Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Another Klmball Cabinet Grand
Upright 63GO piano Shoo Salo.
Thin In Our Second 1'lnno Shoe
Bnle-Ono Tlcicct Given With
Kvery Dollnr I'lirclmse A
Yffy Jltnrc Clmncc.
This is ono of A. IIoipo , jr.'a , lend
ing pliuios and is thu identical iimtu-
nlont that Mudnm Kmirm Alblnl of the
Patti Italian opera company used nt her
hotel during licr stay hero , which IB a
strong guarantee of Its quality.
I was the holder of the lucky number ,
8,1)0 ) , which drew the pmno , and wish
to express my sincere thanks for the
very prompt notion on the part of Ifuy-
wnrd Brothers In giving mo possession
of the pinno on presentation of the
ticket. The store wns crowded on the
evening of the drawing nnd everything
was done to the entire satisfaction of
those who witnessed it.
1R. . FRENCH ,
With Hlmobuugh & Taylor ,
1105 Douglas street.
The above piano was drawn February
25. 1800.
Our stock Is entirely now , not carried
over from last season , and we shall put
forth extra clTort for new customers ,
and shall try hard to merit a continu
ance of your patronage.
Wo are doing a lively business on la-
ales' lace oxfords , Prices , style and
quality toll thu story.
Ladles' kid Oxfords , all solid , 91.00.
Ladies' bright oxfords , plain or pat
ent tip , $1.25.
Toulon , plain or patent tip Oxfords ,
Toulon , diamond patent tip Oxfords ,
'Toulon , medium too , patent tip Ox
fords , # 1.76.
Toulon common sense Oxfords , $1.60.
Ttirris turn tip Oxfords , 92.00.
Tarris turn Oxfords , $2.00.
Tarrls common sense Oxfords , $2,00.
Paris common sense Oxfords , $2.60.
Paris on last Oxfords , $2.50.
Paris diamond tip Oxfords , $2.60.
Paris patent leather Oxfords , $3.00.
Paria common senseOxfords. . $3.00.
and tan goat Oxfords in great variety
from $1.00 to $3.00. *
Ladies' ruasott Oxfords , Sl.OO.
Ladies' russolt Oxfords , c d and b.
Ladies' goat Oxfords , b , c , d and o ,
Ladies' tan goat Oxfords , . common
Bcnso , $2.00.
Ladies' kid ooze top Oxfords , pat
ent tip , i2.00.
Ladies'colTco goat Oxfords , patent lip ,
Ladies'tan goat Oxfords , patent tip ,
- . .
Ladies * tan goat Oxfords , ooze top ,
83.00. '
Ladies' tan goat Oxfords , tip , 81.50.
Ladies' colTco goat Oxfords , patent
Up , $2.00.
Ladies' colTco goat Oxfords , $2.00.
Ladies' patent leather Oxfords , $3.00.
Ladies' Fuhcy ooze top Oxfords , pat
ent tip , 93.00.
An endless variety of ladies' button
shoes from $1.50 to3.00. .
ladies' Paris kid hand turned diamond
mend patent leather tiplow or high
heel , $5.00.
Ladies' Paris kid. hand turned button ,
Ladies' Paris kid , diamcflid tip , B , C ,
D , E and EE , $3.00.
Ladies' Paris kid , square lip , B. C , D ,
E and EE , $3.00.
Ladies' Paris kid , square tip , C , D ,
E and EE , $2.50
Ladies' Paris kid'square tip , lace ,
Ladies'spring heel kid , slues 2 } to 4 } ,
Ladies'spring heel goat , sizes 2i to
Ladies' flnn bright dongola , kid but
ton , B , C , D , E and EE widths , $3.00.
Ladies' line bright kid button. $2.60.
Ladies' bright kid button , all solid
warranted , $2.00.
All styles of ladies' pebble shoes ,
81.60 , $2.00 and $2.60.
Ladies' line kid , now style lace diamond
mend , patent leather tip , 8-1.00.
Ladies' ' line kid , hand turned button ,
B , C , D , E and EE , $3.50.
This shoo is ono of our great sellers
nnd oxcolls anything in thu market for
the money. Try a pair and prove their
Infants' moccasins , clmmoiso , ! ! 5c.
Infants' French kid , soft solo , 50c.
Infants' French kid , stitch solo.oOo.
Infants' kid , button , worked hole ,
Infants' iron clad , worked hole , GOc.
Extra value in goats' shoos from $1 50
to $5.
Gents' llosh calf congress , $1.50.
Gents' Gorman calf congress , $2.50.
Gents' German calf , cordo lace , $3.
Gouts' Gorman cordo congress , $3.
Gents' XXX calf congress , $3. .
Gents' Kangaroo lace , \Volt , $4.
Gents' Well calf , lace , $3.60.
Gonts''Wolt calf , lace , $4.
Gents' Kangaroo , hand welt , $5.
Gents' X calf , congress , square too ,
tip welt , $4.60.
Gents' X calf , lace , square too , tip
welt , $4.60.
Old gents' Dongola congress , extra
wide , $1.
Old gents' Dongola congress , extra
wide , $3.
OUl gents'calf congress extra wldo. $3.
If you want bargains in misses' and
children's shoos look over our line
Misses' kid button , sixes 11 to 2 , $1.50.
Misses' line goat button. $1.50.
Misses' line goat button , tips , $1.50.
This line of $1.60 goods nro bettor
than the average $2 shoos ; wo have
Bold thousands of pairs without a single
Child's bright kid button , sizes 8 to
10J , 81.
Child's bright kid button , sizes 8 to
10 } , 81.25.
Child's goat , A. S. T. , tip button , 8 to
10 } , $1.25.
