THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AgATUKDAY. MA110H 15 ; 1890. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. _ _ No ndvortloomontB will bo tnkon for thcao columno after I2:3O r > . m > TermsCnnh In mlvanco. BRANCH OFFICES. .AiUnthlcg for thexo columns will tm takes \ on ttio nbore condition.- tlm following nusl- n fm liouccs who nro authorized agent * for THE Jlr.r. spvrisl notlrsn. nnd mill qiinto the same ratM M can no had at tha main offlcu. UOrrit UMAIIA HHANril OFFICH-Corner O of Twrntr-Mxtn and N street * . NcbrhsSa Saylnge bunk building. Pharmacist. BW Bouth Tenth OHAHt : A lt ! > DY , Stationers and Printers. 113 South 16th Street. _ 811. PAHNHWOHTH , I'linrtniiclst , 2115 Cum- Ing fctrecf , . \\T J , IIIKTmifC'r-arnincMt , KM North ICtb. Htroet. Gio. : w. PAHII , I'lurmuclBt ' , IT1S Leaven- worth Street. ' I'lJAHMACY. 2208 Tarnsm Street. SITUATIONS AVAXTKO. \\rANTI3U Hltuatlon for n nice , neat colT - T ' or d man. handy as n woman around tiie house. enrolultlrlvcr , No. t references. Mrs. Jircgu , iiii'i a. isth. 1142 i ITM IlhT-I'LASS chambermaid , reliable ) anil re- X' succtnble. desires position In Omaha hotel. Address , Muting wngci , Mlns Helen Dalpin. llurlliigtnn , Iowa , USM7J W ANTKD Hltuntton for n vroman with bnbv.Jl.rx ) per week. Mrs. llrogn,314'J 8 loth C41 15 $ A NTlID-HltuatlotTliyircompetent book w keeper with good references. A in , lice. yjo lut T7UH8T-CLASS rnambermnld. tcllablo nnd re- X1 Bpectablc. wishes position in Omaha hotel. Address , stating wages , Miss Helen Dnlpln , Jlurllngtun , lowu. 932 17 * ANTI3D-l'o ltlon In bank or olllca bv bookkreper having had 10 years practical experience In ImnUwork ; references furnlahed. llee. SCO IGt " | , \7ANTI'.D A position In Home honorable V employment by n Christian young man. Wholesale house preferred.Vngcs no object. ll st of eastern reforcnues. Address A 15. Hee building. . 001-UJ WANTBD Position as coachman ; good ref erences : nerved II years In German cm nlry. Address A 10 llee. 808 11 * AQITUATION wanted by a Swede boy 14 years Oold ; cnu tain Swede mid llngllsh ; have good rerommeudatloK from Minneapolis. Addros" , or call , 2"it7 Puelllcst. Kdward Olson. 1)23 ) HJ ' ITUAT1ON Wanted by n youug Hohpmlan ; has good experience In general morchan- illsu ouslripss ; best of reference furnished. Address A fDee. . KK 14 " 1ST A NTI'.D Situation by n printer of 3 years' f T exporlciico. Steady nnd sober. Wages reasonable. Address box 121 Ponder. Nob. 3 J > MPUVMENT wanted byumantO years -JoM in an olllce or store ; has experience nnd utility nnd cnu give belt of reference. Salary not so much nn object as steady employment. X 70 , Heo. 781 15J "VV ANTED Situation by lady stenographer , ' four years In law nnd loan olllce , ex perience In ultoleealo business , Ilex 22K. Conn- wl Illulfs. C2.Vnl WANTKI ) S "VXTANTUfV'Man As itgeutTof our patent V > safe.cUo28xlBxl ; Inches ; J35retail. All sizes us low. Now styles , now pntterns/new lockM , now factory. Not governed by safe pool. Every sale warranted * Hare chance. Perma nent business. Our terms and catalogues will convlnco vou ngonts clear from SXX ) to S'Mi per month. Write for extensive territory. Alpine > Hnfoo. . Cincinnati , O. HM5I < I75.00 to $ -'iO.OU a month can bo made uorKlug Pfor us. Persons prof erred who can furnish n liorso nnd give their whole time to the business , tiparo moments may be profitably employed also. A few vnrnncles In towns and cities. H. K. Johnson &Co , , 100 ! ) Jlumst. , Hlcnmond , Va. "T7H3W good saleMinon to introduce our cigars ; X ? S7R per month unit expenses advanced : enclose - close stamp. Havana Cigar Co. , Cincinnati , O. Ull'-lO * 3D A llrst-class Holier barber. V. M. ' ' Hyburii , David Cl'y , Neb. vU it * WAN1TD-A bright olllco boy. Hoom _ ' . Con- tlneutal'block- . Ull H \ , \ rAN"I'IJO lluggy wkshpr. Kl'i ; head cook , Mrs. llregn. 3Hi ! S. I3th. 014 15J D Three first-class trimmers for tops ami cushions. Des Molncs lluggy Co. WANTI'.D. A llrst-class coat nnd pant ? innKernt once , J , K. Ohlman , Ileatrlce , JSob. SCW-UJ .W ANTRD-Pnuta maker.M. . llarrett & Sons , . Dutilnp , la. M2-I4J EXPKIIlKNOia ) Stenographer , cup.ible of oillto work , ( lentleinnn only nead apply. Aultmnn , \ U'aylor Co. , Vth and Dougms Ets. \\7ANTIiD Hellublo por.ion in each county ' to ptisU the siile of staple goods to the grocery triula ; no peddling ; situation perma nent ; references required , i' . M , llnnnoy * Co. , 44 A : 48 youth Water St. , Chicago , III. IH10 ) A rompetent man to Mulsh and rrpulr fnrnlturo. Steady employment Riiar.inteod to the rluht man. Now England Kurnltum Co. . 710 and 712 N. ICth xt. WAATUD Ten first class , reliable , expor- lenced lire Insurancesolicitors. ] American , Germ mi and Swede , middle aged gentleman of good address havng extensive city acoualntauce preferred. A. M. Weir , f,0.1 unit COl N. V. Life building. 8CO-16 * LO 13.NTS wanted In every oonnty to sell our fpcclnltlus. Morey M'f'g Co , Waukoskn.Wis. 800-17 ' OOD agents wanted , Apply at 2110 Onnung fst. P. A. Guvln. 701-10 WANTKD Ten coopers , steady work guar anteed . diem. Tim ntif.VTh p r Armour-Cud- ahy Pncklmt Co. Bonth Omaha. Neb. " ' --IQ "li\7ANTiil ; A cnnvusser , flood money to V > the right party , 200:1 Lake st. 710-14t \\r A NTin : Salesmen at 175 per mouth salary ' and pxpensex to sell a line of Mlver-jmuea ware , wittchns , etc. , by sample only : horse and tenm furnished free ; wrltd nt once for full par tlciihirn tiud pnmple rase of iroods free. Stan- dardBllverware _ ( "o. ± lloston , Mnss. _ H2J \\7 ANTUD-400 rochiuon. teamsters and grad- * rs for Utah and Nevada : cheap rates , Albright's Labor agency 1120 Kimmin st. 023 Ml'N to tinvel for the 1'onthlll nurseries of Ixnnda. Wn pay 90U to $100 per mouth and expenses to agents tn sell our Canada grown stock. Add. Mono & Wellington , Madison , Wls , : YiAN'l KD Canvassers nt Singer sowing inn- T chlueolllce. 151H Douglas st. UZ7 m2d SALiaMKN Wanted IvT Ou7 A"low'good men to sell our goodh by Uample totlio wluiiesalrt and retail trade. Wo urutha largest manufacturers In our line. Liberal salary paid. Permanent position. Money advanced for wages , advertising , etc. For terms nddrefs t'Piilemilal Mfg. Co. . Chlengo. 111. 1-mlfit AV rANTKD Ageuts for Denver State Lottery. ' TlcKets Wo. Address A. U. Hosa iV Co. , Donv . Colo. , ttlS-nprUt AVANTKI ) | \\rANTI3l ) -A Indy of cnltnro. elojianco nnd > ceilnement as nousekveper in n gentle- IIIAU'H family , innslclnn preferred , wages # 25. 4 other forvnuls Kept ; pastry cook for Colorado. J-J und pans ; lota of new places .ivery day lu and out of city. Mrs. itrega. 311 S. l&th. _ _ _ UlSjM \\r ANT1H ) Lndy bookkeeper , one that T ' undurtjtnnda tlorklng ; 2 lady clerks , cook for llobroti. Tekainnh , Bouth Heud and Norfolk , fares nil paid ; 4 wnltrrsies for the west , * 2ti ! 