Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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( JOOI-RO A. Davldfon of the rallwny
rrtnH fi.-rvloj , 1ms boon iimn-letl to MI3
Horn Mlllo , ono of Oiimlm'ti Indy teach-
' ' will irmko thulr
ora. 'J'lio young rouplo
liomo at Hii'J Center street.
Tlio Kinnict monument nsporlntlon
will tflvo a ( jrantl ball at Washington
liall on next Monday evening , for the
Ix'ix-ni of the 1'arnell funil. This hop
will lo the twenty-llrst annual boolal
given by this orgiml/atlon.
'J'ln > first annual ball of the National
nsiWliiUon of stationary engineers will
be held Monday evening , April V , at
fSarfli'ld hall , irft : Howard Htrect. The
proi't.'ods will bo apjilled to the improve-
nient of the Mechanical library.
Chief Clerk Cramer of the railway
mail M'rvice. has received a supply of
new poHtimirUing Htnmps to bo lined in
the mail cars in place of the old stampx ,
nearly all of which are worn out. The
loiters of the now style Htampslmvo steel
faces and are quite an improvement over
the old ones. _
iwiiNoxAi * r.t it.t an.i run.
P. II. Seuli y of Clmtli-on Is nt tlicMlllnrd.
W. .1. Uulldi-lt of Fremont is nt the Casey.
6J.1. G. Heck of Lincoln is a guest nt the Mur
ray.V. . H. Stone of Onl Is n guest nt the Mil-
.Tiiy Ilrlplu-cy of Norfolk Is a guest nt the
K. H. Fogg of Beatrice Is registered nt the
C. AV. Thomas of Grand Isliind Is stopping
nt the I'axton.
P. I' . > a-il ! of ICilgnr Is registered at the
Mrs. J. D. Kilpatrick of Beatrice is nt the
Pax ton.
Attorney General Lccso Is registered nt the
M. J. Hughes of West Point Is registered nt
the Casey.
Brii-c K. Smith of Fremont Is stopping at
, T. II. MacC'all or Lexington Is stopping nt
the Mlllard.
E. L. Eno or Grand Island was at the Paxton -
ton yesterday.
E. A. Uiwvn and O. S. Mnrdln or Kearney
nre at the Murr.iy.
O. J. Colliaan nnd wife or Broken Bow nrc
among the guests at tin ; Millurd.
John C. Watson , George L. Woolsoy nnd
W. I. . . Wilson or Nebraska City nro at the
Miss Clint Cashing or nnmique , la. . Is vis
iting the family ofliur brother , I. J. Gushing.
Mr. William Corey or Kansas City Is visit
ing his In-other , Mr. .lames Corey or Oaiulm.
John T. Bell , who has spent the winter in
San Jose , Cal. , will return with his family In
.7. G. Soabrook has been summoned to bis
old homo in Savanali. Ga. , by the critical ill
ness or his brother.
Mrs. Dana S. Lander , who has been dan
gerously ill tor bcveral days , is reported to be
bligbtly butter. Her many friends will bo
glad to learn or this favorable turn in her
condition and wish her u speedy recovery.
Ex-Governor West and Governor Thomas
of Utah called at Tin : Bin : ofllep yesterday in
company with ox-Senator Humidors. The
visitors are on rnuto to Washington , where
they will advocate measures in which Utah
Is vitally interested.
Hon. Samuel M. Kirkpntrick of Cuss county
visited the city yesterday and called upon
Tin : Bin : . lie. was a prominent man in terri
torial days and was u member or the con-
btitntional convention or 187r > , when the
present state constitution was Trained. Mr.
KirkpatnVk 'is full of reminiscences or the
good old days when bo took an active part in
public affairs.
Omaha theater-goers arc to bo favored with
a delightful season of Shakespearean comedy ,
commencing Monday evening next , and lastIng -
Ing till the middle or the. week. The attrac
tion will bo the beautiful and accomplished
ivrtress , Marie Walnwriglit , supported by n
line company , in Shakespeare's coined v ,
"Twelfth Niglif Miss Wainwright will a p-
pcar as the lovely Violaa part which by nature
nnd ability sbu is eminently titled to portray.
Her appearance will doubtless bo a source of
L'mit gratification to her many friends here.
The snlo of scats will commence this
> lcn Tonight.
There will bo a meeting or the Omaha
Traveling Men's club n't the Hotel Casey this
evening. It will bo n gathering of great im
portance. _
The only complexion powder In , the world
that is without vulgarity , without injury to
the user , and without doubt a bcautillcr , is
There was a goot attendance at the real
estate exchange meeting yesterday nt which
attention was again called to the auction nnd
regular monthly meeting today. A very
perceptible improvement in real estate affairs
is reported by all ot the members.
Following nro the listings :
Lot 0 , block' ' , S. K. Roger's addition , two
llvo-room cottages , S,000. .
North ! W Teet nf lot fi , block ! ! , Kountzo's
fourth addition , six-room cottage , $0,000. ,
Sales were reported as follows :
By Lewis S. Jtccd , lot 10 , block 1 , Sheridan
place ,
At the meeting of the board of public works
In the afternoon Lamoivaux Dros. were
awarded the contract for grading Garllch nnd
Oivlnwl sttvcts fiiiu ) Lowe avcnuo to Pleas
ant Ntreel , ami Lowe avenue from Hamilton
loJohiiMm. Their bid was 11 IMU cents per
cubic yard.
