consider that theio was evidence against the man. An Unsettled Muttor. If Chaliman Vioonmn , of the Union Pacific grievance committee , visited Omaha in be- lialf of the two cniclncors who weio recently suspended at Grand Ksland , ho failed , beeauso of Mr Dickinson's absence , to aceomplibli nn.\ thing Anyay Iho matter stands just as It did befoio ho camo. lllH AVI11 I'KUOISaved IIIiu. Major Hulcombo , chairman of the boaid of public \\oiks , who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia , has recovered Mifllolontly to attend to his duties nt the headquarters of the board. This is the llrst sickness that Major Uak'ombo has ej.poiieni'cd for over foitj vein's nnd his phjsli'iiin says the only thing that cairled him thiough this selgo was his H ill IHJU er. A IiUely Ituniuvay. A spliitcd team ihlvcn by Mr. A. N. Mil- ipaugli of South Omaha , took fright at the motor nns on Fouiteentli stieet nnd ran n\\a.v Sunday afternoon. At routteenth ami IlounnlMr. Mllspaugh was thrown out uf the liuggy but held onto the lines and \\iis fliiigKcd for suvcml yauls. Foitimately ho CSCUHH | ! with only u few bruises and the bug gy uml lior&cs i\cro uninjured. TIIIIH of Mall. The weighers of mail on Iho mall cars tc- poit an astonishing incicaso In the weight of mails going out and coming Into Omaha over the weights of four years ago. OnFilday last tlii'io went out of Omaha the biggest pile of mail that , over left this city , the various sacks aggregating a weight of til , 70s pounds. or upwauls uf thlity tons of letters and papers. Her Itrorcniit Iluliliy. Several months ago Loivn/o S. Stevens nuddenlj left his homo In this city , dcseitlu Ills wlfo and cat lying off over $100 worMi of Jeweli'i boloiiKlng to her. Ho wus afterwiuds located in Salt Lake , whore ho was living with a beauty of the low or order named Kittle King Mrs Slovens followed her recreant husband to the wiluUy city nnd caused his uiHHt cm the ilmigo of grand larceny. The Halt Lake Tillies of Filday contains nn au- rounl of the tilul , which resulted In Stevens being held to thudbtiict con it In the sum of tl.UW. _ Heal Thoi'int lomp.my ix < iiixcntatlvc nro ox- jKYted dally tit the ival ottato uxchaiiKOHli their propokltion. A lai'jjo uttcndanco Is IIOJHHI for. The IUtliiH | yiwtorduy inonilng wore : City of Onmfia , UU fwt of lot 5 , block " 5 , thice-btory brkk ix-kldcnce , * IOO per fiuit foot Falrmount Place , lot W , four-room house and Imiii , f . ' , : wo. ] i l I , Jayiii s & Co . loll ? , block I , Sher man avi juio pui ic. fur f > oi ) , and lot 1U , bloiU . ' , ] u the auiny addition fur AN lNCUHASii : ) ATTUNDAXCn Mote Hclionl Hooin .N'eeiletl for the H | rliucT 'rin I'npll.s. Alt the public schools In Oinnlia were opened for the spring term yesterday. Sevcnil chatiROs wcte inndo. On account of the Increase In attendance ono additional room was added to the Tannim , Lake , Long , Lathrop , Mason , Omaha View , Walnut 11111 , West Omaha nnd Izard schools. This will rcijiilro nn additional teacher tit each place. They will bo chosen nud assigned nt the ineeiinjrof thobonul tonight. The tonuhcrj who icsipnnd during the ro rent vacation are Miss Pratt of St. Uatnabas , Miss Hogan of Webster. Miss Huitlcv of Paul , MUs Hodson of I'ainam , nnd Miss Noon of Ifuitmnn. THK GU1I/1'V KSCAPH. Itcoansc tlio ProoectitliiK Attorney Is Without PiopciHelp. . "Hero Is another case of criminals being discharged for the wont of prosecution , " said Chief Scavey as he pointed to n package of Jewelry that had been returned to him by County Attorney Mahoncy , accompanied by n note. JTho note lead that Hart ley nnd Wilson had been discharged , as In his opinion there was not sufllcient evi dence to Justify him In prosecuting their cases. "Now I consider that wo had abundant evidence to send those fellows over the road , " said Chief Scavey. "The tioublo with the state is that theio is no ono to piosecute. Mahoney Is ciowdcd to death with cases nnd hasn't time to do moio than one-half his duties The county should have at leust two good lawyers to assist in the prosecution. Guilty men aie escaping punishment ligl.t nlong , simply