G THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ&-THURSDAY , MARCH 20 , 1890 , THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUJFFS OFI-K'K. lU 1'KAItn KTHKET. Irlhool ty crirkr In nny putt of ttio City. Il.W.miO.V . MANAQEK TKLKI'HONUiN ftf jKrrKC.Hicn No. 43 , I't .NO. ! . ntlNOH .MliNTlO.V. K. Y. 1' . Co. Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , coaU rrtintchcr coal , 111 Main atrcct. Unitv Guild will meet in regular session vrlth Mrs. W. Kunynn , 1'arlt nvcnue , Friday , March SI , at : i o'clock. Tomorrow will bo the last day on which petitions uiny bo tiled In tlio dUtrict court In cones which wilt coma up in the April term. The case of Stnto v * Lacy Is booked for todny In the district court. This is ono ot V > o cases BrcwiriK out of the llromon's tour- numcnt. Harmony Cliapter , No. 25 , O. E. T. , will > ncct In rciiular accslon nt Masonic hall this cvcnlnKat Ti.'iO , VMting members of the order cordially invited. MarrluRo licenses were issued yesterday to A. C. 1'orry and Sarah Wltiff , both of Missouri Valley ; nnc ) Mike \Vcier , of Omaho , and Emma .lesson , of this city. ! ' . .1. Day has been requested by the super intendent of the United States census bureau \Vashlnpton to make a comparative state- jnent of the assessed and real value of prop erty in this city. A brother-in-law of Albert Somlor , who recently died at St. J-iurmird'H ' hospital In this city , arrived hero yesterday to take chiirgo of the remains , which still Ho at the undertaking rooms of Lundley & Porter. In the district court the attorneys for the , state in the Fraiuoy case made a motion for nn order compelling the nftlunts in the mo tions to purge the contempt to nnpear in court and submit to a cross-examination. Max Hohwellor and Emma Chase of Min- dcn were united in marriage by Justice Ileji- ilrick * Tuesday evening. Justice Schurz did the Bamo service for Mike Wolor of Omaha and Emma Jcsson of this city yester day morninir. The resignation of Kev. Oeorpo II. Uen- nott as secretary of the Young Men's Chris- tlan association has been accepted by the board of directors. F. A. Shaver is now noting in that cap.iuity temporarily until a successor can ho secured. The real estate exchange has 'received a proposition from a Steam-Cooker company in the eastern part of the state , which wants lo ro locate its plant. It will employ about lUtccn or twenty workmen. An ciTort will bo made to sccuro i . for Council Uluffs. The I3anthor & Gather saloon on Lower Main street has been closed by n landlord's writ of attachment. The landlord , Jlr. Stoddard , claims that ho did riot know the aaloon was there until ho was notllled that ho had been enjoined from the solo of liquor. Messrs. Glllotto & Freeman have placed nuovo their wall paper store at 23 Pearl ntrcot ono of the handsomest signs in the city. The letters arc carved out of wood and covered with cold leaf. The design Is unique and handsome , and these are the first letters of the kind made wholly In the city. The sacrament of adult oaptism will be ndministurou by the Kcv , T. J. Mackay In Saint Paul's churolf tomorrow evenimj at 70 ! ! o'clock. Mucli interest Is boiuff mani fested in the services , which uro heli' every nfternoon and evening , and the elm for continuation is quietly and steadily Increas ing. Attorney Boulton made the acquaintance of JudgoMcCicu in superior 'court yesterday 'norninp. Ho nppeurcd ns counsel for the defendant In the case of Hartman vs Jack- man. Moulton wanted a continuance ; for two weeks , but his motion was overruled. Ho then wanted to withdraw the defendant's pleadings without prejudice to defendant. but this was overruled. The attorney then worked until noon trying to convince the court of his mistake , but his success was not flattering. What i * It ? pn U no oqA \ \ inomjlatno Sometimes good things do happen upside noX oimiUAtnnoa o'j 'Juoddn | | l onoi-innb down , but.vlillo this may seem so in this tmoiiiuo ° ' 1.T ( 'mm Mouj [ no.V iioiopufj instance , it is really only in nppearanco. MUB-VI 'isjnrld POIUDHH u s [ JiaujrfBJIM when the propoitlmo comes it will be right MOAO UU111 OOjOA JOHOq U | 81 U.1JOA\BDUA.\ . slilo up. -BJHI 'jBO.il a.m. ! v oq WAV mss on. } " 0 louojuiHojauoo oqi iu ijoouoa Wo want you to list your rental property with us and wo will see uro you good , reliable tenants. Hents collected and special atten tion given to cnro of prouorty. E. II. Shoafo & Co. , Uroadwny and Main at. , up stairs. Save 60 per cent on tombstones and menu ments. Design sheet and price list frso. L. Kclloy , 203 llroadwoy , Council Uluffs. I'ctvonnl 1'iirn.tirnpb * . J. T. Hart is homo for a few days. Judge W. C. James IB in Dos Moinos. \V. U. Unthauk and family are In Avocn. J. H. HIco left Tuesday uvenlnc for Sioux City. City.E. E. L. Shugart returned yesterday afternoon , - noon from a Chicago trip. Frank Trimhlo has accepted a position with thn linn of Hurko & Hewitt. E. \Vicklmm and .T. W. Baclcnrn8h , returned - turned yesterday morning from a short Uusi- ness trip to Chicago. Judge A. V. Larimer has returned from a visit to his old Pennsylvania homo. White east ho spent n week In Washington. Ho says that Judge Uecd is being urged by other Iowa members of congrcbs to become a candidate for ro-oloction. Drs , Woodbury huvo removed their denta cDlco to 101 Pearl street , up stnirj. The gasoline steve U moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Suvo life and property li.v using the < J. U. Gas and El'ictrio Light Co.'s gas stovo. For sale , on account of sickness , J. Dickey's general merchandise stock , located on Hroadway , Council Bluffs , will oo sold at u discount for cash or trade for good uuin- cumbered city or Omaha property. Address Duquette & Co. , Council Hluffj. Washburn guitars at Muullor's. "Festival of Days , " this evening In the parlors of Presbyterian church. Programme : Grand Fantasia . , . . Horttnan Mr. Wlltlo Murphy. Two Merry Girls . Glover Misses Palmer and Oliver. Vnlso , ( E Minor ) . Chopin Miss Annlo Patterson. Open Thy Lattice . G roch Mrs. Mullls. Natural Airs. Airs.Mr. Mr. Frank Hndollot , Angels' Serenade . llraza MUs ICato Pusoy , with violin obligate by Air. Churlcs Huotons. 