Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1890, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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E. HQSEWATER , Editor.
Diiltv > ihd Sunday , onu Year 11000
SIV III Illll" K (
Tliri-i'iiii'iilhs J' ' "
Sini'lny lire. Ono War - ! w >
Weekly Iti-o , Onu Vein- I SV
oiimlin. Tin- llciIliillilltiif. .
S. onmlm. t'lirnei- ami " 'IIIi ' Streets.
Criim.'ll IthilK l-JI'i'iirlSiri'ot.
Clilrni.'o ( > lli'e | , . " > ! " The HoohiTy lllllllllnir.
New Yui'H. Itoonis II and l..TrlbumJ llnlldliiR.
Washington , .U'l I'oiirii'etitli street.
CO II Ill's I'ON I ) KNUR ,
All eiiiiiinnnli'iitliins rclallm > to nnw.s and
nl Mill-In I tniillor should bo aildrossod to tlio
Kdllitrl : > l ' .
All buslni'ss li'tlois and ri'inlllancos Hhoilld
lie nilil 11.sfil in Tin- lire I'ulillslilngCompany.
Oniiibu. Iinirts. i-bocUs and postolllri ! ordi'i-s
in Inimitlc iiiiynlilo to thu order of thu C'om-
iiiclicc I'liblisliinjl ' Company , Proprietors.
Tlio Her IfldliiK. I'liiiinin and SevenHTn h Sis.
Sllitrof Ni'hniHkli. ! „ , (
CiiillitV of Iliiliullio. f'1'
Oi'oruo 'It. 'r/.si'liiii'k , HPi'rrtnry Of The lion
I'ublNltiiiK Ciinipiiny. docs Milomnly swear
that tint rifi mil I'lriMiliitlonirf TIIK DAlf.V IIKB
fur lln > ni'i'komllliK April 6 , 181KJ , wa.s a.s fol
lows ;
Sunday. Mur.'li . ' 10 SI.WI
Miimlny. .Man-li III -UI s
Tiiosdiry. Apr-Ill 5 > 8
Wcdiiesilay , April 3 Ji.-'W
Tliiiisilnv , April U .1).aii ) !
l-'rlilnv , April I WvJivi
friliii-ilny. April 3 -UTOI
Average UO.7HO
Sworn to brforo mo and subserlbcd to In my
iiii'sfiirc tblMh day of April , A. I ) . IMIO.
ISral. ) N. I' . l-'Klfi.
Notary 1'ublle.
Sliili'of NcbnisKa. I
Coiinly nf Doiiabis. fss-
Opnrsri' 11.'lug duly sworn , de
poses and Miys that bo Is M'i'ii'tni-v of The
lice I'libll.-lilnt ; Coinptiny. that Hie actual
tiverniridnllv clri-nlatlon of Tun IWn.v Iliii :
for tbi > month of Mnroh , I'M ) . IH.Ki eoplc.s ; for
April. lw > ! i. l . .Viii'oilos ! | : for May. IKsl ! , IS.lHi ! )
onnlcs ; furInnc. l\si ! , IH.H.W poplos ; for July.
1SKP. IS.Ti-N copies : for IWtl. Kllil
roples ; for Si'iitenrbor. ISS ! ) , J8.TIO copies ; for
October. ! > ! > . IH.i'.lT roples ; for N'oveinber. 18t > ! l ,
J'UIOi'iiplps ' ; for December. IfvS'.l ' , ar.nis ooples ;
fi.i-Jniinitrv. I"i ( . ll' , . " > . "n-oplrs ; for I'obruary ,
IMH ) . 111.701 i''o.s. | ) | ( JMOIIdi : II. TitSCIIUCK.
Swum to licfoie mo and subsorlbi'd In my
inorrniIbl.s 1-1 ( lay of Maicb. A. I ) . . ISM.
[ Seal. ) N. I' . Kim * Notary 1'iilrllo.
Jl'Till' bitf Third district should out
grow Mi1. Dori-oy'tt ambition , Idaho
btanda ready to embrace him.
starts preliminaries for her
world's fair with a onrpontur's strike ,
and nho wqiorlM to cud up with a htriko
of tlio hoti'l and ro.stnurnnt keepers for
higher prices all alon tlio line.
IT is said Unit when a Londoner is in
ii vf-ry fjroiit hurry to see anyone hu
taken a rub ; if lit1 is not in a hurry lie
uses HIP telephone. Tlio practice mi ht
ho introduced into this country to tul-
I'uoiiiitiTioN' organs still continue to
miiko heart-reiidintr appeals for subscrip
tions to the Nebraska fund. They pro-
jOM ) to pnlvorixe I ho ruin i > ewer in No-
ln'a lca nt the reduced subscription jiriee
paid in advance. Like Arlomus Ward ,
when asked if ho was in for tlio war ,
they arc ready for this one and the next
WHO , with the patriotic impulse to sacri
fice all their wife's relations if the cause
demands it.
Tun taxpayers of South Omaha are
bejjinnintj to s-eo Unit their immediate
and future prosperity depends on annex
ation. The more they investigate the ad
vantages of unirtn tlio more firmly
will they bo convinced that , they have
everything to giiin mul nothing to lose
by joining in making both communities
one in municipal interests aa they are
now commercially and industrially.
A MONO the most needed improvements
in the very near future is the extension
of Tenth street houlhward to Missouri
avenue. This will establish u direct
thoroughfare between the Union depot
iinil South Omaha and the new fort.
During the summer months it , will be
ono of the most beautiful drives , with
unrivaled pieturesquo scenery , fn due
time this roadway may be converted into
11 boulevard , i 1
TIIK prosperity of the wage workers of
Omaha is strikingly shown in the sur
plus of funds in the vTlults of the city
havings hanks. So largo have the de
posits become , coupled with a marked
deercnse in the denutnd for loans , that
the managers are discussing a reduction
of the interest rate both on deposits and
loans. Perhaps the tint linaneiors of
these parts will explain how this con
dition is po.-sible , under she alleged
shortage of the circulating medium.
