Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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No advortlBomcnts will bo tnkon for
thoao columns nftor I23O ! p. m.
Tcrms Cnoh In odvnnoo.
Advertlsmentn under this Bead 10 cents pyr
line for the flr/t Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
o.nent insertion , and IUAJ per line p < r month ,
Nof Terllaomcnts takrn tor less than 25 centi
for flm Itwi. lion. Bnven words will bo counted
to the line , they must run consecutively end
roust be pnld In ADV-ANCE. All advertise-
mcnts must be handed'In before 12.TO o'clock p.
nu , end tinder no circumstances \vlll they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In ihtte columns nnd Imv.
Ino their answers addressed In care of TUB DEB
will please ask fern chert to enabln them to Ret
their letters , as noun will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad-
vetlsments should he enclosed In envelopes ,
All artvertlsmonts In these columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
TUB HRR the circulation of which nfweRatns
more than 18,000 papers dully , and Rives the ad
vertisers the bonedc. not only of the city circu
lation of Tun HKE , but also of Council Hind's ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will b taken
on tb above condition ? , at the following mini-
ness houses who are authorized agents torTiiR
nit special notices , and will quote the same
rates fls can DO had at the main oinco.
' " "
of Twenty-slain and N streets , Nobrhska
Barings bank building.
JOHN W. DELL , I'/iannndst , 820 South Tenth
/ 1HABE Ic EDDY. Stationers and Printers. 113
W South ICth Street.
S. H. FA11NBWOHTH , Pharmacist , 8115 Cum-
. Ing Biroot ,
WJ. 1IUOHK3. Pharmacist , C21 North ICth
. Street.
GEO. W. PAltl Pharmacist , 1718 Loaron-
worth Street.
H UdHES' PUAHMAOY , KSS Tarnam Street.
Position as cleric In narclwaro
WANTED as tinner : boat of reference. Address -
dross D , 1 2 South st. . Hastings , Neb , 707 UJ
WANTED-BHuatlon by a young lady as
copyist , or clerk in store. References.
X6I. ItKE. 078-lOt
WANTED situations for men. Parties
wanting male help of any kind will be
promptly supplied , free of ch&rgo by applying
to Mr a. Urega , 314Vi S. 15th. 762-10 *
WANTED-Sltnatlon for u widow of 24 , with
boy of 4 ; Is a good worker and will work
cheap. Country preferred. Mrs. llrpga , 314J
B. IHh. 75MOt
ANTED-Sltuatlon In this city by a per-
feet cutter ; good situation preferred to
high wages. Address X 58 , Deo. fiS8 9J
\\7ANTED Situation by an experienced flo-
"T rlst and nurseryman. Inquire for C.
Oornberger , 1315 St. Mary's avonue. 075-OJ
W ANTED-Sltuatlon oy first class raillor.
Address 2511 Chicago it. 071-uj
* \X7ANTED Situation as bookkeeper or as-
T T Distant. Iloom 7 , Jacobs block , 15th and
Capitol avo. 072-9J
ANTKD Steady position bv good all-
ground printer ; Holer. 7 years experience ,
age SI. Address C. L. Coffmau , Avoca , la.
" \717-ANTED Situation by lady stenograplior.
IT four years In law and loan olllce , ex
perience lu wholesale business. Uox J8 , Coun
cil Uluirs. C2J-al
OAUVEK that can do cabinet or joiner's
work. 11. Stevens & Son's planing mill.
W ANTKD Agents for Manners and Customs
of Today. Call ou or address I. I , . Kay ,
14 N. IB. 045-0 *
V\7ANTED Ten coopers , steady work guar-
TT antcodatfti7'iperdiom. 'Iho Armour-Cud-
vhy Packing Co. . South Omaha , N ob. 71.-10
Ti\7ANTEI > A canvasser. Good money to
fT the right party. 2008 Lake st. 740-14T
WANTED Sale-iman atqualnted ulth tlio
retail dry goods and clothing tradeln
Nebraska and Northern Iowa. The best of
reference required. The C. n. Cones & Eou
M'f'K Co. . manrr clothing , overalls , etc. . etc. .
Indianapolis. Ind. _ (1KMU
\7rrANTED-Salesmen at $75 per month salary
T T and expenses to sell a line of fliver-ptutua
ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ; horxo and
team furnished free ; write at once for full par
ticulars and sample case of goods free. Standard -
dard Silverware Co . lio.iton. Mass. 33i
"W7ANTED 400 rockmen. teamsters and grad-
T era for Utah uud Nevada ; cheap latcs.
A ibrlght'a Labor agency 1120 Fqrnoin at. XSl
MEN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay J.V ) to 9100 per mouth and
cxpouses to agontu to sell our Canada grown
stocK. Add. Hone & Wellington , Madison. Wls ,
_ _ _ _ _ .
WANTED Canvassers at Singer sewing ma-
chine olllco. 1 5 IB Douglas st. 37 ! in2ll
SALEBMKN Wanted at Onco-A few wood
men to Bell our goodt > by sample to the
wholesale and retail trade. We arc the largest
manufacturers In our line. Liberal salary paid.
Permanent position. Money advanced for
wages , advertlMiip , etc. For terms addre&s
Centennial Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. B44-mllit
TtTANTED AKcnts for Den ver State Lnttory.
T Tickets DOo. Address A. C. lloss & Co. .
Dtnvcr. Colo. fOii-aprUt
I WISH to employ a few ladles , on salary , to
t ko charge of my business t their homos.
Light ; very fascinating and healthful ; vugos
110 per week , lloferpnco nivon. Good' pay for
part time. Address with stamp. Mis. Marlon
Walker , I-oulsvlllo , Ky.
ANTED-Cook for Tekamah. ? 8 ; 4 walt-
rosses for the nest , 8i ; chamber maid. 2
second girls. 1 nurse girl , cooks prlvato family.
& " > ; 3cooks boarding house , JO week ; nnstry
cook , $7 ; meat cook , 87 ; fi I girls general work ;
lots of now places. Omaha Ump. liiuenn , 110
N. 10th at. 7M !
WANTED A good plrl for general house-
work , small family , 2200 Wlrt st. KO
ANTED-Woman cook for Wyoming. $40 ;
ona for Columbus. Ml ; vegetable cook , f.t ) :
assistant , $15 ; 2d cook.J7 ; oue20 ; laundresses ,
* , " 0 ; cooks for private families. * 25 : two for
families of 2 , tf no washing ; woman cook aud
waitress for Colorado. IU and $15 ; girn ! for
I'lattaniouth , Columbim , Fremont. Council
1 1 lu ITs aud in for uonornl housework. Mrs.
