THE OMAHA UAILY BEE , SUNDAY , APEIL (3 ( , ] SOO.TWEXTY - FOrK PAGES. LAST OF PURPLE CURTAINS , ' Darkness of Lent Illumined by the Light of Easter. GOSSIP IN SOCIAL CIRCLES , "tt'lmt IlK/Tjocnl Modiste * Ilnvc IMc- NUrllioil lo Ho Worn l > y Votaries oCKuslilon During the I'rcs- ill Hrtmon. Cvcrylwdy Is joyful this morning , from the babies hunting rainbow colored eggs , com mitted by the rabbits for their Caster llnilllig , to tin1 i lub mail who , keenly allvo to tlio felicitous feeling of entente i oidlale , cmight from tlie ntmosplioro of gladness enveloping him , Invites his soul nnd Is happy. Grim winter Is no more. The chilly snows , melt ing through April's soft lingers , will draw with it gentle giitco the bloom of May o'er the poor dead faro. Lent , with its sackcloth - cloth ashes , pentlnenco nnd fasting la ti drear ) memory of the past Purple curtains nro withdrawn , the sliver lining shoeing Caster nnd springtime , an united Inspiration for happiness that will bond the thoughts of tlio young wool gathci- Ingtodav during the set vices In the llowcr- triiiimcdihuifhcs OTho glad tidings are rung fiom the bells of Castor lilies. The sombreness of the pnst forty days gives way to the intoxication of sunshine and uni versal blithesome-ness AH ft pause In the elioli'H glad liosaniiiis , the note of a tobin ruflles the Htillncss , and the wide-eyed mai den with the scent of roses , violets ami lilies In her nostiils ami her lungs full of the sweet ulr of springtime hears the sound with a trem ble of delight It holds u promise of summer and sweet- hearting In green Holds , under blanches pink with bloom Slio falily smells the i lover , when the slanting of her bonnet and the touch of its overgiowth of pi city hedgciow posies brings her back to the now time and the solemn euviiounicnt ot thoihuiih She inbs the sunshine fiom her ey s , sees the garlanded chancel-i-ail , hears the beautiful ntoty In the piiast'H earnest volco mid from the open door of her overcharged heait pours u llood of thanksgiving for Caster , for bpiing- * . tlmoand the manifold sweets of life and liv ing. For the ptstwcek the stores of Omaha have been orouded. Itainy weather , cloudy days and tlio numerous other little drawbaolw of early spiing have been no ob stacle to the ladies. Tlio sheets have been lined daily with bright , vivacious , Joyous women The stoics have been crow tied w ith the thousands whoso wants seemed almost Inmimorablo. Immense display advcitlse- Bb B incuts In Till' DIM : have been read with as V I much caio as the most interesting and latest French novel Husbands have ben impor B tuned and their pockets di allied by loving m I wives nnd afTcctionato daughters All this I commotion has hi on caused by tlio nppioach 1 of spring , tlie pi lied when ladies , like buds , I dusiie to apieai | in their new plumage As B I ono walks the streets , about all that is heaul B I are Mich woids as "fashionable" "verj boB - B I comln" ' lovoof a bonnet , " niidsoon. B L It is tin old English custom , and ono still in tfjBBIVogue In this eountiy , for ladies to appear in B B * their new spiing nttiro on E.ustcr Sunday. B B B The season is now at hand , and for the cdill- f ration of the lady traders of Tun BLI , the I B follow ing facts have been gleaned. W i > if-s : MVTI itnr , . B I Iltmiettas , biilliantincs , combination suits , B ,1 Batin rave , camtletto and beige goods aio tlio ! spring fabiics taking the lead , and with a few surah silks compiiso about all the qualities tlio ladles have to select fiom. Tlio piev ailing colors are heliotrope , gray nnd old io.O foi stieet weal , with silver , drab and old junk and v.uious shades of cameo for ening dress. Combination suits in tapestry effects , made of bunih twillnnd inmclctto finish , are ton- Bldeiedveij choice and dcsiiable for u bist go\vn , nnd all who can altord either has or In tends put chasing ono ( Aiitielette and beige goods with stiipes mid plaids to linish aio veij stjlish and wuio never mote di sit able than thoj me todaj. Suralis in plain i olors aio not iio\v lonsid- eied among the leading goods The most cle- Hlinblt1 silk weaves me the pean do sine and faille I1 ! am also in solid inlois with tiim- inings of I'eisiaii elTects Another fiuoiito but expensive ttimming is the tumuro gtouiid with uiist'il vehet tlguies Among the novelty silks mo plaid mid filliped small sKuts with solt wool over dresses 1'eeiiliaily adjusted jacket fronts and com plicated bodiies , ilt.ipeni's and plastions , ap pear on man ) of the newest spiing VMilkmg costumes Now that "second mom ning" is no longer practiced bj the bon tofi heliottope can bo used w ith pi em let v on all occ aslons. In fiu t , it is thc'iishcil tins bcason as the leading color. Arrascno embi-oideiy nnd tibbonarousedon Greelan house dresses mid boudoir robes of Turkish ( ipilunoro There is vei ) little c'lmngo in the stjio of tlio gons for hpi ing w ear from these used last winter I'linusso dresses with Greek drapeues are iiiito | lit vogue , nUhougli not to the exclusion of the empiio gown for evening nnd tlio dlii'itoho lOsttimo for visit- Jting , leceptlon and the street , provid- ii „ the 101 sago is elegant in Its line nnd peife-ctlv lilted Theio is li.udly a bhapo that can bo devised and worn that I would appear out of fashion , so v.ttild , and so I opposite in si ) lo and effect are the medl ) of I bodiies now wotn ll Ingenuitv Is stilHit vvoik creating new and L. odd eflntH lor sleeves both long and shoit , te full and mil row .BBBBr * " AN laps for dtessy uses aio small , 01 mite. -T nnd include lliliu mantles , polemics of all I foims , and Vandyke1 , liroton and Sjilan 1 poasiint capes So vaiiahlo mo the stvles of the present that no lad ) can dtess "out of fashion" There seems to bo mi inteinnl revolution in the at tin mode which makes the fashion change1 bo rapid ! v that to describe the "most fashionable'1 stvle Is but to resoit to iiarady Cloth gowns elaborately adoined with eth- biiideiles in ent velvet , fi allied in shaded ellks me quite stjlish mid rank among the prettiest of the season foi both niotning wear und theater pit ties CSiei n is tlio i ago for plain cloaks but faro' should be taken lit making the solee lion as many of the green shades fade U is also tting lo veiy nuiny complexions Lincoln green Is piuhabl ) the shitdo best suited to the inaoiit ] ) of women , but the blighter shades require , to bo becoming , a poifect complexion unit a cet tain t ) po of mlor. Some new designs of light cloths forspiinp w cat consist of plaids blended In verv'neu tral tints The ofleetof this Is that while It Is readily been theio nro moro than one color the outline ) of the plaid is not at all decided. STUHIt TIIIM.MIMIS. AH the fabiics have boon provided with i ) i pie selections of stiltablo tiiiiimlngs. 