Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Ql 7 r Capture of Two Female
He Tnkca One Drlnl : of Council muffs
AVIiUlc.v nnd IVukt'H Up Alxmt
.Otic Hundred Dollat-8
Llzrie Garland mid Annie Koll.v , two rather
dpinorotliKMl Inoktnp fenmlts , rmnmlUod n
btild robttt-ry of tine poodi > viilued at f HW , at
SUmrliiir * dry good * utoro j-oslcrdtty ufter-
noon. Mr. StoneliUl liinmulf canglit them ,
mid somewhat aiiigalarly. Ho vru * out of the
htore at the time mid happened to slop into
Lc * lie's pharmacy. There ho WHS told , ln
ciuetitp.llj- , that a roajile of women liad IKICD
in tlioi-p n moment U-foro and one of
thorn hnu dopjxjcl a lilacl : lace trimmed lady's
ivnip that Mm had bundled tip under her
t-loHl : . while the other M-emod to bo hiding a
hie bundle under her old , fchabhv i-louk. "
AVhen the wrap which cine of them had
dropped was dwicribod to Mr. Stonfhill ho
hceniiil 1o feel ccniviwod that it had come
from his place. A elerlt in the jtliun-
iiiucj- volunteered to bU-p out with
him and try to pet sicht of the
suspicious females. The pentlemen had
print- but a blo < 'k or KO whcu the mx-oinmodHt-
itipr ( Jerk , pointing ahead half a squint1 , haid ,
"Thi-rc they are. " Mr. SUmohill. in dehcrib-
iup the incident to a reporter , said that it oo-
c-unvd to him there was but one way to over
haul the women and that was to act partially
ou tli" theory of blurting. Overtaking them
he tapjx-d one on the nhoulder and
quietly remarked , "Excuse me , madam ,
bat 1 am obliged to ask yru
lor those poods you just stole ,
and you'll save a scene by doing HO qulcklv. "
The woman turned deattily pale and reacmnp/
beneiith her cloak drew out one small article.
Mr Stouehill demanded the rest and the
thief denied having any more. He than
handed both of them over to ant oflleeraud
they wore hustled to the station , where they
unloaded several silk and lure wraps , a bult of
cloth a several little articles.
An hour later they ware taken before .luupe
Hclsley.vhero the Garland woman pleaded
puilty , and both waived examination. They
were bound over to the district court in the
sum of $7."iO apicco Neither could piw bail
and they were taken up to swell iloe Miller's
list of puusts.
One Drink of Iowa AVfiiskj Co.ts a
Mil ii $100.
A young business man named M. T. Sorcn-
hon of Avoca , In. , visited Council Blufls yes
terday afternoon and drew out ? 1IO ( of home
KIOO lir- had in n bank there , and started out
to buy himself a suit of clothes. AVhilc pass
ing the Mint saloon he made the acquaint
ance of a nack-drivcr named \V. A. O'Lcary ,
who invited him in to drink.
Snreiison accepted the Invitation , and
says that the whisky must have l > oen.fixed"
iu some way , as it made him stupid a short
time after he drank it. Then the two went
outside and O'Learv jrot a friend to do the
clriv inp and ho himself irot into the hack with
Soi-enson and they were dnven over to this
side of the river.Vhen about iu front of
Stephenson's livery born , on Tenth street ,
Sorr-nson was put out of the hack. Upon
feeling in his jiockets he found
that his ? 100 was gone As he made this uu-
oomfoitable discovery Ofticer Godolu eanc
up and Soroii'ion told liim the story. The
offlfor found O'Leary jti'st us he v.-ns starting
liacl ; to the Bluffs , and looked him tii at the
police station. When searched Sl'JU.IO was
lound on his person , together -vith a revolver
und paili.f brass knuckles.
O'L < iiir } will have an csaminntion before
.Tudge Hclsley this moniing. He refused to
f > uj a word about the matter.
The De t Uf-nlt ,
Everj- ingredient employed in producing
Hood's Sarsnparilla is strictly pure , and is
tlie l > est oT its kind it is possible to buy. All
1 he roots und herbs ure cai-efully selected ,
personally examined , and only the best re
tained Ho that from the time of purchase
until Hood's Sursaparilla is prepared , every
thing ii carefully waU-hed with a view to at
taining the best result. Why don't you
try it'
The B. Av M. Extending its Lines to the
Mill City.
The B. & M. company has clo jd a deal at
Dead\vood , Dak. , whereby it ivill take
sion of the old survey and build the Dead-
w od Central up Whitewood gulch to Pen
ning und build au extension of its northwest
line from Newcastle , AVyo. , the .present ter
minus. A telegram from Deadwood says
thatWK ) men and forty teams hare commenced
work on the grade near that place.
Going Alieml.
"Do you know , " said a Union PaciDo man ,
"that when we shall -have consummated all
our schemes contemporary corporntionswill
have occasion to fume and fret und light in
their little associations t"
"When the proiiosed new lines to Sun Fran
ciseo. by wav of Los Angules , and tfl Pnget
Sound hhali have been comploU-rt , we will
have the gmitost system of ruurauds on the
earth , mulling fi-om Golveston , south , to
Tacoma iu the northwest , and tapping all the
princiKil ] points between the Missouri river
and the Pacific ocean.
'The scheme is great in extent and import
ance , yet few people realize * the vastuess Of
the territory we will cover , and with our
Northwestern connection reaching Chicago
then * i no i-easou why we should not control
the situation. In addition to all this comes
line of Atlantic stcam-
our ue-wl.v-acquired -
shipi rumiinp between Porthuid and .1ajau
In say nothing of the coast line that takes iu *
Alusku "
"Due's the company intend io build a Pugct
sound extension f"
1 am confident of it. That's what Vice
President Holcomb , Chiuf-of-Coustruetlou
( . 'auiei-on and Chief Engineer Bogue ni-e out
looking over the country for now. The
Northern Pacific's antagonistic attitude
towards its is convincing that it knows what
doing. "
we are _
That Sioux City Scheme.
