Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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On Monday Morning nt O O'Clook
The sale of damaged dry goods will
bog in nt Iluydcn's. All bleached mus
lin which got wet in the basement of
the Kilpatrlc-Koch Dry Goods Co. wore
bought by us. Wo shall put prices on
the same that will soil every yard on
Monday. There IB such a largo variety
of makes and prices that it is Impossible
to give you a full description of all , but
you can"buy good muslin at 2jc , 8c , 4c
and 6c a yd. Wo would prefer to soil
these by the bolt in order to clear them
all out on Monday , but if any person
wnnts loss wo will cut any number of
yards to suit. You will also find in this
lot pillow case muslins , double width
sheeting , bleached bunting and half
bleached muslin only damaged by water.
Fancy shirting calicos almost us good as
over , the edges only being slightly wot.
2Sc yard. 80 pieces of white chocked
nnitiBOok not wet at all at SJc yard.
20-inch wide bleached toweling , Oe per
. vnrd ; Stevens' brown linen crash , not
wet , only Co per yard , worth 8c ; Ren
frew turkey red table linen , only iWc.
Why pay others 45c for the same ? Our
special prices on towels will continue
tomorrow. We show the best assort
ment of dross ginghams in Omaba at
6c , OJc,73c,8lc and lOc per yard. Zephyr
gingham at 12jo and 16o per yard.
Now styles ofvhlt s dross goods just
opened ; 2-yard wide colored felt re
duced to 81' per yard ; outing flannels
7jc , lOc , 12Jo and 16c per yard. Red
bordered table linen , I6c pur yard.
Black sateens at lOc , IGc , 23e , and 35c
per yard. Special bargains in blankets
slightly soiled. They must bo sold.
Tomorrow wo open the first sale of
lace curtains this season , and in order
to make it interesting wo will offer you
some special bargains. Tlicso curtains
wore imported by us direct through
Omaha custom house from Glasgow ,
Scotland , and ns fur styles , prices and
quality , you can not duplicate thotn. In
this lot you will find n full Mno of Not
tingham , Irish point , Brussels and
Swiss tambour curtains. Extra value in
Nottingham curtains at $1 , $1.25 , $1.85.
81.60. $1.05 , $1.75 , $1.90 , $2 , $2.2 ( ? $2.35 ,
82.50 , etc. , a pair. With each pair wo
give you a polo and brass trimmings
freewo also have lower priced curtains ,
but these you will find are way ahead of
anything over olTorod in Omaha , and at
$4 , $4.50 , $5. $5.60 and $0,60 wo offer cur
tains that you will have to pay double
for at other places. Wo make you these
special prices for Monday in order
to got you interested in this depart
ment , for every pair of curtains that
will leave our store on Monday will bo
a lasting advertisement for us. Win
dow shades , mounted on spring rollers ,
fixtures complete , only 19c each. Where
can you match those prices ? Look at
these fancy shades and plain colors
which wo offer at 85c and 60o each.
Now carpets arc in and on sale Monday.
Best quality table oil cloth 17c yard.
Feather pillows oOc , 05c , 76c , $1.00 and
$1.25 each. Trim KB and valises y ° u
will find in great variety and nt prices
very reasonable. Our Block of wall
paper is all now , no old chestnuts car
ried over from last season. Every roy
of paper in stock received this season.
See the beautiful designs wo have on
display , and our prices are always the
Wo have just received 10 cases of
gents' furnishing goods , purchased by
our Now York buyer at about 25 cent's
on the dollar. Everything will bo
marked and put on sale Monday morn
ing. Remember if yea need anything
in this line do not miss this opportunity.
It Is impossible for us to display all of
> this stock at the furnishing goods
counter. Wo have dcoidod to put part
of it down stairs so all can bo waited
upon without being crowded.
1 case of gents' Domot flannel shirts
worth 50c ouch , go iu this sale at 25c
each ,
50 dozen gents' fancy Domel shirts
worth 75o , go in this sale at 89c each.
1 case of gouts' mixed shirts and
drawers worth 60c each , co in this sale
at 25c.
All the gents' superfine British i
hose , worth 2-5 , 35 and 40o per pair , go
in this ut lOo per pair.
Hero Is the biggest bargain of them
all ; in this lot are two cases of gents'
Now York mills stiirts. unluundriod ,
double backs and double fronts , hand
mido | button holes and nuido for line
retail trade and are worth 75o and $1.00
and some as high as $1.25 ; your choice
of this lot for 60c each. Also 100 doz
unlnundricd shirts , made from the best
muslin manufactured , pleated bosoms
and reinforced fronts , worth $1.00 each ,
your choice of this lot 50o each ; 100 a07.
boys' fancy percale shirt waists only
25o bach , worth 50o.
Special sale of corsets for Monday.
Kvory ] ady buying a corset on Monday
will bo presented with one of Madam
Dotnorost's fashion books , what to wear.
Bargains in wall paper.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Offer Special IlnriulMS In Underwent- , '
Comets , lronn Goods , Kuiuly Made
low nook and sleeveless , rlbb.on fin
ished in white , cream , pink and blue ,
25 cents. These nro regular 50 cent
goods and by all moans the biggest bar
gain over ottered.
low neck , sleeveless , ribbon finished ,
every one guaranteed not to stain or
discolor , 85 cents.
in pink , blue and ecru , 50 cents , worth
85 cents.
in gray and black , finest quality , $2.23
A well fitting and durable
Full line of P. D. and Dr. Warner's
health corsets.
