10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. MARCH 30. 1890.--SIXTEEN PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. * No mtvortlBomonts wllltoo tnkon ( or those columno uftor 12:30 : p. m. Terms Onah In odvnnoo. HAdvertlsmenl * tintlcr thin nad in rtnta p r "DO for Urn llrnt Insertion. " cents for each sub- "critif nt Insertion , and II.HI per line per month. rio advertisements tnkon for IOM tlmn So cents for flrst Inhortlon. Seven words will bo counted to the line , tlicr limit run consecutively nnd mum no paid in ADVANCE. All xlvrrtlito- inents must lie handed In bnforo KM ) o'clock p. in. , and und r no circumstances \vlll they bo takpnnr discontinued by telaplmne. 1'urtlM advertising In these columns nnd hav ing their n Mrteri addressed In care of THE Itr.r. will pleaHo ask fern cheer to ennhlo tlinni to get I heir letter * , us nonn will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to nd- vctlnments should be enclosed In envelopes. All artvi-rtlsmonts In theie columns nro pub- llnhedln both morning and Dverdng editions of TUB HUB tln circulation of which aggregates moro tnnn Ic.Ofrt papera dolly , nnd gUi-s the ad vertisers the bonellc. not only of the city circu lation of TUB Mr , but also of Council JllitlTs. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thlsiifftlnn of tlin ronntrv. > ' " 'BRANCH OFFICES. AclverllfilEg tor these columns will bo token on the above conditions , nt the following busl- IK-US hourcs who nro nuthorlred ngents for niie ItEr flpt'clnl notice" ! , nnd will quote the name rates ns can ne hud at thernixln olTlca. _ QUI'TIf O HA"nUANni "oFFICE.-Corn.r n of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nebrhskn Savings bank bulhljmr. TOHN W HELL , Pharmacist. K2U South Tenth * J blrcet , _ . _ ClIASi : A. EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers. 113 South Kth Street. _ _ _ _ _ _ SII. FAHNSWOIITH , Ph.irmiiclst , 2113 Cum- . ing Street. _ _ . TXf .1. IIfGIir. : * . Pharmacist , C24 North ICth V > . Street. f " . "io. : W. I'Altlt , Pharmacist. 1718 l.cnven- .J ( woith Street. " I OHE3' PHAlTif ACV , 22o3 Farnam btreot. SITUATIONS AVAXTKI ) . rANTED-Sltiintlon on n stocK farm either W us foreman , or to ree-lcattle. by thoroughly competent man. Mis. llrega , Jll'j ' S. I1- ; \\MNTr.I ) Situation a assistant book- W keeper nnd all around ollico nmti. Ad dress Hank. 7IU 17th st. Q'.a-.K ) * _ IHST class salesman nnd n i usher from Chicago , with .No. 1 references , "clly or others " Wants n place w Ith any good house In liny line but diy goods. Is a No. 1 solicitor ; not nfrald of work. Tnko small salnry and work up. "Strictly sober" and middle age. Address II a , lice olllc. ' . 7UI-4HIJ _ "VVANTIIli lly nn oxperlf need commercial T > traveler a position w Ith n mnmifnclurlug or Jobbing llrm. Address It 13 Hoe. > _ _ T\rANTii : > Situation as book-kootx-r or i > S lice man ; 8 years' experience In lumber liuslnojjs. undress JUjjJlro. _ tTO-1 Situation by lady stenographer. ' four years In law and loan ollico , ox- porlcnco \\lioinsnlo business , llox . ' * , Coun cil Illuirs. ( .25-al U'ANTIOD MAKK 11 KM * . \A/ANTin ; An exnerli-nrod salesman for T iiencrul stoio Jlust know liow to sell lry goods , shoes anil cm peti. Iteferonce reitnlred , -Vddress. II. Kolin , Howard , Neb. 013 'II \\7ANTii-Cachman ) , colored preferred ; none but those who have lest of city rofeiencts ; 111) ) N.Utli. 001 \\r AN'I I'D linker. Oerman preferred : must V bo nlilw to sneak and write the English lan guage. Apply to Clms. Oasteyer , I.oup City. Neb. r > 71 < Jlj ' \\TANTr. ! > A good moldcr at the Nebraska ' Iron w'oiks ; marrltd mun pieferrod. West A btreet , I Incoln. Nub. D1 riiitAVr.I.KK Wanted Ily n loidtng Chicago JL house , nn experienced trnvclluu Knlesman who hits iirenlonsly sold sausage casings and Imtrhurv supplies. Must come well recom- momlod. htiito former ongHgements also sal- nrv expei ted. Clood opening fortlieilghtnarty. Addiess llutclutr supplies , caiol.ord < ! c Ihoma , ( hlcugo. _ _ 71i-J ) t \\r ANTED Salesmen to sell our now specialties - ' > ties tomeichantsonlvsanipl3 ; furiilslied ; oxclnsUo territory : paying nnd permanent munition. Model Ledger Co , , South liend , Ind. ObMlt > l.ACKSM''wAjrKD-Ono Mho Is good J > on plows and general farm woilc. 1'nlr wngortand a steady Job. None but a sober man null good workman need apply. Write or tele- pone at oi. cr , Ueorgo A. Davies , Glonwond , In. 7iriu : "IT ANTED -A bass singer. Call at room US , Ogden hotel. Council Ulnim , la. TJ'J-33 ' V\ ANTED Salesmen on snlaiy or commls- * slon to haudlu now patent chemical ink erasing pencil. 'Iho greatest selling novelty over pioduced. ICrnsea Ink thoroughly In two secomis ; no nbiaslonof paper. J.U ) to fMtier cent prollt. Olio agent's sales amonntcd to JBJO Jnslx daysanother ; $ ,12 In two hours. Wo want ono energetic general agent lor each stuto and toiiltntjr. Samples by mnll.Ti cents. Forterms nn < t full piirtlonlarB address the Mouron IZraser Jl'f'g ' ( o , . La Cioss. Wis. CC-81J \YrANTLD fiO < ) laborers for Pacific const exT - T tension of U.P. II. It. In Nevada and Utah , tlood wages and steady work. Albright's La bor Agency , 112. . ) Fnniam M. 533 " \\TANTED 0 1st class machinist ! ) , Davis & T Cowglll. 15th aud Jackson sti. 400 "O1CTUHE agcntB and photographers served JL with elegant crayons , water colors nun pis- tels. FIni < bromldo prints mndo for aitlsts. Hcduccdpilcos. Mynstcr Portrait Studio , 1S23 P. 12th st , Omaha. 237 a 18J "r\ETIXTlVliS Wo wnnt nmnn In oM-ry lo- JL/caltty to act ns pilvate detective under our Instructions. Experience not neceiMiry. Par ticulars free Ccntial Detective iluroau. Hos 195 , Topnka , Ivan. 2.W WJ _ \\TANTii : ) Salesmen at $76 per month salary T and expenses to sell a line of Mlvor-piatua ware , watchcB , etc. , by sample only ; horse nud team furnished free ; write at once for full par tlculnrs and sample cnso of goodB free. Stan dard Sllvei wan * Co . lloslou. Moss. 32J TXTKN to travel for the 1'onthlll nurserlos of J.'I Canada. Wo pay } oO to Jloo per month and rxpetibcs to ngents to sell our Canada grown Block. Add. Mono X Wellington , Madison , Wis. 324 mill T\7 ANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery ] Tickets rx'o. Address A. C. lloss .t Co Dem or. Colo. MH-npritt AVAXTHI- . . KJ-aiAIiKTlKhP. \\7ANTED Per Idaho. ! J good women cooks T and chambeimald who is n good waitress wates-MOand $ T > , proprietor is hero nnd will take them back ; woman cook for ] llulTs$7. t-otith Omaha1' , and ! wulticpscs and chain- iiormald ' in same hotel : nlto second girl for of- IH-er's family , nice girl for tlio country , ; i lu Inmlly , ana KHlglrU for general housework : places never were bettor or more iininnious. -Irs. llrega,314'S 15th. ICM 30J "W"ANTElT Tv-o good glrU for pi'iieral house- Jil woric. Imiulie 610 South 22nd st. ( .18 3IJ S\\J' ANTED -Clood hoiiso girl , 110 N 15th st. " _ _ _ _ 482 " "TRACTS for Ladlfs-A book for womcn."edlted Jby Huinoii. published by wnmon , sold by jvonien. Only Intelligent ladysollcltorswantcii. ] ' ortmus ana toirltory apply to Amv (1. Ayer , J'ublialior , IQii WnbASli avenue , Chicago. 