8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JTHURSDAY , MAKCTI 13. 1890. THE CITY. _ The city clerk has Issued 1OSO dog tuR-3 up to dnto. No. 0 origlno house on Phil Shoridnn Blr-cot near Leiivonworth , is bolng muvod forward n distance of Ilftcon foot. Shorlfl I3oyd will tnko Pauline Droxcl and Clmrlos Wilbur , two insane imlioultf , to the insane asylum at Lin coln today. The funeral of Mrs. S. L. Rustin will bo hold at tlio residence of her son , C. D. Hustln. 1022 Ilarnoy Btrcot , today at" o'clock. Criminal Court Bailiff Lou Grebe is temporarily incapaclatcd for duty oil account of the arrival of n ton-pound boy at his homo. All the telephone linemen are tem porarily at work and the man tire of the opinion that their demands will bo fciitlsllod. The olcctrio light man and other strikers will bottle their difficul ties on Saturday. Prrsonnl 1'nrncrnnliH. J. C. ICInncy of Hastings is at the Mur ray. ray.H. H. S. Horlln bus returned irom Washing ton. ton.O. O. R HarriB of Ashland Is n Kucst at the Coney. E. M. R Lollung of Lexington is at the Mllliml. W. K. Itituhcoclc of Alliance Is stopping at tlio Cusoy. 0. W. Knrnnhaw of Kearney is a guest at tlio I'axton. . A. Hollar of Nebraska City is a guest at the Murray. N. S. Nowbcrry of Lincoln Is stopping at the Mlllard. UufUH M. Stark of HIvorton is registered at tlio Cnsoy. 1C. \Vorvthorby of Norfolk Is registered at the Paxton. L , U. Shepherd of Arlington Is registered nt ttio Mlllnnl. Wllliuin A. Lntnson of Elk Creek is a Kucst at tlio Casey. James tt. Wnsh of Lincoln is among the guests at the Millnn ) . K C. Hockonborftor of Grand Island Is stopping nt the I'nxton. H. U. liiooin , who has been In Chicago for eoino time , has returned to Oimlm nnd re sumed his old position ut S. P. Morse's. Alf. Hayumn , business manacor for the "Shonaricloah" company , which oiens | ut Uoyd's opera house next week , is In the city. 1. W. Stratton of Wuhno was in the city yesterday on his way homo after an ox- tefided business trip to Huffulo and other custom points. At the Barker : U. G. Hloorn , Chicago ; L. K. Mayno , Salt Lake City ; G. C. Phelps , Kansas City ; Fred Cook , St. Louis ; Gurrio \Vil8tnhl , ClilcaRo ; P. A. Quiploy , Portland. J. A. GrMloy of Uapld City , S. Dan. , Is in tlio city. Jim is a loading merchant , In the brcc/y north land now. Fifteen years ago lie WIIB a BEI : carrier boy , full of push nnd energy. Mr. nnd Mrs. George U. Crandall , whoso mnrrliigo live weeks nco was chronicled in thcso columns , returned homo yesterday from Denver , where they hnvo boon enjoy ing their honeymoon. Ivor the present they nro stopping with the bride's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. McCluhi , of ICouutzo Place. Pears' Is the bouand puroat soap over ma lo Ciuiuht ihii 'llilef. Chief Scavoy has been notified by the Pinkortons of Chicago of the recovery of the Jewelry stolen from Fleming Hretnn of San Francisco , nnd the arrest of the tluof. DcHortud. Captain Cormac'c .voslordav caught a.do- Borter named F.T. McCaulcy nnd turned him over to the authorities at Fort Umaba. Mc- Cnaloy deserted from Company A , Second Infantry , Fort Townsend , in 1633. HittiMi Oy 11 DOJJ. Tom Scott , on ox-policoman , was badly bit ten by n vicious dog atjho corner of Six teenth ami California streets , yestorday. Iiis right thigh was painfully lacerated nnd his clothing wns torn to shreds. The city physi cian dressed his uoumls. Ilniml ol" Kiliiuntinn Architect On next Monday the board of education will open proposals from architects for the devising mid drawing no.v plans and speci fications remodeling and revising old plans nnd supervising the construction of building ( luring the year. These offers will ba re ceived until 7:1)0 : ) p. in. Scalded the Thief. ' While Mrs. McGregor , who lives in Lake View , was entertaining u number of friends nt n tea party , a thief drove up to the house ana throw some loose lumber into Ills nngon. U'no man's name was Warner , Miss Muudo n daughter of the lady , ordered the man nway. Ho refused to go and showed light. The young woman then took a kettle of boil ing hot waier and noured It do.ui iho back of Warner's nock. Warner , however , got away i witti the lumber. What Is moro attractive' than a pretty fnco with a fresh , bright compaction I For it use Pozionl's Powder. Jerked i hi ) 1'oodlf. Ono of Pulasltl's dog catchers was given n lively chase on