6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ) TUESDAY , MARCH , 18 , 1890. THE O\rATIA : \ BEE. COUNCIL BLUJTFS OFMCK. NO. 13 I'KAtth BTJIBKT. by eurlcr in nny part of tno City. II. W. 'JIM OX , . MANAGER TEIKl'JIONK8i rfnOmcn No. VI , l.liiTnir. No. 2) ) . Ml.NOlt MKNTIO.V. N. y. i' . co. Council HlulTs dumber Co. . coal. Ulmtchcr coal , lit Main street. Sprlni ? goods , Holler , tailor , 310 IJ'way. The court room In the government build ings nro receiving nn overhauling by n corps of pointers nnd decorators. The March term of the superior court con vened yesterday , but no business of special Importance was transacted. Judtrn J. U. Heed and Hon. W. H. Warn have been elected members of the boara of trustees of the frco public library. Itcgulnr communication of Hluff City Lodge. No. 71 , A. F ft , A. M. , this evening. All Alnstcr Masons In good standing nro nvttcd to bo present. Uy order ofV. . M. ft Judge Thornell rcndered'a decision yester- av morning In the Hncher-Clark diamond case. The Jewels were roplrvlnod by Hacher , nnd the trial was to determine the owncr- tilnp. The cnso was decided In favor of tbo plaintiff. Judge Aylcsworth decided the case of Saylcs < fc Monroe vs. Charles Haughan In the superior court yesterday. , The plaintiff Rued to recover $35 ( ) for services rendered. The defendant tiled n counter claim that moro than offset it. The court decided In fnvor of the defendant , nnd awarded him Bishop Perry of Duvonport will In In tills city icxt Sunday for his annual visit. Through an error the rector of St. I'uul's church announced Sunday that the confirma tion would not ho for two wcolts. It will take piano next Sundav without fail , the lilshop preaching nt St. Paul's church In the evening , at which tlmo ho will administer the rite of confirmation , nnd ho will preach in All Saint * church In the morning. Yeatcrdnvvus the day flxod upon by the attorneys for the preliminary hearing in the cnno of Olinrk's Mitchell and Louis Urlss , the former on a chnrgu of bribery , and the latter on the charge ) of receiving a bribe. The cases were called nt U o'clock. Colonel Supp appeared for the stales , nnd with him wcro P. Wen . T. J. Kvunn nnd Theodora Gulttar. Colonel Dulluy appeared for Mitchell and waived nxumiimtion. Hall was flxed nl300 lor both Mitchell nnd Cnss. Mitchell furnished bail for his appearance nnd was released , while Crisis is still confined In jail. _ Wo have just received n largo invoice of embroideries. They nro the bust bargains in the city. Culley's , 8-JS Uroadway. Special nrlcos.on Indies' muslin underwear sll this week at Culley'u. 8U3 Uroadway. Dpndlnok In the school Boiril. The first mooting of the now school board occurred lust evening. The only work of the board for the evening consisted In can vassing the vote and swearing in the now members. Mr. Walls , ono of the newly elected members , Is confined to his homo by illness nnd could not bo present , All the old members worn present nnd the vote was canvassed ami Messrs. Wniio nnd Wollb de clared elected nnd the two propositions for now school buildings declared carried. Mr. . Waite was then sworn in , nnd nn effort , or rather n series of several efforts , wnro mndo to effect a now orguniz.it'on. No nominations worn made and the board voted by ballot. The lirst ballot showed two for C. 1J. Waite and two for J. .f. Stewart. Five moro bailols taken during the next half hour showed the eauio result , although Mr. Wuito positively declined after the announcement , of the tlrst tio. They all showed the same result , Hunter nnd Hlaxslm continuing to vote for for Wnito. and Sehoontger nnd Waite voting /or Stewart , the present Incumbent , of the chair , who refrained from voting. It became - came apparent that the deadlock was on to Btay until Mr. Wells could bo present or President Stewart's modesty was overcome , und the board adjourned until Tuesday oven- ing. The president and several other gentle men then proceeded to the residence of Mr. "Wclis and administered the oatli of ofllo. Lemon Juice at Lund Bros. Drs. tS'oodbury have removed their denta cfllco to 101 Pearl street , up stain. For sale , nn account of sickness ; J. Dickey's general merchandise stock , located on Uroadway , Council Bluffs , will oo sold ut n discount for cash or trade for good unln- rumbcrod city or Omaha property. Address Duquette & Co. , Council IHiiffi. i'iiratraplt9. Miss Laura Urennoman Is In the city. Mrs. Leo Mitchell has gone to Chicago. \V. O. Wlrt loaves thU morning for a two weeks' trip through Nebraska. Nels Smith has returned homo after a six months visit to the Pucillu coast. . Misses Minnie Unthund and Carrlo Don- bam are visiting In Missouri Valley. Judge Trimble of liloomilold will nrrivo in the city today on federal court business. Mrs. H. P. G.irrotson of Oscoola is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Stoauman , on Oakland avenue. Mrs. T. U. Louis nnd daughter nrc homo tram an eastern trip. They were accompan ied by Miss Natllo Cummings. Doteotlvo Johnson of the Northwestern arrived In the city yesterday. Ho was called hero to attend the trial of Loreiiscn , the last of the gang of freight car robbers that operated so extensively in the North western yards about a year ago. The ovout of yesterday was Elsomnti's special glove sale. The event attracted ti Ercat crowd nil day. Many of the people vrcro from surrounding towns nnd n largo number of Indies came from Omutin , who came over for the double purpose of visiting nnd shopping. The sales in all departments of the store were very largo mm all the cus tomers were moro than sutislled. The ladles iirotiounce the now spring goods as ahown by Klsoman handsomer than over , nnd a wholesale stock to select from. Wo want you to list your rental property with us nnd wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. Itonts collected and special atten tion given to care of pronorty , K. H. Shoafo &Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up