Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _
No advertisements will bo tnkon for
Ilioeo columns of tor I2:3O : p. m.
Terms * Cosh In otlvnnco.
. .Ailverllimenii under this nead in rent * per
"no for tlio Ilrrt Insertion , 7 ctnt * for o ch nub-
Kfrjiipnt Innertlnn , nnil II 'It per linn per montli.
i No advertisement * taken forleas than 19 cents
for flrnt Insertion. Seren uords wilt 1m counted
to ttie Una , they. must run consecutively nud
must Do pnld In ADVANtl- All advertlxo-
incuia mint lie handed In before 12:71 : o'clock p.
in. . ntid under no circum-itnnres will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'urtlfR ndvertlslnn In tlieno columns nnil hav
ing Ihnlramiwer * nddrcxicd In cure of TUB HRK
will please nsk fern client to cnnbln thom to Rot
their letter * , ns none wilt bo delivered except
on prowsntntlon of cherk. All answers to ad-
YctlsmenW nhottlil be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertlsmcnts In these columns nro pul > -
llsbedln both mornlnis nnd cvenlnt ? editions of
TIIK HKR the rlrcnlatlon of which nRuregatf *
moro tlmn 1H.MX1 papers dally , nnd Rlvux the ad *
vortlser * the benefit , not only of ije city circu
lation of Tin : Urn , but al o of ( ottncll liltifTs.
Lincoln nnd other cities mid tonnn throughout
this > rtlnn of the country. _
" '
these columns will bn tnkes
on thu ahovo condition * . nt the following husl-
tipsx house * who nro authorized BRpntM tor Til P.
Her tipeclsl notice1 * , and will quota the fcnnie
ratgs as cun be had at the mnln olllce.
ijt"lTt OMAilA'llltANril Omen-Corner
of Twenty-six ! n nnd N utreot. , Nobrwkn
Siulngg bank building. _
TOII.V . HULL , rnarniBcht. KM South Tenth
J Btrcot.
CilAHi : & KBIM * . Stationers nnd I'rlnters , 113
_ South IbthStirrt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SH. rAHNSWOHTH. I'hnrinuclst , UII5 Cum-
* l"Kti"'eet
"j. nUoiIi : ? . I'hnYmnclst. C24 North JCth
iToT vi. I'AIIlt , Pharmacist. 1718 Leaven-
worth Street.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TrUJllK3' I'HAHM ACT , M * 1'arnam Street !
" VANTKD-Situatlons for man nnd wlfo ns
W 1st nnd 2d cooks. Are sober. Industrious
nuil reliable- Also for n No. 1 woman cook- .
Will go uny where. Jlrs. Ilrcga. JHIJi so 11th st.
iAtiS chambermaid. reliable und re-
- . gpectnblo. detlrcs position In Omaha hotel.
AddrcHs , slating vrngcB , Silts Helen Dalpln ,
llnrllnKton , lorni. _ WIM7J
T7lfitST-'I AScnamijcrmalcl. reliable nnil rr-
Jppcctnblt1. . wishes position in Omaha hotel.
ArtdresH , tat IDC wages , .MI'S Helen Dnlpln ,
lliirllnKlcn. Iowa. _ va _ J7J _
"IXMNTKD Situation by Inclv stenographer ,
four ycura In .law and loan olllco. ex-
pi'rleuco In w holesalo business. Hex SW. Coun
cil Hlunn. ClVal
WANTI3I ) Experienced grocery clerk ; must
bo acuuafntGd In cltyiind good colicltor.
Call nt once , ticket olllce. b4 Bluth. IBS 1TJ
WANTRD > lnn and wife , cooks JCO ; laun
dry Elt'l ' $ ' ! " same hotel ; fnrea paid ; "
lady cl rks. 1 bookkeeper , cooks for Tekamoh ,
llubron. tiouth llend : fines all paid ; 4 wnlt-
resxi > for the wnst. . ' .I ) ; pastry coolt , t ; dish-
\\H liei8 , Uiumbcruialdo. M t-'irN for general
work in ttnd out of thu city. White's olllee , 11U
NlCthst. 1HI17J
"Xl/'ANTllD A peed rnrrlitKe wood worKornt
V > unto ut MU9 IJodRu at. 15U IS
VVANTfil ) Art nctncinnn on liberal salary
V' to peimnnently reprfient an association
cluoiptrutfd to supply , at co-opeiati\e prlceM ,
Kcnernl inerchiuidUc and nil kinds of artlclea
for lfnio : n nil family iiflv. In nach small city ,
town , vlllnye and riirftldistrict. W.ouy mem
bers. I'nld up certlllcatcs J100.WX ) In cnah.
Ji'iedlt well luted. HefcienreseschnnKod.-Ein-
Co-Opcrathe n"so'n , Lock box BIO , N. V.
"V\7"ANTfiI > Sa'O'tmen en flalarv or commls-
T ? slon to luvndlb th.a nev. ' patent rhemleal luk
erasing pencil , 'llio iricutest 8 < lline uovolty
evurpioduicd. Krases Ink thoroughly in two
aeconds ; no abrasion of paver : ' ' to iVX ) per cent
prollt. Ono apont's fcilcs amounted to iffM In
uKduji ; uiiothur J,1J In two hours. Wo want
DUO energetic general agent for each state and
territory , h&mplo by mail : I5 ctx. Korterirx
ami full pnrtlrmms address the Monroe Krnser
M'ftf. Co. . l.a Crosse. Wls. 111-lSi
T\ \ TANTBD Hollnblo trnvelltii * man ; can
TTiibor. * fypei'weolc _ j lth spudn'.ty. .1. II.
Tiibor. ii-'u iJenrlio'ru st. , Cnlcnifo.
\\rXrJTED A noom 2
T * ConUnei ttiU block.
\\7AN'1KI ) An agant lu every precinct in
v T Nebraska nnd Kansas for Nitvln's Ilxplan-
ntory Utock Doctor Hook. AddrnsK T. U. beelev
ArCo. , general ugent , Kalrmout. N o. 1)31 ) lilt
W/.NTI'I tra ellnK salesmen , salary and
expenses ; no experience necessary. Ad-
drp"H with stamp , L. II. Llim & Co. , J.n rrouse.
wts. ur''ij
WANTIH ) A sulc-smnn ncmialnted with the
crockery buslnvss. Addie a with refer-
ence. 1' . O. Hex C.g ; I13.13T
AfiUM'S wnnted In every county to soil our
spcclnltlns. Morey M'f'j ; Co , Waukeskn.U'is ,
. js BliQ-17
\\7ANTKn-Snlesmen nt$7fipei mcntlihaliiry
T > ana cxpenfies to soil n Hue of Mlver-pmtcu
.ware , watchu * , etc. , by sampui only ; and
team furnished free ; wilto ut pnco for full pur
tlculnrn nnd pamplo cn o of pooda free. Stan'
lnrd Silverware Co. , lloston. Mass. 32 }
T\7 ANTCD400 rockmen , tenmstors andcrad-
T > ere for lltnh and Nevada ; cheap rates.
Aibrtpht'H Labor agency Hut ) Knrnam st. ! U1
M12N to trnvol for the rout bill nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay MJ to } 1X ( ) per montli nnd
expenses to newts to sell our Cunadu jrrown
ntock. Add. btone & Wellington , Madison , Wig ,
" \X7 ANTBO Cnnvahsers at Singer sewlnj ; ma-
chtuo olllce. IBIS Douglas st. 'J7T m2U
"flTANTKD Agents for Oenver State Lottery.
% V Tickets We. Address A. C. Hosi & Co. .
Denver. Colo. 108-nprUt
\VAXTin ) K
IADV WANTEI-ixperiemd advcrtulm ;
I solicitor , rormnnent profitable position.
Address A 11 lice. tfclMSS
5\ArANTit-Competent : e rl. 1712 California !
"fVANTIJD- I Irst class ciil for cooktmj most-
T > ly ; uo wasnins or li iminK ; 17i" Cass nt.
AN OMierlenccd Klrl or w oman preferred , for
Kenernl liousuwoik at "MS. L'uth st. 1 ! > 7 llij
\\7AN'l' Girl for general housework. An"
TV ply KtJS , 17th. IWS-30J
GIHL about n years of nee to assist with
light 110U-.OWork. Hi ! ! o. ath live. i ; 17J
\\TANU.KD-ilrl ( to do second woik ml take
.caro of children. Sirs. Jones. If-1 : Call-
forula at 173 ll J
\\7AN'I ii-Glrl : for general housework , US )
T > N. 10lll. li
WANTIIO-OIrl for Reueral hotioworkRood
vniius old. ti. 17. cor. ' . ' .Hli nnd Jones ste.