2 thnmbermnldH : , socnud girl , nurse girl , f.O glrU gcnoral woik , nt the most rullablo olllco it ) city. White's olllce. JJll ) N ioth. _ PJ7-UJ " \\rANTKD Anejcparlenred lady cashier In ' udiyKoods store" ; must Imtu tirst-clnss roferonces. _ AildrasR , A I1) ) , llo . Wl 18J _ WANTKD young Herman or American tin for general woric In small family , a Ifoodplacofor u nunt , uctlvo girl , Mrs. K. 13. Sanburn , 201U DoJgu t. _ _ 88'J It _ _ WANT131)- soort girl for general house work nt U. K Tiiggart'ii , one block west of l motor Una 7 HJ A 01 HL for genurn ! housework ; ( < ermaui > re- ferrvd. Kmiulie 2UJ Jones , between St. Mary's ave mul l.etwcnworth. _ tUO-H WANTKI > - A glrj years oFoao to takocaroqt baby , must aleop at homo. . U10Javeuon ) | ) t. ttfl U _ . Mary's live. , an oxpe- noticed second girl , neat and obliging. with peed rvlerences. Cull at room l , board of traao bulldlnj ; . Saturday , Marco 1 % itu I5j X'VANTKl > -fltr ! . good was ; small family. > Apply HUH. 10th st. 781 A U I Itti wantoit forBeneHl house work"at 3,37 Cumins "t. \\rANT13n-A nnUh r. IT Uouglas. Ull UT Ut ANTKH-2 dlnlns room girls. Cas y hotel , iaia Douglas st. ml'Vit " AKTRIJ-A No. I Ud tdlloress ; one that is ncrttstoined to men work. Call nt once 1309 rarnnm t. _ WANTEIi 2 competent Bins , cook and nurse , refcreiicto required. 2418 Howard fit. . 01. ) 16 * _ _ _ WANTl'D Olrl for general hou eworl , gooil Tvnircs nld. H. 13. cor. 2Mb nnd Jones ste. IIUu \ \ ; ANTHD Olrlto do plain .rooking , wash- V > Ing nnd Ironlni ? , 2Dls ( 'npltol ivvcnuc. i 028-15 ] _ j-UoOil second girl. 1911 Locust st. for gJtieral hounework. Dounias. ms 15 * _ _ SKWlNCl Blrl * at Omaha shlrF factory. 1314 Fnrnam. SU17 _ WANTHO-'l'wa clrlntododinlnittooin and chamber work ; one ilUiiwashcr nnd one flrst-clanH lady cook. Wnges f < ) r girls SI per week ; for cook SH. Address W. H. Calrils : Ivroprlclor , 1'nlon Hotel , Ureck-y. folo. 774-iflJ W/VNTHD'-A good Ctrl for general 'n ouso work , small family , 2M8 : Wfrt lit. TJO ENOAII3MI-VTS : to do drnssmaklnK In fami lies BOllclted. Mils Sturdy , 525 H. 2'ith ave. I.'OU ItMNT J1OUS1CS. H OU8K for rent. 0 rooms , M \ , Hit ' bath : room , 1210 } < .7tllnyo. U21 I8t "IT1OH ItKN'TfS 4-rootn Hats , nil modern 1m- X1 provouuuit.s. 1010 Howard st. Cull nt NW 8. 18th st. 'J , P. Lund. TnOH mN'lIlilcK : dwelling , 12 rooms , JL : kitchen on first lloor. Laundry , drying room , all mo'.lern Improvements , line location. Apply 2212 I'nrnntn St. S'3 JT'Olt HUNT- cottage of o rooms nt 2.03 X1 Farnnm street , city water nnd sewer con nections. Inquire of ' .V. O , Dunne , No. CI5 N. Y. Life llulldlng. 813 It " 1TIOH HKNT- Two flue brink residences , just X1 completed , possessing every modern cqn- voulence. Only halt block fioni motor nnd Btroctcar Hues Kleeant neighborhood. Tor particulars cull on or address J. W. Isenor , 1212 Douglas gt. . eia-HI f)6\t \ Capitol ave , 7 roomnnd ! west half 2.)41. ) -iDavenport 3 rooms. Inquire 2518 Capitol ave O-iOJ rjnEfMlooin house , Hrst-clats condltion.modorn J. conveniences , largo lawn , barn , shndo trees , 2 blocKs from LaKe Kchool. Convenient to cable , motor and horse cars. Apnly on premises. S. K. Jackson. N. 21st and Spruce sts. 715-22J FOR HKNT 8-room cottage. good yard , 2524 Douglas street : cheap to desirable partlns. Apply to Neb. Kteara laundry , 1323 Howard st. HS.I HOOM house. 20th and Ohio , city , water. Ban and bath ; only $ ii per month. Orover Stevens , 1510 Farnnm st. Olllce open evenings * TT'OH. ' HKNT-3WU Mason street , -roomsall ; X1 convenlences.rniige : li blocK from Pr.ric ave motor. Inqulro 3010 Mason. _ WO-1BJ TTfdl3 H13NT C-room Hat , COS S. I3tU at. X1 fi81 Jit IflSNT Houses and llatn In all parts of the city ; lints and unfurnished rooms a specialty ; parties desiring rent at from ? 5 to $75 be snro to call at 150U fornam st. before ront- Ing. lltitts iteming Agency. _ lOlml'J OH KKN'Lf-A"7-rooin house west side of Ilanscom park. Apply at IKJU Francis jt. TTIOIt HUNT Ti room cottnge 1712 Jackson st. JJ a rooms uuturnUhcd , 171 ii Jackson st. " * 7a"-u _ -7-room tint , Lmgo blocK ; OU 8 LJ Tj OH HUNT An 8-room detached cio use , fur- JD nace. bath , etc. . 20th and ienvenworth , $10. David Jamloson. lice bldg. _ JKtf Itr-NT IIotises and .stores ; property EOli lor. taxes pnld. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. . lOU Kaniam st. Abstracts. S17 II' j'on wish to rent a lioudo or store see II. B. Cole , Continental block. _ 16U A1M.KASANT 7-room Jiat with modern con veniences : also 4 unfurnished rooms for light honseKeopIng. Apply Uqomu , 1001 Howard 70J ! Full KENT Largo tun-room liousa with all modern ilnjirovomcnts , suitable for bourci- Inghouss , on N ISth. between California and Cassstir. ( Cent reasonable. Inquire room GCU FU-st National bank building , iSM _ WANT more houses to rent , Parrotto. I BJl-a5 _ _ _ -HOOM fet with steora ticat , ] Etn Bt. . near JonQJ. aiirs. F.Hall.nU'axton ! blocg. 337 FOIl itKNT HOOBIS FU15NISHJ3D ( , rooms ; cluss board ; modem conveniences ; references..18-3 Kar- nnm . - _ . . Ill ) rooms for rent , all convenlen- X1 ce . 2112 Hurt St. . 1)20 ) 1(1 ( uT.\N furnished rooms. 1(113 ( Chicago st , Ul'J ' 103 lyiOH HI3NT Two nicely furnished rooms JD with or without board , centrally located. Addieas A VJ. Hcc. i 7-lllj IJIOH HKNT I nicely furnished rooms , nil X1 ronvonlencos. ( I blocks from postolllco.prlcpa 88. JUS , J.'O. JJ5. 712 So. mil. M rn. M. K. Ilerkoy. " NI3 elegant furnished room M lloor.wlth all conveniences Including steam neat. SIO per month. Must have good references. Mrs. H. C. Moses , 223-1 Fnrnnni st. E31-16J TTIOH HKNT Furnished rooms m Hat H. 2110 JtJ Farnam Bt. 873-17 ] TTIOH HUNT Furnished rooms , 100D Douglas. FUHNIPHRD HOOMS , 3 nnd f 10 per month. 1418 Dodge btrect. 787 ICt n WO large front rootris cheap ; nlso. rooms 1 for hoiisokteplnM13S. ( 17th. 71)0108 ) , 1'Jll Douglas. B05-17t FOH HUNT Lariro front parlor , nlcoly fur nished , with folding bad. etc. Heat , gas undbftth. Address. C01 N. IKtli. 077-14 ] NIC13 room , every convenience , 1710 Daveup't ' TJ--aSt - _ _ TmUUM.llKl-Hoom3to let , Su23 St. Mary's JU Hvenno. 071 IIIAVKn fowolesant rooms with board at 108 B 2jtll St.V. . O. Field. 034 2tt 1J1OK HUNT Front rooms. 2010 Davannort. J3 018 _ TTOIt HUNTPleasant furnished rooms with JL ? all convmilencca , 511) ) B. 2ithst. 0.0 _ "IjlOK HUNT Suite of front rooms , modi-rn conveniences , with or without board , ill per month. 2218 Leavenworth st. IK3 _ T. CL.A1H Enropean hotel , cor. 1.1111 and Dodge. Special rates by woec or month. JEM _ IjlOlt HUNT Itoom with board. li ! Uodgest. JL' 337 K OUMS and day board ; 1724. Capitol avc _ _ FUlt HKNT Klpgnnt front room with alcove , well .furnished , nc r cable and horse cars. All modern conveniences. Call 20U8 Douglas , "ITKUt HKNT A very largo front and back par - 1lor unfurnished. 