10 THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE , SUNDAY , APRIL 0 , 1S90.---TWENTY-FOUK PAGES. 8PEGIRL NOTICES , OMAHA. No nilvrrtlxcmcntM will l > tnkcti for tlu-Hc ooliiiiuiH nl'ter lS'iO : p. in. Tcriim C'liuli In advnncp. AdxcrlI cmonts wider this head 10 rrntB per line forlhe first Insertion. 7ccntsforrnchniib- Koniiont Insrrtlon. nniHI..V ) per linn permonlh. No nilxurtlsemeiits tnkon for lesstbnn 85cents forllrst Insertion. They must runi consecu tively and iniistbo paid In ADVAM'K. All iidxprtlM'iiit'iilH must bo handed In boforo8iO ! : : o'clock p m. , nnd iindornoelrcnmstances xxlll they br taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'artles advertising In thcsii column * nnd having their nn wrrn ndtlrrsii d In raroof TJIB IIKK xvlll please ask ror a check toenablo them to got tlmlr lottuix. ns none XTlllbodellxerrd incept on pre.srntatlon of rhcck. All answers to mix ci t Isomcnls should bo enclosed In enve- All'advertisements In thrso columns nro published In both morning and evening edi tions of TUB llRii. tliu rlrculatlon of which ng- grrgali's ' morr than BUM ) papers ilnlly. .and glxrs the ndxertlsers tlin benetlt.not only of ihorltv circulation of TUB Hi.i : , but nlno of Conned IllulTs , Lincoln and other clllcs nnd towns Ihrouglioiit this sect Ion of the country BRANCH OFFiCESr Advprtlslne for these columns xvlll bo tnkon on the aboxe conditions , at the following bus- ness houses xvho are autliorl/ed to take special notices nt tbo same rates us can bo hnd ut the iiialn ollU-r. , . - . - - . , , -r.-- jVujt Til OMAHA IIUANCII OPPICP.-Corner Oof Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebraska hav IIIKS bank buljdhigj 'lOIlN \ \ HKLL , PharmacistOh'onlh Tenth 'J Hi reel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HAM' A. P.DDY , Hntlonois and Printers , 0 IM , Smith llltli strert. PAHNMX.OHTH. Pharmacist , 2115 , SH < 'nmlng street , \\r .1 IIUOHL'S , Phnriunclsl , 021 North TI llith street. P.O W. ISUtTtTPhnrmnclst , 1718 Leavcn- woith Street. T.rT'OlIKb7PHARMACY , 2208 Parnam street , . S ITU A T t OXSV A N'l'l : I ) . V\rANTni > " "situation by experienced book"- 11 krepor.only ] iorllon of lime lo bo dox-oted , has other buslnchs. UiHxl lefrtencos. Salary reasonable Addiess , 1141) . Ht-e. OdO-11 * " (5LUK man , thoroughly posted in Block glues and bono liquors desires correspond- rnco xvltb capitalists xvlshlng to manufacture or In need of economical manager. Many ye.us' ovpoilenco. Addirss l-'redoilck Collins , 08 Llttlolon nxo. , Noxvnik , N. J. 077-8 * \\rANTii : ) Sltmitlon lly mi active , sober TI joungman ; can turn his hand to nny- thlnz ; wages not so much mi oblect nsslrndy rmploxmt-nt Address M. S. fainllh , 131S .Tnclc- Himsl. 1W4-0 * SITUATION xvanted by Mcady , sober man of 2"i , at mivthlng xvlth piospect of ad vancement , xxilies plain and i.ipld band nntj Is not afraid of xxiirlcr lefeiences. ! Address C A Nelson. 12-E1 N st . Lincoln , Neb. 1H-6 * " \\rANTLI ) Posltlon as bookkeeper or oflleo T ? woiU of nny kind , good lefelenccs ; nd- dicss 1418 N 22nd si. , Omalia. 0'.0 11 * " \\rAVni : > - lly a young lady , situation as TI bookKcepei.coivlstoi ) to dogenei.il olllce work Aildu-.sSI.il f-ewmdst. 07J OJ ANTii-OlIicowoil. . Addiess , II W , Hoc. U75 7 * AVANTIID-OIAIjIl JIKM' . \ \ ' ( . an uxorugofnuOpei week. Wlllguai- nntee fl J IK ) 4K1 ( s. mth st . Omaha. Neb. R'CMi * " \\rANTPI ) I'xpi-rlcnccddomestlcsalesmmi. i Applj to IE. C , Gicen , manager lloston Kloro. 18J-0 lrANTKD Two tailors on custom coats by > thc'xxeck. ; illb. lllhst. 150-8 * " \\rAN I'KD-To place the agency of n eopy- ii ilghl | ) uhllcatlon , now , xxoikcd by run- vassei , good money. Addiess 1159 , Itco olllco. 129-0 * SAf.rs'MKN xxanted Wo manufactiiie white cnamchd letters and olTer a fexv en- eigctlo men piolltablo , poimanenl employ ment. Si ml stamp , liollefontalno Mfg. Co. , Olnclnnall 122-0. * WAN IT I ) Agents for the best selling artl- cleoxei jiroduccil ; cost lx-out lib free ; no peddling and no monev reiiilicd | until sales aiemadi and goods dolixoicd. Address M. M , rrledman A. Co . Maillnsbnig. Mo. 12IM > . * * \\7ANTPI-l'\poileneod biindlo xxrappor. ' * Apply to It. C. Gieen , manager llostou Stoic. Ut-li AOUOI ) , ste.idy , llrst class barber , none otbei need apply. Ed ( Joins , Kearnov , Neb. IfcO-ll * " \ \ ANTni ) Salesmen on salary or com- II mission tobamllo the Now Patent Chemi cal Ink leasing Pencil. The gientest belling novelty ever produced. Kiasos Ink thoi- otighly In txto seconds ; no nbr.islon of papoi. 200to50Tp r cent prollt. One ugent's sales amounted to K.'O lu six ilnys ; miolhor SI2 In tw o lion i s \ \ e w an t ono nnoi get lo genei m agent for each state mid loirltory. b'.imiilo by mall . ! . " > ts. I 01 trims and full paitlculni-s addiess the Monioo KiaserMfg. . Co. , La Ciosso , WIs. AV'ANTKD An educated young man to li maniuo an ollieo. Hefoionces and KWO capital ioiiilied. | bahuy Jl 000 pot year. Ad- ' diuss xxlth btmnp , Itoom 601 Now 'Yoik Llfo Hiilldlng irw-d * to soil n noxv patent i > mtlolo that sells for 75 cents In ovoiy fam ily , stoic , olllce , etc. Send for elioularb or 75 cents foi sample. Agents mo making big money , llradman & Oinibby , UK Couit bt. , Hostoiu MIISS. 1187-8 " \\rAN I'lilA eomnctcnt man to take c.iro ii of lawn dining summer. Dan. II. hc-olei \ , ji. , Insiiimice , Douglas nnd 15th st. 1)15 ) 0 \VAN l'iiTwo : ) mllkc-isoi dnliymen. J. P. IT lloch. AmesiiM' . UVJ 7 * " \\rAN PKD- I smart boys about 17or 18 years i of ago to work at bench. The K , M. Hulso Co. , l.llh . and Nicholas. 117-U * "V\rANTKD Plrst-elass mouldrc nt the T i Ixoainey roiindry , Keainey , Neb. 115-0 * " \VANTPD An honest sales boy xxlth rnfor- 1 enics Apply nt.W8 N. 10th hi. UsO-li " \\rAN'rii ; ) A tea and cigar salesman for > the 1 Ikhoin Valley and lllnck Illllscoun- tlj None butathoioughlyoxporlenccdsales- iiinii need applj nmowllhnnestnbllshedliadn Intnat coiinliy piofeued. Must have icfor- eiicos. Addiess , bteel K Walker , St. Joseph , Mo 140-12 I JOO.Ms xxllh or without bo-ird. Iteasonnblo. -l Modein conveniences , C2b bo. 171 h ht. 141-6 * " \ \ 85 plasteroisnt once $1 per day ' 8 houib. Pay and Hi ines , Moise building. , 1111 11' V\TANTPD A live , eneigotlo man of good aildtrss to solicit for wholesale Hour house Addirss II 4S Don Olllco. Ull-li * ' . " . . ' . ' , ' . ' } ' "ioLiss ' paper hanger ! _ Ti'clej. \ HI lams , Piemont , Neb. Ul'i-tu' ' A\rAVl'P.D-Plist class o\pomMicid ) floilst _ ' T and gmdener. Address II .Ci Heuollleo. 750 \ \ rvnDAgents : Mnplo Cigar lighter. oxorj sniokor bujc ; flglils In vxlnd or mini lasts a llfetlmo : sampli-s 15o , Iwo foi-25c. dozen Jl by mall , slamps taken , htavnor \ Co. . I'roxldence. ' U. 1. _ rtjl-ii.il "AX AN ITD Tlnnois for plecowork In iissort- * , ' " ' 'nl shop , sle.idy wotk. Cull at Westoin U'lnwmoM fg Co. , uii-oio-Ob So. nth st , 'rji o * "V\rANTl'l-Ciliod book agents- take orders fVi""Mlu ' > " " 1)0"1" J" * ! > 'it. ' Pnmlly tieab- wy 2IU1 Ciimlng si. 1' . A. tiaxlii. 71V1-7 -vuMirsil"ai"loi'stonilcri's'iA. ; ! | D Kudo , Cleveland Cut tint : School. Clexo- ) _ _ w. i , \\r"AN'TKD-Miloincii to sell our noxv siieo- \ \ tallies to merchants only , sample * fur nished ; o\elus\o | terrltoiv ; puj Ing and por- manentsltuutlon. Model l.edBcr Co. , hontli lluinl I ml. