Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1890, Image 1

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    HE ILY
TLo Bill Cheating Them Passed the House
Yesterday Morning.
A Hill Introduced Piox lellng I'or Thrco
Additional MeinhcrH llciif riuo
IVdcrnl linlldliiK Pro-
upectH Very ( < ood.
WAsrli.soTovHt'nnxuTitr OxrAiu Inn , )
fin FofiarnsTii Sriirnr '
WASIIISOIOV , D. C. , 5'7.
Senator Pettlgiexv Intro luced n bill today
to enlarge the Missouri river commission and
to provide fora suivey and Improvement In
the Missouri in Montana nnd North nnd
South Dakota. The bill provides for the
appointment of three additional incmbcrs of
commission , one each for the states of
Montana and North and South Dakota , who
shall receive the sumo compensation and haxo
the same poxxers glx-eii tlio commlssloneis at
pi esent author i/ed under thu laxv The bill
makes appropriations tor removing snags ,
hi idging , etc , as folloxvs : At Ynnkton , ? SO-
009. Chamber lain , S'XJ.OOO . ; Pierre , * > V,000 ) , l e-
txxeen Hlsmatek and 1'oit flenton ,
| 7 i,000 ; b"txx'oen Yinikton and Pierre ,
(10,000 ; bctxxccn Pierre and IHsinniclc , fiO-
000 , between Bismarck and Hocky Point ,
$100,000 ; betxx-een Hocky Point , Mont
and Foit Bcnton , iO,000 ; for removing
stings betxveen the mouth of Big Sioux and
Fort Bcnton , 875,000 , , for an Ice harbor at
Yankton , $ .10,000 , for an ice linibor rt Bismarck -
marck , ? iO,000 , forn. siirx-ey of the Missouri
above the Big Sioux7r > ,000 Senator Pcttl-
giexv s lid this afternoon that after Montana's
t xx o senators weio seated thcie would bo nt
least six senators xx'orklng for this bill , and
be bcliexed it xxould bo adopted In the senate
The house heard an argument from Senator
Pettlgrexv upon thcimprovoinontof the upper
Missouri , but refused to make provision for
it in the regular liver and harbor bill , nnd the
bonntor is noxx' xvorklng for an indeiiendcnt
nppropt intion bill.
Senator Pettlgiexv introduced another
bill autliorbitig the ronstiuction of n
budge across the rixer at Yankton
bj the YiinUton Biidgo companj. The
lindge is to bo for i.iHroads , wagon
nnd foot passengers and all lalhonds are to bo
gixen the usoof the sti-ucturefor a reasonable
i oinpeiisntiem and the couits of South Dr-
kota and Nebraska are to bo glx'cn Juusdie-
tion merit He also intiodticed a bill grant
ing light of xx'.iy to the Omaha i\ . South
Dakota mllxi ij' company through the Croxv
t'icek Imlliin resetTiitlon in South Dakota
This corporation is orgnn/odunder ! the laxxs
of South Dakota and the bill proposes to glvo
it the right of xx nx in a noitbwesteilj course
through Buffalo , Hj do and Hughes counties
bj the most pi-actie.iblo route.
The bill creating txx-o additional land dis
tricts in Nebraska to bo ktioxxn us the Alliance
and Broken Boxv districts needs only the sig-
mituio of Pic-sklent Harrison to become a
Inxx It passed the seimto boino time ago and
xxas adopted in the house this nftciiioon un-
dci a suspension of the rules Mr Doiacj
xxoiked a xeix smooth scheme to secure the
adoption of the bill in the hottso. He snxv
Ilolinan of Indiana In his sent nnd knexx tin t
gentleman xuis opposed to 'creatingany meta
distiicts in any part of the countijso ho
xxcntox'er to Mr. Kilgore of Texa , a bour
bon xxho is nn objeeterot high stit ulnul , and
iiuide a personal request that ho call up the
Nebraska bill.
Messrs Kilgoie and Dorsoy in o membei-s of
the sumo coiimilttee , and the Texan said ho
xxould be glad to assist the latter. Piesentlv
he xxas iciogniml by the spc'akor and the bill
xxas called up Mr Dorsey spoke for it , ing-
ing the necessity fur the additional offices ,
but Holimm xxas on bis feet and declared that
it xxas nn inexcusable expense caliulnt
slinplj toglxe Homo more republicnn p.itr -
ago , and he'thought Itxx'ilful extiax'ngance
When ho sat doxxn the bill was passed bv
an almost unaiilmous xote so neailj unani-
liious that a division xxns not asked
The Nebraska delegation xxlll meet tomor
row or Wcdnesdaj and deteunlnu xxho to
leeommend for the offices the bill creates
They me determined not to Icaxrc thonncstlon
open so as to make n scramble J II Danskiii
( if Alliance is beiv , mid is a permanent candi
date for ono of the places.
Tin : iirvriiici , run 10 m 11.111x0 run , .
An elTent xx'tis made this aftemoon to Induce
Speaker Heed to recognbo Mr Council , for
the purpose of calling up the Beatrito public
building bill , xUiich xx'iis sex eiul ago passed
bj ttio senate , and xxhich has been on the
house calendar homo time. The speaker
fitatc'd that he c ould not comply xx ith the. re
quest , liccauso it xxould set a precedent xxhlch
a number of democrats xxoulci coinmnmi him
to folloxv in u'c'ogni/ing others for tlie pur-
jKso of consider Ing publlo building bills , but
tlmtndu.x xxould soon be set aside for the
consideration uf public building bills , nnd this
ono xxould pass at Unit time , as it is \\ellup
on the calendar. There Is oxcrj' reason to
beliexo that not six xxc'eks xxill clapso in anj-
nx cut before the Beatrice)1'bill xxill become a
M'\\ I'OsTMSTrttS. .
loxia Conroj' , loxxa county , J D Hogers ,
xle'e C ! Cinllup , resigned ; Ciioxelind , Claike
' W. B. ice 1" . Miller
c'ounty , Emmy , A , 10-
slKiieel , Psedi'c , Ce'dar county , F H. Smith ,
xice .MissH Ai Hoblnson , resigned ; Slinni-
bangli , Page count j , 1 } . D. Hedmaii , xlceC.
T Cox , ixslgncd.
i xxxiru Din IT.
A change of ono xoto In the house today do-
fe-atc-cl the biinieo pension bill That xoto
xxas democratic , of course. Frank Lirxvler of
Chicago xote'd to suspend the i tiles to pass
the bill , and xxhen ho iisccrtallied that pre-
ilsolj txxo-tblids xotccl for the proposition , ho
changed bis x oto from nj o to naj , and the bill
failed It xxlll coiuo up , how oxer , at no
distant day nnd xx 111 pass It xx ill | icnslon at
fs a month all solclle rs and sailors and their
xxidoxxsnnd oiphntis dependent upon their
own oxcitlons for support ami xx no are for
anx reason disabled for auj cause xx hatox er
nnd pine es nil x ctcinns upon the roll at that
rate xx'hcn thoj' attain the ago of slxtj-txvo
jcar-s. Excrj member in tbo iltr xxas pres
ent and xotcd for the bill except Air Moore of
New Hampshire. Exery democrat from In
diana nnd other doubtful states xxheio there
is a largo soldier X'oto stooel for tlio bill , but
not till ho had fought like a Turk to get room
foi demagogical speeches and an oppcutunltj
to amend the bill to death It xx'iis the pur
pose uf the democrats to so amend the bill
that It could not become a laxv anil to thus de
feat It The democ ratio opposition xxas led
by Spiinger of Illinois , xxho claimed te be for
the bill Mr Cannon , a colleague , but a true-
blue republican , lifted Spilnger's dlsguiso
xvhcn ho pulle'd the record and shoxxcd that
tSpilngcr xoted to sustain Pi eslclent Cleveland -
land s xeto of this bill iri.d that xxith him al
most exeij northern democrat \otcd The
w c < i i < of today demonstrated xx ho are and xx ho
ore not the friends of the soldiers.
tis > cu.xxr.o.t ! ! < .
