Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1890, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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ni1i'iiiinfc < ! ' " i/ / '
The Pioneer. Real Estate Firm of Provo
Proprietors of OAK DELL ADDITION COMPANY. Over l.OOO lots , ranging in price from $25 to $50 each. We have large lists of city and country property
We have handled over $1,000,000 worth _ of _ real estate _ in 1889. _ _ Patties visiting Provo are cordially invited to make their headquarters with us.
PBETTY PKOVO. llio present time , and front tlio now
rtin & Drake roofs to bo seen on every hnnil it is ovi-
A rcjiroconUitlvo of Tun BIK : visited tlont thnt tlio good work lins gene on JOHN M DRAKE
Provo lust woelc , nnd spoiilcs author- ! all winter. Notwithstanding this ,
lively when ho snys there is no Ilios on
building liooiii there nro no vacant
Arc the Inru'ost I'rovo. It is gio\v hip like-dog-fennel in houses. The streets nro wltlo nnd ns
the streets of n Missouri town , nnd clean ns the face of n well kept baby.
and Breeders spromllng itself by in its own Inherent school. The nvonticB lire brond nnd elegantly
Importers power , llUo measles a public blinded with rows of larpo eottonwoods ,
Provo is situated in : i beautiful valley , catnlpas , locusts niul wnlnlits , whieh afford -
nnd viewed in the is
morning sunlight
ford aitilo ) ) protection from the summer
In llio weit of as pretty a picture as over catno to us
mer BIIIU nnu gives the town nti -
in our delightful dreams. It is an agricultural N
mice not unlike sonic of the olilor cities 7
ricultural gem , occupying a central po of the Atlnntic coast.
sition in a horlron-lhnllod landscape ,
fringed midsummer with groves and or The soil of tlio Utnh Valley is n nclu Half Owner in Avon-dale
chards , filled with vordunt Holds and sandy loam ; it IB tlio ideal fruit and ag
grassy meads , dotted hero nnd there ricultural dlstri-u of Utah. Heavy crops
with vino-clad cottages , commodious of'wheat , barley and oats are raised. Of Constating of ever 100 acres of the
barns and lowing herds. potatoes , 700 bushels ; to the aero , single beautifully locntcil rcsuloneo pronorty
It is a daisy , and don't you forgot it ! potatoes \vcighing as high ns bovon
The Wnantch valley , nuturally beauti pounds. Tile Utnh tomatoes are canned In tlio city of I'rovo ,
ful , lins hcon much improved at this in largo quantities at tlio I'rovo fan f-
point by the growth and development of ning Work-sand enjoy n reputation su
adecud'o nnd a half since its llrst settle perior to any imported article. Tlio Within % Mile of Postoffice ,
ment. The farms surrounding Provo line sixo and rich lluvor of the straw
are in a high state of cultivation and berry , grape , peach , plum , apple and
the improvements are of a most substan pear will ono day bo utill/cd to their I luivo other Choice city and ncronyo
tial character. I'rovo has eight thousand fullest commercial value , for fruit can li'0)Qi'tics. ) ) ) Mnlcc Jiivcslm nts for non- H *
and inhabitantsevery soul who believes ning is an enterprise that capital wil1 Tositlunts , otc.
us ( irmly nnd religiously in the future llnd safe and reasonably lucrative.
Siiffjlk Punch , English Sliiro and of the place as Daniel did fii his Clod. Utah Vnllovegotnblcs are always ) in Correspjndeiice Solicited.
Chveland Ko/ses They prav for the town morning nnd deinand in Utah markets and for expor .
Bay / , evening and sing its praises all day tation to Colorado and other outside
long. They are as loyal to it as were points. Hop culture id being success
Shetland Ponies. the ancient Itomnns to the city of Seven fully intiodueed on the mountain
Hills , and for ono to speak disparag benches.
Mior Horn and Hoistcln Uitlli * . Visitor * cor- ingly of the place \\oulii bo treason of I-nnltless mineral resources nro within this welcome I.CorrehpotHli'ni.cIiivltoa'.sto.jk the worst sort. The people are a witlo- x'ullcy. - tin ) Iron mines heinp rnpablc of ftu- HAVERCAMP & CLARK ,
ff male at nil tlineH nt low pi Ices and on easy uwalee , thrifty class , and are bound to niahlnt millions of the
HIIIH. Cull uud oxiiuililoonrliJMMan I cittlti. ; of tons ore for mnnit- LICKNSII : )
' ' get there. , . f.icturo of iron. On n consolltliillnn of suv-
Uox 17 I'rovo , I'ttili.
eiul of tile-so gtent mines the Utnh Valley
limits extensive
The corporate are
Iron uii'l
Mining ' MnnufnitminK companv
cnouirh to encompass a population of has urbanized , 01111 ! n wealthy foreign
sovcnry-livo or eighty thousand , which s.vnOIcnto Is now r.cthol.v negotiating for the
it confidently expects to have inside of purLlinse of their ptoneity. Ulio coal In inul for Utah county. Ollice. 1 Irst Nntlonn
the next lutlf decade. The process of " measures of Pleasant Vnlley mo near uthnml Ilnuk ,
PROVO llrst class coke Is ussurcil. mid thcie can hone
lilling in solidifying as it \\ero-is "WOOLEN MILLS.
