Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No odvortiaomonts will bo taken for
these columns odor I213O p. m.
Torma Cosh In odvnnco.
AdveftlMnents under this Bead 10 cents per
' -no for the tlrrt Imcrtlon , T cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and tl.M ) per line per month ,
No advertisements taken for lens tlmn 25 cents
\ fir firm Insertion. Hnven words will bocounted
'lo tile linn , they must run consecutively nn'l
mint DO pnlil In ADVANCK. All advertise
ments must tie handed In before 12'K : > o'clock p.
in. , ntiil under no circumstances will they bet
t ikctt or discontinued by telephone.
Parties Advertising In these columns ami huv-
Inn their answers nadrened In care of TUB HKK
* 111 please lurk fern cheec to enabln them t set
heir letter i. as none Trill tin deliver * * ! t'xcej.t
rn presentation of check. All answers to nl-
xt-tlsmcnu should be enclosed In envelopes ,
All ndvertlsments In thece columns are pub-
lifted In both morning nnd evenlne dlttons of
Tnr. llf.r. thn circulation of which ngurenatoi
morn thnn If.OW ) pnpors dully. nnd Riven the nd-
% crllien the brnellt. not only of the city circu
lation of Til r. nrt , but also of Council IlltllT * ,
Lincoln and other dtla * nnd towns throughout
thin g < - ( tlon of the country. _
AcHcrtldlcg for these columns will b takea
nn the nboTo conditions , nr thn following bust *
TIVSS houses who ore nuthorfred agents rorTiic
lice npecUl notices , nnd will quota the same
rnteiBs cun DO had at the main oinee.
J of Twenty-sixth and N streets ,
Pavings bank building.
TOHN W. BULL. Pharmacist. SS ) Houth Tenth
J Street.
' , A ini : > V , Sttulonenand Printers , 113
South 10th Street.
H. FAHN8WOHTH , I'harmaclst , 2113 Cum-
i Ing Street.
\V J. HUOHKS , Pharmacist , 624 North 10th
V > . street.
JMlTbTw. PAIUl , I'harmaclst , 1718 Learen-
vJ v > oith Street.
F.riUHlES' PHAHMAOV , 18 Farnam Street.
WANTIID Situation ns nu'rsa In nnr kind of
sickness ; twohe yours' experience. Mrs.
I' . , 314N. ISth. _ Z-ilJ1 * _
A DVKHTI8KH (33) ) married. desires employ-
meat , well educated , steady , prompt and
trustworthy. Good character nd appearance.
( iood salesman. Would do nny worn , except
cnuynsslng. Address X 73 llee. _ Sir.f-11' _
WANTI'.ISituation by a printer of 3 years'
experience. Steady nnd sober. Wages
reasonable. Address box 124 1'endor , Nob.
_ 803-14J
WANTI.D-BUuntlonbyu reliable man In
prlviito family. Can give best city refer *
_ \V. > 4U indlanu Bt. _ 1'1'1 *
'I7 MI'LOTMI.NT wnnteif by a man to years
JUold lu an olllce or sloro ; IMS oxporlenco and
ability and can Rive best of reference. Balary
I'ot so much nn object us steady employment.
Address X 71) ) . llee. _ 7 > ir.J
" ° "
\ ' OUNO man 'M years of ugu. wltli ono years
tixperlencc , uould liken situation lu a re
tail shoe store ; wages no object. Address , Xt > 7 ,
W ANTED Situation by lady stenographer ,
four years In law nnd loan olllco. ox-
perlencn lu wholesale business. Uox sss , Coun-
! ! Uluirs. Ki5-al
W ANYKTJGood , lionost boy to work in
newsstand at Webster st. deoot. MH-1 :
WANTKl ) Man A agent of our patent
Bafex ; ilze 'SilhxlS Inches ; 1o retail. All
clz s as low. New styles , now patterns , new
locks , now factory. Not governed by safe pooL
Every safe warranted. Hare chance. Perma
nent business. Our terms and catalogues will
convince you agents clear from * . " ! 0) ) to JV ) ) per
month. Write for extensive territory. Alpine
.Safe Co. . Cincinnati. O. 817-1- *
. A'tittNTS wanted In every county to sell our
f xYtfpeclaltles. Moruy M'f'g Co , Waukeskn.Wis.
\\7ANTr.D A young man nf fair education
VT for light work. Uood salary. Address ,
txil N. V I.Uu btillilintr. 7M ! l'J
"I VANTBO Scash boys , Stonehllls.
Tl.lItetponsiblo. . energetic man as
solicitor. _ Address X fid , llee. _ C9J-S
"VVTANTIJI ) Nice young man ns waiter and
earlier , good reference required , coach
man. l-l ) ; experienced pantryman , SiO ; dish-
naihur , panwasher , lots ot now places every
_ 4l15tn' } _ 15 lu'J _
- - - '
DIJTKCT1VUS Wo want a man In exory'lo-
callty , private detectlvo ; cxperlenco not
required : particulars free ; U. 8. Detective
oureati. Kansas CltyjJCau. _ 780-1:1. : )
WANTI.U Salesmen on salary or commis
sion to handle the now patent Chemical
Ink Kraslnu 1'enciU The greatest selling novel
ty over produced. Kraes ttiic thoroughly In
tuo seconda : no abrasion of paper , "OM to 5M (
n r cent prollt. Ono agents sales amounted to
TOJOInslxdays ; another tT ? U * .wo hours. Wo
want one energetic general nont for each state
and territory. Sample by mall Ito eta. For
terms and < ull particulars , atldrrss The Monroe -
roe Hra-ier Mfg. Co . La Crosse. Wla. 'S-IJJ _
\\7ANI14U-Adrui * clerk registered In NeT -
T > braska. must bo competent and willing to
work. Address A , Schroter , cor. Iflth and Far
nam , Omaha. _ 7M 12
1D ! A good man with some means
i t to take management of company and
boom a go d town In a good country. Must bo
nmiui of good standing und good organizer ; a
big thing for the right man. Address X G3. Uee.
GOOD agents wanted , Apply at 211(1 ( aiming
st. I1. A. Gavin. 7BM8
WANTKD Good cniivassersmaloor female.
Free transportation. Exclusive territory.
ftX ) per cent commission. Address , 0. D. Mubce ,
Omaha. Nub. 762-11
\\7ANTED Ten coopers. HU-ady work guar-
I * nnteeilnt.7S per diem , lint Armour-Cud-
\iliy PacklngJ-'o outh Omaha. Neb. 712-10
H ) A "canvasHer , Uood money"To
the right party. 20UH Lake sU 740-llt
rANTKIV Salesmen iitt'S per month salary
and expenses to sull a line of Uvbr-piutea
vtare , watches , etc. , by samplti only ; horse aud
team furnished free ; wrltu at once for full par
tlrtllara and sample case of goods free. Stiin-
dard Hllverwaro Co. . 32J
\\7ANTKD-IOi ) rockmcn. toanislors and grad-
T eis for Utah and Nevada ; cheap rates.
Albright's Labor agency 1120 Fnrnam .st. aat
"A TEN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
J.'l Canada. We pay toO to $ HW per month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canada grown
stock. Add. Mono & Wellington , Madlxnn , Wls ,
JL 324 mJl
WANTED Canvassers nt Singer sewing ma
chine olllce.irij8 Douglasst. 377 in2t !
SALESMEN Wanted at Once A tew eood
IHPII to Pell our goodh by sample to the
wholesale and retail traile. We are the largest
manufacturers In our lino. Liberalealary paid.
Permanent coition. Money advanced for
united , advertising , etc. For terms address
Centennial Mfg. Co. . Chicago. Ill , tm-mlnt
WANTED Agents for Denver State Ixittery.