Hrega. 314J4 a 18th. 754-Ktt
ANTKDIlnttonlmto maker , 1112 Farnam
(1TO-1 ( 1 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
T117ANTED Acomoetent cook and laundress.
T T Mrs. J , J. llrown , 1015 , Sherman avenue ,
W ANTEi > First-clasM Gi-rman girl ; no
washing or ironing ; 1707 Cass st , 0)2.1U )
W'ANTED Good girl to do general house-
wore. Qoo < l wages. Inquire 610 South iKd.
055-0 *
MF. MAGINN Dressmaker. Late litter
nnd designer for Stern brothers of Now
l ork. Is now prepared to execute all orders for
coiuimes aud wrap * at her present commodl-
ous establlahment , lU'tl Dodge st. 744-Ut
' 1 ADIE3 are Ittarnlng tailor system of dress
JLJcuulng. Trial ilress free. No refuting. Do
not be afraid to bring your nicest material.
1814. Davenport et. 749-Ot
ENGAGKMENl'S tu do dressmaking in fatuf-
llos aollclte < L Mla Sturdy , KS ti.nil avo.
Kit ) A2
8 ROOM houio , 20th and Ohio. city , water ,
gas and bath , only OU per month. Grover
Stovous , 1415 Farnum st. Olllce open evenings'
TpOR RENT C-room house , r.lcolv papered.
X' large vrludown , city watur. 811S 17tu. f > mlu-
utes walk from court house ; J12.6U. < WJ ut
mWO cottacVa B U co U and Clark t. Im
JLqulrq 111 dlCtn Bt. 8B3 9
1 A-ltOOM house , lint-class condition , modrru
JLV/conveuleurea , laruela ni. bam. xlmdo trro ! < ,
2 blocks from Lake school. Convenient tn ooble ,
motor and horeo cars. Apply oupremlsus. 8.
K. Jackson. N.1st and Spruce sts. 115-r.'J
"VflCE 4-room cottage for sale , purchaser to
J- > remove Hauio. Oniyiaw , 11 , K. c le , Con *
tlnental block. 750-10
TpOR RENT A 7-room house west tide of
JL1 Ilauacpm park. Apply at 3JH Francis at.
TrOU RENT 2 neat houses near motor , SI5 :
JU aino for Bule. l.w J and I-V-W , OD.smaH
monthly payments , or will build to unit pur
chaser. Inquire of owner , Wl Paxtou olo.k.
| 71ft-llj
17\OR \ RENT 6 room cottaKO 1713 Jackson st7
JL' o rooms unfurnished. 17UH Jarkaun at.
- *
OKHUlENCKof ten to thlrtoou rooms In tlie
JlvW.J. Paul block No. 2 , 25th and llurnoy ,
ready teen , fix-cial tuducemenU to gooa tun-
ante. All the laiott Inipruvemeuts. very at.
tractive aud line location. Ihe price cannot
bo beat , 710-V
TTIOn RENT Elegant 9-room house , all mod.
JU crnconTonlencesa 14 St. Mary'aar.
TTiOU HENTSovisnroom house , modem lm
JU provomenta , 2C01 Dodge. Apply 112 N. 20th
street. 7O-9t !
1710H RENT-OWM Jlason street,9-room house ,
JL' all convenience * , including range and furnace -
nace , good neighborhood. Inquire .1010 Mason.
703 10J
F RENT Hat In Estabrook block. MO per
J month. Roberts , 40J No , 16th. 724-11T
1710R RENT Flats cor 16th and Jackson.all
JL1 newly papered nncl In line condition ; they
haio all conveniences. Call at 1113 Hartley at.
T71OR RENT B-room cottage , good yard , SB4
JU Douglas street ; chenn to desirable parties.
Apply to Neb. Steam laundry , 1523 Howard st ,
TTOR ItKNT-O-rnom house. No. 1213 8. 7th
JL' avo. , nosr street car. Ki8 0.1
'r/UR HUNT Immrdlatoly , well fiirnlshea li-
JU room cottage , right by the high scaool , city
water , nice lawn , \erydeslrable. . Call at
22lr Hedge st , 5I4-12J
FOH HUNT 1 miles from town , n hew house
and line garden laud ; apply 601 N Kith st.
trocury. . . 402 lit
T71DRRENT-FhU522Slfltu st. firstlloorjltls
JL1 partly furnlsliod with now furniture and.
party will take ono room at a goon price ; for a
Koocl reliable tenant nero Is a Rood cnunct ) . Call
at IHZIIaruoy st. 053
T710E RENT-0-room Hat , 603 S. 131U Bt.
T71OU KENT Houses and flats In all parta of
JU the city ; Hats ami unfurnished rooms a
specialtyj parties desiring rent at from $ . " > to 875
be sure to call at 150(1 ( 1'arnam st. before rent-
T710H KENT 8-roora house , city water. 2cls-
JU terns and gas. 1711 Davenporti Apply Uooin
89 Darker blk. 019
Tmoil RENT 7-rootn Mat. Lingo block ; op 81J
I71OR RENT-ilB. Vroom house. 8 fltu bet.
JU Hickory and Oak. Boo G. F. Elsosser. n. e.
cor. lith ana Farnam. 701
T/10R KENT An 8-room detached house , fur-
JU imco , batn , etc. , "Oth and Leaven worth , 210.
David Jamloson , llee bldg. 3 1
IjiOH KENT Huusoi ann stores ; property
JU c ared for , taxes pnld. Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co..1(114 ( Farnam st. Abstracts. 337
f I' you wish to rent a house or store see H , E.
LColo , Continental biocK. 150
TT10R RENT A ten-room house , modern 1m
JU provemcnts ami In good repair , aonthv eat
cor. 18th and Capitol ave. Apply to Wm. O.
Doaue , 515 N. Y. Lifo building. CCO-9
A PLEASANT 7-room Hat with modern con
veniences : also 4 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Apply EoomB,1001 Howard
TPEN room house. No. U21 Dodge. 9ulro
J1723 Dodge , or 131 ! ) 1'arnam st. 701 9
i ItUOM corner Hat with modern improve-
> ments. S4th and Loavenwortn nts. 077 mil ]
IY1OU JIENT In the Estabrook block 18th and
JU Chicago streets , line , seven end client room
Hats with every couvemunca and newly pa
pered ; those Hats face east on Jefferson square
park aad there is no better location in the city.
Itoberts 402 N 10th st. Ml mlOi
T7HJR HENT Largo ton-room house with all
JU modern Improvement ! , suitable for board
ing house , on N ISth. between California and
Casssts. Kent reasonable. Inquire room GOO
First National bank building. 330
FOB RENT House of 10 rooms with every
convenlonco ; close to cable and motor. 7U3
N191U. 09813J
WANT more houses to rent. Parrotte.
