THE OMAHA DAIfA7 BEE : SUNDAY , 31ABCH 23 , 1890.--SIXTEEN PAGES. THE ALLIANCE WIDE AWAKE Organization Perfected lu Nearly Every County. THE OHDER'S PLAN OF CAMPAIGN Two Interesting Interview * In tlio Jlstrict Court Items Gathered nt tlio btato House The f Cnpltnl City. Not n HnycotlltiK Hod ) ' . LIN'COI-X , Nob. , March M. [ Special to THE BEB.I Judge W. V. Allen ot Madison and M. D. Jackson of Nohgli whllo enjoy ing the comforts of after breakfast cigars and easy chairs m the rotunda of the Capitol hotel wcro approached by Tun Bnr repre sentative this morning. "What Is the farmers' alliance doing1 up your way I" "Getting there Ell In Madison county , " eald Judge Allen. Wo have a voting popu lation of 1SOO and of this number the alliance lins n membership of 700 to 1000. It will number the latter figure to say the least within tha next thrco months. The local ticket will bo captured by the alliance bag and bsggago. Organizations have been perfected In almost every country school district in the county. " "Docs the alliance propose to work in the primary elections , or not ! " "Quito generally , I think ; but an Inde pendent ticket Is probable. If the machine captures the county convention then look oul for breakers. U Is ncodloss to say that In that event the republican tlckol would bo do- fcatcd to a man. " "Is there any difference between the grange as run a few years ago and the alli ance ! " "Well , yes , I should sav so. The grange wasnfcorlnfa boycotting institution. And , moreover , the allinnco Is backed by n better nnd more Intelligent class ot farmers. Now they go to our merchants and grocers nna say wu propose to buy our goods of you Just the same ax in the past. But In turn they exact or expect help In the election of men to ofllco , local nnd legislative , who bollovo that the farmer is worthy his biro nnd will work for him nnd his Interests. The result Is merchants nnd grocers nro not slow to pledge loyally und support In ull laudable off or IB they may mane to that end. In short , the alliance Is after cheaper transportation. It favors government control of railroad , telegraph and express companies. In our part of the state alliance men let the national banking system nlono. The most intelligent farmers of Madison county arc pushing the move for ull there Is In it. " "Is the alliance booming In the adjacent counties so Madison 1" "Without a doubt. The alliance Is as strong , If not stronger. In ICnox than It isIn Madison county. 1 learn also that It is growing very rapidly in Grcoloy , Whcolor , Boone mill Stnnton counties. West and north of Whoolcr I cannot speak so well. I taito It , however , that , the entire northwest part of the state will bo In the alliance column before the Ides of November. "Whom does this alliance favor for gov ernor ! " "In the event of a general revolt and an Independent ticket General Van Wyck would probably bo the man. Of the proml- 4-uont republican candidates mentioned , haw.- over , Richards of Fremont ! probably The strongest. General Lcoso has u good many fricilds , und amonc the sqldicrs Governor Thuycr is popular , but Madison county voters will not stand anything that savors of Dor cy. " ' As to candidacy for state treasurer , secre tary of state , auditor of public accounts , at torney general and commissioner of public lands nnd uulldings , what's the lay ) " "JCo opposition to Hill whatever. Ho will bo rpnomlnntcd state treasurer , , without a doubt. The fact that some of the banks or money changers oppose him is enough to in sure this , Wu are non-ccmmlttal us to tbo other ofllccs ; tlio fouling is strong that good men bo nomtnutod or there will uo n landslide. Cowdory has made mis takes that our pcoplo are not apt to look over. 1 will say right hero that Mr. Dorsey will not represent the Third congres sional district in congress ngaln very soon. " "Mr. Jackson , how are matters in your county ! " "Pretty much the same that Judge Allen suggests them to bo In Madison county. I will any , however , that the Independent local ticket will carry In my county unless the republican traders exercise inoro Judg ment in convention than they have in the past. With the present status there an in dependent ticket Is a sure thing. The alli ance , too , is strong with us , nnd it will have organizations in every school district In the county before fall , 1 learn , aUo , that it is crowing in strength very .fast in Holt county. In n voting population of 2,000 fully ono thousand nro nlllanco men. As the mat ter stands today state politics is In a very muddled condition , and it is hard to predict what the outcome of the campaign will be. Richards Is the personal choice of tbo county for governor. If Attorney General Lcoso , however , conies out ns n candidate it will bo found that ho has u good many friends in the district. " THE ntSTlllCT COUIIT. Judge Field esteemed "lailuro to support for two years" sutllciont grounds , nnd granted Faunio Story n divorce from her nusband , William , this morning. The case of Henry Townscnd vs the city of Lincoln , the first of the grading damage suits , was decided in favor of the defendant , ' but the cabu will go to the sup'rcrna court. Judgments to the amount of $17,500 have