THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MARCH 1) ) . 1800.-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. 13 N. B. FALCONER. N. B. FALCONER. N.B. FALCONER J The Special Sales we make this.week. commencing tomorrow , will be the best in every way we have ever made. The most of the goods are new , but we are able to sell them at the astonishing prices we quote. We would call special attention to the Ribbons , Torchon Laces , Silks and Dress Goods , and the astounding bargains wg offer in every department. jJC4- SILK DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. To cloao out balance of our surplus winter fltoclr , and to make room for an elegant display of spring nnd summer goods ( such as wo never shown before ) wo mnko this sale worthy of the name of N. B. Falconer's store. Whatever is advertised by us is always correct. Therefore , our patrons should lake ad vantage of same. A partial list of goods will show the prices for Monday. ON 0 pieces 24-inch Black MONDAY rahs , worth'81.00 and 81.25 85c. ON 24-inch Black French Failles MONDAY vorv line , nlway sold by us ! for 81.35 and 81.60 ( m J A m ON 10 pieces 22-inch Black Sat MONDAY in Morvoilluux , best goods in the market ; worth 81.35 81.50 and 81.75. $1.071 $ ON 5 pieces Black Striped 19-in. MONDAY Velvet , our former price $1.25 , 81.76 and $2.00 75c. ON All of our 21-inch Colored MONDAY Plushes , our season's prices $1.25 and 81.60 $1.00. $ ON 40 piocps best 20-inch China MONDAY Silk , worth 85c per yard. . . 55C. GitADAYSlNlHEWINDUiTY A Brilliant RcoDptlon at the Mag- niflcot Flold Residence ) . THE REVIVAL OF THE /ESTHETIC. A Mclnnxo of linen , Mansfield and- Nate Goodwin at the XlicruaiM Ttio Koixllsts and Vcr- 1'loturcsi. Windy City Broczos. CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special to THE DUE. ] On Thursday evening , a weak since' , the Twentieth Century club was entertained at Mrs. Marshall Field's. Mr. George Ulddlo read selections from Byron's Manfred and an orchestra and chorus , with a quurtcttu from the Opollo club , rendered selections from Schumann Illustrative of the tragedy. Mr. Hlddlo's Interpretation of the lines was decidedly pluaslnc , his well modulated voice , cultivated enunciation nnd apparently unstud led gestures , harmonizing well with tUo noble How of verso. Mrs. Field's handsome- homo took on a gala air with quantities of monstrous palms , ferns nnd'llowors. while the women in ovon- iUK toilette looked lute animated blossoms. Among the distinguished quests wcro M. lllouot ( Max O'Uoll ) and Geprgo Parsons P * 35 liathrop. On Friday ovcnlnFcIenjoycd an Intellectual an artistic treat in Mansfield's Kichard III. , with nn aftermath of regret that his support * is so inferior. I > uUir ha played Uarou Chcvrlal In "A Parisian Homnnco. " and scored n tremendous - . ous success. Young , talented and ambitlous- the future holds moro than a promise of laurels for lUcbard Mansfield. On Monday afternoon tbo Amateur mu sical club ffavo Its 150th concert at thu audi torium rocllal hall with the result of some really good music. ThU club gave n concert a ibort tluio since , the proceeds of which , aomo $1,400 , was dispensed to the various charities In Chicago. The visitors in town during thu past week who Incline to realism had a soul-qulokoning In the double privilege the Vorestohagln pictures and the presen tation of "Ibsen's Dolls' Housu. " K This modern school of realism built on 'statements and facts , nnd not on animations und meals , finds two of its strongest expo- ncuts lu Vmsill Vorestchagln with his mar velous gunlut nud versatility , and Honrik Ibson In his heart breaking plays. "A Doll's House , " us produced by Mann- field's company , at the niatmeo on Wednes day was only interesting to the students of the Norwegian authur , the play proper being very indifferently presented. ISosant's so- quul to this play is muoh talked of nnd the prcsifmuttou of an author whoso mind Is so utterly Incompatible with the mind of their hero Is severely criticised by the IbsonltcA , although they allow that the work shows thought nud la alternately powerful and tender , Nat Goodwin Is winning deserved applause - plauso nt Hooloy's In Urandur Muthow * and ( Jeorgo Joseph's bright cotnody , "A Gold Mine. " The dlaloguu Is rather clover and many of the Jokes are distinctly now. Wlion describing the sainte nl teucho manner of hauteur distinguishing the English women , Goodwin calls It the " 1'm-atuylug-witb- inothur-now-atr , " ho brings down thu house. The support is excellent , and the play Is charmingly put on the stage. Eugene Field writing from London to a friend declares Oscar Wtldo quite the clever est mun he has mot there uupKosting an amusing blfof conversation that cuino to