L HALF-OFF CO. Are soiling goods at pieces which would miiko a smuggler sulcido. Would bo competitors completely paralyzed and sent home with pnlns In the neck. "Everything goes. No reserve. Regardless of profit or loss. How can we do It ? This is how : The goods wore stolon. The detected thief paid us money to tnke the goods. Wo must move In OO d'ays. Landlord will not renew the lease. His reasoYis unfit fo" publication. Como and catch the bargains as they fly , * aggs g Hagjgg3 | . SWEET-TALKER , HALF-OFF & Go's. , Great Give Away Bazaar. tmMffinTfflmyrttSjWwf rt _ _ _ * 1 I 1 ! ll l l ! II Is this sample of the bluster in modern advertisements much , overdrawn ? That people waste time in reading1 them is only an added evidence that Barnnm was right when he said "The dear public love to t be humbugged , " Desire to attract no one by such a misleading statement as that we have , for instance , a $50 Chamber - ber suit we will sell at $25 , any more than we have gold dollars to part with at ' 50c. "We wish to attract - tract customers to our beautiful new ware-rooms by good values for their'money. If you are a CASH BUYER , we want to see you. If you want TIME , we are equally anxious to see you. Our Credit Terms are not .arbitrary and are as liberal as any First Glass House will Offer. We handle a complete line of House Furnishings. Will furnish , an elegant mansion or humble cottage. So if you want an outfit let us figure with you. in inL on Purchases 6tih Street , CREEDS OF OUR CHURCHES , The Jewish , the Mother or nil Other Faiths. PRESBYTERIAN DIFFERENCE. llio IhiiversnllstB llollovos nil Mnn- IcinU wilt lu Sixvoil The ( jilt- ti'r Day Haium Con demn I'olysjamy. Ghnrcli Creed * . The creeds of the various churches pub lished la lam Sunday's BKE attracted widely the attention both of clergymen and layiuun. This morning Tim BKB submits thu creeds , or B.vnopsis of the siuiio , of the Jewish , Presbyterian , Universal ! , and Latter Day Saints societies , 'llio distin guishing lunturcs of each church lire brought out clearly and the comparison of the creeds ciinnot fail to bo nucleating. lluhicw. The following synopsis of the Jewish faith was furnished Jjy Rabbi Rosonau of the Temple of Israel : I'lllS'e'lI't.M OP JtWUSM. ' In furnishing this brief statement of thn main prini'ipics of Judaism.vo dcsira 10 make the Inllowlng prefatory remark : .ludaisiu is a rational religion und endorses only sumi belief as Is in harmony with the postulates of reason. All that which cannot bo accounted for in this manner it re ject B. B.Wo believe in thn unity of Cod ! , who po ssesses all moral anil intellectual qualities in the hlKhest perfection. Hence we e.ill him most gracious , most merciful , most benevo lent. all wise , almighty , etc. Wo believe tliut mnn has been rreutea in the Imago of tied , In as mueh as ho in cndoweil with the lofty fucullie.s of heart and mind , and that It U tlio duty of man , to develop these con * Htatitly , so as to bccomo ns God-llko as pos- Bible. Wo believe that the bible contains the lessons necessary for man In the development of himself mill therefore Is deserving of .ireful perusal mid study. Wo believe its enters to have been Inspired , because of thrj loftincKs ef the hlcus and truths they ex pressed and not because of any personal communion with the deity. Wo lielutvo that Israel has u sublime mis sion in the world and that this mission is ex pressed in its name "Kingdom of Priests , " uy wlneli Mosim wanted to imply that Israel was nlwioa to bo the teacher ol mankind in pure rclipiuit nnd morality. Wo believe that th Messiah m not a person , who will io-cs < tnblish the kingdom of U.wld in Palestine , but that Itio Messiah exists in the H pa-It , of thosn times , when hatred and persecution will bo no more , but peaeo and coneord will reign supreme , and when the universal fatherhood of Cod ! and the mmcrsiil broth- urhooil of man will bo established on earth , nc predleteit by the prophet In thoju words : "On that day ( ind will bo one and His name will bo