Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Bu'la nnd Bonra Both Find Comfort
In DcdKo'o EatlmntoB.
Onts Hocclvc Conslilnrnble Attention
.Moderate Uuilncn4 1'rnnnnatcil
In Hotr I'rntliioMLlvo
Slock ContlnitPM Active.
CIIICAOO , March 11. | Special Tolocrnm to
TUB UKE.J This was nn exceptional duy In
wheat. It was BO moro because ot the un
certainty than because of any remarKable
action , The range for the price of May
wheat Up to 1 o'clook was but J c. The
opening was } { a under the close yesterday ,
but was In keening with the curb price last
night , and this mornlngnttor thocrop figures
from Washington were received. Statistician
Dodge was as vague as usual. After mak
ing the very bearish statement that wheat In
farmers' hands apsrocatod ISO , 000,000
bushels ho adds that much of the wheat Is In
bands whore It will not bo sold
until It commands bettor prices.
Heforo the session ooencd both
bulls and bears were getting ; comfort out of
the government figures and comments. The
moro the report was studied the tnoro the
trade was pulled. The action of the mar *
ket scorns to bear out the theory that the
principal holders of wheat arc not ready for
nn advance , and tnat the price will probably
bo let down to or below the bottom figures
of a few weeks ago to catch a lot of long
wheat , and then the advance will begin.
The big operators were divided today.
Urosscau was on both sides of the market.
I'oolo and Hutchlnson were the best buyers.
Irwln Green & Co , boutjht early. Now YorK
bought hero on each decline. On the selling
side there was at times a general letting go
of long wheat Driver lea in this
sort of selling. All foremn houses
sold on the crop figures , which hud moro ef
fect on the ctner Mdo than hero. Schwnrtr ,
Dupeo nnd Counioluian were free sellers.
When all others stopped selling Pardrldge
kept on. Ho was the big short seller of the
day. The sharpest decline of the day , when
Mav went to o on stop ordota , placed
around 78o , was stopped very largely by expert -
port clearances. The action in May was :
Opened at 78&c , Bold at 7S@TSJfc to 78 c ,
ofl to 77/c , up to 78VC. off to 77J c and up to
78Vc. At 1 o'clock July sold at 7tij @ 7y/c. ;
The buying forces in the wheat pit succeeded
In holding May nt 73 , ' c at
the close. Other closing figuics
were : March 77 ? c , Juno 77Jfe ,
Julv 7Cc. Twenty boat loads were reported
token for export at New York , but not con-
The corn market was not excited at all ,
out fair volume of business was dono.
Grading was much improved , also with 437
csirs of No. 2 grudo. Chicaco shipments
were " 01,000 bushels and exports were again
largo. Room was taKen hero for 170,000
bushels by lake to Buffalo. March was
quoted atUbc. May sold 29 < o ima 29 C ?
29'/c. Other closing prices were : April
2'e , Juno 23 ; , July 3l ( f@3o ; < c , August
Hl-'hC ' , September Sljgo , October ii'Jc bid.
Oats received consitliTublo attention early
, in the day but as the session advanced the
market dragged and ruled very quiet. The
feeling developed was weaker , the little ad
vance of yesterday being lost. The chief
weakening inllucnco was the government
crop report which catno in after yesterday's
close. The largo receipts and the
dcclluo in wheat also induced
free selling , but otTerincs wcro well absorbed
by the "shorts. " The weather was wet nnd
uufavorablu and had considerable Influence
with many operators. Iho speculative mar
ket opened ? ( ijc under the closing prices
of yesterday , were steady for a time , then
sold offj ' /c , became firmer , closing at
JsVo lower than yesterday. Cash property
was moro freely offered. A moderate de
mand existed and prices averaged } ic lower yesterday and closed steady.
Only a moderate business was transacted
In hog products and there were DO particular
changes to noto. Tbo advance In
the price of hogs led to some
buying on spccula'lvo account early m the
clay and prices ruled slightly higher. Later
there was a little moro Inclination to sell
and prices settled back again. Near the
close the murkot showed moro life nnd
prices rallied again , closing at outside fig
ures in most cases. Trading was chietly In
Mav , Juno and July deliveries , thu former
commanding the most attention and credited
mainly to the short interest. The shipping
demand was talr in the way of filling orders
for small quantities but buyers wore slow to
meet the views of the sellers. Offerings
were not very Inrge a'nd holders demanded
full former figures. Transactions were
CniCAao , March 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEB.I CATTLK Business continues ac
tive with prices again'quotoa strong to lOc
higher and the advance covering about all
classes. Fat cattle , butchers' stock , cows ,
bulls , etc. , all shared in the upturn. This
makes un advance of from 15o to 20c for the
week so far. Business was light In the
Btookor und feeder line , prices being barely
ns steady as last week. Choice to extra
beeves , $4.90(35.15 ( ; medium to good steers ,
1350 to l.SOOlbs , $435@l.bO ; 1,200 to 1,350
Ibs , $3.90SI.40950to ( ; 1,200 Ibs , $3.50@4.00 ;
stackers und feeders , $3.40@3 70 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.60(3330 ( ; bulk , $2.40(3 (
SOS ; Texas corn fed steurs , $1.00 ( < ? 3 05.
lions Business m this murkot continues
active nnd wn note another upturn of 5o on
tirlmo packers and selected heavy. The bulk
of mixed sold at $4 10 , a few common at
$3 'JS@-4.03W , with selected heavy at ? l 10 ®
4.15 , largely at ft 12) . Light sorts sold at
$4 10iJ4.15 ( , largely at S4.10.
NEW YORK , March 11. ( SpecialTelegram
to TUB BFE.I STOCKS It was conceded on
all hands last night ttmt the stock market
must bo very nervous and unsettled to Jay ,
If not for several days , following the results
of yesterday iu Reading , On the contrary
the opening was not at ull unusual. Reading
for a minute or two loaned at Jf and perhaps
10,000 share * wore traded in the first flvo
minutes. The price was first at U9 , then off
to 33K. up again to 39 , the closing figure
last night , and then off to nstf. At the end
of the hour the stock loaned at * f nnd quiet
reigned. It Is thought the stock has not yet
been strengthened by the recent whirl.
Talk Is very general % that shorts
In Sugar , St. Paul , Union Pacific , Rock
Island and Burlington will have to make
peace with the bulls in short order. Chicago -
cage parties bought Grangers all day yes
terday and wcro nt U again early today.
Attention was given to Heading during the
ilr t hour. Union Pacific was the only other
stock In which there was nay animation and
that was caused by heavy soiling by largo
traders , seemingly for short account. First
prices of other stocks were quite Irregular
as compared with last night's prices , but tbo
differences were confined to small
fractions In all cases. Union
Pacific yielded n umall fraction
but recovered later , aud the whole list dis
played a stronger tone , The hour to noon
brought good buying all through the list.
Sugar was blow to uiuva and regained but
H to Ob ' . LouUvllto went up J { to 81V nnd
Laekawanna gained > to IStljf. Western
railroad shares responded inojt quickly ana
under the lead of Rock Island and St. Paul
thu Grangers made excellent gains. Atchi-
sea and Burlington each moved up , % from
lait ulpht. Northwestern was steady ,
Hock Island , after touching W ) ; * . sold
quickly up to 91 ; ; , and St. Paul
c\aJo a bound of 1 per coot to
CS , Missouri Pacific followed with a
( tin of } ( , and Union PaolQa recovered IU
early decllno and rose to 63Y , or n l ( net
pain The day proved to bo a good ono for
bull * Short * to be on the run. Tha
Heading lesion was a dear ono. Heading
nnd Sugar almost dropped out of tight In
general buying today. At the cloie the not
stains In active nocks were as follows :
Louisville , Atchlson , Uurllngton , North
western and Union Puciflo4 \ eicb , Heck
Inland , l f , Missouri Pacific l' < , St. Paul
IV. WcstornUnlon ? f , New Ertgland } { .
The total Bales wcro 213,253 shares.