sUtra. Wanted for cash Nebraska or North western Uoports.S 13 , Ucn Ofllco , Council Itluffs. Ilonutlful rustle hanging basket * nt Lund Uros. , ! J3 Main st. St. I'ntnok'H The morning services In honor of the patron saint of the Irish race commenced nt nt St. Prancls Xavlor's church at 8' o'clock. The very reverend U. I > . Mo.Mcnomy , pastor - tor , celebrated mass , and then distributed shamrocks. High mass commenced at 0 o'clock , and was sung by the Hov. T. I. A. Moley , followed by a sermon. After high mass the shnmronks were acaln distributed. The members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians mot at the St. Joseph's academy nt 1 o'clock , nnd headed by Uallioy's band marched up Sixth street to Droadwuy , and thcnco to the Ogden house , where they took cars to Omaha to loin the parade In that city. Thu stars and stripes , Hag of Ireland cud banner of the society were carried at the head of the column , and the members of the organlratlon were their lodga regalias , making n splendid appearance. Visiting lodges from surrounding cities bad places In the lino. V Save SO per cent on tombstones and menu ments. Design uliuct una prlco list f MO. L. ICelloy , .V3 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Don't ' forgot , the tlnestcleanost , best mar- market lu the twin cities Is Murchondorf's. Fiuo glaiswaro at Lund Bros. Dr. II. 8 , West , porcolalu crowu nnd bridge work , No. 13 Pearl. 1'uro Chliux oak | UL' at Lund Uroi. , only 15 couts. lamps at Lund Uroc. THE BLUFFS' ' NEW MAM , Ho Was Fittingly Induotod In to Oflloo Last Evoninff. THE FEDERAL COURT DOCKET. CclcnrntiiiE St. 1'ntrlck'a Dny hookIng - Ing Kor n Flro Chief Aylcs- worth's Fnrowoll Session General Notss. Mnvor Mnorno'H Inauguration. H was precisely fifteen minutes before eight o'clock last evening when Dalboy's band of eighteen pieces struck up the open ing overture In the south court room of the county court house at the Inauguration of Mayor Macrao. The spacious room was lilted with a gathering * of representative citizens , and the spnco inside the bar railing was filled with ladles. 1'ollcomcn in full uniform and whlto gloves did duty ns ushers , ana others wcro stationed at tno entrances , on the main staircase and In the corridors. Every light In the largo building , both gas nnd electric , was ablaze , and the scene was a very attractive ono. The bounties of the court room were doubly nuparcnt under tha brilliant Illumina tion , and largo bouquets of frAgrnnt flowers graced the judge's bench. Arranged In V ahnpo In front of the desk of the presiding ofllcar were six tables for the nldcrmcir , and between the opan ends was the desk of the clerk. At , 8:15 : the mayor and council , headed by Chief of Pollcj Lucas und City Marshal Guonolln , ( lied iu and took their scats. In response to tbo call for the reports of committees , Mayor Hohror stated that the commission of Judge-Elect McGee , as judge or the superior court , had arrived from the governor of Jow.i , and the city marshal was directed to escort tno newly elected ofiiolal to the room , after which the oath of ollico was administered by City Clerk D. A. Parrell. Tbo mayor thru read bis farewell mes sage to the council. Mayor Kohror's address was quite lengthy und exhaustive. It embraced important facts und figures , many of which have already been made public by the board of. trade , and other reports' . The nddnm will firovo a valuable historical and statistical document to bo lilod away and used for reference rather than to bo tukon up as Interesting or sensational reading. On tlio matter of city finances Mayor Hohror suggested : . Every now nnd then n portion ot our citU zcns cla'.in that taxes are too high und should bo reduced , and at the same tlmo keep peti tioning the city council for a larger flro de partment , moro engine houses , which means more man and more flro apparatus , for moro nolicomon , for cleaner streets , for moro electric , gas or gasoline light , for moro bridges , water hydrants , etc. , nnd nt the name time If n special election was called the next day authorizing an additional levy for specific purposes it would o-irry by u largo majority. In this connection I dcsiro to state that In my opinion the city council and the school directors should give the public a longer notice than is required by law to dis cuss tlio merits of all questions that nro to bo voted on authorizing the levy of additional tax. tax.Under our present system of valuation the statr , count } and sohool district tnako a levy largo cnouirli to produce the revenue they require , while the crty council can only levy the 10 mills authorized by law , which pro duced nn income for thoyoarlbSS amounting lo W3.M110 Receipts from license anil lines . 7.7U3 75 Total income for city pursues. 951,313 13 Cost of service demanded oy the people 92,17400 Exccbs ot service over Income. . . . 40S5'J 51 The 10 mill levy for year ISii'J pro duced 47,377 20 Receipts troni licenses nnd lines. . UC.757 < J'J Total income for city purposes. . . 70,135 IS Cost of service demanded by the people 03,213 75 Excess cost of service over Incomo. 