72iKU T\7ANTED 1'lrst class girl for genrral house- T irJi ° irK % ° 00i w "tfuSl CnU utBIU c"t'IIVU - Dodge , osj-l \\rANThD A good irlrl for general house. l work ; small frtiully ; good wages : for fnitlier Intormntlon call at ollico C. W. Keith 711 Pnclllc. between 2 and 4 p. m. tOJ WANTED lirgirTsTTcooks. Those that want to w ork ; ut t no Germnn Employment. 130S I'm mini st , . Telephone L6iH 72tMj " \\rA.NTED Otrl or woman for general house " "rK' < j ° Saflth fct. 74I-3IJ , . _ _ _ _ _ EAhY work all or part of thn time. Good liay ( oliOutnha ) ladloH. For terms bend 2o stamp toJ. H Tyson , llox 7IJ. Clilcvro. ff ANT KD Nu rBOBlrT"for one child : must l have reference ; gootl wages. 2llSDc.ug- las st. _ "V\7ANTKD Ulrl for general house work , . . * . * , liuhwmJnn or German pteferrcd. Apply tiliaisthst. _ tk = 0-i ) erRl hoiuuwork. nr ; IzarcfTtl "Cla cook at 321 N. 22d st. B. H , Wood. OU9 "l\rANTKD Immediately , a competent secT - T end girl. References required. Wages MfiO . Appljrat M. T. Patrick's , sith nJ J < aktt sti ; , T Alutrenu for new rubb r undrrcanutint , JLJ indispensable to laiilea ; proof treo. Ad- llress Little A ; Co. , 210 Clark street , Chicago , III. iw3-iy ED Woman todo second work/w ages r weeic. Apply no N. inn. fta TANTEO-Glrls to work on shirts and over alls In oar factory , cor. lull nnd llow- 4IIK11 ANTED -Aglrl for general hou < e work1. VV . Marps nvo. T.T1-30J W"A'NTEDA con < l olrl by Aprllt : Call nt.'tfUJ Lafnvetto avenue , ( formerly Paul it. llffcronces required , Mrs. J. II. Diunont. ENnAOEMH.n'Mn do dressmaking In fami lies tollcltcd. Ml s Hturdy , 6 S. 2itn are. J-'OU HUNT IIOUHIW. 7/lOU HEST-slxroom cottage , JWI Georgia , L1 Very desirable location. Ktt-JQ ' fiouso" Mrst-cla conditiolunbdprn 'pEN-ltbotn , - s JL conveniences , largo lawn. barn , nhnda trees , S Ulocics from Lake school , Convenient to cable , motor and hors curs. Apnly on premises S. K. .Inctnon. N. 21st and Spruce sts.I5-iv | < J _ _ _ U-IIOOM house near &th mil Ohio , nil the Omoilern Improvcinptit * , Hi psr innnth. drover Slovens , ISI'i Farnam. 42rt FOH HENT 10-toom house , 2117 Douglas St. , all modern Improx'onvnts , stnam heat. 0. A. LlndfUi-t ) , l , t t-.irnatn st. (117 ( 1J ESIDENCESoTilTto I. ; roiims. largo closets , all the lattm improvements In good loca tion , not basement dining room , nttho lowest possible rontul. Paul blocs No. 2. 25th nnd llarney , free them , 717-1) ! TjorSEa and aloros to rent by D. V. Sholes I Co. . Hoom 213. 1st National b ink. Also want ( fiom ouner ) In n line locality , U or II room house with grounds nnd burn , for n No. ) tenant (115 ( I W..T. I'nui blk , NO , ar > th utiil llni nay sts , leady sonn See them. Very modern , sUhtly and good location at very low ron-al. 713-iiO _ ' Oil u'lJNT-a btan new elegant tenement houses , all modern lmpro'inents : llrs.t- clns < i location , iTi anil ill" l'i\r < avo. Call on or mUlroFH. J. W. Jllfccncr. UI3 Doiiglas. CIJ a 2 Foil HUNT niugaut IHnom housi- . all mod ern coiivenleni-ui. 0l I St. Mary's in enilo , - TjU > ir Tt7NT. : iTilck ITw'elllniF , Ti rodiull J ? kitchen on llrit lloor , f.nundrr. drying room , nil modern Improvements , Hue locution. Apply 2212 Karnnm st. WO JIKNT Two IDroom"modern iTouses , all cotivenlonces. 1'avod streets , cabso cars I'lvo minutes wait of po tollro. ( Kefeiences require * ! . Nnthau Shelton , 1BI1 Tainaw st. _ ! IG7 TJlOlt HliST-- line n room cottage all In J-1 splendid condition , enst f-ont. & ; also n largo nice 8 room cottage with largo stable. largo vnrd. ' fine shade trees , south front , well locAte'd. W per mo. , T. C. liruuncr. room 1 , Varo block- _ jOxl)2on2Ath ) st , north ot St. Mary's nvo. > with good 7-room cottage , city water , sewer etc. . rent WJ , or J fuot and two siirh cottages nlco neighborhood , and view. J1.UU ) for one , or IID.IIUO for both. ColsHth , Johnson A : Lovgron , Hooin 0. Clmmber of Commerce. WJO _ rplinvDO" latest tnlng lu icsldonces of 10 to J111 rooms. See them. Paul block , ith and Harnev sts. Heady soon nt n Tory low rental ; nil the latest Improvements. 717-30 T71OH KENT 'i-room cottage. Jin.OO. conven- J-1 lent to depot nnd business. Mend Invent- tjient Co , lieo bldg. 718 T7UK Ui.NT : 7roiun house , modern Impiove- J ? ments Apply 112 No. 20. 700-JOj KENTNice 7 room tint 4 blocks from -f jutn street depot. Will glvo one months rent free to good party. H , K. Cole , 7DI-IH T7IOU Iir.NT Fine 10 room house with all -1 moiiein conveniences two blacks from post- cm co , JH ) . H.i : . Cole. 7at-l ( A iT.W residences In I'aul blk. No , 2.21th and llRrney , ready soon , low rental. 71 K0 ! KENT . \ fi-ioom cottage with or with out barn. Apply , 2. > th nnd IMerco. 72 IjlOlt KENT Cottngoof I rooms ami kitchen , 1 ? 410 per month ; apply -'JJo South 10th nt. , i' . i , . xiich. eiw-iiij IjlOlt KENT In I.lnton block on the corner of Jloth and Jln on HIH , II Hats , 2 on second lloor and 1 on third lloor. In coed lepiur ; rent lo\v. Also store room Inquire at the block , loom HI" . John llamlln , ngont. KU A rUUNISUr.Dliotisuontith st. for rout or for sale , rorpattlculnis luquho 110' ' , N.l-'th 00,1 itlj Foil KENT Two eleven room houses olO. G12 N22dst Inrjulro n-w cor. 'i-'d nnd Daven port. _ 191 _ " 1 7IOU KENT A good P-room house ; nil mod- J- i'Vn Iinuroveinents ; saade trees and barn. Inquire 2..2'l ' Capitol nve. MS 1 room house on 10th st. near 1'nr -1 num. rent $10 ; furniture cost gl.CTO : will sell forJHW ontluio. Co-Op. Land and Lot Co. . J.U1 A 10th St. C27 IW "OOH KENT Now 8 room house , every mod- J ? crn convenience. 22nd nnd California. 4JO per month. A. \VnKoloy , N. Y. Ufo llldg. FOIl 11ENT 1'uiulshed house of 8 rooms bo- sides bath can bo had fioni one to three months by applying nt 1311 S 2Jth st , or room IS Il.irker block , a good girl willbtny It desired. 171011 HENT nnelllng oh Cnpltol a\enuea -L room" , and all modem conveniences , includ ing laundry aud large .stable. 1'osseaslon Acrll J. 1) . J. O'Douuhoo. ICTI riunamst. H31 7-UOOM hou e nt 9BON. 2tth iivei ( M 31J FOH KENT Houses nnd stores ; property cared for. taxes paid. Mldlaml Guarantee .V Trust Co . 1014 I'nruam St. Ab > trnct9 ! C17 IK you wish to rent n liouso or store see II. K. Colo. Continental block. _ 15U I WANT moro houeos to rent Parrotte. _ Ull-al 8-ItOOM lint with steam neat. Iftn. fit. , near Jones. Uhos. F.IInll.nill'axton block. 