Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1890, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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An Altogcd Jolco Which Dooa Not
Flcoao the Four Hundrod.
A Most Knjoynblo Kensington Tea
Mooting off ho Orchard Hill Whist
Clul ) rinolfity ( Josslji nud 1'or-
Tlio unwelcome personalities suggested on
St. Valentino's dnv by nn Ill-ndvlsod type
writer may consider themselves decently
burled now that displacement has brought
another nvonuo for wrath.
According to the attested word of several
of our jeuticsso dorco n presumably civil-
Izcd biped ot amlablo Intentions has
started au Incipient matrimonial bu >
rcau In Omaha. Ho has sent
letters to various callow youths with
Ins alms nnd intentions undisguised ,
promising to secure a prlzo wbtto ono waits
it one will Iclndly 0)10010 ) n nnmo from the
enclosed catalogue. Then follows n list ot
v/omon In society under the respeotivo
beads of "Germs , BudB , Blossoms , _ Seeds , "
tvltti no mo characteristic peculiarities at- *
"This , " remarked n leading society woman ,
"was evidently intdnclcd ns n howlmgly
funny practical jolto , which If you do not cor-
aially receive with shouts of laughter , you
inalto painfully apparent your lack of u doll-
cnto sense of humor.
"Tiioro Is somewhere in our midst nn al
leged wag whoso fort'j IH to trca'.o.all women
familiarly , Insinuating all manner of things
in exceedingly bad last nnd falling short ot
common decency oy actually classifying gentle -
tlo women after this fashion.
"Undoubtedly , with n nature so conrso as
to admit of the thought , the execution Is
almplo enough And the sympathetic cackle ot
nb imbecile of equal proportions Is all the
encouragement necessary.
"Omaha should have grown of n size to
fonder unwarrantable jokes which ovou in
the roughest mining camp would only glvo
rlso to laughter with n distinctly false ring.
And thcro should bo no town small enough
to license the light Una of n woman's ' nnmo
ns the basis for a so-called bit of humor.
Practical Jokes especially of this nature have
BO far passed the bounds of taste ns to bo in-
"Although they appear to bo quite the
fashion , outspoken disgust rather than
laughter phonld reward the humorous Incli
nations of au tifillcteti being whoso portion Is
equal parts of vlclousnoss and Idiocy. Let
Much miscalled jokes die for want of on *
6ouraqcnicnt , for though they were Innocent
enough Iu the beginning , they have already
grown odious boyonu expression ,
"Tho taking up of such u novelty without
the excuse ot tlio slightest veneer and lloat-
Ing it gloriously on the sea of social favor Is ,
to speak evasively , n decided faux pas. It
encourages the unbalanced to nti effort whoso
result robs him of the ono claim ao has on
human sympathy , namely tolerance. "
YOIIIIU Married Folks' Social Club.
'Iho members of the Young Married Folks'
Social club eave tliotr fifth ana last party of
the series of 1SSO-00 at Gopdrich hall , Twcn-
ty-fourth and Paul streets , Thursday even
ing , March . As usual it was a grand suc
cess. Thcro Is always an air of pleasure
' 'about the Young Married Folks' Social club
parties and those who attend invariably go
nway feeling that they nave enjoyed a picas-
nnt nnd jolly evening. The party Thursday
evening was no exception to the general rulo.
At 10:30 : the doors of the banquet room were
thrown open and all partook of thu elegant
spread. The merrymakers kept up the
Klco until a Into tiour. Among
these present were the following :
Mr. and Mrs , W. U. Slirivcr , Mr. nnd Mrs.
GA. , Joslyn , Mr. und Mrs. J.V. . Dumniro ,
Mr. and Mn . C. 13. Ounmiro , Mr.
und Mr ? , Sturgos , Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Pinto , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Uallahan. Mr. and
Airs. 12. V. Ldw'is , Mr. and Mrs. A. U. DOan ,
Mr. and Mrs. J , E. 13atcs , Misses Cora
Strceter , Ilolen Lipps , liluncho Bay , Han
nah Wcbstor , Gorrott , Voorles , Kato Avers ,
Mr. Pickering , Mrs. Campbell , Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Gibson , Mr. und Mrs. A. 13. Hunt , Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. G. Counhinaii , Mr , and Mrs , I ) .
V , Rcnilinon , Mr. and Mrc. A. W. Campbell ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jluchannnn , Mr. ana
Mrs. Ed Van Court , Mr. and Mrs.V. . E.
tturlinelin , Mr. nn-J Mrs. J. E. Bnrbor , Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Brown , Mr. nna Mrs. T ,
13. Minnchaii , Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowrlo , Mr.
und Mrs. J. Uoy , Mr. ana Mr . J. , T. Heller ,
Mr. nnd Airs. F. J. Socket , Mr. and Mrs. G.
Vf. Shields , M > , nnd Mrs. C.V. . MoVlckor ,
Air , and Mrs. C. J. Cunun , Mr. and Mrs.
1'ituh , ttlr. und Mrb. W. H. Latey.
A Wliistvl'nrty.
The Orchard Hill Whist club met on
Tuesday evening last at the residence of Mr.
A. 13. Carpenter on Lowe nvenuo , nnd spent
n most delightful ovonlng. The playing was
kept up until n late hour mid ended by Mrs.
II. D. Neoly and Mr. W. G. 13ohn winning
the elegant prizes that were gracefully pre
sented by Mrs. Carpenter at the oloso of tha
gamo. Mr. H. M. Fngan nnd Mrs. Porloot
having succeeded In losing moro games than
anybody else were awarded the booby prizes
ns a reward for their skill la that direction.
