THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TJiTJESDAY , MARCH 20 , 1890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , WheatNows of aOonfl'oting Nature From all Quarters. \ NARROWNESS IN THE CORN PIT. moderate Utilities ! In Oats and n Stonily l-'oclltiK I'rcvnlent Proa vUlonn Sl'iw C.utlo Slioxv nti-I in prove incut. CHICAGO rnonucn MAHILKTS. CHICAOO , March 19. ( Special Telegram to Tun HEC.J The wheat market was whipsawed - sawed nguln todny. The news of the day was very conflicting from all quarters. The market started weak anil a little lower , with May at 79c , and without nnv great odor- Ings the prlnc touched i9J ( ( Z 9 c. This was the bottom for the session. All at once buyIng - Ing began nnd the pit became nntlvo and tno market strong. The prlco of May moved up to SOU'c before noon. This was the top prlco reached. During the hour to 1 o'clock there was a drop of Jtfo to 79c and a second rally to SOc. Around 79.J e nnd 80c there was con- iildcrnbio of a contest , with the price between these figures at 1 o'clock. Juno sold at79j8c , to 7U > @ 7i ! ; o nnd off to 70 ? ( i79 c , nnd Julvut 7'jltfc , up to 78'fc ' nnd oft to 77 c. Of all the news of the day crop dispatches were the most conflicting. Everybody had them. Somosald that Half the crop and others siild thnt not nn aero was damaged nnd tno licldi looking nice. St. Louis sent both classes , but the shorts In that market kept Chicago houses buying for tnom on every soft spot. The other bull inlluencos ncro mostly from the ocabonrd nr from the other sldo. A New York letter from u con- Bcrvutlvu source claimed that 850.000 bushels of contract red wheat and 300,000 bushels of ungraded wore sold to go out bOi"ro ) April 15. " Millers owned UOO.OOO bushels and \vould need 1,500,000 bushels more in the next two months. Dunn nnd others say this Is the cash wheat situation. Export elf aranccs were but 8,000 bushels of wheat from Now York nnd 9J.OOO from Bal timore. Hutchlnson was a power in wheat Into In the day. Ho sold to get the prlco under 80u and then bought freely. Ho kept the trail o guessing as to what ho might do before the close. Last prices were : March , TUkc ; May , SOc ; Juno , 7lJ ) c ; July , 73c. Tno corn market was narrow and there was no conspicuous trading ovdn by local houses. There was n slight advance earlv , when May sold at 29 ! < c , but It sold at 29o later and closed ut 2'J29 ' ; o. Otnor clos- Intf prices were : ftlarcti. 28 o ; April , 28 ; < @ : Wo ; June , JMJ o ; July , 31c ; August. 31j o ; September , 3i'j3 , o. A very liberal move ment continues. In outs there was moderate business and a Rtcady fcelme prevailed. Much of the In tel cst centered In Muy. There was llborul selling by n largo operator , from whom buyers obtulncd nit they wonted nt 21 % @ Ul > fc for May. The more deferred futures were n shade higher , with very llttlo trad ing. Mho demand for car lots in store was light and No. 2 was quotable at 21c. In No. 2 whlto for May trading was larger nt 22JjJ23c , ono operator buying 110.000 bushels at the otitsldo llguro. Juno wns tiuotablo at 2223c. The provision tnuritet was not active at any tlmo. At ono time Haldwln , Raymond & Co. nnd othnrs sold considerable Mav pork and put the prlco somewhat , but the market was almost featureless and the rnngo In pork was but 15c nil day. Thcro was very llttlo action In lard , nnd short ribs showed llttlo weakness , soiling 5c under tha opening prices. Iho action in pork for Mny wns $10.57J4 off to 3t0.42 > , up to $10 50 , off to 510.12K and closed nt S10.43. May ribs closed at ? 3.l > 5 and lard at $0.10. OH1OAOO LIVE STOCK. CIIICAOO , March 19. [ Special Tologratn to TUB Bus. ] CATTLE There was a slight im provement in Iho demand , but llttlo or no change In values , 'i'lio export demand has dwindled away to almost nothing. The drcsKcd bcof trade wanted inoro cattle than ' yesterday. About thirty-five loads of Tex- tins were on tha market , among which were some of the best fed on the market this season , all classes of cow stock , bulls und butchers' stock generally selling ubout the same as for the past two days. The stacker and feeder trade continues to move along nt about former prices. Choice hooves , $4.r > UiI.SO ( ; me dium Bteers. 1,330 to 1.600 Ibs. $4.20 ® 4.40 ; 1,200 to 1.850 Ibs. $3.50t ( 4.10 : 950 to 1,200 lb , $1.25@3.SO. Stockers nnd feeders. $2. | 0 ( < in.70 ; cows , bulls und mixed , fl.r.O © : i.fiO ; bulk , $335@2.75. Toxns corn-fed Bteers , $2.90(1(3.75. ( ( HOJJS The market generally opened a Bhado stronger , but cloned weak nnd lower , uuycra for packers' offering only $1.10 at the close , whorcus the bulk of good packing grades sold early nt $4.15@4 20. Cholco and BOlcctcd heavy sold strong nil dnvand closed steady. Limit sorts underwent llttlo or no change , Helling largely ut § t.20@4.25 for NEW Youir , March 19. ( Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | STOCKS The leading feature of the Block market this morning was the uniform weakness all through the list. The cause was found abroad. The withdrawal of Bismarck wns the signal for uneasiness In London. From thnt center prices camo.from a fraction to 1 per cent lower. Our market responded with declines of from * k to % per cent generally , though Union Paoiflc and Rock Island ware down % , In a few cases further slight losses were sustained. Prices Improved after the llm few minutes' business , Ihough tha niarlcot failed to show any change from the dullness nnd stagnation of the past few days. Everything traded In moved within the narrowest limits nnd not until late in the hour , when a few boars made a demonstration , was there any Ufa at all In the dealings. During the hour following prices supped still further und no class of stocks escaped Iho sinking tendency. Chicago cage Gu& was off 1 per cent to 42 , Sugar % to GSl , Loulsvlllo J to 8J , Erlo } f to 25V. Now England % to 45 ; < , Paclllo Mr.ll % to 37 , Burlington j-f to 100 , Norttiwoitorn If to 110 , St. Paul to 07J , Missouri Pacific a'to 73 and Readme $4 per cent to 39.J . Among the stocks showing some recovery were Atctilsou , whlen regained from 80J. to IW < % , Rock Island from 03Jtf to ftjjtf , Union Pnoillo from 01 to03 and Lachawanua from 131W t ° 18WTonnesBsco Coal wns up nearly 3 per cent from the opening to 46 } nt noon. There was llttlo fon-o to the 'market nt any tlmo. The stock market closed much Improved. Sugar trusts closed 1's per cent up nt COIf on probable favornblo action of ttio court. Tennessee Coal wni up 0 points nnd talk was that the difficulties In the man- nguuiout were about to bo removed. The best news of the day , however , was that western managers have called a meeting for next week to sottio the oxUtlnp troubles. On this there was good buying nnd the early losses were moro than regained nnd no monet not pains recorded. Loulsvlllo , Now Eng land , Atclnsoii , Burlington and Northwestern - orn closed ' 4 to > fc per cent higher. Rock Island was steady and Union Paciflo heavy , The total sales were 183,800 shares. The following wore the olos'.n * quotation * : UMlt Noithnra I'aoltlo , . 