Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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t & > 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi < ] WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12 , 1890.
- t'KAUIj 8TU13I5T.
01--MOI3. NO. lit
Jtlluicd by cnirler lu nny part of the City.
I fmNFMOKHCnNo.43.
EiiiTOit , No.a.
JC. V. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coat
Thatcher coal , 114 Main street.
Spring goods , Holler , tailor , 310 D'way.
Cnrbon Coal Co. wholesale , retail , 10 t'oarl
Dr. Wade Cary denies emphatically' that
ho Is aspiring to tbo position of chlof or
polled , '
A sewer on Franklin avenue broke away
yesterday. Iloodin * the cellar and dining
room of H. II , Field's residence.
Iho Council IJluffs coursing club will have
a grand wolf hunt on Saturday. March 10 ,
at the farm of II. M. Thomas , Harden town
ship.Mr. . Ed. C. Hothort and brldo o. ' Dos
Molnes were very pleasantly entertained
on Monday evening by Dr. nnd Mrs. J. li.
There Is n fine girl baby at the W. C. A.
hospital , waiting for some good family to
make themselves and the child both happy
by adopting It.
4 The authorities have been requested to
ii keep watch for a young girl named Viola
Kltigan of Ornnha who has been led astray
by a traveling man , nnd It Is believed she Is
Bomnwhero In this city.
All old members Interested In the M. L. S.
K. C. arc retiuestcd to meet at the residence
of Mrs. D. Gray , 051 Mill street , Thursday
afternoon at 2 p. in. Business of importance
t. * Is to bo transacted.
The revival mooting nt the Bethany Bap
tist church at tlio corner of Hlttn street nnd
Sixteenth avenue , promises to bo unusually
intcri'Htlng this weelc. The pastor Hev.
Hai rls , will bo asHlstcd by Hov. J. W. Harris
and Hov. A. W. Lamar , both of Omaha.
Burglar * visited the residence of Mrs.M. .
F. Davenport on Monday night and carried
awny a necklace , diamond pin , bracelet , flno
pair of opera glasses and $20 in cash. Entrance -
trance was effected. It Is supposeu , by means
of skeleton keys. No cluo.
The funeral of Mrs. Lamb will take place
at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the family
residence , ID'J ' Graham avonuo. Messrs. A.
U. Graham , A. Woods , Norman Green ,
George Jackson , Eugcno Motttu and E.
Thornton will bo pall bearers , Hov. T. J.
Mackay will ofllelate.
James Hull , ft butcher in the employ of J.
W. Loake , No. 544 Broadway , Is missing , and
quilo a sum of money has accompanied hfiri.
Hull has boon leading a reckless IIfo since ho
and his wlfo separated last summer. Recently
hclwas started out on a collecting tour and
failed to show up. An investigation proved
ho had loft the city. Ho managed to collect
something over ono hundred dollars.
The annual mooting of the Council Bluffs
Howlng association , which was to have been
held Monday ovcning , was postponed on
account of the meeting of the union depot
The celebrated Palrmount park case Is sot
for a hearing in the federal court on the 24th
of this month. The attorney has secured an
abundance of counsel , and . is prepared to
inulto a biltur light ngnlnst giving up posses
sion of this beautiful spot.
The question of a fountain for Buyless
park the coming season Is again being
broached. The park commissioners say that
the fountain will bo sot this spring , the
park appropriation tax having carried , and
what they now want is to have the owners
of property facing the parks do the tmnd-
BOino thing and contribute for this purpose.
It is thought that $1,000 ought to bo raised
u this manner , as several of the most Inter
ested Imvo announced their willingness to
subscribe liberally.
Charles Johnson , alias Bcthors. was ar
rested last evening on a warrant charging
him with assault with intent to do great
bodily injury. Johnson was ono of a party
of young fellows who attacked another
young man scmo time ago as ho was leaving
i the opera house and pounded him severely.
Johnson stabbed him with a pocket knife ,
I but tlo ) cut was not a deep one , owing to the
( thickness of the victim's The
hearing of the others was continued to await
Johnson's arrest. The case will bo tr.ed before
fore Justice Ilendrlcks.
Theodore P. Hickard of North Dakota , '
and A. C. Patheal of South Dakota , were
in the city yesterday , and appeared before
thu hoard of trade In behalf of the Paitota
sufferers. Donations wore solicited , and
they received much encouragement. Ar
rangements have been inadu to secure dona
tions from all towns within 11 fly miles. The
railroad companies will carry the donations
free from this point , and nn effort will bo
made to secure the same terms In collecting
supplies. The sufferers are out of every
thing , and will gladly accept whatever grain
the farmers hero will kindly give. Several
car loads will undoubtedly bo forwarded
from here.
The inimitable Pat Hoonoy and company
are still quartered at the Ogden , where they
will remain until Saturday morning , when
they start for San Francisco. Ho lias can-
cnlled allintermudiato dates , a ho is aulfor-
ing from a terrible cold , and says he will
not attempt to play under such a disad
vantage and risk losing his reputation. Ho
vows ho will not to on again until ho is In n
condition to do so with credit to himself , and
until ho is thoroughly rested.
rjThu notorious blackmailing adventuress ,
Mrs. J. Fountain , whoso story was thor
oughly ventilated in yesterday's ' BKB , found
the Bluffs altogether too warm for comfort ,
and loft yesterday for Omaha. Young Hoff
man , her latest victim , skipped on an early
morning train for his homo In DCS Monies.
Mrs. Fountain apparently found the cllmato
of Onmtiu rather unhealthy , as she passed
through this city last evening at 5:20 : on the
Hock Island , also on route for DCS .Molnes.
She will undoubtedly soon have Hoffman in
the toils again , but sha will steer for Holds
where she Is net as well known as she is hero.