Now that works of art are about to be
put upon the five list our enterprising
double-decker contemporary will be in
condition to oll'er as a bonus to every
person who patroni/.es its want columns
valuable works of the I-Yonch and Italian
masters. While the patroni/ers of its
free want columns who are in quest of
domestics may fail to 'got applications
from housemaids , nurses and cooks they
will at least have the glorious consola
tion of slimulating the introduction of
real works of art into Omaha regardless
of expense. _
THK decision of the Burlington to
push the Alliance branch into the heart
of the niack Hills insures direct railroad
connrctinn with Dcmlwood this year. It
will force the Kllihorn road to close up
the HUP beyond \Vhitowood , thus giving
the melriijiolis of the Hills the choice of
two ronds. The extension of both lines
is of. Incalculable value to the commer-
i-iiil intcre.-tn of Omaha -and Nebraska ,
mid equally so twtho development of the
Hills , which lias long been seriously ro-
tnrded through laek of transportation
A roMMiTTKK ol the Now York legts-
Inture has concluded mi exhaustive in
vestigation of the question of overhead
oh'ctrh' wires. The recommendations ,
which \\lll doubtless bo embodied in a
btute lnu , pronounce in favor of the un
derground .system as essential to the * o-
cutitj of life and property. Next , a
limitation of Iho current of light and
power \\iivs to two hundred and tifty
volts , and that "after the 1st of January ,
18(2 ( , no overhead conductors carrying I
currents for light or power purposes bo ! '
allowed in any street , highway or public ;
place In any city of the state having u 1
population of one hundred and twenty- ,
live thousand. " The evils of tlio overhead ,
ttyMeiu are particularly menacing in the I
crowded eastern cltieH , and it is only a ;
question of u few yours when the grow
ing western cities must follow New York
IB forcing the wirea underground.
llASTtUl VAT ,
Again the circling year has brought
around the cheerful Kastet-tldc. The
fathers and founders of the primitive
church builded better than they Itnow
when they established their feasts in
harmony with material and corporeal
conditions. The first of daya in the
rhrtaUmi calendar Christmas CCKIICH
to u. < t when all around is gloomy and
drear and when the cold and frost of
winter servo to aeeonlimlo the warmth
and glow of merry firesides. Knsler , the
principal festival of the Christian year ,
comes with its story of re.surrectlon
nt a time when nature presents in the
budding promise of Hold and troo'tt sym
bol of hope to man. It matters not that
there were disseiiHions between the
churches of the east and the west re
garding the tlmo of the resurrection of
Christ , and that not until the fourth
century after that event were the eon-
Hiding churches pacified by the agree
ment to make the western usage which
has since prevailed universal. This does
not detract from the value or the
iniprcHsivenoMs of this annlvorturv to
the Christian world , for a largo part
of which its lesson is illustrated
and enforced by the renewing life of na
ture the putting forth of grass and bud
that tire soon to enrich the earth with
beauty and glory. In the now life that
is beginning to adorn the fields and
shoot forth from tree and shrub and
vine , there ia a source of strength for
the faith of all who accept the miracle
which is today celebrated throughout
Christendom , and wherever men preach
in commemoration of this festival they
will find in the resurrection of
' nature a symbol of hope , the
promise of it life beyond the
grave. Thus it was that the wise men
of the council of Nicioa , more than fif
teen centuries ago , happily bringing into
association the miraculous and the
natural , gave the Christian church ono
of its most influential arguments of
To the faithful whom the coming of
Easter releases from restraints and pri
vations today will bo most welcome , and
their observance of it as a , festival will
bo full and hearty. To a much' great or
number it will bring no change in their
daily practices , but they should not bo
heedless of the story. For all , nature at
tins time holds out an invitation to hap
piness , and they are unfortunate indeed
who can find none in the renewing life
and tlio dawning glories that appear on
every hand.
STKMHIY t'ouaixa AIIIAD : ,
Omaha will soon take her place per
manently in all the commercial and in
dustrial directories of tlio world as one
of the great cilio" of America. For ten
years , since the census of 1SSO , Omaha
lias been advertised abroad and in all
American reference books as a
city with a population of thirty
thousand , six hundred and forty-five.
This has been a serious drawback. It is
only within the last year or two that
capitalists at the money centers of the
east have been impressed with the fact
that Omaha hnu passed the 100,000 mile
post and will , when the census returns
are in , show four times the population
she is credited with under the census of
1880. This marvelous growth rests upon
a very substantial basis. Few cities in
America are more favorably lo
cated and none command . a
wider range of tributary territory.
As the commercial metropolis of the
most prolific corn and cattle raising
region in America and with all the facil
ities for converting these food products
for export Omaha already outranks St.
Louis and Cincinnati as a pork and
meat packing center , and is certain
within ten years to bo second only to
Chicago as a pork and cattle market.
The industrial evolution which has fol
lowed the establishment of great stock
yards and packing houses in Omaha has
given a powerful impetus to other manu
facturing enterprises , just as the
enlargement of our silver smelt
ing and refining works , which now
boast the largest plant in America has
been followed by the enlargement of the
white lead works and several other fac
tories in which lead and other smelting
works products are important factors.
That Omaha is destined to distance
Kansas City , her only rival in the Mis
souri valley , in the next decade is con
ceded by the most sagacious observers of
the growth of those two cities.Vhilo
Kansas City is btill in the lead , she is
now experiencing the reactionary effects
of an unhealthy and ovortitimulated
boom. Omaha , on the other hand , has
had no boom worthy of the name , and is
just entering upon an era of unprece
dented prosperity. Her clearing house
exhibit will compare with tlfut of cities
of twice her population. The proof of
the pudding is in the eating.