Child's goat , solo tip button , 8 to 10 } ,
Child's goat , A. S. T. . tin button , S to
11 , $1.60.
The above lines are the best value for
the money wo have over found ; they
nro absolutely all leather and good
For weak ankles , all hand made , sizes
B to 5 , $1.60.
For weak ankles , all hand made , sizes
6 to 8 , $1.76.
Ono trial of our shoos always insures
future customers.
If customers living out of the city
and holding tickets on our piano will
Bond us their address on a postal card
wo will notify thorn of the lucky num
ber. '
Wo are not quoting prices on cheap
inferior goods that are not what you
want , but are quoting specials to Intro
duce to you our now spring goods.
Wo prepay all mail or express charges
vrhoro money accompanies the order.
All who favor us with their patronage ,
win rely upon fair dealings , and every
nrticlo warranted to give value re
ceived. II AY WARD BROS. ,
1616 Douglas St.
Qroat Purchase of Dross Qoodo From
the Townsand and Montaut Salo.
Ilnro Now \i \ Your Opportunity to
Ituy rVexv Hprlnc DrcNg Good ft
nt I'rlceft That Will Cnpciiro
This Town.
Wo secured nearly nil the drosq goods
from the immense auction sale of Town-
sand & Monlunt , 79 Leonard st. . Now
York city.
This was the greatest sale of dress
goods that has taken place for many
years. For spot cash wo bouuht the
goods for loss than one-fourth their
real value. This stock comprises some
of the latest novelties which you will bo
able lo purchase at prices that will
rcallvinBtoninh you.
p 60 pieces of flno China silk worth Too
per yard nt 35c.
25 pieces brocaded satins and summer
silks in evening shades and uark colors
nil go at 25c ; they woulu bo n bargain
at $1.2.3.
Black rcgatla silk at $1.00 that is
worth $1.60.
An all wool black cashmere at 19o
worth 60c.
Fine all wool honriotta at Goo , our
neighbors call it a bargain at $1.00.
Satin finish honriolta atCoc , a regu
lar $1.10 quality.
'Pure silk warp hcnrlottns at 08c ,
worth $1.50.
Finest black brilliantinc at 35c , worth
Mnhair brillinntinos nt 59c , would
cost at other sales $1.00.
Black brocaded Mohairs 70c , worth
41 . o. ;
50 pieces black and white striped and
plaid mohair brilliantincs at 59c.
Special bargain.
Right hero wo wish lo say these are
all high grade goods , not cheap , trashy
stuff soofton advostisod.
1 case double fold English cashmere
nnd dobeigos nt lOc , worth 2oc. f
60 pioeos 40-inch fnncy stripe nnd
checked suitings at 19c , regular 35c
40-inch hcnriotta , spring shades , at
lOo ; worth really 40c.
12-inch all wool fancy striped and
checked serges and honrietta at Cue ,
worlh 85c.
40-inch French houriotta , all now
shades , go at 29c , worth COc.
44-inch camel's hair cloth , spring
shades , at 49c , worth $1.
150 Persian suits with trimming to
match at $2.93 per suit , worth $5. .
' 40-inch French all wool honriettas
nnd serges , lute shades , go Monday at
60-inch silk finishedhcnrictta goes
at ( > 9c , regular $1 quality.
Largo lot of cashmere llannols ,
serges , plaids , tricols , brillUxn tines
worth 50c and 75c , all go at 19c.
Woool clmllics at lOc. worth 35c.
Sateens at Cc , worth lOc.
Finest French sateen at lOc , cheap at
Spring , Scotch and French gingham
go at lOc , worth 2-5c and 35c.
Big lot dark colors , line gingham ,
at 5c.
Sicilians nt 7c , worth 15c.
India challies at 5c , worth lOc.
Regular 7c challios go at'2c.
Fine chocked nainsooks at 6c , worth
Fine India linen at Oc , worth 25c.
Merino prints go at 2 jc per yard , worth
Standard dross calicos at 3jc , worth
Apron checked ginghnms nt 4c , worth
Fine Inco curtain scrim at 5c , worth
& --1 unbleached Lockwood shooting ,
ICc ; 9-4 at 18c , 10-1 goes at 20c.
Bleached Lockwood shooting , 8-4 at
18c , 0-4 at 20c , 10-4 at 22c.
CO-inch Turkey red damasks , splen
did styles , go in this sale at 20c per
yard. They mill lengths and worth
Ono lot flno , full bleached , 02-inch
damasks , at 40c per yard ; regular price
Ono lot CO-inch cream damasks at 60c
per yard ; regular price 75c ,
Ono lot cream damask towels , size 20
x40 , at 15c ouch ; regular price Hoc.
Honeycomb towels at 25o each ; regu
lar price 7c.
10-inch linen crush nt 2iu per yard.
10-inch linen glass cloth toweling at
5o per yard ; regular price 9c.
Wo put on sale at 7c per yard a
crash , actual value lOc.
Best table oil cloth at 12 jc per yard.
Best shelf oil clolh at 2o per yard ,
worth lOc.
Wo have secured another lot of flno
embroideries from the customhouse.
This is but a small lot (1.000 ( pieces )
and will not last long , but they will bo
great bargains while they last.
600 piechcsl to 3 Inch wide embroider
ies nt 4c , worth lOc.
Big lot extra line narrow embroider
ies and edges nt Cc. These nro extra
flno goods.
300 pieces of Oinch wide embroideries
at Oo , worth 20c.
Full width shirtings atSOc , worth 75o.
50 places skirling in novelty designs
and fitncv effects al 8oc , worlh $1.50.
Tailor made stockinet jaokotsnt$2.98 ,
worlh $3.50.
Stylish broadcloth , throo-story Enc-
llsh capos , they would bo cheap at $3 ;
they go at $1.60.
