THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNPAffi MARCH 23 , 180Q.-SIXTKlfly PAUiSH. 15 1IONEV RATES ARE SFEADY , Local Bankers tloport an Aotlvo Demand for Frimo Fapor. LOAN FUNDS ACCUMULATING. An bncxpcotcil Itut Welcome IJrUk- liens In Sprint : TrftttoVithCol - lections Fairly Knny nnil .Failure * Few. llc.siinio. 1'ho money market shows no appreciable change and rates nro steady at 8 per cent for prime mercantile paper with n good sur plus of loanable funds accumulating. Thcra is simply n fair demand , If anything lighter than usual from regular customers at the banks , and collections nro reported ns easy. The jobbing district is busy nnd spring trade is setting in with an unexpected brUkuus , especially In dry goods , boots , shoes , gro ceries nnd hardware , whllo paint nnd oil nnd other dealers In building and finishing ma terial say traao Is good nnd prospects for an nctlvo nnd largo spring business nro excel lent. Failures have been few nnd not largo in amounts involved ana this has agreeably nurprlscd credit men , who rather anticipated n season of hard work in looking after do- llnijucnts who have not materialized , and as thn crucial period contained In the llrst thrco mouths of the year has passed In so satis factory a manner that contentment is ex pressed nt the results obtamcd nnd con- lldenco confirmed in the stability nud finan cial strength of the merchants In this terri tory. indications are that tbo trade of the year will bo heavy throughout NubrasUa and con tiguous territory whcro crops nro reliable , nnd that Omaha will not only retain her old friends but gnin many now ones. Ono hears many complaints from traveling salesmen that Kansas City nnd St. Joseph nro dull and orders few from merchants ttiero , but our merchants seem to have moro fault to llnd because of the delay In getting goods than because of the diflleutty in solllug them. Prices of staples nrnubouttho name as last week. The market for dried fruits of all Idnds Is firm nt the recent advance nud the demand Is brisk. Sugar and cofTeo nro steady and strong nt quotations and it is thought that the trust will leave suu-ar as it Is till congress gets through tinkering with tbo tariff , when ( perhaps It will boost sweet ness once more. There Is n fair demand for ini'lIslufTs , and the lluxseed market is steady though dull. Local produce has shown moro activity and there is a good market for choice buttor.'andn brisk demand for cheese , which continues to show an advancing ten dency. Poultry is selling well with a strong call for young turkoyx , and choice stock of nil kinds Is wanted. In hides , 'tal low , grcaso , hay and old vegetables there are no quotable changes. Heports as to the condition of winter wheat in Illinois , Indiana. Kentucky , Missouri nud Tonnosaco arc conflicting , but the best authorities seem to incline to the belief that the crop has not been Hcrkmsly injured. The Shipping List says of the raw sugar murkct : The situation has undercone scarcely any change since the early part of the wcc'lc , nnd the market has ruled llrm but quiet , values being fully maintained , nnd , in fact , the lim- itud'oficringa of cane micar on the spot , ns well at In tho-urinclpal West India islands , /together with the dlfllculty of buying any "fjUAiitity except at higher prices than have yet uceti paid , appears to induce refiners to turn their attention to beet , whcro they have been enabled to buy pretty freely without disturbing values , and largo purchases are reported lo have been mndu for prompt and this month's shipment on the basis of 12s lid ( < t.W * 7J < fd cost nnd freight for firsts and 10s C > dius ' 7 d for after nroducts. Further offerings were available .yesterday on the > of those quotations , but there Is said to bo less disposition to buy. ns current require ments have been provided for. Largo speculative transactions are saldto : have taken place in Cuba , and the bull ; of tha available supply there Is holu ut very much higher' prices , certainly o higher than could bo obtained hero at present , while in the Lessor Antilles holders' views nro fully HO tibovo tills market. In addition to the straggling cargoes that refiners piek up ns they arrive here , they linvo been in tuo receipt of lame supplies by direct Importa tion , nnd consequently there is no uneasiness respecting the immediate future. Thu quotations for rollncd > sugars when exported , loss drawbacks , arc : Cut Loaf . 7 } 100 Ui.$4 SI @ Cubes . , . . -10i ( M 12 Crushed . 4 81 (4 Powdered . 