DAILY BEE -'SATURDAY APRIL 5 1890. THE . . . OMAHA _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . _ _ , tftAXKt- _ _ , _ _ . , SPEC1RL NOTICES , o rA tA. No iidvcrtlMCiiiciilH will lie taken Tot * tlio c column * after I"iO : ! j > . in. Tcrin < i Onsli In lulvnncc. Advertisements under this head 10 cents per line for the ( list Insertion , "reiitsforoac-li sub- M < iiirnt | Insertion , und tl..V ) perllne permonth. NoadvrrtUementi taken for less than 25 cents for Hint insertion. They tmint riln consecu tively mid must ho palil In ADVA NCI' . All fidvt rtlsemelits inn < t he handed In before 12tn o'clock p m . mid under noelrcnmstanccM will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties iidvertUInK In thesn eolnmns and liavlnt : their answers addressed In care of TUB Ilr.r. Will please iihk for a cheek toenahle them to got their letters , as none Wlllhc delhered except on pio'eiitiitlon of cheek. All answers to advertisements should hu enclosed In envu- All advertlscinenti In thesn columns are published In both morning mid evening edi tions of Tm : lit : * : , the circulation of which ag- KregaleH morn than 20.000 papers dally , and gives the advertisers the henellt , not only of thucltv circulation of TIIK Her. , hut alto of Conmsll IllnlTs. Lincoln and other cities and towtH throughout this section of the country. Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the nbovo conditions , at tint following bus- ness hoiiseswho are authorl/ed totako special notices , al the sttme rates as can be had at the main olllce. uorru OMAHA HHANCH orricr. Corner t7of Twentv-slvtb and N streets , Nebraska Savings bank bnjdjng ; TOIIN W.HKLL , I'harnmclst.S-JObouthTenth' ' J Htreet. 1IAHI1 . \iilV : , Stationers and I'rlnter.s , Illl , Sun Ib T Q II. rAUNSWOKT.il. 1'haimaclst , 2115 , O. Co m I lit ; street , .1. HUGH HS , 1'harmaclst , 021 North . Pith I street. . W PAKIt. Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- Gr.O worth Street. _ "j I lUH US' PIIAUMACY , 2208 rarnam street , "ArOl'MJ man with good city inferences do- .1. ln's olllccs todo Janitor work. Addics.s V. Q. 2'liil ! California St. , city. _ DIQ-t * ItCOISTlfTtKI ) pharmacist of five yeai-s' , . , . . old Rlnglo , , ' experience , twenty-two years fi , niMi } deslri-s a sltu tlnu. Can furnish best of lofer- I'lices. Addit'ss II 15 , cmo Hue. 017-1' " \rOI'N ( ! man with A 1 icferences desires J some clerical work. l > ok-koonliig or sales man , fi years' oxporleneo In lumber a book- keeper and salesman. Addicss II 41. lice. h ! > tl 5 * \VANTKI ) > IAIjlO HKltl * . T T no""liYsr class eo lor ei I 1 1:1 : r be rs. Can average f 15.00 per week. Wlllguar- nnjeiICl.no. . HHi S. 15th st , , Omaha. Neb. S52-li * . to J250.00 a month can be made working $75.00 for us. Persons pie fen oil who can f mulsh a horse and glvo their w hole time to the business Hpaie moments may bo profitably employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities. II , KJohnson C < ) _ , KHlUSLHn st. . Richmond. Va. " \ \ CANTED- phisteiers at once f 1 per day T ? s hums. Fay and Ilj ines , Moisc building. " \\rANTKD-Man-As agent of our patent > safes ; sl/e2sxtsvls Inches , $ . ! ' > ictall. All sbes as low. Now stv Ics ; new pattcins ; new lock ; new factory. Not goxeined by safe pool. Kvcry .safevaiianted. . Haie chance. 1'cima- iiont business. Our teims and catalogue will convince you agouti clear iK'-DO to KM per \\ilteforo\eluslvoteiiltory. . . . . . . . Alpine , . KafoCo. . f'lnclnnail. O. Uin- , * " \\rANTKP -A live , energetic man of good > address to solicit for wholesale Hour house. Address HtsJlee Ollleo. ! IM-i ( * _ i7"ANTT.I > One tirst-el.iss paper hanger. \ Took ) A. Williams , I'lemont , Neb. KI'MO * \\rANT'D-rrrmid ! boy In olllco at packing T > house.'Soutli Omaha , balary , $0 per week. AddriHS II 4.1. lice. w4 * _ _ rA\TFM > I'lr-it class experienced Ilorlst A\ and gardener. Addiess H . ' Hen olllce. 7.V ) AAV TN I'KDA lhst class "coTumal.er. AT V , ll.uslic. Hlalr , Neb. tel-fl ! -l\rANT-n-Agents ! : Magic Olgar lighter , T every smoker buys : lights In wind or rain , lasts a lifetime : samples 15c , two forSTie , dO7en tl by mail , stamps taken. Slimier & . { Co. , I'lovldenee , IL L T l-a-'lt _ \\7"ANTni > -.V ) Vilemen , M salesladies , m ' .f' c.'iflll Rlrls mill boyw , M urajipors , 2 eleva tor hoys. I'eimanent position to good bell ) . Iniiilii | < after li p. m. at "The Kalr. " .1. L. llramleN & Sons , cor. iilb : and How.nil. R.til 1 Tinners for piecework In assoit- WANTED ment shop : steady woik. fill ! ; at Western Tlnwmo M'f'B Co. , ( ill-Glti-IIW So. llth st , tr's ti * "VlfAVrKD-Good book iiRents to take orders T > for our new book , lust out. I'limllv ticab- tiry 2110 t'umliiB st. 1' . A. ( liivln. fal-7 T \ NTKIA competent Instructor In Span ish lini 'iia ii. Aildi'ss II ; jj. Hee. WU 1 VN'I'ri- ) . K. laborers , for new woik. hrccfare. I'or paitlculars apply at Al bright's littior iiKeney. 1120 1 amain st. 7i : ( ITD- Man with sonui , capital : must undcistand bookkeepinj ; and the mitlun Iniiilness , Address bo.UVJ , Lincoln , Neb. ' /V"AXTK / ! > E\peilenccd slate , .special and IT local agents to tepicsiinl the National Homo Itulldlng and Loan association : our ngentsaro making money. Addtcss with ref- oreneo , naming this paper. I. N. Clarl.o , Seo'y , U. . tat 5 * - and tailors to addioss A. WAXTHD-Cutteis D. Undo , Cleveland Cutting School , Cleve- lIf \ land. t ) . _ sftl ' "VyTANTED Salesmen to sell our now spec- TT laities to mclchants only ; samples fur nished ; evclusho terrltoiv ; paying mid per- mmient s dtuatlon. Model Ledger Co. , South llond. Ind. OW-14 * lAT'ANTKI ) NM laborers for I'aellie coast o\- > > tension of II. 1' . H.H. In Nevada and Utah. OO < H | wanes and steady work. Albright's La bor Autuiey. 1120 Fariimil Ht Kg ) ' ' - horved PIl'TI'llK agents ami pliotop-niilion with elcKiint crayons , water colon ami liastols l-'lno bromldo pilots mndo for aitlsts. Hednced pi Ices , Mynster I'oi trait Studio. Ks'-'J H I''l h sL. Omaha. ! il7-itl * " \\TANTLD-Halefimen at J75 permonth salary - ' ary and expenses to.sell a line of .silver- plated waie , watches , etc. . by sample only ; liorso and team furnished fiee ; write at on"o for full particulars and sample cnso of goods < * In-o , btandaid bllverwaro Oo. , Hoblon. Mass , ' r.us \\T-VNTii-Av'ents : for Denver State I.ot- > > toiv Tickets 50o. Address A. C. Koss fc Co. Deiner , ( . 'olo. fitW-aO * \7V rANTriAn espeilentodglrl forgeneial > > housework. MH. \ . 20th. M\ \ (1IHU ( leneral housework , small family _ * Mjier w eej > . 2211 Sowanl st. tlb' ' * \\rANTiD : Travelliiff saleslady , fj ) per i month and expenses. Call or addiess room wia NewJ'm | t j.lf , . liulldlii - . llll-ti' " \\rAN T'kltllrl for geneiiil Iious workioo3 : t i wages. Apply after 7 o'clock onlncs , fill Houth'.liihi.t. Ull f 11KL wanted who understands general Vllmtisework , In a small family. Apply at liv.'a Locust st. _ _ _ N ) | I A liOODoman cook Immediately al Occl- ileiilal hotel. Sntton. Neb. KM li * \\rANTKD \ Iliht-elasscook with good icN T eicnces , KJ llowaidi waKC.sfl.OOporweek. \\TANTip ; llil for general housowork. 