Finest walking jackets at $1.08 , ac
tually worth $0.60.
Peasant cloaks ut$4.98 , actually worth
Beaded wraps at 81.31 , worth $2.50.
Flno jelled wraps at $3,50" , cannot bo
duplicated for $7.
Infants' embroidered cashmere cloaks
at 75c.
At $1.119 insnnts' cashmere long
cloaks , handsomely embroidered , really
worth $3.25.
Ladles' jersey suits , trimmed with *
braid , at $2.39 per suit.
Ladles' Iliinnelotto suits , blouse and
bkirt. at 81.60 , worth $3.
Silk striped flannel suits with accor
dion pleated skirts at1.05 , worth $7.00.
Ladies' blouses at 30a to $1.60.
Good substantial corsets at 25c , worth
S. C. cm-sols at 39o.
Black Batin corsets at 06o , worth 81.25.
Our $1,50 II. & S. corset in n bargain
at $1.00.
Nos. 8 , fi , 7 , all silk ribbon at 60.
Nos. 7 , 0,12 , high grndo ribbon , nil
shades , all edges , warranted all silk , gent
nt 7o per yard. Great bargain.
Undressed Mousquitairo kid gloves at
05c , worth $1.25.
114 S. 10th st.
Letting.Dmvu the I'rlccn.
31 b cans best California apricots lla
per can , 3-1 b cans host California
goldoa drop plums llo per can. 3-lb
can California quinces IHo , .T-lb can
green gage plums llc , 3-lb California
poaches 17io nor can , 3-1 u California
pears 17lc , 3-lb can whlto California
cherries 12Jc. You cannot buy any
holler fruits , no matter what you pay
for them. Do not bo foolish and say
that wa can not sell good goods for
these prices , but come nnd buy some
tuiu bo convinced. Wo will pay your
money back if you do not like the goods.
What moro can you nskV Best im
ported French peas 16 < : per can , best
premium chocolate 35c per pound , best
sweet chocolate 20c or 60 per cake , good
country butter 10o. 12jc and 15c ,
creamery butter 17c , best creamery 19c ,
very best sugar cured hams lie , picnic
hams 7c. boneless ham lOc , 3-lb pall lard
lOc , 20-lb pall jolly 55c. polled ox longuo
Gc , polled ham Go , deviled ham Gc , 3-lb
can best corned beef hash loc , prime
roast beef 16c , best imported slrawberry
jam 19c per full pint bottle this in
cludes all kinds ol jam , raspberry ,
blackberry , rod currant , gooseberry ,
marmalade , plum. * Wo keep the finest
imported goods of this kind that wo can
buy. Wo sell this whole * line for ] 0o
pov full pint bottle or stone jar. Fruit
cake 2-jc per can , plum pudding 25c pel-
can ; you will'pay twice this price in any
other plnco in this city. Oatmeal 3c
per yound. barrel $1 : 180 pounds to the
barrel. Wo will sell to the retailer
crocory just the same as wo sell to the
wholesale or jobbing trade. Wo sola
100 barrels last week. Wo are agonls
for three of the best oatmeal mills in
this country and this is the reason wo
can sell the best rolled outs for 3c per
Tomorrow wo will sell you glassware
at prices never hoard of before , viz :
G piece cream sols , 18c. 0 piece cream
sols , 22c. Elegant cake stand , 15c. Flint
blown tumblers , 2jc. Fine fruit dishes ,
loc. A mammoth 10 inch polish fruit
dish , 45c. A cut8 inch fruit dish , 35c.
Salt and poppers in Turk. topa/ and
rubytho linest over brought to Omaha ,
12Jc each , worth 50c ench. A four bottled
tled castor , nickel silver , sland nnd cut
ruby botlles , $1.60 , worth $ -5.00. Berry
sets in all colors consisting of sugar and
cream , G5c per set. Fine imported en
graved flint lumblors' , 60c per sot , sold
everywhere for $2. Fine decorated
lamp chimneys , 15o. 60 different styles
of Jupancd bird cages for 43 , 45 , 47 53 ,
CO , 72 , 84 and OOc , $1.10. Brass cages
for 60 , 75c. $1.00 each. Superior
and Warier wringers , $1.25. The
Western washer , $4.0o. Copper bottom
wash boilers , 49c. Genuine all copper
wash boilers , $2.60 , worth $4.60. Bissell
Grand Rapids carpet sweepers , $1.75 , .
warranted. Wash benches , $1.95. Tea
pots , lOc. Coffee pols , lOc. 10,000 odd
saucers , Ic each. Sauce dishes , lOc per
sot. Melal lamps complolo , 2oc. Bisque
vnso lamp bowl and shade to mutch , $2 ,
worlh Ihrco times as much ; A complete
line of the latest thintr in hamrincr lamn
shades , they are the blue flash , amber
flash ana ruby Hash , and they sell from
75c lo 81.60 ; also the same thing for
library lamps. Wo also carry a com
plolo line of the electric , the banner.
the B. and II. and the celebrated
Rochester lamps at half the price that
they are sold elsewhere for.
Wo have 1,000 sots o deco
rated , ' plates , CUDS and saucers nt
60c per sot. Conpor bottom ton
kettles 35c. 100 and 112 pieces dinner-
sols at " $8 , $8.95 , $9 , $10 and $12. A 6G
piece "tea se at $3.95 , worth 87.60. Per
forated chair bottoms 8c. Fine blemish
tea kettles 15c. Carpet stretchers lOc.
Scrub brushes 5c. Fine machine oil 5c.
A sot of nickel plated sad irons , 3 irons
nnd handle and stand , $1.50. Milk
crocks , 3c and 5c each. Clothes lines 5c.