1720 Capitol ave. Wi "TOOIl ItKNT Une lixrge iront room u lih board. JL1 11XJO Cuiiltol uvo. 075 FOR HKN fjiOK HRNT Tlireo or four unfuraishod X' rooms for light housekeeping , no children. 211&tlrautat. Ku I5t rplUtKI ! untitrmsiien " room * BUltalilo iffir -I hoiibekerplng , to family without children. 1123 N 17th at. 873 18' m\VO pleabant unfurnished rooms , wnlTa J- cave ; modern Improvements. bJJ y. 22d at. 8711 MJ _ RUN FlTHNlBIIKJl chambers for housela ; pliis Jloruiaa nnd wife ; no children. m N nth , 845 IQJ FOll ItKNT HTOm-JSANl ) OIWIGKH T710H HKNT Desk room in nicely furnished JC oillcu , all convunloucod. Hoom 111. Contlneu. lal block. Oiu _ \VANTBD A druggUt to occupy store In TT a block , rent Hi per month : will invo : i montua' rent. Addrcst V S8 lleo oillcu. 7X1 m 3U STUHUS utTOT. W. 711 B.'lStlLE.'xeo each. Urge show windows , ateam heat furniafiod. Tuoa , K Hull. 311 1'axtou block. Kit r/OH HKNT The 4-atory brlclc buildlnc. vrrttt JL' or without power , formerly occupied by toe lice Publishing t o , Via furimurnt. THO build. inghttsu tlre-proot cement basetuuntcouiplatu Meant liontlug Ilxturei , water on all tlta tlttoro , gus , etc. Apply * > tlia offlco ot The lleo. 015 IflOR KBNTT Htory brick mtlldinfr , 1110 Doug- JL1 Ui nt. , suitable for wholcsnls or warehouta purpose * . Alto brick store. 1U7 B. 13th fit. In quire ot Chas. Kaufman , 1 < XK ! DouRla.1 st. 3X > TT'OH HKNT-oniceroom and large light barm- J- menu cor , inth and Jackson at * . , tirst two montlm free to good tenant. Bnqulr .Mrs. f. 812 o. 13th st. I'M T710HUBNT First or tnlrd lloor of thenuw .T- 4L1 story building nulng built between N. V , l.lfn and Murap hulldltig on Farnam st. D. C. Pattercon. CIS N. V , Life. W AVANTKD TO JtKNT. WANTKD ImmedUtely.two or tnroenlceiy futnlshcd rooms In pleusant loc uty for light liousoKecjUutr , Address A Vi. Uoe. WANTCI ) to rent about July itt n small cot- tnge , with all modern conveniences , close to business. Addrniig A U. lleo oillcu. BM V\7ANTBD-To tent nnour May 1st , 8-room > V house , modern Improvements , between l\\rnnm nnd Hurt , 17th nnd 2Cth sts.V , 8. llynn. 1J05 Farnam st. 880 lu _ HKNTAIj AQKXOV. H UTCHINSON & Woadri52l Douglas ; tel IfcV. Mi 1 _ _ _ T H. PAItltOTTB. rental' agent * JJtjuslag Itlk. J ' . _ _ _ _ _ BOi-ay G'ltOVKH Btovqns , l.'ir . > Faruam st. , telephone 813. Oincn open ovntngs , Heal ustato , loan nnd rental ncency. Property for exchnugo. GI1KAP nnd reliable lire insurance. 1'arrotte. K. CO IiK , rental agent. Continental block1 * , TJK9IDKNCU lots to tense for a term of years. .LVllutchlnsou&Wcnd. bift U _ MitS. OlfHISTI NA Tlellwlg , "inldwlfo cor- ner 10th nnd Hickory. BOl-ittt _ riTe HBNTHousoTlst " "with J. H. Pnrrotto. JL DUMNQUKNTS 1'lcaso Head This Persons Holding contracts for lots pur- cnar-cd from the Omaha Heal Krtntound Trust Co. , on which pnymonts have become dclin- ( liienr , are roquestml to cull nnd arrange nn early pottlement , and save trouble ahd cost. Omaha Heal Kstnte mid Trust Co. . 1504 Farnam St. 8.JU _ A UCTION sales every Tuesdny.Thnrsrta nnd J-XSnturday morning atllU Douglas street , Omaha Auction & Storage ( Jo. _ S0 ! E. COLII , reliable lire insurance. HE , COLE , notary publlj and convoysmcur 3 > l > fTiO SUIT the convenience of clients engaged X during the day wo open evenings. 0:33 : to 8J. ( 11.13. Colo. Hoou B Continental Ulk.L SOI LS On Monday evening last , a ludylsgold- JLJwatch nud short chain. The Under will re colve reward by leaving same or communicat ing with C. L. ErrlcKsoti , Jeweler , 212 N.t.JOtn st , Bflli-llJ . LOST Hetwoeu Feb. 18 nnd 2 ? . luave lost In Omnhn 2 deposit checks : 1 , No 21,722Tor IUOO ; i. No. 21,874 , for 1100 : issiiertifrom-tho German bank in Carroll , la. , payublo on de mand to Tom Sautter. $ > reward will bcHmlrt by dcllvprlng the snmo certificates to Hans Theilgaard , Atlantic Hotel , S. lOlh St. . Omaha , NeU. Thomas Bauiter. b9il 15J LOST Hetwoen Twenty-sixth ami Jackson and Fourteenth find Turnam , braided straw satcl'el containing peveral small article : ) . Finder will please return to Uee Ollico. 003-14 * LOST Watch charm made from nn English guinea ; Jfi reward. J. II. McCuHorh , 4'U Omaha National bank builuluc. 875 14j LOST nunch of keys bet. Harney nnd Wobs- tor. on luthst. . Marcnl2th. Konr.rdlt re turned to J. J. Gormnn.stroet car olllcp.21sfc and Cumlng. 877 1IJ 08T Hotween Wincote It Hlloy's olllro , 2th ! nnd Irt-avenworth and BO HI Pnclllo street. One blanK book about VxlO iurhcs. led cover nnd about 151 pages. M.tO reward if returned to either nboro address. Wlncoto & Hlley..1SC .1SC- IIOAItDING * TAULE boarders wanted ; satisfaction guor- unteed ; can furnish room nnd hoard tor end gentleman ; location live minutes walk from onslness center. 1010'Dodge st. 80017t ANTED 4 table boarders , 1722 Cap. avc. _ _ 748-15 * ti STOUAOK. nillK cleanest and best storage in the city at JL low rates at lilt Douglas street. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 3t ! ) . . . . . CA1E storage at lowest rates. W , M. X llushman , 1311 Lnavenworth. ! 53S MUSIC. BBFOHK buving n piano examine , the now hculu Kiuibnll piano at A , Ilosne.1513 Doug las st r 413 G VJQ. V. ( jELLKNHKCK. teacher of the banjo , room 213 Douglas block , or Uee olllco. 2IU IMANO tuning by Ooorse llloomtleid , piano maker. Ill North 17th. 20yrs experience In N. Y. , Chicago and Omaha. Excellent reference 200 m2i AVAXTRD TO CITV. \XTANTED-To purchase cheap , for spot TV caslL team of mures , young. Address A2/l , Uee. 1BO-1W Furniture , carpets , 'houaeliold. goods for cash. Wolls' Auction & Storage Ca , ! I17 8 Uth st. _ TO WANTKD Pocond-hanil paper cutter. Ad- dreasX02llee. _ 721-15 Good commercall papei-i No WANTED Mortgage Loan Co.&l'J.Paxton . blk. f \ ABH tor all kinds of household goods nt 1114 V/Douglaa street.Omaha Auction & Storage Co. ; i.iO _ _ _ " \A ; ANTED To uuy for spot cash , city or W country parts or whole ( -locks of dry ana fancy gooas , clothing , boots nnd shoos , milli nery , stationary , gent's furnishing goods. t < ? Call on or address J. L. llrandois & Sous , corner - ner ISth untl Howard. Omaha , 833. ANTED to Huy-JJ.MV ) good Hhort'tlmo pa- W per. II. 11. Henderson. 