30'i U.8.4 * coupon * ; do oreterroa IS O. Jt .N.V liuy II. H.- ilonrorerroil HI 1'adrtcttj ot Ol. lltt N.V.btnt l l ? Ui Ontrat I'ncltlo. in . . . . . . . . . . . ctilcaso.V Altun lloclc Island . W Chicago , llurllmjtoti U..M. AHt.1' . < ! 8i } & 0umor . . . . . . . . . dooraf < rr6d..M 1155 * St.l'aul * Ora h . ' Il.'l ' " " , . , lliinoiaCoat'rat ! . fit aoiiroforrea . W 1. . II. & W. , Union . W..SI.L. if. . . , , . . 13' ' l.nko Shore 100' , nor torrod. . . . > tn ( Michigan Central. . l > 7 We t ra Union. . . . f-M4 tllBKourtl' oinc. . . . 1U' { PIIIUB MeuoixriLB per cent. STr.iiLiso nxciiAXOR Quiet but strong : sixty- day bllli , M.sC ; demand , $ t.S5. Moxcr Easy nt.1Ji' l percent. nilnnie Htnolci. NEW Vonic , March 19. fSuoclal Tolosram to THE Us3.1 riij fjllj.vli ; arj thj mln-1 Ingstack quotitloni : Alice 100 I'reelnnd 100 Commonwealth .sw Morn Sllvor - ' > ComttorK. T. MS nm Mexican 27ft Comstock , T. crp.3iin rrA Npvnili I9U Deadwood T. . . . .121 Slitter Crook an El Utito JJS CniCAtin. March 10. til" n. ra. eloio Wheat Easy ; March , TOH" ! M" * ' * SOc. Corn-Easy ; March. 23'ifc ; Mnv , Sttn. Oats Steady : March , 31'fe ; May , 2i\'c. Hyo March. 42 > ; c. llnrlovNolhine ilolnt ; . Pnmo Timothy $1.30. Flax-Cash , $1.40. Whisky $1.0-3. Pork-Easy ; Mnrcli , $10.20 : May. 110.4. , Lard Stoutly ; March , * 0.uS ; May , $0.10. Flour Firm ilnd tinclmncca ; winter wncat. ? 2.00 ( < H40 : spring wheat , $3.75@t.GO ; rye , $2.50@3.bO ; bucltwhoat , TSc@tl.UU par owl. Provisions Shoulders , 9l.n. < @l.40 ; short clear. 5.45@5 50 : short ribs , March , $5.02' Butler Easier ; creamery , 10@24,5 o ; dairy , 12fi22c. ( Choose Firm ; full cream chcddars , 0 } ( f10e ; flats , O'n'MlOXc ' ; Young Americas. Eggs Unchanged : fresh , 12@lHc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green galled , W&We ; salted bull , 3J/e ; prcon suited calf , 5 c : drv ( lint , ( i@7e ; dry suited hides. Us ; dry calf , rx fie : deacons , 20o each. Tullow Unchanged ; No. 1 solid packed , 3 { c ; No. U , 3Lc , ; cake , 4e.Receipts. Receipts. Shlpm'ti. Flour . 10.00(1 ( 13.000 Wheat . 31,000 10.000 Corn . , . 503.003 221,000 OnU . . . 100.00J 11)0.000 ) Now York , March 19. Wheat Receipts , 20,900 busheli ? ; oxporlH , 8.150 bushels ? spot firmer ; No. 2 red. SSKQSS. o In olov.Uor , 90@ ! > OJ < cnlloat ; b9jOmc < f . o b. ; options llrui ; No. S rod. March , closing atSSXc. Corn Receipts , 17.4UO bushels ; exports. 110,000 bushels ; spot weaker : No. 3 , 3GK@ y < 5Jfc In elevator , a'J-fO'JT c adoat ; ungraded rrtlxoa , 30@.17fooptionsiower. ; ! ; March , 3Gc. Outs Receipts , 41,000 bushels : exports , 43,000 ; options linn ; March , SW3 c ; spot iirmorpn white ; No. 2 white , . 'WVjJSlJic ; mixed 'western , 27@30c : whlto do , tt'JJffigUlc ; Coffee Options barolv steady at 15 ( < 4'35 points down , closed barely steady at 2U@50 points down. Sales : 127. 7iV ) bags ; March , $17.75@17.S5 , May , $ 17. 00 ® 17. 33 ; spot Rio lower ; fair ; cargoes , $30.50. SugarHaw , steady : rellncd , weak. Petroleum United closed , April , bSc , Egs Firm ; western , 14c. Pork Firm ; now mess , Sll.50@12.00. Lard Dull at 1@2 points down ; western steam , TO. 50. Hutter Western dairy , G@lSo ; creamery , 13@25ifcElgln. ; 2t 4@37c. Cncese Loss firm ; western , 10@10 > c. Milwaukee. March 19. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 spring , cash , T'JjijC. Corn Firm ; No. 'I , liS c. Oats Firm ; No.2 , whlto , 23) c. Hyo Firm ; No. 2 , 43c. Hurley Ouiet ; No. " , 4lc. Provisions Strong ; pone , $10.3J. St. IjoiiiH. March 19. Wneat Lower ; cash , 77Jfo ; Mav , 77 > $ c. Corn Lower ; casti , 25Kc. Oats Higher ; cash , ! ! J } { & Pork Qutot ; * 40 IKi. Lard Easier ; $ . ) .87 > . Whisky Steady ; $1.02. Butter Firm ; creamery , 2023e ; dairy , Itf ; < l23c. Kinneiinnlis. March 19. Wheat Cash wheat inactlvo ; receipts. 133 cars : ship ments , 40 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , March , IvniiB\s Gltv. March 19. Wheat Weak : No. 2 red , cash , "O'i'c ' : March , TOJf ( ! 70 > c ; No. 2 haru , cash , ( W@05J.f.o ; No. ! l hard , 5Hffi5l ( ! sc. Corn Weak ; No. 2. cash , 22J < c. Oats Weaker ; 1S@1S ; ' C. Clinnnnu. ) Maro'i 19 Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red. 77@70c. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 3l@31 e. Oats Acjtlvo ; iNo. 2 mixed , 23 > i@34 > c. Whisky fl.02. Liverpool , March 19. Wheat Steady ; demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Cali fornia No. 1 , 7s 2d percental. Csrn Quiet ; supply in excess of demand ; new mixed western , 3s O jd per cent. ijiK srouic. Clilca o , March 19. Cattle Receipts , 13,000" . Steady : beeves. $1.30(3180 ( ; steers , $3.2Sgl.40 ( ; stockers nnd feeders , $3.40@3.70 ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.50@3.50 ; Texas corn-fed steers , $3.IO { ( < J3.25. . HOGS Receipts , 20,000. Strong , to Co higher ; closing weak ; nixed , $ I.05@4.27J < ; light und heavy , $4.05@4.30 ; snips , $3.50g ( ? 4.00. 4.00.SIIEEI SIIEEI- Receipts 0POO. Strong ; natives , $1.00(30.00 ( ; western corn-foil. SI.SO@5.70 ; Texnus , $ J.90' 5.25 ; lambs , § 3.00@0.85. Hiou.x Olty , March 19. Cattle Receipts , 1.500 ; shlpmonts , 900 ; market actlvo ; cainiors , 7r > ci1.23 ( ; cows , S1.00@1.'J3 ; stock- crs , $ l.r > OF itW ; feeders , $2.25@2.90 ; veal calves , $3.UO@il.l. . Hogs Receipts , 2,100 ; market opened 5o higher and closed strong vith the open ing ; light. M.00 3.93 ; heavy , $3.92K@I.OO ; mixed , $3.00@3.ys. /H.Natloiial Stiiolc Yard < . East St. JTimiH. March 19. Cattle Receipts , l.CUO ; shipments. GOO ; market steady ; fair to fanov nativa st'jora. f3.tiO.i44'J ; stackers and feeders , $2.0jl3.CO. : ! ; Hogs Receipts , SJOO ! : shipments , 110 ; market strong ; heavy , J-I.03S4.15 ; packing , 400j$4 ( 10 ; light , Sl.00@4.13. Olty.Alarch 19 Cattle Receipts , 4,300 ; shipments. 