THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAHCT-l 30 , 1800-S1XTKKN PACKS II A \ IM5N HUGH. Down the 1'rlne.i. loins jrrnnultitnil DUgm$1. . ISlbs cxtrii light C sulfur for < l. Cult font in Jtlb citii uprk'otH IHc. Sib can Cullfoi- nitifrrciin K"K ° plums llje. C'alifornin tigtfnluinMillb can Hit' . Very bcstCnli- f on ) ( a pi-nolics 'lib can 17Je. 'lib can California quinces lljc. C'alifornia . 'lib can { , 'oldnn drop plum 11 1C. Cult- fornin illb can erapo 1 1 jc. lib can abso- lutt'lv pure buUiiij , ' powdoi' l/5c. / Good butter So. 10 , 1UJ. lee very bust t-reani- cry INC. Very bcHt XXX Boda crackers Co. Coronllnc linked l-4c for 1Mb pni'k- atfo. Hcst imported French peas per ciiti lei * . "bars Wbito Kiilo : soap L'oo. JJlb can blackberries "ic. 1Mb can blue- bcrrlc.H "Jo. llb ! can Htrnwliurrlos 7Jc nciM'iin. Mustard sardines Do per can. OH sardine.- ) . Very boHt salmon lilju per can. Grated pineapple Ifio per can. Klin dried oat meal . ' ! c | ier pound. 1'lcnic hum Oc. Suyar cured Ham lie. 'Jib pail lard llc. ) Bird ca 'cH , 600 dilToront styles , from 48c up to Sl.iW , tlicso cnycs are in japanned and in brans ; all CIIKO.H bavo tbreo pcrebos , swinir and food cups , JusUirrlvod. a largo line of pearl iitfiito wart * tea anil eolTco jiots in all nixon and nil colorn. Tlieso are the llnost enameled - amelod pols made. The Mngie apple purer ' _ ' " > ( , worth 81. Keystone cug bealor $1 , combined with free/or $1.60. lliHSoll cur pot Bweopor Sl.To. You can tnKo it on a sixty days trial. Copper bottom wash boilers 'to. ! ) An nil con- uino copper boiler $2./iO / , worth -fl. Tea kettles lllo. Done handled knives and forks -50o per set. An ublotiff jfliisdillsli with cover , the llnest dish you over B.IW , Me for a , 7 Inch and Clio for an 8 Inch. Tea and colTec pots KJc each. Fine glass ilisli 'I5e. Fruit sauces lOc per set. Fine cream set 18o , six pieces. Shelve paper , all colors , fie per bundle. Wash wringers $ l.i. ) . The Western washer No. ii. $ -1.0.5 , worth and sold everywhere for S7.-50 ; wash tubs 'loc ; folding lunch boxes 2-jc ; cloth lines oo for .10 feet ; a 4 bottle caster , nichlo silver stand , ruby cut bottles. $1.60. worth S-1.00 ; carpet Btrotcher lOo ; tnillc crocks fie and -1 for 16cafull ; line of whlto-wiisii brushes from ! Me up to $1.12-3 each ; atid a full line of the llneat jmlnt brushes made from Go to & ! .00 ; anew line of dinner sots just arrived , 100 pieces , SS.OU , and 111 ! pieces iS.O.V , aline decorated toilet set St./iO / , worth twice that much ; car pet tacks Ic per paper ; another lot of spoons in silver plate and nicklo silver ut 2'n. ' , ! ! oe , ' )5e , 7oc and SI. 00 per sot ; Htovo blacking Ic per paper ; shoo blacking tie per box ; scrub brushes 60 each ; clothes bars Tile ; clothes baskpts fi-r > e ; wash boards l-r > e each ; slop pails HOc ; paper pails 20c ; inotnl kitchen lamps lioc ; complete $8.00 hanging lumps for 8 1. 50 with a line amber or blue Hash shade ; odd saucers Ic each ; Splendid tea sots $ : U)5 ) , worth $7.50 ; tumblers -Jo each ; a fresh lot of those line engraved Tankard jugs and glasses to mutch , $ 1.125 ; yellow bowls Co each : all bristle dusters from lOo up tu $1.25 ; household ammonia , large bottles , lOo ; cniio and Hour boxes Goo each. The best sperm mnchino oil f e per bottle ; a sot of nk'kal p'aled sad irons , ! ! irons , stand and handle , for $1.60 , generally sokl for $12.50I ; mouse traps 5e. Wo have 1,000 iirtiek'.s wo sell for oc in wooden , tin and glass ware. HAYDKN UKOS. , IT WILL I3B HOSIERY ON MON DAY. Such a sale has never been attempted before in this city. Our eastern buyer lias purchased from a commission llrm , hard up for money , their entire stock of ladies' children's and gents' hosiery , about 12 i cases in all , to bo putonsnlo Monday morning.Vo hnvo put on extra help for this salo. All thc&.UO silk hose in this lot gent nt 76c. All the silk hose , opera lengths , worth Jli.OO , go at $1.25. All the S5.00 black sill : hose in this lot go at $2.00 per pair. In this lot are about , 500 doxon ladies' fast black cotton hose worth GOo , 75o and $1.00. Your choice of this lot 25 o jic-r pair. , All the fancy lisle hose , worth $1.25 , 81.50 and $2.00 go at COe per pair. Noth ing will bo kept bufi : in this lot ; every nninuor to bo put onsale Monday. There are two cases of gents' line British i-hoso in thi < lot , goods worth 125o and 50o per pair. Your choice of this lot 12io. Your choice of any of the ladies' line wool hose in this lot' for 15o per pair. 1 case of ladies' fancy domestic hose , Go per pair. Ladies' fast black hose , worth 25o , gent nt 12ic per pair. Ladies' full regular madobalbriggnns , worth -lOc. go at 15o. SILK UMBRELLAS : Two Special Lots for Momlny. _ Lot 1 are line silk umbrellas 2i-inoh ( , worth $ ( ! and $7 oach. Your choice of this lot for fri.GO. Lot 2 are 10020-inch silk umbrellas wortli $5 ouch. Your choice on Mon day , $ ; t each. Gents' Driving Gloves. Hero is n bnnnnzn. 