North Sixteenth street uy a 'woman yesterday. The fellow had snared the lady's poodle. The owner followed the wagon for a block ncroamniL' nt tl.o top of her voico. A largo crowd followed until they learned the cause of the dUturbanco. Alter paying J2 to the dog-catcher the lady went to the city clerk nnd paid * l moro for a tag. Too Jinny hy Kivo. , Councilman lleohol , explaining the demand of the Fourth ward for ten voting precincts , eukl : "I would like to see the petition nnd flnd out who signed it. The movement is some thing now to mo. I am in favor of re-dis- triUUig nil the wards and have enough vot- Intr places to glvo.overy man an opportunity to vote , but the demand for ton precincts in , the Fourtn ward Is certainly ridiculous , \Vo litivo U.OUO voters there and I tliiak 400 to the precinct would bo about right. " Theory ol I'nlntlnt ; . The members of the Western Art associa tion mot nt the Unlngor art gallery Tuesday , evening to listen to an nadross by Mr. Gcorgo W. Fields ou 'Theory of coloring hi tbo Composition of Paintings.11 The different schools of arc were described nnd their bf > st features wcro pointed out. Tlio speaker expressed some very son- iblo sentiments concerning the flavUh Imi tation at anything old. Borne of the bust pro ductions of the old painters woru good studies , but auo and excellence ) were far from being synonymous. Inurtns In liter- nturo the work must hnvo length of history however. This tno modern school of art lacks. There Is much In the Flemish , Vene tian , Tuaoan and other older schools which might bo studied und many valuable points acquired. ' The Only One. The Chicaco , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway is the only line running solid vostibulod , oloctrio lighted nud steam heated trains botwooii Chicago , Coun cil Bluffsuud Otnahti. The berth rending lamp feature in the Pullman Bleeping curs run on those lines is uatontod and cannot ba used hy nny other ruilwuy company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and bo convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Oiiwlm , iitU p. m. dully , arriving at Chicaco nt 0:30 : a. m , Pussongora taking this trail ) are not compelled to Cot out of the cars at Council UlulTs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got tickets and sloopingcar berths ut Union Uckut onico , 1601 Fariiain st. F. A. NASH , Gou. Agt. J , E. PllKSTOlf , Pass. Agt , 8il.YM.E2 AM ) CHIME. The Horrible Itcoltnl Ileforo n Cor * oner's Jury. The dead body of a male Infant was found under suspicious circumstances In the Alns- cow block Tuesday morning. The coroner was summoned , and was told a shocking story by a Mrs. 11. J. Drown , ono of the ten ants. MM. Drown said that Ida Moore , a young woman from Hamburg , la. , wa the mother of the child. The tiny body wns brousht to Hoafoy's undertaking establishment , where an inquest wns hold , A story too nauseating for reproduction in detail wai nnfoldod. John CroutHo nnd Andrew Johnson testi fied to finding tbo baby atthoeatranco to the sower. Mrs , K. J. Hrown , a povnrty-strlcken woman who rents a room in the rookery called the Alnacoxv block , testified that Miss Ida Moore cauio from Hamburg , la. , four weeks ago last Sunday to board with her and bo treated , as she allowed , for a lung trouble. Miss Moors , Mrs. Drown and her four children , and Mrs , Hobinsonan aunt of Miss Moore , all lived la this solitary room. Miss Moore took some red medicine out of a bottle regularly every day. She snld It was for consumption. Neither witness nor any of the other occupants of tlio room knew of Mlsn Mooro's true condition. The latter received letters regularly from J. W , Ullklnson. a real estate dealer ut Hamburg , In. Ho also sent her money. February 2. , while witness nnd her children and Mrs. Drown wcro In the room , Miss Moore gave birth to n child , Mrs. Robinson subsequently threw it into a vault , where It was found. Witness said that a few days after the child was born , J. W. Wilkinson , accom panied by his grown-up son and Mrs. Moore , the mother of the girl , came to ece Miss Mooro. The thrco remained out ono day and then returned. Wilkinson , who has a wife nnd family , acted. It Is said , very lov ingly toward Ida. IIo irnvo her money. Witness hoard Miss Moore making BO mo threat about Wilkinson's wifo. After Miss Moore had given birth to the child she stopped taking the red