A delegation of Sioux City men is now in
St Louis consulting General Manager Clark
about extending the Missouri Pacific from
Omaha to their town. As well as may be.
loarninl from oQlcUiUs of the iiud , their re
quest , however , does not mcetxvith favor from
Mr I'iork. They want him to brunch off at
Papllliou mid thus leave Omaha on
a spur , but he is too much
of an Omaha mau to ever be I-OJXM ! Into doing
auythiupr llko that. Any extension of the
Missouri Pacific system that may , at any
time , Ire made up in this section must start
from hero. It is understood further that there
is only one condition under which Mr. Clark
will entertain the Sioux City protx'sitinn und
Unit is that a local company build the mud
uud turn it over to his company to operate.
Failed to Accomplish Anything.
General Manager Dickinson visited Chicago
cage to consult Northwestern officials about
making changes in their joint time table , but
found it imi > os.siblo to do anything without
tip.-.otung entirely their whole summer ar
rangement. He wanted half an hour lor No.
1. the fast passenger liotween Omaha and
Ogdroi , us the pi-uncut schedule is Just a
little fustw than win be made without strain
ing rousUnUy.
Notes and IVr.onal > > .
The peuoru ! tune oonvtmtiou moots iu New
Yru-1 : next Wodnuftday and Uuneral Mnnugor
Dicktnmm IK guinj ; on to attend it ,
Fitnl Nn h. geuurul aguut of the Milwau-
k * , ix'turued from Cheyenne Thursday and
ik coufinvd to his home with u spruniMl ankle.
St , PtOriok's Pills give en tire suiUfaction.
1 have UMtdhoai iu luy fauuly und tiud thetu
thebtwt 1 unv1 ever UMH ! for Uif jmrpose.
Trunk ( . ' .oruuliu * , Puixtdl , lud. Ter.
I'ulkie lUtport.
pg Bebout und Jlavey
thi-ir iv-nut for the mouth of
jt hhowsthf1 total uumln-r of or-
, f \\Uich 57 wore femalos. Tue
totui num'ier ' f prostitute1li'od i 22C The
amount ol utolon prtitx-rty n't > ortcd at th
RUUrm was > l.4iT.r.O ( Thhre were 207on -
viotimift and 4iiU diflmLikHU Slxt < ion casas
wore * ent Vo th' ' distrii t court. Arcid'HiU PP-
tiortod at station. 1. attwnptcd nuicidc. 1 ; tu'cotninixluU'd , 1M ) ; total waron callK
rwpondod to. niH. Arruete were inaiae for ( * 5
different crimes.
In Iftnn "Broivn'n Bronrhtel Troohes"
Wtti-e luttTidnccd and their moceiw w a rare for
w > kls , ooughH. wthiiiH and broachltit ha *
been unparalleled.
Under Mauntrnr Minor's naspJccs "The
Fat MOD'S Club"1 held one of its raczle-dande
sefrnkini at the Grand opera house last night ,
and in the presence of nn enthuslwtlcally
noisy audience initiated a candidate. J. C.
Stewart , heretofore one of the Two Johns ,
who is now Stan-ing hlmwlf , was the victim ,
bnt IMI he iins lx > en taking the same kind of n
tlwte every night for His months it did not
oJTect him much. Th" triece has very little to
commend it. The third or initiatory act is
quite interesting and very funny , but the
first two act * , -would IK > tiresome were It not
for a few specialties thrown in to relieve the
mcnotony. Mis * Marie Heath and Mis * Es-
telle Sylvia each have a turn in which they
ueqult'thomselves creditably. Miss Sylvia's
exhibition of the different styles of dancing
wa * really the only artistic feature of the en
tire performance. However , the DaBolien
brothers , acrobats , Were clever. They do
some remarkably difficult things.
.Fits , spasms , St. Vitus dance , nervousness
and hysteria are soon cured by Dr. Miles'
Norvliie. Free samplers at Kuhn & Co. , 15th
uud Douglas.
Cox ClnH.sei Mule AVhljif. AmoiiR Con-
cenleil and IJeaclly AVp"nj onh.
Patrolman Cox , who was so brutal to an In-
offensix-e nexvsboy the other night , distin
guished himself again yesterday afternoon by
arresting and taking to the station in his own
I > cculiarly siL-keninp style n harmless and in
nocently dlsjiOHed young rna > . by the name
of Charles Ditton , on the charge of "carry
ing a concealed and deadly weapon1 which
proved to nothing more nor less thaii u
mule whip Ditton was instantly discharged
by .ludgo Helsley and Cox was given the
grand laugh by those who were present.
Cox has IK-CU ordered to face the police
commission Monday nigljt to answer to the
serious charges preferred against him bv
Icadjng citizens on account of his brutal exhi
bition just referred to.
Two moiv forged cheeks turned up yester
day against the young man UobertNeiL
Martin Tibke was t4 loser on each of them.
C. B. Barger. who , as clerk at the Boston
store , worked the small change racket to the
extent of fl. was fined { 7.51) ) and costs by
Judge Helsley yesterday aftonioou.
William Baker was assessed $ j and co : > ts
for "doing up'1 E. F Ftirrish
Charles O'lJrfen. the man who went to the
pen a little more than two-years ago for rolt-
hing a street car conductor , and just finished
doing time fur it , yesterday stole Arthur Pul-
aski's saddle aud was jailed.
