Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1890, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Ciookodnoas OhnrKod In Oonnootlon
With the Iloopital Job.
Probability Thnt Ho Will He Al-
lovvcil to < ! l\o IIiiiulM lor IIU
Appciirnnco When
\Vnii led.
IiulirliMl mi Two Count * .
K. R. Mayors , the architect of the now
county hospital , who has Ilirurcd no con
spicuously In public print on account of his
prominent connection with that big Jol > .
was Indicted b } the last grand Jury on the
charge of high misdemeanor In connection
with that work.
The Indictment has bon Itopt n profound
secret up to the present time , 10 far us the
public wan concerned , and several of the
court ortleials have even gone so far us to
deny that the Indictment exisic. ' . When ,
however. ono of thuni wn last night con-
fiontcd with furts sufficient to show him
that n HKI reporter knoyv , boiond nil quos
lion , that the Indictment existed , the
ciniclal nilu Ittcd fully nnu completely that
Biich was the case , mid told oil lie knew
nbout It uhlch wus everything.
I he. indictment ngainst Aniiitcrt Mojers
was found by the grand jury which com
moncud Its deliberations at the beginning ci
the last September term of court nnd
continued In session some llvo vveok * .
Jt will bo reeilled 'bat Contractors
Jnriv Hynn and Charles L.Vundl wore In
dieted , Ihu foimnr for nltoiiipting to bribe
County C'omtmsaionors O ICecITt ! und Mount ,
mid the laltei for Irving to hi ibo O KcofTe ,
nil In connection with tlio Hospital work.
It seems that some litlle tlmo after tlio n-
du tment against Meiers was returned bis
nltoinexs in tins city cot wind of It
mid communicated tbelr HUSDICIOIIS
to him This started the " . .ikinc of steps to
lm\u the matter continued a secret. A little
while ago it was agreed upon between the
nuthoiilies and conns'1 ! for Meiers that if
the latter would cotno here , from bis homo
in Detroit , and RIVO himself up without
mailing requisition proceedings ncccs'stiry ,
bo would bo allowed to give a bond for
bis appearunco and then return
iiouio. In this manner It was
thought that the existence of an indictment
might be kept from tlio public , lemaporarily
ni , and possibly forever.
Kvon after this understanding had been
rcactied , it seems that Meyers fe.uel trust
ing himself to the mercy of the authorities
heie , for it is a fact that it ic < iuired six or
ciehl very pointed worded telcKiams to bring
him.Ho finally decided to come , however , and
at rived hero early .ycVordny morning , but
instead of going to the t'axton hotel , as ho
has invaiiably done on his many previous
trip lo Oniutin , ho went to a private resi
dence Whether or not the wuriant was
served unon him could not bo ascertained.
'Ibis was learned , however , that a well
know ii business man cilicd on a prominent
counlofiicial Friday evening , told him bo
would have Meyers at tinoftleial's oflico
.yoslordiiy , und would sign his bond , but up
to 1J o'clock last night the had seen
nothing either of Meyers or the business
man."If , " Bald the ofllcinl in question , "Meiers
attempts to elude arrest and
get out of town on account
of anything which ho mav h.i\e
heard since his ai rival hero , I nmll ! chnso
him down and bring him back with n sud
denness that willperhtps piovu soniowlut
buipiismg to him. "
'Iho indictment clmiging Meyers with
nigh misdemeanor contains two counts 'I ho
llrst charges that ho permitted the use of
much Rinalloi timbers in the building than
the specifications called for ; and tlio second
count Is that ho allowed a very much inferior
class of brick to bo used In the construction
ai tlio south division than the speoillcu-
lions ordered.
Colonel Clovvrj of the Western Union
MIIVH Tliov Pniinot I ) Stopped.
Colonel Clew i y , v/estoin suporintendciit
of the Western Union telegraph company's
lines , is visiting Kstubrook , the
father of Mrs. Clowri. Ho arrived l'iida\
In compiny with Superintendent Dickey
uftei an uxtondcd trip through the south
west , including Mexico nnd 'J'e\as.
Mr. Clowry reports the business of tlio } in the southwont districts in good
condition , nnd cajs that tlio volume of busi
ness is rapidly inci easing.
In reply to n question ns to tlio action of
the boaid of trndo in Chicago with reference
to the bucket shops , Colonel Clowiy said
that tliis light had been iroingon at intervals
for some time " 1'ho buclcot shops got out
an injunction against the board to prevent
thorn fiom depriving the bucket shops of tlio
quotations This injunction was modi-
lied a few da\s ago , allowing the
board to cut olT the quotations , but
restraining thorn fiom resiim ngtho furnish
ing of quotations to outsuio parties unless
thoj furnish them to o\er\ono who wants
them. After the Hist of the month the
board will cut olT all quotations. The only
way persons can get thcso figures w ill bo bj
means of piivalo messages All our wire"
vvlll of toiino bo loft on the llooroftho
board , and the volume of piivato messages
will bo Hrgely Increased
"I don't suppose they will succeed in do-
pil\lng the bucket shnns of the quotations ,
ns they have tried the same thing before , but
tlio ouckct shops inamiged to got them Just
the samo. This 1ms been done in sc\cial
ways. The IlKiiies may bo communicated bv
Blgim , or POIIIO inembor of the boaid may
8Uill | | the bucket sh > im by ineanH of privnlo
mcbsagcs. Homo members of the board urn
luigolj interested in bucket shops , and will
supply them for that reason , Hesidos that ,
the bucket shops place u largo amount of
business on the board , and it pais some of
the members to keep this ti ado "
What do i on think of the Idea of n gov-
eminent tolegt.iphi"
"I don't think It would bo n success In
the Hist place , the government could not run
u largo sjHtoiii of telegraph except at n
great loss ; the price of the fiorvico could not
bo put at u figure which yyotild insure largo
patronage except by running it at tlio ex
pcnso of the taxpayer Mot cover , the gov
ernment is nctoiiously extravagant , and it
requites the most caieful management to
Ueep the expenses within tlio limits I
ilon t bollovo tlioro IH n private corpoiation
in the country yylilch is run on assuiot Imsl-
ness principles as tliti Western Union.
"Another point , and n verv important one ,
Is this With n goyurnmont system there
could bo no opposition , and tlio natural
tendeiiLi won id bo to bucomo slow an 1 c ireless -
less The principal feat mo of telegriiihy is
peed and accuracy Wo deliver mes-iagos
butweon Chicago and Now York , both ways ,
In four minutes Wo yvould never have
reached thin stata of poifectlon if
wo bad not had competition. The
Inevitable result of u government
control would bo u tendency towards
Blothfutnesti , and this would destroy the use
fulness of tlio system , and the object for
which business men use It.
"Moro than that , there would bo no
liability for oiror. Wo are paying chums
o\erv day for losses caused by mistakes in
transmission , which arc bound to occur.
With a government sistom thera yvould bo
almost no liability at all
"I am greatly pleased with the business of
tha Omahu olllco , " continued Colonel
Clowry " 'Iho business for the month
of Mutch > s the largest of mi }
month since the ofilco lias been established ,
notwithstanding that a largo reduction has
beun made in the rates yvlthln tnc last jcur
or tyvo. "
The colonel spoke very lilghli of the city ,
and said thai the increase in the telegraph
business was n sure indication of the growth
and bustlings of the city. Ho leaves todii }
for Chicago. _
1pvn | Now rolluRincn.