medicine. Witness said she heard Wilkinson had been run out of Hamburg on account of this affulr'and was now at Drownsvillo. Georgia Drown , a girl of seventeen and daughter of Mrs. Drown , -gavo testimony corroborative of Unit of her mother. In fact , the testimony of each was Interlarded with promptings from tlio other. Georgia testified that uflar the child was barn Miss Moore telegraphed to Wilkinson. When he c.iuic , ho called her his 'dear girl' and accused her of a criminal operation. This she denied. Dr. Matttco , who wns treating Miss Moore for her lungs , testified that ho didn't know that anything wns the matter with her until ho wns so informed. Dr. McManigal.who tnado the postmortem , testified that the child had never breathed and that the bodv showed no marks of vie lence. The jury brought in a vordlct to the effect that ns far as known no criminal means had been used. Thn Sm-uisr Mr-dlclnc. The which Hood's ponulnrity Sarsaparilla - rilla bus gained us a spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses just those elements of hoalth-givitipbloeHl-puril'y- ' inp and nppotito-rostoring which every body scorns to need at this season. Do not continue in 11 dull , tired , unsatis factory condition when you may bo so much benefited by Hood's Sarsiiparilla. It purifies the Mood and makes the weak strong. THE COIjISKU-U riOUT. What u Man Opposed to Kickers Una to Sny. A meeting of the stockholders of the Coliseum building association has been called for April 12 , at which time the dissat isfied stocklipl lers will bo given nn oppor tunity to vcntilato their grievances. Several of the largest stockholders have announced their intention of otlcring all their stoclc to any ono who will take it at the price paid for it by the holders. In speaking of this matter a gentle man who has been watching the pro gress of the association pretty closely re marked that it would give the "klokers" nn opportunity of showing their good faith. "As an instance of the nbsurdav of the insinuations made by these men , " said ho , "I'll call your attention to ono thing. Mr. Kiurstead and Mr. Lindsay nro the two Inrgcst stockholduis in the association , ana the charga that llitfy would participate In or oven countenance any crooked work ns these irrcsponsiblo luckors charge them with is absurd on the face of it , "When the meeting occurs next month Mr. Lindsay tolls mu that ho intends to take all the book's , papers and everything else up to the Colisuuui building , where the mooting will bo hold , nnd the stockholders will bo given complete awing to look ever them to thair complete satisfaction. " Clipped from Canada Presbyterian , under Rigmituieof C. Dlackott Robinson , Propr.- I was cured of oft recurring blllious head aches by Durdock Dlood Dltters , _ _ \ MAX M12YKII T A Lit 9. Hln KCKHOIIS for Urging a Change of I'nvotijciit. Referring to aa editorial In THE DEE of March 10 , entitled , "Dogus Paving Cortl * flcates , " said Max Meyer , "I certainly do not oolong to any combine , and I am ono of the circulators of the petition asking for an asphalt pavement on Farnan street between Ninth and Fifteenth , ns the noisy stone pavement has undoubtedly hurt the street. "I wrts ono of n committee of flvo from the board of trade in 1SS3 sent cast to oxamlno and report upon the pavement most sultablo for Omaha. After cxammg the pavements of eastern cities , wo reported unanimously for asphalt. I have visited Paris , London nnd Derlin several times since IbSl , nnd found nsphalt pavements regarded ns the best. At Dorlin I found them removing stone blocks from many streets to mnko wav for the smooth , noiseless und inviting asphalt. "On Farnain street I own olghfy-olght foot frontage ; the street was naved with stones at the instance of some of the ownont who deslicd a malarial that would 'prove an in heritance to their children's children. ' Wo got the inheritance , und with its coming our splendid retail trade loft us. My property lias been damaged , I think , fully $23,000 , and our Jewelry aim musical instrument trade twlco or thrco nines that amount , and , m fact , to such an extent that our linn had to abandon my largo brick bloc. ; in 16SS and seek nawquartors In quest of the retail trade that had been driven from mv property by nothing else in the world than n rough , noisy and uninviting stone pavement. "Kocontly Mr. W. A , Pa.Mon ami myself , after