Iho following wore the cloMnc quotations :
r. S. 4s regular. 13IV Northern I'nclflc. 3014
L1.H , 4s coupons . . .1S2U do oreferrad. . . . i.Tii
V.f. 4' ' < r zulM . 101" a & .N. W loaf
U.H.4S coupons .loT' . doprer rred M9
l'aclBc < of'J3 . . . .118 I.V.V.C ntra' . . 107
OntrM I'acldc. . . . 3ZW\.U.AK \ 18' <
, , .12 ? llocklslanii W't
Chlcaeo. llurlln ton C..M.&St.l > , .68
A'Juinov . . .Ifif ) ( looreforreil . . . .llG'i
- I30JS j8t.PaulOrashs. . 314
HllnolaCautr l..lH'i aoprtTorrea . . . . 92
I. . H. * W , Hiilon '
W..St. L. 41'
l.&kQShort - aoproforred . . . . ui
Michigan Ututr&l , nt Western Union. . . . SJ.S
Mlnsourll'fccino . . 741 !
MOXBV Easy at 3@4i < per cent.
PntME MEnOA.XTiLB PApgn 0 > 47 per
cent. <
STKIU.IXO ExcnAXOE Quiet and weak ;
euiy-doy bills , $ } < f ; demand.
NEW YOIIK , March II. fSooolal Tcloir.\m
toTiiB BEB.I Tha urj tha mtn-
Ingstock quotations :
Alice . 130 IHomestaVe . 751
Aspen . 70) ( Horn Silver . 240 II . . 171 Iron Silver . . . . 17.1
Commonwealth , : K North Uollolslo . .100
ComstocK. T scp..3JOJ Mutnals ICO
Dendwood T. . . . .1 < V ) Ontirlo fJ'a
Kl 1'rlsto Ill , 8utt r Creek ICO
Krcland 100 Union Con 2W
The Wool Mnrkot.
HOSTOV , March 11. fSpecial Telegram to
THE Bnn. | There Is very little change m
the market for wool. The demand con
tinues fair , but manufacturers do not pur
chase much beyond their Immediate wants.
Territory wools uro soiling moro
freely than other kinds , with sales
ot line at GG@jSc , and medium
at C0@i3a. Toxns and California wools
move slowly , but stocks of the former are
not largo. Oregon wool is quiet and steady.
The best eastern is selling at 19 ( 20c , aud
from that down to 10O17c. Pine
washed fleeces continue dull and iu favor Of
buyers , who do not care to
tuito hold nt even inside prices.
Ohio X is offered at 31c , XX at 33c , nnd No.
1 at 37c. Michigan X fleeces are quoted at
29c and only very choice lots go any higher.
No. 1 Michigan fleeces are offered at 30c , In
Ohio fine delaine moro have bojn sales
at 35@3Cc , and in Michigan at 34g35c. (
No. 1 combing Is steady nt 3S@39c.
Pulled wools are in moderate demand , and
sains of Hiipcr have been made at 3J(3Jlc ( and
of extra at 23c. Foreign wools remain firm.
CHICAGO. March 11. llo p. ra. close
Wheat Firm and higher ; March , 7S/38'c ;
May , 78 c.
Corn btendy ; March. 2Sc ; Mav , 29 * < c.
Oats Steady ; March , 20 , 'c ; May , 21'fc. '
Rye March. 42 c.
HarlevNothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.19.
Flax Cosh. $1.48.
Whisky $1 02.
Pork Firm ; March , 19.07K ; May ,
Lard Firm ; March , S0.02K ; M y. $0.10.
Flour Steady ; winter wnoat , $2.00 ®
4.40 ; spring wneat , $3.75@4.CO : rye , $3.5'J@ '
2.SO ; buckwheat , 75eC < ? $ I.OO per cwu
13(322c. (
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars 9) ) + ' @
95/c ; flats , 9 } @ 10c ; Young Americas. 10 ®
lOJ c.
Egps Easier : fresh , 12@Hc.
Hides Steadv ; heavy and lltfht groan
Baited , 4K@/ic ' ; salted bull , 3 fe ; green
salted calf , 5 > < fc ; dry flint , 0@7c ; dry salted
hides , Cc ; dry calf , 5gO ( < ; ; deacons , 20c each.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 solid packed , 3 ? c ;
No. 2 , 3/c , ; cake , 4e.
Receipts. Shipm'ts.
Flour . 17.00(1 ( 10.000
Wheat . 30,000 10.000
Corn . 390,000 201,000
Oats . 203.003 19J.090
NIIW YorK , March It. Wheat Receipts.
18,150 bushels ; exports , 02,800 bushels ; spot
wealter ; No. 2 red , SO @s5G c in elevator ;
S8@33j c , ulloat , 87J C' bbfc ! f. o b. ; op
tions steady ; No. 2 rod. March , closing at
Corn Receipts , 10,800 bushels ; exports.
215,850 bushels ; spot steady ; No 3 , 36(3 >
30 > 4c in elevator , 37CJ7,1 o uiloat ; ungraded
mixed , 27K@3c ; options firm ; March
closing at SOJi'c.
Oats Receipts , 91,000 bushels ; exports ,
30,000 ; spot steady No. 2 whito. 30Ct31e ( ,
mixed western , 27@30c : white west
ern , 29Q34Ko ; options weak ; March closed
nt 2SJ/C.
ColTeo Options closed steady , unchanged :
15 points down ; sales , 80,250 bacs ; March
$17.93 ; May , $17 ( M@17.75 ; spot Rio firmer ;
fair cargoes , $30 73.
Sugar -Raw , steady ; 'refined , firm ; fair
refining , 5 1 lOc.
Petroleum United closed Auril 92J ,
Eggs Easier ; western , 15e.
Pork Firm ; now mess , $1075@11.23.
Lnrd Stronger.modoratively uctlvo ; west
ern steam.IO 40 ® ! 43K
Butter Steady ; western dairy. 5@lbc ;
creamery , 13@20c , Elgin , 27 c.
Cneoso Stronger ; western , lOJfc.
St. lionln. March 11. WneatLower ;
cash , and Muv , 70o.
Corn Lower ; cash , 2IJ < c ; May , W c.
Oata Lower ; cash , 2uKa ; May , 20 > | @
1'ork Stronger at $10.25
Lurd Higher at $5 7535 SO.
WhiskiSteady at $1.03.
Butter Nominal ; creamery , 2J ( < 533 ; dairy ,
. March 11. Wheat No. 2
spring , cash , 72(373o ( : May , 73j fc
Corn Quiet ; rso. 2 , 27Kc.
Kiinsas City. March 11. Wheat
Steady ; no. v tiara , casu , tw > jc biu ; o. : ;
red , cash , OsJ < c bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash and March ,
21 } < o bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash 17o bid ; March , 177 0
Moroh 11. Wheat
track , 74@75) ) o.
Liverpool. March 11 , Wheat Quiet ;
holders offer moderately ,
Cjrn Quiet and ousy ; now raUed western ,
3s O'ja per cental.