Tickets SOc. Address A. ti Ross & Co. ,
Denver. Colo. MB-nprtt
rAXTKD-Jlrlfor ( housework. Cull after
5OCp : m. BUS. 23d at. 7bH-IJ
WANTKD-AtaW St , Mary's nve. , nn oxpe-
Ticnccd second girl , neat and nbllglng.wlth
good relircnccs. Cnll at room Id , board of
trade building , Saturday. Marcn 15. 7J4 Ifij
WANTKD An apprentice ptrl tolearndrosa-
making. UN. nth t. JLH2-diT
WANTBD Ladyund gentlemen canvassers.
! l11 8. UUh at. 8U.t | |
WANTni > Girl for general liousoworkl
wages ft to proper party. Inquire nt Ituz-
' 271)7 Luavenworth.
cck'smurket. 8iu-llJ _
SF.WINO girls at Omaha shirt factory. 1,114
Furuaru. 811 17
\\YANTFI > Starcher , J1.SS per day ; cook for
li boarding house , frl ; cook for oincer'a fum-
lly. * SO ; girU for Plnttsmouth. Council Illutrs ,
and W forgeneral housework. Mrs. llregn , illlii
8 l.Sth. iJ 12J
rNTKITwo Irl to do illnliu room nnd
chamber work ; ouo dlsawasher and one
flrsl-chws lady cook. Wngi-s for elf's ' W per
week ; for cook * x. Address W. II. Cairns ,
. Itiilou Hotel. Greeloy. Colo. 774-lUJ
Wrletor. GlrL good wage-a ; umall family.
Apply 1112 8. lOtli st. 7HJ
\VAttTKU AH tha drU luOmnha to illlgood
it and new places of nil kinds. Ketth'a of *
lice. 31Si | H. Kith. _ TeUlf.A _ " , 7tft II ] _
WANTlIlJ Ijxdlos a"na young meii to re
ceive Instructions und Keep boots. J. li.
Smith , room UU , New York Ufa building.
" _ _ _ _ _
\VANTBI > Agooil girl for
geueral nouse *
2 V work. -00 w"rt t. 7--0
" \VANTB Some goexl party totano care of
II bnijr boy U months old ; itato tcrnn. Address -
dress X QllleeoOlce. 7CJ-lli
WANTEDDuttonhole maker. 1113 Farnam
AV ( lennan clrlt uo
WHjhlnj ? or Ironing ; 1707 Casi at , 6U. I u
TV ! MAniNN Dreiimi.k r. Late titter
Jiit. nil desluncr for Stern llrother.i of New
ork , b now prepared to execute nil orders for
eottmur * ami wrupi , at her pro ut commodt-
oju ustaolUhtnent. l 'l Do.lge Bt. 795 Ut
SMHfvW to do drvMiuaklnn In fftml-
S2Q .
w-aN. l
'pEN-llooni house , flrat-clasa conditionmodem
JL conveniences , large lawn , bnrn , hade trees ,
3 blocis from IjikB.chool. . Convenient tn cable ,
motor and horse cars. Apoly on premises. 3.
K. Jackson. N. Sin nnd Spruce u . .1M3J
FOIl HUNT 8-room cottage , good yard , S > , ' 4
Douglas3tr"ot : chant ) to desirable parties.
Apply to Neb , Hteatn laundry , 1523 Howard nt
IJIOH HUNT Immediately , well furnished
JU room cottage , fight by the nlah Kcnool , city
wnter , nice lavfn , etc. , very desirable , ( all at
fc'15 Dodge nt 5IM2J
ITOH KENT I miles from town , a hew houno
JU and Hue t'arO n land ; apply Ml N 13th st.
grocery. , _ 4iKllt _ _
8HOOM house. 20th nnd Ohio , city , water ,
gas and bath , only tr > per month. Orover
Stotens , IBM Farnanist. OIHce open evenings'
T Ol ? HUNT -0-room lint , 6oJ S. 13tB st.
1OII HENT llotnoo nnd Hats In nil parts ot
the city : Haw nnd unfurnished rooms n
specialty : parties desiring rent at from Vi to J7J
bosuroloc.illat 15M Karnani st , before rant-
Ing. Hints Hentlng Agency. tCilml7J
TT10H IIBNI A 7-room house west side of
JC llanscom park. Apply at : ciU Francis jt.
T OHHENT 2 neat houses near motor , 115 :
JL' same for sale , tl,8 > } 0 nnd 13,200 , on amalt
monthly payments , or will build to null pur
chaser. Inquire of owner , Col Pnxton nlock.
FOH HUNT 6 room cottnuo 1712 Jnckhon st.
U rooms unfurnished , 1IIUH Jackson st.
7:17-14 :
iron HCtTJ' Flat In Ustadrook 5)Jock. S > f p"er
-L' month. Iloberts , 10-'No. 10th. 7il-llT
FOH HF.NT Flats cor 16th nnd Jackson , nil
nonly pnperndnnd In tine condition ; they
lint call conveniences. Call at Ilia Hnriioy st.
FOH HUNT -room house , city water , S cis
terns and gas. 1711 Davenport. Apply Itoom
39 Ilnrkcr blk. K19
"niOH ItnNT T-room llat.Lango block ; 6li S 13
"iTOH ilUNT tldroom house , 3 Otli bet.
J1 Hickory and Oak. See O. F. Llsasscr. r > . e.
cor. llth nnd Furnam. 70t
TJ OH HENT An 8-room detached lo use , fnr-
JD naco , bath , etc. , 2Uth nnd Loavenworth. 110.
David Jamleson , Ileo bldg. 3ai
HKNT Houses nnd stores ; property
c red for. tares paid. Midland Ouaranteo
A Trust Co..1814 Farnam St. Abstracts. ! H7
F you wish to rent n house or store sou II. K.
Cole , Continental block. 15U
A PLEASANT 7-room Hat with modern con-
-ex venlences : also 4 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Apply Hoomu , 1001 Howard
i KOOM corner flat with modern Improve-
/meiita. Z4th and Leavenwortn nU. 077 mllj
EOK HUNT iJiiue ten-room house with all
modern Improvements , suitable for boardIng -
Ing house , on N 13th , between California and
Cans sts. Hent reasonable. Inquire room 6M
First NotloHal bank building. SM
TT < OH Itr.NT House ot in rooms with every
JU convenience ; close to cable and motor. 71)3
N 10th. M813J
WANT more lioness to rent. Parrotte.
- . t'at with steam neat , ICtn Bt. , near
8-KUO.M 1 bos. F.llall.311 I'axton block. 327
IPOH HKNT Nicely furnlstted rooms. Ill 3.
JD nth st. 703 131
TUHN1SHKD HOOMS. tS and 10 per month.
f HIS Dodge street. 787 13t
"CMtONT room , J1.25 per week , 19J3 Farnanm.
, ga ? and use of bathroom -
room ; double parlors If desired ; 2010 Leav-
cnworth. 7M-llt
TWO lar front rooms cheap ; also , rooms
for housekeeping , 11 S. 17th. 7 ! 133
"TTlUItNISanDroomi , 1'Jll Douglas.
JJ P05-17t
IiOOGK. cornar 3)th ) Suite of handsome
ly furnished parlors and other rooms , with
board It de-lrod. References. 70(1 ( lilt
FOR HUNT Large front pirlor , nicely fur-
nlihed , with folding bed. etc. Heat , gas
und bath. Address. < Wl N. 18th. 077-14J
Hoonn with uoard at 407 North
l th at. , m Paul block. 76U *
ROOMS furnlihed wltn board , 1818 Farnam.
092 13t
NICK room , every convenience , 171U Davenp't
VJU-aS ?
T71UHMSHED Rooms to lot , aciJ St. Mary's
JE avenue. 074
I HAVE n few elegant rooms with hoard at
108 S 2oth st. W. O. Field. K4 21 *
TJ OR RUNT Front rooms. 2010 Davennort.
J } 1118
T71OR RENT 1'leasant furnished rooms with
-C ult convontenccs , 5tl > S. 2 th st. HW
"IJ1OH HUNT Suite ot front rooms , modern
JU conveniences , with or without board. $11
per month , i-'lt Leavcnworth st. 323
T. CL.UK European hotel , cor. Utn and
Dodge. Special rates by wees or month.
l Oll IlENT ttootn with board. 1723Dodgest. _
1LAHUI2 furnUhod front room , 1913 Farnam.