consultation with other owners , con cluded to nmlto an effort to reclaim thn street by discarding the stone and replacing It with asphalt. To this end , and at the sug- KCAtlou of Mr. i "axton , I prepared a petition for signatures , which Is now being signed. "As n business proposition I would not ac cept stone on a retail street as a gift. " \Vo can got asphalt laid forfOI.35 foroach twenty-two foot frontage , making the actual expense for each property owner , under our system of paying for Improvements , $0.411 per annum , which I consider a very umaU outlay In consideration of the largo benefits to bo derived from nlco , clean and smooth pavements. "iMessrs. Dewey & Stone , Don Smith , Kitchen Dros. and other heavy property owners like mysslf wish to see the street reclaimed. " Kor HcnsiolcnoHH Use Horsford's Acid Pliosolmte. I r. Price , of the Wlilto Star S. S , Gor- nianlca , says ; " 1 have proscribed it in my practice among the passengers traveling to nnd from Kurope , In this steamer , and the result has satlsilol mo that if taken in time. It will.tn u great many cases prevent seasick- IICSO.H A Sixty Tlioiisnud ItulliUni * . A telegram from Washington announces that Senator Mundersoa , tallowing the rec ommendations of the secretary of war , pro poses to introduce a bill appropriating fOU.OOO for now buildings for the government corrall ut Fort Omaha. This appropriation has been recommended by the commanding general of the department of the Platte , ana has been endorsed by the ofllclals of the war department , as well 03 trip secretary. Mr. JODOI of tbo commlisary department lavs that this building Is to bo erected nt the government depot In the southwest part of this city , which U commonly Known ns the corrnll. The structure Is to bo of brick and will bo two stories high. Its dimensions , 240x50. U will bo erected at the southeast corner of the grounds , near the Union Pa cific sidetracks. It Is to oo used n astoro house for supplies of all kinds for the army of the department of the Platte , which will Include provisions , clothes nnd harness. It Is too bid to spcad half of a short llfo distressed with neuralgia , when 25 cents spent lor ono botllo of Salvation Oil will euro It quickly. Ha talked as If ho had a "frog In his throat , " but ho was only honrae ; a single buttle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup relieved the trouble nt onco. 25 cents. TItUKMAN'H It Is Dctnllml t > y Ono oT His Sorry ItoiKlRincn. A DISK reporter met ono of J. J. Trueman's bondsmen at the Mlllard yesterday morning. Truoman Is the defaulting postmaster at Genoa , who was arrested Tuesday by the United States authorities and brought to this city last night. "Truomnn's postoflico shortage , " said the gentle man , "In round figures Is f 1,00. : ! Dut this is not nil. Ho represents a number of Insur ance companies and Is In arrears with every one of them. Ho Is short with the Spring- Hold Insurance company of Kprlnpflekl , Mass. , $00.57 ; with the German of Frcoport , III. . < 73.4tJ ; with the Phrenix of Drooklyn , fTOU.1 ; Uundorwrltors of Now York , ? 130 , nnu the Phoenix of Hartford , fSO. " "Anything also ! " "Yes , there is still a worse charge against him. " "What's that ! " "Forgery. Ho is said to have forged his father's and brother's name In the Columbus banks as follows : $ i25 on ono , ? 200 on an other and $100 on still another. Ho Is also behind with the Dnllou brothers of this city in real cstuto transactions to the tune of $1,500 , while his reported dollclts In the dif ferent Justices shops of Genoa nro yet un- nsoortalned. " "Who are on his postolTlco bond ! " "W. H. Wmtcrbottom , Q. A. Mollln. B. A. DoMonc.y and Cnarlos LIghtnor. " " \Vhat sort of a man is Truoman J" "Well , ho Is about thirty-Jlvo years of ago , and n splendid follow a man who com manded the respect and esteem , and the un- mi ul 111 ed confidence of the whole community. The people are greatly shocked at his down fall. " "How do you account for it what > vas the matter with him 1" "Women. " Couirhs , HonrHi-iiitH' . Sore Throat. etc. . quickly relieved by Drovvn'a Dionchlal Troches. A simple and effectual remedy , superior to all other articles for the same purpose. Sold only in boxes. UonI Kstnto The following uroporty was listed for sale at yesterday's session of the real estate ex change : Hoes' place , lots 15 and X of 16 , ' 00 foot on Pork avenue , $10,003. Kilby place , lot 5 , block 7 , 50x125 , $1.2"iO. Paulson addition , lot 013x119 , U roon house. $0,2JO. Kllby place , lot 3 , block 7 , 51K125 , $1,300. Himobangh's addition , lot 17 , block 2 , OOx 350. small house , * 1,2JO. WashinL-ton square , lot 12 , 15\127 , 9 roon house , $ : ) 500. Patrick's second addition , lot 3 , block 12 40x120. $4,000. Potter's addition , lot 11 , block 2 , 48x130 51,000. Highland Park , lot 21 , block 10 , 00x130 , 3 room house , $050. Saunders & Himobaugh's , lots 25 and 20 block 1 , 50x140 , SI. 203. Kedicn's subdivision , lot 3 , block 8 , 50x142 ulno-rooni house , ? 