because theie is no ono. to moseeuto them. It is nn outrage nnd should bo attended to by some nnthoiity at once. "When Hnitley and Wilson \\creaiiestcd we foiinU some of the stolen goods in their possession. The chat go was burglary nnd and lobbery committed nt Seligsohn s resi dence on South Twenty-second stlcctonlya few weeks ago. " _ AVlint It Costs must bcraicfnlly considcicd by the pi eat ma- Joiityof piopl" in bluing een necessities of life. .Hood's Sarsnpailllu commends itself with spcdal foico to tlie pi eat middle classes , because it combines positive economy with meat medicinal power It is the only medi cine of which can duly be said "IPO doses one dollar , " nnd n bottle taken aecoiding to dhcctions \ \ ill average to last u month. TiYi3 ASSAULT o"x run ALLCVS. The Sanilnry lAirco Kilters Upon Its "Work of Clonniiifj Up. Olllccrs White , Rowdcn , Sheep , Johnson and Hinehey constituted the sanitary detail which began nt 10 o'clock yestciday a nosing expedition among the allejs and back yards this morning1. _ Tlio city has been divided into districts , nnd tlio orders of the detail \\illbepeieinp , toiy and demand instant compliance. Speaking of the expedition , City Physician Gapen said : " \Vo have no sanitary organization in Omaha , and me in a position to accomplish this much only thiougli the kindness of Chief Seavey , who placed the men on this woik It is the spiing cleaning to get i Id of tlie 111th and gaibago which has accumulated dining the winter. They will no doubt do their woik thotoughly. but that will only ac complish ono cleaning. To do aiij thing like effective woik , we should liavo nt lca = t that number on the woik continually whoso duty it would bo to sec that these yauls and alleys mo kept clean and who should do nothing else. else."Wo "Wo h-ivo only $1,000 at our disposal nnd that pays for one man and no moic , since bomething must bo on hand in case of nn epi demic which is possible at any time This man is kept constantly on the go investigat ing complaints liled with me Other cities of a like si/o liavo an appropnation of fiom $ .10- , 000 to 7. > ,000 nnd a competent force of men. " \Vo an.1 agitating tlio question and hope to get something to win Icon as soon as tlio people ple reali/u that investment of their funds in n good sanitaiy department Is a financial spec ulation j iehling immense prolit. "Our spiing cleaning will , I hope , bo helped out by the lite elnct whom t have asked to sluice out the covcied gutteis on the sticct ciossmgs. "Ih.i\o also asked to have pi intcd 20,000 ciicnlaisgiving minute dneetions to house holder as to how tlie work should be done. This foico will , piobably bo at work fora month. " To the Dcnlers in Oil. This is to notify you Unit wo Imvo no fnrtlici1 interest in the JJes Moineb oil Lunk line of Dos Moincs , In. OwiiiK1 to n disagreement with Messrs. W. K. Stewart , jr. , mid K P. Pratt , wo decided to bell thorn our intercut , which wo did .liiminry : ! 0 , Ib'JO. Piii'tio.s desiring to buy first cln s oils , independent of the Standard Oil com pany or consolidated Tank Line com pany , will ploiifco write us direct and wo will take much pleasure in making lowest prices possible. AVe can furnish yon all grades of illuminating and lubri cating oils , gasoline and naphtha in fact , all ptodnets of petroleum. Suonuu ) , SiiuuMiu : & TKAOLU , Imlopcyulent Refiners , Cleveland , O. Millinery Opening. Grand opening of imported millinery "Wednesday and Thursday , Ajiril I ) and 10. Joice , l J North Fifteenth st. Thn Assistant DIM riot Attorney. United States District Attorney Uakcr was asked Sunday evening conceining tlio icpoit [ lublished in a morning paper about D.ivo Meicer having been appointed assistant United States distilut ntloincy. Mr. linker said that ho did not know that the iei ) it was true and said fuilher that ho would be likely to Know it it was. "is Mr Meicer considcicd as a candidate ! " was asked. "Ho Is , " said Mr. Uakor. "Ho has been \ eiy quiet but ho was ono of the llrst to speak to mo about it. " "Why should hobo consWcied as n candi date when ho uhoady holds the position of dcputj United