100 do/on cents' lew gloves worth $1.50 per pr. Your choice on Monday , 60c. Boys' Shirt Waists. 100 do/ , waists , olognnt patterns , All sizes. Onl.25o . each , worth SOo. 100 dogents' domet llunnol shirts , only 2.C ouch. Now York mills tinhulndriod shirts , Double back and front. Only 60o each , worth 76e. Just received another carload of wall paper. ( ! et our prioeti. B C'AHl'ETS AND DHAl'EIUES. OTerrillc hlaughtor in lace curtains nt O.r c. S7c , $1 , ! ? l.'ir ) , $ l.i5.l.60 : , $ ! . ( ! , - ) , 91.7'i , $1.87 , $2 and $2.25. Combnro goods and prices. Thu lowest prices yet on matting , carpets , curtains , draperies and fringe * . Wit APS , JACKETS AND SHAWLS. The largest variety of now styles and flno novelties in beaded and embroid ered wraps and capes , jackets , shawls und jerseys at lowt-bt prices. HAY DEN BROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. Our Kasi.M- , Wednesday and Thursday , April 2 and 3. Pattern lints and bonnets and All lute high novelties. All are wolcomo. F. M. SCHADELL&CO. , 1522 Douglas. Grand millinery opening tomorrow , fitonohiU's. _ _ California Kxoiirslons. , I'ullnmn tourist iileoilng ) our oxcur- eions to California and 1'aeilio coast points leave Chicago every Thursday , Kansas City every Friday via the Santa Fo route. Ticket rate from Chicago M7.60 , from Kansas City $ . ' 15 , sleeping car rate from Chicago $1 per double berth , from Kansas City $3 per double berth. Everything furnished except inunls. Those excursions nro person ally conducted by experienced excursion managers who accompany parties to destination. For excursion folder con taining full particulars and map folder and time table of the Santa Fo route niul reserving of sleeping car berths , address S. M. O.sgood , general ngont , K. L. Palmer , traveling agent , A. T. it 8. F. railroad , 180S Farnum street , Omaha , Nebraska. Grand millinery opening tomorrow. BtOMC'llills. J1AVJXCN IlltOS. fiprolnl DrnDO Gomln Hnln Montlny. 600 pieces figured beige for spring wcarutJIJc , A'orth lOc. 1.000 pieces twilled serge .suiting nt 8jc unil lOc , worth lee and 20c. Colored mohair brilliantine nt 21c , worth 60c. Novelty stripes and plnid silken mo hair , excellent colors , nt-2c ! , ' .vorth 05c. 'l.S-inch colored mohair brl.liaiitlno nt 35c , cheap at otic. Ill-inch hcnricxtu , soft finish , nt 30c , worth 60. 12-inch all wool henrictta nt 60c , former price 7oc. 12-Inch wide novelty nil wool stripes nnd checks nt O'.ic ' tiud "oc , sold overy- wliero nt $1. \ our choice tomorrow of 500 pieces 12-tiicli nil wool Subustnpool suitings. Burmah cloth , Drnp Do Alma nnd Tricot cloth nt O-jo. OOc , 75c. In this lot nro extra values worth $1 and $1.25. 10-inch all wool novelty plaids at 05c , reduced from $1. Beautiful all wool French challio , fast color. " , at 60 to 05c. 12-inch wide soft silk finish hcnriotta oust French weave , at SSc , reduced from SI.16. Novelty side band suits at. $1.2-3 , at $7.25 , at $10 , at $15 , as high ns)5. ) . Extreme novelties in I'arisian pla'.ds 60-iuch wide , worth $1.76 , price tomor row , $1.25. SILKS , SILKS. Fancy brocade silks at 2Sc tomorrow , worth 60c. China silk , all colors , nt 33c , worth 50c. 50c.China China silk , nil colors , nt 5oc , worth 75c. 75c.Oh Oh inn silk , all colors , nt 75c , worth $1.00. Fine heavy surah bilk OSc , ' .vorth Soc. Colored moire silk nt OOcworth $1.25. Colored dress oilks nt reduced prices to close. Colored silk velvet at 5-5e , worth Soc. Exquisite wall papers in great variety at IIAYDEN BROS. , .1EWELRY DEl'ARTMENT. This is n watch sale by itself and will bo watched with great interest. It will point out the place for bargains in watches and jewelry. Gents' Elgin , Springfield orWnltham watches in dust proof cases at $3 50 , worth $10. Gold filled hunting case , beautifully engraved and warranted 20yearsElgin' , Springliold or Waltham watches , at $15 , jewelers' price $30. M karat Boss filled hunting-case watch , G. M. Wheeler movement , war ranted 20 years. $10.60 , wortli10. . M karat Boss filled hunting case and B. W. Raymond movement $20.50 , jew elers' price $00. Tin rty-throo styles in ladies' gold nnd silver watches , best makes , shown at just one half regular prices. A splendid stock of exquisite novel ties of every description in jewelry and silverware. Bear in mind every article is fully guaranteed as represented or iiionov refunded. STARTLING CAST ! BARGAINS FROM SHERIFF SALE. Dnggott , Plummer & Co. , Milwaukee , Fine bleached muslin ! ic , worth So yd. Fine bleached muslin 6c , worth ! Jo yd. Finest bleached muslin made lie yd. Excellent line brown muslin 5o , worth 7c. 500 nieces apron checks and dross style ginghams at 5c yd , worth So. Dross styles and zephyr ginghams 5c , Ojo and SJc , worth ISc. 1" > 0 pieces heavy shirtings at 5c , So and lOc , worth 15c to 20. Full standard indigo blue prints 5c , wortli Se. Standard shirting prints 3Jc , worth Gc. Gc.Good Good shirting prints 2jc. worth 5c. American saline 6c , worth Sc. Guaranteed French sntines at lOc , at ISc , at 25c. Never sold loss than 25c to lOc yd. Bleached white goods 'ic ! , oc , Sc and lOc , regular price lOc to 25c yd. White lawn -He , worth ! ) c. 10 in white lawn lOc. worth 20c. India linen fie , 7c , 8c , lOc and 12Jc , worth lee to2oc. White sm-cnda at $1.00 , worth $1.60. 11-4 Marseilles spreads at $1.25 , sold every place at $2.00. Linen towels at fie , lOc , 12Je , 15o and 25c , worth 2-jc to 5c. ( ) All linen crash 4Jc , worth lOc ; wide linen crash at ( ic. worth 12c. Bleached table linen at Hoc , 50c and C5c , worth G5o to $1.00. Fast color turkey red table damask ISc , wortli 35c. Renfrew" turkey red table damask 'too. worth GOo. Chocucd napkins 25e n do/on. Outing llnnnol 7c , 10u , 12c and 15c , worth 20o to Hoc. MIL LIN E R Y OP E X ING. Tuesday and Tuesday , evening the millinery department will have on dis play the very latest novelties in line line French pattern hats , as well as a splendid collection of foreign and do mestic plain hats in every style ; line French llowors , millinery ribbons , laces and ornaments. SPECIAL RIBBON SALE. Monday morning begins a sale on ribbons that will positively eclipse nny sale over attempted. Fine silk ribbons in oyory shade'at le , 2c , ic ! fits and 7c ; positively worth 7c to 250 a yard. This is no job lot. The rlbbonn were pur- ciiasod at bherilY sale of linost dry goods stock in the wobt.Vido hash ribbons in all shades at : ! 5cloo , Goo and 7.ruworth ; 75o to $1.50. A real painful slaughter in real laces , both linen , torchon and silk in every stylo. Special low prices on embroideries , llouncings , ruchings , veilings , dross trimmings , buttons and art iicodlo work material. BABY BUGGIES. The entire stock is now on sale , 117 styles tooloet from , nt prices beyond competition. IIAYDEN BROS. , Wall Paper Merchants. Samuel Burns calls attention to those decorated dinner sots in his front win dews nt $12 which formerly wore $21 and toilet sots with jar. $5 which formerly wore $10. Assortment never so liigii and prices never so low. Kuinart chain pagnont Gladstone Bros. The Only One. The Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway is the only line running solid vostibulod , electric lighted and steam hunted trains between Chicago , Coun cil BlulTsand Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It Is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot. Omaha , atO p. in. dally , arriving ut Chicago at 0:30 : a. m , Passengers taking this train are not compelled to got out of tlio cars at Council Blulfs and wait for the train to be cleaned. Gut tickets and siooplngcar berths at Union ticket olllco , loOl Farnnm st , F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. K. PHU&TO.V. Pass. Agt. t nly 3H.U3. via the Wnbash R. R. Omaha to St. Louis with corresponding reductions to all points east and south. Goo. N. Clayton , Ticket agent , 1602 Fanuim St. , Omaha * M/MIPO ma & UKIUIlBb , A High Bid Per Your Trndo Como nud Soo. After Ono Visit to Our Store You Will Como A nln Yon Can Save Money In DrcHs floods , Ktc. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. DRAWERS. 27 nnd 20-inch lengths only. IS cents Trimmed with embroidery and inserting , sold formerly nt 76c. of > cents Embroidered rulllo nnd tucks , sold formerly tit bOe. 03 conss Embroidery nnd tucks , sold formerly at OOc. 03 cents Cambric lace trimmed , sold formerly nt OOc. G5 cents Cambric lace trimmed , sold formerly at 05c. 05 cents Embroidery nnd Inserting , sold formerly nt 05c. 70 cents Hemstitch. soldformcrlvntL * GOWNS. With embroidered yoke , formerly $2.25 , now $1.05 to close. SKIRTS. With wide hem nnd tucks , formerly SOc , now 5So to close. CORSET COVERS. All corset covers nt a discount. UNDERWEAR. 20 cents. Fine Swiss ribbed Jersey fit ting vests , ribbon finished. 50 cents. Fine colored wash skirts , CORSETS. 15 cents. A well made , well shaped , durable corset. 75 cents. A French woven corset , only a few loft. $1.00. Dr. Warner guaranteed stainless black corsets. KID GLOVES. Trcfoussce & Co'sdrossod four-buttoned kid gloves at $1.60 are the best and cheopcst ever offered. HOSIERY. 