1310 > > llowmd st _ . tr,1 ? (1 ( \\r\NTii ) 7\t Ilrowneli hall , three good > ' gills , ono assistant laumhess , one for 1'icben ' help , mul one second gjtlvagns ji ; per week. ( CI 4 \\"ANTl"D lYfiT7or general housuworU- . > > l.UU mid Vlnton , .folia li. Hill. Nfi ! YAN'l lD" ; iiiTl ( Hufiaan or Irlsli ineferred ) ' I orgemnnil hoiihuwoik In small family ; \\rANfr.lT-rihlforgenerul housewoik : ler- ! ' l mini or Swede picfericd ; In family of two. Knquhv VJI S. lIKh t-t i5L _ _ T\7A'NTIlI ) A gooiT glrlfor general liouse- woik : small family ; good wages ; for further Information cull nt olllco 0. W. Keith , 711 ' Paellhj , bytweoii 2 and 4 p. m. _ _ _ UK ) 'l AY | iiKontVforTii'w rubbur undeittaiTm'nt , J lndispi'iid.iblo to Indies : proof fieo. Ad- dicb.s Little , st t'o..2iu ( . 'link st. , Uhloueu. 111. iv\T tf * \\f A t T Kl ) - A"KOtM l Klrl fur Koneral liOuse- t I work : Miuill fumlly ; coed waeesj for furtlier InformiitUui eall at olllto of d.V. . holth , 711 Paelllo. bet. 2 and 4 p. m. CO ) for eonoral housuworU ; gotYd wages Call at 2010 Capitol ave. or iMVDodso , IVS1-5 \\rANTKU A bccimd glu by April Ut , liiiTl > ill ftM : . ' Lafayette uvi nni > ( furmvrly Paul it. HofercncLJ ivuulixHl. Sirs. J. 11. Dnmont. M yoil ItKNT--HOUSljS. .Vl'.N-room txiardliiu house lu extra good . -l'uJ'l ' < mr ntf4V per month ! prlco ot furul- t uroKWOj term * easy Also a 0-rooiu Hut In good location , rout { ) fumlturii 1700. iiurli-ash ; room * * all fuik L'o-Uporutlvo Land und Lot Co. , . i > N luth t It" 5 7-HOOM lioiisis with or without burmI4"l "sT * th vo , bff ; u 3IIOOM house for rent , furnltnro fornalcnt a bargain , till S 22d , Apply Immediately , U ( * _ _ _ _ > TIOH Itr.NT A iletnclicilu > ruotii liouie. KI18 i loiitln ) | s street. _ 7M 7J FOU HKNT-llonseof 10 rooms , 1721 St. : modern coincidences nnd very handy to business. Inmilro of D , T.Mount,2iiS.I4tIist. : IlENT-NewS-room lionse. every modern - ern convenience. SM and t'allfornfa. 130 per month. A. 0. Wakcley , N , V. Llfo bids. 8-KuoSr TiotiVe treaT''JTh ) TinTroTi"ioTii ITThe modern Improvements. f " > per month. Oroor Stevens. 1.1I.1 rariiiim. 4 1 l/dir "KlfNT"- ( WriHim"Hat. . miMlern conveii- * - IcneeH , fi-nxjm cottaue mid MOID room In grand location. Inquire lllfl N. Istli. Ml 6 * _ _ TOK UlfNT DwvllliigoirUiipFtul avenue , 0 J. rooms , nnd all modern conveniences. In- eludlm ; laundry nnd law stable. Po scs4loti April 1. 1) . J. O'Donalioc. 1001 Kutimtn st. FOll ItKNT IluiiM't und Stores ; propotty cmcd for , taxes paid. Midland Guarantee A Tru t Co. , 1011 Karnam st. Abstracts ( Wi IjlOK KKNT A goodO-rodm house ; all mnd- JL ! em ImpiovcmontK ; shade trees and barn. 1 nt | 111 re 2.V.1Kiph ol ave. B11 " KENT-7-room Hat ; Lmigo blkGI2. ; . 111. Of. ) _ HUNT 7-iDom house , 27th and Hur- dette ; l-ioom house , Charles and Illth ; n-riHim hon e. 21th ave. near llaruey 10-ioom housojdose. . ] . H Kyans. ililrt N. Y. Life. 7S1 4 "l/ltJK ltiTHcuuflful : residence , barn , full JL1 lot , east front , modern Improvemcnts.tltHir- Klaii\o. Hlchatdsoii ( J. Patterson , 1NJ7 N. V. Life. _ 7.-Q 0 I.Ior < P. for lent. Imiulio John L. Hill , cor. J 1 Kllli and Vlnloii. ni I * OI'SIfor ; rent and furnltuio I _ clieap. _ 17(1 ( N. 20th. "I710U HKNT Two ID-room modern houses , nil J conveniences. I'aved stieetM , cable cftis. I'lvo minutes'walk of poslotllce. Heferences ieiilrud. | Nathan Khellon , 1(114 ( I'm nam st. TJlOK IUVN T 2ilM'apitol ! : ave. . 7-room cottage JL1 with hath. I nun Iiu2.'ds Capitol avc. 1)01-3 "iriOll KKNT To small families , references re- l nulled , house of ; i looms , $ | i ) ; house : i looms , hall , 2 closets. pantiy.il2 ; city , cistern and well water. Cor. l.ltli and I'ncllie sts. It. n. Condon. Mti ft * Ari-'HNISIIii : ) house , 0 rooms , to man and wife only , who will board tin en adults. Must be thorough liousckooper and good cook. 1101 Madison ut e. 1I18-.V UI'NT House In perfect lepalr , cen- K located. Inqulle 712 N lUhl. ! Kll-U * KKNT .House 4 looms , 1502 Hurt st. l H-4 ' YOU wish to lent a house or .stoic see Il II. K. Cole , Continental block. ( i.0 ! WANT more houses to rent. 1'arrotle. ( > ll-a : > QKOOM ; Hal , with steam limit. Kith st. , near Jones. Thos. R Hall , ail I'iiUon.bloclc. KI7 MODKKN house , nine rooms , bath , hot and cold water , furnace and gas , on Dodge st. , JIO per month. Fred J. Hoi tllnlvk.SlUSouth 14th KM 10 UKNT-No. 1721 IodBu.tuiuliP ) : Piim'l lluins. 025 1 FOH HKNT-5-ioom coltagd. ? I5.00. conven ient to depot and business- Mead Invest ment Co. . lieebldg. 71S I/O 11 KHNT ItOOMH FUKN1SII1J1) . eoon I 1 for two , with boaid , f.l ) and f.5 per monta Modern eonvoniunces. Hefeienccs. Addie 1141 , Itee. ! W-10 * C1WO nicely fui nlshcd rooms for lent , gen- Jtlomen only , al M5 S I7th st. . j > b5 C * OLKASANTroonw , furnished ; modern conJ - J venlences ; southern e.xpoaurc. Her hll > . f > 2l S. . Kith , Flat I ) . Wt-V ) rooms for lent , good location , JL' 2IU7 Douglas nt. bJQ4 * . NKT.LV furnished loom with closet , a $7. blocks from court house , ( ill S 18tb. sll-1 * KOU.Mri and boaid , 1K.-J Chicago. F02-fi * KOOMS and boaid , 1721 Capitol avc. , &t 8 * "J71CKNISIIED looms , en suite or single ; also JC rooms for housekeeping. 41,1 S. 17th. ffte-0 * IClTfuTinsTTeirTTiom , sult.iblo for tvTo gi n- t lemon , lieutud , finis , bath , rent reasonable , 021 Slth. ! ) lUt 0 * ITItMtNIPIlKD rooms with board at 407 N 1'Hh ' J1 st In P.iul block. . Iklj fi * KOOM with boaid. 1S10 Dodge st. KJ4 t * _ TjUJHN'lSIIED front parloi , front loom.Iiooms JL1 ji > r light lioiisekeeplng. liOs N.l71h _ si. S7.I l | room ; modem conveniences. Kooms for light housekeeping. 'J22N. ISth st. 701 IlKNT rurnlshed looms , dulrable lo cation , 2I"7 Douglas st. M."i * Jl'D looms for gollemcn with or J' without bo.irdjJliH nouisliis. 2l.s-li' ITIOU"1JKNTA desirable flout mom 1721 J. ! Davcnpoi t cor 18th , sIPam heat. 7V ( > r > * 1T1UHNISI1KD mom In private family for ono gentleman , breakfast and (1 ( oVIodc dinner If deslied. Localtlon cential , UK ! N. .Dili. ( P07-0 * " 1TIOH IfTNT I'ninlslicd rooms ; gas , , bath .1- and .steam ; 1511) ) Howard. littt HS. ClIUItCIIILL will have in n couple of days newly fnrnlbhed looms , single 01 eu . Tifl-fi' s'lltPiiH NjliUi. : OOOMS SO , S , $10 , 412 , C07 N. ISth. 735-10 * OOMS , furnished , for lent , 1701 Capitol ave , 1119-4 * "filOK KENT rurnlshed looms 1001) ) Douglas. "I71OK KKNT Sulto of fiont looms , modem J3 coincidences , with or without board ; $11 per month , ilb Lcaveiiwouli st. ; CJ N ICE loom.ovory con\enlence,171lDavenp't ) TJIil as * KKNT Kront looms. SHU luvunpoi t. lilB IT1OK ICKNT IMcabunt fiiinUlmd looms with JL' ull conveniences. BinSailli st. _ Kl\ \ _ _ . CLAIU European hotel , cor. l.'ltb and Dodge , Special rates by week or month. lENT--Ono ( largo fiont loom with IflOU board. iix ) Ca pitol ave. Uai I.'OKHl'JXT.-UOOMS "IjlOIl UI'XT Thren nice looms , all modem J-1 conveniences , jnq. : ( ill NJMIi 6t. MW-5 * ' 1T1OK UF.XT Suit of 4 unfurnished moms - suitable for housekeeping. Family without chlidien. Pih'e17j.l702 Welisterst. ( i.'l THOU Ifoomssultahroforllglitmmiu- - l. facturlng. including power and hoat. KITS PilnllnsCo. . Hlli anjd Howard hts. _ r.t ! _ pr UXI'HUNisilKD chambers foi nioiisekeen- 'Jlng fui man ami wlfo ; noehlldu-n. ill'JNMTtn. 