Clnolmintl , March 11. Wheat Steady ;
No , 3 rod mixed. 77c.
( tora Weaker ; No 3 mixed , 30 , : iOt < e.
Oats Weaker ; iSo U mixed , 2l@.Mu.
Whisk.\ . ! .
n wrouic.
Unlanen , arch 11.Tho Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 6.500 ; shipments , - ;
muruot strong to lOo higher ; cbolco to extra
beeves , $1 90@.U5 ; steers , $3 50i4.b ( < ) ; stock-
era and ( omiors. t3.40Q$3.70 ; I'exas corn-
fed steers , $ a,00(33.05. (
Hogs -Receipts , 20,000 ; shipments , - ;
inarkotstrong to 5s Higher ; mixed $ .1.90(44 10 ;
heavy and light , W.WKtf-1.15 ; skips ,
a.90.Shnap Receipts , 5,000 ; shlpmonti ,
market steady to stronger ; natives ,
0.00 : western corn-fed , $4bOt.45.70 ; Toxuus ,
$3.75Q5.25 ; lambs , tl90i-J50. ( ! !
The Drovers Journal special London cable
gram quotes a light general supply of cuttle ,
but heavy offerings of Americans. Prices ,
howoveiv wore steady at lK > $13i < , o per Ib ,
sinking olTal.
KansiiH City , March 11 Cattle Receipts ,
4KK ) ; shipments , 2,100 ; market higher ;
etoers , $3.HO I.S5 ; caws , fl.y 3.00 ; stocker -
or * and feeders , | 2.bKit3.50. (
Hogs Receipts , 5WO ; ; shinmouts. 300 ;
market higher ; all grades , $ J.72 > $ ( < 1 yj ,
.National Stout Vurili , Ka it St.
l.oul * . March 11. Cattle Receipts , 1,900 ;
shipments , 100 , market higher ; fair to
fancy native steer * , $3.30 5 03 ; itockon
uud feeders , $3.25 3 CO ,
Hogs Receipts. 0.400 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market stronger ; heavy , $3.95 ( 4.05 ; packing ,
U90Q4.00 ; light , 13.90 ( .00.
tiloux City , March 1L Cattla-Receiptt ,
l.COO , shtpiuenlR , 200 ( market itctlve ; canners -
ners , 7B < ? tl 23 ; cows , < { l 25. stack
er * , l&0i < 325 ; feeder * , $3.a5@3.W , veal
calves , $300(33.15.
Hogs Receipts , 3,300 , market steady ;
higher ; every thing , $3 77 < g3.90.
Monday. March 11.
Cattle receipts estimated nt 2,400 compared
with 2,130 yesterday and 2,229 last Tuesday.
The steer market opened active and strong
er , up lOc to 15c over Saturday' * prices , and
from a shade to lOo above yesterday's sales.
Nearly everything desirable was sold parly
In the day. Nearly a dozen lots sold at or above
thn $4 lino. The cow market was slowjinil
sales generally wcro maJo at unchanged
figures , borne very fine cows sold at $ .3.50 ,
whllo a bunch of heifers brought $3.15. The
quality of tha receipts was poor , perhaps the
poorest received any ono day for weeks.
Nearly forty loads of very poor cow stuff are
too much for this market on ono day , and the
.result was slow sales with many loft In Hrst
hands after midday. Nearly all the desira
ble cow stuff was cleaned up before
the close. The market on the best
grades of cows was actwo and firm , but
tha receipts of that quality wcro so small
that they cut no figure in tbo sales.
Feeders and stackers arc reasonably
plenty and the demand good with ready
sales at firm prices as high as $3.40 being
paid for good fenders. Hulls continue
active and steady. A fine lot of calves
were on sale , soiling as high as $3.50.
The market was the most nctlvo
bad this month nud In the language
of the sellers was a "daisy. "
With the bulk of steers selling at and nbovo
$ .1.70 and the top reaching $1.35 , and the bulk
of cows soiling at und above $3.50 with $3 50
the top price , nnd nearly all sold by midday
sellers may well call It a good day on mar
ket. Shippers were very liberal buycrs.Leo
Rothchild alone buying moro than 500 for
shipment to Chicago.
Receipts of hops estimated nt 3,300 com
pared with 8,301 yesterday and 1.353 last
Tucsduy. The market opened nctlvo with
heavy-weights and packing bogs up from a
shade to 5c , and llght-wolcrhts nnd fresh meat
selections up n shade. The average sales
increased from W.78 yesterday to $ .1.31 toduy.
This Increase was made by better prices on
all the lower priced grades ns the top both
yesterday and today was $3.So. Everything
changed hands early.
Sheep receipts estimated at 941. com
pared with MU3 vosterdav und 9b , < last
Tuesday. The m irkot on good muttons con
tinues aotlve und firm and steady on other
I'revnilln ;
The followlns is a tibls of prijji pit'l ' In
tliis market for thu graJoi of sto : ik men-
tioned :
Prime steers , 1303 to lfi Ibs. . ? ) SO
Good steers , 1250 to 11 1) tbs. . . 3 .V )
Good steers , 105U to I'JXl tbs. . . 32J
Common 10)0 ) to 1150 Ib stoeri. 2 90 (3 ( 1.03
Common canners . 1.0) ( r2.00
Ordinary to fuir cows . 1.00 O'300
Fairtogood cows . l.UU OW. 15
Good to choice rows . 2.20 ( ; 3 00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.03 M3.30
Fair to good bulls . 1.5'J (43.50 (
Choice to fancy bulls . 2 5j (313.25 (
Light stackers and feeders. . . . 200 ( T 28)
Feeders. 9V ) to 110(1 ( fts . 2'31 @ : i 10
1'nlr to choice lidht hojs . 3,80
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 375
Fair to choice mixed hoes . . . . 3.75 ( t J.bO
A vi' roil" ! Uoit ot Ho 14.
The following table gives the nvoraga cost
of hogs on the dates irunttonod , including
the cost today , as nasod upon sales reported :
Date. Pnca. Date. Price.
Mhrch 1 . $ J 75 March 7 . 3 72V
March 3 . ii 7G } March S . 3 73 %
March 1 . 3 77 March 10 . 3 7b
MurcuS . 3 74K Murch 11 . 3 bl
March 0 . a U
Avprasri I'no : f lio-i.
Showing the average price piU for loils
of hogs on fis dayj mdioatii in Ha" , 15il ,
18b9 and 1830 :
' r i'riot'uoii
The following table showi the of
prices paid for hess :
LiRht and medium hogs ? 3 SO ( iJ'J S5
Gooa to choice mixed tioci . . 3 75 ( < 5 SO
Good to choice heavy hos3. . . 3 75 ( < i3 80
Rinio of I'rioasisan. \ .
The following table shawa tha ra-io of
prices paid for sheep :
Prime fut sho3p f4 10 @ "i 59
Good fat sheep ! i 5J ( &l 03
Common to medium sheop. . . . 2 OJ ( till 75
Lambs 4 OJ MO 00 tv. ' T.\l ' "t.
The folloivln tib'.3 sh > .v 113 ran a in
prices on hog3 durini thh an 1 lut '
Highest nml LJOWU-IC Maids nt Hojr * .
Today. Yesterday.
Highest S3.S5 IllKhest , f3 > 5
Lowest 375 Lowest
Slock HfCclntK.
Official Yesterday. Estimated Today.