bean lllud against S. W. Achby , the opera house merchant. Still It Is said that the in voice has not been exhausted and that it will pay creditors dollar for dollar. James Led with vs M. B.Hubbell ot al Is tlio tit In of a cuso filed today In which there is $ ltOO : Involved. It Is brought on n piomls- sory note nnd securities will play an Im portant part In the contest. CAPITAL INTKLLldEXCI ! . Deputy Treasurer Bartlett loft for eastern Ohio today , called hence by a telegram an nouncing that his father was dangerously 111. John O'Kccffe , treasurer of Box Butte county , settled with the state today and paid into the state treasury $1,001.11. Governor Thayer is at Geneva , Fillmore county today. Ha addressed the Farmers' alliance at that place this afternoon. On Monday next ho will t)0 nt his desk again. The Omaha Theatrical Mechanics' asso ciation tiled articles of incorporation with the secretary of state today. Us purpose Is mutual Improvement und to rentier assis tance to members In time of sickness and' deutli. Incorporators ! Bud Burl : , Charles H , Murks , Joiry L. Maynard , Arthur Mc Donald and August J. Uhl. The case of the state ot Nebraska on the relation of the school district of Omaha vs State Auditor Thomas H. Benton was tiled for trial In the supreme court today. The case Is brought to compel the auditor to reg ister 1.215,000 of school district bonds. U will bo remembered that the auditor refused to Co this u short Umo since. CITV xuws xsn jforns. Ofllccr Malona returned from Kansas City last night with John F. Fuller , who is charged by Thomas Noonnn with having uttered forgnd papers. His preliminary hearing will take place next Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Furraeut post , Grand Army of the Repub lic , held an open mooting this evening. Com * rado Charles Gould delivered un address on "Tho Volunteer Soldier in War nnd In Peace. " Members of the post nnd visitors , speak In high terms of the offort. Lincoln i dlviblon No. 1 , Knights of Pythias , Klvo n bonollt ball at Hohanun'ti ' hall Tucs- clay evening , March 25. Omaha knights will i-ecolve u cordial welcome without special in- vltntlnn * . S. A. Warner , G. F SIpo and B. F. McNcal comprise the Invitation coinuill- tcc. tcc.Tho The remains of the late Fred Funko ar rived in the city Into ycsterc'ny afternoon. The cuucral will tuko place from tbo family residence , corner of Thirteenth and H streets , tomorrow at a o'clock. Interment at Wyuku. Friends are specially Invited , Tlio State Farmers' Alliance baa estab lished permanent headquarters ri the city , having secured a permanent suite of rooms in the building formerly uaud as the county court housu on South Eleventh ( tract. It is Intimated thai the alliance will go Into a tort of wholesale buulnoi of furmors' supplies , which will bo furnlstiod husbandmen nl eotU A l'UKAOMRK'8 RHUItrCQMIXOS. A. S. Collins Hnld to Bo n Candidate far IlsinlHi\l , Ex-Rov. A. S. Collins , now in Ponca , No- llgh Or some ether city In tiio northern part of the state , but whoso homo Is at Thirty- seventh and Howard streets , In this city , Is reported to bo n candidate lor dlsn.lstat from the M. K. church for the second time on the charge of Immorality. Hov. Collins his a weakness for women that In the p&st has brought him Into seine of the most sensa tional scandals ever hoard of in the Metho dist church , and this has again brought trouble on his head. He V.Collins was once a Methodist preacher , but owing to bis-short comlngn , was expelled from the ministry at Galesburg , III. , live years ago. Since then ho has been citing out n comfortable livelihood ns a book agent by fulling an encyclopedia. Ba still clings to the prolix Of reverend to his name nnd whoncAor ho strikes n | town bo gen erally offers to fill the pulpit for tbo local Methodist Episcopal preacher and the offer Is Invariably accepted , Ho Is a very magnetic man , readily pleases the la dles of the congregation , and thereby paves the way for a fat harvest when ho goes from house to house with hit book. A well known attorney who has been brought Into close business relations with Collins Is authority for tho-statement thai the prcsUlng elder is after the ox-tninhter's sculp. This gentleman reports that Collins , who Is a married man , has been In the habit of taking nnotbcr woman on his travel * whom ho has been representing as Mrs , Collins , but who docs not boar the slightest rescm- bluncu to tha real wlfo. The preacher book njjont generally stops with his pjcudo-wlfu ut the parionngo of the Methodist minister of the town that ho Is canvassing , and U Is alleged that It was through this Eourco that Ins Iniquity became unveiled. Word was nent to Presiding Elder Clondcnnlni ; concerning the bold Ihdlscretlon of tha pious visngcd ngont , nnd that church olllclal U ic- portcd to be collecting what cvldenco ho can against the erring brother to bring - him to account. Today a reporter went to Dundco Place , the homo of Presiding Elder Clcndcnnlng , out found that ha Is out of the city. The oldei'n son was nt homo , however , nnd ho acknowledged that his fatncr hud been discussing the short-cominss of Brother Col lins and ha believed that testimony was be ing gathered