Au examination of applicants for positions
on the police force was held yesterday after
noon before the commission. The number
of men needed on the force at the
present tlmo li , Chief Scnvey said ,
about doieu. Tor tueio dozou placet
there were fifty noycn applicants , a th rd of
who n worn Irishmen , nearly as nun v Amer
icans nnd the rmimltidcrnf various intlnml *
ItlfM. Ai it whole they vvor.t it line looking
bod.v of moil. The requirements of the
board are that a man shall bo sound phys
ically , botyvcen lyventy ono nn'l forty-llvo
j cars old , flvo foul nnd eight inches or over
in height , and weigh from ICO pounds up
The 11.111101 of those examined yvero
Jneob HriiBh , John riuttorv , .lohn Morris-
Hey , UilT C. Ho/ar , Clark M Doolo.yClmles
liloom , Amos S Jnck > nnil. James K. Feddls ,
Patrick Hoche , Michael O'Hrion. II. H.
Washington , Michael Dollard , S I ) Cory ,
James II. Unfits. J. II ICoos , J. U Swancy ,
Thomas Mitchell , William II. Hauor , W. H.
Cdgchlll , P. . J. Hlackwood , Jeremiah
Murphy , Pat Foley. Joseph Hell , W. C.
Hancy , I1. ul. Thompson , James II. Unsen ,
I ) O Uivli , Phillip McDonotigh , M. Gnflln ,
1) . C. Callahan. J. I' . Lynch , Todd Cunungs ,
Charles 13. Uutlcr , J At Haldwln , George
K MoHtide , J I ) Murphy , T. n Day , Jninos
Hnyok. 11. U. Wheeler , James Twalto.
J. W. Johnston , It. 12 Timme , Kich ird
Plvnn , T U. Dennett , O W JJrtico , George
II King , John II. Russell , U. I ) . Kiulloy ,
Won/el Junecek , Cvrua Ovcrholt , HiUvard
li. Cognn , .Maurice Shcahan , fM Hender
son , Michael McCarthy , John Sullivan , I ) .
U 'I Icdoumn , Lewis W 1'elter.
After the examination the board yypnt Into
executive SDSSIOII and appointed the follow
ing , subject to n physical examination by
the city physician
J I { . elMdli , C It. Illoom ( the cx-ofllcer ) ,
C. C In7or ( , Jacob Hrugh , Todd Cummings ,
I ) . II. Day is , W K. Cdghill , John Morrlsev ,
J II Kees , J II. Uussell ( colored ) , D. T
' 1 Icdomnnn , Hdwuid U Coh'an and P. M.
Ilendcison ,
I Ills ulll bo the last ( \iiiiination fora
1 ear.
in , A i ii OK r. o. rcM'rvnit.
A 1'ioiiilrM'iit ( ic'i'innn Ctl7"n ( MIC-
( Miinli to I'nciiiiio'i l.l.
Predenclc C. 1'estner died at his home , 1307
Howard street , nt 11 o'clock Thursday night
of pneumonia after an illness of four days
Ho was nttcndinir to his business as usual up
to last Siturdai night , but upjn going homo
complained of a cold. He was conlined to
his bud on btinday and rapidli grew yvorse ,
the cold developing into pneumonia , result
Ing In his death , us stated.
Mr. Pcslner yyas ono of the best known
and most liignly esteemed of ail the ( ionium
population , anj his death will be generally
regiettcd by nil classes of Iho community
Ho was bom August lit , 1S10 , at Hallo on-
the Saile , Sixony , and was consequently i"
the seyenty-toiirth yeir of his
ago. Ho learned the book binding
business at Ucipsic , Germany , and
subsequently worked nt It in
Paris and London. In 1M9 ho to
Ameilc.innd for itomn time was located at
Now Voik and Chicago. Afterwards ho en
gaged in business at Mauison , Wis. , und i a-
inalned them for ten years. Ho was n mem
ber of the city council and city treasurer of
that city. During the civil war ho organized
company G , T'yventy-ninth leglmont , of Wis
eonsin volunteers , whoso captain ho yvas.
'Iho company yvas principally engaged in
Arkansas. After disposing of his business in
Wisconsin he built and operated a saw mill
lu St. Ooiieviove county , Missouri , wheio he
was y cry successful In IS'-J ho cumo to
Omnliu and established his book bindery , to
yUiieh yvas subsequently added the Job
printing department , and in l M the Ger
man Tribune , the long cheiished hope of Ins
life. The ' 1 ribunc had u hard battle for life ,
but in the end won , and now ranks high
among the Gcnnaii publications. Iliroo
ycais ago ho erected the building wni.h the
business noyv occupies.
Mr. Peatner was for a long
time treasurer of the sjnod of the German
Lutheran chui cb , and has always been a
piomlncut factor In tint progress ol th it de
nomination Ho leaves fivn children , four
daughters , ono of whom is married to Key.
Her of bt. Paul's ' Luthoi in cburcti , and ono
son , Julius , yybu is ucll inown : in Omaha.
'Iho funeiul will take place this afternoon
at 1 'iO p in. from the family residence , I.SOT
Howard street. Services will bo hold in the
German Lutnornn church , Twentieth and
Mason streets , atUJ : ! ( p m.
lyr the CoinHjM 1'oor.
Supeuntendent of Poor Mahnnoy is wind
ing up the ousiness of supplying that portion
of the unfortunates who require assistance
during the sovoio months of the winter , but
are able to pulljalong by hook or by crook
during the summer , when no coal and little
clothing sufllces. Iho mild winter
has Egroatlj reduced this y\ork this ICMI
and the piece 8lon of yvooliogono laces has tiled into Mr. Maliono.y'8 doois
has not been -so long ns ono would expect.
Nevertheless , the work is of coimidorablu
magnitude , as maj bo gathered from tlio
Ik'ures for Iho months of December. Janu
ary , Pouruai y and March.
1 ho following list of supplies furnished ,
und their cost , is \cryclosu uatimntt1\\lilch
will vary but a few ciollais fium the exact
ilguros :
2b5 sacks of flour , at $3 $ nrO.OU
1,1500 pounds cofTcu , nt ! ii'o per Id ! UJ .lO
SbO pounds tea , at 20o per V > . . . . I7fi HO
81 bushels beaut , at fl T5 per bu . . . 1-T > 'J.'i
10 boxes soap , at ? 3 per bnx 1-0 1)0 )
100 paiis shoes , nt $1 25 per pair 1J5 00
Coal , about -100tons ; Hurt St. Home ,
Open Door nnd city poor 1,550.00
Total f J.OOs 75
J'ho aveiago number of families loquinug
and receiving asmtanco yvas 200 , which
gives ? lee to each family for the four
months , 01J.b3 per month.
cox ANO Tin : nor.
An Olllcor'H Troiitinont ol'n linllnd
List night about 0 o'clock a lad numqd
lohn bchmidt stood on the Parnam street
cuib , aln est in ft out of Hold's opera house.
He was sollin , , ' bill ids , and in a volco
scarcely moio than audibio to the pissota-
by , shouted ouc his vvaiej. Among the
latter wcro "Whero Did You Got That
Half ' "Slide , Kolloi Slide , " "Down Wont
McGinty , " and "lie's on the Po
lice Poico Noyv. " The last was
an unhappy title , because at tiio
moment it yvas announced , Ofilcer Cox
uassed. A crowd surioundcd tlio youthful
vender and through it rushed the blue coat
with the star.