751 D ESK room ; attorney preferred , llulchlnson Wead. 15.21 Douglas. Telephone 1520. S121 0 HOl'ST.S and stores to rent by 1) ) . Y. blioles Co. , room 21X 1st National bank. A No want ( from owner ) In a line locality. 12 toll- room house with grounds and bain , fora No , 1 tenant. _ _ ( ,11-J _ If OK UKXT 10-room bolide. 2IH7 Dougf.tsst. , 1 all modern Impiovemonts ; steam heat. O. A. Llniliiilst. | i ; 7 I'arimni st. _ dl'-l * _ ' ' " l HEXf-Dcsk'room lu nicely Tiiinlshed I olllce. all conveniences. Huom 10 , Conti nental block. _ iiiii _ UTOHESut 707. 7i > . , 711 S. lilth , 22xW ( eiicK k 'largo show windows , steam boat fuinlshed. Tl" .1 ' - ' ' a ILil _ : I 1'a.xton block. _ 0.17 _ ITIOli KEXT-Stoio , No. 20'JX. ' Kith st. between L Capitol avenue and la\unport. ) Apply bio Davenport jit. _ -u'l ITIOli KEXTTho l-story brick building > . -Tth J-.1 or without iiowor , formerly occupied by the lieu Publishing Co. , Hit ! Farnam st. Tim building has a II ro pioof cement basement. complete steam heating tl.xtmes , water on all the ( lours , gas , eto. Apply ut the olllco of The lice. _ _ _ _ _ ' 1 "IjlOll KEXT-Olllco mom and lai go light b -l mom , ror. lilth mid Jaokson sts , , llrst months free to good tenant. Inquliu Mrs. Lange , Ci2Siitlii : > t. _ ft."J l OK ltiNT-3-story : bilek building , 1110 .1. Duuglnstt , , snltahlo for wholesale 01 ware- housn purposes. Also brlok store 10f S. lath su Imiulio of Chas. Kaufman , I u2 Douglas st. KM _ -ltOOM cottage , must bo neat. N. M. Iluddy , 2llK l'thst. M 5 * Hy man and wife , no chlidien , thrcoor four tinfmnUhed rooms , orenllro second Iloor of siimo nice prlvutu house. Must bo In good locution , Will ) or without IHMIC ! . Hestuf leforom.-o b' cn. AUdreu U 42 llf of Uco. " \\rANTrn Kunilihed rottnso of 7 nr 8 rooms iTlthln 1't miles from I1.0. Ilcfer- eticcs exchanged. Address H 10 , lloooJIlce. 8.VJ ft * ACUXCV. ; MOKTON'S rental agency , 517 1'axton blk. IlM KOVEK STEVENS. 1315 farmim st , G 431 T il , I'AKKOTTrZlrentaTiigent , Douglas blk. J . uii a r. _ IIKA1" mid lellablofiiuInsurance. Parrolto. 0 mi a n " \\riJlmvuMi\eriil applicants for houses to lent and our supply Is exhausted. Ll t your houses at Itoom 1C ! , New York Life. HE. COLE , rental agent. Continental blk. ( VKt J.TOT Sitting Water Halhs ( liven In Omahal I have opened and elegantly fitted up rooms In Douglas block , cor. Kith and Dodee. . and se cured the services of one of the best chemists In the elt v. lean glvo a bath the water being ehemleallv , pteclH'ly the s.imo , that Is so abundantly supplied by imtuie ut those justly celebrated springs. And to those of limited moans suiTorlng from blood ) xl- ) MHIS. rheumatism , malarial poison , deep- seated oigauli ) disease , neuralgia , paialysls , Mslnllca , etc. . etc. would say to such Miffereis that lean give fiom ono to two months' tiealment for what It would cost for railroad fmo to Hot Hprlngs. Inlsoghethe hot-air batli , temperature If reiulied | 212 = I' . , elthordiy or moist , with or without electric ity. Correspondence solicited ! send stamp. Ttalned lady help for lady patients ; charges model ate for single bath , wee I ; or month. Take elevator on hltli. HoomsM mid til , Douglas Idwk. Mrs. Dr. Day. Omaha. Neb. KM 15 * XIT'ATEK bpanlels , 221't Lcavcnworlh st. > > .itt ! u SOJ rpo suit the convenience of clients engaged . . dining the day \\c open evenings , 7 tos3i ; ) . ILj : . Coje.j-fiom Continental hlk. .08) ) ! ( - Oiders taken for native No- 371VEliltEENH- - * brnsk.i pine II years old. } 5 per bundled ; 4 years old , ? S ; . "iyt'ars old. 112. Order at once for April delivery. Koom fi ! , N. Y. Life. Poll KENT-llarn for : i or 4 hoisc-t , 23ml.near Lea\enwoilh si. , fi.30 per month. C. I' . Hari - i Ison , Ull N. V. Life. Ml 4 VY 7"ANTii-A : ) girl baby feY adoption. Ad- _ du' s AJ . _ Itoooniec. _ _ ! i _ _ AUCTION .s'lles every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday morning at 1111 Douglass ! . Omaha Auction & Storage Co. CM rno"ltiN.T : ITouso lidt wlth"r. H. Parrotto. L Ril _ ! 3 rpO LADlKS-Mrs. Dupre/'s famous remedy -A. for all female complaints. One month s treatment securely sealed sent by until on 10- eelit | of pilce. ? 1. Lady agents wnntcd. Lib- etal teims. Manufaetuied bv the Guidon City felH-'eltlo Co. , 101 Laijallest. . tJhlcagi ) . 1U1-5 * ' ' Thisr Pei-ons holding contiacls for lots pur chased fiom the Omaha Iteal Kstato .V Tiu > t Co. , on which payments have liecome delin quent , aio icquoslod to call and arrange an early settlement and save trouble and costs. Omaha Heal Estate and Ttust Co. , 1MI 1'arnam St. sso l-I" K. COLK , reliable nio Insurance. KIO .COLIC , notary publlo and conveyancer. JjOST. " OST On Karnam bet 2d ? mid 2iith st. a ] memorandum cash account book . . " > toward If returned to lilt 1'axton blk. W. K. Cratton. 1C ) ( i 1" .OST One black pony , while strip In face. 17 No. : V'ml and receive lewmd. . _ _ JOST Near Haii-com pink , pug dog ; ictiiiu Jlo 12:11 : S. ; wth avc , or J. C. Si'hi lexer , at lloiso Dry Goods Co. , and receive rcwmd. si3 : _ 3 OST A setof caipet lilting tools ; lowaic" Mf leturned to'harles Slilverlck. Ml-S * . 'o N x rpAKEN L'P One black mme with halteraml J- harness on. Apiily cor. 27th and Califoinhi st. IHHI-.V STOUAfiK. STORAGE at lowest rates. Ilrnneli & Co. , _ - 12H llowaid st. 'nn iij. ! TpllKcleanest and best sloiageln the city at J low rates at 1111 Douglas si. Omaha Auc tion & MOJIUJO O. | 1140 rpKACKAGKsloiago at lowest rates. W. JL i Ilnsbmau. Kill Loavonwoilh. Oil WANT HD - - - 'J'O 1SUY. ; \W N'l ' 'P 'l'o b 1y"a | ho'lso and lot or pait of a lot and pay for same with South Omaha propeltv on a paved street. D. 1) ) . Smealon , Koom AN. _ _ Y.J-lfo Hldg. 911-7 \\rANTEl ) TO llt'Y T ( 1ay-Slock of gro- > ceriesor haidware. Slv bundled dollais cash ; balance , clear land. Daniels , KM New Vork Lite , 0i-- | : . * WANTii-Knrnlture. : carpets , household goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Stningu ( ' > . . J1I7 H. Cltli si. tU'j \ \VrANTED good second bund sulky ; any ' ' one haIng the same , addiess II. L. Veiling , I'llend , Neb. . M2-ll _ _ A VTA NTHD to buy for cash lots on Walnut > Hill. E. O. Mciilll , 4litli and fccward sts. ijon i : . ' * " \\rANTED A few choice icsldeiico pioner- il ties for actual cuslomei-s ; time will ho wasted If anything but desirable proneillcs at low pi Ices aiu referred to me. C. . r. HaiiNon , 1)1 ) IN. Y. Life. 811 1 \\rANTED ( Jood commoiclal paper. Ne- i > biiibkii M.orlgaso ; Loan C.o.,519 1'axlOn hlk. (1U ( CASH for nil kinds of household goods at tlU Douglas-st , Omaha Auction & Storage Co. I. . H ) \\rANTEP-To buy for spot cash , elty or i i country , pails or whole stocks of dry and fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gents' furnishing goods , etc. Call on or addiess J. L. HiamleU Ac Sons , cor ner l.'llh and Howard , Omaha. Gil , l.'OU HAI K oem ii u t" TOY 171OK SA LE 2 good horses , call at meat marL - -L Let , corner Leavenwoith and 1'aiU avenue. SA LE Two well hied young cows , with calf , for cash or on time ; 'JIUNuitli 21th st. KM- . ' ) " outfit for creamery and cheese COMPLETE factory , two 500 gal. vats , churn , butter worker , cmd drainer , cheese ptesses and all other fixtures , only been used ; i months. Can be bought cheap. S.Vllco \ , Scotia , Neb. _ _ _ 2 | 81)7-- ) . * 'IjlOlt SALE-1'atent who fencing machine. 