10 J Paxton. blk. 417 Ji'Oll SAM-3 MISOKhljANKOUS. "TTIOH 8ALH Cheap , the best team of delivery X' muUs in Omaha ; fi years old. Also. rene U spring delivery wagon and one sot double Imr- ncss. Hiuiulro , HoomUOI. ilee llldg. Otfu 10J TT10H 8ALK-A splendid saddle horse'or ; will X1 cxchaiiBO for u unggy horse. Apnlv to LII. Dennis , Internal revenue ollloo. , 1'7 ' IfJ TTIOH 8ALK A largo soda fountalii made by X > .1 , W. Tufts , lloston , Mass , "Address .1. p. Ileermaker , Chester , Nob. 770 15J _ TTIOH SAL11 Patent wire fencing miachlno. X' llugt thing out. Huns four wires nt once. Will sell nt sight Important IniproViitneut. Wlllboll whole patent or state rights If desired. W. J , MoKeo , Fiirmlnpton.Conn. WI1-U * AUH thoroughbred'Clvde atnlliojj , 7ye is old , v/good breeding mnrtis nnd good yOiirjlug colts for sale nt reasonable prices. ' Iteasoti for selling ; want to make a trip to the old country. Address Adum Wlndolplu Uraud IMaud. . > Nob. 7J > WJ TnilNITUltnof 7-rooui cottage very cheap , J''furniture almost now. Must be sold by M arch 1. Address XCil. llee. 733 1T1OH SALE One of the llnost driving teams X' in Onmlm ; afraid ot nothing , stylish nud prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring carriage almost new , Address X 23. lice ofllco. * 430 TTTUHNITUHK iuictlon every Wednesday and _ j _ Haturday. : I17 U llth.Wt'lla. _ i)43 ) FOH BALK AIVVhOMo power porter engine In good condition , weight MOO pounds , cyl inder llxlb ; for particular * apply to The llee Olltco. _ _ , 7U8 ITIOIt 8ALK or trade-One Hat top desk , one X1 H-foot standing desk , ouu louse of noctlon of school land. IS ) ueres of improved western laud andII sections at U , P. railroad land. H. 11. Henderson. iOO Puxton block. nil "IT1OH 8A LK Some good watches aud dla- X1 nioud.s cheap , U. F. Masters , room 4 , With- nell blk. W , OIjAIIlVOYANT. ITIOIlfUNE ToUlmT- > s Murtha i-ttti tell X' your future and tell you what U the best and who are your friends ; advice on love nnd also business : shenlio gives treatment forrheuuia- tlem ; fee 60 cents. 170H CUBS st. 013 , W T\H. II. and mag- X oetlo troattneiit chronic diseases n speelal- ty , simple medicines when needed , ! C2 N 15th. 43iin3IJ _ IjAOKTONK Taller Mr * . Knownan can be X1 consulted on nil affairs nt life , Satisfaction guaranteed. No.illON.litlist. lee mgOJ ONK of tha moat noted fortune tellers knit mind readers hoi Just arrived and l meet- lug with great success , bho has a tcjnakable gift ot second pleat , tidli past aud future cor rectly. Huslntf'sa coulldetutat. Ypu should not full to ac * her , 1014 JJarnnport. M8 1C * - \ \ HP , JjECRKONR. thr.coleuratml mind read- i'JI -Jor , can Mil your fTrtiyo without anting question * ; Mrs. LeckroitWmircs rhrmtnatlnm nt once and all female VTilfcnes * : only magnetic treatment : all tn trouble better corao ; come one , com * all ; foes 60 cents. 1703 Cnssatrect. uii ro r\U , NANNIBV. WAllN. clairvoyant , mrt- X iol ftnd business rnjilium. Komale dlionses a specialty , m N. Utirsc ; rooms a nnd 3. 3ta KHOHIfANI ) ANP TVI'KWHITIN'O. D13P031T1ON8. 10c"per folio ; t tltlon * ) it cot- rcspondence.Bc ( copy lng,3c . Mrs. H lue.t ol. U55. . - . \ArANTKD Kdncntcd yonne Indies and g n- T T tinmen to learn Rnutihand and typewrit ing at the Standard Shorthand lluslnoss col lege , New York Life buffdHiij ; llnsst rooms in thn city ; all latest Imprwyuents , electric light , llovator service ; chrnpost school because it Is the best ; Inntructlon tboroUKh , modern , practi cal : demand for stenographer * consUntly In- rrfn lng ; success positively sure. Cull or write for one of our largo descriptive catalogues. Addrrs * . Standard Shorthand Hunlnosa Col lege. Kranfc U Hell , Mnnagf r , N. Y. Life Hldg , Omaha , Nob. 76J _ _ MONI3V TO liOAN. BlTILniNG Loans n < ; to 7 pnrcont ; no ad ditional charges for commissions or attor ney's fees. W. H. Melkle , First Nat. bank bldg. n48 MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , nlnnos horses und wneons. Hawkeye Investment Co. , room 83 , Douglas blk , , and Dodge sts. ii'o ONEY to loan. O. F. Dnvls Co. , real estate nd lean agents. 1805 Farnam st. 341 \\rANTED-Flrst class Inside loans. Ixiwost > > rates. Call and see us. Mutual Investment Co. . 1MH Farnam. 'M MON15Y loaned on furniture , horses and wagons : ratss reasonable , City Loan Co. , room 17 Darker. 3A3 / tIIATTI3L loans at lowest rntos : removed Wto 517 nnd 610 Pnxton blk J. D. limlngor. . uvi CjtlO.OOOtolonnat7per cent. C.F.Harrison. P Oil N. Y. Life. MC-14 MON13Y to loan , by II. V. Masters , In nny amount from JIO to 110,000 , for any time , from ouo to six months. T make loanK on nousohold good ° > , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , Teases , etc. , in any amount , nt the .lowest possible rate , without publicity or removal of property. My loans are HO arranged that you can make H payment at any time nnd reduce vour in terest pro rnta. You pay Interest only for the time you use the money. If you owe a balance on your property I will take it up nnd carry it for you , at the lowest rate consistent with the risk. risk.Moroy always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowo. t ratcJ. II. F. Masters. Hoom 4. Wlthnell DIock liitn and Ilwrney sts. 023 KYSTONU Mortgage Co. Ixi.ins of $10 to 81.000 ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on norscs. furniture or any approved security , without publicity : notes bought , for now loan , renewal of old nnd lowest rates. CallH203 , Shoely blk , IDth & Howard sts. ' * 352 T.OANS made on any available security. Con- XJ tral Investment Co , , Hoom 23 , Chrmber of Commerce. 3 > Y ) BUILDING loans.madeon Cnolce city property At lowest rates. * * Private filnds to loan on br'tK residence and tti business property upon very" favorable terms. Klmbnll , e&Mjfti k Hyan. 1205 Fnrnum tit. 86ual2 "TAl"ONlsY to loan on nofse-j. wagons , mules , -LTAnousehold goods , planoa.orgtms , dlamoudB , at lowest rnte.s. Uho nrst prgnnlzeii loan ofllce lu the city. Makes loarrttro i.'io to 335 dnyx. which can bo paid in 'p.Ut or whole nt nuy time , thus lowering they principal and interest. Call and see us when you.want money. We can assist you promptly your advantage without removal ot property or publicity. Money always on hand. "No delay in making loans. C. V. Heed & Co.013 S. 13th st ; over Illngliiim & Sons. f'fl' 357 _ _ F1HST mortgage loans at low rates and no de lay. D. V. Sholes Co. , Sill First National bank - 351 _ _ _ _ MON'IJV 31 0) or 9O. days on furniture planos.-horse9 , houses. < jtc. J. J , Wilkinson OIBPttxtonblKv 3l.jr , IJC3 LOANS City and farifl lonna. , mortgngo pa- pel' bought. McCngtiednyesttnont Co.3ot rates. IJowostrAtes ' on personal property. The HondersonMortgagirlnvestmont Company , Hoom 4 0 , Paxtou block. _ , ! IA5 MONKY to loan ; casli on nand ; no d lay. J. W. Squire. 121U Karnatn St. . First National bans , building. 3fi2 I" IHEltAL real estate loans made by W. M. XJ Harris , room 20 Frenzer blk , opp. P. O. ' ' 347 _ _ _ GPEK CENT resinonco'loans J3.00J to SlO.OuO. llullding loans nt special rates. The Mead Investment Co. , Doe Qiiildiug , : rjO $10,000 to Invest In good 'first mortgage paper. Hoom 430 , Puxton Diode. 71M 10J H.E , COLE , loan agent. Continental block. MONEY" to loan , pnrrotte. Douglas block. 