Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1890, Image 1

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A rt < ir rrniiuomotit of 1'nrtlou In the
Nnw Hntohutuii.
'Jim I'nrly < U' ( tin Cnnlnr Will Hup-
jinrl film Kniiiir In HIM
for ll ir riii "Dnr Kleiner
Thn Ncuv
x , Mnroli ! l.-Now | York Herald
( iiblii MiKiilal to TIIM ] lrr.J-Tliii now
nil' hiliiif will contain tlirco grunt pnlltlenl
KTH ip , two In dimdly opposition to each
( yilior , the third liolillng a sort of n middle
| < o | iion Iwtwoeti tliimi. Tliu llrsttwo parlies
urn n reimmnt Of the Cartel group , which
filirniik during Iho rocinil elections from Ul I
Votes to 1117 , which U Its proiont ftlruii lti ,
und the left , or opposition , grown recently
from n l/ntid of W to one of 127 voters. Thu
third party u the eiintor or clerical Roman
Ciitliolk ! pnrty , It Include * ten delegates
from Alnnuo-Lorralnu nnd slxtuaan 1'olon. It
linn certain definite limn to winch It always
remained tiuii. Itholluvun In rellgiout In-
KtrtictlHii In ncliooU and the entlro freedom
of Iho Itoman Cathcllo church in Germany.
It prunurvr * Hi political Independence nnd
i Ithor oppOHi'S thu govdrninent or su- |
perth ns U dooms bust , ItH mouthpiece In
L'idwig Von Wlndtliorst , ex-mlnttter of the
old IdtiKdntii of Hnnavor , the only man wno
over hold till own with Prince HlRinnrck on
tli ii relclnlng llnor. Hu Is n contemporary
( if the prlncu , for Hcrr Von \Vlndlhorat was
luiii ilmnmry 17 , ItilU , while Napoleon's
liVioni wore dying nn the Uusilun steppes _
Hu U n small , sllgntnan with n wrinkled'
fnco , from which uhlncs forth two
nyes brimful of mtolllycrico ,
( . oiirngo lilndlinosj nnd humor.
' 'hm ' dUparlty bouvoon htm and Ilinmarck In
n'atilrn inailu his tiluck In lacing that re.
doubtable champion more conspicuous. Ho
in M'OKon ' of ns "dor Idoincr oxcullonr. " by
IIM followoro , much as Hoimpartu'n soldiers
upoko of Iholr chief as "lu petit corporal. "
He IK nn honest and upright a man as it U
ponmhtu tu meet and him no higher law than
fonncicncu ; ho wan and Is n staunch frlond
of the dethroned houseof Hanover and the
trustee of thu Hanoverian fund , While stoad.
fastly holding to bin native country , Han.
over , and IH princes * with a chivalrous de
votion that ullcl'.od thu admiration of his
unomlun , ho has been n valiant defender of
thu Inturenls In Germany of tha Homan
C'athollc church nnd may bo said to bo In
iH-riiiany the personal reprcicntatlsn of tha
Popo. I'rlnco Ulsmarclc. his unrelenting po
litical fee , hat pjrnonully thu greatosi ry-
HMjft | for him , and whether the prince bo the
c'mncollor itt the empire or a privatj go nt Io
nian nl his country seat of Freldorlchsruh o ,
'ils rc.ipoct in BOtnothlng that any man la
Germany will bu proud of.
'I hu maxim of the men belonging to the
center is "In mcdlo tutlssunus Ibis , " leaving
the question of religion aside , They avoid
extreme * In politics and reserve political
, ,
nllfrtnccs they dootriTJestr JTn ' slfort , " in the
now rolchstug they hold the balaneo of
With HUtnnrck away WJndthorst is the
greatest parliamentarian and best debater in
Bplto of his yoira , on the floor of the roich-
Ktag , In a Ilillu modestly furnished room at
17 ! ) Alto Jacob strasse , where ho was kind
enough to receive mo yesterday , ho ex
pressed himself regarding the future of Ger
many , of Ins own party and of socialism
iibont an follows :
"The newspapers , " said his excellency ,
drawing his diussiiic gown closer around
him , "nru very much concerned about
n vmlt t am said to have paid Ills-
marck. Now If I have really
boon to see him" thU with n merry twinkle
of his even ovur thu rim of bin spectacles
"it would b3 Impossible to reveal a
Blnglo word of what was said ; while If I bad.
not , it Is equally my Interest to lot people
think that I had , so I say nothing , although
1 am told that thu editor of tin enterprising
morning patior hai an interview un thu nub-
] "ct with me already in typo.
"Our great object ut the elections was tbo
d ifcnt of the Cartel. To achieve this wo
strained every nerve. Nothing was ne
glected. Wu remain victors and the
Cartel ban ceased to exist. In the
now rulchitag now groups must bo
formed. No permanent coalition will
bo made by the center party ,
only certain combinations from tlmo to tlmo
ns necessity may arise. MO thai It U Hilly to
speak of clerical conservative or clerical
froisinnlgu parties. "Das contriini" stands
In the middle between all ptirliu-i nnd will
nccept the support of any other pirty which
It may deem , when certain contingunulon
arise , thu best able to support It. There Is
no question of systematic opposition to the
eovcrnmont on our part. On the contrary
the center would inuuh prefer to further the
affairs of Germany by n mutual good under
standing with thu government without , of
cjurie , contmllng n single one of their prln-
ulplon. Wo will especially support with the
entlro strength of our party the policy of
soml rtiforn Inaugurated by the kaiser.
With i md will on both sides affairs
will go o. with perfect smoothness. Most
Important It Is that all without regard to
imrty standpoint , should rally to the sup-
| > ori of society and the government nnd pro-
loci thorn against every attack , Thu new
rcluhstag will support the peace policy of
the jtovurnuinni to the best ot its ability.