While the spring season lias been very
backward this year this is the second
twenty-four page edition wo have been
compelled to issue within two weeks to
accommodate the pressure from adver
tising patrons. This fact alone speaks
volumes for the mercantile activity of
R.I ir HIM r\TtPsmM- ,
While I'rinco IMsmarek hungered in
vain for a elmnco to commune with the
outside world through the Omaha paper
which parts its name in the middle , ono
of its numerous enjoys was bagging big
ger game. "Wo read the thrilling in
formation by "copyrighted special"
cabled from Cologne regardless of ex
pense , that
"If NIIW Yorkers who luivo In their mind's
eye tlio busy wurk-a-day politician , Dlolc
Ciockor , could 1,00 him ns the H'orM-lltrald saw
him. "
What a wealth of pathos in the lines :
Tho"iror/f-//eni/Zsaw / ( / him , " but the
blessed privilege was denied to the rest
of mankind. How it was accomplished
is immaterial. Four or flvo thousand
miles of hind and water are mere trifles
to .the operator of the international
phonoscoop. Nor is it of much concern
whether Kiehard was in , the chambor-
Iain's olllco or waltzing through the
echoing corridors with the chnmbor-
maid. The all-important fact is that
"the Worhl'lttruld saw him" exclusively ,
"stretched full length on the sofa , his
chest covered with poultices and his feet
wrapped in rugs , " Evidently Richard
anticipated the afllictlon of a visit.
The overpowering deslroof the omclea
of the old world to ignore the provincial
press of European capitals for the train-
Missouri fake , fully justifies an imme
diate increase of its incomparable foreign
( Half.
; ; s7vtiMX/MAY ; T/MOK srnnw.s ,
Tlio builders' exchange of Philadel
phia , which for some time has been con
sidering the question of opening trade
schools , hns decided to do so. Tlio plan
of the exchange is Unit the pupils are to
bo "learners" employed by master work
men , who will have practice at their
trades while they are being taught
principles in the school. It has been
demonstrated that in some trades at
least the learner thus systematically
taught and given opportunities to prac
tice may bo developed into a
skilled workman more economically
than where ho is left to pick up a trade ,
or oven where an effort is really made to
give him instruction in the shop. The
purpose of the trade schools of the build
ers' exchange , says the Philadelphia
Anj/cr ? / , is to make bolter work-men , and
its tendency should bo to elevate the
trades nndjfcenuble the men to command
higher wages by reason of their greater
As was to have been expected , there is
opposition to the establishment of these
schools on the part of some of the trades
of Philadelphia , but this is not
likely to deter the exchiuige from car
rying out the purpose upon which 't ' has
decided after long deliberation. Such
opposition , based us it is upon narrow
and selfish motives , will not bo sustained
by intelligent public opinion. The fact
is that everybody who ban given this
question of trade schools thoughtful and
unprejudiced consideration bus reached
the conviction that something of the
kind is absolutely necessary to rescue the
youth of America from idleness , to put
our industries ina position of independ
ence of foreign skilled labor , and to
prevent the decadence of mechanical in
genuity and inventive talent among us.
The apprenticeship system having prac
tically disappeared , what are American
boys to do in order to obtain a respect
able subsistence ? They cannot all go
into the professions , the ranks of which
are now overcrowded , and in all com
mercial employments the supply is very
largely in excess of the demand. The
youth of the country must learn to work ,
and as they tire not allowed to become
apprentices in the old way nothing is left
to bo done but to give them such
opportunities as the trade schools afford.
Next in importance to educating the
minds of American boys is the duty of
educating their hands. Wo must all
live , if we live honestly , by labor of some
sort , and there is no graver injustice
than to exclude a boy from a vocation to
which his talents lead him. Whenever
this is done both the individual and so
ciety arc injured , for the man who is not
permitted to freely exercise his natural
ability is deprived of the use of capital
which would benefit not himself alone ,
but his fellow man as well. The gravity
Of the question of making provision for
the mechanical training of American
youth is only just beginning to bo real
ized. It will grow upon the intelligent
thought of the country as the ranks of
unemployed young men increase , who "in
their hopelessness will recruit the army
of criminals. The records of crime show
that in recent years the number of
American-born criminals has alarm
ingly increased. This must continue
to be the case at a more appall
ing rate if our boys nro turned
loose upon the world without the knowl
edge that will enable them to earn an
honest livelihood and become self-re
specting men. There is very certain to
come a decisive reaction from the pres
ent state of affairs , and meanwhile the
trade school , properly conducted , should
be encouraged. It will hardly prove to
bo a thorough remedy , but it is a valua
ble step in the right direction and if it
should become general could not fail to
give material relief.
It has been proposed in the present
congres that the government shall
adopt the policy of constructing build
ings for its own use in all cities and
towns of the country whore the postal
business has reached a certafn annual
revenue. There has also been introduced
a largo number of bills providing for the
construction c' public buildings in cities
where there are none , or where the gov
ernment business has outgrown the ca
pacity of the old buildings. The more
than usually large demand for expendi
ture in this direction has encountered u
strong opposition , and no proposal of a
public building anywhere can now bo
nmdo without mooting with an unreas
oning hostility which takes no account
of the necessity behind tlio proposal or
of the practical advantages to bo at
It is doubtless true that in the general
rush for building appropriations some of
the demands are extravagant and a few
may not bo warranted by the condition
of the public business. But it may safely
bo assumed that in a majority
of cases the buildings asked for , particu
larly in prosperous and growing cities ,
are required , and that for the most part
no greater appropriations are asked for
than are deemed to bo necessary to pro
vide for the future expansion of busi
ness. The great fault of congress has
always been in paring down this class of
appropriations instead of gauging them
with reference to the probable growth of
active and advancing communities. The
result of this short-sighted policy has
been that In nearly every city in the
country the business of the gov
ernment has outgrown every ten or
twenty years the capacity of the govern
ment building , and a very much larger
expenditure is necessary to meet the in ;
creased demand than would have boon
required to furnish an adequate building
in the first place , with a view to the
possible growth of half a century.