.T. H. Storey was arrested last nicht for as
saulting Charles McNeil. He was released
on n Sirbond. .
County Attorney Muhoncy informed a re
porter that he probably would today release
A1)C Lisle , murder suspect No. 4 , us ho didn't
think the evidence warranted holding him.
Change of life bakachc , monthly irregu
larities , hot flashes are cured by Dr. MHes1
Nervine. Free samples at Kuhn it Co. , It'th
and Douglas.
The Wool Miirket.
BO-TOX , Mass. , April 4. [ S ] > ecial Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] The demaud for wool
has been very good during the past week und
the sales foot up S,270r ! ( X ) pounds of. all kinds ,
including I,7i0 ; , . ° > 00 pounds of domestic. In
cluded iu the sales have been Ohio and Penn
sylvania X at nilmaic , XX at 2 < uOc : and XX
and above at K\lsuRttc. \ Michigan X has been
quiet lit "s ( itf ! ' , but stocks are small. No. 1
Ohio combing sold at and Michigan at Use.
Ohio line delaine is steady at : iV < ( : ir > c and
Michigan at ! ! 4c. In territory wools there
have been sales of fine on the scoured basis of
n"it. > sc , fine medium at K\in" \ > o and medium
at . > 0(7..2c. ( Sales have been , made of spring
Texas at IfitaJl c. California aud Oregon
wools are in sttsady demand ut previous prices.
Pulled wools are steady und in fair demand ,
with super selling at JHKWI.Sc . and extra at IE ! ©
i'Sc. Australian wools are firm. Foreign cur-
pet wools remain steady.
To the Pealcrs in Oil.
Thisis to notify you thai -vo have no
further interest in the DOB Moines oil
tank line of DorMoiues. . Ii. :
Owin-r to u disagreement with Messrs.
W. II. Stowiirt , jr. . and E. P. Pnitt , wo
dociclfd to soil them our interest , which
\ve did .luuuury iK ) , IKK ) .
Parties desiring to buy first class oils ,
independent of the Standard Oil com
pany or consolidated Tank Liino com
pany , will please write us direct tuicl we
will take much pleasure in making-
lowest prices possible. We can furnish
you all grades of illuminating' and lubri-
catin'1 ; oik , { : a.solinfl und naphtha in
met , nil products of petroleum.
SCOl'LULl ) , SlIViniKU ifc TliAGLE ,
Indt'pondent Refiners ,
Cleveland. , O.
He DeA'mled His
UTICA , N. Y. , April 4. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc Bin. : ] Esirly one morning last Decem
ber James Gi.lsou , u young man residiue with
his parents in Home , burst in the door of his
father's house , shouted to his mother that he
was shot and fell dead at her feet. She had
been watching for him all night and a moment
before his abrupt entrance hud heard u pistol
shot. Michael Cibo , an Italian living near ,
was arrested for the murder of Gilson and
was indicted for manslaughter in the first de
gree. He has been on trial at Rome all this
week. The trial develoi > od the fact that Gil-
son had twice attempted to gain admittance
to Cibo's house while the latter was away and
while Mrs. Cibo was there with her 'little
child. Ou the morning of the murder he IT-
jicated the attempt mid iiad raised the bed
room window from the outside und caught
the woman by the unn as she got out of bttl
and was trying to pull her out of the window.
Cibo was ut home on this oeeassion uud after
calling ou Gilson to desist and receiving
curses in response shot over his wife's
shoulder with the result stated above. The
case was given to the jury lost , night and this
morning a verdict of not guilty was returned.
When the verdict of the jury was interpreted
to the Italian his demonstrations of jov were
so gmtt that it was thought ho had bocoico )
Hull Gets Tuunty-Ono Venn. .
IjorisviLLU , Ky. , April 4.--Special [ Telo-
prnintoTiir. Bic. : ] At Hnrlan court house ,
wheiv Jud e Hoyd is holding court with a
company of soldiers to prevent iutiiuidiition
of juries , Hi Hull bus been convicted of mur
der mid sentenced to twenty-one years' im
prisonment. A roulre it-am nu adjoining
iHiuut v hut , been summoned for a Jury to try
AVI11 .icnninKs , a leader of the Howard f no
tions. Jonninps will first lie triad for the
murder of William Bailey. County Judc
Wilson Lewis , who led the law and onler
party In the tiflort to briuz Howard and Jcn-
nlngb to justice. , is dangerously 111.
Nut nil-tlic Hlflict.t Itlililcr. , Miuii. , April 4. [ Special
Tolegnun to TUB Hni.l : llev. Dr. IturroU ,
pastor of the AVo6tuiiufcte.r uhuruh in this
islty , hurins deolmod a oull to the Twenty-
ninth street Putch Hefomiod churcli of Now
York city at u salary of f 10,000 , the trustees
of ATestmlustur church huve decided not to
incrouse hik salary , but iu lieu thereof U > tukc
out un eudowHient ptilicjof tKK ( ) for
twt tvj-ojirs. Hi ey s are nffwt * u and be
fMtrs bmiduufu. . This iK-Uou U uudor UKid to
be fOiafurtory to Dr. BurpelL.
An Iniinoiihe 1'anc of Glass.
The Iwgeiit j > lute of gin * * ever cust in
the world WHb drawn from the uuueMliup-
furjiaeet- the Dinmoud vUle-jrla * * ffu-
U > ry Ht Kukomo Thursday aiterntKin ,
saj-ii the IndUnanolls Journal It
urt 145 In ! < * > im-li ( .v wt icb >
pounds and li p rfoct iu ocr ;
Annexation Urged by Men who Opposed it
Before Election.
