THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , APEIL 8 , 1890. THE DAILY 15 BE. " E , BOSEWATER , Editor. _ _ I'L'HUSHIM ) nVBItY MQUNINO. TCIIMS Ol' fMWi'KII'TION. l > illy mid iMindny , Ono Vi-tir lift no Mr liiontlM fil Tlin-i nmnllH 2 f" Hiimlii ) HIM , OneVinr S W Uc-oldy Ili-c. Ono Vi-ar IK orncw. Oinnhti Tim Ilin Iliillillni ; H Om ilui ( oini-rN and Jdth Stirct1 ? . ( oiiliill lllulN. 131'i'iirlMlrii-t i liiinKoOilliiW,7Tln ) Itoold-ry Iliilldlm ; . , l > rl > Hixiiiis II nnd r > Till iim Ilullillng. Wnililii ton. fill 1'niiru until Htiiut. ( Oltltl PONDIINCK. All roiiiiiiiiiiti-atloim ri'lathi2 to MOWS and editorial tnatlnr Hlionld bu iililieso ( < l to llio I illtitrlnl Ill-part incut All tniHliio-w letters nml ri'tiilltiinp' ' * should lie iiililii - - ' il In Tin' Hi i ! PiihlHiliix Ciiiiiiiiitiy , Onmlm llinl i lii'cki mill iiotliillli-iMirdoiH to l > i < umde ii.iynblu to HID onltr of iliu ( Join- ) ' my 'J lie lice Publishing Company , I'ropriclors. ' Tlio Hot H'lillii ? , r.iriinni nml Hm-nteenlli Ms HVVOItN TATiMiVI' : : OP CIUCTJ.ATIO.V. hlnli'iif " , i hr.mldt. I , . < niiiily nf DoiiKllis. ( „ " ' , . . fJiiirui II T/si-lim-U , M-i-n-t'iry of The lion I'lilihslilni ; ( ( iniiiiiiiy , ilni-s Mili'imily HWi'itr Tillmn.v HKI- tlmt tin if luiil < lii-iilatlmiof forllic wn It i ndliiK A III II 5 , IblX ) , was us fol- HnVH Hnniliiy Mnn-Ii ? A 'S1.1ZI Mimiliiv Miiri-li.'lt 1M > TIH IIIV. | Apill I ViiM ) Miilm-tiliy. Apill ! ! aw 11 TlinrHiliiv , April .1 ai.-l)1 ) ! 1'rldiV April 4 Sfl. i < ) Hiitiliilnj , April ft -'T/ll Avenge ilO.THIJ 01:01101:11. : : T/.sr-nrrK fewiirn In Iwforo mi1 mid Hiilisorllx-d In In my prisiiiii UilsIHIi ilnj ot Apill , A. I ) IS'K ) Is-i'iil I N. P IT.II , . Notary Public. Hfilf-nfNf hriiki. l _ , ( mints nf Poiiglai I ' Oioiirrll T/-O-IHII V , lit-InK ilnly Buorn , fie- PII-.I s null MIVS Hint lie Is Ni'iirutnrv of Tin ) Jloii PiilillililiiK Coinpiiij , Hint llu > nctuitl im initi-tlullv i Irmiliilloii "f'fill ! DAII.V III i fin II nlli ur , IKS'i ' , I * KM copies ; for April l i iMrullinplcsj for May , INVI , ISr/r ) i dpli s fin luno | W'I IHKVH copies ! for .July , IWi'l isrn nipliH , for August , IMi. iiiplis fnrS-pli tnljer , IWt IN 710 nipli-s , for Oi loin r ISV > H WIT topics , for NoM'inbi-r , IKM ) , I'l lliniii ) | , fin Pin uiliiT , IMi'l 3) ) IMS t'lipli-s , fin liinimn IUKJ , I'l.ViTiiiiplis. ' for l' < } , If' ' " ) in Till iiipli-s IInilliii' II T/SCIICIK MUHII in imfoin inn mill Mibsi-illx il In my pli-imi lliMlst liny uf Mimh. A I ) , lb.K ) is ii I ] N P I'l if. , Notary Public. 'J'Hi : wioklj" iccoid of Omaha'a pio- { USMIVIstiidos poi Hihtonlly demolish till' Hfloomj piodiclloiis of eioakcrd. I'lto pn TIVK candidates for htato of- flu-H HlinuliI icmoiiibiT th.iL llieto is immv u slip 'twitf.aiiliclpalloiitiudrculi- yafioii III , a \ \ ir N the scliool liook h iulicatu , tint lolly ) and the prolilliltion i-iMiiKs , tlif Hfi > of llio lowu loglsliitor ia not a iiiuiiil of inert Iinutil. * 'I IMC stimulus of aihaiu'iii' , ' htatoliood isalic.uU foil in Winiuinjr and Idaho , ftonio tiouhlo is \crii'iRL'd ] ) in finding coiiyciiiul ( jiiHi'trrs for tin1 nuinlicr of booms limiting about tliu oinbi o hiatus. Or ( oru'sn uork will lof'in on the nchi idfjo "within hi\li daiH. " The ) iiamiyi ; ; s caiinol alloiil to fotfoit a ( | iiarci ! of a million dollara in Douglas I'ounl v biuiilM by iK'yli'ctiny to bo in op- datum- . Assi \M'l.Sai agfiinf'i\ : that uoik will bojjin on the Nelia ; ! Contial bndgi"within Hixty da.\H. " Tliowlio are not fainili.uith the bound can locoyiii/oIhouvjur.uiLOs by their ( rM.HM , biCivLih' : wink as HliurllT of Ni-w Yoi Ic is Horionsly i utiu dcd by ob- htu pi IOUH di'putios. Tiuoto their no- tioiiM of Twi'i'ihsm they ro\olt siLfiiinst anj HVhli in of lofoi'invhiuli \\ill doprho t.huii of hool\ . Now Hint llio Vooihi'os Httitvli c'oin- ] ) iinj of Indiana has buun absoi bud by u tfiwt , il in jiiobahlo that , for family iiMiMiijH , the 'I'.ill S c'.iinoro'H tongue will liucomi' too HtilT forolluL'tlvu woik on the Hiilijoi't of tomblnes. Tun lU'Hlriiction liy llto of Iloraco fiiiMih v'M old homo IHory ilojilornblo. Allhou li the famous ( Jlmpiiaqua homo NMIS an atti action for ndmiiors of llio Ki'i'at I'dttor , its loss IH trilliiiff coinpaiod ANilh Ilin dc'striiclion of inamiicripts , jiapois and ioltois of tfioat itistorii-al \altti1. Thuir | oss Is u misfortune. I'l Is shi'i-r folly on Hit ) pint of the ] ) iomotors of tlio Dou laii stteot Urado to atti'inpt 11113 < inoasuro that \\ill ' | u chantfo of { , 'iado on thO hi'MllltoOllUl HtlUOt flOlltS Of tin- NoVork Mfo and ! : : biiildiajjs. It will taUo all the money they i-an - to i'thor to maKe { food Iho dam- to pmpoitj on Uppi'r Douylas , i and Nineteenth Ktioots. Tin : boom In Salt LuKe Cltj real estate - tate is putting coiiHidurable monej in the Mormon poi-Kot. HoIUnln that "money i the i eel of all t > \ 11 , " that diHtinif uiHlu'd Hiuoothboio , Apostle Cannon , nr es the moniboirt to plai-o their trust in tlio Hunch , to putlheir mono in the tithing ] IOIIM < and lot the leaders taKe oai o of it. A moio chariulnf , ' display of an\ious euro for tin' safety of JtrlKlmm'ri followei-H i-ould not be tmatjlned. Evidently the recent lojjul haiilH on the Mormon sur plus lotiM * a liir o aching \old to (111. ( TUI.IIK Is nothing so dama in as e\- tra\a ant and llotttlous statisiics put put forward by mon-enary boomers. Omaha cannot be bonolUled by clainm lhatj aio liable to bo pmiotuiod by the census returns. Her hliad and health ) rio\\tli 10- ( | uiitH no quack treatment. The truth told about her estimated population , Mead ) proKiess and prertpoctlvo Kfonth will do moio to draw capital and oncour- n o inxwstmont than all the Imlloonatic pivdictloiiH and baseless blowing. SOMI : papora are no\of contented \\lth telling the truth about anj tiling , o\eu \\heio the truth would serve thepiirposo much better. They nvo constantly practicing imposture upon their patrons and the public by ridiculously inllated claims of circulation. One of these blow html concerns * which no\or had ti honullde weekly circulation