Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No mlfcrtUcincnlH will lf taken Tor
tli < * ff < : coluinns nl'tcr 1UK ) p. HI.
Tornis Cnsh In advntico.
Ad vi-rHoetiiChtH under IhH bend If ) cents per
line forthe first Insi-rtlnn. "eefitsforeiifhfiib-
Mfii | * nt In-ertlon. and Jl..v j > rllin' per month.
JS'ondAertlsements taken for less than ' icenm
for first Inwrtlon. They must nin consecu
tively and must he paid In ADVA.VK. All
Bd\crtl emeiitsiuust lie hMided In before 12 : : )
o'clock p. m. , and under noclHMimstanees will
thry tic taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns ami
havlnc lh"lr answers addressed In rare of TlIK
Ilr.F. will please o k for H cheek loeiiuble them
to eet tielr ! letters , as none \vIII IH-delivered
xeept 'ri presentation of eheck. All answers
to adrertlsenientit should bo uneloseil in unvc-
All advrrt ! cments In thev coliimnt arc
puHI-lied In iMith tnoniltiB and evenlnz edi
tions of TUB HIK. the circulation of which tin-
pietrates more than Ul.lKH ) papers dally , and
plvcs the advert Nets the benefit , not only of
the ell v circulation of Tin : 1IKK. but al < o of
Council lllufN , Lincoln and other cities and
towns throughout this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns win l > e taken
on the alKve conditions , at the following btii-
ness houses who arc authorized to take special
notices , at thu same rates as can be had nt the
main office.
\ of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska
Savings tnink biilliHiiif.
J OHN W.llKTTL , Pharmacist , 820 South Ten 111
? lHAsE ti EDDY. Stationers and Printers ,
V > IIa. South Ifijb street.
U II. rAKNSWOItfll. Phatmaelst , 2115 ,
r ( inning stieet ,
YVr J . TiroTTlM , Pharmacist , C2I North
> > . ir.r street.
( \\.n. \ W. PAItH , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven-
V I worth ' 'tiect. '
VI t'OHES1 f'HAUJUcV , 2OS ! rarnam street ,
\\r ANTKIX-S-ltuatlon by experienced lMx > k-
T I keeper.only jmrtlon of tlmo to bo devoted ,
has ol her business. Uood references. Salary
leaMinablo Address , It 4 ! ) , Hoe. 000-11 *
AOLI'G man , thoroughly posted In stock
glues and hone liquors desires correspond
ence with capitalists wishing to manufacture
or In need of economical manager. Many
veins' experience. Address Frederick Collins ,
Itt Littleton uvc. , Newark , N. J. 077-8"
"V'Ot'NO man with A 1 references desires
1 some clerical work , book-keeping or sales
man ; n years' experience In lumber as bookKeeper -
Keeper and salesman. Address H 41 , Bee.
&W5 *
\\TANTEIl-To do housework by 2 girls. Call
> > 7ii : S tilth st. ! : t-.V
"IX ANTEU Position as' bookkeepercrofllco
i > workjif anv kind , good rcfetenees ; ad
dress 1012 N. 22ml M. , Omaha. ' .kV ) 11 *
, \NTEI-Ollico work. Address , 1150. Hoc.
U15 7
\VA.\TKI ) 31 AIjK IIKM1.
rs on custom coats by
the week. 'Ill S. lllh si. l."iO-S *
\\rANTKD A collector. . (100 ( to collect dur
it Ing the I year. 5 percent commission paid.
Hefereni'e and bond icqulrcd. Call at once
upon N. ! v. Van Huson , Merchants' hotel.
I.- '
GcuD. steady , first class barlicr. none
other need apply. Ed ( Joins , Kearney ,
$75.M to $250.00 a month can be made working
fur us. Persons pieferred who can furnish a
horse and give their whole tlmo to the bus ! lies- ,
Span1 moments may be profitably employed A few vacancies In towns and cities. H.
F Jo'insiiii&Co. ' . lIuMMaln st. . Hlchiiioml. Va.
V\\NTiD : Man As aaent of our patent
safes ; sl7 > 2n\IS\IS Inches , K15 retail. All
M/os as low. Now styles ; new patterns ; new
hx-k ; new factory. Not gotornctl by safe pool.
J' very safe warranted. Hale chance. Perma-
ni'iit business. Our terms and catalogue will
con \rnec you agents clear ? . ' 100 to i5dO per
moiiih.rlte for exi'lusivo tonllory. Alpine
Safe Co. . Cincinnati. O. WO-5 *
\\MNTEI-A ) lirst class coatmaler. ; A.I' .
> 1 CJaisko , Illalr. Neb. SsO-5 *
\\TANT1M > Kxperlcnccd state , special and
> lornl agents to represent the National
HomeIliiHding and Loan association : our
agents are makhiiiiiioncv. Addiess with rof-
eivnco. naming this paper. I. N. Clarke. Sec'y.
lUoomlnglon. 111. urn ii *
"VyANTED An active man for each section.
T i salary 75 to } 100 , to locally represent a
HUeeessfuF N. Y. company. Incorporated , to
supply dry Roods , clothing , shoes , jewelry ,
i iito consumers at cost. Also a lady of
lift , salary J40. to enioll members ( sO.OOO now
enrolled , * IW. ( ( IO paid In. ) Keforeuces ox-
cliniis > d. Kmplic Co-Operative association
[ ciedlt .veil rated ) look box ( ilfl , N. Y.
" \\rANTED Salesmen on salary or com-
V 1 nr.sslon tohandle the New Patent Clieml-
l il I tilErisinjr i'c'iieil. The greatest selling
m"elty ever produced. Erases Ink thor
oughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper.
IM-ltofiU | Jor cent | irollL One agent's -ah" ,
amounted toteo In s\ days ; anolhcr Ef. in
two hours. Wu want one energotle general agent
fur each state and territory. .Sample by mail
Xicts , Pur terms and full particulars address
The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Cruise , WIs.
. OsS-b *
" \ \ F.NTEIAgcnls to sell a. new patent
T t mtlolo that sells for75 cents In every fam
ily , sti ic , oil -e. etc. Send for circulars or 75
ecu is lir simple. Agents are making big
money. Itradman & Oimsby , ll'J Court st. ,
llosion. Mjiss iis7-S
\\r'\ NTKD Two milkers or dairymen. J. ! ' .
_ > > ll'ieh. A n ' < ave. tfifl 7 *
" \VANTKn A ten and cigar salesman for
> i the ElUhorn Vnlley and Illnck lllllscoun-
try. None hut n thoroughly experienced sales
man need apply ; one with an established trade
lutnat country prefctnHl. Jliist ha\o icfor-
enccs. Address , Steel \ Walker , St. Jiwpb ,
Mo. 140-12
WANTED 25 plasterers at once W per day
h hours. 1'ay and ilyrnes , Morse building.
* 1111 11 *
" \\rAN.TED-Ono tlrst-el.iss paper hanger.
> > Tei'Ji- . Williams. Fremont , Neb. I MO *
\ \ ' ANTED 1'In.t "chiss T-vperieiici'd llTiFlst
' .nnd gardener. Address H ; t ! Heoolllce. 750
\ \ . \NTKD--Ageiits Maglo f'lgar lighter.
T > \ery smolu-r buys ; lights In wind or
rain lasts u lifetime : samples I.V , two forSfx * .
tin" n il by mail , .stamps taken. Ktavner &
( . . . Pr.ivldenee.Jt. I. 77i-ail : :
"X \r VN'TED ( iood book agents to taUe orders
I' Inr our new book. Just out. I'amilv treas-
xirv.'IllU'iiinlng st. I' . A. ( ijivlll. . ' .K-7
\ \ ' \NTED Mile-men to sell our new spec
ie i.ltlesto merchants only ; samples fnr-
nUbid ; uxcluslve territory ; paying anil per
manent situation. Model Lodger Co. , South
lU'iid. 1ml. " _ ns.s-14 *
" \\rANTLD-V ) Jaboreis forl'acltle ist o\-
> > tension of r. p. Jt.ll. In Nevada and I'tah.
Good uagcs and steady work. Albright's La
bor Agenov , lJ20J'arnam ; sj. Ktl
1'XCTl'ltE agents and photographoN served
with elegant crayons , water colors and
naslels. 1'lne bromide prints made for aitlsts.
IliHluerit prices. Mjnster Portriilt Studio. IsSI
S ISIh St. . Omaha. .JtT-als *
" \\TANTKU SuleHuTen lit $75 ] H'rmoiitirMit-
' ary and exiK'iises to sell a line of silver-
plated ware , watches , etc. . by sample only ;
luirso and team furnished free ; write at once
for full particulars and sample ease of coeds
free. Standard Sllvorwaie Co. , llostou. Mass.