It is a good general proposition that
the government of the United States
ought never to bo tv tenant , that it never
ought to pay rent for the premises it oc
cupies. Of course this is sub
ject to limitation , but it will
upply to nil places whqro the
business of the government yields
a revenue in excess of the cost of the
service amounting to a fair rate of in
terest on a reasonable Investment In
buildings. There are many such places
whore the government is now a tenant ,
places tliivtnro prosperous and growing ,
so that a continued nnd increasing reve
nue to the govj ; mnetit is assured. Kvery
practical e < > iis | Wution suggests that nt
Htieh places iht > joverninonl should carry
on its bit.siHc * in its own buildings.
Among nuifV'r us examples that might
be cited , take Silt : Luke City and
Ogdon. In hoth these cities the
government is n tenant. There in no
good roiisoiftwliy it Hhould eoiitlnuo to
be. Those cfifi's have n secure perdition
nnd are cot-tain 1o grow nnd the govern
ment cnn wifh ititiro safety construct its
own buildings there , hnving reference in
doing so la.tbeJ time when these cities
will bo two or throe times their present
population , -,1'hu same is true of many
other cities.
There Is no way in which the govern
ment can put money into circulation with
such general advantage and benefit as in
constructing buildings for its own UHO
wherever the conditions of ita business
make it practically desirable , on
grounds of both economy and safety , to do
so. This is a legitimate way of putting
out the money of the government by
purchasing the products of labor and
giving employment to labor , which could
not posflbly have jury ill effects , but on
the contrary "would he-lp materially to
promote the public prosperity , wliilo
supplying tliu government with a valua
ble permanent asset. Kept within judi
cious limitations , a mitionnl public build
ing policy can bo justified as eminently
wise and practical.
TIIK IIAlLttOAD ( ll > KltATOlt.
The agitation of Iho postal telegraph
has incidentally drawn attention to tlio
railroad telegrapher. In the parlance
of the profc.-Mon the plug operator is in
tlio majority on the railroad lines.
This also comprises raw recruits
from the commercial colleges and
"cubs" who have swept out the oflleo and
delivered messages and ambitious farm
boys who hang around railway stations
and are willing to rustle and handle
freight and baggage with an occasional
chance to practice oil the telegraph key.
To these boys the railroad managers
entrust the necessary railroad telegraph
ing nt small stations an a measure of
economy. "While competent and experi
enced operators demand from iKiOto $ SO
per month the railroad plug will cheer
fully toil sixteen hours a day for from
$20 to" $ : > ( ) a month.
A railroad operator up in Minnesota
asks whether the editor of TinP : HK ,
who is an expert telegrapher , is aware
of the fact that the railroad plug has
within his keeping the lives and limbs
of the thousand of passengers who are
traveling over our % rail ways unconscious
of their danger or the grave re
sponsibility which rests upon the
poorly paid boyr > t that "pound brass"
night and day in the railroad telegraph"
ottiees. Certainly lie was aware of this
momentous fact. He was a railroad plug
himself once , aid | he has taken occasion
time and again to denounce the un
economic svstom. which takes the risk of
wrecking trains and destroying precious
lives for the snJvo.o saving n few thou
sand dollars : | mdnth in hiring plug
operators. * *
The suggestion that the government
should license railroad operators the same
as steamboat pilots are."lio < nscd on navig
able streams and lakes is not new. The
editor of THE BEK urged this innovation
upon Manager Stone , of the Burlington ,
during the memorable engineers strike
in very forcible language. It is tin out
rage , as well as a great crime for any
public carrier to subject the lives and
property of their patrons while in transit
over their roads to the care of in
competent operators whose ago in itself
would not justify confidence in their
judgment and presence of mind in emer
gencies that are liable to arise at any
hour and at any station.
Wo do not mean to assort that all
railroad operators are plugs. There are
many competent and intelligent young
men among them. But wo do assort that
most of the plugs are railroad operators ,
and if prudence , quick perception and
sound judgment as well as sound read
ing are requisite in any calling , it is in
the position of railroad operator.
iYmiii / / ( Citu I'rait.
The republican party of Nebraska monkeyed
with a huzzsnw in submitting the prohibitory
amendment and the republican ticket of Ne
braska City was snowed under , largely in
consequence of such action. Every demo
cratic candidate , with ono exception , was
elected by good majoiilies.
The People "Will Speak.
Kearney lluli.
It is n perversion of language to speak of
some state ollleials ns the representatives of
the people. Tlio political situation Is not Inviting
to the . undercurrent
viting ngeuts. A mighty -
rent is getting in its work , nnd November
next will record the story. The "dear pee
ple" is the power behind the throno.
Governor Tlinyci-'H Trip.
Scicoril lei > ortci :
The recent trip of Governor Thnycr through
the western part of the state Is entirely char-
ncteristic of the man. Ho is never satisfied
with taking minors or reports for any thing ,
but wants to investigate for himself. Ho
very properly thinks that the chief executive )
should know all about the needs nnd re
sources of the state and made this long nnd
fatiguing trip for- that purpose. It is such
nets us this that have made Governor Thayer
the popularity in Nebraska which ho has
possessed nil his life , >
IMuy He tlio Slogan.
i\"or/ti/to / J\Vlt' .
There nro omens i that "Ilocso and Loose"
may bo a campaign.slogan next fall.
Ho AVnsn't Aiireoiatcil ] ] Hero.
FniHunt Tribune.