'House Keeping us it Might bo" . . . . . . .C. H. Judson Messrs. Ed Fitch , Clarence H. Judsou , Charles Fitch. Kd Parsons , Wilt Olllcor and J. E. F. McGee , Admission 25 cents ; children 15 cents. An lilocaut Siouk. For the past two or three days the Im mense quantities of wall paper and decor- atluK materials that have been unloaded at the now establishment of Glllotto & Free man nt 23 Pearl at , has attracted as much public iutcrcst as tbo now hotel. The estab lishment of these enterprising young mow will certainly bear all iliu inspection that can bo attracted , for outsldo of wholesale - sale houses they have the largest stock In the state. A close In spection shows moro than live hundred Jlf- foiout styles of papers , and all uro of this Benson's uiako , ranging from the cheap and common grades to the richest and llnust roods that huvo over boon produced. This U simply n plain statement of a fact , for all the styles Ibis souson are ludoscrlbably beautiful. Many of the 'combinations are perfections of art. As all ttio line work that 1ms boon done iu the city for several years past has been done by Utllatto & Freeman whllo warning for otbor firms , It can bo rcti'Hiy understood what kind of work they can do now with suoh a magnificent stocic to eelect from , livery taste can bo tatisiled , from the humblest to the til&hott. ALL ABOUr COUNCIL BLUFFS Mayor Mncrao Appoints Wndo Gary Chief of Polico. THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Alderman ttverott's Stand on the City Printtnt ; 1'ctcr JjowU' Fearful Kail .StronK Slcdlclno for the Vac1 ; * . 'Jtio New Chief of Police. It is at last definitely settled who Is to bo the now chief of police , the appointment having Been formally tendered to Wndo Gary , nnd the council expressed approval at the committco meeting held yesterday after noon in the ofllco of Alderman Everett. The appointment gives general satisfaction , ns it insures an efficient nnd thoroughly disci plined police force for the next two years. The present incumbent , O. H. Lucas , will bo supplanted next Tuesday afternoon , nt which tlmo the council holds Its next meeting , nnd will npprovo the bond of the newly appointed chlnf. It was stated by nn alderman last evening that the appoint ment of Chief Carey met with the approba tion of every member of the council. A great deal of discussion was caused by the list submitted by the 'mavor for places as patrolmen. Ho stated that ho proposed to retain several of the old men for the present , including Ofticars Martin , Kemp. Clough , Cusick , Fowler and Doyle , ns .ho desired to give the mon u chance , but that If they were unable to live up to the rules nnd failed to comply with the regulations they would bo promptly discharged. Ho asked the council if they desired to retain Patrol Driver Hen- driuks on the force , but they unanimously declared that ho was not fitted for the posi tion , mid ho will accordingly bo dumped into the soup with some of the others. The rules that have been drawn up to govern the new force are scorchers und will prove quito surprising to the members who lijivo heretofore hold positions on the force. Among other things patrolmen will bo pro hibited from drinking or smoking while on duty ; will not bo allowed to converse with citizens except on business relating to their duties and then for only n short time ; will not bo allowed to leave their beats while on duty will not bo permitted to enter opera houses , saloons or houses of prostitution ex cept for the purpose of making an arrest or ordered to do so by the chief ; will bo required to provide them selves with a regulation uniform at their own expense ; will not bo permitted to speak disrespectfully to or about any other member of the force whlio a membnr ot the force : and will not be allow ed to nso the club to excess or in any nncry manner in making arrests unless absolutely necessary. The rules are very strict and will bo rigidly enforced. Aside . from the strict discipline under which the men will bo placed , special attention will bo given to their training , nnd a military bearing will bo carefully cultivated. It is certain that there nro several men on the list who will fall to properly till the bill , nnd changes will como as a matter of.courso. This Is expected , and for this * reason the force will not bo required to purchase uniforms until the mcu nro tried and it is proven tn the satisfaction of the chief that they are fitted for the position. It will be seen that the purpose is to have only good men on the force , and appointees will find their respective terms coverned solely by their fitness or unfitness , as the case may be. The slzo of the force will bo Increased to sixteen men , und tha day and night forces xvill bo wholly distinct and sonerato organi zations. There will bo nonn of the changing about from day to night duty , and vice versa , ns has been the custom heretofore , but the men wilt become properly trained and fitted for certain positions and will then remain thero. The appointment of a captain rests with the chief , but it is understood that A. S. Cloutch will bo called upon to continue Iu that position , for the present at least. The now appointee Is well known in the city , and needs