Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    H t
Letting Down the I'rlccn.
Very fine sugar cornSjc per can , whllo
Russian soap 2Jc per bar or 8 bars for
23c , soda crackers Cc , oyster crackers 6c ,
8 Ib can California apricots IHc , 3 11)
can California green gages IHc , 8 Ib
can California egg plums IHc , 3 Ib can
miinces IHc , 2 Ib can blackberries 7c ,
2 Ib can blueberries 7jc , 2 Ib can gooseberries -
berries 7Jc , mustard sardines Oc , oil sar
dines 60 3 cans 3 Ib tomatoes 25c. You
can not buy any better if you pay twice
ns much for them. French peas lee per
can , French imisliroons 17je , 20 Ib pail
jolly 5-jc p > r pail , 30 Ib pall jolly 85c per
pall , 30 Ibs granulated sugar $1,18 Ibs
extra f sugar 81boneless ham lOcsugar
cured ham lie , very best rolled oats 3c ,
by the barrel , IfcO Ibs to the barrel ,
& 3.60. Wo will sell to the retailer for
Iho Hamn as wo do to the whole or job
bing trade. The Jobber charges the re
tailer 31 or $1.2-5 per barrel. This is
"imt an good oat meal as money can buy.
j'otlul ox tongue Oc , potted ham Uc ,
deviled ham Oc , quart bottle blue 5e.
fine imported brick cheese 12Jc , full
cream cnccso 16c.
Good pastry ( lour , 60c , sack , 6c ! ) ; snow
fliiko Hour. $1.00 , for 60 Ib. sack ; very
bent superlative Hour , $1.35.
8 Ib. hot. mixed pickles 35c , 8 Ib. hot.
chow chow Hoc , 8 Ib. hot. sweet pickles
H5e , 3 Ib. bot. imported Spanish green
Olives 35c , 3 Ib. pail lard Uc. )
Wo warrant everything wo 6 < < 11 to give
Mitlsfaction or wo will pay you back your
Wo sell a very good Japan tea for 20cf
Jf yon will try this you will bo satisfied
that you ran got good tea for 2flc.
Wo have made a deep cut in washing
machines nnd wo will keep them
until every family in the state
has one from UK. A now lot , snmo price ,
84.05 and they nro the genuine Westell
wnnhor No. 2. ; n splendid carpet sweeper
$1.26 , and a Blssol car.jiot sweeper for
$1.75 , regularly fold for $2.75 ; an all eop-
] ) ( > boiler 82.50 , sold everywhere for
il.50 ; clothes wringers $1.25 each ; a now
lot of elegant decorated toilet sots for
$2.6(1 ( ; a complete line of paint nnd white
wash brushes from lOc up to $2.00 ; also
a complete line of health brushes from
10o to $1.00 , all bristles ; ton and coiTco
jiolH lOc each ; covered pails Oc , 8c nnd
lOc each ; steve polish Ic per package ;
nhoe blacking 2c per box ; clotheslines
Cc per 40 feet ; clothespins le per dozen ;
wash tubs 45c each ; paper pails 2o. ( )
each ; folding boxes 25o each ;
fine china cuspidores 05c each , worth
Si.60 ; line Hint glass snuco dishes 2c
each ; handled tumblers 6c each ; shelf
paper , all colors , 6c per bundle. Lawn
mowers , 14-inch cut , $0.75 , worth 815.85.
The Erie mower , self-sharpeners , 14-inch
cut , $7.25 ; regularly sold for 819. High
grans imnyor , ID-Inch cut , Kclf-shnrpcncr ,
former price $28.60 ; wo sell the ttuno for
$13.76. Fine line of ice jiign , $1.25 ;
worth $2.50. Bird cages , 1,000 to select
from ; they range in price from 4Hc to
$1.25 , both in Japanned and brass. Milk
crocks 6c each ; 4 for 15c. 1 bottle of
best sperm machine oil 6c ; copper-bot
tom teakettles 35c ; a very line blanishcd
tin teakettle lOc ; scrub brushes
fie each ; a new lot of those
fine engraved water sots , glasses
tray and jug , 81.25 , worth three times as
much ; a good washboard , Ifle ; 5 papers
of tacks for 5c. The palmetto fibre
brush , the bent lOo brush made , war
ranted to outlast any tlireo brushes
made ; carpel stretchers , lOc ; potatoo
mashers , 5e ; rolling pins , 5c ; sauce
grates , fie ; ink , 5o ; steak pounders , 6c ;
milk pails , fie ; wooden spoons. Gc ; can
openc rs , fie ; oilers , fie ; 1 bottle household
ammonia , lOc ; n sot of nieklo-
plated irons , 3 irons , stand
and handle , for $1.50 , worth twice
as much ; stool garden rake , 20c ;
Infants' gondola button shoes , 1 to 5 ,
COi1. COc and 75o.