_ _ _ _
SiW.NO : ( Kill ) nt Omixlm shirt factory "l3lT
_ I'urnam. _ nn 17
VTrANTl KD-A Kooil etrl for Kcnernl noiiso"
T T wotlc. small family , sswc WUt st TJ )
WANTIIlJ-Competeut girl for tjencr l
houaunork ; must come recommentted
it toy. uitii fct. _ _ "s-u ; _ 1
"V\rANTKD A lady pf culture imcF refine-
T ment us houseceoiior tn Rentlemau's
family , ii\ musician pwtorrml , 4otnurservanU
Kept ; also liouaekeeper for S old gentlemen.
ip , ttwedo picfeneil ; mludle-nsed nurn for
rnild" years old , SJ : - head waitresses , Ji'iaml
fju ; l waltresnos J.11 ; .pastry cook , laundjvsstvs.
kitchen jlrl. second cms , COOKS for the countly
nud M tor guncinl house work. Mrs. llreuu ,
Jll I't H. IMhst. _ 14I.I7T _
\\r ANTKI * Head c > > ok , itvi ; S w ttcr ; pastry
T cook , fil ; boy to Hike care of horsua ; boll
bo\.JU Mrs JltcKn.Mlii , 0. Uthbt. ltu-17t _
\\rANTKIJ-A competent COOK mid laundress
in a small family. Ovruiau or liohemhui
proferied Itoom U ) , l'n\tou hotel , Mrs. Meyer.
Cnll ou'iilngs.
_ yja-177
\y.\NTii-Ailr : laMsale9laay in n mil-
llneri story. Lreennmn wtcbanlson ,
ins. nth. iKfe-17 *
ANTii--.V : Kood Bi7lfir ) coiiiral liousT.
( lurwun ° r UohemUn preferred.
. . ,
l J.T. iti * n
Mr MAtSI.VN-llressmakcr. Late ntter
nnrt doilgner for Btern llrother * of Now
ork. U now prepnred to execute til ord r for
A' !
8 HOOM house , Wth * mt Ohio , city , water.
. Ba * n > * { ftl > .onlyliijj r month , ( trover
Btotoni. 1115 1'nrnam st. OlHco ouen evenings'
_ _ '
J4101I HKNTVIn Llnton blocic on the co'rner of
J. Uth nurt Majou sts , a flatu , t on seeona lloor
ttnaion third Hoot m TOoJ ep ir : n-nt low.
A1.10 ? l9ro rPun' . . 'niirtr * nt the block , loom
KIT. Jolm lliimlln , nc nu itu
H fo rent. 0 rooms , with bmh room ,
0 < . Till nvc. Ml 18T
" 171011 HUNT Klegant 0 room house , afl mod-
JU ern conveniences , a H St. M ry's vo.
1 1 at
"ITIOH 1IKNT House oftn roonw , with every
JL1 convenience. I'loso to motor ana cablo. TU )
N. IDtll. B39-31t
FOIl HUNT -llrlcic 7lw7llhw , 12 roonm.
kitchen on first lloor , I.nnndrv , drylns
room , nil modern linprovcmenti1 , line location.
Apply ! TPJ ! rnrnatn 8t. ( ! 93
8lttM ) ) uricK imiinllnsTionae , il blocks from
I' . O. : rent ttI'tirnUuio I1W , 5X ) cnsli ,
bat , ? : u per month , n room cottn n near high
school , rent t'\ : furniture IIiV ) . Tills Is a bar-
jrniii. ro-op. h. .v i to..yi : ; N. nui st. 112-17
' 'IM-LS'-lloom house , llrst-cln8 condltion.niotlern
X convc'iitcm es. larwo lawn. bnrn. Hhada tree" ,
S blocks from l.nko school , convenient tn cable ,
motor nnd horse cars , Annly on premlsi's. 8.
K. .In it HOP. N. ' . ' 1st nnd Mpnira nts. _
I < 1Olt llK.\'l-V > rooin cottngp. S-'d nnd l.oaven .
JL1 wortn , ta per montii. C. I' . Harrison. Ull
N. V. I.tfi > . _ ' "Jill
HUNT -O-roonTilnt , CuTsTl'ItU at.
_ _ / > ? 1 _ _
ijiiiH Capltiil n\c. 'rooms , and nest halt 141
< 1 > M enport ,1 rooms. lutUl | > o Bilb Capitol ave.
T710II ifBVrioiiHfls 'anilnta In nil paiti of
JC the city ; llntn and unfurnished looms n
spcclnlty : parlies dexlrini ; rent nt from J to 175
tmsurb to call at KttJ Knrnnm st , befora rent-
Intt. Ililtts HciitliurApejiry. _ lOlml7J
1710U HUM' A 7-room hoimo west sldnof
JL1 Hanscom park. Apply nt 3'JII Francis U
_ _ _ 747
TTIOIt HUNT7room Ilat.l.augo block ; ill S 13
OH HUNT An t-room detached louse , fur-
-U nnro. bnth , etc20th an I Ljavonworth. * iu.
David Jnmlpson , lleo hlclg. _ _ _ _ _ I'M '
"ITIO HUNT Houses and Htoresi property
JD eOH for. taxes pnld. Midland Hunrnntco
' . 1(114 ( Knr mni _ t. _ Abstractii. iBT _ _
I' you ish to rent n house or store BOO II.
Col'1. Continental buick. _ I VI
Al'MIA ANT 7-ioom with modern roll-
venlencus : nlso 4 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Apply Hoonn" , IGU1 Howard
OH HKNT l.ntKO ten-room house with nil
modern Improvements , miltinle for bonnl-
inghonse , on N IStli. between California und
Cus.s sts. Kent rennonnbte. Inquire room DtX ]
First Nntlocal bank ! building. _ ' OT
WANT moro houses to rent. 1'ariotto.
I Ull-a5
- I'nt with Btcnm nent. Iflti St. . ncnr
8-HUOM Uhcs. r.HnlUIt J'nxtoa bloct K7
CnOK ItKNT With or without board , front
JD pnolornnd adlolnlnK bodioom to man nnil
wife \\lthotlt children , or two younir ladles , or
tiso of kitchen for llirlit houKekeoplnic : motor
passes the door. 1314 So. llth st. _ Ul J7T
, K < \ N funil aed looms. ; tJI3ChIcncosT. ( ;
Ci '
_ I'll 2Jf
"irioil KKNT Nice fiont room private fainiiy ,
JL ? with \-ithout bonrd , M No. 18th Rt ;
"VTH'KM" furulshed Inrpo nnd mnall rooms
JL > with bo.ira , In briclc terrace , 1 17 ( blc KO.
TTIOIt ItKNT TMounfiirnsshed fiont ronma ;
JD erouail lloor. 4SJ Noi th 17thst. 1JI-17J
SOOTH front , buy window room , central ,
pleasimt locution. Mil N , 13tn. llM7t
lttT : DOnc.i : , corner Xfltli Sultn of hand-
1 snmi'lv furnlihad parlors nnd other rooms.
with board If desired. Itefcrences.
8-HOOJI brick bonrdlng house three blocKs
tiomV. O. . rent , SvG per mouth ; furniture ,
4151 * ; 8200 cash , bal. til ) per month. Co-op I.aud
niul Lot Co.W N.JBth ( tt. IX'-JO
"ITIOH HUNT I.urgo front room , furnished ;
Jj best loiatlon In city ; everything modern.
TO 9. SKth st. _ H7-l7t _
' front rooms with tonrd nt 4t7
Noith llth stect. In Paul b'ocK. l'W-18 *
"I71O ltiNT : - t'lensant furnished rooms , all
-U con\unlenceH. .301 Douglas St. U5U17J ;
LAKCi : , pleii'ant looms ; first clnss boinl :
modem conveniences ; references lt > M b'lir-
F fill HKN'r furnished rooms in Hat II , Sll'l
raruiim st. _ yii"l _
F Oll HUM 1'urulshed rooms.
TJ1OII ltiN'lu-buito ; of front rooms , modern
J3 conveniences , with"or without board. $11
per month , 2aiH Leiivenworth . _ tfia
TTIlHtNlSlIBDrooma , W1I : .
NICK room , every convenience , 171J Dnvenp't
F UHMollUD-Hooms to let , L\C2 St. Mary's
ue. > (171 (
I HA VI. a few elegant rooms with board at
JOS S Sith St. W. O. Field. VIA it'
F' I OK ' IlrINT I'tout U'oms. 010 Uavanport.
Tj 11ENT- Pleasant furnlBhod rooms with
JP. .ill COIIN enleuces. Cl'J 8.1 th bt. ' _ fivi
S Tr CLAIU Fuiopean hotel , co * . Jltfi nnd
Dodge. Speclal-rntcs by woas or montli.
" 17 1011 UKNl' lloom with Hoard. 1 ? " , ' Dodge st.
OOMS and day bdnrd ; 1724 Capitol nvc.
' ' . '
_ _ _ _ _ _ J.84-m2iJ _
Tj OIl ItKNT Ono large iront roonnvith boird.
JO 110(1 ( Capitol uvo. U75
i ,
ftTuNri.MlMaHKDcliambcr.sforhousekeepIn ! '
Ofcr maiiiiud wife ; uo childicn ; 3IU N. I7th ,
TTIOIt HUNT Uealroonnnicel urrilHhed
JO olllce , nil conveniences , Itoom IU , Co-itluen-
tal block. _ dm
\\7AN l'ii : ) A druggist to occupy a store In
ublock. ronltJJi per montli : will give : i
mouths' rent. Addrcst V2H lleo o'llco. 71f ; m U
i f 7U7. 7011 , 711 H. Wth.22xrO each , largo
w windows , steam heat furnUhad. 'J'hoj ,
F. Hull. : ill 1'axton bloclf. _ Kll
IT.OIl HI'.NT Ifio 1-story brick building , witli
JO or without now or. formurly occupied by the
Itco Publishing ( o , I'ltl ' Farimm at. Tno build
ing has n me-proot cement uiisomant.eouipleto
steam hontlng ilNturo * , water on all the lloora ,
gin , etc. Apply at the olllco ot The llee. lll.'i
"IjlOIt ItKNTJfstory brick btillillns , 1110 Doug-
JO las St. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse
purposes. Also brick store , 107 8. 1 ) th st. Inquire -
quire of L'liu * . ICanf iniiu 1WJ Doualas t. .1-fI
OH llIJNT-Onice room and largo llghtbTso-
ment , cor , Mtli aud Jaottton uts. . two
months tiee to good tounnt. Unrjulra Mis.
