THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY" . , MARCH 2JJ , 1890-SIXTEEX PAGES. L. 111 * warfare fie wo * undoubtedly tiro-eminent This was duo in a great mcasuro to Ills won * iirous knowledge of the Imllart character. Dunne tlio ciuiy pi > rt of tils r.rmy llfo , which has nil been spent In the west , with the ox- roptlon of the wnr time , ho learned to become - como a thorough li tin turn mi and woodman. In many respects lie had the traits of an In * dlan kcon , quick , strong and with good when In a wilderness , Judgment lo knew the Indians as 1 know my alphabet , nnd ho treated thorn on all occasions with that honesty that foi mod n romurKublc factor In his character. What * crcr no snld ho meant , and hn never want back on his word. A promise wa" sacred with him , just as much to mi Indian as to nn < enc clsu. Thcio men learned to trust him and to love til in , although ho was a tor rlblo enemy to them. During his last visit to mo at Vernon barracks , In Alabama , " nald Lieutenant Kcnnon , "tho old Apaches whom ho canturud In Arizona greeted him , nnd oven embraced him , Ono of them once told him out in the west that his pconlo looked upon him as they did upon Goo , nt belli ) ; the soul of honor nnd of truth. They had the utmost belief In everything ho did. Ills honsflty was peculiar in Us Inton- fiity. Ho would not even nay to n man , Mnm jjlad to see you , ' If ho did not really feel glad , in matters of thought bo was slow , emulous mid logical In method and ho weighed argu ment carefully before coming to u decision , with an unerring judgment. IIo had n kind , considerate , lovealilo cliurnctor , simple nnd approachable , simple In his manners nnd his tastes utul retiring nnd quiet In his actions. Ho was n constant reader of nllnorta of liter- nturo , especially upon military topics. I have been In receipt of n good many letters from the general since ho left mo hero In January last , In which ho has com plained of n slight illncjs. It ntnrtod with the grip , from which ho noon recovered , out occasionally there would bo refcrenco to Ills being "under the .weather. ' On the 15th of this montn ho wrote that ho was very much better. During his celo- liratcd A.ncho [ campaign ho received an In jury In his chest from over exertion which ftcetncd to have an ofTcct on his lungs , and ho had a slight cough which worried him , but when ho went to a specialist ho was assured that ho was in no danger. A distinguished general ofilcor now on the retired list said to inn less than n year ago that In his opinion General Crook was by far bettor qualified to commanil troops on the Held than any other ofllcor In the snrvlco. I have Btudicd ttio matter thoroughly and I believe that If his plan of campaign had been fol lowed In Virginia and West Virginia the war would have been over at lenst a year bo- fore. General Crook was nit Indian fighter from the beginning of his military career , nnd I have boon an interested listener of many a yarn from his lips. In the fiO's , wbtlo separated from the small body of men lie commanded he was llred upon by a band of Indians from the other xldo of a canyon. Arrows began to fall like hail , so thick in deed that in clutching u tuft of grass to assist him up the hill whllo endeavoring tenet net under cover ho caught thrco arrows in his hand with the grass. An ar row was Imbedded In his thigh. Crook pulled it out , but the poisoned head remained in his leg to the uay of his death , over forty .years. Thcro was no doctor nearer than 150 miles , nnd although blood poisoning set in \vontlerfuljihysliiue enabled him to pull through. General Crook was very fond of hunting , " continued Lieutenant IConnon , "and was ono of the best shuts I over saw. When ho was a young ofllcer ho always did the huntlnc for his mess. In those days Boniotimcs the mess bills exceeded the ofllcors1 salary , and I hnvo hoard General Crook tell how thoi made him caterer and by his intunato knowledge of the Inuinns'cconomical modes of cooking und Ills luck at hunting the mess was soon nt > lo to declare dividends. I hnvo boon with him on my hunting trips nna I never saw a but ter or steadier shot. Sago hens nro not tno easiest thing to bag , nnd yet I have soon him repeatedly drop n bird out of n llocic with each barrel. Hut not only that , ho would kill n chicken every tlmu. His c.vo was so ijulck Hint wnllo aiming ho could select u chicken instantly. With all his experience nud trials General Crook was us simple as a child , lid was Blrnigntforwnrd nnd truth ful and had no pattcnco with concealment or trickery. Ho never broke his word to n v/lnto man or red man. " Tow men know General Crook moro in timately than Senator Mundurson , and when the Senator was nskod if ho had anvthlng'to nay about the dead warrior , ho remarked : ' Ho was my warm personal friend of many years standing , and the intelligence of his flut'dcn ' death has greatly startled mo. IIo win ono of the most modest ami unobtrusive of men when not in actlvo service , so differ * out as to impress ono out knowing him well us though ho distrusted his own powers , but when aroused by the ncccHslty of the occa > Hion ho was a most powerful und nggres- . nlvo force. IIo was every inch 11 Holdlur , nnd the records of his porvlcos during the war of the rebellion nnd Hinco form some of the brightest pages in our history. IIo won not only the conltdcnco but the affection of those who served with Iilui , and thcro nro many sad hearts nmong the vetornus of the urmy of West Virginia commanded by him. As couinmndar of the department of the Plutto General Crook WAS stationed for mnuy years at Ouiahnmidlt was under his leadership in the formative days of the trans-Missouri country that the Indian question was solved and the settle ment of that vast territory mndo possible. Ho was moro than nn Indian lighter ho was nn Indian conqueror and won them to bis will because ho won their respect nnd conlldonco. Ho never deceived them ana WM known among the Sioux of the plains as "the chief who would not Ho. ' His Hosebuil campaign was n study of Indian warfare and the endurance nnd soldierly qualities displayed in the Apache campaign in the southwest won the admiration of the country. 