IB complete in every respect.
has arriyqd. black and fancy in cotton
llslo and ilk. We soil them at remark
ably low prices.
will bo sold as follows :
00-cont all-wool honrlottas at OS cents.
05-cont all-wool French plaids ut 88
Outing flannels in new designs , 13
in dosliiublo patterns , 25 cents.
A full line of the most desirable
nt very reasonable prices. Trimmings
' to mutch.
Wo'will continue our especial sale on
ladies' and misses'
through this week.
912 dresses at $7.
$10.50 dresses ut $10.
$20 and $30 dresses at $12.60.
' A lot of missuo1 fine dresses
Formally $0 to $3 , now 52.08.
Formally $ S to $10 , now $4.80.
Chlldron'H $5 to $8 , now 33.25.
1618 and 1620 Farnnm st.
i i i. * i
Ucfnro lluylng
A piano examine the now acalo Kim
ball pluno. A. Hoape , 1613 Douglas.
Extraordinary Hnrgnlna In Spring
Jr HI Goods.
During our clearing sales of dross
goods of January and February wo suc
ceeded in closing out every undesirable
and unseasonable piece of goods in this
Wo havonow placed on our shelves and
counters an entire now , fresh and choice
stock of dress goods which will bo to
the advantage of every careful bujor to
examine and got prices before ranking
42-in. all-wool spring suiting at 25c ,
worth 60c.
Colored mohairo brllliantlno , all
choice shades , at 21c. at 8ac , at 48c ,
65c , and 68c , worth trom 85o to 7oc.
ll-in. ( honrioltanll now shades , beau
tiful finish , at 39c , cheap at SOc.
6l-in ladies cloth at 05c , worth $1.00.
60-in French scrgo nt09c , worth $1.00.
Colored nllkcn mohair in plain and
side band nt U5c , 75c and 85c , formerly
sold at $1.00 to $1.25.
60-in French camolott serge at 880 and
93c , worth Sl.iK.
42-in all wool silk finish honrlotta ,
worth $1.15 , our price 88c. Magnificent
An immense line of novoltv plaids
and stripes to bo placed on sale Monday
at 25c , 80c , 36c , 45c , 48c and 60c. These
make handsome spring dresses for
misses and children.
42-in all wool black henriotta at 48c
and60c , worth 05 and 75c.
42-in all wool soft Bilk finish hcnrlolta
at COc , GJC , 70c , 76c , worth from 76o to
Fine rich silken mohair , 42-in wide ,
nt75c,85c , 02c. $1.05 , $1.15 and $1.25 ,
worth from $1.00 to $1.50.
48-in all wool serge in blacks at COc ,
75c , sold formerly at $1.00.
Special prices on colored and black
dress silks , novelty trimming silks ,
China silk , all colors.
300 pieces line embroideries at Ic , 2c ,
3c , 6c , 7c and lOc , worth 25c to 80o.
Fine silk laces in bleach and colors ,
all now stylos.
Fine silk ribbons at lo yd , at 3c , at
4c . at 6c , worth 6c to 25.c. . .
Silk Veilings in all shades , 4c yd.
Dotted silk veilings lOc , also novelties
in fine fancy veilings.
Silk ruchinas 5c , 7c , lOc and 15c yd ,
worth 25c to 50c.
Wo sell the best makes of watches in
the world. They would bo no bettor if
we charged jewelers1 prices. Can you
find bettor makes than wo quote as fol
lows : Elpin , Springfield or Waltham
in dust proof cases at $3.50 each , why
pay $1211 ! B. W. Raymond in a 14-karat
filled case , warranted 20 years , $29.50.
Would it bo hotter at $75V G. M.
Wheeler in a gold filled case and war
ranted 20 years , $19.60. Is this a
delusion and a snare ? Lady's 14-
karat solid gold Elgin , Springfield
or Wullhnm host lillod case warranted
20 years $10.60. Is this square dealing ?
Ansonia nicklo clocks 59o. Where can
you-match it ? Our 75c chain sale still
continues. Solid silver bangle bracelets -
lots 25c ; worth their weight in coin.
Is this deception ?
Latest novelties in hair ornaments ,
lace and lace pins arrivipg daily and
sold at half jewelers' prices.
Now is the time to buy a winter cloak.
Wo will not carry over a single cloak ,
no matter how great the sacrifice.
Worsted house jerseys SOc , 03c and 76c ,
worth $1 to $1.75. Lndios'strcet jackets ,
plain and fancy colors _ , 60c , 75c and $1.
Peasant wool cloaks in all shades. $5 ,
Monday. A full line of spring shawls
and ladies' fancy capes. High grade
novelties in imported silk lined street
jackets at popular prices.
Splendid bargains in feather pillows
at 60e , 75c , $1.50 , $2 and { 2.75.
Monday begins our spring opening
sale on carpets. Our carpet depart
ment claims the largest and most ar
tistic range of now styles to bo found in
any market. The prices , also , are most
reasonable for standard goods.
Wool filled carpets 25c , 85c and 40c ,
regular 55c to GOc. Standard inurrain
carpet * 45c , 48c , SOc , 55c , GOc , 02Jc. It
ia impossible to match these prices.
Tap. brussels 50o , Coo and 75c , worth
87o to $1.25. Body brussels $1.10 to
$1.15 , and Wiltons $1.00. Wo have the
only stock of absolutely now styles wall
paper in the city. Not a single roll of
old paper loft over. It will pay and
delight you to sco our exquisite now
styles and our unapproachable prices.
Oroonrv Depnrtinnnt.
Letting down the prices on butter.