\\rANTED- \gents for Denver State Lot-
> 1 lery. Tk'kuts We. Address A. I' . Koss Jt
( ' Di nver. Colo. < * &is-au"
_ . -eliiss girl . , .
housework : good wages. Call nt SOW
Cupitol avu. or 1515 Ikidge. J M _
AV TANTEItilrl for general houseworl , 2 : > 37
| Cumlngsl. UVr-s *
"lrANTEI2talIiirossisstowork on custom
eoats ; good wagon amlbteady work. 510
N-ntb lilibst. IST-t ! *
AV TANTEDImmeillately. . n dining room
| girls at ikk'H's dining hall , Lincoln. Nob.
" \\TANTED- Assistant forelady In our overall -
' ' all factory , one who has had experience
? " 5" \ ' \ w" " i'ow-sfaetury work thoroughly.
J 1 UuL.uiJ.oii Notion Co. . 12th and llowanl.
ii " ' work ull or part of the * ' 'nic '
J-Jpay to lUUnnilia ladles. I'or'terins'bcud
V stamp tojl ll. Tyson , box 7ii. : Chicago.
" \ \ ' ' ANTEI > airl for general housework ; llor-
J ' man or Swede pri'ferrwl ; In family of two.
Kmiuliv ? ' ! S. IWthht. sih
\\rANTKD-A good BVl for general
work ; small family ; good wages ; for
f''riher Information vail at ottlco C. W. Kolth ,
714 Iaeltle. hot ween 3 and 4 p. m. uil
" \\TANTED- A jroiHl girl for fonenil hiitis <
' ' .work ; miall family : goiNl wages ; fern
. . . . . n call al i "nlco of C. W.
Keith. 714 Panile. lt. l -'andj4 p. m. dti
" \\r' ; Tl D A nfunU girl. "Call nt 'B13
I afayetlc Hvt'itun ifurmeily Paulst
Mr * . J. II. Dun .i t
KOU iinxr uor.sKS.
171OK KENT-A detached 0-rtxim home. SIH
Ji DouglnnM reel. - TiH 7J
T0 < llENT-lltm eof 10 room1721 Douglu *
J. * t.t modern mvrnloiin * mid very handy
i-HH. Inquire of D. T.Motint,2itS.I4thst. :
Him house , every mod
ern convenience. 22d and Cnllforufa. i'a
per month. A. C. Wakoley , N. V. Life bldg.
_ c y 4 n
KTTNT room Hat ; LangeTiTtTdiss. 1.1
| 7U > K KENT Dwelling on Cnpllol avenue. 9
-L rooms anil nil modern pwivpiilencps In
cluding lniindr\ and larRM stMilo. P w * lon
Apttl 1. D. J. O'Donalmc , ICfll I'arnam si.
/ KENT Houses 'imd tore s ; propeTty
. 'rilled for , taxes paid. Mtdlutid Unarnntce
& Trust Co , Ifill 1'aniam s ( . Abstract * , ftvi
FolTlTENT CoTtngc mill larjri'lot with barn.
shiMK etc. oil outskirts of city , f2 ! per
month. Hloks N. \ . Life bldg. lUt-8
ELEVEN-riMitn hoanlliiitlinuw Inextni good
tiH'atlon. it-lit JIO per month : prtcnof furnl-
tureiioui ; teiniscasy. Alsoji ii'ronin Mat In good
location , rent } St ) ; fntnlturo t'ffl. part cash :
moms all full. Co-Oiierntlve Land and Lot
Co. . ati N iiith st. ita-r.
T-KOOM house , with or without barn. 1IHS.
I 7th ave. K275 *
'IjlOK KENT ' ( -room Hat. modern conven-
Jfences. . 5-room cottagn and store room In
grand location , Inijillle IIIUJN. IM h. .Sl 5 *
KENT To small families , references re-
ITtOK . hon c of : i rnoius. ? p > : house 'I moms ,
hall , 2 closets pantry , f 12 : city , clstein and well
water. Cor. 15th and Pacific sts. K. E. Copson.
M-G ii *
IjlOK KENT On Dodge stivet. very desirable
- 7-room modern house , good barn , l.irge
viinl. Cable car * pass Ihu door. Ames. 1507
rurnam si. . IKJI-7
AITKNISIIED house , 0 room" ; , to man and
wlfo only , who will board thrco nilillN.
Must be thorougli housekeeper nnd good cook.
14-14 .Madison avo. ' UIS-5 *
I WANT moro.houses to lent. I'arrottc.
'TJ1OK KENT MIS Capitol ave. . 7-room ciittage
JL. with bath. Inquire S5IH Capitol avo. 116-S *
O-HOOM house near 201 h nnd Ohio ; all the
< ' modern Improvements. $25 per month ,
tjiover Slovens , 1515 1'aniam. 4S5
KENT Two ton-room houses one 10111
- Dodge , urn ! block we.t of ppstolllce. One
2011 llarney st.lOtli suited for rooming houses.
James Neville. . 117-12
T71OK KENT Two Ill-room modern houses , all
X1 conveniences. Paved streets , cabin ears.
Five minutes' walk of postolllee. Itcfcn'licu-i
required. Nathan Shclton , 1U14 rarnam st.
. KENT Two 10-mom brick houses , new ;
one'.i-rooni hou < r' . all modern conveniences ,
and one 5-rooin nittage on Davcntxirt st. be
tween Stith and 27th. Apply at : ; ti22 Davenport
l-il-7 *
FOK KENT HOUMJ In perfect repair , cen
trally located. Impilru712N lOthst. Ml-11 *
iron KENT In convenient , locations , suites
JLA of 2. 'I and 4 rooms , arranged for housekeep
ing , also large and small houses. Prices rea
sonable , llutts Kontlng agency , ISO1 ! I'arnam.
! iOfi-m4 *
' YOl" wish to rent a house or store sec
Jl. E. Cole , Continental block. ( Ml
O-KOOM flat , with steam heat , I'Hh ' St. . near
O Jones. Thus. K. Hall , ail 1'a.xtou block.
M ODKHN house , nine rooins , bath , hot and
cold water , funiaee and gas , on Dodge st. ,
Ml ) per month. Trod J. Hortliwluk , 2W South 14th
ItU 10
FOK HKNTroom cottase , fl.YOO. conven
ient to depot , and business- Mead Invest
ment Co. . Dee bldg. 713
3AKUK elegant , room , east front , second
llnor. Also side nxims. Must pleasaiit lo
cation In elty. Terms reasonable. 202 South
25th st. 100-7 *
PLEASANT rooms , furnished ; modern con
veniences : southern exposure , llerblk. 5J4
S. llilh. Tlat 1) . 1M4-5 *
KENT-A desirable front loom 172:1 :
Davenport cor 1Mb. steam heat. 705 5 *
IT ! CIIUKCHILL will have in a couple of
days newly furnished rooms , single or on
suit e. 411 N.liUh. 72-5 : ! *
D OU11LE parlors to 2 gentlemen and wives
by old lady , Address II. .7.1. Ilee. 125-0 *
P front parlor with or without ,
board ; 17U7 Dodge st. 144-7 *
A parlor floor In comer house , consisting of
three largo rooms handsomely decorated
and furnished ; opposite high scluiol. Will bo
rented to a club or party of gentlemen for liv
ing rooms. Address , U 01 , Itee. 143-s *
1 1CI Dodge street Rooms to rent , nicely
furnished , witli or without board. 142-8 *
IjlOlJ KKNT Front room ; modern Improve-
J ments clieap. Flat C.H21H N. 1'ith. 140- ! ) *
17IOH KENT-Two moms , bay windows ,
-L smaller room with closet , pleasant yard ;
central , sol N. isth st. , 143-s. *
IHAVEaorJ rooms at 104 ri 23th st. ; ring bell
at JOS. . 11 *
IfHMt KENT Two furnished rooms , 117 South
251 h st. bet. Dodge and I'arnam. llll-a"
IJLEASANT rooms furnished : modern con
veniences. Her blk , 524S.lCth. Plat D.
JU4-S *
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms , suitable
for two , with lioaiil. ? 20 and $25 per mout i
Mixlern conveniences. Kcferences. Addio
1144. Itee. ' .HHi-10 *
ROOJ1S and boaul , 1724 Capllol ave.
S24 S *
"VTH'E room and board for 2 ; private family.
J2iJN : . 1st list. l r13 *
TiTOK KENT lloautlfully furnished rooms
-t : with or without board ; all convonlences ;
roforcncos o.xchanged. Address II04. Itee.
1 > OOM with board. 1S1U Dodge st.
li 11 7 *
Y furnished rooms with all modern
conveniences , T23 N. 15th. 1171 7 *
T7IOK KENT Elej.-a-.Mly and newly furnishlid
JL rooms ; most desirable location In city.