'Uoullen m l i otlon features have been iiliKo t nnsuluiiHl and it is only left to the w earer to belei t what site diems most apprumlate Cm- liroivli > i-\ , bialdehet , libbon , bilk , gold and jit piis-iim ntciies iu\ ) among the most lav olid Those' gamiturcs should be Uictl on both iotton and wool goods whieh becm be1 * ! bulled to the colot and st ) lo of tlio pument. Vine hue shows to poor advantage * when placed in the pu'M'iit fabhlonablo position , in it iicifittl ) Hat fashion or on the edge ot it bKiit It had better bo rather course than too line lliiml-uuik Is consldei-od paitie'iilailv do- Mitiblo just now Smocking has to be done by hand lllouses ute theioforo most stlisli \\lientilinineii with Hiiiixkliig A blousoof Mirah silk is unit tide when the smocking Is done w Ith either white or black silk. Tiim jour gingham skltts with from live lo nine nws of white braid. This used to bo done IHVIHISO thuy vsow moi-o readilj v\iibliod. lo It noIxAauso it is fashionable. ' Velvet libbon in silk is a popular st\lo for ornamenting alpaca lor street or tiiiv I'llncj purixJies ' The favotlte oinamentatlon on all silken fubrtea are velvet , passomenteiie > s and hue It Is In accord with good t.tsto to either use thcHo ttlmmlngs or leave the div sunadorned , uiTonhiiL ; to the det-iiv of the o\v nor. sriu.Mi faster sor\ Ices vv 111 IKS enjoyed by many in their now spring bonnets. The vat let ) this \ -season U larKcr than It has been for some years tnuk. ! No one style ha.s an exclusive I run. There Is the largo ( hit , hnt , the toque , ' the small nnultsh round hat nnd the ( lower bonnet Kach hns Itsndmlirrs nnd patrons , and each will bo liberally represented today The dccoratloiH nro as varied iw the shrtixw. Flowers , ribbnm , gilt Jaceaund bmhfs and u few fcnthers tend to make up the ornamenta tion. tion.Tho principal colors nro nil bright , light blue , buttercup , yellow and the various hues of the pansy being among the favorite shades. In order lo mnko these bright hues wearable w ith an v sluido of dress , they nro blended with vaiiouS other colors , the blind ing generally being rosettes of ribbons Thus u hat of buttercups Vith various shades of leaves would have the brilliant eltcct neutral- l/eil by crushing the flowers iu rosettes of ribbons to agree with the color of the leaves Toques made of plaids nro very fashionable. riowcrsof all kind * nro the rage. Spring buds , however , have the precedence nnd cei- tainly seem moie sciHonublo. Man.v'of the Hewer bonnets have no crowns save those foi moil by the How en. Sprujs of mignonette itlako a very pretty crow n for ft spi ing hat Ties of Roldtm brown v elvet form a pretty contract w ith the given of the How era. There Is a tendency to make the small oval- shai > ed bonnet almost pointed In front. This necessitates their being wotn a little fuither over the face Narrow ribbon for tics is the more suitable and at the same time more fashionable It Is more becoming and more readily tied ne-itly Middy hats are tiow worn by children nnd young glils. Brims of the laigo hats are narrow at the back , but assume prodigious propoitlons In fiont Vcij often the hat is cut open In u V- shapcd outline and this is ill led in as the wearer desires. _ ] _ Orclmnl Hill Whist. The Oi chard Hill whist club met Tuesday evening at the residence of C L Bla/cron Majno street and had n gieat time as It al ways does. After a protracted and cxticmcly lively contest the honors and prbcs wore carried off by airs. II D. Ncely nnd Mr. liu- gene Thompson. The other prizes which all try so hard to keep fiom getting wcio taken bvMrs G II Webster and Mr. C L. Bla/er. Mi's IJla/er then proceeded to see that no one wi'iit away hungrj uud succeeded in capital .btjle Owing to several of the regular inem- tyers l > eing kept at homo by sickness there was quite a number of new faces present The following were pi cscnt. Mi and Mi's L J1 Weeks , Mi and Mrs ir ) Uailev.Mr. and Mis H U Pel feet , Mr and Mrs G H Web ster , Mr nnd Mrs. A IJ Caipenter , Mr and Mrs W A Austin , Mr and Mrs Ostrom , Mr and Mrs Powell. Mrs H IJ. Cot-veil , Mrs 11. D Koclv , Miss Jones , Miss Mctjom- bur , Mr IJullaid , Mr. Walker , Mr. Auiold and Mr Eugene Thompson. Kivo Vnrty. A pleasant high live jiarty was given by Mr. and Mrs Oiberbon at th6lr home , 210.1 Douglas street , Thursdaj evening The guests w ore United States Distt let Attorney Baker and wife , Mr. and Mrs. Zcverloy of Council Bluffs , Mr and Mis W. I. Hawks , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pieston , Mr and Mrs. A. W. Shaw , Mr. and Mrs , Valentine , Mr. and Mi's. Sihreivor , Miss Nettie H.iwlev , MissMaitiy , Messrs. W II Bisbee , James B. Blown , II. S Kenal , II Gallagher , and Master Willie Kingman Mrs. J E. Pieston and Mi Baker were the successful competitors for the Hist pnres , while Mrs Hawks and Mrs. Bisbeo w ere consoled with the boob ) piues. New iniin-Ncu num. A brilliant wedding took plai o last Sunday night at Geinmnia hall , the contiacting par ties being Mr Moms Newman , the well know ngiocc'iy man , and Miss Faniiio New man. man.The The hall was well filled with friends , who wished the couple happiness tin ouch life Thuceicmoiiv was pel lot mod by Kabbi Ben son The hi idc was attended by the Misses Esther , Beith.i , Lena and Hose Newman After congratulations n splendid supper was served m the bmquet hall and every thing tempting to the ejo and pleasant to the palate was seived lavishly. Toasts followed the supper and the ov ening passed most en- j o ) a bly . Pliinu Heoitnl. Madame Unentefering assisted by her scholars will give the follow mgo musical on next Wednesday : Qti irtolto , Tnu pianos , Indian , Slnrcli T/Af- rlciilno . Me ) 1 1 beer t ] ) luno , Mine rni'iitefi ilnr. ( JKn ! l/o e. Second piano. MNs hee Vllss Mu liane. Mliinctto and I'liiale 1 10111 1'antasl i ! so. > . . * . . . . .bclmbert