The house rommlttco on rh'ers and harbors
muhe-el a conclusion on tlieappiopilatiou lor
Missouil lixer iiuproxenients tocluj. Thex
W ill reeoiuimml 'AKtKW ) In a lump bum to be
expended under tboMlssouir rlxcr comtnls-
Mon , but will not recommend any expendi
ture for iin > ono of the creolcs and points
xxhtih haxo bcvn uigcd bx xuiious congressmen -
A faxorablo icpott xxas made today by the
senate e'ommlttesj on public lands on a house
bill xx liich looks taxx'nrd thu same pi-ox Islons as
iintictpated In a bill Introduced by Sehator
Pndelock tlie other day H goca further than
UiePnddoe'k bill in that It not only provides
that piivif In ] uiul c is s jnaj bo made by
3 e s ami clerks of county courts , but that
i ' ix tsons nuthoilzeil to administer oaths
mix i las Judicial officers In making final
aiid all c the r kinds of proof In lund cases fliul
w m iv piv.'C i , nmclo emtsulo of huul elllc-cs ,
luiid clf'ccs hhi'll not bo pi rreutcd tochnge
Jcc foi completing
Mi Oiiuuxlof LiiandlbUud had as
at dinner this ex'enlng nt Chamberlain's the
txxo senator-s nnd three represcntatlx-cs from
Nebraska They talked oxer the outlook for
protection to the beet sugar Industry in Ne
braska and it Is probtble that they ngiecd
upon a line of action. Mr Oxmnd Is making
n xery strong fight for his Industry
Mr Donej today forwarded to the first as
sistant postmnstor general n petition for the
establishment of a postolflco In Banner
county , to bo known as Big Hnin , and ap
pointed harah A KltlCt He sent to the second
end assistant postmaster general a petition
for a clallx mail sen-ice betxx'cen tlio Pendof
and Omalm agencies. Mr Doi-sej xvas in
formed today that there are t'-17 postofllecs In
bis district and that there haxo been changed
at his direction Iis7 postmasters under this
The citi/cns of IVadxvood , S D , have peti
tioned congress to baxo women appointed
upon the board of managers of the xxorld's '
Senator Moodv introduced a bill to pension
John Pummei of South Dakota.
Kcccntly a bill xvns passed by congress cre
ating the offices uf sinxoyorgeneral foi South
Dakota nnd Noitb Dakotamaking txvn olllccs
of the one under the territorial povernment
The olllce is no\\ being held by Mr sulllvan
of Cliambeilaln , and it Is stated that the po
sition xx III bo di dared vacant by the seere-
tarj of the Interior , as the offlco noxv spreads
or both Noitb mid South Dakota , xxhilothe
nexv laxv creates txxo offices , one for
each state and , therefore , nexv ap
pointments for each state mo nccossaix.
It Is not knoxxn jet \\hclhcrMr Sullixnn xvlll
bo reappolnted.
Messi-s Liller and Hnjes , xxho hax'o been
here Tor some time xxoiking lit the interest of
the bill for the construction of a public build
ing at Norfolk , Neb , left for their homes to
night xx ell pleased xx ith the outlook for fa-
voiable action
The bill donating 100 acres of school land
adjoining Abenle'cn , S D , for state purposes
has been fnxoiablx reported from the house
committee on public * lands.
Mrs. E N Smith , xvlfe of Ueutennnt
Smith of the Third infantry , Fort Mcade.
S D , is x lilting her pnents , Captain and
Mrs D. J. Young , 1J1J ! Corcoran street
i.v Hii.rM.ii , Hcni:3ii : .
Scot clary Noble Saxes Unule Sam
Some ValuableLand. .
WXSIIINC.IOX , Apiil 7 Sccietaiy Noble
has lendeied an opinion upon the report uf
the boaid appointed bj Commissioner Oroff of
jthe general land office to examine Into the
facts and circumstances concerning the illegal
issue in Nox ember Ibslt , to Thomas Heed of
a patent for 112 acres of land said to contain
xaluable mineral deposits , In the Duluth ,
Minn , land district The investigation xxas
based upon the fact that at the time the
p itent xxas issued a question as to the title to
the land xxas pending before tlie cletintmcnt
After icx'lexx rug the facts presented bj tlio
board the sceretaiv sexerely condemns the
action of parties , xxho to anticipate , it , is Intl-
rnrted , adxerso action bj the depiitnientpro-
e'urd the record of the patent nt the Duluth
1 uid office at ! ! 15 o'clock in the afternoon of
the daj' on xxlncli the commissioner had at I
o'clock telegraphed for its re turn to the dc-
paitment " 1 c-onc'ludo , " adds the sccic-
taij' , "that the Duluth land office
cleik xxho npproxcd the cntiy for patent inex-
phcablj neglected his duty and must bo dis
missed ; that the iccoider general of the land
olllce , James M Townscnd , in his conduct in
tins business xiolated the strict rules that
should linx'e gox er ned him ; that his attoinejs
in the ease , Harrison , Her ring and Soxmour ,
xxho xx ere acting for llaitrmin nnd Mnllctt ,
Heed's grantees , when thej kncxv the patent
to bo ilk'galljissued , haxe rendi red it proper
and neiojsnrj that tlieir professional con
duct be inquired Into under the rules of the
department , xxhlch entitle them to fuither
hearing on due notice. "
Tliesee'ietaij f in ther states that Heed , the
Get mama lion company , Mallctt , Hiutinan
and othcis in interest can unite m the release
of all their lights and trtlo under the p itent ,
and If this is done the pntics cannot bo
prejudiced in anj fuither proceedings upon
tbo cases noxx bcfoie the secrctaiy. He fui
ther saxs thc'io Is no doubt thai the patent
must and xxill be cancelled , and ho therefore
orde'rs the patent to bo impounded bj the
eoinmissionct of the general land office as the
property ol the United States and for such
lint her order fonts disposition as the sccre-
t.nj max direct upon further consideration of
this business
XobniHka , loxxa and Dakota Pensions.
WXSIIIN.OTON , Apul 7 [ Special Telegram
to Tin Bi i' ] Pensions have been granted
ns folloxxs : Nebraska : Original James
FillSidnej' ; John M Kleckner , South Au-
bum ; Aloit7O li Stcnett , Shelton Increase
Cicoigo W. Bailey , Omaha ; Samuel L.
T.ickett , Ciaig ; William B Patterson , Table
Hock ; James A Thomas , Callaxx'ay. Oiig-
innl xxidoxvs , etc Mnlmlti , xx Idoxv of .loliii
Coats , Ionia ; Frederlckii ICaeler , former
xxidoxvof John Berrtcl , Omaha
loxxaOiiglnal -John T Hngan , Lancaster ,
William Bacon , Elliott ; Edxx'ind G Stow ell ,
( iuthile station , John A B Sehultz , Loxxis.
Increase Thomas Bi image , Columbus Junc
tion , Geoige Marsh , Lehigh ; John E Doug
las. Ox foul , Thomas KellxKeokuk. , . Pen
J Piper , Clailiida ; Hlehanl L. McKciuie ,
Mark- William II Toclcl , Vanxveit ; George
Pajntet , Uiistoxx ; Cliarles M. Babcr , Bonn-
par t..IohnT Huntlej' , Logan ; Thomas Jes
ter , Oimneu' James M. Gammlll , Haipors
Per ix' . Oi Iginal xx idoxxs , etc Maltha , xxid-
oxv of John Lung , Brighton ; Andiexx' , father
of James Pontinul , HOSSCMU ; minors of Abraham -
ham Mjers , Hc'iuloison , South Dakota. Inc -
c lease Daniel P Preston , Lennox , Hobert
Gaj , Ilighmore. _
April 7. The house commit
tee on appropriations today completed the
leglslntlxo , executlxo and judicial nppropir
atlon bill.It rlcs
- car an aggregate appropri
ation of $30MH,000 The appropriation is
S10i 0 moro than the last bill and Siti. ' . M
less than the estimates. No nexv legislation
is proposed. A lingo number of changes
made tire consequent upon the admission of
the four noxv states , thestopplngof teiiitoiinl
offices , etc Tliosnhirj of thu pi csldent's as
sistant societaij is increased liom . ' , ' , ' 50 to
, ' .r > 00.