A Participant In thclCorilon-Murrny
Prize right CImrsed With
HI eh way Robbery Ci t y
Notes anil Personals.
Since the result of the dtv election held on
Tuesday is tborouchly realized by the proi > -
erty own * rs and taxpayers of South Oiimlm ,
a sentimeut in favor of annexation utroiigcr
than heretofore noted has devoloied. A num
her of dtizeim who were violently opposed to
any such action n month ago are uow its
strongest advocates.
" Thursday n delegation of representative
South Omaha men went to Omaha for a con
ference with the advocates of consolidation iu
the northern city. The result of their delib
erations is kept iu secrecy , nor do any of the
Soutn Omaha att ndant6 lesiru that their
presence at the meeting lie made public.
The packers are now said to lie stroncly in
favor of annexation. This chance of h"art
has l een brought about by the defeat of the
entire citizens' ticket on Tuesday. Had the
result of the vote sent one or two of the men
nominated by the citizens into office the feel
ing micht have been different. As it is now
the packers have little confidence in the
future government of the city , and it is as
serted by the advocates of annexation that no
improvements will be made in the plants In
South Omaha during the next two years.
One thing is certain. Aunexation will be
urjted more strongly than ever since the elec
tion is over.
Charged with Highway Robbery.
Al Sweckurd , a resident of Omaha , made a
serious complaint against Paddy Murray and
Pete Boyle , two well-known South Ouiuhans ,
at 1 o'clock yosterdny morning.
Sweckurd hud been drinldng during the
evening and claims that at the hour named he
wa walking along Twenty-sixth street south
of N in company with Boyle and Murray.
Near an alley entrance , he claims , he was
assaulted by the youucr men and u jiocket-
liook , containing it promissory note for ? 10il.
taken from his piK-ket. The matter -was nt-
ported to the police and Captain McMahan
arrested Boyle and Murray ou N street and
locked them up. Sweekard was also detained
as the prosecuting witness. No tract1 of the
pockcthook said"to have been stolen was
Boyle and Murray % vere released , friends
who place no credence iu Sweckard's
statement signing their bonds. The
robliery story seems highly improbable.
Paddy Murray is the party vho foncht
"Scotty" Gordon in Omaha last week , break
ing one of his hands in the contest. Murray
has since been carrying the hand in a sling
and is under a doctor's care. It is highly im
probable that he would attempt such a fool
hardy act as Sweekard alleges. Ho and Boyle
were out Thursday euirairod iu selling tickets
for an entertaiuiuent to be given for Murray's
Cit3- Notes and Personals.
A. W. Merrifield of Ottawa , 111. , is in the
city.H. .
H. G. Sullivan , city salesman for Swift &
Co. , has gone to Chicago.
H. W. Butterfif-ld of Shelby , la. , has re
moved to South Omaha to reside.
LouLs Swift , of the Ckica-ro house of Swift
& Co. , was a South Omaha visitor yesterday.
Gene Mayfield is still confined io his bed
with no immediate prospects of complete re
Pat Lavin , J. E. Sheridan and Haley Col
lins have gone to Chicago for a visit with
Mayor Sloane is now the possessor of n fine
mastifl dog , presented him by W. B. Millard
of Omaha.
Thomas McGulre. the city clerk-elect , has
gone to Chicaco for a visit with relatives be
fore assuming the duties of his office.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians' ball in
Rowley's boll Monday night promises to bo
the greatest social affair of the season.
Charles R. Burgess will represent Good
"Will lodge , Knights of Honor ut the eichth
annual session of the grand lodge to be held
at West Point ,
Harold Jones of Princeton collece. New
Jersey , on a sisrkt-seeing expedition through
out the west stopjd-d in Smith Omaha yes
terday to view the great packing industries.
A AVonth'iTul I > l c'overy whleh 3Iay
Have Many Interesting Results.
One of the wonderful discoveries
in science that have heon made within
the last year or two is the fact thai a
beam of lipht produces sound , says the
American Art Journal. A litmiu of sun
light i. " thrown through n lens on n { jlass
vessel that contains hiuipblnek , colored
silk or worsted , or other substances. A
disk having slits or openings cut In it is
made to revolve swiftly in this beam of
lipht , so us to cut it up , thu : > making
iilternate flashes of light and shadow. -
On putting the car to the glass vessel
strange sounds are heard so long us the
Ihisliing bantu is fulling on the vessel.
Recently a more wonderful discovery
has been made. A l > eam of sunlight i's
made to pus through a prism , * o as to
produce what is called the sohir spec
trum or rainbow. The dibit is turned ,
and the colored light of the rainbow is
made to break through it. Now , place
the ear to the vessel containing the silk ,
wool , or other material. As the colored
lights of the spectrum full upon it sounds
will be given by dillorent parts of the
spectrum , and there will be silence iu
ether parts.
For instance' if the vessel contains rod
worsted and the green light flashes upon
it loud sounds will bo given. Only fi-t-iil.
sounds will he heard when the rod nnU
blue parts of the rainbow fall upon t la-
vessel , and other colors inn It ? no sound
ut all. Green silk gives sound best in
red light. Every kind of material gives
more or less sound in dillerent colors ,
and utters no sound in others. The dis
covery is a strange one , and it isthought
that more wonderful things will come
from it.
A Spot Where Rniu Fulls Perpetually.
D. R Purkhum tells of a curiou- phe
nomenon in Chattahooche count j H
place whore rain falls perpetually , says
the Atlanta Constitution. The spot "is
located on n little knoll in 11 thin wooden
on the Shipp plaeetwo miles from Thud.
Mr. Piirkham says the discovery wns
flrs-t made last Thursdav , und that ruin
has been falling steadily on the knoll
since that time. The downfall covers u
space of fifty squarefeet. . This space is
perfectly wet , and the leaves on
the around ure full of watw.
