HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PART 11 . PAGES 91 NINETEENTH YEAH. , MOKNING , , . . OMAHA SUNDAY MAHOH 30 1890.--SIXTEEN PAGES- NUMBER 270. MORSE'S BLACK SIRS , QOC , Monday morning vvcsholl offer 6 pieces of a spcelnl number in Black Gros Grains Silks 19 Inches wide , 9Oc a yard. BLACK ROYAL ARMURE SILK , $1.15. . We Invite you to examine this lot of silks as they uro fully 2Bper cent under regular price , not withstanding the advance In raw silks. They \vere purchased at a special sale , by ourrepresen- tatlvc now In the east. They are worth $1.0O. CHINA SILK , 750. We have just received a large Invoice of plain China Silks in all the leading shades. We place them on sale Monday at 75c a yard. IMDIA SILKS , $ i25. These come only in'plain colors , are SO inches wide and the moat popular silk on the market ; we show 5O different shades. Price $1.23 a yard. TAFFETA PONGEE SILKS At 89c we shall sell 10O pie ces of Taffeta Pongee. Silks , in a beautiful - ful range of choice patterns ; we ask you to come early as at this price , wo expect to sell every yai'd on Monday. Ladies in the country desirous of procuring a dress pattern of this silk must telegraph Monday , giving first and second choice of shades de sired , also whether largo or small figure ; this sale is for Mon day only. MORSE.DRyj30QDSCa THE LOCAL FIELD OF SPORT Personnel of the Omaha Base Ball Team. WHISPERINGS OF THE WHEEL. Xlio KnluliU of Kiatorln .Xinonjj tlio GCCHO and DUOKR i'axlon'H String Uninliii vs. lii'.vinjitoii ntitl IMiscollnncom Hports. ot'tlin Oninlin Tciuu. With tlio single exception of Jimmy Cana- ran thu Onmtm team luivo all reported anil nro In daily practice cither at tbo ball imrk or the Coliseum , permission to use the latter having been grnnlod the tonm by Manager Puluoc. That thu Omaha players consli- tuto a slrot'g aggregation tholr individual mill collective records will amply attest. They will bo found appended : WII.MAM 'CI.AUKE , 1'lTCIIEIl. William Clnrko of Oswogo. N. Y. , is 24 yearR of age , is 5 feet 7j inches In height nnd weighs 150 pounds. - Ho has boon play ing ball professionally stnco Ibb5 , starling at SumUmky , O. , with the Tri'Stnlo lcagui > , ntul playing since suercBsfully with the Chicago Icuguo team. Men Molncs and Omaha , lie is ns promising a pitcher as there is in the diamond mend tn-dny. Clarke's catling average U .2l < 0 and llclding .051. J. J. FANNINO , I'lTCIIElt. J. J. Fanning of lluffalo U 25 years ot ngo , 5 feet U > u Inches in height and weighs 145 pounds. He began hit baseball career at Lawrence , Mass. , in ISS'.i ; was with Buffalo in lb87-8S-b'J. ' He Is speedy ami has good curves and expects to pitch boiler ball than over IhH year. He Is slender and graceful aim u line all-round player , Baiting average .100 , iieiding .lira CAM IN M'COXXKM. , 1'ITCHEll. McConii'jll Is a young blood , who hnlls from Moreersburg , Pa. Hu Is ' "J years of ago , fl feel 11 Inches In height and weighs 175 pounds. He is a deaf mule , but a pitcher in whom there is evidently a good deal of outcome to. Hmbnll pl'iylngthus far has been confined to minor players through out loun , and this season will be his Mrst year ns a professional. Ho was signed by the Louisville American association club in ' 88 , but owing to sickness was compelled to ask for his release. WILLIAM HATS , 1'ITCHRR. William Hays belongs to South Omaha. Ho Is twenty-two years of ago , 5 feet and 11 inchcH tall , nnd tips the scales at 100 pounds. The old pinvcrs who have soon him in prnai tico uro of the opinion that ho will bo able to hold his own in the Western association. Ho makes bis debut as a professional this prlug. El niB TIIAYEH , CATClinil. Kddio Thayer Is from Mechanics Fall , Mo. Ho has scon 25 summers , Is 5 foot fl'.j ' Inches tall and weighs ISO pounds , llu began ball playing as a livelihood at Portland in ' 65 , and has since played ut Hrocton , Toronto , Hamilton and Buffalo. Ho is stoutly built nud is a great catcher. Hatting , .213 ; Held- Ini&.ttW. \V1I.LUM E11P.CAIUUIIT , OJLTClIUlt. Krquurhart comes from Sonec'i FullsN. V. Ho is 23 years of nee , 5 feet 11 inches in height mm weighs ITS. Hu Ims-Deen with the Seneca Fulls tonm two teutons ; is a big , powerful , raw boned man , and ought to make a great back stop. Hatting. . 