Germany's Interests are those of peace and
ran bo furthered by pe.ico and by pj ace *
iilono. The nutr relehitai ; will bo obliged to
prutovt the Independence and security of
thu country from alt u'.tack * whatsoever
from vrnntovor side they may come. The
Itlwt of social reform will Uovelun more and
"I aw sorry Russia ami America did not
Iftke part In the lubor conference. Kvory
Unto where ihoru 4s not slavery but
friMi labor is lnt rt > stod in the retult of this
wmftueao * I and n\y \ friends wore delighted
nt 1N kitUer' * hnvln < taken tha Initiative
tww. n * ttai pot > 4 had done before. In this
UMtUir th paM and the kaliur are as one.
i t B tum > that UaiU to socialism and
QlbiUtw ( ittt nUo whtro tlnvory exists , as
ID ItM Mtt , oaly there U I * not on the sur-
"Of tt s iwillion votei cnit for toolalutlo
MH4iiUt ii Sura I da net Iwlwvo moro than
V ) r i m * t I * p r e nt coma from genuine
* t < U > l MM r ts. The Urgor portion wore
. 4 wx-Uaioo , who think Hint the suc <
M > utlUm uoukl twnstlt tholr oondl-
U f 4 slh r aiualUtledolouiouts. I
t > r y f r the SUMXM * of the Ubor
U u luiH | iilblo tor ouo
l > * UH KhH to do uiuah to luiprovo
U mmjtttoN a ( tb wermn ? man.
u WM pr v Mnt o | tbo UntteJ States
1 i..wa b ve tent tbo ablest men lu tno
country over to watch and report about the
nuccoss of the conference.
"The calling together of this labor confer
ence will redound to the eternal glory of tno
knlter. Kvon If there Is no Immediate
result , the Idea has been put forth. It will
not dm.
"I do not understand the Indifference of
the United Slates on this point. It Is true
that the social problem is different with you
became It Is tesi dlfllcult to earn one's
bread. The growth cf Moclatlsm may bo
attributed In great part to the waning inter
est In religious matters , an Indifference
founded , I ntn sorry to say , on a
lack of religious Instructions la school ? .
As I sit id before. If the other parties do not
support the kaiser , wo shall.
"Social reform is a policy wo always sup
ported , It Is the most Important question at
the end of this century , ns.tno . question of
civil rights was of the last century. It Is no
time for any one to pull a night cap over his
eyes , The kaiser carrion the flag nnd wo
march behind him. Wo nro in earnest. It
Is 'hellltrer crnst' with un. "
'X 1 1 o OKI IMilcy.
Loxoox , March 23. The Standard's
Berlin correspondent says it in reported that
lllsmarck has accepted the colonel general
ship , but has declined the dukedom nnd
grant , Mating It is not in harmony with his
principles to accept a grant In
view of the Increasing burdens
of tbo taxpayers. Von Hadowltz has
declined to succeed fount Herbert His-
marck. Chancellor Von Caprlvl has ad
dressed a note to 'tho German ambassadors
abroad , in which ho intimates that ho will
continue the policy of Hismarck.
Morn Alinut lUHtnnrctc. ix. March 23. Ordonsfestvas ob
served today with the usual caremonioi.
The prince of Wales , Empress Frederick
nnd Chancellor von Caprlvl were present at
the services In the chapel nnd afterwards nt
the state banquet. The Vosslschczlctung
says Bismarck in answer to the emperor's
demand for an explanation of his interview
with WIndthorst insisted that ha should not
bo controlled ; told the emperor ho was qulto
ready to resign if his retention of oflleo was
irksome , and that he only retained it to ful-
1111 Inn promise to Emperor William I.
'Hie Hamburger Nnchrtichen declares that
Bismarck was deeply affected and expected
the emperor to ask him to reconsider his res
Unitr.iN , March 2t. : It Is stated that Emperor -
poror William privately intimated to King
Humbert and Euiparor Francis Joseph that
there would bo no change in Germany's
policy In regard to the triple alliance.
l.csn Apprehension Foil lu the Vicin
ity of
PiTTsncno , Pa. , March 23. The Monon-
gahcla nnd Allegheny rivers reached tholr
highest mark during the proiont iboJ this
afternoon twenty-four feet. Kivor men
feel less apprehensive to night und think
the river will scon fall So far no serious
damage has been done although a largo uor-
tlon of the lower sections of Allegheny
City nnd Pittsburg nro partially sub
merged , the basements of residences
and business bouses being flooded.
The new Brotherhood ball park
is badly damaged und the lower floor of the
exposition building is under water. Dis
patches from points along the -upper Mon-
ongnhola.and Yougbloghany rivers report
considerable damage. At Johnstown today ,
however , tha water in receding and the fears
of a serious Hood have subsided.
Wnr.ELixa , W. Va. , March 23. Reports
from tbo interior along tha head waters of
the Monongahcla an > moro ro.murng : to
night and the of n sCrlous
flood are past. Tha cold snap Ins stopped
the rain and the streams are falling.
O. , 5liircti'J3. The river here
Is rising rapidly tonight and nt midnight is
llfty-llvo feat three inches above low water
mark. An the situation abovj is improving
it In hoped there will be no serious flood horo.
Some nnxioty Is folt. however. The low
lands are already flooded to a considerable
extant. Three men who wont out from Newport -
port In a skiff this afternoon wcro drowned
by thu capsizing of their craft.
An Eloven-Vcnr-OIti Colored Boy lie-
liondi Hit ) Mother.
SOMEIIVII.U ; , Tonn. , March 23. An atro
cious murder was committed hero today , the
victim being Mrs. Sally Hobaon , colored ,
nnd the murderer her olovon-yoar-old boy.
Mr. Hobson was away for n short tlmo this
morning , and on returning to the bouse
found his wife's body lying on the floor und
the head several feet away. The boy was
playing with the other children , his clothing
saturated with blood. Ho at lirsi claimed
thu blood come from n chicken ho had
killed , but llnatly admitted that ho had com
mitted tno crime. Ho said his mother laid
her head down on the block nnd told him if
ho did not cut it off she would kill him. The
boy's story is not believed and ho was placed
in Jail , pending further Investigation.
Clnsiiu CituilirlilKO Hhookoil Hy n Uni
tarian Kcvnrniul.