Mr. Parkham says he visited the
place with G. A. McBrlde at noon Tue.--
utiy. There wiw not a cloud to be w.-en
in the hky and the leaves everywhere
except on the square were as dry as tin
der. ' ' 1 stood with the space 'bet ween
me and the sun , " said Mr. Parkham ,
"and saw the raindrops coming down
from the skv. I hold out my handkerchief - ,
chief und it was BOOH Miturutodith
water. " Mr. Purkhttm says that everybody - |
body who hears about the phenomenon |
ib skeptical , but that the many who
have viriiUHl the place in the last few
days have gone away convinced. No
one has yet offeivd an explanation of
lh mysterious rainfall. Mr. Parkharn
bugge tsi that some powerful unknown
buhstanue attracts the moisture from the
An Kuiprt-fc' Body Guurtl.
Einwor ] William TL , who has devol-
ojktd a tuiiuia for uniforms , lute ra < ently
n.-anbUsliod a btidj guard to do duty IK -
fure the apartments of the tunprt'ys in
the ] mlu.- < % and tt > i > vtab IMT fsi-urt ou
t-tute oicahiuas , wi jst > uuiV'ai cvus. tN
for ji.V.tudjfj. . of litihiU Brandfi'U''g )
coat with i-herry-vijlo'--d lacings , ana
huge shoulder knot * in black , white and
wher ; H white waistcoat coming down
low , white trnusf r ! < und "jack" boots.
Tki re is also a bltu-k velvet three-
cornered Imt , wltH rrtckude and fenther
in the Prufwltin rotar * . The escort uni
form hB the Imt Ifplivood by a hi'hnat
of jwlished steel , freHt d with u golden
eagle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An Instance of the Beneficial llirccts
ofOpeh-AIr IjlJfe.
Dr. Henrv L. Bow'ditch has given the
Climatologleal usspolbtion an ucoount of
the trentmont which seenis to hnvo
counteracted a strong tendency to con
sumption in his own family , ivs the
Popular Science Monthly. In 1SOS his
fntner , then thirty-five years old.was un
doubtedly threatened with consumption.
On August -T ) of that year , when
thus ill , lie started from Salvm. Mass. ,
with n friend ns his companion uud
driver , in n.n opati one-horse chase for a
tour through Kew England. The trip
lasted thirty days and covered 74b miles.
During that time he passed from the
deejiest mental discouragement and
physical wakness through all staircs of
feeling up' to n real enjoyment of life.
His journey , though bonefitting him im
mensely , probably did not wholly
cure him , hut it 'proved to
him the absolute need he had of
regular , daily , physical , open air exor
cise. Afterward , under walflfiof one
and n half to two miles , taken three
times daily , all pulmonary troubles dis
appeared. He died , thirty years after the
journey , from carcinoma of the stomach ,
his lungs being normal except Unit one
presented evidences of an ancient cicu-
trix at its apex.
He prescribed for his children the
same regular out-of-door exercise which
had been so beneficial to him. As soon
as they were old enough they were re
quired to take daily morning walks of
about a mile and u half. If nt any time
they were'observed to be drooping , they
were taken from school and sent into
the country to have farm-life and out-of-
door pluy to their hearts' content. In
consequence of this early in
struction , all his descendants
have become thoroughly im
pressed with the advantages ofondaily
walking , of summer vacations in the
country , and of campingout. . etc. , among
the mountains. Dr. Bowditch's father
had married his cousin , who , after long
invalidis-m , died of chronic phthisis in
1834. Certainly a consanguineous union
of two consumptives foreboded nothing
but evil. Yet , of their eight children ,
six are now alive or they arrived at adult
age , married , and hnve had children and
grandchildren , hut not a trace of phthisis
has appeared in any of these ninety-
throe persons.
Dr. Bowditch see ? nothing but the in
fluence of out-of-door life to which this
immunity of his family from consump
tion can be attributed. He has pre
scribed it , under proper precautions , in
his practice for years , and says in con
clusion : "I have no objection to drugs ,
properly chosen , and 1 almost always
administer them : hut if the choice were
given to me to stay in the house and use
medicines , or to live constantly in the
pen air without them , I should in
finitely prefer the latter course , in case
of my being threatened with pulmonary
A Point fluSmokers. .
"Lots of advice has been given to
smokers , but 111 tell you something
which has never Ireen written up and
ouffht to lie known. * '
This was told a "Chicago Tribune re
porter in the Grand Pacific by one of the
biggest tobacco dealers iu New York
"Come into the cigar store , " ' he went
on , "and you will notice that two out of
three men will cough while lighting ci
' '
The fn-s-t person who set fire to a cigar
coughed quite violently.
"Didn't I tell you , ' ' exclaimed the
lecturer. "Two out of three will do
that/ '
"It's caused by the smoke. "
"Never. When you are about to
smoke cut off the mouth end of the cigar ,
put the smoke end in the mouth , -and
then blow. This expels all the fine par
ticles of tobacco and dust inside the
cigar. When you have done this reverie -
veri-e the 'torch , ' aud you won't cough
when lighting it. Those little bits of
tobacco got down your throat and are in
jurious. More people have been injured
by swallowing these little sj > ecks than
you have any idea of , yet they think
they were hurt by inhaling the smoke. ' '
When Baby was Kick , we CBTO her Castoria ,
\Vhen she wns a Child , she cried for Ciistorla ,
Whau she liavaiiie Mias , aim clung to Custoria ,
Viltuu Blio hud Children , die cove them Custorio ,
Habitual Costiveness
CHUM * ( Iprtmcrnu'tit of the rntlnt ( jiita
anil ) 'U uiMiusw thut ur hazariluuH to life.