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t .u * \ \ "AM'ni-.itX lulionim for Paolllo cTiiist e\l > tension of U , P. It.lt. in Novadu and Ptah. ( lood xviigcs and steady xxork. Albright's La bor Agoncv. 1120 P.irnmn si. MJ 1 > ICTL UK agents mid phologinpliorsKcrxcd xvlth elegant crayons , water colois and pastels , I ino bromtdo prints made for artists. Iteduced prices. .Mynster Poilralt Studio. ls2U tIStb st. Jnmha. _ ar-uls * ' \\rANTLI ) balesmen ut * 75 pcrmoiUh sal- n ry and tnponses to sell n line of t > lv | er- plntod ware , wulohos , eto. , by smnplu only ; luirso and team fuinlslied fire , xviltout once for full particulars mid sample ease of goods free , blunilurd Sllvurwuro Co. , lloston , Slasa , _ _ GjS \\7ANTED-AKents for Denver Stnto Jxif. TI tory. TlckwtsJOo. Address A. 0. Itoss X Co. , Denver , Colo. 60s-iiU \ \ rANTKD'I'ruveliij : sateshiily , 1.10 1 per month mid e\pon > es , Call or uddrrss room bftl. NOXY York Llfo building , U14- i \ \ rANTKD-Apprenllea girl for dressmaking - ing , dan ota y. mh t. na-o * \\7"AN 1'KD Girl for general housoxvork 2507 11 Ciimlng bt. 050-8 * Q I < \I > V"cok * _ for Idaho lQInundross \ for pmiilcfTii.II ) 14 i pantry cook 140 ; 4 r < | Hr ] ii ( lining room elrls , 100 fur tfnorul ilr llrtgu , JHi ) S. Uth. B78 UJ Immediately , fl dlnlnj ? room WANTED Odcll's dining hall , Lincoln , Nnli. ' * 1.10-8 \\rANTKD Plrst-rn | s wnlil uiiil sklr hnnds.MlM M.McOruth , 318 ItaniRO hlook ANTKD-Afslstant forrlndy In our over nil factory , onu who has hnil i-\prrlonc ns aiirh or xvho Snow Hfaetoryxvork thoroughly J. T. Itoblnsoii Nation Co. , 12th liuil llowurd. 11.1.12 _ _ _ "WANTED Yoiiiurlndy compositor for sov i i oral iliiv. cull Monday utb o'clock ; roon 48(1 ( , Itco building. _ 101-0 * \\rANTF.D--IO dry goods salesladies n 1 > Hloliehlll'x. 187-0 _ EASY xvork nil or part of tlio tlmo. Gooi ptiy tolnOninhn Indies , 1'or terms HCIK So Htunili to J. II , Tj son , box Tl.l , Chicago. XPnuKNTKnillllnorymlcdadles ; tl wages to Al parlies. Monehlll's. 12rt-ii GIItLHwho want work go to Ilin Oormnl employment nllico. 1.XW 1 nrnmn. Toli'ihonu | 1578. Ill-slot places furnished. 128-Ci * _ AOOOD woman rook Immediately lit Occl denial hotel. Button. Null. _ B25 l " \ \ rANTKOdlrl for genera Ihousexvoik. 131 ! lownnl st. _ _ I 7 fl _ \ fANTiDUlrlfoi ; punrrnl housework : Her i I iiitin or Swede preforied ; In family of two Kmlllr | 'r.'lJU' > IIi st _ _ _ .08 _ WANTKI ) Housekeeper In country , M-V xxcck , two In family. Woman und chili to go In country , good xvages. Shirt polishers 17. Uhrrmbcr mnld , iM. Unoliciul wnltur. tnai mid xxlfo piofciit-d. Cook In family of two Cook In finally , no washing. focoiiil girl , foil waitresses. $ . > week , Kvpcrlcncrd Indy dork and lift v girls forgcm'tal work. White s oilleo IIUX-Kithst. 1111-U * _ " \\rAN ni ; ) A good girl for general house ii work ; small famllv ; good xuigos ; for further Information call at olllcu 0.V. . Kcllli 711 Paclllc. brMxocM ' 'anil I p. in. _ M _ LADV agonfs foMiuv , ruhuor tindoigarmcnt Indlspi-nsabln to ladles ! proof frco. Ad dress LiltlO & Co. , 210 Clark St. , Chicago. Ill _ 55.1 (1 ( * VVTAN TKU A good girl for gcneial liouse- ii work : small family ; good wanes ; for further Information call at olllcu of U. W Kcllli,714 Paclllc. bet. 2 and 1 p.m. TOO WANTP.D-A second girl. Call at 'M' Lafnxolto axcniio ( formerly Pmilst. Itofoioncc'so iL'iiulruil. Airs. J. II. Dumont -1)1 ) roil HUNT JIGUSKS. lmis j ifor'"i"cii"C"lfiii7iTl"Hro - > a bargain , 811 S 82d , Apply Immediately. . 20 * " 171OH ItnNT 7-room house ; modern linprox o- jp moms. Apply 112 North aith st. 1,17-0 * FOU KENT A detached U-room house. 2118 Douglas hired. 70S 7J "lilOlt HKNT-Hoiisoof 10 looms , 1721 Douglas 1St. . ; modem eonxonlencos nnd very handy to business. Imiuliu of D. T..Mount-1,1 y.Ut 7b3 "I71OU ItKNT N'ewS-room house , every inoil- JL ern conxonlencr. 22d and Callfoinfn , J5C per month. A. O. Wukoloy , N. Y. Llfo bldg. CT I 430 TpOK lifcN'T 7-toom llatj Lange blkG18 ; . 1J 040 EOH HKNT Dwelling on Cnpltol avenue , 0 looms , and all modern t'onxenlonces , In- oliidlng laundry and largo stable. Possession April 1. 1) . J. O'Donahoo , 1C011'arnam bt. 591 "ITIOU ItnNT Houses and stores ; property -L' caied for , ta\es p.ild. Midland Guai.intco & Ti list Co. , 1011 I'.u nain st. Abstracts. OW TTIOItltKNT-Cottagoniidlmgolotxvith b.nn , J sheds , etc. on outsklits of cltj" , $12 per month , lllcks. N. Y. Llfo bldg. 10J 8 "IjlOU IUNT-l-ioom : ! bilck dwelling , all tnoil- JL1 cm coiivt'iilences ; fiirnlluio and uaipuls fors.ilu atgical s.ieiillce ; p.iitv leaving city , C.ill at otK'o a btrguln. 014 S. Cicoigla : ive. W7-C * POH KINT A bl\-ioom house , 29th anil Harney. 109-0 * FS ! t KKNT 2(112 ( Capitol axe. . 7-room cottage with bath. Iiiiulio8318Cnpltolaxe. 110-8 * FOIlltHNT-ltosldoncos : 2.th > and Harney ; icadj sooiiiMiiy modem , at loxv icntal ; line locution. Paul , 1009 Painam. 009-0 " 17IOK 11KNT A largo 14-room house , 10th st. -L near Leaxonxxoith , in llistelasl shape , xxlth 01 xvlthout barn. 11. K. fatowe , 810 N. Y. Llfo bldg. _ mvo * 8-HOOM house near SOlli and Ohio ; all the modem Improx ements , SJ5 per month. Giox ei tftox ons. 1515 t'ainam. 42i ( DODlli ; st , opposlto high school two cleg nit ! ) loom bilck houses , hansomest In the elty just completed ; choicest locality In Omaha. 20th nxe , ncai Painam , tlnco now nlno room houses detatchod , lust completed , oveiy con venience iloslinbly located low rent. Pink live , mo handsome 0 loom houses , de- tatched , just complotcd , overv convenience one block north of Leavcnwoith , choice local- Ity. Itobcit L Uarllchb. llillPuinam st. IXjS 0 LlOIt ItllNT Txvo ten-loom houses , one Jil' ( ) Dodge , ono block x\est of postolllco. Ono 2011 llainu'st.bothbultcd foi loomlnghoiises. James Neville. _ 1 17-12 TT1O11 HHNT Largo cottage , 8 rooms , Inigo 1. stable , etc , N. K. cor. Kilb and Ciimlng sts. ; spluiulld location for a doetoi's residence and ofltco. T. C. lliiiiiner , loom 1 , Waio block. 081-G _ 171011 HiNT-neautlful : icsldeiice. barn , full -i- lot , east fiont. modem linpiox'oments.tieor- glaaxe. Itlchardbon C. 1'iittuison , 007 N. Y , Life. _ 7M 0 HO1J&I3 for rent and furnltuio for sale _ clii'ap 1700 N. 20th. _ 777 ( j I HOI ! ItKNT Txvo 10-1 oommodoin houses , alt conxenlences. 1'aveil stieots , cable cms. I Ixo minutes' xvalk of postolllco. Iteforoncea leiiulrcd. Nathan Shelton , 11)14 Painam st. : ni7 _ " "IJIOK KINT ; Two lo-ioom lulek houses , no\v ; J ono 9-1 oem house , all modriii conveniences , mil ono 5-ioom cottage on Davonpoitst.be- txveun 20th and 27th. Apply ut 2022 IJax enpoi t Ot.1-7 . * - _ _ _ _ T71O11 KENT House In peifect rupnlr , cen- -v tiully locnlcd. Imiulro 712 N 19th hi. 891-9 * " 17IOK ItHNT Slx-rooin Hat at 2119 Parnam J St. , modern conxonlenccs. Potter A.t3eoigo Jompaiiy , comer 10th and Parnam sts. 057 0 " 17TOH ItlINT In convenient locations , suites -L of 2 , ; i and 1 looms , nininged for housekeep ing also huge and small houses , Pilces ica- sonablo. Hulls Iteiiting ugonoi , 1500 Painam. DCJ-ml * IP YOU xxlsh to rent u house or stoic sco II. L1. Cole , Continental block. U19 Q-KOOM Hat , xvlth ste-im heat , Idth st. , near O Jonob. Thos. P. Hall , 311 Puxton block. MODIJtN hoiiKi ! , nlno rooms , bath , hot and cold watei. fmnaco and gas , on Dodgost. , $10 per month. Pted J. Itorthxvlck , 8Ubouth llth WU 10 FOlt KENT 5-ronm cottage , 115 00 , conven ient to depot and business- Mead Inxest- mcnt Co. , lice bldg. 7is KOll lllONT ItOOMS Y7AltlH : iijegniir iixim ; 'i-ast front , second - > Jllnor. Alsosldo rooms. Most pleasant lo- atlon In city. Toiins roabonublc. 