my cars the othur day , A dlsciplo of the aesthete whoso 'art is true to Pol1 was showing the pleasing features of her now homo to a friend , With a languid drawl she said : "My rooms are consistently amooro , tlio celling * oven are couscientous ; no . "No flies , " laughingly suggested the hoaror. "And regard the chimney breast , lay-door ! You sue I have it palutea rod ; U affects uie a chimney breast should palpitate with warmth and color I" ON All of our Fancy Velvets in MONDAY front lengths , worth four times what wo ask for thorn $150. $ And all ether winter goods in the same proportion. BLACK GOODS DEPT. UNPRECEDENTED VALUES IN KB- LIABLE BLACK DRESS GOODS. To-morrow morning wo will p'laco on special sale the following great bar gains : 40-inch Brilliantino. . 40-inch Nun's Veiling 40-inoh Silk Warp Henrietta ] Cut down from 75c. CO-inoh Brilliantinc. . 40-inch Sicilian Cord. 75c 40-inch Tniniso Cloth. 40-inch Crepe Cloth. YARD. Cut down from 81.00. Wo have made such low prices on these Black Goods that wo expect to sell every vnrd out in one day. COLORED DRESS GOODS. Received another shipment of fine Dross Goods , nnd like our previous lots , wo put thorn on our counters at prices to meet the most obstinate competition. Wo guarantee to give the best goods at prices which others charge for much inferior grades. Comoseeand bo con vinced that this statement is correct : Our 42-inch Henrietta is the best at 76c. 76c.Our Our 46-inch Henrietta is the finest at 81.00. Our 50o line of Foules and Serges nro a bargain. The largest line of Plaids and Stripes In the city5 worth 81.00 , for 75c. A now line of Armuro Suitings al ways sold for $1.25 , for 81.00. A very elegant line of French Plaids at 81.00. 51-inch French Foulo s , worth $1.60 for 81.25. Fancy the revival of such nonsense after so Ions a thno , and In Chicago , Tbo society women are up to their eyes in the iutorautional pageant , and this with Miss Abbv Saco Hichnrdson'R courao of studies , Miss Winslow's coining Ibsen read ings and a thousand things beside must mnko Lent u positive thorn in the flesb. The Angelus still attracts numbers of vis itors and its sincerity and deep religious fcol- ing makes it an especially appropriate- Mecca during tno present season of earnestness. The question as to whether this particular Angelus is a replica will find its answer. I think , in tlio fact that the picture in tbo possession of Mr. Walters in Baltimore is acknowledged aa merely a roucb sketch of the author's nmbryo idea. Every day now posies appear c ? the streets , now dainties on the table and new fabrics In tno shops boarinp promise of something milder and raoro balmy , although the world of Chicago is covered Inches deep with snow. The lovely wash silks on the counters nnd the llttlo capotes of chip Neapolitan and Milan braids , and the smart llttlo flower and pauze bonnets in the milliner's windows do muoh to take away thu chit ] of this optimistically regarded frcnzo. Pretty maidens , still fur enveloped , with ( Jnormous bouauots of flowers in their stylishly gloved hands wear rhyming roses in their cheeks. The whole contrasting charmingly with the vast snow covered reaches that make tbo town , on the out skirts , look llko a hugo frosted plum cake. Somebody said the other dav that fair days In Chicago were so rare that they are raw. lie this im It may , after a fortnight of days well dona ono fools inclined to stop nil the clocks iu the country to make the last ono many times twenty-four hours. L. J. L. P , S. According to the prlnco of Wales , it Is a long tluio between coronations , and for a week to olnpso uoforo a misprint In last Sunday's letter could bo corrected puts mo In touch with him. lead mint was served instead of colToo as a luncheon , where wine rather than lx < ing a flavor was plentiful enough to have oncouragcd a benediction on tbo vines for their varied fruition. IV11 tic r-Uh ambers. The wedding of Miss Craco Chambers to Mr. John K. Wilbur celebrated at high noon on Thursday was oxipjisltolvcharming In its perfectly appointed simplicity. DoanQnrd- nor performed the ceremony , and only the nearest and dearest friends enjoyed the privilege ot seeing the sweet bride on this day of days In her llfo. She wore u hem stitched gown of white India silk and carried n bouquet of bride roses almost heavy In its beauty. About her throat woa a necklace- diamonds and pearls , the gift of the brido- groom. After u delicious wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Wilbor loft for the south nnd east to bo gene about six weeks. The wedding gifts were beautiful , particularly the sliver which was superb , all tolling flatteringly of the lunny place given these two In the mind towers of many hearts. Sound Oostl | > . Tlio