5,500. Sales were reported : Dy Donson & Carraichaol , lot 12 , block 35 DCIIBOU , 5300 lots , block 75 , Denson , $350. Dr.Btrnoy.practico limited to catarrhal - al diseases of nose and throat. Boo bldg Colonel Moores Will Ijoolc It Up. District Court Clerk Frank Moores is still receiving letters referring to the mysterious individual who started for the "west" years ago and died somewhere , leaving u fabulous estate to somebody. The last letter is fron Hev. Andrew J. Nugent , of Noodersburg Ind , , who stated that his father loft their In diana homo for California many years ugo and had not been hoard of sinco. Ho therefore - fore concludes that the old gentleman nmsl have accumulated nn immense fortune anil then died Hy some mysterious cause oi reasoning ho hits upon Omaha as the place where the old gentleman acquired his great wealth and where ho died. Mr. Nugent asks Air. Moores to please investigate the records and see if there isn't untold wealth lying about in great chunks waiting for tlio Nu gent family to como along and claim it. Ho represents that there nro nine grown chil dren in the family and pathetically requests Mr. Mooros to investigate und notify him of the tosult. _ Motheas will litid Mrs. ' Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy fen their children. 2o cents a bottlo. Mr' . Crandnll'H Tim DUE 1ms received a letter from Mr. L. M. Farmer , Pogallop , Pierce county , Wash. , under date of February 23 , 1S90 , stating theta a young man , a stranger named Crandall , was killed there "the other day" by n falling tree. Piior to the fatality ho had told the narties with whom ho boarded that his mother was a widow nnd lived In Nebraska , but did not say what part , und that ho was making nnd saving his money to go and see her. 'Iho letter adds that the citizens of Pogallop nro very anxious to learn of Mrs. Cramlull's ' place of resldonco. Tbo papers of Nebraska may do a Kindness In copying. IS a blood disease. Until tno poison I.i expelled from the system , there can ho no euro for this loathsoico and dangerous malady. Theiefore , the only effective treatment is n thorough course of Ayor's Sarsiipurillii the best of all blood purifiers. The sooner jou begin the better ; delay is dangoions , " I was troubled \ \ ith catnrrh for over two years. 1 tried various remedies , and wns treated by n number of i > h\si- clans , but received no benefit until 1 began to take Ayor's Sarsaparllla. A few bottles of this medicine cured mo of this troublesome complaint and com pletely restored my health. " Jesse H. lloggs , Ilolinau's Mills , N. C. " When Ayor's Sarsnparilla was roc- onunnndud to mu for catarrh , I was in clined to doubt ItH ofllcncy. Having tried so many remcdlos , with little ben efit , I had no faith that anything would euro mo , I became emaciated from loss of appetite and Impaired digestion. I had neaily lost the sense of smell , and my system was badly deranged , I wns about discouraged , when a friend urged mo to try Ayer's Sarsaparllla , and re- fcnroil mo to persons whom It had cured of catarrh. After taking half a dozen bottles of this medicine , I am convinced that the only sure way of treating this obstinate illscnso is through the blood. " Oharles H. Maloney , 113 lllver at. , Lowell , Mass. arsaparilla , I'HEI'AIIEU III Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. 