HOSTOX , Mass. , March UJ. fSpocial Tele
gram to THE HEE. | Cambridge citizens re
ceived u shock today In the exposure ot two
gambling houses located on the main street
of the city mid Including among their fre
quenters some loading man. The discovery
wns brought ab3Ut by thu complaint of n
lady to Mayor Gllmoro. Her husband had
been losing heavily at gambling , it scums ,
and she sought the mayor's assistance to
learn whore the cambllng was done nnd to
have those Involved punished. Search has
resulted In the exposure of two ookor rooms.
One of them , it seems , is run by a Unitarian
clergyman , who for some time was pastor of
a Cambridge church.
Chinatown Kxoitcd.
Nr.w YOHK , March 23. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HKB.I Chinatown is much excited
today over the tight inaugurated against the
Chinese lauudryuicn by the American mas
ter laundr.vmun's association , Chinamen
from all ovoi Now Yor ! ; und vicinity wor o
today en Molt street and thereabouts dis
cussing thn question. No meeting as far ns
could bo learned was hold. Henry M , Hy-
mann , thu lawyer who does a largo part of
the Chinese law business in this city , said
thu luudryrnen In this city , would light.
Thov were only awaiting the initiative /rota
the other side ,
lilowit to Atom-i.
DrCATUii , Ind. , March 23 A man named
H.irr was blown to atoms and a woman and
a child Instantly killed yesterday afternoon
by a nitroglycerine explosion near Slono
station , linrr wan taking tno explosive to an
oil well In a wugon and the causa of the ex
plosion U unknown. Tha woman and child
were Kitting at tbo window of the r.ouso In
front of which Iho explosion occurred. The
horse , wagon and the man wore blown Into
nuiull fragments.
The Went hop Forecast.
For Omaha and vicinity Fair , followed
by rain.
For Nebraska ard South Dakota Halns ,
southerly wind * , warmer Monday morning ;
winds shlfilnc to northwesterly and colder
Tuenday morning.
Forlona Uaiu , southerly winds , warmer.
A Movement Among Republicans
for a Modification.
On Thursday the Dent Hill nnd ttio
.Democratic fllzli Iilcoiiio Alans-
uro Will Occupy the XItno
Italtroitd Mnttcrj.
The Hcnctlon.
Dr.sMoiSEs , In. , Much 23. [ SpecialTel
egram toTnu ! Jni.1 The inovomBnt among
republicans for the modification of the pro
hibitory luw Is assuming largo proportions.
Local clubs are bolng organized all ever the
state , and some of the best republicans and
lending cltuens are Joining them. At Fort
Dodge the now association has 270 signatures
to the roll , all republicans. At ICooKuk thcro
nro at least 500 republicans on the roll. There
are larger clubs in all the river cities , for it
Is thcro whore the law has proved ineffectual ,
and the need for some form of regulation of
the saloons 19 fellatio most. Among these
cngac&l in this movement nro Sunday school
superintendents and church workers , who
have found that prohibition as a state law
does not meet the requirements of the time } .
They want high lloanso withstrlngant regula
tions In place oTopen salbans nnd no control
whatever , ns is tbo cann In HO many of the
larger cities. Ona of the men In active
sympathy with the movement In n Methodist
minister , a. presiding older in charge of
ono of the districts in eastern
Iowa. Another of the leaden In this
movement is Hon. John W. Irwln of Kcokuk.
Ho was mayor of the city a couple of years
ago , and determined that as mayor he would
enforce the law , at any cost , so ho hired
officers at his own expense , and closed all
the saloons and dives , but when ho came up
for rc-olcction ho was beaten by an over
whelming majority , In spite of his great per
sonal popularity. Ho is satisfied that prohi
bition cannot bo enforced where a majority
of the people nro opposed to'it. Another of
the leaders in the movement is Major
Thompson of Linn county , formerly a mem
ber of congress from that district. Hois
ono of the wheel horses of the uarty. Tiiero
is a largo stub at this place , Marlon , includ
ing many of the leading republicans of the
town. There are now ever ilvo thousand ro'-
publicans who have Joined tnls movement.
The conference will bo hold hero April 2 ,
when , it is. expected about two hundred .rep
resentative republicans will bo present , The
geueral fooling seems to bo in favor of. se
curing a modification of the present law this
session if possible. It not , then they will
advocate a local option plank in the next
republican state platform.
A good deal of feeling in belog stirred up
in the state over the talk of building n
soldiers' monument. Two years ago the
Grand Armv tiosis very generally pctttionod
the legislature to begin such un undertaking.
There seotned to bo no opposition to it and
the legislature took the initiatory stuos by
providing for a commission to select designs
and by appropriating ? o,000 for models nnd
other necessary expenses of the commission.
The comtmasion wan composed of some of
the leading men of the state , representing
both parties. It advertised for designs , of
forcd prizes for tbo best model and finally
selected ono that seemed to the commission
to bo the most appropriate. It was nxpected
that thin general assembly would continue
the work and authorize the erection of the
monument. Uut meantime the old soldiers
sonm to have changed their minds , or at
least a good deal of opposition to the move
ment nas unexpectedly come from old
soldiers. A largo number of petitions have
been sent to the legislature protesting
ngainsl the erection of n monument nt this
time , usually coupled with n request
for n hospital to 'bo connected with
the soldier's homo at Marshnlliowu.
uounior pmiuons nru now uut-iniuni 10 ap
pear asking that both the monument and
hospital bo erected , since the expense of the
latter will bo comparatively smMl. A grow
ing feeling prevails in favor of using .1 con
siderable part of the direct war tax if ic is
refunded to the state for the erection of the
monument. Iowa's almro in that tax is
about $313,000. It. is proposed to take about
(200,000 of It and build u monument that
shall bo a worthy and listing memorial of
the valor of Iowa's soldiers. If this ivero
done thcro would bo no increase in the taxes
and no state institution would lose any ap
propriation by reason of the monument en
terprise. Tno hospital would he built and
the regular appropriations would not ba In
terfered with. The department commander
of the grand army for Iowa Is very strongly
in favor of this plan , and ho says that n
largo number of posts will petition for it at
the proper time.