1 bollovo the great west owes moro to General Gcorgo Crook than to any other man , nnd the citi zens of Nebraska hnvo never boon backward In awarding him their greatest esteem and lilgncst praise. His last great service was in obtaining the consent of the great Sioux nation to the dismemberment of their territory. I do not bcliovo that any other man could have produced the result. Ho axi'lnincd all the provisions of the act of congress with Inlinlto putlouco and fairly advised them as to their own Interests. His death In a great loss to the whole country , but It will bo felt most keenly in the terri tory went of the great rivers. " 8INATOH rAUUOCIC'B CUI.OOY. Speaking of General Crook Senator Pad dock suld : "I hnvo known General Crook u long tlmu. Ho was an able man , besides being a splendid soldier. Ho was sa gacious , suit contained , and although u tuna of supreme courage and resolution ho was modest , retiring , Indeed Im was utterly devoid of self assertion. Ho was intensely popular In the farther west on account of his successful efforts In set tling Indian troubles on the frontier , ilrst by i. sovcro chastisement nnd afterward by niust and honorable treatment of the tribes wulc.h ho had conquered. No oflleor slnco General Harnoy was so highly respected or exorcised so great nn inllueneo with hostile Indian tribes as Gouornl Crook. His death U a great loss to the country , U.'S FATIlUU-lN-IjAW. IIo Comes to America to Take Cixro of Ills DiuiKlitor. Niw : Yoiih" , March 22. Among the pnsson- irora on the steamship Gannnnlo today was lavld Stuvonson , father of Mrs. Uurcholl , whoso husband is under arrest for the inur- ( lor of Fiedorlclt Ucnwu'U , at ; Woodstock , Canada. Stevenson was accompanied by his daughter , Mrs. West Jones , and Attorney Fulton. When Stuvousou was asked whut lie would d > > toward the dofcnsu of his eon- pn-law. ha said ha caino to this country solely to look after the intercuts of his daughter , Now that she Is practically fruu he. did not MOO why ho should remain louit m this coun try. However , It his daughter had lo ro- iimln until the trial of Uurchcll came oft bo would see her Interests prop erly looked after , Stovonsnn said Ills daughter was deceived by Uurcholl with regard to the farm atVood - otock und aha know nothing more , about It than Uouwoll or I'olloy. Ho added tlmt ho \va opposed to the marriage of hu daughter to Hurcholl. From the manner In which Ktovonson ipoke it docs nolloolc at if hu will ilo much toward the dofetiso of his soa-lu- law. A. KnuHtxH Coal Allno Hold , LKXVKNWOHTH , Kun. , March 3'J. ( Special Toloiiram to TJIB HER , | The Itlversldo coal ttilno of this city has boon sold { a the Kan- a * and Texas coal company. Sovorn.1 prom inent oOlcertof the company were in the city today. The Haul arrangement * were made thli owning nuu the party loft for St. Lout * 41 oooo. * THE CUT IN THE SUGAR DUTY Nebraska's DoloRatton Will Fight the Reduction. IOWA FAVORS A DEEPER'SLASH A Mvoly FlRht Hxprctc l Statistics Showing tlio ro8Hll > llllos ! of the Bcot-Tho Tariff Bill Again Delayed. WASHINGTON BUIIRAC Tun OMAHA IBB , | G13 FotmTBBNTii STIIKBT. r WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 123. , I A right lively light ngainst the heavy cut mndo In the sugar duty will bo led by the .Nebraska delegation wlion the tariff bill comes up In the houso. The Iowa delega tion will try to counteract the work of the Ncbruskans by a strong skirmish In favor ot n haavior reduction thag the lull proposes. The Nebraska and Jowa delegations are upon the roost friendly terms and have worked together heretofore In local ns well us general legislation of special Interest to the xvest. The foothold which the boot augar Industry has taken In Ne braska is the Incentive which will govern that delegation , whllo the strong movement by the Farmers' nllinncu In Iowa demanding a complete abolition of the sugar duty nnd n rotontlon ot the tobacco tax will bo the Incentive bohlnd the Ha\vlcoyo dele gation. It is understood that Mr. Oxnard , who Is building n very largo boot-sugar fac tory at Grand Island , will stop work upon it If the proposed reduction of the sugar duty is made nnd that ho will transform his es tablishment into some other kind of nn in dustry , nt least ho has threatened to do this and there is no roasun to believe that ho Is not acting In good faith. The furtuors lir the northwestern and central part of Ne * Urasica nro up inarms against the prospect of Mr. Oxnard closing his establishment , which promises to bo a largo and profitable Industry , and they are coming down upon the delegation in congress from that state with great forco. If it were not for the prospects of developing a profitable industry in beet sugar the Kebraskans would favor the abolition of the sugar duty. The farmer * of Iowa , whllo they have the soil and climate suitable for the successful propagation of the sugar beet , have no im mediate prospects ot the establishment of factories there. They bollovo that a bird in the hand is worth a whole bevy iu the bush , und they want cheaper sugar immedi ately. The Nebraska inon have placed In their hands , by a bulletin just Issued from the bureau of statistics of the treasury de partment , some figures which nrguo very strongly to the- point the boot sugar in. dustry of Europe promises to soon overcome the cane sugar industry of the South Am- merican republics ns well as that of the South Pacific Islands. The statistics showing the im portation of beet sugar for this country in the month ending January at last , as compared with the corresponding month of last year are somewhat startling. During January last there wns imported 81-ir ttlli ) pounds' of beet susur against 41.8W5'J4 ( ! during the month of January last year , an increase of more than 100 per cent within a yoar. During January , 1890 , there were Imported of cane and all other sugars than boot sugar 150 , iUJ59 : ! pounds against ll5 ! , ( > 'i1.rjr ; ! > ' 3 during the month of January lust year , an increase of but 10 per cent. It can thus bo seen that beet sugar is taking the place of cane und other sugars and prom ises to occupy the American inarKet within a short time. The Nobraskuns regard this as a strong argument in favor of the feasibility of making beet sugar in this country. They will produce nn analysis showing tnnt thcro can bo produced in Nebraska and other states in this country beets containing u higher per cent of sugar than are produced In Franco , Germany and other boot sugar pro ducing countries which are now supplying the markets cf the world , with a positive