( icnoml Sehofleld said tocUy that no In-
foimntlnn would bo glx'en the press in regard
to the Steele-WHd cenirt-maitial cns-o until it
shall bo llnally disposed of , which xxill not bo
for several daj s > et. The impression pre
vails in certain quarters that Lieutenant
SUeloxx'as found gulltv of technical assault
and sentenced to a shoit suspension from
rank and duty and that he xxlll bo repri
The house committee on r-.rilxx'aj sand canals
bus ordered a fax'orablo repot ton Hepiescnt-
atlxe Baxnei'R bill providing for the construc
tion bv the United States of a ship canal
around Niagara Falls. The cunal Is to cost
A Pension for "Hrs. Parncll.
WXMIINOTOX , April 7 The house commlt
tco on pensions todaj ordered a fax orablo ro-
poit on UieBrookshlro bill , granting n pension
to Mis Dc'lIaT S Par neil , daughter uf the
Into Admiral Clmiles stexx art and mother of
Chailes Stexx in tPainell , The original bill
xxlileh proxldcd for a pension of flOO per
month xvas amended so as to reduce it to * 50.
of Suhsldlni ) Coins.
W xsinsc.TON , April 7 - The house commit
tee on coinage , xvelghts and measures today
authorized if fax'orablo report on the bill fo'r
the coinage of subsidiary coins of the United
States It author Ucw the sec-votary of the
treasury to cause Nubsldlinj' silxer coins un
lit for circulation or of denominations for
xxblch there is no current demand to boio-
coined Into biiclr denominations as mirj bo re
quired to meet the demand therefor. It pro-
x I ilas that the loss Incident to recolnago bo
,1 ' ' . ' .o. . s.v"p.o" ! > : "d.
'Ihc * AVoathi'i' Kor coast.
For Omaha aiul'xklnltj : Fair xxcathcr.
fol"xxecl ! bj rain
Ncbia-Ua and South Dako'a liuicia'lj '
fun eel let nui-thwe teiljxxints
Ie ui Libhtlcxal rulm ; colder , n rtuwtst- ,
cr.j xxrnds. ,
Great Crowds iu Des Moines to Attend the
Sixteenth Annual Encampment.
AVoiiH-ii'H llollrr Coiis | AVI11 Almi Hold
n McctliiK IlleutloiiH Thronsliont
the State Ij'ilslntlxo PrO-
Di s MomIn. . , April 7 [ Special Tele
gram to THIS lit ! ' . ] All tiny long the old sol
diers hnvo been coming to town to attend this
sixteenth niiniuil encampment of tlio Grand
Army for the department of loxx-n. The city
Is handsomely decorated \ \ ith lings anil pic-
tin us of union soldiers It xx'ivs expected tliut
General Algcr , the nnttonnl commander ,
xxould nmvont 1 10 p. in , so Crocker Posl
nnd Kliisniaii 1'ost marched to the depot to
meet him Sox-oral thousand people \xcro on
hnnd to give him welcome , but ho was not on
the lialn No word was heard from him until
this evening , when n dispitch was re
ceived , sajing ho would arrive tomoirow
niouilng. 'J'liis xxos quite n disappointment
to ninny , as the programme had been arranged
so as to utilize General Algerverycxtensixcly
tonight. The governor had consented to hold
a reception for him at the stnte house fiom
7 . ! ! 0 to b .30 , nnd then ho was to have been
taken to each camp 11 ro and make n shoi t nd-
diess. The camp litcs went on as usual In
the Giand opcia house and the Capital City
opeia house with large audiences Speeches
xxeie made bj pionilncnt ( ii-and At my men.
Those w ho could not got inside the theaters
met in little groups in the hotels and and on
the streets and talked o\cr nrmj
dajs. The veterans who are hcic
icpicsent vcrv laigclv the west ,
especially those of Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin
and Michigan. Thcio aio some eastern
soldiers xx ho xx ere in the Aimy of the Potomac
mac , but most of them me fiom the western
The Women's nclief Coips is also to hole
its annual meeting at this t line 'I he national
pu-sident , Mrs Anna Wittenmier of Phila
delphia , is hero and thcic will be a laigo at-
teiulancoof Iowa women. Thcio aioL'OO rc-
Hcf corps in this state.
The exercises of tha encampment propei
begin tomono\\ , and the gieat aimj ol
\ isitois w ill come then , as special trains w ill
bo mil on all the main lines
The * rievv Itcdnccd.
Di s MOIM , Apiil 7 [ Special Telcgiam
toTiiK Bi r ] The house has cut oft" the %
mill le\j for Ib91 , lea\ing the le\y for cxtra-
ordtnarx appropriations nt2jt ! mills for 1S90
and a mills for 1MI1. It is thought tonight
that the senate will concur in tli t aiiangc-
ment , although itpiefcis the L'Jn mills foi
both j cars.
Cremated in a Dwelling.
AVOCA , la , A pi 11 7. [ Special Telegiam to
Tin : Bi r. ] Woul lias just been reccixcc
heio that the lesidcnce of Joseph Poitcr ,
nine miles southeast , was en t holy consumeel
by liio last night. The family barely escapee :
in the night clothe * . A grandson , ele\en
jears old , who was sleeping up stair , per
ished In the flatncj.
Iowa Municipal Elections.
Dns MOIMS , la , Apul 0 [ Special to
TinBi i j The city election for the now and
cnlaigcd city was held hcie todaj. Great in-
tcicst was stiiicn up , the contcst > being be
tween the straight republican and citi/cns'
ticket , the lattei headed bx William roster ,
a icpublican , for major. There aiotxxentj-
ono \oting ptecincts , some of tliem sc\ci-a !
miles ap ut , so Unit the letmns aio xcij' slow
in coming in. But it is probable , at mid
night. Unit the ha\o elected their
straight ticket.
KKJM K , la , April 7 The election today
was for assessor and nldei m in Tlio demo
crats earned four wauls and the republicans
two. The democratic candidate for assessor
w as also elected
Di nrgt r , la , April 7 At the city election
todav the democratic ticket , headed bj Major
K. W Stewart , was "elected , the republicans
having endoiscd it. The now council stands
seven democrats and Unco republicans.
The Iowa
Di s MOISI * , In , April 7 The house ap
propriation committee tills morning recommended
mended for pa sago the bill calling for an
nppiopi ration of a.17,000 for state Institu
Dills from the senate were taken up as
follows : "
To legalize thft assessment of certain taxes
in Carroll county ; to legaluo the establish
ment of Montc/umn's wntci works , tolegalbo
the incor poratlon of Arcadia ; to legall/o the
establishment of decide light works at
Bloomtlold to legalize the ordinances
of Mitchellxillo ; to legalUo the nets
of the board of supervisors of Mndlsoncount\ ;
to icimburso Fred liar bach for a line paid for
mi offense which was paidoned bythogov-
einor , to provide for printing 0,00' ' ) copies of
the report of the commissioner of labor statis
Both houses tills morning decided to go to
thogoxernor's reception to the G A. K in a
body. Tho\ also voted to extend the courtesy
of the floor to all membci'3 of the G A li
This nftcr noon the house took up the Aus
tralian ballot bill Twenty-three sections
were passed upon , when further work was
interrupted by a special order , tlio state tax
lex j bill , nlieaelj pissed by the bcnato It
pio\idcs a J'j mills state tax levy for two
> cars and was amended so as to bo at that
llguio ono 3 car and mills next , and then
passed. .