Foil KENT In South Omaha , a nowfl-room
house with cellar , cistern , well acd stable.
Inquire ou promises , cor. V and 26th sts. South
Omaha. C5I-U ?
A 5-HOOM house for rent at 2018 Charlen st.
Charles st. 000 IDS
ROOM i'nt with Ftcam neat. IMn sU near
8 I Jones. Glios. F.lIall.ailPaxton blocK. 327
nomoroomsand board for three
In private family , nicely located.21OT Hiirney
rooms with board In modprn
house , pleasanteat location In clty _ lus.
20th st. 7.18-10 ?
T71URNI8HED Rooms with board at 407 North
Jt ? lath at. , in Paul block. 753-11"
FOR RENT 1 nicely furnished rooms , all con-
venlences.C blocks from postofflce , prices $8 ,
J12 , $ JO. $25. 71'J Ho. ICtli. Mrs. M. E. llcrkey.
09010 *
CHOICE of large and small rdoms'deslr- '
ably furnished. witU suoerlor boat a if de
sired. Ifsfereucts. VJ ± I Dodge , cor. 20th st.
"ROOMS turnlshed with board. 1810 Farnam.
1\ CiC 13f
fjlOR RENT 'I wo sinclo rooms with board in
JU a new brick nloasrtut homo for centlemen.
&a per mo. 2J3 N. 17th Bt. 742-1U *
NICE room , every convenience , 1719 Davenp't
TjlOR RENT 3 furnished roouis for houso-
JU keeping ; could bo arranged for 4 gentlemen -
men ; 004 N. 18th t.t. 68111 *
TflUHMSHED-RoomB to let , 'JOSS 8t. Mary's
JU avenue. 074 *
FOR RENT Lar o front parlor , nicely fur
nished , wltii foldlug bed , etc. Heat , gas
andbAth. Address X W Dee 077-14J
TJ1URN18UED rooms , also rooms for liouse-
JU topping. 113 a 17th. 68r it *
I HAVE a few elegant rooms with board at
108 8 25th St. W. O. Field. 054 21t
NIOELY furnished rooms for ladlcsor gents.
COO N 17th st. O.M8J
"IjKR ) RENT Front rooms. 2010 Davanooit.
JU 018
ANDSOME front rooms with first-class
board ; modern conveniences ; references.
1B2J Farnam en ut
XTICBLY furnishPd rooms , modern convon-
JL > lenco-s , terms rousouablo. 2017 Loavenworth
401 OJ
"TT1OR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms with
JUjall , conyenlences , 510 B. 2i-th st. 509
TjlOR RENT Suite of front rooms , modern
JU conveniences , with or without liooid. $11
per month , --'IB Leavenw orth st. 328
s T7 CLAIir Europeari hotel , cor. 1.1th and
'Dodge. : Special rates by woes or month.
JJIOR RENT Room with board. 1722 DoTlgJstT
LARGE furnished fiont room lilll Farnam.
37.1 12 ,
T > OOMS and day boaid : 1724 Capitol avc _
FOR RENT Elegant front room with alcove ,
well furnished , near cable and hort > ocars.
All modern conveniences. Call 2008 Douglas.
"C10R RENT A very largo front nnd back par
JU lor unfurnished. 172U Capitol ave. 732
ICEroomsmodornconrenlcnces.lS21 Furu'm
ilOH RENT One large front room with board.
1900 Capitol avo. C7S
F I OR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms ; city , cis
tern and well water , 14 it ) Chicago st.
_ _
UNFURNISHED rooms. C31 8. 17th bet
4 Jackson and Leavvnworth , 027 13j
K UNFURNISHED chain bors for housekeeping
J tor man and wife ; no children. 319 N 17th ,
345 UJ
TpointENT- Store cor. 22d nimfl'lerco ots.
JU will let good tenant have the llrst throe
mouths fre . Very biiltaole for butcher shop.
rs. Lauge. ill. . So. 13th at. ti5U
" 7\OR \ RENT Desk room in nicely furnished
JU oilicu , all comenlouc09 , Room 19 , Coutlueu-
talblock. IIIU
STORES at 707 , 709. ill 8. Iflth. iOO oacli , largo
show \\luilovMi , steam heat furnished. Thos ,
1' . Hall. 311 Paxton block. 8 = 11
inOR RENT-3-atory brick building. lllQDoug-
JU lua St. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse
purposes. Ale brick store , 107 B. 13th Bt , lu-
quire of Chat. Kaufman. 1)03 ) Douglas Bt. 333
I71OR RENT The 4-story brick buildlnir , with
JU or without powor. formerly occupied by the
lleo Publishing ( o , I'lo I'aruam at. The build
ing has a tire-proof cement baj > omentcompleto
team lie R tins llxtures , water on all the lloorx ,
gas , otc. Apply at the office of The llee , 915
"IfOR RENT First or tnlrd tloor of thenuw 3.
JU Btory building tiding built between N. Y.
Ufe and Mora * bulldlug un Farnam at. D. C.
I'atUniOn. ol N , Y. Life. EM
O STORKS , 2tOJaml 210J Leavenworth Bt.
87B mllj
V\rANTKiPru ) rent twiToATiree rurnl Ied
I \ room * fur light uounokeeplng. M tut be
neat. Address X Ui , Ilet. T J-1U
GENTLEMAN rfvnd wlfa want iargA pleasant
room and board in prlvato family : references -
encos exchanged ; state prlco and. location.
Address X W , lien. C809T
WANTED Ily two gontlomcn.two larRo'or
three medium slzoroomx , either furnished
or unfurnished , with private bath. .Location
must bo convenient to street cam. Rest of ret *
ercnccs given. Address X 67 , lleo office.
ARROTTE , rcnFal agent , DouRlasTblkT
' iKll-o.'i '
GROVER Stevens , 1615 Fnrnam st. , telephone
815. Office open evnings. Real estate ,
loan and rental agency. Property for exchange.
WK have good girls for general homo work ,
hotels , laundry and all other wont at the
Gorman employment olllce , 1,108 rarnam. Good
cooks wanted. Leave year orders Monday.
711-9 *
CHEAP and reliable fire insurance , Parrotte.
HE. COLE , rental agent. Continental block ,
t JUTi
_ = = . = =
0 KENT Houses list with J. H. Parrotte.
T > EJIOVAlS. . V. Emmol has moved his
JLtbarber shop from tno Wabosh corner. 10th
and Parnam. to the Pnxtou hotel , where all
tickets will bo shaved out and contracts con
tinued the same as u ; ono Is authorized
to collect any moiioy duo mo at the old stand.