Good butter from the country in roll ,
lOo. 12jo and 15c ; good creamery butter ,
17e ; very best creamery , lOc ; boneless
ham , lOc ; picnic hum , Go ; , 3-lb. pail of
lard lOo ; prunes , 6c ; evaporated apples ,
lOo , worth 20c ; evaporated blackberries ,
7Jc ; California apricots , I5o ; California
egg plums , 15c. California green gage
plums , 15c , these are the very best ,
8-lb can goods put up. Money cannot
buy any boltqr can fruit. Patted ox
tongue , Oo per can ; roast beef , 15c ;
Iowa soda oracttors , 5o per pound ; pearl
oyster crackers. 5o ; none bettor made ;
white tish,5c , lOc , codfish "Jo and 12jc ;
brick Swiss cheese , 17jc , full cream
ohouso , 15c. Do not miss this salo.
For Monday the Keystone egg bcafar
and ice cream freezer. Ton machines
in one. usa for the following purposes.
Breakfast churn ice cream freezer ,
light dough ( encoder , potato masher or
wliip cake beater batter mixer , egg
beater , fruit whip , drink mixervegeta
ble whip and cream whip all complete
for $1.50. The Western wash machine ,
the finest washer in the world , $4.05.
The Grand Rapidscurpot ewoopor $1.75 ,
sold on a GO days' trial. The Keystone
wash bench and wringer combine $4.75 ,
sold everywhere for $0.00. A G piece
cream sut 18c. Buucors lo each , milk
puns Ic each , milk crocks 3 and dc onoh ,
2 qt dippers 60 , stove blacking lo , shoo
blacking 2o , < tumblers 15o per sot , dish
pan 18o , wash bowl and pitcher 87a ,
covered chamber 60c. soap dish lOo ,
slop jar $1.00 , towel roller lOo , wash
tubs 45u , decorated cups , saucers and
plates SOo par set , Iron stands , terra
cottu ( vases , lamps I complete $1.60 ,
worth $3.50. HAYDEN BROS.
Or Now Kiirnltiiri * .
Commencing Wednesday , March 12th ,
ut 3 p. in.'at No. 115 South Sixteenth
street , opposite Stonohlll's , two cur
loads of fine furniture sent direct from
eastern manufacturers to bo sold with
out reserve. Parlor suits , odd pieces ,
bedroom suits , folding beds , baby car
riages , etc. HUNUY CllKIQIITOK ,
Try n Caao
Of quart or pint bottles of the cele
brated Story k Ilor export boor the
finest in the market and be convinced
of its purity , strength and delicious fla
vor. Leave orders at brewery , princi
pal bars or bottling works at 312 South
16th street.
llotnll pry Goods Man.
You will find something of Interest to
you personally if you read the upper
half of page nine of this Issue. Refer
ence is made to M. E. Smith Si Co's il
lustration and remarks concornin g
'it. SOo page U.
Another Grand Spoolnl Sale for
This Monday.
There Will bo Wide Awnko Aston-
nt Till * Sale No > liar-
Like Them IStaowhcro
Head and Compnre.
Wo hnvo had sales , but never such n
one ns this. Advertised prices on all
goods are for Monday only , and no mall
or telegraph orders will be filled.
Our 40-inch spring suitings go for
this at lc.
Our English founts cloth , latest
shades , ut lOo , would bo a bargain at
85c.40inch plaid and striped suitings at
19c , worth at other sales 45c <
Douolo fold brillinntinos , late shades.
at 25c , well worth SOc.
80-inch English honrlotta , spring
shades , at 23c. This Is 50c quality.
40-inch crepe cloth in new patterns at
40c. worth at other houses $1.00.
42-inch honriettn , late shades , 33c , a
75c quality.
60 inch all wool imported honriotta
at OOc , regular $1.10 quality.
All wool French wool challlcs at lOc.
All our 40-inch black brilliantincs nt
tills sale 69c , worth 85c.
Our 40-inch black brilliantine 78c
Monday only , worth $1.25.
60-inch black Sicilian cloth at 83c per
ynrd ; very cheap ut $1.25.
40-inch black henrictta at this sale
29c ; it is a 60c quality.
All 42 and 60-inch French honrlotta
and serges go at 69c.
60-inch silk warp honriotta go ut$1.00 ,
worth $1.60.
Funny striped spring surahs at SOc ,
worth 75c.
Figured china silk at SOc , Monday
Checked gingham at 3Jc , worth 8c.
Now spring dress ginghams go at 5c
Monday only. They nro worth 15c.
Challos at 3c per yard.
French ginghams ut Oc , worth 2oc.
Good sheeting at 3jc , worth 8c.
Bleached muslin , not tnu best , ut 2c per
Best cambric at 7c. worth loc. ,
The host known brand of muslin at
5c , worth 9c.
Checked nainsook at 3jc , worth 7c.
Fancy chocked white goods at 8c ,
worth ISc.
Nainsook at Oc. worth lOc.
White lawn at 12ic , worth 25c.
At 3c we sell a good all-linon towel.
At loc a linen huck towel that is worth
fully 25c.
At 18can all-linen damask towel with
knotted fringe.
At 29c an extra largo Barnslcy dam
ask knotted fringe towel worth 75c.
At SOc wo will sell fine all-linen
bleached table damask worth 75c.
High grade bleached linen damask at
59c , worth $1.
Turkey ro'd dumnsk , guaranteed fast
colors , 2oc , worth 60c.
Ta'iilo scarfs and stand covers 39c ,
worth $1.