"I'll showiou 'Slide. Kelly , Slide , ' " a ltd
the ofllcer
'I ho next Instant the .youthful vendor yvas
prone upon tnopivemcnt and tils face ciiuo
in contact with the rough and hardened sur
face. 'Ihoollicor with his open hand hud
caught the boy behind the head and dashed
him to the ground as ho would n rotten
A cri of "Shnmo , shame , " greeted the
achievement , and from the crovdvhich as- ,
scmblcd in an instiiit advanced IMwurd
Crowell , Councilman Iteclicl , J , L. DeDo-
voiso nnd half u duiun others
"This U a dirty , contomptlblo. brutal
trick , " said Ctowoll , "to ttoit a boy who
yvas interfering with no ono , in such a manner
'Jhoboiwua bruised and cut about the
fuoo and cried most piteously.
The ollleoi called Mr Crowell aside und
midoavorcd to explain the case , hut the
cio\vd \ lolled that u could not ba explained.
Meanwhile the crowd thronged In trout of
the Drum until Jack Phlloin was compelled
to toll the oftlcei to clear it away. Ho also
told the boi to continue the suloof hlsgoods ,
although later the ofllcer again , unsuccess
fully hoyvovor , attempted to drive him away.
Mr Croyyell yvlll prefer charges bofoio the
police commission against Cox , and Messrs.
Do llevoise and licchcl and others will sus
tain him ,
A Iiiiriro Cnvc In.
A large hole in the pavement near the center -
tor of the intersection of Parnam and Four
teenth streets attracted considerable atten
tion lust night The hole was auout three
feet long and two feet wide at the surface of
the street and seemed to op-jn into a large
excavation similar to an old tlmo cistern No
cauio yvas known for the tuving in. Alan-
tern uiit , placed on a box over the dangerous
Tlio Oinnlin Mmllual Soolely.
Last Tuesday evening the reirular physi
cians of Douglas county met nt the Paxton
hotel for the purpose of perfecting the
organization of u county iiiodlcul society ,
The above name yvas chosen and a constitu
tion and bi-laws adopted , from which the
follouln , ' exliact u takeu as showing the
objects of the society : "The otj'cts of this
society shall ba the promotion nf medical
knowledge , the eonsidcr.itloi nf matters
pertaining to the pjblic health , the en
couragement of good medical legislation In
this county and state , and tha cultivation of
social and harmonious relations within the profession "
Following the adoption of n constitution
and by-laws torty members siciio ! the char
tcr list nnd nu election of permanent officers
i esultod as follows President , Dr. Mllroi ;
llrst vice president. Dr Crummur ; second
vlco president , Dr Jonas ; secretary , Dr.
Hosowatci'i ticasuicr , Or. Spaldltiff. The
society marts out well nnd gives promise of
u very Influential career.
imoiii'in DOWN A MOUNTAIN.
Iho rpi-rlllc Sppetl ol' n Union 1'aulflu
The Ummn Juch Opera company plnjcd In
Salt LaUo City l'io other night and wns
bcoknd to sirig in Chcyonno the next night.
The train was scheduled to make the 512
miles between Salt Lntto nnd Cheyenne in
sixteen hours. Tills was maintained up to
Green Hlvor , wbero it was learned that two
miles ahead the regular east-bound passen
ger train and a freight train were in collis
ion. ' 1 ho wreck was a disastrous one ,
Involving the almost total demolition of scv
oral freight cars , ono hag'gago car and two
engines , but luckily with no loss of life.
It would requlro at least four hours
before the tinck could be cleared Of course
all expectation of reaching Chevenno
lu time for tbo performance was abandoned ,
us the distance between Green Hlver and
Clicjeiino had never been traversed in less
time than ten hours nnd ten minute. * , which
is that required by the fast mail. Miss
.Inch's train could not gel by Ibo wreck under
any circumstances before ! . > o'clock This
would mnan 10 o'clock al night to arrive at
Chovcnno , provided the Iraln met with no
accident and run the entire- distance at the
great speed attained bv the fust mall
About 11 o'clock Superlntcndenl Haxtor
arrived fiom iho west nt Green Hlver In his
special ear Miss Juch and Mr Locke
immediate ! } appealed to Mr. Haxtci , who
Dually said
"Miss Juch , if you nro not afraid lo Iravel
faster than any woman has over traveled
before on the I'nioii Pncillc , i will plaeo
every available iciourcc of the compauy at
lourdisjosal in order to get your train into
Cheyenne b } 8 o'clock tonighl.
MiasJuch said "I will undertake tbo
Journey provided iou vvlll give us absolutely
the right ot u.n and supoiiiilcnd our move
incuts lourself peisonaliv. " Superintend
ent Huxtor gallantly ussuicd Miss Juch thai
ho would direct the inn peiaonaily.
First the cars wcro carefully inspected
and well stocked with ice and water and
luuchus provided for tha occupants , as no
stop was to bo made for refreshments. Al
12 40 exactly the engine whistled twice and
swiftly passed from Hie } ardi. Within
liftoon minutes .1 nptcd of forty miles an hour
yvns enteied upon , which was slowly but
surely increased until Liittor Creek was
reached , wbero it was discovered that one of
iho baggaco cars bud developed a hot box.
' 1 his cost fully half an hour of valuable
At Hawlius a fresh engine was attached ,
.the train stopping exactly three minutes
The train pulled out of Havvlins at live min
utes before .r > o'clock and eiitoicd upon n
As high as sixty live miles an hour was
spun off at many points in the IM miles
eepauiting Hnwlins and Laramic. Finally
al . ! Ti the train reached Laramlo Onlj
live minutes wore lost in dismissing the
splendid engine that hud beat nil records in
fast i mining between Havvlins nnd
L.I ram io and in taking on U' . o engines
for the climb up lo Sliei man , 0,000 feel
above Iho sea , a distance of twenty-lour
miles The usual i tinning lime is from t.vo
houis and a half to thicohouis forpasseniror
trams for the lifty-scveti miles between
Laramie and Cheyenne. Iho loss of iho
half hour , owing lo Iho hot box , was severely
felt , and the loss of another lull hour in
leaving Green Hiver , owing to Iho imuossl-
bility of gelling ibo Irack cleared of Iho
wreck , in older lo leave al exactly 12 , made
il absolutely impossible , under Hie most fa
vorable circumstances , lo teach Cheyenne at
8 o'clock
So at 7 10 , with a tremendous jerk , the
two engines , with the little train of live curs
in their icar , tore out of the Laramlo station
and savagely attacked the sleep mountain
grade. No trsm ever ascended the Hookies
as rapidly us did that one In forti-llvo
minulea , or at S.J5 , tlio Irain slood panting
ul Snerinan on Iho summit. One of the en
gines was hero cul off , and while Ihls was
being done Iho other engine , as well us the
live cars , werccaiefully inspected and oiled ,
iho engineer carefully sciutlni/ed every
part of the inacbinuiy of his throbbing loco-
inotivo , caiefully , ai.d with keen co , he
scrutinized its minutest pins and joints.
Finally , after six minutes had elapsed , mak
ing tbo lime exactly b Jl , ho received his
orders , which weio to inako tno best time
consistent w lib safety in lo Che } onne. His
answer was.
"loll them in Clieyenno that Miss Jtieh nnd
her company will bu ihere boforol ) o'clock. '
And , " ho added , "in safety. "
Ho sprang into ttie cub , ihiovv open Iho
Ihr Ulo , nnd with two sluieks ol tbo whisllo
Iho luiin faiil }
si'itw. DOWN mi STI tr aitvui :
toward the valley below. The engineer's '
message was telegraphed lo Cheyenne and
the dispatchers there f.iiily liemblcd nnd
held their breath , foi tliei , at least , icncvv
whit Iho message meant It meant u rate of
speed down Iho mounlain side Unit hud
never been oven dreamed of ; It meant that
Iho Ihirt v-lhico miles fioinShci man to Cheyenne
enno should bo iruveised in loss limn twont-
niuo minutes.