8. P. Kmmel. COT t
ALL saloonkeopora will take notlco not to sell
any liquor of any kind to Charles Malsen ,
Any ono found soiling liquor to him will bo
prosecuted. Louisa Mataon. C80-DJ
HE. COLE , reliable lire Insurance.
. 335
WANTED A faw boarders In private family ,
atg California. CC9 PJ
A DCTION sales every Tuesdar.Thursdayand
xXSaturday morning at Hit Douglas street.
Omaha Auction X Storage Co , S > 0
TJ E. COLE , notary publlj nnd conveyancer
TO SUIT the convenlonco of clients engaged
durlngthodaywuopenevenlngs.C:3J to8JU. :
11. B. Coin , itoonfl Continental lllk. OH
IF YOU hare stocks of merchandise for sale
I have customers wltn the cash. J. It.
Parrotte. room 21 , Douglas blK , 420-13
"OEUSONAL-A young man of several v ars'
JL business experience would HKB iiiiDsltlou In
the city as collector or other position of trust.
Have some Knowledge of doublu and single
entry bookkeeping. U'rlto a fair business
hand. AVllllnR to begin on a small salary. Can
furnish A 1 city references and bond If neces
sary. Address C , box KM city. 745-lrr „ ,
T7I8THAYED From my place , H mile south
JOJof Postvllle , Plutto Co. . on Monday. Feb. 17.
three colts , viz ; one roan gray , one sorrel and
one black. A liberal reward will bo given for
informa.tlin leading to their recovery. Dima H.
Davis. 709 UJ
T OST February 20. bet SI ay no st. ana deaf
JLJ and dumb Institute , a lady's mink collar 8
inches deep. Iteward for return toi'SSN. Y.
Life , or 3020 Mayne st , Orchard hill 74J-9t
T O3T l.arco yellow staff aud greyhound ,
JLJolack and white fact ) . Howard If returned
to 040 N. Sid St.
LOST White silk mulllcr , left in gents' toilet
room. Washington hall , fllarch 0 , I1 * * ! . Ho
ward If returned to Am. W. W. Co. C 3-Oj
T OST Between Wlnoote Si Illloy's olllce. 2ath
JLJ and Leavenuorthnuu SOW Pacltlc street.
One blane boot about 8x10 Inrhcs. red cover
and about lalpapos. $5.00 revaril If returned
to either above address. Wlncoie & Klley. * * '
WANTED 1 table boarders , 17 ± J Cap. avp.
748-15 *
BOARD with or without rooms. 1810 Fnrnam.
rptlK cleanesttuud best storage lu theclty at
JL low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha
Auction & Storage ( , ' < > . 330
rpIlACKAaEatbrage at lowest rates. W , JU.
JL Uusbman , 1311 Lnavenwurth , 338
" \X7HO tuned the o live Klmball pianos uied
T V by Madame Pottl and company at tno Millard -
lard ? Illoomtleld did the work and It Is said
that he Is no slouch. Pianos and organs nicely
tuned and regulated .for J3. Ill N. 17th st.
, 003-121'
_ _
BEFOItE buving a piano examine the now
scnlo Kimball piano at A , Iloipe.lGIS Douglas -
las st. _ , _ 44'i
GEO. F. UELLUNIitiCIC. teacher of the banjo.
room 213 , DouRlns-block , or llee olilce. 210
PIANO tuning by'rjoorce It'oomllenl ' , piano
maker. 111 North liln. ! iyr ) experience In N.
Y. , Chicago and ( Jmunu. Excollaut references.
W ANTED A small prlctlng press. Address
KL..gfi33Laku st. KS-'Jj
WANTED Furniture , carpets , household
goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage
Co. , ! U7 8 13th st. 3J9
W E have a customer for lot no of T , O.
Hutchlnson ie Wead. I52t Douglas. 735-9
WANTED Second-hand paper cutter , Ad-
dress X U3 Uee. 721-15
WANT to buy for cash lot In Walnut Hill ,
n. . room 301 , N. v' . Life bldg. OS4 0 *
WANTED Good commercial paper. No-
broska Moitgage Loan Co.,510 Paxton blk.
- 141)
/ 1ASHtorallkluds of household goods at 1114
\JDouglas street.Omulia Auction JcStoraco Co.
Ml ANTED To ouy tor spot cash , tjty or
country parts or w hole stocks jt dry and
fancy godds , clothing , boots and shoes , milli
nery , stationery , geut's furnishing goods , oto
Call on or address .1. L. llrandeis & Sons , corner -
ner 13th and Howard. Omaha. 8J1.
WANTED to Ruy-W.501 good short time pa
per. H. H. Henderson. 40) ) Paxton blk. 417
17K > K SALE At half price , u line dining table ,
JL1 chairs , sofa-bod , bedroom sot , etc , Address
X (3 , llee olllce. COO-'J
OU8EHOLD Goods for sale In block or by
piece at a sacrifice. 2500 Hamilton st.
727-0 *
RKAT Snap FurnlturB oW- room Hat with
all modern conveniences , n blocks from
pOBtolllce ; rooms all rented. H. E. Colo. Room
a. Continental blk. ca : 9
"I/IOR PALE English pug dog , padlgrcod and
JL1 reirlstero'l In A. 1C. 0. S. H. House broken
and very kind. A great , pet and a bargain.
Price JO , Can bo seen at 1417 N. 1'lth ' Bt ,
FOR SALE 1'ull blooded water spanel puns
ttiiSo. 2lst t. 7.i itt
'IJ1OR SALE Mortgages and railway lands or
JU will take building lota. W. J. Paul. 710-9
TTtOR SALE at auction tomorrow ( Monday ) 10
JL1 a. m all the furniture and carpes of ilmO
room residence. No , 2100 Farnam. Henry
Cralghtou , auctioneer. 741-0
TTtUNlTU'EE of 7-room cottage very cheap ,
JP 'furniture almost now. Must bo sold by
March 1. Address XW. line. 733
TTUTRNITHRE of 0 room cottage for sale.
JL1 Price $150. H. E. Cole , Continental block.
TTIOR SALE Ono of the llnnst driving teams
JL1 in Omaha ; afraid of nothing , stylish and
prompt drivers ; alia a full platform spring
carriage almost new. Address X 22. leo olllce.
FURNITURE auction every Wednesday aud
Saturday. 317 8 lith. Wells. UU
1J1O1I SALE O' trade-One Hat top desk , one
JL' tt-foot stunillui ; desk , ono lease of section
of school land. 4KJ acres of Improved western
land and it sections of U , i' . railroad laud. H.
