Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1890, Part II, Page 9, Image 9

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PAET II i , 9-16 ,
$ i .00.
These arc decidedly the
novelty of-the season. They
can be washed over and over
again , still retaining their beau
tiful colorings and lustre , arc
22 inches wide and $ i a yard.
We arc showing an unusually
large variety of these most ser
viceable Silks , our own impor
tation. The styles are confined
exclusively to us , and arc the
most handsome we have ever
shown. 27 inches wid e , $ i a
yard ,
Monday morning we offer
about 100 styles in China Silks.
They are worthy your atten
tion , as we shall sell them at
4/c. They arc 19 inches wide.
We call your attention to
this number , as it is of excep
tional merit. ' We placed our
order previous to the advance
of raw silks , and give you the
benefit of our purchase. 19
inches wide , 65c a yard.
We ask you to compare this ,
silk with any that you have
seen at § i. It is rich and lus
trous , measures full 19 inches
wide , and is the best value for
the money * AVC . have ever
' . .
„ ' jf' * - : * - ' „ * „
offered/ ' "
A Breezy Lot of Base Bail In-
AVI I il Fowl Sliooclns tlic
Wheelmen are .Doing ( V Iloiut
Unco Challenge- Miscel
laneous Compendium.
Superintendent Harry PJxpatlatcs.
Director Harry McCormick , who ii doing
u iood deal of the gouoral hustling for the
local management , spent quito the whole of
yesterday out ut the ball park superintend
ing the work that Is In progress tbero.
"What are you doing out thcro , any way ,
Harry I" was tbo query put to him last even-
"A little of everything , but I tell you wo
are going to have the old park in dandy
shape by Acrll 10. We've Just finished an eu-
tlro now outside fence , nnd a force is now at
work repairing the inside fence and tbo
buildings. The diamond Is also being filled
in with good screened loam , and packed
with a 5,500 pound roller. Wo are going to
iluivo It as bird nnd smooth as the
surface of n billiard tablo. Particular
ii.tlns is being taken with the base patns , us
it is my idea to do everything that is pos-
slblo to help the boys along in thior base
running. "
"Done anything elsol"
"Yes , wo'vu got back the corner that was
fenced In last season , you remember the
bleachers called it the cow-pen , It is in tbo
northwest corner. Well , wo have purchased
the use of that space again and the old sym
metry of the grounds will bo restored. The
outfield , too , Is to bo improved , ull the cav
ities and undulations rolled out smooth nnd
the grass kept just so long through the entire -
tire reason.
"Ground keepers ! I'm going to bo oupor-
intendent myself , but under mo I will have
two mon , Henry Mack and Dennis Mc-
Faddon , and you bat your socks thing ]
will bo kept in proper thapo out
tbero this summer. The grandstand will bo
Bwnpt aud dusted every moaning , and pcoplu
cuu rest assured of every convenience und
accommodation that can ba furnished.
"Going to have u now bulletin board ! "
"Yes. and a dalny ; ouo bie enough to bo
oecn. It will be put beyond the bleachers
cast ot first huso , and during the game the
struggles going ou abroad will bo bulletined
by innings. Wo will have a ticker right
tliero aud a telephone too. "
"Will you arrange for any additional seat
ing acconimodatlotul"
"No , them U plenty ot scats for ull , but
wo are going to put In backs to all the scuts
tn the grand stand , which 1 think will bo u
vast Improvement in the way of comfort for
our natrons. "
"Yes , wo intend to niako nulto an extra
demonstration on the opening day. Big
parade , band , open air concert , Hags , pea
nuts , red lemonade everything , m fact , that
goes with u rcguiar , first class gala occa
sion. "
"No , there will bo no ladles' days this sea-
ion , Wo have concluded to do away with
that feature , aud Instead admit ladies all
season to all parts of the grounds for 25
cents. Good thlnir , don't you think ! "
"Yes , that certainly ought taluduco a coed
Attendance of ladies. And. by the way , there
uro many ladles In Omaha who uro becom
ing very much Interested and very much up
in the great sport. "
Indeed there Is. I know of ono , EurC , "
HO'H Jloen to Iloitou.
Secretary Kd O. Hrundt returned Friday
from Kunsas City , where be bad boon to
consult the president of the cowboy * with
reference to toe opening championship
"What have they to ay in 1C C ! " asked
TUB UK * icribo.