10 < : onts for good fancy cotton hose. ' 25 cents for line regular made absolutely fast black cotton hose. 25 cents for line regular made fancy cot ton hose. 60 cents for extra fine fancy hoso. 05 cents for plutod silk hose , light col ors only worth $1.25. $1.25 opera length hose , etc. , etc. NOTIONS. S cents for Richardson's and Leonard's spool silks , 100 yards. 10 cents for Canlicld rubber shields. DRESS LININGS. S cents for black satteon waist lining. 20 cents for the very finest patterns of satteen waist linintf in li lit col ors , sold everywhere at 40 cents. GINGHAMS. 8 cents for striped and shepherd check seersuckers. 10 cents for striped and plaid dress qinghains. 15 certs for o.xtra fine novelty dross ginghams. SATTEENS. 12J cents for line domestic sattecns in very stylish patterns. 20 cents for English and French sat tecns in elegant patterns. WOOL DRESS'GOODS. 30 cents for-all wool , double width Tameso cloth in fine now colors. 33 ccnts _ for double width , all wool hen- rietta in staple colors. 38 cents for all wool , double width French plaids. 50 cents for all wool , fine black diago nal cloth , wortli 75c. 65 cents for line all wool seeded black Armure , worth SOc. $1 for line silk warp , black Drap d'Alma. wortli $1.35. $1.35.SILKS. SILKS. 0 cents for 20-inch double warp , extra heavy hlack dross surah. 90 cunts for fine black fuillo francaise silk guaranteed , wortli $1.25. $1.GO for 24-inch extra soft and fine faille franoaiso in all colors , pos itively cheap at $2.25. $1.00 for 27-inch wide fine china silks handsome designs. DRESS TRIMMINGS. All novelties at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. You can save money if you'look at our trimmings. JACKETS. $2.50 black stockinet jackets. $3.25 black tailor-made stockinet jacket , bound in braid $1.25 same , extra fino. BABY'S AND CHILDREN'S OUT FITS. Guilds' surah poke bonnets. $1.05 ; Inrgo variety of mull hats * and cans from 25 cents upward. CHILDREN'S EMBROIDERED DRESSES : In sixes from 2 to 4 years. Very Blighty- soiled. Marked down from $0.00 to $3.50 ; $5.00 to $3.00 ; $1.60 to $2.76. etc. HEYMAN & DEICIIES , 1518 and 1520 Fnrnnm street. Go to Bliss' for Easter bonnota. Grout Sale ! The 00 cent atoro , 1200 Farnnm street , have inaugurated a great clearing sale previous to their removal to 1310 Far- nam street. Enormous reductions have boon made in every department and r.6 the goods are all of the first class it is rarely so great an opportunity is offered ' to the public , in the house 'furnishing goods , such as tinware , crockery , glass ware , etc. , etc. , some great values arc shown. Monday only wo will place on sale 100 laundry sots , consisting of largo clothes horse , it-hoop tub , 3-hoop pail and nest wash board , the .sot complete for 00 cents. In baby carriages wo place on sale sumo of the greatest bar gains ever offered in Omaha. Those at $1.48 , $2.45 , $3.05 and $ -1.05 are especial ly good values , while the highest priced ones are marked at proportionately close margins. Do not neglect to sup ply your wants from this great bale. THE 00 CENT STORE , 1200 Farnam Street. A. Curd. The firm of Charles Sluvorick , t Co. will continue under the same nnmo as heretofore and its policy as far as possi ble will remain unclmnirod. CiiAitr.cs SuiVKitin ; ft Co. , Furniture and carpets , 120U , 120S , 1210 Farnam street. The Dohmun mandolin and harp- guitar at S. Bank , 607 N. Kith. Grond millinery opening tomorrow , Stonehlll's. Grand millinery opening tomorrow Sionohill's. IlutcH on Knrth via the Burllncrton , to nil points cast and wost. Ticket olllco , 1223 F.arnom street. Depot , 10th and Ma&on streets. Mrs. Bliss has just returned from Now York with a largo line of imported Easter bonnets and hats that will bo displayed all wock at 1510 Douglas st. The Oliver Muggard Van Co. moves household goods in , pianos padded vans ; takes up , renovates und relays carpets storage ; best of sorvlco guarunti'Oil. Ofllco with Max Meyer & Bro. Tel. THE .110KTON STORE , Thoao nro Stirring Times In the Dry Goods BusluoBB. Mndo HO by Our Untlrlnir KfTorts to Gain thu tMihllc Favor and the Gtinfhlpiico of thu 1'coplc. DRESS GOODS. Our soft English cashmeres nut ] debolges , all colors , lUe , wortli 25c. Our now side band henriottns go at this sale nt I2jc. Elegant 40-ineh spring suitings in di agonals nnd plaids , lOc. regular price , 45c. Superior brilliant mohairs , now spring shades , at 25c , worth 60c. Fine wool ehnllios iu Intust designs go at lOc , would bo cheap nt 35c. 42-inch brilliant mohairs infancy stripes at 20c , wortli 65o. Imported French tricots and dress flannels at 21c , worth 40c. 00-inch wide wool tricots at 20c , worth 75o. i 40-inch new Parisian styles , dobeigcs , at 1 Oc , worth 45e. Elegant quality 40-Inch wide Englisli honrlettas , all newest shades , lOc , worth 35c. 12-inch imported French honricttas , nil now colorings.20c , worth 60c. Fine wool suitings in now mixtures at 23c , worth 60c. Our GSo fine all wool honrlettas tomor row at 35c. 44-inch fancy striped armnrcs , now crepe cloths , twenty dilToront patterns , at 60c , worth 85. Finest quality silk finished all wool henricttas , latest shades , at Ooc ; regu lar price $1. 