The Iowa railroad law Is to bo tested on anew
now point. It provides now that the com
missioners may make rates on lines of road
between any twD Iowa points , oven if the
road has to go outsida of the state u part of
thu distance between ! them , The Milwaukee
road lias refused to put in the commissioner's
rates between LSoloit and Sioux City , on the
ground that as their road for n part of the
distance uocs outside of Iowa , and into Da
kota , it wns interstate traflic ever which the
Iowa commissioners had no control. Thu
state law insists that they have , and the
road clnllns that the law in unconstitutional
and will appeal to the United States court
for a decision on this point.
It scorns qulto probable that the Icglsln-
lutura will make nn appropriation for the or
ganization of a Htatu military band. It Is
understood that the committees in ouch
house having tha bill m chargu nru favorable -
able to it. Thu plan Is to have a largo mili
tary bund located at Dos Monies to ba nt the
service of the state whenever the state wants
music. Such a band would play for inaug
uration exorcises and during the sessions of
tha legislature and wherever thu atato was
officially celebrating. It would also repre
sent Iowa at national convent ions , fairs , etc. ,
nnd furnish muslo whenavor the governor
and staff were officially called out. The Idea
is very favorably received by the legislature
and it seems likely to result In the establish
ment of thu baud.
Members of tha supreme court and others
nro strongly urging the establishment of an
appellate court to relieve tno higher court ot
much of the work that now crowds it. The
present supreme court is of tbo same size
that it was a-jvoral yours ago whun tbo
amount of business before It was much less ,
The supreme Judges are worked very hard ,
having twica as much to do as the federal
judges In thu state. It is proposed by a Dill
now pending In the legislature that the supreme
premo court shall appoint three district
judges to sit and act as an appellatecourt. .
They will hold three sessions a year , each
suasion being at the capital and alternating
with the sessions , of the supreme court. The
term of the Judges U to ba four years and
their Jurisdiction Is to extend to cause * at
law ami In equity Involvinir $1.500. The ap
pellate court U to have nn Jurisdiction over
criminal causes or causes involving the con
stitutional construction of a statute , leaving
Jurisdiction of that klad for thu Buuromo
court as at present. Tno bill , If passed , Is to
take effect January 1,1S91 , unit all cases of
thu proper kind that are apncalod after July
1 , Ib'JO , are to full to the appellate court.
Thu bill U modeled somewhat uftor the Illi
nois statute and Is securing very hearty en
dorsement from tbo lawyers.
A now feature In the next state fair will
bo a lawn tennis tournament open to all ama
teur players in thu state. There will be
prizes for singles and doubles and the prin
cipal trophies must be won three successive
years bv the same elub In order to bo re
tained permanently by the club. There wilt
bo several courts so thatf the playing can go
on in thn different clasM nt the same tlmo.
The tournament will bo tinder the direction
of the Jcs Momcs tennis club.
A NOYEA E.treniJiBs.T.
The Das Momc.n & Kansas City railroad
recently tried n novel oipanmont In the wnv
of scouring business. An application had
been made to the commissioners to have
them corapol the railroad to build a depot
and tbo necessary shipping facilities at a
ooint named Leslie on the line of the road In
southern Iowa. The 'commissioners re
quested the road to do so , but It rotusod , al
leging that there wan ndt suniclont business
at that paint to justify the cxuonso of build
ing u depot. Then the commissioners put
their request in the fortp of an order , giving
the road thirty days In which to comply
with It , Tbo general manager ol the road
has replied with a proposition In which ho
asks the commissioners to wrlto down to
Leslie for signatures , tit Is in effect a bond
in tno sum of > , which , each of the parties
asking for n depot Is requested to sign. The
bond is to support an tigroemont that each
one of the parties asking for a depot will do
all of tholr shipping at Hint point und all of
their buying an well. The general manager
says that ho Is satisfied that the men who
nnk for the depot would do very lltilo
shipping at that point If facilities were furnished -
nishod thmn , and ho wantj to test their sin
cerity by this bond. THe commissioners re
turned the proposition to the general man
ager with the answer that It wan uot In tholr
line of business , and that \vnori tbo thirty
days was up , If the station was not built the
attorney general would bo Instructed to
bsgin suit tn unforco tha order of the com
missioners. * '
Great preparations nro being mndo for the
annual encampment of thu Grand Army de
partment of Iowa , which will bo hold In this
city April 7 , 8 and 0. It in expected that
there will bo n larger attendance than ntany
meeting before. The committee on enter
tainment Is figuring on an attendance of
20,030 visitors. General Algor will bo pres
ent , nnd probably MK Lo's'an. Several
Grand Army of the Kepubllc oHlcials from
neighboring states nro expected to attend
ntso. On Tuesday afternoon , the second day
of the encampment , the grand parade will
take place. It Is probable that it will end
the line of march at thn capital , where It will
bo received by the governor and both
branches of the legislature.
piioiunfribs's mutiD DAY.
The Question AV111 * porno Up by Com-
iit'in Crtn32iit ; Thursday.
DBS MOIXES , To. , March 23. [ Spaslal to
Tnn Uc ! ] Thursday next will ba Held day
for prohibition In the homo. By common
consent the question will coma up at that
time for final action , and the Dsnt bill and
the democratic caucus liigh license bill will
be the subject of prqfoupd oratory. It in an
open secret that several democratic leaders
do not really care to make any change in the
law this soislon , as they-confidoutly hooo to
bo able to ride into power' ' two years nonce
on this Issuo. They r ofess to bellovo that
the popular demand for.tho repeal of prohi
bition by that tlmo will reach high tide ana
sweep the republicans.from power with an
irresistible impetus.
in inc senate , wuicn sitinus iwcniy-cignt
republicans to twenty-two in opposition , the
party lines on this i uostton are not so
strictly drawn , though.- the liberal repub
lican members will hardly consent to carry
the local option feature into township contest -
test * . 13y the provisions of the domocratio
caucus bill the option oC licensing saloons .is
loft with each potty corporation or township ,
while the republicans nro opposed to re
opening saloons in any. county where a
majority of the people ! -aro not in favor of
them. Then the rn.injmum license fee as
fixed by the bill IntiWncodby.Lawrenco
( rep1. ) of Sioux City ia.U,000 , ln toa'Jvif $500.