one. " Wo believe m the immortality of the soul , for the perishability of It would bo nil argument nKnlnst the kindness , nay thn perfection of tied , who has tut into us the dcsiro and hopu for eternal life , The Westminster Confession of Faith Is the book of doctrines of the Presbyterian church. It is very lengthv , containing 11.741 words. Au attempt has been made to give below a fair synopsis of the doctrines enumerated In that creed : CO.NTKSSION Ol1 I'MTH. Cod , In his works of creation nnd provi dence , does so for manifest his wis dom , power , goodness nnd love , ns to leave men without excuse ; yet it pleased the Lord further to reveal himself , ami declare his will unto men , inspired by thu Holy Ghost ; BO that the scriptures of the 6U1 and new tes taments da contain the special revelation of the tuiud and will of Cod ! for our salvation , Tne ser ptures manifest themselves to 1)0 the word ol God by their majesty and purltv , by the content of all the parts , ana the scope ot thu uho.o , by their power to convict uud convert Dinners , and to bullJ up believers unto salvation ; but the full porsnnstoii that they nro the very woril of God Is from the in ward work of the IIolv Spirit , bearing witii"-s by and with the word , in our heucts. 'j'heso scriptures arc the only rule of faith n-id life , teaching what man is to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man. There is but ono only living nnd true God , who Is n spirit , infinite1 , eternal and UQ chnugenblo , in His beine , wisdom , power , holiness , justice , goodriohs mid Iruin , most loving , gracious , merciful and long suffering , foririving iniquity , transgression mid sin , and who will by no means clear the ullly. In the unity of the Godhead there are three persons , the leather , the Son , the Holy Ghost ; and these three nro ono God , the same in substance , equal in power and glory. God , from all eternity , aid by the most wi.sonnd holy counsel of his own will , freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass ; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin , nor is violence offered to the will ot his creatures , nor is tno liberty or contingency of second causes taken awny , but rather established. Out of his own free grace and love , God has in Christ .lesus clouted some to eternal life. Thetso being effectually called In duo season , are Justllied , adopted , banctliicd and kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation , The rest of mankind God was pleased au- nccording to the unsearchable council of his own will whereby ho extendeth or withhold- oth inercy as ho pleasoth for the Rlory of his sovereign power over his creatures to pass by. God , the Creator of all things , upholds , directs , dlsposc-s and governs all his crea tures by Ills must wise and holy providence ; yet , Ho so orders all things to fall out accord ing to the nature of His creatures , nnd to the operation nf second causes , th it God Is neither the author nor improver of Kin , nor is tlio frei'dom or responsibility of man taken nwnj ; but all is to the praise of tlio glory of HM wisdom , power , justice , good ness and mercy. Our tlrst parents in the oxerelso of their own Irco will fell from the estate wherein they were created , and all mankind , descended from them by ordinary gener ation , nro alienated from God by wicked works. Sin is any want of conformity with or transgression of the law of God. God , when Ho had created man , entered into a covenant of life with him und his pos terity on condition of perfect and personal obedience ; which covenant man broke by sinning against God. ' 1 ho Lord God , who is rich in mercy , out of the fullness of his love was pleased to ou- tnr into n covenant cf gnico with man ; wherein , foresignifvlng Christ by all the promises , prophecies , sacrlllces and ether types in the old testament , ho did in the lull- ness of time fuillll his gracious purpose to deliver men out of tno estate of sin and mis ery , by sending his Son to bo the saviour of ttio world , by