Onward and downward How tbo train
The sparks fiom iho engine did not appear
ns sparks , but in. long , thin soiponts with
fiery heads. The tram was enveloped in a
cloud of dust and blackness only to bo
beard , but acarcoly seen us It darted through
Al exactly S 57 , with n terrible jerk and
Miiioumled by a cloud of dust and nmolcu
thai swept on after , the train had stopped ,
and thrilling and quivering from the cow
catcher to ibo icar plulfoim of Iho last
Pullman , the Juch truiu reached Us
destination , having Hindu the llilitv three
miles fiom Sherman to Chcienna In the in-
cicdiblo time ol twenty-six minutes. The
engineer had kepi his piomiso ; ho bad
brought Iwinma Juch and her company be
foio li o'clock to the Chc.vcuno station and In
Secretary AVilllnnisou
Mr Charles K. Williamson , acting general
secrotui.y of the Young .Men's Chnsthin
association , was elected assistant cishloi of
the Lilobo Loan and Trust Savings bank at
the electiiin held by the directors Fruln }
evening Mr , Williamson has accepted
the position and will icsign bis
ofilco us acting secretary of the
Voting Men's Christian association us soon
as he can get matters in proper shupo. The
friends ot tlio Young Men's Christian asso
ciation deeply legiet the loss of so valuable
a man as Mr. Willi'imson ' , but when he ac
cepted the position of acting seciotary bo
was at that tlmo engage 1 In the iiutiul work
that has losultcd in the formation of the new
bank , and did not want the permanent sccre-
tur.vship. His friends are glad to know that
he m In u position wheio the cares and work
nro lighter and the remuneration and chances
for advancement greater.
\\estorn Ait Annotation ,
The Westoin Art association bus secured
Piof , Ci. W. Platt of Chicago for a lecture
on Tuesday evening , April b , at the Litungor
gallery ; subject , 'The Illusions In Art , "
and will bo rendered additionally cllcctivu
by illustrations. This lecture has been do
livoicd by several art societies , and Is
spoken of vori highlj. The monthly enter
tainments of the association have so far
been free to tha levers of art in Omaha , and
the coming one will not bo an exception ,
though Prof. Platt Is secured at considerable
oxpciibo to the association.
Tim CnuntosH WnlIcr4ai > .
OMVIH , M'ireh 'JO To the Kditor of Tun
HEfc , Iho aiticlo In last night's paper
concerning the Countess \\aldorsce is
perfectly tiuo I finished my education at
the sumo college in Miobeck , only SQUIO
years lutnr. Thu college , was a private
training school foriouug governesses nnd a
day school for children of the bettor classes
It yvus owned by a Lutheran minister by
the name of Muenzenborgor , nnd I remember
that ho told us about Curuielita Kiscnblatt ,
yvuo was thca countess of Noor
Mus , CLIUI D\
Domccrnta Hiuo $ ti Roynl Tlmo nt
Their OHy Convention.
A Ijltilo Kmv Ocoiirs to Vary tin *
.MonotonjMl o Mortnett Tnkos '
n Hl l Drliilruf WhlMkj Po
litic-ill Doings.
The Pptnoorntlu Convention.
If an argument , loiivmcliiB and conclusive.
yvero needed for aniicxal'oti ' , the democratic
city convention held yesterday afternoon
furnished that argument.
The orocccdings wore In strange contrast
with the harmony that prevailed at the cltl
/en's convention the day before. The alato
was made up before the convention nssem
bled and it went thtough nearly as predicted
In last night's HEP. There wore some
eh uu'cs though , and the changes caused
disappointment in some qu.uteis.
'Iho "touching committees" performed ex
cellent duty. And for an eneiKOtlo "touch
ing committee" give us the boutli Omaha
The twenty delegates named In last night's
Hi.f were In their seats ut 2.10. Council
man McMillan oponcd the proceedings bv
rupulng the gatheiiiu to older as a Member
of the city central ; committoo. U well
ho took some n < lion in the commencement ot
the altiuv , for befoio it was over they tired
him out ol the party.
Wlltiim 13. Haley yvas made chairman
and Andrew Doiinely secrctari . vVhon the
chairman lacked for something to say , Jim
McCuno , who seemed to be u general alter
nate delegate , supplied the dollcioiici. Me
Cunu did this until the police olllcers too'c '
him down to the police station and put him
to bed.
A committee on credentials was ap
pointed and they leported the twenty men
occupying the twenty chairs entitled to seals
in the convention
Nominations were then commenced , 'the
maier vvns tulicn up llrst. P. P. Hcardon
presented the mime of Ud Johnston. Peter
Uiemmn followed with the iiuinu of W. G
b' '
Ijll II Doud spoke for the present nlay or ,
saving lie positively declined the nomination.
"Sloanc1 bloane'1 shouted Jim McCuno
nnd the ci.v was taken up by u hundred
vo'cos ' in the hall , llicro is no dcni ing the
fact that the present chief mairistiata was
the favorite before the start ,
Lots of time was wnstid in deciding hoyv
to ballot. 'Iheio was a fooling of satisfac
tion when it was determined to
allow each delegate to write bis
choice on u slip of paper and drop it
Into Pete Hi cnnan s bat. Delegate iircu-
tian and Delegate bherldun were the tell
ers.When they counted the votes It was found
that Slo.iuc had received 10 and Johnston 10
Ihut was a tie , and \otkv Donnelly wanted
Chairman Hulei to cast the deciding vote.
It didn't mutter with Yoiki If the ch iiuiun
did vote tw ice.
There was a lull in the proceedings , fol
lowed by a stoim. While the storm was in
Chairman Haley n.vokec the aid of the po
lice topicscive order , and Marshal Maloncy
admonished the audience that if quiet was
not kept some ono yvould languish in the city
bustilo below.
Jim Mediae and the marshal had a windy
war then. Afteiwuids they had a more
serious conflict.
Iho second billet was then taUeii for
mnior. It resulted Just us pieviouslv.
arranged. Sloaiio leceivcd 11 votes and
Johnston ' .I.
'J heu theio yvas a tempest of enthusiasm.
The audience and convention howled them
selves hearse in shouting for their favoi ite.
Nobody know whether tlio ma.yor would ac
ccpt. Ho had been nominated In spite of his
repeated assertions , oven as late ns an
hour before he was nominated , that ho
would not consent to mike' the run So a
committee of four yvas sent out to bring him
in and lot tbo convention urge the honor on
yVhllo the committee vvns out Thomas H
Maguire was nominated for city clerk ,
Thomas Huclor for city trcasuier and J. P.
King for police Judge.
About this time the exciting scene of the
convention occurred. In suite of repeated
admonitions from Marshal Maloncy , Jim Mc
Cuno continued to disturb tlio convention.
1'ho chief placed McCune under m rest but
it wasn't such nu easy muUr to take him
J hey fought it out , and with the assist
ance of Captain McMiihon and another
ofllcer MeCutic was overpowered. Then a
icccbs was taken to compira estimates of tuo
lighting qualities of Mulonoy and MoCun < \
At the same time they decided to await tlio
rettiinsof the committee ! with the no nominee
of the convention for m i } cr.
They arrived Just in time to escoit Mayor
Sloano up stabs amid a burst of cnlhusi ism
nnd met Juu McCuno going down slaus u
conquered advocate of the until nee's cause.
nxciling limes , these when ono man
is led to honor and another to ignominy
through tl.u same hallway.