400 ( BM 13 Granulated . il 83 ( jfi Louisiana Crop "Tho Louisiana Planter nnd Sugar Manufacturer" says that not withstanding the freezes on March 1 , 2 nud ! ) , which cut off the top growth of the canes , the prospects nro as good ns at the name date In 1347 , which was an exceptional good year (2s",15S ( hhds 159,001 tons , 2,2-10 Iti each ) . Hoot Crop Mr. Licht,9 estimate is now 8,550,030 tons , against 2,7S5,41I tons last sou- not ) , which estimate Is probably near the llnalresult. . Ho now estimates an Increased cultivation for the next crop in ail producing' countries , as the result of the last campaign has been so satisfactory to producers. There remained for export on February 1 , ISC'O , In Germany and Austria , bSO,000 tons , against 410,000 tons at thu same time last yoar. This great increase would bo considered serious , were it uot-for the rapid increase of con- Humptlon in nil Europe nnd America , and the fact' that tha surplus stocks arc held in beet countries ulono. Stock .111 the united kingdom has decreased 21,000 tons the beginning of the year ; nud the United States nro virtually without any supply of sugar except cuch as arrives froui week to week. OMAHA' ljlV13 STOCK. Cat He. Saturday , March 'J2. Kstlmatod receipts of cattle 2,4'JO , com pared with l,4i ; | yesterday and 1,053 last Saturday , The receipts of the week were 11 , Ml. compared with 14,103 last wool : , u fallIng - Ing off of 2n77. The steer market opened nlow and lifulens with n weak tendency. liuyuru neamod disposed early in thu morning to bear t'au market , but oilers were not disposed to weaken and thu result was that whut few sales that wera imulo were unchanged from yesterday's prices. Soon after mliUla.rtho market , be came animated , everything changing hands ut steady prices , closing nctlvo nnd llrm. ( Julio n number of miles were nindu ranging from W.OO to 81,33. Only about fif teen loads of cows wore an market. Thu limited supply and thu good demand caused thum nil tu bo picked up early at steady prices. Tha quality of the cow stoelt was only fair. The market was well supplied wltn bull * , so mu very Una ones vrciL'hlng 2,100 iwunds sold at i.2. > (33-tO. ( Stackers and foodori continue autlvu and llrm , tha host grades of feeders selling read ily at M0 ; ( ( t5. Estimated receipts of hoes IMHK ) , com pared with it.l ID yesterday aud : itVHl , : last Sat urday. Tha receipt * of hogs for thu week have boon ljl.s.11 compared with IT.Ul'J the previous week , u gain ot DUli The hog market' o tie tied steady nt yesterday's prices. Alt were sold by midday , the top being ftl.ltt , the samu ns yos- day. Light hops were rather lower and heavy hogs rathernfronyor. . The avorngo price today was { 11.01 Kstimatctl receipts of iheop 1,4'.VJ , com * imrud with lXH ( yottorday ami &MI last Sat urday The receipts ror tno woolt were 4,117 , compared wltu 0.illII last week , u fall ing off of l.hVHJ. smuo Utah ewe , Nebraska curn-fod told at tl.llX I'rovnllluit I'rloon. The following I * a Ubloot prlooi pu | In this markol for lha gr.ijoi of stuck moil- ttonod i Prime teor . 1300 to UVJO Ib . .f 1.S5 Uooditoon , liVHoH.V ) Its. , HU ( loiKl itocrs , 1U5U ta 1UOO tti * . . . : U.I Common 1000 to 1150 m tteori. U.VO . Onlmury to fulr oaw . . UK ) l-'alr to KOOU cow * . . . . . l.wi Good to choice oaw . . . . . . . U.30 C'noic * to fancy cow * . . . , , . 3.M Jr'mr to gxxid bulls . 1.7S Choice to fanev bulls . 2.6'j Light. stookers and fi-oders. . . . 2.51 o $ 3.15 Fcodom. O.Vto 1100 tti . 2.00 @ Fntrtocholco tlht boss. . . . . . 3.IX ) Fnlrtochoica heavy hogs . Fair to cholco mixed hogs . nnil Iiuwost Male * ol Hogs. loday. Yesterday. Highest . tt.0. ; Highest . 5.95 Lowest . H.ti' 4 LovrciV . . 3.S5 ' Stock ItcoolptR. Oniclal yesterday. Estimated Today. Cattle , ( VI cars. . 1,431 Cattle , 11(1 ( cars. . 2.400 Hogs , lo caw. . . 3.140 Hogs , 40 cars . . .2,000 Sheep , 7 car. . . . 1,001 Shoeop , 8 cars. . . 1,423 Horsei , 1 cnrs. , r > 7 llsllHltlOII Ol MtOOlC Showing thn number of cattle , hogs nnd ahcop bought by the packers and leading buyers on to-day's marKPti CATTLE. liuyora. No. Swift A Co 1)35 ) Gcorgo H. Hammond it Co , . 201 The Armour-Cudahv Packing company. 122 Lee Ilothschlld i. . . . . 234 Hamilton & Stevens . . . . . . ; . , ' . . ' 13 licnton ft Underwood 109 N. Morns < 100 Shippers and Feeders , 030 Becker & Ucgan . ' . . . . . . . . . 51 CranuiSc Van X.ant U3 IIOOS. Armour-Cudnhy Packing company.- . 972 Omaha Packing Co Oo ; > Swlitit Co . .i 378 George H , Hammond & Co. . . . . Mi Heirs yesterday averaged 253 pounds nnd 07 to the car. SlIEHt * . Armour-Cudahy Packhip company 81 Ocorgo H. Hammond Packing company. 314 Hankmuian 85 For thn Wcc ! { . Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd sheep bought by thu packer * and loading buyers for the week ending Saturday , March 22 , 1890 ; C.ITTM5. Buyers . No. Swift ft Co 3,833 George H. Hammond & CQ 1350 The Armour-Cudnhy Packing company 1,0153 Omaha Packing company 120 Shippers and feeders 0,355 noos. The Armour-Cudahy Packing compnny.10,291 Omaha Packing company 4,370 Swift & Co 2,331 George II. Hammond Packing company. 2'J01 , SIIUEI1. Swift & Company 404 Armour Cudahy Packing company. . . . . 201 G. H. Hammond Packing company. . . . 405 Hoguo Packing company 170 .Haiiklnman . , 85. ' of Prices The following table shows the ranjo of prices paid for hogs : Light and medium hogs . $3 90 (3 $ 95 Good to cholco mixed hogs . . . 3 85 Mil OJ > . ; Good to choice , heavy hogs. , . 3 85 ( e$3 90 Hun 30 cif I'ricus5hcui ) . The following table shows the range of prices paid for sheep : Prime fat sheep . $440 ( aft 60 Good ftit snoop . 3 5'J ' idl O'J ' Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 03 ( uj : ! 75 Lambs . 4 00 ( $ $ 00 Avoroge Ctut ot The following table RIVOJ the nvornso cost ofhoRsontho dates meationod , mcludin ? the cost today , as nased upon sales reported : Date. Price. Date. Price. Mnrch 1 $3 75 March 18 3.37 , ' Mnrch 8 8 70 } March 14 3 91J/ March 4 8 77 March 15 3 07i < March 5 8 71 % Mnrch 17 8 03 March 0 3 \ % March IS 8 SS March 7 8 72 March 10 3 March 3 8 78,5 March 20 8 March 10 8 7 ! > March 21 3 81 March 11 3 81 March 2i 3 03 March 12..C. . 