600 pairs real kid gloves , 15c. Fine
gloves , but broken sl/.os. Dressed and
undressed kids , button and mousquo-
tairos , all sluxdes , ail sizes , ut70c , worth
$1.50. Fine lisle thread hose , plain and
fancy striped , no two pair alike , at 19c ,
many worth 75c. At7c all silk ribbons ,
numbers 5 to 12 ; now colors , nil edges.
OandSinch wide nil silk sash ribbon
ut2oc. Great bargain. Real liund made
torchon lace two inches wide at3o per
yard. 60 pieces now Vandyke luces ( no
two pieces alike ) , at 12c per yard.
Embroidery skirting at 23c per yard.
Very line hemstitched skirting at 57c ,
mnny worth $1.00. Hemstitched sheer
linen handkerchiefs , hand embroid
ered , at lOc , slightly mussed , but line
goods. Our $1 corsets go at 39c. cor
sets ut59c , worth $1. Mndumo Wur-
ron's dross form corsets 79c , worth $1.75.
Corset covers 8c , 17c , SOc. Drawers ,
embroidered edges , cluster of _ tucks ,
lOc , 46c , 75o. Walking underskirts with
hem tucks , lace , embroidered , good
muslin , 25c , 43o , GOc. Night dresses with
torchon lace and insertion , clusters of
tucks , lace edge , etc. , 47c , 72oand9Cc.
114So. Sixteenth St.
' Spring opening ' tomorrow ; ,
Paxton Hotel building.
Hops nml Ala It
Form the true basis of good nutritious
Ingor boor. Only the finest imported
Sautv. hops and the choicest barley are
used in StorIlor's celebrated , export
beer. Families supplied. .
" '
< - -
I'nttl nnd "Trie Kimbill. "
The success of the now scale Kimbull
piano is unbounded. It is not only
used by Madame Adolina Patti but
endorsed by her and she ovop. took the
time and trouble to scratch her auto
graph on a Kimbnll while stopping at
the Millard hotel last week. TJio father
of all musical conductors , Lulgi Ardili.
having brought out under hiy careful
guidance ull the prima donnas from the
renowned Patti down. usos'und endorses
the now scale Kimbull pianos as docs
such artists us Francisco Tamagno ,
Mudamo Nordica , Signer Novaro , Sig.
Del Puonto , Sig. Murcsclmlchi , Slg.
Knrdb , Sig. Tlcclni , Madumos Fabbri ,
Synncrborg. Guiliu Valda , Pettigianl
und ull other great singers. . -
Madame Nordicu , while at the Millard -
lard hotel last week with the Italian
opera company , ordered n now scale
Kim ball cabinet errand upright plnno
shipped to her homo. No. 30 Fitzjohns
uvonuo ; London , N. W. , for her own
personal use. In her order to Mr. Edgar
C , Smith , representative of W. W. Kim
bnll Company , who was then in Omaha ,
she said : "I never played uoon or sang
with a piano that pleased mo moro tjuui
the one 1 have in my room ut the
hotel. "
The now scale Kimball piano from Its
first appearance instantly oronted such
a demand us to place the manufacturers ,
W. W. Kimbull company from 200 to 800
pianos behind their orders notwith
standing the output of this immense
factory is sixty pianos per week. The
capacity will shortly bo increased 100 a
The Kimball piano that Madame
Patti Nlcolinn engraved her autograph
on while it sot in her room at the Millard
hotel is at the piano warurooms of Air.
A. Hospo , jr. , 1518 Douglas street , the
Nebraska und Council Bluffs agent for
the Kimbnll pianos , who will bo pleased
to show it to his many friends und
It might also bo mentioned that the
Italian opera company curry a Kimball
organ during their entire tour.
Spring Opening
Paxton Hotel bldg. , 1411 Fariiuin st.
William E. riymor , cashier Holdrldgo
National bank , has purchased the now
scale Kluibull piano ueod by Mine , Nor
dica in her room ut the Millard during
her recent visit to this city , for his
home at Holdredgo.
Most Extraordinary Solo of Ladles'
Spriuir Wraps.
Bear In Mind Thte Is Xot nn Ortll-
nnry Kale \fo IloiiRht 1,50O
Hnmple Garments nt One-
Fourth H'bclr Vnlnc.
To promote your own intoroat you
should investigate thi ? salo. snob an op
portunity to buy u spring wrap , juclcot
or infants'cloak occurs but once in u
iifo tlino.
Tlicso goods nro ull of foreign mnn u-
fiicturo Bent to this country us sum pics
and bought by us of C. B. Rlluy , lOo
Mcrcor struct , Now York , importers of
Indies' garments. They consist of nil
now spring styles and many novelties
never seen before. Sue those goods to
appreciate thair valuo.
Imported stockinet Jersey jacket ,
nlcoly trimmed , at $1.08 , worth $3.50.
Imported stockinet jackets , tailor
made , nt $2.60 , wortn S5.50.
Fine worsted jackets with pull sleovcs
at $2.98.
Fine cloth jackets , diroctoiro fronts ,
handsomely trimmed , at $3.03 , worth
regular $7.
AfM.OS wo will sell the finest jacket
over imported. This lot is a great
bargain. 600 cloth jackets , worth $2.60 ,
go at OSc.
You can save at least 60 per cent by
buying.your wraps at this salo.
A really elegant beaded wrap at
$1.2-5 ; if bought in the ordinary way
would cost ut least $3.60.
At $2.25 we will sell wraps that would
cost in the regular way $5.
At1.50 wu will show imported
jetted wraps that are worth $12.60.
Attend this sale if only to sco the
now stylos.