02 ; Holding , .0U ; ) . WIU.UM MOHVN , CATC 11 Kit , Joliut , 111. , Is Morun's home. Ho U S3 years of OKO , stands 0 feet l H Inches , and tips the beam ut ISO pounds. Last season ho played at Kearney , thU Mute , niul these who have scon him catch , suy that ho is the waking of a Heniiott or a Ewlng. WAI.LY AMIIIRW3 , rlltsT. \\ally Andrews claims Indianapolis as his permanent abiding place. Ho li au old vet eran and ono of the moat skilful tlrst base , men m the lund. Uo U 23 years of ago , ! * MORSE'S ' DRESS GOODS PLAIN CM ALLIES , 750. * Monday morning wo have something new to offer our cus tomers , in a plain Challlo Cloth 4O inches wide , 70c a yard ; we have a full range of all the new spring shades. PARIS NOVELTY SUITS T11R E E B A R G AIN S. Monday wo shall show the most elaborate display .of Paris Novelty Suits ever shown in Omaha. Paris Novelty Suits $10. Paris Novelty Suits $12.50. Paris Novelty Suits $ i5. See display in our west show window. STRIPED BEIGE SUITING At BOc we offer 2B pieces of se lect Beige Suitings in handsome stripes. They nrespecially adap ted for early spring wear. FRENCH CMALLIES , 6oc. We call your attention to our unusually large assortment of choice patterns in French dial - lies.1 The designs and colorings are superior to anything we have ever shown , while the styles are confined exclusively to us. Our price GOc a yard. DRAP DE ALMA CLOTH. Only BOc yard. Eastern Fash ion Journals claim this cloth as the fashionable weave for the coming season ; we highly rec ommend it for durability , while it comes within the reach of all in price. 33 inches wide BOc a yard. MQR.SEDRY.G.O.aD.S a feet 11 > inches in height nnd weighs I'd pounds. Bailing. .201 ; Holding , .985. THOMAS KEAUXS , SEUO.VI ) . Kcarns comes from Rochester , N. Y. IIo is 2S years of age , 5 foot 8 Inches in height nnd weighs 100 pounds. His professional ca reer was Dcguu at Uoehoster with the fam ous Hop Hitters team iu ' 81. Since than he has played with the Detroit National league team , with Grand Uapids , Toledo and Syra cuse , Portland , Toronto , Hamilton and Lon don. HoUnwiry , muscular fcA'ow , nud a great ball player. Balling , .230 ; Melding , .b05. r.i.Mcu c. CI.CVII.VXD : , THIRD. Elmer K. Cleveland is from Johnstown , I'a. Ho is 2. ) years of ago , 5 feet lOj-tf inches iu height and weighs 201 pounds. Uo com menced ball piaylng in his native town , ihenco wont to St. Paul , aflcrwards to the Now York and PittsDure loiiguo teams , Mually lauding here. Ho is un excellent third baseman , a hard liillor , clean and no- curate thrower , and a skilled all-round player. Bulling , .321 ; Melding , .a70. JOB WA1.SII , SHOUT. Joe is nn Omaha boy nnd a general favor- lie , not on account of his effective work on the 'diamond alone , but for his quite , gentle manly deportment both on and off the Held. Ho played nt Uoclc Island , in 'SI ; Macon , Ga. , in ' 85 , and since iu this city , Milwaukee and Minneapolis. He's little , but oh myl Ago , twenty-six , height 5 feet ltt incuos ; weight 150. Batting .252 ; Holding .110(5. ( JIMMY CASAVAV , Mil'T. Jimmy is a Now Bedford , Mass. , lad. Ho is twout.V-four years of ago ; Mtnnils . " > foot 10 mehea in height and weighs 10J pounds. Ho is it brilliant Holder , swift of foot and a circus catch. Ho has played with his homo club , at Concord , Mauchuilur and Portland. Batting .207 ; Molding .903. ciiAiti.ia n.viu.is , Minni.n. "Tit " Willis Is known , as moro familiarly , Is from Brocton. Miss. U twonty-throii years old , the middle-weight champion , of Nebraska , ami in stature Is 5 loot 7 % inches. Ho pitched for the Brocton Blues In 'Sij , was with the Minneapolis team In ' 87 nnd Portsmouth m'S3. ' Ho is a daU.v base run ner , free hitter , and n most likely Holder : > ll ( IIEAI. 1' . IIINKS , ItlOHT. Illncs Is another New Knglandor , coming from Now Bedford. Ho Is tweniy-sovon years of ago , weighs 190 pounds nnd stands 5 feet 10K inches in height. Ho caught Whitney for the Boston when Uicy won Iho National loacuo championship in 84 , and has since done Mno work for Charleston , Salem , Kaston nnd Wllkosbarro. Ho Is n slugger from Siuggurville , and an expert - pert Holder. Ho will alternate with Strauss und behind the bat. JOSEPH STIt.U'PS , IllOIIT. Joe hails from Cincinnati. Ho Is n yot. Ago 28 , height 5 feet 10 , weight 170 pounds , Joe Is a Mno batter , u quick man on the lines , and uu expert general player. President DiokVell "Well , President Dick , you'vo seen all your men now , what do you think of them ! " ' Think of them ; why , 1 think they nro about us likely a gang of youngsters ns any manager in the west over succeeded in get ting together. Their is not on inferior lookIng - Ing man in the whole outtlt. Have you no ticed what a stocky , powerful lot of follows they are , how evenly they balance up , and liow eager they seem to bo to got to world" " 1'vo noticed all thai. " "Well , that moans Uey are going to do tniBluos.t from the start. There Is not a loafer or a lusher among them , and I am a liundrcd fold belter pleased with them than I was before I saw them. " "Think you con hold the fliiKl" "You've never hoard mo claim that , have you I" "Well I'm not going to commence brag ging now. That's the business of the crank ami the Ignoramus. All I shall expect of the boys Is that they play their bust , and I will than be satiiHed with any place they may bo lucky euoush to secure , whether It bo Mrst , second , third or last. " A IjrctRr for Ciifllck. .There Is a letter iu thlt oftlco for Catcher Andy Cuslck and Pitcher Clarke. 31 ulinger I'rlncu in St. Joe. John S , Prince , manager of the Coliseum , returned yesterday from St , Joe , where ho MORSE'S BLACK GOODS BLACK BRILLIANTINES. From GIlles , Garnett & Co. Bradford , England , we have jus received a large importation o these ever serviceable and- popu lar goods ; wo quote widths one prices of a few of our specla" numbers : 38 inches wide OBc a yard. 38 inches wide BOc a yard. 4O Inches wide 7Bc a yard. 4O inches wide 0Bc a yard. 42 inches wide $1 a yard. 42 inches \vide $1.1O a.yard. 42 inches wide $1.25 a yard. COLORED CASHMERES Monday morning we shall place on sale a case of French Cash meres in all the popular spring shades ; we placed our order foi these previous to the advance in prices and shalf sell them Mon day and during the \veek at the old price 7Bc a yard. FRENCH SATINES 250. Monday we olfer 8O pieces French Satines in rich ombre ef fects. extremely handsome goods in fact they are being sold in the city at 3Bc and 4Oc ; wo offer them at 2Bc a yard. ARMENIAN BUNTINGi2.Jc We offer 28 pieces of these cie- sirable goods in all the delicate tints and serviceable colors man ufactured. They come 36 inches wiue and only 12jc a yard. SCOTCH GINGHAMS. At 28c we show 118 different styles of Anderson's celebrated Scotch Ginghams. They retail everywhere at 38a. Wo shall sell ours at 2Bc a yard. .MORSE-DRY GOODS CO , has been for the last several days making arrangements for an athletic club on n big scale. Ho went to St. Joe on the invitation of T. IB. Ferguson , und was the guest of Frank J. Hobsori , a well-known St. Joe cap italist , largely inlcrcstod in the motor linoa. \Vlth those gentlemen Prince visited tlio lurgo park of that city and looked it over. This park is about otic-half mile wide and ono mile In length , and is covered with beau tiful trees nnd shruboory. In the center is a mammoth amphitheater with a scaling capacity of at least twelve or thirteen thous and people , and which i.s built on the old Komaii plan. Prince at once suggested a series of athletic cnloflnlnmculs , and his SI. Joe friends fell in with the idea , nnd asked him lo lake hold of the project and work It up. A mcotmgof Iho board of ilirco * lors was called and after discussing the out look , n live-year leasq was drawn up and handed over to Mr. Princo. Tim next day ho put u force of men ut work on thu park. A board track for bic.vclo racing similar to the Coliseum track , only larger , tlioro being but seven laps to the mile , was put down. A horse track was also laid out on the outside of the board tr.ick , nnd thu whole center coated wllh a beautiful soil. The park will bo inaugurated on April 20 with a grand field tlay of athletic sports , which will include - cludo bicycle races , horse nnd sprint races , wrestling , heavy weight throwing , vaulting and jumping , nnd other attractive features. All wishing to enter for competition in this tournament , can do so by communicating communicating with Mnnngor Prince at the Coliseum , this cily. I'rinco will endeavor lo get Iho bcsl known athletes of Kansas City , St. Joseph nnd Omaha to compete against each other annually , and will cer tainly make a spiotulul success out of the affair. What .lack HUH to Say. Jack Prince , on being quoslioncd as to his intention * in regard to Iho challenge from Ned Heading for n six-day bic.vclo race , said : "It might scorn to mo public sort o' queer for mo and Heading to enter into n race for blood. After I have cauch.t him to ride and trained him for moat of his races the people will bo apt to think U Is n job between us. Hut , us 1 understand from Heading that his backers at the fort do