Cattle , 9J car A. . 2,130 Cattle , 119 cars.2,2 JO
Hogs , 21 cars . . .1.5i2 Hogs , 31 cars..3,315
Sheep , S ears..l 4" > b Sheep , C cars. . . 911
Horses , 1 car. . . . 20
Disposition ol Stock.
Showing the number of cattle , bogs nnd
sheep bought by the packers and leading
bujors on to-day's m.iritot :
Huycrt. No.
Swift Jfc Co 633
George II. Hiimmond &Co -tvo
The Armour-Cudahy PacKintcotnpany. 204
Omaha Packing Co 8J
Lea Kothschlid 649
Hunton ft Underwood 12
Ncla Morns 101
Shippers nnd focdors 93
Vitnsant 30
Hooker & Ueyiui 132
Showln ? tbo number of hoj bjutjht by
the leading buyers on toJav's market :
Armour-CuJahy Packing companv 1,332
Omaha Packing Co 090
Swift & Co 473
George H. Hainmond&Co 024
Hogs yesterday averaged 200 pounds , and
03 to iho car. -
Showing the number of atioop bought on
today's market and the purchases :
Swift & Co 737
Omaha Packing Co 203
lleprcsQiitaUvn Hnlos.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
1. 1030 a 00 20 1178 370
2 875 025 22 1IGO 375
10 959 340 27 1331 375
1 1010 ! l 50 40 1100 375
19 9 3 M M 1170 375
23 991 350 39 1150 375
18 11S5 3 fiO 3 1323 380
19 1112 350 If , 1250 380
18 1102 355 18 1244 380
20 1092 a 65 20 1225 3 bO
4 1127 3 00 20 1225 3 bO
25 1001 300 2'J 1195 3 fcO
9 11S3 300 19 12J4 3-80
ill l > 03 300 49 1014 3 62U
29 112J 300 17 1245 885
7 1171 305 33 1245 365
19 1IS9 8 fi5 54 1210 3 65
19 1175 805 10 1241 383
70 1191 805 20..1..1229 390
19 1201 305 15 1434 395
41 1353 805 18 1323 895
20 1207 305 15 1320 400
5 1042 370 18 1288 405
19 12S2 8 70 10 1423 4 10
18 1170 870 30 13JO 410
18 1215 3 7U 30 1280 4 10
18. . . . . .1243 8 70 10 1811 4 10
44 1123 370 8 1405 410
No. Av Price.
375 westerns , wethers . . . . . . . .107 ? 3 12H
362estorns , mixcJ . 107 5 00
Un tiin MivrkorSni
E. M. Gibson , Clarlts : B. f. & A. Oswald ,
Wood Utvor ; Morse H. tc Co. , Morse Bluffs.
On tinMnrkui With IIojs.
Evors & Hunlham , St. LlboryV. ; . J. Bur
ger , Uoniph.iu ; J. C. Uoodoll , HuJ.rV. .
Uilchie , Surprise : H. H. Diabrow , Harvard ;
VVujrers & Dovle. O'Neill ; Coburn H. & S. ,
Atkinson : L U. Heal , Superior ; . I. G.
doll , Bradshaw ; First Nut banK , L. Carey ,
Uavennn ; J. T. Glade. A-isolmo ; C. J. Hy-
shatn , Palmer ; Woodruff As It. , Ulysses ;
Downey < fc 1. , Aurora ; H. L. Mcssnor , bouth
iiend ; Uosoborough A : G. . Blue Springs ;
Clark H. & Co. , Western ; Brodhaui & S. ,
Dodge ; Nye , S. & Co , Cltirkson ; Dunn &
Nye , Clav Cdnter : Buckley As Koss , Stroms-
bure ; J. B. Barnes , Loiotto ; J. M. Davis ,
W. R Bodley , Scribnur ; C. M. Grunko ,
West , Point ; Peterson Brothers , Crescent ,
Ia.J. H. Burliholdcr , Woodbine , la. ; Sims
& H. , Portsmouth , la. ; J. J. Doherty , Dun-
lap. I.i. ; H. A Nolle , ElUhotn , M. Barnes ,
Bmcham , la : J. M. Umerino , Council
Bin flu. Iu. : II. Hix , Culboun ; H. 13. Roberts ,
Arlington ; John Dern. Hooper ; bJ Hale ,
Battle Creek ; Trowbridge & Co. , Ncligh.
On iho MurNOiitu Cat tip.
Perrv & Frush , Perry & Miller. Wahoo ;
E Wllber , (3. M Fowler , River Sioux , Iiu ;
W. BBodloy , Hooper ; Brodham ifc S.
Dodge ; Willmm Baker , J. B , Barnes ,
Lorotto , J. A. festman , Wisncr : II , Leui'-
mer , Humpliroy ; U. Brown , Gresham , Leo
& Brown , Hustings ; Y. C Hinzo , Brain.ird ;
J. J. Liglitbodv , Maltland ; H. A. Hi'ls ' ,
Atkinson ; Anderson & J. , Oakland ; T ,
Tucker , M. LowK It B. Ganunel , Herman ;
J. T. Goodell As Co , sVestorn ; J. G. Liudoll ,
Miller A : Co. . Bradshaw ; G. W. Kemp , B.
Tulbot , Borw\n ; M. Cahill , Bruyton ; H. C.
Mayland , Staplohurst ; E. H. VVlckham ,
Archer ; Donnoy ifc T. Aurora ; A.
l veity , S. P. Decker. Ashland : J. M.
Umerlno , Council Bluffs , la. ; N. Moore ,
Coleridge ; J. Hustle , Ttiltmigo , P Nut/iman ,
AvocuJ : H. tjrutt , Bennington : G.W Nuff ,
Nickerson : J. ri. Kennedy , J. Martinson ,
Ceiesco ; Peterson Bros. , Weston , Iu. ; J. H.
Butler , Crescent , la. ; Lleswuld A : T. , Hick-
man ; bims A : Hull , P. Gloss , Persia , la. ; J.
Jj Dohoty , Dunlup. la. ; P. H. Starch. J.
Glcason. Fullerton : E. E Humonrevs.
Cedar Uuplds ; C. Ostcnmp. Clarks ; G. W.
Wvont. Silver City , la ; John Irvine , Dan-
nobrog ; N. J. Burger , Doniphun : J. W.
Olive , Lexington ; James Carr , A. Hedges ,
Elm Creek ; B. P. Griflln ; P. Puls , Prod
Strate , Norfolk.
Murkot Mont inn.
Charles A. Birney , of the commission firm
of Waggoner , Birnoy & Co. , has returned
from Chicago.
L. U. Heal , tin extensive shipper of Supe
rior , sent in a cur of hogs.
Buckley & Hess , well-known Stromsburg
shippers , marketed hogs.
E.Vilbor nud C. M. Fowler of Utver
Sioux , la. , brought In cattlo.
Anderson & Johnson , wpU-known dealers
at Oakland , murkoto'l cattle.
G. V > \ Null , u regular dealer , brought In
two cars of cattle from Nipkerson.
Anthony Martin , a regular liruuulng ship
per , was at the yards with cattlo.
N M. Black was la from Culbei tson with
a load of cattlo.
Colonel J , H. Pratt of Omaha had two lots
of fine cattle In from his frfrm at Bennmg-
ton. Twenty-nmo holfors averaging 9)1 )
pounds sola at $315nn < i thirty-one two
\ear old steers averaging 9J5 pounds at
G. G. Vreoland of Juariita , ouo of our reg
ular thlppors und an old patron of the faouth
Omaha market , was in with onu car of cattle
tlo and ouo car of hogs. „
GoorRo W.Wyant , a representative farmer
and slock dealer of Silver City , Iu. , was on
the market with a car of cattle.