40-inch brllliantincs , black and all now shades , 65o , worth 75c. BLACK GOODS. Our 49-inch black honriettaa and serges for tomorrow only 10' ! , worth 40c. 40-inch all wool black and white and blncit striped wool suitings at55c , worth 75c. 40-inch all wool black serges 69o , worth 85c. 40-inch .all wool fine imported albatross at 40c , regular price "So. Our $1 quality all wool honriottas and cashmeres at G5c. 10-iuch all wool silk finish hcnriottas 75c , worth $1.25. The finest jet black silk warp hcnri ottas $1.25 , worth $2. Surahs in all shades 39c. Black and all colors dross silks at OSc ; warranted to wear. LADIES' SILK SASHES. Wo have just made a fortunate pur chase of twenty dozen ladies' long silk sashes , with elegant fringes , which wo will soil in two lots tomorrow. Lot 1 Our heavy surah silk sashes , 3 } yards long , elegant all silk frinco , in black and all colors , regularly vorth $3.60 , tomorrow at $1.75 : Lot 2 Our elegant all silk sashes in the newest combinations of plaids and cheeks , very stylish , sell regular for 87.50 , tomorrow $3.60. MILL REMNANTS. French Chnmbrey mill remnants at 7c , worth I2je. Best French salines at Sc , worth 25c. These are mill remnants , in length from 3 to 15 yards. Great bargains. Black Ormandy lawn romn ants at Sc. White India linen mill remnant ? at lOc , worth 20c. Fancy curtain.draperies at 3Je , worth lOc. UNTRIMMED HATS. Fifty do/.on latest shapes flno straws , tn black only , sold all over at 40 cents , our price 15 cents. Ono hundred do/.en newest shapes in fine China straw hats , toques and bon nets , 35 cents. Seventy-live doxon best Milan straw hats , including all novelties in llnest now hats , S3 cents. FLOWERS. New bundles of roses , largo bunches of buttercups. French daisy wreaths , in pink , light blue and white , 25 cents. French wreaths in all colors , 0 conts. French violets in all colors , six dozen for Scouts. Loner French flower wreath , worth $1.50 , at 50 conts. Trimmed Hats An extra novelty of our own exclusive designs. A ribbon walking hat becoming to all faces , $1 only. Trimmed Hats All new Milan ladies' hats , trimmed with all silk ribbon , now ornaments and llowors , $1 bO , worth $2.50. TrinnnoJ Hats Ladies' Canton hats , nicely trimmed with llowors and rib- buns , 02 cents , worth $1.75. 100 BOXES OF TOILET SOAP. Nursery glycerine soap at Ic per bar , worth lOc. Cocoanut oil soap at 3c poj1 cake. Camphorated glycerine , imported castilo. tar. and 60 other 25o soaps all in ono lot at 6e. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. 10th st. Mrs. Ringer will sell patterns during Easter week at cost ; 100 to select from ; no cards. Dr.Birnoy.practicoiimiteu tooaturrh- al diseases of nose and throat. Boo bldg. Now York , Philadelphia. Washing ton , Baltimore , Chicago , all have largo stocks of Boericko Tafol.s homeopathic medicines. The Omaha agency has boon placed with Sherman As McConnell - nell , 1513 Dodge ; 2d door west P. O. Ladies remember to call and see the latest Paris , London and Now York Easter bonnets atBlisa' , 1510 Douglas &t. The Most Ktvli-h In Omnhn. The elegant line of hats , caps nud turbans at Frodurick & c'o.'s are incom parable. They have just received their hpring styles in the great Dunlap , the fine Stetson , and for children , boy's derbys , ivush und caps of all kinds , mil itary and navy. For misbos the Vassar , Lord Fountleroy , shirred steamer. C. H. Frederick it Co. , leading hatter , 120 South loth bt. Xotlooto Having decided to make 8 hours a day's work , wo earnestly request all journeymen carpenters to meet at Green's hall , 1416 Farnam st. , Tuesday , April 1 , ut 7:30 : o'clock p. in. All are invited. C. D. T IIUIIUCTION IN U/VIK.S. / Via ( InWnlmsh llnllronil. In order to make room for our spring stock of tieuuU , the Wnbnsh will today commence their great clearance sale of railroad und steamship tickets to all points east and hontli ; also to and from nil parts of Europe. Call early , or write and secure tickets and Bleeping car accommodations at Wabash otlico , 1502 Farnam street , Omaha. C. N. CLAYTON , Ticket Agent. SH tin to si. J.onii via the Missouri Pacific railway. Re duced rates to all points cast , south und west. Call at company's olllco , n. o. cor. 13th and Farnam , and got their rates before commencing > our journey. 500,000 bru'k for bale. J. P. Weaver , luundl IDE BOSTON STOKE , The Smnnh-up Snlo of Dry.Goods Brings Out the Pooplo. Tomorrow Hvoryililtiir From Thin Stock Mii4t ' . 