Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1890, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Dress "Goods ( EASTER Fancy French Flannels. SPECIAL ' SALE OF MEN'S
Novel and stilish designs. Rich Ton- Ladies' Hosiery
ills Flannel , very largo assortment , ,
Silks and Bargains during Easter week , ( too. Handsome -OF
line of stripes for tennis purposes. Underwear
During this week wo offer all wool 10 White "Wash Goods ,
Wash Fabrics. inch French Twills in checks , stripes , DEPARTMENT. GLOVES , ETC.
. plaids and Hide bands , nil new shades. Offerings
Rugulur price Ooc Wo have in this department all iea- Ladles' guaranteed Fust lilnclt Hose , AND
Ooc45c. sonablo fabrics. Ol'K PRICES ARE "Hcrmsdorf Live , " for ' 'So , regular price , Wo hnvu just received
The choicest styles in the market , our INDIA LINENS. SPECIAL. .
SERGE SERGE Silk Tecks and
own Importiitloti. Also complete us- - I'LAID .TACCONETS. CO deceit of Lmilcs' Fancy UPSP , "Fast
Wo have just received another largo 1.5-INCII . . .
- HL.M.vrUVHr.D
fsortinonl ol llio latest shades In plain Hlnck Hoot" mid Fancy
fabric -1 All shades in season , U3-in , 42-in and assortment of Draping Netami Lace Four-in-hand Ties
, - inchuH wide , $1. f.0c , regular paioe , ? 5c.
10-inch , Special value during this week in Plouncings. comprising tha lute-it and India
CHINA SILK , CHINA SILK. Chock Nainsook , former price lOc , 1 caau of Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests , In very choicest no"oltioH. uliirhill bo Lawn. All now choice styles , nt .r > 0c , worth 11.
Lnrsro line of seasonable shades , 21 55c , 75c and 85c. 5c. 20e. white and bnlbrlggati , for lot1 , well worth placed on special sale Monday morning. Wonderful bargains in Men's
inches wtdo , worth 8 > c ; during the ' 10c ; worth OOc.
25 dozen Laities' Pure
of Silk Vests , In
Veok our ] > rico will bo GJO. HENRIETTA Novelties in Figured Draping Swiss white and Jlcsh , for 7Be , regular fl.05 ciiml- 12-INCH HLACK ALL SILK Real Kid and
Muslin , 40 inches \\ido. '
Special inducement- ) during Caster INDIAN DIMITY. KID GLOVES. "LaTosca" Flouncings Embroidered Dog 'Skin Gloves
week , linndsomo in design and color- Extra line grade , silk linish , all the F.\qusite designs , something quite For driving and -tu ol wear
new shades uortli SI.2310 ! wide FIGURED Coinploto line of our celobrniod "Adolo"
, -10 inches ( Handkerchiefs.
- , - )
iiifs , C9c. . . . . .
new. at $1.10 , $2 , $2.25 , 1 , SI..JO , up to
LKVANTINE SILK. $1.00. Rich designs and effects , large line. ft.15 Gloves , In all ttio now ' spring shades. SU.oO a yard. At $1.40 ,
Complete line oT Ladles' ; Hook Gloves , In
' Hemstitched border drawn
* ,
For splendour of dofitfii , of beauty , of v.o"th L'-JC , black , tans , brown , gray and modes , for iS-INCII ALL SILK corded lines , \u. , 12Jc ; worth 20c. work , Heal \alue IB.
tp.\turo this fubric cannot bo equalled , BRILLIANTINE ISc. $ 1.50. worth il 75. Men's White
there arc no fac-iimlc3 in the city % 1. Ladles' S-Hutton Glaci Mousquotairo , la DRAPING NETS. LADIES'
FANCY WASH SUHAII SILK. Complete assortment of the now GINGHAMS. black nnd modes , tor $1,75 , worth SJ. Unlaundried
Ladles' S Button feuedo Mousinict.ttrc , In Embroidered Shirts
Coinploto assortment of the latest affects shades. Regular price 75c10 inches GINGHAMS. all the shades In La Tosca , Kussian. Figured and
newest for W worth
fects and shadin 'H. tt ide. , 5..2.j , , Dotted " uhVftat * 1 , SI.3 " , $1.15 , $1.76 , Handkerchiefs. Made cf superior muslin and linen
GHHNADINK , GRKNADINK. French I3ordcrcd Gingham inches Laities' S-Hutton bobom , perfect lit and linish
- Mousquetuiro
\\ide , are the best values , quality
Wo have some of the llnest product Gloves , In ull the now fanc\ shades , special considered , that wo have oor had the Hemstitched and scolloped border * , At 50c.
lions from the European markets. BRILLIANTINE importation for Eastei ween , at | 2 2"i. pleasure of showing. hand urawn work , blocked , Vnuti.v Uo
DHHSS GOODS. DRESS . point , etc. , ; tc ( ) ; worth lot1. Worth $1.00.
rf- \Vo are t'raUllud , at the remarkable Elegant fancy effects , rich broche GINGHAMS , SHOE DEPARTMENT 1,000 YARDS choice Lndics' dcslgiiH Kmbroidcred , jutt ojicned Ilandk'eri'hiefs , OOc , .5c , } I , , Men's White
HUCCOSS wo arc having with our French weaves , all shades and grades. GINGHAMS. Special low prices tins week In Ladles' , Fine Novelty Laces. $1.2.5 , $1.50 each.