1'crnuiiH of lumtlio habit ara Mil J ct to Ilcad-
HclMvI'i'f'-i-tiMi Mmuory , Gluiuuy J"or lmd-
iugs NrrtHiiint'iH , JYven , Drov unriu , Irri-
tut.le TciiiMTind | other pj-mjitumii , vhlch
niillth th htillrrtT fur luuilutiii. orurrut-ulilu
aHouvlatloiik. Itcculur luillt of l > i ly uloiio
cun correct ? ( lii' cvllH , und unthlnc nuo-
ciTtU ( .o vull In uclilvtingthliiGumlltiim ua
TuU'Bj'lllh. Ilj-Uictr UNO not uu'r 1 * > the
} htm ri'iiiivnti-il , but In ooiiM-qurm-eortlm
luiruiimlim * < 'liniir'K thux crcutcd , tlirro
prrxmlfN u fi'tJlnc olcntlsfnctinn ; tliouirn-
tul fuoultlck iicrfunu their fiinrtliuiltH
UvBclty , ana thrre In uu ezLliiluratlim of
uiltid und 1 > Jy , und JM jfix't hciirt't i'ii-.c tlmt
betvi > oaUs tliti lull < -IUD ) luuut of licallll.
Tutt's Liver Pills
Boyd's Opera House Block.
Bills Which Bjan & Walsh are Compelled to
The Question of Ho ] tltnl Kxtrns to Ho
Considered by the Committee ou
Construction Next
Tlic bills of the sub-contractors on the
county hoi > ltid will lie coiinMem ] st tbe IVJT-
nl&r meeting of the board this ufter-
noon. No action , It Is said , can \ > taken on
claims which huve no order from Kviin fc
Walsh Bttuchrd. Thcstatemrat below shows
wbo ha\"e such orders uud who have not. The
total amount of the claims is , uud
there Is due Iho contraoUtrs only flh.MKi ,
lesx-lnp f ! dun the sub-oonti-uctors. lor
whk-h there are no funds.
Followiup ure the claims b.i'ied ' on orders
from Kyau & AVulsh :
Onmlin tIutp aiitl Uooflup ootnjmny . . . .f nlft 00
Aram * Iron and Wire Worhs . SfliO n't
Kt-uinliluR i. Hullo . l.-lft 7T >
A. I' . Kiivini-r . . . MS K4
UiilbfrtA Ilium . 2.M7 T7
llonr.r i . . .
K. Mi'lniiKt . Mil 20
Allt'Uliros . . 4.IK' 10
Total . SlUSHi at
' ClntnishuvltiRnnordurbnttHchud :
Gt-orpo Allen limthont , onuxtrus- . . . . ? IUTTTI Ki
U.Mclqulst . . . . . IMlC. 1.1
Prrd W. Gray . LVVW RS
n.T.DuUi- . in Its
.1. L. Wolshans . n ! no
American WatojWoiksCo" " . -1 IHI
riiu'liumtl C'orriicutln Co . ! > 'f > U >
tlaiiH * * Morton & Mill . 'M S.'i
AniL-rlcuu Wuter Works , Co . 0 So
Totiil . ti 4.-.T r.7
Totulclulius . { at.7--J US
The Ctunnit'.sloners nt licn th Give
Ilyan & Wiilsli a Hearing.
The county commissioners as > a commlttt-o
on coustrucUon talked over the Coots and
Shauo i-cport on the Meyers bill of extras.
Ryan & Walsh and Dcunla Ctinuinghaiu wore
present with an attorney.
The attonic-y after n fn-eat many intcrru ] > -
tlons Iroui the comiuii.sionorB t-xpiuitit-d that
all the c-ontractors wanted was a hcariiin ,
cither before a board of arbitrators or the
commissioners. They did not waut the doluy
of appealing to the courts. It was linully
mutually siRreod that the commlttoo on con
struction should sit on Tuosduj next and thut
the county attorney. Messrs. ConU. nnd Shane
aud any testimony , export orottiorwisewhicb
the eontractors had to offer should be iv-
The Crljij.Io. The Cure.
Ixivrcll , Mass. July B , 1BJ > 7.
The boy Orrln lUibinrau a iinor i-rl [ > jilcon
crutches , who wns cured by St Jacobs Oil ol
rhuuoiBlism in IhSl , Is well , the cure Iiu8 rv-
mulni'd irmnncnt. He is now nt uort t-vt-ry
duy at manual lalior. GCd C , oSGuOD , M 1) .
Under Die ninnafrcmcnt of tlic
Mexlcau International Banlnng Co. ,
CnncoKHliinaries. ] uuuriurntftl ] bj the tuuc of Chl-
huuluiii , Mullcii ,
For Charitable purposes.
will tnKc jiliiectn pulillrnt the city of Juarez tforni-
crJy I'nRo ilul KorluK Mexlcti ,
under the I'cr.-uuul KU | > L rrlKlnn of ( inncral .Iciu.v S.
Miiviivuiicl Mr. CAMII.U AIIOITII.KS tlio formur ix
irfntU'inun < > f Mich pronilnonct * In tlid Unlliul Stuict
thnt lilr iiri'-t'iici' nlnne In numciDn : cimruntce to the
public that thp drn\rlnun mil bu hrld u 1th strict hon-
t"ty iiTirt tnlrnowp to till tintl the luttur thc Hiipyrvl-
n r ot the MCXILJU govcrnmuut ) Is of cqunl Htandiuz
and liitt-prltv
ONLY m.ona TICKHTE. Ovi.v nn.iHio TIPKETS.
Whole Tickets. W. Half Tic-Lets , 8J.