Sims & Houcbton of Portsmouth , la. , con
tributed a car of hogs.
Wagers & Doyle , regular O'Neill shippers ,
marketed hogs.
It. Brown of Grcshatn marketed a car of
cattle ,
John Hastio sent In a car of cattle from
John Irvine of Dannebrog marketed cattlo.
Downey & Toot of Aurora marketed cuttle ,
C. Oskatnp got In from Clurk with a car of
J. A , Tcstman brought in three cars of cattle
tlo from Wlsnor.
M , Cahill came In from Urayton with
three cars of cattlo.
A. liurkhoimer of Cortland was at the
yards with a load of cattle.
Peterson lirothcrs , regular shippers hero ,
were In from Weston with a load each of
cattle and hogs.
J. H. Kennedy , who makes this his mar
ket , came In with a load of cattlo.
E. M. Gibson , the big sheepman of Clarks ,
Nob. , had two doubles of muttons on mar
Among the inanv Aurora shippers wore
Doxvncy & Toof , who had n load of hogs.
Hoscboroug & Ornv , shipping from Uluo
Springs , wuro at the yards with a load ol
Dunn ft Nyc , regular shippers to this
market , were In with n load each of cattle
and hogs.
V. C. Hlnzo came in from Bralnnrd with a
car ot cattlo.
P. Kyttoor nnd C. P. Couch of Stromsburg
marketed cattlo.
Tims & Hall and P. Glass sent over cattle
from Persia , la.
J. T. Goodell & Co. of Western had four
cars of cattle on tko market.
J. M. Kmarluo came over from Council
Bluffs with u car of cattlo.
J. H. Kennedy and John Martinson of Co-
rcsco had cattle bore.
Eoas Strictly fresh , lie ; cold storage ,
pickled , limed , salted , not wanted nt any
BUTTEU Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21
0(25c ; creamery , fancy solid nacUed , ai ( < $23o ;
creamer v. choice , 19@22c ; dairy , fancy rolls
nnd prints. lSji20o ; dairy , fancy solid
packed , 7gl9o ( ; dairy , choice , 1415c ;
country roll , funcv , 13@15 ; choice , 10S12o ( ! ;
country roll , good , 9@lUc ; country roll , fair ,
7 ( < TSc : poor stock , 3i&c
Poi'LTiiv Turkeys , dressed , fancy dry
picked , ll12'6c ' : turkeys , live , per lt > , 7 3c ;
chickens , fancv. Ilf * l2c : chickens , choice , 9 ©
lee ; chickens , live. W 00 ( 3.50 ; geose.dressed ,
fanes' , Il ( ! l2o ; geese , dresseu , choice , 10 ( < lj
lie ; geese , live , doz. , f .007.00 ( ; , ducks ,
dressed , funcy , He ; ducks , choice , 10@llo ;
ducks , live , doz. , wuiKsa&uj pigeons , doz , ,
SI 00@51.2o.
GAMP Jfiek snipe , $ l.00@12a ; golden
plover , * l.00 ( < rl.2o ; mallard ducks , f.1.00 ®
350 : canviibback ducks. . * . * ) .00@000 ; red
head duckt > , doz. , $300 ; teal .uurks , doz ,
§ 1.50(3 ( .00 ; mixed ducks , doz. , $ l.50S2.00 ( ;
geese , Canada , 7o.50 < g.0.00 ; geese , fltuall , ; 4.00
@ .4 50.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19c.
PHIS PEBT Pickled. Kits , 70s ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , $ -3o ! ; piuklcd tripe , kits , 03c ;
piukled H , 0 , tripe , kits , Sjj ; spiced pigs
hocks , kits , f I 20.
MF. S Pome Per bbl , ! 9.75@10.75.
HccKniiEVT PI.OCK Per bbl , $1 75.
Wool. Fine , average , 23@io ! ; medium ,
nverogo , Sl@33u : quarter blood , average. 18
@JOn ; course , nvuraeo , 15@17c ; cotts and
rough , average , 14@10c.
HAV Clioicu upland. ? 0.00@025 ; midland ,
M 50 : lowland , JJ.SO.
hides , 4K ; dry salted hides , 5S ( c ; dry Hint
hides , 7c ; calf Indcs , 5c , Damneed hides 2c
loss. Sheep pelts , green , each , 75c@fl.25 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9K12o ; tallow , No. 1 ,
ty43)ci No- 0 ! grease , white , 3 c ;
yellow , 2V ( 43c.
CHOP PEMI- 12.30.
Bu\v $1050.
C'ouv 14c.
OATS 13e.
UEANS Hand picked invy , fl.50@1.00 :
hand picked navy , medium nf 1 40 ( < il.0 ; n..uil
mckod country , 1.30gl.40 ; good clean , $1.20
@ 1.30.
LKMO.VS Per box , mcssinn fancy , f4.00@
5.0J ; verdelii , gooa , S3 50.
B \x\vi < Per bunch , $3 00@3 00.
MAHHA Giurns Pancy , per bb ) , f7.50
choice , per obi , fii 00@7 00.
CocoiNtirs Per hundred. ? 1.75.
PICKLES Medium , per bbl. J.1.50 ; small ,
$1.50 : gherkins. $750 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts , $5.tj5 ; uts. $ ji5. :
POTATOES Per bu , 35c ; common , 23o.
Mu-i i : Si'OAH Per Ib , Mltfe.
Pnovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 10 Iti average ,
91 0 ; 20to231t.s. Kc ; 12 to 14 lt.s , 93io ;
shoulders , 5j ; breaklast bacon. No. 1 , Se ;
hum sausage. So ; aned beef hams , 7 e ; beef
tongues , $0 00 per dozen ; drv salt meats , 5@
3lii * per Iu ; haul roulette , 0 > < e ; add Ic per
Ib for small > lots.
Bosna ( Quotations ure for delivery la
Chicago ) . DO buffalo , per ton. $10 00(318 ( 00 ;
dry country , bleached , $10.00 ( < | 1100 ! ; dry
countrv ; damp and meaty , $3,00 ( < alO 00.
VKOET\ni.ES Old Sweet potatoes , fancy
Muscatine , per bbl , $4 00 : onions , extra
fancy , per bbl. $3.50 ; onions , fair , per bbl ,
$3.30 ; rutabagas , per bbl. 82.00 ; carrots , per
bbl , $2.00 ; bursmps. per bbl , $3 00 ; beets , per
bbl , $3.00 ; horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ;
horse radish roots , per Ib , 7c ; celery roots ,
par bbl , $500 ; celerv roots , per doz , COc ;
onions , per bu. , 75c@l.OO.
Ari'i.t : BUTTEU Per ib , Ctg'c.
MINCE MEVT So > lOo per Ib.
Iloxcr 15alic ( ( per Ib for choice.
JKI.LIIW 4@JJ e per Ib.
DitEssEi ) VE\I. Clioico medium , 7S7Ke ( ;
light. 5lto ( ! : lieuv.v. 34c.
APPLES Per bbl. $4 00 ( ! o.OO.
ClivNliciiuiE-i-Por obi , $1350(314.00. (
CitiLit Per bbl. rcllui-d , $050 ; half bbl ,
J3.50 ; hard cider , puru , per bbl , $3 OJ.
L1N3EEI ) OIL Ol'- .
* < ri- . ! < ' .