showing thatthahcctsugar industry is driv ing cane sugar from the markets every where and that wo can produce the finest sugar beets in the world , nud that the in dustry is already being dovolopol with wonderful rrfpidity In our western states. The Nebraska delegation will bo enabled to make n fight for the encouragement of tbo sugar industry in this country which will have effect when the tariff bill Is under consideration. The Nobrasttans say tbov will prove that Secretary Uusk has violated the law in connection with the sugar industries in this country for the pur > poao of assisting the movement in favor of n heavy cut in the sugar duty. The law inaKing the last appropriatuyi for the main tenance of the department , of agriculture made it mandatory that Secretary Rusk should report not later than the 1st of last month upon the sugar experiments which hnvo been made under the direction of his department. The Nebrankans had this provision put. into the appropriation bill with u view to securing reports which might give information going to show that our boot sugar enterprise had already de veloped to a stcgo which demanded protec tion in the way of n customs duty or a boun ty. Although members of tbo delegation have repeatedly called upon Secretary Uusk for this report ho has refused to mnlco it public and is understood that ho will not publish it until after the tariff bill is adopted for the reason , it is believed that the statements made in the report would hnvo. u Vrtrv rntl Irrnl Infliintif-n niinri thn tirnvfainna In the tariff bill reducing the sugar duty. Although the commissioner of agriculture was given nil possible assistance years ago to investigate our capabilities In the direc tion of sutrar production the department of agriculture ncoms to have been steadily manipulated in the interest af free sugar and to the discouragement of domestic sugar enterprises. AO menu/run u , COMMITTED itsponT. Senator Paddock , from the committee on agriculture , todaj submitted a report to au- company the bill for the encouragement of the cultivation of the sugar bout and the manufacture of boat sugar. The bill pro vides n bounty of 1 rout a pound and author izes the admission of boot sugar manufactur ing machinery dutv free. The report is an exhaustive one , in winch the committee goes over the subject of the beet sugar experi ments In various countries of Kuropo , and calls attention to the fact oi the enormous quantity'of beet sugar imported into this country annually. Tbo commit too says the practical imiulry which lies nt the root of the policy of offering n bounty for an Increased production of sugar is whether a nation of 03,000,000 pconlo possessed of a .var iety of sod ) and varied climate is warranted in the light of known facts in longer delay ing any reasonable expenditure of money in any direction host calculated to discover with the KI cutest expedition what possibil ities nro hidden behind the efforts to lurcoly increase the aunplyol sugar from beets , sorghum nnd cana. Statistics are given to show that the encouragement of the beet sugar industry in the various countries of Europe - rope has resulted in a wonderful Increase In that product in the last fifty years. Franco for Instance produced 40,000 tons In 1837 , whllo in 1S8S her product amounted to 405- IKK ) tons. In Germany the product has been trebled In throe years , 50 nor cent moro was rained In Hungary In lt > 8 than m 1877 , and the sarao Is true in Russia and Poland. TUB TAIIIFF 1111,1. . It was thought nt the capital this morning that the ways nud moans committee would bo prepared to report the now tariff .bill to the house , but owing to the urgent request of the cauned goods packers throughout the country who de.lrod to bo hoard on'tho sub- ] oct of the duty on tin plato Mr. McICinloy decided to give them n chance to express their views nnd another hoarinc ; was there fore hold by the committee this morning This has caused additional delay in the Imul touches on the bill und it Is probable that it will bo the and of next WOOK before it can bo reported to the house , The fea tures of thu bill , which Uavo boon published , have caused more or loss discussion among members from all sections , and tbo goueral Bcntimcnt seonu to be that the measure drawn up by Mr. McKlnloy and Ids colleagues is moro of a wcatora bill than was over pre sented to the house , whllo the late lamented measure batched up by Mills , Scott , Ilreok * Inrldgo ot ul wai detlgnod primarily for the boiiollt of the south. The MoKmley bill is universally looked upon as the fair * cat all around measure which has yut boon luggestoa to congress la the form of n tariff bill. Of course there nro some grounds for objection among the eastern men , who find the existing order of things somewhat disturbed by changes mndo in the various schudulns. but thcro is scarcely oni of them who ilonlos that the provisions o ttio bill for protection In the west enl ; uccords with Justice to that vast section o the country which has boon so long Ignored for the benefit of eastern manufacturers und eastern importers. Nobody uxpncts that tbo flnnl tariff net o the Fifty-first congress will bo n verbatim copy of the bill reported by the ways and means conftmttco. It Is nlmnst certain thai changes will occur , but on the whole the principal schedules of the bill will bocoma the law of tlio land , and n'l ' the talk that Is heard on the democratic sldo nboul general republican dissatisfaction is basoi simply on the knowledge that some members are of courio disappointed bccauso their In dividual interests were not us well taken care of as they had hoped thoi might bo. NEW 1-O3T.M ISTBHS. Raymond , Utack Hawk county , In. , K D. Marble , vice C. H. IHnchum , resigned. Geranium , Valley nounty , Neb. , J. G. Wolfe , vice ijadlo A , I.OHOC , resigned. Smith Wicks , Fall Hlvor , county , S. D. , a. W. Uetts , vlco Uonjatulu O. A very , resigned. MiicEit.ANiot.i. : Memorials from the Nebraska branch of the Urlcklaycrs * International association , asking for legislation to prevent the employ ment of aliens on government work , were presented by both the Nebraska senators today. The Farmers' allianceof Nebraska , through Its president , has telegraphed Sen ator Mnndcrsou to urge the passage of tbo liuttcrworth bill to prevent gambling in food products. Senator Mandorson was asked today what ho thought of the suggestion