Ifobos. The most fastidious etui be sui Misses' und CliilUreirs Pine Kid Shoes and Unlaundred
ted from ourexteiifeivo stock. BEIGE SUITINGS Novelties in Satin Zephyrs. Oxford Tics. 2j to " > inches wide comprising Van CHATALAINE BAGS. Shirts
' Beautiful Plain Colors , Ladies' Vine dyke , ( iuipuro , DcG-ene. Antique , Vals. ,
UOUKS , KOUES.ROMES. Dongoln Kid Oxford Tics , Made of New York mills muslin , all
In all tiic latest Mylcs and effects of Fine all wool 10-in wide worth -jjc nt 4 < 5c. Ricn Effects in Checks. hand turned , for ? 1.35 , peed value at $3. Chantilly , &c. , iVcc. . worth from Hoe to u and undressed kid. with linen bosom , perfect Tit and linish
colorings 10.60 , $10 , Sit..75 , $ M , $15. "HO , 'Fancy stripes , with borders , worth 7oc" Novel Plaids. Ladles' ) ' 'lno Patent Leather Oxford Tics GOc. for collars These and arc culls. particularly In lot suitanle 2oc handsome oxvdi/ed " inouutin s , new
JH7./JO / , cU : . , etc. at ! ) jo. with Oo/c Calf Tops , worth $11 ; our price $ J. a yard. one at styles , UOc , 70c" , $1 , $2 , $ ; ! , ji.2o. : 75c.
ENGLISH AND FRENCH STYLES Grays , drabs and now shndnigs , worth GINGHAMS. Ladies' Hussott Oxford Tics , hand turned , Worth 31.0) ) .
In closh fabrics Too at ( ic. ( ) nt $1.2. , $1.75 and the best makes at f3. 15-INCH FINK FOLDING
, checks , GINGHAMS. Ladies' best quality French Dongolu Kid ,
tweed stripes , bouretto foulo btripos , Fine twills , neutral affects , worth SI at hand-made , all styles , in Oxford Tics , at $3 ; Fine Swiss Skirtings JAPANESE FANS. Men's Nightshirt
ombre stripes , etc. 85c. The latest novelties of the fecison , and others get $4. ,
SHEPHERD CHECKS. Rich two tone otTects , worth $1.2o at $1.10 all new bhadings. Ladies' extra fine Patent Leather Oo/o In plain and trimmed , made of g < > id
Choice novelties , real Latest novelties , just opened. muslin and extra length , reduced to
Hlncic. brown , grcnn , blue , gobelin , Call Tops , hnnri-madc , Oxford Ties , for
MOURNING DEPT. SATEEN. SATEEN. work in Grecian desiirns. hand , liom-
small fancy broken plaids in all color jy.GQ ; always sold at 4.50. btitched block work. Vindvko point , Fine Imported Fans. 50c.
ings. 4li inches wide regular price $1 ; We are dKnlaying in this department French Novelty Sateens , confined Slippers Ladies' , good line value Dongolu at 31 , Opera CO our and price. o-polnt $1. tucked effects , etc. , $1.25 , il. " > 0 , * 1.7o , Worth $1.00.
During F.ubtor week 8c. . all the new introductions of the season. styles. Superb colorings in plain and Ladies' best French Kid Hand ; sewed Hutton - S2 , $2.50 , M.60. In Iluiid-p'iiutcd. ( iau/.e , Quill and
CHALLIE , CHALLIE. Fancy weaves. French twill" , cords , fancy fabrics. , C Ostrich Feathers elegant and no\el de Wo oiler . " 00 do/en
! and
ton Shoos at ? , regular price , J5 ; .
4.5-INCH IILMSriTCHEO SWISS signs. at JOc , 7-C , $1.15 , $1.7-5 , $2 , * 2.2o
Novel designs and exquisite shading serges , cashmeres , all wool Henrietta , SPECJAL DURING THIS WEEK , biokcn lot. $2.7.5 , $ ; : . ; Boy's Shirt Waists
French importations , lee , Mound OOc. camels hair , oto. Ladies' line Pcbblo' Goat Button Shoes , Embroidered Skirtings
CIIALLIE , CHALLIE. FRENCH SATEEN , h.uln welt , for $2.75 ; ehnapatfl. \TKST NOVF.LTIU = i IN In fancy percale and llannel , ah i cw
Rich styles , choice colorings , largo Special value in Silk Plain and Fancy Sateens , Great assortment of Misses. ' and Chil In Vandvkc , pcrpenuicular lines , band DRESS TRIMMINGS. and clogant styles
assortment , -de and U5c. dren's SSioes und Oxford Tics of all kinds. clUct\e.nt .50c , 7 < R * , 81. $1.2o , il.-)0 ; . At 50c 70c and
Warp Henrietta. Call and see our goods and prices. worth almost double the price. IH'f'IvLHS AND SLIDES. , $1.