A concert under the of the Con
gregational will bo given at the church ,
, March 23th. The principal attraction
will bo , now of , Nob. , a
who Is well known and appreciated hero.
will bring with an ptinlst , and
they will ho assisted by of the best of
our talent. Admission , cents.
Look for the complete notice Saturday.
For rent Store rooms , 101 and lOIJif South
Mulii street ; also ofilco In Shugart block
with largo vault. For sale Second-hand
barber furnituro. For particulars call at
John Scmckolauz'a harbor shop uudor Citi
zens' bank.
The I'rcnoliBr nnd iliti Mol > .
The Francis Murphy touiporanco move
ment hits had a little effect even on these
who have been so engaged and Interested in
the Holuilok murder trial that ono would
naturally suppose they would think of little
olio. A tiny hit of the blue ribbon Is care
fully tied into the buttonhole of Judge Thor-
neil , who presides on the bench. The de
fendant , Kcv. Mr. Holmiolc , also ( lion the
blue ribbon , as do several of the witnesses ,
is well as u number of others who are la
constant attendance on the trial. The jury
men teem to have escaped.
Ycstcrdav forenoon was taken up with the
continued and sharp crons-oxamlnatton of
the dofcndnut. There wa little gained for
the prosecution , na Hov. Mr. Ilelmlelr stuck
pretty snugly to the story already narrated.
Much tune was taken In questioning him as
to what ho had sworn to at the preliminary
examination , and an attempt was inudo to
corkscrew from him statements Inconsist
ent with his previous testimony. On some
cf the minor points this was successful.
On the opening of the afternoon session
the defense ) ogaln offered In evidence the
letter so frequently alluded to , and which
lias caused several arguments and led to nu
merous dcclslqns. Judge riiornoll ruled the
letter out the day before , because the de-
fouso had not made the necessary prelimi
nary proof. Yesterday ho decided that the
defunsn had succendod In making the necoa-
sary proof by the testimony of Holmick , and
allowed the loiter to go to the Jury. The
purpose of till * letter was to show that It.
W. Hcliniok was not actuated by malice but
was simply performingP" " toral duty. Mrs ,
Porter and her daughter Ella , who afterward -
ward became Mrs. Palmer , were members of
his church. In June Mr. Holmlclc received
thl * letter written by Mr. CrUimau , a
brother-in-law of Palmer's. ' Crlssman wan
also a member of the church , In this letter
Cribsman stated that the fact had Juit como
to his knowledge that Ella Porter
was Infatuated with Earl Palme ? .
Ho Informed Mr. Hclmcl ( : that Palmer
was a victim of most debasing vices , was
utterly untruthful , and was a companion of
prostitutes ; that ho deliberately ruined a
girl In Illinois , and it was natural to think
ho would do the same thing again. Ho de
sired Mr. Hclmlck to see Mr. and Mrs.
Porter and to warn thorn. Mr. Crlssman
wrote that ho hud no 111 will against Palmer ,
but deemed It his duty , though a painful
one , to have the girl's parents warned. Ho
requested Mr. Hclmlck not to show this
letter or mention his name uulcss it should
become necessary.
Lou Graver was recalled on some point of
loss Importance , concerning differences in
his testimony at the preliminary examina
tion and on the present trial.
Hlley Clark was then called by tno state ,
tn rebuttal of the testimony of Sullivan. Hlloy
made a bushel of fun. There was little In
his testimony of great Importance , but the
sallies between him and Attorney McCabe ,
who cross-examined him , made much merri
ment. They were largely of a personal
Mrs. Starbrock was examined as to I the
whereabouts of Jim Hardman the night of
the shooting. She was visiting nt Hardman's
houio that evening * and know ho was at
Mrs. Hardman was called to testify to the
same point. She was equally positive that
Mr. liar elm nu was at homo on the evening
of the shooting.
Snvo Ijlfo ami Money.
The gasoline stove is more dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property
by using the C. B. Gas and Electric Light
Co.'s ' gus stove. /
C. li. steamdye works , 1013 Broadway
The Manhattan sporting hoadq'rs 413 U-way ,
J. G. Tipton. real estate , 527 Broadway.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 07 Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Inv. Co.
Much Interest is being manifested in these
who recently signed the plndgo during the
progress of the Murphy meetings in this
city. Among the numb or was Frank Trim
ble , whoso history Is familiar to- every citi
zen of the Bluffs. In discussing the matter
yesterday afternoon , r > business man re
marked : "I saw Trimble yesterday In front
of the Turf Exchange and a notorious bum
mer had him by the arm trying to got him
inside to take a drink. Frank pulled away
and imsacd on , hut it was a terrible tempta
tion.1 '
Citv Marshal Guanella overheard the con
versation nnd remarked : "I wish I had
hern there and I would have thrown him
Into the hole. "
At this point Judge A.vlcsworth took a
hand. Said ho , "I wish you had. Ho
would have gone to the county jail. If you
llnd anybody trying to got Frank to drink ,
bring him in. It won't bo well for any of
these contemptible wholus to come before
nio on such a charge , or they will go down
for thirty days. It is hard enough for a'
young man to conquer such an appetite
without someone trying to pull him down
again.Vo will have to make common cause
in this matter , and if Trimblo can bo given
any help he shall have it. Arrest the first
man who purposely throws temptations in
his way.
Desirable dwellings for rent at reduced
prices by E. II. Sheafo & Co. , rental agouts ,
Broadway and Main St. , up stair * .
S. \Vllllainson soils the Standard and
Domestic sowing machines. IOG Main st.
Drosi IMuklni ; .
Miss 1C. C. Holt has resumed her dressmaking
making business at her rooms in Merrlam blk.
Tli * Indicted Criminals.
The following Is the assignment of criminal
cases for the remainder of the week ID the
district court :
Wednesday State va Kelly and Troxsoll ;
Btato vs C. Jones ; state vs J. Dunn.