Mine Unc'iitoft ilntf Duo T.'ctolUuIn Nnul , linpun Iillon ICall.ik Miss Msi ( | me , M idanio UiieiitefciliiK. Ilallade , No I . Chopin M ichiim rnentufeiln , Duo , March Tihiinlial | ) Ooss.i I'libt ) , Ml-s Vlil'ii nhcc'oiul nlauo , JINs IMttllct. r.iiitassln Shier Ke. o,2 | Selininaiin IM.iil.iiui ! I in ntifi i In , ; . Qua i let to , 11 tin 4111 1 in 1) ) inccs , o1,2,1 lli.iluns 1'lrst iilnno , Mud , inio fiicnlcfi iln , MI - > Vlc- l/'iuai ) , becond piano. Miss .Miss heo. Tivent-tlireo YCIIIH of AVedded JilCe. Last Tiiday was the twenty thitd nuni- voisary of the maiihigoof Dr. andMi-s John Williams. The congregation ot the Ccntial United Presbjtoiiim chinch being nppiised of the fact planned and executed u pleasant biiipitbo upon their woithy pastorund his v\ito. About ono bundled fuends mot at the paiijoiiago Friday evening and passed the evening in n social w.i ) . Dining the evening Judge McCulloch in a neat little speech pre sented substantial congratulation in the form of a bag of gold somowheio near 8100. Davlilson-Mllic. George A. Davidson , ono of the most popu lar men on the Long Pine & Whitewood i ail- way pobtolllce , w as mauled Thursday toMiss Dora Lillio.n well known and highly esteemed teacher In the I Initiuan school of this city. Tlio o\ cut oceui red at the homo of the budo's parents in Tekamah. They have gone to Chi c-age fora brief visit Their ft lends will llnd them at home Momla ) ev ening at HViJ Center street. The King's ' Daughters of Windsor Plnco held their Hrst fair and enteitainmcnt last night and the Hesldence of lion. C. L. Chaf- lln , AVindsor Place. Althougli the weather w as against them hirse company had gathered The ) netted some $ y. > , w hlch they w ill donate to the Noith Dakota sufterers , Double Wedding. A double wedding was celebrated at axn Slieiman avenue Filduy evening , Apul 1. Key. Clmtles W buvugo olllciutlng. The iontnietlng parties w ere Shelton II. Fisher and Miss Joe Fhby , and Lucietius D Black- v\ood und Miss Emma Neilson The patties v111 make their hoimis in this city. Society Gossip. Mrs. Frank Colpotzor Is visiting In Chi cago. cago.Mr Mr and Miss Ogden are domiciled In their now homo. Mrs G J Hunt left on Manday for a visit in Baltimore. Mrs Bell ( neo Lowe ) U the guest of Gen eral and Mrs Low o. Key C S Withorspoon and family have gone to Butliiigton , la Mr and Mrs John Wilbur have relumed flinn their wedding Joiunoy. All's A. Calm enteitnincd the "KafToo Klatsch" on Thiirsda ) attowioon. Mr nnd Mrs Choiles Turner are in their now homo on West Vuimini stioet. Miss Muigurot Cook will cnteitaln her fnends at cards mt Wednesday evening The mana omont of the Cotillon are plan ning to given subscription ball uuTuobdu ) , the hth Miss Daisy Doaiw mid Miss. Ejully Wuko- loy are bpendlng their Eojtor hollda)3 in Boston. Miss Etta Wilson Broughton Is visiting her sister , Mrs. Wijnvis fci\vlt ler , St , Mut's uvenuo. The engagement of Mr. A B Smith to Miss May Hunting of New ton , l.omcr Fulls , Is an nounced. Miss Sanford has not left for her homo as retried , but la still thoguoatof Mrs. Ueorgo I. Gilbert. Mr nnd Mis Clmiles Tattunaro at homo to their friends tit their now home , 1UJO Geor gia uv enno. Mr nnd Mrs W H Bell , accompanied by MUs Kittle Lowe , will sail for England ou the Hah lust. Mrs Herman ICotiulzo left on Monday for New York to spend the Easter holidays with her daughter and sons Mr and Mrs S. C Beckw'lth of New Vork aiv expected next week to be guests of Mr. nnd Mrs Ernest Hlall. Mrs. Ellen Deal I and her son Morrla , have left the Meirlam Huts nnd returned lo their home on Huundeis stieet. Senator and Mis Chatles F. Mandersou will celebrate their silver wedding Friday , April 11 , In Washington , D. C. , by giving u largo reception. Miss Mlllard , daughter of J H. Mlllnrd , nnd the MIs&cs Iloaglnud , accompanied by one of the teachers of Mrs Giahams school , will salt on the l-'th lust , for a six mouth tour In Europe. Mr. Drake. Mr OfTutt nnd Mr. Barlow , with Miss Clara Brown , Miss Yost and the Misses Hoagland , occupied n box nt Boyd's on Monday evening to enjoy Jueh Theencagomont Is announced In Kansas City of Miss Maty Shcnehon to Mr Stephen Halt of Minneapolis. Miss Shcnehon , who combines beaut ) with gtiico of manner , has visited In Omaha , mid has a score of udinliors among the fiecp.ienters at Lake Mlnnotouka Society , no longer handicapped by the ehuieh s restiU lions during the penitential Interim , will again take up its gn > round of pleasures Balls , receptions and tens will lollow one another In a succession of rivalling beauty until the lassitude of cinlv summer call a poremptor ) halt Dinners wouldscaiceiy out distance in number those that have been given as un olfeiing at the shrluo of Lucullus dmlng lent , not cxuctl ) above the board , but with such luvishiicss of menu ns to transfoiiu the season of fasting to ono of feasting Mrs Longshoie-Potts , the eminent Phila delphia Quakeress , w 111 be an object of much Inteiest to our fashionable circles In Lon don she was the rage for two years , w hllo her iceeptlous In Portland Place woie models ot elegance and wcie attended b ) the most brill iant people of the English capital. The petite Quakeress rivals the wealthiest daughters of fashion in elegant costume's. Of course she believes In dress refoim , but says Injurious dressing can Ixj avoided without Interfering with personal luloinmcnt. noxnv voit , ftii : r.i : s. In proof that it is fashionable to bo healthy vvo have the record that the heroines of lle- tionhavogteatly Impioved In health of late jears , and rarely die so eatly as fonncily. A pioventlve for wrinkles , three centuries old . "Take u couple of calves' feet and boll in liver water until half consumed , u pound of lice , nnd boil with ciumbs of Hue bread , two pounds of fiosh butter and the whites of ten tresh eggs " ' The ) oung ladles of Bath , England , now glv o n geiman and Inv ito no gentlemen Patt of them take the gentlemen's place , being dressed in black , with white shittftont , high collar , and w like necktie Odds urooilored that theie will be vci ) few given. Fiench society women have inv entod. to bridge the gup between luncheon and 5 o'clock tea , an enteitainmcnt which they call the "J o'clock , " and at w hich distinguished snipers and actors nro welcomed us guests