Children's gondola button spring heel
shoes , 4 to 7 } , 85c.
Children's solar lip school shoes , 7 to
12 , OSe.
Children's dongoln and goat shoes , 8
to 115,81.15.
Misses' dongoln and goat shoos , 12 to
2 , $1.48 and $1. ! > 5.LADIES
Ladies' kid opera slippers , 85c.
Ladies' kid Oxford ties , 08c to $1.25.
Ladies' line ( sninplo lot ) Oxford ties ,
nixes 3 to 4i , 81.75 , $1.05 and $2.45 , worth
$2.50 to $3.50.
Ladies' finest French dongoln Oxfords ,
A to E widths , $2.)5 ! ) , worth $3.50.
Men's B calf seamless shoos , $1.05.
Men's line calf seamless shoes , $2.75
and $3.i'j. )
Men's calf and kangaroo II. W. shoes ,
$1.1)5 ) ,
Boys' ' A calf button shoes , $1.25 , $1.45
and $ 1.76. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods and Shoes , 10th St.
Oot Your Ice 1'tire.
The Ice that is offered to the public
this year by the Gate City ice company
has one very strong recommendation for
its UFO. It was all cut above the water
works plant at Florence nnd is therefore
as pure as water will frcox.o. There is a
very swift current in the river at this
point , so that no foreign substance can
freeze in the ice cut from there. Do-
llvories are being made now regularly
and those desirous of the host ice in the
market should place tholr order with
the Gate City K-O company. You can
order by telephone 1385 , or at their of
fice , 1403 Farnnui , in the Pnxlon hotel
Furniture. CarpetN.
Chan. Shiverick it Co. ,
1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam st.
The Xcw Homo Comfort
Gasoline stoves. Just what everybody
wants In n gasoline stovo. It Is "some
thing that is simple In construction and
easily operated. The Now Homo Com
fort having both of these qualities is the
Btovo to buy. For sale by A. M. Me-
Roinetnbor best grades of vehicles at
Sutphcns , 10th and Farnam sts. Watch
for spring opening.
If any person desires tomako an Easter
offering they will find no more deserving
object than the "Old Woman's Home ,
" 718 Hurt street. Donations of money ,
groceries , furniture , or anything that
will mnko a homo comfortable , and the
Inmates happy , ' will bo thankfully re
ceived. All donations may bo sent di
rectly to the home. Mrs. I' , L. Perhtu.
president W. C. A. ; Miss Collier , corre
spending eecretary.
I'attl Autograph Plan' )
Is on exhibition in the show window
nt Hospy's music store.
Grand opening of Imported millinery
Wodnesdnv and Thursday , April I ) and
10. Foyco" , 123 North Fifteenth st.
The White Front Market , 714 North
Sixteenth fit. , William Holnzman , pro
prietor , is ono of the finest on the street.
Ho keeps n full line of the best bcof ,
mutton , pork mid poultry that the mar-
hot affords and soils II at the lowest liv
ing prices. Ho supplies all first-class
house * . The Elks' club , Meyer's cafe ,
llotol Esmond , and has the llnost family
patronage in the city. If you want to
bo forved with the cholccbt In the mar
ket and at the lowest prices patronize
the White Front Market , 714 Isorth Six
teenth tit.
fipcclnl Snlc on Knntcr Monday.
2 cases of Pacific challles , all now nnd
perfect , no remnants , on Monday 3c }
1 yard. U cases fancy Pacific mousllno
only 5c yard. two Items nro less
than half their value , will therefore only
sell ono dress to each customer. Im
ported ca.Hhmero do ombro reduced on
Monday to 2oc yard ; como early before
they are all gone. American cashmere
ombre only 7o yard. New and handsome -
some styles of patina finished prints nt
Gc yard. Standard indigo blue prints 5c
yard. New and elegant styles In dress
ginghnms , nil this seasons styles , nt
7Jc , Sic and lOo a yard. Extra value in
fine ginghams at 12Jc and 15c n yard.
2,000 pieces of Merrimac shirting prints ,
best goods made , all perfect ; nothing
wrong with thorn cxcqpt the price on
Monday , 3jc n yard. Whore can you
1 match thcfio prices ? Our slock of double-
width sheeting , pillow case muslins , and
bleached nnd brown muslins la well as
sorted , and Hayden's prices are all right
on Iho same ; wo don'l allow any ono lo
undersell us if wo know it. On Monday
wo place on sale 100 doz 20x40 all-linen
hemmed huckaback towels , worth COo
each , ns nn advertisement for this de
partment , only 25c on Monday , only 0
Bold to ono customer at this price. 60
doz 18x30 all-linen twilled towels at lOc
each. 100 doz 10x39 all-linen
huck towels at 15o each , red bordered
table linen , 15c , 25e , 35c nnd 60o n yard ;
51-Inch bleached damask nt 25c n yard ;
double with cream colored damask only
lOc n yard ; not damaged at all , only lOc
n yard ; 72-Inch bleached damask , re
duced to 15 Ic a. . yard ; 60-inch cream unm-
nsk , only 45o li yard ; 60-Inch bleached
damask at 45o n yard. These nro all
special prices and will not last long at
tlicso reduced prices. Wo have the best
napkin for $1.00 a dozen you will find in
Monday morning wo place on sale
100""ll-4 whlto Marseilles bed spreads
at the low price of 81.00
each. Tills is the largest and
best Marseilles spread you over saw of
fered in Oinnhn for $1 each , only two to
each customer. All linen bleached towel
ing at 4o { yd. 20-inch wide Scotch grass
bleached toweling at Gc , cheap at lOcyd.