373 12 *
"QOOMS and day board ; 1721 Caottol ave.
IV ' SiH-inS5J
FOR RENT Elegant front room with alcove ,
well furnished , near cable and horse cars.
All modern conveniences. Call 2U08 Douglas.
V >
OR RUNT A very largo front and back par
lor unfurnished. 1720 Capitol ave. 7 32
XTCE rooius.Tnodern convcnlences.lS-'l Fani'm
IN utM
I1OR RKNT One large rront room\Uth bonrd.
1INJO Capitol 11 vo , 675
C ONFUHNISII EH chainbi'rs for housekeeping
Jtor manand vlfe ; no children , ail ) K 17th ,
. 313 IDj
UN FURNISHED rooms. C31 S. 17th bet
Jackson and l.eavenwortb , C27 l'-J
TT'OH RENT Desk room In nicely furnished
JU olllce , nil couveutHucus , Room IV. Continen
tal block. 018
WANTKD A druggist to occupy a store In
a block , rent Ki per month : will give .3
months' rent. Addrest V2S Hoc olllce. TWimSIt
TORES at 707 , 709. 711 8. 18th.22xBO each , large
show w Indon s. ateam heat f urulshod. Thos ,
F. Hall , III ! IViJton blork. 331
IjlOU RENT T-story brick btitldlncr. 1110 Doug-
X ? las St. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse
purposes. Also brick store , 107 S. Mill st. In
quire of Chas. Kaufman. IS02 Donglau st. 333
nToirHT'.NT The 4-story brick building , with
-I ? or without power , formerly occupied by the
lice Publishing ( o , fit ! I'arnam t. The build
ing hat a llrtproot cement basement.complete
steam hoatlug IKtiires , water on all the tloors ,
Has , etc. Apply at the olllce of The Deo. 1115
FOR RENT-First or third tloor of thenuw 3-
story building lining built between N. Y.
Ufe and Morse building on Farnam st. D. C.
I'atter on. 5)8 ) N. V. Life. MH
f ) BTOHKS , 2410 and 2KB Leavenworth st.
" \\rANTKU To rent two or three furnished
IT rooms for Ucht housekeeping , Must be
neat. Address X al. llee. 722-11 ?
JII. PAUHOTTK , rental agent. Douglas Dlk.
. 031ar
GHOVCH rfttveni , 1515 Fnruam at. , telephone
815. Olllce open e\uings. Heal estate ,
loan and rental airency. Property for exchange.
UK.vr and reliable tire nsnrance. I'arrotte.
E. COLE , rental agent. Coutlnontal block ,
T\f 113. > CHH13T1NA Hcllwlg. midwife ror >
ill ner loth ud Hickory. gX-liK
TN"f > fnirio attend the auctiou sale of new
JL/Iuruitnre t HSR Idthut , tomorrow uttor-
noon nt 3 p. m , ; opposite Btonehlll' * , on 16tn ut.
mo UUNT-Houiea lUt with J. H. I'arrotte.
A UOTION 4 l < every Tue > ilay.Thiir d yand
xXttaturday morning atllll DouglMtireet ,
Omati * Auctiou ie 3Uir * C k 3M
HK. COL1X reliable nro Insurance.
H K , COTE uotary puWiJ nud conreyancer"
MTU ) SUIT the convenience of rllenti engaged
JL during tlmday woopcn ovenlriiri ,6:3) : t i HS u.
H.E.Col.1. Uoon6Continental lilk. 201
QTOLRN or utrayed , from 3.W ! Dodge , bay
Omare about n years old , white star on fore
head , ono white foot : had on halter. Return
und receive reward. " 03 12 *
T OST lletwecn Wlncote * Klley's olllre. 2ith )
JLJ nnd Lt-avenworth and OiW 1'aclDn street.
Ono blank txioK about KxlO Inches , red rover
and about IS ) pages , fu.00 reward tf returned
to either above address. Wlncote Si Illley.
MTlsTMc- you see Crelghton's add. of a
sale of ncvr fnrnltnro at IMS. 16th tomor
row afternoon ? Ytu cau no doubt get 1u w hut
you want there. Annie. 812-11
WANTKD 1 table boarders , 1728 Cap. ave.
> OARI ) with or without rooms. 1810 Parnarn.
i on IK
STORAtii- :
ril HK cleanest and best storage In the city Ht
J- low rates nt 1114 Dougta.1 street. Omaha
Auction ft Storage Co. itM
i : storage at lowes t rates. W. J | .
JL Ilu3hme.n , Mil Lnavonwurtlt. 3TW
WHO timed those live Klmb.ill pianos UBod
by Madame I'attl and company at tno Mil-
Inrd ? Uloomlleld did the work and It Is said ,
that he Is no slouch. 1'lanos And organs nicely
tuned and regulated for t3. Ill N. 17th st.0i12t
0i-12t )
BEFORE huvuig a piano exnmlno the now
ecalu Klmball piano at A. llospo.1513 Douglas -
las st. 41
G CO. F. OELLENllKCrT. teacher df the banjo ,
room 213 , Douglas block , or Ileo olllco , 21U
TDIANO tuning by George llloomfleid , piano
-L maker. Ill North 17th. 3J yrs experience In N.
Y. , Chicago nud Onmhn. Excellent references.
" \717"ANTED Furnlturo. carpets , household
IT goods for cash. Wells' Auction i Storage
Co. ; ; IIT s uth st , 33'J
hnvo n customer for lot no of 1 * . O.
Hutchlnson & Wead. 1524 Douglas. 735-9
WANTED Second-hand paper cutter. Ad-
dros * X IB Uee. 721-15
W ANTKO--Oood commercial paper. Ne
braska Mortgage Loan Co. ,6 It ) I'axton blk.
/"tASHror all kinds of household poods at Jill
V7Douglas 3trect.Omaha Auction A Storage CO.
ANTED-To oily for spot cash , city or
V T country part * or whole stocks of dry and
fancy poods" , clothing , boots and shoes , milli
nery , stationary , genVs furnishing Roods , icti ;
Call on or address J.-fe Hrandeis & Sons , corner -
ner 13th and Howard. Omaha. 8.1J.
WANTED to nuy-$2.WO good short tlmd pa-
per. 11. 11. Henderson. 40J 1'nxtou blk. 417
171OH 8yIiE A largo soda fountain madu by
JD J. W. Tufts , lloston. Mass. Address J. t- .
Ueermaker , Chester , Nob. 770 15J
OUU thoroiifihbred Clvda stallion , 7 years old ,
peed breeding mares and Rood > ending
colts for salt ) nt reasonable prices. Iteii on for
belling : want to make a trip to the old country.
Address Adam Wlndolph. Grand If land. Neb.
NICC 4-room cottage for sale , purchaser to
remove same. OnlyKUO. II. E. Cole , Con
tinental block. 750-11
TT1OR 8AI.E Drug fixtures , shelving , conn-
-L1 ters and show cases.almost new. Inquire of
A. Scbroter , cor. JOth and Farnani.Omnhu.
( So J * * >
FOH SALE At auction , tomorrow ( Wednes
day ) at 3 p m. . parlor stilts , odd pieces.rock
ers , bed-room carriages ,
etc. All new and direct from the east , at 1(6 ( S.
lth st. 81'J 11
PUNITUHE of 7-room cottage very cheap ,
furniture almost , now. Must be sold by
March 1. Address XBI.c. . 73" '
FOR SALE One of the finest driving teams
In Omaha ; afraid of nothing , stylish nnd
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring
carriage almost new. Address X , Uae olllce.
TTUJIlNITtTHK auction every Wednesday and
JD Saturday , 317 B nth. Wells. aia
FOH SALE A 35-horse power J'orter engine
In peed condition , weight 6,100 pounds , cyl
inder . 11x10 ; for particulars apply to The llee
A fit on. "flU
SALE or trade One Hat top desk , one
3-foot standing desk , one lease of section
of school land. 480 ncies of Improved western
land and rt sections of U. 1' . railroad land. II.