to change the nnmn of now Fort Omaha to Fort Curtis , which suggestion w < is mndo recently In nn Omaha paper in an articlenlgncd oy Dr. Miller. Ho replied that if the name of the fort is to bo changed nt all ho would favor naming it after General Crook , to ' whom' the pcopio of the entire west ewe so much , and that ho should make this suggestion to the secretary of wnr. wnr.Tljo crockery dealers of Nebraska , In com mon with wholesale men of the same line throughout the country , nro.urging their representatives to do all in their power to prevent the passage of the McKinley admin istrative bill unless section 0 is stricken out. This section relmposes the duty upon the packages In which crockery and other goods nro brought to this country. A telegram was received today , signed by Perkins , Gatch & Nauojan of Omaha , nud Fuuko & Ogden of Lincoln , urging tbo Nebraska sen ators to take this courso. The president returned to iWashlngton this evening from his shooting expedition , bringing sixty fine ducks. Charles A. Crampton of Illinois has been appointed chemist of the internal rovcnuo bureau , treasury department. " " " The superintendent of the census has no tified the Nebraska . delegation that the special agents for gathering the statistics of manufactures will not bo appointed till July 1. Pniiur S. HEATH. T1113 WASH-NAU-XONS. Incorporation oi' n IVosterit Kditlon of Tnniinixny. CHICAGO , March 22. [ Special Telegram to THU Unc.J " 'ho Wnsh-Nah-Tpn society of Chicago secured a license of incorpora tion from the secretary of state yesterday. Tun professed object to bo attained Is the ad vancement of democratic principles. This stop , though the first pub lic ono taken , is by no means the initiatory ono of the society , which was born ono and one-half years ago and has attained a membership of 2,500 active local demo crats. Its movements are , so far as is pos sible with an organization of such numbers , made beneath the cloak of secrecy. From nn outline of the workings of the association given bv ono of its onicers today , It seems that it is to bo a western edition of Tammany. The idea was conceived a couple of years ago , when the Cook county democ racy was split oy dissension into many fac tions. The best organizers of tbo short and long hairs put their , heads together and resolved upon n plan fashioned utter the or ganization of Tammany. The ilrst thing to Jo was to select n name , and ns that of the Now York organization was of Indian origin 1 was decided that this should bo purely American too ; so Wnsh-Nah-Ton was , after considerable debate , chosen. Besides the head onicers and executive council , each ward in the city has a com- uiuudor , who , by virtue of his ofllco , is an ox ofllcio member of the board of di rectors , and who is elected annually by the captains of each precinct ot their wards , these captains to bo elected annually by the members of the precinct. Thcro is not a precinct in the city that has not its club. These clubs nro com posed of active men , who can bo depended upon to abide by the will of tbo majority of the society without question. The loaders of the society are well known democrats , ono of the shining lights being Michael C. McDonald. IOWA NEWS. The legislature. DES Moiscs , la. , March 22. In the house this morning there was less than a quorum present , but routine business wastrnnsactod ; nevertheless. A number of committee re ports were received. Among them was n report on the Dayton Joint rate bill. The committee made some amendments to the bill , but loft it in the main as first intro duced. Uills introduced were to exempt widows of soldiers from state taxation ; to make an appropriation to help , din- charged convicts to fead nn honorable llfo ; to upply certain provisions of the statutes to existing bondeil indebted ness of cities nnd towns. Adjourned till Monday. ' In the senate thu bills introduced were : To provide for the election of county ofticors and declare anv onlcor ineligible for reelection tion till the full torin of ollico has'expired ; to establish a probate court and Judge in each county ; to rogulnto the screening of coal ; to provide for a uniform series of text books. A communication was road from the secretary of state to the effect that Chr.tou had obtained sufllclcnt population to bo de clared a city oT the first class ; also Algona ana North Dos Molnos to bo cities of the second class. Adjourned till Monday. Hlouv City Irujj storoj Knjnlnod. Sioux CITV , la. , March 23. | Special Telegram to THE HEE.J Prosecutions were nstitutod today against some of the loading drug atoms of the city for violation of the Iquor law. The Informations were filed by 3onstabla Smith , who has taken uuibrago jocauso ho was accused ot attempting to blackmail the druggists , in an Interview ho says that ha will ilia Information against all the' ' drug stores. Tim law nnd order league invlng foiled In us attempt to indict drug- cists ana liquor joints , it has entered on a new campaign by the Injunction method. I'lie attorney of the law nnd order league : oday prepared sovonty-flvesearch warrants , There are over ono hundred and twenty -live lllcit dram shops In the city , besides innu merable "boot-leggers , " Many of the drug stores are openly violating the prohibitory and pharmacy laws. Tlio Slonx City & O/dcui. Sioux CITT , la. , March 22. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UBB. I Ofllciiil advices were received from Now York today that all the dlfllcultles of the Sioux City & Ogden rail road company have been adjusted and the attachments on Its construction matorialo released and that nriang-omanU have boon mrfocted not only for completing the Una to D'Noll , Nob. , but for constructing tbo whole Ino to Ogdon. A Dishonest Onnrdlnn I'unlsliud. CINCINNATI , March 2 Judge Hates today sentenced to the ponltenUary for two and oiio-uulf years William II. Meyers , a well cnown merchant , for embezzling $14,000 bold by him as tbo guardian of minor chil dren. The dofcnsa was laoK of evil ntcnt ; that the innnoy was Invested In bus- ness and disaster followed. The court , in sentencing the prisoner , said the security of trust funds must bo protected by emphatic condemnation of gross and outrageous nils- u o. THE STAERESTS ] IIS CASE , i IT Oloso of Prosecution lu the Furat Murder Trial. THE DEFERS SETS UP INSANITY. > ! I'o n on ImllifiiV'-'Wnnt Tliolr Clillclron