2tOJr ! slow ; steers , SJ.IJO Oil.70 ; cows , $1.SOJ2.90 ( ; stockers and feed ers , $2,40@'l.5l ) . Hogs Uocoipts , 8,200 ; shinmonts , 8fX)0 ) ; market strong ; all grades , ? J.77 } < fQ3 03. OMAHA IjlVK STOCK. Cnttlp. Wednciaav , March 19. The rccolpU of cattle estimated at 1,400 , comparca with 3,332 yesterday , nnd 2,870 last Wt-dncdsay. The receipts for the first throe days of the week were 7,03S , compared wllh 7,070 for the corresponding days last week. The steer market opened Into and slow , almost Hat , before any stilus were made It was almost midday. Lluyora were very careful and expressed no doslra except for souiQ particular bunches that struck their fancy or were such as they had special or ders for , The few sales made before midday were on u lifeless , sagging market ut prices not materially different from the lowest point ut Itut nleht'a ' cloao. Soon utter sules began bolng made tralllck- Ing became inoro lively nnd sales were made readily on desirable lots at the prices of fered. U was hard to gut buyers to look at anything not juit desired. Lute in the day u better tcuio prevailed , the market became stronger and closed u nicklo higher , with everything sold. The coiv rocaipts were small and all changed hands early at linn prices , soinu reporting sales stronger. The bull and feeder miirkot was again lib erally supplied , with prices linn und sales easily mado. The market U from ICe to 'Wo lower limn Saturday , Only two bunches of steers topped { 4.00 and ono bunch of cows reached the fl.OO lino. Estimated receipts of hogs 4,800 compared with D-BUS yesterday , and 'J.914 luU Wedncs- day. Tno receipts for tlm llrsl three days of the week have boon 12.003 compared with 7,703 for the corresponding days lust xvcok. The market on hogs opened steady at yesterday's prices. Every thing sold. The uvorncu prlco of hogs was compared with fJJ-SO yesterduy. Shoop. Estimated receipts of sheep 1,027 , com pared with 224 yesterday and 1,454 last Wcuncadoy. The receipts of sheep for the first three days of the week hiuo boon 3.17 , compared with 2.874 for the corresponding days lust week. The quality of today's re ceipts was not very good. Tncro were two doubla uccka of heavy western owes nnd throe doubles of light thin Colorado owes , none of them very good , A single deck or mixed lambs and yearlings , Nobrnskus , sold at $5 00. Tno market Is steady for anything dctirablo and good mutton * are In demand , Prevailing l'rloo . ThO following 1 a tiblo ot pricji pill In this market for the graljj of sto : < t men tioned : PrimeBteers. 1113 to HIM lbs. . 3.73 (31 ( 40 Goodstcer , 1250 to in ) 1M. . . .1.4) ( ftl.SJ Good stoors. 1050 to 13X ) His. . . 3.2) M.S'J ' Common 10JJ to 115'J ' lt > stoora. 2'JJ WO.50 Common cannon l.OJ W'J.K ( ) Ordinary to fair cowa 1.03 pKi53 ! Fair to goon eows 1.90 < if2.15 Good to cholco cows , 2.20 ( < i')03 ! ) Choice to fancy cow * 2.05 ( # JU)0 ) Fnlr to good bulls 1.75 (3'J.r/J ( Cholco to fancy bulls S.6j Q 3. 0 Light stockers and fi < odorA. . , . 2.151 iji.l.fS Feeders. 950 to 1100 Its 3.01 ® 3 50 Fair to ohoico light hozi 3.83 'M.W Fnlr to choice hcnV.V hogs 3.771 A.1.83 Fair to cholco mixed hogs. v. . . 3.H3 ( < 3.00 ItatiKi of l'rloo Uniti. The following table shows the raaja. of prices paid for hogs : Light nnd medium hogs tl 75 ( J3 95 Good to cholco mixed tie s. . . n bO MI : 95 Good to cholco heavy hogs. . . 3 75 ( S3 90 Ilnnzo of I'rlous Jhoun. The following table showj the range of prices paid for sheep : Prtmo fut sheap ? 4 40 @ 3 59 Goodfatshocp il 50 fSl 00 Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 OJ @ 3 75 Lambs 100 ( 0 00 Average Unit nl tloz > t. The following table gives the uvorago cost of hogs on the dates moatlonoJ , inuiudln ? the cost today , us luted upon sales reported : Date. 1'rlco. Date. Price. Mnrch 1 < . 3 75 March 11 3 81 March 3 3 7 < H March 13 3 83 Murch4 377 March 13 3.37tf Mnrcli 5 3 M March 14 3 91 .f Mnrch 0 U 7I' < March 15 3 9Tl/d Murch 7 3 72K March 17 3 93 March 8 ! l 78 * < Mnrch 18 3 8 March 10 3 7tj March 19 U SCR Cnmpnrutlvt ! 1'ablun. Thofolloivin ? fxb'.O ' ! sli3v ths ran3 In prlcoson hogi durln ? thU and lait WJ3' < : ol Stock. Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd sheep bought by the packers nnd leadlnt ; buyers on to-day's ma/xet : CATTLE. Uuyors. No. Swift & Co . : tOO Georco II. Hammond &Co . . . . . . . . 10S TboArmour-Cudahy Packing company. ! 30'.l Leo Hothschild . 40 Hamilton & Stcohon . 13 lionton & Undorivood . 12 Nols Morris. . . ; . ' . . . . . 205 Shippers nnd feeders . 170 Uocuur & Degan . 22 1IOQS. Showlnc the numhar of hogs bought by the leading buyers on todav'a inarlcot : Armour-Oudahy Packing company . 2,240 Omaha Packing Co . 1/JS3 Swift & Co . 454 George II. Hammond & Co . 'Mi Kingau & Co . 538 nntl ljuvvust Sales ul Today. Ycbtorday. IliShest . J3.00 Hlphcst . 83 'J" Lowest . S.77 ] < Lowest . y.75 Stock ItecointR. ' ' Oniclal yesterday. Estlm'atod Today. Catlle , Ilicars.i.i32 ) : : : Callle , G'J ' cars. . 1.400 Hogs , 81 cars. . . 5,835 Hogs , 75 cars . . .4bUO Sheep , 1 car. . 2Jt Sheep , i ) cars. . . . 1,1)37 ) Itcprcscntntli'n Sales. STEEUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 . 870 53 00 20 . 1205 3 55 5 . SlW 325 21 . 1170 357 1 . bSO 325 40 . IKK ) 8(10 ( 4 . 1233 333 59 . 1218 3 02tf } 1 . 12M ) 340 23 . 1154 3 02 12 . 1104 840 20 . 12tO 3 C.2 10 . 1035 340 & 5 . 1273 305 1 . 1250 310 13 . 1117 3 ( i5 11 . 1017 345 47 . 1103 30" 5 . 1110 345 40 . 1207 8'05 ( i . 1205 845 10 . 1-.2J 805 5 . HMO 345 17 . 1210 305 3 . U3 ! ! 350 19 . 1147 305 33. . . .1212 350 20.-.12J1 305 19. . . * . . 1212 1 3 30 17 . 1294 8 70 5 . 10SO 350 17 . 1248 370 18. . . .1015 850 29 . 1108 370 J7 . 1124 350IS . 1132 370 20 . 1285 350 10 . 12)4 ! ) 370 17 . 10S4 350 21 . 1214 3 77 > f , ' 17 . 1134 8 C > 2 > 13 . 1212 375 81 . 1255 3 B2K 80 . 13Jl ( 375 10 . 