II. Henderson. 4UO I'axton block. S4t
TT10H SALE Some good watches andJ dla-
-D moud-s che.ip. 11. F. Masters , room 4. V 1th-
nell blk. 34S
FOR SALE Or exchange , half blood Clydes
dale stallion , will exchange for good driving
horse. George Vradonberg , C23 S. loth.
70s m 12
DR. II. QROUX.eloctrlcltymaBsage and mag
netic treatment , chronic diseases a special
ty , simple medicines when necdad , 3SS N lAth.
433 ni31j
TilORTONK Teller Mrs. Lenorman can be
-L1 consulted on all affairs nf life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No. 310N. 15th t. 10U in 20J
MADAME ULANCH , the greatest mind
reader and counsellor , has suite of
parlors at U 2 N. 16th sruot.s. w. corner Chicago
and IStb. This lady has a remarkable gift
or second sight. tolU pait and future correctly ;
huslness confidential ; has Just returned : lost
and stolen property , truthfulness of absent
friends a specialty. _ _ 347
DR. NANNIEV. WARREN , clairvoyant , mod-
icnland business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 N , Iflth st. , rooms 2 ana 3. Din
V\rANTKD Educated young ladles and gentlemen -
tlemen to learn shorthand and tyueurlt-
ingattha Standard Shorthand liusluos * col
lege. New York Life building ; ! lnet rooms In
the city ; all latest Improvimient * . electric light ,
ilevator service ; cheapnst school because It Is
the Don ; Instruction thorough , modern , practi
cal ; demand for stnnographcM constantly In
creasing : success positively sure. Oil I or write
for ono of our large descriptive catalogues.
Aildreal. Standard Shorthand Uurtness Col
lege , Frank K. Dell. Manager , N. Y. Life Hldg.
Omaha. Neb. .76J
DEPOSITIONS. lOo per folio ; pirtltiona A cbr-
respondeuc . ( Iccopylng', ; U j.
WANTED First ilass Inside loam. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Investment
Co. . ISO. Farnam. aui
BUILDING Loann-fl ) ! to T per eont ! no ait *
ditlonal charges for commissions or attor
ney's fees. W. It. ilelklo , First Nat. bank bldg.
at lowest rates : removed
\Jto 017 and 610 I'axton blk J. U. Emlnger. ,
MONEY to loan , by II. F. Masters. In auy
amount from 110 to 410,000. for any time ,
from one to six months.
I make loans on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , Teases , etc. . In
nny amount , ut the lonust possible rate ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My ioun * are so arranged that you can make
n payment at any time and rojuco.yonr In
terest pro r ta. You pay Interest only for the
time you use the money. If you owe a balance
on your property 1 will take It up and carry it
for you , ut the lowest rate consistent with the
risk.Morey always ou hand. No delay , jfr'q pub
licity. Lowed ralei 11. F. .Masters ,
Itoom \rtthnell llloct I5tH and Hurney sts ,
TTBY8TONB MortKago Co.-Loans of 110 to
JL\ooO | ; get our rates before borrowmir and
save money ; loan on norse * . fnrnltnro or any
approved security , without publicity : notoj
bought , for new loan , renewal utold and lowest
rales. Call. 1(208 ( , Bheoly blk , I6th * Howard ats.
LOANS made on any avails ble security , feu-
tral Investment Co , Room 2 > , Chamber o (
Commerce. 3u3
MONKYtoloan on norsei. wagons , mules ,
nousuhold goo < ) i , pane ! , era U9. dlamouds ,
at lowest rate * . Thennt omanlzrd loan oltlce
In the city. Makes loans from UO to 3.U ilays.
which can be paid In pan or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call ana H us when you want money. We can
mUt yon promptly and to your advantage
without removal ot property or publicity.
Money ul tray * ou baud. No delay In mtklni-
loana. O. F. Head & Co. , 319 8. 13th at : over
Ulngham * Sjona. 357
MONKY to loan on furniture , organ * , olunoi
horses and wagous. Iluwkvyo Invntment
Co. , room 33 , DougTiu blt lith o \ Dodrfv sta.
SKB Shol , room 3W Flr , t Nfttlonr.1 bank be *
fore maklnityoui'iot.nwi' aM
M ONKV to loan. O. ITDavIs Co , real eAtate
and loan agents. IfiOuJPhrnnm st. Ml
MONKV lontiod on'fftrttltnro , horses nd
wagons : rates rensrjnhble , City Loan to. ,
roomlFllnrkcr. * ! nFl
_ _ _ _ | _
Fl HST mortgage loans t ow rates and no de
lay. D. V. Slioles Co.D , First National bank
" " 6xKV5r" ) or inUnys ) onfnrnltnro
pianos , horie.-s housenj tc. J. J. Wilkinson
(118 ( Paxton blk. j , .TO
LOANB-Cltyanufarrairlbans. mortgage pa
per bought. McC'ngUBJ vcitment Co. ! l.t
" " " "
MONKV to""loan"bn"iri ) ' ec < curlty
for short tlnifl M low
on personal property ,
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Compuny ,
Itoom 4 0. I'axton block. ; i > 5
MONKY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay. J ,
W. Squire , Ull > Farnam st. First National
bam building. nra
f \III.HAL real estate loam made by W. ti.
JU Harris , room S ) 1'renzer blk , opp. P. O.
Gl'BH CENT residence loans J-1.HX ) to IO.ixa
llulldlng loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , Uee Dullaing. .T > 9
UMO.uuu to Invest In nooii Ilriftiiortgage"paper. .
PRoem 4.tu. t'axtou tirock. ; 8a icE /
IT. E , COLR , loan agent. Continental block.
. 1119
M IO.N KV to loan , Parrolte. Douglas block.
Bt'ILDlNO loans. I ) . V. Bholes Co. . 'J10 First
Nntloual bant liullillns. ail
SECOND mortgage loans. H. 13 , IloaTd" Trauo.
fc J
" \rinLANO Ouaranteo i Trust Co N. V. Life
I'LblUjr.completeutMtnictJ furnished and titles
to real estate oxainlnsJ , per fected 4cguaruntood
" 171OII SALK-In a lively Nebraska town of
J 10,000 , n first-class stationery , book , news ,
nnd nail pnpar business. S les J-UOOO. Kino
location and leading store In the city. Will in
voice about J0.ooa t.ittiltlshea 10 yeirs. Ad
dress A 1 , Omaha IJoe. 809-lMJ
I.U.MIiKU yaid For sale. No real estate or
buildings to bur. Sales In use about (11'AOiU ( )
nineteen thousand dollars. Address lock box
28. Chester. Neb. 807-1TJ
T71OU SALK or exchange Saloon tlxtures ,
J. pool table , etc. . separate. Aderess X ui > Uee
olllce. CSM3 *
RACK ITT store for sulo : nice clean ntock ,
Rood trade. Oood location. For cash and
bankable paper only. F. W. Scott , Schuyler ,
Neb. 079-UJ
rpHE whole or one-halt Interest In the best
-L mill property of Nebraska , 1" mlles from
Omaha. iUO ncrc < < of Rued pasture land , line
timber , no mcumbrance , good dnoiling houses.
Kverytnin ? lu llrst class order. Address J.
> yickenbort.51Q N. llitli at. t KHU
T71OH SALE A stock of dry goods , boots ,
J. shoes , hats , caps , clothlnx nnd carpets , sit
uated in Aurora. Hamilton county. Neb. Stock
about ft&ODU. Kverythlng in llrst-clnss order ,
store 23xS ) , of orlck , on corner , 2 tloors , beat lo
cation nnd stock In thn town. A snap for nny
oua wliouanM to engage' in goods business.
For information correspond wltn W. It. Smith ,
'Aurora , Nob. -Ul'-aj
" " '
Foil SALE 0"onoral"sTockrof'eoods nnd busi
ness in n well located town eiuhteen miles
from Omaha , now doing a splendid business ;
good reasons for selling , njnqulre of S. Cotner
nt Nebraska Savings bunkOmana , Nob.fTn
fTn a4J
WK wish to exchaugoxmr equity In a brick
and Iron front , metat roof , stone store
room , in a Kansas county tent , : ttXJ population.