Shakespeare club road Henry IV at Mrs. Lowls Uoad's last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hornet are at homo again alter a month's stay in the oast. MUs Yates and Miss Hcssio Yates loft yes. torday for a visit lu SU Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Uiale have returned from an ideal visit to old Mexico , Mr. and Mrs. I.ockwood entertained the We t End Curd club on Thursday evening. Tbo wedding of Miss .Miriam Chase to Mr. Pcrolval lioyco Ford will bo celebrated next Thursday. Miss Hustin will give the last of hnr classes In literature on , Tuesday afternoon nt Miss Sherwood's , Miss Corn Uobanthal of Cleveland , Ohio , Is the guest of Mr. ana Mrs. Andrew Haas , Twonty-lUth und Jones street , Mies Margaret Hoyd will sail with n party ot friends from San Dlogo on the Hth of this month for Japan to bo pouo until Juno , Mrs. Mulford entertained tbo Saturday Night club on Thursday evening with thu * result of u delightful throa hours with hlgh- flve. flve.Miss Miss Foropaugh of St. Paul , who is so pleasantly remembered by Omaha folk , is again the guest of Mrs , MoICoaao , having arrived toaay , The Mlstoi Hoapland gave n theater party on Monday evening with a Jolly supper afterward , The guest * quite ogreo with Owen Meredith "that of all tbo operas that Gl-lnch French Serge , worth 81.25 , tor 81.00. 51-inch French Suiting , worth 81.75 , for 81.35. 42-inch Stripes and Plaids , worth 95c , for RSc. Drillinntlncs , In nil the correct shades , and at prices much below their market vnluo. 42-Inch Imported Brillinntino , COc. 42-inch Imported Brilliantine , 75c. 42-inch Silk Finish Henrietta , $1.25. Printed Brillinnttncs , now designs , at EXc. ) SPECIAL. - Qur Combination Suits this season are marvels of the designer's art , and the prices are worthy your consideration. Tuko advantage of this salo.and get first choice. A NOVELTY IN DRESS GOODS. For a long tijuo wo have boon trying to secure a dross fabric in blaclc and while , and blade , and colora , which is absolutely fast black. After repeated trials wo have at last found the desired articleJn a new fabric known as Silk Finish Molanois , and take great plcasf uro in recommending them to our cus tomers and others. They are the only black grounds with white or colored figures not affected by acids over made or sold in the United States or Europe. All designs original. Our stock of French Sntincs was never so complete as this year. Wo also call particular attention to our line line of Imported Ginghams , they are undoubtedly the lincst/"linc over shown in this city. They arc equal in appearance to China Silks. We are showing border stripe zephyrs , -12 inches wido. This is a very desirable article and entirely now. Ladies wishr ing to procure drefcssnatterns of this g ods should do so at g'nco , as wo hnvo but a tow patterns 'aliu1 * they uro going rapidly. LACE DEPT. We have some choice patterns of our LAKGE PURCHASE of Torchon and Medici Laces left , which wo will place Verdi wrote , the best , to my taste is Trovatore.,1" the tnoro when heard In such goodliu companio. Miss Clanv Unnvn gave a charming lunch- con on Friday afternoon hi honor of thu Misses \Vndhigh , who nro now the guests of thu Misses Hoaglund. Miss Uieharason und MUs IJams leave to day for Chicago. Miss UlcharJsan , after a month's stay in the city by the lake , will go to Naw York to bo ubaunt until autumn. Mr. nnd firs. Will Kttdlck , accompanied by Mrs. Wood , arrivedjirOnmlia durint ? the week from Los Angeles , with the avowed determination to uiako'thoir homo hereafter in Omaha. Two surprise parties during the week have wakened the echoes nt Happy Holiow with music and gay laughter On Wednes day evening Mr. Patrick , hearing of the coming guests reversed the surprise und ' mo't them at the door , candle in band , nud apparently highly chid In a robe du nuit with stockings dniwn over hU shoes' The cuests played high live and the prizes were won bv Mrs. Morseman , Mrs. Richardson and Mrs ! Pritchott. On Thursdnv evening Mrs. George I. Gilbert - bert gave a delightful oard pany m honor of Miss SunforU , the guest of Mrs. George Stobbms. High five was the chosen g.imo nnd the prizes were calculated to arouse anv amount of rivalry. Mis * Hustin carried away the first , a dainty sweat smelling af fair In the way of u sachet bag. Mrs. Stob- bins received the consolation prize , a Jap. nnoso warmer. Mr. Will Morris wai the fortunate winner of the first prize for ttio men , an illustrated copy of "The Heroes and Heroisms of Shakespoarc. " Mr. Will Kennedy - nedy received by wuv of consolation "The Man Who Wants to Marry. " Mrs. E. A. Thaynr and daughter , Mrs. J. Wullis Ohl , uro stopping at the Paxtoti. It is always a pleasure to notice Mrs. Thayer'a