Limye. fili ao.Mth bt. 1 > . * J
" \\rANTED--Tci rent April lat , furulshed
* T house , six or seven rooms within fifteen
minutes walk of the V. O. ; small family , no
children ; leterencos. Addiosa A 2 > \ lieu olllce.
WANTIM ) TO ItKNT 1 have a largo number
of inquiries for houses with modern con
veniences. List your honscH with mo and I cau
rent them , ( liover Slovens , 1315 rarmum st. ;
olllce open evenings. I IMS
\\7 ANTlin to r mt about July 1st n small cot-
tago. with nil modem conveniences , close
to business Address A II. lleo olllcu. itf ) )
\\rANT13D Torcntnoouc May 1st , 8-rooai
VV house , modern Improvements , between
I'aruatn nnil Hurt , 17th and aitU sts. W. S.
ll > up. r.03 Farnam kt. 1-80 la
Jll. 1'AItHOlTi : , rental agent. Donclas oik.
. i.Jl-u'i .
/1lli\riuul ; reliable tire Insurance , I'nrrotta ,
\.J itll-at
Hi : . L'Cil.i ; icutal again , Coutlnoutnflilocic ,
' \\7Umakoaspccialty lu exchanging real es-
tutoand merclmndlso , at roomltt-'N. V
Life. ' 8
for rent near Omaha ; W uores. A. M.
Clarke. 3317 Ilarner * H1-SUJ
ITiOtl b ALII Compute furnUhlngs of amod-
JJ era house , lu convenient location 1'rtco
JdOO. A baicutn. Addreia A 17 lleo olllce.
_ _
rilOBt'lTthocouvomanca of clients engages !
JLuurlusthodsywoopeu evenings , T to & : 'ii.
U. li. tXil'j. . UoQnOCoiiUu ntal Illk. _ | ioj _
TArANTKlf A girl toby for adoption. A ?
V > drMs A Si , llee oillc * . ID
fro lir.NT-llouso list with J. U , 1'arrqtte.
JL _ _ _ _ _ w KJI-aS _
featheT3 cleanod. djed ami curled.
OSTltlCH and preucd. iWl Capital ovo.
1'enona UoWlii contrticla for lots pur-
caased from the. Omaha Itnal Estate and Trust
Co. . on which payments lime become delin
quent , lire rciiurativl tu call and arrange an
early reltlemeut , ami * ave trouble and co t.
Umuha l ( al fstnto mnd Trust Co .
IDOl Farnam bt ,
A UCTION sales every Tuesday. Tli r3iUijv > nl (
J\Batunlny morning atllll l)6ugl 3ntrt'et.
Omaha Auction * Storage Co. nro
B. C'OLI' , rel iabln llro insurance.
. B
H K. COLBTnotary publl J nud
STltA\ ) From I01U N. IHtn st , Water spntu
_ lei. Hears to name ot Qileeni No. of t.-ig ,
lU2 ( ; reward for return. lOi-Hj
lletwecn Wlucote * Itlloy's olllce , I'll h
Jnnd avenworth nnd COW J'ncllls street.
Ono blanr book about , * xlO Inches , ted cover
and about in > pages. W.CO reward If returned
to either above address. Wlncoto & Itllqy.
* - 4crt-
'TjlOI'NR ' A bundlnof wall paper 'Cnll. Krici
J.1 J ohnson , IU ( ) B. 3 th. , li.g-17J lately itrrivc-i , gortd
JL. position , would Ilkii to mnko friends with
young , good looking blonde , A 2" , lien olllce. ,
WANTED 2 boarders ; good accommtjdj.-
tioni ; private faml'y. Apply 21 IJVo. IBtn ,
] i - "
BOAItDKHS wanted , H. II. tor llth nnd
rnciHc. DUI ah
-lly March S3 , board In private
family by two young men ; southern or
western poi t ton of cfty pieferred ; moderato
termsreferences : oxchunnoil. Address A a > .
lleo olllce. 118-Kj
rpAIIMJ bouidwra wanted ; xatufn llon
J. iinteed ; cnn turnlsh room nnd hoard ror one
uenttomun ; locution live minutes wnlk from
ouslncss rontor. 1U10 Ucdge St.- W.017t
riTHIJ cleanest iui'1 best storaco In tbO lty nt
JL low rutrs nt 1111 Uouglaj street. Omaha
Airtlon It Storage Co iH.1
rpHACICAnilbtoragu at totteot rates. W. M.
JL llushman , 1,111 In.iven\vortli. 5W
BKl'Olin linvinc n piano exiunlno the new
fcalo Ktmbnll piano at A. Iloipj.lSl.t Doug-
' " * _ * > * : . _ _ . * " '
GliO. P. < lii : LKXlir.OK. teacher oflhob.inJo.
room 21. ) J'ouglas block , or lloe olllee. aiu
PIANO tuulnc by Oeorco llioomllvnl , ptano
in nicer. Ill North 17th. 'UjrsexprlencelnN.
V , , Chicago and Omaha. Excellent references.
209 mW
WANTRC Kurnttttro , catp > ts , household
goodH for cash. Aoils' Auction K Storugu
Co. , ! I17 S Utli nt. 3.IU
WAXTHU ( lood coinmcrcall pa"yer. No'-
brnsku Moituugo Lonn Co.,51'J 1'uxton blk.
_ _ .Hlt .
/ tAbll tor nil kinds of iiouseholai/boOs at 1111
V/longln3 street.Omaha
" \A ; AM'KD-To ouy lor si.ot cp h , i'ity pr
VV tountiyrHrts cr wLolf-toctaolIdry ana
fancy joonc. c.lothlur ( , tools ami yluiw. ' aiilll-
nery. stiitlonny , teLt sluicl'hint ; gooda. et't.
Call on or adritcsa J. L. Ilrandeis & SODS , cor
ner and Howard , Omaliii. IS33.
ANTKI ) to lltiy-J..nm good tJiornima'pa-
per. II. II. Henderson. 4011'axton blK. 417
Foil -M"7sCEEfiANKOUii. .
FOK SAIiHChcr.p. . nnowflro-proof safe dnd
n now ro.llnn top desk , I'.U ' . lull ht.
FOIt SA inOno good drlvlnc ; r.orserilx > eara
old. Weight , 1/.V > . Address , A ; " . lleo ,
IV , 131
FOR SALE Heavy half hprlns w ngon.chfap.
W. L. Mason , fil" oit h n\o. _ UI.V17J ,
ITbit SAI.K nt n Durffiini UriiK llxtlires , coun-
J terfl nnd show tahes , nlimist new. liuiiilrp
S. JJ. corner lith and Faruuin st ? . Itl ii
IJ lt'lIES WBiitlng ciitalpu trees -for , trans
planting may tlnd ulmt tlmy umif ntiliro-
voort I'lace , up.u-fiiaf nnd Uumb instltulai V.
II. Mnitln. llul-Wi .
1J1OH SAIiIJ- Complete fiirnllurB , .sllror'ctc. : ,
JO of U-rooiu Hut letn thnn thrcij blocks from
postollice : rooms nil rented. II. 1 Colo.on -
tliicntul block. i t fj' eiiii-lji p'l
HO ifsriS Forced salthuad ; > broken'Ore -
goli hortos. wulghlnjifromelshti to uloven
hundred pounds , cash prliu , S1.UJ1 Hull' nt S. 7th ave. _ _ _ iUV if . . '
TTIOK SA LE One of the Uncut driving-learns
JO in Omahn ; ntrnld of nothingstyllvtt : d
pionipt drivers ; alao a liiil pi itforma spring
carriage nlmo- novr. A'-ldress " X J , Uja , olllcu.
TTMJItNITUIlK auction evx-ry Wedneaday nnrt
-I ? Saturday. jJITjj mil.VelU iltj _
T7 > OU SALE * A : ij-horse power I'orter onglno
X tu good condition , weight f , Io pounds , cyl
inder HxlH : for pnrtlculara apply to Thu. lice
ollH o. _ 71 /
JTIOK SALRortrado uno tat | top.liesk ono
J S-foot stnndlut ; desk , ouu lcuso of'sojilun
of school lund. 4Hi acres of Improved western
land nnd il sections of U. 1' . r.iHroiiUlind. " II. .