for Collins' trial before the con ference. ( n addition to his shortcomings Collins has financial trouble ahead , as ho is threatened with legal proceedings provided ho does not pay for furniture costlne several hunnrcd dollars und settle about f 150 duo In rent. Collins has had u very unsavory record In the past and nas become notorious for his violation of tha seventh commandment. Flvo year * ago ho was pastor of tlio First Methodist Episcopal church nt Galesburg , III. , nnd ho startled the citizens of tnat cul tured community with u record of iranurity from which thai ( pilot clly has scarcely yet recovered. Tno women with whom ho was alleged to have boon unduly intimate at the time were all members of his church , und a do/on in number. Ho lied lo Canada and u body washed up on the shores of Lake Erie was supposed to uo his. On Iho strength of this his wife at tempted to get the insurance on his life nnd the companies wltn which ho was Insured employed dotcctlves to investigate the matter. After a long anil skillfully con ducted chnso Collins was discovered in ono of the principal of Canada dis guised as an English cockney. His head was shorn and he was wearing dark green eye glasses. The finishing touch to the now role was a loud suit of clothes. Had not one of the detectives boon well acquainted with him in Galesburg , the erring preacher would probably never have boon rccocntzed In the English dudo. At the next meeting of the ministers of thai conference which was held nl Galva , Mr. Collins was summarily expelled from the church. It is reported that the woman who figures In the latest scandal was ono of tliosa asso ciated with him in the previous escapades at Galosburir. Mrs. Collins , who had hopoJ that her hus band had profited by past sins and would do bettor In future , Is grief stricken ovur his latest escapade. A reporter of Tun Hue called at the residence of Collins u few wooics ago when the report of his escapades in northern Nebraska .first reached this city. The scribe found the lady in very dollcato health und was dissuaded by n neighbor from broaching the matter to her. It was learned today , however , that Mrs. Collins has been Informed of her husband's dis graceful conduct nnd thai certain members of her church are rendering her such atten tion and assistance as they Und necessary. TIJL3 THIIIS ! ; : SUSPECTS. They are Brought Pnco to Face Iho Murderous Gun. The three murder suspscts have been brought together In the jailor's ofllco in the county building. There were present Sher iff Boyd , County Attorney Mahotioy , Jailor Miller and a couple of private citizens. Neal nnd Shullonborgor were brought into the room about the sumo tlmonnd without know ing whom they were to expect were sud denly confronted by Sherman. Ncal looked nt him most intently for u minute , pursed up his lips , the lower ono of which trembled. But that was nil. There was nothing to show thai ulthrr Identified the other though it scorned ns if Neal made up his mind to in no way commit himself. "Do you know who this is ! " asked the county attorney of Sherman and Indicating Noal. "I suppose It's Ncnl. " That was all ho said and then his oycs sougnt the Iloor of the room. Shcllenbcrgcr was then asked if ho recog nized Sherman aud curtly uuswored that ho did not know who ho was. During the Interview the last mentioned sat with his head oil his hands moodily gaz ing upon the Iloor. When the Interview , which was almost fu ncrcal in ita frigidity , had boon concluded , some otio remarked to Sherman thai if bo were pul lu Urn same cell witn Neal. the lat ter would do him up. "Ho mighl doll now , " „ said Sherman. "DO- causa I'vo bean sick , bill In n fowdnys whan 1 gel well I wouldn't mind giving him n couula of rounds. Ho might do mo up , but that's the kind of business ho's engaged In I guess. " There was a little grim humor In the last remark which the party to whom It was addressed scorned to appreciate. Yesterday morning Deputy Sheriff TIgho of Cnss county passed through Iho city on his way homo. Ho came up with Sherman nnd the Douglas county olncUls yesterday even ing and wont to Lincoln to discover the eun with which the murder was committed. Sherman had told him that tha weapon had boon given him by Sbollcnborfsor after the deed nnd ho had asked what he would do with It , suggesting that It bo sold. To this Shelionborgur objected , Insisting that it bo sold , buried or thrown away. Sherman took the weapon , ho claimed , and burled it. Ho described the spot us being under u pile of boards on the top of whloh was n number of windmill funs. Tbo boards were taken down und the ground was exam ined. A soft spot was found whore u hole had evidently been dug. Tha loose earth was shoveled out , but no guu was found. Whether Sherman had hluiholf removed the weapon and foi gotten where ho con cealed l .tho second tlmo , or Intended to do- culvo the officers Is not known. Bui il is not thought that Iho latter supposition Is tenable because Sherman has received every attention at Iho hands of Doputh Sheriff Tlghe , who has been uniformly kind to him. Deputy Sheriff Tigha may depend upon ona thing , vU , that tils many very kindly favors to the members of the press will not soon bo