no introduction to the citi zens of the Uluffs. That ho will inako an efficient chief nnd do his share in making the now administration u successful ono is a foregone conclusion. Ho is u strict dis ciplinarian , and wilt greatly elevate the standard of tlic palico forco. Such a change has long been needed , and the public will not bo alow to appreciate it. Desirable dwellings for rent at reduced prices by E. H. Shoafa & Co. , rental agents , Uroadrvayand Main st. , up stairs. S. H. Wodsworth & Co. , i07 Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard Inv. Co. Mrs. Ecclcs , the famous fortune teller and clairvoyant. Business , love , marriage and changes. Massage and macnotio treatment. At Hotel Jameson Wednesday , Thursday and Friday of this week. Iho Committee of thn Whole. At the mooting of the council committee of the whole yesterday afternoon , the committee - mittoo consisting of Alderman Everett , Knophor and Woods , appointed Monday afternoon to revise the rules of order gov erning council meetings , made n report , and It was decided that at all future meetings the reading of petitions and memorials shall como last. Hills will bo allowed only at the first mooting qf each month , and this will bo the first business to bo considered after the minutes are disposed of. The reports of committees laud all unw business is also moved up a notch , but otherwise the old rules were unchanged. Mayor Mucruo desired to consult the coun cil with reference to the appointment of committees. Heretofore tboro have been onlv six committees , ns them were only six aldermen , but now that there are eight mom- bora of tlio council the mayor doomed it necessary to crcato two now committees , so that each alderman might have a chairman ship. This will also lesson the work devolv ing on some of the old committees , which has frequently proved quito onerous. The mayor and aldermen discussed sev eral matters of Importance relative to the policy to bo pursued in various branches , but of course no official action will bo taken until next Tuesday , at which time the mayor will report the now committees , and the organization will bo completed. The session wits a most harmonious cno and proved mutually agreeable to both the mayor and the aldermen , The present Indi cations are that the now administration will not bo hampered In its work by any internal dissensions , but on the contrary that all will work together for the best interests of the city. The Manhattan sporting hoadq'rs 413 U-way. Don't forgot , the llnostoloanost , bast mar- market In the twin cities Is Merchoudorf's. ' The City Printing. The resolution introduced tn the council by Alderman Everett tn regard to the city printing has caused some Htlr , The resolu tion named the Nonpareil as the official organ , nnd was based on a written proposal of the Nonpareil to do the city printing at the following prices ; Twenty cents per square for the first Insertion and 15 cants per square for subsequent Insertions , und for nguro work -to cents for the first inser tion ana ir > cents for subsequent Insertions. The proposal was to do the printing nt n llttlo over one-third reduction from the prices p lid the Glebe the present year , or au ageroguto saving to the city of $3,000. k Alderman Everett expresses himself us In clined to the opinion that tha Glebe no grossly overcharged the city the city the past year as to forfeit all claims for nhauco to bid this year , and especially as ho was thwarted last your in his attempt to got thn city printing decided by bids Instead of fa voritism. The council has decided to consider bids , however , and the door is oponud for the ( iloba to tlfrow in a bid. Thu chances seem pretty fair fora reduction of city expenses to far as printer's ink Is concerned. The first proposal of the Nonpareil Is to do the work at two-thirds of last year's prices , and the competitive- will doubtless roduoi the prices stilt further. A Serious Fall. P. LovvU , who conducts a general mer cantile business near J , II. MoPiicrxm'a market garden ! * , on East Plorco street , re ceived dangerous Injuries by falling from n toad of hay In Omaha yesterday afternoon. Ho was thrown to the pavement by the slip ping of ono of tha bales and struck on his head. Ho was brought to Ins homo m this city und pi von medical care. The physicians have not determined the full extent of his injuries , but pronounce him to bo danger ously. If not fatally hurt. Ha was still un * ' conscious ut a late hour last evening nnd was bleeding profusely from the ears. Ho Is about thirty years of ago nnd has n wlfo nntl one child , * J. G. Tlpton. rent estate , 527 UrorUway. Glllotto & Freeman , decorators , 23 Pen * It Will ItritiK Good Ucniilts. If Judge McGee keeps up his present clip ho will very shortly succeed In not only mak ing a nnuio for himself nnd becoming the terror of nil evil doors , but wilt rid the city of n large number of tnugs , bums und worth less vngs who now Infest the city. Ho deals out Justice with n liberal hand , und the vic tims do not relish tlio doses. William Lambert was before him yester day charged with disturbing the peace. William had allowed bis temper to run away with him , and ho knocked in n door in order to got nt the object of his wrath. The court Informed the offender that his offense was really burglary , ns ho had broken Into n building for the purpose of committing n public offense , nud that is what constitutes burglary under the laws of Iowa. Howevcr.tho charge was dlsturbingthc peace end as the limit for that offense was u line of not moro than $50 , the court concluded to let tlio culprit off on a lluo of half that n.nouut nml costs. The defendant could not produce a red cent