without being expected to sing or net. Women iu riding toggeiy nro now so familiar in up town streets , says the New YoikSun , that they no longer attrnc t atten tion. Some of them do not even cato to w car w raps , but w alk nonchalantly along clad only in their tight-fitting cloth habits , vaintshed boots and high hats. At Huntiiigton , W. Vn . n ) oung man w ho had eseoited a ) oung lad ) to the theater fell a sad victim to the pernicious habit of fomg out between the nets. About the second time he went out to see a man his fair companion .nose , invited a mend to accompany her homo and gnicefull.v retiree ! It is cv ei ) where the fashion in thcso dus to cover all small funcv tables , in pailor , hall or diawing loom. The brilliantly polished mahogany or rosew oed sui faces w Inch w ere the delight of out grandmothers and a test of Hood or indlflcient housekeeping , are eaie- lully.hldden from view now. The paiasols and funs this season will bo more fascinating than oor. . Can you fancy a pictt ) blonde looking out fiom under a white moiieinto which are insetted hugo buttOi- llics in point duchesse and n w Into bolder of the same luce , or black eyes flashing out fiom under a him k tulle whoso cv ety lib is maikcd by n trail of w Into lilacs I A Now Yoilc lecturer told an audience of ladies : "Tho woman who takes her sponge buth evety inonihig the v\orst kind of a bath b ) the way Isnovei icull ) clean. There is a deposit on the skin that must bo taken off with a tough towel , with nn occasional Tut- kish bath or some kind of exetciso that will c auso profuse perspiration , and after It vig- oious massage nibbing that shall remove the scut f skin. " The Pioplnnmi is thc-clastie appellation of a feminine association tit Indianapolis , Ind , which , tt inslatid into Bostonese , means "an attempt to appioaelK the higher eultme " The Piomhi'um was the mime of the gate thimiKlnt Inch w as nppioitihi d the Aciopcihs of Athens , but the Indijiilu '" is a woman's stock eomp in ) , w uoso pin pose it is to build a handsome club house for the use of women's dubs and othei'otganuations Ac ( oulion p'nited ' sknfs aio still well woui either in plain or boideied materials ; also bti .light full skills of net or ciepe , with tows of mono or other iibbon ns a bolder A black net skit t of this make over small or mono is a good investment for goneial after noon wear for the coming season , ns its popu lar it ) is still apparent , midiutvthiiigin gowns or wiaps that is once well in fashion is rarely quite displ ired bcfote it bus run through two or tin co seasons nt least. The Fiench maiden is told to never lift her eves above the second shitt stud Of the gen tleman to whom she is listening This sort of shjuess entertains n mini for one or two occasions ; after that or after ho has com pelled her C ) es to meet his it boies him Ho likes better the frank , honest , direct gn/o of the American gnl , sas Ella Wheeler Will o\ ; but the unblushing stino ot tboHlitution-in- vituig belle is not to his liking , although ho may respond to it for the bake of advcn- tuto. tuto.A A ptettv fashion pi avails just now of wenr- ing .1 gutceful little Fienih toque of velvet , utsodu Ljreen being a favorite color , the fiont of which is ndoined with n full uliriettcof line gieen fuliuge Maiden-hair luin in shaded tints of velvet is much used In these aigicttcs The slender Him spia.vs stand erect , and into the heat t of the cluster aio vnuousl ) placed two or tlnco pale-pink loses , u small cluster of v lolets , a few hi ight lobe lia blossoms , uhvacinth spt-.i ) or some blight daffodils. The newel's aio K Letters oi'Ctedlt. By far the most important ptopunitton for tourists , osjii'ohiHy for these v\ho nio not familiar with continental truvolinf * , anil the Iluiopotiu lan nn ns ; is to pio- vide for ilr.ivvini ? what cash thoj' may require , in the nionoy of the country * tlui ) may visit. Ono of the most vo\- atunis doln.vs l-i the iK > rplo.\iii7 ! eiilenlii- tions whieh the Amoriciin tunolor is compelled to make , in eider to nse'cut.iin the vulno in American nionoy , of { | ul- noas , niarkh , francs , jw-os , pounds fator- llnt ; , rubles or milrois. The Omaha National bank people huvo a ilopartmont devoted espc-chillj to this hiislnossaml hiivo so thoroughly reorgnn- i/ed tlieir sstom that all pos-iiblo im- in'ovomi'iitfl in loiters of credit have been adopted by them. Largo capital and jouirt of euxporiunco onuhlo thiw bank to jjho iiniplo hc'curity und ontlro n.itisfac- tion to tho-o who fiirr ) tlioir lottois of eiedlt. No tr.rvolor in tourist c-aii thor- oughl.v enjoy hib trip without tlio iihsur- anco that ho can place hnplleitu contl- ilenco and rolmnco in tlio foioign cori-o- bpondents of Ills hanker , for they fio- qnontlj act the part of ' guide , ] ilillos- opher tint ] Itlund , " ntul rondur ( mueli oitonur tlian ia gonorall ) ruali/'ud ) giutl- tioiH sorvlcos v\ hen the minlotur or con sul "cannot t-eo Ills vvny to inteife-io with out tllioct iustriiutioiirf from the slnto ilepaitmont nt Washington. " Yon iMii huvo no hotter eompttgnon do voyage when you travel than u lottoi of ciudlt fiom the Oiniihu National bank. Infoinmtlon In regard to all mattoiH ap- poitaining lo letters of credit will l > o che-Qi fully giv on on inquiry lit the bank. . . - Gtioltcrt & .McDonald , THE TA1LOU = J , ' ' Are showing the choicest lines In Im ported spring woolens for eontlomoli'tt wearovor brought to Oinuha. U15 S. loth st. Uosa. the flveearold - ) - daughter of Peter Gees , died ) Cbtenltt ) The funeral will occur tomoirow- from the famll ) rvsldenco oti ThlrtHibt street uud Gooa uvcuue. IN THE POSTAL-TELEGRAPH , tr-d ! ' i People All Over the Country Are Becoming luterestcjl , „ POINTERS FOR MR , " WANAMAKER. nun OperatorH FlitiiNliing Information Mr. Hell's Sotiiul tyu.s'fness Methods Ciilllvatloii bTi American Silk KAMIIC'IN''Alliance. ' Wiiir IVOTOV , April 3. taft Corre < ? ponil- cnce of Tin : Bi.r. It Would appear from communications being received at the post' ' olllce depaitment.that the people throughout the countiy are considerably stilted up over the postal telegraph question. Tlio post master general is In receipt of scores ot letters - tors evciy day from not only the business men , but the common people , who cndoiso his proposition for n limited postal telegraph ser vice