At 75c infants' loug cashmere cloaks ,
embroidered on bottom and capo , worth
At $1.30 all wool cashmere cloaks , wide
embroidery on capo and bottom , in baby
blue , cardinal unit shades of tan.
At $2.89 line eashmero cloaks em
broidered in handsome designs , heavy
flannel lined and trimmed with ribbon
In this lot are also short length eider
down cloaks , plush trimmed , cord and
tassels , not one garment in this lot
worth loss than $5 , all go nt $2.39.
$2.97 extra lino-infant's long cloaks
hand embroidered , exquisite designs ,
satin lined in cream , whitebrown , tan ,
blue , mahogany , etc.
At SI the cloaks in this lot really
bafilo description. Some people would
call them bargains nt $10.
All wool jerseys go at-Iflc , worth $1.00.
Ladies' tailor made coat back jerseys
nt 09c.
Extra fine plain1 jersey at $1.00 , worth
in the regular way $2.00.
Handsome braided jerseys nt $1.50 ;
would bo a bargain nt $2.50.
Finest quality jersey , with now loop ,
braid trimming , very handsome and
Fine jersey blouses in plain and sailor
nt 79c , worth $1.50.Jrney are a new
Flnnnellett blousesfancy and striped ,
at 29c , worth 50c.
For good and true bargains this sale
will cause a sensation.
Sale takes place in loft aisle of main
floor. Extra help has been provided
and all will bo accommodated. ,
114 South 16th Street.
Oprnlni Anne inccinont.
Spring opening tomorrow ,
Paxton Hotel building.
A Card.
To the holders of tickets on Hnywnrd
Brothers' Cabinet Grand Upright Pi
ano : 1 was tha holder of the lucky
number , 8,110 , which drew the piano ,
ana wish to express through the col-
ums of this paper my sincere thanks
for the very prompt action on the part
ol Hnywurd Brothers in giving mo po-
sosslon of the piano on presentation of
the ticket. The store was crowded on
the evening of the drawing and every
thing wus'dono ' to the entire satisfac
tion of those who witnnssed it.
With Himobnush & Taylor ,
1405 Douglas street.
Residence , 2520 Charles street'
Mrs. II. A. Porter , Barr's expert
glove fitter , will on Wednesday , March
12th , take charge of N. B. Falconer's
glove stock , where she will bo pleased
to moot her many friends and custom-
era , and will bo prepared to show the
finest stock of gloves in Omaha.
Spring Opening
Paxton Hotel bldg , , 1411 Farnum st.
A not ion nt ICosldi > noc.
2100 Farni'tn , tomorrow ( Monday )
morning at 10 o'clock. Ono Stein way
piano , bedroom suits , folding beds , carpets -
pots , otn. , the entire contents of a
0-room house. Henry Croighton , auc-
Spring Opening
Tomorrow ,
Paxton Hotollbldg.j 1411 Farnam at.
Nebraska Kutnliuro Company ,
620 and 522 North 10th St.
are now Bottled in their elegant now
wnrorooms , recently erected by Wm.
Solvers , California and 10th Sts.
The Nobruskui Furniture Co. occupy
nearly the whole-building , 0 floors , 44x
00 foot. The first floor is devoted to the
display of foldljiff buds , side boards ,
ladies'desks , fancy tables , etc. . the of
fice and passenger elevator in the roar.
The second lloaaia used for parlor fur
niture , ohnmban nuith , camels and dra
peries. The third floor is well stocked
with a full line of ranges , cook stoves
and gasoline , also oil stoves. The linn
will extend nil courtesies in way of
credit allowed by first-class houses. The
stock is one of the finest over brought
to Omaha and a cordial invitation iu
extended to the publio to inspect it.
620 and 622 N. 10th.
Chnnao of Time.
Taking effect March 2 , Burlltfgton
route trains for Chicago and the east
will leave Omaha at 0:45 : a , in. , ! i16 ; u. in.
and 9:30 : p. tn.
Ticket olllccs , 1223 Farnam at. , depot ,
Tenth and Mason ats.
BUllii ( > 8&ShormJen.dontldi3lC& Dodge
Coal Best qualities , lowest prices.
Coutant & Squires , 1303 Farnam st.
Will.Wondora Never Ooago ? Bxtrr
Spoolal Sulo.
i'rlcos That \YIII Ilrlns the CromU
Front Mllett Around Wo
Others I-'ollow Attend
This Wondrous Bale.
12yds of linen lace for Oc in the fol
lowing colors : white , rod , rod and white
combined and ecru.
5,000 uoz. buttons of all kinds , ball
buttons , lint buttons , metal buttonshorn
buttons , in fuel nil kinds of buttons iu
this lot ut2jc per doz.
il.OOO doz. buttons ut uc n do/on , fully
worth 2oc.
6,000 doz. buttons Including ball pearl
in all colors , pearl buttons with cut
steel centers , also clerk buttons in this
lot , all go ut Do a do/an.
600 doz. oxtru quality knotted fringe
towels at lOc , worth 35c.
Children's ' heavy fast black lioso lOo
per pair.
Wo shall continue Monday only the
sale of line umbrellas from the bank
rupt stock of Martin , Knowols & Co. , of
Now York city.
Wo shall make a still further reduc
tion on the balance of the lot.
$1.25 umbrella go at 49c.
$2.00 umbrella goat 99c.
$2.60 umbrella go at 31.39.
$8.00 umbrella go at $1.98.
$1.00 umbrella go at $2.49.