1 Hest tiling out. Huns four wires at once. Will t-cll at sight. Important Improvement. Will tell whole patent or > , tate , rights If de- slied. W. .1. McKce , Pai'mlnglon. Conn. s.M-4 * " 1/loirSALE-One if the tlne"strililving teams In Omaha ; afiald of nothing , stylish and piompl dilvers ; also a full plat foi m spilng eariiage almost new. Addiess X 22 lice olllce. fiir 171OK SALE I'urnltui-o and lease of a nicely -A furnished 8-room two story house ; all mod ern improvements and nvwlv papeieuthiough- out. Imiulie at 2s01 Woolwoith ave. fcs3-i I ill'UN ITT HE auction o very Wednesday ami ' Stitiirdhy. : i)7S ) iitb. : _ . _ _ _ _ _ ( , ; "IIIOK HALE Ati-hoise ; power I'mterenglnu J in good condition , weight f > , IOO pounds cyl inder 11x10) ) fur particulars apply to The lieu olllce. j 7JW _ " 1J1OK frALE bomo uood watcliin and dla- JL' mmids cheap. H ! ' . Masters , room 4 , With- nell block. IKS CIjAIUVOYANT. AHUIYAL oxtraoidlnary of 31 is. Dr. Kddv , the dlstlniiiilslied world-famed mid only leal natural tianco clalrtoyunt and spirit me dium In I his country ; seventh daughter nt Urn seventh daughter , born with tell and greatest prophetic gift of second sight. While en tranced will ivveal every hidden mystery In life. II. is long been pionounced In Kmopc and America the gieatost living wonder of the present age. I ndeistands the science of the "Persian mid Hlndoomaglo , " or ancient chaim woiklng. and picparos Egyptian talismans which will ovcieomo your enemies , removes family tumbles , lestoics lost atlcctlons , makes marriage with the one you love -no fallmo lemoves evil Inlluences , bad hanlts , cures witchery , tits and all long-standing and m > a- teilous dLseasesj will glvo eoirect Informa * t Ion on lawsuit , sickness , death , divorce , ab sent friends , ever } thing ; noser falling aih Ice to joung men on mmrlage mid how to cheese a wife forfi ipplness , and what business best adopted for speedy riches. Mock speculation u specialty. Also gives Indlspenslblu advice to > oung ladies on loe. . conrtshlji and marriage , and If jour lo\er Is turn or false , and gives picture of futiiru husband with , name , ago mid ditto of marriigo | llount 0 a.m. to 8 p. m. , stilnt. N. H. I'or the benefit of those who are unable to cull upon Mrs. Dr. F.ddy , situ would lespectfully anmmnco that she gives perfect satisfaction by letter. Your ontlio. llfo will he written lit a clear and plain mannor. Letters with stamps promptly answered. Scad for largo Illustrated circular with special terms. Mrs. Dr. LMdy , Ills N. 15th st , , Omiihu , Nob. . * _ _ JIXJU.Il " 1/lOHTl'NK Tolltir-Mr . Lunorman ou'if 1)3 ) t consulted on all atlalrs of life. Satlsfnc- lion guaranteed. No. aio N isih st. IJ2-u2ll * DliNANKli : VWAUUKN. clulrvoyunt" mvdlcal mid business medium Female di3t'une u kpeclulty. ll'J N IGlli st , rogmn 2 i a. Oij Ii'oHK ; btiy lht ( iT ifiiWiV"oVanil'iio ) t tie'n'o'vr ' .scale Klmball pinna at A , llospe. 151. ) Douglas st. IU _ _ _ ( H2 ' / t t GKLLF.N'Him oucherof tTiobanJoi ' 'ii : Ioii8lnsllkju ) ) r.jleo olllco. 2l'.i ' tlemen to learn sliotthand mid type writing ! good salmlesnbuidcnts assis to positions. Standard Shorthand lluslnc lege. Frank 1 Hell. InstVnplor. _ KOI ' ' " ( JNKV TO LOAN. / 1HOICK mnll loans wuiiled. 6"l Harrison , y Oil N. Y. Llfc. _ ' ' 170 LOANS-Cltyand farnrVii ans , mortgage pa- perbousht. MeC.lpife-l 'iivcstment Co. 070 U1LP1NG loans made on B Choice elty property At lowest rates. J'rlvato funds to loan on brick residence ami business property upon very favorable terms. ICImhall , Champ & Hyan. 121V. I iirimin "t. SV. a 13 1HEKAL real estate iomis made by W. M Harris , room 20,1'rcnzor block , opp. V. O E. COLE , Icunagcnt , Continental block. H. . KM loans at lowest rates ; removed CHATTEL to517 and 310 I'axtou blk. J. H. Emlngur. EYSTONE Mortgage Co.- Loans of # 10 to JI.IKK ) ; get our rates befoie borrowing and save money ; loan on hor-es' furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bouirht , for new loan , renewal of old and low est i.ihvj. Call , K20 ; ) , Sheoly blk , I3th .t 'How- aidsts , tlM ? V1 ( JNlTY to loan on rurnllnrc.orgmisTplanosi -lilhoiM's and wagons. Ilawkeyu Investment Co. , room : ci Douglas blk , lUtb and Dodge sts. _ _ _ mil MONEY to loan on any seefnlty for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal propeity. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany. Koom 400.J axtjui block. ( WS yIiTl KVlrnui 1K15(1 ; | J T , , , ; , ! lowuites and no i-1 delay. D. V. Sbolcs Co. , 210 rirst Natl bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOANS made on any available security t Central Investment Co. . Itoom 25 , Cliam- I lerof ( 'iimmoive. _ _ _ lifll loaned oh funiiliire , horses and MONIIY ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. . i ooj ul _ 7 Haikor block. _ OM EASTKUN money to loan on furniture , huracs , jewelry , etc. , room 2 , 1417 l''arnam. 882 10 * MONHY to loan by H. V. Masters In any amount from 810 to JlO.OOO for any time , fiom one to six months. ' I make loans on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , bouses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rate , With out publicity or icmnvnl of piopeily. My loans are so ariangodtlmt you can make a payment at anv time and lednce yonrln- teicst pie rata. You pay Intoicst only for tlm time you nso the money. If you owe a balance on jour pi opoi ty I will take It up and carry It foi you , at the lowest rate consKlant with the risk. risk.Monev always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. It. I1. Masters , lioon 4 , Wlthnell block , 15th and llainey sts. . . . _ _ _ _ _ L L _ YyANTKD-nrstchifs Inside loans. Lowest > > rates , ( 'all and sop us. Mutual Invest- moiit Co.150l _ rarnam. , . , , _ i > 57 _ GPBI5 CKNT losldcnco oans KI.W toilO.00,1. lliilldlng loans at speclul , rates , The Mead MONTY W. 00 or , ! K1. days on furiiltnie. ] ) lano- , horses , honscsi etc. J. J. Wilkin son , Iil8 l'a\ton hlk. _ _ ASjTintN money to loan on city tuoperty ; moilgagu paper bouglit' . II. II. hey , opp PO. i .1. I2ii HriLDlNU Loans ( i'tito7 ' percent ; no ad ditional chaiccs fnriininmlsslnn or attor ney's fees.V.H. \ . Melklc/rlist Naflbank bhlg. M'ONEYtoloan. O. 1''Davis Co. . real estate anil-loan agents , I50'i li'ainam si. M > S IJEI'OI'E negotiating a loan to Impiovc your -I ) real estate get teim > . from Tlio Odell Investment Co.ot : ; N.Y. Life bldgj Thos. S. lloyd lepieseiilatKe. ' . ) ! ' MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , pan'DsorgansdIamnnds ! , at lowest lates. Tin1 flist lirgaul/cd loan ollice In the city. Makes loan * fiom 'M to 'iTi days , which can be paid in pail owhole at apy time , thus lowering thu principal and ilitt'lc.st. Call and sl'e us whenyoir want money. We can assist you promptly nnd to your advantage without icmoval of pioperty or publicity. Money alwayson dand. No delay In making loans. C. 1' . Heed & , Co. , : i9 ! S. l.lth St. : over Hiiigham & _ Soii" . ( W. ) _ MONEY to loan. I'airotto , Douglas block. ( 11 a r > AMSlMt ACTS 01- ' bldg , complete absliacts fuinlshcd and titles toreal estate examined , poifected and gnaiantced. 