2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEIfo THUKS.PAY , MAflQH 27 , 1800 BURGLARS BUSY AT GENOA , They Raliovo the B. & M. Agent of Conaldorablo Cash. A PROMINENT PIONEER DEAD. All of tlio Mlsslnc ( liicsts of ilio AllUwny Accounted for lint Ono A Knrmer'H Son Other Ktnto Nexvjt. llurulnrt at tfrnnvn. GSNI.VA , Nob. , March 'JO. [ Special to TUB UKI. Uurgiur * made n raid un some of our citizens In-il night. The residence of W. L. Heed , the 15 , & M. niront , was entered and JJ73 of the company's ' money l > missing. L' . K t'obb's rosldenco then received n visit to the extent of a diamond pin. Judge Slilck- lev furbished thorn with a valuable time piece. 'Ihoy visited Stowe's boarding nousti , but when they blow out the light in one of the rooms It aroused the occupant und she scrcumcd for help , which fright ened them n way. No clue as yet. * olonr-l .1. T. Warnrr Drnd. DAKOTI CITT , Neb. , March 2H ( Special Telegram to Tin : Bnr.Colonel | .1. T. Warner , ono of the oldest nnd best known ciluuris of norlhwesiern Nebraska , died at ins homo in this city thi * evening , Ho had teen sick a long time , but ahin to bo about untu three weeks ago. Colonel Warner wns n pioneer nnd prominent in politics for years. Ho .caves u wife and family of six children. Moro About the Midway. ICr.AiiM.1 , Neb. , Mnrch 2(5. ( [ Special Tele- cram to 'liu : Bii.1 : J. L. Keck , owner of the Midway hotel , returned from the east late lust night. Ho nays that If the Insur ance companies pay him for h's ' loss lie will rebuild atonco nnd will ungin clearing nwny the rubbish In three dnys. IIo proposes a three story building covering morn nrou nnd xvith better conveniences than the former Htrticture. The total amount of nollcics hold by Mr Keck on the building is * 07r > 00 , All of the missing men save Dellno hnvo been accounted for. IIo is said to bo u traveling man. The register was burned , hence the uncertainty of the loss of life. l.ooklni : lor llm Son. FHKMONT , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bic. : I George D. Gregory , u farmer living twelve miles north of Fre mont , wns in tlio city today in sonrch of his Hovcnteun yi'nr-old son who JHuppeured lust night nbout 0 o'clock , It was learned Hint u line horse , the property of Joseph lloskm- sou , u neighbor , dibappcnied simultaneously with the jouth und it Is thought they hiwo gone together. A Slick Yonni ; iUnn. liBiTKiti : , Nob. . March 20 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bin ; . ] William T. Do/.ler , u slick young man formerly in tne employ of the I men Pacific , 1ms left the city nnd a reputation ns n forger behind him ut Iho saino time. The facts of the case nro in ( fleet th.it J. K. Burks brought suit against Do/ie , n couple of weeks ugo , to collect n $03 note in .luslico Cr.iig's courl. Judgement was rendered against Dozier and it was learned on inquiry that there was some money standing to his credit in the hands of the Union Pacific. 'Ibis money was par- nishced nnd was on the authority of the I nion Pacific auditor ordered paid over lo Juslico Craig. Some Iwo weeks ago yeslor- dn > an officer of Iho justice's couit applied to tlio local agent of the Union Pacific for the inoncj , and discovered that it had been p.i/1 over 10 Dozier , Who had given n receipt therefor ami also hud presented ttio agent with u release of the garnishee purporting to have been signed by Judge Craig. The release was ut once shown to bo n forgery and Inquiry us to the whereabouts of Doncr developed that lie had gene to pastures now. Grny-IIalred IjilirtinpH. Telegram to THE HER. ] Gonrgo Booth nnd John Schrool , betler known as "Cheap John , " two gray-haired men , were arrested jestordny. charged with having enticed young girls to their rooms for Immoral pur poses. The city ordinances limit the power of police Judge to u * 100 line , which wus im posed , both parties pleading guilty. Booth was lined $ -00 , there being two charges ngamst him. In default of payment they were sent to jail. The ago of the villains , noiihoi being under sixty years , makes the case p-irtit'Ularly nauseating. Tliuir plan was to induce the girls , who rnngo between Iho uijes of nine und twelve years , to the rooms of Jiootn , who wus an assistant in n photograph cnllory , under the pretext of painting pictures for them. \VI11 Use Sioani 1'mvor. KFAKSM , Nob. , March 20. | Spccial Tele gram to 'I in : BIK. ] Tno directors of the ICuuincy paper company hold u meeting here today und decided to use steam power in stead of electricity. They cannot suffer tl.o delay of the electric company enlarging its plant to accommodate the largo paper mill which 1ms been completed tor some time. Two boilers uggrcgaiing 100 horse power nro nnrouto from the factory and will bo placed in position for work us soon us possible. The directors expect to put the mill in op eration ia thirty days. Fire Destroys n DAKOTA fin , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Teleuram to Tin : Hr.c. I A bridge on the Omaha line about six miles from Ibis pluco was burned lodny by n pr.ilrio lire nbout 2 ; iO p m. The Omaha through freight , duo ui U' 'JS p m. , was Iho lasi iruln over thu bridge und they saw no trnco of a flro. The bridge Is n low trcsllo work across n nwnmp Which is covered with very huavy grass. All trains are delayed and it is not known how soon the bridge will bo repaired , us iho piling iind ties were .ill burned. Quern Convicted. FHKMOST , Neb , Mnrch 'JO. [ Suocial Telegram - gram lo fin : BEB.In | ibc district court this afternoon Grace Caswell , the courtesan known as Gjpsy Queen , who has boon in jail three or four months nwnltlngtrinl forshoot- Ing with intent to kill , plead guilty to assault and battery , nnd was lined f 1UO nnd the coats of tritil and sentenced to thirty days in Jail. The original charge wus withdrawn owing to the disappearance of Thurber , the prose- ( Jilt 111 ttllllCbS. Han Into n llnrlicd Wire Fan UP. NKIIIHSKA Citv.Nob. , March 20. ( Special Telegram to Tun BEH. ! A young man named Cutler , aged sixteen , ran Into n barbed wire fence last night winch had been built across a road In Kearney addition , cuiting his HOBO in two nnd a largo piece out of his cheek und otherwise ripping his face in n frlghful manner. Ho will recover und bring suit for damages. Peuilor KnlkthtH f I'rtlilnx. PKSIIEII , Nob. , March 2t ( [ Special Tele gram to THU Bin : . 