The senate this morning passed icso
lutUmspro\iding fora session Thursdirt- even
ing for the consideration of tlio world's ' fair
The house Joint rcsolutlqn asking congress
to paVi laxx-s for the protection of minois In
the territories , also that the present bill for
the refunding of the Union Pacillo indebted
ness bo not passed was concurred In
The bill to change the manner of assess
ment of telegraph an 1 telephone lines BO that
the amounts of taxes would go to counties In
stead of the state was considered fullj but
llnally % oted down
When the senate adjoin ncd the bill for the
abolition of tinmps was under consideration
The discussion of the anti-tramp bill was
finished and the bill passed this afteinoon
It provides sex ore penalties for all vagrants
or tramps. The license bill , was taken upas
a special order The bp'cakors for wore
Dodge , Schmidt and Holler , and against wore
Pierce and Him The bill Is substantially as
the ono defeated In the house last week.
Adjourned. _
ToinjioranPO Debate In llio Senate.
Ills Mom' * , la , April 7 [ Special Tolo-
pram to Tun Bcr ] The semite took up the
tompoinnce question for a short dobito this
afternoon. The democratlo emeus license
bill was mndo the special order , but the mem
bers agreed that they would not Indulge In
long spceihes , so they had n number of short
talks , which seemed to bo quite perfunctory ,
ns if the speakers felt that thej were ex
pected to do about so much talking any way.
Senator Schmidt , who had prepared the bill ,
led off and was follow od by Senator 1'rico
for the piohlbiiionlsts. Then camn Sena
tor Bolter for the demociatH ami Senator
Finn for the prohibitionist * , , and then , after tt
fiixv le'iimrks bj Senator Dodge for the demo
crats , the senate adjourned Tlio discussion
will probably bo resumed tomorrow morning ,
nsd after a few speeches a vote will bo taken.
It seems to bo the M ner..l fcUIng that the re
sult Is aheidj luioun and will nut bo altered
In unj am unt of t iildng The HpeOchit this
alt < iiicj ii > w ire ! ci thi. ' usual kind and threshed
old str.ivx t'nt'ixtj ' I'uUs s i.atoi Lawrono
hill ) id > 1 1 IXU tuMl'J tltil'l lltC'IiSC bill ,
the nroUiuition question will bo disposed of
hulubkvrt c/ulcr 1'ho house \uto
on Saturday showed that the < mtl prohibition
rep'ibllc ins even would hot vote for n
crat caucus bill , nnd unless the Lawrence bill
comes before the senate the prohibition ques
tion Is dead for UiU session.
Tlie Drouth illrnkoti.
Mov Cm , In. , Aptll 7 [ Special Tele-
pram to Tun BfL'.J The drouth which has
been threatening north Iowa has evidently
becnbiokcn In the lasl fcxv dujs plenty of
rain has fallen to thoroughly B iturutc the
ground The prospects'for big crops arc ex
cellent and the runners feel Jubilant.
Oakland llcuw.
Oxttr x\i > , In. , April 7. [ Special to Tnr.
BH- ] Charles Burnett ind his sister Bessie
hnx c gone to Indlanola tOjschool.
AVlese & Slefort hiivd bought the corner
store nnd expect to moveythelr olllce.
Henry Mann of Omaha was in town last
w c < 'k r
Mr nnd Mrs Hoyeo burled their llttlo baby
Wednesday of last wcek. |
Died of Heart Disease.
Cnun Kxi'in" , In , ApUl 7 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin Brr 1 WcncioEgannayer , a car
cleaner for the Burlington , Cedar Kaplds ft
Northern road , was found dead on the sticet
nt an early hour yosterdily morning. Death
was the result of heart disease.
Till ] H'JAV UT , I'.tL'L.
It Has Ilecn Ponehlijs In the Trunk
Ijliro's Melon 1'ntcli.
Cincxoo , April 1) ) . [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Br.r ] A telegrntA was received late
this afternoon that the trunk lines had turned
the St Paul issue of trekets to the wall In
Cnstlo Garden and xvotfld tomorrow do the
same In nil their ticket ofllccs. The reason
for this action is as follows : The trunk lines
have claimed the rlghtfto monopolize all the
immigrant business at Costlo Garden and to
distribute it us they sco fit among the lines
westbound from Chicago. This was unsatls-
factoty to the St. PaujI nnd it established
agencies throughout Uurope to inlliicnce tr.rlllc
over its lines In addttioir the St. Paul made
m rairgomcnts with n restaurant keeper named
Muller in New York by means of w hich Muller -
ler sold eider's for tickets to the immigrants ,
the tickets thus obtained reading over the St
Paul ana its eastern connections. The trunk
lines only discovered todav that the St Paul
was poaching in whnttit claimed was its
watermelon , patch nndfrtho result was ns
abo\ . T"
Changes In tlio Atclilnson System.
Cine vc.o , April 7. [ gpcclal Telcgiam to
Tin : Brn ] A New XPf'r telegram printed
here to day stated that 'there would soon bo
Important changes in tho'management of the
Atchison system , notably that Chairman Ma-
gown of the board of directors would super
sede Mr. Manvel as president. Atchison ofll-
clnals here ridiculed thcfdlspatch. President
Man\el said : "It Is dimply u cock and bull
story hardly worth dShying. As far as I
know thcio is no dissatisfaction with the
present management and I certainly have no
reason to believe Mr. Mngown would accept
the presidency. "
Oflleers or the Alton.
CHICAGO , April 7. Tito annual meeting of
the Alton road resulted iu the election of the
old directors and oftlccrs , except A. C. Bartlett -
lett , chosen to ( ill ono year Of the unexpircd
term of John Crcrar.
Still " \Varrinp Over the County Seat.
ATcmsox , Kan. , Aprl 7. [ Special Telc
giam to Tin : Bu : ] Tli"'county scat war In
Hawlins county , Kanu4s , between Atwood ,
the present county sea Jnnd Blakcman , the
B. & M. railroad tow n , 1.113 got into politics.
Atw oed proposes to light the renominalion of
Attorney Gencriil Kellogg because ho per
mitted W. AV and W. P. Guthrieof Atchison ,
the attorncjs of the railroad , to use his
name , as attorney general , in the proceeding
in the supreme lourt to compel the county
commissioners to older a county scat elec
tion Another new feature of the quarrel is
a charge that a man representing the raihoad
offeied to bum the riemitig hotel of Atwood ,
for the pi opiictor , promising that ho should
hae n better hotel on the B. & M. Hue in
Wj onilng
Siloott'H Imdy Fr lend.
DLnt , Col , April 7. The various detec-
ti\e agencies here fail to conflrm the repoit
that Silcott had been captured in Portland ,
Oic It is reported , however , that the
woman , whoso name has been mixed up with
Silcott , passed through Denver on her way
w est , about a month ngor
Poim VM > , Ore . April 7. Nothing is
known hcio of Silcott'a arrest. His name
was mobablj confused with that of 1'red Sil-
co\ , bank clerk , who disappeared a week ago
and returned jester day.
s In Gcr-inan UnirorniH.
Bun iv , April 7 , Marked changes aicabout
to bo made in the uniforms of the German
army. Conspicuous among them will bo the
abolition of the famous Prussian military cap
and the adoption of ono rnirdo from an Amer
ican pattern. The standup collar is also
doomed. These and other innovations aio to
follow the introduction of smokeless pow der
and are intended to add still fuithcr to the
invisibility of tlio soldiers rn action , liven
the picturesque red hussars and other gaily
dressed regiments will lm\o to bo reclothcd.
- +
"VVIlhelni'H Hcceut Army Order.