Bids were iben opened Tor the filling of cer
tain lots declared a nuisance by the cltv coun
cil. Only one bid was Itoml/.ed , tlio rest
being blanket bids. Mr. Kiorstead made a
motion that action lx > deferred on this mailer
until next meeting. Ho urged that it
would bo n damage to some men tr
have their lots tilled. Thus | Byron Heed bad
a lot on Twenty-eighlh anil Fiirimiii and Mr.
Davis ono on Twenty-eighth and Harney
that were both being reserved for business
purposes. If these were tilled the dirt would
have to bo removed again some time. The
motion prevailed.
St. Patrick's Pills arcmndo from tlio best
and purest material it is possible to obtain.
They nro hiigar-coated and undoubtedly the
t perfect catharlle and liver pills in use.
The Turn lieHe. ! .
The Turners of the Nebraska bezlrk will
hold tboir ilrst grand session this year at
( icrmania hall tomorrow. Active Turners
from the following cities will bo present and
will pnrtlcipato : Sioux City , Lincoln , Plaits-
month , Fremont , Omaha and South Omaha.
Tluiro will bo threo. sessions , morning , after
noon and evening. The morning nnd after
noon hcsslons will bo devoted to gymnastics ,
in which the visiting and local Turners will
participle. During the business session
preliminary arraugemenls will lw made for
the Turnfest ( o IK > held In Lincoln Juno M-Sll.
The day's plcasun ) will terminate In the
evening with a grand concert ami ball. The
public generally Is Invited. The Turner ex
hibitions aiv five.
Last evening the Turners were busy learn
ing bomo very pretty but dlfllcult evolutions
tu marching. _
Mrs. Dr. Kddy , clairvoyant and test
medium , has removed from ; tOS N. 10 st.
to JUS N. 15 st. , where she may bo con-
Bultcil upon all a Hairs of life.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were Issued to the following
parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name ami Hostdcnco. Age-
I Shelton H. Fisher , Omnba . Ill
1 X.oc M. Firby , Omaha . KO
j Peter Nelson , Omaha . 3.5
j Amanda Carlson , Omaha . ' . ' 0
j Matthew Abolein , Douglas county . 'IS
j Caroline Sin-iiigcr , Douglas county . 20
Itcvciit DcvclopmentN In the Career ol
Pcdillcf ChronlHler.
M. D. Cbronlstcr , son of the peddler mur
dered nt Klkhorn. says that Mrs. Chronlstcr ,
the wife of the dead man , Is still living at
Sioux City with her children and had never
been divorced from her husband.
Notwithstanding this , Mrs. Milliter o !
South Omaha , shows a marriage certificate
to the elTect that she and Chronistor were
united in holy Wedlock In December , IbS' * , at
South Omaha.
Young Chronlstor says that bis father loft
bis wire and family at Sioux City about a
year and n half ago and nothing was learned
concerning his whereabouts until last week ,
when word was received concerning his being
murdered near ICIkhorn.
The dead man's effects are not worth more
than about $ ! " > and ho bad only * . ' In his
pocket at the tlmolicMvns shot. These have
been turned over toM. I ) . Chromsler , the son.
This gentleman will have the remains In
terred here and Is nt present making prepar
ations for the burial. The time for the fun
eral has not yet been decided upon. Young
Cbronlster has the appearance of belac a very
respectable man and holds the position of
foreman at the street car barn in Sioux City *
There Is danger In Impure blood. There is
safety In .taking Hood's Karsaparilln.the great
blood purifier. 100 doses ono dollar.
The Hoard of Trade Keports Still
Conic ly ) AVI re.
The attempt of the Chicago board of trade
to freeze out the bucket shops in this city is
not meeting with much success. At least ,
that is what tlio local dealers say. Every
shopkeeper In Omaha says that'be Is getting
Just as good reports now ns he did before the
wires wore cut by the Chicago board.
"We continue to receive our regular reports
from Floyd , " said one of the dealers , "just
tlio same ns though nothing bad occurred.
How or whcro he gets them , I don't know ,
but lie gets them. They never can shut us off ,
and it is roily ror them to attempt to do so. "
Another dealer made about the same state-
nient. "We are gelling just as good reports
right along as wo did before. It is nothing
more than an attempt of a big bucket shop to
kill off Ibo little ones , but it will not suc
ceed. "
. Yesterday being Good Friday there was no
market in Chicago and consequently no re
ports were received.
St. Patrick's Pills have given me better
satisfaction than any others. M. II. Proud-
foot , Druggist , Granada , Colorado.
Ono ol'tlio Ilcasons AVhy Annexation
is Retarded.
The South Omaha annexation committee
has been on n still bunt nnd lias , it thinks ,
bagged its game. At the meeting at the
Paxton hotel Thursday all the packers and
half a do/en or the leading merchants were
represented. The deliberations lasted for
two or. three hours and at Ibo close of the
session tlio South Omaha men expressed
themselves in favor of annexation and willing
to support it.