071 " - City , la. Address Ho501. . KW-10 * FOUSALH The exclusive right to manufac- tnie and soil the DeCamp Automatic Holler Cleaner In Nebraska. Removes sediment from boiler and iiioxeiits formation of scales. Can bo made in any foundry. r\o boiler com pounds used. A thoiongh Investigation In vited. A practical lest of Its work In this city. Nebraska Is a good Hold and an energetic man can make money. Call on or addtess. A. Do Camp. ISSIl'ainamsl. , Omaha. _ Trtl-TJ ; _ LAW and loan business. fuinltuio and llhiarv _ finsale. . l'riiiilt.l _ _ . Long. Oilcbolt. la.lll i * I OU bA LK-llcs ? saloon In good , thriving 2d -L class city ; a rare chance for light pmly ; will give possession at once ; about $ .1.000 10- iUlrcd.Adlre | _ _ sH _ 17HeP. _ _ 551-5 * _ * IjlOKSALK A first class steam bilukVatd . J onoof tlio best In Omaha ; capacity , 70,000 perday. Sickness the cause for selling. N.ll. Aplc | , loom 10. Waio block , coiner 15th and Kit i num. _ BOS- _ "TTIOH SALi : A good paying harncss lmsl- Jness. . C. J. Ivelloy. Aiiselino. Nell. lAI- 1 * "fjlOlV KAI , K- \iw \ I jfe 1 1 o ufl n uTr c h ; liTdl MS J- good location , line ( r.idc. county seat. Ad- ! lH" H. I' , lloli' . rahlMliy. Neb. 7ii7 4j _ rpwci Illg Chances -One ti.ru)1) ) ) and one HD.IHKI. -L Stocks of general merchandise for suit ) 7.1 cents on the dollar. Hoth very deslruijlo and clean stocks well located and doing good cash business. Parties must imvo cash but will glvo time on pail. This Is a snap for some bargain-hunter , licnts low. Pairolto. lloom 21. Douglas block. Omaha. _ 7U1-7 iJIOlt SALF-My llxoly huslness In this city ; - will sell or rent building ; correspondence solicited. John Dohnny , Council Illutr.la. . "IJ1OK SALE-Or e\clmnue for unlmpioM'd -LOmaha pioperty. good itio-aciu fui in In Iowa , with llvo stock. Implements , etc. Uood Ki'l-acie faun In Ciimlng county , Nchiaska. lmpio\ed South Omulia propcity , paying 10 percent. Addiess II 47 , Hce. UKI-a'l' Ijioil HA LI.$10,000. . hiilf TnteTesi in Rcneral inerohaiidlhe business of fdfl.CO' ' ) per year , net piolltfUMHVi iieryear.ln wi tein eountiy ; owner not well and wishing partial rest : rdf- eienccs must bofuinlsheil with lettets of In quiry. Addiess A : t'He ' _ olllce. lh'l-a7 ! _ S" TODK of dings for s.ilo or trade , one-third ciibh. \ \ Illla Caihvcll'lfnkcn ; ' ) How. Nob. n IKl-aU" " 7TOENEKAL inerchann'lsTr'biislness ' for sale -tVln a town on Sioux utty & 1'aclllu rallioad In western Iowa. Terms cash , or good secur ity , Hulldlngs. Including lusldenee and gra naries also. Will evhaYigo for good farm lands or city pioncrty. Htnldlngs woith about J.l'iiX ) . ( iood Meld fordolnij.ii grain , ealtlo and hpeculutlve bu.-dnc.vs. Aijilic.ss A 10. Unmlni ITTOK KENT -CheclieTen rTyery bmifTm iHTh I1 st. , H of Hartley. I'.iUl or address Nob. I7U > lFsALK-lcm ( < rnihtMittor Koods and bu l- J- ness In a veil located , MUVI elghleun miles from Omaha , now doinga splendid business ; good loasons for selling. 'UAqtiiru of S , Cotner at Nebraska Savings bank/Omaha , Neb. i i . f.7i-al ( * C1ASI1 , clear land uml.Mmiu lightly encum- 'heied , for a stock tfi | > morcliandlsc. Ad- diess jeiomo Dlclvxin , , general dellxery , Onialia. Nell. J b'-J-l _ _ "I7IOKTKADE-A line Meek of KoodsTiow In -L1 Hit ) elty. Must bo dunennlck. U.A.I' . , 317 S. lath. KV1 FOK E.\CHANliE-2clear lots for a good horse , buggy mid Iniincss. x. n , Apple , room 10 , Waru block , 15th and Kainam sis. ca-i.4 * F OK EXCHANGE 3 IW-aeru tracts of Ne braska lands , partly under cultivation. In peed localities. N. H. Apple , room 10. Ware block ; KSth and l-'arnum hth. KiQ.i' FpOEXCHANUK-l'lno "prop- - city or furm - 1 J. city nnd cash for olnan stock merchan dise. 0.m close deed on kholt notice . Address H in. lleo. CI4-1S t IP you have anything to exchange call on or address II. i : . Cole , ( t.l'i , Continental block. Olllco open evenings 7 to H30 , lift 'IT'OK KXCIIANUi : Choleo Impiovrd NtT 1braska farms. Wilt ussumo light Ineum- brance. If you have anything to oiler ad- dret-s or mil on Ueo. J Htt-rnsdiiif , loom 1117- UIH first National bunk building. Teleplioim Evergreen * nt TttrnyN old barn , iO5 Cnmlng st. , from now until Monday P12.4 * " \\riIAT have you to exchange for a lot In South Omahti worth tl.WX ) . clear of In- euiiibraiico. 'iri" ' * " ! w > l 'ooHlce. " fttj and lot * In Omiilm for liot > ei. lanleli > , 8.W New Vork Life. U4l'n * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " TJTOU KXOII ANtlrVS loin In South"OnTnlin or JL1 i lot near Vlnton st. , for horses or mules. Itoom Kl. Hoard Trade. 7i : _ " " " " | 'U1 { SAhn--- ! ; ! ! / ! ' ! ' ; t oTt"pTf.BrYMH ( 127'i. city and cl tcin water , all In seed 10- imlr. f { mlle N. W. of pottnlllco ; nilee M-SCOi H cash , balance to suit. Address H ! , " > , llee. S.HEKIDAN I'liice lots. JIO down mid IO a month. L.y. Kccd.x : Co.K , iiboard ; of tiado ftjl 10 J'OTlCE If you are going Jto build In the > west part of Omaha don't fall to sen i ; , u. errlll , the contraetor , IGtli mul steward sts , IW 12 * u SAM : A few cholco Isdo J -t Omaha lots for sale for cash cheap ; also a few lots to e\chango for farms. Itoom 022 , Now York Life. 0.17-r. _ IJIIAI ) Tlils-1 will offer fora few days lots J\20 mid 21. block 1 , Potter's add. , for iM.OOd , and 102 feet front on llth H ! . , near Nicholas. being I' . P. l1.ie.kago. for J'i.000. These are great bargains. Orover Stevens , l.'lj I'at nam. Tel. Hi : . . SJU 0 "lrA UlHIA Wobteilleld.rcal cstiito.S Omaha > > on \\Tn HAVi : a customer for two acres or fora f full block south of Vlntou. Crnm A , Itlsh- op , room S4 lloatd of Trade. SAJ FOIt SALK 9.0m ) acres best farming landsTn Nebraska and SO\1M feet on South Kith st. , at a great sacrlllce. Inquire 013 South lath st. tJeo. 11 , Peterson , owner. Hi2al7 pr KOOM eottsigo for sale or rent ; 2023 Chicago street. lniulio'.Vi''l | Chlcagost. 1SS EAST front lots on Georgia a\e. CMth st. ) f/K \M \ , next to the Dro.iel proper ) v. Can make special price. C. V. llarilsou , till N. Y. I.lfo. Sll-1 _ _ _ honso with QPKCrAljltargaln-llest O-mom Of nil lot west of Lowe live. , city water , cellar under the entire house , one block fiom Walnut Hill school , prlco J2.SOO. small payment down , balance eiisy , i : . ( J , Jlerrlll , owner. 4fith mid Sewardsls. 000 12 * " 171OU SALK 2 good lots HrOnnan pluue , fac- -1. Ing north on California on the high plateau west of the Saeied Hoait $2,500 each. C. 1' . llarrlsoiumi N. Y. Life. _ Ml-4 SIXTY-riVK across , w. of P.O. . suitable for nlattltu : or gardening , for sale at a bargain. \ \ 1C. Darling. 4 1 llarker bik. MM I 1ST your pioporty with H. K. Cole. rpWO eholco lots on small cash pay miint , bal- JL unco second mortgage to responsible pai- tles who will build. 11. K. Cole , Continental bile , nniiavit NL'ltb. _ 6tt'l 71IYK room cottages , JI.500 each. Jino oasli - down , balance { 15 per mouth. Thos. I' . Hall , Jill Pavlon SOITTH front. Walnut Hill , Cttmlng st. . $2WO Hust slope , .Omaha Ylcw . 1157 M foot lot on Lake st. east of IWth . 1,400 1'lno o. ft lloine. Mth st. Hunscom Place. . . r > ,500 10 houses near Hmiscom place , on 'llst only * , V)3 ) cash . 