3 83 I'nqi ; of Showing the uverags pries piU for loads ofhogson the days indicit JI in B3T , 13J3 , 18S9 and 1893 : ConiDiirntive The followini ; tables show the range In prices on hog.4 diirinir thi ? ami last week : Snlci. On ttio Oliirkut With Hlmop. White , Sons & Co. , Minden ; E. F. nnd A. Oswald , Wood Itlvor ; Ell Campbell , Shelton ton , - On tlin Market "With Hogs. J. U. Hurkholdcr , Woodbine. la. ; John Krickson , Swndeburg ; H. E. Roberts , Ar lington ; Coroll Bros. & Co. , J. L. Packard , Creighton ; John Thill , Ainsworthj William Lister , Hay Springs ; H. Cook , Underwood , In. ; J. J. Uoherty. Dunlap , la. ; J. Hastlo. Elmwood ; Miller &Co. , Uradshaw ; Harris & U , Central City ; T. Foley , Jr. , &Co. . Grcoley Center ; Hake it Brass , Mason ; A T.Nichols , Hazard ; Kendall & G. , Erlukson : Fisher & S. , Prague , H. Ulumer , Chnlco ; C. F. Way , Ord ; I. Grlflln. Scotia ; N. Watts & Co. . Grand Island ; Guild & Christy , Wilbor ; J. S. Iman , Osccola ; Clarlt , H. & . Co. , Wcston ; Sangstor &li. , Stuart ; JohnNollor , Ucotii6r ; J. G. Mnlhorson & Co. , Pilgor ; Fulloi * , S. & , F. , Lindsay ; A. D. McDonald , Dwlght ; Phillips & I , Island ; Chambers & 13. , Her man ; Homlr.v & D. , Oconee ; Sackott' & H.i Cedar Hapids ; Humphroy & A. , Belgrade : F. M. fanckett , Boone ; W. T. Kickloy ; Col umbus ; Monk it Anderson , BInnchard , la. On thn Mnrlcct With Cnttlp. . Gus Varncs , Hodcn & 7 , Missouri Valley , la. ; Withnoll & L , Crescent , la. ; Phil E. McDonald. J. lioyer , Craig ; A. C. Ains worth , George Golston , Washington ; N. Uothchilu , Plain view ; W. F. Bodloy , Scribncr ; Patrick Brothers. Nickorson ; S. C. Gregory , James , Cummins. Elscr & H , Talmagc ; J. Hasttu , Elmwood nnd Brok ; Harris it B. Hancock , In. ; J. J. Doherty , Dunlap. la. ; E. W. Shel don. Council UlulTs , In. ; H. G , Rhodes , Howe ; E. U. Marselus , York ; A. J. Adams , Miller &i Co. . Hradshaw ; Kooney & Co. , Brav- ton : N , Watts & Co. , Cairo : A. W. iJownoy , Aurora ; E. T. Edwards , W. T. Edwards. Syracuse ; J. H. Dickson , Bennett ; A. Lav- orty. Ashbmd : Harris & M. . Central City ; I. Griniu , St. Paul ; C. F. Way. Ord ; P. M. \Volfor , Eudicott ; B. J. Morris. Western ; Hobloman & P. , DaWitt ; Gund & Christy. Wilbcr ; Perry & Mllens , Wnhoo" ; C. J. Furor , Falrflold ; T. J. Caffeo , Sioux- City , In. J John F. iCesslor , Lyons ; J. F. Register. J. P. Mordon. ,1. W. Latin , B. F. 'Bdau' , W.M. . White , Tckamah ; Chambers & B. , Herman ; F. W. Cumtnings , Humphreys iS ; A , Belgrade - grade ; R. Standen. Columbus ; J. S. Iman , Silver Creek and Claries ; Merriclt Co. Bank , Clarks ; Faulkner & S. , Rouurs ; J. M..Abra- hum , Mercer ; .1. A. Qulnu , Elkhora ; J. M. Emaritio , Council BlufTs , la. ; C. L. Newman , A. J. Woarin , Silver City : W. E. Bryson , Adams ; W. E. McClouu. Holdrago ; Haukia Brothers , Cambridge ; Jackson & U. , El- wood ; William Grossbaus , John Ketch , J. J. Niblock , Suttour A. Cruickshnnk , Crete ; H. Blumor , Chalco ; T.J.Taylor , Shelton ; Brett & J. , Woou River ; People's state bank , Gothenburg ; Alfred Flint. Qyorton ; J. C. Goodcll , Buda ; Adamson &Ford , Loup City. To the Trnvcllnc Public. The great Uock Island route ' vidoil every convonlctice and comfort for its passengers fjoinpr cast ever its main lino. Its solid vestibule express trains , which leave daily for Dos Monies , Davenport , Rock Island aud Chicago , are the finest in the world. They consist of now and elegant day coaches , dinincr cars , Pullman piUtico stooping cars and free reclining chair cat-A , superbly appointed and fitted up with all the modern iinurorn- monts thatconduco to safe and luxurious travel. Junctional and terminal con nections are nuulo in union depots and at Chicago with fast limited vestibule express trains for all points east. In addition to this magnificent train , two express and mail trains leave Omaha daily , carrying sleepers and dining cars. Further information as to routes , rates , time , berths , etc. , call on or ad dress J. L. DoOovoiso , 1303 Farnam street , Omaha , Noh. Telephone 78:1. : K. ST. JoiiN1 , .Ixo. SKHASTIAN- , General Manager , G. T. & * . A. , Chicago. Chicago. The "VVny They Clinnuoil. The Chicngo Sc Northwestern liavo changed lime. This is the way their trains run : The morning passenger loaves Omaha Union 1'iicillo depot at I ) : 15 every morn ing bamo as usual. The limited loaves daily at1:30 : p m. and arrives at Chicago 8 o'clock next morning. It is the same popular , elegantly - gantly equipped train , vostlbuled , chair car , diner and new nloopors , direct from Omaha , and in addition now car ries it Htiporb sloe-pur for Omaha , passen gers oxclnslvoly. Omaha patrons are appreciating tills. The Fast Eastern Mail loaves Omaha at 11:15 : p. in. dally after hiisincss hours. Arrives at Chicago 1:115 : next afternoon. Makes good oloso connections with limited custom trains on all lines , or gives pnfiiHiiigurij the afternoon in Chi cago. Northwestern dining cars nnd iimf sleepers on this train , I'aiuongors for points where "Mm- itml" and "Eastern Mall" trains don't stop take the night express at 0:16 : p , m. daily except Saturday. lingL'ago chocked from residence * . G. T.VKf5T , H. II. IUTCIHK , City I'asa. Agt. Gun , Agt. City olllce 1 101 Fiinuxm st. Telephone - phone 601 , _ Cnllfurnln I'ulluiiui tourist hluopitig car oxoiir- tn ( . 