Thursday State vs Jonathan Jones ; state
vs W. II. Pontons ana A. Price ; state vs J.
On nn and Chris Kussell ; state vs C. Chris
Friday State vs C. Lorcnson ; state vs J.
F. Peterson ; state vs Charles .Saylos.
Saturday State , vsll. Stewart ; state vs
P. Hansen ; state vs Fred KUscll.
New I'ianoH and Orcnns.
The Mueller Muslo company are receiving
a large number of new instruments for the
coming season's trado. They have some rare
Dargains iu both DOW and old instruments
that It may pay to Investigate.
Tlio Jjcnders
of flno watches and jewelry in the city , and
the place to buy the best goods at the lowest
nriccs is the establishment without rivals ,
the most reliable linn of
Dr . AVoodbury have removed their donta
oOlcoto 101 Pearl street , upstairs.
Don't forgot , the finest , cleanest , bast mar-
market in the twin cities is Merchendorf's.
Gillette & Frouman , decorator * , 23 Pearl.
The water rjns when Bixby plumbs.
Wo have just received a largo invoice of
embroideries. They are the best bargains in
the city. Culloy's , ik'S Broadway.
Special prices on ladies' muslin underwear
all this week at Cullev's , 32S Broadway.
The Union Depot Company.
The Council Bluffs railway and union depot
company hold a meeting Wednesday evening
in the south court room of the county build-
lug to elect oftlcers and make arrangements
for the meeting with the roads supposed to
bo Interested In the Council Bluffs union de
pot. The following directors were up-
pointed : W.II. . M. Pusoy , T. J. Evans ,
Evans , Samuel Haas. N. P. Dodge , G. F.
Wright , Horace Everett. W. C. Jaulos ,
William Moore and John Churchill. After
their election the directors hud a little meet
ing of their own nnd elected the followlne
olhcers : President. W. H. M. Pusov ; secre
tary , George F. Wright ; treasurer , N. P.
Dodge ; executive commltteoMossrs. Wright ,
Evans and Pusoy.
The executive committee and Samuel
Haas were appointed to represent the depot
company at the Omaha meeting yesterday
afternoon nnd the proxies of tlio stock
holders wore delegated to them. The stockholders -
holders also formulated soverul propositions
to bo uprung on the railroad men today , and
It was ' 'sincerely hoped" that ono of them
would be acceptable to all the parlies Inter
The meeting adjourned to moot again this
week and hear the report of Us representa
tives at the Omaha meeting as to what was
done there nnd what the depot company
might expect at the hand of the road.
Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crowu and
bridge work , No. Id Pearl ,
For sale , nn account of sickness , J.
Dickey's general merchandise stock , located
on Broadway , Council Bluffs , will no sold at
a discount for cash or trade for good unln-
I'umborcd city or Omaha property. Address
Duquette & Co. , Council BlulTs.
Save SO per cent on tombstones and menu
ments. Design sheet and price list fno. L.
Kelley , 203 Broadway , Council BlulTs.
Wo want you to list your rental property
with us and wo will secure you good , reliable
tenants. Rents collected and special atten
tion given to care of property. E. H. Shoafo
& Co. , Broadway and Main st , up stairs.
I'crtionnl I > uniurii | > li4.
J. C. Wood , representing1 the Prank I.
Avery company , the iioa-Combino Cigarette
Company of Chicago , was in the city yester
day and loft for Lincoln last evening.
Mayor Campbell of Ncola wai In the city
yesterday ,
Several of the ofllclals of the "Q" were In
the city yesterday. Among them were W.
C. Brown of Burlington , superintendent of
the Iowa lines ; W. J , Davenport ot Crostou ,
division freight and pa&sungor agent , and 1C.
C. BrockonrtiK'o of UurliuUtou , chlof of the
ttngiueorlog corp * .
A Supplementary Ropor- Submitted
to the Council.
Mayor Cualilni ; Calls Attention to tlio
Lack of Organization In tlio
Health Department Now
Ordinance * .
The Council.
The engineer at tlio board of trade buildIng -
Ing got oven with the council In great shape
last night. A few weeks ago , with the
thermometer below the zero mark , ho wont
away early In the evening and comnbllod
the council to adjourn early to save being
frozen to death. Ho was "toasted" for his
action by the council and the press. Last
evening , with the weather as mild as a day
In Juno , ho piled on the coal until the tem
perature In the council chamber was above
blood heat , and the councilman simply swel
tered through a dreary three hours' session.
The appraisers appointed to assess dam
ages to the propnrty owners by the reason
of the construction of the Tenth street via
duct submitted n supplementary report
showing the damage to tenants and lessees
affected. The report recommended the fol
lowing award :
N. Massart $ 23
A. Howan 25
Amelia Thellgard 750
Fred Guldner 25
John Baker , 25
Herman liondeo 25
Charles Brandies 125
J. H. Davles 125
D. Hamilton ' 25
David Lotiir ' . 25
1C. U. ( Caiman 25
AliceMcCardy 100
Hobble Brothers 200
Charles Knuffman 500
Judge Brandies 50
F. & It Etlinger 150
John Weutrlch 1,000
Llndor & Motgo 25
.1. W. Boll 20d
Carrie J. Bergen 25
A. M. Blair 150
Charles Hodloy 8UO
A. Frick & Co 350
Franklin ICoch 25
J. E. Llndley 25
F. W. Andrews 25
S. Weinberg 25
T. Chlgmskl k. 25
H. Baler . 25
G. L. Green 50
Ignntiz Newman 50
Loon ICopald 100
B. Kopald 25
O.K. Nelson 25
Harry Friedman 50
S. Jorgensen 25
I. JNetzner 50
Max Noer 50
Total to to tenants $4,850
To owners of realty 8i,700 !
Total damages found $37,5 ! > 0
The report was referred to the committee
on viaducts nnd railways , the city attorney
and city engineer.