. no question that Utnh Valley Is Utah.
going rapidly on. There nro a great -i i. . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , \ct destined to be ono of the prcatost City , .
many houses in process of erection at manufiiLturinR renters of the country.
J Over to the southeast , across the lake , is the great Tintic min Climatically considered , the Utah Valley needs no other
Tliiue nunnftho iholfcst Hit * of pnnerly In ing1 district , rapidly coming into prominence as a great and rich
tliu i lthlUi I will sell on cuiy tunut. Caller praise than that which is strictly truthful ! Its distinctive qualities coco
or address , mineral section. It promises to be the Comstoclc of Utah.
Kovnl A. Bnrnoy.Provo City , Utiili. Quarries of the finest nranite. sandstone , marble and limestone ties are due to its atmosphere , which is dry and pure , and the
Got in before the boom solicited. Begins. Cor are easy of access ; while within three miles of Provo there arc atmospheric peculiarities are due to its geographical position
respondence slate and serpentine quarries which are only awaiting a little and elevation ; the summer's.heat is tempered by the mountain Home Industry Our Specialty,1'
capital and development to make them paying enterprises. bieexc ; the air being dry and the nights cool there is perfect
irsf national Fourteen miles southeast of Provo are the great Asphaltum refreshment in sound sleep a blessing unknown in hot and
mines of Noth American . Busch PROVO CO-OPERATIVE
the Asphalt company. Adolphus , / muggy climates and the result is that throughout there is remarkable
OF PROVO. tin- noted t. Louis brewer , is at the head of the company , and
. ' markable healthfulness. Three hundred and
'i twenty-five
the works are now turning out large quantities of the refined
Capital $50,000 material. It is the finest and most durable paving material in of sunshine in the year is the meteorological record of Utah Val
Surplus 15,000 the world , and excels the imported Trinidad article , and the demand ley. Rarely docs the mercury reach xero in the severest winter. full Hno ot home intulo suits constant- !
hand. Suits made to ortUr fiom the celebra
DIIIMTOIII- O. Hmnot. president ; T. It. mand for it is already greater than the mill can supply. Provo Whatever your vocation in life , if you arc coming west with an ted which 1'roxo sent on Woolen application. ( Mills . Goods , bumpiestf )
( utlor. \ preslili-nt : 11. H. Cltilt , S , S.JoncM. will the first in the be with intention settle
be that
town west to to better advice than
John C. Cinhum , Heed bmoot , Walter It. 1'lke. supplied asphalt , we can gi\e no you of our nil-wool Cabsimoro
PROVO CITY , UTAH- sidewalks , the City Council having already made a contract investigate the merits ol the boundless resources and manifold Try ti pair Pauls at f3.
w. ii. DUSHNBHUUV , CASHIER. with the company to lay them on the principal streets. opportunities of a section lhat has no equal even in favored Utah. A. SINGLETON , Supt.
\nS3i \ SiSiiSl&ianftaSJSe ! } iK tsSS3ii K / a a seat5BiSgaB5 ! : raig . ; g5s
Vnrlctn Interpretations of the
Teachings of the
ConlcsHioiiH or Faith oltlio Catholic ,
Kplsoopul. Ijiitliornn , Uandof ,
Cnnm-cpattonnl , null tlio
Metlintllst Churches.
A Comparison of Crocd * .
Nothing so touches and appeals to the
Inner life of man us the subject of religion ,
livery person , whether 11 church member or
n non-comniunluanc , poridorn sooner or later
on ( his most Important , of all subjects , and
fuels 1)10 ) need of a belief of some kind.
Many Intelligent parsons outsldo the palo of
tlio church , whoso lives show them to have
religion * Iimtiucti , give as their icasons lor
not balancing to any denomination the fact
that they Imvrm't tlmo to study the various
theologies and see where they bolong.