Flour and cake boxes Goc. 1 gallon glass
water pitcher 26c. Household ammonia
lOc largo botllo. Oborman's perfect
German cooking utensils in nil sizes.
Slovo polish Ic each. Shoe blacking 2c
each. Shoo and slovo brushes lOc.
G-foot stop-ladders 59c. Wash tubs 45c.
Wash baskets Soc each. Towel rollers
lOc each. Potato mashers 5e. Rolling
pins 5c. Steak pounders 5c. Kitchen
Knives 6c. Mincing knives Sc. Screw
drivers 5c. Lemon squeezers 5c. Tea
stcopors 6c. Quart cups 95c , and 1,000
more handy and useful house furnish
ing articles at oceuoh.
On account of the backwardness of
spring season wo have been enabled to
muko some heavy purchases for cash
irom loading manufacturers , and wo
shall give you the benefit of the same
on Monday. Wo place on sale now
dross style ginghams at So yard ,
"Brazo" and "Patlorson" dress slylo
gingham at Ojc yard , Normandio , Canton - "
ton , Renfrew , etc. , at 7io yard. Everett
classics at 8Jc yard. You will find
those to bo great bargains , no rqm-
nnnls , but fresh fuom the piece. Fine
American zephyr gingham only 12Jc
nnd 16c yard. Our display of silicons
leads them all. Sea the beauties wo
have at lOc yard and 16c yard. All , im
ported sateens in colors now 25a
yard. Wo are the only lipjbo
that carry the real , imported
cashmere ombre in Omaha. Our fast
black imported sateens at 25o and 85c
yd are good values. New styles of chal
lies at 5c , 74c , lOo and 15e yd. Our stock
of white dross goods is larger this
season than last nnd assortment holler.
Full line of plain white lawns , India
linens , etc. , nt nil prices ; 40 in. wide
hemmed stitched nnd fancy bordered
apron lawns , all the different sizes in
polka dot Swisses , chocked Nainsook ,
3c , 5c , Sc and lOe yd. Lawn checks at
8c , lOo , 12Jc and 16o yd. Corded P , K. ,
Turkish toweling , etc. Wo muko .1
specialty of indigo blue prints , wo carry
n full line of all the different makes and
show moro indigo blue prints than nil
the rest combined in Omnha , at Oo , Cio ,
8c , 9c , lOc and 12jo yd. Buying nit our
domestics direct from the mnnufnc-
luror and In larger quantities than any
other house in this city wo nro
plncod in a position lo mnko
j'ou lower prices limn others
dnro to , nnd continue in business.
Compare our prices on muslins and
sheetings , prints and ginghams , cotton
flannels , etc. , and be convinced of the
truth of Ihls.
Our special sale on towels will con
tinue on Monday at Co , 12o } , 15o and
26c. All wo ask you to do is to look
thorn over. The prices and quality are
too tempting. You can't pass thorn.
Our loader on Monday will bo n
bridal crochet bed spread , Marseilles
patterns , 11-4 size at $1.00 each , worth
$1.50. Only two Fold to ouch customer
at this prico. Our stock of table linen
is too largo and must ho reduced , and
low prices will rule on Monday on table
linens. Wo claim that wo sell the best
bleached or cream damask for 60o in
Omaha. Wo would also like to have
you see our 81.00 napkins. Wo have a
few pair of red blankets loft ; some are
slightly soiled nnd mussed. Wo will
close them out cheap if you can use
them ,
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Ainnrloiiii Tallori.
Thousands of different styles to select
from. American Tailors ,
Hal lor.
The finest creamery butler in the
United States at Moore & Co.'a for 25c ,
Grand SprlngfiDbonlna .Salo Begins
TroinetuloiiH OTTdrs In Kvcry Depart
ment Tito Knltra $ iO.UOO Stocker
or Dry Qimtl.i 1'urolmscil
IhroughXA r. Gore & Co.
Of 200-208 F.U8l.Mttdison st. Chicago
to bo placed on sale. Indescribable
bargains to bo offered. . Inducements
beyond description. Grand opening
sale Monday.
Wo begin Monday our grand spring
opening sale , this sale will be a hummer
as most of the goods which wo advertise
below conio from a $ ! ! 00,000 failure of a
Memphis , Tonn. , linn , out of which wo
purchased $40,000 worth of poods. Our
store is packed full from top to bottom ,
and wo must unload. Notice very cnro-
fully each bargain that wo advertise ,
and remember that it will not bo a lot
of "muck" which you will purchase , but
iroods which wcro manufactured for the
finest retail trade. Wo will begin with
our dross goods department.
They only had 18 pieces of cheap dress
goods in their slock , and as long as they
last you may have them at 2c ycr yard ,
they sold them from 16c to 25o.
Lot 2 A lot of tricots and plain
llannols at Oo per yd , worth about 25c.
Lot 3 Cashmeres in all colors and
blacks , price 15c per yd , worth up to
Lot 4. Henriettas and fancy stripe
brilllantincs worth about 40c , some are
worth 60c. Our price will bo 25c.
Lot 5. Brilliantine worth up to"5c a
yd. , in all colors , no bliick in this lot ,
40-in. wide , just think of it , our price
will bo 39cpor yd.
Lot 0. Brilliantine , flno Henriettas ,
40-in. wide all wool plaid , 42-in wide
all wool stripes , all go at49cayd. ,
worth from $1.00 to 81.25.
* Lot 7. At 79c wo olTor high novel
ties in chocks and stripes , now blues ,
old rose , nnd olhor new shades worth
about $1.50 per yd.
Lot 8. This lot will comprise all
goods worth from S1.60 to $1.00 ; in fact ,
wo will cfTor in this lot of goods the
choice of any dress goods wo have in
the house. Plcaso bear this in mind.