After partaking of a delicious supper the
club adjourned to mcoi next week nt tlio
residence of Ur. Hulloy. The following
guests wera present : Mr. nud Mrs.V. . I.
Helm , Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Weeks , Mr. and
Mr . J. C. Uarnard , Mr. and Airs. Dr.
Hailoy. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Neoly ; Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Perfect , Mr. and Mr . G. H.
Webster , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fngun , Mrs.
11. U. Corynll. Mrs. 0. L. Blazer , Miss
Jessie .Johns , Mr. C. D. Arnold and Mr. W.
A. Austin.
A ICoiiHiimtoit Ton.
The Kensington tea given In the parlors ot
the Presbyterian church on Tuesday under
the auspices of Mrs. Porino , Airs. Tildoii ,
Airs. Meredith , Mrs. Morse , Mrs. Yost , Mrs ,
Bonnet nnd MM. Hauissy was a charming
success altogether. Being unique In the way
of a thread nnd nccdlo symposium and so BO *
umblo and so chcory ns to make it
au oasis In the Lenten nodal des
ert , The parlors took ou nn surpris
ing nnd exceedingly becoming air of
festivity owing to the wealth of rosus nnd
potted' hyacinths everywhere , making suu-
uhiuo in shady camera ,
The refreshments wore delicious and were
daintily served by Mlsa Vest , Miss Sher
wood. Miss Williams , Miss 1'errlne , Miss
Luddington , Miss Clara Brown and Miss
A lnltilitrul Kvonlnir.
Tn honor of Miss Cora Llebontlialof Cleve
land , O , , Mrs , Andrew Haas throw open her
hospitable parlors at her homo at Twenty-
llfth and Jones street , Thursday evening to
* "n lure" number of her young friends. Pro
gressive high live was the attraction for the
ovmilng. Klght tables wcro occupied and a
ttpiritfd contest took place to wiu iho dainty
favors. Miss Ktta NewuiMi secured thu
11 rut prl/.o for the women , and Air. Charles
Goldsmith captured the corresponding ono
for the men. liofroahmcnta were served in
courses nnd the occasion was ono distinctly
A ItlnnniliiKtim Woililtnir.
At a very pretty wedding on Wednesday ,
March 11) ) , ut llloomlngton , Ills. , whore Mr ,
Kobert Hichardaon Thompson and Mias
Mary HoU ! > Watson were the contracting
parties , Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Thompson
ot Omaha assisted in the capacity of brldo-
maul and best uiau , The fashion of a mar
ried mau assisting at a wedding was made
tha correct thing three or four years since
by the Prince of Wales. After a beautifully
appointed wedding breakfast Mr , and Mrs.
Kobert Hlchardaon Thompson , accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs , J. Hurd Thompson , who
bad delayed their wedding journey until now
loft for u fortnight of pleasure in ohlcag.0.
W. 11. C.
A reception was given the national senior
f vlco president ot the W. H. C. , Mrs. Emma
Manchester of Lincoln , at the residence ot
Mrs , Louisa Klrby , Twouty-tccond ana Val
tMitlnu streeti. Among those present were
Mrs , Sarah Itlco of Council Bluffs , Mr. and
Air * . Hondonton , Airs. Haze , Aim. Sbatnmel ,
Alls * Welch , Air. and Mrs. Jerry Potlor ,
Mr. Mo es O'Brien , Miss Luni Shnmmel ,
Mrs , Alary AtoKonney , Mr. Frank Moore ,
Airs. Wbltmarsli , Mr. Dcrbin and others.
Raplnl Uu < iHlp.
At n. Hal tth Brcckenridgo Is visiting friends
In Denver.
Mrs. W. P. Allen gave u delightful "lea"
lost evening.
Mr , WIU Paxton 1 $ at homo again after a
month's absence.
Mlsi Iams ) returned today from a fort
night's ' stay in Chicago.
Mr. and Airs. Dan Wheeler , jr. , are mak
ing a visit In Chicago.
Miss Craig gave a ploasatit high flva party
On Wednesday evening.
Aim. Alarcus Parrotto Is at homo again
attur u tone stay in the oast.
ftlhs Allco Fox of St. George Island , O. ,
is visiting Mr . J , H. Stafford on Worth
Mrs. W. U. Mlllard and Mms , To < nlo Millard -
lard loft on Thursday for a brief stay In
Mr. and Airs. Morltz ( Meyer Imvo returned
from a six weeks' visit to Now York und
Mr. Vlctor'CaldwoU returned on Saturday
from California wh'cro ho lelt Mrs. Caldwell
and the baby.
Miss Clara Brown gave a prettily ap
pointed luncheon yesterday , with covers laid
for twelve.
Mr. L. B. Williams , Ml-w Williams , Air.
T..I. Uogors and jvlr. Arthur Gulou left for
Chicago on Tuesday. '
Ono of our beaux entertained half a dozen
friends at luncheon during the week aflur u
fashion that would turn green with envy
many a practiced house wife.
The elevation of Mr. Herman Kountze'a
now hotiso has como from Wow York , and It
Is fairly palatial in its proportions and
Mr. and Mrs. Jcsso Lacy celebrated the
thirtieth anniversary of their wedding on
Saturday last , lit company with two or three
near nnd dear friends bidden to dine with
Mr. nnd Alra. Guy Barton gave a box party
nt the Sarasale-D'Albort concert on Alon-
day evening With Air. nnd Airs. Joseph Bar
ton , Mrs. Buruham , Air. und Airs. Hollini
and Mr. Charles Barton as their guosts.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Stiles , ll'Jl Mason
street , have issued quaint Invitations engraved -
graved on cedar squares to 'their wooden
wedding to bo celebrated Alonday bvonlnc- .
March -Jl.