1 Deputy Grand Chan cellor W , L , Seism tonight Instituted n lodge ot Knights of Pythias In this city , He wus assisted by dclegntions from Omaha , Blair and West Point. A reception uud banquet was held ut the I.lndull. n Vigorous CnnvnNi , KEAHSRV , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ] The women of the Nine teenth Century club are making a vigorous cnnvftss of the city in the Interests of their candidate for school director. Their choice Is. Mrs. I'hll Brady. iji\i ; > s Lmrmlo ho Most Progressive City on tlu ) Hio Grande Honlnr , LAUEIIO , Tex. , Mnrcn iW. [ Special Tele. Cjuui to TUG BEI : . ] Unltod States Consul General Sutton , stationed nt Now Laredo , Mexico , states that the custom house in Now Laredo leads every port In the world in the world in the vaiuo of the bonded nicrohun- disa passing through ) t. Thu truss root of the Urno iron and bras * factory tow being creeled In Ltrcdo wn placed In position this week. This big plant will bo In full opor niton by the inlddla of April. The electric motor street c.ir line Is helm ? constantly extended tended to moot the growing demands of the city. The machinery for the now electric plant being put in by the Karcdo imnrovo- inont company , which will furnish 2,000 In candescent and SOU arc lights , hns bosun to nrrlve. The lights nro In addition to thono nboady lurnlshcd by the Laicdo electric light comjiany nnd will make Lurcdo the best lighted city In iho state. The nrtcslnu well bolng bored nt Lnrodo Is uown SOO feet , and progressing satisfactorily. It is cstln.ntod that there Is now en route Iu Laredo over ? 17" ,000 worth of now machinery for the different manufac turing enterprise * which hnvo been com menced In teredo within the last three months. There is no prospect for nny abate ment in the great amount of bulldlntr twine on hero thin summer ; in fuel , the otdcrs for now building for residences , business houses anu manufactures will more than keep the presoiit-armv of wnrkmim imsy the whole year. Laredo mill lends the procession on ttio Uin Grande border In vuluc of merchan dise imssintf through iho cuslom house lo and front Mexico. NO MOP.K MAIliCKT KlGtWKH. Tltn Chicago Hoard of Trtulo Will Stop I'urnisliini : Quotations Ctiirioo. Mnrch 20.-IudRO Tuloy this morning rendered u decision In regard to iho petition of the board of trade AiKlng for n modification of tboinjunciion restraining Ilio board of Irndo from discontinuing Us quota- lions lo bucket shop men. IIo decided that ho would modify the injunction provid ing iho board of trade agree to go out of the buslnois of furnishing quotations. Hoard of trade men regard this ns un tniportnnt victory for them. They will discontinue furnishing quotaltons April 1.The Hligiilion bus been going on for sever- ul yours and ull grows out of efforts on the part of the board of trndo lo keep their quotations oul of bucket shops. Under to day's decision no telegraph companies will bo allowed on the floor of the exchange , nnd customers will hereafter bo dependent on newspaper or on prlvnto messages for their quotations. There seems to bo a diversity of opinion regarding the uliimntu results of the de cision. The attorney for the board and some of the directors profess to bo very jublluat nnd sny they will now proceed to doJlndealh blow to Iho bucket shops. Souio upoculntors of prominence , nud members of Iho board , however , do not hold this vlow. Mr. Edward Pordridgn wild : "I don't pay nny attention lo such Ihings. 11 does no good nnd is only a lilllo bluff. The bucket men can and will tfot Iho rcporls. " Murphy ft Co. , who hnvo tjie largest "bucket shop" in the city and whoso business , it was expected , would bo seriously afTecled by Iho decision , said : "Wo do nol consider It n victory for the board , by any means. Wo have always conceded Iho right of the board to discontinue the reports at any tlmo nnd at their pleasure. If the board resumes the business , directly or indirectly , it bus to furnish everybody that hns them enjoined. Under that state of .iffuiis wo do not think they will go out of the business. The tele graph companies Imvo the richt to go nnd collect the reports , nnd if the Western Union over sigmlios ill willingness lo do so Ihev will bo cranted the porn.iasion. If we wcro nowsgnthercra or servants of the public the board could not help but grant us the privi lege of going in nnd collecting iho reports. It will not affect us much , nnd , ns wo said be fore , Is by no means n victory. " HISMAKCK'S KA1IE\VEfjLi. * _ Iho People Show'I ho.lr Affection for the Ev-Ctmiiupllor. Br.nux , March 20. The farewell audience between the emperor nna Prince Hisnmrck wus hold this morning. The interview lasted three-quarters ol un hour. The re tiring chancellor was heartily cheered on bis way to the palace by the crowds which had gathered along the routo. As the prince wns driving along his horses shied nnd ono of them became cntangleu in the traces. It bccnmo necessary to stop Iho cnrnngo until the harness was rearranged. A crowd quioltly gathered about the ox- chancellor nnd Indies throw him boouols nnd . _ hands with n number of Ihoso nbout Ills car riage nnd his voice faltered ns ho thanked the pcoplo for their demonstration of affecllou. _ \Vilhclin and the Pope. BEJMN % March 20. Tl.o letters between Emperor William and the pope and the labor conference Imvo boon published. The emperor - poror says Bishop Kopp , ho knows Is thor oughly imbued with the popo's ideas and will materially coutributo [ as delegate to Iho of the work. The ' success popo's reply con- grniulu 03 iho emperor upon taking iho field for n rebolute effort in a worthy cause. Ho appreciates the emperor's uokunwlcdgement of the great efficacy of religion und the church iu the solution of social questions anil wnrmly wishes the conference u success. Von AlvoiiKlol > en-r\i > oint d. LONDOK , March SO. Notwithstanding the denials the Chronicle says Von Alvonslobon 1ms been appointed imperial foreign secre tary. _ No Trace of tlm Ciiimoo , March 20. [ ripeciul Telegram to TUB BIE. : | No trace of Ihu corner stone of the old Douglas university containing Iho tin box , relics und memorials slowed nwny moro lhan thirty years ago has been found by the men who have been tearing down the struc ture , nnd Itiis morning when Iho contractors got three foot below the surface of tlio ground , ull hope of finding iho relics wns given up. Tliis fnot is u Source of great disap