The fait It of every church is necessarily
comprehended In Its ureed and TUB lin ! : biib-
iiilts to its leaders the following synopsis of
tlio various confession * ! of faith of the
churches luprosentcd In Omahu , showing
that a UHIMO in theology is not necessary for
a person to coiuo to an Intelligent conviction
us to which corps of the Lord's nuny ho
belong * , liolnw are contained the creeds
of the Uittholio , Kpiscopnl , Kvutigolienl ,
l.uttienui , Baptist , Congrogatlonullsi , Proa-
bj tcriuti and Methodist episcopal ehurohes.
Next Sunday will bo presented n nynoponis
of the Jewish , United I'rosbytoilnn , Ctuls-
tian , Unitarian and Unlveria 1st churches ,
the lock of spaeo forbidding their publication
this week.
llov. 1 * . F. McCarthy , rector of St.
I'hllomcna's cathedral , submits the follow
ing as n umuinry of the things necessary of
belief on tlio part of a person wishing to become -
como u mumbor of the Homan Catholic
church :
I. The mystery of the Ulessed Trinity ;
thut Is , thera U but ono God , anil In God
throe Persona , the Pather , the Son. and the
Holy Ghost , who uru all ona mid the same
S. Tlio mjntorv of the Incarnation ; that
Is , that the bon of God , the second poison in
the Ulusseil Trinity , bccamo mini , w.ia born
of the Ult ! gctl Virgin Mary , uud has n body
and soul like ouni.
II. The mjstory of redemption ; thot is.tlmt
the second person of the lilussoil Trinity
HUlfcroil a bloody HWOIU , whipping at tlio'nil-
lar. crowning with thorns , and the carriage
of lib croaj , upon which ilo died for our
t. Tnat the soul is endowed with under-
stamllnj , ' , frco will , and is Immortal , that ls
to say , can never die.
ft. Thut wo shall all mo again , with the
name bodies , m the dav of Judgment.
( I. That the yood shall liuo forever lui.ipy
in lioavon. and that the wicked shall uo
punlshthl forever in the lUinos of hull.
7 , 'I hat without the help of Goil' grace
wo cannot do anything moritorlous of oturtml
8. That all the sacrumouU Imvo power ,
from Christ's precious blood , to give grace ,
if wo uru duly prepared.
0. That liis ara forgiven by the priest's
alisolutloii , joined with contrition , confes
sion ami BivUsfactlon. Absolution Is thu ro-
misslon of siii , winch the prlonts impart , In
virtue of tUo power ho has rccclvon from
ID.llmt the Holy Uuchailst 1s the true
oody and blood , aoul and divinity of. Jesus
Christ under the appearance or bread nnd
wino ,
II. Thut there Is u punjutory ; that Is , a
middle tttato of souls suffering for a time ou
account of venial sins , or who Imvo not sat-
Ullod the Juitlco of God for former trans-
ti , llmt au imlulKOUco U a releasing of
temporal punishment , which often romaini
duo to sin , after t'io guilt has been remitted
bv the Hacramcnt of poimnco.
13. That wo are to honor relics , crucilixos
and liolv pictures , as thev relate to Clinst
and His oaints , and are meinor.Us of thorn.
II. That them ii in the uhurch of God a
communion of all holy parsons in all holy
things , that wo communlcato with the saints
angels in heaven as our fellow-momliors , nnd
are helped by their prayers.
li. ! Wo fihould also know the Lord's
Prayer and Hall Mary , the aDostles' creed ,
tlio commandments of God and of the
church , the sacraments , and . the acts of
faith , hope , love and contrition.
Kov. Louis Banner , pastor of AU Saints
Episcopal churcli , s.iys thut anyone who will
accept the following ercod cannot bo refused
admission to the Kpiscopal clmich.
f believe in God the Father Almighty ,
Makar of heaven and onrth :
And In Jesus Christ His only Son our
Lord ; \\lio was conceived by the Holy
Ghost , born of the Virgin Marv , nufforod
under Pontius Pilate , WM-J crucitled , dead
uud bulled ; Ho descended into hell , [ or the
place of departed spirits ] , the thlru rtav He
rose from the dead ; He nscpndcd Into
hcavon. nnd nlttoth on the right hand of Gnd
and Fiillior Almighty ; from thence iio shall
como to J ml IT a the quid ; nnd the doad.
I believe in the Holy Ghost ; the holy
Catholic church ; the communion ot saints ;
the forgiveness of sins ; the resurrection of
the body ; and the life everlasting. Amnn.
Or this : 1 hollovo in ono God the Father
Almighty , Maker of liiMvcn mid earth , and
ot ull things visible and invisible.