The figures presented by the committee
were or tlio most exhaustive and convincing
character and mathematically demonstrated
to the suburban visitors that the argument or
taxation was overwhelmingly in favor or
Omaha. This is considered by the committee
a great step towards the realization or their
The great opposition will come from the
brewers or Omaha and the saloon element or
Soulb Omaha. They arc afraid that the
$1,000 llcenso will kill some of the South
Omaha saloons and so cut into their trade.
Judge Gin'cn'H Ilccommcndntton ,
Hon. James 1) ) . Glflln , judge of the Eighth
judicial district of Iowa , says : "It gives mo
pleasure to recommend Chamberlain's Heine-
dies because I do no from actual experience in
the use of them in my family. I refer particu
larly to Chamberlain's Cough Hciucdy , which
I think unexcelled by any other. "
Slay Yet Ite Demanded Tor the Post-
ollloo Doflcit.
Byron Kced says that bo docs not believe
the bondsmen Tor tlio postolllco silo will have
to pay any of Ibo expenses 'incurred in con
demning llie same until the government shall
n ave paid the same , and that is the time for
Iho bondsmen to reimburse the government.
In case the Folsoms , who ask
Tor n larger appraisal secure the sumo in the
courts , Mr. Heed acknowledges that the
bondsmen will have to make good the sumo.
This places Mr. Heed in a peculiar position.
Ho is one or the bondsmen for the postofllco
Mto and altorney-in-fact for the Folsoms , who
are lighting for a larger appraisal , if ho se
cures nn increased award for his client ho
must p.iy pail ot the same out of bis own
pocket. _
To Nervous Debilitated 3I n.
If you will send us your address we will
send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated A'ollaic Belt
and Appliances on trial. They will quickly
resloro you lo vigor , manhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BUI.T Co. , Marshall ,
* >
Dr. Birnoy , practice limited toeatarrh-
ah diseases of nose and throat. Boo blilg.
AVtinlH the City to P y.
The electric llghls at the high school
grounds are not being lighted because the old
contract hns run out. The mailer was re
ferred lo the committee on buildings and
property from the board of education , but
that committee recommended that the city
council bo asked to stand Iho e.xpcnso ,
as a consequence , no new contract has
been made.
The former contract for two years , which
only expired on February l. > , read that the
city should pay half amiho board half of the
expense of the light.
A God-Send to UN Family.
"We regard Chamberlain's Pain Balm as a
"Gild-send'1 lo our family , " says Mr. W. L.
Carin'iitor of Arbela , Mo. Thrco Mi-cent bottles
tles of it cared his daughter of intlammatorv
rheumatism with which Mio bad been severely -
verely nUlicted. For Milo by all druggists.
They Appeal IVir Protection to Can-
cnsliui Law.
Almond eyes , pig lails , blue coals nnd brass
buttons were the conspicuous features of
district court room yesterday morning.
Thocaso of the stale vs. John M. Mulcaby alias
George Wilson was up for trial. The complain-
Int ; witness , Leo Quong , is a bland and child
like celestial who keeps a laundry. I lo does not
speak English and an Interpreter talked for
him. On March 15 , ho informed the Jury , the
defendant , velly bad man , came to him"nnd
smolo him , not only on both cheeks but on
nearly every part of his nnatomv and , bitter
est blow of all , forcibly confiscated $50 of his
hard earned money.
Ed McGee , who was allowed to enter the
plea of guilty of petty larceny , \ \ as hcntenccd
lo lUtccn day. In Iho county Juil and to pav
the cost or prosecution.
The jury in the case of State vs Davis
brought In it verdict of not guiltv. The de
fendant Leo had previously pleaded guilty
and the evidence entirely exonerated Davis.
In the Mueller Music company case a ver
dict was rendered for thodofcmlnnl.
'Iho btato against Frank Calhoun has been
continued till next term and the defendant
released on a Iwnd for $100.
Dr. Joseph McMaiilgal has entered suit
against the county commissioners for profes
sional services in making post mortem exam
inations in ton cases , amounting to fcStt.
August Stlcsol bos sued Lars Hanson nnd
others for a balance duo on n contract for the
construction of a house.
William N. Allen has brought suit against
George W. Mclntlro , Lydlu H. Mclnllro and
other persons holding claims aguinst these
two to rtelraln said defendants from dispos
ing of a dozen lots la Dundee Plaeo iold bv
the Patrick bind company to Mclntlro ami
his wife , who are alleged to bo without
means to pay the money duo on the realtv re
ferred to.
Judge Wakeley granted divorces to the fol
lowing partcs. yesterday : Ada ( Jiml from
William S , Guru , on the ground of cruelty ;
Amelia Olson from Neb Olson , on the ground
of desertion ; Joseph Stnuuk from Amelia
Stnnnk , on the ground of adultery. Mary Bab
blngton from Ed Babblngton , on the grown
of cruelty and drunkenness. Babblnpton wn :
convicted In the district court a short tlnu
ago for assaulting his wife with a hatchet am
knocking her down. Judge Wakely , win
sentenced Babbington to jail , Issued an oiilci
restraining him from Interfering with hit
wife In any way. Two weeks ago , however ,
ho went to the bouse and assaulted her , but
the neighbors Interfered and put him out ,
Clement L. Hart has brought suit acalnst
Thomas H. Coppinger to recover W > , alleged
to bo the balance due on the purchase or lot
J In Hart's addition In 1SST , the purchase
prleo being $1,500. ,
County Court.