You can buy silk warp hcnriotta , drap
do alma , in fact , all kinds of high nov
elties in dress goods. Our price will bo
97jcper yd.
Wo will olTor choice of any plain
surah or fancy china silk that comes in
this stock at 38o a yard. Plain stripe
china , 27-inch wide , at 76c , worth at
The Kid gloves in this stock will bo
placed in four lots.
Lot 1 comprises * 81.25 gloves , Foster
hooks , in this lotthe ; ! price will bo 35c
per pair.
Lot 2 $1.50 , 81.75 gloves in this lot
are genuine Fostdr ; ajso 0 and 7-button
genuine kid. The price will be 49c.
Lot 3 Fine Musquotairo , genuine
Foslor 7-hook , and fine undressed kid ;
nil co at OSc a pair.
All their $2.25 , $2.50 nnd $2.75 com
prise Jouvin , Alexandra , in fact , nil the
fancy grades of gloves manufactured ,
besides about 300 pairn of gents' gloves.
Price , 99c per pair.
Read carefully the following lots ,
- which wo advertise as odds and cuds
from the different stocks :
Lot 1 comprises all their corsets ,
worth from $1 ttf82 ; the price will bo 04c.
L6t2 'Will bo-all their 44-in. Span
ish and Chantillylaco llouncings. They
carry no cotton goods , consequently wo
shall guarantee all the goods wo shall
sell Monday to bo all silk. They are
worth all the way _ from S2 to $4 per
yard ; our price will bo boar this in
mind 98c per yard. There is also in
the above lot about 15 ploscs of all silk
drapery not worth about $2.60 per yard.
Ro r.embor the price is 08o for every
Lot 3 Remnants of dress goods , chal-
lics , flannels , white goods , seersuckers ,
ginghams , etc. The price will bo from
2c per yard up.
All the notions out of this stock go at
the following prices :
Pins Ic per papnr.
Tape 2cnroll.
Black dross braids 2c a roll.
4 load pcncils-lc.
4 penholders for Ic.
Gold eyd needles at 3c per paper.
Bolting 2o a yard.
Dross btays 4c a doz.
Thread Ic n spool.
Silk elastic 9c per yard.
3 yds long silk corset lace at 15c.
Linen thread at 3a a spool.
Safety pins at 2o a paper.
Hooks and eyes at 1 jc n paper. *
Crochet hooks 2c and 3c.
Stool thimbles 2c.
Largo cabinet hairpins , 2Jc a box.
Hair crimpers IJc a paper.
Black pins 1 jc a box.
Largo double crimping iron lOc.
Marking cation at Oo ti doz.
Very line tooth brushes at Oc.
Darning needles at 5c a doz.
12 doz. agate buttons , 3c.
12 yds of linen lace for lOc.
Fine dress buttons at 2Jc u doz.
Ladies' knit undorvosls nt 80.
Ladles knit undorvost , genuine lisle ,
at 25c , worth 76c.
600 pieces of ribbon at 15c a yd.worth
from 25e to 50o.
Three thousand pieces of torchon
iaco , 5c , Oc , 7c , 8c , 9c and lOc , worth up
to 50c.
Wo shall hold Monday in our mil-
.inory department n grand salo. Wo
liavo built on to our store and in consequence -
quonco have more 'room , and have
moved our millinery down slairs. Wo
shall open the millinery season with a
jrand boom.
6,000 now.spring hats at lOc , worth $1.
Also 8,000 long flower wroalhs at lOc-
each , worth 75o. , Don't fall to visit our
millinery department.
$1.03 spring hats worth $ -5.
Wo carry a line of 'trimmed hats from
B1.08 up to $50 tench , and % vo carry the
.urgnst . line of.imllllnory west of Now
York. Wo positively have moro mil
linery in our Btoro than all the mil
lineries and dry goods stores in Ornahu
Over 400 articles will bo placed on our
counters from tUo Memphis stock winch
wo shall not adrortiso.
adrortiso.STONEHILL'S. .
Magin'n , dressmaker , 1023 Dodge st.
Amrrlqnn Tailors.
Now spring woolens ,
Paxton hotel building.
MUs Alice
Will give a grand millinery opening
of the newest styles now in Vogue in
Paris , London and Now York at her
millinery donuctmont in the store with
Hoyman & Dolohoa , 1518-20 Farnam St. ,
MARCH 20 AND 27.
Miss Isaacs has returned from Now
York , where she bought many of the
newest styles of bonnets , hats , toques ,
etc. , just the styles suited for the coin
ing Easier time.
In atoro with Ucymun & Dolchos , 1518 ,
1520 Farnam st.
PoworlXil Attractive Sale of Now
Spring Goods.
* " " " " - " - -
Where the 1'noplc Feel at Howe ,
With i'orrnot Liberty to
Ooino nnd Go , lioolc
or Iltiy. - I
Double fold cashmeres and boigcn Oo
38-inch flno wool plaids nnd checks
16c yard.
38-inch English lienriettas ISc yard.
Silk finish hcnrlettas , spring shades ,
22c yard.
One Iot60c brilHantlnos in solid col
ors will bo closed out lomorrow at 25c
12 pieces of 48 inch wide 75c ho'nrl-
ottas will bo closed out at 39c.
50 inch wide imported now French
plaids , very stylish , in nil now color
ings , 55c , regular price 85c.
48 inch imported all-wool , extra
weight , silk finish henrlottas , regular
$1 goods at 68c vard.
40 inch flno black brilliantincs ntoOc.
Imported brillinntinos in black and
colors at 60c , reduced from GOc.
, 42 Inch extra flno silk lustre mohairs
nt 59c , reduced from 75c.