And in onu Lord Jesus Christ , the only
begotten Son of God , begotten ot his father
before ) ull worlds , Godot God. light of light ,
very Clod of very God ; begotten , not made ;
bum ; ; of ono subatunoa with tha Father ; by
whom ull things were made : \vliofor us
men , and for our salvation catno down from
IIPUVOII , nnd was incarnate by tlio Holy
Ghost of the Virgin Mary , nnd was m.-do
man : and was crucillnd also for us undar
Pontius Pilate ; HoRUfferjd.uul was buried :
mul the third day ho rose ugnln according to
the Scriptures : and nsoondnd into heaven ,
and xlttoth on the right hand of thu Puthor.
And Ho shall como iigaln with glory to Judge
both the tiulck and the dead ; whoso king
dom shall have no end ,
And 1 boliava In the Holy Ghost , tlio
Lord , and glvor of llfo , Who procoudetti
from the rather and the Son , Who with tbo
Father and the Sou together i worshipped
nnd glorillcd , Who spako by the piophot : .
And 1 believe ono culholio and apostolic
church. I acltnowledgo ono baptism for tno
remission of sins : And 1 look for the losur-
icution of the dead ; and the lifo of the
world to como. Amen ,
Uov. Luther M. ICuhns , pastor or the
Southwest Ksungolicul church , submits thu
paragraph below as nn abstract of thu faith
of the Kvangollcnl Luthorn ehuroh. Ho ac
knowledges to ijuatlnir liberally from Dr. R
\V , Conrad , a prominent divine in that
church ,
run nocrniMi.
The doctrines of the Lutheran church , sot
forth In the principal articles of the Augs
burg confession , uiav bo summarily stated
thus : That thcru Is one dlvlno essence
which Is God , and that jet there nro thrco
persons of the MIIIUI Obsunce , Father , Son
mm Holy Ghost , co-otornnl and co eiiunf ;
that the Son of God took upon himself liu-
man uuturo , and suffered and tiled , thut ho
might bo u sucrttteo for the sins of the world :
that all men , naturally engendered , nro
born lu sin , Uiatls. without the foarof God ,
and with carnal uppctltos , and that they
cannot by tholr own iiowors oxorclso
saving fuith and bring forth works of true
rlchloousnosi , ivitbout bolng born ngaln and
ctinwrted to God by the Holy Ghost ; that
man cannot 09 Justified buforo < 3od by his
own works or merits.but is Justified freely
for Christ's sake through fuith mono , which
God imputes to him for righteousness ; that
this faith must brine forth good fruits
or works , because , because God has com.
ninnded thorn , and not In the oxpoofitlon of
Ji fl'Jf ' mur'tl"K ' forglvoncs * and naivution :
that the ministry fibs been upn < lntod to
preach the gospel nnd administer the aacru-
menuj that througU the word and the sacra
ments , M by iuurutneuts , the Uoly Ghost
i gtvon. who works faith ar.d renowi the
heart ; that tnroiiBh baptism grace isofferod ,
and ihat. . children presented thnrcby to God
are received into his fold ; that "tho body and
blooj of Christ uro tiuly present and
nlsponsi'd to the rommunicints in the Lord's
Supper ; " that the sacraments become elllc.i-
cious not bv the inero administration of
them , but through the words of their institu
tion and the promise of God attached
thereto , apprehended nnd received by faith ;
that there is nnd over will bo ono holy Chiio-
tlau church , which consists of the congrega
tion of bollovora , for the true unity of which ,
uniform ceremonies nro not necessary , but
simply agreement concerning the doctrines
of tbo gospel and the sacraments ; that at the
last day ChrUt shall appear in Judgment ,
raise the dead , confer upon the godly nnd
oiect oturnal lifo. and condemn ungodly men
nnd devils to endless punishment.
Ilnpnt t
"lo beconio n tnnmbcr of the Baptist
church , " says Kov. Frank , W. Foster of the
Jniinanuol Baptist churcli , ' 'otio needs to believe
liovo in God as the creator and father , and
the btblo ns His word , that man is a suinor ,
and to h ivo a living lively faith in Jesus
Christ .13 his Sivior , nnd to bo baptized in
the name of the Futhor , Son and Holy Ghost.
"As bollovora are better instructed , they
will accept the following as their belief , but
the ubovo Rctitoqco contiins all that is necessary -
sary to salvation and to church monibsishtp :
1. There is ono living God , holy , wise nnd
benevolent , lu the divlno unity are three
persons , Futhor , Son nnd Iloiy Ghost-
Asa. 11-0 ; Psa. 147-5 ; John 10-3U ; John 15-iiO.
U. The scriptures are the word of God
0 'I'lm. IMO , 17 ; Acts 1-11) ) .
S. Man knowingly , wilfully has sinned and
is under Juu condemnation of GoJ Gen.
