Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1890, Image 1

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Ernest G. Edholm Shot and Killed
* by O. BorRBtrora.
Doth Parties Well Known Through
out the AVcHt I'lntto County
FarmcrH In Convention
Stuto News.
GoTticHiiuito , Neb. , March 14. ( Special
Telegram to TUB linn. ] The most shocking
tragedy over enacted In this vicinity occurred
about 1 o'clock this morning at the homo of
O. llorgstrom , one mile from town , result
ing in the shooting and klllin ? of Ernest O.
Edholm. A post mortem Is being made.
The coroner's Jury is In session and the in
formation shows that the parties remained
down town until n late hour and went homo
under the Inlluoiico of liquor , whore In
handling the gun It was discharged , the load
cnnprlng Kdliolm's breast , ponoiratlng the
hoait and causing Instant death. O. Horg-
Btr/iin / claims that thu shooting was purely
ap6idcntnl. Mrs. Horgslrom , Miss Uahl
and another lady were in the house
at the time. Other parties had been there ,
but hud gone homo.
The alTalr has cast n gloom uver the whole
town , and Mr. and Mrs. Uergstroin are al
most frantic at the deplorable event.
A brother of the murdered man In Denver
and friends In Chicago have been notified of
the sad event. Both parties are well known
throughout the west , especially In real estate
circles. _
Klro nt Hooper.
FIIEMO.NT , Hob. , March 14. ( Special to
TinHin.1 : _ : The little town of Hooper , this
co may , suffered another loss by lire last
night about midnight , when the furniture
store of Charles Buchob was entirely do-
Btroycd. The lire was so for advanced when
discovered that nothing could bo done
toward saving the building or contents.
The total 'loss * to Mr , Hucliolz will bo be
tween $5.000 and SO.OCO , with an insurance of
only $1,100. A qunntilj of farm machinery
adjacent to the building and owned by Heine
Hi-others was also destroyed , their loss being
about , 500 , with no insurance. Tlio Llucholz
building stood on thu north margin of the
district recently burned , when n half dozen
of thu leading linns of the town were wiped
out. The village board this week contracted
for u system of waterworko and will make
an effort to secure better protection in the
Hail ! ' I.o at Autmrn.
Aunurtx , Neb , , March 14. A disastrous
' tire occurred yesterday morning In the south
Dido of the city , , destroying a row of line
buildings and their contents. The lire was
discovered nt 2 o'clock and originated be
tween Klcine's drug store ana Newman's
billiard hall , and Is supposed to have been
the work of nn Incendiary. Two families
living in the second story of one ot the
buildings barely escaped with thulr lives ,
Mrs. H. / . Stewart , ono of thu occupants ,
was very sick at tlio time and was carried
out of the building only u few minutes be
fore It was enveloped in llamcs. Klcino &
Son , drugs , Jarvis Newman , billiards and
restaurant , und S. II. Sobeolo. farming im
plements , Ibst their entire stocks. The build
ings wcro owned by thn Clancy estate , Prof.
Croighlon , Dr. Hush , Stephen Helmut and
John Frcrlchs. The total loss is about
$10,000. ICloIno'B stock was : Insured for
(1,000 and was the only stock insured on the
property destroyed.
Co n trul City Notes.
CEXTIIAL CITV , Neb. , March 11. [ Special
to TUB HiiE.l The drug store of Dr. O. A.
AVnrd , at Silver Creek , was closed yester
day on a uhattlo mortgage hold .by Dr. D. 13.
Mrs. George Wells of this place has re
ceived notice of a legacy of $10,000 , loft her
by the death of a rclativn in Connecticut.
The family are old resident ! ! , unit are the
subjects of congratulation from all.
'J ho prohibitionist's are preparing for a
great celebration on the Fourth of July , and
an effort is being mailo to got Governor Lor-
ruboo imd Senator Colqultt to speak.
There are now fifteen farmers' alliances
in Merrick county , and It begins to look as
it they might have things ttiojr own way ,
politically , this full. The alliance men seem
favo/ably disposed toward Loeso for gov
Fremont's I'os
Nob. , March 14. ( Special to
TUB Hr.i : . ] The passage of the bill for a
govorument building at Fremont by the
bouse , and Hcproscntatlvo Dorsoy'a assur
ance tliat It will go through the senate and
bo signed by tno president , has naturally led
to a good deal of discussion hero as to thu situ
for the now building as well as a good feel
ing alt around over Fremont's prospective
good fortune. Hlclmrds-iS ; ICcoue have Just
begun work on their new building into
which the postolllce will bo removed when
completed and remain there fur a period of
ilvo years , unless the government building
ahould be erected sooner.
A HOOD Hunt tor MinoralN.
VANXCIIIIOU , Nob. . Mnruh 11. ( Special to
THE liKC.1 The contract for the sinking of a
1,000 foot mineral test well was lot last
Wednesday by the D.mnebro mining com
pany to the well-known well firm of MoLood
Hros. , of ICcokuk , In. The well ' .vill bu sunken
on thu strip of land between the two fonts
of Oal : creek , close to thq mllldam here , and
as near us possible to the spat where the
natural gas comes out of the water. Work
is to bo commenced in thirty duvs. The people
ple hero ore very confident of striking n llnd
and Dannobrog seems to bo on thu threshold
of a boom.
KntliusiiiKtio Unllrond
NioimuiA , Nub. , March 14.--Special [ to
Tin : HKU.I A lareo iiud enthusiastic rail
way mooting ; was held in the Grand Army
uf the itepublio hull last evening to hear the
report of thu committee sent to Omaha last
week. Hon. S. Draper , chairman of the
committee , was called upon to present thu
case , which remarks were in olTcut the same
as have appeared In 'I'm : Br.f. After the ro.
marks pthors followed with cndors-menu of
the committee's success in enlisting Omaha
in the effort to urge the completion of the
twelve mile pap of thu Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley railway from Viirdlcru to
Nlobrura. Resolutions weu presented by
li A. Fry , which were ununlmuus'y ' au-
Totilntr Fremont's \Vniprwork .