"Beefsteak" Kobortswho went from David
City to Oklahom'lwhere ' ho was given an
appointment hi n , , laod oftlcc , is after an np-
[ > ointment to the &i'prino ) ; ; bench of Oklahoma ,
It is said that his omlontliuVaro elaborate
and even calculated to overawe the president
when ho gets his e.t'cs on them. "Ueofsteak"
must hnve been growing In grace very rapidly
since he emigrated from Nebraska. Hut it
may bo that his peculiar talents were not up-
predated hero for whut they wore worth.
Too Marly to Siu-nilne.
Mmllfun lltpurttr.
\Vcro it not for the uncertainty of human
nature wo would favor Attorney Gcnural
Lease for the next governor of Nebraska , but
the question arises , where could the people
find ono its faithful and true to servo tUt'tn ns
attorney generalVor It conceded by
jrienJ and fee that bo hus done hla duty well.
Will Hear KoiiietliliiK Drop.
HVofri-ii IIYu * .
A clo o politic il olocrvcr remnvkcd to us
Iho oilier day in discussing the iHlltlciil situ
ntlun "that the people of Nebraska nro got-
tin ? tlr of paying such high freight that the
railroads could iiffonl to charter special trains
to take tn ! slnlo officials down to Mexico to
witness bull lli/hU. " Wo believe that the
el'H'tlon next fall will show how strong this
feeling Is nnd it behooves the atuto ollleials
who want to stay In oflleo to watch out or
they will hear something drop next fall.
A Natural Morn AntlOIonoj. ) .
KrrMimit Trlbunr ,
The World-Herald Is thu most runtnukorous
nnd rlproiiriuus anil-monopoly paper la the
west. Its editor , young Mr. Hitchcock , Is by
naturrand training a real nnti-monop , out
whoso deepest sympathies go out to the toll
ing masses In their struggle for bread. Him
self roared in poverty ho knows their bur
dens , their hopes nnd their aspirations and so
his heart beats In sympathetic unison with
theirs. Afforded no opportunities or ad
vantages for nn education except such ns the
colleges of America nnd Europe supply , by
conimendablo dlllgenco In pursuit of know
ledge nnd by blistering his hands In
waiting for tlio Inheritance of half a
million dollars which has come to him
from his poor father , ho now finds himself
occupying the exulted position of owner and
proprietor of u great anti-monopoly dully
newspaper. When ho looked around nnd saw-
that TIIK Her. had amassed a fortune by
lighting along the anti-monopoly lines , even
sneh n trolley mid such a result achieved by n
rival concern did not 'deter him from pursu
ing the same policy which his poverty nnd
struggles so thoroughly prepared and rigidly
disciplined him for. This shows the grand
possibilities in this land of liberty for the
poor but worthy young man ,
liallot reform will never be instituted In
New York state while Governor David U.
Hill is chief executive nnd the republicans in
the legislature have not the two-thirds ma
jority necessary to pass a bill over his veto.
The democratic newspapers in New York at
tempt to defend his course but it is indefeas
ible. Hill is opposed to ballot reform because
ballot reform would operate injurious to Hill.
He is opposed to nn efficient high license law
for the .same rcnson , and self Interest Is his
solo guide.
"Constitutional" Twaddle.
Cincinnati Cninmerctal-GtitcUc.
The people would regard it as n good sign
if the constitution , instead of being worshiped
like a C'hlnc'v. Joss , .should bo stretched occa
sionally b\ the senate in the interest of tlio
people till they could hear it crack. Mr. Lin
coln , in order to preserve the nation , ripped
that venerable instrument down the hack nnd
nciites the middle in his first call for'troops.
The mil ion now needs salvation from many
growinir evils and gross abuses of great
monopolies nnd giant combinations. There
are senators who , at every attempt to inter
pose law to protect the people , plead constitu
tional obligations nnd restrictions. The coun
try is pretty tired of this form of discussion ,
uol because it does not reverence the consti
tution , but because it does not believe it
stands in the way of any reform legislation
'which the needs of the country demand.
Tlio Gooil CroUlt of tlie D.ikotns.
Cliteaun tntcr-Oceun.
Nortli Dakota may bo cheered by the re
markable success which has attended South
Dakota's first financial venture. A loan of
Jl.0,00 ( ) , bearing only 4 per cent has been ne
gotiated for the southern state of the old ter
ritory nt a premium of nearly 10 per cent. No
stuto in the southern tier hns been able to
borrow money on such favorable terms , nor
bus any other state west of the Mississippi
es'cu been able to borrow on such good terms.
As South Dalcota has done so North Dakota
should be able to do. The credit of the north
ern state has been made good by its refusal
of the spledid bribe offered by the Louisiana
Lottery company.
AVcKtcrn Farmers and tlic Turin * .
CViiVifflo Tribune.
The British farmers have felt the effect of
increased competition from America and a
consequent reduction of their prices , but they
have still obtained rates which seemed high
to the American farmer and their manufac
tured goods and wares have cost them little
more than one-half. Western farmers can
receive benefit from congress only by such re
ductions of tariff on the necessaries us will
lower their cost of living. That is the only
way in which the tariff can bo reformed to
the material advantage of the farmers , and if
it is not done by the republicans in this con
gress it will bo by the democrats in the next
in a radical and perhaps reckless fushion.
Canada's Divided " . 'references.
IMmlt Trllinne.
Who shall decide when doctors disagree ?
The New York Tribune of recent dtito con
tained two ably written articles on tlio Cana
dian question , the ono written by a Dominion
journalist , who says that annexation is inevi
table ; the other by a border Buffnloninn , who
says annexation is impossible. And both
articles are based largely upon what the
writers believe to bo the prevailing sentiment
in Canada regarding annexation. And so it
goes. Yon can get anything yon want in tlio
iino of arguments for and against annexation ,
and of the very best quality , too. All the
same , gentlemen of the jury , annexation sen
timent in Canada is growing , and don't you
forget to remomborlt.
. No Occasion \ow to Hliisli.