States marshal ! " "Well , " was the reply , "I suppose Mercer lias the same right to lmpio\o his condition that .m\ body else has. " "Will jou choose an assistant ! " "No. I h.uo picked out a number of the best applicants and sent them to the delega tion at Washington mid told them that anyone ono of that number that they would select would bo satisfnclory to me. " From finthcr cometsation it was Inferred thntllaldridgo , Meicer mid Dick weio among the candidates approved of by Mr. Uukcr. In tin ; Courts , Judge Donno was the only occupant of the bench when coint was called to older yes terday moinhig , Judge Wakeley is In Wisconsin , JudgeClaikson inlilairand Judge Hopewell at his home. Considerable amusement \vas created dur ing the reading of tiuluiday's proceedings when the clink read : "Omaha Motor vs. Omuha horse , dismissed at cost of plaintiff ; Omaha hoivo vs Omaha street , ditto ; Omaha howe vs. Omaha motor , ditto , " and so on through n list of a iliwn of the old injunction cases which made sticct railway matteis lively a year or so ago. While Judge Wul.eley Is aw ay Judge Doano will hear any impoitant e\paito motiuns. An nppllcatlon for a receiver for the Oma ha Mantel mid Mai bid/lug comiuny was made but nhc.utug postponed until'Satur day.Jancs Jancs | Hurvej has brought suit hi the dis trict com t against the Missoin 1 Pucltle lull- way company forflfi.OOU damagis for injmles iccolvcd in the collision on that road on Jan- unrj ' , ' 1 , In which tlio dummy train was inn Into and wiitked by a ficlght. Mr. Harvey stulcH In his iK'titlun that ho was thiown o\er and against the scuts of the cur and against the stove mid was severely Injured alHuit the head and sustained seilous and permanent injury tu his bnilu mid spinal column. ly l\ason of the liijuiles the plulntitT bccumo tott'Hv i"'r'l" < "l I" > ' 1 . ' * ' " . , which paraljsts H seviux1 mid iioniumcnt A vciillit.is uiiuncd against Jnmci Coats ct ill titiilnst Const.iblo Uoorgo W Km I , bi\hit' tnu pautill ! ! itosscssloii of the nnd damnRCs In the1 sum of . " cents. The property In dispute was 43 bushels of potatoes. Judge Doano took up the case of W II Spclman against Dr. Jones to recover u bal mice of lllX ) on plumbing bill alleged to bo due. Judge Hopewell was heating the case o Clough & Coo against J. V. Wedeigren ant M llurke & Sons to recover a bi'aueoon ' promissory note , on which It Is alleged that i SI r. IU is still due. Nerve anil Mvcr PUN. An linpoitnnt discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They spcedllj cine bllliousnesq , bad taste , torpid liver piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women and chlldien. Smallest , mildest , sin est. ! )0 ) doses for 'J" ) cents. Samples free nt Kuhn & Co.'s , I nth and Douglas. PAT AVin.LS IS A I'Mt.VUI ) . He M Soliciting Alii for n Su-ltclitimn Without Authority. A fellow calling himself Pat Wells has been making n fat living fiom ctho credulity of the lending merchants mid shippers. Ho claims to bo the icpresentntlve of the Switchmen's mutual aid association ami solicits aid for n fictitious switchman whom he says lost both of his legs in the Union Pa- cille yards recently. Jn that way ho has gatheied in a laigo sum of money. The Switchmen's association never solii its aid for their sick or wounded and arc very indignant at the swindle that Is being per petrated In their name , and warn benevolent people to have nothing to do with Wells Thev tinccd up Ills lascality today and as fin as they went found that he had collet ted * K ) ! > C. N. Dell/ ! gave him a cheek for i. ) and happening to meet tlio > ntd foicmnn asked after the welfare of the man supposed to IJT injuicd. The foieman stated that there was no such petsou and p.ijment on tlio check was stopped and tlio fraud icpiitcd The Itehmeii piomiso to make It interesting for Mr. Wells if they catch him. Dr. Birnpy , pi aclice limited to catarrh ah diseases of nosennd Uuoat. Bee bldg. J1ANSCO.M PA UK. Tlie Commission Preparing to Com mence Work In J ariicst. Thepaik commission me about to com mence work on IJanscom Pailc inc.nnest Dining the iccent unsettled weather it