Airs , A. D. Morse will glvo a reception
from U to ft o'clock next Thursday ufhor
charming kttlo home , 2623 Harnoy street , in
honor of Uov. Q. II. Shinn , the now Uui-
vcrsullst minister , who has recently como
to Omaha.
A number of Invitations have been recalled
this wcolc and the heart taken out of many
of the entertainments that have materialized
owing to the wave of sorrow thatjbegmnlng
in our midst struck a dlapalrlng chord in an
other homo circle fiOO miles away.
On Thursday. Aluren 20 , at the residence
of Mr. and Airs. O. L. Goodman were mar
ried Mr. Charlie E. Goodman tffltt Alias Ada
\V. Lipc , daughter of the Hov. W. A. Llpo ,
who performed the wedding ceremony. Air.
and Airs. Goodman are at homo to their
friends at 120. ) Arbor street.
Airs , Warren Chase , accompanied by .Miss
Alice Chase and Alastcr Vernon , loft Omaha
on Alonday for Now York , whence they will
sail for GeruJany to bo absent a year. Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Ford on their return from
their wedding journey will occupy Mrs.
Chase's house.
Louise and Arthur Jnynes , children of Air.
nnd Mrs. Henry S. Jnynes , have Issued very
cosy invitations to a birthday party March
25 , 1GJ1 Etnmult avenue :
"March twonty-llfth wo will bo eight ,
Which birthday wo will celebrate ,
And hope to have a happy throng.
\Vith dancing , games and merry song.
AVill you not coma to join our floclc
From four p. m. to seven o'clock }
Au answer soon from you will please
Your friends , the twins , Arthur , Louise. "
Perhaps the aadcst aight on earth is a fat
woman trying to look cute.
Allss Hosb Cleveland llnds her Florida
orange groves prolltublo property.
Mrs. Flgg What state is the Cherokee
Strip in , dear ? Air. FigB A state of na
ture , 1 suppose.
There is quite a demand for watoh cases
of old nugget gold , which many years ago
were very popular.
Five-dollar gold pieces , each centered
with a half-carat brilliant , form a pair of
curt-buttons recently soon.
Tablecloths are again plain , spotless
spreads , while sheets uro made with hem
stitched edges and rulllus of luce or em
An olTort is being inndo to bring cameos
into fashion. The other evening Mine. Cur-
not were a baudonu of cameos in her hair ,
the front of her bodice being aUo decorated
with them.
Flowers are "rented" Instead of pur
chased at Washington , and a clever llorist
recently used the same flowers at an early
nftonioon lunch , at a 5 o'clock tea and ut a
card reception In. the evening.
She I dreamed last night that I was the
most beautiful woman in the world-Air.
Noodly. Ho ( stupidly thoughtless ) That's
just the way , Allss Fvvances , don't you
know. Dwenms ulways go by contwanes.
When n dinner is givoa in honor of a
special guest the complimentary may bo
emphasized by using the calling card of the
honored ono In connection with the menu
card , the two being scoured with ribbons
and flowers.
, All the favor flowers are tied with ribbons
thu purple of violet , thu pink of la Franco
roses , the yellow pi the jonquil or the doll-
cute green follugo about lilacs or lilies of the
valley. In some Instances the ribbon
streamers' ' cost more than the bouquet itself.
Harris cloth , made on tha Islands oft the
cost of Scotland , was llrst , Introduced to
Lomlonoru from motives uf benevolence by
persons iuteroitod in its poverty-stricken
representatives , but It is now the leading
cloth of thu season for tallor-mado dresses
"To display a diamond properly , " says u
prominent American jeweler , "It must bo
worn alone. Few people scorn to understand
this. If asoltalro is pure it is obvious that
if worn next to a luby it will relloct the hun
of the latter , and thus its value will bo
obscured. "
Austria pensions ballot girls of the Victim ,
opera. Buforo they can secure a pension ,
however , they must bo pronounced tby ex
aminers us neither young enough , beautiful
enough nor graceful enough to take oven
the most insignificant part. It Is further
stated that , as a consequence , the pension
list remains uncrowdcd.
The rag ball ut Vienna at , the close of the
carnival season was a great success und net
ted ? 0,000 for the poor of the city. The
highest members ot the local aristocracy In
costly curlacturcs of ragged costumes dauced
at the ball , grand ladies assisted as beggars ,
there wore ragged quadrilles of honor , throe
imperial archdukes figured us scavengers ,
nud military ufllcers , disguised as beggars ,
danced a can-can.
Agushln ? young girl In Chicagoa stranger
to Mr. George Kiddle , kept writing to him ,
begging an Interview. Mr. Kiddle paid no
attention to her notes , till finally she called
on htm and sent up hoi uiitogrupli album ,
with the request that ho would at least glvo
her his autographwith a fnvorlto sentiment.
Mr. Kiddle thereupon gave her this , from
"Uquioonnd Juliet : "
"Your love says , llko an honest gentleman ,
Where is your mother I"
A.M >
Lottft opens her sc.isou lu New England in
September ,
At last accounts May Yoho was at Totulla ,
Sauioun isli-.nds.
Stuart I.obson U arranging to take The
Henrietta to England.
John T , Sullivan will remain Allss Hose
Coghlan's leading man next season.
The uoxt starring tour of Edwin Booth
nud Lawrence Barrett is to begin early iu
Charles A , Hoyt Is to write the libretto ot
a new comic opera for Do Wolf Hopper. The
scones are to bo laid in Now England.
Manager Augustus ; Pltou' contract wltb
Uobort Mantel ! docs not oxplro until the end
ot next season , It U certain to bo reiiowcd.