11. lleiidersnn. 4W ( 1'nxton block. -T : ilt
TD10H \LE-Some good Vntchoi 'nTjd ilia-
J- mends > . " ! ' ' Mnsteri , room t. Witn-
liell bit. C41
Alt UIVAL extraordinary of Mrs. Dr. IMdy ,
the distinguished world-famzd aud only
reul nattirnl ttiuico clairvoyant and spirit ; me-1
dlum In this coumry ; oventh duughtor of iho
ht\ontli daughter , born with \ell and grnat-
est prophetic gift of saeoml slgnt. WhildciK
traurca will reveal every hldilnn limitary tn
life. Has long been pronounced In Ihiropu and
Amrrlcn the greatest living- wonder of the
piea.'nt I KP. Understands the sclenco of tlio
"Pelsmn and Hindoo magic , " or ancleut cburm
woiltlng. nnd pruparos Vgyptlnu tnlUnittns
which will overcome your enemies , removes
family trotiblos , restores lost utl'ectkms , makes
mnrrlngo withtno one you lo\-o no fHilure
icmoves evil Inlluenees , bad habits , cures
witchery. Ills nnd all long-standing and mys
terious diseases ; will gno correct Infoniia-
tlonon lawsuit , sickness , death , divorce , uh-
sent frlenila. eNerytbiug : never falllag ndvlco
to vuui'g man on marrmgo and how to choose n
wife for happiness , uniL what huMness liqbt
adpptcd for riches ; htoek gpecnlatlon
it upeclalty. Also gives Indlspensnblendvl'-o to
youmc ladles on love , courtship and murrlage. ,
and If J our lover Is true or false , nnd gl03 pic
ture ot fiiviuo bnsbind with nnme. ugo nnd
( Into of mariluzo. Flonrj. U a. m. to tt p.m. ,
strict. N. It. I'or tno beuellt of those w ho nre
iinahlo to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , aim would
lespuctfnlly mmouueo thnt she gives poifect
sfttisfnctloubv letter. Your entire Ufowlllbo
wiiltonlnacloar nnd plain manner. Lettan >
with btiimps promptly answered. Pond for
lurgo llliistrat.-d circular with special terms.
Mr.s Dr. UUdy , 30H N. lUth St. . Omaha , Neb.
IWJ-lWi. .
ITtOllTrNfi Tolllnir-Mlss ilnrtlm ban toll
JL1 your future and tell you what Is the best nnil
who are your friends ; advice on lov nnd nlso
business ; she aUo plvns treatmout for rheuma
tism : fees Cu cent ! ) . 17UH Ct > a st. 012 20
Dlt. II. OHOUX.oIoctricltyma 3aKO and JIIQJJ.
netlu treatment , chronic diseases n special
ty , Mmplo medicines whou needed , ! ! } N )5th. )
Teller Mrs. l.onorman can bo
MiUfd on all alfnlrs nf Ufa. ( Satisfaction
guaiactord. .No. illUN. 15lh St. 1UU m aJj
ONK ot the moit noted fortuni ) teller * and
mind roailew has Just nrrivi il and' M meet.
Ing with great success , blio hs aicm Knbld
gift of second sight , t > lls past nnd future cor
rectly. Hufllnoia coulldentlnl. Vou should not
full to nee her. 151 * , Uuvanport. yiii id >
" \I ItH , LKCICUONt : , thHcolebnited mind taiul-
1 ler , can tell your future wltlmut nasmg
( lueatlons ; Mrs. Leikrouo cures rlieumttsmnt |
nnco and nil fomulo weakness : only innguetlc
treatment ; nil in trouble better coinoj como
one , como all ; reu.i .V ) cnta. ITUb CasiBtrvat.
icnland business medium. Kcmnlo4Uoase
n specialty. 119 N. Uth nt. . roonis"J nnq 3 , ijta
-Sr rft tttt ;
DKI'OSITIONB , IDc per folio ; petitions * cot ,
lx3l < oudeuceliccopylnio.Mr.s.Hlnitell ; ! : ; ( < 6 ,
\\7 ANTKD I'.dncated yonuc laillai anil K n-
1 Y tiemen to learn shorthand mid typowrlt.
lugQttliB Htundnrd tfh.vrtUanil llujlnw * col-
lego. Now York Life bullillu ? ; nnett rooms la
thu city ; all latest improvmnonti. alectrlaillaht ,
slovutot service ; chrnpajl school bacausn It 1s
tlio tie t ; liutmctlon thorough , moern , practl-
CA | ; demand for stenographer * constantly luj
ercaslng ; auccck3 positively suro. Cult or write
for one of our laivn descriptive catalogues.
Address. Btaudaid Shorthand Ilusla s4 Col
lege , Ifrnnlt IX Hell , Manamr , N. Y. Llfo'-nultf ,
Omnha , Nell. 7S )
. .T. . ,3-
EASTKttN MONBY to loan pn city ixrouertyi
morlyagu pap r bought. II , It. Jrry , bpp.
Filter mnrtaaee loans at low rat and no de
lay. I ) . V. Sliok-s Co. , 10 Vlrst Natloual bank
. _ _ _ _ ? y _
MONtn to loan. O. F. Davis fa , real ek'utt
and loan seuts. 1W5 1'arnaia at. 841
Bt'lljOINO tx > ans fl'i j Q7 | pnr cent : no ad
ditlonal charge * for commissions or
ney'ufecs. W. 11 Molkle jkt Nat. bank bldfi
* 148
MONiV"J. : . STor wrflhys on fnrnlturo
pianos , horso' , house * , oU : . J , j , Wilkinson
018rnxton blk. Kit iic3
MUN'KV to loan ; cash o.njtnnd : no delay. J ,
W. { iriiilre , 1210 . I'lnt National
bank bitlidtnK. „ . , ] ; Ki
ClIATTIifjlonns t low'At ' rntp > : removed
to SIT and CIS 1'nxton Mk u. u. r.mtnRer.
KI'.VSrONK iloit nso.Cp. t.o-vnsof tit ) to
fl.OU ) ; pet our rates b ff re borrowmc nnd
saru tnoaey : loan on noridj , ftirnlturo or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
botiaht , fornowr man. renewal nf old and lowest
rate' * . Call , It J . Sheuly blk , 15th & Huward sts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W ANTEU-flrstclasi lnslrto loun . lowest
T t rntri. ( 'nil aud sao us. Mutual Investmoiit
Co. , ISO ! Knrnnm. u
rttlOICi : small loans wanted. C , t' . Harrison ,
V..IIN. r. Life. ID
$ li7 ( < wTiTinveit In good llrot mortgaga papor.
Hooin 43.1 , 1'nxton lllocz. ' . .U'JJ
MONtIV Innned on ftirnttmv , horses and
wagons ; rules leasouable. City tx > an to. ,
room li Darker. avi
MONRY to loan , hy II. I' Masters , In any
amount from IJ to $10noo for uuy tlmi- ,
from ouo to six months.
I maKe loanr on nouxehold good ? , pianos ,
orgaDs , horses , mul , houses , lenses , etc. , lu
anv amount , nt the , lowest possible rate ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans arc HO nrr.inv.jd that you mnko
n payment nt nny tlmo nnd romico vour In
terest pro rntn. You pay Interest only for the
tlmayoiiiisu thomonev. If you owe n balaiico
on j'our property I will take U up nnd ratry it
for jott , nt the lowest rate consistent with the
Money always on hand. No delay. N'o pub
licity. I.o > vc t rntci II. r. Masters ,
Hoor.i t. U'lthnell llloic J.'th nnd Hitrney sts
_ _
T OAKS' made on anv nvnlliblo aocuritv. Con-
JLJ Investment Co , Hooin U , ; , Chamber of
Commerce. ii5Jt
. . . . . . . . lonn nt 7 par cent lieu C , I' . Hntrt-
gon. DM N. V. l.lff. 171-i.'a
B I'll,01 NO loiir.3 made on
Choice city property
At lo\ust rules.
1'rlvnto funds to
lor.n on trio :
resilience and
" business propel tv
upon very fnvorable
Klmball , Champ & Ityan ,
l'JX > Knmnm bt.
MONhVto loan , on norses. wagons , mules ,
noujeholrt goods , plimoa.orgnnn , diamonds ,
nt lowc&t ir.tes. 'Jhonrst ciuunlzcd loan olllca
In the. city. Mnkeo loans nom'o : to ; K. > duy.i.
which c.inbopaid in pntt or whole Bt uny
time , thus lo'venni HIH rrinclpnl nnd Interest.
Cnll and see us wncn 3011 want money. W e can
opflst yon promptly and to your ndvantnge
without removnl ot property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No deUy In msktns
loans. C. T. Keed ic Co. , 313 S. Uth st : over
) " OAN'S City anil farm IO.IIH , mortgayo pp-
-Jper bought. McLonne investment Co. ' , ljl
MOMKV to loon on cay security
for short tlmo m low
riitc'- . Lowest r.ites
on property.
The Henderson Mortgage Inveitmoat Compiny.
Itoom I 0 , I'nttou bldch. M
LlItnitAL real , escitu ib'Ais made liyV. . M.
IliirtlJ. room-'J Frenuh'blR , opp.P. O
/ I'KH CT.NT iV3ltlonco'l iiVis fMW ) to SIO.OK ) !
V llulldln loans at spi'uifil r tea '
Investment Co. , lloa onllitma TO )
$ 10 O'fl to Invest la goo 1 | [ CHt mortgage paper.
Hoom 130. IMxtoa llluci { . , .Hi ICJ
IX COLK , loin .isijiitJiCoathieatal block.
M OM'IV ( to loan , I'ariotk'/Uom-Ias ' / mock ,
M1lLAjJtOuaranto' ) Aijrrut } Co. . N. Y. Llfa
bliiKcompletenb3trict < furnish jd and titles
toreal oJlnto uxaTulaaJ , i/tWfsctod giurAatuod
- oH
AOOOt ) pHyffiKocerjBMiniiTwnT.wIll hi-
voice all toln'i'l.i1. : ! willrcllnxreodlnaly
cheap for tpot cat It ; no trnc'ej conslilered.