Mayor Sloane made a speech declining the
nomination Hn went ovci to a corner and
returned to the plattorm again 'ihon ho
made another speech accepting iho notnina
lion. Moie ontlui i.iHm folloyyed. it was
evident that the crowd was tilislled Maier
Sloano is immensely popular with the voters
who composed the coavo'ition uudionco.
The rest of the ticket was
limit in shoit order. Pat How ley.
James Doucherly , LMvvaid Connollov ami
John O'Homko were nominated for the
council John C. Can oil , Hichaid Swift
and ' 1 liomas O'Connorvoro chosen lor the
school board nnd the convention's ticket
was roi'di for the fray
Ucfoio adjoin nine the following lesolu-
tions vvcio adopted
Whereas , .lolin.l , Invin , Klwaid Johnson
and John McMillan , members of the demo
cratic cit.y committee , iihvo bi their
infidelity and treucheiy to tlio interests and
wulfiuo of tha city democintle party of
South Omaha ;
Now. Ho It lesolvedbv the lopiosuntutivo
joily of douiocialH in convention .issmnblod ,
that Hiild inomueis be fiom said committee
cxpellod and that the convention nominated
forthwith to siippl.y the vacancies thus
It isn't so much the tlcitct , but the fun
ll.e.y had In nominating it ,
Snarly His ! nst Drunk.
Just as tlio democratic convention was
dispersing yesteidav Michael llartiiott , bet
tor known as "Micky Hundiinyan , " was
an led out of Howloy's saloon in u drunken
stupor. Ho was riothing nt the mouth and
ud all the i.ppoarmico of a man in the last
throits of death ,
H.utnott bad Juaut.uien n diink of whlskv
that beats tbo record. He has been drunk
for four dni a. He was standing nt Kowloy's
oar at about , i o't loeit and had Just finished
drinking a gl.ibs of beer. A yvbiski
boulo sat out on the bar for
another lustomer caught his eye. boi/ing
tro bottle unawares ho tilled t'io beer glus
full of the whisky- and ill auk it down at ono
gulp Ho was just going to till the glius
with whisUi ugaiii when ho full on the floor
lika u corpse.
Hnrtnett was carried Into the police station
nnd Dr. Knson WH cullod. Par an hour it
was thought thoitdrrlhlu drink of whisky
would cause bisJilpath Ho was frothing
and writhing and presented n pitiublo sight
A Btroni ; emetic was Iliuilly gotten down his
throat and the liquor was thrown oil his
At last accounts Hurtnetl was In a fair
way to out all right. It is a wonder
the drink he took failed to cause almost in
stunt death ,
Tlio Tlircii
Now that all the tickets for city ofllcars
are in the Hold the voters of South Omaha
can dceldo for themselves which Is the host
to elect for the good of the city. Although
tin co conventions have boon bold , there are
practically but two sots of mot ) to decide bo-
twccn. Last night's gathering of republi
cans was hardly n representative one. If it
were it yvould never have Indulged in the
farce of endorsing a tlcicet nominated bv the
democrats less than three hours before It
was more an exhibition of ridiculous fai-
uonullsm Ciscrcot politics
"Tho ticket wnich appeals most for republican
lican nupnort is the representative citUuus'
1 ticket , ' taiil a heavy property owner nut
night ' It not only appeals for rcptibticiu
Ruppjrt but for the vote of every '
Omihii taxpiior who has nil Interest in tlio
future wellaro and growth of the place.
The numlnoi'3 and rmiroseutut.vo men of
both parties who have business nnd property
orty Investments , the growth ami value of
which yvlll bo aided by u conduct of public
nlTalrs calculated to inspire conlldenco In the
mlniK of cistern eiipitiilliLs and nmmifuc
Hirers who nro sooklng locations in the
west. "
Anothercltircn said"I have always been
opposed to annexation , but tbo turnnffalis
lira taking in politics huvo about lonviiucd
me that It yvlll be best for the city. 1 know
that tlio people who are the most henvll.v In
terested In South Omaha are thinking no-
rlomliy of favoring annexation If the effort
noivon foot to place the city government In
responsible hands should fall. It Is good
separata covornmsnt ivlth them or take
their chances with Omahi. "
Tl.o more the character of the men nom
inated l.v the citi/ens'convention are known
the stronger the sentiment becomes In favor
of their election.
Itnthor Uii-Keinlllcin. | ) (
Pursuant to a call issued lostcrday by the
sccrctari of the South Omaha republican
club u meeting was held In Kowici's hall last
night. It was ostensibly for the purpose of
nominating n republic in city ticket but
those who wont there for that purpose were
1 giiovou.sU disappointed.
I Uofoto the mectlns was over the fifteen or
twenty icpublicans in nttendiinco had en
dorscd almost every c india ito on the dome
crntic ticket. What name they will glvo
their offspring Tuesday Is a mysteri. It
Isn't republican when It roads like this. Per
mayor , Win. G Sloano ; dork. Uhoimis K
MeGuiro , treasurer , Thomas Hector ; coun
cilman , Jonn J O'Hourku , member of the
school board , C. T. YanAkcii , Hobcrt Puns
ton and Ulchird Swift. .
K. C. Lane piesided and T. J. O'.VcIl ' was
secretary. A motion to change the name of
the club was about to ba tnaJo whan the
meeting adjourned.
City NoM4 nmt I'orson-il I.
John Faroes is buck from Chicago.
Jercmiih Dunn bus go no to Chicago
J. W Hiovvn of the Armour house has
gone to Chicago.
Miss Hallio Squicr is visiting her sister ,
Miss Doia Squicr.
Mi s Ploia Hess of Papillion is the guest
of Miss Clara Davis.
Hand ball games will bo plaied at Coun
cilman Huike's todav.
Shorin Ctintleld has returned to Ins post at
the stock yuids railroad olllco
There will bo hold a children's concert
at the Presbyterian church tonight.
The North Star Scandinavian ball at Tur
ner hull lust night was well attended.
IClmer Kikonbary , Charles Gilchilst , Lu
Hlanctmrd , Harry Carpenter nnd Frank
Supploo went to La Pintle .ycsterdai on u
u anting expedition.
Tbo first bull gumo of the season will bo
plaicd today between the Armour-Cudaby
club with Gotchett and Hynn battery and
the Sobotkers with Plynn and Hatcher In
the box.
Thomas Heddy of Chicago , boss of the
oleomurRaiiiio department in the Armotir-
C'Jdahi ' packing houses , is in the city , in
specting the local department und givn.g
some pointers on Its management
\\illlam Spellmnn died yesterday. He was
5) ) years of ago and leaves a wife nnd live
children The funeral will occur Momliy at
'I ' n. m. and will bo conducted by Ileafey , xt
Hc.ifo.v. Interment will bo at St. Marl's
HJV. Mr. Hancock will preach in the
building opposite the depot , in Albright today
ns follows Sermon at 11 o'clock a. m ; sub
Jcct , 'Tno Cheerful Givoi. " Sermon nt 7
o'clock p m. ; subject , " 1 am a Wise Mastei
Builder. " There will bo no Sunday school
There will bo services at the Methodist
church today as folloyvs- Sunday school at
it 4"t ana preaching at 11 a m , , followed by
the rite ol baptism and reception of mem-
bei s U ho IZp\v 01 tb league meets at li .50 and
pleaching at 7.iO. ! Subject , "Function ot
Law. "
Tlio most Important event nt the theaters
this week will bo tha "Faust" performance
by the Hmma Juch Grand English Opera
eompatii at Hoyd's tomorrow evening. The
event will bo of special intetcst Inasmuch as
it is the first appeurui cu in this
city of the organization to which
Mis : Juch bus lent her name.