forgotten , nnd they only await an opportunity to show their appreciation ot his kindness. When scon yesterday afternoon , Sherman Bocined to tnko pleasure in tolling the news paper men that ho had been talking any thing , everything und nothing In particular ns regards tils connection with the murder , Oinnlia Travollnt ; aion'd Club. The next mooting of tbo Omaha Traveling Man's ' club will ba liuUl iioxl Saturday evening - ing Instead of later , as previously decided upon. U is very important that all members ot the club , ana particularly the directors , shall bo present al tha Hotel Caioy next Saturday evening. No CollHouui Brxlonn. All idea of stnnlng a saloon in connection with tbo building has boon abandoned. There will bo no drinks , save lotaonado and pop sold in or boul the Coliseum , JOllKS , Pill HOB. KBLLEY , STICKER & ; CO. ; CHINA SILK Dress Qoods. CHALLIE. GREAT Ladies' Rich rmd perfect colorings Dress (3-oods. ( CHALLIE. SPECIAL SALE All linen lawn hand embroidered - Exquisite styles mid figures also French Imported Goods , rich styles and broidered Initial Plain and 24 Inches wide , worth $1 In this department wo nro replete in perfect colorings , . _ oF- - every respect. The choice of the S5o. French , English and ( Jormaii markets 55c. . are hero \voll represented. Choice Novelties HANDKERCHIEFS CHALLIE. . CHALLIE. Figured Pongee Silk ROBES. ROBES. French Goods , All Wool , , -IN- 3 in a lot for 750 , 45c. French Dresses . , Perfect in style nnd finish , Elegant Banded Dress Patterns , They are worth 400 each. The latest colorings Embroidered Lace Effects , OHALLIE. CHALLIE. Lace Draping Nets 27 inches wlile worth $1.23 Applique Vv'orlc , Beautiful in Color and Effects , Leather Effects. Etc. . Etc. Latest Novelties in SOo. Every style in stock. $8.50. 99.60 , $10 , 35c. And . SU2.75 , * M.5U , 815 , 817.50 , JiU Bouncings , DRESS TRIMMINGS CHALLIE. CHALLIE. Figured Levaotine Silk BRILLIANT1NE. 15-Inch Black All-SllK "La Tosca" L eo . Cannot bo equalled for style and colorings Flounclngs , clinico designs , something en ings ut nearly double the price , tirely uo\v. nt $1.40 , * 2 , $ a , $3.75 and 50 a Fancy Buckles , Slides , The wash fiibric of the season All the latest atid stnplo shades , oOc , 20c. yard. This cnnnot bo surpassed COc and $1 ; also pluhls stripes and 43-Inch Hlaek All-Silk Russian "IV * Tosca , " etc , Choice Novelties in broche etTccts. Figured , Dotted nnd Striped Urnping Nets , i For beauty nnd durability 23 of tlio very choicest nnd latest desiens to In summer fabrics Wash. Goods. select from , nl tlio following exceptionally Folding Japanese Fans. Shepherd Checks. . low prices : Mie , * l , J1.8S , # 1.10 , * l.7 , ? 2.25- und up to $ o.25 it yard. Fancy Striped Wash. Handsome colors , all the latest shades , Bordered India Linen. C2 ? TliC3c prices uro actually lower tlmn the Rich I Icavy AH Silk S3c. sumo Roods nro being sold til in Now York 40 inches wide , worth 2-5c , City by the luaillng houses. SURAH SILKS New French Plaids Do Choice G ne , Xoveltlcs Point Gnuzo In Vitn , Oriental Dyke , , Chantlly Guipure. , FAILLE RIBBONS Fcdoru nnd Gulpuro Incos , nt lUc , H'u'c ! ' , 15c , Choice Figured Mull. 20c , 25'35o anu QOu u yard. A very largo assortment All new styles and colors , 774c : worth 81.00. * Rich and Effects Price Hnnd-Mado Medici nnd Torchon Laces Satin in Black In all styles. Designs , Special special bargain snlo all this week nt lOc , edges , 18c. 12J c , 15c , 20c , 23c , iWc and U5o n yard. $ i and $1.12. } . . Crcmeancl New Shades PLAIDS. PLAIDS. l.Vincli Swiss Skirtings , choice novelties in real hand-drown work , in aig-zatr , straight INDIA LINEN. lines , Grecian effects , hoinstltchcd , in , isc and a yard Rich French Importations. laid blocic work , tucked effects , etc. , lovclv 70 i5c , Flno Grass Uloachcd Goods. Especially styles , at S5c , $1.15 , fl.25 , $1IJ5 , $3 and SJ.25 . good value as a leader. On Monday n yard. [ Worth Double. ] De Beige Suitings. lOc and 45-Inch Swiss Embroidered Skirtings , cJioico styles in Hemstitched and Van Dvko Rich Novelty Borders , Tucked , " Kovoroil , uands and Perpendicular French Scotch Plaids and Drabs grays , all shades , 45c , 50c , < > 0 < x pendicular Effect' , nt 50C , 05c , 75c , 51. $1.25 and 85c. All Wool Spring Goods , nnd and $1.50 ; worth almost one-half more. well worth your attention. 22J and. 27-inch Swiss Embroidered Millinery Ribbons In double warp Sur.nh 12-inch beautiful bordered Gingham Flounclngs , in diawn work , revering , Silk , nothing to equal this , tucked and culpuro effects ; choice , dainty Bargains in Dress Goods patterns , tlio correct thine for children's This season for shades. dresa , at ! I5c. 45e , f > 0o , ( Ce , 75c and f 1 a yard ; Fringed Edges , Double to sec them is to buy thini. Gingham. Gingham. Black Broche China Silk All Wool 40-inch French Twills , Wo have Just opened nn cxoutsito assortment Face , Contrasting " Shades Special Value Extra large variety , , which . . ' ' * Haids , Stripes , Checks and Rich Bor ment ot Fine Matched Embrojdcries ; All styles and-qualities. dered , worth 75o -loc. will bo sold nt our usual popular prices ; only a yd 'worth $ . goods ; on Mondayloc. - 25c. don't fall