of vwenty- the hundictl ha.s iccently i-ont out tlctltlous statements to eastern advor- tlseid dulmtnt ; a circulation for Its \\eoklj of o\er Iw only-live thousand and makes a corivdiMiultnjjlv extraviifjant i'lulm for Its daily. This hublt of liupoetui-e lias become to chronic that the biimu concern seeks to carry Itn linK ] > aturo by tlutllious liyures nnd "ftiko" iidvortlshijj Into o\ory urtl- do itspuuu luuccruiu r Ornuha. K KNI'MUIATIOX. \hwof tlio fact Unit thla country Irt jnoduclii } ; moro of almost everything tJiun It run consume nnd thnt conso- cjuuiilly there Is tti urgent dcmnnd for enlarged markets , our IcglHlntors in congress seem alngulnrly inditTcrent to llio neewwitj of cultivating friendly re lation * with other countries. It is pro posed to omb.irrasH commercial inlcr- coui'Mi with Mexico by putting a duty on her most important product for ox- port. All chance of making more favorable trade arrangements with some of the South American countries is threatened with defeat by contemplated changes in tlio tar I If , Iho Canadian mat- led for our manufactured products seems likely to bo endangered , and there is n deposition being nhown to doettioy what remains to us of the Chlnc e inui ket by a new manifestation of hostility to the | > eople of that country. A bill has passed the house and is now bcfoto tlio bennto requiring Iho supcrinlendont of Iho census to give to every Chinaman in this coun try ti corlilicalc , which , "after ninety days from the dale of beginning of Iho cnumoinlion , nhall bo llio Hole evidence of his right to remain in the United States , and in Iho absence of which ho .shall bo liable to deportation or imprihonmonl for five jcnrs. If this measure becomes u law itwilltesult in Hlfulling ouj , of the country every China man , whatever his occupation or pur- po'-e , except the Chinese minister at Washington and the consuls of that country tit New York and San rrancibco , who aio not within Its 1'inits when the census enumeration islakon. It would also tcHult , without doubt , in spcedilyjleatioying what It ado we now have with the Chine o empire , which , though not gieat , is eagerly cov eted by Ihtropean countileswhoiObl.ites- maiiHliip is of a mote practical character ours. Wo now have laws for llio exclusion of Chinese labor , which were deemed milll- eienlli sitong to accomplish that object when they weio pav-ed , and doubtless would be found ho if rigidly enfoned. What m'ci's"ily is tliete for fuillier legislation ngiiinst these people ? Is there tini thing to bo gained by kcoping out the Chinese mer chant , tiavclor and uludentV On the conlr.iry ib it not jnob.iblo wo nhotild lose i-omething by doing hoV Can it be wise to invite : i retaliatory policy on the putt of Iho ChinoM' government toward American inoiuhnntu and iiiib ionario-i , and coinplelely undo all Unit was accom plished under the treaties with China , which wcio of our own seeking ? We have behaved so badij with respect * spect to our agreements with China that nations so situated ab to bo unable to cnfoiio tiealy ob ligations or exact n penalty may well dibhuslus. Hul if wo can uiToid lodis- lugiird Iho opinion of Iho world , can wo also affoid to cut ourselves olT fiom in- teicourse with n people who have shown the stlongest possible doiiu to bo friendly with us , and who may in time become among our best oustomeis ? The iNew i ork chamber of commeice has piotested against llio pending bill as "absiud , b.ubauius , unchiistiaii and cowaidly. " I-'iom a Htrictly point of view It is ceitainly most ah- Hind. ( iri'lf'K 'J 11AASI'KH. The proposal to tiansfer Iho pension olllco fi om the interior to the war do- pnilmonl ought to bo adopted. Tlio ( | Ueyt ion has been discussed for a num ber of jean and has been bovoial limes piosontoil lo llio atlenlion of congiess , bul v 01 y likely because of the political coiisidi'talions involved it lias never been favorably icgtitded by that body. If the ] ) onsion olllco were made u part of Iho war dopnitmont n certain amount of patronage would bo cut olT , and this fact is milllciunt to explain in pail con- gius > > iontil opposition to the pioposcd transfer. 'J'liero i-5 no sound letibon why the pen sion bureau should not bo in the war do- piulmonl. Obvlouslj Iheie is its logili- male place. This service is conneuted with the mtlltaiy clepailnienth of every go cinment but ours , and in oilier cotm- ti ies Us on t'u o udminiblralion Ib in Ihe bauds of military ollleers. Tlio piopi i- otj of llusis appuiont , and we can make no mlslako in adopling Iho suecoisful practice of other crovernmonts { in this matter , at least to the ovtont of placing an army otllcer of high rank at Iho head of Ihe bureau and ap pointing inferior oUlccrs to Iho buboull- nato adniuiisli alive positions , Iheir tonmos to ho peimanenl. 'J'liero can bo no doubl that the oiled of mich a change would bo to Improve the service , and llio moio elllcient the HOI vice the boiler for the pensioners. This bureau , more per haps than any other under the govern ment , ought to be ftee from the changes which follow evorjtnmsfor of the con trol of the goveinment from one politi cal piuljto Ihe other , the consequences of which to the sorvlooaronoailj-nlwnjs moio or less unsettling and domonili/- Ing. The country has had a striking ex ample of this w Ithiu the past year , and it may expect others so long as the pen sion bureau is suhjeut to political changes , Undoubtedly both the government and the pensioners would be bonelltod if tlilh sorxicowoio placed in charge of competent - potent army ollleers , who would retain the positions so long as the duties vveie acceptably and faithfullj discharged. The service would cost less without any saoiillco of ollioloney , the business would be Hj'rttonmt I/od and kept so , and all pen s-loners would receive uniform nnd im part iulVonstdeiatlon. .i.s/'Kcr / or Tin : sn , rtn g The most triiHtworthj ropoits from Wiishlngloii indicatoa vorygenenil ten- doncj among the bllver men in both branches of congress to support the Wlndoin bill us amended and reported to the house. TluMneiisuro provides for free coinage