Address II CO Itee ollleo. I.Ti-S
"ITH'ItNlSIIED front jiaihir , fmut rixim , rooms
.L for light housekeeping. COS N. 17th st.
U70 7 *
lJillKD rooms , IIJIS DavoniHirt su
7U1 7J
17\OK KENT Kurnlshcd looms , desirable lo-
JL1 cation. 2107 Douglas st , . 8t"i *
TIi'ELY furnished rcHims Iward Ifdes-lred ;
- > all MKHleriicouveulenees , terms ivasonable ,
JiBrarnaiii' UI7 7 *
KENT I'm-nlslied rooms ; pas , hath
and steam ; 151 ! ) Howard. > 7
KHJMS W , * ts 110 , JI2 , .7 . N. IStlu 7a5-To "
KENT rumlsfied rooms , JfilW Douglas.
: E room.ovory convenlenec,171 ! ) lavenp't _ )
imoK KENT I'ront rooms. 2010 Davenport.
_ ! . lib
ItKNT Pleasant furnished rooms with
IrtOK 1 conveniences .110 S aitli st. CE1
t JT.CLAIK European hotel , cor. 13th and
O Dodge. Special rates by week or month.
I KENT Omi largo front room with
ard. uuCapitol ave. CM
I71OK UENT-Sult of 4 unfurnished pionis
- suitable for housekeeping. Kamlly without
children. 1'rlce 117 ; 1702 Webs-tor st. 21
IriOU HENT-s-Tlireo nlco i-ooms , nil miHlern
_ jxinvenleiiccs. Euq. Oil N 1Mb st.
IjlOlt KENTTiixims suitable for light manir-
V facturlng. Including power and heat. Hoes
rrlnUniM'o.JlthjiiHlllowjird sts. TIB
K fNH'ltNISIIED chambers forlunTsukeep-
" 1ns for man and wife ; nochildron. ai'JN I'tii.
" 1TIOH KENT- Desk room In
Jolllc" . all couyetilenccs. Koom W , t'oatl-
netital block. _ cio
OTOKES at 707. TuD , 711 S. ICth , SJiiiil t ciii
> 'large show windows , steam heat furnished.
31fuisHall. . aiU'agtoii.blcyk. _ ctT _
1J1OK KENT Store , No. sw N. iflth st. lietween
JL ? I'apltol avenue and Davenport. Apply Isl'J
Davenport st. 4 4 : 1 _
17IOK KENT-Tho 4-story brick building wTtli
.1. or without power , formerly occupied by
the llee 1'ubllMilng Co. , U16 1'iirnam st. The
building has u lire imxif ctnnont basement.
eonuilotohleam healliiK llxturen , water OH all
the floors gas , etc. Apply at thu ollleo of The
Itee. _ U15
'IBOK KKNT-OIIlco nxim and large light base-
iment , cor. lath and Jacktou sts. , first two
months free to RIKK ! tenant. Imuilro Mrs.
e. 013 S h M , jisu
KKNT > story brick building. 1110
IKmirltiikt. , Miltuble for wholesaleorwnn'-
hi-'uv iMtrpi-w * . Also briok > .tort I'TS IJth st.
ltnulrouf | tiiui. Kuufuau , 1JU Douglu * ht.
I -KOOM etittajrc , miftx \ > neat. N. M. lluddy.
31I i . IStli st. SvS7 : . *
\ \ LTANTED- ( rood 10-nxim hrtuc ln lde.
> > I'll w to Catholic school. Modern convents -
ts Will trade-henry stock hardware for
sMine. and If proinTty l good will asinine some
Ineiimliraiice. Koom Ira N. V. Life. l.Vi-7
A\rANTED I'lirnUhc * ! cottage of 7 or S
nioiiM within I'-i tiill > t from P. O. Kofer-
euros exchange * ! . Addre * It 40 , Jlco ofllee.
S.V , 5 *
_ "
" " "
\ I OlCToN 'S i oil11 ni agency ,017 Paten blk.
7TKOYEK STEVENS. 1515 1'arnam * t
vf II , PAIIKOTTE , rental agent , Douzliisbll ; .
J . ( HIa , " >
_ _ _ _ .
and reliable lire linn ranee. Parrotte.
' \\rE have M'Veral applicants for Imiisv * to
> > rent and our Mtpplv I < i'\rmu pd. List
your houses at Koom ( rj2. New York Llfo _ .
H K. COLK. rental agent. Continental bit.
'en :
BOA I'D and lodging by three laflles ( mother
and daughleih ) In house wltli modern Im
provements near ear line , rnexocptlolinl ref
erences furnished and required. Addres * .H
riLllee. 107 .
--J'lasterers. . stay ' U way from
- iOmaha. . City full of Idle men. Hyprdcrof
committee' . " .j 1 t-3 *
\ \ rANTniiHave customers for a.fc\vsets
> > of rooming fnrnltnio for AVi-Steru lands ;
will give gM ( l trade. 1U2 N. V. Life. VW-7
A K. HILKV. notary public , Hoom 11 , Con-
tlnenlal block. 1JJ ,
"IT'NOAGEMENTS todo dies * making In fam-
-II' Hies. Miss Sturdy. 525 S. 25tli avo. IK m.V
rpo HENT-llousu IKt with J. H. Parrotto.
JL roi n.r
rpo LADIES-Mrs. Duprcz's famous remedy
JL for all female complaints. One month s
treatment securely sealed scut by mall on re
ceipt of price , tt. Lady agents wanted. Lib
eral terms. Manufactured liv the tlimlcn City
Specllle Co. . 101 LaSalfe St. . ( . 'lileago. WL-i'L.
1 TOT Spiing Water Itaths Given InOhmlia !
I have opened and elegantly fitted tip rooms
In Douglas block , cor. Kith and Dodco. and se
cured Uio services of one of the best ch-mlsts
In the city. I can give a balh the water lielng
chemically , precisely the same , that Is so
abundantly supplied by nature at those justly
celebrated springs. And to those of
limited means sulleilng from blood poi
sons rheumatism , malarial poison. dee | > -
seated organic disease. neuralgia ,
paralysis sciatica , etc. , etc. would say to
such sufferers that I can give from one to two
months' treatment for what It would eost for
railroad faro to Hot Springs 1 also give the
hot-air bath. temiK'rat tire. If required 212 ° P. ,
either ( 'ry or moist , with or without electric
ity. Correspondence solicited : send stamp.
Trained lady help for lady patients ; charges
moderate for single bath , week or month. Take
elevator on IGth. Kooms.'vj nnd V4. IHiUglas
block. Mrs. Dr. Day. Omaha. Neb. S.VI 15 *
for rent In rear of I'lost A. 11 arris5 carriage
riage factory. Ify
rpo suit the convenience of clients engaged
JL during the day we open evenings , 7 toSjj : : ) .
II. E. Cole , room li Continental bk. ] * ? * _
IfUKE Insurance George .1. Paul. 1OTI rnriiam
St. . represents reliable companies only. WW
\v r7NTElA girl baby for iNloplion. Ad-
sA : ni. Bee otllce. 14 ! )
Al'CflON sa'lcs every"Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday morning at 1111 Douglas st.
Omaha Auction & Storage ' 'o. ( J40
" 171O1 ! KENT Two pleasant rooms with board.
-L1 HKxliTii conveniences. Ii07 N 201 h st. i > .V-ll'
"Please Kead This
Peisoiis holding contracts for lots pur
chased from the Omaha Itoal Estate \ Tnist
Co. . on which payments have become delin
quent , are requested to eall and arrange an
early settlement and save trouble and costs.
Omaha Iteal Katato and Trust t'o. .
1501 I'arnam "U.
sit )
K. COLE , reliable fire Insurance.
IT. cm
"ill E''COLE , notiiry public and conveyancer.
LOST One black pony , while strip In face.
Leave at t-l No. 32nd and' receive reward.
T OST A set of carpet fitting tools ; 1-ew arc1
JIf ivtnrned to Charles Siilverlck. h.M-5 *
Have seveml Inside Omaha and
South Omnlia lots for sale , part cakh and
jiart time. Itoom irJ2 N. V. Life. 150-7
IOST Near Hanscom park , pug dog ; retnni
Jli > 12M : S. : ath ) ave. or .1. I * . Schriever , at
Slorso Dry Goods Ci > , and receive reward.
AKEN I'P One mouse coloivtl horse , In-
qulro ( Jeo. \Yakefiold , ISth and Pierce sts.
! ' ( > 5 *
AKEN I'P One black mare with h.ilteraiid
harness on. Apph'cor. 27th ami California
st. ' *
at lowest rates , llranch .t Co. .