was found impossible to do much , but no time is to be lost in putting the paik into llist-class shape. The new walks and drives on the cast side aio about completed , and the other roadways and paths will soon be in shape for use. Bids were opened jeslciday for tear ing tip und euirying oft tlio old dancing plat- foun. A large amount of liiowood was ob tained fiom the tiecs which weio cut down last fall , and this will also be disposed of. It is probable that the ne\t move will be to do away with the piesent paik keeper's house and also the ham and shells. In the opinion of some of the membeis these objects give an unsightly aspect to tlio park , nnd it has been suggested and sti ougly advocated that ground in tlio neigliboihood ot the paik bo leased and tlie house and sheds move d out of the paik , leaving it without these diawhaeks. No of- llcial action has been taken on this point , but it has been talked over for several meetings and the majoiity of the boaidseem to faor it Pe.ns' is the best and pmcst soap e\cr made. A 'Tinnier. " The corpse of an unknown man was found lloating in the liver near Florence yesterday. The body had evidently been in tlio w ater for seveial weeks. The coioner was called nnd nn inquest held , nt w hic.li the dead man was identified as a Swede named A. A. Hammer , being u former emplojoofthe water woiks. Letters weio found on his IMMSOII with that address and [ laities who had known him also identified liim. He had been considered Highly by his fellow woikmen mid is supposed to have Irowncd himself in a fit of temporary insan ity. Ho left his boaidiug house about the middle of Januaiy and nothing more was lie-aid of him till his body was lound. Cook's iniiieilal champ ifr'iio lias stood tbo test for Unity ju.irs ' 1'hcio ib no better &l > aiMiiig wino madeIt's u.xtia di-y. The SwiKK < 'tt Inquest. The inquest over tlio icmalns of Jim Swig- gett , the dead pi inter , was commenced at 1 p. m. Sunday , but was adjoin lied until 7 p m. Only two witnesses were examined , C Mo- Counick , who was with Sw'iggctt a few mo ments bofoia his death , and Dr. MeMunigal. Owing to the pionounccd objection- the iiembeis of thu pogiaphie.il union to if iwst-moi tern none was held. Ur. MeManigal iheiefoio pronounced the msonsnear as he. could asccitaln as being mobably paralysis of .ho heait , and a vcuhct was lendeicd u'ccoid ugly. _ Vrce. Samples of Dr. Miles' Kestorative Neivinc it Kuhn Ai'Co.'b , IStli and Douglas , cuics icadaehe , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu- lalgia , llts , etc. _ Army News. Acting Assistant Surgeon Hobert P. Fin- ley , U. S. A. . Foit Sidney , Neb , will pro ceed to Foil Wnshukic , AVjo. , and icpoit to : ho commanding oflleer of that post by April 15 for tempoiury duty. Tlio ti.uel diiected is necessary lor the public seiviie. Leave of absence lor twelve da\s is granted to Captain Chuiles A. Coolidge , Seventh In- fmitij Cump , 1'ilot Knob , W o. I llko my wife to use Poz/oni's Complexion Powder beeauso it impioves her looks aniL , ij is fnigtant usiolels. . Itoni'd ol' Tratlo'H I'rospcotlve Trip. Pi-epaiatious mo being made for a tup uj .he boaul of tiade , simil.ir to the ono taken a \car ago when the membois went to Iho iJlack Hills. A stait will bo made about the . ' 'd inst. , and the itinenir will include St. Jo | soph , Kansas City , St. Louis , Louisville , Cm ilnnnti , Chicago , Milwaukee , Wuukcslw mid it Paul , stopping fiom twelve to thlity-sK lours in each phuv , and ictmnlng in about ten days fiom the timeot staiting The boaul will tiavcl in a special \c-stibulo train. NOITOUS debility , poor memory , diflldeiicc , sexual weakness , plinples.cmod Iiy Dr Miles' Nervine. Samples Irco nt Kuhn i ; Co.'s 1.1th md Douglas. Nobody Wants It. Up till noon yesteidaySecictmy Piper of tlio > ourd of education had not iccvived any offers ror the sale of n school house site in Windsor pluco addition This Is the last du\ that bids will boieceiNcd imdci the pu sent aiUc-itlse- nent. Imported Millinery. 