Uuildlng constantly rented and paying moder
ate p r rent on Investment , for uranhn real es
tate improved or unimproved. Can put in JltK )
in merchandise on a satisfactory deal.Vo
wish to talk with owners , ns wo will pay no
commissions to agents. lAJdress X 71. Uee.
2 7KJ11J
Tjicm CXCIIANOE Clear land for mdse. or
-I ? horses. Plrst mortgage paper for same.
Clear Inside lots In the city wltn A 1 prospects
for chattels. Jn fact you ICAU get almost nny
Kind of a trade-you calling at 107 Sheo-
ly block. . ( ,87-U
WHAT have you to'exitmnge for a lot In
South Omaha worta SI.O > A > t clear of in-
cumbrance , Address XJ&'Jlve offlce. a CK
rp6 EXCflA OECl iirVeal cafa'io iiid cash'
JL fern clean Mtocs of groceries. Address II.
A. Uurner. Thurman , la. ' ' " 848-13
H HUE'S your cuunco Two nlcn clean now
general stocks ot merchandise to trade for
clear realty and cash. Room Jl ! Douglas block.
IF you have anything to exchange cull on or
address H.B.Colo , lie , Continental block.
Office open evenings fl:3U to 8:33. : iiflT
Jj > Olt Trad : t J acres good deeded land 10
1 tulles southwest ot Kertand. Neb , , cattle
preferred. Jno. Q. llallarcl. Hertrand. Neb.
FOH HENT-Checkered livery barn on 16th
st S of Harney. Call or address Neb. Mort-
gnco Loan Co. , BlU Paxton blk. 60S
FOK CXCHANUK-Cholce Improved Nebras
kn farms. Will assume llehc encumbrance
If you have anything to oirer nddress or call on
0oo. J.Sternsclorir , room 317-318 First National
bane building. Teleohonti 481. Ci5
TT1OII nXCHANOE J lots In South Omana or
J1 lot near Vlnton St. , for horses or mules ,
Koom 13 , Board Trade. 'JS.'i
I WANT a grocery or drug stock to invoice
$1,600 to } 4OOG ; U cash balancn Improved rual
estate. Lock box its. Central City , Nob.7JtJm
7JtJm 12J
SIXTV-nVE acres s. w. of p. o. , suitnblo for
platting or gardening , for sale atu bargain.
F. K. Darling. 4.1 Marker block. 81J
A SPAN of match blacks , a line driving
team , harness and carriage to excbange fern
n lot. 1WWJ rarnarn at. "ffi K
5-11OOJPcottage and 33xIS- feet of crouncV-jth
and Clilcago sts. . W.WU : ll.ijOQ cash , bat oaay.
0. F. Hnrrison. Oil N. V. Life. 781 13
TrOIl SALE-I vlll sell forcashoi on easy
-i. terms , 10 acres of land adjoining the city of
York , Neb. , nnd H MOCK near the college In
the same city. Address all communications to
II. 51. Woirtf , Culbortson , Neb. 77M1J j )
FOH SALE Or oxclmngo for drugs and real
estate. f.M.000 book stocs. llox Olf. 127
U ) It S A LE Bix ! 13i on J ones st. J300 per foot
Address X ,1J llee. L ± > a2J
NOTICE to Investors We will receive bid *
for the purchase of our business property.
UCM Farnam street , known as the east 3J feet
ot lot 7 , block 12) , up to April the llrst. next :
owners reserving the right to reject nny or all
bids. Lohmann & Ilansen. care of John II , F.
Lehmnnn , 024 South lith Street. C4U
BUY A HOME Small caah payment ; ea y
terms ; speciallow price. Wright Jt Las-
bury , Arlington block. ; 55-18
/"tOTTAQ B homes' in moat any addition for
Vaie at from JI.OOO up , on easy montuly pay
ments. F , K. Darling1 , 4-1 Darker blocc. g O
BALE Unit price for cash ; lots 4 , 6 and
(1 ( , block 1.1'ruyu park ; Omaha. Owner can
not take care ot them. Address room 1. 1127 O
st. Lincoln , Neb. " / ! ' CM-1J
SALT LAKE CITY PnrRos dosirlng to in
vest In this city will d * well to consult the
Dieter , Johnson InvestmrubCo. , P. O. HoxA'l ,
and 1M > South Main St. . Salt Lake city. We han
dle choice property only and give the best of
references , , . " 1 617 A 5
RKAL E3TATB If you il'ant to sell or rent
list U with T. C. Ilranner , who has a largo
list ot customers. Itoom I..Ware block , B. K.
Cor. 15th nnd I'flrnam. 4M ai
Wi : want to buy 3' ) aortM of land In the
southwest part of thu city , not over 2Vi or
nmlUsout : will pay casrt.'jHtar Land Sc Loan
Co. , 1COIM Farnam Bt. s | ° * 787 I'i
n WO choice lots on small'Oaih payment , bal-
4. anco second mortgagutn responsible partlui
who will build. H. li. COCK , Continental blk ,
and 2JO N. 21th. BOJ
SPECIAL BargAln A. Hr , elegant east front
property , No. KM Qeorjdh avenue , with a
Una U-room modern rasldenca with every con *
ventcnce. Including gas nxtnres. sewer con
nections , handsomely decorated , and In fact ft
gem of a home ; owner going to leavn the city.
This property limit be sold ny March 1st ; for
priort ana terms see me. If you have any In-
tentlon ot ouyinB and wnt nice place , this
will suit you. D. v. Sholes Co. 2L11st Nafl bank.
. 4SJ
1ST your property with II. E. Cole.
l Sffi
0 8x00 feet. N. K. cor , 10th je Douglas , call or ad
dress Mrs. Kuhlman , U.K. cor. llth , & Vlnton.
BAUQAIN llacarplace , house and lot 11,3JO
easy term * ; AOxUJ ft ; 3 houses , t , 8 and 0
rooms , full lota , lew than cost. Cash or trade.
Addreti or call on owner. K. U.Merrill , 41th pud
S ward t. Wamut Hill. uo-m 18J
T7VHI SALK Very cheap , no trade * , farm of
X' 543.78 cr3. oec. B , 12. N 0 W. Hamilton coun
ty , NeU ; "inlfea from Maniuette. iiaal ! housa ,
Btubte. aooarres of paitnre fenced , ilvlnir water ,
price only Hi ) ptr acre , t iJT.eiV one-third 1MU
crup IncluduU. Terras ts.yua cash , balanre t per
cent Intercut. F K. AUlnj , owner , railroad
building , Denrer Cot &u
VirAUQII vre t rn ldr l 9Ut
Till VK room cottage * ; . II.JOO eneli , 1100 c
-L down , balance Jlj uer month Thos. F. liall ,
311 Paxton block. ItTO
FOR aALK-k0 will buy lot 50.xIM lu Omahii
View , ono block from motor line , nicely on
gmde. Loti In thli Addition are worth f i.OOO ,
and the above price Is open far a short time
only. H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental Slock.
A SHALL payment down nnd gift per month
will buy n 4-room house nnd lot on Itfth , two
blocis from motor : llrst-cln chance to aciiutro
n home on easy tnrms. Apply to H , I- Cole ,
Continental block. 27J
SI'KCIAL bnrgaln-llest lot In ItlllHlde No. 1.
Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Collard -
lard , owner , Kearney , Nob.
LINCOLN Tlac9 an.l Carfin a lots price
MaxXVJ down , balance ill monthly.
W , u sjuby. it. 11 , uo M fen : !
DON'T forget the lot on 21th St. , il.m Itug-
gins.auy. 18th st 7.11-
l'ropn nl § for Ijinnbor.