arrlvalnn the city. Besidesbmng thoroughly identified with Omaha and its building inter est she has a literary reputation well known to our people. Through her two beautiful art books , "Wild Flowers of Colorado" nnd "Wild Flowers of the PuclUo Uoat , " wo have been able to roam nil over the Kocky mountains and along the lovely coast of tuo Pacific , and t.ow attention is being called through the announcement sent out by her publishers to n now book , Tbo English American , " which makes its debut in a few weeks. Aa it is Mrs. Thayor's first novel It will bo looked forward to wivh inoro than ordinary interest by the people of Omaha. M3\V YOltlv I'-ASUIOXS Spring Materials Millinery New Out-Door GnrnionlH. The predominance of plaids is n marked feature in now goods und equally worthy of uoto is extraordinary size of pattern and brightness ot color. Mixtures of color likewise appear In ( n'oat abandon and were it not for thu perpetual introduction of black the re sults would be 11 continual violation of all laws of taste. Black , however , is the redeeming element not in plaids ulono but throughout every department of dress. Piloted thus through a hazardous realm , the seeker after novelty may adopt much that is extraordinary yet with safety , provided the special style obligatory to each individual , 'bo always kept ia view. When Mrs. Cleveland , therefore , selects a bright plaid costume to bo worn after Lent , the result will bo but an enhancement of her native attractions , since she is young enough und dufllciontly elondor to wear a pattern of such character. In her dross stripes and bars of black velvet - vet traverse a gay assemblage of colors sot in largo squares and additional combination of black velvet imparts a certain dignity befitting the wife of a former chief magistrate. bTUU'KS are likewise , however , a loading fea ture in now goods shown by Lord it Taylor , nnd uro often united with floral designs that alternate or clamber about them. In wool fabrics stripes of differ ent textures are also quito as notice able as formerly , a this season aur- faces are BU by lace stripes whether on tnlo Monday nt the following prices : I So yard Torchon nnd Medici Lace , worth 81c. 8jo yard Torchon nnd Medici Lace , worth 121c. 12Jo yard Torchon and Medici Lnco , worth 0c. 15c .vnrd Torchon and Medici Lace , worth 25c. 23o yard Medici and Torchon Lace , worth 86c. 30c yard Medici , ; and Torchon Lnco , worth 46c. 46c yard Medici and Torchon Lace , worth COc. 65o yard Torchon and Medici Lace , woith 7Gc. Tlicso lacca wore bought at n forced sale by our Now York agent , and never harosuch values been ollorod any where. TRIMMING DEPT. AT fcOc. Beautiful now Silk Gimp , in all the latest shades , worth 81. AT $1.60. The new "Eiffel Tower" Gimps and Hand Ciochot Gimps , worth $2.50. Wo are showing a very largo line of "Van Dyke Point' ' ' Gimps , both in col ors and black , beaded and plain. ' BUTTON DEPT. AT 10 A CARD. Pearl Buttons , from 18 to 20 line , two do/.cn on card. AT 15c A CARD. Pearl ButtonB"two doren on cardworth ! 23c. AT 25c A CARD. Ir'earl Bultuns , two dozen on card , fully worth 35c dozen. AT 2uc A CARD. Metal Buttons that luno been Belling at tc ) n dnzen. EMBROIDERIES. SPECIAL- : | line of Now Embroideries just received. The styles arc neat and richithO ; ; prices arc much lower than usual , as wojaro determined to undersell every one in this depart ment , i d CORSETS. i f Just received a now line of P. D. , S. C.XC. P. and uUth.Qo.therniost popular ( simulated or woven in open work. Throughout the range of materials in truth , lace work and imitation of lace patterns appear continually and in miiny ways. Other novelty wools hnvu coi'dings in adornment and those may alternate with lauo designs and both may bo added to by bourotto ilook- iilgs. Bordered goods have lost nothing in prestige and .tho fancy for black liuus special illustration where black borders appear on colored ma terials or colored borders oF black. A l < ov note furthermore is tnus given to what is everywhere noticable , namely the production of contrasts rather than ghadings. Among now gowns being jmulo tor Mrs. Cornelias Vnndcrbilt , 11 hiindsomu gray green cashmere allows H border of black and an exquisitely line blue cumol's hair is linishud by silken lace work combined with em broidery in natural colors. In NEW MltLlNEKY Black straws arc moat largely im ported nnd comp for the most part in low-crowned , wido-brimmod shapes which , growing narrow at the back , sproaa out in front far over the forehead - head an.d in much diversity of contour. Freqaont combinations of different strnwa are scon , usually the crown of Milan or Neapolitan straw with front of fancy braid , this being a contrast to 11 minority of