The appraisers on the opening of Thir
teenth street from Spring street to the old
countv road presented a report awarding
damages as follows :
Conrad Youngoruian S2,7.0
N. C. Nelson 510
John Powers 540
Martha Hosmussen 170
Lalnnls Jensen 704
Peter Christiansen 170
Benjamin F. Baker 1,000
Eugene O'Neil SIM
Edward Augustard 030
Arthur Ponnington 528
George E. Barker 528
Total ? 5,784
The report was referred to the delegations
from the First and Second wards.
The mayor vetoed the resolution allowing
the assistant city attorney $20 a month rent.
His reason was that ho had been Informed
by some of the councllmon that they had
voted for the resolution under a misappre
hension. Mr. Bechol wanted to know who
the members pro who had voted under a
misapprehension. Mr. Davis explained that
ho was ono of the misguided. The resolu
tion was passed over the mayor's veto.
Later in the proceedings Mr. Davis intro
duced a resolution rescinding the action of
the council in giving Mr. Shoemaker f20 a
month for rent. The resolution was lost ,
Bechol , Blumer. Donnelly , Kaspar , Lowry ,
Moroarty , O'Connor , Osthoff and Sander
voting in the negative.
The mayor vetoed a resolution ordering
gas lamps in various parts of the city for
the reason that there is not sufllciont funds
in the treasury for the purpose. The veto
was sustained and referred to the committee
on gas and electric lights for investigation
as to the condition of the fund.
The mayor presented a communication
calling the attention of the council to the
lack of organization in the city health de
partment. Ho recommended the organiza
tion of a sanitary board , with at least six
Inspectors , for the dally examination < 3t the
condition of the streets and alleys and a
daily Inspector of all meat and milk offered
for sale in the city. Ho recommended more
stringent ordinances relative to the attend
ance and quarantining of cases ol con
tagious diseases. The communication was
referred to the committee on police.
A communication asking for the division
of the Fourth wurd Into ton elective districts
was referred to the delegation from the
Fourth ward.
The question of changing the grade of St.
Marv's avenue was presented. It was stated
that the property owners were willing to
have the street graded and would with
draw their injunction restraining the city
from carrying out the grade , if the city
would pay tlio cost of rcpavlng St. Mary's
avenue. Mr. Popploton reported that the
city has no authority to pay for the pro
posed work of repaying. The" matter was
referred to the delegation from the Fourth
The board of public works presented a
statement of 1SS4 paving reserves duo the
Barber Asphalt Paving company , amounting
to $17,320.23. The amount was allowed and
ordered paid.
City EngineerTillson reported the receipt
of (40 for nlumblng and drain layers' fees for
the month of February.
The question of fixing a grade for
Eighteenth street west of the now city hall
was referred to the committees on grades
and irrudlng ami public property and build
The secretary of the board of health re
ported the record of ninety-nine births and
eighty-one deaths for the mouth of Feb
A petition , signed by a dozen coal dealers ,
asking the council not to repeal the coal
license ordinance was referred to the com
mittee on judiciary.
The report of appraisers awarding
damages , amounting to (325 , for the grading
of Dodge street from Lowe avenue to the
Bolt Line was approved.
The city comptroller was instructed to
procure 1,000 more brass dog tags.
Mr. Moroarty introduced a resolution In
structing the Omaha street railway company
to remove all railroad Iron and ties not used
bv said company on Twenty-fourth street
from B. & M. railway to Vlnton , on Twenty-
nocciid street from Popplnton avenue to
Hickory street , and on Piftoanth street from
Jackson to Loavcnwortb. The resolution
was referred to the committee on viaducts
and railways.
The protest of property owners against the
payment to Botrgs & Hill of damages for a
strip of ground taken for the extension of
Hurt street from. Twenty-elehth street to
Thirtieth street was referred to the city
The contract for the printing of the an
nual reports of the city officials for ISS'J was
awarded to the Uspublicun 1'rlntlng coin-
An ordinance was introduced requiring the
Union Pacitlo and the B. & M. railway com
panies to erect a viaduct and approaches
across their tracks on Tenth street , deter
mining the proportions of the cost to be
bornu by each of the companies and approv
ing the procaodings of the commissioners ap
pointed to assess the damages thereof.
An ordinance was Introduced calling for a
special election la vote J50.000 In bonus for
the erection of four engine houses. The
ordinance wu referred to the finance com
An ordinance was passed amending the
moat Inspector's ordinance. The new metis
uro provides for the appointment of as many
inspectors as nocCMary for the proper in
spection of all inilH , meat , gnmc , fish , fruit
nnd other food products offnrrd for sale In the
city and to confuTiun uch as Is found
for use. Uhn Inspectors are required tore-
port the quantity of unwholesome food con
demned by them t6 tfto council once a month
nnd the names of tha parties owning such
condcoincd products.
An ordinance was passed instructing the
board of public worhf to advertise for bids
for paving certain streets. The ordinance
invited bids on all kinds of paving material ,
Including wooden blhcks.
The ordinance appointing a sidewalk Inspector
specter and delimit * ; his duties was passed.
The now ordinance irinkes but slight changes
In the existing ordinance further than thn
dropping of the assistant to the sidewalk in
. - .
An Editorial IMifT.
From the Lowjs ( town ) Independent :
"Wo have advertised ti Front many dlf-
forcnt patent medicines , but have never
taken the pains to editorially 'puff' ono.
Wo nro going to do BO now for the first
tlmo. Chamberlain & Co. , Dca Molnes ,
la. , tnanufacturo a cough remedy which
is absolutely the best thing wo have
over seon. Wo have us > od it in our
family for the past year , and consider it
indisnonslblo. Its effects are almost
instantaneous , and there is no use talk
ing , it is a dead shot on a cough or cold.