'allfornia and i'acltlo const leave Chicaso uvory Tliimilny , iH I'lty every Friday via the Simla Fo route. Ticket rate from Chluairo $17,50 , from KaiiHiia C'lty t i , nlooplng car rate from Chicago tl per double , Itortli , from Kaiisn C'lty 13 pur double berth , Everything furnished except nidiilH , Tliuio exournlons are porium * iillyeotidnclod hyox | > erlencad oxouralon mniiiigcrs who accompany pnrtlud to ilostlnntton. For uxoumlon ( older con * talnlng full particular * ami map folder and time tahlu of tha Santa Fo route nnd reserving of Blooplng car borttiu , addremi H. M. tgoo < l , gononvl a ont , K. L. I'almor , traveling ti-'ont , Ai T. A : H. F , railroad. 1UIM Farnam btrout , Oniaiiu , THE SPECULATlf MARKETS , Wheat Tame Durlns the Qroator Part ot th < rilaB3ton. mi MODERATE TRACING IN CORN. Or\tn Qulat null Without Important Feature Ijnrd null"hort Klbs tlio Features In lrnvl liiiii Cut- tlo nnil Ifojji. 1 i ? CHICAGO 1'UOUUCB MAUICKT3. CHICAGO , March 23 , | Special Toloarnm to TIIK HEE. ] The wheat market during the greater part of the session was tumo , com pared with the previous days. Owing to the weakness on-tho curb the opening wns off n fraction nt SOJfo for"May , nnd nftor touching 3 the price want quickly up to the highest fleuro on the ndvnnco. There was an easier feeling , with the price holding around 81c nt noon. Juno Bold nt SOtfc to 80J c , to 60 , o ht the same tlmo ; July 78.VC , to 78JsC , to 7318 ( < 73t < e. Now York bought wheat hero on expert clear ances there of 290,000 bushels nnd the prospect of other wheat al ready loaded moving out. Outsldo orders were mostly on the buying sldo. The local crowd ciimo m and bought early , then sold out nud looked for a break before ) the closo. Kcntuclcy dispatches contained most bullish crop nows. The weather had a bear ish ofTcct. During the last hour wheat was moro active than at any tlmo early. The crowd sold out quite freely after 18 o'clock nnd Mny wont off to 80 4'c. There was a third rally to Slj c , but as generally antici pated , .tho close was weak. Hutchlnson wired tit. Louis half nn hour before the close that ho thought the market would sell off. This brouaht tolling orders from that city. Tbo soiling tnen became - came general nnd liutcluuson encouraged it so that hu might hava his put and calls of last night put-to him. Mny touched $ OH@ SO fc for n few trades nnd closed nt bu ) e. March was nominal at 80c , Juno at SUj o and July at 78c bid. Corn was traded In to n moderate extent and the undertone was heavy , but the mar- hot hold up moderately well , duo almost en- > tlroly to the strength in wheat , The largo receipts , both present nnd prospective , had a 'tendency to increase the offerings nnd re ceivers sold quite freely of May , whllo the demand was limited and scattered. There were n few buying orders on the market for May at 29J e. Now York was easy nud Lyons steady , with cables unchanged. The speculative market opened at about the clos ing oriccs of yesterday , was steady for n ttuie , then declined } { c , became Inactive and closed ® } { lower than yesterday. Cash property was in moderate request , offerings fair nnd prices 'frt't'.fc lower nnd closed easy. No 2 wns In moderate demand and sold at 23K@23Jfc , tno outside for special location , nnd closed at 23J c bid. No. 2 yellow sold nt 3S c@39c , the outsUe'prico for special lo cation and closed atSJ c. No. 2 white sold atlie. . No. 3 sold nt 2 ? spot and to arrive nt 27e and closed utTj4'c ! , depending on lo cation. No. 3 yellow soid at 2Sc nnd closed at 23c. J ( Oats were quiet nnd without important features , uricu changeai&c'iiig small and the closing sales were uboui ho same as on yes terday The demand foV'curlots In store was moderate. No. 2 sold utttMfc. No. 2 white for "May sold ut 23 @ . ' | ; iaC. The principal busmoasjn provisions today was it ) lard nnd short rio's. This was in the nature of covering shorts , with Pardndgo the loading buyer. I'rlco ? were advanced some , but when the sWorts stopped buying prices went back last night's figures. Pork moved with the other products. The principal trading in pork was the selling by Cudahy. May pork ffifild at $10.47 , to $10.571. ; , to S10.42K , tohji:6.47K | : at the closo. Lard for May wont from 50.18X to (0.30 , then off ta $10.12 } und tt iamd ! stonily around $0.15. .Short ribs sold Mt'JS.lO , to ' 5. 5.15 , too.10. ' ' V CHICAGO iaVE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 22. ( Special Telegram to TUB HEE.J CArrr.K Thefow cattle on the market were disposed of nt an early hour and the general market closed steady. Choice to cxtiyf beovea , $ l.505.00 ; medium to good steers , 1,850 to 1,500 Ibs , ? 3.80@4.40 ; 1,300 to 1,1150 Ibs , ? 3.