THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : rpHUKSDAY , MARCH 13. 18DU. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No advortlsamonta will bo taken ( or these columna after I2:3O p. m. Terms Cnoh In nclvnnco. AdvertUmentii under thin ne d 10 cents pel lion for tint lli > t Insertion , 7 cents for inch sub- nwiucnt Insertion , nnd Jl.Hi per line per month. No advertisements tnkcn for less than 25 cont.i for flrst Insertion , Snvoii words will bocounted to tlie line , they muni run rou ecullvely and mutt be paid m ADVANCE. All artvertlno- inonts must he handed In before 12n : o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they bo tnkeiior discontinued bjr tele phone. Parties advertising In those columns nnd tmv- liiRtholrangwers addressed In euro of TUB HUB will please nsk fora check to pnabln them to Ret thtlr letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All nnswers to ad- rctiBmcnw should be enclosed In envelopes , . All advrrtlfiments In these columns are pub- Untied In both morning nnd evening editions ot TIIK llr.r. thn circulation of which aggregates more tlmn 18,000 papers daily , nnd gives the nd. vrrllnerH the br-nellc , not only of the city rlrru. lotion of Tnr. llFit , but also of Council ItlulTs. Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout thin flection of the country. 'BRANCH' OFFICES ? Advertising for these columns' will t > takea on the abovu condition ? , nt the following liusl- ii'ss botURH who are authorized agents for TUB BEE ( speclnl notices , and will quote the same rates an cun DO had nt the main olllco. of Twenty-slxtn nnd N streets , Nebraska Savings bank building. JOHlTwTnKLL. Pharmacist , KM South Tenth Street. QHASK i.KpDY. Stationers nnd Printers. 113 i-outh ICth Street. SH. FAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , SI IS Cum- Itig Street. _ T\7 J.TTiKJlii : ? . Plmrmncist , 024 North ICth ' Street. G - , Pharmacist , 17 18 Leaven- worth Sticet. Y , 2203 Farnam Street. .SITUATIONS WANTE 7 SITUATION Wnntod by a young Hohomlan ; has good experience in general morchan. illno tmslnoHu ; best of reference furnished , Addvesf A C , lloe. BJ2 li W ANTnil Situation by a printer of 3 years' experience. Steady nnd sober. Wages reasonable. Address box 121 Tender , Nob. 803-14J WANTCn-Sltuatlon by n reliable man In private tamlly. Cnn give best city refer ences. A. W. 2lii : Indlnnn at , 77U-13' "I/iJIPLOVMENT wanted byaman H ) years .1-uoid In an olllco or store ; 1ms experience and ublllty nnd can give best of reference. Salary not BO much an object as steady employment. Addre s X 70. llee. 704 liij \7 OUXO mnn 20 years of ago , with one years I experience , would like a situation In a re tail shoe store ; wages no object. Address. X07 , - WANTED Situation by lady stenographer , four years in law nnd loan olllco , ex perience In wholesale business. Uox 228 , Coun cil ( Hulls. 02Tnl WANTED MA Llj' . WANTED A young nmu as porter with lUHt-clasa references. Call between 0 and 10 a. m. only. Continental Clotnlng House. "WANTED A boy to watch the outside show ; wages if2.50 a week. People' * Cloth ing house , ISUHJouglas St. 84512 ; GOOD , bright , stsndv boy to run messages , ono w ho can room and board at homo ; an easy place and steady work. Also a Rood man to drive tmtcher's wagon ; must understand cutting meat. .Mrs. llregn , Ull'/J S. 15th. WANTED An energetic man with security Vt of if'-IKI orUK . ) to take and run an olllco nhoul to bo opened hurt ) by an eastern mantl- ufncturrr. lluidneHS Is n monopoly , protltnblo nnd Roods in greatest demand. The best of rofoioticbs are required. .1. D. I L. Merchants' hotel , from 11 to 1 a. m. aml4to ( ) p. in. in.8W12J W ANTED ( Jood. honest boy to worK in iiows stand ut Webster st. denot. 818-12) : \\rANTED At once , 20 teams for Colorado , * $1.75 per dny , freight pain. Keith's em- ploymout olllco , 318 > 5 S. 15. 8j'-i3 ) * WANTED Ten llrst class , reliable , oxpor- lonced lire Insurnncoriollcitors. Amorlcun , Oermnn and Swede , middle aged gentlomuii ot good havngextensl vo city acquaintance preferred. A. M. Weir , MJ ) and 60 1 N. Y. Life building. SiW-16 * WANTED Man AH ngent of our patent safes ; ilxo 28x18x18 Inches ; SIB retail. All sizes as low. Now styles , new patterns , now locks , uew factory. Not governed by safe pooL Every safe warranted , ( tare chance. Perma nent business. Our terms und catalogues will convince you agents clear from WO ) to 830. ) per month. Write for extensive territory. Alplua Hate Co. . Cincinnati. O. 817-l-'i AdENTS wnntod In ovcry county to soil our Hpeclaltles. MorcyilTg Co , Waukeskn.Wis. K > 17 WANTED A young mnn of fair education for light work. Good salary. Address , 001 N. Y LUo building. 70S. 12 * WANTED Nlco young man as waller nnd cn.shlor. good reference required , coach man , $20 ; experienced pantryman , $20 ; dishwasher - washer , pnuwnsher , lots of now places every < lay. Mrs. llrega , illUi S. 15th. HIS r.'J "PJETECTIVE3 Wo want a man In every Jo- J-J callty , urlvata detcctlvo ; experience not required : particulars free ; U. S. Detective bureau , Kansas City , Kan. 781M3J WANTED Salesmen on salary or commis sion to handle the now patent Chomlcal Ink hrnslug Pencil. The greatest soiling novel ty over produced. Erases Init thoroughly In two seconds ; no abruslon of paper , "OJ to BOU per cent profit. Ono agents BUOM ! amounted to ? . ' 01n six days ; another J.12 In two hours. We want ono euergetla general ugent for each state mid territory. Sample by inali ! K5 ctd. For terms and full particular * , address The Mon roe Kruser Mfg. Co..La. Crosse , WIs. 778-12J \\rANTED-Adrug clerk registered In No- TT braata. must bo competent aud willing to wnrk. Address A , Schroter , cor. 10th and Far- iiain , Omnha. 7wi 12 GOOD agents wanted. Apply at 2II | ( Ciiming .st. P. A. Onvln. 7l-ll ( ! ( \\7ANTED Ten coopers , steady work gunr- nntced nt f-.7h per diem. The , ArmoimCud- vhy Packing Co. . South Omnha. Nob. 712-ltt \\7ANTED-A canvasser , Oooa money to TT the rightpirty. 200S Lnke st , 740-1 It \\TANTHH Salesmen atS7fi per monthsnlnry T T and expenses to soil n line ot Mlver-pinteo. ware , watches , etc. , by sample only : homo and team furnished free ; wrlto at once for tullpnr tlculnrti nnd sample cnso ot goods freo. Stan- < lard Silverware Co. , lioston , Mass. 32J "WANTED 400 rockmen , tentnsters nnd grad. Tf era for Ptah nnd Nevada ; cheap rates. Albright's Lnbor ngonry 1120 Farnam st. 323 MEN to travel for the Fonthlli nurseries of Caundu. We pay oO to J100 per mouth aud expenses to agents to sell our Canada grown stock. Add. btouo A. Wellington , Miullson , Wl . U24m31 V\1 ANTED Canvassers at Singer sowing bin- T T chluo ollice. 