The DuftOporu company begins a summer
season at Iho Now Yorlf Academy of AIusio
Aluy 13 , with uu elaborate revival of "Pina
fore.Fay Tcuiptetou will ruturu to the stage
next season an the head of a burlesque com
pany , under management of Air. M. B.
Allss Lillian Larason Is the name of n
young California noclety iitar who ban just
tnado a successful debut as Juliet at San
Minnie Palmer returns to this country In
July. W. W. Handall has engaged W. F.
Falk to rcprosetit him in the management
next season.
Joseph Jefferson Is building an uncom
monly attractive bouso on the shore of Buz
zard's bay , and Intends to make his summer
homo thcro.
lilchard Golden has purchased the llttlo
village hotel m Bucksport , Ale. , which was
for many years so quaintly conducted by
the late venerable Jed Prouty.
Allss Violet Alascotto , in a now skirt
dance , which Manager Frank Alacdor has
introduced Into "Green Hoom Fun , " has
made a big hit. So says a Now York con
From all reports Air. Gillette's now farce-
company , "All the Comforts of a Homo , "
now belug played at the Boston museumbus ,
mndo n genuine hit. It Is au adaptation of u
Gorman play called "Elu Teller Eiufall , "
"A Idea" .
( literally Crazy )
In Annapolis they will not lot n manager
marx "Reserved" on any seat In his house
unless ho banreally soldtho , use of It for the
avotilng. The penalty for disobedience Is
$5 a seat , half thu tnonoy for the Informer
and half for the school fund ,
A report is current in Now York that
Henry K. Abbey will try another season of
Italian opera at the Metropolitan opera house
next year. Colonel Alaplcson and Augustus
Harris of London , are said also to have in ado
overtures to the Metropolitan directors.
Pcashmati , the Russianwho , plays Chopin'e
music llko n man , and frets and cries like a
buby over trillcs , is coming to America this
month. His xvlfo , Maggie Okoy. is coming
with him. His "Chopin cyclua , " will be
given at Chickcrlng hall on April 7 , B , 0 and
First Manager Ponson and I ore gong | to
put on an opera next season. Ho Is now
busy selecting the scouory and I'm securing
uirls for the bullet. Second Alanagor Whom
have you secured the libretto and music
from ? First Manager O , wo haven't de
cided on that.yct.
A church choir in a town near Boston a
few Sundays figo was singing "A charge to
keep I have. " to the music of n prima donna
wnltzi A woman observing n stranger with
out a hymn book handed him one. ' Thanks , "
said ho blandly , "I never use 'the libretto
during the performance. "
Hcinrlch Conried , of the King's Fool com
pany , has brought suit against Frank Dan
iels , enjoining hinpfrom singing "My Love
is Fair Columbia. " Conried asks $10,000
damages , but ns the score and words wcro
printed in the Now York Herald with Con-
ricd's permission , Daniels needn't worry.
Lillian Hussoll hag signed n contract for
two years at an increased salary with Ku-
dolph Arcnson , manngor of the Cuslno. Her
old contract will expire Alay 1. This an
nouncement will stamp all reports concern
ing this popular singer's future engage
ments tor grand opera , etc. , as llcllon.'puro
and simple , at least for two years from' Alay
1 , IS'JO.
John T. Raymond was about to board h'is
steamer at Liverpool ono summer after a
European trip. Alounting the wheel box of
the tender and striking a theatrical pose , ho
cried : "Gatner round , good pcoplol If in
nil England there is a man , woman or child ,
to whom I have not given tuppence lot him
now B Dealt or lorevor hereafter hold his
peace. " There was a vast conconrso of na
tives upon the wharf , but all wcro silent.
Jane Detheridgo of Kingston , Jamaica , has
refused thirty-soven offers of marriage.
Jane has SI,000,000 , and is an orphan.
'lio fairly dotes on her , but her father
won't lot him in the house. " "Tho old man
man must bo something of an ntidote. "
Uncle Jerome Smith of Loviugton , Alo. ,
is ninoty-ono years old. Ho has been mar
ried three times , nnd is now lookinir for u
fourth wife.
Runaway marriages are so common in
Georgia , an exchange reports , that many
parents deposit injunctions with the licens
ing ofllcials forbidding thu issuing of- mar
riage licenses to their children. '
Mauio Why , only last ween you said that
nothing your father nnd mother could say
would over muke you marry Hob Bobbott ,
nnd now .vou'vo engaged yourself to him.
Why did you do it ? Lou It was something
Hob said himself. He hadn't asked mo last
A Bridgeport , Conn. , newspaper recently
printed the following advertisement : "Chu
Fong would likeo Binnlly nice Alelicnn lady.
She no have to work , as Chu Fong got big
lot of money. Chu Fong will do the wnshco
and the cookeo' wife aho can dress up every
day. Prize , S10 for best girl. Chu Fong. "
A j'oung lady of Augusta , Ale. , has re-
cowed n bill amounting to over $100 that
tells a llttlo history. The bill came from
Peter Clark of Now York , aud in it she is
charged with twenty-two yards of sill : dross
goods , two gold bracelets worth $10 , ono diamond
mend ring , a hat and several other itoms.
Clark was a rejected suitor of the lady , who
claims that the nbovo named articles were
presents from him.
A young man \Jaraw ? ordered a dress
suit from a tailor , who agreed to deliver it
on a certain day. The latter failed , and
hence a curious law suit. The plaintiff al
leged that no had arranged to go. to an even
ing party nt which ho had resolved to offer
his hand to the daughter ot the house. Be
cause of the failure of his dross coat , ho could
not go , but his rival wont , proposed and was
accepted , and the plaintiff considered him
self damaged to the value of the lost brldo.