O1211 Howard st. 'Ciila 21
ri HKcleanest and best storage' In the city at
- ! - low rates at 1114 Douglas st. Omaha Auc
tion it Storage Co. 010
rpifACfCAUK storage at lowest rates.V. . JI.
JL lluslimiiii. jill : Li'avenworlli. Ml
\V ) To buy u house and lot or part
of a lot ami pay for same with South
Omaha property on a paved street. 1) . D.
Szneiiton. Koom "A y Ll eJIlilg. 011-7
\\fANTED I'unilture. carpets , liousehold
IT goods for cash. Wells' Auction & nrago \
C'o..ai7 > .jitiiht. : ( ui :
'IXT'ATVTKD tTTlJTTy for cash lols on Walnut
Hill. E. U. Merrill , -liilh and Scwnnl sts.
" \\rANTED-To buy pool room In the elty or
' ' surrounding countrv. Address .1. T. > N. 15111 si. l. > l-h *
" "
\VrANTED TO IY : Today-Stoek""iif cro-
' cerlcs or hardware. Sl\ hundred dollars
cash ; balance , clear land. Daniels , sMS Now
York Life. 'in- : ! : . '
" \ \ rANTED-l.ood commercial paper. Ne
I i braska Moitgago Luan L''J Pavton blk.
_ _
CASH forall kinds of household gouds , > t 1114
Douglas st. Omaha Auction & storage Co.
_ filO
\\rANTKD l''Listla.s farm of Kuu acres or
ii mole In Iowa ; must ho good soil ami close
to railroads. Uoo. N. Hicks , N. V. Life bldg. .
Omaha. KCi-S .
V\r ANTED To buy for spot cash , city or
ii country , parts or wbole stocks of dry and
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli
nery , Matioiiory. gents' furnishing 'goods , etc.
Cull on or address J. L. llmnduls A : > ons , eur-
nerrith and Howard , Omaha. , ' j , ( it'i' ,
roit SA Mo'
-1 or will taUo gentle team liorsosi
\L \ ' . <
ICj'ole. _ 151-s
TI O SELL-A gmxl heavy team of mfire.s , liar-
X ness and wagon , complelo and ready to
woik , for cash only. Kuoin 022 N , V , Liftbldg ,
" 171OII SALE or trade Trotting' liorse. prlco
.1. Jl.tsiO. will take part In good nn > IHl-ty. Jlo.\
l > sfi , Shenandoah , la.
AV rATEK spaniels , 22KI Lcavonworth st.
: 2 a 20J
1pOKSALi-Oneof : the llncsl driving teams
In Omaha : afraid of nothing , stylish and
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring
carriage almost new. Address X 22 Uoo ofllcu.
, C.I7
IjH'KNi'PriiE auction every \\'cdiiesday and
JL ; Sat unlay.117 S Kith. Wells. tin
YflOK bALE A itl-horse. Imwer I'ortorciiglno
.1 In giKid condition , weight MOO pounds , cyl
inder 11x10 ; for purtloularb apply to Tito llou
ollice. _ 7i S
"I OK SALK Niini- good watches and dla-
X mends cheap. It 1' . Masters , room 4 , Wlth
nell bloc ) , . a > 2
BE1 OKK buying a piano examine thu new
scale Klmhall piano at A. Ilospe. 15D
iKingliis st. 042
f 1 Ko.r.OELLENIlE < 'K. teacher of the banjo.
V I mum 213 Douglas blk. or Hee ollleo. 21 _
" ANTED- Educated ladies and
XY7" - voung uen-
i i tlemen to loam shorthand and type
writing : good salaries ; students assisted ti >
positions. Standurd'Shorthand Hu lues * Col-
lego. Trunk V Hell. .
/"IHOICEtmatl loans wanted. C. T. Harrison ,
W Ull N. Y. Llfo. 170
" \IONKY to loan. Parrotte , Douglas block.
Ji - 5
_ _ Kljla
DOM M EKl'lAL paper tKiught. A. lv7TfiTy ,
KiMini 1J. C'oiitliiental hliH'k. lllu.
LOANS on improved property at close rates.
A. K. Illlcy , Koom U , Cuiitluciital blooU
MONEY toioau CJcorsoJ. I'auUworurnum
\tl \
! /CHATTEL Loans Lowest rates ! collateral
V. pa | > cr bought. 413 lle.1 ll'ldg. Hand luv Co.
MONEY to loan In anyJTimnunt from 110 to
Jlfl.uw , on any time from otio day to six
We loan money on furniture , organs pianos
horses , mull" . , wagons and carriages
Wo make the lowest possible rates consistent
with the rl k. No extra charges.
No removal of good * . No publicity , Liberal
extensions of time made.
Loans can be paid olT at any time. Port
payment icduces Intere-tt proportionately.
Motiov always- hand * Nodelnvs , '
Hank'cve Investment Co. . room ' : tj Douglas
block , S. 1 corner IQtb and Dodge sts 1W (
LOANS City and f : < rm loans mortgage pa
per bought. McC gti- ( Investment Co.
B UILD1NO loans tnadcon
Cholro city property
At lowest rate * .
1'rlvate funds to
] oln : on brick
residence and
business property
upon very favorable
KImball. Chump .t Hyan.
laVi I'ariiaiii St. SB a 13
" 1HEKAL real estate loans made by W. M
J" -t Harris , room 20,1'rcnier block , opp. P. O
E. COLE. Icanagent , Continental block.
. ra
CHATTEL loans at lowest rates ; removed
10517 timl 510 ruxtutiulk. J. U. Emlnger.
EYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of Jin'to
Jl.OOt ) : get our rules before borrowing nnd
save money : loan on hoixi's' furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loin , renewal of old and low
est rates. Call. K SCK Shoely blk , 15th & How
ard sts. CM
SHOUT time loans made. A. 1C. KIley , Koom
11. Continental block. \a \ :
MTN"EY ) to loan on any security
fnrshoit time at loxv
rates. Lowest rat ( is
on personal property.
ThO Hender'ou Mortgage Investment Com-
Tjl I iT T mort giiiTTia us a t lo wl-ati-s and no
JL1 delay. D. Y. SholesCo. . 210 First NatI bank.
IOANS made on any avallaljo security
-J Central Investment Co. . Koom - ' , Chamber -
ber of Commerce. fiCI
"IfONKY loaned on furniture , horses and
111 wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. .
room 17 Ilarker hloek. ( lii'i
"IT ASTEKN money to loan on furniture ,
Ji/horscs , jewelry , etc. , room 2. 1417 I'arnam.
M2 10 *
tOANS'miTde on unlmproved'real estate. A.
K. Hlley. Hoom 11 , Contlnentul block.
Foil SALE A fresh Jersey cow and calf ;
very gentle. Apply at Iflll I'ranols st- ,
westsiooof Han com Park. 14.V s *
ONEV to loan by H. K. Masters In any
amount from JiO to 10,000 for any time ,
from one to sl.x months.
I make loans on household goods , pianos
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount at the lowest possible rate , with
out publicity or removal of property.
My loans are so arranged that you can make
a payment nt. any time nnd leduco your In
terest pro mta. Von pay Interest , only for the
time you use themonuy. If you oxve a balance
on your property 1 will lake It up and carry It
for you. at the lowest rate eonslstant with the
risk. .
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rites. 1 ! . V. Masters ,
Itoon 4 , Wlthnell block , l.'ilhand llatney sts.
_ _
ENTRAl. Loan and'-Tiust Co. . 120T > Karnam
st. Choice city loanSiat lowest rates.
! " . ' .M7m4
" \\TANTED First clalrisldii loans. Lowest
i rates. Call and scu us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1504 rarnam. " _ fi. "
7 ( l'Klt CENT residence loans , ( > M to Jin.tiOi ) .
" 'Ilnilding loans at spoeliil rates , The Mead
Invest inent Co. . Hoe building. _ CfiTi
" \IONEY IK ) . ) or > 'Jdays on furniture.
-I' 1 pianos , horses , hout > Us , etc. . J.J.WIlkln-
son. QIC Paxton blk. _ ffiG ,
'II'ASTEHN money to'ioau on city property ;
Jl < mortgage- paper bought. 11. It.Irey , ojiuPO.
I'1LDIN ( ; Loans U5jto7 percent ; nnad-
dltlonal charges fop commission or attor
ney's fees. W.H. MelkloFii'st Nat'l bank bjdg.
ONEV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , realostato
and loan agents. 1.'ia3'Kamam ' st. OH
J" > E1'OHE negotiating a'lban to improve your
- * ival estatCrget tenu.'i from
The ( ; iloll Itiycstiuenl Co..3uN.r. Llfo
Thos. Si Itoyd repi-eseirt'iUIW. ' ' ' UD3
" \TONEYtoloan on horses , wagons , mules ,
< 1 household goods. j > ,
lit lowest rates. The llrst organized loan office
In the city. AIakt > > loans from oO to 'SV > days.
which can be paid in p-irt or whole at any
time , thus loweringthe principal and Interest.