DniEi ) PHUIT Currants , now. o c : prunes ,
casks , 1,300 tbs , SJ c ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
5 5u ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ib * , 23o ; lemon
peel , drums , ISc ; furd dates , boxes , 12 11)8 ,
lie ; unrieots. cheije evaporated , 14Kc ; apri
cots , Jelly cured 25 Ib boxes , 16c ; j pn-
cots , fancy , 'i"i Iu boxes , I5o ; ap
ples , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 9c ;
apples , Star , 8'.jc ; apples , fancy Aldcn ,
5 Ib , 10cap ; les , Fancy Alden , 311) , 10 } e ;
Salt Lake , 5 c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
50 Ib boxes , oj/c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
13ipoiches ; , pared , fancy , ISc ; Salt
Lake , 7c ; pitted plums , Cul. 25 Ib
boxes , bHc ; raspberries , cvap. , N. Y , , now ,
20o : prunes , It C. 0070 , ! l@9 > fe ; orange
peel , 15c : raisins , Calitornia London crop
Ibb9 , $3 ! i5 ; Gal. loose muscatels , crop 18b9 ,
$3.00 ; Valor.uius , ib1 , Oe. Valoncias , now.
b' c ; Cul. seedlesj , aks. , 7Jfe ; Ondura lajer ,
now. I'J ' c ; dried grapes , 4c.
S < ui's -Castile , mottled , per Ib , S@10c :
Uo white , per Ib , 12. ! .
VFOBT\m.K3 Tomatoes 3 Ib extra , $1.00 ;
3 Ib standard , western brands , 9'J@95c : galr
lonn , strlctli standard , $3 90. Corn Finest
grown , $1 00 , gilt-edfio sugar corn , very fine ,
$150 ; choice 2 Ib sugar corn , $120 ; 2
Ib extra , western brands. S5c@fl.00 ; 2 ID
standard , western brands , 70ibOu. ( Mush
rooms I Ib Trench , extra line , 23 ( < i25o ; 1 Ib
French , fine , 18@-3c ; 1 Ib French , ordinary ,
KKiilSc. Peas Tres fine , per can , 25c ;
dnml fine , per can , ICe ; 2 Ib extra , sifted ,
$3 00 ; 2 Ib early June. $1 25@1.35 : 3 Ib Mar
row , standard brand , $1 10 ; 2 Ib soaked , 59c.
String Beans 2Ib high grade , Hefugeu , boo ;
2 Ib Golden Wux beans , 75c ; 2 Ib string
beans , 70c. Lima Beans 2 Ib soaked , 75c.
Boston Baked Beans 3 Ib Lowla , $1.05 ;
crown brand , $1.50. Sweet potatoes 3 Ib
Now Jersey , $1.00 ; dais.y. fl 35. Puinpuin
3 Ib now uuuiplcln , $1.00.
PAIIIX\CEOUS GOODS Barley , 34o ; fa
rina , 5c ; peas , .Ic , oalineal , 2 , ( ( i.o ; maca
roni , ] 0o ; voimlcolli. lOc , rice , 4itji ( ) > c ; sago
and tapioca , 0ai7c. ( lima beans , tie
Oll-a-Kerosejie-P. . 10o ; W. W.
2 < 4i- ; headlight , 13c ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil ,
1123ct9.00per ( doz
CASSEII MEATS 1 Ib lunch tongue , $3.0. ) ;
2 Ib lunch tongue , $1.75 , 1 Ib corned beef.
$1 20 ; 2 Ibcornetl buef , $305 ; 0 Ib corned
beef , Jtl.SO ; 14 Ib corned beef , $14.00 ; 2 Ib
boneless pigs feet , $7.20,1 Ib English brawn ,
$1 20 ; 2 Ib English brawn , $300 ; 0 Ib Eng
lish brawn , $0,50 ; 1 ib compressed ham.
$1 75 ; 2 ib compressed ham , $ . ' 75 ; lib chipped
beef , * 2 00.
PISH Codfish , extra Georges , now , 5jc } ;
grand bank , new , 4o ; silver , 2 Ib , blocus ,
Co ; snow white , 2 lu bun ) : , new , 4)40 ; Tur
key cod , lareo middles , bricks , S.'jc ; snow
white crates , 12-5 ib , boxes , 7 u ; Iceland
halibut , llo ; medium scaled burring , 25a ;
No. 1 scaled herring , 23 ; domesllo Holland
herring , S5c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.50 ;
Hussion sardines , 75a ; itusslun sardines ,
pluln , 55e ; imported Holland herring. Crown
brunil , 80c ; do. fancv milkers , 90c : muckerol
No. 1 shore , half bbU , $13.00 ; bloaters , half
bbls , $ 13.00 : wbitetlsh. half bbls , $7.00 ; trout ,
half bbls. $ h 50 ; family whitotlsh 13.00 ; sal-
man , $3.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel ( herring ) , $1 OOQ
1 10 ; 1 Ib finnan baddies , $1.75 ; 1 Ib lobsters ,
$1.90 < V 2.00 , 1 Ib Alaska italmon , Aleut. $1UO ,
2 Ib oysters , 10 oz. $1 95 ; 1 Ib ojsters , 5oz ,
$1.15 ; 3 ib select , 12 oz , $3.35 ; 1 Ib clams , little
neck * , $1.35 ; 2 Ib clams , littlu uecua , $2.10 ;
M Ib sardines , Imported , per case , 100s ,
$11.00 1000 ; X Ib sardines , imported , per
case , 100 , $15.00320.00 ; J Ib. imported boneless -
less sardines , COc ; } j Ib sardines. American ,
per 100s. French style , II.&X&6 00 ; ) { Ib sar
dines , American , per case , 1003 , French
stylo. $7.WX < iS.OO ; tf Ib lardines , uiusturd ,
per case. 60s , 11,00 ( 4,25 ; Imported key sar-
dlnei , $13.00.
BuooMS-Parlor , 4 tie , $3.75 ; 3 tlo , 3.25 ;
stables , $3.65 ; common , tl.50Qil.75.
COCOA } i ib tin , 40o per Ib.
CUOCOLATC 22 ( > i35opor Ib ; German chio-
ory , rod ,
SitsoDi llbU , I8 * ! granulated , I iC { kcgt
Sotu PkgaCOSs ,
NUTS Almond * , 15o , Hriwlh , 14o , filberts ,
10'sc ; pecans , llo , walnut * , U4c ; pcunut
cocki , 8c ; roasted , llo ; Tcnnosso pea
nuts , Sc.
Diiuo * ( Grocers' ) Per Ib Borax , lOo ;
copperas , 2 > ftJ , Buy leave * , llo ; glue , lOc ;
cpsom salts , 4o. glnubor salts , Do ; sulphur ,
2Ke ; blue vitro ) . 9o ; alum , 4c ; tartnrlo ncid ,
2c ; rosin 2c ; saltpeter , absolutely pure , Oc ;
gum camphor | 3 Ib * In box , 1 oz cakes. 3.K' :
hops , U and > f Ib packages , 20c ; sago , 'V and
X-lb packages. 15c ; maduer , lilc ; saltpeter ,
lOc ; Indigo , 3-lb nnd 5-lb boxes. S P. tVodC70j ;
Indigo , 3-lb nnd C Ib boxes , Madris , 7 * > c ; senl
ing wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3 > o ; sealing wax ,
23-lb boxes , white , 4c.