HcomN.V. ! Lite. IS.18
_ _ (
FOIt SALi-Juod ; ( paying b'isne ! < s ; ownur
leaving city Kobert llerrick. 4aS.inth ) st. .
up etnii- ! ! . ' 1'.3 1 J
I'lNK meat market for sale or tr.ido for a
stockof _ grQcurl-M. irl I t'unuilor-i. Ml'U
M IIAT.MAKKtrr For bale-Ill ouo of the
beet btislnES portions of thn city ; well
esTablHtiod ; dolnx line business and
will bear tlio ffrlctest invfstir'atlon.
llNturea. stocketc. . will Invoice about
II. U Tolp. Itromin. Continental block.
orliUI NJlti : st. Om.iha. lit-1' )
ITIOH SAI.i-A.ROjd : pajIiiKbusinessthestocc
- Iof wnlchwlil : n\e > itory about ) lu * ) . For
a good HD man this Is .1 tlie : opening. Present
otvner has oilier business , anil nny cash offer
will receive consideration. ' Addresi A : B , lloo
olllce. 11I-1U
GltOCnilV buslcois Kood loc.itlon. ilolutt
cnshlmslncsi ; iibout MJO. Au.lress box 433 ,
Omulin , Neb. , I3M8J
t _
FOIt SALU A peed htock of stnttanery , con
fectionery' fancy goods sod.x fountain , utc. ,
inn Ihu town of 4.IMO Inhabitants , best location
iu the city , pooj ieusrts for m > llliiir , price
Jl.fliW. Addiess Uox743 , Allssouil Valley.lowa
_ 07 ! _ 17J _
S A V Do you want to buy out established
dry Koo.lrf buslno s ( V'.Oli ) in Brewing lilncb
Ulild town. Willo forluformntion to A " ( i. Ueo.
! )78 ) 17'
_ _
IjOU PAi.Hor Exchntiee fl-.O'iO dry goods.
JL toots nnd shoes , half cash , balance clear
laud. Lock llox S , Lanark , Ills. IMJ 2tt
A fiNiit.\L ! : moivlmnillso business ror sale
-txiu n town on Sioux City & 1'Jcillc railroad In
western low n. TontiH cash , or good security.
lluildlnirii , including residence and ( jranurleH
nlso. Will oxcntuwe for goad farm lands or
city property , llulldlngs worth about i.lAOU
( iooil t elil for dolup n ( 'raln. cattle und specu
lative business. Address A I' ' , Om ami liee.
Ol'.i a U
ItKNT-Checkercd lively barn on ! Hh
et H of Hnrney , Call or address Nob. Mort-
Lonn Co. , Slu I'axton blk. _ rra ;
TT1OU SALE In a ltly Nebraska toivn ot
X1 UMKk ) . n llrst-olnss statluuerv , book , news ,
nud wall paper business. Hiles JD.OOJ. l < 'lno
location nud loading store In tli9 city Will In-
\olce nbout WlM. KstubllBhoil 10 years. Address -
dross X I. Omaha lies. _ _ _ Bu-i-aij _
LUMIiKIt yard l-'or sale , N < i.rcal estnto or
linlldlnRU to buy. Sales In 1-f'J nbout ( ( I'MMl )
nineteen thousand dollars. Addtess lock box
LV. Chester. Neb. tsrM7J
T71O U SAI.U A stonk of dry good * , boots ,
JL' shoes hats , c ps , clothing mil carpets , slt-
u ited in Anroi a. Hamilton comity. N' ) b. Stock
nbout | jauuu. nvorythliiH in llrst lass order ,
.sturo ± 'xSti , of nrlclc , on corner , : . ' lloor.s , best lo
rn t Ion and htock in thn toiva A nnap for nny
ouuwhownntrt to eimaRo iu uooiln huslnuxs.
I'or Infurmiitlon corrusponJ with \Y. 11. Smith ,
Auroia. Nob. V OI7-0
_ _
"IT10H SALH General sttvjkjOfKOods and bust-
.L nes in a well located town eighteen miles
from Omaha , now doluK rt' plcmild business ;
need reasons for belling , 'umiutre of f. Cotuor
nt Nebrnska Sa\ings bau1f , jmalia , Neb.
'r ri7U nlj
aiO L'XCHANOi : Vc rittfil llnmlltou conntv
laims for Umulia busjivjsrt property ; will
pay ( ir assume tlVWl caslii ipnly cuntnil Inul-
Jiibs mopeity will bo ccnMllored. C , V , liar-
i Isoii.uiuNt r. Lttin Ji luu iu
T7iOinTxcilANnt-Bome : 'wood ' bargains In
JL1 lands and city lota. N. ' , Apple , room 10 ,
\\aro block , v , i' , cor , UtluenU Farnam ots.
_ .
ri'O TltADK-A house nril full lot on Jones ,
JL near ,13th , fern good ( ftp ) ; another on Cus-
tcllar iiear'JUlh bt. . clo r.imj ( ) for tlio rj ht
party : several good tmprllren farms In lowiii
nnd Nebrnska , List yonynpropurty with 111.
Correspondence promptly Attended to. Ohai.
Kanfmaau , Instirnnce , rent citato and loans
loir ' Douglas st M , Franklin , manager. 101 11) )
( ioJ J It gold watch. ii : m movement , trade far
k S < dd horse. Address A 33 , lloo onice , 17H'J
nWKXt'HA.NdK-Clear lot in
JL property closet1 In , will pay or
absumo : , IWO cash. u. i' . Harrison. ! ) ll N. V ,
Life. inu iu
T OU KXCirANGn-FInu solid gold watch
JO ivlth large diamond setting aajiuted ; move
ment wortu * lH. ( for Ilemlnston typewriter.
Cull on L. V. HngHlns or adilroai 1C ex-jeweler ,
loclc box 4. Ioup City. Neb. _ UJ1-17J
OLKAN stock dry goods , clotbluEr , Dootu.
slines ; want good real estate and some
money. Address llox 7't , trankfort , 1ml.
_ _ _ U l 8T *
\\i ANTK11 To trade 4 houses ana lots , 1 vaT -
T T cunt tot , all clear , and rash If necessary ,
for a ptoco ot liuslnam or Huu reiidence prop-
ertyAUdre _ ' 4 A2U , Ilee oljlce _ UtU-l
Jj'OH Tr .du .tjj Bcro.s goo < t ileoJed land ID
J.1 mllai auuthweit ot nertund. Neb. , cattle
pretorrml. Jno. O. llalunL liertntnd. Net ) .
If youhave anything to exchange cnll on or
address IU5. Cole , it 6. Continental block ,
Omco opM evenings T to 8 : . . UOT
- - > * . . .
TtoK TIIADK' ) cfear lot In Uncolu for
JJ Omaha property ; 3)0 acres oooil land 0
tnltcs from county seat , canny & .av ) for Omaha
property : cortier x"7tli unu liarney for other
property nttdsomacagh : one of the best res
taurants Iu ntilahn for fl.UOO cash nud balance
good property , IToixrty ot nil Kinds for
Tw-Qiily.iwo feet on I'nrnnm near 13th. with
brick hulldlni , ' : i stories nnd basement for
money and nthcr property ; a number of good
building lots for some business property.
( ln > ver yto\cn , luir. Fnriiam st , : odlce open
eTenlugs. 1.1J-18
rPO UXUITANOi ; For good farm property In
JL Bouthortt Nebraska , a clean stock of clothIng -
Ing of KIfW. ( Lock llox li , Hebron , Neb.
Iil5 17t
_ _
1710 11 ijXplIANOJS-lSO ncres coed farm land.
JL' clear ; nl ? o city lots , and will exchange good
city lota for good secured moitgnne paper. N.
II. A ] > pi < 5 Uooin ID , Wara block , & U cor. nth
nnd Fiirnantsti. H70 17 ?
troll KXCIIANUK-Clwlco Improved Nebras
X' ka.fnrius.1VIII assume llitlittincumbranco
If you Imve p nythl'ig to oITer nddrois or call on
Oeo. J.Sicriisilurn . loom : )17-nid ) 1'lrst National
bntiK building. Telephone in I. _ Kg
TJ OU RXCHANiR--l6WaKan/ / or Nebraska
JU land for stock of cunerat merchandise ; will
pay $1,000 or t CKX ) cash. ItUelcy.SlienaiuUmh.Ia.
TTIOIt H.XGHAN < 1K 'J rotting Iiorse , prlco
JJt00. ; V casli , balance good property , llox
PSC. aii"liaiidoali , I.i. Klt-SJJ
WANTI'D-PoveralstocKsof goods to trade
for Omaha city propeity or lauds. Hoots
and smies drjr goods , or clothing pioferred.
1) ) . It. Hull , room 4. . Marker block01717
\\7IIAT hav you to exchnngo for a lot tn
W South Omiinn worm tl.OV , clear of m-
cumbrance. Address X 63 , lleeolllcp , 012
KXCHANOfcVJ lots. In South Omnnn or
1 lot near Vlnton St. , for hoi ses or mules.