120 North ISlh Street. llflMipcrlor excellence proven In millions of tiomp % for more limn n riunrter of n century It I * nucil iiy tlio 1 nllul Slntu ( internment. llmlorieil b ) the liemb i > r I ho ( lu-nt I iilvrnltlp * in thn Mronec t , I'uro't nrnlmnn llcnltliful Dr l'rlco > Orcnin link- Inn Poirdrr dot-- nut contain Ammonlii , l.ltnu ur Alum Sold onlr in n 1'IIH I ) HAKIM ) POWIHJIl CO MWIOItlC CIIICAHO SAN HIANCISCO STIOl'H. POUNDS 1ST TWO WEEKS THNKOFITi ! ! As a Flesh Producer there can bo ( no question but that j Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and llpphosphlles Of Llmo and Soda is without a , rival. Many have gained a pound a day by the use of it. It cures COMSUR/1PTIOW / , SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS , COUGHS AND COLDS , AND ALL FORMS OF WASTING DIS- EASES. AH 1-A1.IT.IHI.U Ait MH.lf. He nut r 1011c ( tlieucniitiie us ilurettic lion It II Oiklcy , 1'ioiiilent Honnl of Ti idi > . Lin coln , Neb n rites to 'Mr Sliojipell , tlie architect , ni follow ! : "lliu iil.ins im'pircil li } > on for my new re lilemo uorc "atlifactors In overj imrtlciilir 'llio ( letnlN lit nlth nilmlnlilo nlcet ) nnil the } wore com- prelienihcnnil complete \Mtli nn IntclllRpnt car penter n * foreman 1 li.ul no trouble-In proiluclnc ono of the coilc t homes In till * clt ) " lluiiUro.'j ' ) of Mm- llar letters at Jli blmppel ! i olllcc HtAI ) .Allot t. * r r'r' - , VJ. J J" -fl " t" ' > < SrtSTyr. . piiwj Jl" iir.M ) m row .Mr. Slioppoll lina u full list of riussllleil IOTEI ! ( I'ttlmatcM KiiniantecU ) the inosl In Ipful uliN c\i'r lev Ned for tlio Intending bullilor IMTJ : < lc' lxii Is iciiutlfull ) ' prlnti'il ( in | ilnti < p.iic'i | ) sro | ( if pane. lO'-jv 1 Inches ) , \vlth full < li "crlptluns niul Hour pi in . Inf h hot t > r "rlnsb" lit enclosed 111 u linuilHomc1 cloth u > rt folio , us follo H : I'oitfollo of fl WO Uott-ps , ra ilcaluiii. . I'rlicSS . " 2 "I lie llr-a portlollo ciinlnlns tlcvlKns tint cost nt on an * M > , SIOJ , fTOO mill tt-W An > 'I of the ntiovo 1'ortfollos for f 1 , an ) 7 for $10 ; ho complete sol (12) ( ) for fl.'i IMiniihlot of hpiUmon iatfs , 'flc I-artju buiindolumu conlalnlnt ! mcr SOU rte lfc-m ( oloctcil from tlie porlfolldoot wirloils ioil" . j , roturiinlilo If nol c -fictorj A > lilrci > 8 It W bhoppcll , Auhltcct Ul Itroiiilnii } , .Vow loik .Men- Ion thh piper nnd tlilist fi > Oi > lrisure. Tim rnlliiR'iiii.s.sliin oft liu Iiiinniu ui mil } . liunihiiliiii-tcrrl | ( li- c-itli bralr In tutcil , the iii-iioin Hjslcin htialiifil. Ir < liui > iirriultorplc < : isuiHlliuboly Is tortiucil lj lushldii'H ilcspntUi HUII ) ; tlio liouis ( lrrItiicMl fdrrcpoRnui o < li\ < it Mi torx- . liiiiiytlnc l volrj ; the t in.ioli Is intlilisMlv JmiMisoU npnii ; puio orator , tlio ii.itninl til-ink lornll civr > tc'il liohiK' , la iRimiod , inut lliiutil Urn Is substituted until , ITU vo nro nunro cif It , clNi-uso 1ms llxc-d ltn lion ) ; riiiip upon us. Tliva wo liiulc for tlio "rrnioil } . " To tin * victim of thcsu follies , w c oinini'iiil Dr. Tiitt'Hl.I\crillU. TJu-y htlmiilnto the lltur , htrriitlipii tlio IHT\CM , rrsldro tlio ui > - Jictlto und liulld up tlio clclillltulod body. Tutt's Liver Pills MAKE A VIGOKOUS BODY. frlco , 25c. Olllco , 39 & 41 Park Place. N. Y. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE rrtADE r.iAnu TUP \TYRADCIVIARK KMIIISH IU.M- im An unfall- liiKrnrnfor'-oai- Innl Winkiii' i. s pennatorrhn * i , linpotMu > anil all ill oiscs tint follon as u < ( iiurnco of elf " ' " ' " EEFORF. TAKIHQ. Vitiii'ii" AFTER TAKIHO. 'nln In the Ilnik. Dhnnoss of Vision Promatuu'Olil Ace anil man ) oilier ill OT < oa that lo ul to Insuiiilj or onimnplli n nnil a pri mature fiini' tJTTnll partlinlars In our pimplot whlrh oili > " lie to fi'nil fioi ) Iiy m ill tnc'MT ) one ZiT I'he hpoi I < moil lei [ M * Is sold t f I pur pat Kant * or tl * IMI kauon or * . ' ) or ulll ho vent fiou by mill on thu lOLOIpt of ho mono ) hy aililroMHlnt ; Till : l.OODMAN Dllt'O CO. , 110 r\IIN\M STIH.KT , - - OUAIM. Nrn on ncroiint of counterfeit * no hmcj ailoploil thu 'I'llnw Wrapper lhoonl > k-i'nulne LATFS/ / " INVESTMENTS THAT WILL NET 100 Per Cent Prof it IN SIX MONT I IB. TALLAPOOSA , - G A. , A Yuiikc City Under Southern Sun , II us now in oiiorutloii and mull r ennstiiie- lun , t\M'ht mm niaiuifiu tuilnit liiili.lil(1 | > , iniiloylas noaily l.VKi liiiiuls and many iniiiu inder negotiation. This menus that leal us- ulo and - louUlll duiiblu In Hnuintlis. | . Now Ntliullino inlineas nrlce > nlllad- aiic-o i'i pet cent bj Apiil lltli. I'ot IKiitk'ii- iii s aldtc'b ! > tlio rallapoosa Land , Mining and 31 fg Co. , Tnllnpoosn , On. C. O. WALLANDER , Agent , 27O2CumlnaSt .Omcihn , TO""WEASCMWIEI\jI \ Biifr.ru . frniitl ul ( - I jmlhfiilirrun , jurlr ( Iccny > vii-.tini ! iiikin t. liwt liim lioixl < ( < l lj wml a > iiialiinntlu ! iliil miitninii „ full lutrlirnliira f > r li i uin I'lll ! < ii-r.t' ; A Jpli-mll'l me iJicalk r'K il.l IK. nwl l | > Tjr man "tin li ttfn in nn I ilfliiflii.ti'il. AiUlriM , 1'ruf. l' , t.l'OUtil.'IC.WooUuii.Couu. < PARTMENT ; 9 In our store lias contributed to make our display of spring goods superior to that of any previous sea son. In each department we will offer every week during the entire season some remarkable specials , whereby we expect to make our establishment the busiest place in town. In the men's suit department you will find this week : 400 fine black corkscrew suits , sacks and 3 button cutaways- regular price $12,50 ; will be sold this week at $8. The material in these suits is all worsted ; they are lined with an excellent quality of farm er's satin , well made and very dressy. In the boy's department we will continue the special sale of the several lots of suits , which we bait ed last week. Our boy's departmcn never was so busy , and customers arc delighted with our stock and the way they can buy boy's suits of us this season. In the hat department we have opened and placed on sale today another shipment of our now justly celebrated 95c fur Dcrbys , the latest spring shade ? . Hundreds of our customers who have been waiting for this "Special" will be pleased to hear this. They wear no other hat now as they find them as onnd as any hat they have been paying $2.50 for. In the shoe department we offer for this week , 20 cases fine dongola lace shoes , of an excellent quality at $2.25 a pair. They are easy and comfortable shoes and well adapted for spring wear. Tlu-y - aio of just such quality as hat stores are selling for $ -1. At the neckwear counter you will find an elegant line of silk tecks , in new spring shapes and pat terns at 15c , the regular value for these is at lea t f > 0c. C. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , We nio now showing cur new lines of Spiing Clothing. Theylaro moio eonii- | lete and attiactlNo than e\ nbefoie piesentcd. Jlenis spilni ; Milts In both sac'lisund cut.uvajs made fiom fabrics 'ehctrd fiom the best m.iiiiifautnies and best of all , at pi Ices nltliln the leieh of evcijoue. Special department forbois and chll- ilien's ololhlug. * - > < \ Ilia ft t 11114 l ntltl I'll.nt ! iVr-Miiim KM Huudill tia uiu xtitUd NEW YORK , LDNDDIIDERRY AND ClASUOW. . J UNI I V Apill ll'l ' ( IIU A sl \ M.n I. I > I\OMA : , AN ( IIUHI \ IU New Yoili , CJniinstu\\ and Li\eipool. 'I ho ( olohrnli'il I ! a > III Mm Hut Cl'lV Ol KUMi : I liini'JStli Jul > 'mil SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE I lit n Ion l t li l Ilia to ana fl ( nil Hi" l > l HI' ! [ ' > ! SCOTCH. EHGIISH. IRISH AIIO Alt CONTIKEMAL POINIS. I , iiii.lciiiiul.il * . , inn.lo iivaiiiilil" In rtturn lo iitlar ( lie Oh liinK'iiinC lult1 KhirMtriJt > Noiluor hulltlinrinllili'l N 'I ' I , > ! IIHnnll ir CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS ( it I , t t imiiiit i m > AM l\ l i nny of our l. nl afiiiH , 01 tu HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago. LLAHLIHEOCEAN STEAMERS Patsancto andlrom Great Britain nnd art DSrt * ol Europe Monlrcil-Llveriiool route. Ly lha waters o ( St. Lawrence , shortest ol all. ( .Imsowto Iloaton , to I'lillmluliilila. I Uorponl to ami fiom lliiltlmore. 'Hurt ) hieamors. ( Inns csctimor Accommodatlnii * imsiirimsfcd WceKly sailings. AM.IN A. 