Bi in.rv , Apiil 7 It appears that the em
peror's recent order , w 1th reference to com
missioned ofllcors in the army , docs not lu
cre iso their piy , but loners the scale of pri
vate incomes necessary to secmoeommissions.
Hereafter uspli ants for commissions In the
lilies foot nitilleiy mid pioneers neel to have
private incomes of no moie than 15 muiks
monthly , thyso who seek commissions in the
Held artillery " > marks monthly and in the
caudiy 150 minks inontlilj- .
Ordered to thu Cniiuasiis.
LONDOV , Apiil 7 [ Spulal Cablegram to
TIIR Brr 1 The Grand Duke Michael
Miehclovltch , soiond son of the Giand Duke
Mkhcal and nido-de-eimip of the emperor ,
has been or d < red to the Caucasus for three
je.rrs This Is duo to tlio opposition of the
c/nr to the projected inhvriago lietwccn his
cousin nnd a daughter of Count Igmitiou .
- '
Clilldien'H Daj at > Washington.
WvsiiKorov , April 7.-f-Tho whlto house
grounds presented a decidedly picturesque
appearance today , the occasion being the an
nual gathei lug theio of the children of the
district for the puiposo of "egg lolling " The
entire grounds back of the mansion were
tinned over to them , run } several thousand
spent a portion of the dajj there.
Hindi Piihha't. No\t lixpedttlon.
X\S/IIHII , April 7 [ Special Cablegram to
Tin Bu ] The German ofllclals nro hasten
ing the preparations for tie | departure of the
Umtu expedition. They nro engaging poitci.- ; }
at Increased wages. It Is belles id tlmt the
llrst objective iiolnt of the expedition will
bo the lake dlstr lit.
Inspection Imw Unconstltutloiial.
KICIIMOMI , Vu , Apiil 7 Upon the appeal
of a western packing llrm Judge Hughes has
tendered n doclslon declaring the meat In
spection law passed by the loglsluturo con
trary to the federal constitution The de
cision takes the ground that the Inspection Is
not meant as a BiuilUirj measure , but as a
state revenue mcirsuie.
A Special Session.
Cnicioo , April 7. A local paper says this
this evening that Go\cniar fltcv will Rf > on
call a special t-esbloa 01 the loglhlaturo to deal
with the w nId's fair matter , the
Win1 ! being to provide fn ttie st u ( xhibit ,
theauthorUutlon of th' ' tssiiunr c < I fan bo It
uf tf QOO.OOO b > Cook county or tbo cit of
- etc ,
The Service Pension Bill Meets with Defeat
in the House ,
Vanuo DeolarcH the Uopnlillcan i Will
Illicit If tlio Democrats Aic
Not Seated Sympathy
for CelostltilH.
WASHINGTON , April 7. In the house Mr.
Morrlll of Kansas moved to suspend the rules
and pass , xx Ith substitute , tire scnnto bill
granting pensions to soldiers and sailors xx ho
nro Incapacitated from the pelformanco of
labor nnd proxidlng for pensions to xxidoxx s
nnd minor children and dependent pucnta ,
Mr. Springer of Illinois demanded a second
nnd the motion xx'irs seconded , 1 to " > 7.
Mr. Morrlll briefly explained that the sub
stitute had prox Ided a serx ice pension of ? S
per month to soldiers xxho hax e reached the
ago of sixtj-txxo j'c.rrs , or xxho arc dependent.
Ho thought the same principle xxhlch had
been applied to veterans of the xxar of IM'J
and the xx'ar xx 1th Mexico should bo applied to
the xetcians of the xxar of IbOl. In answer tea
a question he stated it xxas estimated that the
senate bill xxould require an annual oxpondl-
turoof S.m,000,000 and the house substitute
'I.IKXKX ' ( ) annually.
Mr. Springer of Illinois said he would \-oto
against the motion to suspend tlio rules and
pass the bill for the reason that no proper con
sideration could bo gix en the measure in tlio
limited time nlloxxcd for debate. There \\-as
no nppoi trinity to offer mi amendment Ac
cording to Ills information not n single Grand
Aunj post hud called for tire passage of this
bill. The soldiers had askeel for a serx Ice
bill Mr Springer charged the republicans
xx ith ex asioit of rcsponsbilitj , xx ith dodging
the issue and xxith the bctr.txalof the soldiers
to xx'hom bad tlio vlco
they promised sei pen
sion bill If this bill passed no opportunity
xxould be gix-cn in tins conference for the
passage of tlio sen lee pension bill Tire sol
diers had asked for bread and the house xvas
glx Ing them a stone. Mr Tarsney opposed
the passage of a bill of this magnitude under
the gag laxxHo xxas opposed to Indiseimilit
ate pension legislation and to anv mcasuio
xx lilch placed the bi ax c soldier and the skulk
ing coxxind on cmnilltj.
Mr Lane of Illinois said tlie bill xx-as not n
profitable one , but it xxas better than nnj-
thing on the statute books , and for that rea
son ho fax-OH'd it.
After considerable discussion for and
against the bill the question xx as put to n x otc
The x'oto stood jeas , ! ( / ) , naxs , S" , not the
necessary t\\o thuds in the affirmative. The
folloxx nig is the x otc in detail
Yeas : Messis. Adams , Allen of Michigan ,
Anderson of Mississippi , Atkinson of Peiin-
sxlxnnm , Atkinson of West Vnglnln , Baker ,
Banks , Bar tine , Binxxlg , Baxne , Belclcn , Bel-
kniip , Beigen , B'nglmin , Bliss , Bootliinan ,
Botitelle. Boxxdon , Biexxcr , Biickncr ,
Biopksliiro , Brosslus , J B Broxxn , Buchanan
of Nexv Jcisej , Binroxxs , Butterrnonth , By-
iium , Cnrripocll , Candler of Massachusetts ,
Cannon , Carter , Casxxell , Chcadlc , Chlpman ,
Clancj' , Clark , Cogsxxcll , Colcmnn , Comstoek ,
Conger , Council , Cooper of Indiana , Cooper
of Ohio , Coxert , Craig , Culbeitson of Penn-
sxlxirnlir , Cunimings , Cutchcoii , Dalioll , Do
Hax en , DinglejDollixnr , DorscxDiinnell ,
Dunphj , Ijxxnit , Faiqulinr. leather-stone
Finlev. Flick , Floxxer , Foxxler. Ge-ar , Grenhalgc , Grout , Hull , Htins-
brotigh , Haimer , Haugen , Hajncs ,
Henderson of Illinois , Hendeison ot loxxa ,
Hciinan , Hill , Hitt , Ilolman , Hopkins , Honk ,
KelljKerrof loxxa , If err of Peiinsjlvnnia ,
Ketchurn , L tcjLaloletto , Laidloxv , Lane ,
LansingLaxxs. . Lind , Lodge , Magner , Mash ,
Martin of Indiana , Mason , McC lell in , Mc-
Cormrs , MeCoimick , McKennn , McKinley ,
Milllken , Moffntt , Mgicj , Morull , Morroxv ,
Mor-se , Mudd , Nledringh.ius , Ntttc , O'Neill or
Pcnusj Ix-aiiia , Osboinc , O\xens of Ohio , Pnr-
rett , Pajno , Pax liter , Pax son , Perkins ,
Peters , Picklcr , Post , Puce , Piigsley , Hand.ill
of Massachusetts , Qira < kenbiish Kecclof Icnxii ,
Hej'bum , Hife * , Hoxxcll , Husscll , Sanford ,
' Scjiinton Sihitll Senex- Sherman
Snxx'jer , , , , ,
Shix'clj' , Simonds , Smith of Illinois , Smith
of West Viiginiu , Smjscr , Snjder , Stabl-
neckcr , Stow art of Vermont , Stevens , Stock-
bridge , Str able , Stum , Sweeney , Taj lor ot
Illlnoisi ; B Taj lor , Thomas , Thompson ,
Townscrrdof Colorado , Tinner ol Kansas ,
Vandcver , Vnnsh nek , Wade , Walker of
Massnchuesctts , Wallace of Now Yoi Ic , Wat
son , Wheeler of Michigan , WicMiam. Wile\ ,
Wilcox- , Williams of Illonois , Williams of
Ohio , Wilson of Kentucky , Wilson of Wash
ington , Yocder ld'1
Noj s Messr-s. Abbott , Andcr-son Allen of
Mississippi , Anderson of Mississippi , Bank-
head , Baines , Biggs , Bland , Blount , Bieek-
iniIdgo of Kentuekj , Buchanan of Virgrnlii ,
Buckalc , Bullock , Buiincll , Chandler of
Gc-orgia , Carlisle , Caileton , Caruth , Clarke
of Illinois , Clements , Cathrine , Cowles , Ciisp ,
Culbeitson of Texas , Dai gun , Davidson ,
Dockery , Edmunds , Elliott , Kills , Enloe ,
Forney , Gibson , Goodnight , Giimes , Haio ,
Hcaul , Ilcmphlll. Hcibert , Hooker , Kilgoro ,
LathamLawlcr Lce.Lcstci of GeigiaLowis ,
Mansur , Martin of Texas , McClammy , Me-
Clear v. McMillen , McH < a , Mills , Montgom
ery of New Hampshire , Mooroof Texas , Mor
gan , Miitchlcr , O'Ferrall , Peel , IVnv ,
Pierce , Hiclmidson , liogers , How hind , Huslr.