1'rleo $ li tli botllct , * i. AVorth * S bottle. The Well Known SpoelnlUI , li nuiuriiaiiuJ la tlio treatment ot 11 = fortui Of rut V.ITI : li ) > iK\SEi ! anil stricture ucuru nuurnnli'Cil. 1m ( latency. Ixii of ManliooJ auj Arablilon Slerrllltr or llnrruuennbiolululr curoJ. bvnil lot llooki"Tbn Ufo Sucroi.1 lot Jlaii or Woman , eocU U wuti ( unuipi ) . NerTOUi l-enmlo ll ) na e , cured qulcklr and pcruiaiientlf. Treatment by corrcipoodtnte. e mi > for lepljr Conultattonfree. OfflceS , t. Lor JSIU ted JtcUou Htrieti , OmtU * M . , Will bo paid to an ; competent chemist who will nnd , onnnaljilj , A jurUclo of Mercury , Potuli , or olbcr poisons In SfcWa Spcclflc (3. ( S. S. ) 'AN EATINQ SORE Ilcndctnon , Tex. , An S3 , 1830. "For eigh teen months I had na eating eoro on my ton uo. I was treated by the : bt t local phyalcland , bat obtained no relief , UM eoro gradually growing Trorso. I concluded Dually to try 8 , S. 8. , and was entirely cured nftcr vt\ng \ n few bottles. Ton have my cheerful permission lo publUh the above ctatcmcnt for the benefit of thcco similarly afflicted. " C. D. McLzuons , ncndcrson.Tox. Trcstleo on Blood and Blun Dlac&scetmoUcd free. THE RWIVT SPHCIFIO CO. , Atlanta. On. DRS. BETTS & BETTS UM FAUN AM STREET , OMAHA , Ham. ( Opposite Faxton HoteLJ Offlo * lioun , V a. m. , t 8 p. m. Sundny . 10 a. a. , 1C p.m. Speclal ) ti ID Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood DI- CMOS. CJrConiulUtlon at onico or by mull tret. Medt tinea sent by mall or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantee * to cure quickly , lafo- ly and permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY SSf Sffft'iSSi Bloni. Fbyfftcal decay , nrlBlnK from Indiscretion , ox- re i or Indulgence. prodiictnK sloeplosnass. despon dency , pimples on tlio face , nverslon to society , easily dlscoureRod , lack of confldenco , dull unlit for study or business , ftnrt ttntls llfo a imrden. Safely , perman ently and prlratcly cured. Consult Drs. l ) tts & Ileus , HUB Farnura Street , Omaua. Nob. Blood and Skin Disease results , completely eradicated without the alrt of tnereury. , Scrofula vrynlpclas , fever sores , nlotchoi. ulcitri. pains In thu head and bonus. Syphilitic gore iliro.it , mouth and tnn iio catarrb , etc. , permanently cured where others tmve failed , aml niaa < ier rompiatnu , Painful. Ullllcult , t o frequent - quent burning or hloody urlno. urine hljih tolored of with milky sediment an Stan ling , vronlc back , nonorr hipa , Blsot , cystitis , etc. IToininly and safely cured charges reasonable. . movftl complete without cutting , caustic ordlllatlon. Cures effected at hunio lj patient without a moments 1'iln ' or annoyance. To Tonne Men anfl MMfllB-Awd Men , PITDP Ilia nwful effects of early ACITnp lllUm ll Inil VidlhlK ) , > irltra nrcrnnln weakness , destroying both mind nnd body , ith all ts dreaded Ills , permanently cured. M Address those , > v&o h vo 1m- paired themselves by Improper Indulgences and and solitary habltx , which rum both body and mind , unllttlu/ them for business , study or marriage. . f MAiuiiF.nr.Mzw. or those enuring on that nappy llfo , anaro of physlclal debility , quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS , In bnscil upon facts , flnt practical exvierlonce , ice ond-every case M cnpaclally studied , thus Btsrtlnj : Bright , third medicines are prepared In our otrn la- batory exactly to suit e cn case , thus arTecting curoj without Injury. tws-end n cents postage for celebrated worka on cnronlc. nervous and d llcatodNensoii. Tbousanils cured. liA friendly letter or call may unveyou fu ture suffering andshame. nndadd golden years to Ufa E "No letters arntwcred unless accompanied by 1 tents in stamps. Address or cull on WKS. ISETTS & BETTS , 1103 Farnim street. Omaha. Nob. Having about completed the IMPROVEMENTS in our store , we arc now prepared to serve our cus tomers in the , best manner. One of the Special Attractions this week will be Men's STTrousers ivhich we offer from $1.75 o $5. Men's Spring- Over coats from $6 to $30. All heavy overcoats will be sold at a ( liberal rcdution Queen City Top Mfg Go , BUGGY TOPS CUSHIONS , BACKS , RAIIS. SUTSANDTRIMMIHOS. flan SI , Cincinnati , 0 HOES FOR MEN f 4 W That nro worth buj'injj nutl worth wearing. Our success in the shoo business hits encouraged ua to increase this doptirtmenl coinidornblo nnd wo nro nowsliowincr by fur tl.o . Inrpest iwsortinont of shoes for men and boys. OUR SHOES AKE HMt'IlATI- CALLY Till- ] BUST TO HE HAD ANYWHERE AND ARE SOLD WITH A GUAHA'NTEE. jJut aside. from thisyou will iind in our shoe department biirgains which cnnnotbo duplicated miywhoro else. Excellent worhingmon' * bnlT shoes , seamier , warranted solid leather soles nnd counters , congress rtnd hice with plain nnd cap toes , nt SI. 23. Men's good calfskin shoes , will outwear several solo ? , congress and lace , all styles of toes , nt $1.83. Our mo t popular shoo is the Men's ' fine calf fJoodycnr Well , ut $ 2.50. This is beyond n doubt the boib value ever ollered in shoes. Thov hnvo perfectly sinooMi insoles nnd give comfort nud satisfaction to the wearer. Wo hnvo them in nil styles of lusts nud toes. Every shoe store would ask for shoos of same nual- ify , 33.80 to Sii. The stock in our ยง 3.00 hnnd welt shoos is of the fiucsl American Calf nnd Kangaroo. They are made by ono of the best nianufacturois in the country ; are baautifully finished nnd fit elegantly. You cannot g t a bettor sho3 if you pay $0. Genuine Cordovan shoss , hand sewed rtnd of fine finish ntfSl.uO. The very finest French Calf shoo ? , strictly hand sowod. are sold by ns at3.fiO. Thcio is 'positively no better shoe made nnd you make n great mistake i yon think by paying more money you get n better shoe. -Every shoo store will charge you for the same quality and make $7.50 or ? S. Boj's1 shoes , good and strong , from # 1.10 up. It makes no difference what style of shoo is preferred or what si/.e YOU need , our assortment is immense and wo cnn fit and suit everybody. * Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. T > N ; IUStCl * Tbo largest , fustcal and llnest In the world , Pasgcncer-nccommodatlong unexcelled. or\sno\v SKiirirp , VmMorille , ( hodoideiry. Furncsslo , 1 p in Saturday , March lrtn Dcvoiilu , 7 a m fentimlay , JInrchfflil Clrcasslu , 1 p m Saturday. March 21tU Anclioria , fi.'JJn. in Mitimiuy , April uth KtnlopiA 11 oOa.m Saturday , April lilth Wltii regular weekly snllliiKS thereafter ISXI'ltl-SSSfcllVIUE New Vork and Liverpool via ijiiaeintown. City ot Home , ( i a m . . Saturday , April fith Saloon iniiiid trip tleicets by "City of Homo" will bo aval able for return pissago by other first class steamers sailing weekly fiom Llv- crt ool. 1'asain era booked for stenmors sailing ear lier thau rt a. in. , may embark the previous e\o- nlntr. Steamers s.ili from Pier 4l. N. H. . foot Leroy Ht. , Now } otk , TourlBlsiindtnivi'ler * nil ! find our "circular lo'tors nf i ri'dlt" tlin Kiife'l and most convenient manner In \MiIthtociirrj their ttind * , im menu ) cnn bo drawn anywhere IIIMUDH to meet roqulrerucnti.and holders of Mich urn thereby iifTonlcd n niouinof Identlllcutlon nnd Intro luctlon to hankers In nil purls ut the world , ho ldCH mAny other advantages. HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago , Ills. H. S. Hull , II. V. Moores , and 0. II. M ares U. r. Depot. AT TME PARIS , 1359 , The Highest Possible Premium , JFI1D ONLY * GRAND * PRIZE FOR GLViMtt MACHINES , VS > AWARDED TO ran i nm m , ca AND THD < NGR0SS 0F . LEQIOM OF HSOMOR , WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER , The President of the Company. WHEELER & WILSON MFG , CO , 185-1H7 WalHisli Avc. , SOM > ISV P. E. PLODMAH& C 3 20 North 10th Stront , Omtihu. . SATOTDEKT'S \VnH5U5PEH53nV rnn I Iliroui fKnuCtrH.3iltJ7lhltNE BtlT AND SUSPCNSORY , XI Ie for ( hl.iptcincpor. , . , , . , , t , Jlil.l , Boolh LOIC lur.ol ( Irjirrallte rn nr .i rt < Ing rrrlj " ; lit , ( onHnuou. ( urrnili or Klrrirlell * Itironeh ill V. kAK I'illTH , nitorlog th in lo IIIAl.TII nl < ll.ulllll M HTIlI'MiTII Klrtlrlc ( nrrrnl ftll In.U.llj , or t forrul t lo ) ID M > h llhlT ! iuif Dkorr Comilrl | f & . Biid ui > . Uortl rmeil'tr * nmrnllt ( urrl In lhre moDtli * WrolM pimplilrt l-rre. 8AHDEMI.LEOTRIOCO , , lOBUiiall.lit. , CHICAQO.Ill. Tiiuni : Niains. COMMIINCINQ THURSDAY , MARCH 13. ( S.itunlay Mallnoe. ) Tlio r. < udlnK Coinoily OfKaiilzatlon Travt-llng Arlli In ; Angustiil Diily's Lutoit Cunio'ly bu. Surprises of Divorce , The lottery of Love , From Dnly'B Thnutnr Now York Tiiy. Sents go ou bale Wcdnciduy. E < trjorctlnarvi IVI.M\ : : < > . . a.vitc'ii ir Itoturn eiiKai'iiicit ( nml fAiuwell appenrunceot tliu . ( U'utcst living nrjsl-liiiH. muter Um man. iigemttntor II. K , A bliey nnd Muutlce Uiau , SARASATE-D' ' ALBERT , I atilo l.i HnniMotiVlulln , lOimoii D'Alhort , I'lii'iOi ASSISTKU nv Mmr. Uerllio Marx , I'lnno , KntlrecbanKuotpiopramniv. Prices : t..in. tl.w , 1 1. ( X ) uud We IteeerveJ Of Diamonds , Watches , Clocks , Solid Silver and Quadruple Plated Ware , Jewelry , Optical Goods , utlery , Umbrellas , Etc , Are I clnpr made ) > y n , wlillo ino.sl dealers complain that tlieir "trade Is dull. " The public appreciate IJAEt ABi\S , aw evidenced | > y the liberal patronage wo are receiving. BXSJ'H' WU V unit We Have you E'rom i25 lo ftOpcr eeiil , even on the most Hlaplo poods , and A JDOLLAIE SAVKO IS TWO HIOI.B.ABIS MAB > I2. Wo iiuint et out ol' Ihe lietail Jewelry Kuslucss , as our I ar e and Increasing IVIioleMile Trade demands it. Police oar ! i lar u HIO\V ! \viiido\v.s from day to day , and see what we aic ollcring. SPiCSAI : , ATTIii\'TIO.