whom full remission of sin nnd- eternal tmlvation nro hocurod to all thorn that truly believe on him. The Lord Jesus , tlio only bet'otton Son of the Father , was chosen in the eternal pur pose of God to bo the mediator between God and man , the prophet , priest and king , the head and Saviour of His chnrrii , the heir of all things and tbo judge of the world. The Son of God , the eternal word , did in the fullness of time become man by taking to himself a true body and a reasonable soul , bomg conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost and born of the Mrgin Mary , yet without uln ; and so was and continue. * to be , divine unit human , two whole , perfect und distinct natures , Insepa rably Joined together In one person. For our offenses Ho endured most grievous suf ferings in suul nnd body , was cruoitled , dead and burled , ami remained under the power of death , yet naw no corruption. Ho now sits nt the right hand of the Father , making intercessions for us and sh'Ul return to Jiulgo the world at the last day. The Lord Jesus by His word and spirit re veals nto us the will of God for our salva tion. Hy ills perfect obedionoo und siiorilico of Himself Ho fully satlstiod the divlno ju.- tico nnd purchased for us ttio forgiveness of sins , reconciliation unto God , uud an everlasting - lasting Inheritance in the kingdom of heaven. God Uus endued Urn will of man with such natural liberty that it la neither forced nor by any absolute necessity determined to good or evil. Nevertheless , such is the state ot sin Into which the fall brought mankind that no uiau U able by hl < mu strength to convert himself or lurfjctly to keen all Ul commandments of God. God by His word 'and Spirit effectually calls men out of that state of sin and deatti. in which they are by nutuiv , to craco nnd salvation by Jesus Christ , by convincing them of thoif sin nnd misery , enlightening their minds to the knowledge of Christ , re newing their wills , and thus persuading and enabling them to accept Jesus Christ , and the grace freely offered through Him in the gospel ; yet so as they cotno most freely , being made willing by His grace ; nnd this effectual call is of God's free grace alone. Neither is it possible for any to bo saved in any other way tnnn by Christ through the Spirit. These whum God effectually calls to re- pcntanco nnd faith ho also justifies by trecly pardoning all their sins. 'Ihoso justilied nro admitted to all the liberties and privileges of the sons of God. 'Ihoso who are effectu ally called tire \nctitlod by the spirit und word of God dwelling in them BO that they more and inoro die unto sin and live unto righteousness. Repentance unto life is a saving gvco. Although repentance and faith , the doc trine of which is always to bo preached , arc not meritorious ns c.ny satisfaction for sin , or ground lor pardon ; .vet , they nro Indis pensable to nil , so that without them none may o.\pect purdon and salvation. Good works , such ns God lias commanded In his Holy Word , which arc the fruits nnd evidences of u true and living faith , are to bo done with all diligence by ulI believers ; that they nmy manifest their tliaintfulness. edify their brethren , adorn the profession of the gospel and tilorif.v God : whereunto they are created in Christ Jesus , that they may nave their fruit unto righteousness , and the end eternal life. Works done by unrosenerato men.although they may bo commanded by God , and of peed use to themselves and others , yet ba- cause they proceed not from u heart purillod by faith , nor are done in u right manner , nor to the right end , do not meet the rcquiro- monts of the divine law ; and houco they can not bo placed us u ground of acceptance with God. i'ho moral law , which is summarily com prehended in the ten commandments , Christ in no way dissolves , out strengthen ) and il lustrates in the gospel. God alone is lord of the conscience. Liberty of conscience is not to bo unused by the rc < imrini < of implicit belief - liof and blind obedience , nor to bo made