Sajcrs , Skinner , Spiinger , Stew ait of
Cic-oigia. Stowaitof Wisconsin , Stone of Kentucky -
tucky , Stone of Missouri , Tarsni'j , Tillinan ,
Tucker , Tinner of Geoif-'ia. Tin pin , Vennblo ,
Walkea of Missousi , Washington Wliei'lc-rof
Alabama , Wike , Wilkinson , Wilson ofVcst
Virginia , Wise h7
Absent or not voting Messrs Andrew ,
Arnold , BecKworth , Blaiuhaul , Doatnci ,
Brewer , Biowno of Biowne , Bniner , Bntoii ,
Coldwcll , Cotchlngs , CliiMtham , Cluiile ,
Cnbb , Criin , Dailnigton , Delano , Dibble ,
Evurrs , 1'itch , ritheall , flood , Feu man ,
Fiauk , Funton , Cioiseiibaenner , Gitfoul ,
( ! ios\enor , Hatcli , H.tjes , Henderson of
Noith Caiolina , Kennedy , Kinso\ ,
Knapp , Leb ub , McAdoo , McOaitliy ,
MeCoid , Miles , Norton , Dates , O'Noil of Jn-
dliinu , O'Neil of Mass.K husetts , Outhwalto ,
Owen of Indiana , Peiinlngtoii , Phelaii ,
Qiilnn , Haincs , Handall of Pcnsvlvnntn. Huj ,
HeilH , Hobcrtfcon , Hockwcll , Splnohi , Spoon-
et , Stepeenson , Stoekclalo Tnjlorof Tennes
see , . ! D Tailor , Townscnd of Pensjhaiiia
1'iacy , Tinner of New York , Witllai oof Mas
sachusetts , Whiting. Wlntthoine , Wilson of
Missouri , Weight , Yaidloy.
Tlio bill passed under suspension of tlio
rules to establish two additional land clls-
tlets in Nobiasha.
Mr Butterwortb , from the committee on
nppioptiations , reported the lcgl lutl\o exec
utive aiidjudlelalappiopiiation bill
MJ Flower mo\ed to suspend the ruins nnd
lo pass the bill , Increasing from $1,000 to
Jl.lKK ) per ( annum the i salary of thosuper-
\ Islng suigeun-gcneiiil , of themaiino hospital
sens ice. A long deb ito ensued , mid the mo
: ion to susjH'iid the rules failed The house
: hen went Into committee of the whole on the
m\nlappiopiiatloi ! bill. Without action the
committee rose and the house adjoin ned.
Sennit * .
WtMiisirrov , Apiil 7. In the senate this
inoinlng the house amendment to the Joint
K solution fin the remo\al of the naval maga-
/ino fiiiin Kills Island , N Y , was concurred
n Mr Evans presented resolutions of tlio
S'ew Yotk chamber of commerce protesting
against the landing bill for the census enum
eration of the Chinese as absind , b.nbatous ,
iticlnlstlaii and cowardly A mcmoilal on
tbu sanm subject fiom the American mU-
bionai v association was presented
Mr Plait piescntid a meinoilal for tlio nd-
iilsslun of New Mexico as a state , but with'
out committing himself , he said , to the \lf\\s
.set fill til 111 It.
Among the bills reported from commlttcm
mil placed on the calendar were the follow-
ng' Mirb'll ' to amend the homestead laws In
c'gird to tlio iu.nun i of ii | pluallunsu u1 ' °
lie si mite bill for a | me > li < l > i.'liliug at Kansas
C'ltj to icst J.nm IKKI
Mr Hi n iiioveil t i 11 n ! ( 1 with the Mem
tana > iitte Ulci'itui ' . , i-i
Mr Hulo ittkcd him to ( , ne iucfircin.e to
the Chinese enumeration bill , which It was
( militant to IIUAO dltposeh of as soon as jy-
Mr Hoar Intimated that the .
bill could not be * dlspeisod of Immc'llatelx. as
Mr F.xaits desired to . . . ik upon It ,
Mr Hale then gaxe * , < leo that ho xxould
moxe to take up the U _ _ se enumeration bill
as soon nstheMontau * " ectlon case xxas dis
posed of. J-
The house bill ( o ; oxv the erection of u
bridge across the Icixs = 'er at Wape'llo. la ,
xxas repotted and IMM with an amendment
In the xx'irj of a sulistl E ,
The Montana elect I * iso xx-as then taken
up and Mr. Vance * inn / in ingumcnt In sup-
poitof tlu < minority I it , declining Clink
nnd M iglnnls ( clems i titled to scats He
( Vance ) bad noxe ) caul of a title to
n sert In the sen < on such sleiulir ,
technical , trilling r , uls He had nexer
kitoxvn the public xx Ili-v. the loiuniunltj tube
thxx'iUled mid trampled underfoot on such
flimsy pretexts. Ho knexv the republican
clnliiiants xxeie to be seated , but the republi
can senators xx ould be sicker oxer It befell e
the'jcro done xxith It tlinnhoxxas Mr.
Vaiic'o said he xx-as thankful that in all future
denunciations of the south for the suppression
of colored X'ote's , the southern senators \\tutld
linx c companj' In the north All they xx ould
hax e to do xx ould be to Inquire of the republi
can orators "Who stoic precinct < iI of fell-
xer Bcixv eonntx' , Montana ! "
Mr. I'dmumls enqultcd xxhcther the 171
iiersons xx ho had xoted at picclnctlllcto
legal x otcis.
Mr Vance asset ted that they xx ere.
Mi Spoonor , also n member of tbo commit
tee on mix ile'ges and elections , made an argu
ment In fax or of the majority leport that
Sinders and Pcuxcr , the republican claimants ,
xx ere entitled upon tlie incuts of their e'.rse to
seats In the senate * . In the course of his
speech Mr Spoonor alluded to the rhaigc
made bv Mr Gmj against the president for
undue baste In Issuing the piochunntlon feu
the admission of Montana , nnd ho defended
the president In that matter. He ( Spouncu
knexv of no man xxho ox or sat In the pies !
cli ntlal chair xx ho xxas less likely than Piesl
dent Harrison to bo sxxeixi'd one hand's
breadth from the line of xxhnt he deemed his
constitutional dittj- , either to please a file nil
or to punish a foe
After an exccutixo session the senate ad-
Serxloo Pc'iislon Hill.