Minneapolis Trtlnme.
The new extradition treaty with Great
Britain is the second treaty negotiated by
Mr. Blaiuo and ratified substantially without
chimgo by the senate. Mr. Blalno's success
ia this respect is in marked contrast with the
lamentable failure of his immediate prede
cessor. Mr. Bayard tried his hand at the
Sainonn difticulty , the fisheries dispute nnd
the extradition treaty matter and made a
sorry mess of them all. His stupendous fail-
tire humiliated the whole country and dis
gusted oven bis own party.
Cut the Riifnr Trust to tlic Bone.
St. IMU < K ( Hulic-Democint.
The trust represents n fuw do/on refiners ,
while tlio western opponents of the trust
stand for the 05,000,000 consumers of sugar.
No sensible , honest person doubts that the
refiners could mtiko reasonable profits if the
margin of protection extended to them were
even half of that proposed by the committee.
H'rtttenor The l\f. \
AwaUo , snd Earth ! fling off your gloom ;
Now is Christ risen from the tomb ;
Let every heart prepare Him room-
He is rl-icnl
O'er all the world the greeting flies ,
From starry cross of southern skle-j
The fragrant breath of Spring replies ,
lie's risen Indeed !
The morning stars the song complete
Of earth's ten thousand voices sweet ,
And heaven and earth and nature greet
The risen Lord.
The gates of death were barred in vain ;
The nngols catch'tho glad rofraln ,
Aiul chant in moro harmonious strain , *
Christ b risen |
Awalte , nrotis.0 from slumber duop !
Awake , wnko from winter sleep !
Bl'lngltenrts , nnd hands , nnd gold nnd kcop
Tub Eatur day.
1112It 12 AND TII13UK.
"I nm greatly Interested , " said I'rof. B. B.
Young , "In the movement for n musical festi
val devoted to American compositions lit this
city next November. It will certainly bo it
good thing and inaugurate nn entirely now
dependence among our musicians ,
"Tho art of music , llko every other nrt ,
requires two classes of people to accomplish
its development. First , there should bo the
nrtlsts , who , however few In number , must
In the beginning at any rate make up In nn-
thuslusm for their lack of musical strength.
But they can do little without the other class ,
called In Europe the dilettanti , who represent
thu discriminating and helpful amateur ele
ment from which professional musicians de-
rlvo their cldof moral nnd financial support.
"In this country music bos not I icon so gen
erally upheld and cultivated as It Is in Europe
for obvious reasons , but in the cast moro of
the repose mill leisure of life has created n
necessity for art which In highly civilized
communities always takes the place of vapid
social entertainments , and this necessity is
gradually spreading throughout the country.
"Mrs. Thurbcr Is n wonderful woman. She
hns the true sympathetic art Itself ns well us
the struggles and trials of artists , and no
doubt this ns well as her ambition to sco
American musicians properly reorganized ,
has Induced bur to tnko up the gauntlet In
their behalf. There is no such thing ns
American mnslo nn yet. Our nice Is such a
conglomeration and our climate , occupations
nnd interests so diversified that there Is ,
amongst us , no individual type that can bo
called American , nnd consequently there is no
distinctively American music.
As I understand it , Mr. Thurbcr wishes to
give the native born sons nnd daughters of
this country nn opportunity to suy something
according to their individual inspirations In
thu great language of music which after all
is an universal art , and appeals to the world.
"Very few except those particularly in
formed upon the subject , realize that some
of the finest musicians in the country ns well
ns some of the most serious composers nro
Americans. Chadwiek , Paine , Bristow ,
Buck nro nil American names. There are , of
course , as many moro who nro of foreign born
parentage that are as nearly American as far
as their music is concerned. Most of our
composers have studied German , mid
consequently are strongly under
German influence , so that wo
may say American composers are German ,
paradoxical as it may sound.
"That particular class of music which belongs -
longs to the minstrel hall bears no serious re
lation to the art of musio nnd of course is not
included in Mr.Thurber's scheme of con
certs. The closing concerts of the series to
bo given hero with a magnificent orchestra
and line soloists will bo the greatest nmsical
event that has ever taken place in Omaha
and will be deserving of the enthusiastic sup
port of everybody who has the advancement
of music at heart. "
> f #
"Speaking about tlio mysterious disappear
ance of that 10,000 in Chicago recently , "
said an American express official yesterday ,
"reminds mo that some "very strange things
frequently occur in this business.
"Four years ugo n packagecontahiing'ilOOO
was turned over to our agent lit Terre Haute ,
Ind. , for delivery to parties living
sixty miles out. It went directly to
the train nnd in three hours hud
reached its destination. When broken open
there wns nothing but n lot of brown paper
enclosed. The money had been taken out by
somebody , but to this day we have not been
nblu to find the thiof. However , ho will bo
caught. Its odly a question of time.
' It was six years ago , I think , that a .sim
ilar theft took place between Chicago nnd
Aurora. A package of jfl.OOO had been sent
liy ono of the Chicago banks nnd when opened
l > y the man to whom it was addressed ho
round n bundle of blank pieces of paper.
N'carly flvo years later the thief was cap
tured and is now serving n term
.a the penitentiary. Ho was ono of our own
clerks in the Chicago oftice. When the pack-
igo was handed to him for entry ho simply
uroko it open , took out the money , sub
stituted the pieces of paper nnd re-sealed it.
"I am confident that the $10,000 , robbery
.hero hist Tuesday was perpetrated in the
same way. A man must bo very smooth
-hough to successfully commit such nn
audacious robbery. "
* *
Julian Magnus , nn old Now York news-
taper man , sojourned in Omaha two or three
days last week , nnd when speaking during
ono of bis interesting talks about how btnff
writers do their work there , told u funny
story on William Page , nn old figure painter ,
who flourished twolvu ov fifteen years ago.