They say It will cost practically nothing to make the experiment , nnd If it proves to be a failure no one , unless it bo the monopolists. . Will bo Injured. Mr. Wanamaker receives a gieat many let- lei's from tele-graph operators giing the prac tical side of the question. Ills attention has been called to the fact that the w lies now In existence nio jery infeilorto those which were in use before the absorption of the Baltimore & Ohio , mid before the onlyiival to the gteat telegraph corpoiutlon was wiped out of existence. The operators report that since the Baltimoio & Ohio was extinguished , the great telegraph corporation la indifferent ns to its lines , not having an ) thing to spur it up to supct lot ity. When theie is heav ) \ \ cathet er stotms sweep over the countiy the tele graph set vice is piostiatcd now , whereas a few j ears ago telegrams could bo going over the cotintt ) In some kind of shape In almost any kind ot weather and In almost nil emer gencies. There have been great improve ments made in the telegraph M stems ilnt Ing the post four or live ) ears , but it appeal's that none of these uav o been taken advantage of by tlio telegraph col poration The reason Is obvious Theio is no nccessit ) fora cot poia- tlou which occupies the lie-Id mid bus a monopoly to spent ! its mtJnev iu the way of impiovemcnts. All business must go into the hands of this company an ) vvav. The ptoposition of Mi Wamunaker is told in a sentence. It is for the gov eminent to give all of its facilities in the way of w Ires and buildings and the ' use of the'postofllec sei \ ice for telegraph pur poses , and to receive bids fiom piivntc par- tics who wish to accept these lacilities and furnish the govetnment and the people with a tclegiaph service w ith IKud schedule pi ices , which must be fiO per cent lower than the tai-ilt chatged at piesent. There is no donbt that a private corporation totild lease the wires now held by existing companies or build new lines , and with the lacilities which the gov eminent can nffoul produce a telegraph service at one-half the piesent rates , which would bocquall ) as satlsfactoiy. It is pro posed to deliver telegrams thiotigh the mails the same as Icttcis whe-ie tlicie ts no lush or- doicd , and w hero Immediate deliver ) is 10- qimcd to fiunish it by ! 'special deliveiy btariips The contuut can bo given for a potlod of either ten , llftcen or twenty jearb , and if tlio sen ice should not piovo satisfac tory to the people or the gov eminent tlio con- trtiot can then be pc'tiulUod to go b ) default Among the persons w ho littv e bho\\ the greatest interest in -proposition aio the Knights of Labor and the newspaper pub lishers In the countiy districts Heavy nat ions of the wires can got such laigo i educ tions iu rates that they are natutally indiffer ent to a lat go degree. 'The small dadv news papers wanting a pt ess vcpoit , uic showing gieat interest. They know that they could get a cheaper telcginphlu sot vice , wheieits at present it is impossible Undoubtedly postal telegraphy has made greater advances under Mr. Wanamaker than cvot < before. Whether that officer succeeds In accomplishing postal telegraphy or not , bo vvill-hav e given it buch an impetus that the agitation will go forwatd to a teunmation nt a day not far distant. * Members of the house who have business with the postoflko department aio unanimous in their praise of Postmaster General maket's selection of a supetintendent of the ralwav mail seivico. Mr. J. Low no Bell , who lills this position now , is a thorough business man who fully appreciates the im- poitauee ot ovet ) improvement whiihcan posstbl ) be made looking to the e.uller de liv oi ) of letters He1 never penults a sug gebtion , even of tlio most tin nil chaiactt r , to leinain unheeded , mid is ulwu.vs willing to examine i.ueftill ) into any suggestion which maS bo offeicd haing this object in view Some few w ceks ago , for instance , a mem ber hvmg in cential New Yoik called his at tention to n plan which might bo inaugurated and which promised tlie earlier deliv ei ) of the lettcTb mailed in Washington nddiessed to this p uticular membci's b.uliwii'k Mr. Bull at once saw the fotco of the suggestion and made an examination into the chances for can ) ing it into elleet. Ho discovered that bv extending the railway mail loutes ov er about n mile of railroad thiough Phila delphia connection might bo made Ho nt once otdetcd thU done , and the result w ill bo a gain of almost ono day in the time tequired to can ) a letter liom Washington to points reached on the line of the Lchigh Vnllej 10 id. This Is onlv a sample of the manner in w lileh the pi cscnt superintendent of the railway mail set \ no conducts bis ofllco Throughout the west Mr Bell has con stantly tried to give better mail facilities to tlio new tows , and besides this ho is peifeet- ing u plan for the distubution of mail matter on the tiains running into laigo cities , bv the postal t lei Ivs , which will save fiom thiit ) minutes to two hours In the nssottlng and deliver ) of letters to the pnntiiul business ccntciof tlio countiy. Mr. BoUjiccepted the position of superintendnt of the iitihva ) mail sei\icoat a financial sactillce to him self , but he has made- teputation among business men in all patts of the countiy foi eflldency In the mail seiviie , whiih is In shaip contrast to tlu > reputation secured by the gentlemen who preceded him , the railway mail sciv ice of the countiy being so delh lent as to lead a majority of the business men hav ing commeicial packages for transmission to use tlio express companies' facilities. The cultivation of American silk promises to become an industry of no inconsiderable Impoitamo within a v cry few ) ears It is less than live ) ears sinee the agricultural do- piitment poifeetdl a plant to experiment in bilk culture and slid wanding , and ten ) cais ago silk w 01 ins weio almost unknown in the United States But within tlio past v ear oi tvo the demands for silk wet m eggs has glow n enotmously , and the agricultural depaitment is prepared tofcond out a gieat many millions of these-lltflo dots during the piesent spiing. Anvladjuvho caies to tiy her hand ut raising raw'slHc ' , and who has u huppl ) of osage orange , uudborr.v or other Icavci upon width tlfqiifepits feed near her home' , may enter qultej | i profitable business by applying to the Hecrutaiy of agriculture for the raw mateiud in the shape of a few grains of sllk-woun eggs1' " Full institit tlons upon the iiiltivation at uitjhvonus are sent to upplliants , and fin they J-UjfU this the doiutt- nu'iit Imjb at Limviit nmtet ( prices all the in the hist diue . , iu the house dining-tliqsamo period in the ( list .session of the last cungiess About two-thiids of the bills Introduced are ol a private mitmo .nHd a majority are private pension bills it is Hkol ) that the lushing wotk of Connni&Moncr Hmim and his Intention to adjudicate all pension claims wltnin the next eight months Is ono of the explanations of the decieaso In pension bills People of the conntr ) have begun to under stand thiu the lucre Intioduc'tlon of n bill In congress amounts to very little ; that any body can Imv o any senator or member Intro duce any kind of a icspectublo bill by merely asking him to do it , nnd that the leal favor Is In the senator or member pushing the bill to n nmility. The men who talk the most In either branch of con gress nro these who seem o the adoption of the smallest number of bills The real suc cess in legislation lies in committee and Indl- v Iduul work and not in oratory Theto weio nbout l.lOix > bills Introduced ill congress dur ing the last tongtesii , which was an Increase over the pivv ions congress but there vv ill bo more legislation ut the hands of this cougrcs4 by vlittio of a decrcaso In number of measures proposed. It will take but a fexv months of time for the farmer * throughout the countr ) to under stand that politicians have secured absolute control of their organisation known as the f miners' alliance und then the1 political woik of the organization will begin to decieusc rrom letters iciclved by men In congress , written by democratic and republi can politicians , who have nothing but sjwlls In view , It Is readily ien heie that the active woik being done In the farmers' alliance IB led bv man ) bi often-down politicians from the various parties If the faimcrV alliance would out ) routine' itself to Its poisonal Inter ests aside from politics It could undoubtedly intliienco legislation its well as the commercial Interests of the eotinti.v , but when It goes Into ofllce-seeklng and permits Itself to bo led by professional politicians , It at once puts Itself to great dlsaitv antiige. H Is believed that tfio * logMatU o customs bill which pissed congiess some time ago will ha\i > the effect of completely destroying thopiacticoof undetvaluatton and have the effect of luigclv inctcaslng levenues to the government without an Increase of price to i oiisuiueis. Undoubtedly the monopolistic impoitcrsnt the eastern ami westein sea- boauls have grown rich off of their underval uations It has been an eas ) matter to secure a false bill of sale for nicichiints abroad w h'Miev er Anict lean purchasers bought goods for expoition to this country Many Ameri cans have bought their clothing ready made In London and elsewheio with the distinct uudetstiinding that the goods should bo valued as much lower than the real cost price as the custom duties aggregated , which simply amounted to a fice expoitatlon to this countiy For instance , if u suit of clothes was purchased in London nt ? . ' ( ) and the duty was J8 , the London tailor valued the goods at $ l'j and the American putchaser , It will bo seen , secured his clothes at the same price which he would have to pay werehe In Lon don , w ith only the expicss chaiges added. This uudei valuation bill will cut oil all this kind of business and the change fiom ad viiloiom to specitlc duty nnd vice versa , in the taiin will add still fuither safeguards against uttdcivaluation in the futme Pi nut S HEVTII , . .i.vTIII : Dii i.v.i. The tin eo night's engagement of Miss Muno Walnw light In "Twelfth Night , " whieh opens at BocVs opera house tomoirovv should prov o to bo one of the most important ami delightful events of the season Ftoni all the nc counts of the ablest critics , intend ing visitors may bo n smed that no such ex quisite sceuciy and di esses have over before been seen heio in a legitimate play. In New Yotk nnd all the hngest cities of the east this has won universal praise as being the llnest setting ever given ton Shakespearean com edy. To those who aio nitercbted in such matteis it ma ) beef of inteiest that the picsentation includes eleven scenes , mid that these , to gether with the costumes , fmnituio and "piopctties , " were designed by the dis tinguished nichst'ologtst , E. Hamilton Bell who also designed "GtUtelon" and "Antony nnd Cleopttm. " The bcenle * aitists weio Chatles Giahuni of Hmpei's , Phillip I'oatchcr and Gaspnnl Muciter The cos tumes w ere supplied b ) the 1'av or costume eompait ) and ( jhailes Ilnvvtlioin ThobO womb ) Miss Walnw light nro sudtobo ten - n a kablv beautiful and becoming , nnd the Phil ulelphla Inquiier s.dd that as the page- she w.ib "a dicam of beaut ) " Tlio por- soujhtv of Viol t is tmo of the most sweet. sinpithetic and truly wonianl ) of nil SlinUespeaie's heiomes and Miss W.un- wnght s lonception and rcndenng of this dilllcult chainctei met with higher and more gcneittl lommendation than am other inevious iieiaomitions Hct music il voice and i > ei feet elocution , of course , set ye her hero uselsowheie , while herdolictte aittstuc sense adds to the well known character of Viola the chaim of an original conception. "A Soap Bubble" is nt the Giand tonight. It is also the benefit of the popular manager , I. W Miner. The Giand will undoubtedly be picked A huge number of tickets have been sold at omul town and the boxes me ncatl ) nil sold so that those contemplating attending tonight's peiformanto should so- cmo seats at oueo and avoid the inevitable tush i\t \ the door. The nitration , "A Soap Bubble , " lb one of the best musical comedies on the load Chatles Jeiomo still does the detective. Aithur Dunn , the clever little comedian who has just closed a successful en gagement with the Chicago pioduction of Bluebcaid jr , is with this compmv. Miss Dollio Poster mid Miss Julia Mackey , the famous couttalto , ate been to advantage A numbei of new songs , specialties and diineos nieintioditccd The popular manager will smclv have a big house inoudingtho weather tb lavoiable. The engacemcnt of Mr and Mis Kendall