1121 855 18 . 1310 382 0 . 1170 355 21 . 1278 385 11 . 1153 355 IS . 1411 3 S5 14 . 1130 855 1 . 15UO 3 S5 14 . 11S3 855 25 . 1821 3 IK ) 19. . .112.5 355 0 . 1010 400 20 . 1129 855 18 . 140J 415 COWS. 1 . 820 2 00 5 . 970 2 00 4 . 900 200 4 . lltO 200 1 . SOO 21)0 ) 8 . 1110 205 1 . 800 200 23 . 954 2 (55 ( 8 . 974 210 10 . 913 205 23 . 939 225 5 . 1142 205 1 . 1000 225 4 . 970 270 2 . 10UO 340 0 . 114'J ' 270 1f . . . .988 250 21 . 902 270 5 . 1150 250 20 . 1184 275 1 . 1020 250 2 . 1015 275 1. . . .940 250 20 . 1073 280 15 . 1023 2 bO 15 . 755 2 bO 3. * . . . .1117 200 12 . 1017 295 9. . . .1000 2 O'J 5 . 10JO 300 2 45 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 05 205 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 90 8 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 25 8 35 8 2 > 8 30 8 fiO 1 75 1 73 1 80 3 00 3 15 CALVEl. 2 330 200 3 293 400 2 100 4 00 STOCKEHS. 3 5-J7 375 35 657 265 STAGS. 1 1370 2 00 srr.uus , YEAHi.ixns. II 001 3 20 WKSTEIIX OtTTLB. ' Owners , No. Av. Prlco. 15 steers , Texas c. f. 914 $3 00 iioas. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 0..270 40 $3 50 43.344 100 $3 85 01..240 280 3 77f } 0..153 3 85 G..377 40 380 5S..801 120 385 9 . . .342 80 3 80 G . . , .2 3 385 29. . . . HO 1 120 3 80 75. . . .23.3 3 85 10..337 bO 380 58.288 200 385 10.300 80 3 80 05.,291 100 385 13..275 3bO 51..290 1BO 385 G..293 3 80 03..273 203 883 83..2-34 40 3 85 72..310 80 3 85 61.-.231 40 385 01..250 120 385 27..133 80 381 ,71. . . 278 12J 985 50..1)01 ) 80 385 03..204 100 385 03..205 40 3 85 .01..251 40 S 83 00..234 3 85 00.274 60 3 85 5173 40 385 123.274 120 3 87Jtf 58..2D3 120 385 77..247 3 STK 74..235 8013 85 00..271 120 3 87f IM..409 80 .1 85 05.205 3 87 > 01..259 120 385 05..2S4 60 3 S7 < 03..233 120 385 53..803 81 03..305 11)0 ) 385 53..279 31 53..207 80 3 65 01.299 3 87 } J 75 . . .213 3 83 79.,214 40 B 87n CO..277 120 385 0'3.317 200 3 87K 03,2fiO 200 383 07..259 3 87U 09..250 S85 70..WO 3 90 iw..ai9 40 n t/Jjaii 40 n PO OJ . .310 40 3 5 T6 . .2.3 3 00 r > 0 . . .USD S3 3 S.1 S'J . 22 i - 3 IK ) 01 . . .827 38510. . .2(5 ( 3 IX ) 71. . . . 239 385 ) , . , ' - ' 800 03. , .WJ 3 8 j Oft. . . 210 3 SH ) r.j..230 3 M 3 DJ 71 . . .219 3 85 4U..2'- 40 3 ! )0 ) 71. . . .212 SO 383 IXil'j ) ! 40 3 DO 02. . . .249 80 385 O.V.SS8 , 40 390 O'J. . . .273 385 49..S2J300 72. . .A" 383 lri..22l 40 3 PO M..202 200 3 &o 83. . . . S3 1 10 300 8IIBD11. ' No. < < "l Av. Prloa 109 nnttro lambs , mixed. , . , . , , , . 03 $500 On HID IMnrkct With Sharp. , E. W. Ticknor , North IJonil ; Whlto Sons ft Co. , Mlndcn ; O. S. Wolcott , Archer j F. Taylor , Urokun How. On thn Market \Vltli Cnttlc. Jnmcs Prnzlor , Fullerton ; Kugono Urown , ContrnlGlty ; O. Sxvonson , Ohnpuinn : W. C. jwarts , Silver Ulty , In. : W. K. ICinsolIn , Uunlnp , In. ; VV. N. Ulchnrdson , Cnmnboll ; P. AI. Wolfor , Endlcott ; lU. . Uliss , Howclls ; Kent Cattle Co. , Nowmnns Orovoj Henry Kruao , Scrlbnor ; Kcno llro . , No- ligh ; L.V. . Adnins , LiOgan , In. ; Potcrson Liro3. , Uodi'n & / . , Honny Crook , In. ; Jonu Stoodt , S. U. UlnckViytn , In. ; II. C. Lcllcr , . SpnnBllold ; E. E. Underwood , Danhury ; It. MiU'vin , C. Cnllo- way , \Vilsonvlllo ; Donatioo & D , Uondlo.v ; Gornld Wllcox , R U Wilcox , MoCook : .1. W. Glllilnnd\Vray , Col. : E. Hllomnn , Sutton - ton ; Thomas POWCN , Sutton ; Junto * Coats , Exeter ; A. C. Knupp , Itlmc.i ; J. M , Cox , Hampton ; Phillips & I , Trumbull : Wnscotl & Q. Arcadia ; \V. X. TlUan , Uuvonna : R Taylor , IJrokon Uow ; D n Uai lc , Palmyra ; Middlesex L. S. Co. , Wood Ulvor ; T. Uird , Lnrumio , W.vo. ; W. iT. HorRor , Donlphnn ; Miller & Uo Vore , Ornt.d Island ; First Na tional bnnk , Platlsmoutb ; li. n. Grlbblo , Dakota City ; Crockett & S , Sioux City , ! . ; Humphrey it S , WlnnobiiRo City , S. L ) . ; II. V. Cronk , Ponder ; J. H. Ulair , Whltmp , la. ; Hnrris , t Zimmerman. Clmrluslon ; II. C. Ilohlt , Gochner ; James Doyle , Milllgun ; L. M. SlRinan , lioatnco ; James Uanloy , Moad. On The Market With ilos * . J. Wltff-lns , Columbus : Crouch Brothers , St. Edwards ; Hay Stuto L. S. company , Bnv Stale ; Ocorno lioolol , Mlllnrd : Full t Wyunt , W. C. Swart * , Silver Citv , In. ; J. J. Dohcrty , Dunlap , In. ; Zabcl D. & Co. , Wabash ; Thomas & Connor , Ohlowa : 13ow- mun & Christy. Lawrence ; II. Guild & Co. . Uludon ; U. O. Hobb , Endlcott ; T. Cochran , Wilber ; Tieitnor , 13. & M. , Beatrice ; Todd & Co. , Mllford : Nye , S. & Co. , Cornlcu ; J. It. Barnes , Albion ; Fuller , S. & F. , Kent catllo company. Now- man'a Grove ; WnKors & Uoylo , O'Neill ; Wnlruth & W. , Atkinson ; W. F. Kobb , lias- sett ; J. M. Emnrlno , Council UlulTs , la ; Hod en & 'A. , Missouri Valley , In. : J. Hustle , Douglas and Broclc ; J. Schwab , Manloy ; Perry & F. , Fanners S. & E. company , Nye S. & Co. , Colon. SwedoburK E. company , Swedoburjj ; Con-ell Brothers & Co. , J. L , . Packard , Croighlon ; lj. Bourn , Davidson & N. , Alnsworth ; Smith & M. , Ulair ; J. W. Nation , \Vullaco ; Jackson & H. , Elwood , N. Mlolflon , Stamford ; E E. Underwood , Danbury ; U , Marvin , Anderson Brothers , Wilsonvlllo ; Donahue & O. . Hondloy ; J. F. Kollcy & Co. , UenverClty ; Thdmas Powers , Sutton ; James Coats , Exeter ; 1C. H. Helm , Wuhoo ; Landers & Grow. Loup City ; W. H. VuuAlstine , Woscott & G. , Arcadia ; Titus &Terhuue , Lltchllold : F. Taylor , Uroken How ; Taylor & 13. , 13sr\yyn : Adamson & Ford , Loup City ; Farmers' G. & S. com pany , Mead ; A. J. Wilson , Plckroll ; Dunn & Nyc , Clay Center ; . lack Lower , SlroinsburR ; George Wunsor , liruinnrdi Landers & Grow. Kockvillo ; William Estcs. Paoillo Junclion , In. ; George Snyder , E. W. Black. Platts- moulh ; Brodliain & S. , Dodge ; F. C. 13llss , H volls ; Perkins & Oslojby , Octuvia ; II. C. Ilohlt , Goohnor ; G. Wf Byarnes , Davenport. To Our I-vrliMiik and 1'ntrnns. In explanation and answer to the many rumors nntl false representations that arc Ijoinp circulutod by solicitors travel ing through the country for com mission linns of these nnd other stock yards to the effect hat our lirm has "more business tliau wo can properly handle , " wo wish to i&ay right in the beginning thnt those remarks are made by rivals who are jealous of tho.ilargo and prosperous business that wo have built up by close attention , hard