pointment to many of the old alumni of the university nnd nlso to the historical society which was to have been presented with iho precious relics. In Ihe box were pauors and ilocuinuuts , aomo of lliom drawn up by Stephen A. Douglas , relating to the history of the institution , besides coins , newspapers and other relics und memorials inlorostlngnt the present tlmo. It is thought now beyond n doubt that the box wus stolen while the building was in coin-so of erection. Tin' S'nMt-'fi > PW I'rncrnminc. W.vsHiNfrrox , March 20. A Brief caucus of republican senators was hold this morning at which the order of business arranged by the committee nppoinled nl Ihe recent con ference was approved. This programme in cludes the nnll-lruBt bill , which it is ex pected will bo voted on today , iho depend- out pension bill and tlio ndministraiivo customs bill und land forfeiture bill , tti6 Jones silver bill , mid bills for Iho admission of territories to Iho union. Besides these , thorn will occur n dlhalu on thu Montana election cuse , which will bo culled up next Monday. An effort was made to put ino world's fair bill on iho pro- gruiumo , bill the effort was unsuccessful , ns it Is intended to only include these mousnrcB now pending in the sonuto. It wns determined to pass tin order to fix 11 o'clock us the tlmo of Iho uioollng of iho Eunale. Hroko Ui | tlm "llooitlo Oanir. " VINCENNES , Ind. , Murch 20. [ Special Tel- oprnm to THE BEE. ] Probably the most remarkable political organization over formed wus that banded together in Steen township , thin county , denominating theui- soives the "boodle gang. " The orguni/ution Is u secret ono and Its pennltles nro severe. Us avowed purpose is lo vote lor money only in spue of the law. The report comes that the order is composed of nbout thirty members nnd nt u recent meeting ofticors were elected. Tno socretnry's books were stolen and dismay resulted In the cump , J'hoy hud resolved to demand fl.OOO for their influence In n secret way which was to bo distributed. \Villi\nl'H Apnoul. CHICAGO , March W. Miss Francis E. Wil lard , president of the Women's Christian Temperance union , has issued an uppoai for nld in the campaign In Nebraska , which has for its object thu adoption next November of the proposed prohibition nuiumlinent to the constitution. She nsks that nil contributions to nld in the struggle bo sent to MUs Esther Pugh , treasurer , Chicago , Ho euro nnd use Mrs. Wnslow's Soolhuitf S.vniD for your children while teething , -o cents a bottlo. A COLD DAY FOR COUNIS , Two Insolent Titled Forolgnoro Taught LOSSOMB in Doconcy. ONh JAILED FOR SIX MONTHS And the Other Fined Twenty Ilol- mill ltcitilrotl | to KurntHh Jloncls to Kern the Pence. Count Gnttn In llnril Inick. Cmrino , March 20.-S | | > Ccinl Telegram to Tim lit'.K.J Another Gorman count U in misfortune , but will bo reutly to consider ntiy ilcsirablo iniitrliiioninl ollor-i us soon as ho serves u six months' term in the Hrlde- \voll. The police imvo loii'ncd Hint certain of Chicago's moat arlslocrulio young ladles uro nmoiiRthoau who uiourn his doimrturu to the city's worlt home. For nearly two .years Count Francis Ger- trail J Ootto 1ms maito this city his homo und during the whole tlmo ho hns relied upon his mime und beautiful mustache nntl goatee to furnish him eupitul , During certain sea sons , when .society has been guy and money free , ho bus lived In luxury , but recently his grace mid elepineo hnvo not been so gener ally recognized und ho has wanted the coin- forts of life. These circumstances drove the count to adopt methods altogether indis creet. Numerous complaints Imvo been mndo to the central jiolico station concornliip the conduct of n stranger who was insulting In dies in Marshall Field's store. Ofllccrs were detailed to investigate , and yesterday they located the count busily employed in online ttio lady customers and sanding to sucli ns rccognl7cd him notes. Finally the ofllrors arrested him. He protested wildly , but they took linn ulonp. At the armory ho was searched nnd seine very interesting letters - tors were found. Thcro were n great many short notes signed with the names of young ladies who are often BOOH at receptions and parties wlicro swelldom reigns. It might do an Injustice to some of these young Indies to publish their nauiusbut there was ono letter signed by Samuel Chandler , n well Itnown lawyer , Informing Gotto if ho did not cease persecuting Miss Chandler ho would bo thrashed. Yesterday afternoon Justice Prlndovillo heard thu evidence nnd lined the count $75. As ho had no money this mcnha six months in the Hrldowoll. Ho wns led away lament ing his fate und protesting ho had done nothing. Mnntnrcnlo Fined. Pnn.\nni.riii\ . , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE LJEB.J Guisoppo Cnrudi , Count Do Montercolo , was lined ( M nnd costs today by Magistrate Cloment. nnd in addition was required to furnish ball in $100 to keep the peace because of his recent vjo- Intion of n city ordinance , which prohibits the promiscuous distribution of circulars on the Htreot. Ho was arrested on Monday while engaged in distributing circulars re- Heeling upon his wife , who , prior to her marriage , was Miss Virginia Knox ot Pitts- burg. The count's .lawyer furnished tha security and paid the line , and the count was released from custody. QUONG LINK'S ItKQUHST DENIED. A Clilnosn l/aboror Cannot Send for UN Family. WASIHXOTOS , March 2o. QuOng 4Leo , a Chincso laundrynian at Plnttsmouth , Nob. , has asked the treasury department whether ho can send to China for his wife and chil dren. Ho says he intends to become n citi zen of the United States and intimates that ho is wealthy. In reply Assistant Secretary Tichonor says his occupation as n laundryman - man does not exclude him from the laborers' class nnd th.U ho caunot claim immunity for his relatives from the Chinese restriction net by reason otMs _ intontlqu tq _ become a " 'JUkiiLTLuin mlmlsiion of nny Chinesn to citizenship. His wife nnd children cannot bo admitted otherwise than upon the production of n cortillcnto from the Chinese government declaring them persons otUor than laborers American Manufactures in Knulnud. ICopurlnlit 1SPO l > u Jam'i ( Janlon Hennrtt. ] Ni\vc vsri.n-oK TVSK , March 20. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tun Buc.l As showing what may take plnco in tbo fu ture , nnd ns emphasizing the development of manufactures In America und the position they nro likely to secure In English mantels , u little incident that hns occurred hero is worth rccitinp. The great snip building and engineering firm of Palmer it Co. , whoso headquarters are lit Jnrrow , have been building now furnaces und they Imvo im ported the necessary bronze castings from Philadelphia. The goods are being deliv ered in Jurrow at a cost of half a uonny n pound less than the price for iho same would have boon if they had boon bought from an English firm. Nnl > rn < 9ko , lownmtd Dakota reunions. WASHINGTONMarch20. . [ SpecialTelegram to TUB BEE ] Pensions have been granted us follows to Nobrasisaus : Original invalid Lemuel Donovan , liuatrico : Seth Moore , Schuyler ; Willurd U. Gitchell , Uossett ; William A. Uuchor , Fremont ; Daniel Glider- son , Now Uomo ; Thomas | .T. Brant , Uticu. Increase Jackson Brown , Kogors ; Abnun Heath , Albion : Jumos H.McDonald , Friend ; James M. Lutimor , Plymouth ; George W. Cook , Crab Orchard ; William H. Van Glluor. Chicago ; George W. Howard , Hust ings. Original widows , etc. Matilda , mother of Alonzo H. ' . \ ilson , Lincoln. lown pensions granted : Original Invalid Jerome Gill , LeMnrs ; Felix \V. Vlnson , Boonsboro. Uostoration Francis II No why , Bristow. Increase Juntos Fowler , Hlppoy ; Gilbert Murk , Kollarton ; James John , Numa ; Christian Sclimldt , Columbus Junction ; Joseph Anderson , Storm Lalto. Peter Potor- Bon , LaPorto City ; , lohn Snyder , Clarion ; Snmucl 1C. Sluifor , Mnrblo Keck ; Henry S. Williams , Sigoiirnoy ; William J. Hnnoy , Stanhopu ; Peter F.Vrngg , Ilopkinton ; Huns Krickson. Linvillo ; Siunuel Monroe , Fairbank ; Bonjumlii Workman- Kidney ; Charles G. Bnsklns , Fairview ; Cornelius M Cornegys. Berwick ; George Livingston , Oskaloosa ; iloury D. Gurtnor , Muscaluto ; Isaac Kdwnrds , Knoxville ; Henderson Blenkloy , Imogono ; Jacob Bmkordny , Col- fax ; William CIbson. Mnuch Chunk ; Hmrh Neeloy , Muploton ; Nathan C. Gordon , Cedar Kupuls ; William Fees , Mnrstmlltown ; Hampton U. Jonas , Corning ; John F. Hopp , Brush Crook ; Josonh "oils' , Morning Sun ; Joseph N. Endlcott , 1'od.tr ; William II. King , Dooorah ; Whit , moro Gardner , Dos Moitius ; Lewis L. Cousa , Decornh ; Frank Brndley , Dos Molnos ; John Liviin. Kookuk ; John Kudo , Mnpieton ; Will- iiuu Abbott , Den Molnus ; John Lyon. St. Charles ; Franlclln Burden , Alblu ; Uobort A. Daniels , Council Bluffs ; James Johnson , Hutllo Creek. Holssue Carlos L. Hailcy , Carroll. Original widows , oto. Asonuth S. , mother of bhorldun S. Martin , Olds. South Dakota pensions : Increase John M. Gltcholl , Hurloy ; Hurloy J. Howard , Hedtlcld ; Francis H. Fineli , Okoboji ; Isiuu Moore , Jefferson. Original widows , etc. Mary , mother of Henry Coolt , Vormllllon , m Hrnzni llivnr linnrovitmnnlH , VELVSCO , Tex. , March 20. fSpcoinl Telegram - gram to Tin : Bun. | The annual mooting of the Brazes river , channel and dock company was held at the ofllco of the company In Volasco yesterday. Over 00 per cent of the capital stock was represented. . The follow- me gentlemen were olccted directors for the ensuing year : Willlum I ) , Lee , Leuvon- worth , Kan. ; Unilod States Senator Fur- well nnd Congressman Abnor Tnylor of Chicntro , Hon. Ira H. Evans of Austin , Charles W. Ogden und G.V. . Anglo of San Antonio , TUOIIIHS J. Hurley of Fort Worth , J. Otis WoathorboooJ Boston , J , Y. Ynlo , Jolia Winches and E. .1. Wilson of Brazoria. At u mealing of the directors the following oftlcors wore elected : William D , Leo , president ; Ira H. Kvmi8 , vice president ; Thomas J , Hurley , secretary ; J , M. Ferguson , trons- urer ; F. Cnldweil , nsslstnnt treasurer , 'iho president's unnual report showed that tha unst Jetty wns finished to a point ! ) , : uw ( eat from the beginning and the west jetty to about flTCO ! fret fr m the beginning , with now work being ItfrUhcd at the rate of fifty foot per day. At tbo prcnoit rate of Inoreaso the company will iliwo sixteen fact of water on the bar In .tunnjjnd twenty-three foot in December. The ilfreetors ordered work to bo commenced nt ithco on tin ) railroads con- ncclini ; the mouth bf the river with the rnil- roud systems of the state , and preparations to bo made for the urectlon of a Ural-class warehouse nnd Uotfks ut the roads' termini. The refrigerator committee ntmolntcd by the Interstate cnttio men's convention Is to ox- nmlno works tomorrow with a view to the establishment of cooling houses At n point , whcnl Iho largest ocean vessels can come alongside the wharves. Communications were road from stoaicship ownurH'jn I ape requesting dntu with reference n ? to < When the port will bo open for t uslncsi. It is now considered absolutely certain that tlio Brazes river bar will hnvo twontv-threo foot of water In December. Most of the directors departed for their homes today. OA.KOKD WINS. Tlio Cniiitifldm * lloat Crow Dofuntcd liv n Ij'Mistti. * LONDON' , March 'JO. The great annual race between the boat crows of Oxford nnd Cambridge - bridge universities tookplaco on the Thames this afternoon. At the time of the race the wind wns changeable , causing the water to bo quite choppy. An unprecedented crowd gathered nlong both bruins of the river nnd the interest displayed wu without parallel In the annals of the race. The Cambridge crow was n decided favorlto In the betting. It won the toss and chose the Surrey side of the river. At 4:11 : the word was given and the crows Blurted. 'Iho mco was over n course four miles and two fnrlongs In length und resulted in Oxford winning by a lenglh in 23 mlnulcs , il seconds. Another JiasclJtiU Scheme. , O. , March 20. [ Special Tolo- grant to Tun liic.l : U 1ms leaked out hero from n , rclinblo source that Iho ooject of John Brush's ucgoliallonwith the Columbus club people , is not to buy them out , as was reported for n blind , but to reorganize the American nssocialion. When Syracuse nnd Hocheaier were admitted It wns without price and with Iho understanding llml they might DO dropped at any time whenever de sired by the oilier clubs on condition of their being paid for their players. The scheme is now to drop Ihoso two cities , which will en ter the International league , buy out Louisville - villo , and complete the association circuit ns follows : In the cust- the Athletics , Brook lyn , Baltimore and Washington ; In the west Indianapolis , Columbus , Detroit nnd St. Louis. Strong eltorls nro now