"Oh they Bay they have the only tfam In
We will show Monday morn
ing a large assortment of very
stylish and handsome checks
and plaids , in all the newest
shades and combinations. This
cloth is specially adapted for
early spring wear , is all wool ,
40 inches wide and 6oc a yard.
This is a beautiful fabric and
must command your attention.
We have all the late shades
amethyst , pistachc , sage , cop
per , etc. , etc. Eastern fashion
journals speak of it as the fash
ionable "weave" for the coming
season. Full 38 inches wide ,
75c a yard.
We have just received 32
pieces of this cloth , which has
superseded the old reliable
cashmere. Every piece is a
different shade , and at this
price , 5oc , cannot last through
the week.
Our second shipment of these
beautiful fabrics has just been
opened , and in design are
richer and more unique than
our previous lot. Freres ,
Koechlin & Cie confines all
these patterns to us for this
city. We invite you to call and
examine them.
The deman'cl for French flan
nels every year is on the in
crease. For this season we have
imported an unusually large
quantity. Cashmere effects ,
Persian figures and stripes are
the prevailing styles , and will
be much used for wrappers and
the asuociation , of course. Tlioy nro not
only going to win the pennant , but are coins
to take the scries with every team in It. In
fact they are Just simply going to oat up tne
the \vliolo outfit , grounds , grand stands ,
fences and all. "
"And that's there bluff , is ill"
"That's it. You ought to hear 'em slug.
Hums , the poet , who looks like an image
burnt in clay , says wo can't have one of tbo
ilrst thico games down there , and but cue of
tbc opening scries hero. They are not going
to ullnw DCS Moiucs or St. Paul a game dur
ing the whulo season , but haven't made up
their minds what they will do with Minneap
olis , Milwaukee anil Sioux City. They made
1110 sick. You never heard such egregious
rhodoinontade "
"Hold up there , Mr. Secretary , what's
that what kind of language is that ! Isn't
that a little rich for a common , nvoryduy ,
oaseball secretary egregious rhodomontado.
"Well , that goes. " \ ou know I spent a
couple of weeks in Boston last fall , and if
you don't know what it means you'll better
hunt up Carl Smith and ask him. "
"Hut ynu are not going to let those greasy
cowboys beat and rhodouiontudo us botn are
you ! "
No , you bet your papilionaceous wings
we are not. We'll kill 'am. "
linyH Makes n Mistake.
W. A. Hays , one of Omaha's now pitching
corps , put In a couple of days last week
geese and duck shooting up the Plattc. Ho
got into nn adjoining slough the first day out
that was literally swarming with tnudhous ,
and shot away all his ammunition before ho
discovered thut they were unlit for table
use.Bays was standing In the mud and rcoas
up to IKS waist popping away at these sorry
creatures , when a small boy with u "Zulu"
and a yellow purp happened along and In
quired :
"Suy , mister , what you shootln' 'om scoots
"Scoots , you little imp ; those are mal
lards , " retorted the ireful twirlcr.
"Well , you Jist get hold o * ono an1 smell
Mm an' you'll learn sunkin' . I toll you they
Is scoots , fcesh ducks , and the worsted
kind o' fecah ducks at that. You hu'in't got
very tjood sense , mister. "
"Well , you get out of this or I'll illl your
fundamental basis with a load of No. 5s. "
growled Hays , and the boy with his Zulu
and his dog vanished.
Hays then pulled himself out of the mud ,
and made a sneak for Valley. That night ho
luId In a fresh stock of shells utid spent the
next day on i bar In tbo Plutte , bagging ono
duck and live Canudas ,
Omnhn's Hnso Ituuner. ? .
"How is the Omaha loam fixed for base
runners this season , Manager Leonard. "
"Well , while wo haven't aa extraordinary
baso-rnnning nine , thcro are a number of
first-class runners among them , and wo corn-
pro favorably in this line with any of them ,
barring pmuaps Milwaukee. "
"Now there is Canavan , Willis Krarns ,
Walsh and Strauss , " continued the man
ager , "what's the matter with tboin ns base
runners , Canavun Is very fait and very
heady , while Willis , by the exercise of a little -
tlo bolter Judgment , would bo u star.