work , square dealing , and last but not least , the exDcndituro of a great deal of money in the live years of this firm's ex istence. Wo are at the front and feel justly proud over it ami hope to con tinue to have the good will , confidence and patronage of our friends , so long as wo deserve it. As to having moro business than wo can properly handle , is all bosh. Will any stock man of rea son listen to such nonsunseV It may seem to a shipper that bt/causo wo are selling so much stock that wo could not give proper attention to their cattle , hogs , or sheep , but when they stop to consider that we have twice as many salesmen , yardmen and bookkeepers , and in fact morn help in all depart ments than any other two linns doing business hero , it will bo plainly seen that their stock would receive the best of attention. And again it is only rea sonable to suppose tliat our salesmen with a large number of cattle will com mand the attention of the principal buyers before a commission man that only had ono or two cars to sell. Wo do not claim that wo are able to always obtain the higher prices for stock , but wo do claim that the moro stock our salesmen handle the bettor able they are to put a value on them , and not price them above the roach of buyers nor below their market value , as many salesmen , who only have an occasional car to boll , often do. There would bo just as much sense in saying that our " country merchants would" not buy their goods from our largest wholesale houses because they have the most business and could not do justice to your orders. What nonsense ! No , you go ( o the biggest house simply because you think they are doing Tllli business anrt con sequently their expenses are lighter in proportion than the smaller concerns , and you can buy your goods cheaper. Just so in our case. Wo handle moro stock than any other firm , and employ moro men , and consequently your stock lias the attention they need as soon as taken from the cars and not loft in the hands of the stockyards employes , us all the small concerns do who employ ono or two men only. It is a ridiculous ideate to think wo would o.xpond the largo amount of money annually in advertis ing and posting oliraelves on all the dittoront market's ' 'by ' telegraph three times a day , as wo 'do : if we had "moro business than n/b / could properly handle. " Many of the smaller linns ro- colvo no markets py' telegraph what ever. Wo have worK'od hard to roach the top and the volume of business wo have done in the past and are doing at the present tlmo , is- the best evidence that wo understand/jour business and attend to the wants of our friends and patrons. GKO. IJuitKK & FiiA/.riit. OMAHA WHOniSsAia-J MAUKETS I'ruituuc. Eaos Strictly frogh , , l2@12 > fc ; cold stor age , pickled , limed , Baited , not wanted at any prlco. * HUTTKH Croamor.v , fcnoy rolls , prints , 21 < & 25o ; creamery , fancy solid nacUOU , 22@23o ; creamery , cholco. 10@7)c ; dairy , fanoy rolls and prints. ISJJJOo ; dairy , fanoy solid packed , 17@l'Jc ' ; dairy , choloa , ISfijlOo ; country roll , fancy , 10@tSo ; ohoios , r.&ilSo ; country roll , peed , 95$10o ; country roll , fair , 7MSo : poor Btoolr ; 3'c(6o. PoutTiir Turkeys , d bsaoj , fancy dry picked , 1213o ; turkeys , live , per 11 , So ; chiokons , funov , Ilojl3a ; chickens , uliolco , l > @ lOa ; chickens , llvo , J.00. ' < $3.50 ; Reoio.drcsscd. fancy , 10@lla : RUOSO , drosiod , cholco , OC' $ lOo ; KCOSO , llvo. do/ . , $0.00(37.00 ( ; ducks , dressed , fancy , Ho ; duoks , cholco , 10@llo ; ducks , llvo , doz. , * J50@3.00 ; plgoon , dor. , tl.00@ .83. GAME Jack inlpo , tl,00@l.S& ; coldon plover , $1.00(31.95 ( ; mallard duck * , 3.00i ( $ 360 : cnnvasback ducks , t5.00@iJ.00 ; rod- bead ducks , doz. , $3.00 ; teal.uuoks. doz , * H.60Q-J.OO ; mixed ducks , doz. , | 1.50a2.UO ( : pee o , Canada , J.OO(38.00 ( ; gec e , miiall , fl.OO Qt.4.50. i HO.VEV 15jf ( lOo per lb for cholco comb. [ PuMr.HVE * * 8o10c per lb. .lKi.UKS ( < 34e per lb , Dur.ssRD VEAL Cholco medium. 7 < 37lfc ; llBht , fWOc : heavy. ! k < ? le. AITI.RS Per bbl , Gonltons. $4 00V. ; . Twltf , fl.50 ; JJcn Davis , JI.GOj Kotimnitc , 1.50. Cmsli Per bbl , roflnci ) , ftlftO ; hull bbl , fJ.&O ; hard clilcr , pure , per bbl , $3.0J. LINSKHD On. die. M.u.uu UIUITSFancy. , per bbl , 17.00 choice , per bbl , ? ( J.OOvit7 ( W. Coco isfTS Per hundred , ? 1 75. PICKI.ES Medium. . per bbl. $ o.GO ; nmnll , $ J.50 : ihorkms. ? 7.W ; C. & U. chow chow , OtB. ? o.85 ; pts. * 3.)5. ! ) PorxTor.i Per bu , fancy , 33o ; choice. 23O SOc. Mvi'i.cSuoAn Per lb , ll@12o. CiiEiiSE Per lb , full cream Y. A. , I2o ; full cream twin * , ll > < fc ; full cream Ohio Swiss , 15c ; full cream Wisconsin Swiw , IBGi Mo ; full cream brick Swisi > , 13o ; full cream llmburgcr Swiss , 12c. Fisit Fresh frozen whlto trout , plica nnd pickerel , per lb , 7c ; sturgeon , "c. OiuWOES Per box , Florida bright * , $3.75 ; measinu , $ : ) .25 ; California fancy navels , > 00 ; Los . .Angeles.7. ! . > ; seedlings , Hlvorsldo , $ .1.35 ( 3.50 : mountain , $3.00 ; in llvo box lots 25s per box less. LEMOXS Per uox , mcsslna fanoy , f 1.00(0 ( ! I.CO ; vordelli , good , $ J 00. U vx VXAS Per bunch , W.00@3 00. iliinH , PELTS AND TALLOWS Green salted hides , 4c ; dry salted hides , 5i0c ( ; dry Hint hides , 7o ; calf hides , So. Damasod ' hides 2c loss. Sheep pelts , green , cauh , 73e@fl,25 ; sheep polls , dry , per lb , ( K < $12ii ; lullow , No. 1 , IC'P Ji'c : No. 'J , 3'j'3 ' o ! grease , whlto 4'j'c ; yellow , J.0i3c. HEAXS Hand picked invy , SI. 50 ( 1.00 : hand picked navy , medium nl.40jftl.50 ( ; IMIIU nicked country , ll.30 < 1.40 ; good clean , $1.20 @l.30. PHOVISIOXB Hauls , No. 1 , 10 lb average , n'fo ' ; 20 to 23 His , SKc ; 13 to II lt.s , ' .yc ; shouldora , 5a ; break last , bacon. No. 1 , Sc : hum sausage , 8e ; dried beef hums , " , ' - 0 ; beef tongues , $0 00 per dozen ; dry salt meals , 5 ® 5140 par HJ ; bum roulelle , ( ! > < c ; add lo per It ) for small lots. Hoxcs ( Quotallons are for delivery In Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , per ton. $10 00(3118.00 ( ; dry country , bleached , 310.0t@l'J.OO ) ; dry country , damp nnd meaty , $4,00nili ( ) 00. VEOETAIII.ES Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Muscatinu , per bbl , $4.03 ; onions , extra fancy , per bbl , S3.5U ; onions , fair , pnr bbl , ? 