Hoom 1.1. rtonrd Trade. &
TJ1OR SATiU Cheait , lOOiliX ) ft. , n cornor. In
JO Hlllsldu No. i , on grade. ' Also , 2 lots In I'nlr-
monnt place. N. II. Apjilp. room 10. Wnro
block , s. o. cor , IMh und buinain t.i. IBI 2.1J
FOR SALH l.of uO\S4l , fnclng cast on linns.
torn paltUUU ) , C. I1. Harrison. Ull N. V.
Life. 163.19
VSrAUOIl S : Wciternold.roalestate. S.OmaU * .
TTIOIt 8ALI ! 8-room house , nil modern 1m-
-L provements except furnnco , nose to Ilemls'
1'ark , neari'rd ! nnd Ciimlng ts. . JUWO. $ i.cou
caah. U. K. Harrison. Oil N. V. Llfu. Ibl ) 111
fTiOH LKASIJ yjiieiulliir , nnrt 10-ncro pieces of
JD garden hind Joining the city limit ! , ; rent
very cheap. T. C. lliuunor , Itooui 1. Ware blk.
SIXTV-nVU ncres s. w. ot p. o. , suitable for
platting- gardening , for sale at u bargain.
1K. . Purling. 41llarkcr block. all
IPOlfSA M : Kouutze I'laco frplemlld build-
Ing lot f0.x2j ! ; cheat ) , Call or write II. I' .
Cole. IJii-li !
T/MMl homo nil liu-
SAl'K S-room , modern -
JL ? ri.qvtmenlJ..Jc'tli nod Woolworth nvenue ;
5ltOlicu li , C. lUirlson , Oil N Y. Life.
Jll 113
A LOT COxHOtthlnalinlf mlle of tno 1' , 0.
Xl nnd a houM ) on It , sixi !
A line lot .with U-room house , modern Im
provements , paved streets , nice Mil rounding : * ,
line view' , only v inl'.o from 1' . O , HOO.I.
A uent lltle llvo-coom cottage on n corner lot
; Wx7i.nlnts. ( forSljpcr mo. lla t fiont , not far
from hcrmna ftve , nbout 1'j mlle north from
P. O. J.MIIP. ,
Do von waut Insldo business property ? Wb *
luivo It. fet ua nhow It to you.
High. slghUVlota 11 milo.trom P O. $ X)0 ) to
51,100 each. Colsctb. Johnson .6 l.ovgren ,
- Itooui 0 , Chamber of Commerce.
TflOil SAU : Lor.iPIxI'C , with fi-room cottage ,
JD near ti'th. nnd Chlcngo sts. J.jOJ-.iiUiJ ! [ !
cash. C. Harrison , 811 N. V , Llfp 109-11) )
' . , - - ! . Hillside No. 1.
Choloo lot la llnwthorne cheap. ( ' .A. Collard -
lard , owner , Krarnoy. Neb. ISJmJ.'J
ri WO plioliio lots na s n ill cih nayment , tnl-
JL nnco spioria uorvago to responsible partl a
whowillhiillrl. U. K.LOLK , Continental blk.
aud " 'iUl N. 24th. f U
TTIlVi : loom I'cjftrttjes , 41,5'JO ' oioh , ilOO ca
JL ; dim n * bilanco Jl ber mouth. Thoa. K Hall ,
nil 1'nxton block. CT
Pot : SAXiKfiUztVi . A\V corner ilSth nna
Unit Ilo\vjirl.uaxt-ljouer { west oi Mill on
Ho ern' place , n.tTO , ono-thlid casb. C. I * . Hni-
r.son.l'll ' Ni V- . ' Life , H9 1'J
T 1ST your property wlth'H. li Colj
OCxei ! feet , N. E.'cor. ' 10th .v Douglas , cnll or ad
dress MM. Knhlmau , H. E.cor. llth Sc Vlnton.
TpOH bAbB JiOtutuiB Popplc-toa avenuu nnd
JO ; ciasr.VxlUU : fee : . J2ojU. O.K. Hnirison ,
'Jll N. Y. Iilte. 17lH
Jj Olt A largo warehouse on lunsott
JL'ground. Lf use throe yoari to run nt low
ratea. Nenr triolcnnd In line locution. Apply
lit ouco nt lufll 8 Llmbt. IQU--M
BAU(3 ( AIN llftKer plic house nnd lot $ ! , ; in
easyturms ; fiJ < ) ft ; 't homei , . " > . 8 and 'J
rooms , full lots , les thau cost. Cnsa or trado.
Andrera or cnll on owner. H. O. Mrrrlll. 41th nnd
Eeward st. Walnut Hill. UNMn 18J
FolfSAIjl.-iyoryohaap , uo trmleK. farm of
fl..7 ( } ncioss > ec. fi , 1. . N fl W , 1 1 um 11 ton couc-
ty , Nc'2 ; miles from Mnrquettp. small house ,
stable , "HO ur-rei of pasture fenced , living water.
prlpooulv W l > ? r acre , 3" > ,4 17.U ( , ouo-thtril 1S'J '
crop Included . Terms $ -.W cash.l > ilance 8 per
cent Interest. 1" , 1C. AtKlns , owner , railroad
building. Denver Coi : JC8
I II AV13 for sale In lleusim ono. " > and two ele-
ganrll' acre tracts. Eraatua A. lieuson , N. Y.
Life building. flJ 13
Oil ATlT-Lot SxlOeast and south front ]
Woolvvorth uvo and KM. C. i1 , Harrison , Ull
N.Y Llto. 10U 13
A SMALL piyment dowu and Jl.l pir month
will buy ti 4-room house mid lot on Wth , two
blocKs from motor ; tlrst-class chance to acquire.
a Home on easy terms. Apply to II , K. Cole ,
Continental block. 272
rpEN-IIOOM house and full lot , Georgia uve.
JL near I'opplorou , lot enst frout. liouso has
every modern Improvement. U. K. Harrison ,
DM N. Y. Life. ] ? 18
"IjlOUSALP Or exchange for drugs and real
JO estate , tiJ.OUu book stocic. lloi : Me. 1 .7
TPOH HALK ftlxriJ on Jones st. $300 per foot
JO AddrOJS.ViU llae. Cij a3J
OTICK to" Investors Wo will racilve bids
for the purchase of our business property.
MU3 Parnam street , known as thiJ east .i ! feet
of lot 7. block 1JJ. up to April the llrst , next :
owners rasurvlnx the right to rojnet any or nit
bids. Lehnmnn & Hanson , c.iro of John II. F.
J.eliimum , ILI ! South 17th Street. u3 !
WANTED Parties who want piats of Am"-
bler or Eckermnnn Place can get thnsntno
frmiot charge by calling oa U. P , Harrison. Ull
N. Y. Life. . , . 171 i3
m most nny addition fore
o nt from HI.C03 up. ou easy montuly piy-
monts. P.'lwD&i'lIng , 41 IturJcnr block. ( ) > 3
Affi'T'iAKK CTI'Y-r Piirtso/Pdesirlnil / to invest -
vest In this city win do well to consult the
Dieter. Johnson Investment Co , I * . O. Dox 571 ,
and 1J South Main st. . Salt Lake city. We ban
dit ) choice property only and che tuo best of
017 A 5
"ITIOH a.VIilJrootu house nnd " lots on cor.
JJ "d and Cedar st , ; price , I4O ) ' , part cash and
balance time , or pare cash and good farm In
Nehru-ska/ Address or call on Joseph Trott. cor ,
M and Cedar at. , Oinalm. Neb. 81' ) Ittc
"ORALK.STATK If you want to sell or rent
I | lstHvth T. C. llriuiner , whohnit n Inrgn
list of customers. Hoom 1 , Ware block , B. K ,
Corjofh and Karnam , 4VI Ul
8" STGeoiKla , U luuiua.'aVury "modern con um
J6nct > elegant nnd cheap , must bo sold by
April 1st , bust bargain tn Omaha.
} 1'ZJO 1 roulns , nil couvenlouees , location tint ]
big bnrgutn.
10WX ) ll room ti-8S ) ! < ed brlck.all ronvonlences ,
, , - , Jiarn , , jcmtllxturoj. hardwood tlnbli , U ,
, front , , ( Cxl71 | fectv lluntcom I'lace.
I'.TOO H lootns , ill I conveniences. Orchard Hill.
7,500 1itxiuiH , barn , all con\onlences , three
mantels , gas llxturett , giound corner ,
SO.OOO i ( sl7fi trackago'for clear farm.
Have you any bargains ? If so , we
"Want u list ot them. Wo have farm *
and \ncant lots clear for houses and
'lot A" "Hoe us before you buy ,
I ) . V. Sholcs Co. , SU 1'lrst JNatloual Hank.
* j WO
F A1OI , --'mlK'J from Omutm , well Improved ,
to trade tor Omaha propel ty. Co-Oneratlve
Land and Lot Co. . i 5 N. 10th st. HUT
/ 1 1IKA1 UAIlOAIN-lleiua 8 rooms , bath ,
V.I gas. ctc. ami corner lot Micbl. onioth ami
Ohio , oho block from cable aud threw from
motnr : onlv 14,6(0 ( , with smull caah payment
and baUiiC4 very e < iuy torins. Another house
tame t > Ue , corner 1'Jtii and Corhy. $ l , ua on
t-ame terms. Thane are rain bargains. Orovur
titovons , ' 1313 Putnam , olllco open evenings.