40 inch Sicilian mohairs , very heavy ,
at 75c , reduced from $1.
40-inch flno Henriettas at 32c , worth
48-inch all wool , extra weight nnd
finish , blue-black and jet black hon-
riottas at 05c. reduced froan $1.
15 pieces fancy weave sobaslopols ,
drap do almos , salin stripes , roval ar-
muros and silk warp Henriettas at 75c.
Wo positively guarantee every piece in
this lot to bo worth $1.2.1.
48-inch all wool drap d'oto , heavier
nnd holler , lhan honrjolln for summer
wear at $1.00 , reduced from $1.60.
42-inch silk warp Henriettas , Prtcst-
ly's make , none better if you pay $2.2-3 ,
at $1.25 yard.
Those are elegant goods and como in
all evening shades. Just the thing for
COS , 2jc.
Wo have made n very fortunate pur
chase of COO ladiob' imported
Lot 1. Five styles very elegant beaded
wi mis wnrth nn t.n 9.1. nf. SI " .T
Lot 2. An elegant line of imported
beaded wraps with beaded net sleeves ,
at $1.98 , worth $5.
Lot 3. Beaded wraps worth $10 , with
vandyke sleeves and long points and
extra line beaded fringes.
Black stockinet jackets that are worth
$3 so nt SI.OS.
Fine black tailor made corkscrew
j-ickols , nicely bound , worth $5 , at $3.
Finest stockinet jackets , directoiro
points , silk bound , largo fancy but
tons , $5. „
Elceunt assortment of capes at $1.39 ,
$2.50 , $3 and $5.
Pcasants' cloaks in black and colored ,
$4.50 and $5.50.
To reduce our immense stock of cor
sets wo make the following prices for
lomorrow only :
All our 76c corsota for 37c.
All our $1.00 corsets for 60c.
All our $1.25 corsets for OSc.
All our $1.50 corsets for 75c.
All our line French woven consols for
Madam Warren dress form corsets ,
All flno $2.00 and $2.25 corsets for
CO dozen boys'and girls' extra stout ,
gray mixed , ribbed hose , 7c a pair.
Missep' strong seamless black and
colored hose lOc a pair.
Misses' Jlncst imported hose , full reg
ular made seamless goods , plain and
'ancy ' colors , 16c per pair , would bo
cheap at 35c.
Finest imported , posilivoly guaran
teed ladies' fast blade
hoseequal to any
thing over offered at 60c , at 25c pair.
Good fast black ladies' hose , regular
Joe quality , for lOc a pair.
Ladies' nice domestic black hose at
5c a pai iv
Wo are now prepared to show the
most exquisite novelties in early spring
styles in hats and bonnets , together
with now materials nnd new trimmings
etc. , all at our well known popular
All the now styles nnd sliancs in Can-
.011 straw braids. 21c.
Loading now shapes China Milan
hats , 0c. ! )
Best Milan straw hats , including the
black Hats that are now coming into
style , at $1.25.
One of our pattern hats at $2.97 , is
really worth $0.
The latest Now York novelty is the
ladies' enameled sailors at $1.10.
602 , 501 , 500 , 508 and 510 S. 13th St.
American XntlorH.
Thousands of different styles to select
'rom. ' American Tailors.
Our Millinery Department.
Wo claim to bo the only first class
nlllinory department in iho oily soli
ng flno millinery at those popular
Boston sloro prices. Our styles can bo
oliod upon as absolutely correct. Tlio
udy in charge of this department has
: iaU ton years experience in Now Yorlc.
Monday wo will .make a "specialty of an
Waster lace lorquo with lace , llowor ,
esc and ribbon trimming at $2.76 ,
1'iiis hat can not bo duplicated for Jess
than $0.00 and there is nothing more
Wo claim to carry the largest slock
of millinery trimmings in this city
Dur entire- second floor is devoted to
this department.
114 S. ICthSt. .
Amoriunn Tailor * .
Thousands of different styles to select
from. American Tailors.
Elgin creamery is the best. Moore
& Co. , sell it for 25o Ib.
O. KrUikson & Co.
Moving sale of flno watches , silver
ware , diamond * and flno music boxes.
These goods are now and great bar-
Cains'at the prices wo are boiling them
it. Also great bargains in flno silk
umbrellas. Those are sold at about
Halt price to close them out.
Western plating works , 1114 Dodge
street , Omaha. Gold , stiver and nickel
[ rioting on all inotuls.
Tula la Our Price Llat For This
Xnko flpcolnl Notice of Krcry Itoni
nmi Do Not. .Minn nn Onpor * ,
tunlty When It la
20 cents. Fine Swiss ribbed Jersey fit
ting vests , ribbon finished.
50 cents. Fine colored wash skirts ,
worth 81.
20 cents. Muslin corset covers , high
60 cents. Good muslin skirts with cam
bric nifties' .
65 cents. Night gown trimmed with
45 cents. A well made , well shaped ,
durable corset.
75 cents. A French woven corset , only
a few loft.
81.00. Dr. Warner guaranteed slalulesi
black corsets.
Of the bcstqualitv at the lowest prices.
10 cents for good fancy cotton hoso.
25 cents for line regular made abso-
luloly fast black cotlon hogo.
25 conls for line regular made fancy cot-
Ion hose.
50 conls for oxlra fine fancy hoso.
05 conls for plated silk Lose , light col
ors only worth $1.25.
81.25 opera length hose etc. , ole ,
8 conls for Richardson's and Leonard's
spool silks 100 yards.
S ccnls for Plripod and shepherd check
10 conls for striped and plaid dross
15 cents for extra line novelty dress
12 } cents for line domealic snllecns' in
very slylish patterns.