'O..flon West AK In. C. J. Sundcll , uinitt 1.11J La tmllo t > t-i CUttnjo , III. State Line. To Glnsrjow , Belfast , Dublin und Liverpool. ntoji NI.W VCIUK nuvTiiri : iixv Cabin liassago H" > tof "fl , ai-foidlnx to luiat Ion Of htlltU lOOIII. Mrrraun to nnd fiom Kiirnivut | Lowest I ! iif AL'&l'IN IIAI H\\IN A. CO. . ficnoial A cnti M llio.uhMiy. Now VuiU. , Ino. lllii'ii. . lic'ilPlalSYntC'rn A'iit. | IM Uan < lolili | fclicct. Hairy tt. .Mnuu , Tliu- * Ouniiu. ' ' "JM ibu I'lM.isn UTVT'J ' U'lVTI'M " > " AlllnllO lln.lll.l' Cl.dTMl.S I.IM ) ; JKlU'llt iK'i'iitly U'-iied It bolds HID elotliosltlioul | ilns.tlnn do not fu c/o to It and oaiiiiot blow , , ir buiniilc line' Ki-nl by mall JOiMtmil ; line l.j mull * l Si Tor Llii.iil.irH pilii-tl-t inul "i K i > C mi in i kmc ( > , lHrn.us , \ KV Uf M i-- * OOODHK II I i ) I t I" i 4 \ I III ! iln " " ' * " ' 'l ' \ < l i f.ci i.i j. .ty fcj > c .alju in iiy o tul is , run . TheflKiireOlnouriHtes will make n lonf ( 0(07. ( No nihn or womin now IMns 111 cvsr clato a document nltbout using the ftgnrc 0. It ttaiuh In the tblnl place In 1690 , where It 111 remain ten jears nnil then mo\c up to K-conil plnco In 1000 , where It will rest for ono hundred jears. There Is another " 9" w hloh luis nUocomo to stay. Ills inillKo the figure 0 In our d.iles In the respect tint It his nlrculj tumid up to first phcc , where It will pcrniincntlx rcmiin. H U cilled the "No. B" Illsh Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sew ini ; Machine. The "No 0" was cnOor cil for fir t plico by the eiptrts of Kurope lit the 1'iris Imposition of 18S9 , win re , after .1 sc\crocontes > t with the leailins mi- chines of the world , It was awarded the only Grand 1'rUe gi\pn to f.unll > ecwlni ; imichlues , nil others on exhibit having rccti\cd lower nwiinH of gold medals , etc Ti > o I'mich Governnipnt nho recognized ltssupcrlorit > lij Ihedecor.Ulonof Mr Kiith iniel \ \ heeler , I'n "idcut of the uompau ) , with the Cross of the Lcylou of Honor. The "No 0" is not nn old inichino lmpro\ed uvou , but is an entirely new muchtao. nnd tl c Grand Pilzeat Pans was awarded Has thu | > rand cctad\nnce Ii. tcwini ; machine1 ineclmu m of the age. The c who buj It cm rest assured , therefore fore , of bating the very latest und best. WHEELER & WILSON M'P'O ' CO. , 185 nnd 187 Wubaoh Avo. , Chicago. P. K. FLODMAX k CO. , 0 North llith Streot. NO Permanent Alignment SPEED , Strength. Sold Under n POSITIVE GUAR ANTEE. GEO. H. SMITH & CO. , Oeneial AgentbNcbittbkii and loua. 81OS. 16th St. , - - - Omaha GRATEFU L-COM FOHTING EPPS'S COCO A BFSEAK.FAST. "Hy n tliurniiuli know IcclMi of tlio mtnrnl Inivi whlili MHcm tlio oi'i'iiitU'iniol ' IIIKWIIUII niul nn HI Hun , nnil li ) iiiielul nppllidlliHi ul llic'llnu proper tin ol well n Uclcill 01 in Mr I'pps Imsprinlili'il our liruikfnxt inlilcs llli ilolliali I ) llnioieil lie'M'in o nlililimu ) PIITO nn n mi ) lieiiliilom' IUN It la li ) tlio Juilli Ion * i.ff ul Mull mil. Ii of < lli I Hint 11 Cdiiitltiitliui m.i ) I o n.iiliinll ) luilt up nnlll nlii'ii ' enoiiKli to ro-lKt e\n > ii'iiilini ) In illhiM-c linn ilriilt ot mil l'i' iiinlnilloiiii | > II' nlni.Miiiiinl : y lo.iily to atliick wliortui lluiolii u MI iK ii'lni ' \\uniriy I'll ipo liiiun n Illllll li ill 1 ) I' " I 1'ifc "iirnlicn wi'll foitttleil null piiio I ! ul mill it | > imurlilieil frniiio ( nil Tn in ( .a/mi Miuli mint I ) niilit mil ilin rnulk s , | J only In Imlf ni.uiiit tin- " l > M in- ' " ' > ' "id" K I PI'S ' A (0 ( " " ' " liHilil'Uicinlsts .0 I.I 1 O ft tu l , ml , n | n , tn < l. Tlui \ \ I'll Jviio\\ - penIs Is imsi t ( ilii.1 * ! il in llio IK a line nt i f 111) ) fcrlliN . f I'll I \ \ 11 I'l-t \ > " in .1 . * ' ' ' . t * " n i nn Liim iinli'i it llm unit I " > I Mmilii i il iiiiil iHiiimi , n Mi nlly , r Ham in OK a i" I lily iiiiul Mini I .r . I. . .ik * J lit 1 ill. 