821 FOU HKNT ltOOMH I-'UIJXISHKl ) FOK KENT- largo rooms , alt newly fur nished In New Terrnco at reasonable rales. 2128 llarney st. 472-U ! * 11' OOMS ' U. 8,10.12 , 007 N. 18tU. 735-Ktt "IJIOU HUNT Two good rooms suitable for JL ? Ihjht housekeeping , cheap. 2. > 2J Douglas. THOU HUNT-Pleasant furnished room front- JL' ing Chicago st , stsnm heat private family , leasonablo to one gentleman. Upper Hat , S. E. cor. Chicago and Pith. 7J23 FOU HENT ' ! furnished rooms or fiirnlturo for sale cheap , ulbo unfurnished rooms , ryj Capitol ave , top llat. 737-30 * "usTcl I D ItcTliI.Ii will litre In a couple of days newly furnished rooms , single or en sulto , ill N. Itlth. _ _ 7.U-5T I7IOH HUNT 0-room brii k dwelling , all mod- i wn cotivouleiutxt ; rurnlturo and carpets for sale at great sacnllco ; pirtr louring city. Call at once n bargain. 014 S. Georgia uvo. _ _ _ _ _ Sit gj _ _ HA N I ) SOM K room w Ith board Inprivate fanT- lly , nicely slluated. 213J Hainey st. . . T7UMI HKNT On 2d lloor of lai Sonth25Th btT JL1 n-ont room with alcove. N. O. .Field , _ _ 011-308 irtOH HKNT Nlcoly furnished front bedroom JL' with use of parlor , toresnectablo gontlomen. Kent cheap. Apply Ml S. llith st , Ui-tlJ ! * KOOMS and boa"nl , 1 22 ChlcagoT" C.&T5T _ FUItNlSlir.lt rooms In the Her block , south- ernoxposuroi all conveniences. C2l S. luth St. . Hat D. 70C-i { IjtUHNlSHED tooniH , on suite or single ; also JL' rooms for housekeeping , luaiuhst , _ _ _ _ _ KJS-31J "VT'CK''Y ' fiirnlshort rooms with or without Jboard. . 1IKSI Dodge ; reference. 72rt-U T71OU HUNT With bo-ird. nicely fu7nTsiieii -C ? rooms ; 1711 California at. 727-1J LA HUE room for three or four eentlomoh7 Uoagoiiablo rates. IMS. 17th St. 7JJ-JIIJ ' 77IOU HENT Two furnished rooms. 117 S. 23th JL' st. , liotw eon Dodge and Fiirn'i.n. . r.4-lj ITiOlt HEXT- Large furnished roomi , modern J improvements with board , btttctly Hut class , fe South 2th st. OJIMJ l ( < t'UNSllED ] rooms for gentlemen , wltlfor JL1 without board , IB II DouiUs. 2I6-3JJ Tmoit ItRNT-A furnished I'oom in private JL1 family , IWH Farnam. ROOMS , furnlahod , for rent , 1701 Capital _ _ eio 4j FOIl HENT-Kuniuhea rooms ; gasTbath anTl steam , 151'J ' Howard. _ _ 37 K10K UENT--Nlcely furuLhwl room lu nriraio JL1 family. 3JiJ N IMi at. alU Ulj IJtOIl ltKN"F-fwb front roonisTwith Imy win- -1- clew , modern couvcnleucei. with or without bowd. } | to IflQ per month. 'IS Ltavenwortli at , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U28 OLBAN nirnlsheil rooms , lun Clilc Bo st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 114-JIOJ KANDSOMK front parlor wIunrrst-claT ? board ; modern conveniences ; rer reucu * ; l SI Farnniu. _ _ _ ton nij _ IJXM HKNT-An'elegnut front room with uti JL' alrovv. fumUUod. on mtcond floor : all uioJtra conVfiiloucM. 12 8 26th at. 3 FOU HENT Two room' , 1121 Cnpltol ve. _ _ f,7ft-3ttf TT'On ' HENl FurnJihed rootnj , ir/jTlJouglas. NICE room , every convenience , fW DaVenp't Tffnbi rooms 2010 Davenport , TflOH HUNT- Pleasant furnished rooms with J-1 nil conveniences. 619 B. 2tth ) st. His ST. CLA1H European hotel , cor. 131 n nnd Dodge. Special rates by weeic or month. ! ! 2i ) If OH HUN 1' Uootn with board. ir.'iDodgjsst. "I/Olt HENT One largo troutjroomwlth board. J1 UW ) Cnpltol ave. 875 HUXT--UOOMH UNTUUMHIIIOD ITKIK HENTSuit ot 4 unfurnished rooms JL' suitable for housekeeping. I'nmlly without chlldr-n Price JI7 ; 1702Yoster st. (121 ( rpllHEE nlco unfurnlslinil looms cheap , 8 w JLcor Hurt A. 2.'d stno ; children and references. tdli-Ji * KrNFfltMSHED chambers for housekeeping 'Jror niuti and wife ; no children : 31U N. 17th , IK ) KOH HIONT STOUKS AM ) OKK1CICH l4lOH HENT-2 storoj and a nlco llut cor. 20th J3 nud Pli-rco. _ _ "IfOH HE.NT---A splendid brick Hloro 22itlort. X' u goo 1 location for boot and HMO , notion or any kind of biwlnasj. rent will ba mide satis factory to n good parly , T , C. llrunner. room 1 Ware blk. 0l ! 30 TjlOIt HKNT-Storo Hiiltibfo for meat market Jior grocery. \ \ 111 glvo one months rent tree to good party. H. E. Cole. .31-31 _ fflOIl ItnNT Ttoonis suitable for light maim- facturmg , Inclining power nnd ho.it. H"e * PilnllngC'o. llth aud llowntd streets , 73J nlt HENT-Storo No-OI N J- Capitol nvenue , and Daxeupoit apply 181 ! ) Davenport st _ _ _ _ 44' ) _ " 1/1011 HENT A good larpe store room. 210. . JIn Ponder. Thurston county , Nub. ( ! oed chance for general store ; next door to the post- ollico. Address at once Postmaster , Pender , Nob. 711-.V ) . 'fT'OH HLNT Store with good bnwmelit at 7tt ( X' S. lllth st , J ) . Very low rent considering locality. Anplyatatore. George Closer. TiH-jflj TPOH HKNT- Corner store. Invenworh and X1 2ld sts.Jns Montgomery , bOS. ; ) 2Hh. 07KilJ ! FOH HENT Desk room In nicely "furntHhod olllce , all conveniences , llooui Hi , Contlnen- uTWock. liiu 8TOHES at 707. 709. 711 S. lflth.22xOO oncli , Inrge show windows , steam heat furnished. Thos , P. Hull. 311 Paxton block. Ml ITOH HENT The i-story brick building , with JL' or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing ( o , S'10 ' 1'arnani t. The bill Id Ing has a lire-proof cement basomont.completo steam heating llxturos , water on all the Moors , gas , otc. Apply at the ollico of The lloo. UI5 HENTlstory brick bullalng. lHODoug- las St. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse purposes. Also brick store , 107 S. nth st. In quire of Lima. Kaufman , 1302 Douglas st. 33J FOH HENT-Onice room and inrgo light base ment , cor. 13th and Jackson sts. ; llrst two months free to good tauant. Enquire Mrs. Lance , 12so. 13th st. US ) AVAXTKD TO 11KXT. WANTED A good sized room for a single man , with or without breakfast. Address 11 22 , lloo olllce. 703-3 f \\TANTED Hy man and wife , two or tnroo T V uufurnlshed rooms for light housekeeping in good neighborhood. Must have gas. Will L-IVO reasonable lent. Aduiosa It 20 , Deo.7IMO 7IMO * WANTED to lent nbont July jst n binall cot- tagu , with nil modern conveniences , close to business. Address A II. Heootllce. WO KKNTAIj AGKNCi. _ MOUTON'S rcutaf agency , 517 Paxton blk. 197 GHO st. JII. PAHHorrn , rental agent. Douglas bit b31-a3 1710U HENT 10 room house. 1721 Dodge. All JL' modern Improvements. Inquire 1318 Tar- nam of Samuel llurns. 020-30 /111EAP and rellaolo lire iusurHiico , Parrotte. _ Kll-aS HE. CO Li : , rental agent , Coulneutal block , * " " i : U" > \\7 ATElt spanleU2JIJ Ldaveuworth st. V > ' ' 302a''OJ n O Ladies Mra Ihiproz's famous remedy JL for all female complaints. Oiio month s treatment securely sealed sent by niali on to- celpt of price. 11. Lady agents wanted Lib eral terms. Manufactured by the Garden ( Ity Specific Co. , Ml LaSallo St. , Chicago , 730-3W REPA1 iriN"oliurcau. 