$ -5.00 , $0.00 and , $7.00 umbrellas go at
Take advantage of this sale and save
money , remember these uro the finest
goods manufactured , the handles uro
something ovquibito , most of them uro
fine imported poods.
Wo intend to rattle off the dross goods
Monday us fast as our salesman can cut
The prices wo mention below will bo
a guarantee for that.
Stripe drcsb goods , actually worth 15c ,
at 8c ayurd.
Double width English cashmere 12c ,
would bo a bargain ut20e.
Bettor quality of cashmcro ut 15c ,
worth 25o.
Fine honriottn , nil colors nnd black ,
at 2oc , would bo a bargain at 40c.
60-in honriotta. also 40-in brillian
tine , all now spring shades , nt SOc , per
If you are going to need u dross in the
near future look ut this bargain.
If yo'u nro not prepared to take it Mon
day pay something on it nnd have it
laid away for you , as you will never
again got such bargains.
We will show you tor40c the finest ull
wool honriotta in the market , these
goods are actually worth 75c.
Wo also ofTor at these prices u bouuti-
ful line of stripes in all wool serges.
At SOo wo will show you a line of all
wool plaids , the latest .spring goods
out.Wo forgot to mention above a beauti
ful combination briliiantines in plain
colors and plaids to match , which wo
ahull offer ut 25c per yard.
To give this sale a little tone , wo will
offer everyone who buys a dress , the
best soliciu for lining the sumo ut 5c
per yard , worth 2oc , also the best cam
bric" tit Sc u yard , wo won't churiro uny-
thing for the buttons , and if you want
braid for the dress , we make no charge
for it.
Will also'sell such trimmings us all
silk surahs , line figured China silk ut
SOc per yard.
Wo shall continue our corset sale
which wo advertised on Saturday.
Conic early and avoid the rush at
The DtiltcioiiH Flavor
Of Storz & Ilor's Export Boor is ob
tained from the exclusive use of the fin
est imported Saatz hops and the choicest
barley. It is gaining in popularity
every day. _ _
Jnrsny COUM nt Auction.
Thirty head of as1 good A. J. C. jersey
cows ns 'there uro west of the Mississippi
will bo'sold at auction at Lincoln , Nob. ,
Tuesday , March 11 , at 1 p ; in. ; St. Lam
berts ; Rex , etc. , etc.RAMHI
F. M. Woods , Auctioneer.
Am roan Tailors'
Takes pluce tomorrow.
Spring novelties
In Woolens.
1411 Farnam st. Puxton hotel.
Tho'.Theosophical society meets every
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at room
205 , Shooly .block. All nro invited.
Wednesday and Saturday evenings
from 7 to 0 the room is oncn ' to the pub
lic ,
Ailrllnn 1'ftttPn Aiitocranh.
T Written with a jeweler's graver upon
the music desk of u now scale Kimball
plnno used by her at her sulto of rooms
at the Millard is on exhibition at A.
Hosp'o , jr.'s , music rooms , 1618 Douglas.
Via the Wabnxh Rnllrnnd.
Ill order to make room for our spring
stock of tickets the Wubash will today
commence their great clearance sulo of
railroad and steamship tickets to all
points unst und south ; also to und from
ull parts of Europe. Cull curly , or
write , and secure tickets and sleeping
car accommodations at Wubusli olllco ,
1502 Farnam street , Omaha.
G. N. CLAYTON , Ticket Agent.
Wo are showing the choicest lots in
imported spring woolens for gontle-
Soil's wear over brought to O.imlm.
The Tailors , 315 South 16th.
The finest selection of domestic nnd
imported cigars , . A largo assortment
of highest grade smoking tobacco
Lovers of the weed in nnv form can find
no better place to gratify their tusto
thijn ut W. Gocdecko & Co.'s 301 S 16th ,
Barker block.
California Kxournlmm.
Pullman tourist sleeping oar excur
sions to California und Pacific coast
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansus City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket rule from Chicago
$17.60 , from Kansas City $35 , Bleeping
oar rate from Chicago $1 per double
berth , from Kansas City $3 per double
berth. Everything furnished except
munis. These excursions are person
ally conducted by experienced excursion
niunugcrs who accompany parties to
destination. For excursion folder con
taining full particulars and map folder
and time table of the Santa Fo route
nnd-'l'caorving of sleeping cur bertha ,
address S. M. Osgood , general agent ,
E. L. Palmer , traveling agent , A. T. &
S. F. railroad , 1808 Farnam street ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
HOUERTSON-Frlday ftt 10:30 : p.m. , Mr * .
Wm. ti. HoborUou , ciauRUtor of John B.
and Mary E. Beaten , a od 25 yours and 10
uiontbi ,
Fuucrul lorvlcoi will bo held at her lalo
reiidenee , 018 S. 19lh at. , on Monday at 10
o'clock. Intermeut will bo nt Uolloruu cem
etery. Friends are Inyltud.
Portiora on Sale Monday and Nox
New Hllk , Now DrcflH Ooodp , Nov
Combination Bulls , French
Chnlllofi nnd Hoys'
Shirt Wnlst .
In the morning wo shall place on sale
160 pieces of Colored China Silks a
47c a yard.
* 12.60.
Tomorrow wo offer 50 Combinatioi
Suits , the very latest Parisian novelties
in nil the n invest colorings , ut $12.60 i
Monday morning wo shall sell 7i
pieces of imported Dross Goods in hand
some now stripes , strictly all wool , ul
60c u yard.
35 pieces , a great bargain , the now
Crolso cloth , 48 inches wide , in all the
loading spring shades , on sale Mondaj
at $1 a yard.