Wo don't say this for pay , but because
wo consider Chamberlain's Cough
Ilomody the best made , and wo want
the people to know it and use it. "
A. Variety of Cnscs Occupying Ju
dicial Attention.
Tom Lacy is on trial before Judge Clnrk-
son on the charge of having touched a rural
visitor last Thanksgiving day for two
watches and $10 in the coin of the realm.
The complaining witness is Henry Wall-
Imum , who told his atory to the court
through an Interpreter. The tale was dis
jointed and a half dozen detectives were
Drought in to holster up the case by showing
up Lucy's ' previous bad character. Lacy
has been in trouble before , and was no-
qui'tod last term on a similar charge through
the good nature of the jury.
The case of Mrs , Shinu vs Shields & Con
nor seems destined to bo a "hanger" In the
district court. It was commenced several
terms ago. Last term It was tried but the
Jury failed to aitrce. It was placed on trial
before Judge Doano Monday. Yesterday
morning Architect McDonald , who is ono of
the principal witnesses for the prosecution ,
was absent and a capias was issued for him.
The bailiff who went out with the capias re
turned with a physician's certificate setting
forth Mr. McDonald's ' illness. The case was
accordingly continued until next term.
The case of Henry Lehman vs Edholm &
Alken was called before Judge Doano yes
terday afternoon. This is a suit for $87
for wall paper , and has bqon In tbo
courts until the costs equal several times the
amount of the onclnal claim. In reply to the
suit Edholm & Aikon alleged that the goods
worn purchased from Lehman by ono Meier ,
whom they paid for both the material and
the work , and that Lehman should look to
Mulcr for the pay for the material. The
case was tried before Justice \Vudo and a
verdict rendered for Lehman. It was ap
pealed and was tried before Judge Doano
last term. The jury before whom the case
was tried , after having boon out several
hours , returned and asked Judge Doane if
it should make any difference in the verdict
because Mr. Lehman was nut put on the
stand. The question made Judge Doane
very indignant , and after a verdict had been
given for the plaintiff , he granted a now
trial on the ground that the jury was not
competent to try the case. The case Is now
on trial.
Lewis O. Hibbon has commenced suit
against Constable David P. Farqunar and
his bondsmen , John Thomas and Edward J.
Bronnan. Hlloy & Dillon obtained u judg
ment of $300 in the county court against
Hibbon , and the execution' was placed In the
hands of Constable Farquhar , , who lav-led
upon three barrels of whisky and advertised
the same for salo. Hibbon claimed ho was
exempt from the execution and filed an affi
davit to that effect. The constable sold the
whisky and now Ilibben claims damages in
the sura of $350.
The Bemls Oiralin Bag company has ap
plied for nn injunction restraining City
Treasurer Rush from collecting S341.48 , al
leged to bo duo as personal taxes ou the
property of the company. Tno petition
states that tbo assessment was unjust , being
based on the first cost of the personal prop
erty , machinery , etc. , whereas the same had
boon In use over a year and was therefore
depreciated in value.
vVilliam Schwarick has commenced suit
against the Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany for $5,000 damages for injuries received
in the collision which occurred on the Belt
line on January 21.
Frederick A. Manger has brought suit
against the Western Union telegraph com
pany for $233.45 for damages and exposure
incurred by the plaintiff on account of the
wrong transmission of a telegraph message.
Thousands of Dollars
nro spent every year by the people of this
state for worthless medicines for the euro of
.throat and Inng diseases , when we know
that If they would only Invest $1 in SANTA
ABIE , the nowCallfornia discovery for con
sumption and kindred complaints , they
would in this pleasant remedy find relief.
It is recommended by ministers , physicians
and public speakers of the Golden State.
Sold and Guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co.
t $1 a bottle. Three for $2.50.
Tlio most stubborn cases of catarrh will
speedily auccum to CALIFORNIA OAT-U-
CUKE. Six months treatment for $1. By
mail $1.10. _
c. y."w. u.
Articles of incorporation were filed yes
terday of the Catholic Young Men's union
of Omaha. The objeot of the association is
to improve the moral , intellectual , social ,
physical and material condition of the
Catholic young men of the c ty. The incor
porating ofllcors of the union are John A. .
Uoonoy , president ; William Connors , vice
president ; H. P. Muloahy , recording secre
tary ; John J. Hlloy , financial secretary ;
Philip P. Morgou , treasurer ; Nicholas
Scheldt , librarian. Directors , Joseph Me-
Closkey , Thomas Wade and Joseph Scheldt.
There Is nothing like Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve hoarse
ness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Follows , Burr
Oak , St. Joseph Co. , Mich.
The Commoner 'u'iiom Blio Tried to
Kill I'lu'nd * for her.
LONDON , March } , The jury In the case
of Elizabeth Vincent , charged with the at
tempted murder of , Lewis Henry Isaacs ,
member of the commons , brought In a verdict
ot not guilty today. Isaacs testified that
the papers ho refused to sign , which rofusunl ,
It is alleged , led to the1 shooting , was a docu
ment admitting ho hud , seduced the defend
ant by violence. Ho expressed tno wish that
the court would deal leniently with Miss
Vincent. He was exceedingly fond of her.
ho uatd , and had a pussiomito lofo for the
child which was tboiroault of their relations.
A HO Cent Gn ro , , for Hlianmntlsm.
Persons troubled with rheumatism
should road the following from Mrs. N.
M. Peters of East Dos Moino.s , la. She
Bays : "I htm suffered with rheumatism
the greater part of tlio tlmo for nearly
bcvun years. At timed I was almost
helpless. I doctored a great deal for it
with physicians and tried oloctrlc bolts ,
patent Medicines and almost everything
that is recommended for rheumatism.
Finally n. neighbor advised mo to try
Chamberlain's Pain Htilin and was so
sure that it would help mo that I pro
cured u bottle. It did help mo , right
from the start ; but it took 11 vo 60 cent
bottles to uuro mo , BO you can guess how
had I was , as ono or two bottles will
cure any ordinary case , " For sale by
all druggists.
lair oil to His Dratli.