a cloak of sin. Uoligious worship is to bo given onlv to God , the Father , the Son , und the Holy Ghost. The Sabbath Is to bo sanrtllled to the Lord by a holv resting from worldly employments and reel cation , and by ilovotintr the time to thu service and worship of God , except us required for worus of necessity and mercy. A lawful oath is ono wherein , upon just oc casion , the person solemnly calls God to wit ness what tie asserts , or promises , nnd to judge nun according to tno truth or false hood tharcof. Such an oath ought to betaken taken only in all holy fear and revirenue , tu matters of weight nnd moment , and us duly Imposed uy lawful authority. In like manner u vow ought to bo made only with rolicious cnro , out of faith and conscience of duty , or in the way of thank fulness ; and it eneuld ho performed with like Illicitly. Divorce because of adultery is lawful. The Ciithuliu or universal church , which is invisible , consist * of the whole number of the olcet. who have been , are , or shall bo re ceived into heaven , 'iho visible churcn , which Is also catholic or universal , consists of all these throughout the world , who profess - foss the true religion , together with thulr children. There Is no other head of the church than the Lord Jesus Christ , who lias given the ministry , oraclcb and ordinances of God for the gathering and perfecting of the saints. i'ho bodies of men , after Oouth , rptorn to dust and sou corruption , but their souls , which neither die nor bleep , return to God who gave them ; tbo soul * of believers , being - ing made perfect In holiness , do pass into glory ; but the souls of the wicked are under condemnation , reserved for the judgment of the great day. At the last day there shall , by the power of Christ , bo a resurrection of the dead , both of thojust and uiijust ; wlion they that are alive shall ho changed , and the dead shall bo united again with their bodies ; and , the bodies of them that sleep in Jesus ahull bo uittdu like to his body. Unltcil Crfxliyiorlan. The United Presbyterian church accepts oho Westminster confession of Faith of the Presbyterian church \vith some modifications respecting tuo nowcr of the civil magistrate concerning religious matters. The fathers who took an active part in the union which resulted in the formation of the United Pres byterian church were of the onmion that tlit-re were cerium points which wore not distinctly und fully exhibited in the Westminster - minster confession 01' faith , and which the " ireuihstancos of Uio ehuren , the signs of the times , ana tlio views and practices of other churches , demanded to be more explicitly stated , a'hey accordingly prepared a state ment of the truth on these points , and it was adopted by both the churches entering into the union. ' 1 his i.tateinent m called the tes timony of ttie United Presbyterian ctiurch It contains u plain declaration nf the belief of the church.on these points in vhieh the Westminster confoislon of faith seomea to bo deficient , and it Is u part of tlio church'n creed. It consists of eighteen articloi on as many different subjects. The following is u synopsis of the more important articles : Tr-TIMO.NV. Wo declare that all associations , whether formed for political or benevolent purposes , which impost ) upon their members an o.uh of secrecy , or an oblization to obey u code of unknown laws , are inconsistent with the genius and hpirit of Christianity , and church members ought not to have fellowship with such associations. Wo declare fiat the clnirc'.i sho'ild not ex tend communion , in soiling ordinances , to tnosowho refusa udhoicnco to her ptofos- Bion , or subjection to her government mid discipline , or who refuse to fnr.aako u coin- mnmon which H inconsistent with the pro fession that fho nmkoj ; nor should com munion in any ordinance of worohiu bo hold under such circumstances ns would no in consistent with the keeping uf these ordi nances pure and entire , or so as to give coun tenance to any comiption of the doctrines und