inthtscitv is now annonnced These London iuon'os have made u tour of the countiy and have ev ei \ w hei e boon i ec etv ed b ) hit go , fashionable and appicclatlve ntidlenie-i The ) havesteulih glow n in poiiulaiitv mid their aitistie pet foi mam es have developed a ihuini not common to the stage nowadavs. Mr and Mrs Kendall nnd their companv aie to appeal in an excellent gioup of new pla.vs , the mo giammii being thus miaugcd Thursilny , Apul IT , "ASctap of Paper , " Fncla ) evening and Saturda ) matinee "Tho Tionmastei , " and for the fin ow ell peifoiinanco on Satin day night , "Tlio Queen's Shilling. " Tlitir-iday ening next Ainu M Long- shoie-Potts , M D , will deliver at Bod's opeiahousu her celebrated leettne on hy giene , ph.vslology midiiotltli Both sexes will be admitted Fild.iy nt S o'clock the eiuineiit doctor w ill deliv er alectutetow omen onlv These two initial lectures will bo lieo Anna M Longslune Potts is a numohunwn toevei ) Philndelphnin. Slio gaadimted fiom the woman s medical college theie at the commencement of the fills She enjoed a high icputation among niuHcnl men even at a time when the nppeai.uiin of a vvoniniiiii thopiofession was view cd with small favor Ten ) CM w ago bhe ( oiumenced dellv ct ing lec tures in her draw ing looms to women only whiih wcic so fnvoinbly leceived that the gentlemen became Inteiested and she deliv - eied a seties of let tines to them also Slio has hitch been scot nig niugnlllient successes in Chicago .mil bt Louis The popularity of the Japanese village at the I'den Mnsee and the man ) icqucits from p.itions of the jMipular Uiniil ) tcsoit has In duced Manager Lavvler to coiitinuo this cx- pensive iittiintiun one week lunger This will bo the last onpoitnnlty for seeing this intetesting and instiiutho cnteituinmcnt , and special lacilities vvill ho piovidcd for the ciowds that come , Holland's edm nted goats will be a gieat featmo foi the coming week. The stage shows will be the best ever given ut the Kdcn Musec TwentyexeclhiitatUsts v\ill appear Ciuhoftho so\eu dcpaitments " featmcs and alto- will pii"-ent pleasing , - gt thi'i It will be u vet liable dollar show for a dime _ _ Calil'oi iiin i\iuisloiis. ; I'ul'man ' tourist bleopinn ear o.xcnr- bions to ( 'alifoiiiin and 1'iunllc co.tst potnta lenvo CliieiiKO oory Thursilny , ICniisiis City every fuday via tlio biintii l''o loulo. Ticket rate fiom ChlCngo jIT-GU , fiom biou.x. City , Onmlm , Liiicon or Iviuisns ( Jity $ .ij , blcopintf car into fiom Chicago ? l per donblo beitli , ftom KansiiH L'itj $ ,1 per cloublo beilh. I'.vorj thinjj furnioheil oxcojit meaU. Thcso oxciirsioiw nio personally cuntluc'tc'd by ox poi eNcnrsion munii ina wno aeiompany jiaitii-s to dc'slinittion. Foi oNUurdlou folder eon- Inining : full piuliculurn and map folder and time lablo of tlio S.inta 1 o lento anil ro-urv liur ot blgonlntf cm beiths , Illlll0-s ( b. M. OagOOll , { C'lU'lul Ute > Ilt , I * . L. 1'almur , tiavoliii n ont , A. T. & S. F. mill ontl , 1.J08 Fiunuin otreot , Omnlin , or .I.YMIS ; hwiooirn1. One ol'Oinnlin'H Olilcst Pi Inters Slid- ilitiily 1'assuH Avvay. .Tames L Sw Iggett , one of Omaha's oldest printers , died suddenly at u Farnani stixet lodgitig house ) esterday mointng. Swlggctt has been In this city since 1Mb , and dm Ing that time has w ei ked ns u compositor on all the Omaha papers Ho lias n wealthy brother named Seth M. Kwiggett at Cincinnati Jim was a member of the Omaha Typographical union , and the members of that association w ill hoe that the body Ls given a decent burial Last evening a telegram was received at Tin Bi'fc ollko fiom Situ W Swiggett , the brothel of the deceased , who vvus In Sioux City. The tclerntm read "Is .1 L Swig gett working In onicol Heard ho was dead Answer " An ausw er was at once returned b ) W A. Hunkles , president of the T ) po- graphical union stilting that the report was true , and telling the brother to come at once A delegation of niembersof the union called on Coroner HintIgan and requested him not to hold a post iriortem until after the ntrival of the brother Later in the evening the cor oner was infonncd that the brother would ar rive on the Hrst ttaln , but he said that ho had already ordered a ] ) est moiteni examination , and It had been made accordingly by Pr Me- Mtmlgal The Inquest , hesald , w ouhl be held this morning at 0 o'clock It t Kit. GOOS Atr , p , m , April fi , Hosa , daughter ot Peter and Lena Gees , aged 5 jeMrs mid 10 months. Funeral from residence , South Thirty-sec end street , south of lliitiscoin pirk , Monday at ! i o'clock Pi tends luv lied. 1I'llIt tltV MtTKN. A Sanskrit newsptper ts published nl TIra- mill , Titnjore , wheivn native Journalist is trying the novel experiment of printing a live jinn mil in a dead language The paper con tains the news of the dav In S mskrit dress , poetrv. notes on Hindoo law , dissolutions on the Muhuharuta nnd Jottings on lltemtuie , science , ait and theology The next volume of ' 'Great Writers" will boGooigo Kllot , by Oscar Browning It Is said that William Sharp has undcttakcn to wnto on Browning for this sciies Jules Simon snvs that M Tlneis' career furnishes ground for three histories one end ing with the reign of Louis Philippl , a second ending with the life of M Thiers himself , and a third beginning w ith his death and still far from llnished. Paul do Kemnsat has wiitten the Hrst two , the third tempts M. Simon A memorial to Eli/abeth Battett Browning , In the shape of a tower clock In the principal street , Is about to bo erected at Ledlmiy , at Hope did , near which she resided fromthUd- hood to womanhood , and wrote many of her poems. Gertiudo Fiauklin Athetton , author of "Hoimia Siidam , " has vviittcn nnow book , now in press , "Los Cenitos" Tliescenoot thestof ) Is in central California , the heroine n S.tnlsh-Me\lcnn | ) gnl of the piesent The book Is oveipraised by those iu the secret of its plot and fashioning As It is declined nn antithesis to "Ilemiia biidam , " the writer bus uv nst oppcn limit ) to show better , pmer thought and fur mote aitistie woik. Kdwatd Belluni ) , the Utopian socialist , is diainatl/mg his "Looking Backw.nd. " with his heat t lull of the wish of bringing the public niaier his delightful thcoucs M Gounod , best known to the public as the composer of "Faust , " but the author as well of a vvholo