PHOIIU , 111. , March ) ! , [ Special Telearam
to TUB BBC. ] The excitement over the mur-
Ho , &Co ,
ore *
Council Bluffs Council Ms
are making such low
will save yon money. No
prices and fa > vorable dealer in vehicles should
terms that their coni- buy until he has Brad-
petitors make the '
ley's catalogue , prices
above assertion. and terms.
The following teatlinonlals from large consumers of fttol. who have ctvon all kinds of coal practical and crucial testi , are the best posslblo
recommendations that our celebrated lllank i'oorless is the jest coal for all purposes oil the market :
hatl0tBlv2ltho } J"c . ? ' ? erios ? Co- " ! thorhouno with lllack I'oorless Coal and are thor- kitchen use , and would have no'othor. It
? i ? V ° i" sntlMloa , , , u l9 tlio host coal oiiHhly mitUHo.l with it in imlnt of heat. ccon- makes the least smoke , nshes and cinders am )
ff.121 . .VSTS ? : ? ? I11.1.-8. ' " .7"et.JS5 * ! pmy ami . . . . It gives pir little , glvus the Kfontest rtrgreo of hi-iit ot any ronl
uuruud thousands of tons
of nil klmls of loaves llttlo ashes and few cIlnkorH. vfo have uv r used , and it by fur thu cheapest
coal. W. W. llmit.Kit. IlKMtv fcCn. nnd cleanest ftiol In the nmvkot.
' City Stoara Laundry. Wo have u od several hundred tons of IllacK fc 8i'r.T\u.v.
U'6 have heated our mammoth dry goods Peerless Coal during the winter for boiler nnd Kiel Motel.
Sold Exclusively by SAPP & KNOTTS , 31 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
dcrof liornanl Junghaus , whoso body was
found In the rlvor Saturday night , Is intense.
Ho was a xvoalthy German horse trader , and
had boon hero a couple of months preparing
to start homo to Germany. During his stay
lioro ho kept company with tno wlfo of
13111 Luckoy , a notorious thief. This worthy
couple are now under arrest , charged with
murder. Linic Hummel and wife , who occu
py the same house , were also arrested hut
released under surveillance. Jung-
haus was known to have 13,000 last
week.Vhnn his body was found there
wasn't a cent in his pockets. His valuable
watch and ring were in Mrs. Luckoy's pos *
session. She Insists ho gave thpm to her ,
but the police think this very thin. The
nurdorcd man's sou , who lives in Lelpsic.
Germany , has been cabled for orders as to
the disposition of the body.
Proposed Amendment to the Consti
tution ol'tho United btntcs.
UoaTOtf , Mass , March 11. A proposed
amendment to tha constitution of the United
States has boon drawn UD by Lawyer W. A.
Uutlerof Now York.actingln connection with
ox-Governor Long of Massachusetts , the
jbjoct of which Is to prevent the use of pub-
lie money in any way for any private educa
tional institution under the control of a re
ligious denomination. Petitions with the
proposed amendment accompanying will bo
distributed throughout the states with a pre
amble declaring for non-union of church and
To Nervous Alon.
If you will send us your address we wil
send you IJr. Dye's celebrated voltaic belt
and appliances on trial. They will quickly
restore you to vigor , manhood and health.
VOLTAIC UELT Co. , Marshal , Mich.
The Committee Report on Kxtondinc
the Moniia ol' Intercourse.
WASHINGTON , March 11. At the mooting
of tbo pan-American conference yesterday a
report was received from the committee ap
pointed to consider the best method of ox-
Lending and improving the facilities for com
mercial , postal and telegraph communication
Between the several countries that border
on the Gulf of Mexico and the Carrlbcan
nca. The committee recommended that if
the present high cable rates are not reduced ,
charters should be granted to independent
cable companies , the maximum tolls to bo
llxcd in the charters. In regard to steam
ship service the committee recommends to
all the nations bordering on the Gulf and
3arrlbouu sea the granting of covcrnmont
aid In the establishment of llrst-clasa steam
ship lines between their several ports upon
such terms as they may mutually agree
Serious Chnrccti fllude Against a
niumbar of thu Klrm.
PlTTsnuno , Pa. , March 11. The affairs of
, ho Bacder glue company of Now York nnd
Plttsburg , which failed several days ago ,
are In a very much muddled condition.
Cern , ono of the Now York partnorn , states
that Lon Is Haughey , the Plttsburg
nombor of the flrm , acknowledges ho
obtained money on notes to which ho
signed the firm's name. The amount , Kern I
thought , would reach $60,000. He stated J
that the liabilities may roach $150,000 and I
the creditors will bo lucky If they got 50 per
cent of their claims. Judgments have boon
jntered up , aggregating $120,000. Haughoy
s a brothor-m-law of General Low Wallace
and has always bcnn hold in the highest
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In larao two-ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for all aoros , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin orup-
.ioni. Will positively cure all Kinds of piles.
11ENT , Sold by Goodman Drug company
at 25 cents per box by mall 30 cents.
NobrnwUn and lowu Patent1) .
WASHINGTON , D. O. , March 11. | Special
Telegram to Tun liEii.l Patents were
ssucd today as follows ; George F. Hrower ,
tlumcston , la. , punching machine ; Charles
> V. Carman , Hamburg , la , , bridge flooring ;
James L. Comstock , lioar Grove , In. , at
tachment for tongueless cultivators : Oba-
dlah Dooley , Wahoo , Nob. , tellurian : Will-
am Fisher and G. It. licobo , Marshalltown ,
'a. , regulator for pumping engines ; Henry
jrice , Ackloy la. , combined sleigh and car
nage ; Nuucy Harrison , Adalr , la. , Hour
receptacle and sifter ; Godfred Lauibe ,
Huron , S. D. , straw-burning cook
tovo ; Albert Nov and J. Uaumgartuor ,
Jubwiuo , la. , folding doors ; Uhauncoy
shults , Wintorset , Iu. , child's carriage ; John
Sly , assignor of one-half to A. F. Lynn ,
Uiodes , la. , ondgato ; William Smith and J.