202boutli 'th st. _ 100-7 * Bpt'ltLK parlois to2gimtlemon and wlxes by old lady , Address It. K ) , lleo. 125-0 * CTUKMSUKn rooms Two Imgo parlors to4 * gentloinen , 711 b. mth bl. , Hat a , 2nd Hour. - 12.VC * llPUNIPIIii ' : > front pmlor xvllh or without * - board ; 1707 Dodge si. 111-7 * A parlor tloor In corner house , consisting of -fVthn-o largo rooms handsomely decor.iled and furnished ; opposlto high school. Will bo lonted totfcliiboi paity oPgontlomen for liv ing rooms. Adilieas. It 01 , llee. J4l-b * 11K1 Dodge streel-Itimms to rent , nlcoiy tuinlsheil , wllliorwlihout board. ir.-s * l Olt KINT' : Pionl loom ; modern Impioxo- * meiils ; cheap. Plat c , B81H N. 15lh. iio-u lT'l > .1. ' , ro'i"i ' liiy ) "V''cj'l'V ' furnished rooms xxllh boar.l IMS. Z _ 1JL U74 Ii * I u'XVl'3orl 'l > o''atlOlS25lhsl. ' ' ! , ring bull " 1J ! ; ' _ : U51-H' NT-Two furiilsbeil rooms , 117 t-rnUh bot. Dodge und I'ainmu. lai-jj. iLK.ASANT rooms , fiitnNbVd ; modotn con- voulcnci-b. Her blk,531 S. iotli. Plat I ) . UOI-8 * OANDbOMKLY furnlMied rooms , sultablo iiii.fSr ? .l y .V ' * . ' " " 1 * Dor montT c . Addro _ J VOnlooly fumlslieil nitiiiis for rent cen- tlcmen only , at M5 b itb. st. bli o 1" > OOMS and board , th28 Chicago. ± i , _ 803-6 * boanl. 1721 Capitol t\\o. _ _ B S * NlMIKI ) rcKims , suite en orslnzlo ; also kiML'p iK. m H. ntfl. la.ii ; N 's ' u boaru "ir JTlOIl ItllNT-Hcautlfully fnrnlshwl rooms JL1 with or without hoard : nil coiivcnleneesi ! references e.xuliungcd. Address Jl 51 , llco. | 08. 12 * 1JOOM with board , 1S10 Doilgo st. KM 7 * XTK'njY furnished rooms xxlth all nirMlorn JL > conv-eiilcnccs , . ' ! } N. 15th. 071 7 * _ l4\OH \ niJNf l'.lcpniitly nml newly furnished Jroiims ; most drslniblo locution In rlty. Address It M lieu olllce. l.15-8 * IM ) front parlor , front room , rooms fur light houst-kuciiliig. COS N. 17th st. 070 7 * ' furnished room , sultablo fortxvogrn- tlemen , bculcd , has , bnth , rent reasonable , 081 b lOlh. Ull 0 * _ _ FURNISH CD rooms with board nt 407 N lOUt st In Paul block. KIS 0 * 'TLfOTT Nl b 1 1 Ill7 rooms , 11118 Daveiipoitst. "IjlOIl HKNT Piirnlshed looms , desirable lo- JL1 cation , 2107 Douglas st. M)27 ) * rooms for gellemen with or J ? will lout boanl. Hill Douglas. 2I8-IV _ "VTICIILY furnished rooms , board If desired ! J- > all modern conveniences , teinisicasonnblc , 2200 I'ariiaiii' . Ut7 7 * _ ni ) room In prlvato fnmlly foronp gentlenian , breakfast undo o'clock dinner If desired. Loualtion ccntiul , : ) lii N.anh. . P07-0 * 1T1OIS HP.NT Purnl < lied roo'msj' gasli JL1 mid steam ; 1510 llowaid. , ' 187 "OOOMSJli , M , J10 , $12 , COT N. 18th. 7J5-10 * ItKNT Puiiilshed rooms , 1W9 Douglas , H loom.oxery con > unluiicelTlUIivonp't ) : T.U aS * IilOK 1 UKNT-Pionl rooms. 2010 Duxenpoit. tilS ifTIOIt ItKNTPleasant fuinlslied rooms xxllh JL ? all conveniences , 511) H 2(11 ( h St. dSl ST.lJLAIH Kuioiican hotel , cor , Ulth and Dodgo. bpcclal rntcs by xveok or month. G.U FOK UKNT Ono largo fiont room with board. 1900 On pitol uvc. 080 KOK ItlOXT-KOOSIS OIMtKNT ft"moms I n u fl rt t Z blocks from court house , noally paiieird , city water , $12 per month. Knqillio li. Thompson , S. 1 ] , cor lOlli mid Douglas. 1 > IO 0 * T71OII llKNT-Sult of 4 unfurnished rooms JL' suitable for housekeeping. 1'umlly without children. l'rloo 17 ; 1702 xVt-ljstor si. ffJl FOK KKNT Itoomssultablo/or light manu facturing , Inl-ludlng poxvcr and heat Itces Printing Co. . llth and Howard sis. 7 ! PTUNFUUNISHKI ) chambers for housekeep- -'liig for man mid wife ; nochlldrc-n. 'J19N17th. _ I-'OIt lU-iXT--STOKES AM ) OKriOliS. fllWO stoics for rout. 2-\50 ! , xvlth city xxator , JL gas , almost ncxv. This xvlll bo a larochanco forenorgetlo business men , lit for almost any business ; good neighborhood , and close to the iitoposod union depot vxhcro theio xvlll bo liundiedsof men xvoi king In a frw'dax's. Ap ply 1112 S lOlh St. , opposite Jt. & M. depot. 1152-0 * IflOI ! ItKNT Stoics nml Huts In iioxv block 001 nor Lcaxonwortb and 19th sts. . will bo ready about Apiil20lh. It. K. StoWe , 810 N. Y. Llfo\Idg. lOVO * DHSIC loom ; nttorney prcfeiied. Hutelilnson .V. Wead.'l Douglas. Toll-phone-1521) ) . 921 0 TT1OH ISKNT A splendid brick store , 2-\ ( > I ft. JL1 A good location for boot and shoe , notion 01 any kind of business ; tent xxlll bo made .satls- factoiy to a good p.uty. T. O. llrunm-r. 100111 1 , W.ue block. twl- FOlt IIKNT Desk loom In nicely furnished olllce. all conveniences. Itoom 19 , Conti nental block. 010 tJTOUKS at 707. 700 , 711 S. Kith , 22\00 each , kJlargo show windows , steam heat fuinlslied. Thos. P. Hall. 'Ill PiiMon block. b.r7 rnOKKKNT-bloie , No. ttHN. 10thst. betxveen -L Capitol avenue and Daxenpoil. Apply 1S19 D.m-nport si. 441 jriOU llKNTThn 1-stoty brick building with JL ? or without jiower. formerlv occupied by the lleo Publishing Co , 010 Parnam st. The building has u llio pioof ceiiient basement. comloio ) steam heating ll\tuios , xvateron all the lloois , gas , etc. Apply ut the ollice of The 1 tec. _ _ _ _ j 91r TT1OII IinNT-Oflleo room and larKclightbrtse- JL' incnt , cor. llith and .laeksou .sts. . Hist two months fieo lo good tenant. Intiulio Mm. Lange , 012 S KltliM U8i ) FOU ItnNT ; i-slorv brick building , 1110 Douglas bt. , sultablo for wholcsiiloorxvnro- hoiibepuipoios. Also bilclc stoio 107 S. 1 lib st. Imiuliuof Oh.is. Kaufman , 1JOJ Douglas st. AV ANT Ml ) TO 1CKNT. \\7ANTni ) Hy man and xvlfo , no chlldieu , i thieoor four unfuiiilslicd looms , or entire second lloor of some nice julvat-i houso. Must Im In good location. With or without bo.nd. llobtof icfoiencoglxcn. Address II 4.J lice of- llcr. t-ii-l-li * AOKXCV. IlOUTON'b icntal agoncx,517 Pa\ton blk. ± \l \ 197 / 1 KOVKIt Sl'KVKNb , 1515 Painam st. VJ 420 HK. COLH , ieiil.il agent , Continental blk . UK ) BOAKD and lodging by tbieo Indiesmothor ( and d.iughtois ) lu lioitso xxllh modern Im provements nou car line ; Unoxccptlon.iliof- eicnces furnished and icqulied. Addioss U 5L _ _ ] lej J or MAKKY Wanted-5,000 uiimairied ladles and gentlemen to advoillso for c-oire spondents lu the Chicago Matilmonlal News , vxhloh xvlll ho Issued weekly and sold by all Llio lo.ullng newsdenlois and hotels In the United btiiles and Canada. Per lerms and [ i utloulais addiess II. C. Motion , mom 515 , Itookciy building , Chicago. Uixi-d * VrATCHKH. clocks , Joxxelry repaired half IT pi Ico. Walch oleaned # 1. vLilnspiIng M , Case spiliig # 1. Pine quuitoi- second ivatehes rnpalix-d half Jeweler's pileo by piae- tlcal ixatchmakei nnd jeweler , etjinei Lcax- enworth and Paiknve ti'is-d ' * QU homo nnislug by capable nurso. _ , l. 5S , Hi o " " ' * _ " \\rANTI.D-Somo good tesldepeo propeitv ii and stoics lo it-lit and care for. H. 1C. Slowe. blO N , V.J < ifoj2LlIJii _ 105-C * AK. ItlLKY. iiotmy public , Itoom II , Con- llnonlal block , l.iu ENOAUP.MIINTS tododies-i making In fiitn- Illes. Mlssbtuidy , 5J5.S. 25tli live. 9s7-m5 * MASSACintieatmont. Rcalimul | hair ticat- menl. Mis. K. M. Pint , 41.1 bo. lOlh si. IKi-fl * _ LTOT b'pilng Water Ilaths Given In Omaha ! . ' hax-o