St'OAits Cut loaf,8'tecut ; loaf cubes 7 * o ;
standard , powdered , 7 < c ; XXXX. powdered ,
So ; granulated , standard , 7c ; confection
ers. A , 0 * c ; whlto extra C , O.'fd ; extra C ,
Net ) , O'sc ; nmbor , Oc ;
Corrr.B Roasted Arbuckle's Arlosa ,
25Vc ; McLaughlln's XXXX.2o < o ; Gorman ,
25.c , ; Dllworth , 25 , < ic ; Alarouia , 25 o ;
bulk , 2oifc.
CorrcE Green Fancy old golden Hlo , 25o ;
fancy old peabcrry , 23c ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 24oHio ; , prime , 23'tfe ; Klo , good , 2IK !
Mocha , 29o ; Java , genuine O. G. , 2Sc ; Java ,
good Interior , 24c ; African , 23c.
ROPK Basis Manilla rope , I5c ; sisal rope ,
12 > fc ; cotton rope , 10o : now process , Slc.
COTTOX T I.NE Ulbb. very fine , 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; fine , 20c ; Daisy , Ibo ; candle wick , 22c.
OLIVES ( Juarls , nor doz , $3.75 ; pints , per
doz , $3.25bulk ; , per gal , 950.
VISEOAII 30 gr. cider , So ; good , 12o ; whlto
wine , 15c ,
STAIICII IJfS8c ( per Ib.
STOVI : POLISH-$3 ( Kio.S7 ( per gross.
Uvos Am. , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per
100 , $17.00.
MOUSSES Hbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
55c ; bakers' , 2l ( 35c ; black strap. 20c ,
WiiApPis-o PAPEII Straw , per Ib , l @
2 > < c ; rag , Z } inanlhi \ , B , 50c ; No 1 , 7c ,
BAGS Union square35 per cent off list.
SALT Dalrv. "so tb In bbl. hulk. S3.10 :
best grade. CO , 5s , $2 30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$ ) .40 ; best grade. 23 , 10j , $220 ; roc It salt ,
crushed , $1.60 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50 Ib bags ,
Me ; bulk , ' 334 U > bags , $3.23 ; common , lu
bbl , $1.25.
CAXXED Goons Fruits , California canned
goods , standard brands , 2 > Ib , per doz
Apricots , , $1.70(741 ( bo ; apricots , pie fruit ,
$150 ; gallons , $450 : blackberries , $323 :
cherries , black , $3 00 2.25. cherries , white ,
$3.25 ® ) 50 ; grapes , S1.65W1.SO ; pears , Bnrt-
lett , $2 10@2 35 ; poaches , yellow. $3 10@223 ;
peaches , lemon cling , $3.33 ; plums , egg ,
$ I.C3@l.bO ; plums , golden drops , $ l.bO.
plums , green gages , $1 C3Q1 bO ; peaches ,
with pitta In , $100 ; currants , $2.30 ;
gooseberries , $223 ; quiucos , $2.10 ; raspberries -
ries , $3 70 ; strawberries , $250 ; peaches , 3 Ib
eastern stundurds , $1 S5 ; 3 Ib pie , $1.10 ; U Ib
pie , $300 ; gallon pie , $ JOO ; apples , high
standard ? , 2 00 ; 2 Ib gooseberries , 90c ; 2 ib
strawberries , 90@95c ; 2 Ib raspberries , $1.00 ;
2 Ib blueberries , bOia90o ; 2 Ib blackberries ,
C5@75c ; 3 Ib strawberries , preserved , $1.75 ;
2 Ib raspberries , preserved , $ l.bO ; 2 ib black
berries , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama
chopped , $2 00 ; 2 Ib Bahama crated , $2.75 ; 2
Ib Bahamu sliced , $3.50 ; 2 Ib Standard sliced ,
$1.25@1.50 ; cherries. 2 ib rod , Baltimore , bo
@ 95c ; pears , 2 Ib. $1 30.
Dry Bibb , white , ISJ o ; colored ,
BATTS Standard. Sc : Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12) c ; Boonc , Ho ; peerless , case , $7.50.
ConsFT JEANS Boston , 7J e ; Androscog ,
gin , 7Jfe ; Kearsarpo , 7Jfc ; Hockport , O fc ;
Conesloga , O fc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 > c ; International
YY , So ; Shetuckot , S , b ] < o ; Wunon , No.
870. lOc ; Berwick , BA , 18c ; Acme , 13o ;
York , 30 inch , 12 > fc ; YorK , 32 inch , 13' c ;
Swift River , 8c ; Thorudlko OO. bX"
Thorndiko PP. S c ; Thorndiito 120 , 9 > io ;
Thormliko XX , 15j ; Cordis , No. 5 , t < Ke ;
Cordis No. 4 , lOKu.
1'liisTS Solw Colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slutor ,
Co ; Berlin oil. 0 ! c ; Gnrnur oil , C@7c. Pink
und Robes Richmond , CJifcjAllen.O c ; Riv-
eruoint , 3 > Jc ; Steel River , Co : Pacific , 0 > tfc ;
Indigo Blue St. Leger. 5 } c ; Washington ,
G > c ; American , C } c : AinoM , 0 > c ; Arnold
Century , 9e : AmunJ , 12c ; Stlefel A , ICc.
barter oak , oj u ; Rainapo , 4l e ; Lodl , oj c ;
Allen , Co ; Richmond , Os ; Windsor , 0 > Jc ;
Eddystone,0 > c ; Pacific , t ! } c.
GISQHAM I'lunkett checks , O o ; Whlt-
tenlon , OJ/c ; York , O fe ; Normandi dross ,
SK < - " Calcutta dross , 7 > jc ; Renirow dress ,
CAMIIUICS Sinter , 5c ; Woous , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 3c.
SmnTixa : Checks Caledonia X , 9i c ;
Caledonia AX , Klj o : Economv , 9c ; Otis ,
9c ; Granite , O c ; Haw River , "SJ c ; Craw
ford , Sc.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz6 ] Everett \ ,
7 oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13c : HavniaUer , 8' c ;
Jaffrey XX. lljjc ; Jeffrey XXX , 12'5c ;
Beaver Creek A A , ll ) c ; Beaver Creek BB.
10 > , 'c ; Hcavor Crock LC , 9o.
KENTUCKY JEVXS Memorial , 15o ; Glen-
wood , -Oc ; Kontuclcy Star , 35c ; Hcrculus.
ISc ; IZmpiro , 25c : Cottsvvold , 2 < Xc ; Melville -
villo , 25o ; J5anp-up , 27Ko. *
Cutsti Stovoiis' 13 , 5 > < fc ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
Stevens' A , bleached , 8c ; Stevoiib' P , 9ic ;
Stevens' P , bleached , 8fc ; Stevens' N. 8J < c ;
Stevens' N , bleached , 9 > u ; Stevens' SIU' ,
FI.VXXEI.S Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Clear
Lake , 3.'o ; Iron Mountain , 2fi > < c ; White
G II No. 2 , Jf , ' 22K'G ' ! H No. 1 , Jf , 20 > < c.
11 11 No. 2 , Jtf , 2J > c ; 13 H No. 1 , Ji , 80c ;
Quccheo , No. 1. % , 42c.
White Querhco No. 2J , 37)Jc : Quochco
No. 3 % , 3J } e ; AnM\an , 3iJ o ; Winasor ,
22 > < c. Hed C , 21-in , 15c ; K , 24 in , 21J c :
G G Sl-in. 20c ; H A F , % , 25c ; J H P , % ,
27c ; G , J , 25c.
Housekeeper , 8) < | 0 New Candiduto ,
Berkeley cambric No. CO. 9c ; Best Yet.