being made to bring about this combination and it it therefore possible that all the surprises ere not yet over. A Victory for tlio IJrotlictIiooil. NEW YOIIK , March 20. In the case of Iho Molropolitan exhibition company against Buck Ewhffc , asking for an an injunction to restrain tno latter from playing with nny other club , Judge Wallace this morning denied the motion. Judge Wallace's opinion covers flttoon typo written pages. Ho gives the National league some pretty hard raps concerning the iniquity nnd unjustness of its contracts. The Players' leicgu'o people nro moro ' than ever Jubilant and consider the legal 'llglit now finished iri' Now York and probably everywhere olio. ' A Ilrotliorftooii Game. MEMPHIS'Tonn. , * March 20. [ Special Tel egram to THE Biii.J About 100 people witnessed today's game between the Chicago nnd Cleveland .brpthorhood learns. The Cleveland men played ball from Ihe start , while the Chicacoswcro , lazy nnd indifferent , Hadford and Hemming did good work xvith Iho slick , and Latham carried oft' the fieldIng - Ing honors. Th6 clubs will play here to morrow nnd possibly Friday. Tlie score : Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Cleveland 1 * 8 Ballories CldvolAnd , Hemming nnd Sut- cliffo ; Chicago , Baldwin. Barstou and Boylo. Base hitf. Chicago 1 , Cleveland W. Errors Chicago 5 , CjovofnndS. Time 1:45. : Um pires DvVyor and Snyd'ei ; . ' OioyiiiHkl Deinatn tlio Jfej ro. SAN FitvxcibCO , Cul. , March 20. Joe Cho.vinski of San Francisco tonight defeated Billy Wilson , the colored heavyweight of St. Paul , in an uusalisfactory two-round fight. Stanford's Ilorso Sale. New YOIIK , March 'JO. The Stanford sale continued today. A number of Electioneers get and somoof other stallions were disposed of nt uniformly high prices. Among best prices were : Electionoer's gel Brown fillv , ! S8 , -,500 ; bay colt , 18 7 , ? 2,5 , " > 0bay colt , 1SS7 , 83.200 ; buy colt , 1S , W.OUU ; bay filly , 1SSS , ? 1,000 ; Montoith. hay stallion , 1SS5 , S4GO ( > ; bay colt , isso , ? 4.50i ) : bay colt , Ibs7 Sj.lOO ; ; brown lllly , WKX ( ) ; brown filly , S'J.bOO ; brown filly , $ .1,500 ; brown filly , * 2TO'J ; brown lilly , dam Puttl , $ lii)0 ( ( ) ; Ponoma , b. s. , S1.000 ; brown lllly , W.OUO ; brown colt , J3.000 ; brown mnro by Eres , Nettle , $3,200 ; brown filly by Piedmont. Violet , & ! , ! ! 00 , Clifton KIICCH. CLIFTOX , N. J. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK.J Summary of today's races : Selling , five-eighths of n mile-Chconoy won , Teddington second , Tbad Itowo third. Time 1:0(1 : ( . Fiftcon-sixloonths of n mile Cnpulin won , Falcon second , St. Mnry third. Time 1:4 : IK- Selling , one and ono-sixtoenth miles Sparling won , Wild Cherry second , John Arkens third. Time lf : > lij. } Voltigour handicap , llfteon-sixtponlhs of a railo ( two starters ) Monsoon won , Silock second. Time 1 13. Selling , five-eighths of a mile Chapman won , Golden Uod second , Lukewood third. Time lOTi- : . Owners' handicap , throe-fourths of a mlle Fordhum won , Carnegie second , Mulligan third. Timo-liOii' , , ' . Now Orlonns Itnooi , IS'RW Oiti.nvNH , La. , March 2rt. | Spoclal Telegram to TUB BEE.I Summary of to day's runes : Threo-quurters of a mile-John T. Morris won , Pritchott second , Sheridan third. Time-1 : ( ) , ' . Fivo-cighths of a mile Forever won , Clicquot second , Volcl third. Time 1:05'4. : ' One-halt mile Hollywood won , Solid Sil ver second , Eclipse third. Time 0Ui : . Sovon-oighths of u mile-Bonnie King won , Poll Moll second , /Cob Ward Ihird. Ttmu ! . : ' ; . Ono-hnlf mile Vi counloss won , Both second , McCullou , IJ.lthlrd. 'iinio 0.31. lNG l.NTUKESTS , Only n Slight Gnln Over Uin I'ro- codlnfe Wi-ok. CINCIXNVTI , Of.,1' ' March 20 , [ Special Tolegrnaito TUB Bnn. | Tomorrow's Price Current will say i , 4io | week's packing in the west 1ms boon 200,000 hogs , compared with 100,000 iho preceding WCOK mid 1T3.000 for Iho corresponding period last year. The total from Murch , , ! TOO.OOi ) hogs , uguinst 735,000 last yo.ir. e Conllriimtlnus. WASHINGTON , March 20. The following nominations were confirmed by the semite today : Pay director Thomas II. Looker , to bo chief of the bureau of provisions nnd cloth ing aud paymaster general of the navy. Postmasters , Illinois F , G. Dlofenbach , Hock Island ; J. H. Weeks , Upuor Alton ; George Woodruff. FurmliiKton. lown Wil liam T. Monlton , Stunrl. Nebraska J. H. Hurtwoll , Hastings ; S. L. Andrews , Crete ; F. E. Holvor , Neurusku City. South Dft- uota N. C. Nash , Cuntou , Wisconsin T. li. Smith , Kilbourn City. INKIS8113I ) WITH BllYMU'K * . Ono of tlio OAUSCR of Destitution lit ' the Dakota" . YIVKTO.V , S. D. , Mnrch 'JO. [ Special to TUB Urn ] On the flood lido of the cry of destitution und ttio appeals for seed wheat comes the gratifying news of the Mttc of $11)0,000 youth Dakota state bonds nt 1U' . , ' premium. The bonds draw t tier cunt nnd run twenty years. And in this connection the further fact may bo stated that county warrants Issued to procure seed wheat have been sold nt n premium ; ni.d the further fact may bo stated that n great deal of excellent seed wheat is offered for sale by fanner * In sotno of the dcstitnto counties. Tbut there wns ilestltu- lion In a few counties nan tint bo denied , but when thn Huron ineoUnir un It up to nine teen counties n grout i lslnku wns made. Your correspondent maintains that the avaricious lenders ot money are doing more lo oppress und Impoverish the Small D.utoU farmers than drouth , grasshoppers und whisky altogether. The shaving shops und lonu offices exist in every town , und thu usurious rules exuded will cat up the most prolific industries. The Into legislature refused to reduce interest to S per cent and pass usury laws , for iho rea son , ns they nllcged , that money would only como In Dakoln on a high rate. Ordinarily they would feel rebuked by tlio sales of bonds just made , but the arguments of the money changers nnd the little transportation pasteboards so kindly furnished by the rail road companies fell upon the avutngo legislator later like the dew from heaven to satisfy nnd fructify. In South Dakota it will bo free money nnd free whisky utter May 1 and tlio state can hope for no relief so long ns the shylocks and money lenders run the law making. Key. S. D. lllninaii'M Donth. YANKTOX , S. D. , Mnrch 20. [ Special to Tin : BKK.I Hev. S. D. Hinniaii , who died at his homo in