Thejo are thn maln > dfJ2rencos"bejwedn { the
respective measures. The Lawrence bill
will bo supported by the author and
Honchett ( rep. ) of Uretnor , and possibly by
Smith of Linn and Parrott of Blackhawk ,
which with the solid opposition vote would
bo enough to pass it , but Englo ol Jasper
( union labor ) and Barnett ( rop. ) of Warren
both favor the law as it is.
Senator Hancbett is vary emphatic in expressing -
pressing his views on this question. Ho
Hays : 'Tho republican party cannot afford
to carry this load any longer. It seems tome
mo it Is the part of wisdom when they see
the snip sinking to unload. The republican
vnt.n mi niv wnv is crrnwlnn fnsa .inil IPRA
each year , and two years from now the law
will be repealed , but the honor will fall to
the democrats , who will be in power. " Sena
tor Lawrence thinks Sioux City is hampered
by the prohibitory law , but is moro roiervod
in expressing Ins opinion.
The railroad committee of the senate , of
which Mcservey of Cherokee is chairman ,
has failed to distinguish itself as its friends
hoped , and has lost a golden opportunity to
make a record. Tno 2-cont faro bills and the
trunk bill making mileage and tloketn "good
until used , " both of which nro Important
measures and demanded by thu people with
substantial unanimity , have been reported
back adversely by this committee. They ,
however , have drafted a bill conferring
power on the board of railroad commission
ers to fix und control passenger rates. Tfiis
move , besides bolng of ttoubtful constitution-
nlity , is not what the 'peoplo nnlted for , and
It cannot satisfy the B'armor ' alliance.
Senator Finn's billto subject evpross
companies to the same regulations and con
trol as railroads still sleeps in committee ,
and will quite likely remain thcro too long to
bo reached In regular Border. The express
companies ship everything free from the
state house during tha legislative session ,
nnd hundreds , If not thousands , of paakagan
nro sent out by the members to their load
ing constituents under this "gracious pro
Tno school bDok probem ) becomes moro
complicated every day , and I * , now lookn as
if the lobby has achieved its purpose and de
feated thu effort to "secure cheaper text
books in iho vary house of ils friends. Only
nineteen days remain for legislation under
the senate resolution , and this will bo largely
consumed In considering the appropriation
bills. Hex.
A Chlncsn .Murilur nnd Huloldc.
DL'iiUQt'u , la. , March' 3. Sam Lee , a Chinese -
neso luumlryman , was killcd this afternoon
by Frank Fook , bis Chinese assistant , who
alio fatally shot lumsojf , Thcro had been n
row about wages. < }
An Unknown Sympathizer Sends Him
11 Voluiiio' ' < r-'BormonH.
WOODSTOCK , Ont < - JMarch 23. [ Special
Telegram to TUB UBB.I Hurcholl continues
to enjoy life In Jair. | Tfiis morning bo re
ceived a oook entitled"Tho { Way to God , "
by D. L. Moody. The Address wan written
In a woman's hand andon the fly loaf wan
the inscription : "From ono who loves
sinners. " On the fly leaf were written also
a largo number of scriptural texts to which
the prisoner was referred.
Special guards wuro appointed today.
They will sit in tha corridor in front of
Uurclioll s cell and keep constant watoh
over him. Ho oxpeeta-'Mra. ' HurehoU und
her father to visit bmon ( Monday.
Ktcnniflhli ) ArrlvnM.
At Now York Tha'State of Nevada , from
Glasgow ; the Etrurin ) from. Liverpool ; the
( Chester , from Ureinon' ; the Xordland , from
At Quoonstown Tno Lord Goueh , from
Philadelphia NrNrch , 13 , arrived today and
proceeded for LtYbpool.
At London Sighted ! La Urotagae , from
New York ; the Ualtlaioro , from Haiti-
more. .
At QueenstovrTfra Servla , from Now
At Liverpool The Kansas , from Boston ,
Dynamite Muiiirin ( ! IMcnvn Up.
PAXAMA , March 23. Durn a ncvoro elec
tric storm which -'swept eve * the mining
town of Pueblo in" Peru recently , lightning
struck a magazine exploding 200 oases of
dynamite and giant powder und the cntiro
works were wrecked. Five persons were
killed outright and forty moro or less rl-
ously injured.
Lumber Barons Suooood In Frlght-
oniiig the Oommlttoo.
It Will Cnuso n Very Warm Debate
A Notvllitlc An Indian Industry
Abolished Senntor Hearst's
Second Spocaii.
WASHINGTON. D. 0. . Marc U3. j
The mombora of J.ho ways and moans com
mittee of tlia housa nro still greatly ombar-
rassoit In trying to roach nn agreement on
the titrlfT bill mul to comply with tlio demands -
mands or nil the members who are dissatis
fied with the merlinro as originally prepared.
Tlioy promho to ilx tbo thing up so a * to re
port It to the full commlttoo on Tiiuiday nnd
gut Into the house next wcolc , but It scorns
scarcely possible Hint they will bo nblo to
do 83.
In compliance- with the petitions of the
lllaclc Hills tin mine ownars they placad n
duty on tin , which tmi brought to Washing
ton nil the canned goods packers In the
United States , who say that It will ruin tholr
business , as C'J par cant of the value of n
package of canned fruit is the can. They arc
willing that the duty should betaken
taken off canned goods entirely If
they can have free tin , for they
can then compote with foreign cr.npatl' j.
The boot mill shoo nun throughout uio
country are maKin ? a similar row ever the
tax ofX cants a pound tint lias bajn Imposed -
posed upon Imported hliloi , and the lumbar-
men nre oven mono tlomonstnitivo ever the
proposed reJuctlou of the duty on lumber.
In lacl the hotels nro crowded with people
from ull parts of the country who came hereto
to protest against the bill as it now stands.