H. Wilson. Clannda , la. , assignor to O. In-
; alsbo , Camnron , Mo. , fence machine ;
William H. Sutherland , Davenport , la. ,
weather strip ; Daniel Talbott , Sioux City ,
a. , tread ; G. S. Worthing undJ. . lOmelx ,
Anita , la. , said Knolx assignor to said
Worthing , refrigerator ; Cyrus L. Wrough-
ton and J. C. Moore , Falrlleld , Neb. , churn ,
Samples of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Uouglai , cures
loadaohe , nervousness , sleeplessness , neu
ralgia , tits , etc.
Heal ICttnto Acnnt Arrnitoil.
CHICAGO. March 11 , Jay HorlJo , a Kansas
3lty real estate agent , was arrested hero to-
diiv charge ivttb fraudulently obtaining the
conveyance to lilnuolf from two illiterate
colored people of that city , of t''OO.WM ) worth
of real estate for tl. An ofllcor from Kansas
Jlty arrived tonight with a requisition from
the trovcrnor of Missouri and will take Ho-
ride back. The prisoner Is Indignant at the
arrest and says the conveyance was only In
trust and is perfectly legitimate.
What Is more attractive than a pretty face
\vlth a freih , bright coiupluctloul For it use
Powder ,
O. .A. . &
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Largest Stoc'j and Lowest Trices. Dealers , send for Catalogue.
\o . --ior Kroudwny , and JH-iil ( > l ! aMuruoSt. , n > uiicll ISlu'ft , In
I HAVE several houses and lots to trade for
Council tlliitTs or Omaha unimproved prop
erty. C. It , Judd. 603 llroadwuy. Council Illulfs.
FOIl KENT The very desirable residence.
No. 1111 North Klchtfi street , cor. Washing
ton ave. Six large , pleasant , roomi. HoiH low
to right parties. I'osscsslon given Immediately.
Thco. Gulttar.
ANTED-A good girl at 301 Hlfh School
/1ANVAS3EU8 Wanted-Good eteady man
V can make M to $4 a < 5&y.11 liroadwny.
FOR BALK Atu Imrgaln-A 000-acre ranch
1UO miles from Omaha. In IIrat class lo
Chtlou and A. No. 1 In every respect. Tills bar
gain will repay u close investigation. Tor par
ticulars call on or address J. U. Johnson , No.
10 1'oarl ht. . Council Illuirs.
FOH SALE 10,2 < ) or 40 acres M ) rods north of
Chuutauqua grounds.
44 foot lot In Ptreetsvllle on Broadway. JU50.
New 8-room hnuso on 10th avenue , SJ.bOO.
Kino lot on llcnton street 00x131 , JS.W.
( Jood farm In Nebraska to trade for city
Lots in Muliln's sub. , $2T > 0 to 510J. easy terms.
Lots In Kiddles. ? i'iO to tl.OOU.
Flno lot on 7th nvo. , HOxl.'lo. will make 3 good
lots. A great bargain , only 11,000.
Good U ) foot lots on Ave. C , 1 block from
Northwestern tract , tlM each.
0 room house on Madison t > t. , 1 block from
llroftdwuy. very cheap.
60 foot lot on Ave. ft , corner of 18th at , . J400.
Finest residence lots In the city at J1.7W each.
First mortgage loans.
W. C. Stacy & Son.
Koorn 4 , Opera block. Council Illutrs.
FOU SALE At a hargtln : One double saw
and Bllcer ; ono veneer machine with gear
ing complete , all now. suitable forbasKet fac
tory. Inquire at Snydor's commission house
K2 Pearl St. , Council HluDTs.
FOIl SALK Tne soven-room cottage at the
corner of ; id avenue und 'Jtn ' street. Also
the now Swiss cottage occupied by mo on Ikl
avenno. Either property will bo sold on easy
terms. W.O. _ 1 aines.
AHAIKJAIN .My residence , ali-rooom house ,
pantry , bath room , closets , city water , etc.
LotiWxUU Stable , coal and wood house. Hear
ing fruit , hue location. Onc-thlid down , bal
ance to suit. N. O. Ward , 4J5 liroadwny.
/COUNCIL I1LIJFFS property for sale nt gre&
\J bargains. The following , among the in03
beautiful homes In the city , will bo sold a
great bargains , on monthly payments , or term
to suit :
ThioenewS-roomhomei on Lincoln avenue
two blocks from electuo motor line.
Two now 4-room houses four blocks from
oloctrlc motor line on North Seventh street.
Ono new 5-room honso four blocut from elec
tric motor line on North Seventh street.
Three now li nnd tt-room houses one block
from electric motor line corner Avenue A and
'iwelfth street.
Ilasldes the ubovo I have houses and lots In
all parts of the city.
Ono new house on Mill St.
C. It. Judd , 600 Broadway. Council IllutTa.
/1ASII for second-hand furniture , stoves and
V cnrpeta , A. J. Mandal , E3 llroiulway.
FOll SALE-My residence. M3 Willow av
enue , on south side of IliiylUs park. Heated
by steam , llcntod by electricity and containing
all modern Improvements. Lot 100 by 20) feet.
Also will sell "or oxclmngo for Improved city
propnrty. my farm ofi"0 / acres , ton miles past
of Council llluira. N. M. I'usey. Council llluirn.