'M ' " I. I r Mllfl r \ \ limn inihlUientl * in i - Si i v < IIB 1. u in Jn . IM < i ii i cil iiuli kly nn.I pi i iiiniii i itv li i i n i i t 1 > i 11111 niloni i plumpa III n i h l'i ml I i 'riu Ulluo ti K I ur l.lll iiml Ja. kfi.ll Bluc-U I'n ihu .NLlj ThOOIllVSlfl- Hill | . S I.II . IllllllI Of OX- ll.U-IIni : icclli. mill Hi' ' ' nly nn Ilioil "t ln > ' it- liiK tootii without plain , icinaliilni ; clenu anU " " IIAUr.HAWOUT , sucrinEiis : KIIOM .Vi'rum * llrlilllly , Youthful InJInrrclloni Ba YoiirOwnPliysician „ , Man\ men , from tlio effect * of youthful A lmpniieiut ! > , him * hroivht nhutit K ft a to i f w makncFs thnt hiu iidiuid ( lie Ktnrtiit PJH tern to iiiiith us to Induce ntmutiLiiy ottitr dlnnxts nml the mil CAIIHI * if the trouble * carn l > our U > liiu'fU ii ct ! , tin v nro doctori'il for n r > thlu liut tin Hk'ht ono Nuttvltlistandiiiir Ilio ninny mutual lo rcmpilte * thnt medical ncltuco Imt piiNlurttl forttiorelkf ofthlHClnFx of | > ntlentn nnnu t f tlio otdlnarjr nuidt ttof tiTntintnttirictu 1 Itul nrictlctM o Into cxitcrlimntnj \\ltli and dl * < ot uid tuwniutroiictntiatit if nn tiles Dm ac oin ) nnjtntr pn criptlon l of feiiM nn a rorlnln iitnl npi'edv run * . B ; Ji mdriMu of cam * In nur tu tic lice lint In i n < Kfetnrul to i ifnt ) utilth bv lt iim nfUl | nllothi-r unudlosrnlKil 1'crft-ctly nuic In < K re lleiiln iuut bo u&ed 111 the pri imrutiuu uf ; tl Is prticrl * | tlon ; fit Jrjthrotjlon coci , 1 2 drAchm ? Ji'nibcbln 1 2 ilrnrlini ! lit Ionian lHoJca , l S drachm. > it lit tniutrn-Jecmplts , Glycerine , a s JIlx ! c fnkoCOpllK Tntrolplll AtSp m .nndnn ) othiron KiM'iff tn lutl Itipontucnsialt will \ boiiicpKUiyfiii thopntUnttotAltOtwoilllii I S nt Indtlino , limiting ihonuinturtlirt oftdni > - - - - ' ultoc\ciycondltloiuif ! ; misiipu'ruiviinroiruii n' [ u > > econtliiiiO'l foi nhort tliuoctnn t ! ) tlm . f lin uld , ( lihllitntid , iifm IOKH condition to ' S oiioof icncwoil llfo nnd \ j or < [ Afwonrpcr-nxtftiitl * Inrcccti tof Kttcrsof J ; Itujfrv | ninth t ) ti ihH ninnli , o ouNl ; > ny tulhofOHlinuould prtfti tciolitnlnltdf ) ! t , by rtmltltrrf $1 nwrnrcly BtnJod | t.ich ' nc * < contalnli ! 6) j Dlx , rnrtfully ruin Iuiindeil , III l pert hj iftuin inullfioni ur pii ate Hhornt' ooro \\l\l \ fiirnlr'i B ' 'la kotrin , \rilUuroiHO8tcatcrf , for 5 AdUrt 3 or call on Haw Engla'nil Medical Inslituto , 21 'I'n niont llnu , Iloiloti , Mai.a. Copyrluht , 18S9. by K. It. llau-li COUGHS , Sore Throat " " MA I The highest medical illtlioillles nf thn We ild JIM M i Ilio nnil leiiiaiiiiend tin POUEN MINEHALPASTILLKS Pill dlsia-is uf thn Tliidiit , I'lieat and IiuiiK'i. and also for con- biiiupllon. "I Hud the results nfthPSOnnN MINTUAf. WAIMUtS AM ) PASTIMES me MIJ MlllS- fnetorv fu SiilnuMilo I'liai \ nj-'lllh asi II as In CliKinle Catai Mini ( 'oiulltlon nf llir ujiii | i air JW.S.IPI-S. " JlOlirAU It. IIIIOWN M l > . Piof. of I.nri n olosj at L'ldciiKo I'tilicllnlo. At all dingglsts at L'l and flO cent- , rhaiuplots G i.ills on Application. SODES MINERAL SPRIXCS CO. , LIMIIED 15 C'l.I\lt .S'IIU.1,1 , Nl \ \ V IIK J3R. QJWEKTSl ELECTRIC BELT ilVI > S5trJLujllWSOX-S.JV PATENTED Mo. 1C , 1887 , IMPDOVEDJULYSO. 1883. - nn. nhcunatc | Cou ) . . .uinbago. Genera ! We voaa Di-lillitv KidneV 10 IIMin\-illllt I'A.ITIIN11 % B . & Si"5 ELECTRIC INSOLESil. . . , , . . . Alsnnn Eltctrlo TrueR and Belt ComhlnoU. HrDklhe foiliffi for ratr lllu.t A \ ot ? H\\ \ . ? * .Mrhuil tn atul voulnj uluBtalid uivt 10 Miti ttoulliih | r r Adilrtia OV/EN E1ECTRIO BELT tc APFUANQE CO. SOU North llior.dwuy BT l.OUIU , MO. Q30 ! Uroadway. H1JVVOUIC CITY. * % Z ffi t& & 9FM Psr-5i iv5 5wf7t50 * B ? lfc J & Rl Lira irft lSS V SaBf jTm mi n * 11 n it ii , 11. I MAIl'&iVfef'l ' fH'iaOejIlJUliylHlMw ' MfBOVfOTJ-J'Ifev-UCCTPIC BUT AND SUSPINSOBJ ir lirM Ml - 1'i'i * * ' ' * rtlNMt tUlr'TiliK | rilleur | * , . l * HIU , Hoi 11 , . IL ( uri 1,1 Grcrralli * llrili " K' ' ( lUUTH r , .ur " " " fclrrlrlc BlVrM "i l"l7 > "o > " ( rl I * l * * l IU ti ll | lIKItiii ( t.iro.ot. i . . . . 1 1" " * ' " ul ! "C Uirtlcni rcr > ratnrnllT I urr I Hi it * moult , f 'n'pl ' ' IDIUI tilrl Krrc. BAK1JF..N U.EOTKIOCO , i.ll.M..IHCAQOIU. ( SAWTAB.-IH8IDIY Arrest ilUcliarRoi from the urinary ci/janj / In cllliir > i'x in 4U liouru. It b cuKrlur U > ( upallu , Cubil > , ( r Injoo- tlnns , niul freg fruin all Utii imili ur otLor Incunuiiltntci , SANTAL-MI ( j | t lc uh ( b Uftr | h name 1 t tit ' ti wii iuul v > lm h n nn v or * J. * " * " ueenGityTopMfgGo. DUQGTTOPS oi > AH r i i CUSHIONS , BACKS , RAICS , SEATS AHO Tk.MINGS. .