Tomorrow morning wo offer 100 dozen
boys' percale shirts , selected pattornn ,
only 25e.
60 do/.on boys' seersucker waists , a 7oc
quality , on sale foi * this week at. 50c.
Now French challios Ooc.
Now China silks 47c to $1.
Now French flannels , beautiful pat
New Shanghai wash Bilks.
Now Scotch dress ginghams.
100 pairs heavy chonlllo fringed por-
tiers on snlo Monday and during the
week at $0.50 a pair.
Merchant Tailoring.
Spring opening. Novelties in wool
ens. Both imported nnd domestic.
1411 Furnutn. Puxton hotel.
That there is no boor moro pleasant to
the taste than the justly popular export
beer brewed by StarIlor. . Physi
cians rocommonddt as a most valuable
Merchant Tailnrliisr.
Spring opening. Novelties in woolens.
Both imported und domestic.
1411 Farnam. Paxton hotel.
Auction of .Turkey Cow .
See ud in another column this issue.
Old gold and silver bought. Carson &
Banks , manf. jewelers , 47 Barker block.
Reduced Kaics.
Tickets on sale today to all points
oust ut greatly reduced rules. On and
after March 8th the Missouri Pacific
will sell liekols lo SI. Louis at the low
figure , $8.25. For further information
cation or address Thomas F. Godfrey ,
P. & T. A. or J. O. Phillippi , assistant
general passenger agent. Ticket olliccs
N. E. corner 13th nnd Farnum ; und
depot 15th and Webster streets.
Spring opening. Novelties in woolens.
Both imported and domestic.
1411 Farnum. Puxton hotel. '
C. D. Wood worth & Co. , suc..toLnnd-
roclc & Woodworth , harness , 1512 Doug.
Onpninc An noun coin nut.
Spring opening tomorrow ,
Paxton Hotel building.
The Only One.
The Chicaco , Milwaukee ft St. Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
vestibulod , electric lighted nnd steam
heated trains between Chicago , Coun
cil Bluffs und Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman sleeping cars run on these
lines is patented and cannot bo used by
any other railway company. It is the
great improvement of the ago. Try it
und bo convinced.
Sleeping cars leave th < i Union Pacific
depot , Omaha. utO p. in. dully , arriving
ut Chicaco at 9:30 : a. m , Passengers
taking this train arc not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket olllco , 1501 Farnam at.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PKKSTON. Puss. Agt.
American Tailors' O | iiini ;
Takes place tomorrow.
Spring novelties
In Woolens.
1411 Farnum at. Paxton hotel.
An Aid tn Digestion
And plousant tonic is found in the
splendid export beer brewed by Storz &
Ilor. All first-class bars keep it. Fam
ilies supplied.
How Ho Han Down the Alan Who
Stele the ChickriiH. ,
Connecticut has ono country detec
tive who is u coining mnn Constable
Warren of this village , says a Putnam ,
Conn. , dispatch to the St. . Louis Globe-
Democrat. To the coop of William
Johnson , a manufacturer of Putnam , a
thief came tn the night und stole flftoon
choice fowls of funoy brood , und John
son offered Constable Warren $15 if ho
would find the < fowls. Apparently there
was not u clew , but the ofllcor put tils
sharp nose to the case and said nothing.
Ho wont over the scone with great
pains und close scrutiny. The coop
was near the manufactory , nnd ho
quickly discovered that in passing
to and from the coop the fowls hud to
puss across an exposed und extremely
warm steam pipe ; hence his In
stantaneous conclusion that these fowls
must have burned feet. Thereupon ho
begun to search for hens with acorchod
feet in ull the barnyards und markets
of Putnam. Within a fo-v hours after
getting his astonishing clue Constable
Warren stopped Into Dusteo's mr.rket ,
strolled up to u lot of ohiukona hanging
by their lgs to u hook , took down halt
a dozen of them , tupped the murkotnmn
on the shoulder and anid :
"Soo these feoty They are burnt.
these chickens wore stolen from John
ing u long
fowls of Jno Bruniioll , living on Priest
Park fnrm. "
"All right , " said the conatublo.
An hour later Warren interviewed
Joe Brunnell , and Joe suid the con
stable might huvo two of his best cows
if lie would lot the mutter drop. But
the constable WUH not looking for cows.
Brunnoll Bottled the case with Mr.
Johnson and the countable received $15.
Out-Prloo Snlo nt No. 1312 Fnrnnin
A Genuine Cut-Prlce Snip OH
MUscB1 , Aton'n nnd Chil
dren's HIiocH nt
100 pairs childrons * shoos at 60o , re
duced from $1.00
200 pairs misses' kid , goat nnd grain
school shoos , at $1.00 , reduced from
160 pair boys' school shoos al $1.00 ,
reduced from $1.60. Our $2.011 boys'
shoes wo will Boll fora fowdays at $1.50.
1(50 ( pair ladles' shoos at $1.00 , from
100 pair of ladles' sldo lace at 50c.
175 pair ladies' line American French
kid button shoes wltn patent tip , at
$3.00 , reduced from $3.50 ; a line shoo ,
ask to see this shoo. w-
400 pair Rovnold IJroa. ' U. T. K. Xowv
York Indies line kid button , lor a fo\v \
days $3.01) ) , reduced from $1.00. .
375 pair of Woodmansoo celebrated
French kid hand sewed turn and welts ,
at $5.50 , reduced from $7.00. Laities
who wear line shoos know ttiat this shoo
never was sold in Omaha for less than
$7 and you huvo paid $3 for the sumo
shoo olsowhoro.