Institutions of Christ. Wo declare that public aoci.il covenanting is u moral duty , the observance ofhleliis not required ut sta.od times , hut on extra ordinary occasions , as the providence of God and the eirimnistancex of the churca may in dicate. It is seasonable in time of'great dan gcr to the church , in tnnni of opoaiiro or backsliding , or in limes of reformationwhen the chureii is returning to God from a Kt.tto of backsliding.Vhou tlio church has im- tered Into euch covenant transactions they conilniio to bind posterity iaithfully to ad- lioro to and prosecute the grand object for which such cngagoaiunls have been entered Into. Into.Wo declare that i' . is the will of God th'U the songs contained in the Hook of I'lalmt bo sung In his worship , both public and pri vate , to tlio end of the world ; and in singing God's prai.se , thcso songs should be employed to Iho exclusion of/ the devotional composi tions of uninspired | iu.'n. Untvf > r niitt. Ilov. Q. II. Shlnn of tnn UnlversalUt oon- crcgnlion furnishes the following creed of Ins church , Wiiictt\v ; s udopted at Winches ter , N. II. , in ITUt ; ruofhtjiioN of rum. Article 1 , Woheliovo that the Holv Scrip tures of Iho old ami new testament contain a revelation of tlio character of God , and of the dntv , interest und final destination of mankind. Article 'J. Wo bt-liuve that thcro Is ono God , whoso naluri ) is love , revealed In ono Lord Jesus Christ , by ono holv npiril nf grace , who will llnally restore the whole family of intinkiiid-io Holiness mid Happiness. Article : > . Wo bullovo that holiness and true happiness ara''inseparably ' ' connected , nnd that believers ought to maintain order nnd practice good worxs ; for these things nro good und profltablu unto mon. wu mu.im is In ono God , the infinitely perfect Creator. Thut God makes himself known to mon. That Jesus Christ , the brightness of God'n glory , nnd the express Imago of His parson , Is u perfect und satisfying revelation of God us the father of the spirits of all llcsh. That the holv scriptures of the old and now testaments contain n revelation from God to man. That the spirit of God , often called In scripture the Holy Spirit , is not only the medium of spccml revelation , but alee of pcisouul assurance of God's presence , guid- unco and comfort In L'hrUtlan believers. That sin ume.1 from no original defect of our human nature , nor as a result of Adam's transgression abridging our human power. 'lhat thu new birth , roucuorattou , convcr < * ion ( intorchaneeablo terms in the New Testament ) , consists In the turning of the sinner Irom the service of sin to the loving service of God througn the gospel of Christ. 1 hat salvation or restoration the .spiritual health and happiness of man is conditioned on his repentance and forsaking of sin , and the enlightenment of his soul by the gospel. 'I hut forciveness is the blotting oiit , am ! bringing no more to remembrance ns a bar to the pardoned soul's peaeo and joy , the Bins which nave been confessed and forsaken. ' 1 hat man's duty and interest uro deter mined uy Ins relationship to God and to fel low men , and by the highest nnd noblest possibilities of his nature. ( Mic.ih vi. ( i S ; Matt , v , 45 , IS ; Mark xn , 'JS-UI ; Roman xli , 1 ; Pnil. iv , S ; Judo xx , Dl. That immortality is God's gif6 to all souls. That thi destiny of man , in the purpose of God , is hi * attainment uud enjoyment of holiness. Lntlor l > av miintH. Hdward Hannic , jr. , presidium elder of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , buys in regard to his church : "Wo have no creed to which our members are expected to subscribe to become identi fied with llio body or church ; the essential conditions of admission is mat the individ ual desires to "Ceaso to do evil and learn lode do well , ' or , in otner words , to keep tlio commandments of God , and must show by his or her daily lifo that such Is thu desire before they can receive of ttio ordinances of tlu : church. Our creed is all truth , und the belief that mun will bo