1518 Douglns st. 377 m20 S" ALESMKNVnntod nt Once A few good men to sell our geode by sample to the wholesale and rotntl trade. Wo urethe largest manufacturers in our line. Liberal salary paid. I'ermiinent volition. Money advanced for wages , advertising , etc. For terms address Ceutennliil Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. HI-mlM WANTED Agents for Denver Bute Lottery , Ticket * too. Address A. C. Itoss & Co , . Denver , Colo. WS-aprOt "I V ANTKD-UooU second girl. 1UU Locust st , B41 13 AOlltL for general housework ; fierman pre ferred. Enoiilie " 415 Jones , between St. Mary's nve nnd Lcnvenworth. 83'J-ll \\rANTP.D-tlood clrl for lecond work and plain sewing lu small family , 12 K must , M5 IJ ANTKD lVo tlrst-claxs dining room glrU at 108 S. 25th st. t > B ISt ! \\7 ANTr.D-alladlo aged woman to take care , . . ' "In babies , good wages ; woman cook r for ( ol . | 3l : pustry cook. 2S ; meat cook , ea ; J dining room girls ; houtukerper for two old gentlemen. Swede pri.rerred. IS ) ; 20 girls who w i work in small families at . 7 atll ; 10 who will go out beyond 2i-th st. Alwnya nnd the boat places at Mr * , llroga's. ai4 8. rtlhst. MM'IJ WANTBD-An assistant at dressmaklmj ; also nn nppreutice girl. 2208 Fnrnmn st. KM-ISI UTANTKO-A girl It or 1.1 years ot ave to take care . . ; of b by , must eleep at home , Mrs. Kahu. 1318 Davenport st. ! 14 A \OUNO girl wanted to care for baby and 0 lp nlxiyt hou e. Mral honso nontii ot L av uwortii , east ilde of .kith t , tai-I2 \\rANTKp-At 2IIH St. Mury'ti ava."an * sne- i rienced second girl , neat aud obllirlng.wlih f od. ruleri-nw * . Cull at room la , board ot U ae bulldlns , Saturuay , iliucu 15 , Vfi 15J A (1IHL wanted for general homework nt 2".17 Cuming at KW-15J ANTBDufrHor"housework. . Cairiifter 6OCp m. BUS.ZMn. 7B8-1H \\rAMTBD-A laundress at city hotel. VV 833 14 ? WANTKD-At Ilrowimlt Hall a goo < l girl to nwUt In the laundry. 82t 1,1 QKwlNO glrU t Omaha "shirt ActoryT TllT kJFnrnnra. oil 17 WA NTED Jitarchcr , IL2" > per day ; cook for boarding hou o , $1 ; cook for oiflcor's fam ily. KO ; girls for Plnttsmoutn. Council Iiltiirff , nnd ra for general housework. Mrs. Hrega , 3141J 315th. Bid 12J \\7ANTE1)-Two Klrls to do dining room nnd TT chamber work ; ono dUiiwnsher nnd one flrsl > claAa Indycook. Wngcs for girls II per wsek ; for rook t\ Address W , II. Calrno , proprietor , f ulon llolel , Urceloy. Colo. 774-iqj WANTKD-Olrl. good wages ; small family. Apply 1113 a. 10th st. 784 "WANTED Ladles and youni ? men tore- TT reive Instructions nnd keep boots. J. H , Smith , room Ol'1 , New York LI to building. WANTED A good ittrl for general House work , small family , 2iJ8Wlrtst. 720 W ANTED -Hutton-holo maker , 1112 Farnam 07H-1I * iKE MP. MAINN-Drc mnkcr. Late litter and designer for Stern Ilrothors of Now York. Is now prepared to execute all orders for costumes and wraps , nt her present commodt- ouiiostuDllshment. HttJ Do.lgo st. 7U.i 13t ENOAOr.MIIN'TS to do dressmaking In fami lies BOllelted. illsB Sturdy , KX S. BHh ave. fi2fl AS * I-'Oll KIONT IIOUSKS. fjlOll HENT A cottage of Brooms nt 2.W1 J2 Farunm street , city water nnd newer con nections Inquire of Vf , 0. Donne , No. 515 N. Y. Life llulldlng. 813 It " 171011 HUNT-Two line brick residences , jltht Ju completed , possessing every modern con venience. Only half block from motor and streetcar lines Elegant neighborhood. For particulars cnll on or address J. W , Issuer , ] 212 Douglas St. 8IMO ! Foil HENT-12-room house. 222 N. 13th st. 314 14 rpKN-ltoom house , tlrst-class condltion.modcrn JL conveniences , largo lawn. barn , fdiado treoi , 2 blocks from Lake school. Convenient tn cable , motor and horse cars. Andy on premises. S. K. Jackson. N. Slat and Spruce sts. 715-22J T71OU HENT 8-room cottage , good yard , 2524 JJ Douglas street ; chaao'to desirable parties. Apply to Neb. Steam laundry , 1523 Howard st , T7KK ) HEiS'T-Immedlatoly , well furnlahod 0- JU room cottage , right by the high scnool , city water , nice lawn , etc. . very desirable. Call at 2213 Dodgost. B14-12J 8HOOM house. SOth nnd Ohio , city , wnter. gas and bntli , only J2. " > per month. Orover Stevens , 151B Farnam st. onico open evenings' 700-14 FOE HENT-O-room Hat , B03 S. 13tO st. r 34 Foil HENT Houses and Hats In all parts ot the city ; lints nnd unfurnished rooms n spcclnlty ; parties desiring rent nt from $ .5 to $75 be sure to call at IWU l''flrnatn st. before rent- Ipg. Hutts Hontlng Agency. iBlml'J TTIOR HENT A 7-room house west side of JL' llanacom park. Apply at 3314 Francis st. 717 TjlOIl HENT , " > room cottnge 1712 Jnckson st. JL 3 rooms tinturnlshed , 171-15 Jackson st. 737-14 * FOH HENT Flat in Estabrook block. J.TO per month. Itobcrts , 402 No. lOtlu . 724-llt : tENT 7-room Ilat.Lange block ; 012 8 13 2vS * * ; HENT An 8-room detached fie use , fur- nnce. bath , etc. . 20th ami Lsavonworth. f 10. David Jnmlcson. llee bldg. 32U FOR HKNT Houses and stores ; property cared for. taxes pnld. Midland ( luarantea & Trust Co , 1014 Farnnm st. Abstracts. 3.17 IF you wi h to rent n house or store see II. E. Colo. Continental block. 150 PLEASANT 7-room Hat with modern con- A venlenceft : alM > 4 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply Hoomii , 1G01 Howard ' 03 TTIOU KENT Largo ton-room homo with nil JL1 modern Improvements , suitable for bonrd- tnghou e , on N 13th , between California and Casssti. Kdiit , reasonable. Inquire room COO First National bank building. 230 HENT House of 10 rooms with every FOK convenience ; close to cable and motor. 70S NlOth. B9313J WANT moro liousos to rent , Parrotto.ailas ail-as - 1'nt with stenm nent. 1/itli / st. . near 8-KOOM ahos. F.Ha)1.311 ) Paxton block. 327 FOK HEXT UOOMS FUHNISIIEU FOU HUNT Handsomely furnished rooms ; nlso three complete for Housekeeping ; mod em conveniences. 1KO Capitol avo. top Hat. r2J-12J T710U UKN'l KurnUhed rooms , KiOO Douglas. Jj B22 CIO It HKM' Nicely furnished rooms. Ill S. -Tilth st. 71O 131 FUltNISHEl ) HOO.MS , HI nnd 110 per month. 1118 Dodge otreot. 707 13t FUONT room , 11.25 per week , 1938 Farnanm , 7U1-U1J rilWO large front rooms cheap ; nlso , rooms Jor housekeeping , 1111 B. 17th. 7UO 139 FUUN1SHKD rooms , 1'Jll Douglas. B05-17r 1023 HODUK. corner 23th Suite ot haudsomo- ly ( iirnlsliod parlors and other rooms , with ' board It desired' Hoterences. 1W 13 ? FOll HUNT Lnrge front parlor , nicely fur nished , with folding bed , etc. Heat , gas and bath , Address , eoi N. 18th. B77-14J 1810 Farnnm. JLt C1U 13t NICK room , every convenience , 171 ! ) Davenp't . TJU-ttht FUHMSHEU-llooms to let , 2U22 Ht. Jlnry's avutiuo. 071 I HAVE n few elegant rooms with board at 103 S 2.1th st. W. O. Field. ( 2lt TmOH HtiNT Front rooms. 010 Davenuort , 018 POH HENT Plensnnt furnished rooms with nil conveniences , 611) S. 2bth st. 500 HUNT buite ot front rooms , modern couvi'iiltuces. with or without board. 414 per month , K18 Leavonworlh bt. 1128 ST. CLAIlt European hotel , cor. 13th nnd Dodge. Special rates by week or month. HEN r ltoom with board. 1722Dodgest. 3J7 _ _ 1LAHCJE furnished front room , 1913 Farnam. 