Walking Jackets , Wraps , Newmarkets , Embroidered Ficliues , in all the latest designs of the season at our usual popular prices.
KELLEY , STIG-ER & OO.Cor1Dodge and 15th Sts.
The Socrotnry Kxplalns a Popular
The lOvcuiitivo Didn't Tliinlc It Nee-
< -SHnry to Itoport to lite I.oup
City .1MiiilnU'r--Ciililliii of
tlie Caplinl
Corn IJntes l > \i > lniiicil.
LINCOLN' . Neb. , March 29. f Special to
Tin : Hus.J Explaining the misundorstnnd-
IIIL' regarding tno freight rates on corn
shipped from Nebraska to Chicago , Secre
tary liilchrist of the Btato uoard of trans
portation says :
There seems nt this tlmo to bo a great
deal of misunderstanding as to the status of
freight rates on corn from Nebraska to Chicago
cage und how they uro imido up , and also
what rates are charged from stations in this
stale to stations in the state , nnd how they
compare with through rates ,
"iho rnto fiom the Missouri river to C'h-
cugo on corn is 'M cents per 100 pounds , und
the rnto from thu most extreme western
point In Nebraska to Clnciigo is only f > cents
higher. Then1 are those who understand
that our through rate on corn to Chicago is
nuulo up by adding tlio local rnto from the
Lv. point of shipment in Nebraska to the Alls-
r Bouri river rnto , thu locnl ratu from the
Missouri river to the Mississippi river and
the rntu from the Mississippi river to Chi-
ciigo. This is a mistake. 1 will tuku ns nn
ill istrntion n point In Nubraslcn 100 miles
west from the .Missouri river.
'I hu Nebraska Hc > * cdulo rate for 100 miles
B 11 cents per hundred wuight ; across the
. .tuto of lown. 1- - - . " > cents per Hundred
weight ; from the Mississippi river to Chicago
cage , I ) 111-100 cents per hundred weight ; the
Mini of t'io ' three locals is 'M 71-100 cents pur
hundred \\oight ; while the rate now charged
from a point 100 miles west of the Missouri
river is U1H cents per 100 pounds , being
11 31MCO cents per 100 pounds less than the
bum of the locals In thu three states named.
"From the foregoing it is made plain that
thu through rate Is oalj OT 8-10 per cent of
the sum of thu locals. ' 1 ho sum of the locals
across low a and Illinois u 21 71-100. The
through ratu from points\\estof the Missouri
river to Chicago is lil'j cents , taking the
through rate to Chicago'Jl UHI of u c' > * at per
100 pounds less than the two locals from the
Missouri river to Chiengo. So If the locnl
rate on corn In Nebraska should bo entirely
wiped out from u point 100 miles u us t from
the Missouri nvur tbo through ruto on corn
r to Chicago would still bo the name.
"From this showing the reduction of local
rates in NobrusUa would not nlTeet the
present rate on corn slnmed from this stuto
to eastern murkois. Tliu following shows
the local rates on corn from stations In No-
brusku to stations In this stutu : For US miles
haul 5 coats pur hundred pounds ; for 50
miles haul , 0- cents per hundred pounds ;
for 75 miles haul , 0 cunts pur hundred
pounds ; fur 100 miles haul , IU cunts per
hundred pounds ; for ao miles haul , 10 cents
per hundred pounds , for ; IOJ mile * haul , IS
cents per hundred pounds ; for 110 miles
liuul0 cunts per hundred pounds. To miiko
U still plainer , to limit a ton of corn 85 miles
costs $1 , tx ) miles , ; t H'j ; 75 miles , $1 M ) ; 100
miles , * J.iO.00 ( miles , fJO ) ; iiOO mile' ) ,
"Tlio rate pur ton per mlle on corn for a
liaul of 100 miles Is 21) cents ; ' . ' 00 milrs , ID
cents , HOO miles , I'J cents ; 400 miles , 10 cenls.
A car load of corn , weighing -10,000 | > ounds ,
shipped from a point 100 miles west of the
Missouri river to CUcuuo nt the pretent
local rates of the three states through which
it would p.iia , namely , lJ ! 71 tuu cunts tier
hundred pounds , will cost , Hy the
present through rate the cost oa the srnu
car from the samu point to Chlcugu is & 0 ,
mukiiig a dltTereacu between tlio sum of thu
thrcu local rates uud the prcscut through
ratoof $5 W. "
"I see , govoruor , thut ilcv. T. H Dry of
I.oup City takes you to talk la an open letter
jjubllma m TUK UEK icitcrdiiy , for
that there was very hltlo if any real destitu
tion in the northwest part of the stato. Huvo
joti unvthinB to say m reply i"
"U is not my practice to notice misstate-
incuts or misreprcsontntions , but the lettrr
of Kov. Thomas II. Dry of LOUD Oily
relatini ; to d sticss in Cheyenne county
needs a little attention from mo.