Kearns , while not extra speedy , is a careful ,
long-seeing follow , who never allows an op
portunity for a good start to pass by
unimproved. Ho is very foxy on
tbo lines. Walsh is both fast
and cautions , and with anything Ilka a fair
show of luck would steal as many bases as
the next one. They tell ino bora that Willis
steals third oftouer than any man in tbo as
sociation. "
"That bfl docs , "
"Miuo limes Is too bltf to bo much of a suo-
ccs * as a purlolnor. However , ho has the
best of Judgment und goU tbero as often as
could bo expected of a heavy weight. Oh ,
wo are not deficient In base running by any
moans , ai wo will demonstrate to your satis
faction after the season opens. 1 be balance
of the team , those whom I have not men *
tioned. I feel uro will do their best and
that' * all I shall expect. "
"Base running Is a meat factor in winning
ball nowadays' '
"Yes , indeed , u much o as any other
The color we guarantee to
be absolutely fast black. They
are not regujar made but have
finished sciims and have both
double sole , heel and toe. At
this price 150 they must sell
IQC a pair. These arc 7 and
i ribbed , fast black , will not
stain die feet or clothing and
arc also double sole , heel and
toe.igc a , pair.
We bought all the manufac
turer had of this Child's Saxo-
laine Hose. They were for
merly sold from 55c to 850 a
pair. We offer them this
week , si/jes 5 to 7 inches at
25c , and 7 toS in. at 35c a
AT 35c.
These come in low and high
neck , sleeveless jersey fitting ,
silk bound and pearl buttons.
We offer them at 330
High neck , silk embroid
ered neck and arms , jersey
ribbed and perfect fitting , all
sizes i , 2 , 3 and 4.
Our annual-importation of
spring shades in .Suede and
Dressed Gloves , have been re
ceived and will be placed on
sale tomorrow morning.
feature of the play , and I intend to do every
thing within my power to facilitate this very
work tor my men. We will have an excep
tionally fiuo diamond and tno boys will bo
cautiously coached from the bench. "
It Is Captain Tom Kcarns.
' How about n captain for thn coming sea
son ! " Manager Leonard was asked.
"I have selected my man. "
"Have you any objections to naming him i"
"Xono at all. It is Tom Koarns. "
'Has ho the stuff in him ! "
"I think so. Ho caotamcd the Portland ,
Me. , team in ' 86 and did tbc work excel
lently. He has about all tbo essential quali
fications , has good ludcuicnt and discrim
inatory powers , is nervy , full of push and a
rattling good coacher. "
"Just what sort of a fellow is Kcartis
what sort of a player ! "
"Ho is stoutly built and muscular , Is a
coed even hitter and always in earnest
wben at work. Ho has averaged somewhere
along about .2SU In his batting for tbo past
four years. Is quite intelligent and very
much of a gentleman. "
The Upcnini ; Gnino.
The entire Omaha team will bs hero by
Tuesday night and the next day , if the
weather is auspicious , will all assemble at
the park for their first united practice.
The first regular iratno that will bo played
on the local crrounds will occurr next Sun
day , the club being divided into two teams
and arrayed against each other , with Kearns
and Cannvnn the respective captains. The
complexion of these two nines will bo as fol
lows :
Kearns1 Canavan's
Team. Positions. Team.
McConncll Pitcher Bays
Morun Catcher Erquabart
Andrews First nines
Kearus Second Canavan
Walsh Short Thaycr
Cleveland Third Strauss
Willis MUldlo Bird
Baldwin Kl ht Clarke
Funning Left Camp
This will make two good teams and a line
game may ba exoected.
Andy Uu-ick'a Opinion.
Andy Cusick , the old Philadelphia catcher ,
bus a good opinion of young Bays , with
whom ho has been practicing for tbo past
ten days.
"You think ho will do , do you Andy ! "
"Yes , I Until : ho will come round in good
shape. His curves are good and then ho has
admirable control of the ball , a very neces
sary thing in effective pitching. "
" \Vhat is his best ball ! "
"A high drop. Ho sends It like n shot
about ou a line with the batter's eyes , but
just as It reaches a hitting distance it takes
a sudden downward shoot right over the
Plato. It is a terrible hard ball to hit , and a
hard ono to deliver , but Bays has it down
lino. "
"And you think the club has a 'And' In
him ! "
"Yes , I think ho will make a useful man. "
Ilia lltislncss 1-itmcuo.