24-inch wide fancy checked apron linen
atlSeyd. 40-Inch wide cream colored
butcher linen 25c yd. Damask and fancy
loom toweling at 15c nnd 20c yd. Fringed
tnblo cloths of every style , size and de
scription. Our slock of India linen is
second to none in this city , wo
not only carry the best assorted
stock , but also mnko the lowest
prices or clso refund you your money.
White checked nainsook 3c , 5c , 80 and
lOo n yard , Beautiful lawn checks , in
new largo checks , at lOc , 12Jc , 16c , ISo
and 25c n yard. Outing llanncl. 7jc , lOc ,
121c and ISo n yard. Our own imported
English outing cloth only 35c n vurd.
Silk warp flannels and silk embroidered
flannels in great variety. White flannel
at 20c , 25Cj 30c , 35o and 40e a yard. Rub
ber sheeting at OOc a , yard. Heavy
striped and checked shirting , 5c ,
8c and lOc n yard. Now line of
apron checked ginghams at 6c
and 7jc yd ; blenched cheese cloth worth
lOc reduced to 5o yd. Don't miss the saloon
on chnllics on Monday at 3jc and 5c yd ,
others ask from lOo toloc for no better
challips. You will find all the now pat
terns in wall paper at
This department is showing the largest
line of line stylish goods in the west.
The largo sales in tlie. o goods mnko it
possible to keep all Iho latest novelties
and sell thorn at reasonable prices. New
patlern hats , now French flowers , new
ornaments , now hicos and now trim
mings coining in daily. In truth , there
is nn opening every day in this depart
This department has gene right to
the front. It leads all others in styles ,
in variety , in quality and in sterling
values ; 81 ! styles in braided wraps ; jack
ets in endless variety and shawls and
capes of every description.
Floor mailings at lOc , 12o } , 15c , 20c ,
worth 25 to 60c. Lace curtains at Coc ,
75c , 87c , $1 and upwards , chenille
portlres in thirty-seven " styles at 81.75 , at
$2 , at $2.25 , at"$2.fiO , nt $2.75 and $3 ,
worth $5 to 810. Standard ingrain carpets ,
25c , 30c , 35c,40e and 45e. Standard extra
super , 50c , Sou , 03c nnd GSc , worth 75c
to $1. Latest novelties in tapes
tries , velvets , mpquots and Wiltons.
Our carpet stock is entirely now , not a
yard of last year's styles. 87 ' styles in
baby cabs. Special prices on dolls ,
fancy goods , books , trunks and hand
bags. Latest novelties and lowest prices
In wall paper. IIAYDEN BROS.
Dry Goods-mid Carpets.
The fincst.sclcction of domestic nnd
imported cigars. A large assortment of
highest grade smoking tobacco. Lovers
of the weed in any form can find no bet
tor place to gratify their taste than at
W. Gocdecko & Co.'s 301 S 15th , Barker
The ICdhoiin fk Akin Stock
is now on sale at 101 South Fifteenth
street ( the old stand ) . It consists of diamonds
mends , watches , jewelry , silver and
plated ware , optical goods , otc. This
stock must bo sold , nnd will bo closed
oul at prices far below its valuo.
Mrs. Dr. Eddy , clairvoyant and "test
medium , has removed from 308 N. 10 st.
to 318 N. 15 st. , where nho may bo con
sulted upon all affairs of life.
cKt , Kates on lOnrth via the Ilnr-
to all points east and west. Ticket oilico ,
122 ! ! Farnam street. Depot , 10th and
Mason streets.
An Easter ball will bo given by the
Concordia Singing society at Metropoli
tan hall , Tuesday , April S.
Sutphon Is prepared to suit the city
trade- with line vehicles. Watch for
spring opening ,
Reservoir Ice.
Crystal Ice Co. ,
21S S. 15th St.
Reservoir Ice. Crystal Ice Co. , 218
S. 16th street.
A. Max Uol/.lieimcr Co.
Fine watch repairing ,
1413 Douglas st.
The Oliver Mnggard Van Co. moves
household goods , pianos in padded vans ;
takes up , renovates and relays carpets ;
storage ; host of service guaranteed. Of
fice with Max Aloyor& Bro. Tel. 1550.