FIIEMOST , Neb. , March II. [ Special to
Tun HEK.J The official test of the extension
ot the Fremont watorworics Is now In pro
gress. The now extension consists of live
miles additional mat us , and another pump
and well. ' 1 ho contract culls for it supply of
iV 25Ouo gallons of water In twenty-four
hours aud a pressure sufllolunt to throw four
streams of water each lix ) feet high , the cost
of the improvement boliif fflS.tHW. 'I ho
pumps wore started at 1 o'clock this after-
uoon and will bo run continually until 1
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Srhool Homo for Crawford.
Cim\roitD , Nob. , March 14 ( Special to
TUB UEU.J At u recent mooting held for the
purpose it was unanimously determined to
build a school house , and bonds wore voted
lor that purpose. The school board were In-
truuted to secure plans from different arch
itects and nubinit them at a mooting to bo
hold April 1'J , wnen lomu plan will bo io >
Iccted and adopted. This luiurcs Crawford
a school building that will bo a credit to the
Nelirnnkn Orntorlcnl Contest.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Br.c.l Thn sixth annual
contest of the Nebraska Colioglato Ora
torical association was hold in Hohan-
non's hall tonight. The orators were
George O. Ferguson , Nebraska Wcslyan
University ; John H. Fogarty , Nebraska uni
versity ; L. A. Turner , D-oiino college. D.
It Callings of Gates college r/as absent on
account of sickness. The judgus on manu
script were Victor Hendor and F. S. HIaney
of Omaha and Kov. Chnpin of Lincoln ; on
delivery , W. J. Uryan and G. M. Lambert-
sou of Lincoln und F. O. Caste of Hastings.
Gcorgo O. Ferguson was given flrnt place
by the judges and Mr. Fogarty second. Tlio
stuto university orchestra and tlio Adolphian
quartette of Danno college furnished tbo
music. All the orators spoke well and had
meritorious productions.
Itnllwny OlUucr * Elected.
Surriuoi : . Nob. , March II. [ Special Tel
egram to THE UEE. ] At n meeting of the
Omaha , Superior ifc Southwestern rullw ay
company , tielO ut Cawker'Clty , Kan. , F. P.
Boiinell of Superior was elected president ,
H. P. Woodbury first vlco president , F. C.
Howies second vice .president , Judco Clark ,
A. S. Smith secretary and Senator H. 1C.
Hayes treasurer. The company has ordered
a survey commenced at Superior , and are
oleo proceeding with the preliminary work
necessary to tlio rapid construction of tbo
line. The pcoplo ulbng the line aru enthusi
astic over the prospects of reaching Omaha's
great market.
Convention of Fnrnioro.
PLATTE CENTEII , Neb. , March 14.- [ Special
Tolcgiatnto TUB UEI : . ] An Important con
vention of farmers was -held hero today.
The attendance was good , delegates from all
parts of the county being present. A county
fnrmoia' alliance was formed , at which stir
ring addresses were made and resolutions
passed condemning extortionate railroad
Wnnt till ! Jlontc Krfitorml.
NiommtA , Neb. , March 14. [ Special to
Tun UEK.J In 18S2 congress established a
route from Nlobrarn to Fort Uaudall , but it
was discontinued September 15,1883owing tea
a lack of settlement between hero nna thoro.
A uctitlon is In circulation praying that It be
restored , since the country is being settled
and the requirements of the settlers unques
Another Murder Trial.
FKBMONT. Neb. , March 14. [ Special to
THE BEI : . | A special session of the district
court for Dodge county will convene next
Monday. At this session Christopher Fursl ,
the accomplice of Charles Shcphard In < the
murder of Carl Pulsifor at Crowoll , will
bavo his trial , which Is expected . .to create a
good deal of Interest.
Carried In Only Ono Township.
KBAHXEV , Nob. , March 11. [ Special Tola-
cram to THE UEE. ! The bond election
hold yesterday in Armada , Grant and Hiver-
dale townships , along the line of tlio pro
posed Kearney it Black Hills railroad , re
sulted in the defeat ot the bonds in the two
last mimed precincts. Work began today on
the grade in Armada township and active
work will not begin ut this end of the line
until after a mcutiug of the directors.
Accidentally Killed While Ilnntlnir.
KEAIIXEY , Net ) . . March 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hnn-1 Early this morning a
party of boys started out for a goosa hunt.
Ed fiwlnc , n fifteen-year-old lad , shot Ifltn-
self accidentally , the charge toarlng away
his jaw und oar. The accident occurred on
the hill- near tho-lao. ! The wouudcd boy
lived live hours.
Carnot'H Cabinet Withdraws , and n
Now Ministry Will ho Formed.
PAIIIS , March 14. The adverse action of
the senate yesterday on Prime Minister
Tirnrd'e demand for the adoption of the
order of the day when the matter of the
commercial treaty with Turkey was brought
up , has caused the downfall of the entire
ministry. The refusal to adopt the motion
was tantamount to a refusal to vote confi
dence in the government. Tirard then ten
dered his resignation to President Carnet ,
but the latter persuaded him to remain In
ofllco until after Easter.
A cabinet meeting was held today to dis
cuss the situation , at which Tirard recon
sidered his determination to remain and
after the meeting was over ho went to the
Palace ot Elyseo , Curnot's residence , and
tendered the resignation of all the members
of the cabinet , Do Froycinet , minister of
war In Tirard'a cabinet , will probably form
a now ministry , and it is rumored that Con-
stans , who recently resigned us minister of
the Interior , and Robot will hold portfolios
in the new ministry. It Is also understood
that the ministers of marine , agriculture
and public instruction will remain In the
Wool Alanufiiotiirora Orisnnlza to Ke-
slHt Higher Duties.
DOSTON , Mass. , March 14. The Commer
cial Bulletin announces tomorrow the orcau-
Izatlon of a nuw association of wool manu
facturers which will depose the old national
association of which William Whitman is
president. Some llftv manufacturers re
sponded to the llrst call , representing every
class of woolun manufacturers. Uho now
association will resist the extreme demands
of tlio wool growers. The llullutin will say :
The original meeting included representa
tives even from Philadelphia , and If the ex
treme measures proposed by McKinley are
actually Incorporated in the bill it is likely
I hey will bo Joined by the carpet manufac
turers In a body.
Hnrlnv Hunk : Itohbnry Ouse.