Although this is the first seison of the Juch
( ompin.von the circuits , it has enjoyed nil
era of unexampled prospunty and artistic
success 'Iho piescnt tour , which began in
Philadelphia in Oelobcr last and has ux ;
tended to the Pacific eaist , has been ono con
tinuous series of triumphs und ovations lei
MiSB.Iuch and her singers. In every city
wheio their admirable pcifoiniauccs bnva
been given , the public have been quick to
icalUo their estimable qualities , and accord
to Miss Juch and her aitlsts the most
omnliatlc murus of approval. It is
quite sale to predict that their reception i-i
this city tomoriow evening will bo an ox
Iremely lordial one Thu east and artists
who an1 to participate in the peifornmnco
will bo as follows Faust , Clmilos Hcd-
mondt. Valentino , Giovnni lagli ipieti i ,
Mophistppheles. Pr.inzVetti ; Huindei , i\
S Guise ; Siebol , LI//IO Macnichol , Martha ,
busia Luonhart ; Maiguerite , Kiiiini Juch
Miss Juch's idculio impelsonution ol Mur-
guerito has already been made iamili ir to
the public ot this city. Nature has endowed
her with face and figure that compare la-
voiably with ouo's prccoived ideas of tnc
gentle Gorman maiden of Goethe's poem , and
her beautiful , pine , sweet , sjmpathelic voice
pxquisiteli cxprea-ics the music -vith winch
Gounod's genius lias enriched tlio character.
' 1 ho s tic of seats which has been pioiriesing
for the past two days indicates n latgo and
f.ishion ililu audience ii : attendance at the
pciformanc' ' ! ,
'lilts evening Hoit'H "A Hunch of Ivoys"
will be seen at the Gtand. This is Iloyt's
most amusing farce comedy and one ol his
llrst successes Per ic-ars this h is been a
standard comedy , always suroof being wel
comed and each year brightci nnd fioshor
The original Sparks company , the only ono
authori/ed to play this piece , is tno ono to bo
seen this evening. 'Iho company contains
James H Macklo , who lias plaied I.nines
for the hist four seasons , Miss Ada Hotliner
as 1'eddi , Mr Charles Hurko us Snagg ,
and Charles Stanlev nsGilli. The cntiro
second act. the hotel scone , is i irriod bv the
company , also the llrst act. 1 his season the
piece has boon entirely changed , now songs ,
specialties and dances buin introduced , nnd
bits of new business. It Is almost coituln
that the Grind tonight will ba crowdoit and
It is ndv isablo to secure lour scats curly and
thus avoid the crush at the door.
Tuesday anil Wednesday next the Hoyd
will bo devoted to Unit's farce comedy , "A
Hole in the Ground " 'Iho piece is u satiio
on the customs thai the author has distov-
crcd In tbo people who opeuito the mo lern
inilroads Tlio company WIIH selected by
Messis , Hoit vX. Thomas , and is fully up to
the Htundaid of any of their companies Tlio
Now York 1 lines said ( if the performance
Another jno of the "faico comedies"
WhiJi irnko good naturcd people laugh , Mr
llovl's "Holo In the Ground , " was put on ut
tho'liijou thontor. nnd tha pleasantries of
the stianger , the lunch counter gill and tbo
other freaks of Mr. Hoyt's lancy wuro
laughed at bi an audience that tilled tno
Mr. J. O. Stowatt7 who has already ic-
eoivod considerable fiimu fiom his funny
creation of "I'lio Two Johns , " will bo seen
at the Grand Friday and Mituiday , April 4
and > , with tnutmuo Saturday in tbo latest
coined v success , " 'Iho Put Men's Club , " an
absurd nnd extremely comical musical
comodv constructed to please. Mr. btownrt
is n poison vvhoio avoniiinoiH is close on to
, ! 00 Ho is a ill oil comedian whenever
smiles , llis comp mi i of unusual excellence
lenco , nnd the comcdi Sits the comp my li'co '
11 glove.
J W Minor , the populat and efllclent man-
UL-eruflhu Now Grand opera house will
take a benellt Hastur Sunday , April 0. 'Iho
clover musical comedy , "A Soap Hubble , "
has been selected for this occasion. This
play is u blight , catchy bundle of absurdities
circulated to inn Ito the masses forget dull
ciro , and in its mlsiion it Is very BUCCCSS-
lul Mr. Charles Jerome is the particular
Htm- , tinting the part of the barber. A nuin
bur ( if pretty girli und clever comedians
miilio up the router of the company Muu
oger Miner deserves n iiaiked house and it
is almost certain ho will have it Ihu nd-
V.uieo sale of be.vts Logins Saturday , April & ,
I and these who have bought tickets around
1 the city can oxclmngo them on that , dny
t Thp solohts of the "Messiah" perform
I nnce , to bo given on I'ueAtluy , urn well known
to Omaha audiences with the exception of
I Mr , Mockrldgo. This tenor , who holds the
I llrst position In the country nt a cancel t
' siiigor , has njipcarcd twice In Oinaba , but
uimii the ocond occasion to such u ininll
I nudlcncc and he himself was BO 111 from con
I tlntioils traveling und n sovuro cold that it
tuny bo truthfully said he was heard only
once. Next Tuesday night's rendition of the
"Messiah" nt tbo First Congregational
chutch will glvu nil a ctiinii o to hear him
under fiivcrublu conditions. Ml s Hay loss ,
thn soprano , is n native of Salt Like , n real
wcstein flower , with all the good qualities
pcculiir to western pioduclions. She has a
volco of rcmarkablo strength and Him
quality , and by hard Miulv and good
Instruction Is rapidly becoming an artist.
Miss PenneH Is n New l ngl uid girl
possceslng a rara musical disposition nnd n
strong and expressive contialtn voice , riho
Is tin artist capable ot tendering oratorio
music , as well as almost every other kind ,
in n truly artistic manner. Mr. Young Is a
natlva born American but lived so long tn
London that ho might rcadll.y ba mistaken
for a Hritishor. Ho knows the oratorios ns
only English trained sini'cis can know them.
Mr. Tabor Is another New Knglaiid gonlUH
whose wonderful organ plaints is a constant
delight to those who have a , chance of hear
ing him. Mine , Young is the only foicigner
in tiio combination , being u native Italian ,
which of course is u ijnon.yni for music
Among tno chorus there nro some church
singers quite us well known and as gifted as
these above named To pie > n this we have
only to mention the names of Mrs. Usta-
brook , Mrs. Mocllcr. Mr * . At water , Mr.
Wlicrry. Mr Hulnes. Mr. Abbott and others
Who can doubt thu aitlstlc success of the
"Messiah" '
Ono of the most instinctive of cntctlaiii-
inonts will be given at the Helen Musco this
week. It is known as Jan in In America and
represents the Japanese village ol bun Han
'ibis exhibition illtiHtiatcs- the arts and In
dustries of the Japanese ompiiu The nt
traction comes direct from Yeddo , Jupan.
The exhibition ropicsents a strict in Japan ,
vvhero at w'orlc are tlionitives of that re-
niarkublo countii. Hiniooo workoro , wood
curvei" , punters , ivory carvers , cloisonne
and lacquer woikers , jewelers , carpenters ,
blacksmiths , musicians and nil icpicseitn
lives of trades , arts and mechanics arc lep
resented at work Japanese women mid
children and Japineso pocullnritios nnd won
ders arc ail shown with icmarKiiblo accu
racy Tlio atti action yvlll nrovo the best
over given nt the popular family resort.