H. Henderson. 400 Paxtou block. i)4i )
TfWJR SALE Some good watches and dla-
JL' iuond.s cheap. It. 1. Miuter * . room 4 , With.
neil blk. 345
T71OR SALU-Or exchange , half blood Clrdes-
JL1 data st-.lion , will exchange for good driving
bone. Goor/ra Yradonberg , SSi B. itith.
70s m 12 *
"lH. . U. GEOUX.elcctricltyiuaftsage and mag.
JL/netlo treatmuut , chronic diieuea a special *
ty , simple meUlclnus when needed , : t2JN ] 5tb.
TpORTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenorman can be
- * - consulted on all affairs nt life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Ho. 310N. ISth st. 109m 01
TlfADAMK lirAblf , th cr t9st mind
JJJL reader and counsellor , ha suite ot
parlors at 323 N. IClh sreets. w. corner Chicago
and 16th. ThU , tady has a remarkable plft
otsecona sight , tells past and future correctly ;
business conlldentlal ; ha * just returned ; lost
and stolen property , truthfulness ot absent
friends a specla y. . 347 _
DM. NANNIE V. WARREN , clairvoyant , mod.
leal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 N. Ipta St. . rooms 3 nnd 3. 340
WANTED-KuUoMed young ladles and gen-
tlomon to learn shorthand and typewritIng -
Ing at the Standard Shorthand lluslneiis col
lege , Now York Life building ; finest rooms in
the city ; all latcitjlmprovomoou , electric light ;
alovator servlco ; cheapest school because it is
the brat ; Instruction thorough , modern , practl.
cal ; demand for monographer * constantly ln
creasing ; succossiposltively sure. Call or write
for one of our lartro descriptive catalogues.
Address , Standard Shorthand Huslnoss Col.
loge..Frank E. Hell. Manai.'or. N. Y. Life llldg.
Omaha. Neb. 700
DEPOSITIONS , lOc per folio ; petitions & cor-
rcspondencrtiocopylng, ; HS6 ,
MONEY to loan , Parrotte. Douglas block.
KEV8TONK Mortgage Co. Loans of 810 to
81.000 ; got our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan on norses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and lowest
rates. CallR203. Shooly blk , 16th & Howard sts.
W "ANTED First class inside loans. Lowest
ratos. Call aud see us. Mutual Investment
Co. , 1504 Farnam. 3uo
M : ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents. 1602 Farnam st. Ml
TTIHST mortgage loans at low rote nnd node-
JD lay. D. V. aiioles Co. , 210 First National bank
MONEY-a3 , uj or DO days on furniture
pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson
OlBPaxtoublk. 303
OAN8 City ana farm loans , mortgage po
pper _ _ bought. McCaguo Investment Co. 354
"IVf ONEY to loan on tny socurlty
J-TJL for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
lloomjJO. 1'axton block. 3. > T >
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1219 Farnam St. . First National
bank , building. KK1
BUILUINU loans mtido on
ChaUo cltv uroperty *
At Ion eat rates.
Prlvato funds to
loan on brick
rojidcnco and
business property
UDon \ ei v favorable
. terms.
KlmbaU. Champ & Ityan ,
IJu'i Farnum St. C23m9
JT-IllEUAL real fstofo'loius maao by W. M.
Harris , room 20 Trqnzor blk , opp.P. O.
BUILDING Loans ' 1H to 7 per cent ; uo ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
ney's fees. W. U. Melkle , First Nat. bank bldg.
C H ATTKli loans at lowest rates : removed
to G17 and 610 Pnxton blk J. 11. Emlngor.
MONEY to loan , by D. F. Masters , In any
amount from $10 to $10,000 for any time ,
from ono to six months.
I make loanr ou Household goods , pianos ,
organs , hordes , mules , houses. Teases , etc. . In
any amount , at the lowest possible rate ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans arc MJ arian edthut you can make
a payment at any time nncl reduce \ our In
terest pro rata. You pay intorsst only for the
time you Use the money. If you ewe a balance
on your property I will take it up and carry it
for you , at the lowest rate consistent vilththe
risk.Morey always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowen rnti ) < , 11. F. Masters ,
. Koom \Vlthnoll lllock IBtn and Hartley sts.
T OANS made onitnv available security. Ceu-
JLJ tral Investment Co. , Iloom2i , Chamber of
commerce. ii 353
MONEY to loan on norsei. wagons , mules ,
household goods , plauos.organs , ( llnmoiuls ,
at lowest rates 'lhenr t oiuunlzed loan olllco
In the city. Makes loans rrom 30 to iJb5 days ,
which cuu bo paid lu part or whole at uny
time , thus lowevimj'tho ' 'principal and Interest.
Call ana see us wnen you want money. We can
assist you promptly and to your advantage
without removal S6f 'property or publicity.
Money altrays on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. I' . Itoed , * Co. , 31U S. Uth st : over
Blngham & Sons.t " 357
SEE Sholcs. loom 2 i 1-lrst National bant be-
fore making your Artiiu. 3il
6 PER CENT residence loaus $0. 0 to 810.0UO.
liullding loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , Ik'o ouliaing. : < 59
H E. COLK , loan agent , Coatluental block.
M ON'KY to loati ou fuinlture. organs , nlanos
horios und \\anons. Ilnxvkeyo Invustmont
Co. , room 03 , Douglas blk. . and Doilge sts.
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes Co. . 210 First
NatloualbankbuildlU ! ; . 351
GECOND niortgngo loans. R. IsTlloard'Trade.
S ECONDmortsago loaiu. It. 1J. Hoard Trade.
tiaranteo & Trust Co. . N. Y. Life
bldg.completeaustnict-i rurntshud aud titles
to real adtate o .iiulned , per foctbd iCKuarantood
T71OR SALE or exchange Saloon llxtures.
J. pool table , etc. , separate. Adoress X fo lleo
ollice. C81-18 *
RAC1CUT store for stUo ; nlc clean stoci ,
good trade. Clnodlocitlnu. For cash and
bankable paper only. F. W. Scott , Schuyler ,
Nob. . U73-IU
rpHE Dry Goods Economist , the oldest ana
JL largest diy goods paper In the world , de-
slros toengniro sonui well posted porhou. Ac
quainted lu all the loading dry goods houses in
this city , to aciul the paper n weekly letter , glv-
ngthodiy goods news of the city , personals ,
businesschanifes , movement of goods , trad
happenings , bargains ollered. etc. ; liberal com
pensation to competent person. Address m
confidence , with samplu letter. Hoot & Tinker ,
78 undSJ Walker St. . New Yort. 7IHJ J
WANTED A partner with $ IUJO to enlarge
a general store doing a good business , A
rare opportunity to the right paity. Enquire
nt 410 So. 13th at. 72U U *
rilHE whole or one-half interest in the best
JL mill property of Nebraska. 17 miles from
Oniaim. Joe ! atroa of good pasture land , Hue
timber , no mcumbrauce , good dwelling houses.