The Omaha business league will hold a
meeting at the Collins Gun company store
rooms tomorrcw night for tbo purpose of
permanent organization , a discussion of park
and rule provisions , a schedule , eta This
league will embrace teams from the Hichard-
son Drug company , the Omaha Hardware
company , Hector , Wilholmy & , Co. , Paxton
fs Gallagher , McCord & Brady , Leo ( Jlarko
& Audrcsen , Koch-Kllpatrick Dry Goods
company and the C. E. Smith Dry Goods
company ,
Uiiialm'u i'ots
Captain Anson of the Chicago league team
Is moil lavish in bis pralso of Cooney and
Naglo , the old Omaha players. In a letter
to Spauldiug ho s.ild ; "Coonoy Is a corker
the very best Infieldcr on the diamond today.
Talk about Ned Williamson j why , Cooney
will play all around him at any ttago of tbe
garoo toJav. And as to Tom Naglo. he' *
way out of sight as a backstop , much better
than any of last year' * Chicago catcher * .
Our Drapery Department
has never been so complete as
at the present time. We arc
showing all the latest designs
in draperies ; and would call
your special * attention to our
Imitation Brussels Curtains at
§ 7.50 a pair. '
$6.-o. .
Rich and elegant designs ;
these Chenille Curtains are
actually good value for $10.
We have another lot , a better
numberwhich we offer at $8.50
The colors are strictly fast.
The coloring and design for
this season are both artistic and
unique. We" have a large va
riety and will gladly send sam
ples to our out-of-town patrons.
We have-just" opened up
some novclty > efifects in Dotted
Muslin , in colors ; also new
Tamboured Muslin , wide hem
stitched edge' , for sash curtains ,
which is decidedly novel and
pretty. We would also call
your attention to our furniture
coverings , in-small figures , 50
inches wide , which we ofter for
a few days at 5005c and $ i.
_ r
Made of King's best quality
Scotch Hollaildin all colors ,
ready tohangj.a't . . lowest . prices _ ;
J -OJ " .M ! *
- ; „ * * 4 % * # 4 „
workmanship guaranteed.
The only difficulty with Xagle is that ho is a
trifle slow ou the lines. Bui catch and bat ,
oh my I"
A. Mooting Called.
OMUIA , March 17. To the Sporting Edi
tor of Tnc USE : You are respectfully in
vited to uttond a baseball convention to beheld
held at Fremont , Nob. , on March L'o , 1S90 , at
Eno betel , 11 a. m.'to permanently organize
and establish a btato league , to comprise tbo
following cities : Fremont , Columbus ,
Grand Island , Kearney , Hastings , Sowurd ,
York , Lincoln and Beatrice , and to adopt
and establish rules ami regulations fixing the
limit of salaries , club guarantee , and wholly
controlling and governing its clubs effecting
all tboir movements and actions while in the
league. W. M. Poi-K ,
F. W. LA.NO ,
Amateurs Take Notice.
All amateur ball teams are requested to
send in the names of tboir officers and play
ers at their earliest possible convenience.
THE BEE will devote considerable- space to
amateur base ball -this summer , and the
scores of allgamos during the season will
receive prompt attention.
FlnslieH From the Diamond.
Dad Clarke will arrive in Omaha this
Bug Holliday soys that speedy pitchers
nro pie fnr him. 7
The Minneapolis has signed a California
pitcher named Hey B. Harkncss.
All the western association teams will
wear white uniforms at home.
Third Basomnu P. J. t onnoll , late of Dos
Moincs , is in Brooklyn still disengaged.
Tbo Minneapolis club has signed a young
catcher , John Hicbter , of Winonu , Minn.
Will C. Bryan , the sprinter ball tosser , Is
in England , and England has our sympathy
Ladies will bo admitted to all games this
season to ull parts of the ground for 25
The Kansas City club is negotiating with
Denver for the release of Third Baseman
Nick Smith.
Andy CusicU takes bis dally turn at the
handball court. Ho Is anxious to return to
the ball field.
AH the Denver players but Pitcher Will
iam Kennedy havo. ' reported to Manager
Howe at Hot Springy
The Oraahas' uniforms at homo will bo
white with black trjuimiugs ; traveling , solid
black , saino as Iastyoar. ,
The Kansas City plub has determined to
enjoin Pickott front playing with the Phila
delphia brotherhood club.
Goading , who sqaui years ago ran the
Minneapolis ball team and lost money at it ,
Is no.v a backerof purists.