'Ihu Italian G.vpsy oichesti.i will lend Its
valuable aid to thu splendid Usof attrac
tions. ! twonti selected artists will hold
forth In the thcntoiium.
on Irlnl.
Judge Ilclsloy took up the hearing of the
men charged with keeping gambling estab
lishments yesterday uftcrnoon. These arc
the paities whoso places were denuded of
such great quantities of gambling fixtures
some ten days ago.
flhe ciso of Sum-Hoboits ns the keeper in
rooms Nos Hand2bof the St. Clnlr Eu
ropean hotel , southeast corner of 1 liirtecntb
and Dodge streets , was the llr t considered.
The information charges him with keeping
gambling dev ices in Douglas countv , while the
search warrant pirtlculari/ed simply ttio
looms Just described. It seems that most
of the gambling fuinituro , etc , was found in
room No IH , which adjoi'is No II and is
connected l > i a door wnich nt the time of the
raid wai standing soveial inches uj ir.
When Ciptain Mostyn , whoheided thPi.iid.
yvas put on the stand and wns asked by
County Attorney Mahonoi to tell what he
fc-unu in loom No. W , counsel for defense
Intei posed a length. , objection on the giound
that as loom No. 1. ) was not specified in
the search warrant tlio contents could not
bo considered in tno case , much less used as
evidence nguinst the defendant Mr. Ma-
honoi's answer was busk and pl'hj. IIo
"Iho defendant is not ih.uged with keep
ing gampling devices in any particular
loom , but with keening them
in Douglas county Would .you
assume to H iy that if an ottb or had a search
wan mi l to look for a murderer in one par
t leu Ir.r room and was to llnd him in another
next < ! ooi or in ani othei room , tint tnu law
tvould not Justify his taking hlmi It is the
sopiting to carry Just such self constructions
of statutes which now and then or fru
quently , I may sajresult in men
who are guilty of dime escaping
punishment under the statutes thus
misconstrued by defending counsel "
Judge Hel loy ruled in favor of Mr. Ma-
honei. Captain Mostyn then < vanton and
described what ho h id found and produced
the gambling dev ices that he had captured
bo much time hud been consumed
in the citation of authorities by
the counsel for defense tli it an ad
Journment was necess.ity. Tlio case will
bo resumed atI o'clock Monday afternoon
Frost , Cicisor , and Conwuy , who
weiectuugeil vlib playing in Hoberts' place ,
were discharged , Iho evidence against them
being doomed insnillciont to convict Iho
man biimpson , charged with keeping a plate
on Douglas street , also di chaigod , Mr.
Mnhonei iliuling it impossible fur him tn
piosccutc , owing to his time buing EO full }
taken up with other mnic impoituit cases.
lliost ) Coil : HUN.
"There seen s to bo a misundoistanding
nbjut this whole business , snid CommiH-
sioner Herlln .yestcida } m lefciiing to the
nowspiper comments on the investigation of
Mount & Griffin's coil bills by the county
"Micro wore two distinct cases lor
investigation , " continued Mr. Hoilm ,
"and ono ol them is yet to bo investi
gated. I injholf called for nn mvcstlgUion
of the Januaiv coal bill befoio itwaspild.
' 1 ho December bill h id already be-on oidored
to nu investigation , and the Iwo
lulls could not bo handled together
I did not oppose the investigut'on of the
December bill , I only opposed the taking ol
tlio iciordn from thu CIIS < D Iy of the county
clerk , who gives bonds foi their safe keen
ing If the ciimmlssioneis want the locords
let them have coitilled copies mule.
I am in favor of investigating
all bills but pioposo to have
it done in u pioper manner. It will bo time
enough wlien the Dei c-muc-i bill Is called up
to see whuliei I am opposed to an investUu
lion or not 'I hero is no occasion for all
nf this i neap outside t ilk about combines
I am In the boaid and prnpnio to work for
what 1 consider the count } s best interests "
'I hi ! nieiohiinls' Oirimnl.
The Merchant- ) ' carnival , with all its beau
tiful and unique fcutine-i , was piuducod at
Exposition ball ugiln last ov nlnB' A laiirii
number of duligbti d speetalois witnessed
the splendid dulls mm olhin ixomses , iho
uttomlnmo bcini' bcttei thin it was the preceding -
ceding ovenm. ? 'I he pi act im mo yvas tlio
nauiu us befoio , with tbo oxci ptlon of
tlio dilll by thn Onmtu CuanlH 'Iho
uvolulions of this llnvlj ilnUed company
of loung inilitiiimen weio almost faultless ,
and elklted frcqupnt biiMts of uppliiiiso.
'I lie trreul event of the ovcning wan thu
drill bv the fairies , queeim and nymphs
lepresi'iitiil } . ' the gieal pntei prison ot tlio
city Ihu he.tiil } ol faio and gown , thu
glitter of trappinps. and the grace ot tha
fair Indies themselves made a splendid and
plcturcsiiuu flpeetaolo thu' inui would scuuo
expect to see outside of fairyland.
Itnnl Itil ill ! I'
A letter from an eastern linn employing
il'lO men asking for advantages of location
in Omnhnviis read nt the Hoi ! Hstuto ox-
cbanL'o ineotlng icstcnl } ' 1 ho listing was
ns follows
Paddock Place , lot J , blk. 1 , 10 room house ,
Park Place , lot 0 , blk I ) , " > loom house ,
* 1 J.I5UO.
Orchard Hill , lot 11. blk I , * I'W.
PaddooK Pluco , lot 1. blk. I , * 1.000.
Ludwlck Place , lot d. ? V)00 )
Hugudoin'B , lot 10. blk. 1W > .
Sulcs were ruported us follows ;
Hy the Potter ( ioorgo Comp ID } Parcel of
land In sec. 0 , 15 , 1. ) , for f 1.00) ) , and lot 31 ,
blk 2 , StevaiiH Plnco , for 81. 1.10.
Hy Heneon X Curmichiel Lot 'M , blk. II ,
Hrlggs Pluco , for * l , 00 , and lot 17 , bin. C ,
Hriggft Plac. ) . for f 1 , )0 )
Uy Crary , V Crari Lots U and ! 1 , blk. 1U ,
Hik'hluna Pluco , foryiWO.
| > K. O Convention
The members of the Omaha thuptor P li ,
O , huvo bcou vcr } bus } of late making
arrangements for the convention winch will
occur on April ' 4 , rho ilt.v will be thronged
with delegates from all parts of the state.
Although it li iiAtataorguni/itUm , tin presi
dent and vice president of Iho gran 1 chap
ter will bo present , and Iho Council III > < !
nnd Platt mouth chaptois will bo here in u
body , therefore , when you observe an un
usual number of golden sluis with m.ystu'
characters embli oiicd tlipreon , ai'comranied
by clouds of white nnd lollow ribbon iiittniR
hPio mid there llko metenrs across a summer
SK.V. .you may knoyv the P. i : . O. sisters nro
hero In all their loyolincss.
A Clillilieii' , ! Party.
Last Tuesday evening n charming th d-
ren's party was glviin by the twins , Lou mo
and Arthur , daughter mid son of Mr and
Mrs Henry S. Jaine * , at their cosy inni.o ,
ItUl nmmett avenue. The Inv Italians issucl
wore'In clover rhiun , and mnn.y of iho ;
responses eamo in vorso. 'Iho ilnlilicii
spent n very happy evening nnd dan. ed to
their hearts' content After a dalut , supper
aunelng was resumed and the happy children
loll hem ty congratulations behind them for
the twins.