13J3 Dmiglasstreet. La- dies' aud gentlemen's clothing and house hold furnislilngs. iiH-iuj ! "I OCICY Mountain Correspondent Largest JLtmarrlaga paper in the world. Ladles nnd gentlemen who are matrimonially Inclined can ave advertisements inserted fioe in Apill No , by sending stamp nnd 10 cents , with dohciip- tlon and address , to box 1038 , Denver , Colo. Confidential. o' 5-30 * WANTED Private loanof Sl.OJO : < to n yean , tirst class security , 72J M. Y. Life bldg. 620 'lit the convenience of clients engaged JL during the day wo open evenings. 7 to 8'JJ. : 11. E. Colo. Hoon ( I Continental Illk. Ml WANTED A plrl baby tor adoption. Ad- lO'sAi3Heo ! ollico. 1VJ _ A UCTION sales every Tiicaday.Thursdaynnd xXSnturday morning at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. * 3.10 rilO HENT-Houso lUt with J. II. Parrotte. JL C3 l-o5 WANTED Gentleman nnd wife to occttpv largo unfurnished front room with nil conveniences nnd board with private family. Itefereuces given nnd required , call lit IX ) IS 30th st. 51113HJ TELlNQri:7jTS : Please Head This- J-/ Persons holding contracts for lots pur- cnacod from the Omaha Heal Estate aud Trust Co. , on which payments have become delin quent , nro requested to call aud arrange an early settlement , and b.iioitoublo and cost. Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. . 1504 Faruani St. so HE. COLE , reliable lire insurance. . . ay. _ _ _ _ HE , COLE , notary pubiu nud conveyancer 3.11 1JOA1UMNT5- WANTED Two boarders , private family. Apply 213 N. 1 tn st. 7Q2-2J DAY boarders will mid satisfactory accom modations at 1U1U Dodge st. ulO-u ; ; 1'KItSONAIj. flSSS. E. HHADYof ! US Fatnam st. has Lmoved to7118 S. 18th st. 70NWJ JjOST. 1OST Ladles gold watch and chain ; S. P. on- vcraveu on back ; one piece of the chain de tached Flndor will receive liberal rewnrd by returning same \\orld-Herald ollico 57S' J LOST Pumo containing about & . . ' , Iteturn to lleo onice. O'.ll-JOT OSTOUSTOLEN-Ensllsh setter dog ; white with lnrgii red spots. Head and eura rud nud double nose. Any information ot Mini will bo well rewarded Win. Neve , 412 S Ibth st ; Washington hull to 1-1 " STOIIAGE nt lowest rntM. Hranch A Co. , 1211 Ho aidst. 35'Jn2l _ H1IIE cleanest pndliest storauo Inlheclty at JL low rates nt 1114 Douglas streut. Omaha Auction A. Storage Co , . . . - . ! tU rilUAOICAni'.storagentlovvoat-ratoj" . W , M. Jtl ushM u.lJll LBavenwbfth. . ' " iTJX BKFOUE buringa piano examine trie now bculu Klmball piano at A. Ilospt ,13l3 Doug las . | 44\ " _ _ EO. F. GELLENIIKCK , teacher of the banjo , room 313 Douglas block , or Hee office. 210 \VANTK -/ro" i HOUSi : Wr.nttd-Wnntod to buy a lot with 7 or\s-room ! mu a on H Muit be convenient to central part of th cltv , Prlco must b rea sonable. Address t : . T. AI ' , I' 121 1 Slmruiau ave , W.ANTKDFIrnl class drlring team. N. . V Life bldg. _ ' WANTED iSu-nittirei carpets , household eoods for cush. Wells' Auction X Storage TV fANTKD Good commcrcall paper. N - 1 brwka Mortt' o l > u Ca.&IS ) Paxton blk. CASH tor nil kinds of household goods at 1)11 ) Douglas BtrccuiJrcatm Auction * Storage Co , \ \ ; A.NTKD-To OUT for spot cash , city or T country pitru cfr whole f'.ocVs of dry and fancy Roods , clotftltfg , boots and shoes , milli nery. Matlonery.'vj'ttt's furnishing goods , etc KOIl H POH 8ALK Alithii furniture , carpets , piano , otc , of the largo jo-room house No , 811 S , Liitii st , . at nnctmiii Monday morning , nt 10 o'clock , llunry Crelghton , auctioneer. , , CIO-EO i 1011 * rtaLE Drlvlttit nnd saddle horses end 1 inuics ntbart c r Shormauave. nnd Corby 'filOIl SALE Two horse harness , two cov- J ' prod spring wagons. Fine outfit for gar dener. Will sell for loss than half vnliin for cashj Peterson 10 ! < ) South 18th st. HUill * "I7IOH HALE A natural freak , a great living JL curiosity , something u bonnti7.it for show men , call ou or nddrtsB L. E. llugglns,3IS S jUhsJ. MU-iO" FOH SALE A , 'lVrtorso power Porter englno In good condition , weight MOO pounds , cyl inder 11x10 ; for particulars apply to The lloo olllcp. . 7U8 171011 SALE Homo nice household furniture. X' Must be old nt once. Cash or time , En- qnlro Ht (118 ( I'lixton blk. 721-30 DF.COltATEDTollot scls. . Latest designs , * .175 toliVW , Cut glass. Piesied glass. Colonratcil block pattern. Sllvcrwaie. Piano lampi. Hnnquet lamps. Something new. No lust year's stock. M. 11. Illln. U40 Farnam st. 712-31 "iron SALE Saloou , fce. sfbck nnd llxturcsj JL' no llcensn. Addri'M 112. : . n e. 7d7--'lllt FUlt SAM : Onn of the llnest drl\lm ; teams lu Omaha ; ntrnld of cothlng , styllsli and prompt drivers ; also a filil platrorm spring tiirrlujjo almost new. Address X . ' , lloo olllce. . _ 4K ) PritNlTCHi : auction every Wednesday and H.itmday , ; m H litb. Welfg. ! ! 4a "JJKMl SAI.K or tradeUno Hat top detUr , ono JL7 8-foot Htiindlinj desk , oiu ; louse of suction of school land. 4S-I ocreit of Improved western land nnd H suction * of U. 1' . railroad land. II. H , Henderson. UK ) 1'axtqn bloclt. all TJIOH SAM : Some good wntchos and dla- JJ mends cheap. II. r. .Master. , room I. Wltli- nell blk. a CI/A1UVOYANT. A Hill VAIi extraordinary of Mrs. Dr. IMdy , the dhtlnuuhhod world-famod nnd only rettl natural trtxnco clairvoyant aud spirit mo- dliini In this country ; Foventh dnughter of the seventh daughter , born with veil and great est prophetic gift of second slgnr. While on- ttnnccd will reveal every htddon mystery In life. Has long been pronounced In Kurope niid Amorlcn the greatest living wonder of the present age. rnderatanos the gclonco of tha rerslan nnd Hindoo magic , " or ancient "harm working , ni > d prepares Kgyptlan tnllsmana which will overcome your enemies , rumovei family trouble , restores lost ntlectlons. makes marrlago with tno one you love no rulluro removes evil Inlltiencoj , bad habits , cores witchery , Ills and all long-standing nnd mys terious diseases ; will give coriect Informa tion on lawsuit , slrKneia. death , nlvorte , iib- sent friends , overytlnng ; never falling ndvico to voting man on marn.igejiTid how to choose n wife for happiness , and what business be t adopted for stieo ly riches. Stock speculation a'specliiltv. AUo'irhoslndlspensnblendvlee to young Indies on lo\ . courtship nnd marrlapo , and If your lover 1,1 true or false , nnd gh es pic ture or future luish'xiid with name , ago and dr.to of mar tinge. Hours. U a. m. to 8 P.m. , Btrlcr. N. II for tun benelltof those who nro unable to call upon Mrs. Dr. Kddy. uho would respectfully announce' that slio gives perfect satisfaction bv letter. Your entire llfowillbo written Inn clear .and plain manner. Letters with stamps piompflr answeiod. Fend for largo Illustrated clt-unlar with special terms. Jlr * . Dr. IWdy , aH ( Ni luth St. , Omaha , Neb. iuoo- ; ? j TJ10HTUNE Teller -Mrs. I enorman cin bo J-1 consulted on all nllalrs of life. Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. U10 N IJth st 4J--a'iIJ " " ' Dtt."NANNlEV.'wil l'.ENrcT trvoyrinriinod'I icnl and business mudtutu. romalediseases a specialty. 1IU N. 16th St. , rooms - unn J. ; I1'J DIt. H. GltOIJX.electriclty.maDsago and mag netic treatment , canonic diseases a special ty , simple medicines Alien needed , . ! ' ! N luth. SHOltTlIANl ) AND TYl'JiJWltlTIXG. \\rANTHD TTduciteil yonns ladles and gan- T ? ttemen to lenru shorthand and tyuo writ ing at the Standard Shorthand Uusluoss college - logo , New York : Ijlfo building ; llnec looms in the cltv : nil laicst Imnrovmnoiits. electric litrlit. elevator service ; cheapest school bocau&o It Is the best ; Instruction tuorough , modern , practi cal ; demand for stenographers constantly In creasing : success positively sure. Call or write for one of our large descriptive catalogues. Address , Standard Shorthand Huslnoss Col lege , Frank K. Hell , Mnnager , K. V. Life Itlrtg , Omaha. Neb. 7CJ BIONKV TO'J.OAN. C HOlCi ; small loans wanted. t' . Harrison , UI1 N. V. l.tfo. 170 W A'NTl : ! ) l'llv" , llrst class security , 7 N. 1' Life Wdg. IT E , COLL' , lonn agent. Continental block. 34 ! ) JIHEUAL real estate loans inadebyW.il. Harris , room 20 Frenzer blk , opp , P. O. 347 O llATTI5Lloans nt lowest rates : removed to 517 and 610 Paxton blk J. II. Emlnger. 3 > r KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of SIO to JJ.OOO ; gptourratas bafore borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought , for us w loan , renewal of old and lowest rates. Call.lt 203 , Sheuly blk , 15th Ic Howard sta. _ 352 _ Y\7 A NTED- First class inside loans. Lowest T > rates. Call aud woo us. Mutual investment Co. . 1C01 Fartium. 'Ml MONEY to loan on tny security for short time at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The IlendersonMort gage Investment Company , iloom4 0. Paxtoujjlock. _ 3W _ _ FIHST mortgage loani nt low rates nnd no do- lay. D. V. bhoies Co. , 210 First National bank _ _ _ _ _ . _ MONEY to loin ; cash ou hand ; no dolay. J. W. Squire , 1211) ) Parnam St. . I'lMt National bnnt building _ _ _ _ _ 3BJ _ T , OANS made on any available security. Ceu- JLJ ti.'il Investment Co , Itoom 2 , Chambi-r of Commerce. _ _ _ 35.1 _ MONEY leaned on furniture , horse * and wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan to , , room 1. Ilarker. 3V ) MONEY to loan , by H. F Masters , in any amount from jio to JlO.ooo for any time , from one to six months. 1 makH loans on household goods , pianos , organs , hotsus. mules , houses. Tenses , etc. . In any amount , at the lowest possible rate , without publicity or removal of property. My loans ere so arnui od that you c.m make n payment nt nny time nnd reduce vour In- turest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the time you USD the money. If you own a br.lance on your property I will tnko it up nnd carry tt for you , at the lowest rate consistent with the risk. risk.Morey always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowe t rates II. F. Masters. Itoom 4. Wlthnolt illock 15tn and llurneysts. MONEY to loan cpi ntrnitnro , org.vns , pianos horses and wagon * Himkeye Investment Co. , roomai , Done fas blk. , l th and Dodge sta. ! * . 'I'd 01'I'.K CENT reanwucD loans S1.UJO to $10.XX ( ) . llulldlng loans i t special rates. The Mead Imreslmont Co. . lien , building. . 'CjQ MOSEY 3J , rt ) , or l J days ou furniture- pianos , horsed , jioiifos , otu. .1. J. Wilkinson (118 ( Paxton blk. . 383 EASTEHN MO.N'EY-lu loan ou city property ; mortg. paper bvu iit. H , II , Irey , opp P. O. UILDINO LoanK-CW to 7 pur coin ; noun- ditlonal charget for commissions or attor ney's fees. W. 11 Mclblo , First Nat bank bldg. iilt 348 ONF.Y to loan. O : 'K. Davis Co , real estate and loan agentJ5Ui ! Farnam st. Ml BUILDING loans'tns'dcon ' ' Cliolce Hty property At lowest rates. lrlvate funds to loan on brlcc residence end business property upon very favorable terms. Klmball , cnamp 4. Hyan , . _ _ 12U5 Farnam St. _ K al2 " "lytONKV to loan on norse * . wagons , muies , J.T ! nousehold uoo'ls , planoa.orKaui. diamonds , at lowest rate * , 'ilio Drat organized loan o.'llco In the city. Makes loans from 30 to 3G6 days , which CUM be paid In part or whole nt uny time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call and bee UH wliuii you want tnouey. We can asilut you promptly and to your udvuntage without removal ot property or .publicity. Money nlvrays on hand. No delay In making loans. C. F. Heed \ Co. , Dig s. Uth st : over 1 - - Pen 35. OAKS City ana farm loans , mortgage pa- Jp r bought , Mi'C'ogue luvuntuient Co. 354 M OMiY to loan , I'arrotta , Uouulas wock. AIWTHACTS OI'1 TITI.i : . "AflDLAND Guarantee A Trust Co. , N. Y. Llf J. " 1 bldg.complete abstracts furnished and title * to real otato exatnlnsJ , per focted A guaranteed ASl'I.UN'DID opmilng for a wall educated man with il.OOu. A splendid vaylug btisl * no'si no opposition. Address I ) 21 Ilei > . ti30-3J 1J1OK HAUT-llest saloon In good , thrlvlnglid JL' tlnsi city ; ft rare cli nco for right party ; wlllgho possession nt once l about IV OJro quired. Address 11 17 , lice. fiS35J _ T HAVE ? ? 0ti or t W cosh nnd am open to no- I-ccpt partnership In good p-iylng business. Am nrnstler. ' Address II 27 , cnro Ilei > . ( fei2-3lt 7rrOHl"HAIK-HnlMntercsrin n Uvo paylnc ; JbiHliitsn in foutli Omaha , Torinn good. Call on Cook \ Slpc , South Omaha , Neb. 717-ait _ _ _ _ LE A good p.iylng harnes 5(0 ( will buy well established Hour nnd feed § store , llrst class locution. Address II 20 u. CW7-3IJ FOU HENT ChockoTod lively barn on 'isth tl S of Hartley , lull or nddioss Neb. Mort gage Loan Co. , 5I I'nxton blk. f in "I i lOH 9 A I. E On account of disagreement will -L sell my Intelest In notion store ; llrvt. cl.isi location. Address II 2't. Heo olllce. OW HU rilWO Illg ( ; hnnccs-Onnf.r. . ' > On , nnd one $10,000. JL Slocks ot ( ji'ii'l mi'rchandlso for sale 7f > cts on the dollar , lloth very deslt able nnd clean stocks well located nnd doing good cash busi ness. Fnitlosmusl have cash , but will glvo time on part. ' 1 his Is a Minn for some bargain- hunterHents low. Parrotte , Hoom 21. Doug las blk , Omalm 70V. iTTiigs for sale or trade , ona-tutrd Willis Cndwoll , lliokoti How , Npt > _ _ _ _ J71OH HAlTlI . \ . ll'rst-clnss steam brickyard one of the best m Omaha : capacity , 7i'uo ' per day. SicKtienH the cnuso for Celling. N. II , Apple , Hoom 10 , Ware blk , cor , 15thV Farimnr _ _ _ 'JJSJJ \\iTANTED-iiuii with sotmj caplTiiT ; lnust T understand bookkupplug and the notion business. Address box , / ' , Lincoln , Nebftll4 ftll-4 POH SALE-lnterest In meat market. Stev ens' cooler nnd lIMttrcs ; elegant chant o for butcner ; llttlo money icijulrod. Address A t2 , Hee. MS. 30T rpO ltl : T 'l'Be Commercial hoiiie , on CoiTi- JL mcrilal ave. . near the motor bouse. Posses sion given April 15. House full of boarders ( tnotormen. ) J. T , Croft. 