MIN.NI\roi.ts : , Minn. , March 14. In the
trial ot Pcrrln at Ashland today two em
ployes ol the treasury department , at Wash
ington identified n roll of money found upon
Hukcras part of the package of $0,000sont by
thu treasury department to thu National Ex-
changu bank at Milwaukee and by them to
the First National bank of Ashlapd , and
from there deposited Iu thu Iron Exchanco
bank at Hurley on the day of the robbery.
This Is the most damaging evidence yet
brought uiiahiit Pcrrln and Halter.
netiton nnd ItnhbHd.
EVAJISTOX , Wyo , , March II. [ Special Tol-
epram to Tim Uui : . ] During the past few
days several holdups have occurred in this
city. Last night a rancuman named Phillips
was robbed ot $100 and u gold watch. Ho
was returning from Almy. when the robbers
suddenly Jumped upon him und bent him
unmercifully. Phillip } is now m u precari
ous condition.
KteaniHlilp ArrlvnU.
At Glasgow The Stoto of Alabama , from
New York.
At London Sighted : The Assyrian ,
from Now York ; tba Illinois , from Now
York , for Hamburg ; the Ohio , from Uultf-
mo ro , lor Rotterdam.
At Hremen Iho Mcsor , from Baltimore.
At Liverpool Tlio Michigan , from Uostou.
HnrrlHon In the South.
CiiAULKSTOX , S. 0. , March 14. The presi
dential party reached here thU afternoon
nnd wra taken to Fart Sumptcr and shown
around the harbor. Tonight Mrs , Harrison
and her friends had u reception. The dem
ocrats aud republicans vied with each other
in paying tholr roapects. The puny will
leave for Florida In the morulag.
Gnnd Mock Benson ,
HKLGXI , , Mont. , March 14. For all hinds
of stock Montana and the northwest terri
tory huvo not had so favoraolo a season tor
the pan ton ycurt.
Prospects for n Deluge Along the
Lower Mississippi.
Altlioucli tlio Waters Are Itcportctl
. Fill 11 tie , There U Apt to boa
Great Downpour ol' Very
Dlnnetrous Character.
No Rncournglns : Prospects.
WASiiixaTO5 , March 14. The rain storms
of the past four days in the lower Missis
sippi valley are practically ended , so that
the water dangerous to that section is now
In the Mississippi or Its tributaries , There
arc no cucoui aging prospects for any portion
of the lower Mississippi valloy. The river
has fallen slightly at Cairo , but sharp rlncs
Above St. Louis , and particularly at Cincin
nati , Louisville and Nashville make it evi
dent that the recession at Cairo Is only
temporary , and that thence southward the
river must continue at Its pres
ent stage for at least a
week. Although the stage of
the water at Cairo and Helena Is about four
ftct below the extreme Hoods In the past
year , the prospects are very decided at even
these places that the greatest Hood cvor
known will obtain during the next seven
da ; a. At Vichsburp the river is half a foot
below the great Hood of 18S'J , but the very
high stage of water In lower Arkansas ren
ders It certain there will bo no relief ut
VIeksburg. Ordinary prudence demands
undur thu nrcscnt prospects that oxtruine
flood conditions should everywhere be pro
vided against. v
Miles ot'Ijcvocs In Danger.
ST. Loui ? , Mo. , March 14. Uoports from
the lower Mississippi regarding the flood is
that part of the country between the Arkan
sas line and Vicksburc , on both sides of the
river Is in imminent dacgcr of inundation.
Water is running over the Arkansas' levees
in several places and they have been aban
doned. This means that the Tcnsas basin in
Louisiana will bo flooded. All efforts are
being concentrated to save the levees in
Louisiana between Vicksburc and the Ar
kansas line , and those on the Mississippi
shore between VicksDurg and Greenville.
If Louisiana goes under Mississippi may bo
safe , and vice versa.
Ou each side of the river the most heroic
exertions have been made for weeks and are
being redoubled. The rain has fallen In tor
rents everywhere. At all the endangered
points won : is kept up day and night. Live
stock and movables are being taken to places
of safct.v. Over two hundred miles of levees
are endangered and n general overflow in
considered inevitable. There Is no causa to
apprehend loss of life , but the destruction of
property will bo great.
A dispatch from Natchez says seven Inches
of rain fell there during forty-eight hours
and it still continues. Planters in the low
lands are counting upon their plantations
being overflowed , as they expect a break at
any moment in the weak levees below. Lake
Providenc'o. This would send the watnr
down the Tcnsus basin and flood the planta
tion ? all the way to the mouth of the Red
river. The latest reports from the upper
levees indicate that a general overflow in
Louisiana und the low iTazoo delta may bo
A Slijjht Knll Reported.
CAIHO , 111. , March 14. The Ohio river fell
slightly last night and is still falling hero
slowly. The late rams m this section are
supposed to have run out by this time , and
thu rise coming from above will not materi
ally check the fall here. The rise in the
Mississippi , unless very hlch , will not affect
the stage of the water. The Ohio being so
high will cause a backwater ln < the Missis
sippi , and this water will all run out through
the low lands of Missouri.
. Trains from the nortli are all running , and
also from the south. The wreck on tlio Illl-
inois Central between Cobden and Makanda
has delayed trains some on that road , but
they expect to have ovorythinc going by
noon. Tlio weather is cloudy and cold.
The width of the Mississippi at thu mouth
of the Ohio Is now about flftccn miles , but
this vast body of water is slowly receding.
A Seem ) ol' Desolation.
MCMITIIS , Tcnn. , March 11. Tonight the
river was 80 feet 4 Inches above low water ,
the highest point over reached , and Is still
rising. ' 1 he opinion here is that the levees
on the Mississippi side will bo nclo to with
stand the pressure of the great flood , but the
situation on the Arkansas side below Arkan
sas City is far Irom reassuring , although
the damage should the lovto give
way would bo slight compared with that
which would ensue should the cast bank
Passengers on the Louisville , Now Or
leans & Texas railroad arriving hero today
report a novel scone along the road. The
low lands and lagoons in the Mississippi
delta are flooded until thu only dry land visi
ble is the ridga on which the track runs , and
a few promontories protruding nbuvo
water. Thcso places afford shelter
for hundreds of squirrclu and other small
game. Huts and cabins on the low lauds
are submerged several feet. Tied nt doom
are skiffs and dugouts , which afford the
occupants the only means of transit.