1-27 , Horn. n-t'J. '
I. Man is punished for his own Rins and
his own unbelief 3 Ci > r. .1-10 ; John 18 , 1 ! ) .
C Man may obtain stilvatioii , forgiveness
of sins , only through the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ-John : ) ! ; Isa. 0341 , 1 Tun 1-15 ;
Hob. 7'jr > .
I ) . Through ropentanca and faith man Is
regenerated , and walks in newness of lifo
Mark Mfi ; Acts. 2 U7. 'IS ; Uom. 10 0'lt ; John
311. 0.7 ; Gal. 45.0 ; Uph. S'J.
7. A gospel ehuroh Is n congregation of
baptl/Cd buliovors , assosiatod for mutual
helpfulness , and to do the work of Cltrst in
oMondmg His Kingdom. Acts ii , 41 , 42 ;
1 Cor xll , ii.
8. 'I'no sacraments are baptism nnd the
Lord's ' supjnr. ( u ) liapllsiu is the Inimor-
sion of the billovor In water ; lo show , his
faith in death , burial nnu n > surructioii of
Jesus Christ. Komans xl , I ; G u. Hi. i.'U , U7 ;
Matt , xxvlli. 10. Aasll , 41 , 'J ,
( b ) The Loul'H ' suupor commemorates the
sufferings and cruel death of the Lord
Jesus. Matt , xxvl , 2j.2i > ; 1 Cor. * l , ' 'O.
U. Uosurrccton and the future lifo , ( t )
Wo uro taught u judgment. Keel , xll , 19 , H ,
( b ) The righteous and wicked nra snpa-
rntui ) . John v , 'JS. : ; Prov. xlv , ! li ; Malt.
x\v , 814(1 ( ( c ) Thuro Is u fnturolifo John
xl , LTiiKuv.v , 13 in. ( ( ] ) 'Iho rlghtooun
will bo blessed. John xlv , U ; H'-'V. xxl , U , 4 ;
Hev. xxli , 11 , fi. H.
"Our freed is reallv the blolo faithfully
translated , but the ubovo arrangement and
statement of. blblo truths wo hold to bo fun
damental. "
"Congregational churohas have a common
polity , but no uniform creed , which all ua-
copt , " sws : Drt A. H. Thaln of Plymouth
Congrogutlonal I church , "Congregational
polity may bo urielly expressed by two
words Independency ami fellowship. Kaoh
local church conducts Iti own affairs In Us
own way , nil important questions bump da-
cldcd by a majority vote of the members.
Any church may call a council of sister
churches to give advioo and assistance lu Im
portant mutton , such as installing or dls-
mUslngu pastor nnd the like , but the func
tion of couuclls is to glvo advice , not to die-
' Kach church M a complete doinoonioy for
all purposes of church fovornmunt. Hut
the churches uro Intimutoly bound together
by Christian fellowship. They uorno to.
gothor In local usioul itlous onca or twice
ouch year , In ituto associations oaco oaoi
your und In the national oounoilof the Coa-
k'rogutloiml ohurchos of ttta Unitoi Stuoi
cvcr.y three yoarj. At theio moatings ques
tions of common interest uro dlscussoJ , the
benevolent societies sustained by the
churches make reports , und the result is that
the centrifugal force of the IndupomJcncv Is
corrected by the ccntripotal force of follow-
hhip , and BO the churchoi nru bound together
in a Congresationul syatoai. or uenomma-
tlon , by inlluoncuj which arj strong , butcn-
tin-'Iv voluntary.
"Each church may framonnd adopt a creed
for itself. The bible Is accepted as the only
uuthorltatlvo rule of fjilli and practice , but
in the confessions of faith adopted by var
ious cliuruhoti , wlnlo n cm tain consensus
of doctrine which may bo expressed
by the word evanirolical nppoirs
in nil , yet there is a great variety as to the
number of articles , the wording and the
length of confosslont > . Some years
ago a stutoaiont of ballot popuhulv known
as the "Now Concrogatlonnl Creed , " was
prepared anil publlshod by a l.ugo commit.
tco , the members of which wore regarded ns
representative men. There was no inten
tion Unit it should bo imposed on the
churches ns a uniform creed. Some huva
adopted it ; but the adoption of that or any
other statement of doctrine is loft to the
united wisdom of the local church. The fol
lowing croad Is a fairly representative ono :
nii : CUIID : :
1. Wo believe in oao Goil , the Father Al
mighty , Matter of heaven and earth , uud of
ull things visible nnd Invisible.
And m Jesus Christ , Ilia only Sin , our
Lord , who is of ono substunco with the
Father , by whom all thing * were undo ;
And in tlio Holy Spirit , the Lord nnd
Giver of lifo-who is sent from the Father
and Son , and who together with tbo Father
nnd Son Is worshipped and glorified.