1 . < t'o.sltlroly > ) Closed Out to .Mnlca llooni Cor a t'liri'hnsQ .JiiHt Made , Wo hnvo lust been Informed by our eastern representative that helms mndo an immense purchase of dry goods , the exact nature of which wo tto not know yet , but wo are Instructed to make room for it. To got this room wo will close out tomorrow all that remains of the dry coeds from the railroad wreck. All the llnest imported silk plushes and silk velvets and fancy silks that remain tomorrow at 17c , they are worth fully $1. $1.MUSLIN MUSLIN UNDERWEAU. The underwear from this stock In voiced at wholesale price , $0,325. Yes terday we sold over $1,000 of it , which loaves about $ -5,000 worth to bo sold to morrow. And to make those soil to morrow wo reduce them from yester day's prices. All the llnoat ladies' ' muslin underwear - wear which was sold yesterday at OSc wo reduce for tomorrow to 75c. All the linost skirts , chemise , drawers and other undergarments which wo ad vertised yesterday at 7oo and are worth $1.60 , go tomorrow at 60c. All the garments made of the finest material and trimmed with line hand made torchan lace and wide embroid eries that would bo cheap atl. Yester day wo advertised thorn nt 50o. Tomor row they go for 3e. ! ) All the balance of the underwear worth fully 75c will bo sold tomorrow nt 25 c. All the ladies' Swiss iersey ribbed underwear that wo advertised at lOo go tomorrow at Oo. All the ladies' line lisle thread , silk finish , imported vests , in twonty-ono dilTorcnt Htylcs , advertised yesterday at 75c , tomorrow 35c. ONE CASE OF BEADED WRAPS. In this lot of beaded wraps there were ibout twenty different qualities. Wo liayo divided them into lots to bo sold it just one-half the wholesale invoice irico. ) $2..r0 beaded wraps at $1.25. $ 1.00 beaded wraps at $1.1)3. ) $ " ) . ( ) ( ) beaded wraps at $2.50. $7.60 beaded wraps at $3.75. $10.00 beaded wraps at $5.00. $15.00 beaded wraps at $7.50. We positively guarantee every ono of thpso wraps to be worth double those iriecs at wholesale. I nth is case were also 375 all wool stockinet jackets , black and all shades , lound in braid , satin faced , at $3.18 , worth $5. 800 line black jackets in corkscrew , stockinet , chevron wale and fancy cloth , English length , vest front and ovorso satin facing and lining , $3.08 , $ - 1.481.08 , $5.48 , $0.08 , $7.48 , $8.93 , MU'.H ' to $10.08. 75 3-row ladies' capos , black , tan and other colors , at $1.30. 100 ladies' peasant circulars , finest all vool broadcloth , at $1,08 , worth $760. 50 doxon very linost grades of hnnd- iorchiols , not any worth less than 25c , vill bo placed on'salo tomorrow at 7o. 21 PIECES CURTAIN NETTING. Tn this car were alto 21 pieces Not- inehnm curtain netting , many differ ent qualities. To close thorn out to- norrow wo give you your choice nt 23 c. 500 PIECES EMBROIDERY. 100 pieces 1 to 3 inch wide embroidcr- cs at 4c , worth lOc. Big lot extra line narrow ombroidor- es and edges at Oc. These are extra I no goods. 300 pieces of 0 inch wide embroideries it Oc , worth 2c. ( ) Full width shirtings ut30c , worth 75c. 60 pieVes skirting in novelty designs ind fancy ofi'ccts at 85ii , worth $1.50. THE BOSTON STORE FOR DRAP ERIES. Best indigo blue prints at 4jo , worth c. Shirting prints go at 3Jo , regular Go unlity. Amoskeng apron check gingham at c. worth Oo. Dress gingham , now spring plaids , at c worth 16c. Cotton llanncl mill remnants nt 4c , worth 8c. 1,000 mill remnants of table damask from 30o to $1. Would bo worth in the regular way double our price. Turkey rod table linen warranted fast colors goes at lOc , wortli 35c. THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. Kith st. Mrs. lngor's | millinery opening Monday. Largest display of patterns in the city , HON. 15th st. Ancl inn ut No. Sll S. 20th fit. , near Leavonworth , Monday 10 a. in. Ono line piano , parlor suit , odd pieces , bee room suits , carpets , etc. , the entire conrontti of a 10-room brick houso. HKXUY CUKIOHTOV , Auctioneer. Easter bonnets at Mmo. Iliokmnn's , 211 South 10th street. Putt ! Atitoci1 ipli I'inno Is on exhibition in the show window at Hopso'ss music store. A. P. Tukoy , Life building. Homes in Clifton Hill for men of limited income. Bliss has all the latest novel ties in choice millinery and the largest block in thp west to select from. , The finest selection of domestic and imported cigars. A largo assortment of highest grade smoking tobacco Lovers of the wood In any form can find no better place to gratify their taste than at W. Gocdoeko & Co.'s 301 S l/Hii / , Darker block. Easter bonnets at Mmo. Hickman's , 211 South 10th btroot. Ciiolcort . .MuDoimlil , THE TAILORS , Are showing the choicest lines in im ported spring woolens for gentlemen's wear over brought , to Omaha. 