t. ) see them. 750 $1,25. Our Spring Impoi tcition of Kid Gloves has arrived and will be placed on sale Morning morning. They embrace all the shades in both Suede and Glacl finish. Not withstanding the marked advance in Europe , we shall continue to give our customers the benefit oflast season's prices. Our Four Button Glacl Kid at $1.18 , is nc- kno wl edged to bo the best glove in Omahu , at less than $1.8O. Coaching Jackets , Walling Jackets- , Wraps , Capes , Ulsters and Newmarkets in Great Variety. IN MI2MOKY OF GIIOOK. A .Mnsj Mcclnc to Be Hold nt Boyd's Oncnv House Today. General expressions of regret were heard In thocity yesterday ovcrthadeith of Geu oral Crook. Flngs woreflyine at half inast on the government buildings and the various Grand Army halls. The following notice was read at the real estate exchange and then sent to the various dally papers : The undersigned call upon their fellow citizens to moot at Boyd's opara house lo- dav at 4 o'oloclt p. m , ( Sunday , March 3Jd ) to malto formal exoresston of theirsenso 'of the public loss in tha death of Major Gen eral George Crook. Hon. George \V. Doano has consented to preside. E. Wnkcloy , George B. LaKe , W. A. Paxton , Alfred Millard , George E. Pritchott , William G. Maul , George \V. Uoano , Frank Murphy , George L. Miller , C. B. Hustm , J. E/Mnrkel , F. II. Davis. A. U. U'yman , John A. McShane , A. J. Hanscom , H. KounU. J. S. Collins. An Acknowledgement. District Court Clerk Frank E. Moorcs , who was a porsonnl friend nf the dotd gen eral's , having been in all his Important en gagements and reporting to htm all through the war , has received the following talc-gram in response to messages of condolence : CHICAGO , 111.March 131. Frank E. Moorca : Mrs. Crook desires mo to thank you nod Fred Balch for your kind dispatch. Tha funeral is Sunday at 12 o'cloc : ut Grand Pacific. Wo would bo glod to Irivo you nnd friends there. This Is the bitterest ntrokn Of life. SlANTON' . A similar dispatch to Mr. Mooros was signed Fanny B. Head , a sistor-ia-law of too dead general. _ iMiusiDE.NT iiuGiirrr CONVINCED Ho Will IlcciHiimnnd the Building of i hi ) Niobrarn Intension. Euclid Martin , J. S. Brady _ nnd W. N. Nuson , the board of trade commlttoa which visited Chicago to confer with President Hughitt of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad , to endeavor to sccuro the extension of its line from Vordigro to Nlobrar.1 , re turned yesterday , Mr. Hartman , presi dent of the real oUato oxcliuntv , romalncd in Chicago to look after matters In connec tion with his position on the license board. The members of the committee- wore mot In Chicago by Messrs 1)rake ) and Bonestoel , who wore delayed for a day. They wore very fa vorably received by Mr. Hughitt. Tim president listened attentively to all they had to say and after carefully considering nil tholr arguments expressed tilmselt an In favor of recommending to his directors the completion of this line as one of their first actu In the line of the extension of their sys tem In Nebraska , notwithstanding the un friendly sentiment nnd attitude towards tbo roads now In operation lu the Htito. During the interview Mr. Huahltt took occasion to refer to the corn rate agitation , stating that If the farmord would so organ ize for tholr mutual benefit that tho.v would bo able to hold their corn for six mouths , or till the market recovered from Us glutted condition , thov would do inoro for themselves than by ngllatlnc for reduced rales. Altogether , the interview gave great en couragement to the delegates , and they evidently feel confident that the building of the extension is a question of a very short time. Mnrrlniio Jjioonsos. Marriage licenses were Issued to the fol lowing parties by Judge Shields yesterday : Xiimo and residence. Ago. j Charles Jarl , Omaha 'JA | Hilda Nodcnborg , Omaha 10 J Crodorlck Hrinkmann , Omaha , . 23 ( Otilla Kneck , Omaha 10 I James Vicltery , Omaha , . . .41 ( Annlo Plvlnoo , Omaha 2S I Lovl Groscclose , Paplllion SO I Mary Tueiwr , Paplllion , . . . . . .UU A. Special Ijonteii Service. Aspecial * service of Lanton music will bo given at All Saints church , Twenty-sixth and Howard streets , on the evening of Thurs day , the 27th. The choir will sing tbo Mag- nlticat and Nuno Dimlttls , sat to Gregorian tone * arranged by Sta-ner. and for the anthem MondeUioua'i 131U Pialin for alto solo and chorus. The alto solo will ba suntr by Miss Pennell. The choir will also sing a verv beautiful setting of the hymn "Abide with Me , " by Barnb.y. A judgment for ? 