T71OII PALE-A nrst-clfl farm In Hrnhnm
JO county , Knnsas. luonlre at tfiSC ! Karnam at.
city. _ JO-18J
FOItBAM-V-Cbeai ) . IfiO acres land In Valley
Co. , Neb , , n ar Arcadia , and 19 } acres tu
Koya 1'aha Co. , N b , , linprbved. Addrc < M
box AKt , " lloe. _ ! S5-17t _
LINCOLN flics aal Carthaxa lotiprlca
Ij.ucu , xa down , balanc * tu mont&ly.
W. L , Siioy , It. II , ilsirl rrI . &U
Dlstolntlnn Notice.
The partnership entered , Into between ill *
undeMgurod nnd David It. J. > vls In Kebnmry ,
IWtf , Is hereby declared dissolved. And tno
sain J.cwls la unauthorized to tiso my name
hereafter in connection with uls own in nuy
business tiaiutictlou whatnr r.
ItlCHAlU ) 1C. STOWn.
UateJ March 15,180) . March Itd3f )
Notloc. .
I Joseph Si-linlr , herrby clvo uotlco to nil.
that wlierca my wife Katlo Bchuli' , formerly
known ns Kntlo Jnncn. left mo without nny
BUiucelnt riiusc , unit In spltn of my entreaties ,
still refuses to return to me. Therefore from
this date. M rch lAth. 1MX ) . t will not bo rrsmn- |
Hibtororany other necessaries or money she
ma obttlu on my account.
mlSdlt * .Toscvii Scuur.T ? : .
Attachment Nntlno.
To Charles W. Jacobs : Will take notice that
on the " 1st day of Pobnmry , I W , ( leorsn Hahn ,
Jr. , n justice of the pence , of Umnliu , Dougliis
county , Nebraska , li'tietl nil order of attach-
iiU'iit for the mm of fit1. ? ! In nn notion pending
bofoio him , wherein James A. Tedfonl Is plain-
ttIT and Chnrlett W. Jacobs Is dofi'iidiint : that
property of the defendant , consisting of 1 lot
of bottles nmlmedlrlneMind stamped circulars ,
pnptrs , clothes , chart ? , type-writer , surgk-nlIn
struments nnd supplteH , t diploma. I online nnd
contents , Imve been nttnchcii umtersald order ,
Knld cause has bncn cxituliiucd to the Jlh day
of April , ut Uo'clnctc a. m ,
mt7u"'t Atttornoy.s for Jiuuns w. Tc'dford.
Matter of Application of Archibald Gordon ,
for lliior | license.
Not tco Is hereby given t hat Aichloald ( lorilon ,
did upon the 17th day ot March. A. 1) . 1CH. ' ,
Jllchisnppllcntlontothu Uonrdot I'lrennd Pollru
Commissioners of Om.ihn , for Llct-nsa to sell
Mult Spirituous nud Vinous liquors ut
N . 1501 Wobstnr ( ttronts Pilth w.uil , Omnha ,
NebrsisKa , from the Ibt day of Jauiuiry , ISiK ) ,
to tin ) 1st dny of.lannury , 1SJ1.
If there lie ii ) objection , remonstrnnce or pro
test tiled within two weeks from Mnrch nth
A , I ) . 1HU , the said license will Da gnlut"d.
17-I ; Aitciltn M.I ) COUPON , Applicant.
OMAHA , NUII. , MAItCIl'f . IH'.D. HKALl'.f )
proposals In triplicate , will bo leeched
hen * until two U'CIOCK p. m. . central time ,
A in II 1'itli , If'.tl. aud then opened for fnriitshlUK
thu printing rc'iulrcd nt ihuso llettiliuu-ter.s |
during the jenr ending Juno ; > U. 1HJL
( tovurumeut ri-nerves the rlghc to lojcct any or
nil iioposals. All infoimatloii futnlshcd on
nppllcutlonliure. Uuvi-lopos cont.imliig propo-
btils should be marked 1'roposiU for printing ,
nnd addressed to WM. II llftSIIP-S. Lloutenniit
Colonel nnd Deputy Ounrtormnster ( lonornl , I' .
S , AChief ynurtBrmaster DopU of the 1'latte.
] iilOd4tnS-U
cullfclr otfTCoaa b
r l'ir i.l.prMTOB tARlARCUSHi2' <
UM'peri , Cou rIallon ii iitlM oilo hear J. Com
fortiOlcHrtf.ArfJ ; tlBir ndl nirrn. ttttrfrMfa
tvherekfl ether rftnwf M. M Haioottr m\
LOIITC.S I S1OUY 1'ITV & I'ACll'IC. I Arrives
Omnha | U , 1 * . riepot. 10th niiU Mirey Sts.I Omaha.
"SuSSboitn.'A'oa 10 suutTiinAN"THAINS.T
Tlicio trains also stop at 13th , 17tli , 20tli ami Itth
Btreetn , HunimU nnd Puvldffa CroaJlntf. "VVorlllnK-
men' ? trains do not run Sunday *
Lcaroi | ClllC'Ano& NOHTUWKSTKllN. Arrive *
'l'ranifer Uolon IX'imt , CounclMllufTi. Tinmfor
" " " " " " "
' - '
"S 40 a tu 6 40 y BI
340 p u Vestibule Uoilteil D 43 n m
4.13 p m I"ajit rn Hy < ir , . 543 p m
803 p III 7 30 mm
"tTmCAdO , IC. . Arrlrus
Union Depot , Cciuncll lllnn . Trnnjfor
" " "
Nlllit H pres" . , . , . , . . m
Atlnutla Kiurcti. , (10U ( p m
Vcitlbuln Umltod. . . . . . . _ . LW.P ni
A bT.'l'AUL.ArfT | e
' _ . _ _ Quncll lllull . JTransfor
'iio u m.Clileugo | Hull ( r.miipt hundi bM p BI
n.30 p ml , ClilcjiKu lxpre . . . 15 k BI
1000 p ml .Chlcnto _ Kiireu , _ . , J.UD p 111
TttToi i ) C. aVHl'.JOK A t\ ITT
Tranifer ) Union Uupot. Council lllull . _ Tranifur
10 U7 u iuT.rKun | as City IT y Kiprc . 7"1 UOO p"m
lail p ui.KBinaa | City Night Kiprejj. . . 010 a 01
817.f.5TiTi ,
Trun fer | Union Depot , Council llliig . | Tr n far
44i p ml Ht. l < oul Oaniin fl ll . . . ,7TI7 | l7 > w
Tr nifcr | Union Depot , Council
IT4U am _ " _ _ _ Kxpro * .
10 u ) p m .ciiicaico. KxprbAt
CMcmf ) Viuf Mall
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' '
T.2U p m . . .I' . . . . .Croiton focuII110 \ u ni
HIOUXC1TY * I'AClflf AirlTOi
Traaifur UnlouJDpotL Council Itlulti ! Tr uifor
ioux City Aocoiuiuuiliitlou i 381 a u
Short Iilnc A Utah Norllicrit
Itnltwny Coinpniiy.
Notice U lioroby glvon tlut , puriuant tn tlio
articles of ronsolidntlon nnd ntirecinent , dnt d
JulyTith , IPW. tlinnntiunt meniniot tluvito k.
lioiilorN of the Oregon Short Line and 1 1 ill
Northern IlKllMnyOoinpnny for theeleelloiioC
directors nnd such other business nsmny lo nlly
rome before the meeting , will be heM nt tlm
nnicoof tlie companv. No. 711 Main stroet. Salt
T.nko ( Ity , t'tnli , on Wednemlny. the 18th day of
Mnrch , tMH ) , nt iu o'clock n. HI.
AI.KK. Mii.t.Aii , SecreUry ,
_ Itoston , lelinmry Mil. l o. fi7d.5t
UA. N'o. M1 >
TSJO-U , - rop3di\t <
-L > stores , oiitiL < of ruroluislnp nnd Depot
t'ommlsrv ! of Snbswtcnei1 , lr. S. Army
Omnlm , ub „ I'ebriiKry I. , I11 ! ) ) "eilod pru.
posnls , In tripllcnte. will bo ro-otvod nt this
cdlcu until K o'clock m.cetitinl HtivuiUnl thnt' ,
on Mondiiy , .Mnrcli 17 , litiH ) . ntshlcli time nnd
plnce they \Mll bo opened in the presence of
bidder * , tor thn furnlslilns nnd delivery nt
Omnhi , Neb. , tlio follow 1117 HUbsUleiico utores ,
viz : IMrlt , bacon : tinrd bread ; vlnojfnr : Imcon ,
breakfast ; cheese , Y A. ) crncRr-rsj Hour , fni
tlyt hums. s. i'.j Urdr nnd ontmunl , ci > eke < l.
I'leferencowlll liUKlven to Articles ot domoillti
proluctlon or iiiiinnfactlire , conditions of iittal-
Ity nud tirU-o ( Includlm ; In tlio prloaot fornl t >
pniductlons or nmnnfiictiiro thn duty thereon )
bdtiiR ciiiil | , The rluht la reserved to ri-Joct any
or nil bids. Illume propnnils unit nperlllciktlont
xhoulnc In detnU thn articles nnd a unu titles re-
iiulied nnd RlvliiK full Informntlonns to condi
tions of routnvtfi , will bo furnished on applica
tion to this olllce.V. . 11. HUM * Mnlor , nnil C.