373 12- 1500MS nnd day board ; 1721 Capitol nvc. JLv _ _ _ 8M- ' ! ! j FOH HUNT Elegant front room with alcove , well furnished , near cable and hori > e cars. All modern conveniences. Call 2UU8 Douglas. _ 1I2U FOH HUNT A very large front and back par lor unfurnished. 1720 Cnpllol ave. 732 OH HUNT One Inrge rrout room with bonrd. 1POO Capitol ave. , 076 FOK UKNT-UOOMS UNFUItNISIIKI ) rCuNFUllN J8H rjlcliainborii for iTouiokeoplng Otormaannd wife ; no children. 31(1 ( N 17th. 3151DJ _ 4UNFUUNIHIIUI ) rooms. 031 S. 17th bet Jackioa und Lcnvunworth , G27 12j FOK KENT STOKKS AN1 > OFFICES TpOIl IU3NnosiTrooml J ir nicely ' ( unUshed JU' ollice , nil conveniences , Hoom 19 , Cotitlnen- till block. _ aw WANTKO A druggljt to occupy a store In a block , rent * . per month : will give il months' rent. Addrcst V 28 lleo olllco. . 7J3 m Slf STOllKS nt 707 , 709. 711 H. 16th.22xOO each , largo show windows , steam heat furnished. Thos. F. Hull. 311 1'axtoi. olork. 331 ijlOIt HKNT alory brick bulialng. 1110 Doug- JU' las St. , suitable for wholesale or warehouce puri > o 3. Alf o brick store. IU7 B. 13th st. In- ( liuroot Chas. Kaufmuu , 1103 Douglas st. 3't ] plOH UKNTVTiiB 4-story brick buUdintrT vith JU or without poner. formerly occupied by the lloe Publishing Co. , Vlu I'urnam st. The build ing has a llro-proot cement batieffiont.romploto steam heating llxturos , wnter on nil the tlooru , gas , etc. Apply at tha oinco ot The DOB. UIS lilOlt HKNT-FIrat ortnlrd lloor of thenuw 3. JU story building onlng built botweuu N. Y. Life and Her o imildlug on Farunm at. D. C , I'atteritoa. 618 N. Y , Life. W8 WANTED TO KENT. VVTANTKO llooiu aud board for man anil > T wife ; uot more than R blocks from post * oltice. PleoJt ) state lowest price per month. Addr M A y , Hee. KJ7-l KENTAIj AOENCV. TTUTC1IIN80N i Wead. 152 DougUs : tel 1 It. I'AIlllOTTK , rental agent , Doliela * Dtk. w"11 , r GP.OV'KH Stevoni , Fnrimm st , telephone BIS. Ollice open ovmngs. Heal estate , 'loan and rental agency , 1'roporty for exchange. nnd reliable nre Insurance. Pnrrotte. CHEAP 031-05 HE. COLE , rental ngent , Contlnontnl block , 'Aft MIHCELLANICOUS. rIJ KSIDENCtnoti'to to/so tora'tcrra of yo.irs. JLViiutchlnsou \Vcad. . 818 U M Hewg , mldwltfl corner - nor luth and Hickory. 04-10 * ril CNT-IloUse Hat witharrotte. JL om-oa 1'ersons noMlng contracts for lots pur- cnaned from the Omnhn llenl Kstnto nnd Trust Co. , on which payments hnvo become dcllti- quont , nrn requested to call nnd nrrnngo nil early settlement. Aim save trouble and cost. Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. . 1501 Farnam St. 830 _ A UCTION sales every Tuesday , Thursdaynnd XXSnturdny morning atllll Douglas street. Omalm Auction Ac Storage Co. _ CT H'jJTcOIjH relmbhTlIro insurance. XVi HK. COLE , notary publU ntid couvoynncer * inr > rPOStflTthoconvenloncu of clients engaged J- during the day wu open oronlngsd:3i ( to : M , II. K. Colo. Itoonn Continental line. a TOIiKNorRtrayod , from MO1. Dodge , bny mare about ft years old , white star on fore head , one white foot : had on halter. Heturn nndiecelveruwniM. 7 < W 12 * 08T Hotween Wincoto * Hiloy's olllco. 2tth ! nnd I.eavonworth nnct OOln I'aclllo street. Ono blnnic book about 8x10 Inchoa. led cover and nbout 15 1 pages , U5.00 reward If returned to either above address. Wincote & Itiley. pEUSONAIj-"Thoonoln Dlack. " Letter reX - X celved only yesterday ; write again. Ad- re s A 7. Hue. ti 12 * HOAItPIN'G' TTAY board at 1008 1'aclQc street , near II. & JL/M. depot. KM-int ANTED 1 table boarders , 1722 Cop. nvo. 748-15 * BOA11D with or without rooms. 1818 6011 Fnrnnm. " ' STO11AGB. rplIK cleanest nnd best storage In' the city nt JL low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. _ > i ( l rPKACICAOE storage at IOWOB t rates.V.rM. . JL Uushinaii. 1311 Leiiveuworth. _ Xa MUHIC. WHO tuned these live Klmball pianos tnod by Madame t'altt and company at tno Millard - lard ? Hloomlleld did the work and It Is said that ho Is no slouch. Pianos and organs nicely tuned and regulated for $3. 1 11 N. 1 1 th st. _ 6Q'j-12t BKFOItn buving a piano examine the new scale Klmball piano nt A. lloape , 15111 Doug las St ; _ . _ 441 G- KO. P. OEI.LKNIIUCK , teacher of the banjo. room ; 213 , Douglas block , or Heo olllco. 210 "OIANO tuning by Oeorgo RloomlleicU piano JL maker , til North 17th. 20 yrn experience In N. V. , Chicago and Omaha. Excellent references , ' AVANTHD TO BUY. WANTED To purchase cheap for spot cash. good driving horse and Hrst-clanx secondhand - hand buggy or nliKeton. Address A 9 , Heo. 817-lilt _ _ WANTED Furniture , carpbts , household goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage. Co. . ; tl7 3 UtU st , _ 3JJ Second-hand paper cutter. Address - WANTED tU Heo. 721-15 _ A lot In Hnnscoiu place for a WANTED ; must be well located and'chonp , Addresa Aii.jlee. _ 8Ut I2t Uood commorcnll paper , Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co. ,519 Puxtoii blk. IPIASH tor all kinds of Household goods at 1114" Douglas street.Omaha Auction Ss Storage Co. 3jn _ \\i ANTED-To ouy for spot cash , city or TT countrv parts or whole stocks of dry ana fancy goodtf , clothing , boots Mid shoos , milli nery. stationery , gent's furnishing goods , ot'5 Call on or address J. L. llrandeis & Sons , cor ner 13th and HownrdAOinaha. _ Rt ! . ANTED to Iuy-2.riOO ! good short time pa W per. II. II. Henderson. 10J 1'axton blk. 417 WFOK FOK 8.VIJ2 T7IOH SALK Horse , buggy nnd nnrnesi * , a J ? bargain at $150. H , 1C. Colo. Koom n. Con- tlnental block. 5t 1U _ F 1OU SrtLK-Anno driving tonrn nt2118 Nich olas : st. oat. 830 I3t TTIOH SALE A large boda fountain made by JC J. W. Tufts , JJoston. Mass. Address J. I : Hoermaker , Chester , Mob. 770 luj T71OH SALE Patent wire fencing machine. JL1 Host thing out. Huns four wires at ouce. Will sell at sight Important Improvement. Will sell whole patent or st.ito rights if desired. W. J. MotCeu , Fiirmlngton.Conn. BUl-H n OUH thoroughbred Civ Jo stallion , "years old , good breeding mares and good yearling colts for.snlo at reasonable pnces. Iteauon ror selling : want to make a trip to the old country. Address Adam Wlndolph. Grand Island. Neb. 772-lflj I71OH SALE Drug ilxtures. shelving , conn- JL' ters nnd show cnses.almost new. luu.nlre of A , Schrotor , cor. 10th nnd Farnam.Omnha. 780 13 "JpUNITUHE of 7-room cottage very cheap , JI''furniture almost now. Must be sold by March 1. Address XC.I. lino. 732 E OH SALK One ot the finest driving teams In Omaha ; afraid of nothing , stylish and prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring carrluge almost new , Address X 22 , llee olllco , 41)0 ) ITUIKNITUUn auction every Wednesday uud JO Saturday , 317 M 13th. WulfaWednesday FOH 8A LE A 3Vhorso iiower 1'ortor engine In good condition , weight MOO pounds , cyl inder 11x18 ; for particulars apply to TUB lleo oltice. 7U8 "I710K SALK or trade-One flat top dost , ono JL1 B-foot standing desk , ono lease of section of school land. 480 acres of Improved western land and fl sections ot U. 1' . railroad land. II . II. Henderson. 