whenever the market price of pure bllver shall exceed one dollar for three hundred and seventy-one grains. It is bald that the silver men in the sun- ate , led by .1 ones Stewart and Plumb , have determined to abandon the tenate sliver bill entirely and are iKKnning the five coinage move ment. Whether they will endeavor to lirlntr forwiml a now bill , speeillenlly movidiiiL' for hve colnitjfe , or accept the house bill with its conditional provision , has not developed , but as Jhoy profess tel l > elicve that the president would approve n free coinage bill thej' nro likelj" to in troduce such n measure. It is possible those senators have good reason for their opinion regarding the present disposi tion of the president , but there has been no other intlnvlon that ho has changed his mind oil this subject , nnd in his an nual' ' message he held very pronounced views against the expediency of free coinage. Meanwhile there appears to be a grow ing disposition among eastern member * of Iho house , bolh republicans nnd dem ocrats , to dispute the proposition that a , stiver bill must bo passed. A number of these are quoted in opposition to any change of policy regarding1 silver that would incrcuso the use ot that metal in the currency , nnd thcj * urge that if a compromise lias to bo made with th'o sil ver men it is the part of wisdom for east ern rcproscnlnlivoslo take their llrst po sition against silver inllation and com promise from that ground rather than take a middle position and have to yield something to the silver men from that. The danger to any silver legislation is less from opposition , of this kind than from the diversity of vie > vs among the friends of silver. The men who demand free coinage are the real obstructionists. Under cither llio Windom bill as amended or Ihe senate Jones bill a mar ket would he cieated for all the silver product of the country , while under the foimor fiee coinage would bo at- lained whenever bilvcr reached u stated market value. It is not doubted that the president would appiovo either of these incnsuics. But the free coinage advocates appear de termined to bo satisfied with nothing less than Iheli demand , rcgaidlcssof the embarrassing position in which tlio president would bo placed by the passage - ago of a free coinage bill. The effect of the conlioversjwilliiu lite silver ranks is to give opportunity , and utronglh to the opponents of any silver legislation , and there are signs that these tire not neglecting whatever advantages the situation presents them. Perhaps a mensuio differing both fiom the senate nnd the home bills will finally bo adopted , but in any event it is prottj safe to predict that no bill specillcallj- pioviding for fice coinage will become a law during the picsent session. Li : s than twelve months ago the pen sion depatImi'iit announced that with the foice tltun emplojed it would take three j'oars lo dispose of llio pension claims filed. The outlook forptompt action was nn.v thing but cheering to the thou-nnd of older soldiois whoso claims weie awaiting the snail pace of the pen sion buionu. Hut General Itaum suc ceeded Tanner , woik succeeded talk , business methods supplanted confusion. Tlio sineciues of the bureau Uavcling about the countrjweio iccalled and put to work. The department became a model of activity , piecision and piMsistent labor. The icsult of Die change is shown in the report of Gencial Kaum lo Sceretarv Noble. The Unco limit is praclieally wiped oul and all claims mo within five months of sol- tlcment. Commissioner I'tutm expects bj the lirst of May lo have all claims filed up to the close of last jour exam ined and adjudicated. At tlio present rate it is icasotmbly certain that before the end of 1SOO the bureau will have dis posed of all back claims and be in shape to acl on all claims as soon as received. Too much 01 edit cannot bo bestowed on General Kaum for the activ itj and elli- eienej displaced in piossing llio woik of his dop.iilmcnt and ptoinplly giving the veterans of tlio war their just dues under tlio law. 1'i is amusing to hoar southern con- giessmen shout against the eonstilu- tioiiH under which Idaho and Wjoming seek admission to tlio union of states. Thoj-aio teiribly ahunied lesl Iho bul warks of liberty will he hopelessly shat tered and hj din-headed despotism real- its horrid head on Iho ruins of Iheie- public. in eloquent periods tliej' inveigh - voigh againsl the dangers lurking in the female sulli ago clause of the W.vomlng constitution , but the Idaho organic act is what lends their souls. Thej nctu- allj fear that Ihe piovision disfranchis ing pol.vgnmibls will wieek llio ship of slate. Their grout love for Iho Mormon "rolle of birharlsm" mtij ho measured hj Ihe number of domoeinlic voteis Ihus puppiessed unless thej swear allegiance to and obey llio law's. 11 is passing Hlrungo these foiensie defenders of liberty In Wj ( lining and Idaho do not piaclice al homo what they preaoh to others , Tlio wholesale biippiossion of the coloted vole in the south , the mur der of defenseless lopiibhcans , and the assassination of government ollleinls while performing their duties , brands their asset lions as insincere and false. Tin : past week's record of bank clear ings , real estate tinnsfors and build ing pei mils issued furnish gralifjing evidence of subslantial actlvltj. Com- paiod with the corresponding week of hist jear , it shows a gain of twenty-live per cent in tlnancinl titinsactioiip , and an increase of over a quarter of a million in real cstalo deals. The mmt striking feature , however , Is Iho marked Incieaso in building permits issued. The value of buildings for which permits weio issued during the hist week of April , IbSl ) , was llftj-ono Ihousand eight hundred dollais , L-ist week the total amounted to two hundred and eighteen thousand Unco bundled and slxt.v dollars , a gain of three hundred per cj'iit. In view of the fact that those ilguros'iopresont the Hist week of favor able business weather , tin idei * may bo formed of the activ itj in all lines when the building soai-on is fully on. The piogiossivo 'pace thus shown indicates tlmt