condemned or re warded according to what hedoes not what ho believes. Tno glory of God is intelli gence , or , in other words , light and truth , and John , the beloved diselpio , Raid : 'Wo shall bo Into Hun when lie comes ; ' or , to slatej the same sentiment in another form , our glory und exultation will be the develop ment of nil lifo'a forces and our condition is 'A. perfect man , unto the measure of the slaiuro of the fulness of Christ. ' Kph. iv , 1:1. : ' 1 ho following Is nil epitome of the faith and doctrines of tnu church : FAITH ANI > llOCTItlNK. \Vo believe in God the Eternal Father , and m His son Jesus Christ , und in the Holy Ghost. Mult , xxvii , 1'J ' , 1 John i. It , St. John xi , "li. Wo bollovo that men will bo punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgrcs slons. Lcc. xll. , II ; Matt , xvi. , 2" : I Cor. ill. , 13 ; Rev. xx. , 1-M5. Wo believe that through the atonement of Christ , nil men miij bo saved by obedience to the laws nnd ordinances of trio cnMiol. 1 Cor. xv. , ii ; 'J 'I Im 1. , Id ; Uom. viu , 1-0. We believe these ordinances aio : 1. Fa'th in God nnd in the Lard Jesus Christ. Heb xil. , ( ! , I Pot. I. , 21I ; Tllli.lv. , 10 ; John ill. , 10 , IS. liUjMark xll.J.1 , John xiv. , 1. ' „ > . Uopontiiicn Mutt , ill. , ' , ' , 8 , 11 ; Luke xlu , it , ' . ' 1-17 ; Ki-ek , xvlli. , JIO ; Murk i. . 5-15 , Ac-Is li. , ! ! S > ; Rom. ii. , -I ; II Cor. vn. , 10. I , Haptlhin by immersion fur the romls- Bion ot sirs. Matt , in , liI-15 ; Murk I. , -i-5 , Luke 111. , 8 ; John ill. , 5 ; Acts II. , j ; \xii. , 10 ; ii. , 11 ; xiij , 12 ; j.xxvii. , IW ; MarK xvi , 10 ; Col. il. , 12 ; Uom. vi. , 1-0 ; John Hi. , 23 ; Acts vi ! . . : i5-U. ! ! 1. Laying on of braids for the gift of the Holv Ghost. Dout.xiv. . . U ; John xx. , 20 , 21 , 2i ; Aelsvlii , 17 ; xix. , 0 : 1 Tim Iv. , H ; Acls iX. , 17 ; i Cor. xii , it ; Aetu xlx. , 1 0. ft. U'o believe In ttio resurrection of the body ; that ttio dead in Christ will rise tlrst and tno rest of iho dead will not live again until tliii tnousand years uro expired. , lub xixT)2iJ ; Dun. xii. , 2 ; 1. Cor. xv. , ! ' . ) ; I. Thcs. iv. , 10 ; Rev. xx.,0 ; Acts xvii. , . ' 11 ; Phil. III.,21 ; John xl.,24 ; Isu. xxvi.lU ; Ps. xvii.,1.1. 0. Wo bolivo In the doctrine of eternal Judgment , which provides that men shall bo judged , rewarded or punished according to Iho degree of good or evil they shall have dono. Rev. xx , 13 ; Kco. Id. , 17 : Matt. \vt. , 27 ; H. Cor. v. . 10 ; H. Pot. il. , 4 , la , 17. Wo believe that u man ninat Lo culled of God and ordained by the laying on of hands of thoao who are in authority to entitle him to preach the gospel and administer In the ordinances thereof. . Hob , v. . 1 , 5 , 0 , 8 ; Acts I. , 3125-XIV..2 : ) ; Kph. iv. , 11 ; John xv. 10. Wo believe in the sumo kind of organiza tion that existed in the primitive church , viz , : uposties , prophets , juutors. touchers , evangelists , etc. I. Col. xll. , 20 ; Matt , x. , 1 ; Acts vi. , 1 ; Kph. iv. . 21 11 , 'M ; Titu 1. , fi. Wo uoliuvo that In the bible Is contained thu word of God , so fur as'It is translated correctly , Wu believe that the canon of icrlpturo is not full , but that God , by lltt spirit , \\lll con tinue to reveal Ills word to man tint the end of time. Job xxxil , S ; Hob. xiil , S Prov. XMX , IS ; Amos iii , 7 ; Jer. xxill , 4 xxxi , 31-34 ; xxxiii , ( ! ; Ps. ixxxv , 10-11 Luke xvii , 20 ; Rev. xiv , 0-7 ; xix , 10. Wo believe in iho powers and gifts of th everlasting gospel , viIho gift of faith , discerning corning of spirits , prophecy , revelation healing , visions , tongues , wisdom , charity brotherly love , olc. I Cor. xii , 1-11 ; xiv , CO John xix , 21 ; Acts ii , 3 ; Malt , xxviii , 1020 Mark xvi , 10 Wo believe that marriage Is ordained o God ; and that the law of God provides for but one companion in wedlock , for cither man or woman , except in cases whore the contract of marriage is brouen by death 01 transgression. Gen. ii , 18 , 21-21 ; vil , 1 , 7-13 Prov. v , 1.121 ; Mai. ii , H-lii ; Mult , xix , 4 0 I. Cor. vii , 2 ; Ileb. xiii , 4 ; D. and C. xxxxii 7 : xxxxix , II. Wo believe that the doctrines of n plurnlitj and a community of wives are heresies , and are opposed to the laws of God. Gen. iv , 1'J , 2H-21 ; vii , ' . ) ; xxif , 2 ; in connection Gal. Iv nnd v ; Gen. xxi , S-10 ; Mul. 11 , 14-15 ; Mutt , xix , 3-0. The Hook of Mormon says : "Wherelore , my brethren , hear mo , mill hearken to the word of iho Lord : for there shall not any man among you have save It bo onu wife , nnd concubines ho ahull have none , for I , the Lord God , dclightoth in the chas tity of women. And whoredoms nro an abomination before me , saitb the Lord of hosts. " Jacob 2:0 ! > . AVe boiiovo mat in all matters of contro versy upnn the duty , of man toward Godand in reference to preparation und Jllness for the world to come , the word of God should bo taken ns decisive and the end of dispute ; nnd that when God directs , man ahotild obey.Wo Wo bfliovo that tlio rolleiou of Jesus Christ , ns taught in the now testament scrip tures , will , if its precepts nro accepted and obeyed , inalio men nnd women bettor in ttio domestic circle , nnd nelti'r citi/nns of town , county and K'uto , nnd consequently bettor Jilted for the change which comolh at death. Wo believe lhat mon should wet ship God in "spirit nnd in truth , " and that Bncli wor ship docs not requlro u violation of Iho con stitutional law of Iho land. John 1.21 21. Doetrino and Covenants , section 50 , para- yrali 5. We claim the pi ivilogo of worshiping Al mighty God according lo thu dictalos of our conscience , nllow nil mon iho same privilege , lol them worship , how wnoro or what they may. I'mitor unit People. At Trinity eithedral Friday night rlovon adults were baptised by Dean Gardner. A clim of fifty bus been under instruction pro- para lory tn cnnllrmallon , which iitowillbo administered at noon today. On 'I hursday evening a pMasant reception WHS tendered to Uuv. O , II. Shinn , pastor of the CniVDibahht mieicty , nt the himioof Mr. A. I ) Morxo. u'liii Harnn.y Btreet. The in clemency of Iho weather Interfered Home- what with the nttondaneo , but these present pansod u thorouifhlv unjny.iblo evening. Rev. W. H. Henderson , who will resign his pastorship over the Saunders Street Presby terian clinch May 1 , has removed his family nnd household effects lo Iho pretty littln suburb , Jiellevue , where he will make ills future home. UI.MCIOt'M. More than SCO student in nine German universities have joined a special school for tniinmu' inisslonarkB for the Jews , of which Prof. Delilsch is Iho dead. The emperor of Russia is likely lo relax thu Btrmgent lestrietioiia on cilsscntors , us lie bus sent away the minister of public worship wno o-itablisned them. Rev. J. L. IX-armg mys the cicornessof .ho Japanese lor Christianity Is overstated. 1'iioy uro eager for education , but Christian ity u u stumbling block to many. Napoleon said. "When China is moved it will change the fnco of tno globe. " The fact to bo noticed now Is that China , having one-quarter of the population of the earth is moving. tjA Now Bedford clergyman who has boon in service a long time udvortisos 700 sermons for hate , covering nil subjects nnd applicable to any locality. He oul.v wants ? l npieco for thu lol If taken in n lump. ' Sunday school building Or. Meredith's ne\v \ ing in Brooklyn , Is m ul to bo thn best up- minted building for the purpose in the United Slates. It can bo divided Into eight or ten separate rooms or thrown into onu for general exercises. The great movement in tbo American Baptist mission among the Tomgup in India , in which ! ! 0UOO converts have boon gathered in twelve years , still continues , and it spreading mlo the interior of the eounlry. In Iho Nalgunda district fifty-two were re cently baptised in ono week. Tlio nrcsiding bishop of tlioliousc of bish ops of llio Protuslnut Episcopal church has assigned lo Iho bishop of Albany Iho full Episcopal ahureo of the foreign churches ant' congregation ) on tlio continent of Kit rope und the clergymen onii-mtlng theioin , for the throe years next ensuing. Many Episcopalians are very much worked up over tlio fact that Phil'ins ' Brooks took part in thu installation of William Abbott as pastor of PI ) mouth church , ways thu Now York Tribune. 