opened nnd elegantly fitted up rooms n Douglas block , cor. llltli and Dodge , and se- uied the sei vices of ono of the best clu mists u the city. J can glxo u bath the xuitor being chcmlenlly , pioclsely the same , Unit Is so ibunilniilly supplied by nature nt Ihoso justly olebiatcd spilngs. And to those of bulled means butlcrlng fiom lilood pol- Hens , ihciimatlsm , mululal pol.sun , deep- seated organic disease , mmralgla , laialysls , sciatica , etc. , elc. xvoud | say to such sufloiois that loan glxo fiom one In two Months' tientmenl for what It xiould cost for allrond faro to Hot bpilngs , 1 alsoglxo llio lot-air bath , teniieialuio | if loquliod 212 ° P. , illherdiyor moist , xvllh or xvlthout cJoctrlo- ty. Coiiespondenco solicited ; send stump. I'l lined lad ) help for lady patients ; chaiges nodcrato foi single Imlh.xvcck 01 month. Take Moxator on llith. Kooms.M nnd 51 , Douglas ) look. M i-s. lr Day. Omaha. Neb. B AUN for lent In loai of Piost A-llairls' rm- _ ijago fuctiuy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'PO suit the ronxentent'oof clients engligoil ( lining thoday wo open oxrnliis , 7 to80. : ! I. iI-JL'olo. uioin 0'oialni'nliiljlk. I /U K Insurance fieoigo J. Paul , Hi09 Puinnm J. si , lopiosents rellablu tompmilcs only. ' > iJ ' VKltaltniTNS-oTiiorTtakoirforiiatlxoNir- biiiska plno IlycMisohl , J5 pel bunilicd ; 4 ciiitiOlilt8i 5yonm old , * I2. Older nt once or April dellx ciy , lloom W8 , N. Y. Life. \\rANTii-A : girl baby for adoplIon. Address - dress A ! IO. llco olllco. 140 AUCTION sules every Tuesday. Thursday mill t-'nturdny morning ut Hit Douglas st. ) ni al i aA _ 11 o tlon .v. KUungo Co. MO filOlt UKNT Txvo pleasant rooms xvlth board , JUjnodcrn convimloncos. ixi ? N 20th st. ftVll DTLINQIINTS : ? : pioaso Head This- Persons holding oontiauts for lots pur chased from the Omaha Itoal 1'stnto JL Tiust Co. , on which payments haxo become delin- luent , uio leiiuested lo call and nrrango an curly bottloineiit and. biivo trouble mid costs. Omuhii Itcal Kstato mid Trust Co. , 1001 Parnam St. 8M Hi : . COLE , reliable flro Insurance. _ _ _ 630 1.1 K.L'OLi : , notary public and conxeyuncur , I ( liu I.OST. I OaT On Purnnm but ' M and 80th nt. u memorandum cash uvcount book , i reward . ' tuturiikd to 311 Puxton Ilk. W. U. Orallou. IUUO I.OST"lit > twocn up track nnd llowatd , on i Otli , SntunUv. between 1 und 8 o'clock , ret ftfll\llsfor ! ! 1. < 'tllWOli R' bulldliiR ! return to 1 > > .uray,0thiiniDouglasmid ( gclMrowawl. ' retnriU1 Morse Dry Good.i ( > oi nnd rccclvo'roxvnrd. ' HTOUAG1C. CJTOKAOK avlowest rates , llrnnch & Co. , pl'JtMImvnrd * } " ; < .Vn8t ) _ rplltrclonnest'iindbest stornge In the elfy nl JL low rules at Jill Douglas st. Omuhn Auc tion Moiagero * _ _ _ _ JjtO _ rnitAClvAtiKttorjKoat loxxest rutesT V. M. I llushmmi. IW feavenxvortli. _ Ml AV A NIUJ I } - TO - se i niul lol of part i i of n lot and pay foi same with South Omaha property on n paved street. D. D. Smriiton , Itoom A. N. V.J.Ifo llldit. Ull-7 _ " \\rANTii ; ) PurnltiTre. carpets , household goods for cash. Wells' Auction tt Storage Co. . : ii7 s.jath SL _ _ _ on \\rANTiiM : ihny for cash lots on VfiiTuut > Hill. K. U. Menlll , 40th mid SewanMts. ANTKDlToiid commercial paper. Ne braskii Mortgage Loan Co.,519 Puxton blk. ASH fornllTltnJHof bousehold goods nt 1IU Douglas st. Omahn Auction & Storage Co. _ _ _ _ _ oto _ _ "VXrANTlli ) second-hand typewriter , IT Cither Itemlngton or Callgiaph. Stnto price. Addiess II 5' . ' , llee. 101-0 * \\TANTKD- Desk with rolling top. Address \ , "ANTP.D-fJood driving team. Oeo. N. lllcks , N. Y. Life bldg. IQ.-C "AArANTI'D-Plrsi-dass fmm ot ; WO acres or i i more In loxvu ; must bo good soil nnd close torallionds. Uco. N. lllcks , N. Y. Life bldg. , - WANTKD 3 second hand cabinetmaker's benches In good i epalr , cheap. The K , Al. Hulso Co. , iilh : and Nicholas. 1IS-G' ) A good lesldeno lot between Leavcnwoilh and Hint .slreotn , not over 1U miles from P. o , will pay part cash and good oily piopoily forbnlanco. 810 N. Y. Llfo bldg. * 105-C * ! _ _ _ \V-AfiTKI ) To buy for spot cash , city or i J country , parts or xx hole stocks of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli ner ) , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Call on or address J. L. llrandels & Sons , cor ner lath mid Howard , Omaha. Gli FOK ocTfLVi'ETf parloFsTand ramps , hanging I lumps , piano and banquet lamp * , In antique brass mid buinlshed sllxor. Decorated dlnncr- XMiro In sets or open stock. Uolrt baud dinner sols on Am , china. Decorated toilet sots received this xvcel : are bcmitlful In design mid finish , mid are en tirely noxv lo ibis market. Hotel china. M. II. llllss. 1110 P.irnmn. OG5-G FOU'SALH-Ono horse ; riding or'drlx Iug ; xvclght 'K)0 ) ; height 14'4 bands ; sound nnd gentle. Price tst ) , Lieut. C. H. Woidon.army ho.idiiuaiteis , Hop building , room 520. 121-0. * _ fpWO Standaid bird inmc-s ; joadstyrs. cheap ; JL or xxlll luke gentle team hoibosln oxchango. H.j : . ole. 151-8 FOK HALK or tiado Tiotllng hnt-e. pih-o $1,000 , will take pal tin good piopoitv. Hov Ijgl. bhenamloah. la. ! 'l ' ° ll4 _ "Ij OIl bALK Kngllsh pug puppy ( male ) house JL' bioko ; jiartles leuxlng cllx. Call Monday bet 10 a. m. und 4 p. m. , 1SJ8 M , Marys ax onue. 1 > l > * $50 will buy a .full nickel 43-Inch blcxcle , noarl > now and hi Jirst class oulei. Addicss Chmles 11. Ley. TIM N 8.M st lV ) > d * MIK fuinltiiio of fi 7ioom aousofor sale. . Call at 817 N Kith. , DM-O * FOR SALE 2goodihorses , call at moat mar ket , coiner Leuvoixvoith and Park avenue. 0 M ) d TKlt spinlelsi88l.l Lcaxciixxoilb st. mi a 80J IflOltbALr-Onoof the llnest driving teams In Omaha ; afiiid | of nothing , stylish and piompt dilxtrs ; also u full platform spilug CM i rlago almost nOxv. Addicss X 22 Hoc otllce. 047 _ ijlOlt bALi : Putnltiiieand lease of a nicely Jf m nibbed 6-ioom two stor.v house ; nil mod- cm liiipioveiiieiits mrd noxxly papcied through out. Inqulio ut 8SOI Woolxvoith live. 8S.J-G FlTHNITUKi : auction every Wedngsdav and Satui day. 1117 Hill h. Wells. ( d ! _ ' "IjlOK SALK A ffi-lild'se powe'r Porter engine JL1 In good condition , wolghl 5,100 pounds , cvl- Inder 11x10 ; for purllculaib applj lo The lieo olllco. 70s _ _ IT1OK SALi : Nmo good wiitcluJs miii dia JL1 mends cheap. U P. Musters , loom 4 , With- nell block. 05J CIjxVIUVOV'ANT. AltltlVAL e\tr.ioidlnmy of Mrs. Dr. Kddy , tbo distinguished xioild-famcd and only real natural trance elalixoj.int and .spirit me dium In this country , soxonth daugbtei of the bcxcnth daughter , born xx-lth xell and gie.itest piohctle ] gift of second sight. Whllo on- tianccd will icveal exu-iy hidden mystery In life. Has long been pionounced In I'uiopo and Amorlcn the greatest llxlng xxonder of the picsent age. Uniloritiinds the hclenco of llio "IVislan and Hindoo m.iglc , " 01 anclput clmim woiklng , anil ] iicp.ucs I. yptlan talismans which \\lll ox'eicomo yom enemies , lomoxc- , famlli luiubles , u-stoies lost atleetlons. nrikes mairlago x\lth the one jouloxe nof.illuic icmoxes ex 11 Inlluencus , bad hanlts , cuies xxltehery. ( Its and all long-standing and mjs- teiloils discuses ; x111 glvo collect Infoima- tlon on lawsuit , sickness , death , dlx-oice , ab sent f i lends , 0x1-13 thing ; noxer falling mix Ice to young men on mairlage and how to choose a xvife forh ipplness , and x\hit businesb be-t ndopti-d foi speedy ik-hes. t-toek speculation a sped illy. Alsoglxeslndlspcnsllilt- to young ladles on loxc , eouitslilp and matiliuo , and If join loxerls tuio 01 false , and glx-es plctuio of fuliiio linsband xvlth , name , age and date of mauiage. Houis 0 a m. to b p. m , slilct. N. II. i'or thebenellt of tlio-o who am unable to call upon iMi-b. Di. l ldy , she would icspcclfully nnnoiinco that she glxes perfect hatlsfaction by letter. Yout entlio llfo xvlll bo xviltten In a clearand ] ) lalnmanner. Lctleis xvlth stamps piomptly answeied. Hrml for largo Illustrated clioular xvlth specl.il trims. Mis. Dr. Kddy , Ills N. 15th bt. , Omaha , Neb. 1000-S * POKTIINH Tellei-Mrs. l.enormmi can bo consulted on all nllalrs of llfn. Hatlsfac- tlon guuranleed. No. .1111 N. 15thst. 4V.