the picsont jear will bo u rccotd- smasher in the commercial and Indus trial hlbtorv of thocitv. UAt.i.or reform is advancing rapidly. The Australian bjstom in modtUed form was put in force in Mlssouii and Khodo Island lust week , resulting in significant gains for the republicans. In both statca the law go's far toward securing an hon est vote. It of the horde of bal lot peddlers and insures absolute secrecy to tlio voter in preparing his ballot. ior. ; . ) lo < l ) Would Cio. H'atlttHu * > n IW II liai umi auj tftlcU ttut TuW'iaa.v iall a I * meeting nnJ tfwiTiUI the nwc.Us out If Tain- ninny vvcro Uy Cijllnv the ailv Ice she would have a big hal IJurj- Him ] &H < ly nt Dead ltdftm iltriiM ( Dem. ) . Tor vetoing Iho S.ixtoa ballot-reform bill Oovoraor Hill fats' ' it as well call for the scrv- Ices of a sexton. . v i.Jrt Ci ) * f'lif ' ( ( < > ll. If Mr , Bellamj-lmd produced a solid woik ho would doiihfteil bu complaining with Her bert Spencer that tils books had not paid ex penses. The tt < 5ty wins , and brought fame and fortune wltH t. a H | | | Oi-adtially CJottlng There. Tint llanlt K/pir . The Iowa republicans are coming to tliclr spiises. It Is a pltj- that the republican partj' , tlio ti-ue f i lend of temperance , must suffer bj- these prohibition crank cxpcilciiccs. CoiiKinttilntloim fiontVlllliiin. . Tlio following explains itself : To Ooonto . Pock. Milwaukee4 Ocsitndlioll I Your elect Ion Una cndorbumi'til nf my policy. Hlmn.irck Is n Inrk nuinbur , lint thcro Is notli- IIIR tlio matter with jou anil IIIL- \ \ aio both out of sight. \ \ . linni'N/oi.M UN of Itcrllit. A Good Political Investment. CfoncIaiKl Trailer. The republican streiiRtli abstracted from the eastern and nildillo stales lo develop Iho far noilhwcst has been like seed planted In fruitful soil fiom which the harvest Is now behiK'tfatheicd. It Inautes safety against the designs of Iho turbulent and fraudulent do- moeiacy for jciis tocomo until a five vote and an honest tount can be secured in every stale. No riiunmory Tor IllHinarck. ( /ifaifK / ) Herald. Bismarck's good Judgincnb rarely deserts him. Ho has refused a dukedom because ho wishes lo live in Jjktory merely by the name ho has made histoiical. Ho undei stands per- fecllywell that lils dignity and impoitanco would only be diminished by the acceptance of any title , and he is old enough , wise enough , and famous enough to caio nothing for Iliiinmeiy. Qualified for Sisterhood. 7\Vi \ ( l"o 7k J'uxt Kightcon teiiiloiirs vvoio admitted into the union as stales liofoio they had attained the 100 , ( ) < ) ( ) maik In population The character and ability of the people to govern them selves ia statehood and the piospcctivo giowthof the now state , WILS the prevailing argument common to each admission It ap plies to Wjomhig and Idaho vvitli thosimo foico it applied to each of the eighteen. AVhon AVonion Vote. In their vvifeloss , inothcilcss houses men would bo minding unmanageable childioii and collating the dajs till the candidate for ( ongivss letutiicll , the "Ood Illess Our Homo' ' motto on the wall , coveted w ith dust , would mode them with its worsted uiucality , while that other famous legoiid , "Peace. Bo Within This House , " would bo a sad tom- muntuy on the and liot that would pre vail. A sign on gate-post \ vvould explain all : "Wife Huuniitg for Congiuss. Back ia Six Mouths. " and C/ifuiyi / ) Tilliunr. The now oxtiadiUon treaty appeals to have had u wondciful icfoimatoij clTect. I'lovloas to March 2"i , at vvlmh d.ite the ) was rauiled , the cmliez/lcments ilnoiiiiled by tlic piess aveiaged moie than ono per it .y. To gii'o the exact ilguics , thoio vvc-io 107 embc/7leuipnts ia the United States ia the oight.v-four du.vs between .Innimiv 1 uud Miuch 'i3 piiiiiifr the twelve dajs that have ehi ] > scd since the latter date thuio have been none whatever lepoitcd , Figuics do not liu. 'J'lX'utiLS nnn not malto nioii moie honest at hcait , but they scorn to have some power hi making moil afiald to steal , which is the iipxt l > est thing. The < olony of slip- IKTy Atnei icaus in Canada is not likely to grew much linger. \clin ku .Jottings. Guide Kodc is negotiating for a creamery. The Blue Hill cieamery Is putting out 1,000 pounds of butter daily. I'M * Cat tick has again assumed char0roor the StoiKham Uepoitcr. A i ouuty Sunday school will ho oig.uiUed at Dakota Cltj Apnl 17. Sixtv-seven , old soldiers icccivo their mall al the Vordou pobtiilllcc. The NIUK o < oimty teachers' association w ill mc'ot at riilleitoti next Siituulaj. The Gordon Herald has been absoihed by the Kepubllcaii of the same pl.ico. Uistnct couit is m sesblon at Fiiiihury w ith suv c'lity-livo cases on the do < kut. A lodge of Good Tomplais Is to ho oigani/ed at Blue Hill with Jlftychiutcr momhoib Mi mid Mis I'c-ikiiisnf Hud Cloud lolo- buitod theii llftic'th wedding miiilverbiuy hist W CC'lv The Albion Ihe company gave n dame List o\tmug to secuio fuiiils to piuchabo uui- foims. The Coiigrogationalists of Wjmoro hive extended a call to Uov. Mr. Woolwoith of Chit tigo. The TwumschUepuhlleauciiteiod upon the tenth jear ot its existence last week with the puibpevts moit ) ilatteihig than ever of u long and useful existi'iice. Tiftv thousand dollars was loaned on fauns in Hamilton county dining the menthol ol Alan h. 1'ailc c.ountpiohlbitionisUs1 will oiganizoa noii-putisaii amendment league at Usccola next Mondaj. The llbraiy of the state noimal school at Pom has been moved into its now and elegant ( ( mil tui 6. N C I'nitt has resigned his position as ptimipal of the ( ieuoa schools mid has re moved to Alhioii. The foundation for tlio new Butler county com t hoaso at David City will bo completed in about three wc'oks. TheroH a pinspeot on foot at Guide llock to move the roller mill into town ami add a / oolon mill to thu plant. Inoveiy cilmimii.caso tried la the dlstilct com t at Impel ial whom the Jmy ugieed the defoiiilaats worn acquitted. John T , Walcott , an old and respected iesi- dent of .lefferson count v , lias been adjudged insane and his ion apimmted guauiian. A "skunkei.v" Is to Iw established near Talmagc and tlio dniKgibts have