The St. Paul baseball management talks
of signing young Acker , who played a few
games with DCS Mqluca last year.
They say that Knjglit , Omaha's outfielder ,
uses a heavier bat tbnp any other player ,
Sporting Life. Knight is with Cincinnati ,
not Omaha.
The Minneapolis team will this season revive -
vivo memories of the famous old Mutual * of
Now York by wearing , a wblto and green
Denver has resinned the Texas pitcher ,
McNubb. Uavo Howe evidently considers
him promising deiplto bis unsatisfactory
showing last fall.
Jack Crooks has been elected captain of
the Columbus team , and a bettor selection
could not have been made.
The City steam laundry baseball team Is
not a member of the city league. It is on
independent organization , but open to games
with any club In the city or stato.
Crooks , Kellly nnd O'Connor have In
vested In a ilioulJer harness each for ward
ing off sore arm * during tbo cold spring
dayi. O'Connor says they are the greatest
Invention ho has yet soon for ball players.
In a game ut Pocataho , Idaho , lavt sum
mer , with the team from Kbosbsno Falls ,
B&y * struck out twenty-two men and al
lowed but ono bit to bo made off of htm.
t3uo ball is quiet in Denver at present.
Tbo weather Is favorable , but the pro
fessional * are away aud tbo amateurs np-
We arc showing a g'rcat
many exclusive styles in love
ly combinations of plain and
fancy goods. They arc going
very fast , as wc arc selling
them ati2.5o and $15 , ' much
prettier suits than those we
sold so readily last season at
$25. We have received some
newer combinations which we
offer Monday at the same
prices § 12.50 and $15.
We have just received in
bond from Bradford , Eng
land , the grandest collection
of Black Fabrics ever brought
to Omaha. We ask you to
come and see our Black Mo
hairs at 35c , a better one at
5oc and a still better one at75c
and $ i , and up to § 1,50.
- No dress fabric can com
pare with this for durability.
We have received our com
plete assortment of numbers
in Black Henriettas ( two
shades of black ) . The prices
are 850 , 95c , $ i , § 1.35 and
$1.50 a yard.
Send for samples and com
pare our prices.
Our purchases have nearly
all arrived and include Vir
ginia Serges , Croise Cloths ,
Tamise Cloths , Drap de Alma ,
Plaid and Checked Beiges ,
Royal Serges and Cheviot
Tweeds in from
* _ > ranging . . . . . u.mnnrriMjHO . price , * * + . „ , -jh.
5oc to $1.50 a yard.
pear a little backward this spring in effect
ing organizations.
Tbo management have Issued a little book
containing forty coupons , good for admission
into the grounds , and which will be sold at
$10 each. They are intended simply for the
convenience of patrons , and can bo had at
Kicth's news stand or of the officers of the
There will bo four opening championship
games with Sioux City instead of three , ns
provided by the Bcnedulo , as the game
scheduled for June 27 at Sioux City has been
transferred to tbo Omaha grounds for April
30. These four games will bo played on
April 20. 27 , 20 and 30.
Manager Kowo appears much pleased with
the condition of his team , Individually and
colloctivel.vv Ho appears especially pleased
with the showing of Pitcher Trumphoy , who
has been regarded as an unknown quantity ,
but of whom considerable was expected. So
far ho has fulfilled expectations , and will
probably bo ono of our star pitchers.
Articles of incorporation of the Fremont
baseball club were forwarded to Lincoln
Thursday to bo registered. They provide
for the formation of a club with a capital
stock of $3,000. the organization of the club
being contingent on the formation of a state
league. Subscriptions were opened this
afternoon and foOU stock taken.
Stannon , the second bssoman , was re
leased outright by tbo Loulsvilio club , owing
to his guzzling propensities. Ho has excel
lent company on the Philadelphia Brotherhood - '
hood team. Even President Love gives
ivlnn ftiinnorn tn thn nlnvftrs. SnnrHni ?
Times. There must bo some mistake about
this. Omah.i never bad a moro gentlemanly
or upright young player than Danny Shan
non ,
\\liUpcrIims oftne Wheel.
The Apollos run to Crescent City today.
Start , 10:30 : sharp , from their club rooms.
Van Wagner , an eastern wheel crank , is
talking of riding from Boston to Chicago m
len days , which means 100 miles u dny.