315 S. loth st Easter bonnets all wcok at Bliss' , 1510 Douglas st. o Ladies , don't decide upon your Easier bonnotH until you inspect our magnifi cent stylos. Our opening will bo April ! t , 4 nntl 5. All invited. GUIINMAX : & RICHAHI > . ON % 114 South Ifith street. Easter bonnets at Mmo. Iliokmnn's , 211 South lUth street. The Killiolin & Akin Sloulc Is now on sale at 101 South Fifteenth street ( the old stand } . It consists of diamonds , watches , jewelry , silver nnd plnted ware , optical goodg , etc. Tills stock must be sold , and will bo closed out nt prices far below its value. E. ZAimiMCli : , Agent. Itoliiru ISuylni : A piano examine the now so.xlu Kimball - ball iiano. A. Huspo , 151J ' Ornntl Millinery Opening Monclny , Tuoetlny unil VVodnosdny. It Wilt l > o Olio of the | . 'ltint of I'aiturn llntM runt Iton- neM liver Shown In the Country. Wo feel confident that nt our comttip ; opening tomorrow , every lady will feel happy that nho attended. Our customers have no idea of the stock wo now have on hand. Such do- .signs in trimmed hats and bonnets as we shall display will be hard to find , even In Now York. Some of those pat terns were iiiiporto.l direct by us from Madame Eugenic , Madame Loulso and Madame Julia and other French artist * . We will show in this disnlnv lints worth up to $50 each. The first 600 ladies en tering our store Monday will receive a beautiful and elegant souvenir , some thing that is much liner than is gener ally given away. Our millinery dup'irtmont is now on the first lloor. Wo hnvo built on to our store , and now give lhi dop.irlment as much room as is needed. Please .boar in mind that our opening takes place tomorrow , Tuesday and Wednesday. GREAT SALE OF DRESS GOODS TOMORROW. A line of line dross goods at 4c ! per yd in all colors. A line of double width cashmeres at 12Jc , would bo very cheap ut20o. A line of honricttas at 25c. Many houses in Omaha got 50o for this grade of goods. 75 pieces of drops goods worth from $1 to $1.25 per yd , go at this sale at 40c ; warranted all wool. 50 pieces of silk Spanish lace flounc ing , 4 I inches deep , at S.So a yd , tlicso goods are positively worth $2.60. REMNANTS REMNANTS. More remnants on sale Monday than you over behold in your life before , remnants til } you can't rest. The last two counters on the right hand isle coining in. Prices 25c on the $1. A big lot of remnants of extra quality muslin in the above , wo will not limit the quantity on any of those goods. Wo shall offer the best quality of American salines at Sic , regular price I5c. I5c.To To close out the balance of the kid gloves bought in the Memphis stock , wo olVor all the $1 goods at-lb'c. AH the $2. $2.25 and $2.50 at OSc. There will bo in this lot 100 do/.cn of the best gloves which have been re served to draw a crowd with. CORSETS. Corsets will go Monday. Wo offer Monday fifty do/.on eor.MJts , all sixes , price 76c , out our price will be 20c. At 4o ! ) we olTor a $1.25 L'onuine im ported sateen corset. Corsets worth $1.50 , $2 , $2.50. will all go at OSc. if you wish to get anew corset inside of six months now is your chance. EMBROIDERY , We shall place 500 pieces of embroi dery on sale at prices that \\ill ; astonish you. Embroideries at 4c , 5e , lOc , 25c and 4He , the last named will bo heavy Spanish flouncing , 41 inches wide , worth up to $1.50. STONE1IILLS' . Your Choici ; Of four trains daily , Omaha to Chicago , on the Chicago and Northwestern rail way. The afternoon limited solid vos- tibuled train direct from Omaha at 4:30 : every afternoon , arriving at Chicago at 8 o'clock the next morning , carries a slcopor for Omaha patrons exclusively ; has a dining car s-orving supper and breakfast , and includes in its equip ment elegant free parlor chair cars. The night train at 0:20 : p. m. , "after business hours , " arrives at Chicago at , 1:20 : the next afternoon ; runs direct from the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , and carries now sleepers , chair cars , dining cars. Further particulars at city ollice , 1401 Farnnm street. K. R. RITCHIE , General Agent. Grand millinery opening tomorrow , Stonohili'.s. N. P. Fnlcnnor. No-v silks , satins and velvets : 21-inch China silks , $1.00 per ynrd. 21-inch India silkj , SI,00 pur ynrd. 20-inch colored rhadnmn , $1.01) ) . 20-inch colored failles , $1.00. 20-Inch colored nrmuros , $1.00. 20-Inch colored gros grain , $1.00. All of the nbovo goods aru in black. Now colored dress goods : 42-Inch nlbntros , 65c. 42-inch cloaking Manuel , oic. ! 42-Inch serge , 60c. And it lot of combination suits that , were $22.60 wo offer this week nt 412.50. This is n big bargain. Black dress goods. 