Everything presents an air of waste and
Hclweoii Vicksburg and Lula , Miss. , the
water Is highest and the farmers who have
noj already moved are making preparations
to do so.
Along the Memphis & Little Koclc rail
road the sumo state of alTiura exists. Un
less the waters In the Mlssisoinpi and Ar
kansas rivers recede more rapidly than be-
lore the unfortunate pcoplu will suffer great
At N w Orl'-nns.
NBW OIILEANS , La. , March 11. Affairs on
the river front this evening nro much more
satisfactory than at the same time yesterday.
The city authorities , aided by the railroads ,
strengthened the weak places in the levee
and made a tui.iporary levcu , constructed of
bags tilled with earth , from St. Louis to
Hospital street and other points , The wind
is blowing from the north with a velocity of
thirty miles an hour.
Governor Nichols has issued a proclama
tion requesting all sjpamora to keep as near
mid stream us possiDlo and to run us slow as
the circumstances will permit during thu
present freshet in the lowur Mississippi.
' 1 ho waves from passing vessels huvo done
a good deal of damage to the temporary work
on thu levee.
l-.vcryililni ; Ztliivnlila Gone.
Nuwi-our , Ark. , March 14. Tha rivers
commenced running over tba levees last
night , and thu whole town , except Fort
street , is now from four luchcs to two feet
under water. Business Is entirely sus
pended , The damiiKa to the adjacent
country is Immense. Mho rise was sudden
und without warning. Everything movable
Is gone. The country south of Newport ,
which embraces some of the finest farms In
the state , Is also Inundated ,
Between Helena and the tnnuth ot lho St.
FrancU river there nro very fowsi > ots of
dry land mid n raise of tno foot will cer
tainly cover everything. In some uliKes tbo
river U from Ilvo to seven miles wide.
Not Alarming.
MBIUJIH , Tonn. , March 14. A correspondent
pendent of tlio Appeal tclogmphi from Ar
kansas City tonight that the condition of the
loveca between Memphis and that place are
not alarming. The circle ot the rlvnr
back of I aconla , bu says , will break
before Tueiduy ucxt. There nro 2,000
people living Insldo thn4circlo , nine-tenths
of them negroes. The "destruction of stock
nna other property will btj enormous. The
levees on the Arkansas river are washing
away. ,
1/onlfllniia'tt'iit'CJn Under.
ViCKsnuito , Miss. , March 14. The captain
of the lovco hoard Moayior reports the con
dition of the levees as critical everywhere.
Ho considers that J qulmna will Inevitably
go under , oven if the Mississippi levees go
down , Great gangs bf mon are hard at
work trying to save the lovoox.
flliiuh Inihrovi-il.
Nnw OIII.E.VNS , March 14. A dispatch
from Greenville , Miss. , , late tonight says tlio
situation there is much , improved and the
weak Spain In the lovoo'havo boon strength
ened so that the fears of breaks nro much
lessened. The Arkansas levees opposite
Grccuyllla are also all right ,
A Crcvnwso ADoyo New Orleans.
NEW Oitt.nAxa , La. , March 14. The levees
at Nita plantation , nlxtl-.flvo miles above the
City on this side of the Hvcr. broke laat night
and In less than two hours the Drcak was
twenty-live feet wide. : Tlio water from this
crevasse will do but little damage as it will
flow into the lake. I
Briduo W-nxlind < Y\vny.
JACRSO.V , Alls : . , March 14. An iron bridge
sovcral hundred fccfc Ih length over Plerro
creek on the Natchez , 'Jackson & Columbus
railroad , botweoti Jnctcson and Harrystown ,
wan washed away by the flood last ulght.
Great Inmnic In Austrnltn.
LONDON- , March U.Urisbano , Australia ,
Is flooded ; damage , $1.500,000.
The I'olloo Ston tlio JPlKtit Muruhy
Declared tlio "Winner.
SAX FHAXCISCO , Cal. | March III The fight
between Hilly Murphy of Australia and
Tommy Warden of California at the Occi
dental club tonight for a purse of $1SOO and
the featherweight championship was ono of
the shortest on record in this city.
IJanny Ncodham of St. Paul ,
the well known light weight ,
was roferee. Both " 'tain wcro in ilno con
Tn the flrst round' Murphy reached Wnr
ron's neck with a right bander und sent him
In the second round Murphy agnln reached
Warren's neck and Bent him against the ,
rones , but ho rallied cam'oly ,
In the third Warrbn topic the aggressive
and gave Murphy some staggering blows In
the jaw aud on tbo body" , which distressed
In the fourth round .Murphy started in
wi'.h a vicious rush andjuuor some shuri ) in
terchanges the men clinched. The referee
tried to separate them , out they fell , Warren
underneath and Mtmiby's knee press
ing his stomach. When Murphy
rose Warren lay on tuo floor evidently
in great pain. Loud cries of foul were
raised . Warren at labl got on his feet and
the men resuined lighting. Murphy struck
Warren iu the Jaw and knocked him down ,
and just as ho was. 'rising the police
broke into the ring und 'stopped the Unlit.
Great confusion ngaiu ensued , Warren's'
friends yelling foul. Finally the referno
nocurod u hearing and , awarded tbo light to
' Murphy. The decision's the cause of. an-
othnr outbreak and.of'protcsts from Warren
and his friends , but , .thrt referee remained
firm and the cro\vdsoon. dispersed.
/ * *
A Syndicate Anxious to Push AY mm -
maker's Tolouraplt Scheme. .
WASHINGTON , -\Inroh 14. A now proposi
tion in connection with the proposed postal
telegraph was made to the house corntnitteo
today by J. M. Seymour of the Now York
stock exchange , who utatcd that ho repre
sented a number of capitalists willing to build
hues and to maintain a postal telegraph sys
tem under govornuicdi supervision in ac-
coi dunce with the provisions ol thn post
master coneral'a bill or to operate on a uni
form 2. > cent rate. Thp company proposed
to use the Patten multiplex telegraph sys
tem , build and maintain nil lines needed ,
furnish operators , power und stationery
and to liavo the right to build over all postal
roads. They ask cxanjptlou from federal
and state taxation. In cities whore the post-
ofllces are crowded the syndicate will fur
nish its own ofllco. It would muko a con
tract with the governirieat for fifteen years
with the privilege of renewal unless
the government would tSue.tho lines at the
end nt that time at the vuluu appraised
by experts. The syndicatu expects to be
allowed tu do private. . uusiuuss outside gov
ernment work.