R Oscar Uclndorf , the new captain ot the
juveniles , knows just how to conduct n run
nnd all the members are Immensely pleased
with his work.
The three- mlle stretch between the motor
Drldga and the Northwestern depot are in
line condition and many riders resort tbero
daily for an out-door spin.
The Apollos have decided upon Thursday
evenings ns their weekly practice nights ,
fho now oicctrlo arch lights turnish plenty
of illumination along Uio asuhaltuui streets.
Mr. H. T. Goading of Providence , H , 1 , ,
and a very prominent eastern whcolmun
spent a few days In tbo city last week. Ho
pronounced the now Omaha Wheel Club
club-bo USD equal to that of any of the
wealthy eastern clubs.
Prof. Perrlgo is having excellent success
with his ladles' riding school. Ho has a class
of eight und most of thorn can already rldo
very creditably. They are apt students , and
earn much quicknr , says the dcbonnair pro
fessor , than gentlemen ,
The Apollos' suits for 1600 are dark blue
Knickerbockers coats and black pants. The
present club rooms are growing too circum
scribed on account of the growing member
ship , and the house committee Is on tbo hunt
for new quarters.
Isn't it about time that some of Omaha's
expert riders broke Hob Coming's round
trip record of sixteen minutes and five
seconds ! Holton Is in good form and riding
iku the wind , and Peabody , ho could surely
boat this tlmo with u little training.
Frank Mlttanor was once the champion
amateur rldor of Nebraska , but owing to
.he extra adipose bo has taken on In the last
.wo years , ho hasn't been nearly as speedy.
However. Mittauor's many long summer
runs will round him to In great shape for
.bo fall competitive races *
Apollo club meeting tomorrow evening.
Important business. Members all urged to
attend. Tbo club expresses a willingness to
jack either Hclndorf or Pixley against
b'lcschor , Togcart or Peabody fn a race
Irani the Council Uluffs end of the bridge to
the Council Uluffs1 viaduct on Uroadway
and return. Ab there-1 you old men I
Mlttauer and Francisco have both with-
Inuvn as candidates for tbo captainship , and
iavo put tbelr autographs to an agreement
Our stock in this department
is now replete with the newest
designs and colorings , in all the
popular makes of carpets , such
as Wiltons , Moqucttcs , Body
Brussels , Tapestry Brussels ,
Velvets and Extra Supers. We
buy all of our carpets directly
from the manufacturers and
control many private patterns ,
which can be only obtained
from us.
We always carry a large as
sortment of Antique Oriental
Rugs , including Daghcstan ,
GhiordiesCashmeres and other
celebrated Eastern Rugs , at
lowest possible prices.
Of ther.c wash dress goods
we have imported an unusually
large quantity , over a hundred
patterns , in lovely stripes ,
plaids and checks , while the
colors are warranted to us as
being perfectly fast. We sell
them at 250 a yard.
At our Domestic Counter
we shall sell 50 pieces of NEW
yard. This price will only hold
good for Monday. They are
to that effect. Their reasons nro "heavy
campaign expenses , and if ono cot there , the
other pot left , " so they mutually agreed not
to monkey with the uncertainties of the bal
This club has also some spoedv short distance -
tanco riders probably over a doren who can
ride in three minutes and under. H. H.
Ubodcs , who hold ? the state safety cham
pionship for one-half milo , is ono of the
best. While Peabody , who clones In
the etato ordinary championship for ono
mile , ranks with many of the best profes-
sionals. Then comes Mittauer , Seth Rhodes ,
Billy Townsend , yclept "Airhole Billy" for
short , Kastman , Francisco , Holton and
Uriah. The latter gentleman holds the ama
teur ono hour indoor record of Omaha. Then
there is Frank N. Clark , who is the cham
pion hauds-off-ridc-r. The list might bo con
tinued on at considerably greater length , as
many moro of the boys sport glittering mod-
nls , some nmdo out of cold and silver , and
others out of iron and leather.
The Omaha Wheel club aas probably a
many fast men within its ranks proportions
ate to its membership as any organization in
the country. Several of them made century
runs in 1SS9. Penbody , Mittancr , Townsend
and Potorfield scored US miles In the first
run and Bacon , Head and Urlau an even 100
on the second. The feat performed by Pea
body and Schnoll in making the trip to Lin
coln and return in ono day has never
been equalled. Tbo distance via the
route they run was u trillo over 141 miles
nnd they had a strong headwind to contend
with the ontirc distance thence. This run
will not bo equalled in all likelihood in manv
a dov. Drain of Lincoln vows ho will beat It
this summer , but if ho does bo will be the
most played out sewer Drain I mean , in
this part of the country.