The lumbermen have succeeded in secur
ing a restoration of the duty us it now
stands nnd the committee has promised
not to disturb it. There w.-w no suspicion
on the part of the members representing thu
lumber districts that the duty on that article
was to bo disturbed , and t hero fore they were
greatly incensed when they discovered
n cut had been made. Messrs. Houtcllo of
Maine and McCormaclc of Pennsylvania
called a meeting of all the members whoso
constituents nro interested in this subject ,
and they marched on the committee on ways
and means in n boby. Never 1ms thoru been
in congress so loud n protest of this ehnr-
actor , und it was explained that the reduc
tion of the duty was miido upon the motion
of Kepresentativo llurrows of Michigan , who
It is said , has same constituents who nro
largely interested in Canadian timber lands
and want a chance to got their product into
tbo United Status.
Mr. Sherman's trust bill , on which bespoke
spoke last Friday , is n special order in the
senate thli weak and will awaken a long nnd
earnest dobato. There is a decided differ
ence of opinion as to the constitutional right
of congress to intorfcro with trusts ana a
good many of the senators do not want
trusts interfered with. Even among tho33
who nro In favor of government regulation
there Is a decided difference of opinion as to
the method In which It shall bo done.
And now cornea Senator Ingalls , who of
fers as an amendment to the trust bill some
thing , hltotho.liutterworth anti-speculation. ,
law , which provide ? that all parsons'engaged
in dealing In options and futures must multo
application to the commissioner of Internal
revenue for n license to transact such busi-
noHs , for which they shall pay tha sum of
? 1OUO a year , and that all transactions in
options or futures shall bo registered in the
o111co of the collector of internal revenue for
the district in which they take place. In ad
dition to this license it is required that ull
dealers shall pay die sum of 5 cants a
pound for ovcry pound of cotton , beef ,
porlr , lard or ottior hog or cattle product nnd
the sum of SO cents per bushel for overv
bushel of grain which they may sell to bo
delivered at a future time ; that every trans
action in options or futures shall bu In writ
ing and signed In duplicate nnd the tax
noove imposed snail bo puld to the collector
within twenty-four hour.4 after the sale
takes place. Any persons dealing in options
nnd futures without a license or without ,
payment of the tax shall bo lined for ouch
offense not less than 50 and not more than
? IUO , or imprisoned for not loss than six
months or more than two years.
Tha caucus committee of the senate has
decided that after the trust bill Is disposed
of what is known as the dependent pension
bill will be taken up and acted upon without
further delay. The republican caucus has
adopted a new rule , which will prevent sen
ators from having certain bills laid over in
definitely , ns they do now , in order to give
thmn timeto prepare speeches. Those who
aru opposed to certain measures have used
this practice to postDDno tbolr consideration ,
nnd tu many cases successfully , but
now the party In power has decided
that when n bill is once taken up
it shall bo the regular order until disposed
of unless sot nsldo by a majority vote of the
senate. I'lils will compel the senators who
are opposed to the dependent pension bill
and similar legislation nnd dare not show
nctivo opposition to fnco the music. The de
pendent pension bill , ns I have described in
previous dispatches , gives n pension to every
soldier of the late war who is Incapable of
supporting1 himself : also to parents and wid
ows of deceased soldiers who are in similar
circumstances. It is estimated that
It will require an appropriation
of fJo,000,03a , annunllv to moot
the claims that will bo tiled under It.
Thn next legislation in order will bo the
silver bill reported from the cotn-
tnitteo on finance , nnd following that will
coma the administrative customs bill. Hut
none of those measures are to Interfere With
reports from the appropriations committee
or the Montana aloction case when the com
mittee on privileges and elections are ready
to take them up.
Blair is downed , but no Is not dead , and
has ralntroducod his educational bill with
some amendments whLth are intended to
avoid the objections offered on the republi
can side to the original measure. In fact ho
has triad to draw It so as to make it n politi
cal issue under the plank of the last repub
lican platform , which declares in favor ot
national aid for the purpose of education.
Under the now bill the money will bo ex
pended by the federal government and uot
by the statos.
Thnro will have to be Imitation savages In
the circuses thin summer , in the secretary of
the Interior bag decided that no moro In
dians shall bo allowed to leave the agencies
for this purpose because of the demoralizing
effects upon thorn. Representatives of the
various circus companies are here to protest
against this order , and they have appealed
to the president who , however , sustains
Secretary Noble. They explained to the
president that they had already alvertuud
thuli attractions for the coming year ,
and had irene to croat oxpansa In
printing show bill ) nna circulars In
which they offer a * an attraction
to the public scenes In savage life and that
they will bo nut to great loss unless they uro
allowed to carry out their plans. The presi
dent lUtoned to. thorn patiently , but would
not yield nnd they will nave to tlnd the boat
possible substitute. As noon as the Indiins
who are now with liuiTalo bill In Europe re
turn to thU country they will bo ordered
back to their agencies and will bo required
to stay there ,
Senator Hearst created qulto a sensation
yesterday during tbo duoato on the bill for a
nublio building at San Oioco , Cal. , by mak
ing a speech at least ton minutes long. It Is
the second tltno ho has opened bis mouth
W"o four year * bo hai been la the
United Stnt < y _ _ nato. ills llrst speech was
n eulogy docd / upon the life nnd char
acter of tils ij occssor , General Miller , and
caused agoci jalof talk nt tbo time. His
speech yoslq y was a very sensible , busl-
no3-llku st-r-nent of the claims of San
Dicaoforn 2 Ho building , but was deliv
ered with cf ? Jorablo embarrassment , and
when ho hrv nilshod ho rushoil Immediately
to the cloav ' tin to escape observation nnd
congratulalhm , llko n boy who has delivered
hi ) llrst declamation In school.
I'nniiS'S. HijATir.
-i. *
Conurcsi Cor the U'oak.