4UU 1'axtoa block. _ all T710U SALK Some good watches and 'rtfa- JL' mends cheap. 1) ) . F , Musters , room 4 , With. liell bk. _ - 04S FOirSALK Or exchange , half blood Olydos- dale Btalllon , will exclmugo for good 'driving horse. Qeorgo Vrndenberg , KiJ 8. Itith. 70H m 1Z CLAIRVOYANT. T"VU. II , aitOUX.elcctricltyma&sage and mag. JL/nettc treatment , chronic diseases a special ty , simple medicines when needed , XX N 15th. _ 438 in3IJ TjlOHTUNK Toller-Mrs. Lenorman can be JL' consulted on all alfnlrs nt life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. UIUN. 15th st. 109 m 20J TlfADAMK BLANCH , the greatest mind JL reader aud counsellor , baa unite ot parlors at U22 N. 10th sreet.s. w. corner Chicago und 10th. This lady has a remarkable gift ot lecoiut sight , tells pait and future correctly ; business confidential : has just returned ; lost and stolen property , truthfulness of absent friends a specialty. 347 T\U. NANNIE V.WAHHEN. clairvoyant , raed. JL/icnl and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 18th gc , , rooms 2 and U , 31(1 ( HHOKTHAM ) AND TYlU-JWIHTIXG. \\rANTKD-Kducated young ladles aud gen- TT tlemen to learn sbortbaud and typewrit. ing at the Standard Shorthand llusiaess col. lege , New Vork Life building ; finest room : ) In the city ; all luiett Improvements , eluctrlit light , slovutor aervice ; cheapest school because It la tno Dent ; Inntructlon tboroueh , modern , practi cal ; demand for stenographer * constantly Increasing - creasing ; success positively mire. Cn\l or write for one of our large descriptive catalogues. Addresi , ( Standard Shorthand llUBlnons Col- j ce. Krunk : II lloll , SIanasr , N. V. Life llldg. Uuiaha. Neb. 741 . 10o p r folio ; petitions & cor- 'respomlenco. ocGpylnir,3oJlrs.IIIiie.tBl. ; . - . MONUY TO I OAN. _ _ BUILDING LoinJi-fl-j to T purcent ; no ad ditional charge * for comrtuislonu or attor ney's feei. W. 11. Melkle , Hrst Mat , bunk I'i , organplnnoi orsfl.i mid wncon4. > 'iltnwkeye InvMttncnt Co. , room 33 , Oouglos lnc.Jinth ) and Dodge at * . _ _ mint _ * T _ SIK { Sholes , room SVS Writ National bank be fore making your loam" xi\ UNRV to lonn. 0. J Davis Co real esUto nnd loan agents. inoPFarnam st. ,111 I \rANTKO--Flratcln4S Inside loans , fewest T T rates. Call aud see utti .Mutual luveitment < /o. , 150t Farnam. _ , , sad 7\fON'KV lonncd on Titrnlture , horaes and J.'l.wagons ; rntes reasonable. City Loan Co. , room If Darker. _ T , ; , , 36.1 GIIATTKlTloiins ot lo < + esT rates : removed toCIT nnd 610 I'axtoaiVlk J , H. Kmlngor. tu' ' . ' SM _ _ Oi 10.000 to loan at "per "u .ceht. C. F. HarrUon. P 1)11 ) N. r. Lite."u rfl.U _ ONBV to loan , by 11. F. Masters , In nny amount from $10 to 110,000. for nny tlm < % from ono to six months , I inako loanx on household goods , plnnos , organs , horses , mules , houses , Teases , etc. , In nnv nmount. nt the lowest possible rate , without publicity or removal of property , My loans nre HO nrrnnged that von can make n payment nt any tlmo nnd reauro vour In terest pro \oupaylntcr9stonlyfortho tlmo you use the money. If you ewe a bnlnnco on your property 1 will. tnko It up nnd carry it for you , nt the lowest rate consistent with the risk. ilorey always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowe rates. 11. K. Masters , lloom 4. Wlthnell Ulock 15th and Harney sts. GX _ _ _ _ KKY8TONE Mortgage Co.-Lonnsof JiO to JI.OUU ; get our rntes before borrowing nnd save money ; lonn on horses , furnlturo or any approved security , without publicity ; note- ) bought , for nmv lonn. renewal of old nnd lowest rntes. Cnlllt20S , Sheoly blk , 15th & Howard sts. 3.)3 _ T CANS made on nnv available socuntv. Con- JU tral Investment Co , , lloom Si , Chamber of Commerce. _ , ' VH _ _ MONKV to loan on norsoi. wagons , mules , nousehold goodg , plnnoa.orgnns , dlnmondH , at lowest rale * . The nrst organized loan ollice in the city. Makes loans Irom 30 to 3il5 days , which can bo paid la part or whole at nny tlmo , thus lowering the principal nnd interest. Call and see us when you want money. Wo can nsslxt you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making loans. C. F. Heed It Co. , 310 S. 13th st ; over lllnghnin & Eons. _ s- F1HST mortgage loani at low rntes nnd no de- Iny. D. V. Sholos Co. . 210 First National bank U51 _ MONK1T .10. ( W or W ) dnys on furnlturo pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. * Wilkinson 018 Paxton OIK. _ ; ) oa LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pn- per bought. McCaguo Investment Co. 354 MONEY to loan on any security for short time nt low rntos. Lowest rntes on personal property. Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , Hooin 4JO , Paxton block. lliTi MONEY to loan : cash on nnnd ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1219 Farnam St. . Flrst National bank building. . 3A2 real estate loins made by W. M. Harris , room 20 Frenzur blk , opp.P. O. B17 _ 61'EH CENT residence loans .OOJ to SlO.OuO. llulldlng loans nt specinl rates. The Mend Investment Co. , lleo building , : ( j'J $10,000 to Invest in good flrst mortgage paper. Itooill 430. Paxton lllock. 708 1CJ _ E. COLE , loan agent. Continental block. ilio [ "ONEY to loan , Parro to , Uouglas Block. b i > _ . K"-a' B UILDINO loans. D'V. : ' Sholes Co. . 210 First Nation nl bank billldlug. 331 TIT1DLAND Guarantee He Trust Co. , N. Y. Life J-'JLbldgcompiete abstraqts furnlshod and titles to real estate exnmlued per focted 4 : guaranteed 3M JJUSINIOSS jCllANOKS. SALOON for sale ; splendid opening for Ger man or Scandinavian , Oood business ; good location : license nil right : Sl.fiCO , y cash , tnko balance In real estatn. C.'li iloaghor. 72.1 ! N. Y , Life llldg. 827-13t \\T ANTED-Partner with' $12. ) In a theatrical IT enterprise ; $5J ana , expenses guaranteed. Address A 8. llee , 810 13J T71OH SALE In n lively Nebraska town ot JL' 10,000 , a ilrst-class statlonerv , book , news , and wall paper butdnoss * les 4 0.090. .I'lno location and loading store In the city. Will In voice about $8,000. Established 10 years. Ad dress A 1 , Omaha lleo. 800-21J LU&IIiEK yard For sale. No real estate or buildings to buy. Sales In 1F89 about ( JIU.OX ) ) nineteen thousand dollars. Address lock box 28 , Chester. Nob. bQ7-17J TT1OR 8ALG or exchange Saloon fixtures , JL' pool table , etc. , separate. Adorosn B5 Dee ollice. G81-13 * FOK SALE A stock of dry goods , boots , shoes , hats , caps , clothing and cnrpets , sit uated In Aurora. Hamilton county. Neb , Stock nbout $20,000. Everything In ttrst-class order , store 22x80 , of brick , on corner , - Moors , host lo cation and stock ; In tha town. A snap for any one who wants to engage In goods business. For Information correspond with W. H. Smith , Aurora , Neb , _ OI7-2U FOIt SALE General stock of goods and busl- ness In a well located town eighteen miles from Omaha , now doing a splendid business ; good reasons for soiling. Inquire of S. Cotner at Nebraska Savings bunk-urnaba. Nob.B70 B70 a4i roil KXOHANGK , C LEAK lot and good'young horse for build. Ing lot ; will assume encumbrance. Jlutch- Insou & Woad , 1521 Douglas ; tot. 1529. 