" . Wo believe that ( ho providence of God ,
by which ho oxccutos his otcrnul purposes
In the uovornmont of the world , is in nnd
over all events ; yet BO that the freedom and
responsibility of man are not hnpairo'l , and
sin is the act of the crouturo ulotio.
U. We bcliovc that man was made In tlio
Imago of God , that ho might know , love und
obey Gail und utijoy him forever ; tint our
ilrst parents by disobedience fell uiulor the
righteouscondomnuilon of Gnd ; and that ull
men arc so alienated from God that there it
no salvation from the guilt and power of sin
except through Gad's lodeominir grace
I. Wo believe that God woula tmva ull mt'ti
return to him ; that to this cud ho nas mudo
himself known , not only through the works
of nature , the couraa of his providence , and
the consciences of men , but also through su-
purnatural revolutions made especially to a
chosen people , and ubovo ull , when the full
ness ot time was come , through JoausChrist ,
his Son.
5. Wo bellovo that.iho Scriptures of the
Old and Now Tcsbioionis uro thu record of
Ciod'ii revolution af hlmsolf in tbo work of redemption
domption ; tint they i were written by men
under the spjclul > guldauco of the Holy
Spirit ; tint they are ablu to milt a wise unto
s \lvatlon ; and that they constltutu tno
auihorltiilvo standard by which religious
toachlngund human uomluct nro to ba logu-
laied und Judged.
I ) . Wo baliavo tu it the invo of God to sinful
mun has found cits highest expression In
the redemption work ot his Son ; who
became man , iinltinir Ins divine nature with
our humnu natuiu tu ono person ; who was
templed like oinor uion , yet without sin ;
who bv lib humiliation , his holy obedience ,
his sufferings , his death on the ctoss , and
bla roBurrcctlcni.hqaimo a poifoci Uodoumor ;
whoso sacriflco hf himself for the bins of
the world duoluros tlio rluhieousuess of God ,
nnd Is the solo anil jiilllclont ground of for-
glvonou unu of icooui'lllutlou with hl'ii. '
7. Wo bcllavo that Jesus Christ , after ho
had risen from tbo dead , ascended Into
heaven , whore , as tha ono uiodiutor between
God nnd man , ho carries forward his work
of saving men ; that ho sands the Holy
Spirit to convict thorn of sin , : iud to lead
thorn to rcpcntanco nnd faith ; and that
tiioso who through rnnowing gruca turn to
rlghtoousuoss , nnd trust In Joius Christ us
tholr Uudoomer , iccuirofor his saka the for-
givuness of tholr sins , uud are made the
children of God.
8 , Wo believe that these who nro thus re
generated and Justllloil , glow In sanotillud
character through fellowship with Christ ,
the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit , and obedience -
ionco to the truth ; thut a holy llfo U the
fruit and ovidotico of saving faith ; nnd thut
the believer's hopa of contlnuaitco in such a
llfo Is the preserving grace of God ,
t ) . Wo believe thut Jesus Christ catno to es
tablish among mon the kingdom of God , the
reign of truth uua love , rlKUteousimss und
peace ; that to Jesus Christ , the Itead of this
kingdom , ChrUtintis are directly rasponsiblo
in faith und conduct ; and that , to him ull
have immediate access without mediatorial
or priestly intervention.
10. Wo believe that the Church ol Christ ,
Invisible und spiritual , comprises ull true bu
Ik'vers , whnsj duty It is to nssoeiato them
selves in cnuichos for the maintenance of
worship , for the promotion of bpiritunl
growth und fellowship , and for the conver
sion of men ; thut these churches , under the
guidance of the Holy Scriptures and in the
fellowship with one another , may dotcimino
each for Itsolf-their organization , state
ments of bolicf und forms of worship ; may
appoint nnd set apart their own ministers ,
nna should co-opor.itu in the work which
Chi 1st has committed to thorn for the
fuithcranca ot the gospel throughout tha
11. Wo believe in the observance of the
Lord's day a * u day of holy n > st und wor
ship ; in the ministry of the word ; and In the
two sucrauionts , which Christ has uppolnte ; !
for his church ; baptism , to bo administered
to believers u id their children , as the sign
of cleansing from sin. of man to Christ , und
of the impartntlon of the Holy Spirit ; und
the Lord's supper as u symbol of his atoning
1'3. Wo bcliova in the ultimate prevalence
of the Kingdom of Christ pvor ull the earth ;
in the glorious appearing of the great Gou
und our Savior Jesus Christ , in the resurrec
tion of the dona ; and in the Until Judgment ,
the issues of which uni everlasting punish
ment und everlasting lifo.