5,003 was paid yesterday by Sliornuui county , ron < lored ngainst It on the bridge bonds suit. Moat Inspector P. A. Welch yesterday condemned 250 cases , containing 12,000 cans of rotten California salmon , which were about to bo soldi by the Omaha auction and s'.orago company. , There will bo a meeting of the North Omaha improvement cub ! tomorrow even- mir at Johnson's ' hall. A cordial invitation la oxtfndod to all resident taxpayers of Sixth w.u-d. City Treasurer Hush will address the nicotine of the South Side improvement club called for tomorrow nipht at the Real Estate exchange rooms. The pavement question and other important questions will be dis cussed. Judge Shields has appointed II. D. Hood , William , Coburn , D. J. O'Donahoo , M. A. Upton. C. S. Whitney and W. H. Crary to appraise the damages in cutting down W street , South Omaha. The Jury In the case of George Johnson against Hammond & Co. , the packers , for supplying nlm with a skittish horse which ranawav and caused fiovoro Injuries to him , returned u verdict in favor of Johiuon to the amount of Sl,70iHo / sued for $10.003. A follow named J. Fannon was seen lug ging two big boxes of sand soap round town In a manner that aroused the suspicion of the ofllcers nnd they ran him bahind tlio bars. Ofllcer Fields found Charles Anderson wandering around the streets with two uilra of now shoes under his arm , nnd as the fol low couldn't explain satisfactorily how ho got them , he was Jailed. Work will bo commenced tomorrow morn ing on the now American national bank building , northwest corner Fifteenth nnd Dodge streets. It will bo ilvo stories nnd cost $120,000. Undertaker Burkott wont to Council Bluffs yesterday and secured the remains of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Momssey's son , who died at the Mlllnrd hotel three weeks ago. The corpsa has boon Kept In u private vault in the Blultj , but will be sent to Now York for Interment. Ike Lowls was arrested yesterday after noon for stealing a lot of tools from a Cum- Ing street carpenter shop. Services as usual in the Southwest 1'res- bytcrmn church , corner South Twentieth und Loavenworth streets , by the pastor Hov. .1. W. Jones. A cordial welcome Is extended to all. A mnd dog on Upper Farnam was killed last Friday , but beforo'ho was killed ho bit a number of other dogs in the neighbor hood , The Thoasaohlcal .society moots every Sunday nf'crnoon at 4 o'clock at Hoom 203 , Sheely block. All uro Invited Wednesday nnd Saturday evening , ! . The horary is open for inquirers. , , f Sermon Subject ? . The following nro the 'themes for discus sion lu the various diuretics of the city to day : . -1 First Universnllit Morning "Inspira tion ; " evening , "Salvation. " I'coplo's Church Morning , "How I know that the Btblo Is God'&iown word : " Even ing , "Betrayed nnd deserted. " Unity Morning ; "Doubting and Bollov- ingi" no evening sorvioo.ji Qyntbln Christian Church Morning , "Tho Virgins ; " Evening , 'U'hoi Development of the Soui. " Imtnunucl Baptist Mornm ? , "Tho Bap tist Creed. ; " evening " .L'cuiparaiico or Drunkenness. " Trinity M. E. Church Morning , "Tho Sunday School. " Welsh Presbyterian Morning , "Tho Great Examplu ; evening , "What Think Yo of Christ ! " St. Mark's Lutheran The Uov. J. G. Grifllth will bo Installed as pastor by Hoy. Adam Stump of North Plutto , president of the synod. Services each evening during the week. Central United Presbyterian Morning , "Our Heavenly Homo ; " evening , "The He- ward of Obedience. " First Baptist Morning , "Gain , " a sermon to young people ; evening , "The Prodigal Son , " the third of a series of lectures. First M. E. Morning , "Abraham Repels Vultures and Mcots the Holy Ghost ; " even ing , "God's Individual Caro. " V. M. 0. A. Special gospel meeting Sun. dav at 4 D. in. addrcisou by Hov. P. S. Mer rill : HUbJoct , "How to Sea the Unsoon. " The inuilc at tbo U o'clock service at All Saints' church will bo Benodicite and Bcno- uictus. Florlo , uclhcm for bass tolo and cheruB , "Out of the Deep Have 1 Called Unto Thee , " Calkin. Offertory , yea though I walic through the valley of the shadow of death , Sullivan. At the 4 o'clock service , Cantato and Deus in G , Macfnrron. Anthem , "Enter Not Into Judgment , " Attwood. Offertory , "Load Kindly Light. " Sulllvun. St. Matthias church. South Tenth and Worthlngton streets Holy communion at 7't'J : a , m. Mid-duv service at 1IJ ( ) : ! n. in. Sunday scnool at , ! p. in. Evening service nt 7:110 : j > . m. Dr. Doherty will preach morning ana 'evening. AH , scats free , and all who CDmo arc Welcome. The last of the beautiful windows has baen placed in the church. They are marvels of nrtlstlc elo- ganco. THI'J CO U UTS. A Linrco Numlu-r of New Suits Klled An Election Coi tBt. . II. W. Hocho has llloj a petition In quo warrnuto against Dominick Cosgrovc , the newly appointed assessor In the Third ward. Cosjrrovo was appointed to the position by the county commissioners upon his repre sentation that ho had been elected to the position , but had not qualified on account of aiclaicsi. In his position Hocho states that Cosgrovo was not eligible for election as assessor , as ho was uc'.ing as registrar nnd judge of election In his ward during the elec tion , lie further alleges that ho received u larger numunr of votes than any other can didate , but did IIOL qualify , ns ho was told that Cosgrovo Intended to do BO. Ho asks that ho bo declared the asscisor In the ward Instead of Cosgrovo. F. S. Ncalls has commenced suit for & . " > ,000 datnacos nsalnst the Omaha & Grant smelling and rclliunir company for the loss of an eye as tlrj result of Injuries received January 15 , while repairing n chain In nn elevator , 'the clnvntor loll upon him , crushing his face und oycs. The Bank of Commorca has brought suit against A. C. GrlfTcu to rjcpver $3OJO on u note. note.Lowls S. Heed has commenced suit against William