Birch Cooley , Minn. , this Week , has been n notable character in the history of Dakota. Ho came hero nt nn c.irly day in the interest of the Episcopal church as u missionary , teaching , etc. , and for many years wns an active , trusted , effec- live and useful limn , boih to the government nnd the Indians , ntnong the Sioux tribes , having the confidence of , nnd Doing trusted by both. Ho sooko the Indian language like a unlive , add had Iho confidence ol Spotted Tall and Hod Cloud to nn eminent degree , nnd both nt Washington and Iu the Indian country ho was n trusted in terpreter and helper in ull negotiations be tween Ihe Indians und the government. A few years ago ho connected himself with iho dioccso of Minnesota under Bishon Whipplc , where he wus actively encaged in the min istry at the time of his death , Ho was ono of the first graduates of iho Minnesota Episcopal Divinity school nt Fnribuult , und his relurn lo Minnesota was probably caused by the troubles nnd legal contesls boiweon him und Bishop Huso , which wore finally decided in New York in Ilininun's favor , nnd which will be well remembered by most readers , ns the decision was hut of re cent date. Key. Mr. Hinumn was n man of ninny good qualities" and will bo sincerely mourned by inuny people both in und out of the church. Ho was originally from Con necticut , where his relatives uro wealthy , iu- fluontinl and highly respected. A son of the deceased , Harvy W. Hinman ot Wells , Fnruo &Co.'a express of Omulm , has gene to Minnesolu lo intend Iho lunoral. Fletcher BliHrejii-usented. a , S. D. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEI.J : Lieutenant Governor Fletcher is highly indignant nl a purported interview with himself which recently ap peared in a Sioux City paper , upon the gov ernor's visit there , iu which he is repre sented as having claimed there was enmity existing between Governor Mellctlo and Sonalors Petligrow and Moody which could not bo healed ; also that Pierre would lese the capilal next fall and Huron would got U. Ho denounced the said interview us the basest of lien , and said ho did not talk to a single person while in Sioux City on sucti mutters , oitiior publicly or privately. Ho stales that ho is a Pierre man , and believes this city will have no trouble in retaining deny0lhe"interv6wr { wi < > lin't to FOK III3C11MIOCITV. A Motion Will Ho Introduced in tlio Ontario JjeniHlnture , TOHO.NTO , Out. , March 20. In the Ontario legislature yesterday notice was given that a motion will bo presented expressing the opinion that closer relations should exist be tween the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada , and llmt the house pe titions the legislature of the Dominion of Canada to take such nteps as they may deem expedient to bring nbout unrestricted reci procity between the United Stules nnd Iho Dominion of Cutmda. Too Dirty lo Hi ; KUscd. PIIIMDCMMIM , Pa. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE Bisu.l A stjlish young woman had been sworn and hud partially given lior testimony before Judge Arnold when ono of Iho Jurors objected on the ground that she hud not kissed the bible. After n breezy discussion between counsel , Judge Arnold cut the mailer short by order ing Ihn wilnoss to bo sworn by the uplifted hand. "lam nol surprised , " said Iho judge. ' 'lhat this witness did not kiss the book , t would not do it either a dirty book like Unit. This custom Is a relic of idolatry , und the sooner it Is abolished the bettor It will bo. I don't ' think this witness objected to kissing the book because shu intended to lie , but bocuuso it is n dirty book. I respect her regard for her person mid her health. " NotcH. WASHINGTON , Mnrch 20 The house com- milloo on agriculture 1ms authorised a fuvor- nblo icport with amendments on tlio bill in troduced by Huttcrworth delliing : options nnd futures und imposing special taxes on dealers therein. Secretary Windom recommends the pas- Race of the hill to muko Cairo , 111. , n port of delivery. Ho also sees no objection to Iho passage of Iho bill to constitute Lincoln , Nob. , n port of Immediate delivery , the sal- nr.v of the surveyor to bo # 1,200. Warrants lod.iy sworn out | iy C. A. Newton ton nnd J. J. Ver.sor upon the clmrgo of violating lating the civil scrvieo law in soliciting nnd receiving contributions from government employes for political purposes. Newton and Vorsor were president and treasurer ot the "Old Dominion Kepublicun league. " Men t Inspection Hill Amendments. WIMIINUTOV , March 20. Senator Sher man today introduced u further amendment to the meat inspection bill reported by him providing that salted pork nnd bacon shall not bo inspected unless the luws of the country to which it is proposed to export Ihe meat require inspection , or un less the buyer , seller or oxportorof meat desires Inspection. Thu bill was also amended go as to make it a misdemeanor to counterfeit , change , deface or destroy any of the inspection murks or devices. Tim t-qiindron at Corfu. irnjiyrlulit I1 * * ) tin , Mm < n ( Ionian llamrtt. ] Court' , Mnrch 20. [ Now York lleruld Cable Special to THE BKK. ] The United States * squudron of evolution arrived ut 5 o'clock this evening. Thn vessels wcro exorcised nt lleot tnellcs In passing from Naples. The squadron will stay hero two weeks for landing drills nnd target practico. o- - Tha Death Itoll. Lv CIIOSSE , Wls. , Mnrjh CO. Archbishop Michaot Hoiss of thu Catholio diocese of Milwaukee died tonight after u long illness. DETUOIT , Murch 20. Colonel E. H. Brook , retired , died tonight. DEIIIOIT , Mich , March 20. Justice James N. Campbell , a member of the Michigan supreme premo court since 10.7,1 , died suddenly ut his home in this city this morning of heart dls. ease. Trouhlen. CINCINNATI , O. , Mnroh 20. J. and J. M. Johnson , lumber dealers , made nn assign ment this morning ; asiets , ? ' . ' 1CKJO ; llablli Itles , A Tnlccrnh | Opurntor'H Mlatakn. ATtiiisox. Kan. , March 20. ( Special Tolo arum to TUG BBS 1- The telegraph operator nt Contrails , on the ( . 