to Acoonnmny Tlioin to the In dian Toctltorr News About - ' - State. Tlio I'roqunutlon Concludes. FUEMOXT , Nob. , March 23. [ Special to Tun HBR.J In the Furst murder trial today n yroat deal of evidence was takgn corroborating all the circumstances of ttio murder related by former witnesses In this trial anil others who , t03tlllod In the action brougkt ngainst Charles Shophard. Ono of the hardest fights , of the wnolo trial oc curred on th o question of admitting a con fession made by t'urat In the county jail on the day of his incarceration. This confes sion was written down nc the tltno by O. G. Howlus of Scrlbner. road over to furst nnd ho signed his name to It. The defense suc ceeded In excluding Uio written confession , but the witness gnvo the substance of It ai ho remembered it. Furat told him that ho had dona the killing and that ho was very sorry for it , that h < 5 was ready to die for the crime , but hoped It would nil bo over before his moUior heard of it. Furat said that ho and Shcphard had arranged between thorn that Shophard was to hold up 1'ulslfor , their victim , nnd that hu ( Fusrt ) waste to go through his pockets ; that they ordered Pulsifer to throw up bis hands but instead of doing so ho put ono in his pocket ; they thought ho was aolng after n revolver nnd so they shot him ; they them robbed him , securing something like ? 18. This witness , ns others had done before , detailed tbo flight of the two men after tbo murder as detailed in Furst's confession. Other persons to whom confessions had boeu mndo after the capture testified practi cally to the same things as Uowlus , At 5 o'clock the state rested its case. Eight or ton witnesses for the defense were then sworn , and prisoner's counsel an nounced that the line of defense would bo on the grounds of the Insanity of the defendant. Dr. Uovrles was ilrst called. Ho testified that as a rule persons who committed sul- cldo nro Insane. Dr. Abbott followed , giving similar testi mony on that point. Ho also stated that the father of defendant had boon before the county commission of insanity for examina tion ; that ho was not i-xammud because no comnlamt was filed acllnst : him : also that the fU"hor : committed suicide in this city two or thrco years ago. Defendant's hope is to prove the lather insane and that no ( defendant ) possesses similar mental traits. Court adjourned to Monday morning , and it will probably bo.Tuesday night or Wednes day before n verdict is reached. The I'oncanVnnL ) Their Children. Nionnviu , Neb Mareh 22. [ Special to Tiiu UEE. ITwulvo families of the Pouca Indians , who dcsjre to return to the Indian territory started ( dHay. Standing Hear and Yellow Iloi-so , accompanied by Judge Cooley and UovJ George Williams , were at Santco agency tbaoy-pleading with the agent to allow their children who are attending the government school ihoro , to accompany them. The agent , refused the request , and other methods wlllliirobably bo , used to se cure these chlldrqijj > Acouflca of niurUcrinj ; His Dniightcr. IJUHWEI.L , " Ncbvf March * 52. | Special Telegram to TitolDcK.l This town has been in an unusuuNtato 'of excitement dur ing the last fortj Qi ht hours o-n account of the arrest of a GernvjiiiUmoJ , Adam Uolm ' for the allogodtmu d'er ol4u . ( Jaughtor. The girl in question wis a oripplo about thirty years old and hnd vdn birth'to ' ono illegiti mate child. At thfftilno it was rumored ttiat ho was the father of her 'chlld but nothing was done with him. . Last , November it be came apparent .that 'sha was in a peculiar condition * and she has not boon HuCn siuca the 15th of that month. Her disappearance aroused a suspicion that Bonn had murdered bur to prevent the pUhllc' finding but his criminal intimacy with her. Yesterday the county attorney caused Ins 'nrrest and searching particH were organi/od to find the body of the girl , but no clues have been obtained which promise to throw any light on the matter. The prisoner was given a prelimi nary hearing today , but the evidence was insufllcicut to bind , him over. Feeling is very strong against him nnd throats of lynching nro mudo since his release. Sheriff bly nnd n posse will go to Holm's residence tonight to protect him from violence at the uands of a mob. Crete MnnlqlpiU Cunilldntos. CHETK , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UBB. ] This evening at n citi zen'a caucus hold for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for city offices , irrespec tive of party , the following nominations were made : For mayor , Lu Norrls and D. J. F. Uood ; for treasurer. C. M. Burkott nud J. O. Goodwin ; for clerk , P. D. Will- Prof. J. S. , Brown of Doano college : for members of school board , H. M. Wells , Gcororo 0. Stevens , V. Kubiek nnd C. C. White ; councilmen First ward , D. H. Dontiison und T. A. C. Heard : Second ward , J , S. Chinolor nud P. H. Boavora ; Third ward , J. Uahnor , J. L. Muff , J , A. Croscup nnd E. G. Vore. Politically the ticket Is a mixed ono. Lu Norrls is the present mayor nnd C. M. LJurkot the present ircasurer. Ttio others are now men. Ashland Horn" . AstiiAM ) , Neb. , March 23. fSpeolal Tolu- gram to THU BIB. " | A local Sunday school nstituto was hold in this city this lust week. [ Jov. J. D. Stewart of Cnautauqua fame con ducted the normal class. On Thursday evening Hov. K. S. Ualston of Lincoln do- Ivercd nn address on "Christ , the Model Teacher. " A goodly number was prosenj , front the neighboring cities , E. P. Folsotn of this * cltv has buon ap pointed mail woicber from Kulo , Hlchardson county , to Oxford. The public sohools of fhis city closed Fri day. The avurago'nttoridnnco for the past term has been 475. At the optining of the next term , Mnrqh. 