Kcahn on n real ostuto contract , to quiet title. The Omaha Heal Estate nnd Trust com pany has commenced suit In foraclosuro against Marlon G. Hohrbough ot al. to re cover $1,100 fi3 on a mortgage note. Wilson & Brnnner have brought suit against S. C. Blake ot al. to recover SJ.l'J..M ) on account of material and labor furnished. The Omaha Heal Cstato and Trust company pany- ' has commenced suit against the Pleasant Hill Building association to recover on several notes amounting to { 14,020. Ttio petition alleges tnat the association was not legally incorporated , and nsks that n re ceiver bo appointed to wind up the affairs of the association , nnd that the stockholders may bo held Individually liable lor all dubti remaining after the assets of tbo association have been applied thereon. The Now Yon : and Omaha land nnd trust company , has brought suit against Mm. Joscphlno Abby Jcunar to dulet title to property In Park Place addition. The Injunction restraining the manage ment of the Eden Musoo from exhibiting tholr picture of the scene of the Jones mur der and relics of the tragedy has boon sus tained. The Musoo poapto wera of thn opln- .1011 that the representation with the llguro of Neal omitted would bo allowed , but the judge thought differently. Judge Clarkson will try the following cases the coining week ; Monday , Jauiea Ashford , burglary ; Tuesday , Ed. Culver , removing mortgaged property ; Wednesday , Ernest Meyer , forcery ; Thursday , Jack Quintan , assault with Intent to kill. Countv Court. In the ease of S. H. Johnson against H. A. L. Dick ot al , judgment was rendered for plaintiff In the sum of I23.CO. Frederick Krug has commenced proceed. Ings against J , J , Donavan to recover $109 alleged to bo duo on account. Bcrnhurd Goraghty has brought suit against Patrick Ford , J. W. Bedford. F. J. SacKott and J , W. Dlllranco , as stockhold ers In tha defunct Omaha banking company , to recover $100 on a oerttllcata of deposit , claiming that tbo stockholders wcro indi vidually liable us they had neglected to pub lish a quarterly statement ot the bank's bus iness , etc. , us required by law. The Omaha bam \ > M association has com menced suit agalnn E. II , Sherwood to recover | 500 on u note. A I'artiiur of Cobb'n. Fred Tborpo of Whitman was Drought to tuU city by Deputy Marshal Hopilngor und placed In the county Jail. Thorpe and n partv ot toughs raised a row In the postoftlco ut Whitman by whoopinir nnd yelling nnd trying to run things to suit themselves. They displayed revolvers and other weapons nnd frightened the natives. Thorpe Is reputed to bo n notorious char acter , and wain pal of Cobb , the man who shot and killed ono Hill at Whitman some time airo. It was rumored that ? < eal and Cobb wore ono and the same , and Thorpe was con fronted with Neal yesterday to see If ho rec ognised him , but Thorpe said Meal was not his old partner. Stnfo Ijiimliormen. The lumber dealers of the state meet in convention at the M'illard hotel next Wednes day ( or the purpose of regulating cDinpatl- tion among dealers , and also to effect a per manent organization. Fifty rooms have been engaged for the party and an important meeting is In urospoot. Personal Mrs. M. A. Wallace returned from the east today. S. G. Joyce arrived home yesterday from his trip to Now York and other eastern cities. Mrs. Harris Collins and mother of Louis ville , ley. , are at Mrs. Hartman's Twentieth and Center streets. Ex-Senator Charles II. Van Wyck was In the city last evening on hU way homo from Gononwliero ho nddrosiod an Immense gath ering of farmers Friday night. Rev. John C. Stoddard of Sihloy , In. , was a visitor nt Tin : Bnn building yesterday , Mr. Stoddard in ono of the most prominent ministers in the prohibition stutc. Mr. George W. Browstor of Browstor , j Blalne county , Nebraska , is in the city. Ho I is an old time resident of Omaha nnd has ' many friends hero. General Algcr of Michigan , national com mander of the Grand Army of thn Republic , passed through this city jcstordav morning en route to Concordia , Kan. , and Arkansas , to attend meetings ot the Grand Army of the Republic. Dopartmcut Commander T. S , Clarkson nnd C. E. Burmustor , his chief of staff , met the general at the depot. Gen eral and Mrs. Algur will remain at Atclnson until tonight , when they will bo Joined by Commander Clarkson and Comradu Burmos- ter , who is also an aid on the staff of Gen eral A Igor. luiIHii ! Permits Tno following building parmlU wara Is sued yesterday : Omaha boaid of education , repairs , Corny nnd Thlrty-Hscond streets . 4 7SO Omaha board of t'dnciulon , rcp.ilr.4 , ( 'oruy nnd Thirty-second HII ecu . " 53 0. C. Spottswood. two-story frame resi dence , Locust und Ttteiity-fom th utroets ! JOtO S. 8 , ( 'urtls. throe-story NOI-KS , uu-U-S south Ulghth street . 