0 > tfc ; butter cloth OO. I'40 ; Cubot. 7 0 ;
Furwoll half bleuehed. SJ c ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJ 'c ; Green G , C o ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phil
ip cambric , lOo ; Lonsdalu cambric , lOc ;
Lonsdale. b ) c ; Now York mills , lOJ c ; Pop-
Derail , 42 in , lOo ; Pepneroll , 40 in , He ; Pep-
porell , 0-1 , 14Ko ; Popperell , 8-4. 20o ; Pop
perell , 9-4 , 22c ; Pepperell , 104 , 2lo ; Canton ,
4 4 , SJ4c ; Canton , 5-4 , 9l o ; Triumph , Co ;
\\usniutta. He ; Valley , 3c ; Barker ,
bleached , SJ o.
Buowx biiHP.Tixo Atlantic A. 44 , 7'fc ' ;
Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlantiu D , 4-4 , 0 > fe ;
Atlantic P , 4 4 , Oo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , OL- ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , IJfc ; Crown XXX , 4 4 , O o ;
HooslerLL , 44. ojfe , Indian Head. 44 , 7e ;
Liwrence LL , 4 4 , 5 n ; Old Dominion , 4 4 ,
5Kc ; Popporoll R , 4 4 , OJfc : Popporoll E. 10
inch , TJ4ii : Pepparrell , 8-4 , 17 o ; Pepperell
9-4,200 ; Pepperoll , 10-1 , 22c ; Utica C , 1-4
4fc ; ) ; Wuchusett , 4 4 7o : Aurora It , 4-4 , 7u
Aurora B , 4 , 0Jc , Atlns , O N B , 7 a
Parmors'.No. 1 , 27-m . 44a
DICK-West Point , 2'J In , S-oz , 9J < fc ;
West Point , 29-ln. 10 oz , 12Hc , West Pnlut ,
9 In , 12 olO c ; West Point , 40 lu , ll-oe ,
Capllnl . $100,000
Surplus.Ian. 1st , IS',10 . 57,000
HFNIIV W. Vxrirs , Proililont.
] , L IH ti UKLD , Vlcu I'
JAJ. W bvvuir
\U V. Moii-o. .
H. C , Ciisiiivn.
J. N II. 1'ATltirK.
Cor. IJth nud Parunm Sts.
A Oenenil Hanking llusliloaj Transacted.
We ol o rrctttru and tell \ e l. Hay , Ortln , Hlik3\
Orwn and Uric ; any thlu yoi u may
_ . ' ' \\rtu uiifrnrlceriorauyInrurtnttloi. ' , _
liv < l NirifMritH , MOIilllHOX.V * ' < > . , Coinrululo
llf rch..1. . 174 h'outh VV > lrr-t. , < hli-ur" .
KnrtiiXNCE-XctruiiuUlan .Siittoual Uilcavo.
Mention Omaha lies.
„ _ _ . _ _ ' DIOTRICT8 , WATER
CorreipondenceMlldted. COMPAHE8 , , ETC.
. , & , Bankers ,
103-109 Dearborn Street , CIIICACOi
7O 8toto Street. BOSTON.
Bawit Pint Nation ! Bant ,
; i ( > 5 South llttli Struct , * Omulm.
Cnpltnl , - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
Officers ami Directors K. M. MoMoinnn. 0
M. Hitchcock , JOB. ( Inrneiui , Jr. . A. Henry. It.
M Anderson , Win. O Mnul. v. pr8. : K II. Will.
InmH , A. 1' . MopKltifl , ( trot. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ;
K , II. llryant , aisUtnut cashier.
n A'-1' ' KINDS 0V
flnni1 ia" Aii' | PA-
On Improved and L'nlm.
proved I'roparty.
I'lirclmsed or Negotiated.
0 D _ _ _ _ _
The Negotiation of
A Specialty.
Correspondence Solicited.
Room ; ua Drown UulUUnir ,
Oinnha , Nob.
Boots and Shoos.
Buccesion to Ileod. Jones A Co ,
Wholesale Mannfactnrers onMs&S'ioes '
Amnti for notion Hubbcr Shoo To , 1107,119J anil I10J
Uirnay 8U t , Omaha. Nebrmka.
Pro worn. . - . - . - . - _ - .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
till Noth EUht e th Htr et , Omnnn , N br * .
Cornlco. _ . . .
MannfactQrer. ofGalyanizellron Cornice
Window-cm * nJ msuililo * rlubtj. John Kpcnttor ,
proprietor. 1US anil IIJ South ICtti ulrotV.
Artists' Materials.
A. UOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
1513 Douxliu street , Omaha , Nobrstkn.
Coal , GO'KO , Eto ,
Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JOB South nth tlrc i. Omalis. Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal and Cote
ill South 13th ttreet , Omnhn , Ncbrnikm.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics Tooli and Itutrnlo Pcalei. 1105 Douglas
itrcct , Umatim , Nob.
Lumj or , Eto.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported antt American Portland CdmcnU Stale
Kent ( or Mllwitukea Hydraulic Cement
nd ( julror White l.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
)7ood carpati and parouct uonrlnz. 8th and lougl a
ilrcuti , oiuab.a , Nubrnika-
Miners and MwM Hard aid SoftCoa
U1J Hrst : < nilr.nar Hunk llullttlnir. Omaha , I eb'
Dealer in Lumber , Latti , Lime , Sasli
Do4n. to. Tards Corner 7th and Douglas. Offlo *
Corner IQlU and Pouglai.
" " ' F'ttED. W. On AY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Cornel 8th and. Uouglm trtot , Omaha.
Mllllnory and Mptlona.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
8M. 210 and 212 Bonto lllb troot.
Notions ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1H1 Uarncy ilroat , Omaha.
Wnolesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A laOraa a.etc. Omaha. A. U. llUhop. Manaacr.
_ Papor. _ ----X-T. ,
PAPER" . ,
Wholesale Pauer Dealers ,
Carry nice itock of prlnllnB , urappInK and writing
paper. Bpcclal attention > Ten to card paper.
Safes -to.
A. L. DEANE .t CO. .
General Agents ( or
Hall's ' Safes ,
Ml ana 32J South 10th Bt .
Toys , Eto.
Jobber * of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gooto ,
Homo FurnlihlnK Ucndt. Cblldren'i Carrlagei. 1W )
Knrutim ilre t , Omaha , heb.
Asrjojultu rol Implomonts.
" " *
Aerlcnlt'l ' Iraplemenls , Wagons , Carriage ]
Wholemlo. Omalia , Nebraika.
o a. II.Yt UNUlNti . I'LMl' OU. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllilar nial mill , . 813 mid DM Joie 3t.OmMia ,
_ U y. Hon. Acting Manager
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
PbetUron worn , itoatn puupt , aw mill , , 1J13-13U
I.uaTenworth llruat , Umftlln.
IrorTWqrkB. _
Wronght and Cast iron Building Work
Un.lnrM ran wort , cn r l fqun > trir.niachino.auil
UluckiniltU ork , ( inico , nil workb U , I' . Hf
uJ lth itttil Omaha.
M'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
I tun * Jail wori , Iroa ihuttcr , and drJ
O. Anarien.propr. Cor. Uth aoq Ja-noit ht
_ Soeh. Ooors , Eto.
. A , DISHROW & CO. ,
Wboletal * mr.iiudcturor ' t
a , Door , Blinds and Monldiugs ,
Ilrinch ofncc , ITUi nod Hard itreeU , Ooaba , Nub ,
Of South Omaha , limited. ,