0.11-a'i AIIST11AUTS OF 11'XliE. -i. . . . , _ TV/riDLAND / Ouarantos lc Trust Co. . N. Y. Life lU.blflgcompletenbstrnct3 furnished and titles toroal , estate examined , per foctod fcguarnntcod UUSINKSS CJJANOHS. A GENEHAL merchandise business lorsale -C\lu n town on Sioux City & Ktcillo inllroid In western Iowa. Terms cush , or good security , lluildlngs. including rosldenuo nnd granaries also. Wlllexcliango for good .farm lauds or city property. HulldluKs worth about KI.Miu Ooou Hold for doing a grain , cattle und specu lative business. Address A19 , Omaua Hee. Dill a 13 _ SALOON for sale ; splendid opening for Ger man or Scandinavian , "flood business ; good locution : license nil right ; $1MU. ) u cash , take balance In real estate. C. K. Moagher. fin N. Y. Lite Hldg. b37-lf t FOH HKNT-Checkered livery barn on ISth st S of Harney. Cull or uddtoas Nob. Moi-t- gnpc Loan Co. , 510 Paxton blk. Cia TTIOH SALE In a lively Nebraska town of X' 10,000. a llrst-class stationery , book , uewx , ' and wall paper business. Silos $ J.003. ) Flno location aud leading store In the city. Will In voice about $6. < MX ) . KstubllaUod 10 yearn. Ad dress A 1 , Omaha Hee , TO3-2IJ LUMIilIH yard For uulo. No real estate or buildings to buy. Snles in ItS'J about ( f 1.1,0.0) ) nineteen thousand dollars. Address lock box 23. Chester. Nob. t-07-17 ] FOK SALE A stork of dry goods , boots , shoes , huts , caps , clothing nnd ciirpeta , sit uated In Aurora. Hamilton county. Neb. Stock about t'M.OW. Everything lu llrst-cluss order , store 22x80 , of brick , on corner , 2 Hoars. hot lo cution nnd stock -In the town. A nnnp for nny one who wants to engage in goods business. For information correspond with W. It. Smith , Aurora , Nob. u 17-20 T7IOH 8ALK Deneral sfiitik of goods nud bust- X' ness Inn \\oll located1 , lto\vn flghtoen miles from Omaha , now dolug a Vploudld business ; Kood reasons for Jlnuulre of H. Cotnor at Nebraska Savings baiikjipuiaha , Neb. . , _ , 670 n4 ] FOK I'3. \\i ANTKll To trade < t houses nnd lots , 1 vat - t cant lot , all clenr , an ) , cash if necessary , for a pleco ot business opAJ5ne residence prop- ot\y. Address A 20. Hoe ] poe. _ uu > - mme mo EXOHANOK-For uiitftl form property In -L southern Nubraska , M ( lean stock of clothIng - Ing of tJ\M. \ Ixiok llox-14 , Hobroti. Nob. DO * liJj 17t TT'OH KXCHANGK-inaacros good farm land. J- clear ; alsoclty lots , nnn will exchange good city lots for good socnrNllihortgago paper. N , 11. Apple , Hoom 10 , Wurocbjock , B ? 13. cor. 15th nnd turuaut sts. 8' ° ! " ; _ t _ OLliAHlot und good o'flungliorao for build- Ing lot ; will iisiiiino encumbrance.1 Hutch- luson XWead , 1SJI Douglas ; tel. rw. Si * U 171Ult KXUUANOi-Ixit 13 block 20 Hanseoin Jplnce.,030 ] lucnnibr uc ; will put this beau. tltnl lot in on a stock of goods ( clothing and men's furnishings preferred ) and pay cash for balance. C. r. Harruon , 911 N. V. Life. KB 15 _ TT OH UXCIIANOK-Claarlotsin llrlggs place X tor house nnd lot closer In ; mill pay or us- suma 12,000 cash difference. C. i' . lUrrlson.UH N. Y. Life. 850 la _ rnOlfkxCHANtlK-Cholce Jmproveiill ebra'i X' ka furms. Will assume Uuht encumbrance It you have anyjhlug to olfer uddros.s or call on ( leo. J.HlenudoriT. room UI7-3IS First National bang building. Talophone < 8I. 023 T7IOK KXCHANUEloWa.KantiasorKebrastfH JL1 land for stock of general merchandise ; will pay { 1,000 or $2uoo cash. Hl eleyHtumaudonhIn. if OH Trade iw acroa good deudcd Uilil 1) ' mile * southwest ot llerund. Nub. , cuttlo preferred. Juo , U. Uali&rcL Uertrnnd , NeU GOOD Omtihn lot , clear , worth f 1.000 , for stock ot books. C. K. Meacher , TO N. Y. Life iiidg. ' - "IJ1OH PALR A flrst-rlfiM fnrm tn 4- county , Knu-m- > . Inquire nt 2913 Varnnm st. city. HLW-lj ! ( _ ( Wolf HXfirI 1 "chou-e lots on Ix > wo avennd JL1 Webster et. , ! i"OOU each. U K. Hnrrlson , 11 H Y.I.Itc. J 010 ld _ _ _ _ _ _ OLKAN stock dry KOOI' ' " , clothlnsr. boots. Dhoos ; want peed renl estate nnd some money. Address Ilex in , Frankfort , Ind. F OHKXCIIAn-'rotlnR ( ; horso. price $1.000 ; u casn. bnlanco gootl property. Ilex , Blutmndoah. lit. _ UIKIJ WANT1JD Several stocKS ot goods to trnda for Omaha city property or lands. Iloot-4 and shoes , dry goods , or clothing ptoferred. ILJl llall room yf. llnrker block * 1)17-17 ) TJToTr liXlil'fANU K Clear laud for mdso. or JJ hoi-sen. First mortgage paper for same. Clear Inside lots in thn city with A 1 prospects for chattels. In fact you cnn get almost nuy Rind ot a trade you want by calling at 407 Slice * ly block. _ 607-14 A HOOD doctor can secure nn excellent prnc- - JUIc in n go-nhoad town. Small sum ro- nulred for a little property. Satisfactory rea sons given. This is n sulendld chance for right. mini. Address A 0 llee. RSM1 _ WHAT have yon to exchange for n lot In ikmth Utnulia wortn , rlour of in- cumbranco. Address XfiJ. Hee olllco , tMti IF you have anything to exchange citll on or address H. II. Cole , KB , Continental block , OHIco open evenings 0:30 : to 8 ; : , _ JI07 TJ10H iXOHANJK : 2 lots In South Umnna or X1 1 lot near Vlnton St. , for horses or mules , Hoom 13 , Hoard UYade. UV. FOll SAIJl'3 lllJAIj JOSTATM. SlXTY-l'lVK acres B. w. of p. o. , suitable for platting or gnrdanlng , for sale at u bargain. V. K. Darling. 4J llsrkor block. _ l.i T'OH S A LU Complete furnishing * of ninoil- X1 ni i SGOO. A bargain. Address A17. llee olllce. OOD-llij OR SALtl-Hoal EsUte-I am build ng fine 5-room cottnge.clty water , etc , on lot 16 , blk 1 , Clarendon add , ( one Dlocc trom cars nud stqres ) . which I 'will rent or sell on monthly pnyment.s ( utter small cash payment ) , Thu Is very desirable. Han H. Wheeler , Jr , Insur ance , Douglas und 15th Hts. 1CMB L 1ST your property with * , ! ! . 13. Cole 8"7 TT10K SALE CflsWl foot with trackage cor IBth X1 and Nlchdlds , $15,000. C , Harrison , Ull N. Y. Life. U40 15 T 11 AVE'n business lot which some capitalist Xwotltd do well to examine. . Lot on 24th at. , South Omaha , at a bargain. A tine hteam engine nnd boiler. A r gistercd Itolsteln null. Many farms and other property In Nebraska nnd Iowa. A no-room hotol.ln the city. Jinny other bar gains. Call on L. 13. Hllgglns , 312 S. 18th. 825 IBt ffflxCfl feet , N. I * , cor , 10th & Douglas , call orad- VJdress Mrs. Kuhlman , S.K.cor. llth & Vlnton. reiaa BAHOAIN Haser place , house nnd lot ll , ; > i)0 ) easy.torms ; ngxISJ ft ; 3 houses , J > , 8 nnd 0 rooms , full lota , less than cost. Cash or trade. Addreta or call on owner. 13. U. Merrill , 41th and Seward st. Walnut mil. Doil-m 1HJ ATJQ1I Si Wostorllold.rBal estate. S.Omaha. FOIt teet on llth st diagonally opposite C. St. I' . M. & O. depot , & .1W per front foot. C. P. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 010 15 _ _ room cottages. JI.OOO oaoh , 8100 ca down , balance 41 > oer month. Thos. F. Hall , 311 Paxton block. 