Sealed proposals tor furnishing Douglas
county with liuubor for the year ending IWU ,
will bo received nt the omce ot the county clrrk
untltnooii of Saturday. March loth. 18 * J. Sperl-
llcatlnna and sl/ns required cnu be obtained at
the office of county clerk. A certified check f or
$25.00must accompany onch bid. Tno Cotnmls-
Hlonera roscrve the right to reject nny or all
Dated Omaha , March l t , l M.
mltlltt P. O'MAM.KV. County Clerk.
Proposals ( of Supplies.
EoAlod proposaU for fiirnUlilne supplies for
the county poor hoiiso for the year is.ii. will be
received nt the county clerk's olllco until noon
of Saturday , Marcn Inth. 1 JO. A cprtllled choc k
for 1'iU.iiO must nccompany eiich bid. Speclllcn-
ttona for ntipptles cnn be obtained at the county
clprk'nolllca. Thn Commls-loner's rusorve the
right to i eject nny or all bUK
Dated Omaha , March 1st. lci\ ) .
mldllt P. O'M.vtr.p.v.County Clerk.
To Whom ItMnr Conai rn.
Henry Llve-ev ami Daniel HauiMior , asso
ciated tojtethir In fie Mason Coutr.irting busi
ness , have this day ( Feb. 21.1WO ) dissolved their
buslines rnlntlons. All accounts f the Into linn
will be settled by Henry Ltvcsey.
inlldltp JUjNIC ! , IUMSIIKU.
Service , Pine Hldgo Agency S. Dakota , Feb
ruary 21st , ISiX ) . Sf.iled proposals Indorsed
"Proposals for Lumber" and addressed to the
undersigned at Pine Hldgo Agency , Shannon
Co. , S. U.xkotn , will be received nt this Agency
until ouo o'clock of March 17th. 1W ) . for furnish
ing for and delivering nt this Agency , about
thrie hundred thotnand tee t ot assorted lumber ,
u full description of which may be obtained 1 > V
miullciitlou to the underslgne 1. Illdders will
be required to stnto In their bids the proposed
price of each variety of lumber to ba offered for
uelivery under a Contract.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified
check or draft upon porno United States De
pository , madnp.iyablototneorderof the un-
ilersliraed for nt least KIVKper cunt ot tha nm-
ount ot the oropodrtl. which check or draft will
be forfcltoil to the United btates In case any
bidder or bidders receiving nn award shall fan
to promptly execute a contract with good nnd
luillclrnt snrlntlfls otherwise to bo returned to
the bidder. H. D. OALLAOHCK , U. 8. Indian
agent. f-22-d-2l-t
leaves miTllLINCTON' A , JIO. ItlVIJIt I Arrives
Oninbn. I IH'potlOlli nni ] Ma-un httiicu * t Omaliii
10 Ki n m cnTHr Vc tlbnIoKxprcs . . . ] : IOO p in
8..V ) a m aollnas , t Concorilln I-ocnl. . ' II.1.S p m
055 p in Denver Kxpruss i ' . ( . .Ci n m
K. P. , ST. J. * C. II. I Arrives
Omalm. I Depot 10th anil Maaon street- . I Oni.ilm.
1)35 ) a jn.K"iiii3a9 City Uiy llipross. . .i ii.l.'i p in
9 6 p mK | ( . ' Night Kxp. Tjn r 1' . Trim * ' B 45 n m
Leave * . UNION 1'ACIKIl' . I Arrives
Depot 10th unU .Miircy street- . I Omnha.
2 45 p m . . Oicrlnnd Klyer . . . .lOJDpm
7..V ) p m I'lirltlonxpiesii 7 15 n m
0 10 n tn Denver Etpreis . I 450 p ra
4.4i p nijUrand lal mil Kxp. ( except Hun > 12.4i p ia
5 25 a la i . Knn a * * City Kxpress . j 12 05 a ru
leaves CHICAGO. It. I. ft PACIFIC f Arrlvi'sT
Ouialm. U l > . depot , IQtli Biiil Marcyfeta. Omtha
4.15 p ml Night Kxpre-a 10 U ) a in
A.15 : i ml Atlantic Kxpreis ' C. > 0 p m
U.15 p m' ' . . . . .Vcstlbnlo Limited _ LLJ5LE. (
8.45 p m' ' . .at , Paul Limited. 0.15 a m
Thfso train * nl < olop nt IJtli , 17th , Ifltli and 21th
Btrcot * . Hamnilt and SavldRe Cro-nlns. * WorklnK-
IIIUM'M train * do nut ran SunJny.
Transfer I Union Depot , Council Hlulls. Trnn for
9.10 a m , . . .CliicaKo Kxpr < * . 5 W | i in
3W p ru . . . . . . . .Veitlbulo Limited 915 a ra
455 p m , . Kit-torn Xljrpr 545 p ra
BU ) p m 7JI u m
Leaves CIllC'AiJO , U. I , A. PACIFIC.
Tranufcrl Union Di'pot. Council HUiffi , ITrenifor
S 15 p ml Nlnut Kiprens , T 9 .45 a in
1004 n ml . .Atlantic Kiprtu * . . 1 tUA ) p UI
10.00 p ml Voillbnlo Limited I IM p m
Tr iuferlUnloM _ Depot , Council lllulti. | Tr n fer
* a ) a ra , .Clilca.-i ) if nil ( "cxciiittfiiDdajr ) . , f " 5 10 p m
( IJ9) p ml CldcaRO Ktprvx 9 15 a m
1UU ) p Ul ! Chli'Uk'o Kxprcsii SCO pm _
TeaveT I "lTt\rw'frjK , V O II. I ArrlfTiT
Transfer ! DnlonlHiput. Council llluffi.
foot u m.Kaii | ( llr liar Kx | > rci , . UUU p m
lOUji ni'.Kania ' City Night Kiproti. . , U 10 a ni
Ixa-e I OiTAllATS l ArrirrF
Trannferl Union Depot , Council Hlurf . Trauifor
"l 45 p m' . . .SlTlxioU Cinoii " " _ H 15 p PI
Trumferl tlnloh liepot. C'oancll llb ij _ iTrantfer
" '
940 a ni' ' , T.Chre go Kiprvti' , . . , , ' inuTp 01
IOU ) p m' ' , . , . . Clilciio Kipret * 820 * u
5.U ) p in. , . , , , .Chlciwu Fwt Jlnll. 5 JO p m
7JO j > m- ! , . . . . .Creitoa l/jcnl . . 111 SO o
T ? o.r | 8IOU.X CITY 4 i'ACIKIO 7 Arrlre-
Tr o furl Uo Ion Uepot.Coutii.lllU J e . _ ITranifer
7 45 ml .bkoni Cllr AccomraoJ iTon a 05 a n
mj St. Paul KJVIMI , I tM p a
AUMT Srrrt.tns Depot Quartarmnstan
Olllce , Onmhn. Nebraska. February WtQ
lw.fealfrt proposuls In duplkata will be re
ceived M thl olllce nntll ID a. m Tuesday
March llth , I W. nt which time and plara they
will tMt openptl In the prenenco Of attondlne bin
ders for delivery of LtimbT. Doors. WltiJow.i ,
Cedar Poms , yhlngle * , Hewer and Water I'lpc ,
Ilarbed Wire , Piuntfl. Sand , hi me. llalrc ,
Lints giving Rt ) clficatloiiii quaotltlc * ) nnd ether
tnformatlnri will l 3 f m mali-d upon anpllcdtlou
tn tlili olllco. I'retfreuce will be c'ven ' to nrtto *
losof dome-tic production or maim f net tire , con
dition of iinaltty nnd price tlm hiding lu the
price of foreign production or manufacture the
duty Ihcreom being equal nnd further , that no
contracts shall bo nwnrdfd for fimiuhlng ar
ticles of foreign production or manufucturo
when the articles of suitable quality of dome--
Uo production or mnnnfncturo rnn bo obtained.
Th frovermnont rci rvei t ho right to reject auy
ornllpropo al . Illdders should attach n ropy
of this advertisement to their bids. JOHN
SIMPSON , Captain and AMt , Qr. , U. H. Army.