2.50 ; rutnbasns , per bbl. $2.01) ) ; carrots , per bbl , $2.00 ; uursmps , per bbl , $3.00 ; heels , per bbl , $3.00 : horse radish roots , per bbl , M.OO ; horse radish roots , per 10 , 7o ; celery roots , per bbl , $500 ; calory roots , per doz , COc ; onions , par bu. , 75c@l.OO. AITI.I : UUTfEii Porlb , Gi < | 7c. MtxcE lKAT 8i10cpor ( 1 b VtOETAiiLES Tomatoes 3 ID extra , $1.00 : 3 lb standard , western brands , 03@9Jc : pal- lens , strictly standard , $2 9J. Corn Finest prown , $1.00 ; Kilt-edge sugar corn , very nnc , $1.50 ; choice 3 lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2 lb extra , western brands , S5c@l,00 ; 2 ID standard , western brands , 70a80c ( ; : . Mush rooms I lb French , extra line , 22t25c ; 1 lb French , line , 18@22c ; 1 lb French , ordinary , lii@18c. Peas Tros line , per can , 25o ; domi Hue , per can , me ; 2 lb extra , sifted , $2.00 ; 2 lb early Juno , $1.25@1.35 : 2 ID Mar row , standard brand , $1.10 ; 2 lb soaked , Siring Heans 2 lb high prude , Rcfugco , Sea : 2 lb Golden Wux beans , 7uo ; 2 lb string beans , 70c. Lima Ueans 2 lb soaked , 75c. Boston United Means 3 lb Lowls , $1.00 ; crown brand , $1.50. Swcot potatoes 3 lb Now Jersey , $1.00 ; dnis.y. $1.35. Pumpam 3 lb now pum-iniu. $1.00. CAXXKD MEATS 1 lb lunch tongue , $2.00 ; 2 lb lunch tongue , $4.75 ; 1 lb corned beef , $1.2021bcornou ; beef , $3.05 : 0 lb corned beef , O.CO ; 14 lb corned boof. $14.00 ; 2 lb boneless pips feet , $3.20 ; lib English brawn , $1.20 ; 2 lb English brawn , $3 O'J ' ; 0 lb Enp- llali brawn , $0.50 ; 1 lb compressed ham , $1.75 ; 2 lb compressed ham , $3 75 ; lib chipped beof$3.00. _ Oroonnoo. Dai ED FIIUIT Currants , now. 5c : prunes , casks , 1,300 Ibs , 5U'c ; prunes , bbls or bags , 5 fc ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs , 22s ; lemon pool , drums , 18c ; ford datoa , boxes , 12 Ibs , lie ; noricots , choice ovaporaled , 14 > c ; apri cots , jolly cured 25 lb boxes , lOc ; apri cots , fancy , 25 lb boxes , 15y ; ap ples. evaporated , 50 lb boxes , 9c ; apples. Star , 8J.fc ; ajiples , fancy Alden , 5 Ib , lOo ; apples , Fancy Aldcn , 3 lb , 10 > c ; Salt Lake , 5J c ; blackberries , evaporated , 50 lb boxes , 5o ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 13o ; poaches , pared , fancy , Iffc ; Salt Lake , 7c ; pitted plums , Oal. 25 lb boxes , SJic ; raspberries , ovap. , N. Y. , now , 2iis ; prunes , 11. C. CO 70 , 0@ orange peel , lee : raisins , California London crop 1889 , $2.40 ; Cal. loose muscatels , crop 18S9 , $3.rt ) ; Valoncius , 1888 , tyjc : Vnlcnoias , now. 9c ; Cal. seedless , alts. , 7 c ; Ondura layer , now , 9) ) o ; dried crapes , 4Ko. SOAPS Castile , mottled , par lb , SftiOc ; do white , per 11 > , 12c. UHOOMS Parlor , 4 Uo. $3.75 ; 3 lie , $3.25 ; stables , $ -3.85 ; common , $1.50y ( > l.75. COCOA K 'b tin , 40o per lb. CIIOCOUTE 23@33o per lb ; German chic ory , red , 8K ° - SAI.SODA 13bls , \ % ; granulated , IJ o ; kojjs COFFEE Roasted Arbucklo's Arlosa , 25 ffc ; McLaughlin's XXXX.2\o ; Gorman , 25Vc ; Dilworth , SStfu ; Alaromo , 23 c ; bulk , 23c. . COFFEE Green Fancy old poldon Rio , 25c ; fancy old poabcrry , 25o ; Rio , choice to fancy , 24cRio ; , prime , 23' < fc ; Rio , good , 21 } c ; Mocha , 29o ; Java , genuine O. G. , 28c ; Java , good Interior , 24u ; African , 22c. Roi'E Basis Manilla rope , 15o ; sisnl rope , 12)c ; cotlon rope , lOo ; now process , S' c. - COTTON TWINE Bibb , very line , 8 or 4 ply , 22c ; line , 20c ; Daisy , 18o ; candle wick , 23o. OLIVES Quarls , iior doz , $3.75 ; pinls , per doz , $ J.25bulk ; , per gal , 95c. VIXEOUI 30 pr. cider , 8cgood ; , 12c ; white wine , 15c , STAIICII % @ per lb. STOVE POLISH $3.00g5.S7 ( P ° r gross. B.uis Am. , per 10'J , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 100 , $17.00. MOLASSES Bbls , N. O. , choice , per pal , 53o : bakers' , 24 ( < ? 35c ; black strap , 20c , WitAi'i-ixo PAI-EK Straw , per lb , l' < @ 2)aC ) , rag , 2Ko : mauiln , B , 5@0c : No. 1 , 7c. BADS Union square , 35 per cent off list. SAl.T-Dairy , 230 'Ib In bbl , bulk , $3.10 : best grade. GO , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 8s , $3.40 ; best , grade. 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock salt , crushed , $1.80 ; duiry salt , Ashton , 50 Hi baas. tAiiiNACEOus Goons Barley , 3 C@4o ; fa rina , 5o ; peaspUc ; oatmeal , % ( ) : maca roni , 10c ; vermicelli. lOc ; rico , 4&fc ; sago and tapioca , G@7o : lima beans , Gc. OlLS-Kerosone P.V. . lOcV. ; . W. 12 > .fe ; headlight , 13o ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , 1.25@9.00 nor doz. FISH Codllsh , extra Georges , now , fij c ; grand bank , now , 4 o ; silver , 2 lb , blocus , Go ; snow white , 2 lb bank , now , Sc ; Tur key cod , largo middles , bricks , Sj 'c ; snow while crates , 12-5 lb , boxes , 7o ; Iceland halibut , llo ; medium scaled herring , 25o : No. 1 scaled herring , 23c ; domestic Holland herring , 53c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.50 ; Russian sardines , 75 : : Russian sardines , plain , 55o ; Imported Holland barring , Crown brand , SOc ; do. fancy milkers , 90c : mackerel No , 1 shore , half bbls , $18.00 ; bloutors , half bbls , $18.00 ; whilollsh.half bbls , $7.00 ; irout , half bbls , $5.50 ; family * whitotlsh $ J.OO ; sal- men , $3.50 ; I lb mackerel ( herring ) , $1.00 ® 1.10 ; 1 lb Hunan huddles , $1.75 ; 1 lb lobsters , $1.90j2.00 ( ; 1 lb Alaska salmon. Aleut , $1,03 ; 2 lb oysters , 10 oz , $1,95 ; 1 lb oysters , 5 oz , $1.15 ; 2 lb Boloct , 12oz , $3.35 ; 1 lb clams , llttlo necks , S1.23 ; 2 lb clams , Hula necks , $3.10 ; j ilb sardines , Imported , per case , 100s , frll.00@10.00b ; \ > sardines , imported , per case , 100s , il5.OU@20.00 ; K lb Imported bono- Icbs sardines , 20 ; ; M lb sardines , American , per 100s , Froncn style , $1.50(33,00 ( ; Jtf lb ser dines , American , per case. lOOi , French stylo. $7.50(33.00 ( ; K lb satdincs , muslnrJ , per coait. 50f , $ l.001.25 ; imported key sar dines , $18.00. Soiu Pkgs 00 Cs. 5fc. NUTS Almonds , 15o ; Bruzils , 14o ; lllborts , 12UC ; pecans , Ho ; walnuts , 12 | c ; peanut cocks , 80 ; roasted , llo ; Tcnnosso pea nuts , Sc. Duuos ( Grocers' ) Per lb Borax , lOo ; copperas , { o\ \ Bay loaves , llo ; glue , 10s ; opsorn salts , -to : gluubor salts , 3c ; sulphur , 2 > - o ; blue vitrol , 9c ; alum , 4c ; tarlarlo acid , 42u ; ro In2c ; saltpeter , absolutely puro.9c ; cum camphor , 2 Ibs lu box , 1 oz cakes. 