522-11 AHAitE clianco I have for salt on easy terms ono of the largest and most complete "milk dairy" with well located nnd lilted milk depot in the city. H comprises about II i head of stock , 4 milk w agotn , > tc. etc' The business is of long standing nnd has n large line ot cus- totneis. My advanced age aud other business requiring all tlio time I care to give to business nro my reasons for soiling. Tills is n rare chance ton good man. 1 will sell the cows and milk depot separately if desired , luqnlreof Jonn Stubun at No. G05 S 13th St. , Omaha , Neb , 438 "ITIOH SALE 110.000 , naif interest in general JL' nieiclmndtso business of JHOJJ per year , not prollt $10,1x10 per ye ir. in western couutiy ; owner not Well aud wishing pattlal rest ; lefor- ences must bo furnished with letters of in- qulry. Address A 3' ' . lloo olllce. ! Mnl7 ) AGENEHALmeiclmndlao business ror sale in a town on Sioux City fcPnclllc railroad In western low a. Terini cash , or good security. Iluildlncs , Including residence nnd gran.irles al < o. Will oxchangn for good farm lands or city property , llulldlugii worth about SJ.nOU. Good Held for doing a grain , cr.ttlo and specu lative business. Addiess A H" " , Omalm Hoe. IMUji 13 TT10H SALE My livery business in this city , i Will sell or lent building. Correspondence solicited. John Dohany , Council Hlulfs , la. 4in n8 "Jjlblt SALi : General stock of goods and liusl- JL'ness inn well located town eighteen miles from Omaha , now doing n plenuld business ; good leasous for soiling. Inquire of H. Cotnor at Nebraska Savings bank , Omaha , Hob 571) ) n41 FOU nXOIIANGK. "I71OH EXCHANGE * A restaurant lind tinKery7 JL with nil necessary parnphonalla , in best lo- calion in city , llurtlett , room 107 , Shoely blk. TTllJLL business corner on paved street , Very ' JL' desirable for stores and Hats , Will take , part cash. bal. securrd paper , KJ N. Y. Lifo. 510 3Jt fjlOHSALE Or exctiange for imlsc. Jewelry Jprnferrod. . SOJ acres ot land , unincumbered , in eastern Nebraska. A. W. Atwood 4 ; Co. , Fremont. Neb , , Main st. ( W7-7T T\rJLL trade a really line ICO acre farm in Vnl- ' ley Co. for a good house mid put In sonio cash. It. E. Colo. 731-31 HOUSE and bupgy wanted for lots , etc ; also building lot for lands. W.J.Paul. 717-3J "IXTAN'l ED Houses nnd lots near motors nnd TT car lines ror lands , etc. W.J.Paul. IdOJ Farnam , 71J-30 MODEHN 8 room house In Poppleton Pare ; clear lots for noisonal property : farms near Omaha for good property , iiutchinsou i Wead Vtil Doulas i- WANTED-lliilldlng lots for Hy lands , ( as sume nnd pay cash. ) W. J , Paul , HWJ. . U7-30 W PAN'l ED Horse nud huggv for lots , mort gages , otc. W. J. Paul , IDU'J ' I'nruam. 713-JO I7IOU EXCHANGE--2 clear lots for n good JL. ' horse , buggy and liarnoss. N. H. Apple , room 10. Ware block , 15th andl'artinin sts. TflOH EXCHANGE 2 ICO acre tracts of TJoI JL1 braska hinds , pattly under cultivation In good localities. N. II. Apple , room JO , Ware block , 15th nnd 1'arnam sts. < yJ 4j A FINE restaurant lor trado. Lo-Oporatlve Land \ Lot Co. . 20. N. 16th. tUS-31 FOH IIXCHANGOHakery. . maUng I.OJO loaves of bread a day , and giocery worth J-.OOO. Daniels , _ 3s N. YJ.lfe. 5'JOiOJ ' : "ITIOU EXCHANGE Choloalmproved NebrTs JL.1 ka furins. Will assume tlu'ht encumbrance If j ou have anything to olfcr address or call on Geo. J.StonihcIorn. room 317-313 First National bank building. Telephone 481. fti'i \\7HAThavoyou to oxohungo for a lot in IT South Omaha worm $1,0W , clear of in- cnmbranco. AddressX 5. , Hee ollico , U * > 2 A \fALNUT Hill lotforteam , fnrnltiiri < or secured - > cured paper , room 72i New York Lifo bldg. rai .It 171011 SALE Oroxchnnge , 1230 ucres of land JL1 as follows. ( Hiincii'i ' In Lincoln county. Neb. 4V0 ncres In Dawcs county. Niiti. ltd acres in Mndlxou county , Neb. Address "Ownor" Lock Iiox lilt ) , Cliadron , Neb. 514-nl STHINGEH ie Penney , room 2) ) Douglas block luive a big list of iroporty ) of nil kinds which they Ciin trade for Nebinsk.1 farm land * . Cor- lespondcnco solicited. Stringer & Penny. Tl' > ou h.ivo anything to oXchangd cull on or artdrosa H , E. Cole. III ! , Continental block , Ollice open evenings 7 to Hl : ) . 1107 rPO EXCHANGE Tine city or farm prop- J ertv and cash for clean stock mcrchnndlHc. Can close deed on short notice. Address II 11' ' , lloo. 01418 FOU KXUlANGU-2 lots in South Omaha or 1 lot near Vlnton st. , for horses or mules Itoom 13 , Hoard Tiade. 0-6 HAM : inoAi ; KSTATK. MOUNT Douglas add-Nlc _ lotraxlIK , price . * WO onlv , on easy terms. H , E. Cole. IjlAC'lOltY I'lacoNlco lot JHliO ; $ Jj cash , ba- JL1 nnco HO monthly , II. E. Colo. 7 11-31 1TWW SAIiEordXeliauge U'.OO ) acres of land JL1 will trade for houses near motor or tar line , also lots. W. J. Paul. ld Farnam. 7U-i'i : "IfilG HTY-clght foot on Douglas st , wool of 10th st at about oua-half prke. This was purchased several yearn ago by n uon-rcsldent who wlslies to realize at onco. Corner 14th and uass , several small lioiist-sthat reatnt fu.0in mo . . . { 10,0)0 ) Very pleutnut uast trent borne , Hunscom Place . 4.MO Another elegant new modern house , (9 ( rooms ) complete , commanding vlow . ( iiro 10-room house. Hist st , * iW ( cash . U.IGO East fronts aiound Ilnnacoiu pare up from . . 1,600 East fronts short distance from Putk live mid leuvt'nnoitli at . I.HXI _ WQ have the nicest vacant lots around liana- com Park for salo. We are lieadniinrtors for Walnut Illll. Lots from tVU to Ki.uiO for loutn front on Ciimlnt ; trt > et. In llrst block \\eat or Dr. Mercer's ( ' -room nome on Hamilton utrout * 1WJ ) ; only JMiicaili JI1 W iwir month. lloiiMiund lot. 27thand Douglas. t2.0 . rineoust front lot , ; uxl20 , ou-Stli , wlthsmall house , I,2.V > . Iiutchinsou & Wead , 1521 Douglas ; tel. 1523. 