To maintain lines under the Patten system
would cost 75 per cqnt less than uudor
the present system. It is proposed
to louse wires to newspapers at
nominal rates and , to reduce press
rates 33 per cent. To { establish a system
under the provisions of the postmaster gen
eral's bill would cost , Seymour thought ,
about $7,000,000. A complete system cover
ing the country would cost 523,000,000. ,
Ho Fatally Stabs a Slinriff and Then
KtllH Hlipsrir.
OPr-KASANTHn.i. , Mo , , March 14 This even
ing Mrs. Eli Stahlnccker called at tbo ofllco
of Constable Prater and told htm her hus
band was laboring under an attack of ncutu
mania and had driven her and her children
from the house with a outchor Itnlfc * . The
constable went to tlio bouse and on entering
win fatally stabbed. 116 managed to inako
his way to the house of cx-Shorilf Hanlu.v
and a DOBSO of men proceeded to tbu house of
the maniao as quickly as possible. They
broke open the door and just Inside found
the body of Stnhlncukor , who hud atabuud
himself tu thu heart. Stahlncckor was
seventy-two years old.
Siberian Prison Knport.
BEIU.I.V , March 414.f-Di3patobos from
Tomsk , the central Siberian depot for pris
oners , say the prison now holds 41)0 ) healthy
and 2T5 sick exiles , bu ' , that in 1SSU the num-
ner of exiles brouplt | | to thu prison owas
10.184. In 1887 the , arrivals numbered
11,277 , m ISbS there were 15,015 and
In IbS'J , up to September , over 12,000. Of
these priaoners the moat'wero taknn to the
interior. The ofliclal ro | > ort declares that
owing to lack of room Jiimdruds of sick beds
had to bo placed In the open ulr while thu
temperature was as low an 0 ° Kccavuicur ,
and in consequence of this exposure the
mortality was enormous.
The Clinton County Trnncdy.
CI.I.NTOV , la. , March , U. [ Special Tele
gram to THU HEB. | ( The coroner's jury
brought In a vcrdlqtf today that Henry
Murru , who was murdered near Brown's
station yesterday , came to his death at the
bauds of unknown parties. Mrs. Murro Is
still alive , but ur.cOnsoiojas. It Is thought
that if she regains her 'senses ' she may bo
able to furnish some club to the murderers.
Suspicion nuw rests upon three tramps , one
of whom had worked upon Mr. Murru'a
farm. The thrco had recently boon released
from jail and were last scon going in the
direction of the farm.
Ilnnk , Olliultin | Arrested.
RUSSELL , ICun. , March 11. W. 55. Smith
of Ellsworth and B. M. Colcman of Uer-
rnncu , respectively president and cashlor of
the Hank of , which failed a short
time ago , have boon arrested charged with
having i ecolvcd dopdsiu when they knew
tbo bank was in an insolvent condition ,
VIENNA , March 14. The O.llcml Gazette
publishes the emperor's autograph letter no-
copttng the resignation of Tlsiu , Thti em
peror convoys to the retiring minister ex
pressions of uU biKheat eiteem and conn-
Ho Accuses the Attorney Gononxl of
Willful Misrepresentation.
But Promises to Apnanr Ocforo the
Interstate Commission nntl Prove
Every Chnrtfo In the
State's Complaint.
IJCOHO Will itn on Ilnnd.
LISCOLX , Not ) . . March 11. [ Special to THE
IJnu. ] The following communication from
Gci.oral Manager iloldrogo of the U. & M.
was received by Attorney General Lecso
today :
OMAHA , Neb. , March 13. To IIou. Will-
lam Loose , Lincoln , Nob. Dear Sir : You
have caused to bo published In the news
papers a locallcd complaint against the mil-
roads of Nebraska , before the interstate
commerce commission , which , in all its Im >
portant chargesis , either fulso or misleading.
I address this letter to you trusting thnt your
regard for the truth may lead you to either
destroy the complaint without presenting it
to the members of the Interstate commerce
commission , wlicn they arrive hero this
week , or to correct the inlsstatomonts be
fore lillng It.
The people In this state , for their own In
terest , desire that the railroads which servo
them should maintain good tracks and offer
, < ; oed accommodations for both freight and
passenger business. As a railroad commis
sioner or member of the state bonrd of trans
portation , it Is your duty to deal justice tu all
interested. It you will pause in your un
warranted raid upon thu railroads to con
sider the facts herein mentioned , the proof
for which is and has been in your reach nt
any time , yon will llnd that It Is duo to the
public and the railroads that you should retract -
tract the falsa charges that you have made
In this complaint ana at ottiur times for the
public ear.
you allege that since the Interstate com
merce law took effect rates upon Nebraska
railroads have been "greatly increased. "
The reverse is true.
You allege that , taking into consideration
the rebates prior to the Interstate commerce
law , the rates , upon corn in particular , wcro
less before the law took effect than now.
Tno fact Is that , deducting the customary
rebates from the tariff rates piior to the law ,
tno not result gave considerably higher rates
before the lav/ took effect than now. If you
base your statement on llguros prevailing
during some temporary rate war , or emerg
ency of competition , It is scarcely worthy of
serious consideration.
You allege thnt the net rate from Lincoln
before tno law took nffect was 11 cents per
100. This statement is untrue.
You allege that the rates "upon corn from
Nebraska points to Chicago are so high , un
reasonable , exorbitant and excessive that the
producers of Nebraska are unable to ship
their corn to said market and said exorbitant
and excessive rates i.mount to prohibition
upon corn shipments. " You contradict this
latter statement yourself in a pararranh of
your complaint headed "Third Cause of
Action , " wherein you state that the rail
roads have "neglected and refused to furnish
a sufficient number of cars for the trans
portation of corn offered for shipment from
points in Nebraska to points without thu
state. " For the lour weeks following Feb
ruary l.r > , upon which date a. reduction of 10
per cent was made in the corn rate , and
during which period you btato the rate is
prohibitory , from twenty thousand to thirty
thousand car loads of corn have been moved
from Nebraska points , or more than ia,000-
000 bushels. The reduction of 10 per cent
madu by the railroads upon those shipments
amounts to $200,003 in four weeks.