600,000 brick for saloTT P. Weaver ,
Council Bluffs.
Remember best grades of vehicles at
Sntphons , 10th and Farnam sts. Watch
for spring opening.
Vehicles of all kinds at Sntphoiiti , 10th
and Farnam. Watch for bprlng odening.
A piano examine the now scale Kimball -
ball piano. A. Ilospe , 151 ! ) Douglas.
607 S. Bank , 507 , Guitars , mandolins ,
banjos , , Vc. 607 N. 10th.
Itosorvolr Ice.
Crystal Ice Co.JilS S. 15th St.
llcbci'volf Ice.
Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. 15th St.
Sale of Ihe Dry Goods From the Kansas Oity
The Kntlrc Stock of n Kansas City
Dry OoodH Store UotiKhtfoyUH
Sco the ItafKalii.s AVe
Give Yon Monday.
These goods were all bought lor the
spring trade : but the firm failed and wo
secured the entire stock.
40 inch spring suiting in ptripes nnd
now plaids at lUcperyard. Thcfeegoods
sold in Kansas City at SOe.
Soft finish cashmeres at 7c , Kansas
City price was IBo.
New side band honrlottns nt lie.
All the mohair brilllnntlnes , spring
shades , at 25c ; Bold In Kansas City at 65c.
The French tricots nnd dress flannels
at lOc ; Kansas City price was 40c.
Now wool challies at 20c , worth 35c.
CO inch wool tricots nt 25c. These
goods were marked to Boll in Knusas
City at 75c.
The finest silk finished hnnrlettns that
sold In Kansas City at $1.00 and 81.35.
They are all in ono lot at 05c. ' Great
40-Inch black hcnriottas and serges at
loc , worth 40c in Kansas City.
81 quality black serges at 55c.
All wool imported albatross at 45c , u
regular 75c quality.
$1 all wool honrlottns and cashmeres
go at Ooc.
Silk warp jot black honrlotlas marked
to sell in Kansas City at $1.85 , goes at Iho
Boston Store for $1.25.
Silk finish honriettas nt GSc , worth in
Kansas City 81.10.
25 of the finest combination dresses in
very now nnd stylish effects at 87.50 ,
$8.50 , 80 and 811. These dresses are
marked to sell in Kansas City for from
$16 to $25.
Best soft finish cambric lining nt 32c ,
worth Gc.
Double face lining at 5c , worth 12c.
Drillings at Gc. worth 12c.
Best quality silicin at lOjc , worth 20c
per yard.
Fancy double-faced silicin nt 8Jc per
Padding at lOc , worth 18c.
Best standard prints at 3jc , worth 7c.
Shirting prints at 4c , worth 7c.
Indigo prints at 5c.
Challics at 2c per yard , worth 6c.
8c Challies at 5c per yard.
Fancy doboigcs nt 5c.
Black lawns at 7c , worth 12jc.
Batiste lawns at 5c.
New plaid ginghams at 5c.
Finest now spring ginghams at 9c.
Apron check ginghams go nt 5c.
Black satino at 21c , worth 35c.
French figured satines at Oc.
Colored striped curtain scrim at Oc.
Fine lace curtain scrim at 5c.
Soft finished muslin , well known brand ,
at 6c.
Fine unbleached sheeting at 6c per
yard , worth 8c.
Unbleached 8-4 Lockwood IGc , 0-4 ISc ,
10-1 20c. Bleached 8-4 18c , 0-4 20c , 10-1
Checked nainsooks at Gc , worth lOc.
Fine quality nainsook at Sc.
Turkey red table damask , fast color , '
at 20c , worth 35c.
Fine full bleached damask , C2 inches
wide , at 3c ! ) per yard. These are mill
remnants and would bo worth in the reg
ular way GOo per yard.
Cream damask towel , largo size , at 5e.
Honey comb towels at 2c , worth 5c.
10-inch linen crash at 2jo per yard.
16-inch linen glass cloth toweling at
5c per yard ; regular price Oc.
Wo put on sale at 7Jo per yard a crash ,
actual value lOo.
Best table oil cloth at 12jc per yard.
Best shelf oil cloth at 2c per yard ,
worth lOc.
114 S. IGth St.
Alfred Mcliibcrft Has Moved
to 15th and Harnoy sts. , Ramgo bldg.
Dr. Birney , catarrh specialistBco bldg
Reservoir ico. Crytal Ice Co. , 218
S. 15th street
Vehicles of all kinds at Sutphens , 10th
and Farnam. Watch for spring opening.
C. F. Goodman. OMAHA , Neb , , Nov.
21 , 1887. Messrs. John C. West & Co. ,
Chicago , 111. Gentlemen : Ship us ten
(10) ( ) gross of West's Norvino and Brnin
Treatmenl at once. Wo have been sell
ing this remedy for Iho past eight years
and hnvo yet to learn of any complaint.