"This Mr , Dry did address tno a letter
some time lust full stilting that there wus
actual destitution and sutTorniL' in that
county. 1 replied to him saving that if 11 ic-
port showing tno extent of the destitution
and suflermg properly authenticated wus
made , and if tlio commissioners of that
county would it und appoint u
reliable person over their seal of oilier ,
I would then give such person or persons my
cndoisement , i.nd uould make an appeal
to the public in behalf of those dcstituto
neoplo 1 noyur heard of him afterwards
mill ! I arrived ut Kimb.ill and received from
him a telegram dated at Loup Citj udvismg
mo to visit the vicinity of the Methodist
church about nine miles from Potter. It
did not suit this gentleman to adopt the
plan I proposed ami hnvu the appeal coino
from the properly constituted authority of
Choycnno count ) ; ho and others must make
their own appeal and receive thu donations
In their own way.
I spent nearly a day at Potter , nnd there
mot reliable irenllomun , right irom thu lo
cality whicti Mr. Dry dusirud mo to vlsn ,
who stuted thcru hull been no case of destui
tion to their knowledge in that vicinity , and
furthermore tout thu county was abund
antly ab'o ' to supply iho wants of all who
wcro m need. Others stated that they had
known of a few families in that section who
wcro m need of provisions , shoes and
elothinf during the last winter. In re-
3t > oiiso to my question , If they had made
knoun their wants to the county commis
sioners , 1 was informed thut they had not ,
and In reply to my question 'Why noti' the
answer was , They ivuro too proud to go to
the couimissionurs for hulp. ' And vet thuy
ueiu not too proud to semi agunts in iho
custci n part of tno stulo to beg for them.
"I became convi need wlulo at Potter that
quito a number of settlers who hud been
hailed out last season do need corn and seed
wticut , ami have not thu monov with which
to tiny it. I did not mention this fact as to
seed In my published statement , but I did
trtlto measures to rnuo $530 among tlio
charitably disposed business men of Omaha
fur the purchusu of seed wheat and corn to
bo sent to Potter , ami to ba distributed frco
of charge to these who were m need of It. I
did not tlilnli it necessary to report my
uffurts , ( to relieve the people In this respoet ) ,
to Hov. ihomas 11. Dry at Loup City. I did
not intend to refer to what I had done In
order to scciiro seed wheat and corn for
these part'es ' , but tins Hov. Thomas H. Dry
lius urawn it out. I did not need his instruc
tions as to whcro I should go or what I
should do in m.\ Into visit.
' I will ngaln state that from the very best
Information that I could ootaln by a personal
visit , und by personal inquiries of every
class of pioplo including farmers und home
steaders , in no Judgment there is no occa
sion for any appeal for hell ) outside of these
lespcctlvo counties to relieve cufforin ?
'Ihuy lire abundantly ablu to tnku carcof ,
their peoplu in this respuet , but that quito n
number weru in need of seed coru and wheat
is truu. "
J A. Anderson , sbonff of Kichnrdsun
ouuty , tiled his report with the auditor of
stuto this morning , showing thut ho had com
mitted Albert Ciret/ingur to tlio penitentiary
to servo a term of four years for homo
The case of Andrew Haas vs Julius Koths-
snild , mi appejl from thu district court of
Douglas county , was tiled for trial today m
the supreme court.
KespondiiiL' to a call , Governor Tlmyor
wont to Hlwood , CJpspor counts' today to
address a meeting of the Farmers' allianeo
at that phu-o. Jlo returns homo tomorrow
und will bu ut his desk again Monday morn
Reports from tlio stntn banks for tbo lust
quart jr , with few oxcoptlonr , are all m , and
the stuto bunking department says they
show n decided improvement over the re
port of four months ago. Delinquents , however
over , uro reminded that they must respond
very soon or feel thu effects of procrastina
LOCAL AND TllllOUai ! 1UT89.
Tbo following letter and uecoinpaiumg
rcioiutioui , paaiod by tto board of traJu la
this cit\ ' , were received by the state board
of transportation this morning :
LINCOI.V , Neb. , March "J" . To thu Honor
able Uourd of Transportation of the State of
Nobrnska ticntleniun : Herewith Hud pro-
umblo nnd resolutions signed by our board
of directors , I am requested by the board
to forward tlio sumo to your honorublo body.
I have the honor to bo , yours very
truly , etc. U. II. OHLKV. .
Presidontof the Hoaid ot Trade.
Whereas , The ciiv of Lincoln ,
through her commercial interests nnd
in behalf of her general welfare is In
terested m the growth and development of
the stnto of Nebraska , and it Is recognized
that the building of now railroads nnd the
prosperity of the railway interests within
tin * state is essential , aim ,
Whcro as , The local shipment within the
state comprises 10 per vent of thu tonnage
while the inter-stato shipment coinpiisos
'JO ' per cent of the tonnage , und in this
proportion the reduction of inter-state
is desirable , and.