The now Brazilian -marriage law makes
civil marriage obligatory. Auy marriage
not made ooforo nlvil powers Is null nnd
void. The parties have to nay to the judge
SI and to the clerk50 cents U the marriage is' '
performed at his ofllco , and double that If in
n private house , besides the cost of carriage
or traveling expenses. Relatives ot iho first
and second degrees , girls under fourteen
and boys under sixteen years nro prohibited
from marrying. Widows may not marry
until ten months after the decease of. their
husoands. Civil marrlngns may bo preceded
or followed by religious services.
The mercenary character of tho'matrlmo.
nial alliances contracted by titled person
ages iu Europe is illustrated by the publica
tion of soeib letters received by n Now York
lawyer asking him to arrange n mnrriugo
between some wealthy American hoireso
and a ttclon of the imperial family of Austria.
An Astor was preferred , if ono existed still
unmarried , but was not necessary , the con
ditions being youth , wealth and beauty.
Largo money was promised the lawyer iu
the event ot a successful match , and an In
timation that a number of ofllcors In high
position wcro ready to secure similar serv
S. T. Datisborry , a blind man , and. Airs.
Victoria Swain , were married at Little
Hock , Ark. , a few days sinco. About four
yours'ago Mrs. Swain's husband suddenly
disappeared , and a few months afterward she
received a letter tolling of tho'death of her
husband. She afterward mot Mr. Dansborry
und they were married. About ono year
after the ceremony had boon performed
Swalu appeared on the s'-ono ana thn mar
riage was dissolved. Airs. Swain itnniedl-
atoly began suit for divorce on the ground of
desertion and tjained the case. After a
year's separation thu two parties nro again
married and happiness once more reigns.
1 A well known Mt. Clemens , Mich. , lady
hu been laboring under the impression for
the last five years that aho was a widow.
Her husband left her that long ago to take
a trip west , and it was reported that ho was
frozen to death In Dakota. When the old
s'ontleuion returned homo last Monday she
know bettor. During his aosoiftn ho had
been most of his lltno In British Columbia
where ho stacked up an immense amount of
cola of the realm. What oxiilanatlon ho
made to his wife for his long silence is not
publlo property , but It must have been Balis-
factory , as she now appears as happy as a
grasshopper dancing in the sunlight.
Mr. und Mrs. Homer Grieve , an elderly
couple of Homer , Ga. , quarreled twelve
years ago over a remarK made by a neigh
bor that ono of their eh I Id re n did not re-
somulo the rauialuder of the family. Argu
ment only widened tha broach , and tbo
couple at last agreed to live under the same
roof , but never to speak to each other.
During all that time Air. and
Mrs. Homer sat at the same table
uud entertained their friends , and no ono
ever detected' the breach. Recently Air.
Hoinor brought the matter before the
church brethren , who advised a reconcilia
tion and remarriage. Mr. and AIM. Homer
have consented to accept this advice , and
will Immediately remarry.
The Coniinu Euqarnpmoiit of the
Uulforii * < Rtmk.
Jlnitma or tlio Week AinutiK the
Onion Incorporation of | the K >
of 1 * . Gram ! iXlAuc Genuine
EvcniB in tlio/Frniernllles.
or I'ytluns.
U. Hi lii of P.
The atart and rocluicntal ofllcors of the
Uniform Hank KniRhts of P.vthlns returned
from Milwaukee with ronotUo reports of
that land oi mlllcl ) and lionuy. Tlioy wont
tlioro for the purpose Of looUlug over the
grounds selected f6r the cncamomont next
July , nnd nro very enthusiastic over Us Drop
ped. The brigade , rogltnentnl and staff of ?
llcors from ovory'part of the United States
wore present and the details of the encamp
ment wore thoroughly discussed.
The people of Milwaukee are exerting
themselves to the utmost to tnako the affair
a complete success.
The camp will bo located at the fair
grounds , which nro two and one-half miles
from the conter'of the city. The fair grounds
contain about four hundred acres , with ti
milo race track in the center. The ground
Inside the race track Is perfectly level and
grass-covered , and will bo used for the
parade ground. All the fences are to bo re
moved , luiiving an immense open space. The
tents are to bo pitched just outsldo the f. ill-
grounds proper , on a Rcntli1 sloping
ground which will bo well drained and will
mil lie a most excellent situation. All the
touts will bo provided with wooden lloors ,
and the eatnp will bo lighted by electricity.
'J ho people of Milwaukee will , provide tno
tents nnd all things necessary to tho- ar
rangement otthe camp. Fivd lines of street
railway will bo built to the grounds , which
will bo very convenient of access as the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway now
has a line direct to the grounds.
Meals will bo provided on the grounds
convenient to the camp for thaso who desire
to avail themselves of the opportunity al
though divisions wnich prefer to do so way
supply their pwu mosses.