laid In a heavy supply of puifumoiics and dlslnfect- ants. ants.Kov Kov Mr 1'otcrpou has pivaclied his fare- VMillseimon aspistor of the Baiitlst church at Stromslmrg and has ictuined to his homo in Michigan The Haitington i onp irell-Demot rat has fjilleii into the hands of John H IVIbor oa a i-liattol moit' ago , vvho succeeds Norman Kape'Ie'iia'i ' editor As Marshal UWdiard of SpHngliold was ai resting three ni if for stealing billiard hills , out ) ol them , Clnulos Dimtmu by immu , dit > w a revolver ami attptrtptod to shoot Liddl.ird anil Jack l'o ( > i > , keeper or the billiard ball and saloon , lint before ho Miiccedcd a blow from the marshal s t lub laid tilm out , and hu did not rcuovoi consi loui > iic > as fui twenty-four lioui's. Blrf T lk ono of the mast enlightened and conscientious of Omaha Indians , Joined the chinch recently otnanl/ed on Omaha ciVcU , saja the IVndirltcpulilU'au. Although hnvIn IKHJII nmidiHl iiiconlliiK' to the Indian custom for ncnrlv , a score ol .vears , ho and Ills wife I'onciiscu , UJXJH Joining the chuuh , in- biBtid upon Ixjing ii'inuii.Nl aeuoitllng to the custom of the rhilUi'd world , which rew- niimy wa * poifurmiil by Kov I'lnloy at Win- uoh.igo Agune-y on Thtn > il.iof huit week. Tlio Const and Not ( Invent , The Noi thorn 1'adllo is to build a f 100,000 hotel lit Tacoma , \Vush \Vuil ; U to bo ivhumc'd at ouco on the Stan ford uaivcrolt.v at Palo Alto , Cat The Dulse Citj biate-mun i-uuu u it \tuil I with a red , white and blue statehood edition James A. Smith , a prospector andoldnol dler , died ivccnlly at IMno Xut , Nov. , neg leeted and In want Potatoes In Anderson , Shasta county , Oil. ore lold at J ci-iits e.uh They are more of i luxury than oranges. A clock whleh will strike the houn so the sound cau be board eight miles bt to bo found In the San Diego , Oil. , com t homo. Ed Brown , it cowboy , suldded near Miles City , Mont. , l > y blow ing out his brains with i pKtol , on account of disappointment in love K J. Tiff , a piomlncnt fanner , living tlurc miles smith ot Cheney , Wash , lucldcntall.v shot hluiiolf In the groin while hunting , am bleil to death before a doctor could ivach him George Hose has confesseil to the murder of Jens P. rrcdcilckson and wife at Bay Center , Wash. The couple disappeared catly In Kola miry , hut their bodies were not foum until last week. Helena , Mont , purchased a cemetery am' the council offered lots for sale at ? 10 a lot to the general public , hut by n resolution the mayor , cleik , city marshal and aldermen were piivlloged to pay only * 1. A mountaineer preacher down Iti Crook county , Oregon , astonished a p.nt of his audi ence by exclaiming. "My fiiends , all the vvoild shouted for joy vvtic-n the good news of Clulst's birth flashed over the vvhosl" L C Sauer , keeper of a light house oft As- toi la , Ore. , became insane and tried to kill llio men who were nt dct ed to remove him to the shoio Ho had been on a protracted Htireo and had suddenly stopped drinking , which caused his Insanity. Sam Huston , vvho had been superintendent of the Orovlllo , Oil , vv.itoiwoiks for twcnt.v- 11 voj ears , was found dead in his cabin the other day Ho lived all alone and denied him self all luxuries Ho leaves an estate worth ( IX,000 ( ) , mostlj In goveinment bonds The Kaglo Hock Uoglstur sajs the Idaho canal company * has ic'ielved a huge amount of matcnal for head gains ami othc-i pin poses on its canal. This is the largest canal scheme over Inaugurated in Snake tivei vallo.v , and is opening up an hnniPiibC scope of country tiibutaiy to Haglo Hock Uvory town in Idaho whleh has water power is iitili/ingit in operating clectiic light plants. The Boise elcctilo plant consists of 1,0X ( ) lights Blackfoot has put in a 600 light plant Moscow has a Trill-light plant. Hailoy has a riUD-llght plant Wallai o will have n dTiO-light plant , and Caldwell has oidcicd a 500-light plant. AtrViigiiiiaCity , Ncv.D W Prentice , a noted Comstock despei.ulo , vvho has a recoid of having killed six men , was shot and in- st.mtlv killed b > John Taj lor. Tlu-y had quarrelled about a cabin owned hv Taj lei and occupied by Picntii e When the person of Pienlieo was se.uched by the coroner , after the tuigcdy , the oalv dangoiniis weapon found was u llask of w hisky. Ho was consid- eied ndangcious man and satlsfac- lion Is expressed at his talcing off. OMAHA'S An Important Move Made In this City Vchtciday. Thomas M Cook of Lincoln , recently ap pointed United btates census cnumci.itor for tins eongix'ssional dlstiict , in lived in tliis city jestorday moiniug and dist noted Omaha propai.itoiy to taking the census here Mi- Cook called in to assist him in the woik of dlstiicting , the following eiti/ens- ) II Men or , C. II. Haitman , T. A Mege.ith , 1) II. Whcelci , C I- . , Chaff eo , U S. Beiliu , Paul Vandc-ivooil.ind C Ar. Gallagher. After a somewhat lengthy i onleionco it was llnallj decided to do the disUieting on the basis of n population of 1 10,000 The city was then div idcd into thitty-llvo distilc-ts. This will give -1,000 names to e.uh of the local enu- mei-aleis , of whom Ihcit ) will be one to each dish let. Mr. Cook will now send a repot t of yestcr- d.iv's woik on lo Washington , mid us soon as ibis lotmncd with the "O K. " of llio gov einment olllco ho will ptoicod to appoint the eaumc'iators and the woik will immediately he-gin Jn appointing these eiiumci'utors ' an c-lioit will ho made to get men who live m the distiict which they aio to canvass lo do the enumeiatiiig in distiut Having done vvitli ( Jmalia us lartisnovv possible in tlio woik , Mr. Cook tin us his attention to the eountiv pieuncls , which will ho dlstiicted ticeoidimr to their township and other established bouudaiios. A 'L'lii'osophlcal Iicelui c. Mr Beitiam Keightloy of London , "ieeicta- i toM.idamoII P Bhivatskv , who has been making an Amuilean tup in thu inteiests ol Thcosphv , gave the Hist of asenesof lectuic-j at Uiiitj c-liuich last evening. His topic was "A geneial v low of Theoso- jihv , " and Ids outline tinted the "Wisdom Kellgioa" luck tlnougli Clnistianitv , Budd hism , Tlio Vediis , Alehemv , Paracelsus , to the. Am lent Mj stones , and bliowcd that cteiaal tiuth is the same in all Kov elation , ho said , was the u-stilt of a high degic-o of p.vchiesen- sativeness , vvhith is not a spciial endowment of the favored few in natuio , but is possessed in u gt cater or less degiooby all men , and may bo developed bj any ono who will devote the noiessaij time and woik , atidvv ill develop in all as the nice piogiesses. In speaking of the destiny of man , lie drew attention to the fuel that onl.