"xVxsniNOTOX , Apiil 7. The service pension
bill introduced today In the house by Booth-
man provides substantially as
grants a sei x ice pension of 1 cent per month
for each daj'of service to evcrj mini xxho
< erxcd In the union arm * duung the late war
xxithout icgard to age. pinxldcd that thtfe *
soldiers xx ho noxv iceeixo dis.ibilltx pensions
inaj' , 11 tliej choose * , relinquish their disnbil-
itx IK nsion and accept a ser x ice pension Ths
\\ido\\s of those diaxxingseixieo pensions are
to be pinei'il on the rolls at fs. per month dur
ing xxidoxx hood , but h ix e the * tight to prose
cute and obtain a pension under the present
laxv bx slum ing that their hiisbinds died
from dlsabilltj contracted m the sei vice and
in line of dntj 'I ho bill also ( .rants a pi n
sloii of s l a month to minor children rnulei
sixteen je.ns of nge of soldiers xxho die xxlnle
draxxing a pension , and if mix children are so
he'Ipless at , to require the help of another p * r
sou the pension is to continue duung sue h
helplessness If a xxidoxx dies or lein.urres
bcfoi o her children attain the ageof sixteen
her pension is to be p ticl to them until tliej
attain thai age.
A Month of Sliinili
BIIIIIV , Apul 7. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin. Bi iAt i ] Ebingen , In Wintembing ,
Mar ra Doer thug , the daughter of a xxcalthj
faimor , has laid in a continuous blumbci
sine o Mai eh 0 , xx'licn she letnecl as usual ,
though complaining of n headache The
The girl's respiration in icgulnr , though
weak , nnd her breath can oulj be duiecte-d bj
the use of a mirror. Herfiuo is iinnaturallx
pile , but retains its former roundness , xxhrlo
her limbs hnxe become xxasted She is fed
Unco times daily on eggs and milk , no difti
i ulty being ini't in fencing small quanti
ties "of this neil ) Islinient down bet tluoat
Sexeial physicians haxc attempted fiuitle'ssh
to break the trance , and now the roxal phjs-
iiian , Dr Bunkhaidt , of iStuttgait hab inter
ested himself in the ease
Two ricndNh Poles.
Lrvxi NX\oiiTii , Kan , Apiil 7 jSpecial
Telegiam to Tnl BnA ] fiendish attempt
at rape lias Just bien bioiiuht to light The
nor them part of the cltv is peopled priiici
pnllj bx Poles , and more than usruill.x vicious
and daiigeicms Poles at that Prank Chnr-
\ iskio and William S nnalskoxx ie \ \ c nt to the
liome of George Dranltskle , xxhcie the latter s
xx ifo xxas Ij ing In bed xxitha txx o-xx ecks'-old
child Clmrnlskle made Indecent juoposals ,
xx Inch x\eio ic'jeetcd. Infuriated at the re
fusal ho sprang upon the defenselehs xxoiinin ,
SamaisKoxxie the incanxxhilu holding aia/oi
atherthioat The xxnmim si i earned and at
tracted her husband , xx her rut the txx o villains
lied. When the officials attempted to arrest
them they made a furious icslstanco xxith
clubs and i.i/ors In this thc\x xxeie aided bx
their xuxc's \xcioatlastoxerpox\crcd
mil placed in jail
Nexxland Iniiiesl | Postponed.
Cine too , ApulThe eoionei's inquest
nto the cause of the of Mr and Mi's.
Mcxx land of Englcxx oed xvas adjoin ncd until
.ho 17th in older to gixo time for mi analjsis
of the stomach and of some of the food par
aken of at the fatal supper. The suspected
lomestie nlajcd the Ins iiiilx dodge for a time
this moiinng and aftcixuiuib told some more
ontradlctorx , stones SUe pidfesscd to be
iblo to find the box of poison xx lu'iv she
Inexv it , but on benn , ' t rken tn the sjiot
'idled She bus be en pioxcn to bo a lonso
barae terhaing lie en intimate xxitli dilTerent
nen In Lafajotte , Foil Wajno and Chicago
The Blllcot ) Si'L'lnrinn.
Nrw Yoniv , Apiil 7 A commlttco of the
Methodist Episcupil confeienco In its report
opudlated the recent decision of the supreme
omt of Wisconsin legatding thn the ( lading
of the bible in the public schools ns "un-
\niorlcan and pagan nnd n menace to the per-
ictiiltj of our institutions " It held that It
xns the clntx of Chilstliin eitl/ens to deny
hat the blblo xx'its sec tatlan and to claim for
t n place xxhetex'er the state > attempts to c-dn-
atn joiith for the duties of c'lti/c'iisliip Con-
'eioiieoMIssloiiinx Poster f South Dakota
spoke on the xvoik accoiriplished b > the piohl-
ntloiipntj Iu that section.
i\ : < ' " With Ch
DLIITII , Minn , April --Special [ Tclo-
giain to Tnr Bi i 1 Tlio Dulutli board of
rado has decided to lock boms xxilli the Chicago
cage boaid In the matti i of fuinlshlng quota-
Ions , of which the the Chicago hoaul has re
used to furnish Information An eider has
iceiuissuecl to telegraph cciinpaiileinotto fur-
ilsh any moro Infeiiiiiiitloii to the Chicago
x > .ud. Qiifitatlcins nnd othct infoimntlon
xill bo finnlHhed to St Louis , Mlnnoatolls | ,
Mllwnnki o nnd exv Ymk us usual , but Chicago
cage xxlll be Ignored entirely.
Found Dead on the Tracjk.
Anin-'ox' , Apiil 7 - [ Special Telegram to
I'm Hi r ] - Hector Strain , a xvoll kuoxvmol-
or-ed man , xxas killed bv ono of the lallroads
on the Missouri side of the tlver , Sattnday
light lll.'i bodx xxas found badly nmiiglcil
> u the Santo Fo ti.u k this iiioinlnr , ' , but as
heio xxas no blood on the tmi kit Is presumed
hat he xxas dead bofoio the train htiuc-k him
lo xxas probrbl.x knot kcd IIIMJII thu Santa Fo
rae-ks bx u train on one of the- other roads It
Xns In "Doud Man's I ut , ' u place x\ hero four
o.uls come clubo together.
Another Illoxv at Hie
Unirno , 111 , April 7It has boon the cus-
om of the lar o clc.ilc'W to ] iost the llnctua-
Ions of grain and produce In their unicef , for
Iioconxi'iilcneoof customers. H xx'tn sus-
us | cctecl that UICKO pcuitliigs xxeie being
nUin ailxuiitiige uf hv the ! liui ki t shops and
c usi < jnc i tlx " > I ind of tiado cut til IB
e > f ( si l i ij M in i s i ft ti 'i.x As n
( I I. ( I III I < 1 ' 111 I' ' I' it llC'll Illl I ' ' ' V
qiioHitit us l ( --s fiu | in > viiiiiiUss pruinptl >
tbuii Un ; IIUXL t' ' iic titictcfuie
Every House in Hnrpor's Ferry , Ky , ,
Blown Axvay.
I'lophctstoxxn Itepoiled Altnimt Com-
lih < t > IyIoiiioINIu > il The Wlrt-H
llclnsj Doxxn Details Aio
Not Obtainable- .
LOVISVII t.f , Ky , Aptll 7. It has Just been
learned that Ihuper'a Ferry , Hein.x county ,
has been almost completely dc'stiojed by a
tornado. The xillapo xxas composed of less
than txxo down house's ami xxns ac'onsideinblo
distance from any railroad All the houses
\veii' blown down and the inhabitants bulled
beneath the ruins Txxo par-suns xxcro killed
mid sex en or eight Injured.