A Itnnd Ituco Challenge.
LEMXOTOX , Neb. , March 17. We , the
Lexington Wheel club , hereby challenge any
wheel club In the state to a team road race
of twonty-iivo miles over the Overton-ICear-
ncy course on Decoration day , each team to
consist of not lest * than four or moro than six
men , tbo prlzo to bo a silver cup to cost not
ess than $ i3 ! , to bo paid for by the losing
team. N. T. FISK ,
Captain of the Loxincton Whcol Club.
Miscellaneous 1-incal Sports.
Tno Omaha kennel club still remains in
statu quo.
The state trap shooting tournament opens
up at Grand Inland May 20.
Jimmy Lindsay and Harry Gllmoro will
noet in a ten-round contest before the
jato City Athletic club Monday evening ,
March 31.
Tboro will bo a cocking main and dog
fight at the Island nouso , Cutoff lake this af
ternoon. There will bo live battles In the
main , while the purps that will struggle for
supremacy are "Major" and an unknown.
F. V. Fowler has purchased the well
< nown ilyers Lorcno and Little Willlo , of H.
J. Kendall , who recently bought the Still-
water stock ranch of the cslato of the lata
2harllo McCormlok. The price paid was
? I,10a Mr. Kendall also sold a promising
colt to W. A. Puxton for tOOO.
H. C. Hitchio , secretary of the nromcn's
tournament to bo held shortly at 1'latts-
uioutn , was in ttio city yesterday to make
arrangements with Ed Moulton. the snrlntor.
for a series of professional sprint races , and
with Lily Williams for a bicycle- race , to
ako place ou this occasion ,
A 900 pound heavy weight named Captain
Tom Webb of Bancroft wants tn fight Jack
) iwis. Ho offers the latter $ -00 guarantee
o come to Bancroft und fight him to a finish
vith cloves not prohibited uy law. As soon
as Jack arranges his affairs hero ho intends
to go up to the village and punch the captain
J200 worth.
Dr. J. H. Dohso ot Bancroft writes iTnu
JEE that tbo Bancroft liun club , when It so
> adlv worsted him In a recent trap shoot ,
was laboring under a pressure of corn juice
on the brain. The- doctor Is at the old stand
ready to shoot any Lluncrof Ionian for money ,
marbles or chalk. That's ' what I
Alf Hsymau the advance of the Shenan-
doab company Is r. rank brotherhood man ,
and BO U Billy Kiting of the California
Opera company. It Is not their fault , how
ever , as they don't know any better. Hay-
man , however , U an encyclopedia on fights
and fighters , and up-and-up In iports ot all
This is a four-button length
genuine kid glove , which we
consider to heavily embroid
ered for the preVailing style ,
we have always sold thiMU at
' $1.50 , but to clear them out at
once we will offer them ati a
pair. They come in slates
and assorted tans and all sixes
from 5/ to 7A.
M A R S E I L L E S 13 ED
SPREADS $2.50.
We have a case of extra
large size Marseilles Heel
Spreads that got slightly
soiled in transit which will
not Affect the wear. We
bought them to sell at $3.75.
We offer them at $2.50 as we
want to sell them all in one
I. C. CORTETS 51.50.
We have three qualities of
these corsets , $2.50 , " $3 and
53.50. We have all sixes in
white and colors and for this
week have marked them § 1.50
as we will have no more after
this lot is sold.