\ that whleh tends to tliodevolopmcnt of the mind can as sist the soul m its piogicss. In other words , at death miitoiial things , .ill of our life whie-h has gone to the gititUkation of maleilal ten- demies must pass like to the bodjtotlio mate-mil vvoild to which they aio u-latcd , ami tlio soul ic'tauis unlv the expeiieiues having lelatlons to tlilngb splntual Toi this it-a son Theosophj has foi its fundamental idea , nihilism , fora man uinnot save himself with out helping some else , nor can he tiansuu-ss without ( iHtmhlng that poifect haimon.v , whiih is the law of naturein the lestoratioa of wliK h all the rate is involved At thoclobo of the Icctuio many qiiostions woicashed , most of them having relation to iciiieiuimtmn , and tlio pcilod between two eat Hi llv es , known in Tlieosopliic-nl inilime , as the subjective existence , or life ot ollei Is This it , thosuhjoi tuf tholc-etuio otiTiiesdav mid - o'clock evening , forThursdiiy evening-alb the topic will l > e Kaima. Majiiitiilc ( of the Stellar Creadon. The starry heavens present a Hold to our vision of such beauty , grandeur , and immensity that Iho human mind is lost in wonder at beholding them and asks in viiin , under old thooilos , for u con sistent explanation of their physical structure , wiites Stephen M. Allen in Iho April Arena. II is constantly loltorated by astrono mers that stars nro composed of heated luminous matter ; consequently uninhab itable ; that the ilxed stars , with our suntho , nearestaro llio balls , or moiling furnaces , over icady to devour nebul.u and everything else mound them that is tangible , in onler to supply light nnd heat for llio cold and dink univeiso of space. This old theory cannot longer lie rational ! } sustained , and must give place to the newly disc-oveied law of uc- lion , i. o. combustion. More than six thousand stats meel Ihe ga/o of the naked ejo in ils survey of ono night. Astiononiors say tlmt tlio fabulous number of JIO.OUO.WM ) , all ngloiv , can bo seen with a powoiful telesi opo. When wo consiedr thai Iho nearest of these ibl00X)0 ! ( ) times as far fiom us as the Mm and thai it would take from llireo and a half to twonlj-ono jeais for llio light which reaches us to cease If they weio extinguished , wo can not gra'sp and hold the vast eon- option in our minds. Vet It is supposed that each of these is a central him wilh Its own col- on.v of planets circling mound it , which in'si/e aie vastly superior to those of our own bDlarsystom.and nru traveling Ihrough space with such speed that It Is impossible for us to coinmohoiid it. The star Sirliib is said to no moving llf- Iv-four miles a second , or III 1,100 miles | ier hour ; a llamlng mass , lending its n'ood of planets Ihrough illimitable sp ice. Cotton Belt Iiiiiiilinr Company Sold. ATI ill-ox , Kim , Apill II - ( Special Tole- fiiim toTtiK BIIThe [ Cotton Belt Luin- ior ) compmy. an Aikiinsifi i-nterpiiso , owned iv J P Batelu'lor of Jvffeivni coiintv.J , U liiHtof AtchlBon fountj. unit L J llont of Mitelii-lt i-ountj , KuiibiiH , has tust IM-UI sold ; o un i-.wsti-in sv ndiiato for j.'i'i.U.'iO ' i ish ' 1 In- ui luitfs large lia\.U of pia > I > u I nut u null FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , Marriage of Mr. John M , Thnyer , Jr. , and Miss Haggle Mullen , PICKED UP AT THE STATE HOUSE , \Vniden Hopkins IteportH H7O Con- > lets In the State Penitentiary Now Notaries City Notes. Li.xcoi.xNeb , Apiil 7. [ to Tilt ! BIT ] -John Thayer , jr , and Ml-w Maggie Mullen wcro man led at 110011 today at the chinch of the Holy Trinity by Uov. Itewctt. None but the Immediate fi loads of the con- ti actintr parties were present. The governor , however , was umiblo to attend , but ho telegraphed - graphed his congratulations from Washing ton. Good w Ishes of nuinl > eiless fi lends will tmvel with the biide and groom throughout their wedded life. cvriTU. tNTfi t torxrr. Hon. John Stccn , commissioner of public lamb and buildings , lias rctumcd fi-omSVaah- ingtoa. Waiilen Hopkins i-epoitsnTO convicts in the penitentiary .Maioh UI. Twelve were re- ceiv cd dm lug the month nml tldi teen sen ed their teiins of aentene-o and weiv disc-haigcd Ono was patdoned. .f StPiluifr Moitou nnd other lepiescntit- tivesottlio "Nobiaska fuel companj" ask Secretary of State Covvderv to change the name to "Tlio Omaha licatinp : and fuel com pany'Ho decides that this Is a coiporato ait and that It can enl > lie done by a meeting' of the Htoekholdeis and the IUSSHKO of resolu tions aminding the actli Ies of incoiponitlon Tlio icpoit of the supenntondentot the hos pital for .tho im-tirablo insane shows that there aie slxt.v-eight males and slxtj-two fe males in that institution Knapp's roixnt fiom the LliK-olu liospital shows Ui'J ' male and IDS female inmates. Malhilietl of the sUte industiiiil school , Keainoy , lepoils ' "lO "incoiiigllilo" hosun der his eliinge all told Dining the pastcar theie were 10J admissions and 11)0 ) diseh.uges 'L'hu Farmingtoa Milling assoiiatioii of Chase oounlj Hied aitieles of Incoiporation with the secietarv of state toda > . The capl- tal stock is 31,0 ( ) < X > , ineorpoi-atoi-s aio Hanuiel Mead , William Thomas , William O. Higbee , .rolm D Loiifr , .John H C.igloy. Cllles H Smith , Km mini Smith. James M. Bowles , Nelson Smith , C. Biownlov and O. M. Cagley. Atthoicquest of lj D Hiehards of Fio- mont , tlio h.inkimfdeputment is prcpai mg a tabulated ' ,1 itemenl of llio deposits in the state hanks for tlio last thivo months M.W NOTVIIII s l-iiii ic Clovonior Thajer made the following no- tinml nppolntmei.ts today. I ) . C Weagell. Keating , BulUilo countj , C. 13 