31 , flags may bo seen fly ing from the niitsmoads of the school bulldmjjs. ' ; JJ ° Oovornor Tlfkyor nt Oonon. Gr.NOi , Nob. , AInrch U.'l. fSpaclal Telo- gratoTuE BIK. : Ijjpubliu reception was jlvon to Govorjior ( ( " Thavor and staff ofllcors of the Fjfjsj.rcgiment by company G , Nebraska National Guard , last evening. A largo concour fl of- people welcomed the distinguished vlslusta. Governor Thayer addressed the Fuvmixrs' allluncu hero this afternoon und hndv'hla' ' Ire nrouso by some false assertions ihnllo by Sanford of Clay county , but the goVovlior sot himself straight joforo tno autocratpom Clay. The meeting was qulto exciting' la'ho governor loaves for homo this ovontntptIT Atrnln Bold. HASTixns , Nob. , ! iSfch 23. ( Special Tele gram to TUB UBK.I The Kerr opera house Mouk , recently sold at Bborlff 's ' snlo to John SI. Uaguu , was again sold today to Repre sentative L. Iluhn nnd William Kerr , presl- dent of the Adams County bank , thu consid eration being (11,000. The auditorium has been leased to axporicnccd theatrical mana gers for a term of years. This opera house s one of the most Important in the Crawfora circuit. _ _ _ _ _ _ I'rnbnbly Katnlly Huriied. NumusKACiTV.Neb. , MarchSJ. [ Special Telegram to THE DEI ) . ] A young son of S. Q. Stroblo was probably fatally burned this afternoon , hU olothui having caught Uro from burning rubbish. Grcnt Slaughter of Wild Dnoks. FUKMOXT , Nob. , March 23. fSoeclal to TUB Hue. ] Ducks and geese are unusually Plentiful In this vijn this spring , on the Plntto river and th. uikus near Fremont , Ono of the most extensive days' shooting cvor known In this section occurred n day or two ago when n parly of four huntor.s killed nnd reoovored 840 ducks nt the lakes on Patrick Uros.1 ranch six intlos north of the city. NournHkt City I'rlmnricc. Nr.iinv KV Cfrr , Neb. , Mnroh U2. [ Special to Tnn HHR. ] The republican city primaries were hold this evening nnd the convention will bo hold on Monday , Tbo democratic primaries , will bo hold Monday nud their convention oir Tuesday. His n nettled fact that Hon. Paul Schmlnke will bo the repub lican candidate for mayor nnd Colonel Frank P. Ireland will bo the democratic choice for that ofllco. _ Fnrmorfl * Muss Con von t Inn. SrntxarieLt ) , Nob. , March 22. ( Special Telegram to Titc BEK. ! A grand mass con vention of the Farmers' Line board was hold hero today and n county organization perfected nud placml In runnjng order. Dala- gates from Cass and Saunders counties were in attendance. The board oxpeetn to have n goncrnl store nt this place within thirty days. Sfnbti' nun IlornoH Jtitrncd. CE.VTIIAI , CITY , Nob. , March 23. [ Special Tclogrnui to TUB BEE. ! This afternoon fire destroyed n stable containing n span of mules belonging to C. II. Dawlcy. Loss about f.'fOU. The ilro U supposed to hsvo been set from n spark from n Union Pacific engine. A iTcflVirHnti County I'loncor Dniul. FAiiinOnr , Neb. , March 23. [ Special Tclo- gram to THC UEE. | Ed Gage , n pioneer of iTcfTarson county , died near hero this morn- lug at the ago of seventy. Ha wns ono of the most prominent and progressive citizens of the county. GKNEHAIj SPOUI'IN'G ' NUWS. Chlunco in , Itrooklyu X > i. ST. AUOUSTIXH. Fla , March 23. ( Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ! Score : Chicago . I 1 10 030100 * 15 Brooklyn. . . .3 0 14 Errors Brooklyn 10 , Chicago 10. Base- hits Brooklyn 4 , Chicago 18. Butteries- Sullivan und Laverty , Hughes nnd Daly. The Chicagos loft for Texas tonight. Stntn From nil indications there will cortnlnly bo a state baseball league. Out of the eight cities proposed to make up the league the promoters of this enterprise have secured nix , each of which will send a delegate to represent it in the convention to bo bold nt Fremont , Nob. , on next Tuesday , March 25. This practically assures a state leaguo. Tlio M. IS. Smith Tonin. M. E. Smith & Co. hnvo rcorgauiznd their base ball club for the coming season and are now prepared to make dates with tno ama teur clubs of the city , the wholesale house clubs preferred. Address Wurd Burgess , care of M. E. Smith & Co. The pliiyars uro ns follows : W. Huruoss , J. O'Brien , E. Houlton , H. Lodor , II. Stonev , L. Conklm , W. Danigor , W. Hostwood , C. Hooper , F. Smith. The Gate City Chili. There wilt bo an important business meet ing of tbo Gale City Athletic cinb nt their Fourteenth street club rooms next Thursday oveninc. An effort will bo made to place the organization upon a firm basis und all mem bers are urgently requested to bo present. Kcndiiiir ChallcMiiros Prince. FOIIT Ov.uu , Neb. , March 21. To the Sporting Editor of Tun Bun : I issue this in the shape of a qualified challenge. In case I can got n leave ot absence , 1 will ride Jack S. Prince a bicycle race for from $1,000 to 41,500 and the gate receipts the race to bo either an eight or a twelve-hour u day , six-day race , and am ready to meet Him at Tin : HIK : ollico ns soon ns he slcmlles his intention to accept this dell , and I ascer tain that 1 can get thu uecussary leave of absence. Nun HCADINO. Although Prince HCOIIIS disinclined to enter Into a long endurance race with Heading , whom ho regards as a pupil , ho has declared thnt if Heading issued n bona Ode challenge , accompanied with a respectable forfeit de posit , ho would accept and ride him if It took every dollar ho could raise. Heading has issued the challenge unaccompanied by any deposit , but ho assured the writer that ho wns willing to post $2. > 0 the moment ho learned whether bo could obtain the neces sary leave of absence or not. Heading is iu earnest , and Prince can make up his mind to this effect. The general opinion is that Prince Is not in it , in t > uch a race as the sol dier proposes. linens. GuTTCMiiuita. March 22. Special Tele gram to THE BUB , ] Summary of today's ' races : Selling , five-eights of a mile Extra won , Wissahickoti ( colt ) second , Seatick third. Time 1:03 : . Selling , throe-fourths of n milo -Lotion won , Bennie Lass second , Pericles third. Time 1:20K- : Selling , Boven-elghtbs of a mile Ovnamlto won , Benedict second , Blessed third. Time 109. . Soiling , seven-eighths of a milo Oarsman won , Wahoo second , liola third. Time lIiS. : .Selling , ilvo-eightliB of n milo Miller won , Estorbok second , Major third. Time lOS : f. Sovcn-olKhths of n mile John Jay won , Hurwood second , Friar third. Time 1 :40j/ : . Now Orloniis Knees. S NKW OUU\NS : , La- . , March 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKE. ] Husult of today's races : Throo-fourtlis of n milo Sheridan won , Lida L. second , Jlolllo Hardy third. Time 1:1" : . ' Five-eighths of n milo Puonto won , Hoely John second , Hollevo third. Time 1:05. : One-half milu Cllquot won , Germanic second , Lexington third. Time 10 seconds. Fifteen-sixteenths of a mile King won , Billy Plnkortou second , PnUhott third. i'iine 1:33. : nnd lown , Pension-- . WASIII.VOTOX , March 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bcn.l Nebraska pensions : Jriiriiiul invalid Henry Sheldon , Geneva" ; James Walker , Crete ; William M. Irwln , Mi-Cook ; Charles O. Marcollus , Stock villo ; -'redorlck Schroeder , Button ; Carlos Bath- rick , Tccumsob. Increase HIchard B. larrls , Alda ; Samuel G. Barnes , Johns- own ; Hobort J Monngh.Bloomington ; John Jrunk , Hildrloth. Original , widows , etc. Mnncy , mother of David McUride , Hislng Jity. Iowa pensions : Original invalid .lamos Smith , Ottumwa ; William P. Crawford , Doud's Station ; Adam Epp , Marathon ; lames Morrow , TallBrand ; Samuel D. Thompson , Alnsworth ; Benjamin F. Pnrkor , Corning ; Henry F. Hopetor , Codar- jurg ; M. E. Livingston , Charles City ; Daniel D. Norton , Jnmlson , Tames H. Campbell , Boone ; Francis M. Jcrrough , Mole : Emery Garov , Grundy Centre ; Sylvauus Bascomb , Spencer ; John Van Sant , Hrlghton , Ellas Uurns , Pruirio City ; Virgil Wilmot , Humeston. Increase icnjumm Bolln. Grand Junction ; Uriah > , Short. Afton ; Jacob McCoy. Ivy GarrottW. Luke. Geneva ; Joseph Lulpurt , Curokn ; Franklin Green , Snndyvllle ; Sam uul Graper , Hartley ; Volnoy N. Brown , Wont Union : George Cooper , Mnquotetn ; Ulijah T. Knlghl , Albla. Original widows. etc. Francis McII. , widow of Valentino M. Barley , Charles City : Mary A. , wiuow of Samuel 3 , Thompson , Ainsworth ; minor ot John 'ones ' , Docorah ; minor of Houbon Ovnhood , s'ortlnvooJ , Mexican survivors Owen Ad- clns , Adol. Mexican widows Hoxannn , vldow of Jeremiah U. Hooso , Crqstou , TrniiHlnrrifii ; the Jlnpartniont. LEAVENMOIITH , Kan. , March 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEB. ] Lieutenant Charles ) odgu , aldo on General Merrill's staff , and J. W. Foster , chlof quartermaster nt Fort . .cavonwortu , loft this evening for St. Louis n select a building for the headquarters of ho Department of the Missouri. The ofllclul rdor transferring tbo headquarters 10 SI , ouls was received today , to take effect uno U. George Gascolfrno Is lying dangerously ill at his homo. B1HW Nm-tt. Hu < u > onth struct. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS Public Building Mattoru Dtsouasocl lu the Sonata. MORE APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED. Tlio Government oi'tho United State * Oituht Novcr t > lie n Ton- nut Tor tlin I'ronilscH it Oooitjilos. Henuto N , March 22. When thosnuato took up the calendar the Ilrst bill reached Was ono appropriating 100,000 for n plibllu building nt San Diego , Cnl. Mr. Sherman spoke of the appropriation ns being large fo > - n place the size of San Dlogo. If there was any special reason for n largo appropriation ho would like to know it. Ho desired to Imvo some general rule applied to mlblle buildings. Ho wanted to see n "fair divide , " nnd that some rule should bo applied by the committee In those places. Mr. Hpoonur , from the committee on. pub lic buildings , snld tlmt the bufldlni ; wus tn accommodate not only the nostonico but cus toms , internal revenue and land ollli'Ot. Tlio bill provided fornn appropriation of $ ,100,01)0 ) , whllo the supervising architect of the treas ury had recommended n $ jOJ,000. Mr. I'lutt spoke of the recent romni-kablo growth of California towns , which eastern men could hardly comprehend. Mr. Morgan spoke In thu name vein. Mr. Hearst also spoke of the Importance .of Southern California. IIo was glad thnt sovornl senators had been out to the const since the last session nnd scon for them selves the marvelous growth of those places. Hoandbls colleagues expected nnproprl i- tions tor other public buildings in California this session. They wanted u lurgo nupropri ntlon for n postofllco nt Hun Fraui-isuo , which city put up with n miserable makeshift for forty years. Mr. Uawos favored the Diego appro priation. The dubatc , hu said , hud Inla-n n wide range , nnd he wns glad that then Is oc casion for senators to consider how far thov will extend these publio buildings. Thov hnvo to go moro largely in the west und less In the cast. Ho said : "Wo uio compelled to admit that nothing so Miii7ci ; nn eastern man as to travel west and sea the immense development Ihere. The dllllcult.v with pub lic building reports is. that they go so largely on tbo Idea of partition. It is difik-nlt for the committee to loao Right of the I tic. , of partition land confine itself to the merits of the wise. " Mr. Intralls then said that there is u Moll- nite impression in the public mind that ap propriations for rucra and harbors mid pub lic buildings go by favor , nnd in various in stances large appropriations' are mudu for which there is no appa rent justification. Public attention is called repeatedly to the fact after the formal business of tbo scnMo U over the sessions hnvo been continued with fur less thnn quorums. A bill waa talwn up , road hastily und passed without reports being made und millions and millions ol ap propriations piled up uilhout miv reason given. Today's debate hud Justillou tno no tion oC the committlu on the pending bill , which , without U. would have pnuo into the before mentioned category. IIu believed that the government of the United States ought never to be a tenant for thu prum- ! iscs it occupied , but that whenever - j over there wus government oc cupation there should on government ownership. It would bo an object lesson In patriotism if In every town ami village there wns n place large or small from which the national Hag could lloat ns tin indication of the visiole presence of the majesty and power of thu irovernmput. Ho nlwuvs fa vored a liberal appropriation for public buildings , but condemned the practice that Illustrate * thu meHiaiM iwil l > jr sumo rtc'ilors to sell ottierprcpunitluiuwliiMi IIuoil s.S.irsii' pnrllln It cnlleil for Tint mibMliulo | JIT.IIHI | , : < HH iuillu 4 thiui IluoilV , nml thcrofuro l > uy u liiriur profit Ilior urn tMtlicr nmilc lijr tlio ilealorn tlicm- eclvcs , or trlmt uro notoriously known nmotiK the trmlo ns "non-secrets. " Tliess "non-secrets bear Iho naiin-sof llm ilonler . but are really not muuo by them. The belter clusnf nunlho cnrlcs liinunin'n uvolilcU tlu' i > uools. uinl , furlu- luitcly fur thu publlr , they nro nipullr puislnRlnlo Kcnoral dlsraputc , 'Jhu J ulluwltiK Aruiuncnts , U oJ lijr ilenlrrt who try to Uki < I oflho lOKlllimiteclcnmiiil whlih It * lui'rll anil ll ml- vprllklni. Uitvo riealfil fur lloait'a startuparlllaaro ivurtboxumlnlnx. < Our Own Malic" I'rovos nollilnit ni to niorlt , n id morelnilmlti Imita tion. Do not to dcceltoil ' liyicli fllmy urjuiucnt. Iiiilst