11.100 House mid < lol.2rth and DoiiglasfcltOeash/- . ! Hutelilnson it Uead,1521 Doug.is. Tolc. 125'J. ' 021 0 _ fpllACKAOi-l : will oiler foi a few ( lays an -L elegant pleco of U. P. trackage property. being 102 feet front on llth stieet , just noithof Nicholas , for t.Wii. Tt Is the cheapest piece ot piopertj oll'eied for sale In Omaha , Urover Mevens , 1515 1'arnam street. Tel. SH. _ _ _ _ NUJ ) _ OOIv at Thls-Ilonso and full lot In Itiil.er J I 'lace. Walnut Hill , to trade for first-class hoisc. or for sale , $1,151 , cash J200. balance easy. K. U , .Merilll , owner , 40th and Seward sts. 'MO 12 * _ _ _ T OTS In Shcildan P.lace. U.W , boaid of tiade JJ 021 II' _ AHAliUAlN-Dodgo and 20th sts. , feet , with 2 now U-ioom houses & 5-room cottage , cheap for customer with money , on lineot cable , icntal illO per month , Addiess 2ttl N. Y , Life. _ 24 a IS * KI'KCIAL bargain 5 room house with full lot , beautiful location , 2Mb and Charles sts. Prlco * 2,00'1. ' only J.VKI cash balance very easy. K. 0. Jleirlll owner , 4lth ( and Sewaid sts , "jjlOK SALK Four eholco lots on Lowe avo. JL1 $2,500 each. C. T. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 841-4 $1,500 buys 40\I274 with good ft-room house ; well , cistern. Will sell 40x127' ' J fortsOO Apply - ply on the promises. : HIO Docatiirst. 24'1-alO * Jr you have money for speculation , or need an elegant location for Inmberolllees , whole sale or light manufactuiing business , the SS feel on Douglas Is just thu spot , and we can sell It at. neailv 'j value , * i cash. Hutchlnson \ Wead , 1524 Douglas st. Telephone 152 ; ) . ! )2I ) 0 ITIOH SALi : Very cheap , no trade , faim of X1 rii.7'i ; ' acies. see. f > , 12 , N D W. Hamilton county. Neb. ; ' . ' miles from .Maniuettc , small house , stable. HOO acres of pastille fenced , liv ing water , pi lee only Jill per acio , ? 5,4.7.ifl. ! ( Tci nis Sy.2iHl cash , balancoliper cent Inteicitf I' . K. Atkiiisownei , lallroao building , Denver Col . _ 07.1 homes In most any addition for OOTTAOK fiom JLUOII up , on easy monthly piyinonN.l' ! _ ' ' , LK1 Darling. 411 HarKer block. li'i'J ' "TJ1OH SALK-Ore\chmige for drugs and ical 1 : \ , ) east and south corner , near Milton Hollers' place. West Eat nam , $7r > 00 , M cash. C. 1' . llurrlstm.Ull N. Y. Life. 811 4 20 ( icoigla , 0 rooms , every modern convenl- cneo , elegant and cheap , must bo sold by April 1st , best bargain In Omaha. $ 4.230 7 looms , all conveniences , locution line , big baigafn , 10,50010room pressed brick , all conveni ences , bain.gas < l\tuieshaulwoo < l tln- Isli , E. front , 00X171 feel , llanscom I'lace. 0.700 N rooms , all conveniences. Orehaid Hill. 7,500-12 rooms , barn , all conveniences , thico mantels , gas ilxtmes , giouml corner , 7HM2I. 20,000 2M\17T > Irackago for clear farm. Have you anv bargains ? If so , we want a list of them. Wo have fauns and vacant lots clear for houses , and lots , fee. us befoi e. you buy , D. Y. shole.s Co. , 2KI l-'lrst National hank. S'U ' ( JT'AsT front lot , ShuH's2nd , on'lith. . between ul'oppleton mid WoolworthfM)0. ) l1. I" . Hm- ijson. Ull N. Y. Life. Ml I ' I'lNElittle liome. 2Sth st.near Woolw'orth , A full lot , east fiont. 7 looms and bath , veiy little cash rcijulied. F. K. Hailing , tti llarker block. 27S . . SALE-8-room house , must be moved for Improvements. Homes built on casypaj- ments In all | iai Isof the cltv. ( loud faim for trade. _ P. .1. O'Donahoe. 1M1 I'arnmn st. 1)2.1 ) O0vll2on 2lllh St. , noith of St. Mary'nave. , 'J with good 7-roomcottage , city water , sewer etc. , rent SfS , or ( ! ( ) feet and two such cottages , nice nelghboi hood and view , K > , WM for one , or $10.000 for both. Colseth , Johnson & Lnvgrun , KoomJI , Chamber of Comnierce. 7o'J-i ( Jjldlt SA LE It feet , corneron HlFiTst. , IngooiT X ? bushiest , locality , stieet paved , very cheap. IfcH. Apple , iiioiii 10. Wnro block. KTJ-41 _ 1IIEA1 * for cash , slori ) building , smalt slock C 'moeerlis , lunch counler ; close to depot. En- ijiiln' of tj. W. lleymer. Noi folk. Neb. iil.Va'l * 1/1OK SALE- Two \vell built houses ; all moiu 1 ? fin conveniences ; on paved stieet ; water , sewer , gas , street ems ; walking distance of postolllce ; will he sold cheap and on easy teims as owner Is leaving thoelty. Nathan Shelton , Kill I'm nam t Iiii7 \\rr.havi' purchaser for hoiiso and lot not exceeding f.'I.OOtl , leealed wltliln the following - lowing district : Iletween Cnmlng and l/eav- enwottli and unslof ffld st. Eincst Ileall > V Co. . M } * . intiisi , uit.ri : IjlOK SALE Or e.xcliange for iiidse. , jewelry 1 preferied. KK ) acres of land , unliieuinbuied , In eastern Nebraska. A. W. Atwood & Co , , I'lement , Neb. , Main st. L " " " ! * SMALL payment down and } IS per month A v.'lll buy a 4-room liomw and lot on liJIh , two blocks from motor ; ( list-class chance to aconite a homo on easy teims. Apply to II. E. Cole , Continental IditcK. ( UP OK SALE A line new .Vroom cottage near Ij elci-'trlc ear line on N. 27th st. Will take as part of cash payment a good horse or lioiau uud pliaclon. 1M.VU I'arnaiu st , S77 riNCOLN place and ( arlhago lots , pilcu ' D. 8 > V ) down , balance * 15 monthly. . I of " ' _ . _ _ " " - " " U"\TL'l LAlvi"dTY"l'aities"dosiring to In- Ovest In this city will do well to consult the Dieter. Johnson Investment Co. , P. O. Hex 571 , and 150 South Main st. . Salt Lake City. Wo handle choice property only and glvo the host of rcfcrejiciis _ _ _ niT-iul _ rpHK cheapest lots In the city are In Sheridan -I. place. L. S. Heed A. Co. , K. IJ , board of ti ado. itti 10 _ 171OH SALFV-A Hat of 12 loomswoll furl - -l nlslicd. tilled with good paying roumurs , LV.-4 N loth , o\or Moody's china toni. ; ta-iu20 * TjlOH SALE Ono pleco of Impnued business -L' property that will pay 15 per cent , llowmd L. A T. Co. , Kith and Howard sts. _ 4811 | jl6K SA LEA corner , liNlxl.V ) , one mlle front 1 postolllce , good locality ; also Home good lots , J > V ) mid 1100 down und monthly puymcntt for balance. N. H Apple , rot/in 10uio blui.lt , l&lh amM'ani.im ts. _ _ P" " " ' * . jALENuw 7-loom housit on fufl C' > F nut lut 00x110 feet in 1'opplcton paik.cloaii to motor. A beautiful liiiino mid clu'uii u ) dirt. I'or particulars < iddr < ; s3 U 21 , Uuu. Wl-7 IHEKinANl'lacolots. 11.UUward of trade VU ti ) TIH-3 ItKAIiTY 31 INHTKt'MENTS placed on iccoiil dmlutf .1 yestuiday ; C1''llmrl onto.H ! Hrool > s , lot 7 , blk 7 , Eckermmi I'laco.w d I 400 M II 1'atlorson and hiLsband to E It Sintlrp. lot ti , blk Kl , West End , w d J K Hoyd , sherlir. to A JlcOavock , lot lit , KI vervlew , deed 700 E W Snow et al to II T Smith , lots 1) ) and to , blk 0 ; lots 1 to s , blk 7. and lots 1 to H. blk S. McCormlck'siM add. wd E A Casey mul wife to I H Tyrrell , lot 21 , hlk.X Sheridan I'laeo. w d WO C 1' Weymuller. Jr. , to Metropolitan tn- Mirance company , e ! HIV nvv 1-l.Vl.l , 12,000 ' " ' ' ' ' ' Hoggs i iiiii to'"r i'ortcr.'nii'i'ut'iu's i ; Porters add. < i o d CIulo City land company to K Still , lots U , 10 mul 1 , ' . , blk 7 , and 1012 , blks. HowlIng - Ing Oieen , wd \ \ ,1 Council and wife to Henry Huthgc , lot li ( , Hickory I'luee. W d. . . . . . . ! MO I'T Murphy to 1' MUUS.S , lot 12JI , Nelson's add , n ed Ira Van Camp et al to L S Culdwell , lot I. blk I. Stintlsoadd , w d ffio OH and E t ! Hiilloti to L W Eckard et al , lolsli , 10,10 mm 20. blkitEverett Place , w d , l.f.00 . 