Drieo a young , inexperienced reporter went
nto iris studio in search of art notes. Page
asked him what ho know about art. "I have
studied it in the high school , " was his reply.
'Then " continued tlio " cull
, painter , "you on
ill the artists , take down every ill-natured
Lhing they say of each other's productions ,
; > o industrious and write it up in good style.
[ } y doing so yon will plcnso your city editor
so much that in time he may make yon thu
> olieo reporter. "
"I thought that the keenest , severest bit ol
sarcasm , " said Magnus , "that I had ever
icurd. Page , however , subsequently went
crazy over a bust of Shakespeare and died in
an insane asylum. Hu made himself famous
painting Venuses. "
Kato Field's of 2
Washington April con
tains the following from a lifelong republican :
As a mcmbor of the Malno senate in 1858 ,
, wo years uftcr the original prohibitory
statute had been replaced by a license law , 1
voted for its restoration , being , on thu whole ,
nclined toward the belief in its practicability
it that early period of the controversy. That
relief hns gradually died out , without dovelop-
ng nnd conscious antagonism toward the
dea. However , I have decided -views on the
lucstlon whether moro intellectual education ,
unaccompanied by moral enlightenment , has
my tendency to promote moral In any d I roc-
Ion. Incidentally I have had occasion to
mint out the of high crime hi spite
of thu enormously augmented oxpundlturo for
> opular education , the alleged progress ip tlio
upprossion of intemperance , mid even the
llminntion of moderate drinking. In this
connection it should bo remembered that thu
reputation of Maine has been nearly utution-
iry for twenty -six years. Indeed , It might
> o said , since IKT.O , as the census shows the
irst prohibitory law dating from .Inno t ! , ISfil.
Since ISM the number of convicts has about
rubied indeed , moro than trebled , if it
s remembered that in or boon after 1S7I ! ,
ivo or moro jail work-shops were built In the
suvcral counties into which nil felons whoso
sentences do not exceed thrco yours may bo
hcnt. In IhM ) , or thereabouts , I ascertained
hat about seventy such culprits weivurtnnllv
so imprisoned in Jail work-shops , who umluV
ho old regime would have been aiming Iho In-
uutu.s of the Mate prison ; of coin-so their
lumber should bo added.
Thu only answer ever attempted to this
earful revelation him been to point out tire
fact Hint the war hud a demor-
illzing tendency , nnd the assertion that them
ias been a diminution of lighter olTi'm-m pnn-
.shablu In jall.s. I am not uwaro whether thu
alter assertion is true or not , but it Is proper
o remark that , by our law , jail HcnlcnccH am
hulled to a maximum of K s than one year ,
mil state prison scntcncoH to a minimum of
rno year ; and the former offence * * nru do-
hired misdemeanor * , wbllu the latter nru
ermnl fi-louliw. Now thu Indisputable fat-'t
n Malno Is , that If misdemeanors have di1-
creased , felonliM hnvu enormously multiplied
slnco IK'il. And , the hlgluir the crhno the
greater thu ratio of gain ; for Instance , mitr-
lurs have multiplied fivefold. It is
also true that the numlxiof in-
nutoHof oiiriiiHuno hospital at Augusta nun
Usu steadily iiii-rcusi-d , although nut in so
great n ratio ; I refer to the reports Mnt-o
1810 , nnd n few years previous. Probably a
part of that Increase may bo ncconntod foi-'b\
improved Ideas of curing for the Insane , but
nothing can account for the increase of felons
but a great multiplication of high crime. Mv
point hns boon , not Hint the prohibitory Inn
er the trebled expenditure- common schools
bus wrought this moral ruin , but that both
have boon miserably powerless to nrrcstur
even check Its progress. It Is also true , I uni /
sorry to say , that the professional leaders oy
the movement have never shown n dispose , jf
to meet these irolnta fairly ; but I ant iix-tn i
to think that this is about what may be > . - . :
endly expected of reformers in rofcrci > , v i , >
fiiot.s ndvoi-so to their theories. I regard ti '
dl.sclo.suivs as alarming nnd worthy of an at.
tempt nt explanation.
In ivfoienco to the success of the law in in
narrowest sense , I nm of opinion that pivi > -
ably In the rural purls of the state , the use
nf Intoxicating liquors hns continued to dimin
ish since 1S.M. Hut It must not bo forwttcu
that a community must have already ap
preached the practical limit of nlwtineiu-o
before It will vote for prohibition.
In the larger towns , nnd in the cities , I see
no progress.
t think the question Is largoV ! dependent
for its solution upon the sparslty of imputa
tion ; wherever Iho communities are so small
as to enjoy regulating other people's affairs
moro than they do the enjoyment of tholr own
liberty , it will flourish runt nowhere oho. I
should think that ] ) orliap.s'a mnjoritv of ouiv *
whole population are practically deprived at
alcoholic stimulants In health nnd in sickness
but I nm not sure that tlmo will prove this to
have been desirable ; If so , It Is contnirv t.i .
the experience of the race. In Portland.'tin-
city marshal's reports show that about omv
In from : i'.j ' to fin , years every adult male inhabitant -
habitant averages to go to Jail for drunken
ness. The population was loss than JW.UOO
in 1SSO.
If 100 of our very best citizens from the
various trades nnd professions were selected
nnd taken on nn excursion of a week in a
steamer along our coast men whose place-j
could not bo filled I should expect to find ,
before the week was out , possiblv 11 vo who
might tnko moro than was peed for them ,
possibly ton teetotalloi-s , nnd eighty-live who
\yould indulge moderately , provided n snfll- variety of drinks wns provided to suit
nil palates.