Pattinll.x Itloxxn Axxa.x.
BruiiNcirox , In , April * . [ Sp'cinl Telegram
gram to TinBi rA ] repoit readies
here Into tonight by railroad xx Ins that the
city of Piophctstown , 111 , has been partially
blown nxx'iiy by a cj clone and nianj people
Ex ciy indication points to the fact that n
e\eio storm has passed oxer a portion of Illi
nois. Prophetstoxxn is a small xillnpe of iOO
inhabitants and is situated on
a bianch of the Chicago , IhnliiiKtou A
Quiney about foit.x miles soiitluaHt
of Fulton. A special stock train xxns juat
leaxlng the toxxn xxhen thostoimstoimstiiiik
it , tearing evei.x thing to pieces It Is im
possible to get any fuithcr liifoiiiiatU'ii ns
exei.x xxiro lending to the c'ltj Is down nnd the
place is entlrclj shut oil' from the outsldo
xxoild. ( Jueile's luxe been "cut in all ilncc-
tions but no respoases of value hax e jc t been
rocc Ixed.
J n. in No further information fiom
PiophoLsloxxn ' Q " lallioad people in tbis
eitj s ry the xx ires are all doxvn.
About Sc'xcn Tlionsand MCMI Idle in
the IjirKo Clt.x.
Cincxnn , Apiil 7 Tlio eaipenters' stuUo
tookpKuo this morning , according to pio-
t-iauiine It is estimated that bctxxccn "t,000
and 0,000 men are out Caipc liter xxork on
ncailv all of the largo Jobs has been
brought to a .standstill Tlio 'tiilto is
for eight hours us a dux's xxoik , xxith xxagcs
at 10 cents pei hour No tioulile bus lict'ii
repotted from mix quaitc't jet Manx c f the )
ma'-ons and InuKlaxeislio II.IM IK in at
xx oik on buildings hnxe been compi lied to lay
ofl. be'eanse of the ! caipenter-s' xxotK on xnu-
cms slim tines being nt a standstill Al
together the paralx ? ls of building opertitions
in L'bic ago is , tudnx at , conipH te
Tonight it is citimated that about 7.000
men are out In sonic plnc.cs the biieUlajers
xx cut out xxitli the c.'ipe'ntei-s , out of smpa -
tliN , and it Is repoitc'il the entiio bodx of
brickl ijcrs xxill lw called out unless tlio
trouble is settled x1. itbin a xxeek In any
ex cut ncailj all the other buildini' tiades
x\ ill hax o to stop work soon unless the cnr-
pentei's strike is settled In that exent W- ) ,
000 men xxlll be idle home inntiuetursxxii h-
ing to complete w ni 'c ' on band toduj cITeied
toaccupttue rucn s teinib , but the brother
hood is after the Builders' assoeiiitn n nnd le-
fuses to let anj one letuin to xunkjnntil Hint
bodv his recognised the union Picnident
Goldie of llio IJuIUlei-s' exchnngo tbinltH it
xx ill boat least axxcck before tbo stiike is
settled A number of busses said tocl.a that
they xx ould ho willin1 , ' topix10 eei .in
horn after the present contracts weie filled.
but Hint these ! xx'eio figured ) cents mill
the } could not alloul the mix mice
r.i.wnofttr.t CHAH.
Deinoe-ialir Gains Kepoi-ted fioni In
diana and Ohio.
IxnixNxroii * , Ind , April 7 In thetoxxn-
hhiji election the democrats xx'oio s icee'ssful.
They sxxcpt oxer jth ng nt Foit Waxm also.
At Exansxillu they elected a tntiJoiiU of the
c otinciltiicn and the eltx official , and piobably
the entire toxxnsliip ticket
In Ohio.
Ciscisxm , A pi 11 7 The x-oto in the
municipal election to clay for Judge of the *
superior court , clerk of the police iiiuit ,
director of the clt > inlliniiny , magistiatcs
and member's of the council , etc , xxas xeiy
light. The republicans at midnight seem to
hax'o a major it j of one on the boiud of edu
cation nnd txxo on tlio bo.u il of ( ounellnun ,
both of xxhich xxcio heictofoio ox cixx helm
ing ! } republican Tliedemoci.its elected all
other ollleer-b except the clerk of the jiolleo
1 on it.
Coirxint " , O , Apiil 7 The cltx cleitlon
xxas quiet , not mores than ( ! ( ( per cent of the
vole being polled The demociiitH elc c tc d the
entile ticket and make substantial gains In
the council.
CnxilXM ) , Apiil 7 At the municipal
elcc lion todaj the deiuoc lats deeted Hie inn-
nidpal ticket , eoinpiislng comiuitti cine n of
xnuous boards unit n Justice' of tin peace.
The republicans cle'c ted foitj aldrimcn 'Iho
lion el ot ediie nt loti is u tie. The goxf iiinii nt
of the eltx1 , hoxxexcr , is still in the h , . nils of
the repiiblieaiis except txxo de partinents
Al UaiiMiK CIlj.
KASSVS Cirx , Mo , April 7 Mirnli Ipilcleo-
Lions xxeio he'ld tlnougliout Knnsai todaj in
cities of the fourth class Hepoits fiom
sex ei.d cities indicate that the xvomui cast
ibout txx'oflfths nf tlio xotes Tin \ nine d
; heinsol\es generally xvlth one or the c UK i i f
tb.i' pu tii s In the contest , but bad no e.nnl-
clates of their cm n.
Kim Oxor Wlilh-
Ni xs III ttnii , N Y , Apul 7 Special
IVh'gram to Tin Bi i ] List night ns txxo
Italians xxho ll\-c at Tompklns' C i\e \ \ ( re ie-
luuilng homo from an Easter jollllluition ,
xx ulkliig doxxn the West Shoio tiailt , they
mil a quaiicl when near homo and p " did
to si'ttle their dllTeiviiees bj a fist light So
interested did thoj become In pommeling i m h
other Unit they did not hear the nppioai lung
tialn. nnd notxxitlistandlng that the encnmor
did nil In his poxxcr to bilng the train to u
standstill his oifuits xxcio uiinxallmg The
loeoinotlx'o struck the men killing im instantly -
stantly and crushing the skull cit the other
TclnHirlkoxa at PCIIMI.
Vn.ssj , April 7 [ Special Cnbligiam to
I'm , 111 i J MadiunoTehebilkiixa , xxho x\m
reported to haxo been exlloil for hoi leltei lethe
the cvar , Is nnxx at Pmsa , fn the ( 'auuisus ,
miller a Hit lit polleo xxatch Slit XMIKKHI
xujeel llilther Innric'dlx Iniiiaiiiage ixiltuut
xxlndoxxs No halt xxas minle e\n pt in thu
opjn nil Her food xxas abominable Sin is
coiihUintlj gliinde'd b.x genilaimes nnd nut ut-
loxxccl to spc'ak to mix one.
Oldi'M niiKliuMT In the Woi Id Dead.
Bu iixioitc , Apt II -Willintn in .ij ,
xxho tan the first liicoinotlxe on tin liiiltm i 10
& Ohio road , Is eli ail He re inecl in 1 1
xx'iui piubablx tbo oldest loiunuliM ini.ii.Mr
In thu xxoild At the tlmo ol IIH ihatli l.o
xxus eightj-ono jeara old
i An IxalH ,
At Noxx Vork The Hotter ilinn , fium Am-
At London Sighted' The Hu-.sin
S'inv York , for Hamburg , tbu M
from Baltimore.
-k Pensioned.
Bi'inis Apiil 7 - lllsinuuk Ims brcu
( 'i-antM a pnsion of fl 7riO A ileik iiumi'ii
11 ii It hx 'i n hi-nti m i d to thrio immtlif1
iui.11 i.inn ' f.i > iiti i , nj ; toextoit uronejr
from UK ex liaiu llui