WASIIIXOTO.V , March 23. The committee
authorized at thu recent conference of the
republican senators has decided upon nn
order of business for the sonnto that will
probably bo executed. Consideration of the
Sherman null-trust bill will bo resumed to
morrow. In order to economize time In debate
bate the committee proposes that n bill once
taken up for discussion shall bo considered
without unnecessary interruption until dis
posed of. The dependent pension bill Is second
end on the list. AH effort will bo made to
substltuto for it what is known asthoMorrlll
bill. This provides disability pensions
and service pensions for soldier.- ! who have
reached the ago sixty-two , Tha adminis
trative customs bill , the Jones silver bill nnd
tha land grant rorfolturo bill lollow. The
majority and minority rouorU upon the
Montana election case will be presented to
the senate tomorrow. Action upon them ,
however , will bo postponed until they are
printed and examined by the senate.
The housa wilt davoto tomorrow to Dis
trict of Columbia affairs. The world's ' fair
bill will bo taken up Tuesday , probably -
ably , under the iron clad order
requiring llnnl action on that ( lav.
A llvelv debate ! Is certain to en.sue as some
Now York and St. Louis people fancy they
see In the proposition to postuono the fair
until 1SU3 nn opportunity to reconsider the
action of the house , selecting Chicago as tno
mte. The remainder of the week will probably -
ably bu devoted to the discu sion of bills to
admit Wyoming and Idaho , The tariff bill
may bo reported during the week.
Financial Transaction * of tha Coun
try for tin ) I'astVcok. .
HOSTO.V , March S3. | Special Telegram to
Tins Dec.I The following table , compile. !
from dispatches from the managers of the
clearing houses In thu cities named , shows
the gross exchanges for last week , with the
rates per cent of increase or dpcrcnsu as
against the similar amounts for the corresponding
spending week In ISS'J.
A Newspaper Mnn'/t I'nrt'ornianco of
the Ijocliinvnr Aot.
AsALAN'i ) . Wis. , March 23. SpoaUIng of
elopementsit remained for n newspaper man
ot astonish the state ivitli n performance of the
Lochinvar act that was absolutely flawless.
The hero was "Uilly" Hooker of the Mil
waukco Sentinel. The lady in the case was
Miss Tarucll , stepdaughter of II. J. S.
Saul , publisher of the Ashland Dally
News. Hooker was managing editor of
the News for two years nt ono time , and
worked hand in glove with Saul until the
latter began to suspect that tils employe wns
falling in love with his uauK'htor. Im
mediately nftor Saul made this interesting
discovery ho called Hooker aside and in a
lathorly way urFod ) him not to press his
suit "Go west , to California or nomo-
whore , and I'll Rlvo you a couple
hundred dollars , besides paying nil your ex
pensed , " hu said , llooiter then and thcro
expressed himself In terms that had the nec
essary force , to the effect that if the old man
over repeated his uroposltion a war would
follow. Saul took advantage of his position
ai employer to leave the young mun without
u situation.
Hooker wcut to Milwaukee and for three
months ho wrote letters back hero to Miss
Turboll nnd she answered them. The intervals
between letters uruw longer and finally cor-
responuonco onuuu entirely. M no
told her father iho engagement had been
broken off , but it wusn t. Opposlllon only
had the usual effect.
Hooker came to Ashland this morning nnd
went to the Congregational church. His
Mvccthcart came in Immediately after.
"Do you want the full service performed ! "
asked the Kov. Mr. Kllbourno.
"Cut it down to a stickful , but maKe It
binding , " said Hilly , nnd within three min
utes the tiling was done ,
Snrvlnns Atlnok u Itosninn Villnco.
VIENNA , March 23. Dispatches received
ticro any n bund of Servian militia tried to
capture the Hosnian village of Granjo , but
was repulsed , afior a sharp Unlit , by iho
Austrian gendarmes. During iho engage
ment several wcro killed on both sides. The
Austrian government has demanded an ex
CompoHor Sao in
PAIUS , March " 3. A sensation was caused
by the disappearance of Satilt Sacns , tlu
composer. Ho attended tno llrst perform
ance of hs | new opera , "Avocanio , " I-Vidaj
last and has not Unco been scon. A ramor of
Ills death was current tonight , and another
report was that ho had been placed In u mad
Ktuilenln' Agitation.
ST. PuTEitsnnto , March 2.1 , Thoatuaent * '
agitation has extended to the universities of
Moscow. Kleff nnd Cbarkoff. Altogether
TOO students have been arrested. It Is
probable that the SU Pcurtburu university
will bu closed.
Thousands VIew the Romnlno of
Qouornl Oroolc.
I'rof. Stvltitf Kpc.iki Kloiiiffnflv | of
the Departed llnoOn ih Wny
to Oakland Djatli of Gen
eral b'uhonck.
fining to UN l.nwt Itcmlnc l lnct .
CIIICAIIO , March ' . ' 'I General Crook's
body b on Its way to Its last resting place at
Oakland , Aid.
Krom S o'clock this morning until I o'cloolc
this afternoon it dense crowd of people sur
rounded the Grand I'aclllo hotel nnd strug
gled to obtain entrance to got n last view of
the dead soldier. Through the parlor whcro
the romaimi lay In slate silent thousands
passed , until , as the time of the service drew
near , police wcro stationed at the foot of the
stairway to stop the movement of the people.
The parlors and halls on the second Moor
were crowded to suffocation when the Kcv.
Dr. Mcl'horson delivered the opening prayer.
It .is doubtful if any funeral over held
In Chicago brought out it larger concourse
of people. At the close of the prayer the
quartette of the Second I'rosbjtorlan tthurch
sang and wcro followed by Kov. Dr. Thomas ,
who quotoil from the Nineteenth psalm nnd
a chapter from .lob in the course of his brief
remarks. Professor Loving then delivered
n most eloquent tribute to the dead general.