This la to certify that the Nobra'kit Coutrut
Itallwaycompirty dc lres nn Increase of Its au *
thrlzcd capital stock from ono million dollar !
to four millions nvt > hundred ttion.iMut dollars ,
nnd that such Increase and tha mikin ; null
publlsnlni-or this curtlllc.tte , and the filing
thereof with the secretary of state of the suto
of Nebraska , hmooon duly attthorlzad by toe
holders of the majority of the capital stock of
the Netirmku Central Hallw.vy company.
In witness wlurcot , wo hnvo hereunto signed
our names nt Omaht. tn tun county Jt Uouitlnt
and state ot Nebraska , ou the Will day of Ail-
OTMr. 18JM. JOHN A. M'SllANti
GEonOKa nAtlNUM , l-rosldent.
I Corporate I
\ seal. \
State ot Nebraska , Doualni county , ss :
lluforo me , a notary public In und for. said
Douglas county , personally came the nbovo
named John A. > Ic-'lmtH' , George U llaruum ,
John II. Dumont. William L. Adamn nnd lion-
jamlnJ. Morris , known to me to be the Ident
ical ponona who Mgiied tno foregoing initrti-
meut , nnd severally acknowledged the said In-
Htrumuiit to bo their voluntary net aud deed ,
for the uses nnd purposes therein set forth.
In witness uliereor , I have hereunto signed
my name nnd alllxcd my olllclalsoal.nt Omaha ,
Douglan county , Nabraska thU l tlidayof An-
guirriSSO. W. C.IVKS.
Notarial I Notary Public.
Seal , f hebtidRO t.mor
Notice It hereby given , that the Omaha
Southern Hallway Company , has boon duly In
corporated undorthelawx ot the State ol No-
brnsko , and doc * thereon give public notice us
follows ;
1. The name of said corporation Is , "Omaha
Southern Itullway Company. "
" . The principal place of transacting Its busi
ness. Is the city of Omaha , couuty of Douglas
and State of Nebraska.
i ) . The general nature ot the business to bo
transacted by said corporation. Is tno construc
tion , operation nnd matntonanco of a line ot
railway of standard guage , and n telegraph
line In connection therewith , from the city of
Omaha in said county. In a southerly direction
through the counties of Douglas , S.irpy , Cunt :
nnd Otoo to Oluu Hock , in the State of No-
4. The amount of capital stock authorized by
the articles of Incorporation. Is Thre Million-
Dallars , and the same Is to be paid na follows :
An installment of ten per cent on each share of
block shall be pay able at the tlmo of making
the uubicrlpllou. nnd thereslduo thereof shall
bo paid In such Installments nnd at such tlmo
ana place as may bo required by the directory
of the company.
5. The existence ot said corporation com
mences on the fith day Of February. A. D. 18UJ ,
nud terminates on tbo Oth day ot February A.
F. The highest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which the Incorporation shall nt
unyttmo be subject , is Two .Million Dollars.
7. The nirulni ot the corporation arc to bo
conducted by a. President , Vice-President , Sec
retary. Treasurer aud General Manager.
Witness our hands this the Oth day of Tab-
s. „ . „ . CfAK.
H. S. HAM. .
FlOdSOt Incorporators.
Orocon Short Line & Utuh Northern
llall\vay Unnipnii ) .
Notice Is hereby given that , pursuant to the
articles ot consolidation and agreement , dated
July 27th , 1883 , tha annual m < -tlmr of the stok-
ho'ders of the Oregon snort Line and L'tah
Northern Hallway Company for the election of
directors and such other business as may legally
come before the meeting , will ba held ut the
olllce of the company. No. 73 Main street. Salt
Lake City. Utah , on Wednesday , the 19th day of
March , loflO , nt 10 o'clock n. m.
AI.EX. MILI.AH , Secretary.
Boston , February 6th , im f-7d.JJt !
rNSrKUMKM'3 uUc.u on rd3JM during
U L Gntllchs to Adam Icker , lots n and 4 ,
blk 1. Mnyne Place , w u 2
W D RdwaruH to F S Illnyuey. o 44 ft Iot7.
n , Patrick 2d dd 10,000
S It Johnson nnd wife to Adam I deed , lots
3 and 4 , blKl , Mayno Place , 11 c d 6.C03
J It Hungnte , trustee , to l { K Craln , lot
IS. blk4. lledford Place , wd C03
Albrlgiit Lund & Lot Co to Knto Pearson
etaUlotW , blta Matthews sub , wd. . 4CO
J C Shea and wife to Gilbert Kuatiu , lot
27 , Auboru Hill , w d COO
A J Popp'.eton nnd wife to John Uooillott
et ul. lotM , blkfc , Poppleton Pnrk. wd . 1,300
W I Fryer and wife to O A vhyman. . lot
SI. blkl ) . Orchard Hill , wd I.MO
HJFoxtoW W Doten , lot 21 , Archer
Place , wd . . . . 5.COJ
O 8 Bunaw an-1 wife to W W Doten , lot U ,
blk' ' , Hitchcock's add , wd 3,000
H 11 Robertson anililfe to Allvet Iliipch ,
w 60 n lot 10. blk 19. Central Pure , w d. 700
M Mullen to I ) Cunulugbum , lot 6 , blk ,
Hertford Place , w < I 100
Paul Waac-K and wife to G N Hicks , lot 3
and und Si lot 1 , Lovett & Woodman's
adci.wd 5,000
J L McCague and wlto to Jonn Douahoo ,
w H lot 4 , blk 8 , Parker's add. w il 2,300
John 1'udoen und \\lfe to J J Wilkinson.
lot 2J. blk' ' . Collier Plaep. w d 2(0a
D U Welch to G II Wt'lluma , se neU'MU-11 ,
rellle. wd 100
Ed Phelanetnl to Elvira Howe , lot U ,
1)1 ; I , Missouriavenuii Park , wd KV }
J P Megenth to W W llmgham et al , nw
ne It-ltHJ. q c il 100
South Omaha Land company to diaries
Anderson , n H lot ti , blk 1J , bonth
Omaha , wd : PO
South Omaha Land compauy to John
Anderson , 8 / lot d , blk 121. ) , South
Omaha , wd 3X )
J J WllKlnsoo. and wife to C E Stratum ,
lots 18 to 25 , blk 11. Hrlggs * Place , w d. . 28,000
J T Robinson and wife to R 11 lllack , u H
lot V , blk 3 aa , Hogers' add , w d . . . . 2,200
Herman Kchultz and wife to E L liter-
bower , lots 14 and 15. blk 7 , Ktlby Place ,
wd l.FOO
E L lllerbower aud wife to W S Hector ,
lots 14 and 16. bile7 , Kllby Place , w d. . . l.fcOO
Twenty-four transfers. . . . $ rJ2 <
Army Notes.
Captain Joseph Gnrrard of the Ninth cav
alry , now ctutlonod at Fort Niobrara , has
been granted leave of absence for ono
Lieutenant Edward Cbyncnveth , post
quartermaster at tort D. A. Ruasell , has
been ordered to perform the lunation * of
depot quartermaster nt Cheyenne in addi
tion to his present duties , relieving- Captain
Humphrey , who will continue in cbnrgo of
the coastructlon of water nnd sewer systems
at Fort Russell ,
Hospital Steward Patrick Doland hat boon
ordered to Fort Sidney , Neb. , and Louis
Martin of tbo hospital corps has bnon or
dered to Fort Douglas. UUh.
Lieutenant Charles W. Howell of the Boo-
end infantry at Fort Omaha has been duslg.
nivtca as the olllcor to relieve ( Jnptuin Mur-
ous AV. Lyon , chief ordnance ofllcer of the
Department of tbo Platto. Captain Lyon
has been relieved from duty in this depart
Now Coutrn IIOIIHP , linn. City.
Abaolutoly flro proof. Finodt and
larcoat hotel in Kansas City. Unox-
eollod in it ? appointments.
Marrlnito IJIOBIISO.