The fact that you give n written guaran
tee with each $5 worth no doubt in
creases the sale to a largo extent. The
medicine has a largo and increasing sale
nnd gives good satisfaction. Wo receive
mail orders from all parts of the west
and the constant demand is evidence thai
there is merit. This makes ninty gross
that wo have had and wo hope soon to
make another order so that our total
sales will bo 100 gross which wo think
will bo as gratifying to you us to us.
Yours respectfully ,
C. F. GOODMAN , Druggist.
OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 7. , 1888.
Messrs. Jno. C. West & Co. ,
Chicago , 111.
Gentlemen Ship up twenty gross of
West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. The
10 gross ordered of you Nov. 21,1887 , has
been sold at retail , a largo amount of It
being on mall orders from the different
states. Many of the orders have boon
duplicated and not ono complaint , which
is conclusive evidence that the remedy
will do all you claim. Yours truly ,
OMAHA , A jril 5 , 1600. The John C.
West Co. , Chicago , 111. : Gentlemen
Ship to us per freight , twenty (20) ( ) gross
West's Nerve nnd Brain Treatment.
Since our order to you of Dec. , 1888 , wo
have ordered and received 0 } gross.mnk-
ing a total of 20 } gross received within
fifteen months. Wo have- received or
ders with money enclosed from the At
lantic to the Pacific and from Manitoba
to Texas. Many pornons order ono box
on trial and then duplicate tholr orders
by ordering the six months' treatment.
\ours truly ,
Per II. J. Ponfold.
An Important llntdncHH Change.
Having sold the entire plant of the
Omaha Ice Co. , of which Woymullor
Bros. , of Omaha wore solo proprltors ,
to the Metropolitan Ice Co. for a con
sideration of $21,000 , I wish to state to
our former patrons that nil contracts
made by us previous to this sale will bo
fulfilled by our successor * , who will con
duct the business under the name of the
Omaha Ice Co. , with olllccs at 310 S.
15th st. I bespeak for the now firm n
continuance of the patronngo given us ,
and wish to thank our patrons for past
favors , soliciting n continuance of thuir
good will in whatever business wo may
engage in in the future. I shall bo
ready to engage In some now enterprise-
after a bhort rest. F. WKYMUJM-EH.
Wishes You All a Joyous Easter This Sun
day * Morning.
A Snlc Kxtrnorillnnry for Momlny
Head Thin and Compare It with
Anything lit the
1,000 , pieces fancy and plain nil-silk
ribbon from 1 to 3 inches wide , nt 5c per
yard. . These- are from the Kansas City
Block and arc worth from lOo to U5c put-
From the bankrupt stock. These nro
the greatest muslin underwear bargains
wo have yet shown.
lOc gowns , chemise , robes and skirts ,
nicely trimmed , good muslin and many
worth 75c. They all go at 19e.
UOc fancy trimmed muslin underwear ,
all garments , and some worth S1.525 , all
go at Me.
The 47e lot includes goods trimmed
with wide embroideries and hand made
linen laco. This lot Is an extra bargain.
Tills house carried the largest stock of
kid gloves in Kansas City. This Is the
second day of this glove bale , but the as
sortment is not broken. You will find
nil sb.oti and all styles.
At ti'Jc button and Foster lace kids ,
black and nil shades of tan , marked to
sell in Kansas City for SI , all go at the
Boston Store at Jt'Jc.
At 60c Alexandria and Foster kid
gloves in black and colors. These gloves
formerly sold nt 81.76 ; nil go at OOc at
the Boston Store.
At 75c undressed kid gloves in grays
and shades oftan , button and mousqul-
tairo. These are high grade gloves and
are worth 82. This lot includes also n
largo line of dressed French kid gloves
In novelty backs that would bo called at
some sales great bargains at 82. All go
at the Boston for 7oc.
1 to a inches wide embroideries at 4c.
6 inches wide embroideries at Gc.
8 inches wide embroideries Oc ,
Our 15c line is worth 25c.
Skirtings from Hoc to $1.60. Wo
bought them cheap and they are all
great bargains.
English satino corsets nil colors at 50e.
This is a regular $1.00 corset.
100 dozen fast black and fancy striped ,
ribbed hosiery , worth from U5o to $1.00 ,
all go at 25e. This lot includes berne
high grade fancy hosiery.
Stockinet jackets , extra fine qualitv ,
at $3.eo , worth $5.00.
Spring jackets nt 81.50 , worth $2.60.
Pine black jackets in broadcloths ,
cheviots , worsteds , fancy English cloths
and newest styles nt $ ! 5.US to $10.00.
Three row coachman.s capes , black
and tans very cheap.
Ladies' peasant circulars of the finest
broad cloths at $4.50 , worth $7.50.
Jetted wraps at 81,75.
Fine beaded wraps at $3.50. Our $7.50
wrap can not bo duplicated for less than
You should visit our millinery depart
ment this week.