Your complaint , furthermore , that the
rates charged by Nebraska railroads.aro ex
cessive can bo refuted by what you yourself -
self liavo at different times admitted to be a
fair measure of reasonable rates. You have
admitted that railroads should be permitted
to earn a fair rate of interest upon cost , or a
fair valuation. The sworn statement of all
of the railroads of Nebraska in the state
auditor's oftlcu show that In 18S7
there were 4.0-J1.83 miles of railroad In the
state ; that their not earnings In 1SS7
nmouuted to $7OU7liJ0.09. ! With their build
ings , shops , tools , cars , engines and termi
nal facilities , I do not bolicvo thu railroads
of tills statu can bo duplicated for S'J5OUO
per mile at the present time. If it should bo
admitted for tlto sake of the argument that
$23,000 per mile is u fair valuation , this
would irlvo u total valuation of 4115,545,750.
The railroads earned in IbS" 0.1 percent
upon this valuation. In 18b8 the mileage
was 5,011.71 miles , which , ut $2r > ,000 par
mile , would give a valuation of 8125,202,500.
The net earnings of all railroads in Nebraska
In 1SS8 amounted to e.r > , a92,570.U2 , showing
4.3 per cent on this valuation. If , to make
the muttfer still clearer , we should admit
that the rallioads or this state ore worth
only $20,000 pur mile , the interest earned In
1SS8 upon thnt valuation would bo only 5,3
per cent , out of which the interest on the
bonded indebtedness must bo paid before
the stockholders could receive anything.
Since 188S rates have been materially de
creased , and it is not probable that the
showing for 1SOO for tho' railroads will bo as
favorable as that of 1SS8.
You certainly , considering tboso facts ,
should not ask for a further reduction in
rates ut thu present time.
The railroads of Nebraska have , nt differ
ent times , voluntarily reduced the through
rates upon corn and other products. The
earn rate , for example , from Hastings , Nab. ,
to Chicnuo Ins been reduced irom 4'J cents
per 100 In 1875 , to 31 cents ID 1871) ) , to 13 ! cents
iu 18S5 , to 25 cents in 18 7 , and
to 22 > cents per 100 nt the present
time , which is 25-f cents per IflO higher than
the rate from western Iowa nolnts.
' 1 ho present rate from western Iowa and
from Missouri river points to Chicago upon
corn U 20 cents pur 100. This rate is made
upon a basis that Is lower than the tariffs of
Illinois and lowe , which uro unlvorsally id-
mlttod to bo low. The sumo rate of 30 cents
per 100 Is extended westward lor Nebraska
points sixty miles from the Missouri river ,
and only 5 cents per 100 m added to lowu
rates in forming through rates from the must
distant Nebraska points to Chicago , the
maximum rate upon corn from Nebraska
points now being JJS cents per 100 , or about
one-half na much per ton per uiilo from west
ern Nebraska points to Chicago as is charged
from central Iowa points to Chicago.
As tonnage Increases in the luturo the
railroads will doubtless continue to make
slnjllar gradual reductions upon the products
of this state , when they can afford to do so.
These future reductions will certainly bo
materially Intoifercd with or entirely pre
vented If the states of Iowa and Nebraska
contlnuu to forcu down rates upon general
merchandise , accomplishing thereby no
practical good for the producers , but pre
venting the reductions ho desires.
Your resolution , repeatedly introduced at
the meeting of thn state board ol transpor
tation , If enforced would not reducu rates
upon corn rr the Important products of this
state to Chicago or ca&tarn markets thn
rates now audccl to the Iowa rates iu formIng -
Ing the through rates from Nebraska pjlnts
to thu markets being much less than the
local Iowa tariff. Your resolution , there
fore , If enforced would do hurni to the far
mers of Nebraska , for the reason that If
you lower the tariff upon general merchan
dise , upon which the average former pays In
a year probably less than $1.50 per man , you
will cripple the railroads in their power to
carry the products ot this state at low rates
In the future , upon which manv Individual
farmers pay from f 1,000 toJ,000 per year.
To summarize thia wliolo matter , your
complaint , before the Interstate commerce
commission i& based upon misapprehension
and tnlsatalomtmts , \ our demand upon the
state board of transportation for lower rates ,
if carried out to the letter , can accomplish
no practical good for this state , but will' in
terfere with its future growth and pros
I venture to gucgoit that your duty a * a
railroad commissioner require * you to pro
tect railroad proportv as well as other prop
erty In this sta . Knllroiiila are certainly
Important to thtin | try. They have done
more to cnhanc ( _ } value of farm property
than atiy other " " cv. The western coun
ties are anxious ItT" more railroads today.1
Hallroiut constru s i in this state ban been
completely stopple largely on account of
the raid upon ran 3s which you have lead
for several years . * 1 would further say
that the cry of "U1 Ify Him , " although It
may bo started byjests \ and scribes and
followed by the' ' julnce , Is not always
right. ] -9 Truly ,
I G. W. HoMiurni : ,
Gon'l. ' Mar , jr U. & .M. It H. Co.
1.ECJ linPLY ,
Ltxcca.s , Nob. , Mhvtli II. To GcorgoV. .
Holdreco , Omulio , Neb. Dear Sir : Your
communication has been received , and In an
swer thereto I will say Hint 1 will prove
every allegation alleged in my petition be
fore thn Interstate commerce commission.
The board of transportation ordered mo to
commcnuu proceedings before the Interstate
commerce commission , und I have done so.
I have gathered up what tcatlmony I could
since that time and formulated a complaint.
The witnesses thnt I have talked to will
make the same ttutcmcnts before the com
In regard to the watered stock , 1 have
asked tbu commission to require thcs'i de
fendants to furnish n list uf thu stockholders
aud their plucos of residence , and 1 will so-
li'ct my witnesses from them .on this propo
sition and prove by thorn that the stock upon
which they are receiving big dividends did
not cost them n slnglo dollar.
The ease boforatho board uf transportation
today will prove ono allegation where they
refused to furnish care. It Is sutllciunt to
nay that when the question is at issue I will
bo on hand. WII.MAM Lcusn.