Mrs , Bridget Thompson was yesterday ap-
lioinlcd administratrix or the estate of Fenton
T hompson , deceased. '
Two suits were commenced ngaln t O. H.
Mack & Co. yesterday ; one by HmanuclColin
ofNew York for fcWt.v , and another by the
Consolidated cigar company for SVJr.oO , both
on account.
Keep some Cook's extra dry imperial cham
pagne in your ice chest ; It'ssplemlld for com.
pany for dinner. _
They Are Led Into Discussion liy Dean
Dean Gardner of Trinity cathedral bad
long fostered the thought that some day ho
would organize a club In the parish , with n
view to bringing the young men of bis con
gregation Into closer relationship , and at the
same time form nn association , wherein
the leading sectarian , social , literary nnd po
litical Issues of the day might be discussed.
AVitb this end In view the dean four weeks
ngo issued Invitations to some twenty of the
leading young men of bis congregation to
meet him nt the deanery and join in an in
formal literary entertainment. Tills was ,
done ns n kind of experiment and with
some misgivings ; but , as the young men
came forward so promptly , and
seemed lo thoroughly enjoy themselves ,
the dean , tw weeks later , again InVitcdtbem ,
and proposed to them the organization of "The
Club. " This was received with .general sat-
isfnctlon. and Ihc club was straightway or
ganized , and , as one of tlio young men , being
in the secret , bad prepared nn nblo paper on
Gladstone , the article was read and offered
an immediate theme for discussion. At the
conclusion of the reading , the dean opened a
general informal discussion , which was in
dulged in by all present , and towards the end
became very interesting , Inasmuch us several
ardent lories had nn opportunity to give full
sway to their pet theories. These , of course ,
clashed with several warm adherents or the
opposition , mid the way these young gentle
men bandied words and answered arguin cuts
showed that tlio club possesses material ,
which , IT properly developed , will place it in
an enviable position as a literary organiza
During ibc evening , Mrs. Dean Gardner ,
who possesses-u matchless faculty in making
her visitors feel thoroughly at ease , invited
the gentlemen to refreshments , which were
daintily served and fully enjoyed by all pres
ent.Later llie club organized , on the lines above
mentioned , with the following oflicers and
charter members :
President , Frank L. Ilaller ; vice presidents.
J. B. Sbeean , J. A. Hobiuson and F. E.
Smith ; secretary and treasurer , AVilllnm F.
Baxter ; executive committee , the Dean cx-
oflicio , A. Acbeson , J. Hill , Clement Chase ,
Frank Ilaller , J. B. Shceaii and W. F. Bax
ter ; the remaining charter members being G.
L. Messurier , E. Jcluison , II. Hetb , D. H.
Smith , G. W. Tues , Marburg , Wills , Nyc ,
Potter , Alford , Cnldcr and H. Baxter.
The next meeting or the club will be held
this evening at the residence or Mr.
Ltningcr , nnd ns all the members are very
enthusiastic n profitable and entertaining
evening is anticipated , the subject under dis
cussion being 'The world's fair , in its relation
to the benefits to bo derived bv commerce and
the industries of the United States. "
Miles' Nerve nnd Liver Pills.
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through tbo
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
euro billiousncss , bad lasle , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. : iu doses for ' . ' . " > cents. Samples frco
at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
State Firemen's Tournament.
Chief Galligan yesterday received the oftK
cial programme of the Nebraska State Fire
men's tournament , to bo held at Plattsmouth
Juno 21,25 and 0 , at which over $ -,500 in
prizes are offered. It is ns follows :
ria T n.vv Ti-KStiAv , .HIM : 21.
10:00 : Hcception of visiting firemen.
11:00 : a.m. Meeting of board of control.
2:00 : p.m. Green book and ladder nice.
Purse , $150. First prize , $100 ; second prize ,
* 50.
50.l:00 ! : p.m. Chiefs race , 100 yards. To rast-
est , 25 badge. Slowest , leather badge.
! ( : : ) p.m. Forty-two class. Purse , $200.
First prize , $150 ; second prize , $50.
Evening Grand firemen's ball.
sucoxn I > .VY wii : > NisiAY : , Jtxi : 25.
10:00 : a. m. Grand parade. Best uniformed
and appearing company , handsome banner
and badge.
2:00 : p. in. Green hose race. Purse $1.50.
First prize , $100 ; second prize , $50.
! l :00 : ] > . m. State book and ladder race.
Purse , W50. First prize and championship
belt , $200 ; second prize , $100 ; third prize , $5(1. (
4 p. m. State hose race. Pnri > o , $ ! I50.
First prize , $200 and championship cart ; second
end prize , $100 ; third prl/e , $50.
4Up. : ! ) m. Ladder climbing. Contest to
mlcs. Prize , $ ' . ' . " > badge.
Evening Grand opera nt tbo opera bouse.
Tiiian HAY TiifitRiiAv , .nNi:2ii. :
10:00 : n. m. Pompclr Corps Contest. Parse ,
$75. Flint pri/e , $50 ; second prize , $25.
11 : IX ) a. in. Grand free-for-all water test.
Handsome $25 badge.