370 "TJtOR SALE $800 will buy lot 00x120 in Omaha X1 View , one block from motor line , nicely on grade. . Lots In this addition are worth $1.000 , nnd the above price is open Tor a short time only. H. E. Cole , room C , Continental Mock. ANTED Contractors to make bids for carpenter workplastering nnd brickwork of 23 houses. Star Lund & Loan Co. , HiOiliJ Farnam st. 1)15 ) ir 820 Georgia , 0 rooms , every modern conven ience , elegant nnd cheap , must bo sold by April 1st , best bargain in Omaha. 8 4,250 7 rooms , nil conveniences , location fine , big bargain. 10,500 10-room pressed brlck.nll conveniences , barn , pas fixtures , hardwood unlsh , E , front. Uxl7l ) feet , Hunscom Place. 2,700 S rooniB. all conveniences. Orchard Hill. 7,500 12 roomc , barn , all conveniences , three , ; , , mantels. , gas llxtures , ground corner , " 7fixl21. 20,000-2c8xl75 trackage for eloar fnrm. Have you nny bargains ? If so-we want a list ot them. Wo hnvo farms and vacant lots clear for houses aud lots. Heo us before you buy. D. V. Shales Co. , 213 First National Hank. TIWO choice lots on small cash payment , bal ance second mortgage to responsible parties who will build. II. E. COLE. Continental blk , and 2501 N. 24th. C03 WANTED To soil u. ninety-five year louse including two 3-i tory buildings In the center ol Omaha , very choice location. Address - dress A 22 , lleo. 114.7 ICt LOT GOx'140 within a halt milo of tlie P. 0. and a house on it , ? 3,5JO , A line lot with 10-room house , modern im provements , paved ftreets. nice surroundings , line view , only j ( mile from P. O , Si.OOO. A n at little live-room cottage on u corner lot ! 13x70vontH for S13 per mo. EaHt front , not far from Sherman ave , about VA mile north from P. O.&MOO. - Do you want inside business property ? Wo have It. Lot us iihow It to you. High , MlghtlvlotM ! " . mile trom P. O. $500 ( O 91,100 each. Colsoth , Johnson if Lovgren , Hoom 0 , Chamber of Commerce. TJIOH SALU 93x165 east und south corner ilSth X1 and Howard sts. , 7.0J , } $ cash. C. F. liar- rlson.yll N. Y. Life. l)4ii ) lf > FOH SALE Very cheap , no tradox , farm of E4'J.7U acres , sec. C , 12. N 6 W. Hamilton coun ty , Neb. ; 2miles from Mnrquette. small house , stable , 300 acres ot pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 .per acre , iU37.l > 0 , one-third 1MIU crop included. Terms 12.200 cash , balance 8 per cent interest. F. K. At-lns , owner , railroad building. Denver'.Col. 368 T HAVE for sale In Henson one 5 nnd two olo- Xgant 10 acre tracts. Erastus A. Henson , N. Y. Life building. B7l ! 10 PATHIOICnvo.near2ith. ftufeet south front , only8J,000. F. KrDarling , 41 Haruer block : WJ3 14 SMALL payment down and J IS per mouth A will buy a 4-room house and lot on IDth , two blocks from motor ; Urst-clasa chance to ncqutro a homoon , easy tornis. Apply to II , 13. Cole , Continentalblock. 272 SALUrory excellent location and good property opposite Ilomls park. Will make a upeclnl rate on one or two K-rooni. fully equippedhotisas , C. F. Hurrlao/ , nil N. Y.l.lfu , B.iG-14 T7IOH BALK Or exchange for drugs and real -13 estate , * W,000 book stocK. Ilex 51f. 12f SALE HfixKl ! on J.OU03 st. $300 per foot FOK Address X.31 lleo. S23 a2J XTOTlCIi\p"lnvpgtoH Wo will receive bids J.1 for the purchase of our business property. iWS ; Farnam Htrnet , known as the oust lit feet of lot 7 , block I2J , up to April the llr.-it. next ; owners reserving the right to reject nny or all bldsLehniann & Human , core of John H. F. Lclununn. U-'l tjouth lith Street. 541) BlfY1 A HOMI3 Small cash payment ; easy terms ; speclallowprloo , Wrlclit d ; Las- bury , Arlington block. VoB-10 /10TTAOK homes 'in most any addition for V/snie ut from ? I,000 up , on easy montnly pay- monts.-'F. 1C. Darling , 41 Harknr blooK , oi'J QALT IiAKK ( MTV Parties desiring to in- Civest In this city tvjll da well to consult the Dluter. Johnson investment Co , P. O. Ilex 871. and fii ) South Main st. . Salt Lake City. Wo han dle choice property only and give the best ot references , ai" A 5 TT10K 3A hi'Mi-room house and "lots on cor. X' 2d nnd ( ! edur St. ; prlco , gl.ou * . part oash and balance time , or part cnsh und good fnrm in Nebraska. Address or call on Joseph Trott , cor. 2d und Cedar at. , Oiimho. Neb. Bl'J IB * RAlt KSTATtt-lf you wont to sail or rent list it with T. O. lirunner , wbohas alnrgo list ot custouiei'S. Hoom 1 , Ware block , 8. U. Cor. 16tH and Farnam , 4.VI u'l I Li ! : little homo near 27th nnd I . Hutchlnson if Woad , 1521 Douglas. tllB 14 _ BAIH1AINS ileautlfm home. 8-room house , well-built , nearly new , mod ern improvement ! ) , lot AOxiio , half block from Leavenworth. only. . . 9 0,300 F room honse , modern Improvements , lot ; nxia ) % on 2oth at , , ncur St. Mury'M uvo. . 7.000 Corner lot 28th and I'arnam . . . . H.f ) Lot , south front. Hillside No. 1 . 2.DOO Ixits 45 and 4 , Windsor Place , pach. . , , . . 1,70) IMI ti. bork ) M , Uauc .V Selden's add . l.fU ) Ids feet smmro 2Uth und H Howard . U,0 ) M , U. Macleod , Hoom UU , N. V. Life Hiding. | ] aa is _ _ _ FOH HAijK-TIm bet bargain in linn scorn place , 01x100 feet , facing south on the park , I2uio. Must bo nil ca > h and closed at once. C. F. Harrison , 'Jll N. Y. Lite. _ B5l > At'llR Property 5 ucieR. llonlleld , with cottage nnd stutile. will tnka lot und cottage Inpart piymsnt . , . , . $ ! l,00 < ) 10 acres near South Omaha . . . . . v.MX ) 25 ni-res near South Omaha . . . 2i,00'.l M , U. MacIeoU , 0 ! N. V , Llt Ilulldlug. 82515 SPKOtAtj barirnlnHeit lot tn Hillside No. I. Choice lo t tn II Mrthorne chenp , C , A. Uol- lanU owner , Kcamoy , Nb. LINCOLN Place " n.l darthaia lot price JI.OJQ , f > V ) down , balance 113 monthly. W. L.a-loy. H. II. lUxri fc > l all _ LMADTlMECARD. In-AtOf ( llirAmt. lUUL.N'ITO.V ; ( , * ty. j Artlre- * . OmMin. I Kepiil _ lOlh nnd MMOII Mri'cH. | Oiimlio . " 5.I& p rnVT.Ctilraitn Venlftmla Kiprols. i ti.U n in 11.15 n nil Clilrasi ) K < pn > M . .t .t111 < m tU5 p nil . . . . . . .Chlcnk-ii lUprr- " . . . . . . . .j . : ) n in 0.30 p m' . . town U < cM xroi > ttiiindar. _ . .IMjWajti LenvM ttU'lli.lNUTO.V . < MO.ItlVKII.I Arrive * ) Omaha. I Depot lUth nmj Mmon trcot > . , Oninlia. lOlVi n m.l | > enfer Vestibule Kxprc fi..7. | 8.U ) p in .111' ' . .llmtlnm A > Cuncurtlla I ocftl..I IUS V in I.K.IVI" ! | 1C. I' , STlj. Al' . II. I Arrives Oninlm. I Dgpot totlniml utroJts. J Omaha. Vftt n nil . .Knniin ntr IHy Tx : ; > re < s . ! 0.4 % 11 m U.4 p mK. f NtKht Kxp. via t ; . . Trnnn. ' 0. n ju Tenvcri f'NU Nl > AlstVlC' Onmhu. I Dcpot lutli unjl Mnroy otroott. I Unmlm. S.M . . . . . . . . Kijer. . I''W | i m 7.W p m l'iwllloi-jir : | < v < v < 7l * > it in 0.10 n in .lienrer ii ; ) > ru < . . 4.X1) p tn 4 4J p m ( iroiiil I-.Und i\p. : U'Je | > t Him. ) u.r. p in d.'ii a nil . . . . . .Kan n tllty Kxprc * . < I'J.IH n in lxrc . . - ' ' ' . I rc I CIIIOAM ) It. LAt'Al'IKK' ArrlTOi Oninlm. | U. 1' . ilopol , loth ninl AUrey Hti.l Oainlin. 