1 / .P7x200 ft front on three BtrcPts. high aud J 1)1 hlghtljr , about u mlla from P.O. HullUors look this up. A full lot ( lRxl3louth front with lirlck tene ment renting for IJ.OUJ per year about I blocks tori ) o. , II7.IHO. A lot lHixU ( % Bouth , on Center , H.OftJ. U room hoiisouud lot west. t-.ft'iO. ' n room eottngo and lot near Cnmlnu' In Pop- pleton Park , tl.'M. One of tun nlc t south front lot * In Orchard Hill , 2 blocks from motor , ( , oletli , Johnion & It , V , Chamber ot Coniiuvrca , tiw-3 KOIl HAIiJJ HiAJN : l-ST.Vri rpHIJUVHON HBKII COMl'ANV The oldest rent estate liouia In the Rtnto of NobrASKn , Imvlug boon established In 1353. Wo olTcr IHu best and safest cluincos to parties wishing to ac quire n home , in ttvoorthreoot the best rcsldcnco additions lu the cite , Immediately on or cou- vciili'tit to the lines of street cars , wo will lease n lot forllvo years , for n rental of six per cent per annum on the prlco of the lot ( nnd the prlco will bans low as other parties sell for cash ) nnd the taxes. The lessee will liava the privilege to buy the lot at any time in tlio IIvo years at the prlco stated In the lo.i * u , nnd In Hint cnto nil the rent ho has paid up to that time will apply 113 pur- chaae moaoy for the lot. The terms of sale will bo one-fourth cash , with a balance to suit pur chaser , not exceeding flvo years' time , Interest six per cent per nnniim , pnyably soml-anuually. lie will bo required to build a house of the value ot at least { 30D , nnd If ho does not choose to buy can remove his aud other Im provements at the end of nvo years. NopiopoSltlou could bo inoio fair tha ) this. If the lot should advance lu value In the H vo years the tenant will buy It and secure the advance. If It should not advance or should lomalnsU- tlonary. he gett flvo years' house rent for a merely nominal price. THE IIYIlON TtEED COM PAN V. OU SALE 0-room house , east fiont , lotHJK 127W , city and cistein water , nil lu good 10- pair , 'i mile N. W. of postolllco. pnu < M.lJOJ , ; j cabh , but. to suit. Audi ess II15. lieu. T710U SALE In South Omaha Wo ha\o a JL' fjreat borjnlu. Lot -DxIM feet w Itlilu a tow bloclis of Hie business cent or. Ontpilco , It is bound to go quick. Also MX business lots on I , mid 27th btroutH , on easy terms to parties who will build , ii street Is the coming business Btioet In Smith Omaha. Ali > o several cottages clo e to the packing houses ou monthly pay ments. In OuinliA wo luivo nlco 7-room tot- tages , centrally located , prlio A cry low , small cash payments nud easy terms ; if you 'vntit a horn a these hou-os will suit you , \\HglitA : Las- bury , Aillnston block. OJ1-2 A CUE DiflportySeveral acres for .sale In thor - northwest part of the city lu Jots to suit. II. E Cole. 734-31 ONE of the choicest pieces of rarn.itn st propurtj-loOxiiimlmprovetat ; ; n low pike , easy terhis. 115 feet front on I'arnnm st.corner 2flth. Sura to advance. 3fxl.e ; feet on Howard street between 14th and 15th ; line location for jobbing orcommti- slon house Plica low , terms to suit. lleautlful residence lot on Dodge st , opposite high school. JJxUH ; choicest tonality in city. 20 of the choicest lots In Ililggj' Place on I'ar- nnin. Douglas nnd Dodge htreetsntn batgaln. Small paymenteasy term ; ) , Itobert L , Gnrjlrhs , 1814 l' ' rnam street. 7H-OT "IJ1OH SALE S.OOfl acres best firming lands In JU Nebinska nmlnoxtij feet on f-outh Uth Ht , at n irreat sacrlllcj , Inqiilio (118 ( South I.It h it George H. Peterson , owner. 10-'al7 FT KOOM cottage for nalo or rout ; 2G.il Chicago "rftioet. Inqune2ii.'l Chicago at. lHi [ , . Weaterlleld.roal estate , .S.Omaha. 1.11 WALNUT HILL-Two lots for-J"iU. Teims V > jno.bilaucotlme. II. E. Cole , room , Con- tlnontiil block. 7JKII OMUtllE hot for Salo-Sl cash , $ j monthly. 11 JL st , lieu olllcu. 7IU-31 "IJ1OH BALE Two well built ho'Hes. nil mod- JL ? ern conveniences On p.ivod streets. Wntor. Miner , gas. street curtt. Walking distance of postollice. Will bo sold clicap and nn easv terms ns owner is leaving tl.o city. Nathan .hoiton , Kill I'atnnmst. 'M _ T7iOHSAliE-IiOls60xIls to allnv for tdKi. Will .1 ? fuiiiisn $ ; 5 worth or lumber to those who will build niiomo and take moitgago for all. Your own terms , llest cie.il In city. W. J. Paul , HOJ Farnam , " _ " CHOICE corner on inth st. . a blocks from I'arnam. A bargain. llBHlilenc.i lots in ail parts of tun rlty. varying In pike- from 41,3 > ( l to JJ.dlK ) A flue list ot buslmM-i and acrn proji- erty. It will pny you to come In and luvostl- gate before purchasing II J. Kendall , .nifl ami 307 llrounblocl : . Ptt-M' _ _ CJIXTV-l'IVK acres s. w. of p p , itullnblo for Opiattlng orgaidenlng , for sale at a biugatn. P. K. Darling , 41 llarker block. _ BU INi ; of the iholct'st plenas of I'arnnm t > t. O property. IVJxIC. , unimproved , at a low prim , easy term * , llobert ! < . Gnrllchs , Mill rnrniun st. ! 4 _ _ _ 1/1011 SAM : lluslnuss piopiirfv , 41x1 0. nil- X' joining thu Natntorluui on Howard street , by B. II. llUtlutt , t'lh ' S.JMIht SJL _ 4.H _ 13HAITIFIH. , residence lot on llodgi ) st op- IJpositci hlghsihool , .KKIIil ; chutCHst locality lu city. UobcltL GaillfllH. Kill Famanibt. 3'il BUSINESS priierty | , 85 fcut on Douglas tt , at about onwhalf viilun , OHncd by a nonresi dent who wishes to lualUu nt otico. Hutrhtii- son i Wend , 16. . ' ! Douglas Ht. 5111 FOH SA LI ! or ilxcliango 7 tnriiirt of UK ) ncn-a cixcli In Nobiaska. 3 lots In Kcnesaw. Nebraska. 15 icsldonui lots lu ( rele. 10 trackage lots In Crete. 1 lot Minden , Nebraska , 1 lot North Hand , Nebraska. 2 lots Grand Island , Nebr. 5 lots Wood lllvor , Nobr. 2 lots Lincoln , Nebr J lot Itiipld City , S DaVota. . . . . . . One-half interest In home nnd lot In Bouth Omntm , 4 lots West Point , Nubr 1 lot In Patrick's addition , Omaha. 1 lot facing 21th nnd Con vent stieets. 2 lots in Mielby'8 llrst. South Omaha , llotlnAlbrlghfsnnnex. South oinnlio. ! ! lots in Shiifi's 2nd , onTwenty-llfth snout. 1 lot In Heed's 3rd on Franklin street. 110-room house , new and all modern con veniences on 20th street , near \ \ iiolworth. If yon have ntiythlng to trade for Iho above applr to Max J. llaehr. nt Max Meyer A. Hros. ' wholesale depaitment. " ' ' SMALL payment down nnd 111 per month A will buy a 4-rootn house and lot on UHh , two blocks from motor ; llntt-cln a Chance to acquiru home on easy tnrms. Apply to 11 , h. t ole , Cuntlu ntal block. HAM ; IHTAT : : . r OTOOxl''I fcot , on Twenty-ninth street , Jt * | south of I. uko street , cheap ut Jl.flJO. One-third cash. Lot 7 , block H , Orchard Hill add , , on Hamilton street , nonr end of motor. Lot 13 , Mnyno's add. 7o Orchard Illll , Mxl.W. jnst north of lt.ll , brldgo.on Military ro.td , } t , m Two lots for sale or trade In Koitlck Partc nd dltlon. Corner lot on California stieot nnd Plonsnut street , very sltely. MOtiO. Lot 1 , block . ' , Carthage , c.ist front , coini-r ou Cuinlng street. ( I.MKI. Corner. UM ttot , small houso. \\nUiut Illll. For sale or trade , , 7rt foot on P.iuudcrs street , near Oraeo stroi-t " * n bargain nt M.5JO. Sumo Una lots In Kendall's add , utn barge 'n. Lot 22 , tlk ? , Mnyno's Place , on 33th st. . Jl.M" . Lot2l , blko , Walnut Illll , cornur lot , on < niu- ing street , vary cheat ) nt Sl,2oO. Lot 10 , blkl' . ' . Clifton Hill , corner on Mlllt.uy roin. j-tw. Two lots In Hedlck Park to trade for viu nit lot ; will pay sonio cash dlirorcnco. House and coiner lot in Walnnt Hill , f. . > r " WH trade. J1.200. W. T. GH.MIAM. Crelghton