Whereas , ' 1 he rate on corn from western
Iowa and eastern Nebraska is the same , -0
cents per 100 pounds , and the maximum rate
on corn to Chicago from the western points
in Ncbrask i is ' - ' , " > cents pur 100 pounds , or
six nulls per ton per mdo us against 1 cunt
per ton per milu from points in western
Iowa , and
Whereas , It is evident that tha rallroids
are giving reasonable rates oa grain in Ne
braska to uur eastern market , therefore bo it
llosolved , Thut the board of transporta
tion of the state of Nebraska In its endeavor
to aid the producer and tno commercial und
shipping iatcrous of the state should seek
to ruOuco the interstate rnto rather than tbo
local rate ; and bo it further
Kesolved , 'lhat no action bo taken lower
ing the local rates that wilt hnvu n tendency
to slop railroad extension within tlio state.
CONDITION or Till : ( UMTOI. .
The fact ns stated by Tun UIE yesterday
moi ningttmt 1 hursiluy's storm blowinona of
the largo windows of the cast wing of the
mate house , causing several ugly cracks nnd
lUsurus m the stuto superintendent's room ,
resurrected ttiu talk of a year ago to the el-
led that that wing was m u bad If not dan
gerous condition. This talk caino to the cars
of ho board of public lands and buildings
nnd some of its members , consisting of At-
toinoy ticnern ) Lccso , btuto Treasurer Hill
and Secretary of State Cowdury , carefully
looked into the matter this afternoon. They
( unto that the cracks nro duo to the settling
of the voncored walls. The outer OHO is of
stone und the inuor ono of brick. This loads
to the conclusion that Iho outur wall has
settled the faster , causing the cracks as
stated , The members of the board stuto
that the cast wing of the capital Is perfectly
safe and that they believe it will stand for
Douglas Ktroot < > rado.
Indications point to a merry war over the
proposed now grndo of Douglas street ubovo
Sixteenth. It is suid that the city engineer
is seriously considering a grade which will
bring about n cut ol six foct at Seventeenth
and Douglas streets , ami u cut of two to
three feet on Seventeenth street from Far-
nam north. At the crossing of the alley be
tween Douglas and Farnam , between tbu
Now York Life and Tin : Hii : : buildings , a
deep cut is proposed. If carried out It will
bo necessary for tbo own ers of these mnld-
Ings to take up and lower the new and
costly sidewalks on cither siJo of Seven
leunth street. This will not only of Itself
bo damaging to Iho buildings , but It will
affect to a great disadvantage the approaches
to the oftlcos in either budding fronting on
Seventeenth street. The whole business Is
impracticable uud will only result in a gen
eral scrimmage , protests and law suit ? . It
Is out of question thut Douglas street nt
Suvontuunth can bo cut more than three feet
without doing Irreparable damage to tbo two
most costly buildings in Omaha.
Murrlniri ) MUOIIHPH.
Licenses wcro Issued to the following
parties bv Judge Shields yesterday ;
Name nnd residence. Age.
I Joe Uosenthul , Omaha . . . -1
I Miniuu liosovltz , Omuha . 21
I Frank Hasinussuu , Omaha . 'JO
1 Anna Christina Heck , Omaha . -3
F W. Coaiptou , Omaha . 'JO
L. O. Anderson , Omaha . 2
The residence of A. M. Tongwell at Twen-
ty-lirst nnd Luke streets was slightly dam-
aired by lire vosteiduy , caused by a stove
being overturned.
llv the aid of a search warrant , Mrs. Clay
ton . \ lecovured a 'ot ' of stoluu prop
erty ut 100'J Chicago street in a house con
ducted by Celia Kullogg.
Georcu A. Custcr relief corps auxiliary to
thu Grand Army of the Republic will give a
calico bill Tuesday uvcnimr , April 8 , at
( JartlPld hall , on Howard , between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth streets.
The appraisers of the union depot site ,
Lewis S. Keed , F. 13. Johnson , \V. L. Mc-
Cnguo , George P. Hemis and P. L. Porinc ,
will meet next Monday la Judge Shields'
court to qualify for their work.
M. L. Uocder , whoso eorso has been miss
ing for thu past few days , found the animal
Friday , fast in the mud of thu lake just
north uf the Chicago & Nurthwustcrn depot
in Council HI nils near Corrlgnn's sand pit.
At the Frst Presbyterian etiureh todny the
pastor , Hov. W. J. Hnrslm , D D' , will
preach both morning and evening. la thu
evening his subject will bo "God's work
manship in Man. " AllthUHoats nro frco in
the evening and strangers nro cordially wel
The twenty-llrst annual bnll of the ICmmot
Monument association will bo hold Kustor
Mondiy cvomnir , April 7 , ut Washington
hall , eornor of Kigllteonth nnd Huinoy
streets. The proceeds nro to bo sent to Par-
neil und his assistants m helping to gain free
uom for the Irish people of Ireland.