nnd was fired back Into the hole. * Four vags wc.ro next arraigned , and in lessi time than It takes to toil it they were each assessed $30.10 , which , in default of pay ment , means twenty davs In the city Jail. The Judge recommended that arrange ments bo inndo nt once for working pris oners on the streets , nnd it isvery likely that todny these live husky fellows will bo etnrted out under nn overseer to labor on the publlo thoroughfares nnd pay for the provisions so generously furnished them by the city. It will bo but n very short time until vags will conclude to pivo the Uluffft a wide berth , . _ The Lenders of fine watches and jewelry In the city , and the place to buy the best goods ut the lovcst , prices is the establishment without rivals , the most reliable firm of C. U. jACQL'n.MIN' & C ( ) . A Scotch Social Club. About thirty of the Scotch residents of the Bluffs mot last evening nt the ofllco of Kerr & Gray , room 214 Merriam -block , for the purpose of organizing n St. Andrews' society. The following'ofllcers were elected : Presi dent , A. C. Grnbuui ; vica president , John T. Oliver ; secretary , Henry Stevenson ; treas urer , Joseph It. McPherson. Mos'srs. M. Pi Itao , D. S. Kerr and Henry Stevenson were appointed a commlttoo to draft a constitution nnd by-laws. The club is organized as n social institution , and In is very probable that it will nlso bo made u bennvolent organiza tion. The next meeting will bo held next Wednesday evening at the same place , and native Scotchmen , their sons and grandsons nro cordially invited to bo present and be come members. All who join during the next week or nt the next meeting will be in cluded among the charter members of the club. It is cxpscted there will bo at least fifty charter members , and the membership will undoubtedly roach 100 in a very short time. Much intarest was manifested nt the meeting last evening , nnd it is the intention to mono the club ono of the most popular or ganizations in the cltv. It certainly starts out under very promising auspices. Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crown nnd bridge work , No12 Pearl. C. U , stcamdyo works , 1013 Eroadway Isabella Mashed mi Thomap. Nr.w YOHIC , March 19. [ Special Telegram to THE HKIS. ] A unique breach ot promise case is that of sixty-fivo-yoar-old Miss lau- bolla Hrady against Thomas Mlskell , a Har lem musician. The lady asks for 810,000. The case was In court today. 'Tho plaintiff has an independent fortune , while the man Is said to bo a deserter from the Uritlsh army. Miss Isabella also , it is saiu , spent much money to cot him pardoned for that of fense. Thomas begs to be excused , but Miss Urady says she has purchased nn expensive trosscnu und spent fL'.OUO to furnish u house nnd purchased a wedding ring for ? 17. In ' 8SS ' 1 bourns declined positively to marry her. Miskolt claims she did the wooiug and he hud not said yes , Chnmborlnin's Cough Komody is in tended espocinlly for couglis , colds and croup , and is fnmous for its euros of these discnHOs. 60 cent bottles for sulo by nil druggists. 9 Couldn't Korea thu Sain. ATCHI&ON , Kan. . March 19. [ Special to THE Unc. ] An attempt was maiio oy bur glars last night to rob the express safe in the Missouri Pacific depot ut Cawkor Clty.Tho _ _ burglars forced open nnd badly damaged ttio uufo , but the burglar proof vault resisted their efforts and they got nothing of value. The vault contained a Inrtro sum of money , g rlwo Pontoon Hrldtrrn for Pierre. PiEitiin , S. D. , Marcn 19. | Special Tele gram to Tin : 13KE.--\vork ] has been com menced hero in building two pontoon bridges across the river , ono to Fort Pierre and ono to Stanley , both from this city. It will bo n close race toseo whico Is put across first. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup re duces in Humiliation while children tire toothing. ' 23 cents n bottle. e Fivn Mmera Uiirnod to Doatli. HUHIEV , WIs. . AInrcli 19.--A big fire Is raging in tbo Germany niino nnd five men have boon burned to death. The names of the dead men nro James Thomas , his son Joseph , High * Waller , Jimmy Sullivan nnd William Uunks. The darnao already in flicted by tbo fire amounts to * 100,000. Pears' soap secures beautiful complexion Ilcnvy Snow In New York. NEW YOKK , March 19. The snow which has fallen hero since early morning greatly Impedes traffic Malls are late and ferry tralllo Is hindered greatly. The telegraph wires south are prostrated by the storm nnd no communication ran bo had south of Haiti- moro. O Conductor lloniclitullni ; Arraigned. HiHT.u.o , N. Y. , March 19. Conductor Houghtaliug was arraigned this morning ctiarged with misdemeanor In being respon sible for the Uny Vlow accident in accord ance with the verdict of tbo coroner's Jur.v. He pleaded not guilty nnd was held to await thu action of the grand jury. Suit Acnlnst Nebraska City. NEIIIUSKA CITV , Nob. , March 19. | Special Telegram to THE UEE.l-J. H. Northcutt today commenced suit ngatnst the city for 0,000 damages sustained by a chnugo In grqdo in front of his property. The Only Ono. The Ghlcaco , MilwaukeeSt. . Paul Railway is the only Unu running solid vestibulod , oloetrlo lighted nud steam hcntod trains between Chicago , Coun cil BhilTstuid Oinnhu. The berth rondjng lump feature in the Pullmnn sleeping curs run on these lines is on ton ted nnd cannot bo used by nny other ruilway company. It is the grcnt Improvement of the ngo. Try it und bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Onmhn , ntO p. m. dally , arriving at Chicago at 0:30 : a. in , Passengers taking this train are not compelled to got out of the curs at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Gnt tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket ofllce , 1601 Furnam st. F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt , J , E. PltKSTON , Pu&S , At. | SOUTH OMAlJiX DAILY EVENTS Mayor Sloan a t'otsBUOo the Olty Elec tion Proclamation. LATEST 003'stp IN POLITICS. IP t ti A Kansas City Gnu pi a Umtcr Arrest They Cnino to * South O in aim to Mnrrv , liitf Uitln't Hhvo Tltnd to Io It. AVhntln Hoimi In Politics. Tickets and slates are as thloit ns hogs on a good market day in South Omaha now. Most of them are the outgrowth of p oplo who sot themselves up as political bosses , but whoso Influence Is found sadly wanting when the hour comes to push their favorites through. Tom Hector sala yesterday that ho was going to get out today and do some work In his own interest for the city troasurershlp. And for that ofllco the light Is going to bo. This becomes mono and moro apparent as the campaign draws nigh. Tom Geary is dis pleased muchly that Hontor should aspire to his fat place nml is reported lo have said that ho will run independent m case Hector is nominated by the democrats. The way the thing looks now Hector is sure of the nomination and Geary's Independent candi dacy is going -to divide forces somewhat in uaso ho is truu to his word. An influential democrat said yesterday that ho hoped something would bo learned soon of a definite nature in regard to the candidacy of Mayor Sloanc. "Wo have got , to know about this matter quick.1 ho said. "If Sloano isn't going to run wo have got to decide on another man. As long as there is a belief that the present mayor can bo in duced to servo the pcoplo for another term it will bo Impossible to centralize on another available man. If Sloano won't accept the nomination I am in favor of putting ut > GeorL'o Parks. Either ono can poll moro votes than nny man iu South Omaha for mayor of the city. " The composition of the school board is very liable to depend on the .result of the party conventions. Wlulo thcro is a stronc sentiment In favor of n non-partisan school ticket no ono scorns Inclined to take the Ini tiative in calling a meeting for the purpose of placing a ticket in the Held free from the taint of politics. Neither the democratic or republican city central committees have met ns yet to issue the calls for primaries and conventions. The primary elections of both parties wilt bo governed this year by Nebraska's stringent primary election law. which provides hoavv penalties for repeating and illegal voting. The primaries must open at 12 o'clock noon , and close at 7 o'clock p. in. I'rocoeilliiKH or the Council. It had to bo done some time , and City Clerk Hector might Just as well work his vocal organs now as later in the political campaign. At the last meeting of the coun cil the rending of the minutes was dlspunaed with , so when the mceling was called to or der Tuesday night there was an half hour's work on the city'clerk's hands reading the lengthy minutes of the two previous meetings. Just before ho commenced the roll was called and Councilmen Uoyd and Uurko were found absent. The first business Was the approvalof the plat of Durrnh's addition to South Omaha. F. Pivonka , J. Pivonlta and A. Gary sent in a remonstrance against the grading of the alloy between K hhd M and Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. It was referred to the city attorney. An ordinance was introduced ordering n sidewalk laid on tuo west side of Twenty- fifth street from Q to N street. The ordi nance was referred to the committee on via ducts , streets and , alleys and xvas subse quently reported q'n ard passed. The property owners on Twonty-fiftn sti-cat from M lo Q street aslted that the street bo or'dered-pa'vcd with Colorada sand stone. It was refdrred. Luffenburg & Clark asked permission to use a portion of N Btrrot in front of their new building for an area way. The petition was granted. J. F. Uitchart and others asked for a fire alarm box in tbo neighborhood -Twenty- - third and I streets. It was sent to the com mittee on fire and water , with power to act. A petition for the appointment of a milk inspector went to the mayor for a recommen dation in connection with the request. Marshal Maloney asked for additional pay for his services as street commissioner. The finance committee will consider the request. A replat of two blecks of AlcGavock & O'Kceffo'.s addition facing on N street and Missouri avenue was presented for approval and referred to the committee on streets , viaducts and alloys. The replat was ac- acepted and approved. Charles Gumming was appointed on the Fourth ward registration board in place of J , C. Huff , and Thomas Kelly m place of Utmrles King on the hoard for the Third ward. The committee on puollo property was instructed to oeuuro suitable quarters for the registration boards during their bit- tints and report the places selected .in time for publication previous to the sittings of the boards. The council adjourned to moot on next Monday night. An Indian 11)11 ) i Loungers in the pohco court ono day last week witnessed the trial and conviction of Charles Freeman for assaulting and at tempting to snoot his wife. Accompanying Mrs. Freeman at the trial was a prepossess ing young woman who was supposed to bo a married neighbor of Mrs. Freeman's. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Freeman was a visitor at the police station and thinking that her husband had again assaulted her a Hue reporter asuod her for the particulars. Her visit was for a. different purpose , and connected with it was the young woman re ferred to. The Jail record bore the name of "Arthur VaulusburciS } fugitive from Justice , " but be yond that Marshal Maloney would give no information , Mrs. Freeman was moro communicative , The young woman who was her friend in trouble now under arrest and "Arthur Vau- lurburpo , fugitive from Justice , " is her ab ductor. Three wcoks ago they came to South Omaha from Kansas City , Kan. The girl is but sixteen yours old and her name is Uortba Von Mull. Uoth are Belgians. Hertlm's parents are poor people and keep a few boarders at Kansas City , Kan. Among the boarders was Arthur. Uortha and Ar thur fell in lovo. Uortha was anxious to get married but Arthur had no money. Uertha made up her mind to como to South Omaha without her parents' permission and AN thur's affection led him to follow her. They reached hero three -weeks ago Sunday and without the formality of n marriage coro- many proceeded tu ' live together us man and Wife. . . Arthur got a job id the Armour packing house and the couulo went to housekeeping on Indian Hill.- They were to bo legally married 'to-lay , Mrs. Freeman says , but requests for their arrest from Kan sas City out short , tholr auto-nuptial honey moon. Vanlurburgo is twenty-two years old and the girl sixteen. Mrs. Froonian states that they are too" llttlo acquainted with American laws n.td } customs to realize the predicament they' arc in. They supposed that having concldded to got married they could go ahead and llvn together us man and wife without thdformality of a legal cere mony. , lt The Kansas City officials will secure ro- nuisltiou papers for Vunlurburce on the cliargo of abduction for purpose * ot prosti tution. _ _ _ Hail n IllKli Ottl Time. Maria Graven , the French femato' who is responsible for the rent of tbo building known as the Now York cigar store , filed an Information against two well known young men yesterday morning for disturbing the peace nnd serenity of her ttbodo. Tuesday night half a dozen Jags wont to Maria's place and sought permission to outer. There was a moneyed party in the parlor buying beer and tha newcomer * were refused admission. It may bavo boon a co- Incldonco that they brought some eggs with thorn eggs hard boiled , eggs soft bolted , and eggs not boiled at all. Coincidence erne no , the eggs were thrown nt the heads of tbo girls , at the wall paper iK'urea , at the lamps nnd oven at the cranium of Maria , tha landlady For u llttlo thing llko bclnp egged Maria wfints the young men arrested , The case will bo heard this morning. Election t'roulnmatlon. To the qualified voters of the city of South Omnhai Notlco is hereby Riven that the an nual city election for the city of South Omnlm will bo hold on the iOth day of April , 1600 , between the hours of On. m. and 7 p.m. nnd no longer , nt which ttmo the following officers nro to bo elected : Mayor for the term ot two years. Clerk for tbo term of two years. Treasurer for the term of two years. Police Judge for the term of two years. Four members of the city council nt largo for the term of two years. Two members of the school board for the term of three years oach. Ono member of the school board to fill va cancy to hold for n term of ono year. The polling places shall bo as follows , to- wit ! , First Ward Jerry Uoo's store building on Twenty-fifth street. Second \Vnrd-J. Levy's ofllco on Twenty- slxtli strcot. Third Ward-J. Kllkar's , Q street. Fourth Ward Exchange building. W. J. SLOANCkMayor. T. Hoc ton , Clt Clork. Kirn Destroys Two Ilotisaf. AtO o'clock Tuesday night two cottages belonging to Thomas Whlttlcsey were com pletely destroyed by fire. The buildings were located two blocks south east of Jotter & Young's brewery and beyond the water mains. The tire de partment went to the blaze and with buckets managed to savon third cottage only six feet from the burned ours. The household goods were saved , but both cottages were burned to the ground. The local agencies had no Insurance on the buildings. Are You The boards of registration will sit at the following places on Friday nnd Saturday for revision of the lists : First Ward Jerry Dee's store room , on Twenty-fifth street , between M and N streets. Second Wnrd.T. . Levy's office , Twenty- sixth strcot , near N. Third Ward J. Kilkar's , on West O Btreet. Fourth Ward At Exchange building. Notes nnil I'nrsonnls. Charles Cosner has gone to Denver. Wilt Horger has returned to his homo in Ualco , Mo. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ulchardson nro in Kansas City. Pat Levill , a plain drunk , was fined $3 and costs yesterday. Nearly all the striking coopers have returned - . turned to work. The BChoIars at the High school have ar ranged for two oratorical contests to take place soon. S. W. Francis and family of Dunlop , la. , bavo removed to South Omaha to reside permanently. Willie , son of Mr. and Mrs. James Har- dosty of Albright , who died Sunday , was taken to Coucordia , Kan. , for Interment. Alfred J. Harder , of the tin department at , the Armour-Cudahy packing houses , who was injured by the boiler explosion , is able to resume his duties , ' James Coggins , wanted for burglary in Oinnha , was arrested Tuesday by Ofllcer Moso licdmond , Cogpina was turned over to the Omaha authorities yesterday. The successful entertainment clvon by the pupils of St. Agnes' school was repeated Tuesday morning. The children of the parish formed the audience and a delighted crowd of youngsters they were. A party of Atlantic , la. , business and pro fessional men visited South Omaha Tues day. The party was comprised of Messrs. Dolan , Reynolds , McAnvillo nnd Uo.vlo. They attended the St. Patrick's day celebra tion in Omaha Monday. AMONG THIS ItAlJjKOAOS. Threats of Another Outbreak In the 1'afBPncer Kate War- These Plans. Indications nro strong that'further reduc tions will bo made very shortly in the Chi- cago-Mjssourl Uivor-Colorado passenger rates. The war Is so devoid of excitement that ticket agents and street hustlers uro feeling lonesome. "The cut to ? S and ? 