Olno.v , Col- eiiego. Cedar countj ; A II AV.iti-'ihouse , Weeping Water , Cass county. Ali I'eiini , Katgint , ( Jttstei county , AVilllam S. ( Jaivc-i , UlKhoiii , Douglas count.v ; W II Kmit/man , . West Uniin ) , Uuster iount > : O. S. Moon , Nmfolk , Mndiboii countj , Kobe-it L.VOHS , Wavotly , Wavno county , W 1 ] Oliver , Omaha , Douglas county. cm MWSMI son s. II. II. Wilson is a candidate for city attor- iio.vColonel Colonel Colby of Beatrice is heic He is bidding for votes fiom the1 commissioned ol- lUci's of the tin soldleraimv. He wants to be ic'-elected Inigadter general Supcihitcmlcnt Stone of the hospital for the inc-mablo insane , Hastings , is in tlio city. Ho came dovvu to submit his moiithlv u-poit to the bomd of public lands and buildings. Dr. Armstioiigof the home for the feebleminded minded , Bc-atiiee , and Miss Bossov , a sister of 1'iof. Bessoy ot the state unlvuisltv , weio mail led this evening The coutiac ting pir- ties aio well mid favorablj Known ror lour jcais past the doctor has been the supei- intcndent of the homo. Mis. rnuicls M Ivuiginan , piesident of the First distiict of the Women s Clinstian 'iVm- poiaiRounion , which includes Huh iidsoii , I'avvtico , ( iage , Johnson and Nemalia 101111- ties , left foi hei homo at i'alls Cit.v , tod.iv , via Omaha , after spending two weeks it the state penitential v , the guest of Mr and Mis Dan Hopkins and Air. and Mrs W II. Uoi- gaa. Mrs Kingmaii is devoting her whole time to looking aftei the vvulfaio of inisoucrs This has been hei constant woik dining the past tliic-o jean She IMS given a poition of her time to the woik lor twelve jc-ai-s last p ist. ; Nnw DIVISIONS. Tlie Union I'.ieitie's Wostoin ItiaiiuIiCH Kedlsti lutod JSnil Notes. Vie-o 1'i-esidcnt Holcomh hns issued cir culars making sev e-ral new appointments and redistiictmg tlio I'adllcor noithvvcst division of the Union Paeilio loul. He designates Lheso now dtstiicts as the Oiegon , AV.ishing- : on and Water divisions The flist cov c-is all Inc-s hc-tween 1'oitland and Iluntington , also fiom Umatella to U'alhda and the lleppnc-r iiiuuh. The Washington division takes in the lintM i mining from I'eniiloton to Hep.uia , 'i-otn Wnlhila to Walla Walla ami tlio Dajton mil Pomeiov blanches , while tlio otliei the Watei division inihides all steamhoit lines ) n the Snake , \Villametto nnd Columbia ivcis , as well as 1'uget sound and the Patille Hoim C W Johnsdii .mil 1) W C 1'eiiv nivc'beeii appointed supeiintciidentandiissls- .unt supciintemlent ol the Oiegon division , with Thomas II Walsh as supeivisor of nidges and buildings 13 Lvons boiomcs stipciititoiideiit ot tlio Washington division indll Vamlcilmrg loid muster. The most appointment , however , is of I W TIOUII of 1'oitland to the position of supeitnU'iident of the Water division His n emotion is looked upon as a deseiving iv < - > gnition of an able , t ilontcd , vvoithj joun ; ; nan. A Ciovvd ot'Actois. Colonel Dow Hug , the Builliigton's famoiis mpiesaiio , had a busy time for two hours vesteulay nunulug meeting , givotiug md eonduetlng the movement of traveling combinations. About 10 I'eloek the llttlo B. X M. depot , was hrongcd vvitli play aetois and operatic sing- -i-s. Tlieie were the bald Pasha and Postage stamp companies en louto to vailous No- inisk.i points Made Wiilinlglil nnd her -oiiihinntlon m lived from Denver and the /.ig X..igcompauv fiiim CJhiiago This at'nie- lou is on its way to San I'mm-lsco , l > ut hi-ough the luilllant misimina einent of Mil.o l.e.ivitlc , is tlnown out of dates md came heio to wait for instuutionb A IJ. & Wicck. A B.x , M freight It tilu was dUelied and willy wieeKed la the jiiuls at South Omaha ' c.ulj'jcsteuhij inoiiung la his i-epoit to ho 'managing olUiinls the division Bupoilii- cmlent sa.vs tlmt a fuiwaid tiuck under tlio aak litoko ami dlti lied twelve ears , night ) f tlie'in v\eio bullv Binashed. HoostlmatiM ho damage at $100 to the engine , ! , HX ) on ai-s ami about ftrfH ) to fivlght. The vviveklnir lain came up from IJiuoln and voij * soon md the tiark i loured t > o that passenger tniiiib veiv not detained The Teiupoi ai-j Depot. The foundation fur a U-mpuriu-j depot to ho ibc-d by the Union Paeilleami lli\illiigt \ a o.uts , whllo the union station is being built , ms In-eii laid and tlio woikmru commencoil Hitting down a lion je-stoidaj luoinlng The 1 1 ml iii-ols altx-ailj to ho set up in scc-turna md fastened together nil t itiiiis < > i'i ) . Woik luw been comme-nivd on the Kcar- ioy & Bind , llllh lii-iini h of the Union Pa Itie , Wood X lliim-ioftof this ( itj having K-CII given a ( ontrnet to grade the line from Ceuinoy to Cnllavvaj A blgfoivoof men ommenccd shoveling dill Intit Saturday. Notes nnd PoisonaN , CU-m lliu-knoj , fiinm-i Iv m.istor mei-haulc of the Union Paelnc luw IKI-II appointed iiv ldeiit ami xi'iiond ' m imitftir of the Juuiiml tem hitf cojnp inj , UliU'ii.s'O. II W. Mi-.Muuu , a ivptwentatlvo of the Cwuioglo , iMihm X To. sU ol wotkH 1'ltU- miir , wiw at Untun Ptw-illu hti ditmrt ( n fur ( umtnu-t to fuinUti tlmt road vvltli ntcel tills liiiMil Iav\ < " > tl.i vi \ > r > * lit "f Hi- Kink 1 ' uul IXMI.I , vstid vl ut lui U mm Ncvv \orklintweik.wiw nNo a director In tlu < I'nlou Pacillc , the Mllwmikeo and Omalii companies AiilMant General Ti-aftle Mnaacrt Mvitrnm of the Union l . .uIlUIM hi St Iouls IN TI1U HOT UN DA. Hw Gamble , president of tinniff il > countj * llrst national bank , Is at the r IM Mr. Gamble Ls vci-y much Inteu-stcd in hi- proiK ed new railroad which ia to fin nsit i outlet from Dakota to the gulf. "It Is " continued the a sure go , grntlom i "for when the people get as cnthiiftlaMU r > anj thing as they aio ov cr this projc-i t fa Is next to imtosab1c. | ! "The people all through Texas. AiUau i Indian teiiitorj * , Nebraska , and even up It Dakota nce-iii de-tcnuined upon this o t > and large and ctitliUHlastic iiu-ctlngM are l held nil along the proposed line. Theio.ui to bo called the Oalvcston ft , Noithi-in I all the states inentlotied the peoplehavesi i lied their willingness to vote bonds foi n puiposoof construction , and activeoponiti .1 will IK ) begun