Through Information furnished by a team
ster , Policcmnu Undo yesterday found
secreted under n willow tree at tliu foot of
Grnco btreut a box of shoo blacking mu'-ked
"F. J. S. " nnd a caddy of tobacco and half
box of plug tobacco marked "J. M. II.
Dodge , " with the stamp of I' . M. Steele &
Co. ICvldcntly there has been a car robuory.
Iho goods wcru taken to policu station.
A Pyllilnn Festival.
On next Tuesday evening Viola lodge No-
SO , Knights of Pythias , will glvo an enter
tainment and hop In the Paxtop. budding , for
which some of the best talent in the city has
boon selected to take part. Mr. E. Koso-
water will make nn address while Prof.
Khynor's orchestra will furnish muslo for
thu hop which fo'llows :
ntoaiu.MMt : :
Overture Orchestra
Opening Addiess Mr. K. Kosowatur
Duet Instrumental
Heading L. II. Haor
Solo Miss Lillian Chamborlin
Peroonuttoa Ufliiry KDlxey a la Irving
# * . . . t A. C. Mc.Mahon
Music Scconfl'tOiu.ilia ; KegimontU.
U. P. Hand
Recitation Prof. Matthews
Musical Trio ul Hy Mandolins
UnJor Diroctionpf Mr. Frank Smith
Exorclsu ! .Prof. Anderson jr.
The nbavo will bo rendered under the
management of Messrs , n. II. Christie , Cap
tain J. I' . Luliiff and FClifford. . All mom *
bers of sister lodges with ladles are cordially
invited. _ _
DlNtrlct Court.
Carrie Shlnn has commenced suit against
L. McUrcer ot a ] , to recover J 1,053.'JO on u
contract for erecting a bouse.
Muggle Miico bus brought suit for $5,100
damages against Thomas Murray. She
alleges that Murray entered her house by
force on December ' , ' 5 last and threw all of
her furniture und household goods Into the
street , breaking the furrdture. I'aitofthu '
goods ho seized und took the homo. Ho bus
since that time deprived her of the use of
the house , und she therefore- alleges dam
ak"s la the sum mentioned.
Dexter L. Thomas has commenced suit m
foreclosure against Jacob H. Pfeillor to re
cover on several notes , nuiountini ; tol,4Uo ,
secured by mortgage.
Michael U'hulun has brought suit to re
cover W 013 from Ueorgo Wuddell and Jneob
10. Marttell. Ho alleges thut Waddull mis
used funds paid him un the contract for the
purpose of liquidating claim * agams a build
ing for which Uaddeil had ttio contract.
Ho also uharguk that ho has been put to ex
pome in defending mechanics' lieu sails
brought against him and claims dumnios on
account of delay beyond the time spudded
iu tliu contract.
Tomorrow morning Judge Clarkson will
tnlte up the casoof Jamus Ashford , the col
ored man cliargdd with stealing money from
Juttiu Reynolds. 1'uusdai James Quinri will
bo tried for passinc. forced chocks on the
Two Orphans clothing house , and Wednes
day .Siimnel Davis and Harry Lee will bo
tried for burglarizing u drug store nt Valley.
tonntv Court.
In the case of Fred Krug AS J. J. Donovan ,
n suit for beer sold nnd delivered , judgment
was rendered for plaintiff in the sum of
1 ho case \Vntson vs Cole was concluded
yesterday afternoon and was taken under
advisement until tomorrow.
Tbo rf hcosophieal society meet every Sun-
dnv afternoon nt 4 o'clock at room Ii03 ,
Shcoly block. AH are invited. Wednesday
nnd Saturday evening from 7 to U the room
is open for honest inquirers.
Hev. A. Martin , the pastor , will proacli in
the First Cnristinu church morning and
evening. His morning theme will bo
' Christ uud Peter. " Evening : "Tno Truth
and Freedom. " Mr. Murtlu closes his work
in Oinnhu May 1. During April ho will bo
assisted in revival services by .Hov. Morgan
Morgans , n gifted ovungollst.
Newman . E. church , Kov. .1. 13. Ensign ,
pastor , Anniversary sermon Dy Kov .1. P.
Hoc at 10:110 : u. m. Sabbath school at 1 ; ! m. ,
L. O. Jones superintendent. Epworth league
prayer meeting at 0--I5 p m. , Frank Straight
leader. Platform meeting ut 7 : ! ! 0. Addresses
by Prof. G. Hohrbough , Dr. D. A. Footo ,
Prof. J. M. Glllan , L. O. Jones and Iho
St. .Mary's avenue Congregational church ,
corner of Twenty seventh street. Services
atlOiOnnd : ! 7-15 : o'clock. In the morning
Mr. Hovel H. Franco will nine "ThoPsulms , "
and there will bo special music decorations
appropriate to tbo day. Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor an hour before
evening service. In Iho ovuning the pastor
will speak on "Loolclng Forward. "
First Congregational Church Preaching
by Hov. Joseph T. Duryua , I ) . D. , Sunday
morning at 10.80. Sunday school immedi
ately after morning service. Mission Sun
day school , : iW : ! , at 1S , ' : North Eighteenth
street. Young people's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 0:30. : Evening service at 7.30.