English walking hats , turbans and toques which are in plain weave. Bonnets are in capote shape and showing many minor differences are noticeably varied in color since they follow dross goods to a much greater ox tout than hats. A reason for suuh feature is that a fancy braid looks specially well in color but after all a black hat or bonnet will bo ahvaysasafo choice this season since black can hardly come amiss. Ribbons are often the most extraordinary seen for many n day since in unusual widths , they show the brightest mixtures of color sot in plaids. Millinery materials go still further in the way of wonder producing patters and in mammoth squares within interlacing lines , give evidence of a now era to come. Striped ribbons and fabrics , however , come infer for u share of attention and of course there uro mrniiTATioxs of style quito the rovoVrio in refinement of tone and uniform in color. Gau/.o ribbons are not the .gauzy things of yore , but in now WRUYO that simulates lace and sometimes showing a union with delicate self-colored brocade. Other ribbons are double-faced with narrow fringed or iruyod-out edges and narrow blade velvet ribbon will bo in great favor , appearing everywhere among summor-ltkq surroundings ! Flowers are almost , ulvynys quito small and in attractive giirmnds will bo set about the crowns of broad brlmmod hats or brought qut in fitting shapes will cover low orownd With the charm ing olfoctssimilar tothose of the win- tor. Occasionally vqry largo flowers are soon and in this style , wide open roses , popples or chrysanthemums lead , a notable example of the latter being in black and with the ragged edges , reaching quito eight inches across. A bright yellow center is r small but effective - foctivo point of contrast. Black lace is freely used because falling in with the preference for black and jot ornaments are popular as giving the stylish con trasts of today. In OUT-DOOH OAllMUXTS. The Connemara oloak , in plaid ma terial , is very striking , and some gar ments are brought out in styles bold enough to condemn thorn during any ether season. This year , however , they will bo f roely worn by young people. More conservative cloaks in the same shape are of cloth in many shades , brands. Try ourmnkos. We guarantee to fit perfect , and uleo to give you the best quality for the money in the mar ket. ket.ON ON SECOND FLOOR * A full line of Embroideries in every style nnd at very low prices. Ladies' and Children's Skirt Lengths in endless variety. A beautiful line of Van Dyke Em broidery. RIBBONS. RIBBONS. The best yet ; first quality Ribbons at Mesa price than commonest. Oc Yard No. 7 Picot and Satin Edge Ribbons , beautiful shades nnd all silk. 13Jc Yard No. 0. Satin and Plcot Edge Ribbon , all colors. 17ic Vard Nos. 12,10,22 and GO Picot , Satin Edge , Plain and Fancy Ribbon , in all the latest shades. Seine of those are worth $1.25 a yard , and none are worth less than 50o a yard. 1 'Without doubt these ribbons are the chonpcst by at least 25 per cent of any wo have ever placed on sale. Wo will show-.them in our cast window. DRAPERY DEPT. Wo shall offer for the week some rare bargains in Lace and Heavy Curtains. Having secured from u Now York job bing house an entire line of Swiss , Tam bour and Irish Point Lace Curtains nt about two-thirds the real value , wo shall give our customers some bargains that will bo sure to give .satisfaction. These curtains arc in lots of from ono pair to twelve pairs ; the greater part are two nnd three pair lots. In Chenille Curtains we have the finest assortment over shown by us. As wo buy direct from the manufacturers , wo will save you nj ? least 20 per cent nnd give you the choicest patterns. See oui1 styles and prices and decide for yourself. Our stock of Swiss and Mull picco goods for chamlcr nhd sash curtains is now complete. Also a full line of the newest patterns and coloringso ! Madras piece goods. 1,000 yards of Coringa Draperies nt while change is given by styles which are almost costumes , since fitted at the back , often with pleats or gathers drawn close , they have the fullness held also in place in front , over which iv half belt is fastened with largo buckles. High shouldered sleeves , usu ally of velvet , complete the dress-like uppcaraneu. Elcgaiit cloaks are of vel vet trimmed with passementerie , and Afo close lilting with closed or open sliioves ! Short wraps are in mantilla form with great variety as to details , and the llrst worn will bo of nrrnuro silk , velvet or cloth trimmed with pusso- meiitorio and lace. "FANNV FIKI-D. HONEY FOll THE 'ij.VDlES. With n black toilet , even if remodeled , a roc ) Jacket , rod slippers , rod stockings and a red sash or pirdlo are considered Imulo nouvcauto. Uocontly Imported French tea-gowns show exquisite now combinations and cliurminir details , rather than decided changes in stylo. The latest innovation in hosiery is laco. Tlio.v come from London , have ttio soles , tees and heula plain woven , while the rust of the stoclucgis the flimsiest kind of open- work. Judslnif by tbo latest importationof French mid English gowns , uud by thu toilets and costume * now in the hands of leading Amer ican modistes , straight undraped sKlrts will largely provuil for soring nnd summer dresses. Silver carter clasps for obvious reasons have their surfaces divors'llcd ' only by etch ing. 