Camp commences on Monday , July 7. On
Tuesday there will bo a grand parade , the
line of in arch extending from the camp
grounds to iho centre of the city , \vheru the
parade will bo dismissed. It is expected
15,001) ) Sir Knights will b'o at the encamp
It is rumored that the llrst prize in the
competitive drill will bo increased to $1.000 ,
although this has not been definitely decided
An organized effort will bo made by the
ofllcers and members of the Second regiment
to r cure the next meeting of the supiomo
lodge for Omaha , provided they can arouse
sulllciont Interest among' the business men
and the commercial organizations of the city
to warrant thorn in malting an offer that
w.lll insure the selection of this city as the
seat of iho supreme lodge m the summer of
1893. The meeting , of > tjis | body is an im
mense affair. Jicsulo thessuprcmo lodge it
self , with its 120 members , ! there is the Uni
form Hank of the oiitico.Unlted States and
Canada , having a membership at present of
over 30,000. With the.vato of increase In
the past two years itiissafoto say thcro
will bo at least 2. ,000 Sir JCnights at the en
campment in IbO'J. TbQj-.largo majority of
these bring friends with thorn , so that there
will bo nt least lOO.OOQaflisitors jn the city
during the session of the supreme lodgo. It
Is not necessary to dwell on the
advantage to . . Omaha > nin .having such
a largo body of strangers from all parts
of the country. In ocdor to secure this
it is necessary 'that the matter be taken hold
of nt-onco and stops taken to secure a guar
antee for a Bufllciont sula.ito provide for the
encampment. ItwIlLbeilnecossary to ( pro-
vido,3iuU\\ \ ) grquiulu foan.campjjiuol 'touts
snflloientjtc shelter tho.j > , UUO.inenibors of
the Uniform Hunk. Aaiao from this n very
small sum will bo requiredito give the SUpreme -
promo lodiro a suitable reception. An esti
mate , places the umounttwhioh will probablv
be required at flO.UOU , <
A Screeching Karoo.
The following is taken from' the lost issue
of the Masonio Review :
"Tho latest ( back counties not hoard from )
order to attach itself to the Masonio institu
tion is the 'Independent International Order
of C Vis , ' of which 'Nest No. "Mias just been
instituted at Cairo , 111. No man can bo made
an 'Owl' who has not ifirst been made a
Mason. Symbolic Masonry will soon bo coin-
polled to publish a directory in order to keep
up.with the precession. With Cerneaus ,
Snriners nnd Owls , Masonry is fast becom
ing a 'screeching farce.1 " The Tyler.
Pertinent to the above wo nro reminded
that some time ago wo tnado In these pages
the statement in substance that "the Mystic
bhnno is not now ( then ) regarded as a Ma
sonic body , but how long uoforo it will bo so
recognized wo nro not able to say. " For
making this statement wo were brutully as
saulted ( with a pencil ) and threatened with
most diru conscauencos ; in fact , there was
no end to the terrible things some person was
Kolngto do to us.
Now , what is the factl Simply this : The
Mystlo Shrine exhibition which took place
at the close of the northern jurisdiction
Scottish rite reunion in this city during the
present month was paragraphed SB the
lilting and crowninjjclose of the "Masonio ( I )
jubilee of the week. "
For a while the Shnno was nn aside a
good-fellowship concern ) then it grow to bo
u contingent of Masonry , and at last it
assumed the role or principal and Masonry
is thp contingent of the Shrine the Shrine
being the right hand of the northern juris
diction rite in this jurisdiction , and is using
the northern jurisdiction rite nnd the
Knights Templar society us u fulcrum for
Its lover to overcome the fabric of Ancient
Craft Masonry. The facts all point this
way. While Master Masons are degraded
for "conscience sake" in every ledge in
Ohio , these Mohammedans and Scottish
chiefs , who hold the reigns nnd the whips
and ply the spurs arc the in full fellowship
with the powers that bo of the grand lodgo.
They speak , nud it is done ; they command ,
and it stands fast ; while just and upright
Masons aro.shamofacod . nnd drop their
leads as their oppressors pass by ,
Incorporating tlin Grand
At its last session the grand ledge ap
pointed a committee to incorporate the grand
; odgo. This committee consisted of throe
members of the grand Icsdyp , with the grand
chancellor and grand koatifr of records and
seal as members ox-ofijUio" . Dy virtue of
their oftlcos Grand ChanJMllor Macfurland is
chairman of the commii'ti nnd II. M. Bush.
poll is secretary. Artlclt&tof Incorporation
mvo been prepared ) but/Jlioforo they can bo
completed it will bo necessary to doeldo upon
the location of the. central oftlco or hoad-
quartdrs of the grand IqJ o. Lincoln wants
, bo oftlco , but Laiicaaten.'Cdtinty has only six
edges , while Douglas } dounty has twenty-
< > n ° - ' &
Nyslau division , unlfgrjjj rank , of Grand
Island , was instituted jpju February 10 by
Major O. L. Green , A5'l ) . C. , assisted by
Colonel Emit Olson. AitU C. . Adjutant W.
L. Cook , third roglmoauylloralc : S. I' , De-
wait , of Mono division , dad fair Knight W ,
J. McBurnoy , all of KUarnoy. After the
llvlslon hud beon'H f > Instituted and
the officers Installed the entire
company bannuotted at a convenient
rastuurant. The officers of thn now division
ara as follows : A. C. Lodermau , captain :
II. C. Miller , Iieutnnanf C. A. Wlobo. her-
aid ; J. D. Cowle , treasurer W. S. Ulckln-
soli , recorder ; A.f. . Storno , sentinel ; 1) . 1C.
Uydor , guard. The division has a member
ship of thirty.
The ofllcers of the Second ( Omaha ) regi
ment will moot at the hall'in the Paxtou
block next Friday evening for consultation ,
Itoelmoutal drills will commence next week
and the boys will ' 'whoop her up'1 with au
uyo on tbo prizes offered at the coming on *
cnmpmont. _
II. It
Omaha council , No. CO , Is the pioneer coun
cil of the Royal league In this ntato. It was
organized less than five months ago with u
charter luomborthlp of lifty , and since that
time its growth lias been rapid and its suc
cess Is assured.
The Hoyal league Is the younrest bonoflci-
nry orpnnlratlon In the country and , being
an offspring of the older fraternal societies ,
It ( tartly owes Its present high standard nnd
Improved method * to their experience. That
its plan of Insuring is the popular ono cannot
bettor bo attested than by the largo Increase
in the membership of the Omaha council
since UB Institution.