0 II and Etl Iliiltoui < t ul.loMnryMlbel , lot 4. lilk8 , Ambler I'laee , wd. . SM JL Miles to U.I Stringer , lot 10. blk 10 , Otehmd IIIII. wd. < WO S C rancher to WT Seaman , lot1U , blk 1 , Cloverdale , w d 100 VOStrleklcrtoll W Shields , nnd Slot und 'j of lot 7. hlk 01 , Omaha , wd J K Itojd.sheiltr , to.1 C llainard , lot U , blk 4. Matthew's sub , deed MO E M I'm k et al , to W .1 Stevens , lot H , blk H. Sid tin's 2d add , w d 1,500 C M Woodbtldge ami wife to L Klchard- son. lots 1 to 10. blk 14 , Lawnlleld. vv d. . 5,500 C 11 Jacobs to H ,1 1'ort , mid ' 5 e and w Inlets lots 21 und 22 , blk V , Summit I'laee. ijcd MI Twenty transfers tS3,4.MI llnildliif , ' rcmiits. The followiing building permits were issued ycatciilny : Yalentlne Nock , thiee-story bilek hotel. Cass and Tlilileenlh street $ 22,000 J. K. riemlng , one-story frame addition ISO A. I * . Spanldlng. barn 10(1 ( I. D. Mercer , icpalrs Solin Simmons , rcpalis T. H , Kingston , icpulis 400 Total $24. ISO Certificate. This Is to certify lli.it the Nebraska Central Kallway compnny desires an Ineieaso of Its authorised capital stock from one million dollars lars to four millions live hundred thousand dollms , and that such an Increase and thu making and publishing of this certificate , and the filing thereof with the secretary of stilto of thostaln of Nebraska , has been duly au- thorl/ed by the holders of the majority of the capital slock of the Nebraska Ccnttal Kail- nay company. In witness vvheieof , wo have lieieunto signed our names atOmnha , in the county of Douglas mul stale of Nebraska , on tlm Iflth day of August , ISSt. JOHN A. M'fllANE , UltoKUK U. HAKNirM , President. becretary. ( Corporate j. ( Seal. j Dlioetors : JOHN H. DUMONT. WILLIAM L. ADAMS. HEN.1AMINJ. MOKKI3. State of Nebraska , Douglas county , .ss : Hefcie me , a notary public In and for said Douglas county , pci-onally eamo the above named John A. McShane , ( u'orgo 0. Hnrnum , .lolm 11. Diimonl. William L. Adams and llen- jamlii J. Mini Is. known to mo to he the Identi cal peisons who signed the foregoing Instiu- ment , and severally acknowledged the said Instrument to bo their voluntary act and for the u = es and purposes heicln set forth. In wltuiMi wlinra.if. I have.hereunto signed my name and alll.xed my olllclal seal , at Omaha. Douglas county , Nebraska , this 10th davof August , ISs'J. ' W. C. I YES. 1 Notarial I Notary Public. 1 Seal f rob2dbO ( , mor Notice. Klllds will bo received by ( he Stale Hoard of Printing at the olllco of Secretary of State , at any time befoie April 10th , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for piintlng and binding 1,000 copies of the 10- poitof the lloaid of Transpoitallon , for the year IsW.of SIX ) pages each , mine or lc > s. Sam ples of woik may bo seen at thuolllco of Sce- ictmyot .State. Kight loserved to reject any 01 all bids. HK.V. 1 ! . Covvnmiv , Sccrotary of State. Lincoln , Nebraska , March Mth , ISDO. m-'ildlOt HIP Quartermaster's Ollico-OmahaNeb. , CII Apill 1 , ! N--5-ealed pioitials. In tilpll- cate , will bo iecei\cd at , this ullleo until U o'clock p. m , . central time. May 1 , ISOtl. and then opened , foi fuintshlng at Omaha ynar- tennastors Dopot. oral , olhor points sponllied by bidder. M.CKli ) gallons of mineral oil. U. H. icserves tight to icject any or all bids. 1'ruN oienco given to uitlcle of domestic | iiodne- tlon. conditions of quality anil prlco ( Includ ing In the prlceof foreign piixlnctlon theduty thereon ) bulng eiiial. | All Infoimatlon fni- nlshed on application to thlsolllco. Envelopes containing proposals to he marked "Piopo-als foroll."and addressed toVM. . II. lllJOlins , Ijlentenant/ColonoI and Deputy Quu ; toi mub- torCJeneral , U. S. A. . Chief Quaitormiihter. plJOPOHALH for Krcsh Heef-lleadimrleis | -L Dcpt.of the Platte , Olllco of Chief ( lom- mlstmy of Subsistence , Omaha , Nob. , Apill 1 , lf > 'X ' ) , Sealed pioposals In tilpllcate , uccom- panlcd by gnarantco bonds , will he icccHod at the olllce of the commissary of suhslsteneo at Omaha , Nub. , and at the olllce of thenetlng commissary of subsistence at I'mt Omaha , Neb. , until 12 o'clock M. , central standard time , and at ( ho olllcesof the actlngcommls- sarles of subsist once at Korls Kid noy , Nioluai.i and Koblnson , Neb.t KoilsMelClnney , Ilildger , D. A. Kussell mid Washakle. and Camp Pilot Hutte. Wyo. , and Toils -Douglas and Iu Chcsne , I'tah , until II o'clock a , m. . mountain standard time , on I'llday , the 2nd day of May , ISii ! , at which lime and places they will bu opened In the presence of bidders , for the fur nishing mid delivery of thu fiesh beef 10- iiulicd al the stations mentioned , icspectlvo- ly , and also al Hellcvno Kllle liamio , near Hcllovuo. Neb. , during the llscal year com- . inenclng July L IfW. The light Is icscrved to inject any or all bids. I'or lufotmatlon as to the. quantity of fieshbeef to ho f mulshed al any post or station , amount of gunianteu bond , blank pioposals and guarantee bonds and cliculars for Information tohlddcis , apply by mall or In poison to tin ) ollleo herein desig nated to receive proposals theieat W. H , HELL , Mai. and C.S. , U. S. A. , Chief C. S. apr 1-41 & m l.\,2 TYPEWRITERS . FOR RENT' EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- Jos.RMECEATH , FARHAM Sre fOMAHA.-l- BBOOKS BROS , & GO , Imporlcra ami Wholisjlu Di'ulcrsla Wntrhos , .ItMvelrj , t'ullcry i't'otlons , Novelties , Albums , C'oiit-Collar Springs , Fancy Uootls , A-c. , Lurci'Bt lusorlniL'iit for * ' KNIFE-UOARDS. AUCTIONEERS. SIREETMEN AND PEDDLERS. Illft variety of Co , 10o ami sfe counter Our l.triro ami lully HliMliateil H frt'u tn itt * tlrrti only , r Good Cooking All who desliu good cooking In their houses should ubu LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRCAT of BEEF. A slight addltlonglve.sgrti.it strength and flavor to Soups. Sauces and Made Dishes. One pound Is iMjn.il . to foity pounds of lean beef , or the v alue of about i" . ' ' ) ( jenulnconh with fae-slmllti of J. von Lie- big's blgnutuie In blue ink across thu label. % &t wmisuspzNsanv Ton ilijimw . * " * W S' " * PiHtlifcllllis gn.AH.imo /MfHOVIOTSO fivfUCTRIC BtlT AND 'sU/pVHSORI crllKH'.M ) vvIIUIKT. . Undo for ibli ielle | ) pop to t , Cur. ol Gmtrillit Unkirii , KlvlDl Krr.lt , M.I , Mi lh. dr , r. . ll.uoui rurmiti of tlnulelir ibromih ill WKAK I'AttTS , r .urlD lbmlollHLTII .JVII.lllllll KIIUpSI/m. Klvrlrlr lurrrnl l-fll littUMUr * furf U fVliu lu e ll I1KLT > ! .tuiitriborr CUINIV ( | IS , d ut , , U oral c nl I'cr * uanrBll ; t ri > 4 la tbr a inoalhl KfttlM l Clf > hlf I Vr . BANUEN iLEOTIUOCO. , IC9Lrt''fit. , CHICAGOItL BUGGY TOPS 01'ALL KI.MJ9. CUSHIONS , BACKS , RAILS , SCATS NDTRIMMINOS. < /7 flam Si. Cxi.lnnjli 0 Notice to C ( ntrnitor . Tim liontit nf cdueatlon of South . will reeelvo bids until 7:1)0 : ) ti. m. , April IS , l W. for u four-story brlek addition ( Includlmi basementi to tlm Third Ward xchool building , PluiH and spccltlcatlum cun bo sern ut tlm oflleo of Joint Latetiser. nrehlteot , Omaha , Nob. All bids must bo In byi : ! ) sliaip. ac companied by a certified