848 H TTIOU EXCHANGE-A bargain , three line JL ! hordes for vacant lot In north part of city. II. K. Cole , Koom U , Continental block. t864 13 TmOH EXCHANGE-Lot 12 block 20 Hanscom JL' ; will put tills beau tiful lot In on a stock of goods ( clothing and man's furnishings preferred ) and pay cash for balance. C. V. Harrison , 911 N. Y. Life. ' a 15 T71OU UXCIlANOE-Clearlotsln Ilrlggs placa J- for house nnd lot closer In ; will pay or as sume $2,000 cash difference. C. F. Harrison,1)11 ) N. Y. Life. ' K.O 13 /Pi OOD Omaha lot. clear , worth $1.000 , for stock VTof books. C. Jleagher , 723 N , Y. Life Bldg. 82fi-l IJ Tmou CXCHANQB-Clear land for mdso. or JL' horses. KIrst mortgage paper for same. Clear Inside lots In the city wltn A 1 prospects for chattels , lu fact Vou cau get almost anj- ulnd of a trade you want by calling at 407 Sheo- ly block. 697-14 A 0OOD doctor can secure an excellent prac tice -In n go-ahead town. Small sum re quired for u little property. Satisfactory rea sons given. This is n solenoid chance for right man. Address A 0 llee. BiJ-U" WHAT have you to exchange for a lot In South Omaha worm tl.OuO , clear ot in- cumbrance. Address X62 , Heo ollice , GR2 mo GXOIIANOK-Clearrcal estate and cash X for a clean stocc of groceries. Address U , A. Durner , TUurman , la. 618-13 IF you have anything to exchange cull on or address If. E. Cole , liicfl. Continental block , Ollice open evenings 0:30 to 8:30. : 307 Trade 3aj acrdll'ttborl ' deeded land 10 Jf miles southwest oD ilertund. Neb , , cattle preferred. Jno. U , llaliarcL x llertrand , Nob. 5-22 * _ _ TTIOH llENT-ChockereiJjlivary barn on IHth JL' et S of Harney , Call or address Nub. Mortgage - gage Loan Co. . Blu I'axtop blk. cm I710K KXCHANUE-CUlce Improved Nebras JU ka fiirras. Will asBuiuo lluht encumbrance It you have anything W'oWer nddross or call on Ooo. J.Sternsilorir. room'317-318 First National bang building. TelechDoU 401. 2i ! Foil KXCHANOE-ajo'ts in South Oinana or 1 lot near Vinton ou. for horses or mules. Koom 13 , Hoard Trade.t um t | IWANTagrororyonbrug stock to Invoice 11,600 to 11.000 ; ! i cnsigsftlancn Improved rual estate. Lock box t&J , Central City , Nob. a'- " 73flml2J FOIt .SAMlMVIj KSTATK. * TTIOIl BALR-Flnn lot In Ilurdette'Court.part -L ca > h. balance 2nd mortgugo to party who will build. II. K. Cole , HoomU.Contlueutal blk. 851 13 IXTY-F1VK ncres s. w. of p. o , , suitable for ' " ' " " ' "fi r gardening , for gale at a bargain. lK. . Darling , 4.1 Darker block , 8U A SPAN of match blacks , a line driving team , harness and carriage to exchange fur Blot. luiUK Farnam st. 7S7 13 mwo choice lots on amaU cash payment , bnl- Jnnco second mortgagu to raiponsihio purlin * who will build. IL 12. COLB , Continental blk , nd SJ04 N , 21th. 60f | SPECIAL Ilargaln A very elegant unit front oroperty. No. 20 Qeoreta avuuue. with u line It-room modern raildenca with every con venience , including gas fixtures , sewer con nections , nandaomely decorated , nnd in fact n 150111 of A home ; owner going to laavn the city. This properly mn t bo sold oy March , Ut ; for prlc ami torins sea me. If you have auy la- tentlnn ot buylnir nod w nt nice plaro , this will suit you. D.V.bholoj Co , 211 In Nut'lbant. 433 T 1ST your property lth II. T. . Colo. . - SflxM feet. N. K. ror. tOlli Douglas , rail or ad dress Mr * . Kuhtman , H.K.cor , llttiJf Vlntotu 821 3 BAilUAIN-llAkrr place , house and lot'fl.noO easy term * : WxIS ) ft ; 3 honsos , r % 8 and 0 rooms , full lots , lets than cost. Cash or tradn , Address or call ( in owner. K. U. Merrill , 41th and Seward at , Wamttt Hill. ICD-m 1HJ \\rAUOII & Wcsterlleldre l estate. B.0maha. T > 131 _ TplVK room cottages , $1,5(10 ( each , $100 ca X' { town , balance tU ucr month. Thos , F , Hall , 311 1'axton block. 370 _ TTOIl SA LH-mi \ \ III buy lot ixl20 In Omaha JL' View , ono block from motor line , nicely on grade. Lots In this nddltloii are worth 11.000 , nnd the above prlco Is open for n short tlma only. H. E. Cole , room it. Continental blofik. 309 FOH SALE Very aheap , no trade * , fnrm of M..7J ncro.s , sec B. 12. N 0 W , Hamilton coun ty , Neb. ; "miles from .Marqiifette , small lionso , Htnblo , ftO acres of imslure fenced , living water , prlco only $10 pr acre , t % 4.17.0(1 ( , one-third imi crop Included. Terms rj.axi cnah. balance 0 per cent Interest. F. 1C. AUlus , owner , railroad building. Denver CoU _ ' _ 3TO _ _ LOT J , bloct I , W. L. Solby's'ndd. for sale or tradoon good tctms. Will trade for mllcu cows or stock , nogs , or team nnd spring wagon. Equity SI60. Address 1237 S ! ) th nve. Said lot within 8 blocks of tinltt's packing house. 8J I3J _ A SMALL payment down and } li ! per month will buy n 4-room hotiso nnd lot on 10th , two blocks from motor ; Ilrst-class chnncuto ncdiilre n homo on easy terms. Apply to II , E. Cole , Contlnentnl block. 272 _ _ _ T71OU SALE Very excellent location nnd JL. ' good property opposite llomts pnrk. U 111 make n special rnto on one or two H-room , fully equipped houses , C. F , Harrlso : ! , nil N. Y.Ltfo 8.-.C-1I _ _ 5-1IOOM coltngo and : rix32 ! feet ot ground,2lh and Chicago sts. . HiiO i : II.HflOoash , bal. easy. C. F. HarrUon , Oil N. Y. Llto. 7 1 13 _ FO iFs A LI i oFoxchaugo for drugs and real estate. t i.OOO book stocK. Uox filt < . 127 TTIOH SALE fldxiafou Jouos st. $ ; )00 ) per foot JU AddroaaXS-J Hee. 623 o2J _ to investors Wo will rocclvo bids NOTICE for the purchnao of our business property , 1303 Farnam street , known as the east ; U foot of lot 7. block 12J , up to April the llrst , next ; owners reserving the right to reject nny or nil bids. Lehmann & Hanson , euro of John II. F. Lchmnnn , ( CM. South 17th Street. B49 _ BUY A HOME Small cash payment ; ca y terms ; special low price. Wright & Las- bury , Ajrllnglonbloek. _ TBfi-lB . E homos m most any addition for GOTTA.G sale at from $1,000 up. on easy montuly pay monts. r. K. Darling , 43 llarknr block. p > 9 TT1OH SAljE Half price for cash ; lots 4 , 6 and -L' fl , block 1 , 1'ruyji park , Omalia. Owner can not take care of them. Address room 1. 1127 O st. Lincoln. " Neb. _ CSKl FOH SALE. The Oencral Dandy lot in West Omalin , ono acre ot beautiful ground , bought especially for his home. Having re moved to Washington City ho now offers It for nlo at a rcasottablo price. C. F. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Lite. | K > 7-13 _ _ SALT LAKE CITY desiring to in vest in this city will do well to consult , the Dloter , Johnson Investment Co. , P. O. Uox 571 , and IBrt South.Malpst , . Salt Lake City. Wo han dle choice property only aud glvo the best of references. 