11,000 Total . J15.0M SlNGUIj/UUTIiS. Thp high water nro und Marysvllle , Col , , has driven in town hundreds of jack rabbits tnnt are killed i'l the streets. A Hosier , sufferer from rheumatism claims to have been cured by carrying an old electric light carbon in his pockot. The advent of tripleU in a North DaKotn family the other1 day absorbed tlio appella tions nf Faith , Ilopo und Charity ns the nomenclature. There are two birds in the London Zoo that have g real reuutatlons us ventriloquists. Ono U u crano-llko-bird called the trumpeter and the other Is the emu. G. S. Havlllo , of Columbia countyGcorgla , ha * un Infant daughter twenty-two months old , thai knows every letter in the alphabet nnd can count awhlgh ns 100. Oliver Lnna of Exotcr , Mass. , hasn't boon out of money for thirty-five years. Ho lifts carried u silver dollar in his pocket since February 0 , 1855. The coin 1ms been worn perfectly smooth. The waters of the Ochtuhatchco lake In Florida ran off through Its underground channel n few days ngo , and an Immense number of the finest Kinds of Hill were BO- cured by tha citizens In the vicinity. George Murray , n colored man of Balti more , Md. , Is ono hundred aud llfteon years of age , Ho walks about and U in possession of all his faculties. The most remarkable thing about him Is that ho never saw George Washington , Two Englishmen have Just reached Lon don who hiwo made tbo trip around Europe on foot. Starting from Calais , they walked through Franco , Spain , Portugal , back to Ituly , puiilni ; by Trieste , Vienna , Carcow , Moscow , St. Petersburg and Riga , \\licnco they embarked for Stockholm. They went over Norway nnd bwcdon and returned to Calais by way of Holland Ostondo. An elephant nt Philadelphia died suddenly tlio other dny from enlargement of thoncart. Ita heal t was found to bu abnormally large. It inoro than filled n washtub and weighed 102 pounds. Tno big hearted but unfortu nate animal was 114 years old. David Kline , n farmer at Frlodonsburp. Pn , says that for thu'o years ho bus not slept nn nvcrngo of two hours out of the twenty-four ; that ho does not feel sleepy , ur.d doot not suiter from the loss of sleep. When ho docs sleep ho takes his imp in u clinlr. At the residence of Colonel A. Bass at Homo , GIL , Wednesday , u partridge found its way Into the homo mid was captured bv Miss Hnttio and aafcly put into n cage. A little while later nnothor partridge , perhaps the in n to of I ho first , walked boldly In and started upstairs and was aUo captured. The physicians of Birmingham , Ala. , are ; nuch interested In a child born there a few days ago. The child is only two Inches long and weighed exactly two ounces. It died three hours after birth. It has pre served in nlcohol. It M the first instance known to medical science , where n child of that sue was born alive and lived any length of time. Santa Cruz has a horse that Is fifty-three years old. Ho cnmo to California In 1S4S with William Handlo.y , nnd was called an old horse then. For many years Jerry worked in the brewery , but was turned out to rest last year. His I'avorito food is the refuse malt from the still , and ho docs not disdain to wash it down with u bucket of warm beer. The phonograph liai boon put to n now use. A cleryman , Rev. Mr. Homo of Larchmont , has preached his own funeral sermon , in which ho enumerated his faults , eulogized his wife , burst forth Into weeping1 , and ended by giving out a hymn. The le gend of the monastic corpse that rose from its bier to check and contradict tlio lauda tions that were being uttered by the preacher over the life Just ended is thus to some extent inndo u fact. A literal volco fiom the grave has econ heard at Lurch- iniint , with whai result In edification remains - mains to bo scon , Hen NUWH Stands. The morning , opening nnd Sunday Bets can bo found regularly at the following places ; IIOTKI.3. Pnxton Hotel News Stand. Millard Hotel News Stand. Murray Hotel News Stand. Hotel Casey News Stand. Metropolitan Hotel News Stand , Windsor Hotel News Stand. Barker Hotel News Stand. Merchants Hotel Nmva Siund. HOOK , XBWS AXII TOV BTOI1K9. Joplln & Co. , ; UH Nnrtli Sixteenth. A. U. Ayrus. 51i : North Sixteenth. Dick C.istollo. 50.J . North Sixteenth. J. Rich , ( Xi'J North Sixteenth. J. P. Hey , 1115 North Twenty-fourth. Rubin Bros. , Ml South Tenth. A. Muxim , 1101 North Twontj-fourth. Ell Bav , Sheoloy's block. E. C. Snyder , IIW'J North Twenty-fourth. Frank IColblc. H14 South Tenth. B. Trostlor , 1103 Furnam. G. James , D18 South Thirteenth. J. 1. Fruolmuf. 414 South Fifteenth. E. Wyman , ll South Fifteenth. G. Eckel , fiOS South Sixteenth. J.-S. Caullluld , 11(01 ( Fnnlum. A. Anderson , 821 ! ) Cumlng. S. E. Hanson , 24211 Cutnlng. W. R. Picard , 1721) ) StMas.ry1 avenue. J. W. Martin , 12311 Park nvonuo. Jos. Timmons , 20th und Lnko , cable depot G. D. Gllmor , 1.Y23 Loavenworth , F. Stuhen , 1101 N. 17th street. M. E. Lawrence , 215 S. 15th. A. L. Keith , 211) ) S. 15th street , E. Alpine , 1U05 Douglas. W. T. Bonnor , 18 0 Douglas. DIIUO BTOUK.S. S. E. Howell , comer of Loavcnwortli nnd S. SKItli. Peyton & Owen , 2101 Leaven worth. Clarendon drug utoro , 'JTth nnd Luke , < Berry & Woumck 2501 N. Twonty-fourth. 1:1 UVATOII iiovs. Ceo. Cooper , Merchants' bank building. eotiTii OMAIU. J. S. Stott , poseoffice. G. Rout her , ut news stand and on street. Patrons of THE BKB will notice tlio ubovo now agencies nt drug stores and elevators , vhlch have been placed for tliu further no cominodutlon and convenience of BKU readers. Pirions who fall to procure TUB lieu when wanted , will confer favor a fact * to Tuu BE * ofilcu. ,