Quarter Tinkct * . Jl.
i i-rirpof FW.fKu is jno.noii
1 I'rl/i-of lu.uui 1 * 1U.IHKI
I Trlicpf u. ( jO Is SOW
'Sl'rlroBof l.OCU onch urn 1..UW
111 J'rl7e of aCOonchiiro S.IXM
SO ! 'rt7o of 1UU oiu-li ure .MIX )
luul'niosof SO each iiru 6imo
230 1'rizue of 110 cncli urp 7,500
ATi-iinxiMATio.v i'Htzis. :
100 I'rltos.Df I ffleurti uro f C.OX ( )
101) ) I'rlres of SOejichnru Sl.llX )
100 1'rlifs ( if "J i-iich arc , SM3
TEUMINA1. ] * iizis :
SB ! " Tormtimta to fHO.UUO J'rlie of K.1) ) onch nrc . 511.SW )
.W.i Termiuals to f IU.UUU I'rl7e of ( IU uuuu uro. . . f..tHJ
J1U Prlrps amount Inc to flSJ..To
: Wo the undorslcni'd ht-rvby tt'rtlfy tliut the lluncn
Karlonal < if Movlro. hi riiltiuiibmi IUIK on doinislt
f mm the Mnxlcan Iniprnattoiml } lnnLliK ] Compun.v ,
thMii ci-haury f und * to punruntoo the piiuioni of all
thoprl'os drawn tn of JrAitr.7.
We further ueratjr that wi > will KUxirriKe | nil tlm
arrait umenth. unit In perRon manage and control all
the rtruwlnir1 * of thin l.ottory , and thnt ttie ( mine arw
conauctedwlth honest ) , futrnuss , und In need talth
toward all purtloj
purtlojJOHN S WomtV. CnramlBnloncr.
CAMII.O AUitii.i.ts ( : :
Riiporvlsorfor Ui ( iovenmiont
If any tlchot ( Iranlnc u prl c IH hont to the untlor-
Blcnecl. 1th face valnn vlll bo colli'cted and romlttod
to thuowiicr tuuruol frooof chnico
IIDOAH 11 llltoXSO.V
I'recUUmt ji : I'IISIP Nntlonul Hunk Kl 1'uso Tcs ,
Forolnli cnte& , or nny furthnr Infornintlon. wrllo
tn the undcrslEnefl , Ktatlnr your addrois rlo.arly.wlth
Ktato rnunty. Htroi't nnd nutultor Mou1 ntpld ninll
doiiMtr > nil ] lieatiMi-iKl l > v your euclohliic uu imvul-
ope liMarinc your lull uddre h
City of Juarez , Mexico.
Rend romlttanrpn lor tlckpts by ordinary loiter ,
coutuininc Mnnoy Orrtor ls aod by till Kxprekii rmu-
puiuoi , Now VorU K.\ohanic lliinK Drult or Fuslal
N jitt Addreos all roclxturod lottcr * tu
CltyufJuurez Mexico.
Manhood Urunnr niEr. A vit-tlm
of yimtMul Imnrudemi.
- - - - - - - -
ruuxlnir I'M-niBlurr I > BV. I.uj-vu Debilin , lout
MaiiliiKxt &t lu vtnptriod In vaini' on known rMiif
d > liafc dliu-nvpn-d fc Mtitn.iit tmwinft of * ! f rur * . v-lilcti
lie-will M'MO < f l"(1 Kill t lolin-fnjlo * BUlIiTurs.
Addrcw.J H UlILVES , I-o lioiSM.hi-w VortiCHy.
" " * cai us
ItiKtktil Iv f Mjwl ! > < n - > t \ r . ml i.c 11 n m \ r f. , , * I rrp en , r 1 i HIP K > fTi rr
Tor I'AIN.x HHl I1- ! " It M KAl III , l' < iS < -IIi'NS I 1M iMMTlii \ > Kill I M\TMX.
xrrn\i. . .iM i\in \ in MIiir TIHHUM in. ir m.y . otiin r\i\ a fiw ujv ui-
tlon * . air like iniiclc i-iiii ini ; the pa in to m tiu tly st > | i
Intcmnlly tnkcn In d < w of from thlrljto sixty rtrou * hi H 1ml f tumbler of wilier will i-t.i-e In
n frw mlmit < ' . I'tHin ) ) . SprHlns. MiiirStoiniirli. ( ' "litrlutuUtitrts lli-Brtliuni. ( liolcrit M > t'.i ) %
Dyoejitry'PlRrrlm'ii. Sick Ilenrtnelie. NBII 'U. ViitiilUiiK. NTxouHiieHs. Hwplegsur ! l. x
and all fnt final jwlns nrNlnp from of ( lift or Mater 01
BO cents a bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
The claims of cocoa asa % useful article of diet are steadily
winning recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it is not only a
stimulant but a nourisher ; and it has the great advantage"of
leaving no narcotic effects. Hence it is adapted to general
use The strong may take it with pleasure , and the weak
with impunity.