Him \TOW is the time to to buy cholco aero limp J- > city. 1 can olfer for the next thirty da\ , live choice ten-ncto tracts of land in Uo-i Omaha , close to the city suit menr icgulai tn ttona n llelt Linn railroad , suburban Union now running ullord quick and easy ttiiuslt li\ t twenty ll\o minute imo bi-lrtcen this property nnd tlio Webster street depot. ' 1 ho largest prolits made on ival estate Ini hi- cago. St. Paul , Minneapolis and KIISIIHUM hnvo been mudo by p-opleof llmlto.l menm who puri-liasiid well locati-ilacrw iiroportan.l held the same until < he city doulopedur ilclently tonmko their proitoity \trcmel > vai- liable. Yon tnko no risk In buying n live or ton a * r tract or land. If well situated You can ll\o < m tno laud , have n plea-nut nlid comfoit-ible homo , free from cltv taxes , and get to nnd fiom yom work in tnivn qule'te1- than to most pUi < - in our city , where a single lot would cost as much n-t the tea acrus I can oiler you. You can raise enough oil of lliucir ten ncios to moro than support \ our family , .ind In dui or three yoara the lapld growth oi'oiii" i Ity will enable \ou to-plat the hind Into chuleo loin ( hut will --ell for three and four times what you < an buy the land tor lod'iy. Don't lot this chance slip , b.it call and PIT whntwoluno to oiler. Itt'inciubcr ' tin in ai * cmlr llto tonnco trii-t" , and 1 will Mill eltli , i Uvo or fn acres as p.utles prefer. It will pay ) on to call early nnd secure .1 choice. CIO N HICKS First Floor Now Y'oik Life llldg. 7U-JO T71OH HA LE Xew 7 room house on full < orn r -L' lotfi'jKllO feet In I'oiiplcton park , clnso t' . motor. A be.uttifnl homu and cheap u- din I'orpaitiuilirtf nddross It 21. lite. 7il-"i ) TTlOHSALi : If you will build a homo I will J- cell you lots 51xlis ne.ir mntor.ind furnljli 175 woith of lumber nud take moilgage Tin all Your ovn teinin. Not ovur six lots will bo sold this way. W J. Paul , KW'J Fiunani 7J7-.M ' JJEMIS A.AHIC- SI\ty acres , between Thlrfy-socoud ' . ami Thirty-eighth stteutd and Cumini ; nnd Hamil ton atieets. THE GAHDES SPOT OF OMA HA. Gronnddoxqutsltel ) laid out. Choicest rcalO"iice iltes In the city. Ihot-mlio pailc adorned bj tlio best laml scape gardner in the Unltod Ktntos , who had furnished jiluiu tor the bsat system ot f Paving , sewerage , water nupply and dectilc liglitlnr. Hoiisonablo prices will be clvon those build ing ii'3ldi'ncesc < utitig'i.llU ( and upwards. Inipectlon oCgrounds invited. Applj to unices ot The HomlJ Park Co. , Con tinental building. Directors Gcoriro P. llcmls , president ; K. W Nasli , vice piosldent ; John II. Duinont. H"I re- t'irj and tr.Mbiiror ; E L. lileibower , and Dr fc. D.Merccr. FOIt KENT "J acres wrstof barracks ; good lioiHe , hiiibli' , well , etc , > " tier year , cnsli in ad\anco. ioggs\ ! Hill , roalestate , II IS I ai r.iii.ii I 1ST your property with II. E. Cole J .TOT _ _ T OltSAMI-A jriu > r 10 xl'A 1 mile iu.m L' puslo.'llcu ; goo I locillty ; uljo somu g ) I Iota. f.X ) and ilO ( down and monthly payment- for balance. N. 11 Apple , room luare \ 1 lock , r.th . and I'nUiamsts I J7 II fjlOH SAU-II : feet , coi nor o-i lllth st . In gond J7 biihlness lucihtv. ctivet jmved , verv uhuiip. N. II. Apple , loom 10 , Waio block. ui.-lt rpWOctn'co ' lots on ait.ill c.uh p.iyniOiit , bit- JL anco scciind mortgage to responsible pnitlm who will build. II. E. COIK , Continental blk , aud KOI N. 2lth. mU "IjlU'E loom rotta oi , il.SI ) oic'i , JIDJ CA JL1 diiwn , b ilance Jl'i ujr month TIitM. R Hall , III I I'nxton block. ' 37U All A IK ! A I X Dadgs A. 2)th His , 10,1x118 feet. with 2 new 'J-room liou-os A ; ii-ioom eottngo , cheap for customer with money.on line ot cnblo. icutnl $110 per month. Address 2.M N. V. lilfu < Tj 1riX ) buys Illxl.'I1 , with goo I ii-rnom hoiisi- ; Jp wt'll. cistern. Will soil I Kl.7'i ' fur } * * > Ap- "y on tliii pu'inlses. Ullll Di-cntiii si liVI-alHJ T/ioU SALE Yuri' cheap , no tr.idoK , farm of J1 r > 41.7(1 ( acit-M , HIM 5. 12. N n W. Hamilton com . tj , Neb. ; 2miles fiom Marqnetti > , small hniua , stable , iU ) acres of iiastiirc fen o 1 , living wntor , price only $10 per uciv , J9iri7.l" ( , 'IVrmi f-'v'i ) ) cn h , balance fl per cunt Interest P 1C , Atnlns , owner , r.ilhoiul bnlldlntr , Denver Col. , ' | iw / inTTAGBhomos in mmr any addition fur v -iaioat from jl.m ) ) up. on i.isy monthly piy- ments F , K. Darling. 41 ll.irk r bio -e. oiJ ITIASY'TEUSIS Housus ai.d lots In nil n.irU lioftlio ( city on easy tuim * . m will build you house to suit. Gro\orMinen . Iul5 1'nnmin IJioll \LL-oroKrhntirfo for drugs and rut ! 1 estate. W ' . ( Km book stocic. llox fib. 1'J $10,0 n OoxiKi , n o cor Mth lind Dougla . ? lOKi and li room house * , Int lir l , b o tor llth and Vlnton. Mis KnhlniAU 270-n2 8'il Georgia , n rooms , every modern convnn loncf , iilcgixat and clu-np , mint bu bold by April 1st , bnst bargain In Oniali i. I 4ill ) 7 roonu , all lomunlaiuu-i , location Una big Imrgiiln. 10,500 1" room press > d brick.all cniivonlsncm , barn , gas tlxturo-i. hardwood tlnlsli , E. front , fOxlTI feet , HiuiKcom Place 2,7110-8 rooms , all cnnvnnlaiiotf * , On Maid Illll , 7,500 12 room * , barn , nil convimlimr < n , tlnun mantels , gas llxturoi , mound eoinur , 20,00BMUxlTfi ( ) iracknse for cluir fnrm. H.ivo > cm nnv bargain" If so , we want n Hut of them. * A " hnvo farnn nndvataut lots clear for hoiuuj nnd lots Son us before y..n liny. O. V. Sholoi Co. , an First National Hank. H'HI . IMh st. near Wonlworth , AFINKlltilHhomo. , 7 loom * nnd bath , % nry llttlo cash round oil , F. K , Diirltnu , 4.1 llarkur blucx. _ _ I'1 . LAKE CITV Pnrttui dosirlng tn In- WALT this city 111 do wnll n > cunsiilt thu Dlctur , Johnson Inviistmont Co , P O. Hox5.l , and I'm fouth Mnln st . Halt L-iko City. Wo han dle choice propeity only nnd give the best ot U'feionces. 17 AJi 1 > I'.AinirULie ldonco lot fOxlOl on Poppln. ) [ [ nr.-xr 2-tli with burn , within tha mile limit , only 12.50J. C. A. Start , 12)\Farnam. IJKAL E8TATF.-lf you want to soil or rent JXlibtlt with T. O. llrunner. wliobus n Inrgn Hit nt cuntomerj. Itoom 1 , Ware block , B. E. Cor. 15th nnd Farnam , 45J 31 TNiOHKALH Ctixl3 ! on Jonq ; st. * KX ) per foot I ? AddrejS.VffJ Hen. " f.--.ji2J LINCOLN Plaoa an 1 ( UrtUi.il "loti prlc * (1,00 ( , fVj down , balance HI monthly. W. L.Siloy , It. II , ilDtrl I'f tli 5H rm'HOVED farm lauds for sale or trade , TS L cated In lluuhes , Hyde and Hand conn- lies , South Dakota. Signal PublUhlnff Co , East Pierre , H. D. < T.MI FOU HAhlt-A llat of IJ rooms well fur- nlinail , Illiiid with good pnyliu roumors , SXfi IN , loth over MooJy'acnlnastoro. . ' _ 3a.'M F tilt SALH-Onopl.conf Improved bii > iln si property that will pay 15 I iwrcvut. llowurl L 1 T , Ci , ICtu and oward U. tb *