This society aUo'lmn a social feature which
recommends It strongly to these whoso time
is not fully employed ; at each mcotlngattor
the routlno business has been transacted the
tlmo is profitably used upon some subject of
general interest or spent in entertainment ,
The regular meetings of Omaha council
nro hold the first and third Mondays of each
month at the Elks' ledge room , corner of
Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets.
A. O. U. W.
Omaha lodge No. 18 has adopted the plan
of having periodical entertainments under
"good of the order" nnd flmls the plan productive
ductive- good results. Ono of these enter
tainments was given on March in , which
was greatly enjoyed by these present. The
programme consisted of ui'islo and speeches
by members of the order.
The entertainment of'Union Pacific ledge
wo. 17 on March III promises to bo well at
tended. Invitations have been extended to
all lodges In this city , South Omaha nnd
Council Ulufffi nnd all tire being accepted.
The committee having the programme In
charge are fixing up u line entertainment.
Uurmg the evening refreshments will bo
served. *
o. i. u. '
Grand Chief Justice Somorly h expected
In the city soon to visit local branch No.
lOS'J. Arrangements will bo undo to glvo
him a reception and entertain him while
hero. Local branch No. 10S2 has changed
Its meeting night again and now moots on
the llrst nnd third Wednesdays nt G. A. H.
hall on Fifteenth street.
j ) . or n.
Huth lodge will glvo nn entertainment at
their ledge room nest Thursday ovcuinir.
The laughable dialogue ) k-'Yo Dcestrlet
School , " will bo presented , as wall as an iu-
terestlnjj-programmo of musical utid literary
1. O. It. M.
AU persona Interested In the formation of
a tribe of tha Improved Order of Hoa Men
nro requested to mcot at thu Pythian hall in
the Pnxton block next Sunday evening at 7
o'clock for'tho purpose of bringing matters
to a focus.
Little HOT Blue.
Kttfioie Field.
The little toy dog is covered with dust ,
But sturdy and staunch ho stands ;
And the little toy soldier Is red with rust ,
And his muskct'iuolds In his hands.
Time was when the llttlo toy dog was now
And'tho soldier was passing fair ;
And that was the tinio Little Boy Blue
Kissed them and put them thoro.
"Now , don't you go till I come , " ho said ,
"And don't you"nmko any nolso 1"
So , toddling off to his trundle-bed ,
lie dreamed of the pretty toys.
And us ho was dreaming , an angel song
Awakened our Little Hey lilue ;
Oli.the years arc many , the years garo long ,
But the llttlo toy friends arc truo.
Ay , faithful to Little Boy Biuo they stand ,
Encli in the same old place ;
Awaiting the touch of a little Hand ,
Thn smile of a llttlo face ;
And they wondered , as waiting these long
years through ,
In the dust of'that llttlo chair.
What has become of our Littia Boy Blue
Siuco he icissed them and put them thoro.
A man always enjoys seeing some other
man's wifa smoke a cigarette.
A grain of common sense may bo of more
value than a scruple of conscience.
There nro no good liars , though some of
them are very skilful and talented.
Gladstone's , nxoa nro In great demand.
This is because ho is such a good feller.
When a theatrical manager has a good
house , ho can , with propriety , thank Jus
Chicago Girl Yes , I seed the people
Brooklyn Girl You should not say "I seed. "
Say I sawr.
While wo'ro on the subject of ancestors
wo might remark that the dog has four paws
and u maw.
Teacher What does the proverb say about
these who Hvo in glass houses ! Small Boy
Pull down the blinds.
The attitudes which some people stride
after doing what is their plain duty to do
would make a dancing master blush.
"In concross" and "incongruous" are
terms that sound much alike , and indeed
they aren't always so different m moaning.
Someone has sent us versos beginning.
"Oh give mo back my childhood's years I"
Wo haven't even got childhood's years of our
"Which would you rather bo , a knave or a
fool ? " asked Idiotieus. "I don't know , " ro-
plicd Cynlcus. "What has been your experi
ence ! " -
' 'Do ' you behove in signs ? " ' "Certainly !
When I sou 'freo lunch1 in a window I hoi
Hove that I can got Hometlilug to cat with
in. "
An impecunious Terre Haute young man ,
who has become a brother by brevet to seven
heiresses , calls them "tho little sisters of the
poor. "
' Did you pass the last examination ? " said
a senator to a rather rapid son. "Well , or ,
no ; I didn't just exactly pass it. I laid down
my hand , ns it wore. "
Will I bollovo editors weigh carefully all
manuscripts sent to them. " Hill ( an author )
Yes , in order to ascertain the amount of
leturu pQstago necessary.
Shopper You may give mo a dollar's
worth of those strawberries , please. Dealer
Sorry , ma'm , but wo don't ' slice strawber
ries. I'll-snU you a whole ono for f 1.00.
Man in Carriage ( down south ) I say , cole
no ) , can you direct mo to Blankvillol Man
on Horseback I'm no colonel. Man in Carriage -
riago Well , well I Stranger Ilka mysulfohi
She Indeed , it's not an easy thing for a
girl to g6t a husband. Ho Why a pretty
slrl can make her choice of four out of every
tlvo men she meets. She But It's the llfth
man she wants.
IBnmlcl's Grand Oratorio ,
First Congregational Church ,
Corner 10th nnil Diuciinort Sts. ,
AT 8 1 > . M.J
Mr. Whitney Mockridge ,
The Celebrated Tenor.
MISS niiUTUA HA VMS ? . Soprano.
Mil , H. II. YOUNG , llurltone.
Jilt. Vf , T. TAIlOlt. OrganUt.
Under the Direction of 4Mr. Young.
A limited number ot reserved scats to be hud
at Max ; Meyer \ llrei.'s Muslo Store , corner or
HUli and 1'arnum street a , on and utter Monday ,
March Uith.