-n8H * DIt. NANN1C V. WAKltirx. elalixoyant" medical and business medium. I'omalo diseases a specially. 119 N. loth bt , looms 2 A : J. li" ) t JIUSIC. BKI'OKK hit ) ing a piano examine the new sca'o Klmball piano at A. Hobpe. 1511 Ihmglas si. 012 G iKLLKNllUCK.teacTTei ( uf the banjo , iooiii21l Diiuiil.is blk , 01 lice olllce. 21' ' ) SlIOItTIIA.M ) AM ) TY1MO\YIUT1N'G. " \\rANTlM ) Educated x'oung Indies and gcn- ii tlonicn to Icitn slioithand and tjpc- xxiltlng ; good silmhH ; htudcnts assisted to nosltions. M.iiidaid Sliinlluiiid lluslnu-s Col lege , 1'i.ink K. Hell. Instiucloi. SOI MOXKV TO 1OAN. c i : sniiill loans xvanlcd C Harrison , _ i'i Llfo. 170 GIIATTKL Loans Lowest lates ; collaternl papei bjiight. IIS Pco It'ldg. Hand luxCo. . 110-ao * " 1\I ONKY to loan In any amount fiom 810 to 111 $10,000 , on any tlmu fiom onu day to bl\ months. Wo loan money on f iirnlturo , organs , pianos , hoi sos , mules , xuuminund caulagbs. \Vo make tholovurit possible intes consistent with the risk. Nuo-ctia chaiges , No icmoxal of gVioil-i. No publicity , Liberal extensions of t IniTnladu. . Loans can be litld nlT at any time. Puit pavmcnt leduccs ( hit-test ] iionrtloiiaiely. | ) Money nlxuj s on Intnl. No ( Ida ) s. llaxxl.i-xu lii\csiiuiim Co . iiiiim , L' Douglas block , b. K. coinei Ibth and Dodge sis. lus UJM SI r.Kl I A L paper boughtr liooni II , Contiltuuital block. l.U OA-NSon Itnpnm l'iiiopeity ' at olo'-o rales. J A. K. Klley , IKkintll , Continental [ block. ! TOANS City anil fiiiin loans , mortgage pa- i J-fpei bought. aio 110 Inxcstmont Co , ' ' UILDINU i..v--- I'0llcrty ' ! ; At . . lowr.st i ut os. PilXMtb'funds la loan on bilck icshloni'ii mid biulncn pioportr upuu x ry fax orabla Ivlmball. ( ihmuii.v. Ityan , _ L-lliIajn.imsj ! ; _ . s-vi n 13 I IlinitAL icnlrsiaiuloiinsliTadoby . M JU Hurrls , room 20 , Pionzer block , opp. P. O ( Ul IONKY tolonu-GcorgeJ. Paul.lGWPmnnm. L IKW 1f K. COLtMciinusont.Contlnontul block. J ! - G. ) 0 HATTKL IOUIM at lowest rates ; removed to 517 und 510 Paxton blk. J U. Kmlngor. IBS KKYbTONK Mortgage Co-Loin-i of 110 to 11,000 , get our lalosbefore borrowing and uuvo money , loan on horses' furniture or any approved security , without puMI > Uy notes bought furniMVluifi r nmx n of-il-l iu l low est rate Cull , II .MA Suedblk , Ulli A. Iluw- t.U 050 CJIIOUT time loans made. A. It. Hlley. Itoom O 11 , Contliientul block. _ I.TU TV f ON I3V t o lomT oii n ny security All. for short tlmo ut low rates. Loxxcst tales on porsonnl property. The Hcndnrson Mortgage Investment Com- r _ Pnny.JlooniJOO. Pajslon Jdock. l\V < rj11It3lf | inortgagoloans nt loir ratrs mid no JO deluy. D. V. Sholos Co. , 210 Plrst Natl bank. _ , mo LOANS made on any nvallablo security Centrnl Investment Co. . Itoom 83 , Cham- lierof Commerce. 0(11 ( "jITONnV loaned on furniture , liorses mid > i'l xxngons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. . roimi 17 llarker block. uu EASTKHN money to loan on furniture , horses , jewelry , etc. , room 2 , 1417 Pnrnnm. 88J 10 * * | oTCNS mnde on unlmprox odTenlT-sTirto. A. JU K. Ulley , lliHim 11 , Contlnenlal block. 180 EOlt SALK--A fresh .lorsov roxv nnilT'altj x'rrv gentle. Applv nt unit Prnnels st. , west slue of llanscom Pnrk. 145-8 * ON'KY toloan by 11. P. Maotrrs In nny amount from JIO to $10,000 for uny time , from one to six months. t make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , noises , mules , houses , lenses , etc. . In any amount at the loxvcst possible rate , with- edt publicity or irmovnl of propoity. My loans are so m ranged that von can malio n payment ut nny tlmo and irduco your In terest pro ratu. You pay Interest only for the time you use tbomoiiey. If you owe u balance on your piopoity 1 will tnko It up mid cm ry II for you , nt I ho loxxest rule conslstnnt xvlth the risk. Money nlxvnys on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Loxxest rales. 11 P. Musters , Itoon 4 , Wlthnell block , 15th and Harney sts. CKNTKATi Loan and Trust Co. . 1205 Putnam st. Choice city loans nt loxxest lutes , UlTml WANTI'D I'lrst idass Inside loans , Lowest rates. Call anil see us. Mutual Invest- i not 1 1 1 V ) . . _ 1 'iT I J\iji n n m . _ fl. > 7 _ Ol'I'ltClJjfl'resfilunoo loans & .I.DOO toJKMWi. Hulllllng loans at speolal t.ites , The Mead Investment Co. . lice Inilldlng. _ 005 ' M ONTA" ; , ( )0 or 00 davs on fiirnttmc , pianos , hoi < es , houses , etu. J. J.WIlkln- , r.18 I'liNtimjilK _ M\ \ money to loan on city ptopcrtv ; moitgagopupei bought. ll.ll.Iroy , oppPO B I'l LDIN'lt Loans ( > v io7 portent ; nn ad ditional charges for commission or attor ney's fees.V.H. . Melklc , PIrst Nnt'l bunk Wilt , ' . i\I ONKY to loan. O. I- ' . Davis Co. , loulcstuto J.l and loan agents. 1505 Pariiam st. Ui3 BKPOKK negotiating a loan to Improve your ical ostalo got trims fiom The Odell Investment Co.Ml N.Y. Life hldgj Thos. S. Hoyd lopiescntallxe. W ) M ONKY to loan on horses , xvngons , mules , household goods , pianosoigansdiamonds , atloxvest lates. The hist oiganl/cd loan olllco In the city. Makes loans from 80 to 805 days , which can be paid In part or whole at any tlmo , thus loxxerlngthr pilnctpnl and Interest. Call and heo us xvhen you xvmit money. Wo can assist you piomptly and lo jour adv.intage , xxlthotit icmoxal of piopeity or publicity. Money always on dmid. No de-lav In making loans. C. P. liced & Co. , 819 S. IJth bt. ; oxer Hlngliam A. Hons. (4 ( , < t A nSTUACTS O V TIT 1 , 1 J. DAxDUamitcT bldg , complete abstiacts fuinlslied and titles to rc.il ebtato ef.imlned , peifected and guaranteed. ( .71 IJUHI.VKSS CUANCKS. HKNT-One of the best hotels In Ploux -Citj.l.i. Addiess llox , VH. t > 'is-li ' > * 8 1MciALhNAP : Laundry anil tools , hoiscs. wagons , etc. Only $ .WU ; pi.sltlxelv woith SiiOO. Dolnggood Inislnrss ; iriison fin selllnu , owneroiii | > elled to leaxeclh suddenly. II. K. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental bluclv. 151-8 IflOU SALK News , cigar and confectionery stand In postolllco In n good count v si-it town. AddicbS W. 11. Ilollman , St. J'l.inuli. Kan. MIMi * "jTTOItSALK The e\cluslxo light to manuf.ie- J tint- and sell the DcCanip Automatic. Holler Cle.inei In Nebiaska. Itcmov us sediment fiom boiler and niexents foim itlou of scilc-s. Can bo made in nny foundix. No boiler com pounds Used. A thoioiigh lux estlgatJon In vited. A pi act leal test of Its xx oik In this city. N'ebiaska Is a good Held and an cnc-igetlc man can make money. Call on or address. A. Do Camp. ISM I'm mini si. Omaha. 