4.15 p nil M lit Kipre-l. . . ( Tll.U ) u m ! ) .i ; > n ml Athinttn llxpro.ij , | C.M p in" B.I5 p nil. . . . . . .Ve-tlhuln l.lniUod i-LJILl' 'I1 'Leaves u'Tllt'AOO ft .N'OUTlfWlW rkltNJ'ArtTres" ( Ininhn. | IT , I' . Oei < ot , IDIIi unil Mnrcr tti. | Onmlm. leaves | t'llIjA y , Mil * * , A HT. 1'At'l * ! Arrlres Umaha , In. 1 * . depot. 10th nnrt Murcy St * . | ijniatia. _ ' " " " ( > .IU | > in V.4.i u in 1I.30 I nil > . . , UlilenKO l\prpM. : . . . . . . . . V.liO'p in ToiffciT I OM All A , V S I1. LOUIS. ( ArrlfOJ lmBlm. ' . dciMitJOlh ami Mjtrcy Sts. l Omahii. J.15j > m | bt. I.milI'jinnoii Hull LcV\-esT" " SIOTIX CtlA' * Ti'tiTC. . " " Airlvoi OiiKilin. | l > . 1' . depot , 10th miilMiirux _ Pts , Oni.ilin. 7,15 a ni.7yiouv | C'lir l'n ' < eiiKer , . . . . ll)0.'i ) p lu ji.inl > ml ft. I'uiil i\jire- : " llOtt'i n in Tcavi'S I HlOirX L'WV * PAUtVlC. I Artlvi't Oniajin. I _ _ lcpot I.Mh nnd Wt'liittTSt ! . I Onmlm. " " * ' ' * il" ! " * ' 1' ' ' " 'if ' LlmlteiL. . . . . \"VM \ n nit TTonvesT " i' . , K" .VMO/VALWrvT " Oninlm. [ Depot Utli nnd Welistcr tit * . Oninlm. * t ) ( U n in llliick MillKxprciii. . fiMp in 9 CO a in . . .UnMlnita Kxp. ( I-v. ; Hunilny ) . . . S.M p in fi.10 p lu . .Wnhon X Lincoln I'asypiifur , , I0.2I ) u 111 A.10 p m . .York & , Norfolk ( Kx. Bnnilnrl.i 10.VU n m T/cnve3 I C. . 8T.1' . . M. * o" Arrives Onmlm. I Depot UMIi anil Ss'obntcr 8t . Omnhn. B U ) a in . . .sToux City Aceominoilntloii. , , 1.011 p in . .Blonx Clly Hiprens ( Ur. Sun. ) . . 1. : ! < J j > m fi.4i ! I > m bl. I'all I Limited , U.80 n in U.ili n m . .Florence PasaonRcr ( Kx.Sun ) . . H.4 % a m M3 p m . .I'lorencnra-.senifer ( Kx. aim ) . . J5.30J ) in J-eave I MI8HOUIU 1'AKIFIO. I Arrives" Omalm. | Depot ISth nnd Webster Ht < . I Omilm. 10.10 n ml..ft. louls , VK. C. K.\i > rcsH. . . . 4.K p m jU5pin ] . . .Ht. T mlii. & tproiis. . MISSOlIltl 1'ACiriO 8UIIURIIAN TllAINH. Kiistwarri. | UNfOX PACIFIC-SUnUIUlAX TItAINS. Tlioso trains nlso stop nt 1,1th , 17th , 20th iindZltli Btrecln , Hninmlt nnd SavlcitfO Cruaalnif. 'Workliig- mcn'8 trains do not rim Suiulay. leaves ICHIOAGO * NOUTHWKSTIUIN. Arrives Tfiinafcij Union Depot. Council lllnlls. Transfer 'J.40 u in ! . ChlciiKO I. 6.4'Mi m 3.40 p nil . Vi'stlliulu Limited . ! ) . 15 a m 4.53 p m' ' . Kustern Klyor . 5.15 p m 80J p m | . . _ , . . _ . . . . % _ . _ . Atlniitlo Mall. . . . . . 7.30 n in Leaa [ dlHOAJaltT" : I. & I'ACiriO. I Arrives Trainfor I lliiloiiJlepot , Counrll lllnUs. [ Transfer 'SjS p ml . N'lKht Kxpro s . .7..n i U.liTi m 10.05 n ml . Atluntlo Kxprots . . . . 0.03 p m 10 P ) p mVillbnlti | hlmltod . I 1.60 p m Leaves lOHIOAfiO. JIIL. & HT. PAUL I Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot , Council IllufTs. ITranifer 11.15 u la 0.10 n in Oregon Hliort Ijlno & Utith Nortliorn Hnllwnv Company. Notice is hereby given th'it , pursuant to the articles of consolidation und agreement , dated Julv 27th , 188) , the annual ma itinv of the sto3k- ho.dcra or the Oregon Snort Lluu and Utah Northern Hallway company for thn election of directors and such other business aa may legally come before the meeting , will ba held ut tnu olllco of the company. No. 7l ! Main street. Salt Lake city. Utah , on Wednesday , the 1'Jth day ot Murch , IbW , at ID o'clock a. m. Arix. : MII.I.AII , Secrotury , lloston , Vebrnary 6th , HJO. fJ7d2Jt CnrtilliMtP. Tliis is to certify that the Nebraska Central Hallway company desires an increase of its uu- thrlz d uitpltul stock from one million dollar * to four millions live hundred thousand dollars , and that such increase nnd the maun ; and publlsnlngor this certificate , and the tiling thereof wUh the saroUry of state oC the state of Nebraska , haj neon duly nuthorUad by tne holders of thu majority ot the capital stock ot the Nebraska Central Hallway compitay. In witness whereof , we have hereunto signed our names at Omaha , In the county of Douglas and state Nebraska , on the tilth day ( if Au gust. ISS9. JOHN A. M'SHANB. ( lI'.OItQKO. HAItNUM , President. Secretary. ' ( Corporate I t Seal , r Directors : JOHN H. DUMONT. WILLIAM L. ADAMS , IHJNJAM1N J. MUldtlS , State of Nebraska , Douulas county , HS : llofore me , u noturv publlo In and for said Douglus county , , personally came the nbove namud John A. .NfcShanp , ( Jeorgo U lUrnum , John H. Diimnnt , Wlllluui L. Adams and lluu- Jamln J. M'nrrls , Known to ma to bu thu Idimt- leal porjons wno Hli-iiifd tne foregJlu Inmrj- ineiit , nnd ovorlly hcknowlndged the said in- Htrumunt to ho their voluntary uuc and djoj , for the uses and purposes therein sot forth. Inwltness u'liereof , I have hereunto signed ray name und ntllxed my olllclul Heal , at Omulm , Douglas v-ountr , NebrasKu this Wthdayof Au * uHtmu w. o.ivis : , J Notarial I Notary Public. 1 Seul.J _ j bBaoi _ PHOl'OSALS FiU LUMIIKIt-U. H. Indian Bervlcp , Pine Hldgo AsoncyH. Dakota. Feb ruary 21st , Jf/J. Seulua propaaalii Indorsed "Proposals tor Lumbar" an'l addressed to tua uuderslKtied at Pine Hldgn Agency , yhauuon Co , , ti , Daicotu , will be ruoolved ut this Agenuy until one o'clock ot Murch litb , IUJ > . for furnishIng - Ing foe and delivering ut tills Agency , ubout thr o hundred thousand feat ot ussorteu lumber , u full description otnhlch may ba obtained hr application tn the underxlgue 1 , Didders wilt be required to state lu ttiolr bids the proposed pries of each variety of lumber to bjulKTudfor uellvcry under u Contract. CKIlTiriKI ) CIIKCKA. Uacu bid must bu accumpiido I by a cert mud check or draft upon some United Stated Da- posltory , inade payable to tno order of tun un dersigned for at least FIVKp r cent ot the am ount of the proposal. which check or draft will be f orfeltml to t he United MaU > a In case any bidder or bidder * receiving on award shall full to promptly uxo-iuea contract with gnol nnd mitlclent surlntim otherwise to IMJ retiiruoil to the bidder. U , D , UALLAUUtiH , U. H. Indian - - - - Nntlco. Notice U hereby Klvon , tlmt th Omaha Southern Unllwity , hut boon duly In- oorporatod iindertho Uvrs of the Stale nt No. braHko , nnd doei thret > n itlrn publlo mitlcoas follonat L Thenampof said corporation Is , "Oranltn. Soutliern Hallway company. " 2. The principal placuot trunsnctlug Its busl- nofn , Is [ HA city of Onuhn , oouuty ot Do tulns nnd State > < f Nebriwskn , II. The general nnturo of the btutlness tub ) trnlisnctodby 8 U1corporKtiou , la uinconstruc tion , operation nnd mnlntamtuc. ' of n. Una nt mlhvny ot stniidard gungt * . nnd n tolepr.-iuH line In connection tliorwith , from llueltyot Omthn lu until coilutv , lu a-southerly direction tnriiughthnconntlc-i of Donttlns , Harpy- ( " * nnd Otde to ( Hen Hock , in'tho State ot.Nu * 4. The amount of cnpl'nt stock autliorlrcd l > r ttiearttclflsotlncorporiUlon. U Tlireo MllUoit Doll-irs , und the -mum Is to bo p\lil ns follows : Au installment or ten per rent on oarh share of -.tooksh'ill bppaynblo nt tha limn of niakuitr the subscription , nnd Ihoronldno thereof sh-\H bopRlillnsuch Instnllnunta mil nt such tltno nnd place as may bo required by the director * of the company. fi. The oxUtenen of said r.