'Ihov fear that in somu way or another the doctrine of the apostolic suc cession will got lost. Ur. Francis II. Brown of Boston has de vised u plan by which efx deaf persons who lormorly heard notliing of the Hcrmoti now hardly miss a word of it when they attend church. A largo wound-receiver stands near the preacher , nnd branch speaking tubes run by way of iho lloor from it to each of tlu deaf persons. In the Trinity building , IMOW York , nrchi- tcets are at work daily" making drawings and preparing plans for the Episcopal cathedral , using the four prize plans ns a bas's ' of the work. The plans alone cost some S.1.J.OOU. They nil contemplate the use ol I'm linest ci'.mito , such an i. ) put into government buildings nt Washington. Bishop Leonard has accepted the offer of Tilnlty churcn , Cleveland , to make that church nil < "ithcdral. The present rector , the Rov. Y P. Morgnn , will ba Iho dean , nnd the venerable Dr. Hollo-i , the senior canon. It is expected that Trinity cathedral will soon have a new and handsome edifice. In Rome there nro dcveraltlionsaiid prients why make their llvingsololy by rending muss Especially in the 32.1 churches of the Ktonm City an almost endless number of masses : nro ordered from all Iho ends of the globe. ThoTOiUlar pay for each mas * bus been 3 , "i ( ) francs. Now the gennral vicar ol Rome bus ordered that the priest reading the mass snail rcceivi ) only 1 20 francs , and must hand over the rest to thu treasury of thu ctiurch. 'iho American Baptist year book for IMMI : ; lves liirgo llgnros for thu regular Baptlsls in the UnitPilStates. . They have 21.175 or- tuincd ministers , 'ii.SS ; churches nnd 1,070,017 members. These llgure-s inciudo white and colored nnd northern nnd houtliern iinplists. 'I'ho number of baptisms last year was 141,575. Tlioy liuvo 17.0W ! Sunday schools , with 1 ir > i.llt'r > pnpils , iho value of llioir church property Is $ " > : ) , .MHr > ( ) . ; , and the nggregato uf their contributions last year was * : mv ; 7. It is ftnhl that the rectors of "two churches n thu Protestant Episcopal diocese of .Man- and , who UKO a very advanced ccruiiinniul , tavo for home time been placing what re- nulns of the consecrated bread and and wmo ifter Iho communion service In a imnmtiiru uhornucln on the altar nnd burning u taper n front of it. Bishop Parut has , in cinsu luoneo , issued a circular l llur , il is stati-d , vhieli says the church law is explicit Hint whatever remains of thu coiisecrutuil iimtiir * al musl immediately aftiir the be-no union 10 reverently , consumed by the minister nnd other communicants. Constantinople in the course of time has leoofiio a religious nnd ocolcsiastieal center if considerable importance for Christianity , tecuntly il IMS become thu seat of a Roman Jalholic archbishop. The oilier church dig- lil.irios residing in thu Turkish metropolis are thu painareh of the drook Orthodox ohurch ( Uionyams V. ) , thn Armenian Or- hodox patriarch , the Armenian Catholic latrmrcli and Iho Bultrarian oxurch. ' 1 he lumber of Christian churches in Cunstanli loplo Hlir . Of these 20 are Roman Cuth olic , 3 Greek Catholic , i'j Armenian Cath olic , 1 Bulgarian Catholic , M Grojlt Ortho lax , : K ) Armenian Orthodox , II Prot-Htmt n thu RiiburUs Ycdlkuluh and Hun hUuplmno , n the very heart of thu Turkish districts , { oinan Catholic ficho-jls and dhuruhuH IIRVH ocantly been established by the Dominican nonlts. An AliHolulo C'/iiri > . ThoORIGlNAL ABILTINK OINT.MEN T s only put up in Inrao two utineo tin buxut , nd h an absolute euro for all sores , burin , voundx , ctiappi)1) ) hands and nil skin oru > > - ions. Will positively euro nil Kinds of pilot. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OIN1'- 1UNT. Hold by Goadiimn Unix t 25 cents per box -by mail 30 ouuli.