7'10-7 ' * I AW nnd loan businessfurnlliireand lihiai v _ Jforsalo.Pi.iiil.l _ LongOdohnlt _ , la. lilii-ii * rnWO Hlg Chances-Olios' ) 500 and onofin,0l ) . JL .Stocks of geneial meichaiidlso forsalo75 cents on the dollai. Holhvor.x desiiable and clean slocks xxell located and doing good cash business. P.utlos miisl have cash but xvlll glxo tlmo on p.ut. Tills Is u snap for sumo baiguln-lnintor. Itents loxv. Pariotte. Itoom 21. Douglas block. Omalia. 7Q'i-7 I1OK SA Li-My : llx 01 y business In this city ! xvlll sell 01 lent building ; cot rcspondenco solicited. John Dohany , Council lllulls , l.i. "IT1OKSALK iflO.OOO. half luteiest in gonoial JL ; merchandise business of WO.OOO per yo.u , net piollt 410,000 pei year. In xxostein country ; oxxnorjiot xvoll and xxlshlng partial rtvt ; rof- erenees must be fuinlslied xvlth letlois of In quiry. A d (11 ( ' \ -JtoiMinire. . | s'-a7 ' ) ! STOCK otdiu/s forsaloor tiade , one-third cash. Willis Cadxxell , llioken llow. Neb. IM-aH * ( TLNKItAL inercbandlso business forsalo In a town on Ssloiix > . 'lly & P.iolllo i.illioad In xxestorn loxxa. Terms cash. Or good sccui- Hv. Hulldlngs. Including n-sldenco and gra- nmlci also , \\lll cM'h.ingo for good farm lands or city pionerly. Hulldlngs xxoith about $ .l.'iOO. tiood lli'lil foi doing u gialn , cattle mid spcculnllxo business. Addicss A 1' ' ) , Omaha IJep. OljMil.l "iriOK HP.NT-Checkered llxeiybmu onlrfth Jl St. , S of Harnoy. ( ill 01 addiess Neb. Moitgngo Loan Co. . Ill Paxlon blk. ( .OS Flill t-ALU A xxell assoi ( cd stock of geneial haidwaie. tlnvxnrc , stoves , XMigon tlmbci , ion , Hold mid gaidcn seed , etc. , Inxolclng xUtli Innei tools and llNtiues about JT.lHiO , moioor ess. Nawell paying business , bcingcsiab- Islicd I.I xe.us ago , and Is In ono of Nebtnska's Ifo toxxns. tJood icasoiib given for selling. \\ouldsolloricnt \ stoic. Also line dwelling louse and two lots behind stoio foi sale , vul- icd at f-.SW , Would bo x\llllng to take some s'oith Omaha piopoity ( i-csldenco ) In tiade , s'ime not to bo miicli higher than $5,000. Ad- Ins 1140 , Omaha lice. 121-0 rou l > A IhuTstock of i the city. Must bo donoiiuluk. ti A. P. a 17 S. 1 Ith _ S" > .1 1riOltiXIANOi-2 ) | : KM aero tracts of Ne- biiiika lands pully under cultivation. In peed localities. N. H. Ajiple , loom 10aio block. H07-11 * _ rpo P.XI'llANCiPino city 01 fuim piop- 1 citx and cash for clean block meicbaii- dlso. Can close deed on slioit noliee. Addiess H 19. lice. _ M4IS _ " 1T1OII ixi'IIANOn-'J : ' clear lots for a good JL1 boise buggv mid hainess. N. II. Apple , loom 10 , Waie block. _ Hii7-ll * JP vim have anything to exchange call on or address II. K. Cole , lt.i ( , Contlnenlul block. Olllco open ov citings 7 tohW ; ; , _ dll ) Tiuflt r.XCHANOK-ClioIco Imnioxed Ne- JL' liuiskii faims. Will iissumu light incitm- brmice. If jou have an > thing to offer ad dress m cull on Cieo. .1. Monisdoif , room . ' 117- I.lhPlmt National bank building. Telephone 401 , _ _ L ? : _ _ " \\7HAT have you too\ehango for a lot In > > bouth Omaha xx ( lit h * 1.000 , eloarof lu- cumbi.ince. Address X 5. . llco olllco. Iiii2 llou-es and lots In Omiiliu for horbcs. D.inlcb , BM Now Yoik Llfo. U14-8 * T/UJlt iXcilANlP.-2 : ! lots in South Omaha or I I lot near Vlnton St. , foi hoibi-soi milk's. Itoom 1.1 , Uo.iiilTi.iiU- . bul _ r..X ( IIAXC.i : foi faun land In eastern FOlt Neb or Iowa , in for aero piopoity n lot In Urn , ill 150x150 fiontlng on a paxril Micot , xvlth one laigo lionso on It 82v. > mid Unco small houses , all imiti-d and In good condition. Ap ply to I ) . N. Hiadloy , Continental block 100-0 \VANTii : > A Kroeory stock of * I,5 < K ) to > > $ iOXl ( fm clear low u land and cash. W. A. Silencer , 1521 Douglas bt. U7U-8 rnllltii : : choice ph-ecs Nuln.tska land , c-leai , -Land cash foi nioiclmnillse. Addicss 1155 , llco. W M * * ITVXOIIANflK Per clem lots 01 land , (1-room ( J-J cott.iiio and lot , Ohio and 20th sis , within 1 block of : i good cm lines. Addicss llox 117 , Ashland , Neb WU 18' _ _ ILLti.Tdo . > , l-.slilebai ImiMy ( Mcadlmbor mike ) for ph.ioton H L' . Colo. 1M-S KOK SAM ; KKAIiJJSTATJIO. of the choicest pieces of Pnrn im st , property , 150xlS2 ! , uiilmpioxed. at n loxv prlco ; easy terms Itoburt L. ciarllchs , 1014 Parnam st. VtiA U | OOK al This llouso and full lot In linker J JPlace , Walnut 1IIII. to li ado for llrsl-clasi hoiso , or for bile , il,150 , c.ibh t2 > V ) , babui'-o easy. K. Q. Mcirlll , oxrnur , 40th ami howmd sis 000 li' ! ON'T forget Dirlxlit k Lynian'ii 50 lots , M. A Upton C o. soli ) ugt-iiH. J.C1-S "Ij Olt SALK -Why pny rent xx bun you can lm > 1 nliu HI xcn roi'in l.iiuse xvlth mudurii In- proxemc'iits m , ir toih mid Lukt'bts ' xvlili < ml > n hiiuill oiish piivmc'iit , biuatiLi noiiiiily In ( jutre , WiiKht .Larbury , Ailtaetun block I-.STATI' ; : . A 1IAUGA1N 1'ourtoon clogaut Ion , Just oppoMlo Itusor'fl Itolol nml Summer - mor ( lardntt InVe l Omaha , Covered with n beautiful Kfo\e , I'erfectly sinixitli nml IeM-1. licit hlno station light on property , tlixid cottage and barn on proinliet. Cull and got prices nml teims. Ion Acies especially sullalilo for mail.et gnidonlm ; . with nlcu Illtlocot- ln e. Unii otlor for ix fiv days lit f.V.VX ) , $ , ensh.balaaco 1.2 , il , land { iio.irs. C.ill and see this list of cholco u > l- tU'iico ptoiieity wo ollor In llansconi I'lnee. lluro are ix few of our bargains In Acre proper ! vs . . 10 ACIlIMiiAVcslOmnhn . . . . -l.WO fi AntnSntMit licit l.lnoHy . . . . 'J.4W tt ) ACUr.Hsotlthxieslof eltv . . TMO 10 A'ltis : near Missouri I'nolllo Kelt liliio . flee 10 AfUKS choice loM'l ti.ickago on UK . . 10.01X1 fi ACItKS Inest Omaha . 2.000 40 AUUis : close to elty limits . . H.OOO 7 ACIfr. > 'unly thieo miles from piMlitnii'o . . . I.WO r > AfltKS III Iu\MHIolil , only KM I'asli . . 2fWO CO ACHKH llnost tiact mound the city , \\II1 sMbdlvldu Into 200 nice lots . 87,500 10 ACUi : tr.u-t only two liloeks from licit l.lnu station. West Omaha . 7.000 10 At'UIN 111Vust Omalia near luno- 1 1on of P. , n. , t M. V. It. It. mid M. I' . licit 1 , Ine rallwav , silendldly | adapted foi platting , will Hiibdlvldi ) Into llftv nice lots that , with the uipld glow thof Iheclty. will sell MrJKM to if , ' > 00 each. Then- twelve to tlftcim thoiiMinddol- laispiollt In this ti.ielltbtiithe ne\t llvo yo.ns CAN QUOl'i : . IMX'IAIi I'IMCfi : ON Tlllb IK > ( ) ! , ! ) AT ONCi : . i io. : x. HICKS , 1'lrst 1'loor , Nott YoiU I.lfo llulldlng. KfMl $25 cash mid $12 nor month , for 4-ioom house. Iotni\l87. ) JI.I25 ; xery cheap. Also house of 4 looms , $ n cash mid H pot month ; veiy easy terms , at lowest pi Ices. Let us show you the bouses. W. J. Paul , 1WO Painam. looo - \ - - furnished nnd Jmoitgagu I aken for all If xou build nhomc. Host toi ins , W. J. Paul , loou I'm num. WJ-fl FOIt PALH House mid lots on voiti oxxn teims ; cheap. W. J. Paul , 1WW Paimim , " 1710USALK-I louses xxlth full lots in Walnut JL1 und Diehard Hill at If I.MX ) to $ .1,000 , on easy toims. W. A. Spencer , l.V.'l Douglas si , 1)50-8 ) "TTlpIt * \ f.K-A good 8-room house and full -L lot In Denlso's addition. This Isa nice homo and voty clioap Also corner lot In Milim'sadd , mid Cfl-foet fioutago In Palrmouut Place ata veiy loxv llguio. And still one mote , n coruor of tbieelolson Lowe inc. , on Main street. Or chard Hill. If > ou mo looking for real bnr- " s It 50 , Heo olllce. DS2-8 HE. COLi : . KKAI , H TATC. LOANS. KKNTAI , . TN lfKAMT. You find In our olllco at all I Imcs , A choice list ot elegant icsldenco propcity , A choice list of acio piopci ty. A largo Hit of houses and lots on easy tcims. Oiiricnlnl list Isthelmgcst and most com plete of any In the city. I'or inaMiig loans our facilities aio iiusui- Special nttentlon glx-en lo exchanging. H. r. . Cole , iniiiii ( i. Continental block. 