25,033 04 In this connection I deslro to remind our good pcoulo that all the taxes they have paid ( luring the year * 1833 und 1839 In excess of $1.03 on each $100 m valuation went to the state , county , school district , Omaha & Council lilulTd railwav and bridge company , perks , library , interest , nnd to create a dink- ing fund on outstanding bonds issued by law , and not in tno hands or subject to the order of the mayor und city council. Under the custom of assessed valuation and the limit of 10 mills for all city pur poses , including salaries of city ofllciiUs , police , lire nnd engineer's departments , streets und alloys , city property , tire appa ratus , etc. , the mayor and city council for years hnvo been trying to solve the problem of giving our citUons , In compl < ana3 to their apparently just demands , f2 worth of ser vice for every $1 of Income placed at their disposal. I can not refrain from again reminding you that our present administration was obllccd to pilot through two of the most prosperous years in the history of the city with its corresponding Increased demands from the heretofore unKnown portions of thn city , with the limited income derived from nn assessed valuation of $4,013,510 made January 1 , 18S7. The now administra tion is cntitlod to our congratulations on ac count of Its starting out as heir to the largest increase lu assessed valuation ever falling to nnv previous city council. The assessed valuation from which they will derlvo their 10 mill levy is gO.138.2US mndo January 1 , 1SS9. This will increase tholr revenue about 915,000 , enough to take care of the lira de partment. Alderman Everett moved that the report bo referred to the Ilimuco committee with reference to having it published , as had been the CIHO with other reports. On motion of Alderman Lncy the council adjourned sine die. After a short recess the members of the now council , Messrs. Woods , Wind , Lacy , Mlkcscll , Smith , Knopher , Everett und Cas- i nr. tnnlr t.liplr The roll was called and the reading of the minutes dispensed with. The oond of Mnyor-oloct Mncrao In the sum of M.OOO , with J. L. btownrt and John Heresbelm us sureties , was road und ap proved. ' CAldcrmcn Everett nnd Lacy were ap pointed u committee to notify the mayor- elect of the approval of his bond and to re quest him to present himself to bo sworn into ofllco. City Clerk Furroll administered the oath , nnd the now mayor took his place on the rostrum. The retiring mayor presented him with the gnvol , and the newly inaugurated mayor road his first message to the council. Ho started out by stating that taxes were too high. Ho said : "Men capable of judging , and whoso opin ion In such matters Is worth having , toll mo tnoy nro too high. It will bo obsorvud that I do not arrogate to myself any Intlinato knowledge of the situation , nor can I do so until 1 have made a study of our taxes and all other matters connected with our inuni- clpal govornmont. It will devolve then upon mo , upon you , my follows In the council , to attempt to reduce the nxpondturos , to care fully guard and watch for tankages , and In this way make ends meet. Wo must see that our expenses are light , and that they must not exceed our Income. The resolu tions adopted at the recent annual mooting of citizens must bo the guiding star of our action in financial mnttura. 1'1'heso resolutions tions were then read. ] " 'I guess you'havo thn hardest and wick- edo t city in America,1 was the remark which was mndo to mo the other day on the tram. These of us who llvo and have al ways lived hero can hardly roallzo the Im pression which strangers receive when they visit us. Wo nro so much taken up with our own business , our minds und time so preoccupied - occupied , that wo do not , , see the enormity of immorality nnd looseness which Infests us , or perhaps wo regard the condition as m- pvituhlo In u largo anil crowing city. Ihoro Is no doubt , ho\vovor , thnt our character - actor Is a bad ono , the name of our fair city despoiled nnd a byword. It Is unnecessary to particularize our shortcoming * in this ro- spocti sufficient , to say that it mutt Do your duty anil mlno to endeavor to place our beloved - loved city iu the fore front of Iowa cities as far as regards morality and firm government to regulate and place under careful control what must bo endured , and effectually stump out the uuondurablo. With ibis end la viuw It will bo necessary to plaoo tha police eys- tcm under moro stringent dUclpllnotban has heretofore obtained , requiring the members of tae force to conform itrlctly to the rules nnd regulations sot before them ; Ig nore party nnd party affiliations nnd obey to the letter the orders of their superiors. The discipline must bo absolute and military In character , nnd the penalty fornon-ncqUl- csconco prompt dismissal. " 1 conclusion , I would remind you of the Important nnd responsible positions whloli you alt occupy : of the necessity for careful nnd methodical study of yourvnrloui duties ; of the reward which awaits you In the knowlcdgo that you bavo dona your duty. I would also remind you that while tlio posi tions that wo have all assumed are probably thankless ones , whllo wo strlvo to do the greatest good to tlio greatest number , thai there will always bo n largo minority whom wo cannot plouoo. So that , after all , wo must simply do our duty. " The mossazo was listened to with the closest attention , and was loudly applauded , It was referred to the committee of tbo whole , nftor which a recess was declared. For fifteen minutes the hand of tha new mayor was warmly shaken , when tbo coun cil was again called to ordor. A motion to adjourn was carried , and the newly organized body will moot again at 2 o'clock this afternoon. C. U. stcamdyo works , 1013 Droadway The Iit-nilcrs of fine watches and jewelry In the city , nnd the place to buy the best goods nt the lowest prices Is the establishment without rivals , tbo most reliable firm of C. H. JACQUCMIX & Co. United States Court. The March term of the federal court con venes next Monday , with Judges Love and Shlrns on the bench. The following are tbo ca es set down for trial : William Johnson , guardian ot Oscar Ncfl , ir.sano vs J. II. Honny. Jason Walker vs the City of Council 13 ! u lie. Kuto Donahue , administratrix , vs the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulncy railway. United States ox rol. Eliza D. Slack va D. 11. Daily. P. C. ICimmlsh vs John J. Bull ct al. F. J. Day vs the Union Pacific. Joseph M. 1 layos VB Jack Kock ot nl. Aultman , Miller & Co. vs E. 1) . Lucas. llonrv Ackerman vs the Chicago , Darling ton & Qulncy. The Hemingway Manufacturing company vs the Council 131ufTs Canning corn piny. U. Dorgman vs the Omaha & St. Louis