What MothoitistH Ueltpvp.
Hoy. G. M , Hi own , pastor of the Ilnnscom
park M. U. Chinch , says : "In answer to
your question , 'What must u per on believe
In order to become u member of the Method-
1st Umscopal ohuioh , ' Isubmlt the following :
Wo have twenty four articles of lollglon
prepared by John Wesley and mloptod by
the church in 17&4 , und there lias never been
any need for a revision. Another article
lius boon miico added ruferimg to the author
ity of the rulers of tha United States , matting
in ull twcuty.ilvo urticlos.
"AU traces of Calvinism us well us Komish
loanmgs uro uvoidod. Sovor.H important
protests against Pelagian , Romish und other
errors uro iiiuda prominent , as also these
which nro in accordance with the sentiments
of thu universal church. On the Trinity ,
tl.o person und work of Christ ,
thu Holy Spirit , the scripture
canon , original sin , frco grace uud will
Justification by faith , vicarious ntonumont
nnd good works they spc'ik clearly and In
the most orthodox language.
"Our theology from tno beginning has
been thoroughly American , as our in tides
on 'Froo Will' and 'OrhrmulSln'oloaily dem
onstrate. Wo believe in tlio "witness of the
spirit1' ns It Is defined "an inward linpres-
Hion on tha fioul whcrcbv the bpirlt of God
iminodlntuly and directly witnesses with my
spirit thut I nin u child of God ; that nil my
sins uru blotted out , and that I , oven 1 , am
reconciled to God , " The possession of this in
surance is taught to bo the privilege of every
believer , for it Is written , Therefore , being
Justillod by until wo huvn pt-aco with ( led
through our Lord Jesus Christ,1 , and when
wo have peauo wo know it.
"Another doctrine that belongs to MethodIsm -
Ism is sauuillicniioii or , as Mr , Wesley pro-
forroJ calling It , 'Christian perfection ' This
doctrine of all others Is least understood and
hcnco most ubiiHud. It ilous not teach an
voile nor Adamlo perfection , nor thai thoio
Is n stuto attainable In this lite where wo
shall bo frco fiom mlstakoi , Ignorance , in-
llrmitios or temptations , lint It does teach
that the children of God imij bo so unstained
bv faith un.l so filled by the love of God
that all tha powers of the soul may bo saved
from a sinful condition nnd may bo con
trolled In tenderness and lovo. Wo believe
as It written that if wo walk In the light ns
Iio is In the light , wo have fellowship ona
with another und the blood of Jesus Christ
his son clonnsoth , is from all oin nnd Hint
this Is the Christian's privilege.
"Our method of receiving members Is
very simple The diclplino says ; "Lot
great care bo taken in receiving persons on
trial , nnd lot no ono bo enrolled as a pro
bationer In tha church unlosi ha glvo satis
factory ovldenco ot un curnejt doslro to bo
saved from his sins , and to enjoy the fellow
ship of God's people. " The six montht.1
probation required Is greatly misunderstood
by many members of ether churches , It ii
n safeguard against many harmful church
trials. Jf during his six months' probation
n member Is guilty of unchristian conduct ,
und ho is liable to Iio during thut period If
ever , und docs not manifest proper sorrow
lor the K.une , his name can bo dropped from
the loll and ho can claim no further connec
tion with the chinch , but if ho is n
members in full standing , ho can doinund n
trial which always brings icsults moro or
less hurtful However , during his proba
tion ho onjovs every olhor prlvlloso of mem-
borshlp. When persons como to us from
ether orthodox churches that will not irlvo
cortillcatos of membership with which to j
uuito with churches of ether denominations ,
for instance the Unptlst , wo tccolvo them
without requiring the six.months probation ,
but simply on profession of faith. When re-
reived Into full membership persons nro re-
quinid to tcnaw the baptismal covenant , to
tostlfy tj saving faith in Iho Lord Jesus
Christ , to believe In the doctrines of the
scriptures ns sot forth in the articles
of religion of tlio Methodist Episcopal
chtiich. To promise to bo cheerfully
governed bv the rules of the churcn to hold
snored the ordinances of God , mid to con
tribute , according to ubilltj , to the support
of the gospel nnd tno vni ious benevolent
entbi prises of the church .
"It has ever been the design of this chinch
'to provide a bioud and liberal platform upon
which the irpat body of Christians who hold
the essentials ot Christianity might Bland
togolher In love and charily. ' How xvoll the
chinch hns succoodcd in ihis has boon clearly
demonstrated ii her history. "
The Mississippi con feionco , ntlls last ses
sion was divided into the Mississippi und
Upper Mississippi conferences.