\ ! called lo the following : 1OI > B'i e Slocl Carving Sola or : i pieces , only S'J ; worth S5. U5O r ut Sets ol'G I'ieU-4 and Cracu , In ease , oiiljSI each worth S3 Ilc ] anl I'iano Lamps , $12.50 , worth gas. ! EBAT : atii : > ui"no.IK I > IAAUS AM > < nt A\.s rout TBIE Xi\T : SO DAYS. Open Saturday i\eii 114 ; nnti ! < > o'elnU. . MAX MEYER & BRO. , C-IF - , SiXlCSfltll 31lJ FdFiia'Jl SIS , N. u. STOKI : rene IICNT ; riXTVicus POIC The ( New ) Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ror tlio treatment of all CHIIOXIO ANDFUItOICAr. DISKASUS. Ilrnccs , Appllniiccs for cloformllloi nnd Triimes. Host Piicllltlpa , Apparatus niul Ituineitlus for Hncco'sfiil Treatment of oiuryfurm of dlsuiiso ro- qiilrlnKMeillcnl or StirglralTriMitincnt. Nl.VKTV UOOM8 KOIl 1'ATIKNTS , llonnl mill Attcndiincu lloiit AcroiiinioiliitliinsWCBt. Wilto fur clrciilim nn Dofurniltlci iilnl llracua , Trimun , Cluli Fuct Curviiturai of hpliic. I'lloi , Tninora , Cnntcr , Cntnrrh , llrontlillH , Inliiilntlon , Hlcctrlclly , 1'iiraljHls. Kpllepsy , Klilni-r , lllnil- ilcr , Kyc , Kiir. Hkln nnd llloml , nml nil burMcnl Operations. DIHIIAHKH OK WOMIIN n upeclnlty. Honk of DlKcimc's \Vuinc'il Free. Woliniulatuly nililpil n Iijrlne-ln Dennrtincnt for Wiiincn Diirlnir C'uiinnctiiont. ( btrlilly I'rltnto ) Only Itollalilo .Meilltal In tltutn .Mnklta n hpc'tlnUy of I'UIVATK DISHAHIW. All lllooil lll unncH Biiccuaafully trvnli'il Syphilitic nnlmin rt'inovcil fiom tlio ) liin ) without mercury. Now Itestorntlvo treatment for lx ) 9 of Vital I'uwor. i'nrtli-i unnblo tu vlult un niny lie trcnteil lit lioino hy ( orreipoiuloiKu. Allcuinniiinlnitloni ronlliluntlal Mcillclnoor InilriinivntH unit l > y mall or cxprcxn no- curvly p.uki'il , noimirkH lo Inillciito contontn or nt'iiilcr , Ono | iuinoniil lnti < rvluw prurnrrol. Cull inn ) iiinslilt iiHorhendlilaloryof junrca o , nnil no wllUenil In plain nrnpiiiiriiiir I1OOIC TO Jli.V : rilKl'i upon I'rlvnto , tipccl.il or NervniiH IMHCMIKUH , lnipiit ia > Sililll | ( icot | anil v.-irltocelo , null nuuitlun list. Aililrciii Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Corner Oth and Ilurnoy Stroota , Omnhu , Nub. ETCHINGS , I8TEMERSON , JiNGltXVINC.S , DAVI3 ARTIST SUI' tSTKIMBALL , MOULDINGS , TPIANOS&ORGANg FRAMES , CoTSIIEET MUSIC. 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska JULAN LINE OCEAN STEAMERS n Passage to andtrom Oreal Urlliln and an parts ol Europe. Monlfeal-Llvernool rou e , b the Balers ol St. Lawrenco. shortest olall. UlMKow to lodlon , to I'lilladelpliU. l.lierpnol to and from laltliuora. 'llilrty htcamor . 'J1".8.OI ' fn ? ! ' . Accommodations uiiitirpasicd VVookly talllngi. AM\ . * ! < > . . ( len West Ajj'ta. C. 1. Suntfell , tiutiii. 11La llu St. , t'blcuuo , 111. GOODRICHI.uNjcr , 121 Dearborn S * . . A I tilcugo. yoiu bill cesf ul prattlio. l (1- Ire free , no publicity. Special facllUKs iu uany nlutcj. IICII iiilTerlng Irom ritecu < if r III L11 iMil Manhoj'l. Vouilifti I'r WEAK i rorilmpoencyiiiullUca ( > e of men VV Collil an bu iure < l i > ( , < rmam > ntly unit prl < tateU ur our buiual Hpucldc Hunt Uf mall for t llnnkxniil liftnlpil ) f'ir nlHinp llonritn MnHr lorn. BELT' ' PATENifoAuo. to , tusr , iMpBovfoJuivao. isso. i/ / > > . nu. OWEN'S tLForno- , Tremkllne , Bcxnil hau tlon.Waiting of me , rauied by Indltcretioni in - HarrlfdorRlnjI. Llff. ro > ihin ri A TAIB < IK ri SPTniO DR. OWEN'S tLclillllu Elvotrlo Trun nnd Relt Combined. iltj for millluilJ buok lltii , K | jblllt orouiipUlo > < lcl u > rl- | . M > ulloulbr < | ipirr Aili OWEN Ef.EOTRIO BELT te APPtlAHOK CO. SOO North llroadwar. ST. I.OUI9 , MO. 090 llrondwny. NKW YOUIC PITY. TO WEAK WEH , Burfcrlui from Uie mcuuf youthful irrcri , < arlr decay , waillna weaknett , lou maubwxl , itc , , 1 win tcna a valuabl * trcatlto | u-aledl containing ( ull parllculara for home cum , 1'IIKK of charve. A upleadlil medical work i ihuiilil bu rvaj by Kit-it man who It utrrmii unit detllltatxt. Xcldrtu , ? rr.r. If