Call and see us whenyou want money. We can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of property or publicity.
Money always on dand. No delay In making
loans , f. I1 , lieed & ( ' < > . , 310 S. ] 3th St. : over
HIiighamSoim. < OT
eviranrdinary of Mrs. Dr. Eddv.
the distinguished world-fame < l and only
renl natural tranee clairvoyant and spirit m < -
( liitm In this country : seventh daughter of the
sevenlh daughter , born with veil and greate-,1
jirtiphelie gift of second sight. W bile cn-
tr.incert will reveal every hidden mystery in
life. Has lung been pronounced in Europe and
America the greatest living wonder of the
present ago. Vmlcrstands the science of the
"Persian and Ilimioomaglc. " or ancient charm
working , and prepares Egyptian lalUmntis
which will overcome your enemies , removes
family troubles' , restores lost afluctlons , makes
mamagu with the one you love no failure
removes evil inlluenees. , bad hanlts , euros
witchery. Ills and all long-standing and mys
terious disca < iesj will give correct informa
tion on Hwsiiit. sli'kncss , death , divorce , ab
sent friends , everything ; never falling advice
to young men on marriage and how to choose
a wlfo for lupplness. and what business best
adopted for speedy riches. Stock speculation
n spoviulty. Also gives Indlspensihlo advice to
young ladles on love , eoiirlshln and mariiage ,
and if your lover Is true or false , and glvtjs
picture of future li'isbaiid with , name , ago and
datoof iiiairlaEre. Hours 0 a.m. to S p. in. ,
strict. N. II. For the benefit of HIO-.O who am
unable to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , she would
respeclfnllv aiinonnco that she gives perfect
satisfaction by letter. Your entire life will
! nHUi'ii In a clear and plain manner. Letters
with stamps promptly answered. Send for
largo illiisirattsl circular with spoelal terms.
Mrs. Dr. Eddy , Ills N. 15th bt. , Omaha , Neb.
] 000-s *
TTK > HTr\r : Teller Mrs. J.ononnan can bo
4. consulted on all allalrs ot life. Siitisf e-
tlon gua i oil teed. No. JJIO N. 15Ui Rt. 452-a2i : >
DH. NANNIE V. WAHHEN. clairvoyant
medical and business medium , remale
disease a specially. ll'J N. JUth st.rooms 2 .t 3.
\fIDLAND tiuarantecA. Trust Co. . N.Y.LIfe
-i'lbldg , complete abstracts furnished and
titles toreal estate examined , perfected and
guaranteed. 071
CHJAK and candy store for sale vorv cheap ,
_ good stand. ( J > H ) N. Utth st. _ itil 5 *
1/U/U SALE - Ik-at saloon in good , thriving 2d
class city ; a rare chance for right part ) ' ;
will Klvo | xi sesslon at once ; about } : UWI re-
qill ivd. _ AdUrcss II 17. Jl 'e. _ yu-ri'
171OH KENT One of ! { > best liatt'Mn Sliiu\
.i-1 City , la. Addiess lUiaui. , Mhl *
SPECIAL SNAPLaiujiLy and tools , horses.
wagons , etc. Only $ TW ; positively worth
WX ) . Doing good bnsliA-'s ; reason for selling.
owner "t > inpell l to lea viciiy suddenly. 11. K.
C.oe , _ Iootn ! OCuiitliii'iiajliM'k. l.'il-
IT'OIJ SALE The exfliut.Ye right to manufac-
Jtureand sell the Dd'aiup Automatic Duller
Cleaner In Nebraska , llrimm's sediment from
boiler and prevents forlivitlon of scales. Can
bo Hindu In any feminity. No Ixillcr com-
IKiunds usi-il. A thorough Invostlgatlou in
vited. A practical lest of. its work In this city.
Nebraska Is a good ( iejd'-iiiid an energetic man
can make money. I'am/iifur / addio-is , A. Do
Camp. Is23 1'urnam sf. . _ jftynilia. 7i7 > : ' > _
1J1OK SALli rurulturuiifo-mim llut. 401 JJ.
1 IClh. 2d lloor. " ' ' _ sSX- , _
SALE Two nelj'bli'd yoniif cow's , with
- calf , for cash ur ontluie ; U4G North -4th st.
_ _ Irrt. _ KSl-r. '
OMPLETE outllt fuo ( ft"imery andcheesi.
factory , two ! M uuli vats , churn , butter
worker , curd drainer , clwrso pie ses and all
other liMures. only been 'used U months. Cun
bo bought cheap. S. Wfl/co.x / , Scotia , Neb.
- > - riocKs tn general mcrcnanuiHu lorsaiu 'i
cents on the dollar. Hotlitry duolrabltt and
clean sttK-ks well located nnd doing good fa-li
buklnoss. Parties must have cash but will
give tlmo on part. This U a snap for some
bargain-hunter. Hunts Ion. Parrotto , Koom
21. rKiiigla > block. Omaha. _ 7Ki-7
IiAOU SALE My llvurv bu lnui In thU city ;
will sell or rent bundliu : eorresiHindcncu
solicited. John Dohany. Council IllulTs , In.
FOK SALE I1U.WX' ' . half imorust in general
merchrindisK business of $ .li.OiW ) per yoar.
net prolit JllWJ per year In wcsiern country.
owner not well and wishing partial rest ; ref
erences must tie furnlshrd with letters of ln
q ulry. Addr < > f A Ui. llf ( | ) ' < > lsu-al7
TOCIvoMrtiB f'-ir ' > alcor tr.nlr one-ihlrU
cu U , % Suii L'udweil , llrokcu llr > w. Neb.
A OtNEllAIj merchandlso liinlness for sale
-tVin a town on Sioux City A Pnclfto rnllroad
In western Iowa , Terms cash , or jrood sectlt-
Ity. llulldlngs. Including residence and era-
narte.a also , Will exchange for cooti farm
lands or city property. Hulldlngs worth alKiut
{ 3.nM. Uoo < i li eld fordoing a grain , cattle nnd
peculatlvu business. Address A in. Omaha
Ilee. .
O SMALL st Kks gnvcrle * In city for t-jxit
cash. ftSX. Y. Lfte. IX-t
POK KENT-Chockcred llrerybarn otTTsili
! t. , S of Harncy , Call or addresM Nell.
Mortgage Loan Co. . Ml ) Paston blk. CM
, , IADE A line stock of good * now In
J. the city. Must bo clime quick. U.A.I' . .
in" . " , laiii. * .vi
17101 ! K.\CIIANOE-2 1 ( ncro tracts of No-
JL1 braska lands partly under cultivation. In
good localities. N. It. Apple , room 10nro
block. l i7-U *
rpo EXCHANOE-rine city or farm prop-
JL crty and cash for clean stock merchan
dise. Can close deed on short notice. Address
H 11' ' . Hot * . C14-1S
171011 EXCIIANOE-2 clear lots for a good
i. lioroc , buggy and harness. N. II. Apple ,
room 10. Ware block. UJ7-11 *
] P rou have anything to exchange call on or
address H. E. Cole. K. 0. Continental block.
Ollice open evenings 7 to t ; 30. ( BE )
" \\niAT have you to exchange for a lot In
i i South Omaha worth fl.OOO , clear of In-
ciimhra nee. Address X 52. Hoc ofllee. OfS
'T71OK KXC1IANGE-2 lots In South Omaha or
-L 1 lot near Ylnton st. , for horses or mules.
Koom 13 , Hoard Trade. < i7"J
T7 < Oll E.CHAXOKChoice improved Ne-
-L braska farms. Will assume light Ineum-
hrancc. If yon have anything to ofTer ad
dress or call on Cieo. .1. Sternsdorf. room U17-
Ills I'lrst National bank building. Tolepjiono
\\7A NTED-A grocery stock of JI.ttHi to
T J/,000 fnr rjenr Iowa land and cash. W. A.
Spencer. 15.'l Dnuglas st. ! i7M !
EXCIIANOK Tor clear lots or land , ti-ioom
cottage and lot. Ohio and 2iUh sts. . within
1 block of : i Kuod car linos. Address Ilex 147 ,
Ashla ml. Ts'eu. KH-l'J *
W rILL trade "i-sldoliar buggy ( Meadlmbor
make ) for phaeton. 11. E. Cole. 151-8
T OOKat Thls-IIouso and full lot In Haker
JJPlaec. Walnut Hill , to trade for first-class
horse , or for sale , if 1.153 , eash , $200. balance
easy. E. O. Merrill , owner. 4Gth and Seward sts.
/ H 12 *
DON'T forget Dwlght & Lyman's 50 lots. M.