'Iht- millinery of these is very sumptu ous Pinlc and upplo green is a favorite com blnation. ' 1 ho yellow garter iius a vogue of its own. Some lady has patented a sort of quiver winch ( s intended to hook at the sine and hold u lady's parasol or umbrella. So-called folchy girls may bo sonn on Broadway , Now YorK , with the nickel trinket and tightly rolled uinofella run through it. English styles are sot and severe : French mode * are prueaful , long and clinging. The Parisonno dressmaker cuts tier skirt to touch in front , and swoop the street 111 the back. Fur hnunu n Uciin-train is tnudo of the back breadth , and thu robes ot stale uro us lonir as wedding gowns. Ijiz.ird skin assumes every cnprlco of tint , gray , drab , brown , green , and even crimson. Thesu colors can bo anally chnson to hur- monizu with u costume , uud tlio skin is con sidered worthy of the handsomest mounts in silver and gold. Handbags of lizard skin are also among the novelties of the season. Fashion has gene bade to the dressing tables of a century ago , and the result is n low coilTure , the hair being urrunged to lower the fnrehoad aim conceal the cars. Not only children and grandmammas , but matrons , married bulics nnd debutantes have resorted to the halo style of hair dressing. The elegant shades ot silver and pray that uro BO much soon In dress toilets this Benson , could not have a moro suitable garniture than silver galleon enriched with cut stool , and fine-out bronze and cishmoro beads Interwoven with silver threads that uro warranted not to tar- nUh. nUh.Sloovcs Sloovcs remain full , In bishop style or In leg-o'-uiutton shape , narrowing towards the elbow , whcra they button on the outside to the wrist , and are variously ornamented with braiding , galleon , embroidery , or rows of tnoiro or velvet ribbon. Many of the now soft wool gowns htiyo full velvet sleeves , blouse vest , collar , nnd girdle of velvet. Although tbero uro no radical changes or deviations in the main line upon which present - sent fashions are moving , there Is an end less series of innovations In minor charac teristics. Tutting the single item of the cor sage tbo styles urn'loglon. Very often they are most effectively madoof remnants ot various novel nr dainty fabrics , combined with such picturesque- effect that they outvio many a richer atyfo mudo of a single ma terial. For the close or early buyer In search of drw material for country wear , traveling costumes , or school frocits , there is a very excellent fabric of linen and wool. 32 Inches wide , and only 40 cents a yard. All are llgbtgrouudi , wlthatrlpcs , plaid * and checks In black , gray and palo color * . They niuko 17jc a ynrd. Colors nnd patterns exactly - , actly like China silk. i Window Shades a specialty nnd nt 'tho ' shortest notice. Muslin Underwear Department. On Monday wo will place on sale special bargains in Ladies' Muslin Un derwear. Corset Covers and Chemise , ntca quality , nt 25c ; worth COc. Corset Covers , Drawers , Chemise and Skirts at 60c ; former price , 75o and $1. A beautiful line of Corset Covers , Drawers , Chomieo , Skirts and Night Dr v > ? os , on Monday , SI ; former price , $1.30. A.n elegant line of Corset Covers , Drawers , Chemise , Skirts nnd Night Dros-os , trimmed in embroidery , vnlon- cicnno nnd Torchon lace , nt 81.25 ; worth 81.75 to S2. A full line of Children's Underwear will bo put on sale Monday , LINENS , LINENS. Monday morning wo open some great bargains in this department. You can not afford to miss this chance. Note the following bargains : 10 pieces half blenched Damask , full width , at 45c a yard. This quality has never boon sold by us for loss than GOc. Hotels , restaurants nnd boarding houses , this is your chnnco. TOWELS. TOWELS. 10 dozen Hemstitched Towels , largo size , at 37ic. 10 dozen Hemstitched. Towels , largo size , at 50c. 10 Hemstitched Towels , largo size , at 05c. 10 dozen Hemstitched Towels , largo size , at 76Cj" { 10 dozen' Hemstitched Towels , large size , at $1. 