Everything in Hrst cla s order. Address J.
Wlckenburg.5lQ N. Ibtli Bt. 73.MIJ
GOOD chance for live man. Must be sold ut
once. Whole or half lutoreat in good pay
ing business , ( inod reasons for soiling. Inves
tigate nt ono. Robert Herrlci : , 42J South inth
bt , upstairs. 7l4-9t
8ALE-A slock of dry goods , boots ,
hlioes , hats , caps , clothing and carpets , sit
uated in Aurora. Hamilton county. Nob. Stock
about * -MOU < ) . Everything in Hrst-class order ,
stora 22xno , of urlck , ou corner , 2 Moors , best lo
cation and ttock In the town. A snap for anyone
ono who wants to engage In goods business.
For Information corie&poud with W. R. Smith ,
Aurora. Neb. 017-20
TTSOH SALE The only stock of drugs In town
JUofCOO InhabltauTrOinust bo sola at once.
Also a llrst-cla < m hotrin same place ; address
II. II Larimer. OliloWtt. Neb. 023 OJ
TTIOUTUNES to contractors working a lire-
JC proofing for old Ufiil now bulldlnss. ( fiOonly
charged for patent royalty embracing laud with
fti.OOO people. Aadieas .Y48 lieu olllce. C33 OJ
TjlOR BALE-Marola Btfop in good location ,
JL' very cheap ; rare chunro ; only small capital
required. Inquire at22lfl fuming St. , Omaha.
- *
TT10H BALE OemMSl st , ck of goods and busl-
JL ness in a well located town eighteen miles
from Omaha , now doing a splendid business ;
good reasons for spliluKi.'Iniiulro of V. Cotner
at Nebraska Havings b u * . Uiuaha , Nob.
670 a4J
OR SALE A geM hiit'el. in this city , dofng
a paying business , ' 'a ' gooil opportunity.
price , 5.JOU. Hugglns. mB. Hithst. _ m-- * _
STONF.aud sand contractors An extwnslvo
quarry with an abundance of available ma
terial for lease , situated on the 1'luttt ) river 11
miles from Omaha. For more definite Information
mation apply to Lewis b , Reed & Co. , Room U.
Cnamber ot L'omnnirce. 683 IOJ
rpo TRADK Corner on Hartley east of Vlr-
* irtnia ave for some money and good prop
erty. Lot on 10th bt. between Douglas and Fur-
namits , for other property. House and lot on
" -j near Mason , ana hue east froutlotin Han.
Boom Place , forpropeityin West Omaha. 81.000
tecond mortgage imper for aero property. 8-
roomliou so near anh nnd rorby for otuer prop
erty. Jl.sui worth of clear property and bal
ance cash for a good lot between IHth and 3a
sta und Dodge and Webater. If you have any
ootl property to trade rail nround. ( Jiover
§ tevens. 1515 Farnam , . Tel , 845. OfHce open
evenings. O'JO 10
T71OR KXCHANGE-PaUnt money drawer
JU comblnution. i-et of tine scenery. Laundry
business for vacant lot Drug stock for land.
H. K , Cole , ConUnentsI block , "
WANTED A 0 or 7 room furniture Will
trade for same in land or city property.
XffUJee. J 7 .9
_ _
1I10U UXCHANHE-Flrst class house 'of 2. ' >
- * - ' sleeping rooms In live town for stock or
farm land , stock of haidwaro for Omaha prop.
crty or farm land. II. E. Cole , Continental blk.
_ _
WANTED llullillni ? lots for mortgages and
land . railway contracts. W. J. Paul , _ 7'M | > _
1.1 OR8E ami clear lot for good bulldlntf lot ,
JLJ will assume some encumbrance. Hutchln-
k Wcad. 1524 Douglas , toi , 15'ia. 73'-n
rpo EXCHANGE For farm or acre property
JL near Omaha or Council Illufls , my beautiful
new residence near Hanscom Pare , built In
18811,0 rroms bath room , hot and cold water ,
cistern , furnace , electric Delis , mantel , largo
fomented cellar nnd lightning rods , in fact all
modern Improvements , line location , grand
view and beautiful lawn and shade trees. Max
J. 11 no hi- , care Max Meyer & lira. , Omaha , Neb ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
T71OR EXCHANGE-Cloar land for mdse. or
- * - horses. Klrat mortgage paper for same ,
Clear inildo lota In the city with A 1 prospects
for chattels. In factvou can got almost any
Und of a trade you want by calling nt 407 Shoo
ly block. ( .Q7-U
WHAT have you to exchange for Tf 'lot in
South Omalm wortn Jl.ow. clear of in
cumbrance. AddrcssXSS. lleo olllce. 062
'Vl/'ANTED to oxcbango good Nebraska farn
IT lands for 2u or ! U horse power engine. Ad
dross Gco. E. Drew , llrowstor , Nob. Crtl-0
mo EXCHANOE-Clcarrcal estate and casl
JL for a clean Htociw of groceries. Address H.
A. Darner. Tiiurmati. la. OlS-lJ
H1RE'3 your chunce Two nlcn clean now
general stocks or mercnandlsd to trade for
clear realty and cash. Iloom al Ootiglas block.
WANTED Clear lotn for mortpigas and
building lots for railway lands. W. J. Paul.
TTlORSALEor exchange About 12,000 acre *
X1 of railway contract land. Wane to build on.
Will assume and pay some cash on good lots.
W. J. Paul. IfiOi ) Fnrnam. 710-9
T71OR EXCHANJE-K01otsln the prosperous
JL1 city of lllalr. Nob. , within tnroe blocks of
the court house ; all clear and titles perfect.
The lots are In west lllalr , the best part of the
city. Will take farm land in eastern Nob. or
Iowa. E. N. Uradley , Room 2U Continental
blo'cK. 74C-U
FOR SALE or trade A clean stock of hard-
80,000. Would trade for part for Omaha
property ( residence ) , and will rent or soil store
and fine dwelling houso. Js In county scat aud
live town of Nebraska. Address X. 31 , Loo.