DnHliotl Into n lliiuo Knck
nt I'nll h ] > iMl.
MANSFIELD , O. , March 11 Tha fast ves
tibule train on the Baltimore & Ohio ran
Into u luudslldo near Newark this morning.
The engine was thrown Into the river und
Fireman Thomas Holand killed. Engineers
McCoy and Hart , the latter o passenger on
the engine , were seriously injured.
At the scene of the accident Is n high bill
on ono side of the road and the river flows
on the other side. The train was
going forty miles an hour when tno
engine struck the huge rock. The
engine was thrown into the water
vhilo the cars were all ditched. There were
about n hundred passengers on board and
the accident was a remarkably fortunate
ono iu its results , considering the snccd of
the tram. The passengers were badly titiakcn
up and ilvo or six seriously hurt. Among
the injured were :
EinvAiti ) WAIIO STncBSSox' Hloomllold ,
111. , and A. P. DICKSOX , Canton , S , D.
Only Routine Husincis Iransnctcd nt
Yosicrclav'rf Meotinir.
CHIOAOO , March II , [ .Special Telegram to
THE UEE. | Aside from the appointment of
a committee to consult with the "Soo" line
relative to the establishment of a basis ot
rates mutually satisfactory as between the
lines via St. Paul and those via Chicago , the
Western Freight association has transacted
only routine business. Moreover.this attempt
at steadying rates is the only move In that
direction now on foot. In spite of the de
moralization alleged to have been cr.used by
the Hurlington & Northern , Iti sale to thu
Burlington und assured conssrvatism in the
fnture , the way is no clearer for an advance
in rates than it was a week ago. The Hur
ling & Northern's last reduction in freight
rates was made , it was said , to meet the
manipulated rates of its competitors , proof
being furnished nt the time ot such manipu
lation. Even ut thu reduced basin those
secret rates are constantly being made. Pas
senger affairs uro also badly unsettled. Thu
old rate between Chicago and the Missouri
was $12 , " 0. This has been reduced to n
? . " > open rate , and of this amount $3
is paid in commissions , leaving hut $ J to thu
road. The passenger men all express a de
sire for an advance to the old basis , capo
chilly as the spring ruah is just commencing ,
but the Western States Passenge associa
tion JB out of existence and nu one has yet
taken the load in calling u meeting to con
sider an advance.
The Stevedores' Strike in Liverpool
Wry Serious.
New Yoiur , March 14. The agent of the
Guion line today received u cable dispatch
stating that the Arizona would not saiffrom
Liverpool on account of the strike. The
strike among the stevedores affects all the
steamers sailing from Liverpool. It is
thought the strike will extend all over the
British islands if not the wliolo of Europe.
All engagements for freight are declared off
and tickets called in. The Guion line has
not had a ship in horu fur two weeks. The
Inman lino's City of Paris , which arrived
Wednesday , bad a hard time to get out of
Tlio Isliiinmlnir Strike.
IsiirnMiso , Mich. , March H. Two-thirds
of the minei-H and the iron mid wood work-
era are out , Those remaining iu have been
threatened with violence if they stay. They
are under tbu protection of n strong force of
special policemen. A number of strike load-
or.s luivo been arrested.
LeNnox , March 14. Twenty thousand
miners in the northeast part of England
huvo L'ono on a strike for a reduction of
thulr hoursof labor.
! : < ; lt to Work.
MII.WAUKBH , March 11. A Hurley. Wis. ,
special says the strike at the Ashland and
Norrlo mines was declared oil today and thu
three thousand ( linkers returned to work.
Ilr \ VlillLDrunk. .
LouisviLi/i , ICy , , March II , ( Special Tol-
cgrain to 'liu : Bii ; : . ] Mrs. Klluu I1' . Allen , a
polisher in UoPauw's glass works , was
found dead near the railroad track near
New Albany , Ind. , this morn Inf. Shu had
her skull broken In two places , as if by a
hatchet. Shu lived with her brothcr-ln law ,
Henry Hitter , n few i-odn from whore she
was found. At the Inquest thin ulteniooii
Mra. Hitter testified that her husband had
often threatened to kill her slater ana
that last night , when reproached
with drunkenness , Hitter became
very violent. Mrs. Hitter , who was
sick in bed , got up and bugged him on her
Uncos not to harm them , and liually quieted
him. Later , while she was In n stupor from
illness und weakness , nhoremomberh her sis
ter going from the house and her husband
following , She was terribly nnxiaus about
her sister , with u feeling that somuliody was
pursuing liqr , bur , 'was unnblo to give any
help. Hitter , she said , hud several times
threatened her slstcr' lifu , Hitter Is under
arrest , but declares his innocence. Ho says
they were nil drinking last night and ho waa
too drunk to have donu any harm. Thu
coroner will taka further testimony tomor
In i'nrllnmnnt.
Loxoo.v , March 11. In the house of lords
today Lord Salisbury gave notice of a mo
tion approving the report of the Purnoll
commission and thanking the judges for
their just and Impartial conduct.
In the commons Secretary Ferguson refused -
fused to reply to quosUon * regarding the
Uohrlng sea negotiations until ho should bo
able to glvo Information without detriment
to the negotiations.
A uibtton by Trovolyan that parliament
shall adjourn In July aud hold u winter sea-
siou was rojoutod ,
Twenty Thousand Boomers Surg *
Over the Ltno. * s
The Tamil-Horned , Wlld-Kycd Ulna
Gn/o In'AVonder Then Htnni-
in Alarm Troops
Ordered Out.
Inlinliltfd In ntu Instant.
AHKANSAB Crrv , Ivan , , March II. "On to
the strip. " That was the signal for the In
vasion of the Chcrolceo outlet by the nnx
tons boomers who have been gathered on tlio
border of the stri | > for the yost lorty-clglit
It was echoed around the outlet from mid
night until dawn this mornlnjr , mill when the
sun nroso over thu promised Inml the Inva
sion was fairly begun. All dny IOIIK' lines of
cam-in covered unilrlo schooners drove Into
the coveted hind.