insist upon his run ning too for n.good-siiod stake , und us they claim that 1 hold the world's record at this distance , nnd that to become champion Head ing must defeat mo , it place.s uie In a funny position , fur I must either ride him Iho race or surrender Iho championship. " "As you haven't been riding recently , while Heading has been in constant training , do you UiiiiKyou can beal him I" "I will make the match , anyway , for Iho Mrst week in May , and will commence train ing nt once to get myself In line condition , ns I nm invare that I dare take no chance. Heading , you BOO , Is Improving in every race lie rides , und for tno short time ho has been riding ho has got as Mno u record as any man over had in the world. Dlngloy was ono of : ho hardest mun in the business .0 boat , and he laid him out lands down. Of course I will not say that I can beat him , but I am full of con- Id en ce , und honestly believe that I nm yet capable of giving him the hardest race ho over ran , " Prince and Heading are both in earnest , and In tact a little bitter against cnch other over this proposed race , which will likely bo made within tbo next tlueo days Both non have their admirers and followers , { oaillng In the army anil Prince in the city. .1 would make a great ruco , indeed. Tim O. W. O.'B .Now Clul > Homo. The Omaha Wlicol club may well bo proud of their new club house on the northwest corner of Seventeenth nnd Chicago streets , ai It is as complete and attractive as any club house m the vvbolo western country , and the members are deserving of the great est commendation for their outorprlso iu securing > curing su < : h elegant quarters. The reception oems and library on the ground Moor are icautlfuliy upnointed. The Moors are cov ered with handsome body-brussels carpets , ho furniture U licit and massive , while thu vails are adorned with appropriate putut- ngs and engravings. The library shelves MORSE'S . GENUINE FOSTER KID GLOVES. , . . We offer the "WlllIam""Fowler" and "Foslerina" brands of Fos ter's Gloves at 2Cc n pair less than they can be bought In the city. Note our prices. S hook "William" 78c a pair. B hook "Fowler" $1,23 a pair. G hook "Fpsterma" $1.60 a pair. 7 hook "Fowler" $1.SO a pair. 7 hook "Fosterina" $1.78 a pair. LADIES'HOSE 150 FAST BLACK. Tomorrow morning we shall sell 10O dozen ladles' fast black Hose , color warranted , at IBc a pair. LADIES' HOSE i9c FAST BLACK. These are French ribbed , the color guaranteed not to crock or stain the feet or clothing. We bought them to sell at 28c , but of fer them one week tit 19c a pair. LADIES' HOSE 250 STRI PED AND PLAIN. This is "drive" ' a for Monday' only , we have only 25 dozen and aia they are worth 8Oc cannot last over one day. CHILDREN'S HOSE , 150. Fast Black * These are guaranteed color ; arid just the thing for school wear ; we have all sizes from 8 to 8 } . CHILDREN'S ' HOSE , igc Fast Black. 28 dozen French Derby Ribbed Children's Hose , fast black. We recommend them for great dur ability in wear ; ' all sizes , 8 to 8 } . Price JOc. MORSE DRY GOODS CO are well filled with stanuard works of Hction , history , biogranhlos and the stories of fam ous travelers , while all the prominent dailies and periodicals are to ho found upon the tables. The wholn. house U supplied with hot and cold water and is healed by steam. Up stairs is the billiard ' nnd pool room , the card room uiut soc'retury's ' ofllco , all fur- uishod m consonance with the lower apart ments , and burnished to thu brightness of the proverbial now pih. Tno grounds are covorcd with softest jfjrass , and there are many large and luautjiul slmda trees scat tered hero and there. The place is a gem and no mistake. Mr..Billy U'ownsond has the thanks of the writer for courtesies ex tended to himself and friends. lj"\iii t < m'H Challenge Accepted. Tlio Omaha wheel club has signified thuir willingness to accept the challenge of the Lexington , Nub. club , published in last Sun day's 15iu. : for a twonty-llvo mile road race over the Overton-Koarnoy eourao. There nro so many line racing men In the Omaha wheel club that it will bo a dlftlunlt tnuttar to select any four men without , slighting the other , and the Hic would suggest a local race between the club member * , thu tirst four out to constitute tlio team to tie pitted igainst the Lexington luda. This would bo in exact cxoniplitlcalion of the now L. A. W. rules and could not fail to bo satisfactory all round. Tlio Aimllns Olmllcnueii. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Ben ; 1 will ruco olthor Pixloy or Hoindorf from Omaha to the Council Bluffs viaduct and re turn , as mentioned in last Sunday's issue , Tor a $20 bicycle suit , each side to put up f 10 forfeit with the sporting editor of THE Hue , race to take place three or four weeks after signing articles. Louis FI.ISCIIII ; : ( . I'Voiu ilia Wlicol. The candidates for the Omaha wheel club ofllces are hustling like trojans , nnd byUinjr circles are much enthused these days. The rivalry Is all of n friendly kind , but the boys arc in dead earnest and working us if the fate or the nation depended upon the ofllccru selected. The election takes place ono week from Tuesday next , April 8 , which gives the can didates but six more days to lay their ropes. Francisco , sinc'o his withdrawal from the ace for the captaincy , haa been endeavoring to lUrow his sorrow , disappointment or whatever It may bo called , in the merry click of the pool balls. Ho lias been known , on several occasions , to , pocket us high as hreo without u break ; and some of the ouiiger members are talking about match- ng him against U'Aro orMulono. . Peabody and ICmorsop nro on the homestretch - stretch in the cautnlnoy dash , and coming lown toward the wire like a pair of twin sycloncs. 'Ihoy are both very popular , good ooking and rolling In wealth , consequently lean-able men for the position. They have tlso both had much experience on the road , nnd neither side claims uny advunlago on his score. Just now Colonel Peabody's chances look a little the brightest , but hero Is no tolling what Major ICmorsou will bo enabled to accomplish.-wituln the coming vcok. ( J. Minium Warden formerly of Boston. ad an old time road'1 racer , spout several ays In this city during the past week. P. B. Perrigo , a celebrated short distance Idcr of Aititnbula , O. , is tha guest of Prof. \ . II. Perrlpo. The candidates for the presidency of the ) maha wheel club has narrowed down to Messrs. Gusmonand Clark.for tbo captaincy 'oabody and Kmorson.PortorMled treasurer , Cborsolo secretary and Badolct and Leombo or vice president. Badolct , Clark and Rhode * , the committee ippolntcd to draft a new constitution and OMaws are busily engaged upon the same nd nroralso to huvo them ID readiness for ubmlssion by April 1. 11. II. Head , ono of Omaha's most proml- ont wheelmen , left yesterday for Butlo City , Mont. , nnd K. B. Poraam goes to o .it hern Kansas shortly In search of health. The Chicago boya are already making irnnarations for a monster tournament In 6W O bo held in conjunction with tto MORSE'S CARPET DEPARTMENT , Our spring stock of Carpets Is now complete , and is the largest wo have ever1 shown. CARPET SWEEPERS , $ i. On Monday and Tuesday we shall offer as a special bargain a small lot of Carpet Sweepers at fl ; worth $2 ; and another lot at $1.76 , worth $2.BO. MONDAY and TUESDAY We shall offer our stock of Has socks at 2Bc. RUGS. RUGS. One lot of Rugs , 27xOO inches , at7Bcthat would be good value for $1.BO. Smyrna Hugs , 26xS4 inches , $2.0O. Symrna Rugs , 3Ox6O inches , $ U.90. LADIES' CORSETS , 580. English Sateen. For this week we have a spec ial lot of English Sateen Corsets , in white , cream and black ; a regular > ! quality ; we of for them at SSc each. ODD CORSETS , 39c. During the past season we have accumulated a lot of odd sizes & makes of Ladies' Corsets , worth from 7So to $1.28 ; we offer choice of the lot at 39c. I. C. CORSETS , $1.50. We are closing out this make of Corsets , of which we have three numbers , $2.8O , $3 and ? 3.8O ; We offer choice of the lot at $1 .BO. MORSE DRY GOODS CO world's fair. The local wheel clubs tro con- t'jiuplating a similar event for next October. Uabney , ot the linn of Porrigo & Co. , is mending rapidly and hopes to bo at his post again within a few days. The Hnu has just cngagcu llichanl Uclt of Washington , D. ( ' . , who i.s thoroughly tip iu all matters pertain , ing lo Iho wheo ! . Miles , in Iho Chicago Ileforeoof last week , says thu average reporter knows about as much about the L. A.V. . as Adam know about electric motors. That's very tough , Sam , for you know yourself that you have only recently become a sago in cycling af fairs. Two yeari ago. ila dollars lo dimes , you couldn't have told a bioyelo from a gar bage cart. All the wheelmen in the city are much in terested In the prospective race between Jaol 1'riuce and Nod Kcadi'ig. AH to the winner , llio.v nro about equally divided , home say Heading can run thu