20 cents for English and French sal-
teens in elegant patterns. *
80 cents for nil wool , double width
vTumoso cloth ill flno now colors.
38 cents for double width , all wool
honricUu in staple colors.
38 conls for all wool , double width
French plaids.
60 cents for all wool , line black diagonal
cloth , worth 70c.
65 cents for line all Wool seeded black
Armurcnvorth 80c.
81 for line silk warpblack drap d'Almu ,
worth $1.35.
SO cents for 20-inch double warp , extra
heavy black dress surah.
90 cents for flno black fuillo , Francaiso
silk guaranteed , worth 81.25.
81.GO for 21-inch extra soft and line faille
Francaiso in all colors.nositlvcU'chcai )
nt * Jl > "I
tlu < ? HO *
$1.00 for 27-inch wide line china silks in
handsome designs.
All novollios at the
Yon can save money if you look nt
our trimmings.JACKETS.
$2.50 black stockinet jackets.
$3.25 black tailpr-mudostoekincl jacket ,
bound in braid.
$4.25 same , extra fine.
1518 and 1520 Farnam st.
Tor Monday.
Childrcn'sjorsoy ribbed vestsSc worth
Children's fancy jersey ribbed vcsls
9c worlh 25c.
Special 1 case of ladies' jersey veals ,
fancy trimmed , only 8c worth 2oc.
Ladies' lisle thread vests only 25c ,
others n k 60c.
Tomorrow wo will pul on sale 100 doz.
ladies' black lisle thread vesls , war-
rnnlod fast black , trimmed with fancy
silk ribbon , only ( iOc each worth $1.25.
A Bonanza for the Boys All our SOc
Cheviot and French percale waists re
duced lo 25c each.
The "Mother's f ricna" shirt waists
only 69c , reduced from $1.
Boys' heavy cotton hose only 80 per
pair , worth 16c.
Children's fust black hose only 12Jc ,
worth 25c.
Children's military hose , ribbed , only
25c , reduced from 50c.
All our children's40c corduroy ribbed
hosiery reduced to 19c.
Ladles' fancy hosiery only 5c per pair ,
worth 16c.
Ladies' fast black hose , Richelieu
ribbed , only 12jc , worth 25o.
Ladies'fast black hose , 40 gauge , high
spliced heel and every pair warranted ,
only 25o per pair , worth 40c.
Ladies' ' brown balbriggun hose only
16c , reduced from 25c.
Don't fail lo attend this department.
Madame Warren's high bust corsets
only 76o , worth $1.25. All our $1.25
French woven corsets reduced to COc.
50 dozen linn whalebone corbels only
39c , worth 76c.
Special sale of muslin underwear to
morrow , everything divided into 4 lots.
Lot , 1 all at 12c. } Lot 2 all at 29c.
Lot 3 all at 39c. Lot 4 all at 60c.
On Saturday wo will put on sale 600
Wright Bros.'celebrated silk umbrellas ,
silk cover , silk cord and tns ol and
everyone warranted to woar. They are
worlh $5 , $0 and $7 each. Your choice
for $3.60.
100 do/ . Indies Lisle frame gloves ,
only 8c per pair , worth 20c.
Ladies' black Tafl'etla gloves , only
15o ; worth 40c.
Ladles' flno black silk Taffeta only
25o , reduced from60c.
All our $1.60 Fester kid gloves re
duced lo $1.
All our $2 Derby kid gloves reduced
100 doz. ladies kid gloves only 50o
per pair , worth $1.
Remember our Now Yorlc mills shirt
at 60c will bo on sale again tomorrow ,
100 dogents' ' flannel shirts only 25c ,
reduced from 50c.
Allour25o British Hiose reduced to
100 doz. gents' silk and satin neck
scurfd now spring styles , only 25o each ;
other houses ask 60c.
All our gouts' 25o suspenders reduced
to 15o per pr. Cents' whlto homrnod
hdkfa , colored borders , II for 25o , worth
doublo. Hero Is a bargain : 25 doz
gents'real kid gloves worth $1.60 and
$2.00 per pr , tomorrow only 05o. Wo
are making low prices on ( rents' collars
nnd culfa. Bargains in wall paper.
Dry Goods nnd Carpets ,
10th Street.
Monday Sale Good Qooda nfi
SlnuRhtorlno ; Prlcoo.
Komcmhcr Wo llnndlo no Trnnh /
Wo Mnlco I'rloL-.M Tnlk Itcnil
ThcHO I'rloGM Care
ful I- .
Monday only , 1 case 30-inch blenched
muslin , just for fun , 17 yards for $1.00.
1 bale oU-lnch heavy unbleached mils *
hn , 19 yards for $1.00.
1 case nproif checked ginghams , Ca
200 pieces fancy dress ginghaniH , reg
ular 12Jo quality , Monday bjc yard.
American salines , IOc yard.
French satins , iiomiiul HOoyiml ; worth
35o and 30c. They are nil now anil
simply beauties.
600 pieces extra line soorsuukurs , in
plain browns , plain pinks and fancy
stripes , worth 12jo yard , our price Mon
day is Glo yurd.
1 case indigo blue figured prints , host
goods , Oc yard.
2 cases line dolainn style mourning
prims , Monday only 60 yard , .lobbcr'd
price 71c.
2 cases line figured chnllies , 61yard. .
60 pieces all-wool dialling , plaids nnd
stripes , 30c yard. . Jobbers' prieb , 3Sc.
Fancy brocade silks , 39c yard.
60 pieces colored silk finished hcnri-
eltas , 5Sc ; regular 75c quality.
Ladles' jersey ribbed vests. Sc each.
Ladies' black vests in silk and lisle
thread , 76o and 81 each.