017 A 6 FOItSAIiB C-room honso nnd 2 lots on cor. 2d nnd Cedar St. ; prlco , J4.00' , pnrt cash nnd balance time , or part cash and good farm In Nebraska. Address or call on Joseph Trott. cor. 2d and Cedar 6t. , Uirmhu. Neb. B4'i ' IK _ KAL ESTATE It you want to sell or rent list It with T. U llrunner. who has a largo list of customers , llooin 1 , Wnre block. B. C. Cor. 15th nnd Fariiam. _ 4r 3 ! il _ NJCE little homo iiear 27th nnd Douglas , 82,000. Hutchluson tc Woad , 1524 Douglas. 818 14 WE want to buy 30 acres of land lu tlio southwest part of the city , not over 254 or 3 miles out : will pay cash. Star Laud & Loan Co.LQ1it \ Fnrnum st. 787 12 BAHGAIN8 Iloautlfui home , 8-room house , well-built , uoarly uew , nrod- orn improvements , lot 81x110 , half block from Loavcnworth. only . 80,300 8-room hoiiSB , modern improvements , lot ; iUxllT > , on aith st. . near St. Mary's ave. . 7,000 Corner lot 2Sth nud Fnrnam . 8.BOO Lot , south front. Hillside No. 1 . 2,500 Lots 45 nnd 4(1 ( , Windsor Place , each . 1.700 Lot 0 , block 8. Isaac & Seldnn's add . I.frOO 102 foot Hquaro'JOth and ' . , ' Howard . 15.0JO JI. O. Slncleod , Hooai OJ2 , N. Y. Life Hiding. 825 IB FOK SAtiK The best bargain In Hanscom place. ( HxlOtl teet , fuclnc south on the park , 72,500. .Must be all cash and closed at once. C. F. Harrison. 911 N. Y. Life. bort-H FOK SALK-At liluo Springs , Neb. , one story trnrao store building , kitchen and dlniiig room In casement , and a dwelling houno on same Int. Corner ot Scott and Douglas st * . , electric light In street corner. 1'art cash , tlmo on balance. Address J. C. Herbert. Illue Spring * , Neb. 831-13 * A CUE Property 5 acre ? , Ilontleld , with cottage nnd stable , will take lot und cottage inpnrt payment $ 3,000 10 acres near South Omaha 8,500 25 acres near South Omahn 25,000 M. O. Jlncleod , 1)32 ) N. Y. Lite Uuildlng. 81'5 15 SPECIAL bargaln-Ilest lot in Hillside No. 1. Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Ool- lord , owner , Kearney , Neb. lS9m22J T .INCOLN Placa and Carthage lots price , Ka down , balance $15 monthly. W. L , Solby , It. U , lloira I'rvls 535 Certilluitc. This Is to certify that the Nebraska Central Itnllway company desires nn Increase cf Us uu- thrlzed capital stock from ono million dollar ! to four millions tlv hundred thousand dollars , nnd that such Increase and the making nnd publlsnlngof this cortlllcato , and the filing thereof with the secretary of state of the Htato of Nebraska , has been duly authorized by tae holders of the majority of the capital stock of the Nenraska Central Hallway company. In witness whereof , we have hereunto slgued our names at Omnhu , la the county of Douglas and state ot Nebraska , on the loth day of Au gust. 18M ) . JOHN A. JI'SHANE. GEOKUE C. I1AKNUM. President. Secretary. I Corporate I 1 Seal. 1 Directors : JOHN H. DUMONT. WILLIAM L. ADAMS , HEN.IAMIN J. MOltKlS , State ot Nebraska. Douclas county , ss : llofore me , a notary public in aud for said Douglas- county , personally cama tbo above named John A. MeShnne , Gcorgo U Itanium , John H. Dutnont , William L. Adams and lien- jiunln J. Morris , known to mo to be the Ident ical noraon * who Hlguod tno forogolng instru ment , and severally r.ckuowlodgel the said In strument to bo tholr voluntary act and dood. for tha uses and purposes therein set forth. In witness whereof , I hnvo hereunto signed my nama and tuilxud my olllclal seal , at Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska this Wth day ot Au gust , 189. W. C. IVES , T Notarial I Notary Public , 1 Seal. I Pebgdoa Notion. Notice 1 * hereby given , that the Omaha Southern Hallway Company , has been duly In corporated under the laws of the State ot No- bra.ska , and doe * thorooa give public notice as follows : 1. The name ot said corporation Is , "Omaha Southern Hallway Company , " 2. The principal place of transacting Its busi ness , Is tha city of Omaha , county of Douglas und State of Nebraska. 3. The general nature ot the business to bu transacted by said corporation , Is tno construc tion , operation und maintenance ot a line of railway of standard guago. and a telegraph line In connection therewith , from the city of Omaha In mild county , In a southerly direction tnrough the counties ot Douglas , Sarpy , Cnss nnd Otoe to dleti lloclc , la the State of Ne braska , 4. The amount of capital stock authorized by the articles of Incorporation , Is Tltreo Million Dollars , and the same Is to be paid as follows : An Installment ot ten per cant on each share of stock slmll be payable ut the tlmn of making the subscilptlon , and Ihoreslduo thereof shall be paid In such Installmxnts nnd nt such tlmo and place as may be required by the directors of thfl company , 6. The oxlsttnco ot said corporation com mences on the oth day of Fobruary. A. D. lbl J , und terminates oil the Oth day of February A. 1) . 19 ! * ) . 0 , The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tha Incorporation Hliall ut uny tlmo be subject , is Two Million Dollars. T , The affair a of the corporation are to be conducted by u Presldont. vlcc-1'resldont , Sec retary. Treasurer and tlenoral Manager. Witness our hands this the Utli day ot Tub- ruarj-A.D.1890 , a „ . O. SlIlTII , 11 (1. MKIIIKAM , It. S. NICHOLS 1U B. lUu- FlCJ30t lucorporators , oT Htooldiolilets of Oinahix CnllHnuiu H nl lit'n tAH oclat trin , There will be a meeting of the stockholders of thu Omaha Coliseum llulldlng Association , lu the coilHeum building of Maid association , lu the city of Omaha , , In the stale of Nebraska1 nt 2 o'clock p.m. , on Saturday. April 12th , 1HUU. At said meeting auy tnatt r subject to consid eration by uahl Association , which may coma bi-furo It-will be acted upon , At said mooting nil the records of ttnld association will bo ox ainlnod , and the matter of providing means ror thq payment ot the debts of said association will be considered , OMAHA COLISKUM Ili.'iuMNfl Adsrir IATIOX , ml2dlt Dy M , a , LINUSAV , ticcrutury , RAILROAD TIME CARD. Tea * rntRiAiT.iiT' ( < n'o.s' s y. " _ pm hn. I DepotJOtiijinrt Mn < on MrooU. 3l5 p m TiChlcnijo Vestibule- 9.4A it m 9.15pm _ . _ . . , . i JL " _ 'Olrl1 ' I" " * * ! ! Tsrea | llTlIlTiNtTON ; ( A MO , HtViil. : | AtrlVoi" .Omaha. _ Ih-pot _ _ _ I0thanit _ _ _ Mrfets. " I Omajm. ffl.05 n inl ,1.\tantn \ Vestibule Ktpre" . . . . a off p m 8.50 n m . . .Hastings , V Cmiconlli * local. . . P. 1.1 | i m SM p ml . , . l eim > ritpro : s a.M m " K , ' . , ST. J , A r. II. I ArrlTM Depot lOlli ami .M.-nuii atreoU. I ( Itimha. , nn ns rily llnprcss , , , , ! 0.41 n in P.4JJ p mK. | C. Night Kip. Tin V. V. Trans , I n \ \ n m _ p in M | Klrcr . . .I WHO p m T.W p m jl'ncltlaK > prr < * . , . . , , . . . 7,15 n m 0.10 n m .Dpnyvr Impress. . , . , i. . . MSO p m < .n p in ( Irnnd iKlniul K p. ( pjcopt Sun.12.4.1 ) ' pIX i m i m IX > TCI I rilTllVdO. UTl.nCu'fK ! fArriroT Umnlm. | U. P. ilcpot , iotlt nnd Marc ! 