40-inch black brilliantine nt 37jo. A great bargain. Kl-ini'h brilliantine ut7 < "o. 40-inch nuns voilinir nt 76c. 40-inch C'-eno ' cloth nt 75i . Special tmlu of muslin underwear. Como and see the prices Monday. Spurlnl sale of bed spreads. Our $2.75 spread for $2.25. Wo open our new French sntines and ginghams on Monday. N. B. FALCON ! ! ; . Grout nit in jirli-ui ! Owing to tlm iw KW tnl nnd niir lmmcn.10 spnnn flock , . jiro- 1K3-1 to make som jirlpu.i tlmt will in , p tan Koorts quick. .Ti pluccs Coloivd ArinunKX. ! . tlio very luti'st tlilnc la silks , t ll t .o new shudi's , lit $1 yunl. wnrth Jl.Wt. ismpn's l'.l- ori-cl ( iron ( ; nun Sllk.i , nil Kooil , supla i'"l' ' rs , formerly sold at 11.21 ; o Momlny nt M < < yaril. Xi pluccs Cnluruil Silk Vulvoti nt 7" > r yirii\\ i : n il.ii. Wo will oirar .Monday nntl nil next wi-ok special Inducement' ' ! la our Dn-sa ( lui.H Do- imrtment. Uou't miss this dunce. . A hnn > t > some line of dark U ure'il ClmllU" , nt ' . . y.iM. HM iiloc..s light t'roun.t nguied ciinlilv to , ynrd , worth IBP. W ) nloco.s nil wool i nniiies , iMiulsomi'plnlils .iud stripes , light ami inn ! ma colors , ut 'Meynrd , just half price , il'ijili1 i > - , nil wool 10-Inch Colored Henriettas , all il'i- new HpriiiK similes atiVk' yard , formerly sold nt Mjc. All wool lllnck llonrlotlns , r ! Inche * til ) , nt IKe , 'J7'3c ' ' nail We ynrd , tlmt nro runlly wur li , ti per cent more. A plecoi lu-inctt IlliU'k inc.'i , licr.ntlfnl Itistiv , at T.'c yard , worii : f' ' . : . . . A handsome lluo of Hlack lli'or.ulo llr.HInnt- Itics , H Inches wltli' , elegant quality , T.v > ard , reduced from tl. 2J dozen l.ndlot * ntvl Clnl- dren'.i Van Oyku I'olut Inro Collars , Ji'.v c.n li , worth COc. Children's Ular.k lloal-'ry nt'V , formerly sold nt.Tic lo.Vn1. in. lies' Kid ( lloves , In tnns , Kngllsh , r.-il , e'- . all Nlxos , fl'o ' pair , vorth $ I. r.adlus'.lerspy lli'i'u'd ' ' Vests , no sleeves at ft ; IJie , SZv , 40eJilV r.'id ' .ji ; h > i lt-3t ) values over olfered In Omalm. l.iul.os' JlnlbiiugAU lloie , real MHPO ynrn , at 18. ' n-nl ' pair ; no ono cin : toucli tli.-m at ill j priooLa dles' lllnck Silk ( llovos , ! ! Jc pair , Jn - : Malt price , AVe carry the lai'KOSt Htofk of < i ntb' Hose in the we-.t . , ranging In prices from in- , lilac , Ijcfc. \ . 2 > ciiiul up tel pair : connir . ml cot a clean iialr of socks. TimnnH'n Stinnar < l Colognes , i.'londaVuters , Hay Kiiin , ct , , . at IUD bottle , worth .Vic. A great line of IIno C iim- : lir.iys. In plinc. brown and pink stripes. , i- ( , . , . ) yard , \\oith l'.c. Ili'ft Indlfo Illno I ! mr : ( ! 1'rmts , tc yard. Mourning Dulnln-V > nr < l. Kliui AmeHcaii Sallnu.i , \ ; , < - yard. I'l-eurh Amines nt 2'iP unil li'ic y.iul , lieuutlfnl inu ( irentUurgalnslii oni- Cloak lopai'tmi"it ) Mi day. liny your baby cloaks now ami vi money. Inlants' long Cavhtii'To ( loakcm - broldureil collar and cutr.s In cream ntul iai t , fl.H ) each , wortli ! . Ilifniltt' Innw Cn < , liini-u : Cloaks , silk umbroldeicil collar mid PIIIIM. u o nroiind bottom , only W.7flt world ? ' . Si-'o.i' . line of Infants' Cloaks at $ : i. " > n. SI nii'l ' } ii , voi"lt ! 13 per cent morn. ANo the llne.-t li.inoi In fants' J ongCloakH. Incronm nnd tan , ivitn the very latest Vnn Dyke point embroidered. They nro simply uximlHlto nt Js fin. | . ' , iI3 and up. Also sue our elegant line nt < nil- dri'ii's Cloaks In line 1'roneh plnlil llaniols : Also of line imported Chnllles. Tliese sIvli'H nruHhowii exclusively by us In Ui..aha. \ oil can see a few ot them In our west slnw In- ( low. The above nove tlo- < como In I , - , ! ( , 4 mill 5 ycavs. Special ollerlngs next we.'k Iu ladies' all wool lllack Jackets atJ , ? ; i..Vi , * l mil Jluuh. away uulow real values. Crcnl birxnliiH In Ladles' Nowmnrketi ; ask to s > o them , . \ls.i Ladies' Silk Capes at * . " , ' , ? H , { U and iij ) . A.'tt our Jl. " . " > Cor-ets Monday yo at 7 > pair , AII in llnsemrnt , HO Di-coraied ( hamlisr Sti. . . U pieces at f'J w't , worth II , Hut our prn-t" , .u . I'lirpeta , Wnll I'aper , off. About a hundred or ders a day is the pace now , and increasing as Easter approaches. Perhaps Nicolls are the busiest tailors in this city , yet we are ready for twice as much. Our large tail or works don't strain under a few thousand extra orders. We get them every Easter time. This Easter ( if the present pace keeps up ) will be flood-tide. Come as soon as you can , don't expect any difficulty in choosing. You'll find not one , but hundreds of fabrics that will captivate you , and if you don't know how they should be tailored to suit best your form and style , leave tliat to us. . We know a tremendous sight about tailor ing. Trousers mtula 60 nnd up. Suits niudo $2O und up. Ovorcotit mudo $1Q and up. Open every evening Order through the g > E9 a anew * I Lft The Tailor. 1409 DOUGLAS. tRstaoa