-)0@4,10 ; 050 to 1,200 Ibs , Hoes Hogs WTO in good demand and n shade stronger on prime heavy , but only steady on mixed and packers , while light mixed and assorted light sold rather easier than otherwise. Packers paid f4.0U@l.7Hi , Inrccly $ U2) ( &J.15 , and shippers $ I.17J . @ 4.2TK , largely $1.20@4.25. Ono car-load ot fancy heavy was bought for Sperry & Uaruos at S1.30. < There was little or nn de mand for light sorts , wl h ? l.80 the ruling price. FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , March 22. ( Special Telegram to TUB UEE. I STOCKS The stock market started slow this morning. Transactions during the first hour were the smallest for months. There was no animation an.ywhoro except In Sugar , and while the same steady , Arm tone prevailed movements In prices wnro scarcely perceptible. The opening prices were either unchanged from last night's figures or but slight fniar tious different and in a few slocks did prices got moro than l { per cent nway from thnin. Sugar declined from ( VJ > to OSJf , a loss of 1 per cant from last night's price , but later rocovoro.l the loss. There was no other movement beyond n , recovery in Louisville , Now Albany & Chicago from 3l ! to 40. The bank statement shortly before noon had n reassuring effect , but there was no impartnnt change In prices Tunncsseo Coal wont to 57 and back to CO , Kock Island was the most buoyant of Urn Grangers. On the whole the market closed with little interest. The total sales of stocks for the half day were but 41,000 shares. The folio wing wore the closing quotations : IJ. S. 4s rezuUr. liPi'Noi'thorn I'aclUo. . ! 'i ' U.8. 4s coupons . .r.1' 'donraferrea . V- . . UWiU. it N. W . Ill II. H.4Vi * coupon * .hHli dopmrcrrod . HI I'aclflclUor'JJ . . . .1 10 IN.V.OtJiitrnl . K ! Ontral I'noltlo. . . lliiUI > . &K . ) . . .13) jllnciclxlnnd Chtcairollurlln tun U1..M. & Ht.P & 'Juinnv ' IJ'4 _ dqiir ferr d . . „ llfinoiiOontril. . . ' .Ill ' " l.nXoShorn . . . „ . 107 MiUrofirnil. | , , Michigan Central ft 'osturti UnUm. . MoMijr Kttjy ; no 1 I'liiMU MKIUHNIILB cent. Bmm.tvn Ktciuvoit Uull but stonily ; utty- day bills , f l.i& HUpninnd , JI.WJv .Ml n i nn ' NHW YOIIK , M.iroli 35fHuoohl Tolo < toTiiit II .I flu f.ilij.vtnj ur.i tin ) tain * _ . Kuotation | i fff Allfo . , .UK Kit . . . , ' . * < ( ) Caltfddlllu. lilt . .IK ) IMIIaliM .110 ( 'oniitoclt.T. icrpjuu ) < ) iil rlii Hi il ( x l , T . .1.1) Ophlr KI CrtiKi. . . . IO II' ' ) I'riulnnJ . , , .110 HoiiiaiUke . . , TIU ) Horn Hllrsr . * iil fen Iron Hllrer . . . ! < * > .M.VItlCKt'4 , CniOAtin. .NUrali 31. 1:13 : u , m , clou ) VVhunt-owori [ .Maroli , 80o ; May , Ua. wCurn-UUrhur ! Moron , ih 4 ; May , Ml/fc O U-Kloadyi Mtrob. Xll(0 | Iu > , 5lK - Kyo March. IJt < t > . lUrlar Nothing dolor , l'nmo'riiiioltty-l.lB. - $ . . Klat-Culi , (1.41 \Vhltky-II.O-J. I'ork-Ht Jy. M roh , lltLMtfi May , ' l. rdKt Jyt M r h , HIO ; M y , 10 IS I'loiirlirm. . winter wn t , W.IAWI..U ; 10 -Shoulder * . tl.33i ( l.40 | short clear , | .f.4V ( < { 3.riO | horl rlbi , Mnrch , .V07' ' > . crcninory , lf > C 2 < ot dniry. Ottoo o l-'lriui full cream cheddar * . 10 KitRn-KIrm : froth , Illdo4 Hlondvj heavy nnd lltfht mvlted , 4H''M"ioi ( anltod bull. Wfo ; suited i-nlf , r.i uidry Hint , 0 < 7o ( dry nultod hiiloK , duj dry culf , fl ( > { 0iitiloncoti * , SOo citrh. Tixliow HtonJy : No. 1 nolid pnckod,3ui No. 2,3 , 0 ; cnko , 4o. Itccolnt * . Klilpni'tn. Flour . . . 10.0UO U.mHl Whritt . , . IMOUI ( v 3I.MIO Coru . 3.V1.IXX ) IOO.IKX1 Oats. . . . . IOO.IKX ) 191,000 Now VorK , March 2J. Wheat HocolpH , 2JOOObu hol ; oxportH , 39000i t)0t ) llrinor ; No. 2 rod , 8uH Mlia ( In clovAtor , W nj Oofcnlloafoy 0ljfor. o b. ; option * Irregu lar , No. 3 rod , Mnroh , closing nt Wi' ' e. ( JortiKccelpU , 27iXX ) Inmliol * ; uxunrt * , 40,400 Imsliolv. Rpotinn ; No , ' ) , 37u In clovutor , : i7'9Caso { nlloat ; unurndotl mixed , U2v(30Kc ( ; options wciilter ; March : m'e. , O.iU Hecolpt , 100,01X1 btithoUi oxporU , 172.MO buahola ; npot llrmer ; Nn. 3 white , 32TiJ33 < s : mixed weiturn. 37k(33IK" ( ! wlnto do , 80ij33o ( ; optlonti llrm ; Aiitroh uloilng nt 20c. Coffee Options closed steady nt 10'ieW points up. Snlos : 'i'Kl ( ImRs ; Mnrch , ? 17.85 , May , ? 17\I ; spot Hlo stondyi fnir ; -Kiuv , No. rcilnod ; toivor. I'otroloum United cloned , April. S7o , EifBS Steady ; wentorn , 1I ( ' 4MK > - ' * I'orlc Steady j now incus , ( U.riO@il3.00. Lard Advanced 3 or 4 points ; western Btunii ) , fG. ! > P. lluttor Active ; western dairy. Il@l9c ; creamery , l.'l as c ; Klifln , 20'27c. ' ( Oheoso Firm ; western , 10Ql3o. Kt. liiiulN. March 2i Wnoat Lower ; cash , 771i ; < 1 ; MuV , T7Jf@77Vi'- Corn Lower ; oiian , 25 * < c ; Mny , 2tJ' < o. Oats Kaiy ; cash , 23'o ' | Mny , 33)40 ) , I'orlc Quiet nt * | 0 5u. Lurd-Qutet nt M.OO. Uultor Uncham-eu ; creamery , 2J 33n ; dairy , ltit22c. Clncltiiiiul , March 23.Vhout Firm ; NQ. 2 red , SOu' . Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , Whisky f 1.02. JVtliiniMijMilm. March 2J.Vlioiit Ho- colpts , 17.1 cars ; shipments , < ! 0 cars. Cash loss nctlvo nnd silently higher. ClositiKt No. 1 hard , March , 70' ' c ; May , 81c ' ; on truck. S0j' ( > ? 81c ; No. 1 northern. March nnd Anrll , "SMC ; Mny , 70.Vc ; on trnck , 7070J4o } ; No. 3 northern , Mnrch , 70'jfc ; May , 77jfc ; track , 703780. Ku nsan City. March 23.Vlioat Steady : No. 3 hard , cash , ti3ku ; No. 2 rcit , cash70 | s'a70Wc. ( Corn \\eaker ; No. 2. CASH , 23j ; ( 32V < ? . Oats No. 2 , cash , 17Jfc. fllllwiiiiko . March 2J. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 spring , cash , 73@7lc ; Mny , 7UJJo. Corn ITlrm ; No. 3 , 2'Jc. ' Oats Ffrm ; No. 2 , while , 24c. Hyu i'irm ; No. 1 , 4lc. Hurley Higher nt 42 ,3 I K. Provisions Firm ; pont , cnsh , 910.81) ) ; May , 10.45. Mnrch ' 2J. Wheat Stcndv ; demand poor ; lioldors olTor moderately * , Cali fornia No. 1 , B L'd per cental. Csrn Quiet but stoituy ; demanil poor ; now mlxeU western , 3a il > jil per cent. Cfilonso , March 23. C.ittlo Hucolptt , 2,000 ; steady ; hoove * . * l.50 ( 5.00 ; steers , J3.40@4.40 ; stockers and foedurM , $ ilOC'(3.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , S1.5'ji ( 3.40 ; Texas corn-fed stoern , J-J.Oor 'J.'S , HOKS Hecoipts , 15,000 ; stronircr. waulc ; mixed , Sl.05@1.25 ; heiivy , $1.05 ( 1.80 ; light , ? l.OO $ " t.'JO ; skips , 51.30. Slioop Kccolpts 8,000 ; stronger ; natives , $ X75QO.OO ; western coru-feil , * 5.2SiJ5.75 ( ; Texuns , f5.23 ; lambs , $3.50 0.83. IvniiHiiN City , March 2J Cattle Hooolpls , 5,200 ; shipments , 12,000 ; market slow , lower ; steers , f.VJ05 I.GO ; stockur.i und feeders , ? 2.4U@i.GO. : HOKS Receipts , 0,300 ; shliimonts , 1,000 ; market higher ; nil unities , ? J.OOQi4 p.1. Niitlonsil Stoc'c VnnU. lOmc Ht , I ouin , March * 2i ! . Cattle Hccolpts , 7UO ; Bliinuioi ts. 50'J ' : market steady ; fair to funo.v , . native steers , fl.-lU , < i4.SI ) ; stockon and feeders , $2. (0 3.50. HORS Hccoipts. 1,800 ; shipments , 5,100 ; market steady ; heavy , $ I.OOi54.15 ( ; packiiiL' , Tlio Wni-kiy IJnnU Ktntoinnnt. Ntw : YOKK , March 22. The weekly oank statement shows the reserve has In creased $0,350,000. The banks now hold $3,410 , 000 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. The detailed statement is us follows : Ilesorvo , Incrnaso . . ? 2,8t'i5i'i5 ) Loans , uecroaae . 1,750,000 Specie , incrouse . 8,010,000 Legal tenders' , decrease . il',10 , 100 Deposits. Increase . 081,100 Circulation , increase . 117M)0 ) The export of spcclo from thu port of New York during the past week nmountcd to $3)0,200 ) , Of which $252 , 135 was In gold nnct § . ' 37,771 silver. The exports of specie for the week amounted to $420,501 , of which $ J90l > 3j was In gold and 0,818 silver. N. Y. , March 23. [ Spoclal Telegram - gram to Tin : HIE.J The hank Bupurlntund- ent's annual report shows the reserves uf the banks of the ntnto on January 2 , IS'.IO. ' to have boon $ OI4.0'7,530 nnd thi ) liabilities 1550,825. 72ti , a surplus of * y3f > 01,803. Now York Dry GootlH Mnrkot. New YOIIK , March 33. [ Special Talcf-ram to THE UEE. | On account of rain It was a dull Saturday in thu dry Koodo market. Thura were no chances In tliu general Bltu- ntlou , Are \ < iii To nny point east , wont or south ? TniV- ol vltv the Uiirlinctoii routo. Hloyntitly oqulnpod vustlbulu tniitiH of l-'iilliniui puliico bluuplnf ; unrs , roclinlii chtilr cni'fl , bents fruo , ( lining' enrH anil iluy couuhuH run dnily from the lliirliiiL'- IOU'H own tlopot in Omtiliu , tlniH uvolil- Int , ' trntihforH , Trains louvo Oniiiliu tui follow * : To Chicago , I'oorla , St , Loiild nnd the oiiHl DI5 ; u. m. , : il.r : > p. in. , 11:16 : p.m. ; tu Liu- roln , Do ii vi ! r anil the wont KCil : ( it , in , , 10:05 : a. in. , 11:571 : p.m. ; to St. Joseph , ICiuiftiH City. St. I.onU atul the Honth WV , a. in. , I ) : l.r > p. tn. Tlukot olllno l-Jiia Farnatn stroot. und depot 10th anil Mu- bon His. , Omaha. Thn Only Oiin. The Chlraco , Mihvniikoo & St. f'nnl lUvllwnv In thu only line riinniin , ' lolld voHtihulud , uloutrlu lighted uiiil otoutn hciitiiil trains hotwoun Chlctih'o , Conn * ell HhitlHiuul Onmliii. The borlh roiidiiij ; lamp fimturn in the I'ullinan slooplnij CIUH run on thuuo llnua \ luituntuil anil ctiiinnt bu tixuil liy any othnr railway company. It IH the Krunt iinpnivuinunl ol thu ti o. Try It und bu ooavlncotl. Sk'upint ; cam luitvo tlio I'nlon 1'iyolHo ( lojMit , Onmlin , mil p. in , ilallv ' , arrlvlnt , ' nt Chluacn at U3 ; ( ) a , in , 'I'li'MtiMi.'orit taking thU train are not I'omiMillod to t > nt nut ol thu cam at ( Yninoll HluiTit anil wait for thu train to bo uluAtiml. ( l4t tiokotaantl HlnoplnifiNtrliurthi at Union ticket otlloo , IMH Fiirnain nt. F. A. NAHII , Hen. Aift. J. K. I'llKHTO.V , l'a * . Ait. { C.IIKAT ltK IMrritri.V ? UA'lljH Vln l Im U'nliimli Iliillrimil , In oriUr to inaUo rotiin for our * | irlntf ttouk o ( tlokuU thu WalHuh will Uxlny ooinniHiii's thulr ni'BHl t'lunniiuw ulu o ( rnllnmtl ami t nin < ihlp llek U to nil JMllllU UtUt Ollll Wlllltll Hl'HI ' Ul HHll fmlll all iMi'U o ( Kur < iM . Cull imrly , or wrltu , und nuouru tli'kuU and ttw4ii | our niiitoniiniMlatlnti * at NViiUuh oltltm , ri l'i > main Rtrwtit , Omiiha. O. N , C'l.