Aimu a i \ .
This afternoon the remains of Diniel
Sullivan , the live } car-old son of the I ito
John Sullivan , who died about three weiln
nso , wilt bo burled In Holy Sej ti'ilirc ' ( erne-
lory , 'the little boy was the giumlsmnf
Daniel Sullivan , DUO of the oldest eiti"iis of
Oinabi , who died suvcrnl .years ngo Tlio
funeral will t-ikn pi ice fro-n the tusidi lit u
of the child's mother , UK ) Avenue C , Co in
ell HliiuiTs , ai20 ! n m.
Attorney i : P. Wcatlioiby , who was i m-
grcssnmn Dorsey'H old opponent on tl.o
democratic ticuot , Is at the Paxton
"Yes " continued thu gentleman nftei n
little desiillor } conveisalioii on c uncut
topics , ' it looks like Governoi Huhirdsup
in our pirt of ihosiitc. Iho ropub'uans '
scorn disinclined to give llnver u third
term Hiehuids will ctitainl } be in the
race , und will just as leitamly rcc-ive thn
support of Urn Thud dlslricl bi uuenua
majority , providini ; lie can ovctconni Dor
se's influence Dor > o } H strong \ < < uin )
ho possesses the MtuhY as ihc } put it on HID
slreet. IIo has lots of liicmis ami lots of
enemies too , for that matter I urn
of the opinion that lie wnl again
be thu nominee' , although n stiong
pressure will bo brought against him lie
Is a ma' : of considerable political nciinen
and will make every cfTort to have the co i
gressional convention cillod buforo ilie st.Uo
convention. Everything duly consuli re 1 , it
Is quite gonoiallv thought that Hiehuids hai
a splendid show of being Nobiaska's next
governor if we , democrats und aiitl-piohibi-
tlonlsls , do not combine iind KnocK him out.
If Dorsoy is defeated for the congressional
nomination , Hichards will surel } bend the
republican state ticket. Ho is tied up with
Judge Klnkaid of the Twelfth judicul dis
tnct , w lie is an industi tons cindidate against
Dorsoy for congress ICinkaid is already
mnkinf. ' n stiong efToit He is a pop i
Inr politician and u pleasing , agiceabo gen
tleman. IIo has been judge of the I'vyelftli
dlslricl for two icirs.and lias boon veiy
"Iho nlli.inco In northern Nebrisli i will
undoubtedly control Ibo politicil mil .oiici ,
and todui it is Congressman Doisiv s chief
aim to suture their suopiut , but it is puten&.v
to all that Judge ICmk'iid b is scjred sever il
point j ou him in this drcctio'i A'lunco '
men almost to a m in up theiti dec nro tint
Van WcK will bj their candid ite lei r > \
ernor This 1 learn from uumeiO'.H tiuiu-
hers fiom all parts of our distiiit
"I'lulubition will be quite an element in the
Third disti let , and it is the feu of the anti-
people that prohibition will cur.y lie
farmers' alhame seams Inclined to fall in
with the aqua uura bo-Hi as strongly as they
are bent against r.iilro ul legislation Iheiu
is hardlv any doubt but wliit Hu
lirolnoitionists will nominate n Ntuto
ticket It yvould bo haul to KUetH
who tbov will sclei-t to grace its but the woods mo full of timber of all
stripes , colors and toxtuic'
"Our city election next Tuea lay is c'i ii ) (
to bo very exciting The- conflict is to lia
betwcon two factions , without pU tus.
There will bo a peop'e's ' and a cm sns'
ticket tbo former hcidcd b } the picsent
mivoi , Herman Gerteko , and the laltor by
C. P Uisloy , formorlv a moiiibi r cf the
legislature fiom Madison countv. Tno ILrht
Is boiiift' m id u by the citv banks , who w int
to control th < 3 miiulcipil hnanceM. firth
tlclcuts are good onus and it is the toss un of
, i penny which comes out of the fray vie-
toiious. "
A KnlHO IJi-iiort Alloiiiiu tli" K 'call
Nrw Yoiiu , March Hit Mall advices from
Hlo Janeiro toll of turmoil in FoUruary
caused b.homo . ono Bending out a
telegram that Fonsoea was impiisoncil
and the emperor rccillol. \ \ hen thiH
was in ulo public the people i si ( m-
bled In lingo number- ' and cried :
"Long live Ibo monarchy ' A nu'iibor of
public olllcai s weio on tlic point of ill i-lai > ng
allegiance to the inoiiiiiehy when ncwa
i cached thorn tint the/ hud boon hoaxed.
'J ho author of the ho ix has not yet necn
found It is proposed to open a HIIIJSI upturn
foi lom Peiiio , who n reported lo In In
want , and it Is understool tliu govuinment
will advance him on i ccount of his piopei Iy
SQ'i.OOJ at once and ? , . " ( ( jior month.
' 1 lie contract foi a cabin hutvvrc n Hru/il
and tlio United ! Stale- , was aw in ded lo two
Ficncti companies
Mnolylour iioilins Kecov ercil.
LOLHVII 1 1 : , Maub 20 Up to midnight
ulndi-four bodies luivo been tecivoied and
it Is supposed that five or six moro may bo
found In out of thu way places. Of tliom
injured to a untie iblcuxtint a close I'jlimaiit
tonight IsJUJI. Of tins number nl IcuHtjlwuiity-
live1 mo in a vur } critical condition.
Nalloiiiil Driiioor.-itlc !
WASIIIMIIDK , March 2' ) A full imictlilft
of the execiitivo committee of the National
Association of Domocialic dubs was held
today Hepresentalivo yVllson o ! \\est
Vngini i was eh cted cliaiunan of Die ( xccu-
tivo committee und Luiviencu ( ' . .miner of
WaHliington secietary of thu national IISHU-
elation. _
WiiHliintrtnn tl , Kniiliiistcr , " > .
W\siiiN'iiiox , Match 8 ! ) iSpteml 1 elo
giain to Tin. Hi i : | Score
\\ashinirton. .1 0 ! 1 0 0 I I ( I 0 l )
Hoehester. . . . 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 U - ' ,
Hatterlcs Nicholas and Malnrio } , Weilu
and Maguiro. Umpi-o Phil lialirr.
Toyvinu tlni .1 } ol'PnriH.
L IMION , March 20 It Is icpoited tlut
tha Aldergato and tlio City of Clu ster nro
lowing tint City of Paris 'I ho wind is favor
able and the eea moderate At I a. in the
City of Pans bad not ariivcd in ( JueoiiH-
Minnoapiilf < Conpnrs O.K.
MISXI yi' , March 3'J No.uly all the
coopers in the city stiuck today. 1'nlens thu
matter Is settle 1 early next week the flour
mills will liavo to decre iso jiroduction on aa- *
count of a shortage of bnrrols ,
rnllictr lidIP Aiiilltiil | ,
HAI.I'.IIIM , N C , March 2''I ' he M > CI Ml
trial of Father Hoylo , a Catholic priest ,
charuod with rape and who was bufoio < on >
victcd , ended tonight in his iicqulltal I uther
Hoylo was ul once discharged ,
h hci rin nn'n I < vn in I nut ion.
'I ho preliminary examination of Sherman ,
the inuidor suspei t Nu , ! ) , will bo tiulit
Thursday morning at U o'cloc-K , ucforo
Squire Morrison
A Tow n Mildly Srnrulinl.
HAI riMoiiB , Md , March 20 A Sun
special says the town of Mitchell H Station ,
near Culpoppcr , Vu. , wt * oUauit tolull/
burned lenterday.