83u ; iiopsi and yt lb packages , 20e ; sago , ! j and K-'b ' puokagns , 15u ; madaor , 13c ; saltpeter , lOc : indigo , 3-lb and Mb boxes. S F. G5C < (70o ; Indigo , 8-lb nnd 5'lb boxes , Madrls , 75e ; seal I up wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3 } o ; sealing wax , 25-lb boxes , white , 4c. * SUOAIIS Cut loar,8' ' 'ootlt ; loaf cubes 7 o ; standard , powdered , 7 o ; XXXX , powdered , 80 ; grunulttod , standard , O C't7o ; confectioner or * . A , fl'fo ; white oxtia C , O' ' 'o ; extra C , NPD , OVo ; umber , Oa ; CANNED Goons Fruits , California canned goods , standard brands , 2) ll > , per doz Apricots , $1.70(41.85 ; apricots , plo fruit , $1.50 ; gallons , $4.60 ; blackberries , $2.25 ; cherries , black , $3.00i < i3.25 ; cherries , white , $ ' 3.23C 42.50 ; urup cs , $1.056(1.60 ; pears , Bartlett - lott , $ J.10Cti'3.25 ; poaches , yellow. $3.1032.25 ; poaches , lemon cling , ? 3.35 ; plum * , oug , tl.05jl.60 ( ; plumi , golden drop * , tl.tO ; plums , green gaRCs , $105ol < ! 0 , with inits In , $1 ( W ; currants , fJ.80 , rroosoberric * , $325 ; qulncoi , $ . ' . lU , rnspber rlcs , $2.70 ; strawberries , $ J 50 ; peaches , 3 Ih eastern standards , ? t S * > ; 3 Hi pic , J1.10 , fl lb pie , * i,03 ; pnllon Jile , $ .100 ; npplo * . hlfclt BtncdnrtK $2 00 ; 3 It ) pooaoborrlcs. IHo ) ; ' - ' lb strawberries , VOcildc ; 3 lb rnspborrlo * . $1.00. 2 Ih bhioborrlcj , ( tVitWc ( ) ; 2 lb blackberries , 05@75c.M.b : MrnwbcriMen , preserved , $1.73 ; U lb raspberries , preserved , fl.SO ; 2 lb black- Dcrrlos , tirc.tcrvod , $1.20 ; pineapples , Hnlutmn chopped , $2 00 ; 3 It ) Hahnmn ur.Ucd , ( ) . " > , 2 lb llnhnmu sliced , f i.50 : 3 lb Standard MlccO , $1.3.V(1. ( < X ) ; chcrnuo. 2 lb red , Unlliinoro , M ( lOoo ; pears , 2 lb , 51 83. Dry Good' . CUIPET WitAr Bibb , while , IS'j'o ' ; colored , " BATT Standard. Sc ; Gem , UV : Beauty , 12Vo ; Booue , 14e : rieorlcsB. C.IRO , id 00 , Coii' r.r'.lKVN > Boston , 7o ; Audro.'i'og , pin , 7C : Koarsnpo , 7ic ; UncKport , U'tfu ; Conciitog.i. OJ/o. TirK Oaltlaiul , A , 7J o ; International , YY , Sc ; Shotuckct , S. b..jcVarron ' : , No. 870 , lOc ; Berwick , BA , l er Acme. IBc ; York , 3Q Inch , 12 > jo ; York , 3J inch. IHJtfo ; Swlfi River , bo ; Thorndlko , OO , 8'ao ; Thorndlko FF. SJtfc ; Thorndlko. 120 , 9'4c ; Thorndlko XX. 15o ; Cordls , No. C , lUc ; Cordis No. 4 , lOjtfc. UENIMS Amoskeag. 0 oz , liV c ; Everett , 7 oz , 13o ; York , 7oz , 13c ; Haymaker , 8' ' < ? c ; .Tnffroy XX. H'jo ; .Inftruy XXX , 12''jC ' ! Beaver Creek AA , ll'fo ; Beaver Creek lit ) , lOU'o ; Beaver Crook UC. U'jf. KEXTtcuv JEVNS Memorial , ifis ; Glen- wood , 20u ; IContucky Slur , 35e ; Horculcs , ISo ; Empire , -Collswold ; , 2Ko ; Mel- vilto , 23c ; Bang-up , 27 , ! < ie. BLGUIIED SIIECTINOS Ullorton , 7V1 ; Housekeeper , 8'j'o1 Now Candidate , \c : Berkeley canibrio No. CO , 9c ; Best Yet. I 4 O'.jo ; butter cloth OO. 4'4o ; Cabot , 7'ao ' ; Fnrwoll half bleai'hed. Sjtfo : Fruit of Loom , 8fc ; Green G , 0140 ; Hope , 7&o ; Kin ? Phil ip cauibriilOo ; Lonsdalo cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo. 8 > ifc ; Now York mllli , lOJ c ; Pop- perell , 4'3 In , I0c ; Pcpporoll , 40 In , lie ; Pep- peroll , G4 , 14 0 ; Popporell , S 4 , 20c ; Pop- perell , 9-1 , 22o ; Pcpporoll , 104 ? 24c ; Canton , 4-4 , -40 $ ' ; Canton , fl-t , 9'vTc ' ; Triumph , Go ; \Vusmuttn. lie ; Yulloy , 5c ; Barker , bleached , 8c. BKOWN SIIEETINO Atl.intto A , 44 , 7ijC ( ; Atlantic H , 4-1. 7o ; Atlantic I ) . 4-1. oxc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Gc ; Au rora C , 4-1 , 4J " o ; Crown XXX , 1-4,0 , o ; HooslorLL , 4-4 , "v'fo ' ; Indian Heart , 41 , 7o ; Lawrence LL. 4 4 , S c ; Old Uominlon , t I , 5 > a'c ; Pepporoll R , 4-4 , liY : Poppuroll E. 40 Inch,7k'e : Pepperrell , 8-1 , 17xjc } ; Popporell , 9-4,200 ; Pepperoll , 10-1 , 22c ; Utlct C , 4-1 , 4ifc ) ; Wnchusott , 4 4 , 7e : Aurora R. 4-1. 7u ; Aurora B14 , G&e ; Atlas , O N B , 7' o ; Farmers' No. 1 , 27-m. . IJfc. Dt'uK West Point , 2ii-in , S-oz , 9Jfc ; West Point , 29-in. 10-oz , 12e ; West Point , 9-in , 12 oz , 10o , ; West Point , -10 in , ll-oz , 17c. 17c.FUNNELS FUNNELS Plnld Raftsmen , 20c ; Clear Lake , 33c ; Iron Mountain , 2llJ q ; Whlto tv uin. ; v ut-uuuu iiu. * x4i | "xau * wu No. Mf , 8JV c : An&wan , 8J ) < ij ; Windsor , 23) ) < fc > Uod-C , 2 -in 1 , 15u ; K , 24-In , 21 K ! OG&l-in. 20c ; II A F , Jf ! , 2.1c ; JH I \ Jf , 2Jc ; O , Jf. 23c. PniNTd Solid Co ors Atlantic , Oc : Sinter , Go ; Uorlln oil. (11-fc ( : Gnrnnr oil , 0 ( )7c. ) Pinlc and Kobcs Richmond , OJjO'.Alloivl'fe ' ; Iliv- cruolnl , 5 > c ; Slcol Ulvor. Oj ; Paclllc , OK ! Indigo Uluo St. Lejjer. 5 } < fc ; Washington , 0 ; < fc ; American , CJ c : Arnold , ( i > $ e ; Arnold Century. 9c : Amand , 12c ; Stiolul A , 12o. hartcroak , 5'fo ; Hamapo , Ufc ; Lodl , otfc : Allen , OB ; Kiehmoml , Co ; Windsor , li ) e ; Eddystone,0 c ; I'acillo , 0'ijc. tJix'oiiAM Hlunkett checks , O'fc ; Whit- tcnton , Ojac : York , t'pjjc ; Norniundl dross , SJrfc ; Calcutta dross , 7 > sc ; Ucnfiow dress , CIUSH Stovoiis' U , 5) ) o ; Stovens"A , 7c ; Stevens' A , bleached , 8c ; btevoiib' P. 73ic ; Stevens' P , bleached , Se ; Stevens' N , bKc ; Stevens' N , bleached , OJrfc ; Stevens' SKI1 , lie. CAMHUICS Slater 5o ; Woods , 5c ; Stand nrd , 5c ; Pcacodt , 5o. SIUUTING : Chec-lcs Caledonia X , 9' ' c ; Caledonia AX , | 0' < c : Kconomv , Ho ; OtU , 9o ; Gruaitc , 0 > fc ; Haw Kivcr , S c ; Craw ford , 8c. ' . MotalF. BLOCK Ti.v Small pig , 2Sc per Hi ; bar , 2Jc per lli. Coi'i'EH Planished boiler sli-ci , 81c per lt > ; cold rolled , 2jo pur lb ; Hhoulhing , 27o per llj' pills und Hals , 2 o per lb. GALVA.\I/EI > SIIECT Inox DIso't 5J-10 per cent , pat. plan , iron , A , lOKc ; U , 9)fc. Uoorixo Charcoal , I. C. , 14x20 , 112 , fO.OO ; I. X. , $7.50. SHEET IKON No. 20 , $3.75 ; No. 27 , ? 3 85. SOLDEU l-KtalOc. TIN 1'i.VTC 1. C. , 10x14. 235 , J7 10 ; I. X , 10x14 , 225 , SO. 25. TIN PiATE-Colo I. C. , 10x14 , 235 , J0.50. STEKI , NAII.I llaso , S3.00. STEEI , WIKI : NAII.S liase , $3.50. \Vi n Jap. baiD , ? 