1 ; " 0 ] ) . m. Hose race , free-for-ull. Purse ,
$100. First , pri/o , $1100 ; second prize , $1X ( ) .
210 : ! p. m. Hook and ladder race , freo-for-
nil. Purse , $100. First prize , $300 ; .second
prize , $ KK ) .
! ) : ! ) p. m. Couplers contest or rules.
Pri/.e , two $25 badges.
The pmgmmmo bears the following foot
note : "Como nnd join us. If you can't do
anything else , get up a green hose or book
and ladder team , or , IT possible , a free-for-all
learn. We shall furnish iimplo accommoda
tions ror all apparatus on the grounds , and
our city , with its magnificent hotels , will bo
nblo to accommodate all who ceme. "
For first class photographs g ° to
Cholconcr. Cabinets & 1 per dox. Now
is the tlmo to htvvo the llttlo ono's photo
taken. ' No. 1500 Douglas bt. , next to
Death oOIrH.
Mrs. Mary Porter Farrand Rogers , mother
or Mrs , Thomas L. KImball , died at the Kimball -
ball residence yesterday morning. Mrs.
Rogers was the widow or the Into N. I1.
Rogers or Plymouth , N. II. She was ninety-
three years or ago and has lived in Omaha
since Ib71. The funeral services will bo held
Sunday afternoon at a o'clock at Mr. Klin-
bull's residence.
For SS years I tuffercd from boll * , crjtlptlas
end other blocxl affecUoni , taking during that
time gtrut quactltle * of illflercut medlcloct with
out r-lrlns mo eny jwrccptltlo rtlltf. Friend *
InJuccd mo to try 8. a. S. It Improved mo front
tbo etart , uid alter taking tt\ral bottlet , re-
ttorvd my health far na I could liopo for tu
my agv , which U now ecvcDty-flvo yean.
MB . 8. M. Lucia , Howling Green , Ky.
Trtlliic on Illnod ami t > kla DItcuca mailed free ,
8WUT B1' CU'W CO. , AUmta , Oik
ItKiMiperlorcicellence proven In millions of homos
for inure limn n quarter of n century , it In n i-il liy
Iho lulled Stntes ( iovurnment. Kndorjcil by the
lienils of the ( treat fnlversltles us the Slroncest ,
Purest midmost llenUhful. Dr Prleo'a 1'roam llnk-
Inu Powder does not emitnln Ammonia , l.lmo or
Alum. Sold iinlv in rnn .
rittcl : IIAKI.NO POWIIKU ro.
NIW : VOIIK. CIIUAIIU. sAxriiAxciseo. ST t.ouis.
11'nxton Hotel. )
0111 co hours , 9 . m. to p. ni. Sumlnjrs , 10 n , ID. to
Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin nnd lllooil
f iT'Consultntlon nt olllco or by mnll free. Me < H-
clues > ent byniHllur o.\iress | , cucmely packed , Iroo
from observation , Ciunrtintccs tocuru quickly , eafo-
ly nnd iicriuanently.
Piicrmatorrhu'a. Poinl-
Ynrvniic llnKilihr
ACIVOUS lJCIllliyuii,0ssos.rsMKhlEnils- ) , ,
tlon. . I'liyslcnl decay. nrHiiK from Indiscretion , ex
cess or Indulgence , pruducliiK sleeplessnesi. despon
dency , pimples on the face , aversion to society , entity
dlsconniKcd , lack of colldence , dull , unlit for study
or business , and lluds life n burden. Safely , perma
nently ami privately cured. Consult lrs. Hells &
Bolls , 141)8 ) L'urmiiu struct , Omnlia , Neb.
Blood and Skin Diseases. Ms" , ! * . ?
terrllilo In Its results , completely eradicated without
tlio aid of mercury. Sx-rofula , erysipelas , lever sore ,
blotchei , ulcers , pain * In tlio head and bones , syphil
itic soru throat , moiiUi mid toiiKne , catarrh , etc. ,
permanently cured nhcrc othcrj have failed.
ITriiiirirnnrt llbidder romplalnts
, uiinaiyi'ainfui. nuiieuit , too
frequent Imrnlneor bloody nrlno , urlno liluli colored
or with mllKy sediment on standing , weaklmck , ion-
orrhiea , uleet , cystitis , etc. Promptly and safely
cured. Charues reasou.sablc.
T > T fT T T "P T ? ! I Guaranteed
-KlV l UIVH , permanent
t ) u r e . r e -
moval complito without cutting , caustic or dlllntloir
Cures effected at homo by patients without n mo
ment's pain orunnoynnce.
Young Men and -Middle- Aged Men.
A 11 KMriTKM ? Tll ° ! UVfl11 rrccts of
/i. O U 1XL L IVLv tm-jy vice , ivblcli In-liiRs
organic n-cnkiios * , . destroying both mind nud body ,
with all Its dreadful Illviiermancntly cnicd.
? niJTT < I Address these who bavo im-
\O. lls J 1O paiied themselves by im
proper Indulitcnccs and solitary ) iibll : , which ruin
both body ami mind , unllttlii them for business ,
btudy or marrhiKo.
.M.MIIIIII : ) JIK.v , qr those enlejlm : on that happy
life , awiiro of physical debility , quickly assisted.