Untrimmed Hats Ladies' black and
colored straw hats , all shapes , at 1'Jc ,
sold in millinery stores for 50 < \
Trimmed Uats Ladies'nicoly trimmed
hats , all silk ribbon and llowors at $1.00 ,
milliner's price for same hat 82.50.
Our $2 trimmed huts cannot bo dupli
cated by any establishment in the city
for less'thnn So.
Our own novelty , ladies' ribbon walk
ing hat at $4. Thcso hats are worth
$ li.60.
li.60.Wo charge you nothing for making or
trimming a hat. Wo have the largest
millinery department in the city , our
entire second iloor being devoted to its
uso. Yon don't have to climb stairs ,
take the elevator.
114 S. 10th st.
Xcw Jfusio Store.
Ramge bldg. ; cor. 15th and Hnrnoysts.
Dr. Bnrnsdnll's specialties oyc , ear
nose and throat , 400-7 Paxton blk.
Reservoir ico. Crystal Ice Co. , 218
S. 15th street.
The Gate City Ice Co.
Telephone 1385. 'Oflleo 1403 Farnam.
Sulloy Bros. Parcel Del. Co. has moved
their olllco to 1505 Douglas st. Telephone
030. Household goods , trunks and pianos
Pianos at a Sacrifice
at Meinberg's , 15th and Harnoy sts.
The 3fost BtyllNh in Omaha.
The elegant line of hats , caps and
turbans at Frederick & Co.'s are incom
parable. They hnvo just received their
spring styles in the great Dunlnp , the
line Stetson , and for children , boys'
dorbys , crush and caps of all kinds , mill-
tnry and navy. For misses , the Vassal1 ,
Lord Fauntleroy and shirred steamer
caps. C. II. Frederick it Co. , leading
hatter , 120 South 15th street.
Reservoir ico. Crystal Ice Co. , 218
S. 15th street.
_ _
Ruinart champagne at Gladstone Bros.
Dr. Murphy , Mullen block , 17th and
Cuming. Telephone 833.
Reservoir Ice.
Crystal Ice Co.
lilk S. 15th St. '
Sutphens' fine carriages , 10th and Far
nam. High grade goods.
A.a > .
Remember , wo never deal in "job lot"
shoes of any description ; dealing in reg
ular straight lines of shoes , our stock is
always fresh aiuVnow. Women's bright
dongoln kid button shoes , $2 , $2.50 , $3
and up to $5. All thos-o shoos are fiOo a
pair cheaper than any shoo in the city of
the snmo quality. The best misses' jiob-
blo , worked button hole spring heel shoo
in the city , sizcs-8 to 2 , only $1.2. ) . 14th
and Farnam streets , A. D. Morse.
American Ollvo Wood.
A beautiful ploeo of furniture has just
been received at Hospo's music rooms.
A now scale ICJmball piano , ttnMi in
American oltvo wood veneer , which must
bo seen to bo appreciated , at
A. HOSl'E , JR. ,
1513 Douglas St.
Wo were shown through Sutphon's
carriage repository , and they nro cer
tainly in shape to please the most exact
ing. Tholr repository IH iilled with the
finest assortment in Omaha. Watch for
spring opening. _
Call on Sutphcn for Something nobby
in carriages. Tenth and Farnam ,
Dr. Blrney , catarrh specialist , Bee bldg
A. P. Tukoy , Llft/bullding. Homes in
Clifton Hill for men of limited Income.
The best carriage houbo in Omaha Is
Sutphen'b , Tenth and Furwuu streets.
Prices All to Pieces Monday nt
Stonchills' ,
Unprecedented Sale In Our lUilllncry
Department Special Halo of
Odd Corsets An Odd
Hale at StonelillN * .
Wo will hold Monday n kind of odd
sale. On the right hand aisle wo shall
place n whole counter full of corsets.
There nro French woven corsets , sateen
corsets , satin corsets , 1 * . D. corsets , In
fact they are a sample line of corsets
bought from n wholesale house , which
were used toy tholr traveling men. They
are not n bit soiled and there nro nil sizes
of them. The prices will bo ns follows :
Corsets worth 75o and $1 will go at i9e. !
Corsets worth 81.50 and $1.75 go at 75c.
The P. D. , another celebrated corset ,
go at OOc. In this lot there is some very
line satin corsets worth $3.60.
Bear this special sale in mind.
Our millinery department will pour
forth bargains that will astonish the
multitude that dally throng our store.
Does it over enter our customers' minds
why it is wo hnvo crowds when our com
petitors nro doing next to nothing. It
s our prices that talk , they draw the
trndo , people know that wo llvo up to
what wo advertise , when wo advertise
n bargain they are sure to find it on our
Now , in millinery wo shall offer Mon-
Nice garden shade hats at So each.
Large , line , black , straw Hals nt 19o
An elegant line of children's plain nnd
in colors two touo straw at 19c each ,
worth $1.00.