\viiNTlek ( t vU thu thuU. U. It. Omaha toMt. Ixml * wlUi uo r KluatloH la ull | * olHU < Mtl HHU Cl a N. l'luUM < , Tlok t HKeHtfH \ I'srHHUt Ml. , Uw0in. * Dr. lliruey , ul YOU MAY OWN A HOME If You Join n Ilnlliiblo UiiUtllim An * tioolutloii. THE LOCAL COMPANIES' WORK The Vnltin of Omnlm'rt Hotioitl llnlltl- TIm Wnrk'x llnntiinn In Uonlty null llnllillitjr 'J'rniiinotlotin. Tim l/ounl Iltilltlinic A < i < 4oilnll ) < tM . The Importitncn of IO.MI ami binUltnT ! > < Roclationsto tiny city of I.W'J ' luhnbitiuit * nud iipwanUcmi nut tKioreruntliiinJod , nud thnlr | ) owcr can only bit cirouinscrlhcil u.v the limit of tliolr niombcmhlp. They nro nn ngeucy throu < jh which the mint humbln of wage- workers can llnd a plnco for the \ > \ - vontmcnt of a portion of hi * cnrtilngi , b < i It bum dollar n month , nnd * tlll tin tittoucr which will pay him n larger imroonlugo nn his doposlt tluiti itti.vnther known form of In vestment , Slmplo In their iimimmtniMiit , they uru yet uuiir > lml by n i-suoful xirntlny of lt mom'jors ' whlch pntrant * ponslblllttoN nt IOSIOR , which mluht nriso la other Institu tions whcra each IndlVlJual alocKholder do * not have ttio privllogn of axniulniiiK into nt nil times the worlt and nets of onoti on'.cor. CompnratlVBly few cltUemnuUr - stand thu workings of the iis ocn > tloiM , so simple In th.Mr plan of operation , Imteil us they tire entirely on I ho principle of Ui monthly compoiinillng of Intorral. To bccomo a incmborot n local Loan ami llulldmg association Is to help to build up tha community by loaning your RMVIIIUS to n follow stockholder tu provhlu himself ami family with n lioni'.1 , whllo the risk in ad vancing to the borrower n minioltint itmount ta omiblu him to llvo In hu own homo I * very slight for Iho reason that llui hiiuui moiiuy which the lirowor pays monthly to the umo- elation is us : i riilo no tavuter tluiti llui HKIIIO Iwrrowor would pay rout for tno mima prop erty. Thousnnils Iti IhU city toduv nro struggling to meet monthly payments thulr timnuH , wlioti If they would but taku ndvantnguof thu loan and building iisuncla- lions the/ would bo onnblud to prumtilly nnd easily moot their obligations nx wall us < m > joy many of the comforts of lllu In full security that thc'ir humus were beyond thu reach nf the possibility of the fori'clo uro suit of the loiiii iik'ont or capitalist. .Monthly the money is nalil Into thp association unit loaned to the Mtockholdurn lha ftiiuio tlmu on sccuritlcHoxnmlncd by computrul commit tees and approved by the board of dlroclorn who aru alcctml by tno HtockhnldiiM. l-'or the reason that tin ) monthly payment In small there Is loss danger uf dofntilt on thn part ot thu borrower , unit nt llui xauia tlmu each payment reduce * the ol thu borrower Through no loan ugoncy In this nitv can mntioy oo borrowttl in nmouiitit ot from ? 1UO to ? 2KMI ( ia KO llttlo i-osl tu the borrower us It bo through the us- Boclatlnns. Thu prlvllugos of rcpijmimlof loans under thulr workings Is auo of thu borrower' * option , ami In n way whluh Is also In his fnvorovor thu iiroiuluui which IN exacted by loan ngunclM for thai prlvilogo Thi ) borrowing meinuorof uourio pnys In terest , but ho not only gets n portion of this Interest bnclc .main , but IIKowiso nci'iiros that portion of all other iitturost paid by other stockholders to which ho Is uutltlcd Iti proportion tu thn amount of itiouoy niilmll vidunllv has paid to thu association. Tim term building association In mUlimdlnu , u * these iissochitionn nru muru properly liiitli us- socialloiis. whoso function * aru to luili funds to meinburn to titialilo thorn to ncqillru homes , build IIOUSUH mi lots nlru.idv uwiitxl or nay oft mortgages , Atnplu piovlslim * oxlm whereby nun bornnvltiit uiumbur * inny withdraw at tiny tiino what they linvu p.ild Into the ussoclatliitiH mid ructilvu from it to 10 pur cent on thulr moiiuy for thu tlm < t It bus been invested. In no casii o in a xtock holder forfeit what ho has puid In thu as- ROcUtlon , whllo on thu other Uuml hn Is en couraged to AIIVO money nud I * iilmost cnui * pellcd tu anvit by thu iiufon.'oiiiuiil uf it ulltthl line on dclinquutit utoclihohlors who nlnuvy- llvo canes out of a hundred full to itm'rfu thulr payments through uuglcct and curoU'itsnust , Thouxpoiisos of thomitiingomuuluf Urn association nro vjry Mimli , us they du not amount to three iiunrtnrs of I per cent per annum of thu capital invented. Nil uitd building association located uw.i.V from this citv and pretending to do tiusltiiMs Imro din offer thu itamo iccurlty nud bunclll * u assochitloiiH can glvo to Iwlli luvonlor * tind borrowers. It Is most truly thn cnio that priidcnco nhmild dk-tntn 10 to nil Invuslors to phro thulr fnmU wlivru they can watch mid protect their lUre lj which cannot bo done when liivotuuuiiU urn iiiado aw.iy from liutiin. Hn thoruiiKlilv l thw npproclutud by the i-ltUfns uf iimuy Hiatus that thuy Imvo provided liiwn prublb Itlni : no-called foreign loan nud building n sochitions iiponitlng in tliolr rommoiiWttalths , Thu four local associations now Imvo lunii * to siockholdiirit amouiitliig to fully HW.IHK ) 'but thin umuutit In vury mall compnnxt with thu older citti" . Ono assaclnllult III Chicago has gl.II.I'J.OOO lit IOJIIM. unit It I'hll ndolphla there Is tint prclmbly loss limn t7uVOOKX ( ) luvostod lit loin imsaulatloiiH. The natural rnsults uf u loan ii soclntloii I * tu niiiku a bettor clius of ultl/uus by bulhllin' up thu community In whluh It cxl l , to fun tcr n love nf homo , t'lieouniuu ' u plrlt of In dependence , luailliig tu mihrloty , luiiiistry niidlhomoru full duvulnpniDiil o ( u luw loving pcoplu. It has boitti trlti-ly mm ( hut "tho iilaco on oiirth iiuurcMt to houvon u home. " The foundation of good guvarn meat Is ttio family , unit whut todiiy i : iUi > thu ( 'tilted Stair * no completely thu dinlnil resting placu of umlgritni * Is Hut horn thuy may acquire and hold n hoiim of llivir own whosu iin'ciucts nru Hi ownur'i i'u IU' . \Vcru thn largo iimonnls ilnpoillml in lha navliiKs tmtiUs lnvo tivl In thn local limn and building imsdiilutlniis thu humillt * U * Ihn r < nn- muiiltv would bn much crixuer midtliHs.