A. Upton i'o , sole agents. 1XI-S
FOK SALE Why pay rent when you can buy
nice seven room house , with modern Im
provements , near Ifith and Lakosts. , wlthonly
a small'-ash payment , balance monthly ? In
quire , Wright iLarbury , Arlington block.
l-'Oll SAM' ] Kl-JAIj KSTATH.
$25 cash and * 12 per month , for 4-room
house , lot .V\2r. ) ] * I. 125 ; verv cheap. Also
house of 4 rooms , < 15 cash and ? * iier mouth :
very easy terms , at lowest prices. Let us show
you. the houses. W. J. Paul , IIWJ Faruam.
FOK SALE Houses with full lots In Walnut
and Orchard Hill at il.rt'Ji ' to * 'I,001. on easy
terms. W. A , Spoiicer. 1.TJ1 Douglas st. 'J7U-S
SA LE A good s-room house ami full
lot In Deniso'saildltlon. Tills Is a nice home
and very cheap. Also corner lot In Shlnii'sadd.
and ftl-ft'ct frontage In Fnlrinoiint Place ata
very hnv figure. And still one more , a
of three lots on Lowe ave. . on Main street. Or
chard Hill. If you are looking for real bar
gains , address II , V5 , Hoc oillce. ! ia2-S
You find in ouroHlce at all times ,
A choice list of elegant residence property ,
A choice list of aero property.
A large list of houses and lots on easy
Our rental list is the largest and most com
plete of any in the city.
Tor making loans our facilities are unstir- ed.
Special attention given to exchanging.
11. E. Cole , room ( i. Continental block. 120
IOO1CIIEHE Do you know that extensive
i street improvements are about to be com
menced nt Omalm View ? Wo have a dandy
lot and cottngi- Miami street tor J2.TOO. Lot
on grade. MTA , Upton Co. solo agents
D' ON'T forget'DwJgirr.srLymau'soO lols. M.
A. Upton Co. solo agents. KTI-S
1 ; DxiC : > cast front on ; Cd st. ( paved ) . Finest
.1 rosidouce. site In Omaha , lletween Farnam
and Davenpoit sts. Will discount actual
v.tlue $1.500 if taken at ouco. M. A. Upton Co.
sole agents. 133-8
$7.000. KOOO. JD.OOO , JlO.twn , ? 11.0nX { 12.000 , SlXWlfl ,
i4.0W. ! ( ? 15.CKM residences for salo. M. A.
Upton Co. sole agents. Wt-S
TiJ O\V is tFe time to stay by Omaha real
Lestate. . Take care of back payments on
improved or unimproved property andgetyour
money of A. K. Hiley , 11 , Continental block.
DON'T forget Dwlght & Lyman'sjO lot * . M.
A. Upton Co. sole agents. LTt-S
DON'T forgot Dwlght .t Lyman's 50 lots. M.
A. Upton Co. nolo agents. 131-S
DON'T forget Dwlght A Lyman'a 5'J lots. M.
A. Upton Co. sole agents. Wi-3
ON"F foi-sel iDwight & Lyinaii'd 50 lots. M.
A. Upton Co. solo agents. IIC1-S
"I71OH SALE G-rooni hon.'O. east front , lot ITix
- i127'i. . elty and cistern water , all In good re
pair , 5i mile N. W. of postotllee ; price $ ' . 1,500 ;
S cash , balance to suit. Addioss II 15 , lii-e.
SIIEIJIDAN Place lots. S10 down and SIO u
munth. L. S. Hoed & Co. , It. l.'Uiourd of trade
lf-4 10
AJ'OTICE-If you are going Ito build In the
-l. west part of Omaha don't fall to see E. G.
Merrill , the contractor , 4Uth and So ward sts.
1KW 12 *
FOR SALE-The beaut If ill residence , No , 820
CJcorgla avenue , with full lot , ! > -room house.
birch and oak tinKh down stairs , oak side
board , labratory , 4 mantel- . , soap stone tubs In
laundry , cistern and city water , gas and sewer
connect Inns , gas llxtures , house handsomely
decorated , good furnace nml range and every
possible convenience. This property Is clear
of Ineumbr.ince. and owner can give any terms
Insult. No trade. Anv one wishing * to pur
chase can eall at No. SiO Georgia avo. and bo
shown the piupcily. or call at my ollice and Ixi
drhen out to see II. D. Y. Sholes Co. . solo
agent , 21J 1 Irsl National bank. Oni
7"AUU11 i : Wcstcriield.rcal ostate.S Omaha
' 171O1'ALE A fine Improved property , 75\120
JL fei-t of ground , with : i-story Iiriek and stone
buildings , rented at i'.i)70 ) per year to good ten
ants , v.eif fi-ased and best property In the city
of Mauuoketa. la. , to trade , clear , for good
Omaha Improved or unimproved property.
Uood chance for some one to get good Invest
ment for nun-productive property. D. V.
Sliolet Co2131'nst Nat'l bank. ( irii
\\TE HAVE a customer for two acres or for a.
> > full Mock south of Vlntoti. Crum i Illsh-
op. room 51 Itqaiil of Ti-.idc. < tSa
Kl'El'IAL llargaln lli-st 0-room house with
. full hit west of Loweavo. . . city water , cellar
under the entire house , one blocKfrom Walnut
lllll school , price S2.wm. small payment down ,
balance easy. E. U. Men 111 , owner , 40th and
SowimUtb. _ Jii'J'-- ' !
OIXTV-F1VE across , w. of p : o. , suitable for
r > plattltig or gaidenlng. for sale at a bargain.
! ' . K. Darling , 4:1 : llarker blk. SU
I IsT j our property with 11. Ii. Colo.
'Ij olt SALE A large new eight-room house ,
-L well , tistern. etc. . full lot. * 2,200 ; * 150 cash ,
bal. in yca.t'4 at 7 per cent , and u number of 7-
room hiius.-.s fi-om * 2iKK ) and up. with 2 full lots ,
only 2 mill's from P. O. , sold on any terms ,
licoi-ge J. Paul. KOi I'arnani st. | f2 !
rpWli choice lots on small cash payment , bal-
JL. aurosecond mortgage to rosponslhlo par
ties who will build. H. K. Cole , Continental
lilk. ami 25)JN 2IthJ. SKI
| 7M\rE room -Tittages tlJMl each. J100 cash
J- down , balance ? Ii jiur month. The . I'.llall ,
ail P.'VXton block. fi.T7
Poll SALE . ( > ) acres best farming lands in
Nebraska and .Vul.VJ feet on South Kith si. ,
at a great sacrlllce. Imjulio Cls south lath bt.
Oco. H. I'olerson , owner. 192al7
I OTs in sjhorldun Place. K. U buarj < if trade
J I 021 in
iiioll SALE Or exchange for infUe. . jem-lrv
preferred , ft ) acres of land , uniiK'iiinbeieil.
In eastern Nebraska. A.V. . AlwuoJ * I'o. ,
rrement. Neb. , Main at. _ G" ! " ' ! _
A i < M A 1.1. payment down and } 15 po'r month
will buy a 4-rooiu liouso and lot on HHb ,
two bliH'Ls fnin motor ; flrat-cluss chanc'e to
ucqiilre a home on easy terms. Apply to H. E.
Cole , Coiuinentanihick. _ Kit
'IjllJlt SALE A line new Vroom cottagi ) near
J , cits-trie ear line on N. Si th st. Will take ue
part of cash payment a ? orxl horse or hnrso
anil pliauton. P. l. ' ) l I'urnam st. ( * 77
T TNC(5LN ( place and Carthage lots , pi leu
J JiLOii. ) , CM down , balance ll. > monthly.
W. L. Sclby. Kooiu ii. : Ixinul of trail e. t7T7 _ _
I'lIK cheapest loth lit the city lire Ju Sheridan
1 place. L. S. Kced X Co. . 1C. 13 , txiuid of trade.
U24 10
IiInK S\JF , \ Oat . .f r ? r-M.u s wi-il ftir-
lusln'il rliifl wild B-Miil p'U'irij ; rtjoiuira
' " ' . ' -I N 10th , OVfct fJuulli i ihllia bt rr
TIOU SALK Ono piece of Improved bttslncM
JL ? property tlint will pay ISpcrocut. Howard
L > ATJ.Y ( > . , tfilli and Ikm
. . . . roomTiotKo on full corner -
ner lot . ' -0x110 feet In Poppleton park , clt i <
to motor. A beautiful homo and cheap a *
dirt. For pa rt Ictllar * address 11 M. lice. .vn-7
HATtO AI N l od go and ait h .st.s. , 1UOVI4S
'cot , with 2 now it-room hoti C4 .V fl-room
collate , cheap for customer with money , on
line of cable , rental JHO jier mouth. Address
an N. Y. Life. 54 a ! * _
Slf EUlDAN Place lots. 11. 137board of trade.