51ms not , " said 0110 man , "brought us nny moro business than wo had be fore. Whether It is because pcoplo hnvo no place to go or are waiting in antici pation that rates will drop still lower , I don't know. It is nonsense to run along us wo are doing now. Nobody gets bonclitted. The rates either ought to bo restored or put on a uropor war basis. " The faro from Missouri river points to Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo , by all lines , is now $10 , though there seems to bo n mutual understand ing that only continuous train tickets can bo sold at that tiguro. This restriction , it is claimed , was pufon to prevent scalpers man ipulating the rates between Denver and Pueblo. On the fnlluro of certain lines to comply with the rule is based a prevailing supposition that another break will bo mndo. A report has boon circulated to the effect that the Union Pncilio allows a two days' limit which enables scalpers to sell tickets from Omaha and Kan sas City to Denver over that road at SS nnd make up the other $2 by sell ing the Denver-Pueblo coupon separately. As a result the Union Puclflu SCOODS In moro Denver business than its competitors and they don't like It. Another road , whether the 13. & M. or the Hoc I : Island is not stated , is charged with paying i.50 commission on every Denver ticket , which gives the scalpers tin opportunity to make u cut of at leuvt & ) between Chicago ami $3 from the Missouri river , to Colorado points. Between Chicago und the Missouri river some roads are paying n commission of J3 which reduces the first-class rate to ? 5. In order to shut oft that sort of secret work lines not practicing It threaten to lower the advertised $8 rate to $5 flat , nnd make the llrst-class rate to Colorado fS. 7 lie Sum it Can Stn'ml. In the course of his address before the congressional committee on railroads last Monday , President Adams , of the Union PiicUla said , uiuong other things that it was not for the best Interests uf the government to hampar this corporation or embarrass Its performing the work it was credited to do. As matters stand now the company is enabled to pay towards the Interest und In liquidation of its debt to thu government Slf > 00,000 u year. Anything moro than that , ho declared , would tax the property beyond Us strength. Tills sum rep resents 3'f per cent Interest on tha present computed debt nnd ought , Mr. Adams thinks , bo sufllcicnt. A smtloment on that hauls would give the road some chance for development. Survoylnsr thu Route. Mr. LowU , who has charge of the Mis souri Pacific schema for a now line from Union by way of Platlsmouih to Omaha , Is out with n corps of engineers surveying the route. Ouo township In Cass county through which thu road will run voted bonds yesterday , and the others are expected to follow suit next , voak. Noton nnil Personals. P. M. Uoso , chief clerk to Superintendent J.iyncs of the St. Paul road , Is In Sioux City on" business. Vice President Holcoaib , who started last night on a tour of thu Union Pacific , will bo accompanied bv Ids family and J. S. Cam eron , thu chief superintendent ot construc tion. J. Pointdoxter , ouo of the lloston direct ors of ttio Union Pacillc , and son , are In the city , en route homo from u trip to Call- , fornla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When B&by wo * rici , we g re her Oottorla. When alia w j a Child , tha crfad for Ooatori * , Wbeo ilia became Mta , ih cluu to CnatorU , Wb 3 niio tin ? Children , ilia g T ith eta CMtorU SATURN , (2905. ( Will make the season of taO at the t'nlon Driving Park. Council Ilium * . Iowa , from March 1st untlt Juno 1st. wheiriio will bu returned t6 1'rcmont nud his worthy stable companion Mambrino Bashaw , 1759. Wllltnko his place from Juno 1st until August l t. TIIOOH two nro the only stnlllotn In tln > west that awi Hires of : . ' .30 performers. Saturn U n chestnut , Ntnlllon , 111 hnmls Jiluli , ami lii ordinary will weigh liOOponr.ds : fouled 18 0 ; bred by 1'ow ell llros. . Sprlngboro , I'm Ho Is perfostly hoiuul and vigorous ami n i rertnin foal KOtter. Kurtlior comment Is unuwossan' . Terms iliKl thn henson with the mnal return privileges ; invariably ousti orb.uikubloiiapor ba'foro ninioleaves premises. Among Saturn's got nro Mel.ood. Slli'l : ' : Consul u'i-15 : ; Ujron dliormau. SWI : hiid many . ' others better thnnlit. : : ( iorxl care and perfect accommodations for stork. Visitors always wel come at tlio park. For breeding catalogue , etc. . writeto J.\S. ( ! . SMITH Ar CO. , Fremont , Neb 111 Carpets , Mattings , Oil Oloth , Bugs , Silk and Lace Curtains and Fixtures , Portieres Drapery , Silks , Plushes , Upholstery G-oods , " "Window Shades , etc. Will make prices lower then any hsuse in Iowa or. Nebraska. Cal and see us or write for prices and Samples , NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY , COONC1L BLUFFS CARPET COMPANY COUNCIL BLUFFS/ ! PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRI Rl l N Rl l\l C Hydraulic nnd Sanitary Engineer. Finns , Estimates i UllllMllUIIXL. Specifications. Supervision of Public Worlc. Urown Building C'oucll Bluffs , Iowa. NQPU I | D"7 Justice of the Pence. OHleo over American Express , No. 41 , O\J M U IL. I . Broadway , Council BlulTs , low.a. QTHIMC" Ql iWIQ Attorneys at Taw" Practice iiTtlio'stato ana Fed- Ol UnL Oo OIIYIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shu-jart-Bono Block , Council Blurts , Iowa. O. .A. . BKJEBE & V\holesnlo and Retail Dealers in Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Dealers , semi for Catalogue. IVo . 