225 pair of American French kid but
ton hand-turns at $2.50 , reduced from
300 pair men's working shoes , 81 , re *
ducod from $1.60. ,
Ladies , you will find it to your inter-
cst to attend this sale , for wo uro mak
ing n genuine cut-price sale.
Hurt & Mcnrs' gents' flno French uulf
$8 shoo for this weolc reduced to W.
Remember wo do not deal in shoddy
auction or bankrupt goods. This is the
finest t > toro and largest stock in the ) city ,
und the cheapest shoo store in the west.
G. W. COOK ,
1312 Furnam st.
Aninrlcun Tailor. * ' Ononlnj ;
Takes place tomorrow.
Spring novelties
In Woolens.
1411 Furnum st. Paxton hotel.
In Ijlou or Pole or Chips , Indiana
Htnko Their IJoltor-HnlvcH.
The American Indians nro thought
by many to bo morose and silent crea
tures , but on the contrary they are
cheerful , playful und most uffoctio'iiuto ,
especially with their children ; they
play for hqurs in their tents with their
'ittlooncs. Indians nro not rcmurkublo
or their cleanliness , and yet there are
tribes who pay much attention to this
virtue. A tribe culled Nozponco nro in
the habit of bathing daily , every morn
ing , summer and winter ; on first rising
they will bo soon with only a blanket
thrown around them trotting down to
some running stream ( they often break
the ice ) , plunge in , stay a while , thoii
with the blanket , around them trot bue
and dress for the day. They claim it
u health mcasuro as for clcanlincs-3.
The live in what is called ' 'topeo , * ' or
Indian lodgo. It is made by thin shoot
ing being put over eight or ton poles ,
cros-pd at the top and put so near per
pendicular us to cause the water to run
oil the shooting ( which they prefer to
duck or striped canvas on account of
weight ) . They never take their poles
with them , preferring to cut down
small trees wherever thvy camp , except
in iroing on the prairies ; then the poles
are tied In bundles ono and of the
bundle strapped to the puck horse und
the other allowed to rest on the ground
and bo dragged along.
They mal'.o their lire in the center of
the tent by putting up three green poles
fastened u little below the top with a
chain ; from this suspends a chain to
which the iron pot is attached , and be
neath that the lire. They cat all tlioii'
food about half cooked. They always
sloop around the flro vith their feet
toward it. Their greatest vices uro
drinking und gambling ; it is a very
common thing for them to bet thoitf * v
wives ; on ono occasion Jucko , n chief of
the Flnthcud reservation and a noted
hunter , returned from a trip to British-
Columbia with sixteen wives of the
Kootoono tribe ; it was a queer sight.
The ArtH of llonuty.
Hero is the startling formula which a
London correspondent of the Courier
dcsEtuts-Unis has taken from u little
book just published in that city to touch
the ludics the art of beauty , says the
Now York Sun :
"Every morning a prolonged cold
bath ; every night before retiring the
same exorcise ; a complete. Turkish
batli once a week application to the
face for two or throe hours each day of
a slice of raw veal , to keep oil wrinkles ;
application during an equal term of a
musk composed of the white of eggs ,
honey and barley paste , to preserve the
firmness of the skin ; a vigorous rub
bing of the eyelids two or throe times a
day with n sponge dipped in rose water
mixed with whisky , to preserve the
brilliancy of the oyus ; a covering of *
cold cream for the hands before rotir-
ingnnd keeping on glovottduring sleep ;
a rest of from ton to eleven hours , be
cause early rising reddens the pyus and
mars the lines of the face ; ' careful
avoidance of all cures und oycry subject
of an exciting nature , never to get
angry ; constant calm , for tours are the
destruction of charms , the floods m
which beauty is drowned ; smiles eter
nal , oven in the tooth of disagreeable
things ; exorcise on the velocipede. "
"Mrs. Lungtry , so this correspondent
says , takes u tremendous cold bath
every morning , uftor which she gets
herself shampooed to preserve the
freshness of her skin ; and Mrs. Frank
Leslie draws the sumo effect out of her
buth , into which she puts nn extract
from the brunches of certain pine trees.
The musk of raw veal nnd tno baths ura
the essential.
What u borol
Tlow a Woman .Miulo Money.
A Washington lady , 'foreseeing th U ,
loss of her Income , trimmed her Baits to
the threatening broo/.o. She carefully
considered her capabilities , and , early
in the spring , decided to put her oner- *
gloa into the mnklngof preserves , pickles -
los and jollios. She know ladies of BO
olul prominence nnd secured Iholp
names UB references'says the Ladies'
Homo Journal. She had circulars
printed , which she sent to people likely1
to respond with ardors , and she put an
[ idvortisomont in a few newspapers.
She received enough orders t6
, Miarantoo her enterprise , but pro-
mining on further sales , she mad a
ibout thirty gallons of plcklou
} f various kinds , und 850 glasses of jelly
\nd jura of fruit. As tin experiment to
Lust their popularity , atio made u doioii
3UHH of brundiod peuohos , Hpleod cur *
runts und plumb , sweet pickled melons ; ,
milled mangoes , catsup and ' ohow- >
show. She spared no pains , attended
Doraonutly to the marketing , procured-
the boat fruit us froah us possible beforeV. .
, t "lost the taste of the Bun , " and mada1 r"
jvoryihing with exquisite neutnoes.
iShu put her jollies in pretty moulds ,
md oven lettered the labels uttruotlvoly ,
[ lor energy und courage brought a BUQ *
: os3 that warrants her enlarging" tha