1124 U )
SPECIAL bargain 3 room hou e with full
lot. l > eaiitlful location. 2Mb nnd I'harles st.s.
1'rlcofJ.uxi. only S.VH ) ca h Imlaneo verv onsy.
L. U. Merrill owner. IGth and Seward sts.
_ _ _ _ " " _
$ l.'i6o buy 4H\l"i with good "ftrmTin"home ;
well , cistern.Vlllelf401271 \ , for JsOO Apply -
ply on the proml e . : UIO lleealur st. 54:1- : 1 *
IiUiTfsALE- iiy KunrtTfor. ; > th limnvob :
MIT Ms. . also a number of gotxl lots tfO nml
UOO down nntl luonthlv payments for balance.
! LL ! Hl l " " " " 1" . Ware iiliM-k. i 7Mi
Triol ! SALE and exchange- I have quite 7i
JL1 number of bargain * . Call nml see. N. 11.
Apple , room 10 Wart' block. _ _ _ P07-I1 *
I OI ! SAF.E Very elfonp. no Irndo. farm of
JU M.X7i ( acres , sec. S. 12 , N fi W. Hamilton
county. Neb. ; 2 mllc from Marqnette , Miiiill
hou o. si able , ; K I acres of pasture fenced , liv
ing water , price rnly 510 pur acre. S5,4t7tiii. :
Terms I2.2IW caslClKilanco 6 per cent Intorcstf
1' . 1C. Atkins owner , rallruao building. Denver
Col. (175 (
_ _
T OTS I'OK SALE- few cJioico Insldo
J -I Omaha loti for sale for cash cheap ; also a
few lots to exchange for farm * . leoom ii ,
New York l.lfc. _ ! < ; rr- . ' <
QALT LAKE CITYPartlesdesiring to In-
kTHest In this city will tin well to consult the
Dieter. John-oil Investment Co. . 1 * . O. llox 571.
ami 1M South .Main st. . Suit City. Wo
handle choice property only ami give the best
of references _ ( ! l7 ii. % _
COTTAUE homes III most any addition for
sale at from } 1. 000 up , on easy monthly
payments. ! ' . 1C. Darling. 4:1 : Harker blook.ji.V.1
TJ1UK SA LE Or exchange for drugs ami real
.1 ? estate. tJO.UK ) lunik slock , llov Sis. ( i7il
S' 20 IJoorgla.U rooms , every modern eoiivonl-
enee. elegant and cheap , must he sold by
April 1st. best bargain In Omaha.
i 4.2."iO 7 mims , all couvcnlencci , location
line , big bargain.
10,500 10-ro pressed brick , all conveni
ences. burn. gas fixtures hardwood tln-
Ish , E. front , DtUlil feet , llansoom
2.700 S rooms , all conveniences. Orchard
7,500 1- room * , barn , all conveniences , thrco
mantels , ( 'as II x lures ground corner ,
20,000 2SSvI7"i tracka o for clear farm.
Have you any bargain ! . ? If so. we
want a INt of them. We have farms
and vacant lots clear for IIOUM'M and
lots. See us before'j'oii buy.
D. V. Wholes Co. , 1KI ! 1'lrst National bank.
HK )
_ _ _ _
Al'INK little home. IMh si. near Woolworth.
full lot. e.Lst front. 7 rooms and bath , very
little cash icqiilred. ! * . 1C. Darling , 13 Knrker
block. _ _ _ 1-7S _ _
"TjlOK SALU h-room bouse , must , be moroiTfor
Jt ? Imiirotenients. Homes built on easy pay
ments In sill parts of theellv. lood farm for
trade. D. .1. U'lXiiiahoc , 10JI I'arimin M.
tAIK-TttoiTellbulltlmnscsall nuid-
- ern ronvetili'iiecs ; on ] ) aved street ; water.
sewer , cas. street cai > ; walklnir distance of
im-itolllce : will be sold cheat ) and on easy
tejins as owner Is lea\hi ! ; thoclty. Nathan
Sliellon. Hil4 Kariiam st. : Vfi
lenvei "i CMR'ACii.lU'HLlSiiTO.V * , > I Arrives
Omaha. I l > c-nit | lillli and Mjtsi.njitrvotrt. jOinalia. _
3.15 p m . . .flilcaini VuaUbnlu Kxireu. | . . i U.45 u in
P45 a ni Chicago ilxiire i i ( i.r l p in
0.15 p ni Chicago Kxprc .1. I bJIO a in
( i.5U p ni . _ . lir a I.m'al uxre ; > t Miiulay11.30 \ a ni
Leaves HntLfNfON ( : 5 : "AlO. lflVI'it.77uriver : !
Omaha l > epot 10th ami Ma un fttn-rt * . } Omaha. .
ID.Oi a ni Ocnver Vestlliiilc-i.rprp ; s 3.WI p m
SM a ui.lliwtlnzs ! A. CimrordU Local. . . ; ( M.'i p m
0.55 p ni IK'iiverKirc | - " I f.i.i3 : a m
K. C. HT. .1. AC. II. "Arrived
Oninha. ut 10th and .Mn ua Btr Oinilm.
H.T5 n in1. . . , Kr.n as City l > ay Kxprc'N i U.I5 p in
U.15 p mK. | C. Nlttlil Kip. via U. 1' . Trans.1 11.45 n ui
Leave * I r.VIO.N PACIFIC. | Arrives- '
Omulm. I Depot IDtli anil Mnrcy streets. I Oiuahii.
2.45 p mj . .Overlain ! Kljcr M p in
7..V ) | i ui 1'oclllc Kxpres * . 7.15 u in
10.10 K m Denver Kjprets < J-l ) p m
4.45 p in ( irnud Island Ilxp. ( ei't'pt Sua. ) 12.45 p m
A.25 a m Kansas City Kjpreis I'.OJ : t in
I/eaves | CHICAlit ) , It. J. \ 1'AClKtU. Arrives
Onmhii. | U. 1' . depot , IDIIi nml Marcy St < . Onintia.
TU.'i p m Nlislit Kxpress
IMS a m Atlnntlc Kipress r.a ; ) p m
4.15 | i in' ' VoHtlLiule IJiulted 10.45 a ill
U'HTpa CillCAii ; ) A N011T1IWKSTKUN.
Oinahn. i U. I * , ileiwt. 10th nnl ( _ 5l rcy Sts. Omnlm.
OA5 a mlChicago / Kipress "ti.20 p "ni
4 IO p ml VcMIUulo l.lnillod 9.U u m
G.I5 p mULr. ex. Snt ) Mali ( Ar. ox. Slonl 7.40 H ni ) 11 in ; Kastcrn Klyor. 2.45 p Dl
. Arrlrea
jOinnlm. 't ' ? . r. rtt'piit. loth nml .Marcy Sla. Omaha.
9.15 n in . .Chlcact ) Mall ( Mctjit ! Silnilayl. . 5.45 p m
IUIO p m ClilrnKO KiprcsH H.4" . a m
9.tO : p ni Clilcauo Kicpres * 2JO.p in
. ilcpot , 10th nnU Alnrcy Sts I Omaha.
4.1ft p in St. l niln ( ! imnin Ball . T2 JO p ia
OuialiH. jt' . 1' . elf pot , inth ami M a rcy St i.l Onmhii.
7.15 iii7 Sioux City 1'usiii'iiKcr Tnolti'iriii
B.15 p ml St. I'nul Kipress. . . . ' 10.05 u in
Ix-avus I SIOUX CITY 4 PACIFIC. i Arrives
Oaialm. I Depot l.rth nnd Webster Sin. 1 Omaha.
.45p _ nij . . . . . .git. 1'aul Llnillnd. . . . . . . .
Tcares f. . K.TM. . ) . Y AHLK\ ' . I Arrive *
Omnhu. Iippot l.'itli nnri Welnler St < . [ _ 0mnliii. J
HIM a in1 Illack Hills Kxprem p in
SI Oil 11 raj..Hii'tlnKt K\v , < Kx. Sumtay ) . . . 5.31 p m
S.10 p in . .Wahoo A Lincoln 1'nssenifur. . 10.23 n in
5.10 p in.York ! k Norfolk ( Kx. s.nnday > . , I0.2J u m
Ixmvcs I "C , . ST. 1' . , M. A O. I ArrlTes
Omnhn. I Depot 15th nnd Welmter St . I Oninlii.
fc.U * ) n m . . .Hloux City AretiuiuuMtatlon. . r .45 p m
1.1XJ P m . .Sioux City KxpresslKx. Sun. ) . ! l. : l p in
C.45 p m . Kt. 1'aul l.lraltPd . ' .I'M R in
( i.H5 a m . .Klorenc I'aaseiiL'er ( K.x. Sun ) . B.45 a m
5.15 p m . .KUirenre lan cnter ( Kx. Sunl. M.,10 p ni
Ixiares I JIISSOUUI I-ACIXK' . I Arrlrm
Ouiaha. I Depiit 15th and WeliaUr Stn. i Omaha.
flXSO a m Stri iiils & K.C Kiprens. . . . ! tM 1 > m
il.15 p m . . . .St Louis 4 1C. C. Kxprc-si. . . . ! ( i. ; j a ra
These trains also stop at lUtli , Kill , 2Utli and 24tli
streets , Summit and s'nvldso CrosslinVorkln ; -
nicn'H trnlna do not run Sunday.