He am-a seats , . fl.OO , Admission only to
rhapel&U cents.
ViiQumr Uiujler In Clinnlm wlieiu you oun oo a
ociil varlclr tliow and luu ot fun. All Kuoil par
? ormiTi. A Ua/i'u prctijr iilrli , lloiui alw r oimn
opuuuvcrr nluUt In tbu wcefc , AUuil luu Lt , 'ix ; , &c
tt a We.
How ilolin .latroll Spulloil.
M.MtCII U , 170,1.
Messrs. Bromlwootl it Sons.
Gentlemen ; 1'lonao toomnlco mo one
of the Uost grant Pinnofortos you Can.
1 Holy on your honor to Lot it bo n peed
ono. I wish to huvo It J'lnln In every
Uespoct nml the cnso of hnndsoiuo wood
the Holly nmy bo chrowtl fust when
done. Cull on Mr. Uoorgo Astor for
the 1'ftymont. 1 shnll wish to Imvo it
shlpd in July or lingual no.xt by the
ship IIopo for Now York or nny other
good ship.
to bo son I Mr. O. Aslor
I nin Gentlemen
With Ucupoct yours
JoiiK JAcoit ASTOH
City CoIToo tlouao Chcni&tdo.
038. A. G. I' . V. nddl. hoys.
Mrs. Drown John mo broUo n pnno of
Rlnss. but ns ho tola mo nbout U nt once , I
pnvo him nn npplo. Mrs , CobtvljrRor That
will toncli Mm n Rrcnt Icuson. Mrs. Urown
I'm nfrnld not. As soon n lie Imu colon
the npplo ho wont nnd broke another win
Monthly , Tucilnjr nnd Wednesday , March
2-1 , 25 nml 20.
Now Scream Altitinco IWeuldn'tlllss
Your Loudest \Vodni-sday \ Jt for $9.
The Popular Artists ,
Unilcrllio iimnnffonipnt of Mr. JtnrrjHluc , In Iho
Urcut I'litcuCoinodr
Tlio Miuloun Hnoniiile , fcimrkllim music , lirllllnnt
mnrrnpx , lirnullful iliiiici1 * , cxmiMtn rnjtiuiir * . met-
lyKlrls. toplcul song , tlio cntrnncliiB uavottc , tlio
Ki-ont riiniiumjr.
Jlwtilar prices. Soati on > ale Sntuntnjr. Mnttnoo
prices Kc. )
Tlirco Nights nnd Saturday Milliner , Com-
inenclncr Tlnu'silay , Mnrdi 2 < tli.
Tlio American I'un Makers ,
"Hotter thnu over. " Seems llko a now play. "
"Tho strongest and host company they've ever
lio't. " " 1 ' *
wonder where 'Old lloss got that
dross suit , " 'Theonlv FUN in town.1'
Kogular prices. Snlo o sonts commences
M edncsday mnrulng' .
Negotiations are about completed for tha
transfer of Nick Smith to thn Kansas City
team , Nick linn licet , on the Punter rcsorro
list and would In all probability have boon
slsned for Denver this reason had It not
been for false and malicious reK | > rts mint to
Manager Howe regarding Smith's habits ami
condition. After several cffortsito get word
from Nick , personally , Whitehead was
signed to fill hU placo. A Bhort time ago
Nlcl : wrote to Itowo , but it was then too
late. Kansas City will secure atgood man In
Smith , n man who can piny peed ball and t
a credit to the team In every way. Ills unfortunate -
fortunate accident last season ramo dcfonrljr
In tno season that ho did not have a good
opportunity to make the reputation ho do.
served ,
A Week of Comic Opera , Coimuanctnii
arch 23d
Mnthices Woilncsday amlSiUtmltvy.
t.ook at Thcso
: niOM TUH
Opera House.
Snn Francisco , Cnl.
50 ARTISTS. 50
A Glorious Hoportolro.
Ilcndcd by Mias Ida Mttllo.
SAID PASHA1 Mr M < itnce (
PINAFORE ] g faVa J3
' Ilex ofllro now open. Secure scats at once.
Managers lioyd & Hayucs take pleasure In proseuttng to the Muslc-hovlu ? puullcot Om.ihft
the Celebrated
Under dlrrrtlon of Charles K. Lock , the opera produced aftov mouths ot careful preparation anil
lavish expenditure ot tlie iniso-eu-sceiiP. Ou performance oteUraml OporiiHimg in Ungllsh.liv
a company ot ailmlralilo Operatic Artists , haadeit by the Peerless American I'rlniu Dunn , IJMMA
JUC1I. On this occasion the Juch Company Will present tinluoil'ii Greatest Work.
Notwlllntamllnjrtho expense Incurred by the management In bring
ins tbln largo company to this city , hu same pi ices will prevail as
charged In NowTorJc , Hoston , I'lillndolplilaund all eastern rltlon.
nth and Farnam.
en ]
The Oueen of the Creighton StabSes !
Through the courtesy of Omaha's well-known citizen ,
r ,
We are enaioled to present to our patrons NORA- , the smallest
full-grown horse in the world.
J WEIGHS ONLY 67 Pounds ,
IT !
Nora is not a product of foreign lands , but comes from Ne
braska's own soil , und is as good a judge of corn as the biqgest
horse in the stable.
This marvellous little mare is the property of Mr. Creighton , ho
having purchased her at a liberal figure , and will be on exhibition
for this week only.
Of Other Great Attractions.
MAUD LA BLANCHE , Phenomenal Dancer. '
ABBARN BROS. , Acrobats.
HANSEN & BRYANT , Musical Team. -
BRADY & DAILEY , Irish Specialty.