this spiing. Two thousand il hu-s per nillo for the gnidlug Is vvliat is to i voted in the shape of bonds , nnd most Iho coutitj- scats along the line w ill giv i tli < * a subsidy in propoitlou to tlu-ir population in addition to tlio bonds. The city of Kc.umt alone will mho J7.1tKX ) to add to the f . ' 00 < * 0 to be voted bj * the county. Ho j ou see i looks like a sure tiling. "Yes , our little city is full of life- this bpiiug. Mr Keck has alro.idj' begun to t. ir avvaj- the niins of the Midwaj' hotel , ivu-id \ dcsti-oj cd by lire , and w ill rebuild the ' .tin. turo Immedlatelj , only upon n largi-i in I elabor.ito than before moio plan K i is a very cneigctic man mid very pnpulu i ICeainoj' . And bj tlie waj' , I presume von mo avvaro that the people of Buffalo countm woiking up a decided boom for him fni gov ernor , and I tell jou ho will m iko a lamlul i1 i vvoithy of any man's steel. He is an old pnli tic-Ian and a good ono , as the faet that he was once eld-ted m.ijoi of the city of C'im mi , it amply attests IIo Is a thoroupli going business man , an eloipu-nt talker and a ivli-o puller from th headwaters. Much of his llfo has been spi 11 in the i.iilroad liuslness , ho having bii-n i mi nee ted with the Baltimore \ . Ohio lin.-s . fm jc-ai-s. IIo also constiuetcd olio of Cuum nati's stivot lailw.iy lines , and Is a nuin i Ilist-elass cap u itj' for linsincss of nnv ill sciiption. No , thoio doesn't seem to lie HIM tiling paille-ular against Governor Thavi-i onlj the- people .110 not inclined to give him a thiul te-im. "Tho Tanners' nlllnnco is indeed viv stiong in our section , and thej * aix > uuie.isui ; In stiength every daj- . They uiidoubtedh favor Van Wjek , as the scln-mo VN.IS un 01 ono vvitli him Theie doesn t si om to be anj ( lies or .luno bugs or other insoits on Van Haven't tlio faintest idea that tlio nlllanco will code-see with Iho prohibition ibis , although the liittei faction aiealie.idv making atienuous elToits in that dhci turn D'l'he piolnbs .110 veij vvcik out our vvm , and can't ' hope to c.uij anj thing edhei m Ifcainej' or Buffalo countj' . Thcio is ono thing , however , that is going to alToid tli- ' demoiraej a most llkelj'c-li nice to C.IITV the state , and that is tlie multiplicity of tickets that will bo in the Hold lopubllcau , I'm m ers' nlliance , demoeiatic and pi-ohlbition Tlio danger of such a ic-sidt m.ij' bo more immi nent th.m is geneifillj supposed "But have jou lie.ud of Kc-.nnej 's latest luc-ki No Well , we aio to have a lingo col ton mill. Our bo.ud ot trade iceeived a tile ? iam fiom Geoige W I'lank , who is Now Yolk , onljjesteidav , stating that Keainij's cotton mill isan assuied fail that the-stock had nil been taken and the ronti.ict siirnod and so.ded This is with tlio well known Comcnock Inotheis of AVoieestei , ; Mass Koamov is to give them a &J'iU,0)0 ( ) subsidy , while-thoy aio to pat in a half million nf cash , making the total i est c'T.iO.OlX ) , w hk h w ill giv c us a mill on a par w ith many of the most extensive in New England Thu The ComenocUs sa\ that thej- can inipoit the raw to Kcainey cheaper than they can to MnssachusutU , mid as thej ship their pioduets to the west , it w ill bo easier to gi t them to the consumer fiom Iveaniej than it would ho fiom a point a i ouplo ol thousand miles awnj' "Yes , Kc-aine.v is much elated over her cotton mill ' ' .1 V ICtiapp of the Silt Lnko Tiilmno is at the Paxton Ho s.ijs that the population of the futuiogieat citv of the u'ountains will show an nveiage im-icase of IHID ( a month at the end of the jour , and that public impiove ' 3 | ments aio piogivssing as lapidlj" as possible under n new and luexpeileiicc-d c-itj govein ment. Twentv-llve miU-s of seweiago and water mains w ill bo completed bj tlio end of tlio jear , and at leist tvvcntj miles of pivmg bj Januaij next 'J'he-io is now being hull ) hj- Omaha and casteni pnlies aJ.V ) mom hotel to c-i t not less than $ . ' 00,0 )0 ) The i tj w ateiwoiks aio being impioved and vei-j ma teiiallj enlaiged bj'a seiies of settling use i vous up in thocinvons Theeleitiii mod r comp lilies , of which there aio four dilleient dues , mo rapidlv extending tlii-n-tr.u ks out into tlio subinbs four and live miles Ken estate is active , with a good Him fooling Ti.insfc-is will ave-ia0'o $ liil)00 ( ) ) pordiiv , and in the month of .Mauli amounted to ou-i $ IKHIK ( ) ) ( ) Mr ICn.ipp sijs the AIoi- mons aie taking veij kindlj to their loss of powei and control of tlio dtjgoveniimnt , and of them ate taking de-op inteivst m ettato and public improvements -Salt KiuoCltj will ( vitalnlj coatinuo togniw for jc-ais , " sdd Mr ICnapp "Her natural lei a tlon as a dUtimuting and Johbincr ivntei and jileasmo ix-.soits will folc-o hei to the fiont as the givat inetrop ) lis of tlio Koi Idi-s , slio having no livals and being in the v civ lu-itt of the silver piodiumg ami inanufactiiiin sec lions of the wc < t bait Luke is bt-joml doubt the goixl pkic-u for Investment ut thla tune" Itond ( ) lleiln s. W\ iuxnTOA pi il 7 [ Special Telegram to Tin' BI-K -Bonds I offered $ bliOO , ut * 1 .f-VV-'OOatfl Wh. When Ilflby wa.i stele , wo cave her tastorla , VVlivn * ho W.LI Cull J , slio crlixl for Ccuturl i , VVlic-u i > tit > Ucc-uuw 3l ! . stio clung to Castor ! i , slio lad ChllJren , etio ea o them C'.titorla , OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. SuWrllifd . lluarantecd Capital tvwwH Paid Inl'ipllal ' UM" " lluvsand M'lNnloi-l.s and bonds ! mvollali-s ( ( iiiiincrcliil piin'i. iwl in and ONUIIIU- ; trusts , ill-Inns traiisfi-r iiguut Had lriist euf iMiriHiruilimt , talii-ftUliurgu u ( iiropoit } , nil- Ifl'tl tllM'S _ . _ _ _ OmohoLoan &TrustCo SAVINGS BANK S. 12. Cot * . 10th nnd Doitglns &t , Paid In Capital"i \ \ \ i" " > Siilh-i-rlboil and ( iinltid l.lullllltj of hloL-Klii.lili-n . . -in.OiW A tf Wr'i'B'i ' ' pruilitonl J J Jlruwn vim lni l < lBnt W I' Wyiimn irtiiuuriir Dlrccl'im. .V I Wtnnn J II Vllllaril J J llroon till ) ( ' Ilitlua K W M h , ' ( llUliui J KlmlMll , ( iuurgvll Uiku I.IMIIIn any iiiii'iiint niiKlion ( lly > \ I iiriu I'nm | mil. . .n ( .U.lU lalcfluH > , .it l.OU- iiti- ;