. i'.ya\"djui \ .I's'.vis '
7.45 7. II7 37.K | : 8.115 T'JU'B.l ' : 7.15' 8.2J | 7.05jbJW7.M | (
M5l8.3SH.fi2ll.S7 S'.uj 8.151.'H.07 ' ' ! ! . | | . . . . ; ! ! l ! ! | K55iisJ5o ! ! ! !
1'Sl.l'M I'MII'Ml I'M I'M , l' lll'.V | I'M , I'M [ I'M | I'M
. . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . 305 3121 . . . ' 3.M1 3..TII . . . .
. . . . | 4.X5 | . . .I4.271 4.115 4.15,4.12 , 4.07i 4.25 S.55 4U)3.VJ )
4.531.27 | 6i 5.155.12 .071 & . i'l.5.,3UIJU ' | |
siii ! ( U3 | ! sal ! ii | iiui ( U5ia.'ijjou7i' ! ii.25 5-VinLf'l6ii. [ | ! ' ' )
a45..U.5. . . ' -UJ 7.I51 : . . \iir\ \ \ ( i.i5l. . . . | JO
Lcavu * i CIIHA < ; O. it. i. A I'ACIKIC.
Trannfyri lliitnii Itoput , rxiunfll II In n . iTriiiKfar
' . : p ra Nlk'lit 'fjiias o"ni
V.M u 111' ' Atlantic K rre ! i 5J 5 p ni
WMttinla himlujd. , . . . . . . ' 10JIU a m
'nvci t'HICAdir&NUUTUVVKSTKU.V. , ArrlreT
TronsfBr Union Dt'imt , Ctuiiu'll lllutti * . 'J'rnnilrr
8.40 n m ciiicok'ci Knpr rrr77. . . . 5.1U p u
iL4i ) p m Vtutltmlo l.luilled t > .45 u m
4.55 p m Kantcrn Hyer , 5.45 p m
8 { ! p tu Atlantic Mall J TJIO a ni
CHICAGO , MIL A ST. ! Arrlrri
Tranafi'r _ Unlonjieppt. Council Illiii7 . iTrnrufir
'ai1 : a in . .Clilcico Stall ( eicoiit Sunduy ) . , 6JIH p m
II I ) p m < 9.15 a 01
IOUI p ip > . ClilctiKfl I ; MIO | i ui
< K " iTTT St7j7)K" "c.Ti. I Arrlret
Tran lor ! I'nlon IH-pot. ( UiunrlMlluj ! ! . | Tr n ter
" " " " "
1DV7 K "nil" . . .Kansas City l > uy"K prpss T"c"l ) Ti ui
1U.J5 p ml . . .Kan < Wty Nluht I 6.10 a m
TnnifDrJ Unjon IX'ifit. Cimnrll IllulTs. ITraniifBr
4 isTp ni' ' "l" TJ | _ 14 p 10
niCACiri ; IUfliL'N 4 litMNCV. i ArrtfM
n" * ' 1'1" ' ' t'ounrll ilhin ITrainfer
ata u w i C.W p m
w w p m . . 6.31 a m
( > . ( p ni . . Clilcaiiu K&it Mall . . p w
T-.W p m t r ttdn l trnl II'JO a in
Mill XflTV * I'ACIKIC Arrir"
I nlun Dfjiot. ( .nuricll UluDs. Traiufur
t 4"a ta hiuux CUy ArrommodiitioB ii. jv a ia
6.W p m bt 1'aul l.tprcn V 5 p in
JbKTTKIt fir ST.
List of Idlf M rpmalnlmt nnrnlk-d fnr la the poit-
oftico for tlm week emtlmz April 4 , IstU.
my "Ailrrrllvsl , " elTlnir th iUlo al tlic tirad til Hi.
, lot , and Inquire for name nt the Indies" dcliterj win
To atold ml lakp lists your mall addicMpJ I *
Tour Mroet nd numticr.
Qalns r
Warrlner T Wade W Watson n B
Wetlprsnn A E Wclr W K Witty K
Wai IT A F Wunder II Wrl.lit ri J
\VrlsIit C L
Yager A W
Allen mrs A Alien JM
Harbour mrn .1 I' Hcnnptt nirn < J Ien ) on rar J D
llt-all mis A .1 Hell iiirn Cur W llcdrll O 13
Hoarmau inr.n A lliiurs M A Ilmiwltr mr > K
Hrodprtpn II C Hremlcun mrn ? , ' llrcnilcnn mrs II
Hurtoti mrs 51 Ilutlr-r IIITH II llurkoA
Uuddl.o U jluines mrs J
Carrlgan mrsl Carlln M Carl on mm 3
Clmdii uira Chrl.ttoHcr * o nClarkniraJ li
Clark M mra U ( \ilon A
dileiinin Ii Oil-iui n rullliifi mrn H
Cujle mrs A ( Vikeore II CiiKli at
( mnor 1C Craddock S Cur Us mrs C
Currlu lur A
DaulpN niri J II D wwn N DoroimenK A
Dennis N Duel mm F J Dwlne HUH M
Kn tpr mr Kckbind A 4 Kdrty inrs I > r 2
Kills mra I' A Kniits mm N Krlcknun mm 51
Held ] L Flslicr mrs J O FlanniRan : mrs 1 !
Gamer L Oolclsllnc- mrs L Cordon mrs S
( 'raven uir V Ollnin 1) Urlfllth It
( jireuuvroud J
JlartmrsNE Hagliind mr'H Hake mm A
llallcyK IlnK.liiiursJS HaNuy mrs II
Ilartlurd mra II Kllnruioa niri * A J HtOlerll K
HoriiiaiiS HemifMsoy M llerron L It
llclurll llopoA IloriiliiO
Uowo M Ilulutt mra A J Hunter uira Q U
Ingram 1.J.
on inrsO Johnson mrs I ! Johnson mrs S n
Keath K MKins KnappWlTl
ullcr mrs M
.Mcliiilnnusa mrs P C
Nudes L Nllsjon A Nel nn f !
Nolxia mm A Nclpon mrH K NoHiin M
NcalHill mra A Nolilo mrs M NvUlo nirj
Noouina L
Ofdenmra II O'llaern M Ol.son II
Palaipr nira I' Peck mm H J I'ptori M -
Per F Press nirxli Prvxtuii mri M I )
llnlnos M K Ilnccr mm M llpt-dy I. V M
lleerlcr nirn J A Hceii II mra O
Huberts M Uubly K
Scott IIO Fchrnoko DIM K Bcliaildt M
Scliurk U Kcui-ntk mmV Ki'lilen mr 1
Sours II hmllli mr K ( ! Hlnioanua mm 1I1C
HmlthNK hmllh mm W A Kmllli J
Suutbard f tilHillnnim KC2 Mnuu A
Slriuso miss Hlerrni turnJ Siillmn nir U
Suunii K riway I ) hick mri U
t > cliodeld mrs M A 2
TliarntadJ TlintclierL Tltui b
'J'rulias rar S C Tracy mis L II
Undvrnood L
Van Pant inn LII Vail ram F W Vltu BUM IT
Voluian T
Wnter F H Wallace W WMliliiKtun M i
Ui < iiucr 1 WliiM-it V WINou mm N I'
\\'iiM.n S Wllvuz mm II U \Vllllumi oira L T
Weuuvrraan mrs T
Dally Ko < " , Ilodlnn Iliratlni ; ooniiuay.
1'luw < yiaipany , ] iuid. Ixmn nnd Triivt toniiiaay ,
Oti'riand I'uUllililntfooniintiy , W A Wheeler & Co .
L M KuiuM > r A Co. . A. Mourn A Co. , Wulker tf. Ilotbi
nell. lluiiiflli Co Omnlm 1'urclimln ? AccnCy , Kaa *
ford > l iiDfncturliiBrmupany--2 , I'ru Scutt 1'ublloU'
Ing coiupuuy. Ilarrlt Ilrui
C V ( iAi.l.AOiirit , i'o tm iter ,
+ OMAHA. *