railway. John C. Church vs Joseph Mllllkcn. John W. Faditon vs Clark & Suttarloo. James S. Chrisman vs Hattlo A. liny ot al. al.A. A. Ovcrton vs Markel ft Swobo. The trial jurors for this term nro as fol lows : Thomas Fleming1 , Clarluda ; 3. L. Groves , Alton ; David McCullough , Prlmroso ; J. S. Shophard , Mount Ayr ; R. J. KJmuncu , Hod Oak : S. 1C Ulack , Lynnvlllo ; S. M. Kestor. Albia ; David U. Kirk , Afton ; William Butler - lor , Clarlndn ; H. B. Houston , Extra ; Gcorgo Dlxon , Emerson ; J. D. Brown , Leon ; K. C. White , Glenwood ; William Sholos , Greenfield ; J. B. Hums , Corning ; C. J. Wyland , Harlan ; Charles Bullock , Dcnlson ; D. Thompson , Hamburg ; J. T. Stuart , Shenandoah ; A , M. Battalia , Avoca ; J. 1C. Irwin , Shenandoah ; Isaac Dlckeraon , Atlantic ; G. W. Pittman. ICeokuit ; A. S. Obor.Glonwood ; S.W. Voung.Jofforaon ; W. S. Sample , Keokuk ; Washington Swif- , Bloomfleld ; David Cahoon , OUum.V-t ; W. S. Culbertson , Carroll ; Jacob. L. Baker , Ued Oak ; ft. S. Hart , Avoca ; T. O. Carlisle , Missouri Vnllev ; James Cook , Hod Oak ; W. C. Campbell. Harlan ; J. C. Shock- Icy , Sidney ; O. 11. Wood. Chariton ; James Lain ? , Persia ; John O'Koefo ' , Creaton ; D. D. Jeffries. Hod Oak ; L. F. Mullins , Allan- tic ; M. V. U. Miller , Perleo ; H. C. Johnson , Atlantic ; J. M. Hood. Corydon ; H. H. Wil son , Mount Ayr ; Wade Carey , Council Bluffs ; L. H. Henderson , Anderson ; John Sterling , Corydon. The gasoline stove U moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life and property by using the U. B. Gas and El'ictric Light Co.'s gas stove. Water sets in beautiful designs at Lund Bros. , 23 Main st. - It Wasn't Ttielr Day. A great many people were found yester day who announced their Intention of attend ing tbo inauguration of tbo newly elected mayor at the court house last evening , but there were also others who woro. not thnt way Inclined. Of the latter class , some were democrats nnd some were republicans , but none of them were admirers of Mayor Hohror. They denounced his farewell cxnt- bitioti ns a pleco of rank foolishness , and vowed that they would show their disap probation by staying away. Alderman Weaver , Judge Aylosworth ana several other rotirine city ofllclals were included in the list , whllo Judge James and other sue- csssful candidates seconded the idea. Said Judu'Q Aylesworth : "You can't expect n man to danca at his own funeral , can youf I can't see why Rohrer is celebrating his retirement with such a blare of trumpets , and inviting all of us follows d wn there , when everybody knows that lib administration was tlio only thing that caused the defeat of the demo cratic ticket hero this sprinc. Ho wants us nil to go down thorn and glory over our de feat. I am not at all sere beeauso I was de feated , for I urn roallv batter off out of the oflleo than I was In It. There has been a general feeling that the past administra tion has boon corrupt and venal , nnd In many respects I bollovo that there is reason for this fooling. I anticipated a change , and was not disap pointed when ID camo. I ballevo the new council Is ono of the best the city has ever had , and I think that the next administra tion will bo u satisfactory ono. I don't up- provo of the hurrah that Hohror Is getting up , and it looks very wouk to mo. " Said Alderman Weaver : ' 'H Is all non- seiiso to do the thine this way , und I won't go. Hohror probably wants to gnt auout 1,000 copies of the message printed , and I don't propose to vote for It. " "I can't bo the corpse and n pall-bearer too , " was the way In which Judge James ex pressed himself. Desirable dwellings for rant at reduced prices by E. H. Shoafo ft Co. , rental agents , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. Lamps al Lund Bros. , 23 Main st. S. B. Wadsworth < t Co. , 07 Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard Inv. Co. Ayloaworth'ri l < 'nrnw ll GrlHt , Judge Aylesworth hold hlsfarowoll soanco in pollco court yesterday morning , and dis posed of the faw cnsot on hand lu short ordor. Charles Johnson , Andrew Jensen nnd Bcrtlonnd Fred Bates ware bookoa for dis orderly conduct. The youngsters expressed the dorpost contrition , nnd after receiving a Bovcro lecture were discharged. O , L. Doming nppaarod and told his story regarding nn encounter with a crowd of Sal vntloulsts. Ho stated that while passing along Broadway ho saw n coupla of follows insult u young lady , und knocked ono of ( horn down. Ho was reaching for the otbor ono when un oflleor Interfered and stopped the proceedings. Domini ; insisted that ho dld.no moro than anyone else would have done under the circumstances. Charles Jones , ono of the participants In the fracas , was lined 92.1 and costs , but the Hue was later reduced to 910 and costs. Ed Maher was on hand , and pleaded L-ullty to disturbing the peace. Ho was lined fD.CO , which ho paid and was released. J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 537 Broadway. Glllotto & Free man , decorators , 23 Pearl Thu Manhattan sporting boadq'r * 413 B-way. c The IMro Chi of. The statement that the republican mom- bo rs of the city council bavo fixed up u slate of appointive ollloarn. Is denied by the now aldermen. They admit that the tnnttor has been talked over , but they say that no defi nite-conclusion has yet boon reached. Said Alderman Everett yesterdays "It looks now very much os If the llttlo already done in this direction would bo smashed to places when the council moots in executive sei- ilon. " U leouiR that there 1s great diftlculty In agreeing on a satisfactory chief of the flro department. The aldormeu thought taoy bad picked out the right man.butlncro la o mud opposition nt the ( Jjfijd suggestion thnt they nro again casting about in search of proper material. The demand scorn * to bo thnt tin now chief shall btf .thorough Qiomnn nnd ono who will coinfMnil tno respect of the en tire department. The two men who rccclVo the strongest support , are James Bradtay. the present electrician , and Norrls B. Wicks , who Is stationed at No. 3 IIQSO house. Both nro thoroughly capable firemen , and the plan now suggested Is tb'laalto ' Itradloy chlof nnd Wicks assistant chief. In thiscaso a capable head to the department would bo constantly on duty. It Is urgo&that the present salary Is not enough , and u Bradley Is now receiv ing 990 per month , It Is recommended that ho ho paid at least9100or $ l i per month. This would reduce the pay roll of the department from 910 to 910 per month , and nt tno snmo tlmo greatly Increase Its cniclcncy. The Idea that It Is necessary that the chief shall bo selected ontsido the department is by no moans general among there who dcsiro to sea this branch raised to the highest possible standard of cniclcncy : ARTESIAN WATEK POWER. Great rosiluluttcH In It for the Two DaicolnB. \Vritlnp on the subject of artesian water power in the Uakotas a contrib utor iu the True Republican , published at Wossinton Springs , S. 1) . , says : There is power sutllciont that can bo obtained at no very great cost * that can and will bo at no distant day utilized to run all the manufactories that are or will bo needed in South Dakota , and to prind every grain of Dakota hard wheat. Instead of sp.nding our wheat lo Duluth , Minneapolis or Chicago , wo can make the flour at homo and inako that as our surplus ; and what will bo the result. ? Our last ' "short" crop of wheat is estimated by the latest reports from tlio agricultural dooartmont at about 41,000.000 bushels ; by our own statistics at about 44,000.000 , the value of which is $24,000,000' 823,000,000. Now at a rough estimate it costs from 40 to GO cents a bushel toscndour wheat to Minneapolis and have it converted into Hour. Two-thirds of this forty odd million bushels may bo sold as surplus and there is no doubt that with our present "short crop" fully 20,000,000 bushels have been sent to market so that if we had our own flouring mills at homo , wo would have been moro than $12,000,000 better oil this year , as all the freight on the raw material , the outrageous dockage and profits of the middlemen the ele vators would bo saved , and the cost of the manufacture retailed at homo. This may hardly scorn possible to some who live on a "dry quarter , " and have their well at a door in n barrel ; but it is very likely that in the next five .years there will bo many ( louring mills run in South Dakota by this sub- t'jrranoan power. At the same time the water can again bo used for irriga tion , and such crops as have never been dreamed of greet your o.vcs on every side. It booms mi if the Giver Of All Good has especially prepared this re markable healthy countrv for a won derful future. VVo have the soil , and the water just within our reach ; and it can bo utilized just when we want it. Everyone can imagine what a verita ble Garden of Edbii our state will bo with its lovely gitrdons , its monstrous crops , its beautiful groves , and dry roads. Congress should appropriate as much for ono year as is , given to the Sioux Indians and a wonderful result would follow. South Dakota is destined to bo the most desirable s ate in the union. No other state possesses clearer skies or moro line days. ยง ho is provorblal for health , both fpq , man and beast , and everybody knows there nro no brighter , smarter , handsomer or jinoro rugged babies in the world than are raised right hero in our own DaUota. With the best babies , with plenty of flouring mills and other industries , water for irrigation , the best climate and tlio largest tin mines Known , Da kota leads the world. It has been reported that a project has boon proposed to build a flouring mill at Alpana. There is no doubt but a well can bo put down there which will furnish all the power needed at less ex pense than a steam engine , and once in operation there would bo very little ex pense for power , while the surplus water could bo utilized for town and irriga tion purposes. Hnrsford's Acrtl Phosphate , Useful in all form ) ot dyspepsia. THE FRENCH PEASANT. How Ho Contributes to the Great ness ol' the llopublic. The life led by a comfortable English or American farmer would represent wicked waste and shameful indulgence to a much richer French peasantwrites Frederic Harrison in the March Forum. I myself know a laborer on wages of loss than twenty shillings a week , who by thrift lias bought ton acres of the magnificent garden land between Fontainobleau und the Seine , worth many thousand pounds , onwhich grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables , and the famous dosart grapes ; yet whojvith all his wealth and abundance , de'nios himself and his two children meat on Sundays , and oven a drink of tlio witm which" ho grows nnd makes for the market. I know a peasant family in Normandy , worth in houses , gardens and farms at least 500,000 francs , who will llvo on the orts cast out as refuse by their own lodgers , while the wife and mother hires herself out as a scul lion for two francs a day. The pontir- iousness of the French peasant is to English eyes a thing savage , bestial and maniacal. The French peasant has great vir tues : but ho has the defects of his vir tues , and his homo life is far from idyllic. IIo is laborous , shrewd , endur ing , frugal , solf-roliant , sober , honest , and capable of intense nolf-coiitrol for a distant reward ; but that reward is prop erty in land , lni > ursultof which ho may become as pitilb'sias a bloodhound. IIo is not chaste ( indued ho is often lecher ous ) , but ho relentlessly keeps down the population , and can hardly bring him self to roar two.cuildrou. To give these two children n good heritage , ho will inflict great hardships on them and on all othnrs whom * ho controls. Ho has an intonuo pas ioa for his own immedi ate locality ; but iio loves his own com mune , and still moro his own terre , bet tor than ho lovijs Franco. IIo is intel ligent ; but ho if ) not nearly so well edu cated a's the Swiss , or the German , or the Hollander , illo is able to boar suf fering without'iYmurmur ' ; but ho has none of that"J'lpporturbablo , courage which Englishmen ami Americans show In n thousand now situations. IIo is shrewd and far seeing , nnd a tough hand in a bargain ; but ho him none of the inventive audacity of the American citizen. Ho is self-reliant , but . too cautious to trust himself in n now Held. IIo is independent , but without the proud spirit of the Spanish peasant. IIo has a love for the gay , the beautiful and the graceful , which , compared with that of the Englishman , is the souse of art ; though ho has nothing of the charm of the Italian or the musical genius of the Gorman. If Franco Is strong , the backbone of her strength is found in the industry and thrift o ( her peasantry. And If her peasantry are thrifty and in dustrious it is because the revolution of ' 80 has secured to thorn u position moro free and Indopoddont than that pre sented by any monarchical country on the continent of Europe , .FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , Folltlolnus Afrnld Tboy Have Dle- oovorod Soinothlnar. THE JUDICIARY AMENDMENTS. An Apparent Dolcot in tlio llonolu * lion Tlio Original Sooly Crltlolscil IiitiooUi In Urlof. 1'olltlual Mnttero. LINCOUT , Nob. , March " 17. fSpectal to Tun Hni : . ] Tno capital city U n political center towards which politicians naturally Kravltato and In which everything of a polit ical nature receives the closest scrutiny. A grcnt iniiny possibilities nro unearthed hero , nnd the latest concerns the proposed consti tutional amendments for changing the Judic iary. Ono nmcDdmcnt provides for Increas ing the number of the nuprcmo court judges from three to five. The other proposes to raise their salaries to $11,500 nnd to increase the salaries of the district court Judges to f3,000. THcJO propositions were embodied in a joint resolution , nnd Interested politi cians nrc somewhat stirred ovoran apparent dofcct In the resolution. It provides for nn nfllrnmtivo vote on both proposition ! ) , but tnuUu.t no such provision for the negative. In considering the proposed high license nnd prohibition amendments this point was discussed , and particular palna wuro taken to provide forms foriilllrm- ntlvo and for negative votes on both proposi tions. A search of the records In the ofllco of the secretary of'ituto has revealed the strnn 'o fact that the original resolutions are not on llle , and It it presumed they are still In the possession of Walt Mi Seoley , secretary of the sonato. It Is noa'rly n year since the IOR- islaturo adjourned nnd Mr. Sceloy's action has given rise to considerable speculation , not all of It complimentary. There is on tile In ( ho ofllco of the secre tary of state a bound sot of the bills nnd resolutions as Introduced In the senate. Among these nro tha original printed reso lutions embodying the proposed changes In the judiciary , and both of them provide n form for negative ns well us for ulllrmatlvo votes. These resolutions wcro introduced by tno judiciary committee nnd It Is assorted they were submitted to "members of the suureuio court before balng brought bofo.ro the senate. The resolutions were amended In the house and the provisions for negative vote dropped out. When asked for an opinion on the validity of the submission , Chief Justice Cobb plodded n lacK of thought upon the matter and evaded committing him self. In speaking of the license and the pro hibition amendments , however , the judgn said the Impression was general among ttio members of the legislature that under our constitution the absence of form for nega tive votes would not , Invalidate the resolu tions. To carry they must have ii majority of all votes cast at the election , and all bal lots that do not have an expression on the amendments are equivalent to votes ag-Unst them. Some politicians believe that those resolutions were manipulated to influence the supreme court in Its consideration of the double-barreled license-prohibition amend ment. OVPITOI. IXTELI.iaCXCC. Notary public commissions were Issued to day to the following : John S. Carmen , Alli ance ; John F. Hamilton , Ileimngford ; John W. West , Kearney ; C. H. King , Weeping Water ; U. F. McLonoy. Clay Center ; William D. Hlackwell. Broken How ; F. L. Weaver. Omaha ; J. Henry Wood , Omaha ; Jasper Uyors , Wymorc ; M. W. Wnlsh , Au rora ; W. / . Taylor , Culbertson ; Cnnrlos II. Potter , Hed Cloud ; J. S. McGmnis. Thed- ford ; V. O. Henick , Carloton. The State bank of Wallace filed articles of incorporation today. Incorporators , E. H. Knaw and P. H. Gavin. Capital , tftO.OOO. Governor Thayer has couo to Knnball countv on business. Secretaries GUchrlst , Gilkcson anil Gur- bor of-tho board of transportation went to Oipaha toJay to moot the Interstate com merce commission. Cedar county filed today In the land ofllco the appraisement of its common school , agri cultural college and university lauds , in all y,000 acres. The board of managers of Union college , the HeVqnth Day AdventUt institution , an nounced in the real ci > tate exchange today that work on the buildings will begin within a week. The Only Ono. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway la the only line running solid vestibulod , electric liphted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Coun cil Bluffs tind Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha. atO p. m. dally , arriving nt Chicago at 0:30 : a. m , Passengers taking this train are not compelled to got out of the cars at Council BlutTs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Get tickets and sleeping car berths at Union ticket ollico , 1601 Farnam st. F. A. NASH , Gon. Agt. J. E. PUESTON. Pass. Act. TREASURES OF THE DEEP. The Enormous Ainotm'.H that the DnHoni of OldJDoaan Iliitos. A company lately sot out from Sydney to Now Zealand to recover sun ken'trcas- urcs from some old reck on the west coast ot the Middle island , but so far no returns have boon published , the oper- itions probably not being completesays the Sydney Herald. The subject of sunken treasure reminds one of the lioaps of gold carried in the galleons ana like packets years ago. In 1709 a shlp-of-war from Hlo to Lisbon hart on Doard 0,000,000 of crusades in diamonds and about 100.000 "crowns tournoia" in piastres , making in the whole tiO,030OOI ) ivrus tournois. So much so for a single ship. In 1774 two Spanish ships from Vera Cruz an'd the Havana arrived with J2.000.000 crowns , besides merchandise valued at 27,000,000 crowns. Such ex amples could bo multiplied. Of the cargo of an English Inuiamnn in 1771 , ono item alone , a diamond in rough , was valued at . 103,000 , "going to bo manufactured in England on ac count of ono of the Asiatic nabobs , " and on the private freight of this vessel the po'.icios of insurance wore opened at Lloyd's at a high premium , so Costly were her contents nnd so doubt- ! ul her safe arrival. As a costly ship- wrack La Lutino deserves notice. She was ol thirty-two guns , commanded by Captain Skynner. and went iistioro on the bank of the Fly island passage on the night of Outobor 0 , 1701) ) . At first she was reputed to have 000,000 in specie on board. This was afterward contradicted by a statement that the whole amounted to 140,000. In moro modern times the costliness of ship wreck is to bo found in the destruction of tlio fabrlo and her cargo rather than in the treasure on board. Whatever - ever may have bean the worth of a , 'alcon as a ship , there need bo no jcruplo In concluding that when brand- now her value would bo hut that of a : oy in comparison with such ocean mail jo'ats ai now convoy specie and valu- ihlos. The sinking of an Atlantic , In- Han or Austraillan liner oven with a clean hold would represent an im- mcnso treasure if told in dollars , ducats or piasters , and when Is added the cargo along with the passengers' luggage - gage , which would include a quantity of jewelry representing many thousands of pouiulH , B'jmo astonishing figures would bo the result. The Itoyal Charter is the most nota- jlo modern instance of the wreck of n 'tveuuuro" ship. She loft Australia with JC350OC01n her. Of this sum , Bays Charles Dickens In LAUGHTER MM 0 H W " 1 Mil B a m In Carpets , Mattings , Oil Cloth , Bugs , Silk and Lace Curtains and Fixtures , Portieres Drapery , Silks , Plushes , IPoholstery Q-oods , Window Shades , etc. "Will make prices lower then any hsuse in Iowa or Nebraska. Cal and see us or write for prices and Samples. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY , COUNCIL BLOFFS CARPET COMPANY COUNCIL BLUFFSIA PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. , HRIRKI N Rl I\l C nydrnuUc and Sanitary Ktijriiiccr. Pinna , Kstlumtoa ,1 UlimmullXL. Spoctllcations. Supervision of Public Work. Hrowu UiilltUng , C'oticll HlulTa. lown. NQPUI IB7 Justice of the Pence. Oflleo over American Express , No.11 . Ol nUn . Broadway , Council UlutTti , lown. QTfiMF Ri CI | W1C Attorneys at Lnwr7racUco in the State and I'cil- O I UIML 06 OIIV1O oral Courts. Rooms 7 and S Shujjiirt-Boiio 131ook , Council HlulTs. Iowa. O. .A. . V\liolesalo and Retail Dealers in Largest Stock and Lowest 1'rlcos. Denlorsf , send for Catalogue , BOfl-'JOT Blroa-Civay , and siOl-'JOO IMerfcSf. , Council Itlitlft , hischapter of this dreadful shipwreck in the "Uncommercial Traveler , " jL"tOO,000 worth were recovered at the time of the novelist's visit to the spot where she had driven ashore. Mean while , how fhuch gold and silvcr.minted nnd otherwise , is annually alloatV How miln > millions are yearly borne over the deep to and from India , America , Australia. China and South Africa by English steamers alone ? There should bo no dillloulty in , making the calcula tion , which , when arrived at , must surely vjcld a fine idea of the treasure over which the red flag flics , and an ex cellent notion of the trust that is re posed in the British shipmaster , and of the high qualities which go to the ful fillment of it. ESTABLISHED IN ! 878 BY THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT , OF THE PUBLIC CHARITY. Operated under n twenty ycni'n contract by tlio Mexican Inturnutlonnl Impiuvcuicnt Commit ! v. LOTTERY OF THE BENEFICENCJA PUBLICA. THE NEXT MONTHLY DRAWING will Lo held hi the CITV Ol- ' MEXICO , APRIL Snl , 1890. CAPITAL PRIZE $60,000 , 8O.OOO TtckntH at $4 , $ : < 2OOOO. Price of Tickets , American Money , WIIOLESS4 HALVES * S. QUA.UTE113O M8T OP PHIZES. I CAPITAL PIUZH OK iM.WI Is $00,003 1 CAPITAL PHUE OK ! ,000 Is 2003J 1 CAPITAL PHIZE OK 10,0001s 10033 1OIIAND PlilZBOK a.OU01s SjMJ 3 'U17.ESOK 1,000 are 3.00J (1 ( 'KIZKSOK WO are . . . . 8JOO ( i'OO 'HI/.KSOK MO aro.I.OJJ 100PHIX.KSOK 103 are IflUOJ MO 'HI/.KSOK (0 are 17,003 Efi < 'lll/ESOK UOare. . . 11,033 AI'PIIOXIVATION I'lll/.KS. 1H ) Prizes of SW app. to jaiOTi ) prize $ 0.005 ICOPrlzeBOf Wapp. to ) ,000 Prize 7,00) ) Ito Prizes of 40uip ( , to 10,003 Pnzo O.OOJ WJ Terminals of t . decided by. 5CO.OOO Prize. . . . 