10 dozen" Hemstitched Towels , largo size , at $1.2-5. These are the best vnluo wo'havo ever shown in towels. Tray Cloths in great variety , from 40o to 81.25. Wo will offer 25 pairs Hetrstitchod up very prettily , ore light in wolght , con bo washed and ironed nnd will defy the rough est wear of an entire season. These lonnis llatmals , us they are called , worked into n dressing jacket , breakfast gown or bath robes for the children servo as a means of1 retrenchment in household expenses. Snmo idea of their value nun bo inforrea from the fact that hundreds of yards are being bought up for uniforms by sporting clnbs'and ath letic societies. A IJtisy street , Nicholas is ono of the most important .streets in Omaha , notwithstanding its distance tanco from the commercial center of the city. West of "Sixteenth street is the Woodman llnsoed oil works , the two Immense motor power bouses , tbo Kan Clare lumber yard and J. J , Johnson's coal yard. Going cast across the railroad truck and commencing at Fourteenth in the space of two blocks uro the following establishments : Yurd , ofllco and aheds of Bocock & Proctor , the Twenty- fourth street coal dealers , Mount & Griffin and the "Nebraska Coal , Coke and Lime com pany , the office and sheds of U. C. Cleve land. hay nnd grain broker ; shoo of Shaw & Field , builders ; M. A. Disorow's sash , door and blind factory ; McUrary'a novelty wonts ; K. M. Hutso , mattress , lounge and chair factory ; warehouses of the Omaha barbed fence and nail company ; Winoua mi- plomout compjiiy : Skandia plow company ; Duffy & Trowbridgo , atovo manufacturing company ; Columbus buggy company ; two storage houses and a wagon ana carriage shop ; yards nnd olllce of K. 13. Nuuglo & Co. paving contractors nnd dealers in railway ties , telegraph poles , fence posts , etc. ; burn uud ollluu of thu Crystal ice company and of- lieu of T. E. Leo and the Ouiuha cut.stono company The coal dealers on this street give perma nent employment to about llfty men. Nauglo & Co. employ from a dozen to twenty. IS. M. Hulsu thirty , McUrary nine , Disbrow fifteen to twenty , each ware house about four uud Cleveland two. The wages uro graded according to the value of tuo labor performed , $1,50 per day being the minimum. At Hulso'g mattress factory upholsterers receive from $3.50 to SJ.73 per day. Several uoys uru employed hero to carry light materials , livery work- ingraun on Urn street seems happy and con tented except a tow at the coal yards and E. B.Nauglo's , wnoro the work U not steady. At the latter place the reporter learned that the men employed work on the paving in the summer season. They uro tbo best element. of the pavers nnd graders , the roughs hav ing skipped to ICansas City last fall , leaving board bills and other reminders of their stay hero. The Crystal ice company teamsters huvo had a pienlu lately , but the winter is their poorest season. Opposite the Columbus buggy repository tbo work of tearing down the John T. Dillon warehouse Is atill prosecuted. A new build ing will soon tuko the pluco of the condemned structure. Itnmri from HASTINGS , Nob. , March 8. [ Special to TUB UBB. ] The first annual mooting of the stockholders of the Hastings Union club was hold Thursday evening. The secre tary's report shows ninety-five members in good standing. It was decided ut tbo meal ing to open the doocs to ladies u portion of thfl time. The election of now directors re sulted as follows : J. A. Casio , H. O. 1 1 av er ly , W , P. McCloary. C. t , . IJoso , W , H. Lynn , A. 1C Van Slekio , J. D. Dallas , A. I. , . Clarke and J. G. Evans. The following ofllcors wore elected for the ensuing year : A. L. Clarke , president ; W. P. McCroary , vlco president : J. 1) . Dallas , treasurer und and J. A. Caste , Bocrutnrv. \V. H. Lanning hus offered u t20 prize to the student of the Hastings cnllopo who will produce the best article on cither frco tradu or protection. Thu contest will tuku place about April 15. 0. 1C. Powell has accepted n position with the NoDraska Loan and Trust company , Mrs.V. . \V. Johniton , wlfo of tbo genial U. & M. agent in this city , was In Hcatrico this week attending tbo wedd nir of her uls ter , Mre. Senator Frank Taggart is not recov ering from her Illness as rapidly as her friends would llko to BOO. Mrs. Cris Human and Mrs. Will Lawman of this city , und Mr . Luo Lockwood of Jua- Pillow Cases , sizes 221x30 , nt ? 2.73 These uro oqtial to anythtncrovorshown in this city nt 1.60 n pair. The above goods are nil now and the prices are away down. WHITE GOODS. Our sale of White Goods otill goes on nnd now novelties are constantly ar riving , s Our prices are the lowest and our assortment the largest. Wo place on sale Monday morning a full line of our celebrated 1'uro Linen Lawns' , ! ! (5 ( inches wide , atIQc , COc , 05c , 75c , 85c and i)5c. ) These are considered extra good valuo. Just received another case of the Marseilles Bed Spreads , at 83.48 ; well worth 85.75. This is all wo can gel of them at that prico. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Our stock of Men's Hosiery and Un- dorwcar for spring is now complete , in which wo nro olTcring excellent values. Men's medium weight Merino nt SI ; light wolght , all wool , for 81.60. French Balbriggnn ut $ l.U7i ; regular price , 81.75. Mon'u British Hose for 20o ; sold elsewhere - where at 25c. A big line of Onyx Dye for 25o ; boughtto * Boll.nt 35c. Men's Handkerchiefs. A pure Linen Handkerchief , in plain and fancy colors , at 12Jc , fast colors. Our on tire stock of Mo and fiOc Hand kerchiefs to bo closed out at 25e oncli. Unlaundried Shirts. A special line of Shirts for 50n ; worth 75c. 75c.Tho The celebrated "Falcon" Shirt at 75o and 31. CLOAK DEPARTM'T Spring Goods. Just received a full , line of choice now novelties in Jackets , Capes , Long Ulsters and Peatant Cloaks , made iu new styles and now fabrics. Ladies' Flannel Blouses at $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , S2.05 and upward to $5,00. ita , wcro In Omaha this week in attendance ut the 1'atti engagement. Hon. Ely Crane of Konosaw returned from Hot Springs , Ark. , much Improved in hoalth. Mrs. M. J , Lumbard will LTIVO u series of progressive high live parties commencing March 14. A Uoyal Arcanum lodge Was instituted m this city last evening witn a membership of thirty. b. C. Dilley and daughter , Mis * Laura , are doing Chicago this weak. Dr. Franck Uahcocl ; took advantage of cut rates nnd toft over the L ) . & M.or the east this morning. A woman who understands the econo my of dross will never buy a cheap pair of shoos. No poorer investment can bo made , for besides giving out in shorter time than a first-class article , it will look shabby and worn long before it- should do so. But any shoo , no matter how costly or well-shaped in the begin ning , will loose its freshness spcodily if not properly cared for. This is espec ially applicable to these madoof French kid , which every little bruise und touch turns purple , says a writer in Daughters of America. A rule observed by many women , and n good ono it proves , too. is never to a strent shoo in the houso. It rpccivos harder treatment , strange to say , from numorourt inevit able collisions with article , ? of furniture than it would in double the amount of street wear. Another sensible custom is to rosurvo u pair of boots for wet weather wear , leaving them to rest in n , comfortable bag between times. Noth ing tolls against the beauty of footgear so much as getting wot. and even with rubbers no amount of diligence will prevent the dampness from the skirls rouctiing the ankles. Shoos should bo removed immediately on arriving at homo , tne dust and soil wiped with a clean , soft rag. and thoii they should bo placed together in u separate poclcot of the Hhoe-bag until wanted again. If this course is invar iably purauod a considerable Having of inonoy , time and tomiKir will bo added to the increased sorvlco derived even from an inferior quality of leather. Never wear a shoo unbuttoned if you care for its shapeliness , and never bo Batisflod when you do button it If all these little nocoksariesaro not in placo. The wearing of a shoo even once or twice wltti u pair or trio of buttons gone from it tolls on its appearance in the long run. Patent button-fastonors are unsatisfactory , for if the shoo draws even the least bit about the ankles the inotnl clamps show , and even the most persistent system of blnukoning fails to keep thnm from looking brassy. A small box of round shoo-buttons , witli a curved needle and lengths ot coarse linen thread already cut , should have n. place in the top drawer of every woman's dressing-case or oholTonior. Then the task of replacing a missing button simplifies iteolf wonderfully. On children's shoos , particularly , the patent fastenings should never bo used , for in their romps buttons , fasteners , leather , and nil nro apt to disappear. A good plan to carry out regarding shoos for thu little JHIOH is to rub them well with castor oil before they are worn at all. Tills makes the leather pliable , tills up Iho pores , and prevents it from cracking. For their ovory-dny bhous , once in two weeks is not too often to oil thorn. ' At first the oil will give thorn 11 gray look , but after an hour or no is passed ttio linish they show is nice and soft. If shoos got wot.flinooth them into as good a shape as possible , and place thoin in a medium warm ntmoaphoro to dry. This takes a longer time than if dried close to the flro , but they will bo In much bettor condition when wanted. Leather hardened by drying too suddenly can bo restored by the application of castor oil wou rubbed lu.