Prayer meeting Wednesday uvoi'ing nt 7..iO.
Psychology clnss at b:45 : Wednesday ovcn-
The German-American Savings bank opens
for business Monday morning at 0 o'clock in
tlio Commercial National bank building ,
corner ot Piirnnmand Kith stieets Gnrman-
American Savings Lianlt , \\MIarls , caahior.
Affairs nt I last In us.
HASTINGS , Nob. , March 2S ffipoclal to
TiiEBir.J- : The Independent und Ga/ntto
Journal hnvu dissolved partnership. The
Independent will hereafter bo published
under the proprietorship of A. TJ. Wlgton ,
while C. F. Koyeo will preside exclusively
over the destiny of the Gazette Journal , )
The Apollo club of this city , composed of
Hastings' loading vocal artists , gave their
second grand concert this ovuning , assisted
by the Shubert Quurtotto. The concert
was artistic success.
A special election will bo called after the
municipal election for the purpose of voting
bonds to the amount of fl'J.OOO for a new
public school building in the Fourth ward
I'hu board of supervisors. In session the
past three dnvs , adjourned last evening.
The sewcrago question will be the nest
Issue before tliu people.
The ord'nuncu ' offered bv Councilman Kent ,
prohibitln. ; councilmcn from Uiung part la
city contracts , resulted In consternation
among certain members who have been par
ticipating in contracts in thu past. A similar
resolution will bo Introduced iu the school
Two republican tickets will bo in the field
nt the uppronciiing municipal election A.
L. Clnrki' , chairman Adams county congres
sional delegation , 111 bcud tbo citizens' re
publican ticket.
Thu municipal election next Tuesday will
cut considerable tlguro m thu full campaign.
'llio republican city tu-ket , bonded by C. L.
Stone is supported bi Gan C' J. Uilwurtn ,
Wt.m P. McCiuary , Dr. L > ujau and MiUu
Ilartignn , late of Plattsmouih. Ganoral
Dilworth wants to go to congress , wlillu the
lust three named gentlemen want to wear
Senator Taggart's shoos Tho.\ Und it neces
sary , In order to hnvo a clear Held , lo dispose
of Mr. A. L. Clarke , the candidate fur major
on the citizens' republican ticket. Clurko is
nn important facto , ' ' in coutitv politichuv
ing houdcd the congressional delegation
from this county last fall. It will ba no fac
tional light , as col-lain republicans would
have it , but a Imttlu for Hiipriunucy. Olm
stead , ( who Is out of p > ! itiu- this year ) Dr.
Kimball and Scott Philluo , the lust two
named candidates for housj and senate nro
watching the city political pot wreathed in n
bland and satisfactory smile.
O. C. Hatch ot Littleton , N. H. , president
of the Eastern banning company , was In [ the
city this WCOK , the guust of A.V. . Jones ,
vicn president of the company.
Chief Auditor Urnndt of tlio H. & M , was
in the eilv yesterday chocking up the city
oflicu oi that road.
The many friunda of Lee Haldum.m . , the
present efllciunt doiiiuy postmaster nnd u
good republican , uro working to havu him
rotalupd bv Postmaster I lartwcll.
lust n .Mi n ut" .
L. L. lioribow , a conductor on the electric
motor , has a mndstono which has been In
the possession of his family for a hundred
Railroad iiion feel confident that the pas
senger ruto war will bo brought to a closb in
a fuw days.
General Alger is expueted to visit Omaha
about thu midiilo of April and dulivur un ad
dress to old Boldiors.
The Union Pacific ensfinQcrliig corps iu
running a projected linu of road from Tu-
potnu to Vancouver havu struck what prom
ises to bo a limitless conl field.
Manager Jones of tlio Omaha nnd Council
lilnfls car scrvico association status that
the demurrage bmeaii is not dead , but is m
bettor Bhnpo than over before.
General Manager Chirk of the Missouri
1'acilio hold another conference with Gen
eral Hrooku yesterday with rufurcncc to the
proposed right of way through now Fort
Omaha ,
Chief Soavoy has been notified thut
Abu l.lsli , tlio man by whom
Shcllcnburgur intended to provo un
nllbi , lias loft for parts unknown.
Lish is supposed to bo tlio man whom Stevens
saw running through a cornfield out near
the Pinney farm about the time- the murder
is sin/posed to have been committed.
Simon Hope , who was so brutally stabbed
by Martin and Ollio Druku Friday night , i
lying very low ut his homo , ll"J Chicago
Not Ono ol' 'I'll nt Kind.