oheek for two bun dled and llfty Ci ) dollars , The bo.ird reserves - serves the right to ruJoet any anil all bid * . Bids must be marked "bids" und addressed to secretary. . J. r. ( ' . \uuou. , soetolarv Hoard of Kducatloii. South Omaha , Neb. , March 21,1SK , ) . UKVOI.fTION IN STKICIj MAKING. A I'rocwiorTiiritltiK WrotiRl t ! Cast Iron Into Tool Steel. Mi1 , G. F. Hilton is a jjcntlotmm who ilov.s not think thnthocnnhino too many irons in the Ihv , provided lin t-iin turn thorn Into stool , wtys llto I'liihtdolplit.i , Initilfor. [ Ho olninm , however , thnt liu will do this every time hy a piwosis si > Blnilo ] nnd BO ( 'heap that. If it can I > D caiTlod out on a lat'ji'o sealo tm DUIW-S- fully IIH in the oxpofimcntx ho has made , the art or inaldit" ; tool Htcol will bo ivvo- hitlonir.od. The best process now in nso for eon- vei'tlnjj iron into tool stool l a lonjy nnd costly ono , involving compli'to molting and a Kt'oat deal tif ntanlntlation | , and the product hells at from 1to II ) eenl a pound , aeeordinj * to its { jriido. Mr. Hates takes the run of the scrap heap , from scrap Iron to Ik'.ssomor wte < A , wrought or cast iron indilYoront.ly , puts it through a single process with mlj 0110 heating and no molting at all and pro duces a bteel that will take iv higher temper , a liner polish , and show a bet ter grain than any other steel in the world. The great importance of this discovery lies in its simplicity and conscqucnti cheapness. Heretofore tool stool lias been made from crucible stool , which has to bo melted , and some idea of the tnniblo and expense involved may bo gained from the statement that much of the liner grade of steel used in this coun try is made from Knglish blister stool , which is itself made from Norway wrought iron by a process that requires from two to three weeks' .time. Kvon then it is too soft for tools and has to bo converted into crucible stool by another expensive process. Inch bars of the snmo iron are converted Into the tiuest , kind of tool steel by the Uates process in twenty-four hours op one operation. As will be readily seen the possibili ties of such an invention are in Unite. One of the first results expected is that the $ oO,0)0,00 ( ) ( ) now annually beat abroad for steel billets from . which to make wire will bo kept at home. Another in a marked improvement in car \\heols. Still another is the inanufautnro of armor plates for iron , or rather steel- clad vessels. At present there is no way of securing hardness and toughness in the same plate ; the nearest approach to it being an inner skin of tough steel and an outer ono of hardened steel. K\en the boring of rivet holes in this mass is a work of immeiiso labor and expense. Mr. Bates proposes to make platen of mild steel , bore them while in that slate , when it can 1)0 done cheaply nnd easily , and then harden the outer .surface 'a process which , it is calculated , will in crease the plalo's resistance to the blow of a shot at least i > per cent. A Cure for Khctimnlisnt. In rwriml to Chamberlain's Pain Uulm I urn pleased to say , that I c.m recommend it with cuafldi'iH-e , and that it has done nloro for mo than nnv other medicine for rheumatism , of which J imvo been n firent sufferer , Henry Valerius , Harper , Keokulc county , Iowa. iiisin ; ; Kwlne. Kansas Mariner : Waldo l'\ Brown of Oxford , O. , a noted writer on agriculture ati'l it practical farmer and breeder , said recently , in giving his personal oxpori- onci > with cholera , that his neighbors' hurds bad been devastated yearly , while his own had escaped , except ono attack in wliiee they all recovered. Ho at tributes bis success to having used ma tured animals , both sires and dam's , for breeding stock for a long series of years , thereby building up an animal of sound constitution and good six.e , with stamina sulllcient to withstand most anything. In our mad rush to produce pork when prices are high and breeding' stock scarce , wo are sure to breed animals that our butter judgment lulls us is radically wrong. When wo learn to keep our ijrood sows until they tire one year old Doforo brooding them , and use nothing younger than a yearling boar , 1 think wo will have much less disease amongswino. 1'ho continual nso of young pigs for Breeders tends to reduce the sb.o of the inimal , also the bone , until in n very few years , especially if corn has been their principal feed , they are nothing more than poodle pigc , entirely unquali fied to make heavy-weight hogs. My jxporionco has been that August or Sop- .ombor pigs were prolitablo , because voting sows selected from such and well 'oil through winter , having the run of u , rood clover Hold during the Bummer , mid in November or December follow ing , such sows will possess good health , mil having made a good growth , will by .ho time they farrow , have attained iciirly their full growth. They will far- ow as many pigs and suckle thorn as well an an aged sow. I would incident- lily remark that the best litter of pigs I ever saw was with a sow with her llrst .itter. She farrowed llfteen pigs nnd nisoil twelve. To make it inoro thor- nigh I helped her along with milk , as it s well known that ten pigs is enough for my sow. 1 think Unit the average far- nor pays very little attention to the vuj rious essays and papers on swine , for the reason that the writers proscribe .00 nnwh. Ono will tell him to Veil this , another thnt , and t is often something lie has not got. If 10 will provide dry , comfortable places 'or his swine , change feed often , such as tie has and should produce , have a euro of things in general , ho is at least on- .illod to fair success. Another tiling : hat I regard as one of the essentials in raising hogs is n good clover pasture. If yon Imvo none by all moans , when you sow your oats this spring get at leant ono bushel of clover seed , srivv it on ibout eight acres ; und the thinner you sow the oats the more clover you get. If the season is good you will have good 'nil pasture , but bettor if hogs are kept on" tno lirst year , as it will then make a part crop of heed , which will help .hioki-n your stand , ( . 'lover should bo illowed to make a crop of sued each alternate - ternate your , if kept for permanent pos ture ; otherwise your pasture will play out thu second year , as clover roots live only I wo seasons. ( Mover will furnish twice the iced for all kinds of stock of any grass that I have tried and much the easiest to get a good stand. ! Only Olio. The Chicago , Milwaukee t St. Paul railway is the only line running solid vestibuled , electric lighted and stoaia heated trains between Chicago , Council lllulTs nnd Omaha. The berth miding lamp feature in the I'ullnmn sleeping cars run on those lined is patented and cannot , l > o used by any other railway company. It is the grout improvuinonl of the age. Try it and bo conv incod. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0 p. m. daily , arriving at Chicago at ti''M a. m , PasMingora taking this train are not compiled to got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait fur iho train to bo cleaned. Hot ti > Uets und sleeping car berths at Union tuln.1 otllee , Hill l-'arnam st. R A. NASH , Con. AjfU J. h. PUKslUN , 1'una. A't. (