Largo line of children's lace collars ,
lo close , at IOc each : formerly sold nt
12jc , 15u , 18o and 25c ; . choice lOu each
Ladies' nnd children's fast black hose
at any price you want them.
Great bargains in our carpel depart
ment. >
Bargains in our basement in house
furnishing goods at one-fourth u&uul re
tail prices.
Look us over Moneiuv sure.
A Klvllsli Co'stuniRr. '
Mrs. Scolicld has moved from Douglas
st. to her cottage , No. till N. 17th hi.
iiAVDK.v imos.
Great Io\vorlnt : of Prices Spring
Novelty silks , 'dross silks , colored
noire silks , silk velvets , novelty dress
laltorns , all at special sale prices.
Tomorrow wo begin the greatest cut
> rico sale of the season. Note Iho
jriccs bolow.
Fancy all wool spring suiting , 42-in.
wide , formerly sold at 60c to C5o , choice
tomorrow at 25c.
Silken mohair , 30 in. wide , all the
lulest shades , reduced from 55c lo HSe.
51 in wide lady's cloth , strn'tly all
wool , worth $1 , reduced to G5c. All
4i-in ( honrloUn , line soft finish , worth
50c , marked down to " > 9c.
Novelty striped and plaid Borgeq.
worth 50c , tomorrow 23o and 25o.
Beautiful silk finish hcnriutta , all
jiuro wool , 42 in wide , sold formerly nt
$1.15. marked down to faSc ; all now and
oxquibito colors.
Novelty silk and wool side band biiils ,
worlh 822 , tomorrow S15 ; worlh $18 , for
this shlo $13. A $15 dress pattern for
$10 ; a $10 suit at $7.25 ; a $7 suit for this
sale $1.25.
Black silken mohair , 42 inches wide ,
at 48c , worth Gac.
Black silicon mohair at 55c , reduced
from 75c. Soft silk finish iionrioUu ,
flno wool , worth $1.35 , for Ibis sale $1.
48 in wide French Hcrge at 75c and ,
78c , worlh 81. Colored moire trimming ,
silk , worth $1 and $1.25 , ail go at ( We.
China silk , all shades , at 33c , I5c , Q5c ,
G9c , 76o and 81. Dross longlhs of col
ored gros grain silk , worth $ l.l- > , re
duced lo 75c lo close.
Fine black silk vclvcl at 89c , 92c , $1 ,
$1.1'- , 81.25 to $5 per yard.
A very extensive line of novelty bro-
oado silus in black and colors. A $2
silk at $1.35 , a S3 silk at $1.88 , etc. . etc.
Skirt braid , Ic roll ; 3 papers of pinny-
Ic ; black or white cotton tape , Ic roll ,
fast black darning cotton , 6 skoinn for
Ic ; stool and bono crochet hooks , le
each ; chenille balls or skeins , 12o do/ ;
arrabono , 5 skoinsfor 5c ; corset lacers ,
lOo doz ; 5,000 doz ladies' and children's
handkerchiefs , of every style and de
scription , from Ic a piece up to the fin
est made ; ladios'3-ply linen collars , 60
each ; ladies it-ply linen cull's , IOc pair ;
boys' fancy ties. 3of > c , 7e , and lllcworth
double : silk veiling reduced lo 6c yd ,
worlh 18c ; niching at 3c , 5c , 8c , lOo and
12jc yd ; corset clasps Cc , worth lOo ;
curling irons 6c. worlh 25c ; rubber
combs from 2c each up to 35c each ; hair
brushes from 16o to 35o each ; I' . B.
Dnxtor'n knitting cotton , in white or
colors , at 2c a ball ; Richardson om-
broidory'silk , 117 colors lo select from
on Monday , Co doz ; silk fringes worlh
25c now ISo yd ; chenille cord Oc , Sc. lOo
and 12Jc yd ; Florida water ] 0c bottle ; 7
bay rum"l5o botllo ; J. A. I'o/.zani'f Jjg
powder 21c , worth 60c ; good lead pof-
cils 5c doz , and so on. pur stores are r
full of bargains. Now line of baby bug
gies on sale Monday. Now carpets are
arriving daily. Special sale on Monday
of trunks and valises. Our stock of
wall paper is larger this season and our
assortment much botlor , while our
prices are ns low as over. . .
Dry Goods and Carpels.
Our Bpoolnl HnlCH Monthly.
Colored embroideries 2 inches wide
at2cC inches wldo at 5o , 10 inrhoH
wide at 15o , boats anything over offered
hero before , nnd a lot of whlto embroid
eries astoniuingly cheap.
Sale of muslin undeawear.
Sala of bine * goods ,
Sato of luces.
Sale of linens.
Sale of hosiery.
Sale of silks and velveteens.
Those goods have to bo closed out to
make room for olhor goods , and wo
nmko the following extraordinary
prices :
100 pairs curtains , price 05e Monday
00 pairs curtains , price $1,95 , , Monday
99 o.
300 pairs curtains , price $2.25 , Mon
day $1.29.
00 pairs curtains , price $2.60 , Monday
130 Guipure , $3.85 , Monday $2.30.
68 Guipure , $1.60 , Monday $2.1)1) ) ) .
100 Guipure , 40.25 , Monday $3.99.
25 Guipure , $8.25 , Monday $4.41) ) .
25 Guipure , $10.00 , Monday M.lrt.
These prices nro a heavy losi lo no ,
bul wo Ihlnklt will make thorn go quick.
On Monday night at 7 o'clock wo wilt
have our grand splag opening , and
will close Monday afternoon at 6:30 : tcK
prepare. No goods will bo sold on the A
opening night.
N , B. FAJ.CONKli.
American Tailor * .
New pprlng woolens ,
Puxtou hotel building.