- fiirlty to thu Investor Im | it iiml nut HI Din le.iM , whllo tint prnllts would bo dUtrlhiil l tililiiiig thn ilniKUilors nnd not to thii c.ijiit il Ut who alrvndy IMS itioru tli.iu hl u * U d maud. N Viilui * ol' Oiniilin'H Miliool llullilliiK < 4 , Hecrutury l'lHir | and HuMrinlKiulaiii | uf HchtMl llnlldliiHs U'oulny Imvii r | hirMHl lh fullowlng MttimulHil vitUiM nml imuruwiw uf thu Hiihool housitt In this dlstrkl ValMH. tn . lllnhMihool buiMlBtr . JI II , M l SI.WM Amhlor . ! , ! . Cns . brisk . I'J. ( ftiw ( 'uss , HI. llnrnitlhis . ! M' 'I.MI Ciistulliir . ' . " " line ConUr. hrldk . . . ( MM ) t'uutvr. IraitiB. , , . , . , , . , . . . I MM Kurimm . W M ! , * l-'iriMl , fruwr N . 1. . . . . . . l'-0r > t , f r MM N . . Fort Um.iku . . Krunuilti. fruww Ku I . ! , * > Kmulillii , frrtiw * i n. 4. , . . . . l , JltetaMMI , flMHMXth I , , , , , , , fniMwNt * . . . , , , , 1'iirk. . . , . . . . . . . . . > . . . , , , i ( IMMM Vl W WttlMMl IIUI lUurrvll . , , . . Wllh Urn prwi-vu of f lr voathor In- cr < M Activity i tnmnfeittHlit \ \ \ \ \ \ \ realty nml biiliilliitf olrt < lt' , Duriiift thi pnit weak there lm he u n ilwHdp.l ituiftm Hii tha infer for iiriwrly ami bt * nii nro fuuy . . . . .d with ll.n r < wtll nml proipocK ftillrtwln * Hrftire * lie\v Urn IIIHIIIOM m ronl ixUIti trtttttfuiUmi * and ( milling permit * for the w k rlci lniO' l nlny nml fur tnu wrn r Hii wtMk et lint ywnr i . HMII MntH TtttfKIK IS.)1. ) 1 * " 11 < 1 J \\H \ If II. tT.tir. di.irt ) . H-.M. Mondrty I0.MM ) r.y , ) 1.710 TIIK Mt > R OI.HtlltVni The hank uUMrlnn'Iiir the wick weiO in follows i Momlny t : , 'hiiMtlny 7tti | < i vi \\mlniwliiy . , nil Mil tU Thurmlwy rrldny An lH n * of i iicr'fliiiY ( ovr li i > orrd > l > omiiiitf w * el limt ywir. rin ; iiHAi.TV M.VIIKI ; ! ' . I JMriUtMMMM J M lf lo It It lUld'im , loU I , .1 Hint I-M. ( \ t. bU II.Ht'l ' id | tu rJUhiittl. w it liH < iiriHidrr. tiusi .10 Ol . | . .t I , mini , nrunn nun. w it . . . Alrxnuiti > rMMik r In II AreMiMl < l. n w , u vr. ' u w , u M , , - ! ! > . w it I \ < M A J I'liiihli-ion ttml wifn m Mlllna litu in1) , ( HI i , hlK m , I'oiiplMMMi l'at , il 1,1 0 liilwnnl ( Illtiinl HH.I wlf'f In A ( iiix | | > i > null , l'it nmi'l > , W < il , I , I.Polliy N l l IHO H lnli Hohllii In / I * .M l if.Umriy tliifcli-n , < l . , , , . . . l.flHI II I , tl rli-h | In W A I'rttlnn , lut fl , A II ( < iiliir ( * idlil.iTil. , . , HHMIIIH llmiiiiini > ii nnd wlfn In U I Kirn , lot ! ' , nn 91 , minu'n > IH ) n.lil V.w Itdwiird III. hr.icn | mul - wllnV ! lit rumi , mm.W ft H w , u nf-I'VI I , d I.IV ) a.tilk'1 , ! l n ' H . wil , ' , , IciK ) II I' luiliitu , \ I1 liirkpy , lut ) ' , idkl'i ' , I lirtou Illll , vr it , . . " ,0V ) lr HOOH Noioii In. ) H tllrmltiiilintM , lut F , liikn. KirnwiHMt ndil , wi | . . , iu5 ; It I ) I'rtllHfl to J A Cfrlitlillill. x lot \ lilkii , ti.tiniii. wd . . jJMo'Hivii icilli'wtiik .Mnriinv , In : * j ntidf , Ut mill In 1'nnlcr I'lueo ' , M- < | 1,11 XiI ( tiriiiMiiii ntui wt ( IIIMI ( ) | I imn > > irctil I o , liilt I mill it , Koiitictl'i tuh , I. II Korty l.'itlH iVuriflK , l i'II , Idle .1 , J K lloyi { KliMHt , t.'i il l > Hi IM , lHit 1:1 : , Idk " , Hiiutli I.M-ii\iur I'm-.iliwtl I ' 3 .1 I' Ihivil , ulinrllt , in U I * NI Hd * . Inn . " > ! nnil II , liU t Hutitli lUihiitiun I'lnui , llHt'll , , ,1 I llurd. uliffitt , KI U I'NMiliL lut it. Inn t. NMltll ll ! < 'llitlltf l'l.l' . llC ll , 10) ) .1 r Iliiyd , ullnrtil , ni II I' NMliU , li > M. iiK | ii Ho-ittt ! . ' luu < n I'lnn * , lUml M ) .lohil l.lil.lfrlKiliM T..I , \ A M It lltudrlik , II ' . ' , lot 7 , DlK 7. HHIniiK , i ) od I. a A J I'nimlfittiii wild lf Hi l Ht Ay f litt 2 , ) iUl > . 1'iiplMflon IMrk , vr d I.M ) I' II .Itilni'i'li mill Hlfn liilMlutiip II ill- n r , lot ID , nik - ' . 'l iiiii l > lo . Kinl tot 'tt III mid t > . liU I n'i'l I" , " 'I Hil < ( t.i llod runt I'l.U" , v d "KM thr- I t'.OIJ DRS. BETTS & BBTTS Offlp ni > f , ik , w , Wtr m , HiMM , K . n. .iu , ( ! M Wool I > * ! ! frw. ' lf t * * -l. lt tfVHI OfcMMttlwt IJ4 * MM | M f * l > | It It II ; , It ta- Hwrml | i liUIUIII.IMllJM * lllklltMAf * ll * , i > im i I.K it r I MI M | . . Mk ir , > < iir ( MHIX41WI , | t .it . .IH Ull | M rtl f.ll IIU.If l IIHIIII * . ! , n I ( - . Ii lltn unlMt P lflf , f rm ii. ll IMMl | > Ct.lB I " 1 < Kt UM MU < A II IU , -l * " ' ' ln l < i r rr. . ut uur l ntlllr ktn. ( < mufr i ul.irwrol STBIOTUBS 1 To Young M and MltlM-Awl Men , A Illlll' ' PIIHP Vf * wf'J' ' . 'f * : ' * r" UUllIi UUIlii V . A i . Mini * oivniiM twllilt * U q Mfn A'MI * a , Ullll Mir * * iMwl * M tm li l " > itvl fcMH > ( > ! fMft , tolft M M I II WIN t HH > * Ul , > f | > H | I M | OUR SUCCESS , * y " * t * * . il jtr * > | * IMfi * * * ! IM (441' ' " ' MMMl4l V ( tll Ml ViHrtJ * , M. . .lJ5t MH TlinonhU f j4 J > * > MIIIM * * . 'i > Mt iu In- teU U f , 4 .KTikJiw. . 4M , M.4 uii > 11(1 I * W I.I4 % IMMkl ' M * lkHl l Ul i > M < UlHtUwK4 A < Mr f < Oil HI IM h b. INVESTMENTS nivrui.t. . > ir ; Ibn font Di TALLAPOOSA , OA , A Yanloe Oily Undar Soulltarn Sur. C,0 Wftllnnclor , , , Agcmt , fuwilitlf Ml OiuNliA , NiU