Is based upon facts , Ilrst , practical experience ; second
end , every caMi Is especially Mmllcd , thus starling
nrlKht : third , medicines are prepared In our own la
boratory exactly to suit each case , thus elTectlni !
cures without Injury.
5 ! * Seml ti cent * postnce for celebrated works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Dl.-easos. Thousands
cured. Itf A friendly letter or call may save > ou
future sutTcrlnc and shame , and add golden years to
life. S'rfXf ) letters answered unless accompanied by
4 cents hi stamps. Addrcfcv or call on
"lou must pro in llornimlu. u
von do mil I Mill not he roponsl-
lilt ) ( or the ciin.seiiuMiec.s. | " Hut.
floutur , I cnu sill.ird neither tlio
( line nor tlio money. " " AVell , It
Unit is Impossible , try
I sometimes call II Hci'iimdii Hot-
tied , mill many cases < if
HronchitiSf Cougher
or SVn iY Cold
I Imvo < TIHIJ : Midi It ; mul tlio
nilvniitavru Is Unit tliu most sensi
tive stouuu-li can lisUo It. Another
lliliiK > vlilcii ( oiiiineiiils It l.t tliu
stliniilntlnvr iiropiTtlcs ol the lly-
poiliiisihtet ivlilcli It ediilaliis.
You M'lll llnil It fiir sale at jour
UriiK Ist'N hut , hi > u you pri-t tlio
original KCO'1V1"N ICSIIIIXION. "
KXi.I.lsn Ill'M-
IIIY : Aniinlull-
lnn cure for Sem
inal Weakness ,
Spormatorrhiva ,
Impotency and
nil diseases that
fallow as n so-
miriieo of self-
AlllllH | | S I.IISS
'nln 111 the Hack. Illmness of Vision. 1'remnturoOld
AKC , and many olhtrillseascs that lead to Insanity or
consumption ami a nramaturi'Krave.
ti Kull paitlciilara In our immplet , whlnli wo do-
Irti lo semi free liy mnll In every one. f'Thu S-pei'l-
le medicine Is solduitl per package , or six packuKCi
or 15 , or will lie sent Jfreo by mall on Iho receipt of
ho money , hy addrrwdiiK
TIM : ( ioon.MAN nurci ro. .
( in nci'ount of cnnnlerfelts , wo Imvo iiduptcd Iho
Yellow Wrapper. Iho only genuine.
100 Per Cent Profit
A Yankee City Under Southern Sun ,
HUH now In ( munition anil miller roiislruc-
Inn , Ittclvo IIIHV iiuiniifacturlliL ! Inilusti Ics.
niiiln ) IIIK noiuly l.ViO lianilN anil many niuro
iniliT negotiation. ThU niriiiis that leal c- > -
u te and htoi'Uu will tlonlilo In nliiuiiitlix. .
.Now Utliti tlinu to liiMHt. us price * will ad-
uiioo SJ PIT cent by April Utli. I'ui1 partlou-
ar addicsn lliu
'allapoosa Land , Mining and MCfi Co. ,
Tallapoosn , Gn.
C. O. WALLANDUR , Agent.
7O2Cummg St. , Omnha , Nob.
Tins week will be a memorable one for the Hoys. Monday morning , we begin a most extraordinary
special sale of Hoys' Clothing , the greatest that has ever taken place in our establishment. We will
continue this through the entire week and parents will be well repaid by coming to us this week for an
liaster outfit , for their Hoys. An immense stock of stylish and serviceable Hoys' Suits , from one uf the
best makers in the country will be offered at tempting prices. We shall sell ,
1,000 Hoys' blue sailor Hlousc Suits , with fancy embroidered collar , ages , * 1 to 10 years , at 60c.
350 Hoys' Knee Pant Suits , in two patterns , one a plain dark mixed , the other a light colored plaid , of
serviceable material and tasty make , at $1.50.
750 Hoys' Knee Pant Suits , in elegant Cheviots and Cassimcres , strictly all wool and fashionable pat
terns , coats arc nicely pleated , and suits throughout well and stylishly made. These Suits are usually
sold for $5.00 and $0.00 , we give them this week as an liaster offering for $2.90.
A large variety of handsome Jersey Suits at $2.75 , $3.25 , and one lot with handsomely embroidered
fronts , at $3..90. Equally astonishing values will be offered this week in long pant suits , sizes from 13 to
18. The following we name as special bargains.
150 excellent and fashionable Cheviot Suits , at1.00 worth fully $6.50.
100 very fine black Cheviot Suits , very stylish garments , for young men and elegant fitting" for $0.90.
These suits could not be bought elsewhere for less than $10.00 or $12.00.
Come and get one of our beatiful Haster Souvenirs this week.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
"To cultivate sympathy you
must be among living crea
tures and thinking about
them ; and to cultivate admir
ation you must be among
beautiful things and looking
at them"
The last clause of the above
is the one to which we would
particularly call your atten
tion. Probably Ruskindid not
have wearing apparel in
mind when he wrote it ,
nevertheless what there is
beautiful in that line we can
certainly show you.
For Easter has come to be a
feature and we have spared
no pains in making our line
complete. We have all the
novelties of both foreign and
domestic manufacture.
Gloves Etc
Hosiery , ,
From all the best makers.
If you will afford us the op
portunity we will also be glad
to show you our well selected
stock of
Men's spring suits.