I think that the law hns been productive of
perjury , and that the Increasing tendency has
been to make it the motive power of a politi
cal machine. . I do not think that the immedi
ate ortlcors of the law -sheriffs , deputies nnd
constables havo. as a rule , much faith in tlio
law , or really feel any particular desire to en
force it ulTectiinlly. Of course , n law which , ,
renders the owner of n building who knowIngly -
Ingly allows n glass of sweet cider to bo sold '
nnd drunk on the promises , liable to imprison ,
merit in the county Jail for ono year nnd a line L
of * l,00ll , is snniclont for tlio absolute extirpa- Y
tion of the ti-.illie from the state , if It lie seri
ously desired so fo do by the authorities. ;
Whether prohibition Is or Is not the logical J
deduction from the theory of total abstinence ,
it Is clear that total abstinence must bo as
sumed ns the necessary postulate to Justify
prohibition. The only logical outcome o'f
temperance ns distinct from abstinence is li
cense , under suitable restrictions.
The fatal Inherent weakness of the prohibi
tory law in Alulae , and , doubtless , every
where else out.sido of Koran-governed coun
tries , is. 1 am satisfied , tluitn majority of tlio
voters do not actually believe in total absti
nence , at for themselves. Quito likely ,
in a vague way , they nnly believe in it fin-
"their weaker brethren , " ns it is fashionable
to call other people whom you wish to govern ,
Just as u largo number of the influential ex-
slaveholdera of several southern state.s evi
dently do in reference to theex-sluves ; but
they do not really believe it in regard to
I mean to say that they do not even theoret
ically believe in it , as every decent man , what
ever may be his practices , believes in honest v ,
domestic fidelity , truthfulness , sincerity
honor and the liko.
Hence a vein of hypocrisy tinges the whole
business from the legislature to the constable
Tcrrc Iluiitc KJCSS. ] .
.Urn was my friend , till ono unhappy day
The usual cause a pretty girl came in our
From that day on wo seemed to drift apart ,
For each aspired to win her maiden heart ,
And though I tried eae'i art nnd winning wile ,
'Twos not to mo she gave her sweetest sniilo.
Kaoh day , f saw my chances grow moro dim.
Until to my despair ono day she nmrriud
Ah , lucky Jim !
How I envied hi ml
Three years passed on long ycnrj they
seemed to me
And then Jim died , mid once moro ' 'sho" was
free ,
Before me rose the hopes of the past ,
I wooed , I sued , nnd married her at lust ,
I've got my way ; and now she is my wife ,
I know Just what there is in married Hfo ;
And when I think of Jim , though under
ground ,
Enjoying peace and quiet most profound
Ah , lucky Jim 1
How I envy hlnil
OMAHA , April fi. [ To the Editor of TIIK
Uii : : . ] To deeido a bet , please stnto In Tun
SUNDAY Bin : If n man can bo imprisoned in
Nebraska for U newspaper debt. If. D. O.
Answer Ho can not ,
Wm-rxnv , Nub. , April . [ To the Editor of
Tin : Bi'.i : . ] Will you kindly inform a con
stant render through the columns of TUB
Suxiuv Bin : : Can a foreigner own real es
tate ( land or houses ) in tills country , pay
taxes for same , etc. j U. To whom shall I
write for information relative to the price of
land per ncro ( improved or unimproved ) in
Now Zealand } By answering you will ohligo
your obedient servant , T. SU.MVAN.
Answer 1. Non resident aliens can not ac
quire title to real cstato in Nebraska by direct
purchase , but they can acquire such property
in payment of liens or Judgments. They must
however dispose of suuh properly within ton
years or it i everts to tlio state ,
i ! . Write to the mayor of Auckland , New
Lixcoi.x , Neb , , April ! . To the Editor of
Tin : BHE : 1'lease inform mo in Sunday's
Bun when thoTivoll garden was opened in
Omaha nnd by whom. Also names of the
difforeht proprietors of the garden up to 187U.
Ans. The TIvoll garden wns opened by
William Slobolcst in IbllS and was conducted ,
by him until 187T , when Julius Thiolo took
charge of It.
A Tough Conundrum.
Will the time never come when the ills-
heartened , discouraged , dobt-lmrdoncd agri
culturists of the rich prairies of tlio west
shall find upon the floors of congress states
manship sagacious enough to discern the
causes of their hardship and honest enough
to enact legislation for Its relief 1
Minimum Ai-i-ostoil.
LiiAVKNWoiiTii , Knn. , April 5. [ Special
Tologrfini to Tun Bin. : ] John Mlttinnim
was formally arrested today nnd will bo given
a preliminary hearing Monday afternoon nt 11
o'clock to answer for murdering his wife ,
Subscribed .V niiuriintviiil Capital . . . . { .vio.000
I'uhl In Capital mouO
lluys ami Hi'lls Ktcx'Ks and bonds ; nc ollaii'-J
t'omim'iclal ' paper ; roenlves and i < .xi-ruti" <
triiHlH ; uetias trauHfnr iiKturt anil tinnlnc nt
ciiriionitloiiN ; takusohnnjo of propurty ; uut-
ll'C't.-i UlXI'v
OmahaLoan &TrustCe
S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas Sts.
I'ald In Capital. ) .
Hnliserlbi'd and ( iiuininli-rd Capital. . . . IDO.uuO
Liability of Hlookholdcm . . . mM ( >
& I'tir Oi-nl Interest Paid on lUiposlts.
ritA.NIk .1. I.AMJi : , CiiMhlcr
Onii-UTi : A l ( , Wjriiiiin.iwulili'iiti J. J. llrimn , vli-
! > ri' l'lfiil ; W. T. WyniHii , tii-iiiiirur
Illroi'tiin : A. I , ' . Wjrnuin , J. II.MIIIunl , J. J. llruwii ,
liny C. Hiiitun , K. W. Nu li , Tliuiima J. Kltubulli
litiorue II. l.uku.
I.DUIIS tu any amount made on City iV I'arm
I'roiHirty. and on Collateral Hocurlty u ' " "
i-jtl milcurrent. .