old vet oil his wheel , while others dcclaro that the soldier will noxer bo m it. And so it goes. Frank Dinglcy has retired from the race track. Tlio awful whollopping administered to him at tfio Coliseum recently by Ned Heading all but broke his heart. AmoilK tlio Wild Fowl. J. A. McDouiral , 11. S. HorUh. John Kob- ertson of the city waterworks and A. B. Hess , assistant division engineer , spent eov- oral days among the wild fowl on the Elkhorn - horn , near Nickcrson , last week. They found the birds very plentiful in the adja cent lakes uii'.l sloughs , nnd brought to bag some ono hundred and sixty or more , princi pally redhead and widgeon. The musical "skoal ) ! skeap ! " of the jack snipe , Gallmugo Wilsoni , Is nolan unfamiliar sound iu the marshes and thu low-lauds these warm days. The birds evidently rode in in Iho high winds of Thursday night and will remain hero now on till thu middle of April , and Iho gunner with plenty of time should bo iu clover. Tlicro is no moro precious game bird than this tanny gallinago nnd no bird that Hies can furnish u greater amount of sport in a given time. Cniitain Uny , Henry HomanV. . Blngham , and Dr. ( Jaibraith returned from the big marshes out about Clnrks ono day this week with a Mno assortment of geese , Candas , Huichius and Snow , redheads , pintails ami mallards. The river was breaking up , however - over , nnd the Moating ice , rising waters and furious winds , inado shooting both dllllcult nud unsatisfactory. However , if the birds are in , this ouartolto of Mno snots , under any and all circumstances , are certain lo sncuro it share of them. The same party with the addition of the sorting editor wHl repeat the expedition this week. Charlie lloyt , the well known duck and geese Killer of darks , had n hairbreadth es cape from drowning In the raging 1 Matte ono day lasl week. Ho had gone out curly iu the morning , and had K ° tton snugly onsconsod behind his blind , und was cracking nwny al the passing Canudas , when the river rose with a rush. The broken Ice came clown In gorges , and boioro Hoyi was hardly aware of the danger , the bar upon which ho was , was half submerged , Ins decoys , tto mo sixty In number , swept away and n rushing , roitr- Ing avalanche of water and ice on nil sides of him. .IIo hesitated but a moment , then holding his pun high over his head , entered the river. The water hud risen wllh frightful rapidity , and. was now up to his neck. However , by the exercise of thu best judgment , and thu aid of his familiarity with thu locality , ho avoided all dangerous quicksands and alter wading BOUIO three quarters of a mile , succeeded In reaching the shore in safety , but complctulv exhausted , A stranger would have found it Impossible to have saved himself. Dr , Bryant and Coulter are ut Waterloo , scaring the geese and ducks half out of their wits. However , if Coulter can only got hold of the right kind Of a club , lliero's no doubi but what this pair of Eiculanlan docliilcs with a barrel of game , Coulter , you Know , has the record of killing moro jack rabbits wllh n club in an hour than any man In this western country ever killed In the same length of time with a gun. The spring shooting is proving to bo un- procedcntcdly Mno. Tiiero are moro birds , and they nro In far belter condition than tms been known In a lone series of years. Oceio are reported to bo twarmlng along MORSE'S L I N E N DEPA RTM I ? NT 3-4 NAPKINS , $2.25. Monday we place on sale IOO dozen Bleached Napkins , 3-4 size , at $2.28 ; worth $0. BLEACHED DAMASK , 850. To-morrow we offer 1O pieces ofOS-inch wide Bleached Dum- ask , handsome patterns , grass bleached and worth $1.28. BED SPREADS , 690. This is an extra large size Cro chet Bed Spread which we have always sold freely at $1. Monday and Tuesday we will sell all you want of them at OOc each. MUCK TOWELS ; $2. We have bought these at an unusual low figure , and al though they would be good value at 2Bc each , we are going to sell them for a few days at $2 a doz. TURKISH TOWELS , 200. BO dozen Bleached and Cream , extra heavy , double threaded , Turkish Towels , wet th 3Oc ; cut- price 2Oc each. M A R S E I L L E S B E D SPREADS Slightly soiled. These come in white and col ors , and are worth $4.BO and $5. We will close the lot Monday at $2.OO each. MORSE DRY GOODS CO the Plntto at Brady's and Willow Islands by the thousands. Several good bacs of canvnsbacks have been ii.ado ut Waubuncoy and on Iho Elic it orn. Cml > Mooiint : Tomorrow Kvi . The Gate City iithletio club will hold n special meeting at their Fourteenth street club rooms at i ) o'clock tomorrow evening fur the purpose of reorganization and the general betterment of the club. Thursday evening's entertain ment was such a complete success that thoru in a general revival of interest among the club members , and tlio outlook is very bright. 