1.15 p ml. . , . .Nliiiit Kxiuv's , , , . | IOU ) a m H.15 n in ] .Atliuittu i\ire | . . , , n.'AI p m _ _ | . . . . . , . . ) Limited. , , j..1 JO ) pm _ Ix > nves"(5HH"A | & NtmtHWiTIltN.ArrlTeV : ! | .yiS 'Jlly-J' ' ' ! 1- . - - - . nml MnrqiHt . . Jjninlm. P.I5 n m , , . , , . , , . ( lilrnco . . . . ilprei ; . > < . , 4M p m vvratiimio'T.iniuoiV. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ! M S m 0.1.1 p ni ( I.v. ex. Hit ) Malt ( Ar. ex. Mon ) 7 , lam fl.a ) P m i : slorn < p ill I > ave ICIIICAUO , MIU , * " ST. lrAfl Arrives _ Oinnlm. | u. I' , ilepot , 10th nml Oinnlin , i'.t. Clilcntto Mall ( i-Tccpt Suni I.S p m . II n m 2.RU'pin _ L nreTl OMATlA A S'lrLOL'lC ' lArrlfeT Qnmlin. llf-J * . depot. IQtli nml Mnrcjr ls.l tmnlm. _ 4.1A p ml , . . , .st. Ixmls Cnnniin Hull , , " Leaves I HltlL'X CITY * I'ACII-'U' , I Arrlve Oniulm. | IM" . ilepot. lUtli nnil Mnrcy HI'.I Oninlin. " " .15 n inf .slimx City I'lmieifiiur . , | IU tUi iu 0.15 p m | . . .yi. 1'niil Expri'ssi. . . . . . . . 110 OA it in "Koavpslf HIoT'.V'dTVA l Vl'IKK | " 7Urlres" Omalm. | llepol ISth nnd Wel'sti rjts. | Omnhn. jy JUU'-l ' * * ' ' ' " " ' Limited. . . . . . .llClf nj'ii KjT : . , t.MO. VAi.T.ilv. ArrTvoT Depot l.Mli ami Wi-bstcr Sis. _ lll.ick Ullli KiprosJ . ! > . 'M p m Htp. ( Kx. Siinilay ) , , . A.3I p m . .Wnhoo A . 10 SO a in York A Norfolk ( Kx. Hnnilny ) , . IU.SU a m C , ST. P. , M. A , O. Arrives PepotJ tli iuul Wj'bstM8ts , _ ' Omalm. _ CityAecouimuiTulUm. . . VMi \ lii .Sioux rity ixiin : > 9 ( Hf. Sun. ) . . l. ; > 0 p til St. Pniit Limited V..V a m .riorenco I'as cnKcr ( ICv. SnnK. 8.45 n m ( ix. : Hun ) . , o. : < o p m Leaves I MISSOUUI PACIFIC' . I Arrives Oiimlm. I Depot 15th nml Wt'lutorHts. | Omnha. . 10.10 n m.St. | Iioulu'lv 1C".1Hxprc s. . . . | 4.M p m H.I.S p m.St. | IxiulK jt K. ( M'Hpre . , . .J ( i.ilp re m MISSOUIU PACIKIO Buntmn.vx THAINS. UNION' PACIFIC SUHUIUIAN TUA1NS. Tlicno trains also stop nt loth , 17th , 2Ulh nnil 21th streets. Summit and Savlilue Crossing. 'Workluz- men's trains ito not run Similay. Ilroad way OHIulT , eaves CHICAGO A NOnTIIWKSTKHN , j Arrives Transfer Unluii Depot , Council lllutlt. [ Transfer 9 40 n in Chicago Kxpress , | A.4TTni [ 3.40 p ni Vontlbulu Limited U 45 n in 4.55 p in Knstorn I''lcr 0 45 p in H1X1 p in Atlantic .Mall I 7.M a in Leaves CI1IUACO. It. I. & PACIFIC. Arrives Transfer Union Ilepot , Council Hlultn. Traiisfor 5.15 p m Night I'ixpresH ' , , tl. 5 n m 10 05 a m . .Atlantic llxprens. . COU p m 1000 p m Veatllmlo l.lniltoil 1.50 p m Leaven UllIOAi ( ) , Mil * . & ST. PAUL Arrlvos" Transfer Union Depot. Council HulTa. Transfer .30 n ni . , Chicago Mall ( cxceit | Sunday ) . . f ) . ; j | i in (1.1U ( n m . , . . , . . . .Chicago Kx proHS ! ) .I5 n m 10.00 P m Chicago llxpress J.OO p in Leaves I 1C. C. . ST. JOB .V C. II. Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council lihillB. Transfer 10117 a ml . . .Kaunas City Hay Kxprees. . li.OO p ni 10.25 p nil . .Kansus City Nlnlit HxpreiH ( i 10 a in Inmves I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. I Arrives Trnnator Union Depot. Council ItlufTs. 4.45 p m | St. Loula Canon Hall 112.15 p m Leaves U1I10AUO , IIUUL'N & ytllNOV. Arrives Transfer Unloit Depot. Council Hlulla. Transfer 11.40 n m , Clilcauo Kxpre s ii : il ) p in 10 ( JO p m , , .Clileaxo Express. , . . . . . . H.20 u m 500 p in ClilcaRO Fast Mall 5.W p nt 7.30 p m . , . , Creslon l > oeal 11.20 u m Loaves SIOUX C1TV & PACIFIC. Arrives Transfer Union Depot , Ciiuncll Ululfs. Transfer 7.45 a in , . .Bloux City Aecniumodatlon , , . .S5 n m C.50 p ui St , Paul Kxpross 0.55 p m All Mi" SUPPLIES Depot Quartermasters Ollice , Omaha , Nebraska , February 28tti 1800. Sealed proposals In duplloata will bo re ceived at this ollice until 10 n. m. Tuesday March lltn , 1800. nt which time nnd place they will be opened In the presence of attending bid ders for delivery of Lumbar , IluorH. Windows , Cedar Posts , Shingles , Sewer and Wuter Pipe , Hnrbed Wire. Paints. Band. Lime. Hair &c. Lists Rlvlug unoclllcatlons quantities and otnor Information will be furnished upon implication to this olllco. Prafercnce will bo given to artic les of domestic production or manufacture , con dition of quality and prlco ( Including In the price of foreign production or manufacture the duty thereom being equal and further , that no contracts shall bo awarded for furnishing nr- tides ot foreign production or mnnufiu'ture whoa the articles of suitable quallty.of domim- tic production or manufacture run bo obtained. The government rnaerves the right to reject uny ornll proposals. Illdilurs should attach a copy of this adVMrtlRoinent to their bids. JOHN SIMPSON , Caplatn and ABSt. ( Jr. , U. 8. Army. ml-2-U-lo Proposals for Ijiiinbor. Sealed proposals for furnishing Douglas county with lumber for the year ending IBM , will be received nt the olflco of the county clerk until noon of Saturday. March 15th. 18 * > . Sped- llcutlons und SUHK required cau bo obtained ut the ofllce of county clerk. A certified chock for $ .1.5.00 must accompany each bid. Ttie CoiiimU- sloncrs reserve the right to reject nny or nil blrtn. Dated Omnha , March 1st. 18JO. mldllt P. O'MAM.KV , County Clerk. OroKOn Short Ijlno & Utuliorlliorn ftnllwny C < iiiimuy. | Notice U hereby given tint , pursuant to the articles of consolidation nml aireeiiieut , dated July 27th , 1881 , the annual menlnuof thostnck- liolders or the Oregon Khort Line and Utuli Northern Ksllway company for the election of directors and HIICII other business us may legally coma before the moetlug , v/lll bo held nt the olllco of thu company. No. 73 Main street. Halt Laku City. Utah , on Wodnni luy , the 19th day of March , 1 K ) , at 10 o'clock a. m. Ar.K.v. Mu.r.Aii , Secretary , Iloston , February 6th , 10. t.1d2at J'ropnanla fur Supplios. Sealed proposal * for furnishing supplies tor the county poor house for the year Ib'JO. will bo received at the county clerk's olllco until noon of Saturday , Marcn K > th , 1HM. A certified check : for J'lO.OJ miiHt accompany each bid. Speclllcu * tlons for supplies can be obtained nt the county clerk's ollice , The Commissioner's rewve the right to reject any or all bids. DutodOnialiu , Muroti 1st , IbUU. mldllt r.O'MAUJcr , County Clerk , TIIR USAtiTY BIAnKKT. pi o4 oa r 3jra" \VIllUMsellandnlfAloC P nolndorrr , lot 7. Hlmebaugh Place , w il . . . . . , t fl.aX ) Boutli Omahn Land O to A P Wood t ftl. lots 1 to ttt , uiic \ \ \ South Omnha , w d , 10M \\elsniulwifetoj W Hanunu , 00x113 ft nt point On ) ft n of no corner bit 3U. Omnhnwd , s\00 \ James \Ve kN to Uroige Worth'ngton ' , IntsTnmlH , blk 12. Wnlnut Hill , wd South onmlm Lund rompnny to It Fran- lor. lot II. blk 131. Soulli Oiunha. w U . OOJ H M Strong nnd wlte to ( Itoritu 1'It * Mnimons. n z ; ft loin , blk 1 , Utelwlld , wd I 000 Ch rle. < Mcl'ormlcK tot'L Now Ian. Ion and B , blfc 3. McCormlck'n2nd Reid. wd. . , . . . . . . . . . , I.O.V ) John K Vnn ( iron to CO Vnn ( Iron , uud 114 Interest In Llnwuod Park , q o d. 1 Mlnnln.loigonioii nnd husband to Frank Klmorc. lot II , blk 1 , Newport , w il , 2,0X ( ) J. T. Parson nnd wife to Fred Mutinies. 