Tomorrow we shall continue
the sale of amonia in large
bottles at Sc , playing cards 25c
a .pack , best dress braid 5c ,
English pins 5c a paper , best-
book pins IOG a paper , _ cham
ois sponges IDC , hand mirrors
5oc. 100 yard spool silk Sc ,
10 yard twist 2c , hzf ul brushes
50 , darning eggs 5c , shawl
straps IDC , chamois skins 5c to
$1.50 , genuine French oil tan
ned chamois skins $ i , Oakley's
triple water 4 oz bottle 5oc ,
Lady Grey Perfumes in all
descriptions. The only drawback to Alf is
that ho is toncue-tind. i "H
The sporting editor acknowledges inu
receipt of the Melbourne , Australia , Arena ,
of February lb , from his old friend Cnutaiu
T. L. Urower , the champion fancy and wing
shot of this country , containing n report of
his ono hundred Iivo bird match with Lewis
Clark of the Melbourne gun club , ono of the
most famous shots in Australia , for 1.100 n
side. Tbo match took place on the 17th ult.
and resulted in a tlo , each man killing W5
This is glorious wild fowl weather and all
the Nebraska waters are fairiy swarming
with birds. It is said that there are moro
cccse and brant along the Plntto than has
been known for years , and ducking atVnu -
buncey , Honey creek , Bancroft , Horseshoe ,
Valley , on the Loup and Klktiorn , Whiting
and all other adjacent grounds is phenome
nally good. The snipe have also began to
drop in , nnd n few moro warm days and the
precious little gallinago will bo hero In full
force. The local prices at picsent nro about
as follows : Canada geese , ft ) per dozen ;
brant from W.fiO to $1 ; canvaiback from $5
to.fC ; mallard from W to $3.50 ; redhead $2 ;
teal from $1 25 to 11.50 ; mixed ducks , pin
tails , blue ollls , mercanzors , scaup , widgeon ,
bald pate , butter ball , qray duck and whist
ler , the same.
Will S. Hisinir , the loading tenor of the
California opera company , ut the fraud this
week , is an old school friend of the sporting
editor's. "Hilly" is a well known character
on both sides of the pond , not solely ou ac
count of bis .superb voice and matchless
acting , but through his association with
annrtint * nfTiiirs. Knr ri ntirnhnr nf Hnrmnnn
ho was captain of the old Now York Knick
erbockers , playing short , nnd n better ono
was rover seen in those days , and afterward
was connected with tno Now York league
clue , and is well known to all the older
ball players in the country. Ho was also
the hero of n wonderfully thrilling ad venture
ou ttui barren und burning Llano Ustncado ,
in ' 78 , and 11 cures ns the hero of a seaside
library entitled "Xopilotes , " written by a
French count in German clothes , named
Sandy Urlswold.
( jucHtloiiH nnd Aniwcro.
Tn a game of high five A has 20points and
H 17. 1 ! makes the trump and holds the ace ,
duce , five , seven and eight pots , A holds
the six and Jack , which ho saves , H making
all the rest of tbo points. Who wins ! Du ,
Council UlufTs.
Ans A wins ,
J. H. Taylor. Silver Citv , la. No questions
are answered by malt. L. Ituhvlg holds the
record for standing long Jump , 113 feel it'if '
Inches , with 10 pound dumb bolls , made at
Urookiyn , N. Y. , November SO , 1M4. Heel
to too.
Can you Inform mo whore I can purchase a
number of black bass for stocking purposes.
[ the black bass such a favorite on account
of his edible qualities or his gauioucssj H.
H. L. . Fremont.
Ans. Apply to the United States anil
Maryland fish commissioners , Washington
and Uakimoro. Uoth.
Please state in SiSHUT'S HUE if np'.ajor
ms a build of 3 can his opponent pick tip a
Ivo off the table and make It an b , In the
Kumo of casalnot Mrs , M. , Omaha.
Ans. Ho cannot.
Has any league oxcojit the Plnynrs league
adopted the double umpire system ) Hall
crank , city.
Ans. The Players league alone.
To decide- bet please state In your query
column whether Paddy Uynn over fought
nnd defeated Jno ( loss or not ! Also the re
sult of the CJosj-Allen mill. How old Is J.
J. Corbetti What was his weight In his bout
wth ( Kilramt Was Joe Wnrniald ovorchnrn-
ilon of England I Old Sport , North Platto.
Ans. YOJ. May 30 , lQ , for Jl.UOOand the
championship ot America. Uyan won in b7
rounds In 1 hour and 27 inlnuto * . September
7,1870 , GOM and Allen ( ought for (3,000 nnd
he championship. Clou was declared the
winner in 21 rounds ; 53 minutes. This tlRiit
was conducted In two ring * , the Ilrst In Kent
and Uio second In lloone county , Kentucky.
F. J. Corbatt Is twonty-two year * of go ,
and In the Kilraln netto weighed ISO pounds.
Wormald was champion of England frpltt
1805 to 1SOO.