Men's spring overcoats.
Boys' and children's suits
and overcoats.
Pcrinancnl Alignment
Oi'iionil AuonlsNobrubUii anil Iinvu.
81O S. IGlh St. , - - Omnha
' ? Opcra
IIUYD .1 IIAVNKS , XlaniiKcrs.
Monday , Tucsday&Vk'cdnclllay , Apr. 7-8-9
In n MnnnlHrPiil I'rodiiitlon of
Twelfth Niffht
Nine Exquisite Scenes.
Magnificent Costumes.
Gorgeous Furniture.
llPkMiltir iirlri-n ffiin "I ' " ' I' " ' " "
Week of Monday , March 81.
, IllHlllUbl | ) VIlllIKO Of
SAN- : : BAN
Direct from Yeddo.
2 Stages. 2 Theaters.
> 73
Oni- Wine Admib tu All.
"Hy n Ilioronch knnwInlKP nf llie linlnrnl l.iw :
uhlcli fovi'rn the oi'prntlnli'Mir ili rstlnii iilnl nutrl
Hon. and by n careful ! ! | > | ilrntlnn ] uf tlic llni1 proper
tit" * dioll [ M'leeU'il I'ucoii. Mr I'l'i' * has provided oui
I Lrunktiift taldi'.s wllli H ileMeiilely ( lavoied lie\erai : (
' nlilfliiuny snve n many | IIMIV > doctor1' ' Mll . It I ;
liy tin1 judicious use of Midi nrtlrli'o vf diet Hint i
constitution may l > c crmliiMll > lunlt up until Mroni
riioiiKh to resl t e\ery tendency to dl ei : e. Hun-
drcMln of tf little maladies tire lloit't ! UK around us iend >
to nttack wlierever tliere Is a weak point.Vi > inn )
escape many 11 latal shaft liy KecpliiK ourselves wel
furtllled nlth pure lilonil and a properly nuuilalivi
Iraiue. " Civil Service ( larctte.
Made simply \\illibolllnK wiiti'ror milk. Sold nnlj
In half iiouiul tins , by h'luccr * . lulu led lliu :
' ' - nIli'inii'piitlilo \
l l l.diidnn. nii
Js nbfoliilrlinro anil
it in soluble.
arc used In itj preparation. It hnt morn
t\an fA 'tt Minn ike nrtngtvt L\H-oa
lauctl n'tli ' t-tarrh , Armuruut or Su ar ,
ami it linn fin1 lar tnurc cconotulcal ,
tottiny iff * than cnt ( n\t \ a en p. It If
Ucarnilii , tiouri hil p , ttrcti lliciunp , 1-A-
PIi.Y Dir.rbTLi > , and Bilmirably ndnpttil
for linahdi m Mill ai pcriou * lu litattb.
Sold bydrocors
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass
Passage to and from Great Britain and an
parts ol Eurono. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the
waters ol St. Lawrence , shortest of all. ( Jliwcow to
ISoBton , to I'lillnilolnliin. Liverpool to nnil from
Baltimore. Thirty Steamers. Clnxa uxcolfllor.
Accommodations unsurpassed. Weekly sailings.
AM.AN A < U > . , Gen. West. AR'tfl.
C. J. Sundcll , > unat . IIS La Snllo St. , Chicago ! 111.
I'lio llirk'usl. lunteM ii'id tlniii-v In llio wurlii
iicoommudnllunB unuiccllcJ.
„ ii I.lvei-iinnl ylii < )
The I'olL-lirnted I The rinent Sloani-l
Cll v of Jtomc I thin In IhoorlJ.I
Now York to Glasgow via
Am-liorlii April fitliiriiun-s
- - - ; - . .
Ethiopia \pill I''lh.Deuiiila. . April M
8 MOON , swo.MM'i.A" nnd * n i IIM.I : It ATI "n teilll" . i\elllil"ll : tleUeln ledlired. IllIU o
available to letnrn l > > ullher tlio I'leuiri'iqmt I IjiU-
iind Norlli ( if Ireland , or Illver .Merce > and South f
Ireland , or Naples or lilluallar.
l\ITIIllll.M. : TO I'AIIIM Oil I'OXTIM'M * l. I'OI I' ' "
mi ln e-t teinis. 'I'r.ivelern1 < lienlnr l.eller "i
Ciedlt and llralti for liny niimunl nl lonoit current
rates. Ai | | > l > to any ol the local iiKCiits or to
mNDKISON : [ IIUOS. , Clili-iiKO. UN.
II. S. UAI.L , II. V. Slinmnn , C. II. MAIIIJS ,
Union 1'aclHc Heput.
State Line.
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and
PitoM N'nu'vuitic ivi-iiYTiiiriSiAY. : : !
Cabin piibhiiKifcll lot-V1. iiri-niilliig to locution
of t-lulc IIMIIII.
Sti-'ornso to ami fn n Knnipo at Lowest Hates.
AUSTIN IIAI.DWIN X < 'l > . . ( ieiii'liilKunU ' ,
Kl llioaihvny. New \ nrl > .
Jno. lllesen , ( Jeneiul U'ili > in Ai | ; > iit. Itil
lianilolpli btii-ut. Hairy 1) ) . Muuius , Thus.