The Woir-Shugart company , wholesale
agricultural dealers of Council HmlTt ) , takes
exception to an editorial paragraph printed
In Tin : HII. : to the effect that farmers buy
Ing tools nnd machinery on time have paid
Implement dealers on occasions us high ns 'I
percent u month interest. The following
explains itself :
COIMII , Hu i rs In. , Marca 2S. To tbo
Editor of Tin : HBP. With nil duo ruspout to
the parugraphor , wo would state that ho
doesn't know what ho is linking ubout when
ho states thut notes taken for Implements
draw ns high as : i pur cunt per month. Deal
ers are glad to get 10 per cent per annum ,
and a largo portion of their notes are taken
at 0 and b per cont. la thu lust tun year *
wo have received through Nctraskn and
Iowa a great many farmers' notes , and i.ot
onoot thorn drew over 10 per cent. This re
flection on the retail dealers is certainly un
just and uncalled for Your truly ,
\Yuit-Snu , in r
\ VP.KPIVOVATEII , Neb , March 23. ( To the
Editor of Tun Hin.J : Plnaso answer the Jol-
lowing questions : Ara lowuns as a people
demanding rosubmisslon or U it what wo
would term thu whisky olumunU How
many villages , towns and cities in the stutu
of Nebrask i have 500 population ! How
many miles of railroad in operation In the
stale of Nebraska ! An early uimwor through
your viuuablo paper will greatly oblige
HKN J Ci.tiiK.
1. There is no question of resubminsion in
Iowa. Prohibition thuro is a statutory law ,
subject to ctiaugo at the wdl uf tbo
lure. The fact that tlio republican onndi
duto for govei nor was defeated last fnll on
thopl'itform that prohibition the settled
policy of the state , nnd the nirthor fact thut
the opponents of thu law aru in thu ma
jority in the legul ituro , is strong proof of
the changed sentiment of thu people. Ilia
whisky clement in the stntu consists of the
boullcggcrs , jomtists and diugglsts re.ucd
by prohibition.
U According to the stuto census of ls\'i
there were til cities , towns nnd village * * m
the state , ninety-two having a populuti m of
50J nnd over.
! 1. Fivu thoimml md uloveu miles.
OMMIA , March "r. To the Editor of Tun
Hir. : : 1'lcuso stntu in Si Mm's Hi i whether
the story , " 1 he Loin of n Lover , " is pub
lished in uonk form or not , If so nt ulmt
news dealer could I gut It ) MAT.
Call upon loading booksellers.
Sn \ 1:11 : On v. In , Muich 27. To the Editor
of Tin : Mix : \ \ ill you pluasa antiwar in ur
SCMIM HII : : tin- population of Omaha.
proper , exclusive of any subunn ; also the
population uf South Omaha , and what sub
urbs were taken m m DCS Monies i > c\v
limits , und the o\tont of the city lun ts of
Ues .Monies , how many miles square f
S. Kim Hnuv v.
Omnhu , 1'JO.OJO ; South Omaha , l..nOO.
Don't 1'iiow 'Jo. ' * Moinu ) ' limits , writu to the
OM\II\ , March ' 'ii I'o thu Editor of Tim
Hi r. : Will iou have tlm kindness to , ro r > thu
address ( In nnxtSi \ ! > n'n JJru ) of the | * > h
lishcr.1) ) of the Chuutuuqua Course of
ing , or any othur dualard that It could no
procured from ! Kuspcctfully ,
Ennii Hi - - ! i.
Thej can bo secured of .Toplln Hros , 103
North bixtuenth street.
Sourii OMAIH , MarchU , ! . To tlio Editor
of Tin ; Uii : : : In order to octtlu a uisputo
plonso unswnr thu following iiurstion Hill
an mlldol' < i oath Iu tukan in any of the high
courts of this country , or is an infidel's oath
good in law ) M. GOIIMAN ,
AD mildcl's oath or alllrmulion is good In
the courts of Nebraska und In the federal
courts ,
KEDFIELD-In Danvor , M'irc'i ' 2i ) , 1S90.
.Mamie , dnnghtm-of L. C and Phooby Hcd-
field , agud it : fars , 1 montn.
I'unoral tudav at 3 o'clock from the rfH-
donco of the parents , Highland and Tun Mi
tUrcols. Friends invited.
4 'nm < l Oratorio ,
* .T i in :
t'ourr llllli anil laMniort ) | Sis , ,
AT b I1. M.
Mr , Whitney Mockritlge ,
'I lie tVIcliiMtcd Tenor.
, MISS III.IITIIA IIAfl.lbS Soprano.
JIISS iJU/.UIKTII ] > | ; NNKIil. . Cwi. ra o.
Mil. 11. II. VOt Mi , ll.u one.
Mil.V. . T. TAIIOIt , ( irKmiUt.
MWK. MA//.l ( JATO VOl Sf , 1'
I'liiler Ilia Dlrccllon of .Mr. lonni , ' .
A Hmlti'd numbiT uf reserved Huuti r. . bu nail
nt Max Mojrur \ Ilio's .Music More , uriicr 'it
Kith and i'ainum siifcu , ou uud attvi Monday
Man h iltli.
Kescried scats tl.i/X AdiultitoQ uLly to
chuptl. W ceuta.