S.L . s. A. fir.ditmtn-17
Notion ,
Kotlca li hereby Ftlvon , that tha Omnha
Soiithi'in Hnltwiiy Compnny , tins b im duly In-
roiporAted nnderthe lius of the State of No-
brn.ikn , nnd does thereon jrlvo publlo notlco us
follown :
I. Thennnipot snld rorporatlon Is , "Omnhn
Sontliern Itiilluny Coinpnuy , " plii uof trnnsncttm ; Its bust.
neBs , is thocltvof Omnhn , county of Douulns
il.'llui Kcnornl n.ituto ot the business tolh >
tinnsnctodby Biitd curporHtion , la ttioconstrtio.
lion , operAtlon nnd miiltitomincj of n line of
mlhvayof stnndnrd Kimt-'e. null n toleKrnlili
line In couni > ctlontherfwlth , from the city of
Omnlm In hnld county. In n southerly direction
throuiihthc'countled of Douulns. Sarpy , Cusj
nnd Otoo to Uleu Hock , in the Htnto of No-
4 , Thu amount ot cnol'nl ntock mithorlzvd tiy
tlie articles of iiieorDonitlon , lj Three Million
Dollars , nml tbesime Is to bo pitit us follows :
An Inntnllmont ot ( en per cent on onch xhiiri ) ot
fctoctHlmll bcpiiynblo nt the time of nmkin
thu subscription , nnd thoresldun thereof h > ll
bo tinld Iu such InUnllmunts nnd nt such tlmu
andpliice ns may bo required by tlio directors
of tlio company.
fi. The existence of until corporation com
mences on thn flth day of I'ebrunry. A. 1) . 1801 ,
nnd termlunteaon thoUttiday of 1'obrunry A.
P. Tlio highest nmount of Indebtedness or
llnblllty tovlilch tno Incorporation . " .lull nc
nny tlma b subject , ta Two Atllllim Uolliim ,
7. The nlfnlrs ot the coinnrntion re to bo
conducted by n 1'nts.tdunt , vlco-1'resldont , 800-
rctnrv. Ttonsurernnd Uisnornl MnuiiKor.
U'ltnes-sour linnds this the ( ith dny ot Fob-
lSK , .
9. „ . n.0uK ,
( iKouonU. SMITH ,
U ( I. JIlillltlAlI ,
It. y. ll.u.i , .
this U to certify that the Nebraska Central
Hnllwny comp.iuy desires nil Incroasj of Its an-
thrlzed capital mock from one million dollars
to four millions tlv * hundred thousand dollars ,
and that Increnso nnd tlia malcini ? and
jmlillsnlnijot this cortlllcato. ami tha filing
t hereof with the soiretary of stats of the HUto
of NubrasXo , hasuuun duly niithorlzttd. by tno
bolduis of the mijorlty ot the capital stock of
tlio NoiirnskaCentral Hallway company.
In wltnesH whereof , wo have hereunto slftnBil
our uainus nt Oman i , lu the rouuty of Douglas
nml state of Nebrnsku , on the 19th dny of Au
gust , 18SO. JOHN A. M'HIIANK.
aioitatc. : : HAKNIIM. president.
J Cor-orato I
( Soal. 1 Directors :
Stnto ot Nebraska , Uounlas county , sa :
lleforo me , u notiirv public lu aud for sal'l '
Dougl.ix county , personally cu'Jie the ubovo
named John A. AlcShnui * , ( icorKO C llarnum.
.Toiin H. Dnnioat , William li. Adams and llou-
Jamln J. Morris , known to mo to bo the Ident
ical poraons who . tno roro ohifj Inscm-
muut , nnclHovurally bckuowlidKo ! < l the xald In
strument to bo thslr Miluctary net and iluod.
for the uses nnd purpoacs therein sot foith.
In witness wlioroof , 1 hive hereunto Rltsnod
ray name and allixed my olllciiil seal , at Omaba ,
Douglas county , Nobranica this I'ltb day of An-
cust , isn \VC. IVKS ;
j Notarlnl ( . Notiuy 1'ublla
I 8onl. i 1 * eb 2 d OJ t.mor > i
INSCUUMIiMrj PUOJJ ua rjura durias
J II Millard , trustee , to Sidney Mnlth and
ulfe , lot 3 , blk 10 , KliuH's M ndd , u cd. . ZOO
r. M I.lnlev and husband to II C Council ,
lotlil , blk5 , llrlggs I'lace , w d . 4,500
J K Hoyd , sherlir , to 1) li Thomas , lot I ,
blk 1 , lot ill , blk - ' . nud lota ' , ) , 17 nud 1 ,
blk 4 , Mn > no's add. d'jed . . . . 1,203
Anifiisi Kount7o nnrt wife to Missouri
Shot nud Lend company , lot l , blE IU ,
KotmtzBA Uuth's ndd. w d . 5,500
AiiRUHt ICouutzo to V It Lawrence , lots I )
nud 10 , blk I'J , Kountzo & Hutu's add ,
w d . . . . . 11.000
C II Kviinsnud uifotnJ T 1'ntch , It .1 , blk
0. IMnlnvlow ndd , w d . I.OM
A 1 Tukcy et nl to Theresa Ilouerts , li
1 * . hlfclrf. Clifton lllll. wet . . I.POO
Nols Nelson to.IJ Urnm , und V of nn
Irreg tract In bouth Omaha , : il-i/-12 ( .
1' Illmls and wife to r I. bnundois , It
lu. Knlrmount I'lnec , w d . ( K5
Martin Svaclnato Mar } . Annie , Christian
unil Itosl Svuclua , It t ) . blk 4 , Kountio
; : d ndd , qcd . 1
Same to same. It 17 , Dlk 4 , Ivoimtzu lid
mid , nrd. . . . . . 10
1) It KnlKht to II II KnU'lit. 1KIF5 iicies
inn 4 of 31-lU-tA iicd . 8,5o ( >
UP llnmlltou to 8 O Hteveuson , n ! i lot
2) , Illmobuugh I'lace , wd . . i..COO
Thirteen transfers. . 3 U7-WJ8
Pears' soap is the most olocant toilet adjunct.
Hinlilliis ; I'or in let
The folio win t ; building parmlti worn la-
suoil ycatoriluy :
I'oter Doornar , frame cottnco , Martha
and Twentieth . T . S 400
N. A. Knlin. frame d\vclllui ; , I.aKo nud
Forty-Unit . , . iya
II. C. A Ikon , chlckou house . ] 5U
.Miirtln Ilurclk , friu no cottage , Wllcox
nud Locust . . . 03
L C. ymltn , frame cottage , Jones and
' .thirty-fourth . . . . . 1.000
L. C Hmlth , repairs , Jouvs nml Thlity-
fourtb. . . fO
N. I.nrmlun , ii- : " > North Nlneteentu , ad
dition . . 70(1 (
Joseph Clck , frame cottage. Twenty-
alcnth nud Uiilnnt . B03
Theresa Mueller , llancroft und HoMiutli
utrcHts . . (00
John Mobn . 1O1
Adolph Schroeder. I'nrk I'lace . U
Henry Wiuien , frumu cottage , llaucioft
und i-'ev iitli. . CO )
Patrick Kclluy , frajio birn , 131 } Klgh-
toentli . . r > 0
llyron Itcud. Twenty-second and Chicago COI )
An Alsoltito Cure.
la only put up In laraa two-ounea tlu boxes ,
and in an absolute euro for nil sores , burns ,
wounilH , clmppocl hnnils and all &kln orup-
tlons. Will posltivoly euro all Kinds of piles.
MBNT , Bold by Gooilmnn UruK oomiahy [
at " 5 cents per box by mail SO cunts.
Hulcldo nT a School Tenuticr.
CINCINNATI , O , , March 17. Miss Kutlo
Ott , u tcachor in the publlo Hchools , shot
herself through the toinplo lost nivht at her
homo during a tit of despondency cuusud by
ill health.
Mrs. Wlnsloiv's Soothing Syrup re-
ducoa inllununtitloii whllo uhildrun tire
toothing. 123 conta a liottlo.
To tlio 'Jrav 'ln ir I'lilillc.
The great Rock Islnntl route lias pro
vided every coDvonionco nnil comfort
for -its ptissenfrora KO\UK \ oiat ovot * itH
muiu lino. Its holitl veatiuulo oxprous
trains , which Icuvo daily for Don
Motnus , Duvonport , Kovilc lulanil nnd
Chicago , arc the lliicst in the world.
They consist of now and elegant dny
conches , dining cars , 1'ullnmn pulnco
Blcopiii" ; curb nml free rcclinini < : chair
curs , Htiporbly uppolntod nnd titled
up with all tlio moilorn imurovo-
inunts that conduce tosafo nnd luxurious
travel. Junctlonal nnd terminal con
nections uro inado in union dopota nnd
nt Chicago with fust limited vestibule
oxnross trains for nil points cnst. In
tidditiou to th la mugnillcont train , two
oxprcea and mail truind Icuvo Oinuha
drily , carrying Bleopora nnd dining cars *
Further information as to routes ,
rates , tlmo , berths , etc. , call on or nd-
drosi J. h. Doliovoiso , liiW ( Fnrniuu
Btrout , Omaha , Neb. Tolopliono 78- .
Ii. bT. .lOIIN' , JNO. HEHAbTIAN ,
General Manager , G , T. ttl' . A. ,
Chlcagu. Chicago ,