120 LOOK III.It ! ? Do Mill know that cMonsho sticet Impioxcmcnts me about to be com menced at Uiiuih i View ? \\e \ ha\e a il.indv lot and cottagiion MPiml stieet for$2."iOO. Lot on guide. M. A , Upton Co. i-ole agents VON'T forgot" D xx Ighl A. | 7\ man's W lots. M. 'A Upton Co. solo agents. l.Et-S ii5\115 : oust fiont on IKd ht ( paxed ) . I'lm-st 1 icsldence ulto in Omaha , llel\\cen I'ai nain and D.ix OIIIMIIt sis. Will discount actual x .line $1,500 If taken at once. M A. lrpton Co. sole agents. l'U-8 $7,0(10 ( , i.OOO.r > WO , JIO.WX ( ) . $11.0(1(1 ( ( , t12.WO ( , SI'UXIO. J14.0HO , tl5tH ) ) icsldences foi sale. M.A. Upton Co. solo agents. 1'CI-s ATOTs tTio tinio to stay by OmahTi ical -l-i estate. Takei-aic of back pi > incuts on Impioxedor iinlmpioxcd inopeit v and get xonr money of A. K. Ulloy , II , Continental block. J.M ON'T foiget Dxxlghl k Lyman's50 lots. JL A. Uplon Co. sole agents. j-8 | ijiuiL r.nij i nrce > loot jois wiin Milan -A-1 house , With and Iliudette sts. ; pik-e , $1 WO ; < \si)0 ) cash , b.ilanci ! In2je.iis. Nlsson > V lloi- rlck. J20.S. llth st. ! i-ll- ( , * VON'T foiget Dwlght A. Lyman'350 lots. "A. Pplou Co. solo agents. l.CI-S D I ON'T foi get Dwfghl A , Lj man's 50 lots , M. A. Uiiton Co. sole agcnls. 1 f-3 ! DON'T foi got Dwlght & Lxman'oSOlols. M. A. t'ptou Co. hole agenls. 1i.1-8 "TTtOlt hALK 0-ioom house , east fiont , lot . 'I5x JL' 127'i , city and clstc-in water , all In good 10- p.ili , \ mlloN. W. of postolllco ; prlco ; 5.lr > i > 0j 'a cash , balance to suit. Addiess ] { 1Hec. . U I'laro lots. $10 down and 10 a O nionlh. L. b. Itced&Co.lt. U.bo.ud of tiade If.'l 10 "VTOTICK If xou mo going Jto build In the J-i xxest p nt or Omah i don't fall lo see K l > . Mci rill , the coutiactoi , 4lith and bcxxard sis. ! > JO 1' . " 1JKAI ) This 1 will offer for u fexv days lots J180 and 21 , block 1 , Pottci's add. , foi iM 000 , and 102 feet fiou * on llth st. , near Nicholas , being IT. P. .lockage. for K > , OUJ , Tlio-,0 aio gu-at baigalns Groxoi Stcxcns , 1515 P.iinam. Q'el. blV i-090 _ ALi : -The bc.iullful icsldence , No fc-0 FOlt ( ' . ' axeuiiei \ ifull \ \ lot. U-room bons- , blich anil oak Hnlsli down stall's , oak sidc- liii.nd , laln.itory , 4 mantels , sea | ) stone tubs In laiindi > , elstein and cllj water , gas and sewer rimncctlons , ga < H\tnics , house handsomely decorated , good fuin.i.o ( and range and exciy possible ronveiilenro. This piopoity Is clem of Ini-nmbiaiicK and owner can glxenny teims tosult. No trade Anv ono xxlshlng to pin- ihusc can call ut No b'JO ( Jcorgl.i nxe. and be bliown the piopcily , or call at my otllce and bo dilxcn out to see It. I ) . V. bholus Co. . solo agent , 21.1 Plist Niillon il bank. _ 970 \\Lstoilleldical t-stalc.S Omaha 074 TJlOIt PALK A line lmrovcd | propel ty.75\I20 J feel of gioiind , wlth.l-sloiy lulek and slono bulldlius. icntcd at $ . " 170 pel join to good ten ants , well li asiil and best piopoity In the eltv of Maiiuokela , la. , to tiade , cleai , foi good Omaha Impioxcd 01 unimproved piopritx. IKMM ! chance foi someone lo get good Inxosl- ment foi non-inodiietlxo piopeilx. I ) . \ . Sholes Co. , 21.1 Phil N.U'l bank. 070 " \\n ; IIAVlIu ciistomei foi txvoaciesoi fora full him k south of Vlnton Crum A Illsli- op , loom 51 Ho.nd of Tiade. hsS PIX'IAL ItargalnHost 9-ioom house with full lol xxest of Lowe axe. , cltx water , cellar under the enllio house , ono block fiom Yxalnut Hlllbchoul , pi Ice f..MKi. small ii.i.xmcut down , balance easy. K. U. Mciiill , ow m i. Ulth and fcexuud sts. UM1J2 * LJIXTY-PIVKaeiess. w.ot | ) o , . suitable for lOpliittlng or gaidenlng , foi btiloatu bargain 1\IC. _ DjuJjnS. IJJI.il ker blk. iJU I 1ST j'oui piopeity wllh II. II. Colo. i fin i ITIOK SALK A Inrge new elghl-iooni house. L1 well , elstein etc. . full lolW200 ; * I-0 rash , bill. 10 yeais at i pel cent , mid a numbi'i-of , - loom bouses fiom .M HI and up. xx lib 8 full lots , only 2 miles fiom P. I ) . , sofd on any U-rms. tieoigo J. Paul. IliO1 ! Painam st " - 1JKAPTIP1TL icsldenco lot on Dodgost. op Jjpo.slto high school. : .0\HO ; choicest locnllly In city. Itoboit L. liailluhs. loll 1 ainam st. - IIW I ! rpWcTcTiTilcc lolsTm small casli payment , Iml- J iincescuind moilgaio ; to responsible par ties xvlio will Imlld. 11 , K Cole , Contlnoiilal blk und 2. > OI N 8llh WH room col t ages , } tnoo each , $100 cash JjlIVK , balaiii.e JI5 pel month. Thos. P.Hall , PuNlon block. 0.17 ' ' fiont. Walnut Hill , Cumlngst. t.Vnii ) Snl'J'll | ) | ' , Omaha N'lexx U57 50 foot lot on Lake si. east of Wth . . . . I.IOi ) I'lnee ft home. 'Kithst. llanscom Place . 5,500 10 houses nc.11 llanscom place , on 81st only t500 cash. . . ' 1.100 House and ' , , Inl.'Ttli mid Dmiil is.iJOOcash 2.14)0 ) Hiitchlnson ( c Wcad , JS''I Dongas , Ti lo. 12.VJ. It.'I ( i rpItACKAnK-I will'oner forufow days an 1 elegant pleco of I } . P. tiackago iuoiorty. | being 108 f 111 fiont on llth stieet , just mil 111 of Nicholas , foi $51X10 , It Is thoi IIOUIK-.I ploioof piopc-ity oireicd for sale In Oinana. ( iruver f-tovens , 1515 Pmmini slicut. Tul. Hl"- TTIOK SAI.K 8,000 nero * besl fm inltiit liiniU In J1 Nobiahka nnd Wviw feet on Nmtli Mth HI. , at a gro.it barrlllto. Imiulru blShouthlllh hi. IJc-o. II. Puterfcon. oxvnur. ItWiilT T OTtUirhirc'lldairi'lai.'e. It , U , board of Irado Lots In Cai'ihage , two blooks HAUQAINS motor line , mid llanscom puik additions , also tliu flnest 8) ) iicres In lloiison add , I.IMI now 5-roomiottagln Clarondon add , one block f mm slirotcai-s. Call and bi'ciiio Dan II.lailor , InbUiaiiL't' , Douglas mid l. < lh OOxllOun 8rthst. , nut tit of .st Miiry'a live , ' wilii < ii > dr ( iin' < iii n ulty WiitiT soxxur rli- rent t's nrwfi I itu 1 iifniimh uutiiijrit in. u iiu'tflilH-rhm ' I . ii'l vi w foOAifur m > < r f IO.IXKJ for both t Ittih luliuruu iV LvKrin ItuomU , Chamber of ( . umuikrco , ' ( fJ-ti Olot , be'iiitlfiil location , 2Slb and Clmrlrs sts. Price f'J.OOO. only S.VM rash balance very easy. K. U. Merrill owner , 401)1 ) mid be ward sd. rt i-U tIM,500buys40\121 , xxlth good fi-ronm bousoi P xxcll. elstorn. Will soil 40\l' . > ; i for * SOJ Ap- ldys2iilh < Mtojnlj ) < f > 9ii"IO Decnturst 81,1-nlll * _ IP you liuxo money for speculation , or nroil mi elegant location for Inmberoillers , whoM- * nlo. or light nimitifnctiirlng business , the US feet on Douglas Is just tbo spot , nml xvo can sell It at nearly li xnliio , M rash , llutehlnson & Wead , 15't Douglas s | . Telephone IV ) . l l tl 1IUMSALK- by 150 ft. cor. Will nndib \ : J ster Hts. , nl so a ntimberof gooil lots * 50 nml f 100 down and nioiilhlv paxmonts for balanco. N. It. Apple toonUO. Wuro block. H17-II * IjlOUSAliK mid r\ehmitfo-J haxo iiillo | u * number of b.irgnlns. Call mid M-O. N It. Apple , jiiom H ) Wmo block. W17-II * JjlOHSALKYory cheap , no trado. fnrm of -I1 5117(1 ( no res , sec. 5. 18. N li W. Hamilton county , Nob. ; 2 miles fiom Marqnottc , smiill houso. stable. 