Iff VAS Horrnx'a Oooo * ( "oncn tnod. ninny * nurd' > learn nn injunoni rftuco on th *
nrnrnun jnlnn It ana wnnJor. thnnlorn thnt in nil i < art tit tlir v > orlil thli i
Oocoft ic rrrnmrat'iiclcft li > * mritlriit ntfn Invti-ud ir ton tinil coflre nr olhrr
c r iti ir chitc-wtntr * f nr ttull- line by children nritiliilliOiiilc wnd ale
anil ) > < > iir. "Ijircrnt nlB In the wnrld " Ankfur AN IIinrrr.N sondfal.-M > o/rr.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Tor the trontnipnt of nil rftnON'tr1 AN"t > TUOIC.VL DNnA RS Ilrno'"i Appianpp * for dofonnltlo' nnd
TriiKKon lli ( l l-ncllltlpi ApimratiiHnnd Itomoilioi for Hiiopoiful TmatniPiit < > l ( * nrv form > r rttmmio ro-
qulrincModlral < suiiricnlln-atuipiit NINI.TV ItOOMS l\ > -I'ATKVT" . Iliiarrt unrl Atuindanoo Ilua
Arrninni"dntnin Vj'MtVrlio ftu flrt ulardon I "forui tlnf nnd Hriioon 'I'mw-ioM rniti I t ot t'nrvMuro < tf
Splno JMlOh 'J'nnitirh ' ( anror Calarrli llroni'hlii lnlml.itu > n. l"lottrtritPanihhN ipilop < 4 KidneItlad *
dor Kyo Sklu iinit Ulo < l mid all surclcnl operation * ! Hl-lIA'-Ks OK WMMRS n upoclaiiy llonL .f
DUc-n'M'j" of Witinon l > oftVo hare hile'i ' ndtlod n ljiliu-ln litipartniont for \Vmuon Ikurtni : ( outlnemuiil
c ; < trlotlr J'rirnlr i OnlHollalilo Modli-al In-Ututc Maklnc u SjH-Halt * . n ! I'UA'l'K ! I > ] M'.AI >
All Jllnoil Klsoa OH nuorovifnlh tronlod S * phtlltif p HNHII roni.'Vod Ir nn tbo p\Htoni without morni- *
Now HoHtiirntlvotroiitmonl liirlxwi of Vital IVwer I'nrtlo * nnablo I" vlnltus nin < ho tri'atuil at IIKIIIP or
rorroflpondciiec All i'tui > ntinli-jitlon > oontlltnttal [ Mmllotnp 01 Initrntuont * ) * "tit In tnnU ur oxproin MO
onrely parked no niarki u > inrtloato content * in Bender tno per * * innl intori ion preferred Oill anil o'ltmu j
n or Bond hlitory of vour c-nip. nnd wo will Bond In plain wrapper onr llntiK Tt ) MIIN FUT-H upon ! ' nvalo
lttl or Nervous IhioasoR Impotonry Syphilis G loot and Varleooole with qno tlun hit AddreiH
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
Corner 9th and Harney Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Vfe must ' , rfl out the remainder of our retail stotlcwithout further delay ,
as our wholesAlf business demandi our entire time , attention and capital For
the next fcv.dayb -we invite yon to a feast of bargains sur-h ab you Will never
again enjoy. "We are liable to rent store and Bell our fixtures now any day , so
come at once before it is too late.
All our genuine Diamonds now go at importer's prices and the mountings
thrown in. $50,000worth of Diamonds to select irom , prices ranging from
$2.50 up to $3,000 , for Ringi , Pins , Kar-rings , izc.
Solid Gold Watches from $15 upward. Solid Silver "Watches from $5 up.
Nickel "Watches from $2.50 up.
Solid Groid Chains from $7.50. Best Boiled Plate Chains from $2. Charms
and Lockets , $1 and upward. Solid Gold Kings , $1 nnd $2worth ; $3 to $5. A
lot of Solid Sterling Silver Collar Buttons and Scarf Pins nt 25c and 50c each ;
worth $1. Heavy Solid 14-lrarat Gold Collar Buttons , -woi th $2.50 to $5 earh ,
now , choice for only $1. One lot assorted Cufl Buttons at 50c pair ; -worth $1 to
$2. Solid Gold Bpiral Back Studs , 50c and $1 each ; worth four times die
money. 1,000 line Broaches and Lace Pins from 50c up.
Fine French ttyla Mantel Clocks , 8-day , half-hour strike , cathotlral gongs ,
at $5. $0.50 , $ B and $10worth ; $10 to $20.
Elegant Sliver Lamps , with silk umbrella shades , from $5 up.
Hundreds of other equally good bargains. Open Saturday evening until 9
o'clock. Store for rent and fixtures for tale.
Corner Sixteenth and Farnam Streets , - - Omaha , Neb.
Etchings. Emerson.
Engravings. Hallet & Davis.
Artists' Supplies. Kimball.
Mouldings. Pianos & Organs.
Frames. Sheet Music-
Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Easter Presentation Gifts ,
The demand Tor Easter Gifts is increasing every year , end
to supply this growing trade in Omaha , we have made ex
tra efforts to secure every novelty made in silver. Thou
sands of new articles for ladies and gentlemen.
Bed Rock Prices. Inspection Invited.
* . .
G , S , RRYMOND , Jeweler , D ° UQo : ° * . ts
Because the merchant tailor who first makes the Suit , Overcoat or Trousers , dcs n t use
that kind of goods. The only defect is that the garment did not fit the man for whom it u
made. It may fit you. If it does you will save man ) ' dollars and have as good a suit as is madi.
$05 custom made overcoat.$32.00 $16 custom made pants for.
$60 custom made overcoat.$38.50 $15 custom made pants lur. . $ r )
$50 custom made overcoat.$2150 $13 custom made panMnr. . $ ( ) . > 'J '
$45 custom made overcoat.$20.00 $12 custom made pantsi i. . $ ( . "HJ "
$40 custom made overcoat.S1T.50 $10 custom made jiant l r. . $ ' 1' ' )
$35 custom made overcoat.H.OO $ S custom made pants im. . $4 Ml
$28 custom made overcoat.$12.2-5 $ 7 custom made pants for. . $ .175
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday Evenings until 10 o'cluck.
Original Misfit Clothing Parlors ,
1309 - FARNAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB. 13 < > 9