upon having lloo'j's Snriuparllla. "Twice as Bis" Doci not dcmonttrato nnr economy , for tliolarucr tlio quantity the wcnkur the iuv < llclnu , nnd Ihu Hrt'utiT the doio. hoo4' huriupnrllltt l the mo t hluhly concentrated anil thcreforu Iho mutt economi cal medicine to bur. U li Iho only preparation nt which can truly to ald " 109 I OSK1 OXK Inn Mil , " and orcrjr bottle ot Hood's ? at 4i | rallla li a fulr equivalent lor a Jollar. "Itcfuml Your Jtruiiuy" ThUiiromliolJ merely trlfllnz nlth the feollninof customers , Tim dealer knows you will not return a bottle of medicine , nnd demand lha price p ld. The best way Is In thotlrst pluro to ln l t upon burin * Hood's Bannparllln , which you know you will not > vnt to return. had grown up of extravagance nnd costli ness In them. At t no close of the disciinsloii the bill passed. Mr. Hlrvlr Introducoii another educational bill. Referred. A bill passed to establish n post of de livery nt Slnux ( Jity. Adjourned , llnunr. WASIIIXOTOX , March &X tn Uio house to day petitions were presented nnd roforre.l ns follows : From the Chicago wholoinlo hoe nnd leather : maclntlon , roinoastr.itiu against the Imposition of u duty upjn hides ; from the farmers' uxuh ingo of Mo nphli up- | HJ9ing n tax on compound lard , nnd ono from cltlrnna of Columbus , O , , ag.iiuu a m iterill change In the Immigration nnd u.ilur.ilU i-- tlon lawn. A bill was passed authorizing tlio sccrotar.\ ot the Interior to negotiate for the sate tc the United States of the western pir' flf tin Crow Indian reservation In Muntani. In the morning hour , en motion of Mr. I'nvson of Illinois , tlio bill was prwi'd ro- penllng the timber culture luw. At 2 o'oltu-It public huslnosi w.issimpondo.l und thiMiousn pvocco.lcd to the consideration of the ivsolu- tioiH rol'itlvo ' to the dcntli of K .1. ( ! al.itu member from LtmUl.m.i. Address"- * were dull vuroj by various nnm- burs in eulogy of the late roprujonl Hv * . nftnr which. I\M uti ndditimnt J of re spect , Uiu house iuijournud. IMKI ) IN , I\H. . Clnlun Auotlir ; A" ntlin In the ( ' ( tsniMifil. II. .Noi'lrs. Ji H. Neclcs , n mechanic , nboul tlilrtv years of ago , cimo to Hits city same ten Unvi njfo from Albany , Mo. , sot on n 1 > U spree , was arrested Friday nluht by Olm-or Mitch ell , and Buffered several hours : ifkr bt'lnp locked up with the worst borror.s of delirium trotnt'iis. Yustcrdny nftoniooti scr.t to the county j ill. I .ml nluht about 8 o'clock ho nsko.l for modicmo , n d it win irlvoa to liltn , nftor uhkh ho wont to the water eloiut. A fcwmintitiM later another prisoner vuiti-d thuclosrt nnd found the poor follow lying dnail upon the floor His death roHtiltul from iliu fearful amount of whmkv ho had drunk. S ) far us coul-1 Do learned list iiirht ! ho iind no relatives In Omalm. Tlio bndv was tnlcun to Hoafity it llcnroy'a undertaking establishment. A Klnmnnn N oil tl 1'ioperty owners and citizens goner illy du. inaml th it n llaiman should Immcduiti-l.v lie iilnccd ut the railroad crossiiiir on Locust street near tnu bridge to Kast Omaha. Tliroj ro.ids the Missouri Pauillo , tha Frumont .t ElUlioi'n and the St. I'nulcnm in-rc , and the danger is saiil tu bo very great , particularly along toward ovcn- Inc. There have Icon a largo number of hairbreadth CSIMIHS from instant death , anil as the travel nt that point is liicioiibing very rapidly , the danger is iJIso inr.vasinir A flagman Is Iropt at the Nicholas Mroot crossing , which i * u loss diingcrouj one than Locust street. GHKDONIl-i-tr.ll.i ; { ) Gordonior , Mir-h ' , ' 1 , lij'D , wile of .1. K. Gordonier. A husband nnd three children losing a loving wiiuiind mother. Funeral will take placj Sunday at 'J p. in. from thu resldcnco , "M\ \ South Twriiiiuth street , Uev. Charles Siiviwo oniciiit.n . II or ( in's K\ainlnutt in. The examination of SVosley .Ilnrinn , win is chnrired by William O. Lestur with ob taining goods under fnlbc pretitisos , was commenced yesterday nfturnoon before , Iudgu Holsloy , and continued to Tuusdau Rii ticulur * of the ciist ! wuro given at tntt time of Horton's nrroU , tun days 1150 Ctmrlua I'hillips was arrested last inifnt on the L'hureo of t.ikmir two gold rings from Amelia Ammon , out at Hill's road hmiiu. "If Yon Jtun't LUic Oni'H , ice irtn llrfnuil "We're Out nf /llHIll'H. OlII'H , H'O 'Xo ' , Thank You , < K'CIICIIICII ( | , f waul OIOOWS harMinarilla , for fl know that IH HID lies ! " Hnmctliiiai.iiloMlurwIII inylioli "Out of HJoodV If ho thinks ttiociMtoinur will notifo tn nnothpr ntoro Kilniy what H wiiuteil. Tlien ho prrtcci-ili tiilllnu | of his tliu "noiiecrql" - upon thovuluo ownur - | iroi- | nrjllon , mill If ho fulU to sell It , n III discover n bailie of llooil s harfnimrtlln on liiiml. "AH < ' < > < > ll 1IH aTiixuxthlt Is tn aitinlt that the stamlarj nnil piinoisot nupi-rlor mi-rlt. 'Ihu ful-l'y of the claim H nl o iiimro | | > it. UucHl'a Hann- | inrlll l9 Iho ruiult nf Ionic experiment , ftuilr nnil ruiriirrli by llinrauihlr | i-ilucali-U | ihnrmui > lsts , and It li | iniu | sllilo for thu nvi'rauo ilruunUt lu L-iiulU | In merit or uunitlvq i > uwcr. IlooU't Bitriit n pri'imreil liy it I'fcCUMAU OosllilVATlliv riioi-iilillov Mi riioCKNi , luconi > v < | uunc nr which It oiri'fli rvmurknbla tnrt's whcro other prupurittl9n ( nil. nil.Wo Wo do not Ulnniounrmi > for trjlntt , Inn lovlllmato m.mncr. lo pusli mi tiunett bu lnu5i. Hut wu sutinilt tliut olTorl llku tliouburo lo tnulii upon Iho reputa tion of llooa'n HiiriapaiLlln , 'unit lo forio lufc'tlor urlldui upon tliti inibllt- l not lioneJt.uiulouulH not lt > lie ( ouiituiiiinceil tijr huncU people , All \Vo Afllc I > this If rou ilreldo , from what you Imvo licarJ or ri'n'lof ' tUu muilu ot HooU's Hur n | anllii unil Ihu Kiioil lilmsiloijo other * , thnt jrou will trjr It.itii nut lu liiituouil ID tnko onjtlilnu clig. Insist upon Imvlutf Hood's Snrs pu'llla , 'J III ) KprlllR lUsMlolnc. It li unqiicitlonnblf the bestblooil pnrlflor before tha people. It curemcrofulu , salt rliouni , and all other humors , ilyipepila , blllouaiiOM , sick hcailach * . | t orcrcouics that tired frellnK , cre ud makes the weak strong. oe oure to < uet riooa s W Parsuparllla. PoM t > r ill driuitlili. Ill ' * 'or 15 I Har niirllla. SoM by all druiiuUm. Hi six lor tl Trcparcd by C. I. HOOD ft CO. , J/jwoll , la i. I I'rcpareU bjr C. I. IIHI ( ) * tX ) . , Ixjncll , Mais. 1OO I > oaoh Ono Dollar j 10O I o e Ono Dullur