'out nil branch division of the Missouri Puclllc , took nn order wrong nt 7 o'clock last night , nnd thirty minutes later two freight trains met In collision nt n curve n mlle cost nf there. The atiiMncara and firemen Jiiincd and saved themselves , Ten cars loaded with grain unit live stock and the engines were do.uollshcd. Coollo Sailors tlnvolt. S\s Fiuxmio , Cul. , Mnrch 20. Advices from Singapore stuto that n number of coolies on n Gorman steamer between Amoya and Swntow revoitod hoc.tuso the captain would not land thorn nccordlng to their desires. The accounts of the matter nro conflicting , but It Is bollovcd that n lareo number of iho cooilm were killed. Af tot wards u Dutch war ship took off u number of others , who will bo punished se verely. _ .Into nngtcln Only Increased. WA'itisflTOV , March 20. The republican members of the ways nnd moans committue spent the day in consultation on tha tariff bill. Several dclogutlons were hnurd. The principal action of the day was thu recon sideration of the decision lo tax hides unit they have been restored to the free list. Tlio duty ou Jute bagging was increased. tlerlirn's Iti-slyiuitloii iXnnoiinccds HKIIMSMnrch 20. In the lower house of the Prussian diet today Chancellor von Cn- privi rend tlio emporor's ucceuUineo ol count Herbci t Bismarck's ro.signutloii of the office of imperial foreign minister : uul ilionp- polntmont of himself ( Cuprlvi ) to succeed him. I'rrHlnti llnllwti ) OiiiOPi > slnn . ST. PiTnu : m uo. March 20. The Persians have granted to Uussmn financiers the ro- fusul of nil concessions ernntod for the con struction ofrnllwnys In that country during the coming five years. 'lliiKiro lU-cord. O. , March 2' ' ) . Telephonic nd- vices from Pioneer , n village of 1'JiX ) inhabi tants In Williams county , state that eigh teen or Iwonty residences , iho bridge nnd n business block Uiero burned al ! ) o'clock this morning. Iteporter Choiito 'May Knu It. NRW Yonu , March 20. An order has been issued requiring Koportcr Choato , who ro- tnatncd In the Flack Jury room Saturday night , to show cnuso why ho should not bo . punished for criminal contempt. Pool Hoonis Clnsnd. BALTI.MOJIK , Md. , Mnrch 20. The passing by Iho legisluluro and Iho signing by Iho governor ot the pool bill today hns resulted in the closing of ull pool rooms in this citj nnd the pool sellers uro disconsolate. . - Another Competitor Gotitilcd. CLivctVNl > , O. , March 20. A Limn , O. , dispatch says the Standard oil company has purchased the property of the Limn oil com- punv , its strongest competitor iu the Ohio field. _ Threaten n Meat Kninlne. PAHIS , March 20. A incut famine is im pending in this cily. Thu wholesale butch ers threaten to close their abattoirs if their demands concerning the importation ol foreign cntllo nro not granted. No Keduced Tolln on OntH , OrrvwOut. . , March 20. The Dominion government has finally decided not to include - cludo oats in the reduced canal tolls ac corded to wheat und corn. . - - KliKSinii SuliMiH : ltotrm. ! ! LONDON , March CO The students nro i-iotitiir in St. Petersburg. Hovplutionary pamphlets Imvo been scattered throughout the city. Sheriff Flack AI.IHNV. N. Y. . March 20. The resigna tion of Sheriff Flack of New York bus been received. General Sclienclv Ituried. DAYTON , O. , Mnrch 20. General Schonck wns buried today , several posts of the Grand Army of the Republic marching in the pro cession. . Glad to'Sois'Victona. LONDON , March 20. The queen arrived nt Aix-lo-Bulns today uud was received with great enthusiasm 1-ir.st LI. P. Church The congregation of the First United Presbyterian church hold its annual meet ing at the church , on North Sixteenth street , last night. A larco part of the congi egntion wus present. 'ilio icports of the p.istor , the Sunday school , missionary society , mission band , finance committee und treasurer were pre sented nnd rend. It appeared from these reports that the congrugution now 1ms u membership of 117 persons , n marked in cronso over lust year. ' 1 ho Sunday school has u membership of lilt. The treasurer's report showed that the congregation was clear of debt and had $7. 10 in the treasury. Tno following trusleus were olocled : J. H. Cannon , A. A. Buchanan , J. L. Nevin aud T. T. Wilson. it was stated that the trustees had sold Iho properly on which iho church was lo cated for 11,001) ) nnd a committee was ap pointed with power to select a site nnd report the sumo to the trustees who weio instructed to purclmso the site selected. This commit tee consisted of W. T. Grulmmo , Dr. W. S. Gihbs , W. T. Nelson , T. T. Wilson nnd J. II. Brynns. The committee were restricted in this selection to Iho territory bounded by Sixteenth street on the cost , Twenty-eighth on the west , I'larlc ou the south nnd the north boundry by Kunnt/e Place. The trustees und the pastor lire appointed a committee ID select pliins. I'tHtrio.t Court. Matters were very quiet about the court house yesterday. In Judge Cliirltson's court Ed Culver was declared not guilty of tlio clmrgo of remov ing mortgaged property and was discharged. Judge Doaiiu wustiitigagud ull clay on the case of Freiberg vs 1'nMlichku , uud Judge Hopowolt turned over Iho case of Ncls 0. Brown ncuiiist Dr. li. C. Mooru to the jury. This is a case in which Blown cl.ums about J1,0IO ( on u contract for erecting n block of houses near Hansconi Park und Dr. Mooru claims un olTsct of $1,000 b.y reason of ex penses incurred in completing tlio building according to the mans uftor the contractor hud turned it over UK finished. Coiintv Court. Mitchell Bros. Co. of Chicago have brought suit in the county court against George H. Grutiot for $ iSi ' . ' . " > ulloced to bo duo on n bill for advertising covering a period of six year * . George W. Cady ot ul have commenced suit against WllbcrJ. Austin and John W. Austin to enforce payment of n judgement for f.Vll.sT obtained in un Indiuna court. li. P. Knight obtained u judgment for llril Tb against the linggs Place building UH- sucinlion. Army Posl Cnpinm O. J. Nave of Fort Onmlm Imb been granted leave of au.iencu for ouu month. On recommendation of the company and ; > oai commanders ihroo months of ihusen- : once awarded Private Samuel Mntlock of company I , Eighth Infantry 1ms been re mitted , TRANSFORMED TO A CAT. I'ho Tnrrililn lOxpurlenun That Hofijli n Voting Mini. I IMVO boon n cat. Tt does not mutter , 'or ' the ) ) iir | > o3o of this btory , how L mine to bo lima chaunod , for i'wna born Ituiimn , whether it was by drinking un unknown olUIr or by HOIIIO myutoriouy Dhysicul cliiingo , but the clinntfo ilitl bntj ) > oii , und 1 propose to toll of my ox- Dorionco an ono ot the abused fullno tiunily. On tbo 2Htti of Fobrimry , 1870 , unys n writer in tlio I'luliulolpliiii Tinio < i , nn advertisement might have boon soon in homo local jmpor calling for information of tbo whoroiibouts of a young ; nmn , but bo worded us to bo intciUiblo ( to uono but himself. That vountf nmn was myself - self , and nil the time I wus ahlvoiin'oii | the kitchen doorstop , to ing with pile- urnclbjf UiMOl.lttlitl'llU. [ They ftlno relieve Is ) ! | lrc sfron Dyspopslix [ mis Indigestion nnd Tcxl Hearty Kfttlng. Apcr-l / feet remedy for Dltil J ness , Nati'PA , Drowsl-j ness , Had Tasttln the Mouth.ContcdToiiRiie.P 1'nln In tlio Side , TOU-f FID I.IVEU , Ac. Tlicy n-gnlftto the Uowels nnd pnivcut Cotistl | Uon and 1'llcs. The oniallost and easiest to tnko. Only ono pill i iloso. 