1'n.vton'H I romiMini : Slrint ; . Marvo Hcardsloy , the trainer nud driver , is tracking W. A. Paxton's string of trotters on the Council HlillTs cjnrss. Among these is Osiris by Bonn Fide , dam by Belmotit. Osiris' has no mark , but can trot a twenty clip. Clatter , threo-year bay stallion by Frank Oakley , clam Flora , record 217 pacing. Maud B. , two-year old ro.iu maro. by Hed Wilkea. dam Kiater Wilkcs , H.W : ! , by Gcorgo Wllkes , 22' : . ' . Miss McGregor , chestnut Mlloy , two-year old , by Hubert McGregor , ' ' : I7.f ' , dam Li/- zie Abdullah , by Pacing Abdallah. Arotos , bluck htallion , two year old , by Chilwood , clam Susie 1C. , by Swigort , and Wallace G , , choslnut gelding , eight-year old. old.This This Is a nlco lot of promising trotters and Boardsloy expects them to develop finely this season. They will make the western circuit , going to ihe sialo breeders' meollug ing in August Mrst , following at Iho Iowa meeting , thence to St. Louis , Peoria and other points , lieardsloy is also training a couple of handsome yotlngslers belonging 10 M , L. Hooilor. Miscellaneous Iiticil Sport' ) . The Gordon-Murray Imlllo before the ( Into City club Thursday night was the bcsl man aged pugllisiic event that ever took place in the cily. The light itself was n corker. Jnko Schuofor. "I'ho Wuard , " and Frank C , lven , the promising young billiard export of Chlcngo , 111. , will glvo nu exhibition in this city on the evcjilng of April 20. Jack Davis , the heavy-weight , has n good prospect of being matched against Joe Choy nlnslcl before the California athlrcilu club , anil will leave for California within Iho uoxt two weeks. On April 8 the directors of Iho Nebraska association of trotting horse breeders will meet in this city to open bids for the loca tion of the fall meeting , nt which there will bo 150 of the best hortes in the stnlo. There has bean some sort of a hitch In the arrangements for the Parmolce-Dunmiru April shooting tournament , and thu latter gentleman has withdrawn from the enter prise. J , K. Slice will lake his place nnd go on with Purmolcc iu portcctlug all the de tails of the affair. Hill McCuno , although the years are piling up pretty rapidly upon his brontl shoulders , handles himself in the ring with the grace and llnish of many of the younger exponents of thu manly art. Bill's set-to with Jimmy Llndtcy Thursday night was nn enjoyable exhibition of the boautica of the Dolaartian movement. Tlio last shoot of the Echuctzonvcroin nt Husor'8 park , which took ulaco yesterday afternoon , resulted in the following scoro.s : O. Kuril , (51 ( out of n possible IOO ; William Stoeckor , fiS ; Christ Wuethrlcti10 ; II. Peterson ; J. bchlup , ) , ' ) ; Cluus MuUhls , SO ; C. GooUch. 35 ; A. Jottcn. : tl ; Henry Kusor , ii t Charles Stortz , 25 ; William Meyer , 2TjViHntn \ | Butt , iy. L. D , Catmaiil , ono of the bast known all- round athletes of St. Louis , has taken a position with thu Kichurdsou drug company ot this city. Cabuunl has been the winner In many Mold trials against celebrated com petitors. He is u runner , juniper , swimmer , fencer , bicycle rider and cutch-as-catoh-cau wrestler of the middle weight class , und pro nounced by judges to bo ono of thu handiest amateurs In thu whole country. The Uwin & Dunmiro shooting grounds across the river are being completely overhauled - hauled and Improved. The club houio is to be enlarged , platforms built for the shooter * , MORSE'S SPECIAL CL'RTAN SALE. HEAVY CURTAIN'S$1.50 Our stock of Heavy Curtains (9 ( unusually largo , nnd must bo sold previous to moving Into our new building , about the fii ot of May. Head ctirelully the prices wo quote below. 