3.00 ; galv. , $1.20. lrtn : . Borax , lie ; citric nciil. 40it51c ! tnrtaric arid , 42c ; carbolic acid , 3GSll ( ) ( ! : castor oil , ? 1.20@1.23 ; balsum tolu , H30c ; tonltn beans , tl.55@I.OO ; cubobberries , $1.05 : calc- mel , 95c ; camphor , 45rt49p ; cantlinriilc ? , $ l.2d@1.30cnssi.iiuds ; , 17 ( < i2Jc ; chliroform , 50@52c ; ergot , 4550o : ulycgrino , 20Il23is ( ; gum arable , OOQOjo ; l copodium. 406$45o ; mercury , SOo ; morphino-sulph , $2iU@8 ! 15 ; opium , $393 ; quinine , 85@iOc ; turpentine , Me ; llnaeoo. raw , 53o ; boiled , Olc ; Am- saffron , 34o ; white wax , 50o.yellow ; wax , E5c. SCHROEDER Baseraejt Fiwt Hatioiii Unit , H05 South lUtli StreetOmnliu. . NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Cnnllul $400,000 Siirnliis Jnu. 1st , 18HO 57,500 OKP1CEU3 AND mitUOTOKS IlKNnv W. VATEI , President. LEWIS B. lKKi ( ) , Vice I'rosldoat. JAS. ) W.SAVAOK , \ \ . V. MOUSE. JOHN B. It. U. U.J. . N. U. I'ATUICK. W. j [ . H.llunittM.Oi THE IRON BANK , Cor. l"th and r.irnnm Kin. A GonernI Hanking llnslnosa Transactod. BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & CO , , London , IhiKliiiul. ABOLPH BOISSEVAIN & CO , , Aiii turilaiiiEIolluiil , BANKERS. lluy nntl roll AiiH'rk-iuneciirllloi on commission on onU on ami on ull ( 'untlni'iilal nmrkfti. ' otlulluu > of iiuw luuiu u siccliillv. | KINDS 01' DIISlUAIII.i : 1 > A- On Improved and L'ulni- IffO preyed "D IcLvOi I'nrchaiad or Negotiated. The Negotiation of Bonds COIU'OUATION 1IONDJ , , A Hpoclalty. Correspondence Solicited. W. B. MILLARD , Itooin : tKI Brown liiilldinir , Oniutiii , Nub. CHICHCBTtn'8 ENOUGH PENNYROYAL PILLS nCO CHOBS DIAMOND ORAND. Huft. tun > n4 I J > t.M ll . l.sjlci , cJ I > r K lit la Illaa n4 Urand.lii ril ui.lulk tot * , . MAl 4 llb but rlbtoa TAk < i no alhan . dlpi ) tar t rU ui ti u > 4 "Itclltf ( at "lr.l.iin-br tur u IL . Mipt < ' COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK , Capital , $4OOOOO Surplus , AOOOO Olllrers nlut Director * K M. Mortmain (1 ( M. Hltrhcock , Jos. Unriio.ui. Jr. . A Hoilrv K. M Anderson. Win. ( I Ma'il. v. prM I. II \\lll- lixtns , , \ . I' . Hopkins. PUM. : A. .Mllliud , , ashler : I' . II lirynnt. RMlntnnt catlilor. Doots oiul Shoos. KlttKKNDAI.L , JOXKS .t C'O. , Euccconri to ! ! iM , Jonon A Co. Wholesale Manufacturer * of BiobS Shoes AKCnti fnrllnMon llubbor Shoo Co.UlD. 1101 * tiil IIM tOm hiN br ikn. tlroworo. STORZ it ILEll , Lager Beer Brewers , 1H1 N < rli ! Kluhtoenlh Hlr otOm.inn , r WMHBVi H a M B > > Bi B iA B * B i * l Coriioo. ' _ _ u-w . EAGLE Goh'NWK WORKS , Manufacturers of&alTanlzcilwn Comico \YlnJon-cni. | nnJ mtiilo ! nUrllahH. Jolm IM'i'nttcr , l > rol > rlelor. NX ) nnJ lUSoutti ICtti ilrost. Artlsto' Mntorlalo. 1.110SPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DouulM tlroot.Omitlin , NclirniXi. Conl , Goko , Etc. ' Jobte of Hard and Soft Coal SW ( Bonlh 13lh Mroot. Omaha. Ncbrjakii. NKDKASICA FUEL CO. . Soippers of Coal and Goto 111 South Uthitroot , Oainha , Nobrnik * . DEAN , AltMSTHOKQ .fc CO. , Wholesale Cigars , tOSMorth Cth Street , Omnha , Neb. "Hello" U3\ Dry OooUa qn l Notion o. AT. E. SMITUA CO. , Dry Goods , FnmisliinE Goods and Notions I.IT..U Illll I I I IlllW MOttK. KILPATRWK-KOUII DRY GOODS CO" , Importors& Jobbers in Dry Good ! , Notions Qonts' KurnlsUInu ( inoili. Corner llth suJ Uiroor _ itiuoU. Unmhix , Nubrn 1ii > . _ Furilt uro DEWEY & Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre , * Faraam ftrojt. Dmnliik , Nobrniin. CHARLES SIIIVERICK , Fnrnitnre , Ouiahn , UeCORDnilADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 13th and LcarcnTTCrth ttraoti , Omalia. Nebrit t . Hardware. HIMEDAUOH A TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shoji Mechanics Tools nnd IluAalo Scales. 1105 fttrcet , Omaha , Neb. Lurntjrt Etp. , . WAKKF1ELD , Wholesale Liiiter , Etc. Imported anil American 1'nrtlanil Cumcnt , St tf ascnt for Mllwuukeo llydrnullo Cuiuvot ' and ( julror Whlto Umo. _ CflAS. II. LEE , ' Dealer in Hardwccd Lnmher , trooa earptti nnd parauot llo r'.nz. Dili ntiil iirecta. Omatin. Nebrnika. MISSOURI MINING C'C1. . Miners auiSMpers of Hard and SoRCoa tUJ I Irst Nniicnai llnnk Hull linir , Dinnlincu \ LOUIS liltADFOHD , Dealer in Lumlior , Lath , Lime , Sash FliED. W. QUAY , Her , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. COfDei Cth ana Uouala ttfecti , Omnlia. M 1 1 | II n ory M 1 1 on a I. OBERFELDER A CO. . Importers & Jooliers in Millinery & Notions 503. 8tO and 212 Sautli UtU itrcct. J. T. ROIilNSON NOTION CO. Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Uurney aireot , Omnlin. ' _ . . .OMB , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Reflned and Lnhricatin ? Oils , Axto nrtaia.otc. Omnlia. A. II. lllahop. Mnnngcr. CARPF.N1 Ell PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paner Dealers , C rrT n nice Hock of nr ntlng , wrnpplnir nnd nrltlDB paper. Special attention Klvcu to canl paper. Safes Etc. A. L. DEANE A CO. . General Agents for 'Hall's ' Safes , El and XU South 10th St. , Omaha. Toye , Eto. H. HARDY A CO. , Joblictsof Toys , Doll ? , Albains , Fancy Ooo3s ( Home FurnliMoir Goudt. Children's CarrUiei. 1201 larium > tro t , Umabn. Mob. AgrlotiUura _ . LIfflNOER A METCALF CO. , Agrlcult'l ' Inipleraenls , Wagons , Carriages Hugglo , etc. Wlinlmnlo. Onuf.u. Ni-brmtn. o. o. irv.'vw MNUtA'ii itf r-uair w J. , Steam and Water Snnnlles , lUllliJaj win I ralllf , 919 nnd 930 Juno at.,0mitia. _ ( I , F.Uoii , Action Mnnnmr. _ IIItOWNELL A CO , , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. PlicuMron wori , neam puiapt. i w uillli. 1713-I2J Lenyonnottli lwt , Oieftba. Iron WorkB. _ _ PAX'fOtf * VIBIILIKU IltON WOltKi ) , Wrought anfl Cast Iron Bnlluing Wort Itnulnus , br work , general foundnr.mnchmr. oil blnckiuiltu work. ( ) mcuinil worn * . U , I' . Il/ nil ITtli itrtat , uumlia. SAVD A IRON WORKS , Hanrrs of Fire anil Burglar Prcof Safes , Vault ) , Jail work. Iron iliullora ami ( Iri vicuytt. U. Andrten , prop t. Car. 1UU ouU Ja-non hli. Sash. Doora , Eto. M. A , DISDROW A CO. , Wbaleial * niRUUfacturer * ' , < * Saiti , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch uClco. ltii and liarU itreoti , Omuliii , Neb. " SOUTH OMAHA. VNJON SWOK YARD co.t