WANTED A country store containing mer-
ciiandlso of nny dlncrlptlon.viot ever $1,500
worth. Will trade a farm or Omaha improved
property. Address X 05 , Hoe , 7oS-9
rj HE best opening for a good clothier In the
JL Btato ; the Star Clothing bouse is for sale ;
stock about M,0.0. no old goods ; yoaily sales
815.000 : no competition nearer than Sioux City ,
adlsiancoof : u miles ; good reasons for selling.
Potter Ac Johnson , 'Wakolteld , Nob. f > 34 OJ
II' you have anything to exchange cull on or
address U.K. ( Jolo. it 0. Continental block.
Onice open evenings 0:30 : to { t3J. ; ; jfl7
il > OH Trade 3aj acres good deeded land 10
1 miles southwest of llertaml. Neb , , cattle
preferred. Jno. G. Ballard. Uertraud. Neb.
THOR HENT-Checkered hvory barn on 16th
JD et 8 of Harney , Call or address Neb. Mort
gage Loan Lo. . 51'J Paxton blk. 183
1710E EXCHANUE-Cholce Improved Nebras
A1 } ca furms. Will assume lleht encumbrance
If you have anything to offer address or call on
Geo. J.StorjiMlorfr. room 317-318 Firs ; National
bauc building. Telephone 404. 025
TTOR EXCHANOE-aiots 111 South Omana or
- I1 lot near Vlnton St. , for horses or mules.
Kcom ] , ) , Hoard Trade. Via
IWANTagioceryor Uruw stock to invoice
$ l,5ixi to 8lixxi ; U cash balancn improved real
estate. Lock box 1S5 , Central City , Nob.
, * 736m 12J
TilOH SALE Or exchange for drugs and real
JU estate , $ JU,000 book stocE. Uox51ci. 127
OH SALE CfixISJ on Jones st. $300 per fo"oT
JL1 Address X 3J IJee. _ KJj a2J
ITOGG1N ! ? . 312 sriHtiTst CBolOJ
Want good city loans.
Money on hand.
Telephone 087. 307 So. 16th st.
H. O. Dovrle ? , pres. ; Cadet Taylor , vice pres. ;
W.J1. Muylor , seu. aud treas. 7.10-J
I OUR houses In first class condition in
JL1 Kountze ana Ruth's addition. Paved street
and good location. Income $1,000. Prica $10,000.
H. E. Coif , room 0 , Continental block. 7iiO-10i
/CORNER 14thand Cass. CUxOO. $12.50a
V > Farnam ht. . 2 ft. .1-story brick. 8i',000.
Au elegnnt tl-room house , both olatern and
fuina < e , mantel , electric bells , etc. , built last
March. One of the nicest homes near Hauscom
Paris , $5 , < 0 ( ! .
I'Jeusaut st. . bet Davenport and Caas. 50xlW ! ,
commaudlug a grand view of citv ana river ,
Sl.Oii. i. ] ,
rarnam sf. east of Lowe avenue , extending
through to Ivcs St. . $ .1,750.
Now house , 10 looms.i.'llst near I'uclQc , $3,100 ,
SVM casn.
llduso and half lot 27th anrt Douglas. $ . ' .003.
! 1 places an VHUsed In this list last weec sold
for cash.
Huthiuson * Woad , 15S4 Douglas , tel. 15.T9.
QPLCIALUARGAINS-Lot near Howard and
Mlowo ave , Il.ri00. bouth Iront ono block
from motorcar , l.uwu ave and Humlltou , 4 > 'JJi ) .
Corner 110 ft , Houth frorit. on Popplotou ave ,
and 1W ) ft , east front , on Jlst st , ffouj. Some
lots just houth of Walnut Hill on very eusy
ti rui3 , only JMW. II onsen uud lots in all parts
of the city. House aim lot in Hnnscom Place
on very eusy tormx. Severn ! good business cor-
nei-s very cheap. List your property with mo.
Glover Stevens. 1515 1'arnam at. Tel , 845.
Dtllce opt-n cvenlngH. _ Biii ) 10
TTKJKHALE A baantlful cor. llllxli 4 , walks
JU trees , good barn , U room house ! lnl hed
with hardwood , all modern impiovomouts , in
Kounftu Place ; choau and on easy terms ,
Inowsovon room cottatjo on 31st near Pa-
clllc , $2,7(10 ( ; J.WO cash , bal , tai.OJpor month.
lllrcom cottage , cor. lot 41x111 ft. , $3,000 ;
$300 cash , bal 3S5.1X ) per month ,
27 room cottages with nath and ga.s , ou Hurt
f > t. uonr 24th. JMIJO ; $100 cash. bal. 8J100 par
mouth , or will exchange ror Insldo unlncum-
bored lot.
HorsB. buugy and Harness for sale chotip.
Hnmllton llros. . Utillders , 403 S. ISth St.
OUSEandlot ou 2d ! aud Callfoinla sts.
Cheap at $10K)0H. ) . E. Cole , Contmantul
block. 75'J-IO '
Wo have more customers than houses.
If you \ \ ant to rent list with us.
307 Ho. 10th st. Glebe Loan & Trust Co.
Telephone 987. _ 733-9
G IflxM foot. N. E. cor. IUtlf > .v Douglas , call or ad-
! Jret.3 Mrs , Kuhlmau , S. E.cor. 11th & Vlnton.
027 a3
_ _
T/MVi ; room rottngesTll.500 each , 8100 ca
JU down , balance 8H ner month. Thos , F. Hall ,
.111 Paxton block. 370
OT1CE to Investors We will receive bids
for the purchase of our business property ,
1303 Farnam street , known as the cunt 33 feet
ot lot 7. block K ) , up to April the tlrat , next ;
owners reserving the right to reject any or all
bids. Lehmaun Ar Hanson , care of John H. F.
Lehmann , tU4 South lith Street. C49
HKilfljY improved 650 acre farm , good
bulldlncs , bearing orchard plenty timber ,
never falling , running spring water , in a river
county near Omaha , for $17.00 per acre. U cash.
balance long timo. An extra line Orchard hill
lot for Ifl.ow.ooj Throe cholco Pruyn park lots , ,
each $350.00 ; H section Lincoln county land ,
near station , b80.00 Some bargains in Eastern
NobraHka and Iowa farms to neil or exchange.
1 also have a customer for a good resldenco
property , well located , who will pay half cash.
or assume , and balance lu clear Wayne county
Improved farm. No fancy figures wanted.
E. N. HIIAW.KV. Room 20 Continental block.
ELEGANT residence of 10 rooms with every
modern lmpro\omeut , in west part of city.
Handy to earn , etc. Price M.OOO. H. E. Cole ,
Continental block and 2504 N , 21th stieet.