Wo shall also show at 9So something
elegant in children's trimmed hats.
To mnko this sale interesting1 wo will
place on sale two thousand remnants of
ribbons which wo hnvo accumulated in
the lust six months. The price will bo
from Ic n yd. up.
Wo shall offer In the flower line two
thousand elegant flower wreaths at Go
Wo shall also offer satin and velvet
violets at 2o a doz.
Wo carry moro millinery than all the
stores in Omaha put together , nnd ns wo
do a Inrgo wholcsalo business wo never
get out of anything that wo advertise.
Ladies' trimmed hats Monday nt just J
actual value. A beautiful line of turbans
at 81.08 , elegantly trimmed , also largo
hats at the same price.
At $2.05 wo shall offer something in
fine open work , straw , beautifully trim
med , worth from $5 to 87.
At 84.05 wo shall olfor beautiful pat
tern hats , worth $12.
Don't forget our sale of remnants of
Wo also make n special sale Monday
and shall place on our counters many
bargains which wo do not onumrjrnto ,
for instance :
Wo shall hnvo n bfg sale of lace
flounces ! 1 and 48 inches wide at 50o on
the dollar , and BOUIO of them oven less
than this.
Also drapery net which was received
by us on Saturday direct from the im
porter , who was so badly stuck on it
that ho sent it to us for 50c on the
"Wo shall also hnvo something special
to offer in our embroidery department.
To accommodate those who could not
get waited on Saturday wo will continue
our glove sale Monday. Wo do dot keep
any shoddy gloves , but from 8 button
musquetore , the regular price of which
is $2.25 , go with us at 74 c.
Wo shall also oiler all the leading
makes , Foster , Jouvin , Perin , etc. , nt
OOc , worth $2.25.
Rare and now novelties in neck wear.
See our sots at $5.50.
Dr. Birnoy , catarrh BpccialistBeo bldg
After Enster Goods nro Still Oheapcr1-
Evcrythiug' Bargain.
If You Value Your Money Come nnd
nt Our OoMilH They
are the Itcst and
ChcapeM ,
13c half linen hemstitched nnd fancy
16o pure Irish linen hemslllchcd 15
Inches square.
ISc same 18 inches squnro , etc. etc.
Ono hundred remnants of all wool , half
wool and wool and silk goods In length
from li yards to 8 yards at i tholr valuo.
The latest novelties in plaids , stripes ,
brocades , etc. , In wool , silk and wool
and silk. You must see them to appre
ciate the low prices.
Wo still sell dobelges in all colors and
styles at 12Jo per yard.
Very stylish sattoons at 12jc per yard.
French satlcons nt 20c. 25c ami 35c.
27-inch wide best quality China silks
nt $1.00 per yard ,
Best double warp plalded surah silks ,
24 inches wide , 85c.
Extra fine Scotch patterns in surah
silks at 81. 00.
Wo could mention our entire stock , as
everything is a bargain.
Do not forgot wo carry the best as
sorted and richest line in Omaha , and
our prices are lower than any others.
Dressed and undressed 4 buttons nnd
mtisquotairo , every pair warranted ,
81.60 to $2.25.
Embroidered mull bonnets , 25o ; surah
silk poke bonnets , $1.05 ; only n few left.
Children's embroidered whlto dresses , .
from 2 to 4 years , very slightly soiled , nt
i their valuo. $0.00 ones at 83.60 ; 85.00
ones at 83.00 ; $4.50 ones at $2.75.
10 inches wide , in the latest patterns ,
hemstitched nnd otherwise * at cost of
importation. . Those goods have been
placed with us by n Now York importer
to sell before May 1.
20 cents for Swiss ribbon finished vests
in nil colors ; a great bargain ; no hnm-
ing. Knit silk underwear in nil colors.
China silk underwear in all colors.
Tailor made black stockinet jackets
81.08 , worth $3.60 ; black and fancy jack
ets. Wo received n tremendous line of
Indies' fine coats , jackets and capes ,
which wo will sell at their importation
Just in. Direct from Paris. Wo soil
them below cost because they are sam
All wool , 81.60 to $2.75 ; sailor suits , all
wool , trimmed in braid , from 4 to 14
years , $2.60 to $4.60 ; fine wool material ,
.rimmed in silk and velvet , 4 to 14 years ,
$2.75 to 80.50. Tremendous sales , stock
changing daily.
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
Miss Alice Isaacs.
Lnto with Stern Bro.s- . , Now York cily.
Elegant millinery at very lowest prices.
In store with Hoyinan & Dciches , 1518
and 1520 Farnam street.
Rare and now novelties in neckwear.
Sco our bets at $5.50.
Gospel Tompcranuo Union.
Rev. W. K. Beans will speak at 3:30 : on
Sunday , mid at 8 o'clock Colonel J. W.