800 noros of pastmo fenced , liv ing xxnter. prlco only Jli ) per aeio. J\.17tXI. | 101 ins * J.8iKi onsh. balmier o per cent Inteirstf 1 . Ix. Atkins owner , inllitino building , Denxor I ol- i,75 , GOTTAUK homos In most nny nddltlon for snlo at fiom 81.000 up , on easy monthlv paymeiils , R K. Daillng. 4.1 JbtUer Idoek jVV ) " 171O11SALK Ore\chniigo foriliugs mid rrnl ± estate.oouo - book stock , llox ftlH. 7 820 lleorgln , II looms. cM-ry moilern eiinxenl- ence. elegant and cheap , must bo sold by April 1st , best bmgaln In Omalia. $ 4.2M 7 looms , all coincidences , location line. Idg bmgaln. 10,500-10-1 out piessed bilck , all conveni- CIICLD.itn. . gas lUtuics , hardwood lln- Ish. I , , front , KI71 feet , ll.inscum Place 2.700-s looms , all coincidences. On-hard 7,300 12 moms , barn , all coincnlcnces , three lii.liltels , gas tlMlircs , gi-ound coinei , 20,000-2.ss\l7 ; > tracKage fur clear farm. UIMO jdiiauv bargains ? If so , wo wuntil list of them.o linxo farms and Mic.int lots clear for houses , nul lots , bee us bcforujou buy. D. V. Sholes Co. , 21,1 Plist National bank H'H ' ) AI'lNinitlle homc.2Sth st.near WoolMorlh , full lot. IMS ! fiont. 7 looms and bath , M'ry ' Ittle cash icqulied. 1' . K. D.uiing , 4J ll.irker block. _ -.TH iriOll HA M : S-room house , must bo moved for - * - Impio\ements. Homes built on easx pi\- meiilsliiall p.iitsof the city. Hood faun for tiade. 1) . .1. O'Domihoc. Iboi 1'arnam st. tr.'t ! TjlOll SALK-Two xx ell built houses ; all inuil- -L ern conveniences ; on paxrd street ; water , sewer , ens , stieet cars ; walking distance ot postolllco ; will bo sold cheap nnd on easy trims us owner Is leaving the city. Nathan fahellon. Kill I-'iirnam st. 8ii7 WlThaxo iiiitt-iraser for house and lotliot oxcoeillns JJ not ) , Ircated within the fol- loxvlngdlstilct : Itetwccn Ciimlng midLcuv- enwortb and cast of J'ldbt. Kinest Itlall \ Co. . .Wlb. Idlbsl. Dl.M , ' IjlOK SALK-Or OM'hnnge for mdso , . joxvolry piefoired.SOOaoic-bof land , unlnciimboicd. In oastein Nebraska. A. W. Atwood & Co. , Piemenl. Nob. . Main si. ! > sti ! * ASMALLiiajineut cloxvii anil jCi permonlh xxlll buy a l-ioom house and lot on inih. Ixxo blocks fiom motoi ; llrst-class chance to aoiiiilro a homo on easy toims. Apply to II K. Colo. Continental lilix I , . li1) ; ! ) | j1Ot | t AtjK A line new 5-ioom cotl.igo ncm 1 oloetilrc.n llnoon N 2nhst , Will take is p.lll of cash p'lyinriil a good horsO or hoiso nml phaeton. P. r i | I'amaiii si. S77 7IN ( OL\ place and taithago lots , pilce JflM ( ) ( , if.Vdown ) , balance f Pi monthly. W. L. Srlbj _ . UoonH.I. bead ; of titidr H77 rilllK c-hoaprsl lots lu the ell x mo In horldnri JL place. L. CIteeiKv. Co , It. U , boaid of li.ulu. ir.'l 10 f-ALK-A Hat of 12 looms well fm- -i nlshccl. tilled with good paying roumen , 2l-4 ) N Kith , o\ci Moodj's thin.i stoic. JW ! i ° 0' TjlOlt PALII One piece of lmpio\cd lm-liusi Jpiopcily that will paj r pei cent , llowaid L. Ac'l\'o _ _ . IBUi and llow.nd sts lh I71OU t > ALIl New 7-ioinn hoii-.c on full i or- -L1 ner lot W\UO ) fict In ropplcton pail , . clo ii to motor. A bc.iiillfiil liomo and cheap as dill. I'm particulars nddicss li si. | it c rKil-7 AltAltliAIN DodgiT and yTillT sisT 10)\tH ) feet , with 2 new u-ioom house , & fi-ioom cottage , die.ip for ciistomci with mom v on line of cable , rental $110 pel month. Audi us * 211,1 X. Y. Life . ' ( a IS * S1 Place lotb. K hi , bo.iul of liado , U8I 10 Illds will be recched by the Plato lloinl of Printing at I be olllco of i-ccictaiy of Mate , at anj time befoir Apill 10th at 2 o'clock p m , foi pi luting and binding I.IKH ) copies of I lie ic- poitof Ibelloaidof Tuinspoitatlon , for tbo jrai lnsu.ofoiK ) pages each , moio or less ham- pit's of xoik may bo seen at the ollice of S > e- let'iij of Mate. Itlght icseixed lo icjeel any 01 all bids. Ill .v. U Cownruv. Seciclaiy of Stale Lincoln , Nebi.iska , Maioli L'atli , i.syj. TIIW IlKAIjTV IIIAIIKKT. rNSntlliinXTt ) placed on iccoid dining -1 ycstcidax : A .M Kitchen el al toT H Taylor , lots ( to l..iblk 10 , Kid hen \ . U augh's hub wd . t 2 100 .1C Pr/oi ! and wife lo I' i- unit , lots 100 , 101,102 XoiJhi Hide add. H d 1 PA Woilh.V xxIfKtollunlei Millll.cn , pt lav. lot .11 In 0-n-l.l , i. d 1,000 bmali t-cldcn to A M lax\son , lot I. ' , Chciix (1m ( din , xi d . . . 17" ' ) II Kount/e and x\lfe \\llll.im \ Mack , Iols2and'l , blk I Koniit/e Place , w d . > , XHJ O W Logan and xvlfc In / H Manlon , pt lots I , ! and II , blkK Shulls2d add. xs d I i xj PT Ma\well and xvlfo to V K MiClnio , lot n. blk I * ! , Siuth Omaha , xv d . 2.0UO A M Taxloi to L.I Hiown , lot 1 , blk lu-i , Plou-nre . . A M Tavloi to LJ Hiown , lot 1 , blk Ifl-i. - Ploience , ( | c d . \ \ H Tax lor , guaid , to L J llrown , lol Is , blk lin. Ploieuce. deed . A CCubh-x and wife to C. ) KUllo , lotll , blk II. Ploience , xv d . 1,000 M K lliadilckandhusbind lo SI A D H.ilcomh , n ! ' < of s ! , lol 7 , blk 7.bhlnn's add.Wd . Marx and A ( i ll.ivs lo 11 Culp , 1 acre In inv sw 11-Hl-IO , xv d . . . . lee P McDougall to K.MIllei , lot 1 , blk 1 , iilliiiin. : w d . , . . Jos and ( Kllaikei toOttoShlnrock , lot 5 lilt. 2 , Miermun axcnuo I'nrk M P Duncan and hu--h.in < l to Mmy Dwoiak. n 'i of s l.VI fl lot , Italian's allotment , wd . 1,0(0 ( ,1 T ( omstock and husband to C I x\oitlilnglon. lot II , blk 1 , Poitland Place wd . , . 7UO Hugh .McCafliox and wife to W L .Mon ioo , lol 1. blk il , Kedick'sbiib of Ited- ieksadd. wd - 8500 J P I'liu 1 > el al to W L .Monioo , | iait lots I and 5 , blk 11 , llox it's add , wd . . 1.000 xL Monioo mid wife to Pcti-i I'leison , ill lots I and 5 , blk II llojd's add , w d. 2,000 WN Scott and wife lo K P Ammiiman , pi lots 2:1 : and 21 , blk 9 , sub ofJ 1 Itcd- - . . . . . . . . 400 C A Amincimaii and husband to C II Siidhomngli , iind ' , of lots 12 and 1.1 , Sunny Mdi > add , u d . . . . . 4.0UO Kh Hood and xtife to. ) P O'Connor , lot II , blk 2 , Albright's aiini-v , xv d . 100 i : P x.\cld lo.l PO'Connor , lot b , blk 1 , Hcdfoid Place , w ( I . WO i ; 11 Sheiwood and wlfo to ( Irron & \\llllams. lot 10. blk h , SlcCormluk'.s add mid hlk5 , V.oods I'lnee. w d . . 25,000 H A Tinman loM h Allison , lot , I , blk I'l , Highland Place , u o d . 7 11 A Tinman to H h Allison , lots I and 2 , 7U blk II. Highland I'laeo. 0.0 d U h M Allison to K C Moichoiibo , lol : i , blk l.i. Highland Pliiciw d 11,000 II .1 Ail-on to 1C ( ! .Moitlnin.so , lot 2 , blk III , Highland Place , w d 11,050 , H h Allison to S A Morchonse , lot I , blk I.I. Highland Place , xv d . . . . U,550 Put i III. Land Cole PTMoote , lot 2 , bile ! r ) . Dundee I'laeo ' , xv d 1,250 Patrick Land Co lo C C .Icnnlng , lot "I , blk ( ill , Diindco I'hico.w d . I.VlO L II MUkel and ulfotoli i : Mlokol , lota , blk I ) , milt of. I I Itcdlck'tadd , w d . . . Snail Snlili'ii lo A II LhUtone , lot II , Cheny Oardcn , w d . I.MO Thlily-thieo tiansfors . Wl.l.'t K1UBT National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , - - - Nobrnsku Cnpitnl $ DOOOOO Sut'plus 1OO.OOO IIHUMAN KOI1NT/K. Prflililont JOHN A t'llKIIHI'lUN , Vko I'roildoiiU P. II. IUVIS , rnihlur \V 11 UKiigtIIKIl AiilitnntCntliliir H K ( JA'tKS , Ai l tiiiil L'aililur. fcafuty Dopuilt Voulu In lUic-inviil JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PEPJS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS txrosiriON , 1880. THE M08T PERFECT OF PENS.