2O5-2O7 ISrontjwiiy , and O'3-2OU Fiercest. , ft SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Situation m ollloc or business b WANTED yoiiiiR man speaklnc t\\o luiiKtiuKc ? . G oo references glvon. 11 17Ileeounctl _ _ ; Hlulfrf. _ several houses ami lots to trade for IHAVR Council lllulfs or Omaha unimproved prop erty. C 11. Juilil. OOP Droiidwar. Council Illnlfa. FOUItilNT Tne large store ro.'in now oc cupied bvO. W. liutts * iomml < sion house. 1'ossosilon given Mav 1st. Apply to Leonard IJverett. FOU BALK The Shepard drug More. No. 12J Mam St. . Council Ulurfs , J.V. . 1'orogoy , trmtee. . FOH SALE Cneap , Moslor burglar proof safe with tlma locK. ANO ! Hue cherry bans counter. S. 18 , Heo olllct * . Council lllnlV < OH BALE ID. 2(1 ( or 43 acre } bfl rods north of Chiiutaiiqua grounds. U foot lot in Htrootsvllle on llroadway. 8)30. ) , New 8-room house on IWh avenue , J..SOO. I Fine lot on Demon street iVJxISl. tUV ) . J Oood farm In , Nobras a to trade for city J propei tv. J Lots in Muliln's sub. . ? 2iO to HO ) , easy terms. ' Lots in Kindles , * r 0 to SI.OHJ. Fiuo lot on 7th ave. , 110x1.1 \ will make good lots. A great bargain , only tl.oir ) . Good BO foot , lots on Ave. 0 , 1 block from Northwestern trac * , SliVI each. o room house on Madison St. , 1 block from Hroadway. very cheap. 50 foot lot on Ave. II , corner ot 18th St. , J100. Finest residence lot * in the city nt Jl.T'iU each. First mortgage loans. Itoom 4 , Opera block , Council llluirs. lOK S A At n bargain A ! M3-apro ranch Jj WO mlles from Omaha. In ( tret class lo c&tlon nnd.A. No. 1 In every respect. Tills bar gain will repay u close Investigation. 1'or par ticulars call on or address J.U.Johnson , No. 10 1'uarl bt. . Council llluirs. _ COUNCIL ULITFFS property for sale at grca bargains. Tlio following , umoug the moa beautiful home.s In the city , will bo sold a great bargains , on moathly payments , or term to suit : Three new 8-room liousoi on Lincoln avonua two blocks from electric motor luio. Two now 4-room houses four woclcs from oloctrlc motor line on North floventh street. Ono now fi-room house four block ) , from elec tric motor line on North Seventh street. Three new B and it-room liousoi ono block from electric motor line corner Avenue A and Twelfth street. . . . . Jlesldes the above I have hollies ami lota in all parts of the city. Ono now o-room house on Mill Bt. C. 11. Judd , OJt ) Hroadway , Council llhiirs. for second-hand furniture , stoves and GASH . A. J. Matiilol. 'IJ ! llrondway. l7IOIt HAljK At u imrgMn : One double saw ,1 } nnd sllcor ; one venear machine with gear ing complete , nil new , miltablo for basnet fao tory. lamilro at Snyiler's commission house ! X ! Pearl st. CounclUlluHs. _ _ TJH ) It KALE Tno NO veil-room cottsgo a * , tlio JJ corner of Ud avenue und Utn street. Also the now awlss cottaga occupied by mo on Ul itvenne. Either propsrty will lie sold on easy terms. W. 0 James _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIA1IGAIN iiy residence , aC-rooomlioiuo , pantry , bathroom , closets , city water , otc. fiJxl&l. Stable , teal and wood house. Hour- fruit , tine location , One-third down , bM- anco to suit. N. O. Ward , 4)'i ) Hroadway. _ IilOU3ALK-.My rasldnnce , fiY ! Willow av- 1 cnue , on south aide of luyllss park , Heated byHtoam , llgntuil by ulectrlcltv nnd containing all modern Improvement- ! . Lot W > by 20J fust Abe will sell or uxclmngo for Improved city propnrty , my farm of ATM acres , t < m milca cast otCnuncll lIlillTa. N. M. Pirny. Council Hlulra. "VIEW Improved re.U eaUta to trvn for nnlru -Li proven Omaha or ( Council IllulTspropjrtjr C. II. Judd , 003 llro&dway. " 1/iOHHAI.Kor Itent-Union land with housas , X1 by J. U. Idea lie Main at. , Council UmnM. BELr&TtRLINBHOF , ARCHITECTS AM > SUPKUINTENDKNI'S. Itoom 2 , Opdia Ilcuso.Ulock , Council Uluffn , own. F. M , ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS ANnW'ILniNCl Hl'I'KIUSTKNnKNTS. IloonufM and WJ lloo Hulullnz. Oman * Nob. , imil llooiiut 211 ami SHI Merriam "loclc. Councl Utullsjow . , Corrvpoudeucu Sol cltvO. No. 27 Main St. , Over Jncquo- min's Jewelry Store. Electric Trussis , Bells , Ciiest Pro tectors , Etc , Aconts wantou. HUH. C. K. . -THE- JtiMufpliyManufacturifljCo , 1st Avenue nnd 21st Stroot. 11 . _ . . JAM A JLJ \ \SAIM JkJb.14 * rf.fc I A4. Hand and b'croll Sawing. Ilo-Snwlnjc anil Planing , yswlugof nlllClniH. 1'oren Hra"kut IClndllug wood $ J.W ) pur load delivered. Clean uawdust by the Inrrol ic. All work to ba tlrst-cla-is. Telephone : ! . "Your Patronuso Solicited. " S. E. MAXON , Arclfct and Superintend , Room 231 , Merrlnm Block , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. aiios. OITICEH. W , II. M. 1'uaur OFFICER & PUSEY , Corner Main and llroadway. UOUNUIIJ JIMTKKH , IOWA. Dealers In forulim anil domestlo uxUiatiKB Collections inado ami Intereit paid on time do- posltw. , _ . _ , CHRIS BOSEN AND PLANING- MILL Ilest oiiulppeil , mo-it centrally located factory in the city. All modern latest pattern much u. erv Operated by Hkllled mechanics. Special attention glvon to flcroll and band sawing , plan ing and trlmlng. General contracts aim ostu ate * for houxes nnd buildings a specialty. Corner North Main ami Mynstor nueuts , tonne cil llluirs. Telephone W. J. 1) . ISUMU.NUSDV , E. L. SlIIHHIiT. l'rs. . V 'te ' " * CII.AS. II. HANNAH , Casmer , CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , N orcoiwcir. ni.um. Pnld up Capital Sino.ooo.oo Surplus 35ooo.op Liability to Depositors.- .335ooo.oa DiiiMTonH-I. A. MllUr , F. O. Olaanon , K. U , Shut-ait , K. K. Hart , J. I ) . Kdimd m. Cuas. ft. lluuuau. Transact general banking Imnlncta Largvit capital uiul surplua of any bank la Northwestern low * . Intareat on ttmo