-irpiVatlon com mences on thtt nth div of r'obrilarj' . A. D. INH , und tennlim'.es on thetlth dny of February A. i' . Tlio highest nmouut of IndubtednoM or liability to which tno Incorporutlon shall nt any time b riutjoct , IsTwo .Million Dollars. 7. The iilTalrs of the eoritorntiou are t j bo conducted by a Prosldmit , Vlcp-l'rMldont , * 3oc- returv , Trpasurar nnd ( louornl Mnuaitni * . u'ttnetis our hnnds this the nth day of Feb ruary. A. D.18JO. , , H.Ct..MtK H. II. , ( li.oiiniu' . SMITH , IX ( I. MCUIIIAM , It.P. Nimor.s H. S ll.u.i , . I'lfldJOt lurorporators l'r < ) | ii ) nlH for Jjumlir.r. Fealed proposals for furnishing Douglas ronnty with lumber for the year ending if ! ) ' . ) , will bo te.-eived ut the ouVo of thu county cleric untllnooriof Sntunlny. Marohirith , IHsl. Sped- llcatlons nud nUoH reiiulrud ran bo obtained nt th ofllcoot county clerk. A certified cheek for ? - ' . . " > .Wtmist nccoiupnny onch bid. Tno Coiumls- stoners reserve tlio right to reject nil ) or nil llldK. Dated Omaha , March 1st , 1SW. mlilMt P. O'MAi.tKV. County Clerk. fur Senloil proposals for furnishing supplies for the coiuity poor hou for tno year iw. 111 bo received ut the county Clerk's olllco until noon of Saturday. Mnrcn 1.1th. If'M. A fertllled chock for J.AI.WI must ucpotnpnny each bid. tlous forhiippltes can be ojtnlnnd ut tlio county clerk's olllcti. The , Commissioner's rojcrvo tha right to reject any or nil bids. Dated Omaha , March 1st. UOO. mldUt P. O'MAi.f.KV. County Clerk. A GOODRICH.Lawyer , 121 Danrboru St.1 Chicago , iii vonrs successful prnotlrfl. Ad- vlro free : no publicity. Spo.l-il factlltles lu many states. THK UKA.I.TV MAHKICT. X vesterdur. Isaac High and wlfo to John Voting , lot 25.blkl , Hedick park. 0,0 < 1 $ COO Charles Corboltand wlfo to 1) H IMwurdf , lots Ittl. 101 and 121. North Side , w d . . . l.tOO C mules Corhettund lfo to I ) H 13d wants , lots 122 to 12i. North Mile. W d 8,0 X ) CT Anderson to S M Tuttle , u Vi of lot 7 , In sub of mvbo2-liVlJ , wd fiOO J W Grimtn , Iriistie. to Pat O'ilrleti. lot lO.blkO , 1 ivker I'luce. w d 425 J T Hell und wlto to 0 W Hiinclsen , lot It" " , Fulrvlow , w d 1,000 A Ul'uiilheu etui , executors , to J 131'cter- sen. lot 1. blc 4 , William Hugodorn's mid. wd 400 Olof Johnson and wlfo to Ciiurlos Voung- tntUt , w ! i lot 15. Wttbhlugton square. w d itjOO1) ) Charles Voungquist to Albertlna John son , w ! J lot 15 , Washington fatiuare. w d 11,000 M 13 Hedlek 10 L W Smith , n I)7 ! ) ft ot lot 15 , Keyo'tfBUb , n < i d t. . . I City of Florence to Oninlm and Florence Loan nnd Trust ; company , lot 0 , blk 101 , lots 1 ami a. nil : 141 , aud lot II , blk 11' . ' , . Florence , ( j c d „ 1 City of Florence to H H CliirK , lots 1 nnd 2 , blk ] i)7. ) Florence , ( i cu 1 S 1C Martin and wlfo to 8 1C Martin Lum. her Co , 731 acres In o 15 n W4-1MI1 , wd. . 0 H HogiiH and wife to flrnce llriiyton , lot 21 , hlEol.C H Hogg's ndo. wd. . . . UO C K lirosius lo ( J W Ames , lot -I. blk II. 13 V Smith's aid. w d J.210 Hector A : Wllhwlmy Co to W S Wright , w ,10Ult deopoflott ) , blk 101 , Omaha , w d 75.COO O\W Ames and wlfo to C F lirosius , hlkl ) , Hrlchton. wd P.030 JoS aud (1 ( K Ilarkor to A H Savldgo- lots IS and 14. Hellalr. w d 503 Hulthns Jettir and wlfo to A II s'uvhlgo. lot 12. blk P , .letter's add. w d . . , 471 0 II und K C llnllou to A II Uuvldgo , lots f > and 0. blicH. Ambler I'lu'-o. w d . 800 C lUlard to Futmle ( lard , lot 111 , US 2 , Walnut Hill , wd 1,003 (5 M Hunter nnd wlfo to Arthur llntt , w Ik ) it lot ( I. llees' 1'lHce , ( | c d 1 G M Hunter nnd wlfo to Arthur F.ust , lot 0 , Hoes'1'lace , w d ILViCC Twenty-three transfers Sll,8iH ! ) Cure for Croup. lso ) Dr. Thomas' Elec- triu OU according to directions. It Is tha best remedy for all smlilon nttnclts of uolds , pain and iiilluinmalton , and injuries. Kn-Uliiiir I'orinlrs. Tno followUic building pormlU were In- sued yesterday : 13. M. Snrk. one nnd one-half story frame burn. Hinuey find Twenty-fourth streets SOO Fremont , I'.lKliorn & Missouri Vulloy tallroudrepairs , 200 Total J OUO J. B. Loughrun , ox-muyor of North Doa MoincB , Iowa , said recently : "I have just recovered from u tovoro nt- tuok of la Rfippu. I used Cliamhcrhuu'H cough rottioil.v , und ftppliod ( Jlmtnbor- luin's puln bfilrn to iny breast. 'Clicao roinodics wore just'tfio thing in my cnso. My child had croup seine yonra ago , und wo used Chatnborlain's cougli remedy with perfect success , since then wo have never boon without thcao niodicines in our house. I hud A cousin wno was u printer and was employed in a job olllco in this city , whore they wore printing circulars for Uhainborlain. 1 lo hud u deep-seated cold and a terrible cough , anil while suiting up thocop'yho made up his mind to buy 11 bottle. It cured his cough nud that was the first time I over Ictiow anything of Chamber lain's remedies. I have' been atrongly in their fuvor over since. My own ex perience nnd that of rnv family con vinces mo that those roinodics are the best in the world. That may bo strong language , but It is wh'tt I think. " TCHIIHC Dvnninlto CnrtrliltrrH. UTICA , N.Y. , March 14. ( Special Telegram to 'Inn HUE. | 'Jho preliminary experiment in tha test of tlio Justin u.vnnmlta cartridge for heavy ordnance wus mndo yesterday nt Porryvillo Kulls , near Catinstotu. Tlio gun , u Uvclvo-ton , nlno-r\ ; \ rlllo , wna tested In a ruvlnn with n range of one-third nf n milo ugiiinst u turgQt of solid rock. A 215 pound solid slier wus 11 red with thirty pounds of heavy grinned powder point blank nt the cliff. 'I ho ball tore tonn of rock nwny. cut ting through trees twenty inches indlntii- otur , nnd glancing ut nn nuglu oil tno lock rebounded tUlOyurda In a sldolonu illroction ever tlio top ol the hill. Tomorrow n Justin Bhull , of wnlch one wolclilnir . ' 111 pounds it\ in ruadlutBS , will bo ( Irml. If tlio clyimmitu in the nholl dotm not uxplodo till it tunkua tlio rook the test will bo considered satis factory. A 50 Onnt Uiirn lor Illioilinntlmu. I'orsons troubled with rlioumntlrfin ehould read the following from Mra , N. M. I'ut cirri of Kant Dua Moluon , Tn. Bhu says : UI him aulTerod with rheumatism thu greater part of the time for nearly seven years. At timed I waa almost helpless. 1 doctored u grout dual for it with pliyjloiitim and tried nluutrio bolls , patent inodiclncHandalmuateverything that is recommended for rhoumutlHin. Finally n neighbor udvisod me to try Uhumborlaln's Puln Kiilm nnd wus HO euro that it would help me that I tiro- cund ibottle. . It did help me , right fr > m the Htart ; but it took iivo 60 cent b Atlos to euro mo , BO you can guess lion tad I was , ns one or two bottles wil jure any ordinary caao , " For sa'a b ; all