NEW Improved real estnto to tra'13 for unlra
proveu Omaha or Council IlliiJs property
C. II. Judd. 603 Broadway.
"IjiOKHALE or Hent Garden Innd with houses ,
-U by J. It. Itlca 1K ( Main at. . Counrll lllulTj.
Host equipped , most centrally located factory
In the city. All modern latest pattern machin
ery. Operated by skilled mechanics. Special
attention clvon to scroll and bund sawing , pinn
ing and trlmlng. General contracts ana estl-
nmtes for houses nnd buildings a specialty.
Corner North Main and Mynster utiecls , Coun
cil Blutfs. Telephone S8B.
J. D. tiiuuNusnsIS. . L. SuunAKT ,
1'res. Vlcel'ioa.
CIIAS. It , HANNAN , Caihlur.
Paid upCapltal SI5O.OOO.OD
Surplus 35OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors . --335OOO.OO
UiucOTons I. A. Miller , F. O. ( ile&son , E. U
Shugart , E. E. Hurt , J. O. Eduudson , Cnas. 1C.
Ilannan , Transact general banking business
Lurin'dt capital and surplus ot unjr bank lu
Northwestern Iowa. Intoret on tlmo deposits
5 Q llandrnll o/Thauiandt Ono.
1 Crentlylmprovotl olthiwiiiKlnx hicklwionune |
g i'l . Ensleatrldlna fewt > tr , HprlnKilcnttli-
2 on > n < t rhorttn fteeoraliK to thantlxtit pul ontlinm.1-
4 Adtptwl equillr trl | to rouRh country or flno
"city drlvos. tVlllBlrojoubest ontlafuotlon.
1st Avenue and 21st Stroot.
Ilnnd and Scroll Sawing. He-Sawing and
Planing. Sswlngof iilllCtudn. I'oroh Ilrackets
Kindling wood 5J..riO per load delivered. Clean
nawilust by the barrel 25c. All work to b
llrst-clixsB. Telephone SW.
"Your Patronage Solicited. "
Arclfct and Superintendent ,
Room 251 , Morrlam Block ,
Room 2 , Opera House Ulock , Council Bluffs ,
1 nos. OrricEn. W. H. M. PUSK *
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign and domestic exchange
Collections made and Interest paid on time da-
F. M , ELLIS & CO. ,
Rooms 4'10 and 4 K lleo llnltdlni ; , Omahii Neb ,
ruul Hooms-11 nndUld Merriam Block. Counol
llluirsjou.Correspondence. Sol cltud.
Especially nmipted for Kloctrlc 1 Ightlng. Mills
nnd KIovutorH. IteKUhitlon. Durability an4
Kcouomy not Excelled. Sl/.en fromlS to.'lOJ II. I'
E. C. HARRIS , Agt.
MO Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , lown.
Send for catalogue. Complete steam plants
jnrnlshod and dented.
Cnn be cured In 'M to 0 ] days by the
s ueoortho
For ale only by tlio Cook Itemody Co. , of. Omaha
Ncbriuku , Wrlto to UK for thu naimi * nnd mMleo of
patluiita who have boon cured unit from whom no
Imvo nerinl'iiloii tu refer. Bymilllt li & illnviuu Hint
IIRH ul wuy lm tiled tie ) ftklll of ttioiuost eminent pliyBU
cliuiH , itntl until tlio dUcovery of the Cook Hcinedy
( Vs , " .MA ( ! 1C tlKMKUV , " not ono In llflyo * or liuvlni
tlio dlncHio lm been cnrvil. Wo guarantee to curu
any caio that can bo proiluccd. Tliosu who ImvJ
takun niDrcnry , iiotnsh.h. H. H.iiucuaaUariittior nthct
jtilvvrtlnod ri'inudloa , with only toiniiorury bvnotltl
can now bo ncrmiintly ciucil br tfio UNO nf thu
' \M AlllC liHillDV" , Iho Cook rtpmody ; Co. , llmalm ,
.scb. lluwaro or Imitations. U In nbiolulclj- Impos
sible -iriuiy other | > ur > on or vnmpnnjr to Imvo our
forniulnornny remedy hko It In vtTiiot und roiull/
The Cook Heinflny Co , Imibuun troatlnu patlontii of
fnurycnrs nnd IIHVB uliTnyn niton perfect imtlsfto *
lion. ' 1 tier iiro financially ro'iioiiBlblohavlnv ucspU
lul of over FWIM , nmkliia thulrviiarantuoKood , Wq
illicit tlm mom ob llnii ( FIIBUH iU ( o whu hard
trledevcry known ri'iiicdyand loHiall hopu of rccor
try , Corri ! j > end with iniind tot n put you In poi
o ( onof ovldeuto tbat conrlncm the most tkeptlc * !
Mark what w" nayi In the end you MUST ute our
"JlAdH'lll'.MKDY ' bnfnrurou can IIA permiiiicntl *
ruri'il. It It thoiiiunllioiololilnoil purlllcr cverknowaL
Wrllo for pnrtltulara. All Icttors ronlldentliil ,
PAIITinU lloxnrn you are gottlnt ; thu Cook
UHU I lull Itcmmly Co'it. , Mnglo Itemedy
None others nr iiciuiltic. rurtlon claiming to b
Hirnnt'i ' font * T Imponllori nnd fmudi. Full partlo *
ulurifrtT. Ad rota nil communlciilioni to
The Cook Remedy Co. ,
Hooms SO nnd10 St. Glair Hotel Block ,
Cor. 13th and Dodge Su. , Omaha , Neuraauo ,
I Specially rocominoniliul by tlm Academy of
I Meillclua ol I'AUIH for toe cure of
laud for rraulullnif ( I * periodic rourtn.
1 None Kfnulno unlrm lui * t "UUNotnn. 40 rue
1 Ilouptrtc , I'.rli. " H01.I ) 11Y AM , imuutfitri ) .
| K.youuurmfc < 'o..N. V.AuenUfm-lho U.M ,