libraiy of music , is a man of intense religious leeltng. Ho has gradually bee pine more and moio ascetic In his habits until ho now lives almAbt the life of a hoi mil , and It is feared that he may deny himself the delight of ftitther musical composition , us too worldly and self-indulgent an cmplo- ment. Anna Katharine Green's latest and best stoi v , "Tlio Foisakcn Inn"has been bioiight out In book foi in bvHobeit Bound's Sons Thoaulhoiossof "The Leavcmvolth Case" has always been considcied extraoulmanlv clever in the constitution of in.Vbtifvingund exciting plots , but in her latest pioduit she has not only eclipsed even herself in her spe cialty , but has combined with her stoiy tell ing gift n fascinating nnxtuio of piictieul Four doll irs n year Ton cents > number AKcnts write for tcrni Tlio Drlhlitot Nntlnnil Weikly I'ablHlieil 51 Coictiruu llullillni ; , Wasliliikloii , I ) C Semi ton ccntu fur ti H iinptu i i ) | > y K V1IJ Hl.LDs' WAHlllNCirON Anew Imk penitent ItOTlc'ir pub Isheit at tlioCinl- tal livery mimliu 1 Uhli Ol' IlUIOIir T1UM5S ( Josslp , Stork" , I'uciiiH I'ii77li's , 1 biiosiiphy , Ni'\v nml ( "iitniiiiMit 1'ubllc Men of ? > iilliimil Hi piilallon nro IiitiTTli-npil I'lihllu guostlons nro Trinled wltli Absolute Imp irtfnllty. KAllJ 1 IllhUS' I Aru brtllhnt ami wlt | } dlic our.ios on timely topics' trc itcd wltbnut four or favoi. TIIK OIllIAT VVl.Sr HAS AN AIIM ! CHAMPION iMtoviiNKN r roxi itinu i otts To tlio columns of Kulo I lelils' VnxlilUKton. . G , < n .ScltonA Vlllcs Miiitorsun irtof Novnclii benaliir Siiiilinof V\ii blnKlnn Scniitiir Cill of I lurlcla sen ator Mcl'lu rsou nf Now IIIHO .Sinalor Dolph of On von , IU li until DuliulH of litnliu , M-nator AlrMlllim ofMlrhlKin Siiniii 11 Anthimj blrVlorell Vliickinrlc , Col llnbirt lnifor"oll t liallen llrulluiKli c.v ( . < ! \ - ornor West ] III'M > l.oOflnln ami I' H Ijimian of Ut ill , 1'ilwnnl Ilelluni ) , tlio Vlpxlc in and llrazlllan niliilstcr.s , \ \ Ihnii II irritt Louisa Dron , A M I'al- mcr , .It nn DiMiipnrt Ijinlir 1 iinny Ihm'iipnrt , riiarli VVynObnm Wllllim H Crinc , laikeuoUiiilln , Da Wolf Hopper stunrt UnbHnii tti tic An I'arly niimlii r will contain nn nrtlclo on tlio die it Slitisof .Ncbnika 1 our clulljri u joir Jen ( tuts a copy New Grand Opera House EASTER SUNDAY , APRIL 6th , riitt tic'iictit of I. W. . . MINRR , On nhluh oc'u.islou the conic'dj success , R Soap Bubble , Will bo pro-wonted. Ie0'iilar ! prices , fro.its on sale SATUUDAY , Al'UII , r. New Grand Opera House 3 NIGHTS HiATMfLwi , . 'I lie latiKliliiK success , A qualltii > s which makes "Tho Forsaken Inn'1 work of such interest that It will uotbolnid dew n by an ImiuMtmtlvo tvader until he has tviu h l the lust line of the last elmptt t The scene of the1 stoi ) Is the Hudson l 'twc-en Albati ) mid Pouuhkeepslc , and the time ts the close of the eighteenth lontui ) In the April Centurv Mr , l < vsoph .TctVciNon continues his autobiography most Inleivst- Ingl ) bv n ehipter ou "Ou.vltig. ' whiih ho discusses In relation to the att of the come dian. and then proceeds to relate how he eunio to play "Hip Van Winkle ' The tiupoi1 Is accompanied Ity tluvopiiKiiixings or the Wiitci In that chaiacler It sei-uis that Ml .lelTerson s ( list nppeatuiuo us Ktp was In the elt ) of Washington and under the ment of ilolin T Uaunoml MC'SSIN Belfonl I huke cominv ] ) ( hi nao , have made at rangement.s for the mibliiation IntwooctUM ) volumes of the Imtili's and Letters of .Sir Motes and Lad ) M.'iiu'llnii- Thi'MC volumes will ( ontaln not oulv the < le ( nils of thecait-c nf the most plmnniltropli IsiiiollttMif modem aues , and hisilistuifnii .ln-d vvife , but In narrating tlu'lr geiieiiuis dis-iN their iniinv tmwls , Ilielt eeasihvs ami mi limited IxMieMilcme and the nnl'hshaiv ' tln-\ took in all that was fet the spu ad of liiiottN and for tlm good of mankind at hugo The Illustrated Ameiiian , In its .niuvut number , publishes a number of oxioiioni pen ami Ink drawings of the Mi I alia en quit ) There seems to bi > no em ] to the wmuli IN of instantaneous photograph ) The Illustrated American Ltlves this week a huge plate show inga projct tile leaving the gun This was iihotogtnphed for this entoi prising join mil In itsna\al couespumlent a stiimdiMii of ivolutiou in Europe , and Is a unionIn < iilent whicli will occasion imichsiientltU reimuk A.MU KMKNTSri. ' Opcra ItOVI ) A 1IAVM.1 Vlnnik'irt Monday , Tiicsdii Wnretf , iy , Apr , 7-8-9 "Tilt : lllthAT MIAKIWI.UI VN in KM1 MARIE WKINWRIGHT In nMnrnlllicMit I'n iluillim "f Twelfth Nio-lit Nine Exquisite Scones. Magnificent Costumes. Gorgeous Furniture. lU'Kiil ir prln L'tiM will lie pul ousjilo ntunl if Baud's ' Opera MoiiSB , Hod and H.i ) lies 'Mami eis. MRS. Longshore Potts , M. D. The Eminent Quakeress Will commence a series of leetuies on Health and Disease Thmsday , ApiillOat8 Witli an address to both sexes. Fiiduy , April 11 , at 3 First lecture to women only BOTH KR.REX Thursday night the best seatb will bo it'M i \ i d foi bulli's and Ihuh CM ot Is ALLLHCTURliSILLULTRATliI ) by a large collection ol anatomical specimens , life sized oil paintings , ' models in wax and papier-macho skeletons , etc. V Opcra Mr. and Mrs. ( OF LONDON. ) An dtheii'Own Company , under the Direction ol Dnniel Fi oh- mnn , will present on Tlmisilay livening , April 17 , "A Scrap of Paper. " Friday Kvenintr , April 18 , Anil Satuiilay Vlatlmo. April IS , " The Ironmaster. " SaliiuKiy Xiul t , Apiil 19 , Faic- \vi'll \ I'L'ifoimancc , "The Queen's ' Shilling" * s O f-alii of i ats butliis Vtomlny April II T TAT ) \ H/rTTOI / h h JLLJL1iVI U OJL/JL/ . Corner nth and Farnam Streets. WEEK OF MONDAY , APRIL 7th. Educated Goats. MiM iimrolous exhibition otbrnto loni'iuiii ; over exhibited. . These won ders have boon taught by kindness , and sooiiiu > j'ly t.tUo dolitflit in their purfor- . ninnco. Last Week of the Japanese Village TWO GREAT STAGE SHOWS. 7 GREAT EXHIBITION DEPARTMEFTS 7 Friday , April Ilth , will be LRD1ES' ' SOUVENIR DAY , Each litdy visitor will on tlitit day , uftornnon or ovennnj. roroivo it h pin holder , elegant in ( Ionian nnd imulo bv tlio One Dime Admits to All. Chairs 5c and lOc. NOTICE OF REMOVAL WILLIAM CUMMINGS PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS , Paints , Oils , Varnishes , Brushes , Etc. Kemoml tool ? and ol ( ) South lotli Street , Omaha.