Caster of Illinois will begin n series of
meeting. ! at Exposition hull. Good siug-
inr. Bring gospel songs. All invited.
Rare and now novelties in neckwear.
See our bets at $5.60 :
Sir * . tjoiiKHhorc-l'ottM , M. I ) , , tho.
i'ltinoiiH I'lilladelplilau , to IieoturrJ
at lloyd'H Opera Mouse.
Moro than n ouarter of a ronturv ngo
elghl bravo ami original I'onnHylvnmij
girl student * appalled medical traditions
and dumbfounded the medical world
generally by formally graduating from
that famous institution of learning , the
Woman's Medical College. Ono of thosa
identical brave girls is to lecture hero.
She is Mrs. Anna Longnhoro-PottH , M.
D. Some years ago she bccaino con
vinced t lint people get sick for want of
physiological knowledge n belief 03-
Initialled by years of successful practice *
Slio commenced lecturing to women
only in her drawing rooms on AroH
st. Her nddresses to women
were HO favorably received that
the gentlemen became interested
nnd she delivered n series of lectures to
bothso.xes. Her fnmo spread and slid
visited all Iho largo cities throughout
Iho north and as far west as Sau Fran
cisco , where she appeared in the Hpriuir
of 1S82. She then willed for Now
Zealand and spent two years there ami
In Australia , when who willed for Lon
don. Her lectures in the antipodes were
presided over by our consuls and Iho
titled functionaries detailed by England
ns governors for her colonies. She com *
monced her lectures In London at St ,
James' great hall the largest and most
aristocratic auditorium in the English
metropolis where nhu was introduced
by Gcnernl E. A , Morrllt , then United
States consul general. For over two
years she drew crowded houses in Lon
don , and gained the friendship of the
inosi cultured nnd fashionable people.
Her receptions in Portland Plnco were
centers of attraction for the social'and
literary lights of the city. Two yearn
igo she returned to America , making
lier llrst appearance at Tremont Temple ,
Boston. Who then lectured at Chicker-
ing hall , Now York , and nlso in Brook
lyn. She Is a Quakeress though In
[ mint of elegant costumes she rivals the
wealthiest ( laughters of fashion , Few
women hrvo gained such great distlnctum
ns she has or accomplished so much good ,
Tlio press all over Iho world IB
unanimous in her praise. She has
recently scored magnificent vic
tories in Chicago and St. Louis ,
when she was the recipient of much lint-
tcring attention from the press and Iho
public. She is to lecture at Boyd's opera
house hero commencing Thurs'dny , April
10 , at 8 , with an address to both sexes.
Of her the Boston Herald says : "Did
you over sco a gypsy woman , young ,
straight as an arror and ns brown as a
berry , carrying a pile of boards fully
eight foot long on her head ? You have
Been her ? On Tromonl street ? That ia
the ono. Well , Mrs. Dr. Longnliorc-
Potts is the mental typo of the order of
which the gypsy is Iho physical typo. "
Next Friday at ! ! she will deliver her
first Iccturo to women only. Both initial
lectures will bo free.
Sutphens'fine carriages , 10th and Far
nam. High grade goods.
Dr. Birnoy , catarrh specialistBee bldg1
Ladies call at Bliss' now mammoth
millinery lionso , 1510 Douglasl st. , fop'1
Paris , London and New Vork hats. Wo
have Iho latest importations , Iho largest
stock west of Now Vork and prices the
lowest. Several thousand hats to select
See our dinner sets in now dove titii
lecornlions. They are hot only pretty
bul also very cheap. Wo make sots uy
in any number of pice > - > .
4t'pieco ! dinner si t , $ ( ! .
( il-picco dinner set , fi7.50.
76-pioeo dinner sol , > ! .
101-picco dinner no' ' , $12.75.
The ware is the very best and sliapoa
njw and prolty. Call and KCO those hula
al Moody's china btoi'o , 30Norlh Kith
Rare and now novelties in neckwoar.
Sco our sots at $5.50.
Call nt Bliss' largo millinery housa
for correct styles , low prices. Ask to
tieo the noyolty veilings , the newest
thing oul.
on a Big Scale.
We have earned our
extensive tailoring trade
by cutting off the over
fed profits of Merchant
Tailoring , and the evil
of credit giving com
monly practiced by tail 1INHEAPOL15
ors.We have proved that CINCINNATI * " *
Merchant Tailoring can
be largely conducted
and upon as economi
cal a plan as the biggest
industries in this country -
try >
Confidence and per-
scverence in this truth and the readiness of
public intelligence to appreciate our aim has
established our name and reputation in every
State of the Union.
Placed our business without a parrallcl in
the annals of trade history , and rank us to-day
without a peer in the tailoring business.
You may expect us to advance still further
in our field of enterprise.
The best tailored garments at prices within the reach of all.
Open evenings. No goods charged to anyone.
NICOLL The Tailor ,
14O9 Douglas.