16.080 2276 Prizes Amounting to llTf.fiPiO All prizes sold In the United States full paid lu U. 8. Currency. WAKTJSI ) . ' nt37 Fen Cr.un HATKS , or nny further Inform ation desired , write loglbly to thu undersigned , clearly ntntlni ; your residence , with state , coun ty , street and number. Moro rapid rnturn mall ilellvury will bo assured by your encloslnu au envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address U. llASSETTf , CITV of MEXICO , MRXICO. By ordinary letter , containing MONIV OIIDBII Issued by all IJxprcss Companies , Now York Kx- iliancc , Uraftor Postal Noto. Spnoml KunturiM. ny terms of contract the company must de posit the sum of all prlza } included In tlio scheme before ocllliiif a single ticket , und re ceive thu following olllclal permit : CEliriFiC.iTtl. l licrcuu ccrltfu thnt tits Hank of Lnnilun < m < l M.rlco has n t ) > tclal de- jiosil the nccetsaniuutln ( n yunranc the. pay ment of an vrtics dmwnlia ths j > > ( erla d < < In licnt- fietncia J'ublfnr. AlOb'NAtt CASTILLO , Interotntnr. Furtl.or , the Company Is required to distrib ute fifty-six per cent of ttiu value ot all the tickets In prizes a larger proportion than la Klven by anv other Lottery. Finally , the number of tc'inti Is lltnltyl to FO.OOO W.OOJ less than are sold by otUu lotteries tiling the same scheme * . SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Situation in olllcomuuslnoss by yotiiiK man spcaklnc tuo luli 'nugoa. ( ioocl rotereucea given. II 17 lle < > . ( 'ouncllJUuirH. AVI ! several lioiiaoj and lots lo trade for Council IllulTs or Omaha unlmprowd prop erty. C. U. Jiulil. O'W Ilro.idwar. Ummcll llmlTa. T7IOH BALK Tlio Shepard drug atom. No. 12 ? JL1 Main at. , Council Illuirs , J.V. . Poregoy , truatoj. FOH BALK Cheap , Mosler burglar proof safe wltli tlmn lock. Also Hun clierry banlc counter , f. 1' , ' . lleo olllcc , Council Illulii . _ T7IOH SAI.E-10 , a. or 40 acres bO rods north of JCluutauriim grounds. 44 foot lot In Htreotsvillo on Uroadway , $ ) j9. Now H-room housu on luth avenue , J..UUJ. Fine lot oy Itonton street buxl&l , t .Vi. ( iood farm In Nebragica to trade for ctty propeitv. Lots In Mnlltn's sub. , jr.O to $ | OJ. easy terms. J.ota in Kiddles , liV ) to II.Oxi. I'luo lot on 7tn nvo , llOxllli. will mulco : i good lots. A great bitrgulu , only I l.ouO. ( jooil Oil foot , lots on Ave. 0 , I block from Northwestern tract , Jl.V ) each. 0 room hoiiKo on Mmllson'st. , 1 block from Uroadwuy , very rhonp. M foot lot on Ave. II , corner of 18th at. . tlOO. Finest residence lots In the city at il,7AU uucn. First mortgage loins. W. C , .Stacy Ar Son , Hooiu 4 , Opera block , Council Illiirfa. T7IOIlHAT.iy.At u b rguln A ( WJ arro > anch J.1 100 miles from Omaha. In llrat clusi lo cation and A. No. I In every respect. Thin bar- Biilu will repay u clone InviistlKutlon. Forpir > tli.'iilur * call on or address J. I ) . Johnson , No. 10 Pearl St. , Council llluirn. ' IIMJr'KS property for sale at area , bargains Tha following , among the moj beautiful homo * . In the city , will be noM a great bargain * , on monthly payments , or term to suit : . . Three now 8-room hoasei on Lincoln avenue two blocks from electna motor Ime. Two new 4-room. houses four blocks from electric motor line en North Huventh street. One new rVroom ho o four blocKi from oleo- trlo motor litre on North Kovcnth itrtot. Tliroe now fi ami 0-rooin Iiouaoi one block from electric motor line corner Avouuu A and Twelfth street. , . , . . lleilileH the above I nave houses and lota In all parts of the city. One new Vroom house on Mill it. UU , Jadd , O'jtJ llroadvray , Council 1)1 una , OARIl for second-hand furniture , Btoves nnd carpets , A. J Mitudsl , ; i5 ! llroncluny , TT1 0 1 rsTTlTlJ Atinjafglln : Ono d'oiililo saw JL' and Kllccr ; ono vonojr machine with gear * Ing comUUilp , all uuw. sulublo for basKet. fao , lory. Innulront Himlor's commission lioiibo ! ! . ' Pearl st , Conn-U'ltluirs. FOIt KAI.K Tno seven-room cottage n . the corner of iM avoiiuo and titn street. Also the now SH Is scottagd occupied by mu on 3d avenue. Klthcr proparty will bo sold on easy torms. _ W. O. .lames _ . . . . , AIlAIUl.MN My residence , afi-rooom houji\ pantry , bnth room , closets , city water , etc. Lot ( IJxIU'O. Stahlp. coal nnd wood IIOUK ? . llonr * lug fruit , duo location. One-third down , bat * aucotosult. N. O. Ward 4)5 Uroadway. * OH S.VfK-.My raTuienco. M3 Willow nv- ' cnue , on south sldo of lUyllns park , llnated by Htcam , llRUtod by uloctrlcltr nud containing nil modern Improvements. Ixt too by 20) feet Also will cell or oxchnngo for Improved city propnrly. my farm of f > 70 acres , ton miles east ot Council nliiffH. N. M. Pnsey. Council Illulla. NEW Improved roil oitite to traTj for unlm proven Omaha or Council Ilium proparty C. II. Judd. 801 llroarlmiy. . Garden land with houses , IiiOHSAI.Eorltont 1 . . Council IlluiU. No. 27 Main St. , Over Jacque- min's Jewelry Store. Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wantca. OK. c. is. .ium > . -THE- Manufacturing Co. 1st Avenue and 21st Stroot. AND BLINDS. Hand and acroll Sawing. Ito-Sawlng nnd Planing. Sswlngof nlllClnds. Porcn Urarkuts Kindling wood * J.fiOjw loud delivered. Clean xawdust by tlio barrel > c. All work to bo llrat-class. Telephone J'J'j. "Your Patronage Solicited. " S. E. MAXON , IUitet : and Superintend , : nt , Room 2B1 , Morrlnm Block , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , - IOWA. luos. OFFICER. W. II. M. PusKt OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Droadway , COUNCIL JlljUKKH , IOWA. Dealers In foreign and domestic uxchaues Collections made and interest paid on tlmo do * posits. "CHRIS "BOSEN AND PLANING- MILL Host cmilppod , most centrally located factory In the city. All modern latest pattern iniiuliln- < : ry. Operated by Hklllod mechanics. Hlifi la ! uttuntlon given to ncroll and baud HRU ing , phm. Ing und trlmlng. ( Icuoral contracts ami ostu mates for IIOIIHO.S and buildings a MIO-UHy , Corner North .Main and Mynster utreet ? , Couu * ell llliiiru. Telephone - 'J. J , I ) . ElHIUNDSON' , E. ! l. SlimiAIIT. I'M * . Vlco Pres. Cir. g. II. IUN.VAN , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , orcotiNCUi m.uirrK. Paid tiDCnpltnl . $ ISOooo.oo Surplus . . 35,000,00 Liability to DopoBltora---335.OOO.OO DlHKCTOHJi T. A. Miller , P. O. Olessou , K , U Bhugart , K. K. Hart , J. I ) . Kdundson , ( 'liaw , H. Ilannaii , Transact general banking business Largest capital und surplus of any bank lu Northwestern lovra. Interest ou time deposits BELL & BERLINGHOF , ARCHITECTS AND Huri-ui.\TiNii.v : ; ; r.s. Itoom ! ! , Opera Ilcuso IllocU , Coundl Bluffs , own. F. M. ELLIS & CD. , V ARCHITECTS AND UUILDINO Bl'PKItlNTKNnUNTt ) . 1 looms 'W and ill lieu llulldlny. Oinaliu Nob. , ud Ilooms''ll and 2VI Merrmm lllock. CouuM .Correspondency Hoi cited.