Only one llceneo was Issued by Judge
Shields yesterday , the followlnf being thu
parties :
Xuuio and resldonco. Ace.
( Charles u. Altstudt , Omaha. , 20
( Norah \Vat on , Omaha , . . 18
No case of rheumatism cnn bo so bad
that Chamborlaln'd Pain Uulm will not
help it. Tlia prompt rolluf from paiti
which it nITorda in ulono worth many
Htnos tha cost , 60 cants. A great many
severe cages huvo boon pormanantly
cured by it. All drugKlslg boll it.
TIIK mon i.icr.Nsn I.AW.
How Nebrpka Hcicnlntpn mitt Con *
* troll thn UUior Xrnlll j.
Tbo "hiirh license11 inw of Nebraika
known ns tha Slocumb law , provlilcs t
See. 1. The county board may grant'
licenses upon the petition ct thirty resident
freeholders ot the precinct where tbo tale ot
liquor Is proposed , mid Rotting forth that the
applicant Is a man or reputable character
and a resident ot the state. The application
must bo accompanied by any sum which the
board may rcquira not lo * . * . than I.VX ) .
Sec. . No action shall bo taken nn the ap
plication till notlco tiai been published for at
Icait two weeks In the paper In the county
having the largest clrcumlloru
Sec. il. If a rctnonstranco U filed the
board shall appoint n day for hoarlnir , and tf
it bo shown that tbo applicant has violated
the llconso law within n year , or if any
former license has been revoked for a mis *
demeanor the board shall rofnso him a
Sec. 4. Tlioro la an train the li
cense board to thn district court.
Sec. R. The license shall bo for not inoro
than ono year for a specified placa and is not
transferable mul mny ho ruvoked whenever
the law U violated ,
Sec. t ) . The applicant shall RVO ! A bond of
$ . ' .000 , with two good sureties , which inny
bo sued upon by any person injured by the
soiling or givinp away of liquor by tno sa-
loonkoapcr or his agent.
Sec. T. No person can bo surety for two
Sec. 8. A line of * 23 for each offon o It
provided for selling to persona under twcn-
ty-ono yoari ot airo.
Sec. U. A minor who misrepresents his
ago Is liable to a line of $20 and thirty days
in jail.
Sec. 10. Selling to Indians , drunkards or
iniana people is punishable by a line of $50.
Sec. 11. For soiling without n llcanto
there is u line of not less than $100 nor rnoro
thnn { 500 or ono month's imprisonment and
the party so selling is liable In the same way
as If ho had glvon bonds ,
Sue. 13. Magistrates issue warrants for
violators of the law as In 'rases of felony and
bind over after examination.
Sec. 13. There is a line of $100 for selling
or givlne awnv adulterated liquors.
Sec. 14. Selling or giving away on Sunday
or election day > s punishable by a line of
? 100.Sec.
Sec. 15. The saloon keeper shall pay all
damages to the community or individuals
by reason of EUCU trafllp and shall support
all paupers , widows and orphans aud the ox-
nonso of all civil and criminal actions grow *
ing out of such tradlc.
Sec. 1C. Any married woman may celled
for all damages dona her and her children.
Sec. 17. When n person has bocomu a
county or city charge from Intemperance n
suit tuny bo brought against any ono in the
hubitof furnishing him liquor , and ho In his
turn may recover n proportionate part from
any others.
Sec , IS. In n suit for damages it IK only
necessary to provo that the defendants solder
or gave liquor to the person whoso acts 01
Injuries are complained of.
Sec. 10. Suit may be brought before a jus
tice of the pence.
fceeM. . All lines go to the school fund , and
the complaining' witness shall get from the
general fund an amount equal to ono-fourtn
of the uuiuunt collected.
Sec. 34. Permits may bo granted to drug-
Sec.D. . In corporate cities nnd villages
the license shall be not less than & 00 In
cities under 10,000 population and not less
than $1,000 In cities over that population ,
The council N the license board and all other
provisions of the act apply.
Sec. 20. Druggists must keep a record of
liquors sold under a penalty of from $30 to
Sec. 27 , Any purchasot rnaklntr a fatso
statement as to the purpose for which liquor
Is bought is IlnUlo to a line of $10 for the first
offense and 520 for the second.
Sue.a. . Any person found Intoxicated is
llablo to u line of $10 and costs ,
Sec. 2'J Saloonkeepers are not aliened to
obstruct the view of their windows with
Bcrecnc at doors or windows.
Seo. 31. Treating is prohibited.
Ssc. 3'J. The person offering or ncceptinc
a treat is liable to a line of $10 or ten days
in jail. _
Cure for Croup. Use Dr. , [ Thomas' Elec
tric Oil according to directions. It Is the
best remedy for all sudden attacks 'Of colds ,
pain and inllauimatlon , and Injuries.
An UnjiiHtiflnlilH Arroot.
To the Editor of Tin : HEC : I wish to call
tha attention of the public to an ontragoous
example of police InolUcIency. On Tuesday
afternoon Peter Miehuolson , a man m niv
employ , n sober , industrious Dane whom I
had sent to get a scythe repaired , itnd who
was returning with It on nls wlionlder , when
at the corner of Sixteenth and Cass streets
was halted by Ofllcor Allen. The patrol
wagon was called und Michaulson carte 1 oft
to jail as u suspicious character , although ho
had not drunk u drop , und there was noth
ing suspicious in his appearance. Uo was
discharged bv the judge the following morn
ing , but the disgrace und humillaViou nro not
so readily forgotten. Evidently , Oflleor
Allen's qualifications In Judgment and com
mon sense are sadly datluion' . .
The Only One.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway i the only line running solid
vcgtibulcd , oloctrio lighted and stoatn
hcatod trains between Chicago , Coun
cil BlulTsund Omaha.
The berth rending lamp feature in
the Pullman sleeping curs run on these
lines is natontod and cannot bo used by
any ether railway company. It is the
great improvement of the ago. Try it
and bo convinced.
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot. Omaha. atO p. m. dally , arriving
at Chic.icro at 0:30 : a. m , Passongora
taking this train are not compelled to
got out of the cars ut Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and stooping car berths ut Union
ticket ollico , 1501 Farnuin t.
F. A. NASH , Gon. A t-
J. E. PUKSTOK. Pass. Ait.
Another GlnrK.
In accordance with the report of n part ot
the "smelling committee,1' which was ap
pointed by ' .ho council last Tuesday night ,
another clerk has been added to thu force la
tno city clerk's olllco to fill the vacancy
caused by the retirement of D. J , Hurgois ,
The now man is Hicburd Mullen , who has
boon a timekeeper in the Union Pacific suora
for the past six years.
T 8 Nature's effort tooxpel foreign sub-
1 stances from the bronchial passaged.
Frequently , this causes Inflammation
and the need ot nn anodyne. No other
expectorant or anodyne la equal to
Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting the mucus , allays
Irritation , induces repose , and is the
most popular of all cough cures.
"Of the many preparations before the
pnbllo for the cnrti of colds , coughs ,
bronchitis , nnd kindred dNeasea , tdero
Is none , within the range of my oxperi-
cncn , so reliable as Ayor's Cherry i'ec-
toral. For ynnrs I wni subject to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
years ago , when so nfllletcd , I was ad
vised to try Ayur's Cherry I'octorul and
to lay all ether remedies aside. I did
no , and within a wnok was well of my
cold and cough. Blnco then I have
always kept this preparation In the
house , nnd feel comparatively secure. "
lira. L. L. Drown , Denmark , Ml .
"A few years ago I took a severe cold
which affected my IUIIRH. I had a ter
rible cough , and passed night after
night without sloop. The doctors gava
mo up. I tried Ayor's Cherry Poet oral ,
wlilcfi relieved my lungi , Induced sleep ,
and afforded the rest necessary for the
recovery of my strength. Uy the con
tinual UJB ot the Pen tor ; il , a permanent
cure was eftcctnd , " Horace Puirbrotuer ,
Itocklnghaui , Vt.
Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold \ > rII DruggliU. I'llca $1 j § li lottlu , J5.