A paper minted In Tamil and Tolugu. pub
lisiiod by the missionaries In Madras , India ,
has u circulation of 1(1,001) ( ) coulus.
Ona of the popes in 1" > I2 refused lo soli a
Hobrnw Hlblo in Iho Vatican library for UB
wcicht In gold , of which * 10.1,000 , would have
been ils cqulvulenl.
The CongregallnnalUl diagnoses the con
dition of ninny ministers and declares Iho
sid result bv coining u now but very expressive
-"ovcrmeotlngud. . "
sive word -
The Key. U. J. Mac.Millun has been elected
secretary of Iho Presbj teriaii bnnrcl of homo
missions , nnd Knv. Frank H. Wooilburv of
Minneapolis secretary of the American Mis
sionary association.
Pope Leo has Just passed IIIB olghtlelh
birthday. His vigor und alertness do not
louve him with advancing years , nnu ho now
announces his intent ion to give earnest at
tention to the social question.
Mr. Spurgcoii , in his now Look entitled
"Salt Collars , " tersely remarks thut "grape
Jttico kills moro mon than grupo Bliot. " Ho
ulso no vises each man led mun to keep his
wife's husband out of public saloons.
There are three Homan Catholic and olght
Protestant missions in the Congo territory
They support twctv-oight stations and nine
ty IIvi ) missionaries. The Protestant mis
sions nro supported by Americans , Ijiiglish
und Swedes.
The Episcopal tract society , Philadelphia ,
founded in 1810. last ( year distributed III.OOU
tracts und publlshod nliictcon tracts and ton
leaflet , the greater part being now. Some of
the latter are very valuable lor use in the
parishes. Bishop Whitakor is president of
the society.
" 1'hcro is no problem .boforo the Christian
church und the world , " said Phillips Brooks ,
at the Plymouth church installation services ,
"thut docs not find its polutlon ultimately iti
the lucrersed enorcy nnd power of tha Chris
tian ministry , nnd most largely the ( Jhrlstl/1
proacherBhlp. "
Bishop Mclvon/lo of Xululand , who died
on February 0 of Ontario fever , gave Instruc
tions previous to his demise that his corpse
should bo buried In Xulu fashion. Accord
ingly no collln was used , but the body wns
lied up In u blanket In u kneeling position
aud was thus placed In a hole.
Says u most prominent clergyman : "Tho
most marked outcome of the llrst cnntur.v of
Christianity was Gnosticism , wiilla the most
marked outcome of the nineteenth century
is Agnosticism. In these two fujts is con
tained the atory of mun'a religious llfo.
Wlmn ho dmn.t know much ho thought Iio
know it nil ; und when ho hns como to know
n great deal , though not nil , ho modestly de
clares lit ) doesn't know unylhlng , The
moro wo know the loss wo think wo know. ' *
The Highbury Place Strict Baptist church ,
in London , admitted to membership without
regular ImmorBlon a Indy nlUicteci with do-
foinnty , which'mada It almost impossible for
her to undergo tha ceremony of Immuialon.
Fur this the church was expelled from the
organisation of strict Baptist churches , and ,
utter a long light , thocoiiLTagntlon and cldera
have Just acknowledged their mistake | n
"having been too ready to accept the plea of
Impossibility , " nnd the mutter has been
Hctilcd uy the itnmernon ! of the lady seated
In u specially constructed chair and wearing
a dress specially designed for the occasion.
Unon this the church hns been restored to
membership , ,
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
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Dlicitoiiof Wuuifli I \\nlmMil.ilDtjnililciliil.yliulil IH'iiitlininit fur \Vciinon OurliiK I'linlliiPiiiuiit
( Htrlitly I'rlvnlu I Oulr Iti-lluliln Mulliiil liiitltulii Mnkhu a | i-i lully ot I'ltlVA'lK IIIMIAHI'S.
AM llliHJil DI Hnio.i ia i riillr tri'ali'H HriilillltU. iinlmin rcnioveil friiin llni urtttnu nllliiiiit inoniiry
Now Itmtoraltvu truati.ii-nt for | JP IP ( Vllal I'UUIT rnrllu * unnlilo lo vlult it * limy lm Iri'ali'il nt IIOIIKI lir
irrf > 4iiin | < Iuiun. Allruiiiniuiilrniluiii tiiiitliltMillnl SluilUlnecir limtruuiHiU unit l > y mull or xi > n > n n-
ruroly \ > ti kt l , no murk * tu Inilkuto ioiiti > iiU nr m-ailor. Onct | iir inal Inlorvlmv iirurornxl ( nil ami i oiiiull
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Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
C'oruur Oth uud Ilarnny Streets , Oinalin , NoU.