117 , Ink a , Wm. Hngurdornliied. w d , S09 0. M. Hunt nnd wife to Mrs. A , Clear ) * , I U , blfc 21 , South Omuhn , wil i.osu M. K. l.'asoynnd husbnnd to F. H , Rosters nw.l r > . blk2 > ) ) , Omnha , wa 11 , 00 South Omalm Lund company to M. V , Smttli , 18 , blk MA , South Omahn w d , . 7W W. C ) . Monroe and wife to 1. (1. llnrlght , 12. blk I. ICoster's nd. wd 1,200 \ \ A SntindorA to William nnd Lena Hud * son , lot 13 , blk "K. " Sattmlbrs & Hlmo- baugh's add , w d , , MX ) C L Saunders to William and Lena Hud son , lot II , blk "F , " Satllulors Si Hlmo- baugh'sndd , wd , , , . BOO J FHollnaud wlfoto E 0 Wood , lot II. blk 12 , Albright's Annex , w d .00 Seventeen transfer * . , I SII'M HuHdlni ! 1'crinlts. The followlui ; building poruilU wora is- nuod .vostanliiy : U. ( t.Tlunce , ono nud ono half .story frniuo lutilltlon , Orchard hill ; t M John DoliMo. 0110 story frnmo addition. Fourteenth aud Valley , , lee 11. Illch , ono story frnurn barn , Fairmont Pluro BO J. 15. llurdlck , two story frnmo nnd brick residence B.OOO Total | 6.9W PUOI'OSALS FOIl LIJMIIiit-U. : B. Illdliin. Sorvlco , Pine Kldgo Anoncy 8. Divkotn , Fob- runry 21st , ISiKl. Senleil proposals Indorsed "Proposals for Lumber" and uddros ed to tun undurslgned at Pine Klilgn Agency. Sliunnoii Co. , S. DuKOtn , will bo recdlvod ut thin Agency until oiui o'clock of March 171 b , ItiJJ , for furnish ing for nud delivering ut this Agoucy , nbout thiv o hundred thotisuud toot of assorted lumber , n full description of which may ba obtained br nppllcatlou to the undurMguoil. llldderH wlil bo required to slate in their bids the proposed pilco ot each variety of lumber vo bu o lie rod for delivery under n Contract. OKIITICIKII CIIKCKM. Each bid must bo accompanied by n certified check or draft upon Home I'lilted States De pository , madop.tyikblntotnc order ot the uu- dersliruod for at least Fl VE par cent ot the am ount of the proposal , which rhcck or draft will be forfeited to the United Mat03 111 case nny bidder or bidders receiving an uward shall fail toprnmptlvoxocitiun contract with good nnd millclent surletles othervviso to bo returned to the bidder. II. D. OALLAOHUIt , IT. S. Indian agont. f-22-d-2I-t WASHING THE STREETS. The ICrn of Clonn ThorouirlifaroH Snid tn llnvi > Arrived , ThoUGrouleastpeot-cloiining mnohino 1ms boon inlroduued intu London. It it ) the invention of A. Hcntschol , of Ber lin , nnd is said to bo ciipitlilo of over coming nil the defects of existing appli ances. The Ilorculcs mnchino , which is pulled by n couple of hor.ios and worked by the driver , consists of * u oir- oultif tunic holding1 about ! ! 0l ) tfullona of water , mounted on three wheels , with a pipe which supplies a sp inkling tube in front similtir to the sprinkler on the ordinary water-cart so familiar on the streets during summer woaltior. Und or the tunic in the roar is an In dia-rubber scrow-shapod rovolvlntf roller , which rotates on the ground in an opposite direction to that of the wheels , and by means of the water pour- inir from the sprinkler in front the roller practically washes the street clean , instead of spreading the mud out in thin layers , as in case with the circ.i- lar brush and the squeegoos. The Hercules Is said to bo very useful in the removal of snow. In this case a solution of salt is added to the watar in the tuik. This molts snow , and ena bles it to bo swept toward the ijutter of the street , but of course the fall of snow must bo taken early to bo oltoctivol.y dealt with. Mr. Ilentschol has imt- oiitud a small machine for cleaning ( not pavements , which In a , largo town like London , where they become so greasy and slippery on a wet daywill boa grea't boon to pedestrians. The result of re cent , experiments , both on the wood and asphalt paving , has been very satisfac tory. The machine actually washed the street clean of the mud which cov- orocl it. An ( Umoluto Cure. ThoOIUGINAL. AUIKTINE OINTMENT Is only put up in larao Uvo-ounuo tin boxes , und is an nbsolutu euro for nil sores , burns , wounds , clmppuJ hands nud sill skin ornp- tions. Will positively euro all Kinds * of pllos. Ask for trie ORIGINAL , A13IETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Gooilmnn Drug company at5 conta per box by mall 'M cunts. A Narcotized Hur Inr. A French oftlcial returning' ' to his homo in the suburbs a few days ago , Inn wife and family belong absent , found a burglar asleopon the sofa in the parlor , with his jimmy and skeleton keys by his side and a lot of jewelry and ether valuables pucitod up to take away. Ho was unable to urouso the man , oven by shaking him. and when ho sent for the police they had to throw cold water in the man's face to bring him to. It turned out that ho had found a hottlo which contained something that looked , hkovina and had taken a drink. It was really u powerful narcotic , and put him to sleep. HI lips' Nnrvn nnil Ijtvnr I'llls. An Important discovery. They act on the ilvcr , stomach und bowdla through the norvos. A now principle. They spooillly euro blllloimnosB , bad taste , torpid llvor , piles and constipation , Sjnondld for inon , women nnd children. Sinallost , inlldost , surest , 'to doses for 25 cents. Sutnplea'froa at Kului & Co.'s , inth nnd Douglas. A HIir Onint ) Prnsorvit. In Pike county , Pennsylvania , IB the Blooming Grove Park association , tlio pioneer in the Hat of great game and fish preserves. A few hours by rail and ono is landnd in a wilderness , tempered by a perfectly oqnippod cltiblioiiao. The club owns 18,000 acres in foe , and is the lessee " for a long term of yours of 8,000 inoro" These form u tract of forty-two miles square. The club is now giving great attention to Blanking its wutora with trout and bans. Dear are plenti ful , nnd only because wise rules liavo been made and enforced. A line of $50 is enforced for the killing of a fawn or doe. F.uch member is allowed to kill ono buck during the season , and ho must , meet his fate by R talk Ing. Hound ing , -lighting , and all other fatal forms of hunting are prohibited , Cure for Croup. Use Dr. Thomas' Eleo trlu OH according to dlrdcttoiiB. It 1s I In bust remedy for nil Btiddun attuoks of colds , puln nnd itiiluuiinutlon , nnil Injuries. ThnuuhlTiil Mr. llrndlov. Mr. JtunoB A. Urudloy of Ausbury Park has bean putting up drinking fountains for men and horsoa and beneath - neath some of them are little foot-high water troughs , says the Now York Sun. Over ono of this llttlo troughs Mi- . Bradley has thoughtfully caused to ba painted a small sign , BO that no dog who has oyea need go thirsty. The sign reads : FOR DOGS. Are you nervous and IrritablolA glass ol Cook's Imperial wine banishes that fueling. It's the pure grape Juice naturally formontoi