After another song by thu quni-tettu Dr. Me-
I'herson spoke nt snmo length nnd Dr. Clin
ton Locke closed the services with tha bene
air * , croou then took Captain King's nrni
nnd bud her last look nt the dead and Was
then driven qtiietlv to the Baltimore A : Ohio
depot. The casket wa removed to the
catafalque and the procession moved slowly
to the depot through Clarke nnd Washington
streets. Tno sidewalks for the
whole distance were densely
Jammed with people. The procession moved
in the following order : liatallionof pollca ;
1) battery of artillery ; Illinois National
guards ; First regiment band nnd drum
corps ; First regiment infantry , Illinois nati
onal guardi ; lull bearers and dlstlngulshou
guests in carriage ! ; catafalque , guarded by
six noil-commissioned unicorn ; Second rcul-
mcntband ; Second rogluiont Infantry , Illi
nois national guards ; Fourth regiment band ;
Fourth regiment Infantry , Itllnoia national
guards ; Loyal Legion , Oraml Army of the
'iho car on the Ij-ain containing the casket
was covered wltli bhu-k , while the Interior
was draped with American Hags The
special I'ullman for Mrs. Crook and the
escort was bountifully drunou outside In
black , looped with narrow bands of white.
The remains will roach Oakland tomor
row , where Interment will take place.
A painful Incident of the services at thn
Grand I'acllic wat the report that tioneral
Crook's aged brother , Walter Crook of
Dayton , O. , had suffered a fatal atroko of
paralysis in the rotunda of Iho hotel. This
caused n great sensation , and precautions
wcro taken to keep thu new * from rcnchihg
thn already broken down widow ot the dead
Boidicr. Investigation soon proved thu re
port was erroneous , ftlr. Croik Is rather
feeble und was pushed iirour.d in the dtnso
crowd , lie became so faint that ho was unable -
able to move , but soo'n recovered when taken
to his room.
, A -touching .Incident wait the visit
paldr'to Jilsvrcmntisby.iaonernL | r < oh'a
old comrades andTclHvv ofllcori , nnd
members of the Loyal Legion. This colunm
of soldiers wan headed by ex-l'rcmdont.
Hayes and Judge Greshmn. General Hayes
looks well , but his tic.ird and hair is white.
Ho was Biidly depressed by the death of
General Crook , nnd in an Interv ow this -
evening said : "I fuel this terribly. It
brings back very forcibly my own bereave
ment. My wlfo and General Crook wt'ro '
very intimate friends , and my own loss is
accentuated. "
Gen. ScliiMielc lr > nd.
WA mx.ioN ( , March S : ) . General Uobert
C. Schcnck died at U o'clock this evening.
General Scurnck has been suffjriug from
u severe cold for a couple of weeks , but was
not alarmingly ill until the llrst part of last
week , when bronchial complications , soon
followed by pneumonia , set In. This morn
ing diphtheria symptoms in the throat ap
peared and he sank rapidly until the end
ramo. His mind was clear und bright to
the last. General Schonck was In his eighty-
llrst year. Ho was born nt Franklin , O. ,
October , 1SOD. Ho graduated from Miami
university at twenty-haven , and after spend
ing three additional years at college , Htudled
law witli Thomas Corwin. Ho served two
years in the state legislature and was elected
to congress ai n whig , serving from Itfllt till
IS-IT ) . President Fillmore than Kent him to
Hni/il n inlniiitcr plenipotentiary. While
scmiiL' in this capacity hu distinguished
himself asa diplomat uy taking a conspicuous
part In thu negotiation of treaties with 1'ar-
OL-uaj , Uruguay and the Art-online Repub
lic. After two yearn in Hrnzil hu re
turned to Ohio , his native state , but
Look no part In politics. When thu civil war
broke out ho nt once offered hm services to
Urn government nnd was commissioned a
brigadier general bv President Lincoln ,
May 17 , 1S01. Ho served with ins brigade
In thn lirst battle at Hull K'ln ' in West Vir
ginia under General Kosecrans , General
Fremont then entrusted him with the com
mand of n .llvifIon , and while leading the
llrst division of Slogel's corps at the uecond
tmttlo of Hull Kim his ri'lit ! arm was shat
tered by a musket bill , incapacitating him
for service for some tlmo. In September.
IfciW , ho was promoted to bu a majur general
nnd in December of that year ho took com
mand of the middle department und
oiuhth corps at I'altimoro. Hu rendered
effective survk-o in the Gettysburg cam-
paU'ii. Hovns nominated for congress
iguinst thu noted anti-war democrat , Val-
lundlngham , and though the district was
dcmncritio hu carried the election , nod re-
hignlng his post In the army took his seal ill
the house December it , IStH. Hu wan Imme
diately made chairman of the committee on
military affairs. Hu was re-olected to the
.wo succeeding congresses nnd throughout
.he exciting times during and after thu war
to took n leading part In the nroccedinct of
the house , During his lint term ho wan
chairman of the ways and Keaiu com
mittee and the leader of the house ,
uiccoedingThaddus Stevens in command of
.ho republican party. Ho was minister to
Kngiond in 1S7D und 1.V7I , and was one of the
Alabama claim commissioner ! , retaining bin
nbt oflleo for live years , when ho resigned.
Since that time ho luu nmdo bin homo in this
city , where ho was u warm favorite. Ho
ook no active part in politics. General
Schonck leaves hreo daughters.
< \ nUdnuiilMlii'il lilvinu
DAYTON , O. . March W. Kov. T. Davit , a
hslliVimiiod United Ilrcthren divine , for
twcntyotlvo years president of Ottcrboln
inlvorslty , nt Wontervllle , O. , and for the
mtt III teen years senior prototsor ef I'nlon
llblical seminary liero , died this evening ,
igud sovonty-sovou.
Ton ! TlroU of Itonininc.
fliuxn U vrii ) * , Mich. , March 2-1. CUrcnco
Toot , the ox cash tor ot the United State *
exprms company , whoso mysterious diiap-
learanco last November created much spocu-
atlon until it wait learned ho was a de
rtultor , returned home last mgtit and t'ftVO
ilmsolt up to the authorities.
. . t
l'nniici jrr Trnln Derailed.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 23. The Union
ncillo paiaengar train was derailed neir ,
Clsworth , Knn. , yoitordsy and tbo pan-
scngers Diull.v shaken up , but nouoUT
sorioutly injuroJ ,