Tonight It Is estimated from ( liffercut
points of cntrnnco thnt fully ilO.OOJ people
Imvo passed the border mid Hint half that
number liavo staked claims. The atrip has
been Invaded for u month , past. In fnct
over Bineo President Harrison issued his
proclamation orJcrliie the cattlemen to va
cate the "outlet" the boomers have been
fititl'crlng on the frontier. They were nil
sorts of people and camoln all sorts of ways.
Some who could not afford the luxury oven
of n wagon tramped to tno border bcslilo
their horses laden with household Roods
iiiul children.
At all the principal paints of assembly
boomer associations of various Id nils had
been formed. It had been the general bo-
Hof among the loaders that President liar-
riion would not insist upon their removal
when once established upon claims.
Yesterday afternoon all was quiet among
. -w Comers. Sis hours later n seems of ex
citement was witnessed equalling that
which accompanied .tho Invasion of Oklahoma -
homa n year ago. The news from Wash
ington that the Oklahoma bill had pasiod
the house spread quickly , und by 11 o'clock
tno boomers were making hurried prepa
rations to move ut oaco over the border.
Iho HUH was Just rising when the first
to.itn started. Thn invasion came with it
rush. No one expected it , r.ot even the set
tlers themselves. The tenants of the strip ,
the Uliorokco Live Stoclc association ami thu
agents , wcro taken ontlrclv unawares.
The Ctiorokea Indian polluo force Is lee in-
sigtulleant to oppose the Invader * . The gov
ernment-so far as known , had taken no pre
caution to arrest u possible movement of the
settlers and it was not until early this morn-
in ? tliat the military appeared upon the
scene. Captain Hurbniih , in command of u
small force of troops at Oklahoma City ,
marched into the strip hist nlcht to stay the
progress of the boomers , but so far an known
Mils force lias no effect in ictnrdlngtho
On entering the strip the cattle grazing
tlicra looked upon the unnsuul soono with
alarm. A stampede ensued which the cow
boys in charge could neither check nor con
trol. Tha cattle Hud live or six miles before
the invaders from the north , whore they
were mot by the boomers coming up from
Oklahoma. Between thcso two llros they
were driven east and west.
Arriving on the strip the settlers staked
their claims.
.Advices from ICiow.t say that GOO boomers
started from thero. Just as lha wagons
wcro ready to move a big prairlo lire was
discovcicd raging in thu outlet. His thought
it may have been sot uy the cattle people to
drive back tlio settlors. Ko anxious , however -
over , wcro tlio boomera that not oven lire
could htop them und tcoy proceeded , avoid
ing it by making a detuur. Five hundred
more went in from Cahuvoll , while Guihriu.
wlilcii last year was the objective pointer
thu noted ruah Into Oklahoma , was today
the surtlng olai-o for 800 hoomcrc bound for
the strii ) . Ilunnewell , Ivan. , reports 600 to
1,000 moved Irom thero.
Ho Cainu to Cpntida ns n "I'ujill
Knnni-r. "
WOODSTOCK , Ont. , March 14. Hurcholl
was induced last night to make a statement
concerning the purpose of Ills coming to
Canada , but could not bo persuaded to say
anything that would throw light on Hcnwell'H
murder or his own movements on the fatal
day. lie said ho came to Canada as a "pupil
funner. " The firm of Ford , Hathbone &
Co. , England , took 0 from him and prom
ised to secure him tv Urst-class place
tu u line Canadian farm. At Woodstock
ho met Farming Agent McDonald , who nont
him out to a farm near Springfield. Uurch-
ell said ho could not ntand it , however , and
In two days came back to Woodstock. Pick-
tuall is also a pupil sent out , by the same
linn. This firm , ho says , is making piles of
money and liavo agents lii mates hi
America ,
Uurchcll'a counsel nay the principal line of
the defense will bo that thu prisoner could
not possibly have walked the distance from
Princeton station to the place where the
body was found , committed the murder , cut
out the names from thu clothing and got
back to the station butwoun 11 and ! 1 o'clock.
Arr atod 1'iir Kiuhf.7omnt. .
ii , Pa. , March II , ( Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hm : . ! Frank A. DlfTeudcrfcr ,
a former bunker nndcx-nldcrman , and prom
inent In social and sporting circles , was
brought hero tonight by u detective. Hu
was arrested in Hruoklyn , whither ho fled u
few daya ago , charged with thu embezzle
ment of $10 , 00.1 from tlio estate of his brother ,
J. Leno JJllYundorfer , for whom , by reason
of montiil weakness , ho U ml acted na trustee
under deeds of trust executed by their
father and grandmother. They lire children
of the latu Dr. Wlllhim DIIToiiderfcr of
Now Holland , who prior to his death
several years nso gave the greater part of
SiiO.OOO tc Ills aon Frank and the rmnnfnJcr
to his mother , whom he 1-cquirnd to execute
n will leaving it in trust to After the
doctor's ' death Frank , It m alleged , Induced
his grandmother , then uightv-six ycam of
ago , to destroy thu will and make him nolo
trustee of his brother's Inheritance , lie
then entered upon u career of extravagance.
Whnn the court enforced nn examination of
his accounts thu auditor found him to bo
short $10,005. When thu court began tin In
vestigation ho removed tu Philadelphia ,
where ho became connected with the Kimnut
club , and recently rulurnod tu Lancaster ,
when bis brother's wife's relatives Instituted
proceedings for cmbcMlcmont , for which ho
will bo held for trial ,
. . s
A CJrnnt Kmanclnl Stroke.
NKW Voinr , March It. Ivca and Htayner ,
wlib wcro conimlttcii to Jail 111 default of
$ J5,000 bail each , January 21 , 1SSO , on the
suit of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton
to recover J2S.COO , have now secured n ilccd
of sttttlcment from Co per cent of thulr
creditors on thu bunlH of 5 cents on the
dollar , und by thu consent of nil thu counsel
Judge Andrews today reduced thmr bail to
W , 000 each ,
Mlin Wituthiir Knrticfwt.
For Omaha and vicinity ; Fair weather.
For Nebraska , Iowa and South Habitat
Fair Saturday and Sunday ; northerly winds ,
colder Saturday morning , warmer Sunday
morning ,
A Ulniltilontnii Victory.
LONDON , March II. The election at
Stone upon Trent toduy resulted in the 10-
turn of Uower , the CiluUitonmu caudkUt *