40 In a vial. 1'un-ly VcgcUvblo. 1'rlcta 35contn. OARTFBMEDIOINKCO.Prfr'r .N * 3i out mowing to attract the kind notion of our cook. How I fjot tlioro. us 1 have said. Is no mutter , but nl last tbo door opened anil I walked in. All my fool- inir * were human , nntl I disdainfully rnmcmbot * hoping that tbo fiiiicoi1 of milk I .saw tbo IdiuHicartuil Irishwoman tn'omiriiiKvoulil bo clean. F.ii oi'ly.l lapped uptht , liquid , ami then could fool mv llpd trying to form the word tbiiuks. 'ihon the bittoriics ? of my situation for the Hrsttimo Imrstupoii mo. I could not spoiik. I was in.locd a boast. The house ser van ta now bopr < m lo Mlir about. Tbo little tmjro who waited ou tbo door came iu , and all hi- Kim inquiring of the conk where I CIIMIO from. The story was soon told , and I felt that 1 could' remain witb saloty. Suddenly Iho door opiMiud aud two of my father s terrier * rushed in. Tln\\ snraiifr at mo and I fell Iho hair rise on my back. I bad tlmo to jrivoono a riilto with my p'iw across tbo IKMO that sent him howling into tbo corner , and uovor shall I forget the HiiUsfaction I liaualscc- lug tbo blood Illow. Then tbo cook drino tbo oilier away and [ imido my escape upstairs. 1 wauled to see a mirror , l wanted to see if I was a hafidsomo ani mal , and eagerly did I spring on tbo ledge of tbo ball mirror line take a good look at myself. Vos , 1 was a beauty , and the pleasure of such knowledge wont a long way lo reconcile mo with my unhappy lot. I'ro-iOiitly down came the family to breakfast , and I can slill hear my mother's o.vla- matioii of "Whoro did thai eat come from. I bate cnlsV" Ah , dean t mother , you will uovor know the pain that unconscious exclamation iravo mo. The \vaitormaii told them bow i came and my father said in bis kind way "Let the poor thing May , it will kei-p the hotiaC clear of mice. ' ' That settled il , and I rubbed my baok against his log. the only way I could show mgrat itude. [ 'or several days t was a favored in ' mate. At night 'l retired to the laun dry , and. perched upon a high table , slept hccuro from tlio torriorV atlaekr. All lliistune , though mice were iiont < , I felt no desire to catch one. I was too human. At last , one day tlio cooK dis covered that a dress of bor-t bad bcon cuton full of holes by mico. and aj she was commenting on my la/.iuohh a moiis-o ran directly in Irout of mo. 1 maun n i attempt whatever lo secure wb.it ought to bo my natural prey , and it proved too much for the cook's good temper. Siic- inga broom. I WIM ignotuiuioiisly driven from the promises. All that night I wandered Irping to Iind blii-ltor ; tbo cold March wind whistled and bowied. The morning broke , aud bill ) I could liml no resting-place. C'old and wonrj 1 hkulked up tbo dark alleys and smiril'or streets , here scaling a fence to oscnpo tbo cruel tmall boy , there darting through a water-hole to evade the still cruuler dog. Day * passed , and -.till lit tle food aiul 110 shelter. I could feel ' weaker. . ! had mi'solf growing wiu- ; dorod to the wharves , and , btienking behind a pile ot boxes , prepared to sur render the hint of my proverbial nlno lives. Colder and 'colder grow the weatbeistilTer ; and alilTur could I feel my logs become. Now my hindquarters are numb and senseless , and I could feel the deatlilv chill crcopiitLr blowly up. At hiht home- tbing has gripped me at tbo ln.ad when i beard a rough voice exclaim. "Hollo1 hero's a cat.1 ami with , a long suing , in spite of ! i feeble effort on my , pirt : to as sert that 1 was ntill nlivo , 1 was pitched into tlio ice-cold water. The siuldon shock revived mo for a moment , but lee late. I was utterly exhausted , aud with 4 a feeling of unutterable peace 1 sank beneath the water. Tbo next day I clothed and in my right mind , walked ui ) our front slops , ring tbo boll an I walked iu. The delight of the family wns of coiu-,0 gratifying , but L boggo'u that no questions might bo asked con cerning my absence , and though I know it seemed blraiigo no comments have been miu'o. This is tbo first , time l have found courage to toll of the straug- csl e.xperieco Hint any man in this cen tury lias passed through and lived to toll it. Alnoliol with Alnnli. A great many people drink wine with their meals and end up with a pony of brandy or liquor and cigars , SM.VS UHI Now York Sun. ft must bo plain 'to any observer that these people are a coin- forlablo looking lot o long as modera tion prevails. J5ut , suppose two great lighters matched for i.'fll.OOO. Suppo-,0 " i l it wns learned that one lighter took a single glass of wliKuy n day. How Would the sports put their money ? As i matter of business tney refuse to bat U v man who drinks bard stulT while training. As a mutter of fad no lighter s over allowed to drink hanl.stun" while training. A lillle malt liquor say ale is all ho gets , and bo commonly "docs lol gel that. is'ow bore is a man who wishes to live oug. What shall ho do ? Abstain to- nlly'f That dopcuds. If tboi-o ia any laager whatever ot bis going to ovccf-'s 10 bad better lot it alouo. On tbo other mud , light wines , good and cheap , us Vmerican wines are , should not bo con- lomuod ollbund. ( iood wines iu moderation - oration promote good foolingH. If tbo lilleronco botwoou a dull , insipid din- ior , and one that is bright and elioor- ul , consists in a little sherry or claret , it is a foolish thing to avoid the vine uulcas for consi'lencn'shake. Good cheer lengthens Ufo. and a beart\ laugh gives .strength to the constitution. Absolutely Puro. Tttli powder never rarlos. A marrs ! of purity slrouKttiKQil H'holusninou ! ii. MoroiK-cmnmlnat tlmn thuuidmtry kinds , uml cannot basuldby romiiotltton with tlm miiltltuUo of low toil ehon wtthjht ulum or phoiiilmtu povrilors. , SoM ll l "OVAU * * i'u ! ri. v i