2OO pall's Heavy Curtains , $ I.CO. 2OO pairs Chcnlllu Border Heavy Curtains , $2.0O. These prices arejust culm two. DADO SHADES. l.OOO beautiful Dado S hades mounted on best spring su p roller , ready to hang 0 feet long , 20c each. 7 feet long , OOc each. CHENILLE CURTAINS , $6.50. We have about 28 pairs left of this $1O Curtain. Wo offer thorn again this week atSG.BO a pair. NOTIONS. Leonard's lOO-yd. Silk Thread , 8c. Leonard's lO-ycl Silk Twist 2e. English Brass Pins , Be. Stearns' best No. 01 Braid , Be. Safety Pns | , small size , 2jc. Safety Pins , large size , Be. Single Bono Casing , 12jcapioco. Tubular Bone Casing , 16o apiece. Stockinet Dress Shield * , lOe , 12jcand 15c a pair. French wire Hair Pins , le a paper. Hand Brushes , 8c each. Chamois Sponges , lOc each. Best quality Writing Pap r , in pink and blue , Be per quire. Envelopes to match , Be a pack age. age.Misses' Lacc Collars , worth from 85c to 7Sc , al ! at 23c each. Chatelaine Bags , oxidi/ mountings , 70c. Oakley's Poachblow Soap , lOea cake , 3 for 2Bc. Oakley's Cold Cream r.ncl Gly cerine Soap , lOc a cake ; 8 cakes for 23c. Culicura Soap , 17c a cake. Laskci's Pint Bottle Amm n a , 8c. 8c.MORSE MORSE DRYGOODS CO. nnd board walks landing to Iho traps In ad dition to the irap-sliooling area , a line rillo range will bo laid out and everything dm-.o that will cnhancu the | > iuisuro and conven ience of tlio patrons of the place. The < < wm & Dunmii'o minimi MUMI ? shooting tourna ment has been sot for May 1 , 'I and 8. In a letter to the spot-ting editor Pn'soy ' Fallen says : ' -Danny Neodham's liu.id it yet in bad nhupo , and will not bo well for a month yet , and lti > says ha will bo iu no con dition to make a match with Lindsay inside of ci ht wcohs. I nm now iri ing to nrrnngo a io ; for .lim with IJilly Muhnn , the Austr.il- iun. It look him twenty-seven roii'itlt ' to whip Grinin.nndho is considered quite acM-d hero. 1 ibinlc ho would prove ) an easy murk for Lindsay. 'Ilm Occidental has promised me an 51bOO nurse if they com'iudo to book tins light. Will Jack Davis light Iho winner of the Choyninski-V. ilson mill ! If HO ho can have u match. " Elmer Fo.Uer is to remain with Minneapo lis after all. The idea of trading him to Sinux City was a staggerer to Uo : young mun ami ho now begs to stay wllh Morton' * mun. < , IIPRtIOIIH itllll All.WI'IM. A and Bare playing pool. Aslioota.btit not with thu cue ball. Is It n scratch ( -Georgo Heath , Omaha. Ans. No , lie loses his shot. In n game of high-live , A is Mfty , B for ty eight ; B makes the trump and seoroi the dueco and both lives , while A makes high , Jack , game. Who wins ! ll. P. S. Oiimim. Ans.A. . See Snydnr'a ' pamphlet on the game , Will you ploasn state Ihn diameter of the Imll'H-oyo ' fur Iho W ) anil 2."i.yards nflo prac tice , using the oight-inch bull'h-oyo for 200 yards. Hillu shot , Lincoln. Ans.Fifty yards , 2 itiohos and \yt \ Int-ho * . Is the famous red Irish setter Llnu'ridi register , if HO In wlrit club nnsl what is l.is number ? How Is the Omaha kcnni'l cnl > coming on ) How can I secure ttui standard of Iho beagle. Hie On , Alliance , Noo. Ans. Limorich is not rogiiterel The Bchemo has been abandoned. Wnto to Iho Hocrclnrv of llio Amorican-Knglidli beagia club , Kust Sugitr.uv , Mich. Will you plenso slalo Iu your questions column where , within Hfly miles of this cily , good jack snipe shooting may bo found in Aprilf Harry N. , city , Ans , During the first two or three weeks o' April nt Honoycreuk , In. , Stdlwator nnd Horseshoe lake , this stato. Can you Inform mo through Sunday's Brie Iho weight of Iho dumb boll nut up by l.oiiin Cyr In his mutch with Mlclmud for thn championship of the world ) Do you know what has become of Guorgu Uiohards , can- mmball man and wrosllorf Hob Travors , DCS Moluos. Ans. 218 pounds. . Gcorgo Hichards has a small wagon show on the road in UioUulf stales. To docldo a bet pIuaHo state In Sunday's llii : who led Iho Omulms in baiting last year. Has the three strlko four ball ruio been chnngcd for the coming season ( T. L. M. , Omuhn. Ann. Jock Croojcs. No. Slalo in Sunday's HKR nnd obllgo a num ber of readers , just what tbo ( jupunsliury rule covnriiing n knock-down or fall is. Three of u Kind , city. Ans , Hulo II During the contest if cither man fall through weakness or otherwise ho must get un unassisted , tun seconds liemn allowed him to do BO , the other man menu while to retire to tits corner , and when ilia fallen man Is on hU logs the round is to bo resumed and continued until the three min utes huvo expired , und if ho falls to uomo to coma to the scratch In the ton seconds ul- lowed It shall then bo in the power of the rofurco to give his award in favor of the other man. Will you kindly give mo the bet records for trolling and pacing for onu milei Dr. It. K. Langson , Broken Bow , Neb. Ans. Trotting , Maud S. . 'JMf. : ( July 80 , IbSS. Pacing , Johnston , 3:00'i : ' , at L 111. , October U , 181.