The only safe and palnlp--1 * mptli"il < > t ' \ -
ractln im > tli. anil Iho only mcllmcl "f I"1' ' " ' ;
itg lei'ililthout ( il.ili' , ifiimlnliiK oifun and
l. ' 'j ' , Uiniha.
Onlrr.ty \ Mull nnd l.iprui ulllrcctltv 1'ruuipl
uuj furrttl Altiulluu.
JBI Stale SIChlcago ,
.Venom Hi-Mill v.
Voullifiil InilUrrrlluiit.
I.IHI Mniiliooil ,
B8VourOwn Physician !
Many men , fiout the rfTecta of jmitliful
InifTUiicriU' , hart * lirniiKhl nlMiut n ntati > nf
tern oo much n < * to induct * almost Miry
5t-irjthnnylon : coon , 1-2 drachm.
jL'ruth'liin , 12 tlraehiii. lUuica , 1
i .t. -
l.oni > ocK nry forttiLMvitlenttotnkc twopllU
nt lM * < Ufm < Mnnkhi7tlintiniU'rthm ; < A < lJiy.
. .
rtl life timl ittor.
nteconstantU ttttvfrlptnf letters of 1
u-Inti\o t > > this rvnusly , \ \ * \nmihl }
' >
I \i , by remitting ? l n rciirvly swui i > o . -
nt ; cotitnlnlni ? u'j j.illa : , ran. fully ruin i <
jiomvlitttMU IH > rent h > iclum mnll f mm i
our private Inltumt'iry ' , nr wo uiUfuiiiMi 0 '
Mack am" * , which willcurumosleatwa , for85-
At I tires * orcAll on
( lew England Medical Institute ,
2 1 Tr.111(1111 How. lloilnii , Mn .
CVpirluht. iw , liy I' . K. Iliti rn. } j
* * < * - -
_ . . . .
HATENTFOAUC. 10 , 1887 , IMPROVED JULY 3C. 1889.
. M v > O-A. . . . - jioALVAKJOBOIiyilEtT ! , / . '
Hheumatfc Coin-
Ntrvou nfi .
_ , Eriual Er-
. , . linuttion , V/attlng p (
Body. Dls' . ltfJ. , piijsj canted by Indlicrctiocc in
Youth , An ' : ' - ' ' Murritrtor Flrglnl.lfp.
trriiii.vT TO unrmsiiii.K n.tmNox HIIIIUHIRIAU
Tftv A I'Ain OK ri CPTPIP lUcni c6 rnii *
DR. OWEN'S tLcliinlb lrioULtoninii' Mi.
Alsonn Itloctrlo Trues nntl Rait ComhlncU.
ffiitlPc. t > oilnce frr rKiiKllliut'dl'nolc.Z'M ' PAKIH , * Meh wit' ' la
cut you I n | > lnlni alrd rntrloii * UrutioulhUjiHiii /ililrrft *
3OO North ] ) rnr.ilwuy. HT. l.OUIU , MO.
620 liroailwuy. 1IISW YOIUC CITY.
aeneral nd NEUVOUfl BtDILITYi
WetkueaiorBodyandUind , ElfccU
_ ofErrorsorEicenealnOlilorYounf.
t * MO MOO ! ) roll ? llnturrd. lion lofbliri * tkil
, mkl'SI > * -fll.OIT.III > llyl\S'il' IITBIJMtull } .
bi fl | uiwil IIIIMK TllUTlK T-U..lli I. . i , , .
Tin milltinst ( U ItUUi anil I r > Un ( ojolrln. Urllr Urii.
KiulDll" llool. .irlanitloo.nd proift mill. J ( oil , ill , n ,
\tiitu ERIE MEDICAL co. , BUFFALO , H , v.
RulT'Tiiu frnMi tin' 1'ificlHi.r XHllhrill rrfm , I'nr
< irrnt uic IMU v < IlKIll H. > ( , | IM | | IIUIIHH | | ( | . . tr 1 \ \ ill
M-nil' \uua- ( > > tr. atlMl 'M-nli'il ' * hlll > liin ( ult
iiariiMiiiio I' t hinimuri' I'lll'.i : "f linri'i A
, il , n.ii'l ninl.i nl > v , rk khoulil ! ' ri'inl l i > iry
limn ) irt UN uiul
The Well Known
Is unsiirpaixeil in tlio treatment of ui > iMtiitu * f I'm
\ ATfc IMM.AHI.S mul hlrlclnru * a cine cuuiunlrtil.
liiiiiileni | y. ! " ' ' Manliuinl and uiiilnlixii Hleilllt V
[ > r llarruiini-ni nl > ulutely cured Hvnd fur Ijouk * .
"Tim l.lfuHiu-iul , ' l"r .Mnn or Woiiian , eueli IDit-nta
( rlani | " . NITTMUS Feiunlu IIUc'l ; ei cuifd iinlckljr
nnd piTMiinieiillTrvalniLnt br eoire | i.iiilenci , r
IIIIMIII fur reply I'mmiltiUInn free. nuciifu.r )
[ 'or UUi and Juck un trcut , Omulin , Nubw
AOOOUHH H , I.uwyur , l-'l Ileuil/cii , Ht
t ( ' ; - > " ' ) > ears' bm-t't"j ! > fij ( | nuciifu.