BUY A HOME Small cash payment ; ea y
terms ; upeclal low price , w right & Las-
bury. Arlington block. 755-10
OTTAGU homes in most any addition for
date at from < lioo ( up. on easy raontnly pay.
tnents. F. 1C. Darling. 4 1 Uarkcr block. 9
/ Plate Three line houses pleas
antly located , cheap. Boo H. E. Cole , Con
tinental block- . 750-10
* _ _
ALLA ! ' 307
South 16th street for
List your property with ua. We can rent It.
Telephone UH7.
Globe Loan & Trust Co.
II. O. Devrles , pres. ; Cadet Taylor , vice
: ire f ; W , II , Taylor , sec , and treas. . 73Q-U
"TPOH SALE Half price for cash ; lots 4 , 6 and
JU 6 , block 1 , 1'rtiyli park , Omaha. Owner can
not take care ot them. Address room 1 , 1127 O
eh. 058-13
UAKE CITV Parties desiring to in-
rttt in this city will do well to consult the
Dieter , Jotinuonlnvtiatmeut Co. , P. O. Iloxfi7t ,
and 150 Houth Main st. . Salt Lake City. We nan-
din choice property only and give the best of
references , 017 AS
BAL ESTATE II you want to sell or rent
list it with T. O. lirunner , who has a largo
lit of customer ! . Room 1 , Ware block , B. E.
Cor. Uth and Faruaio , 1W 'Jl
nniiK PEori.E OF OMAHA
A CITY OF 150,000 TEOI'LE.
Tlio building permits for 1839
amounted to , . , . . , . i 6,000,03000
The real estate sales for 1839
nmountodto . . . . . . 18,000,00000
The bank clearances for 1889
amounted to . 208,003,000 00
: W sell Real Estate
WK lA EN'T the cheapest property In the
"E CANNOT loan money cheaper than any
IIUT IP YOU WANT tobhy good inside busi
ness or residence property ,
IF YOU WANTa loiin on such property.
ness lu ganorai attended to promptly und in-
telllgoutly , V *
CALL and see us.
1500 FAHNAM faT.
Solo agents for all property offoroil by us
' ' '
ALAMO PLAZA.'VoVatccl'on'raVuam , Dodge ,
36th and U7th sts. , the best location In the city for
line residence. Has city w ator , gas and street
car service. Farnam street is paved through
the audition. These lots ore olfon d for a short
time at very ( iow prices and on easy terms.
DURANT PLACK in located on King and Ohio
sts , and in a part of the city that is well built un
and has splendid street car facilities. Wo have
13 lots lutnls addition lor sale on terms to suit
HAZEL TERRACE Is high and sightly lo
cated between llith ana 20th sts , und Joins Deer
Park on the south ; only one block from the
electric motor line to bouth Omaha park , anil
tnreo blocks south of Vlnton st. Wo will sell
twenty ot those lots to people who want to
build in a short time ut from tflJO to $ S ) t each :
only $10 cash , the bulauco in monthly pay
ments at" pur cent interest.
SHERIDAN PLACE on Leavonworth' street ,
three blocks beyond the present street car tur-
mlnus. Forty lots for sale at SO JO o.icn ; J10
down and $10 a month ; interest 7 per tent.
Plats of lota with prices will be furnished
u pea application at this office.
On any good security In ns losu. . . RENTS
Real Estate Loan , and Rental Agents.
Koom 13 , Chamber of Commerce.
TJ1OR BALE-Cottiigo and'lotln Bedford place
JL ? 403 Paxton block. E. O. Cooper. 68U-10
"Vf ICE cottage In Plalnvlew. Price Jl.tOO , on
i.i easy terms. H. E. Colq , rodm 0 , Continental
aioc'r. 750-10
OR SALE Cheap Lot in Orchard Hill. Call
on E , C. Cooper , 403 Paxtou block , Omana ,
545 10
rp\VO choice lots on small cash payment , bal-
JLanco second mortgage to responsible parties
who will build. H. li. COLE , Continental blk ,
nd 2501 N. 21th. 603
WE HAVE beautiful aero property within
2M miles of postolllco. Would ypu believe
it. only $1,500 per acre.
An inside business corner. $25,000.
Houses and lot In weitpart of city at the
owest prlcos and easy terms.
House and lot on 23th street , Hanscom Place ,
only $ . ' .500.
Orchard Hill lota from JliO to $ POO.
Wn have uold several recently. Only a few
nft nt. thnttn fltrllT-utt.
A large brlcK house , 8 rooms aud basement ,
north of Cumlug. lot 6,1x70. $ J,300.
Coiseth. Johnson k Eovgron.
Room 9 , Chamber of Commerce.
553 10
_ _
MAN with 81,200 can take my farm , 183
ucressandy loam.Koort land for grain or root
crop : ) , 15 head of cholco cattle , splendid span
of laige young bays , one handsome saddle
> ony , ladles' and gents' saddles , now double
larnoss , nearly now frame liouae. large frost-
iroot root housu , largo barn and cattle shed ,
ion House , pig pens , corral , feed nick , : r arrus
'enced ' pasture , situated in a beautiful valley
settled by a nice class ot American larmers ana
stock raisers , 1 ! { miles from postolilce , 10
nrllos from a gooatown , is in the best hay pro
ducing aud hoalthloht part of Nebraska , two
; oed wells of excellent soft water on tlio faun ;
H.JTO takes everything clear of inoumbranco.
Can glvt- good reasons tor soiling. Address X
Illeoomc ClOUt
JPEClfAL liargatn A verv oiezaut east front
property. No. b'M Georgia avanuo. with a
lm < l-room modern residence with every con
venience , lucluJlng gas llxtures , sawer con
nections , handsomely decorate.l , anj tu fact a
; em of a homo ; owner going to leave the city .
This property must bo sold by .March 1st ; for
> rlce anil terms HBO me If you have any in-
entlon of Imylni ; and want a nice plare , this
vill suit you. D. V. Sholos Co. 2l'l 1st Nat1 1 bank.
4iv )
' "
'VITA IJG H i WestertleldTreal'estators.OmaUa.
T"1ST your property with H. E. Colo.
BARGAIN Uacer place , house and lot 81,3(1 ( 0
easy terms ; MX la ) ft ; 'J home" ,5 , 3 Rnd 9
rooms , full lots , leas than cost. Cash or trade.
Addrers or call on owner. E. G. Merrill , 44th and
Sowardat. Walnut Hill. _ U59-m 1HJ
FOR BALE Very ohoap , no tnulen. farm of
54.1.70 acres , see. 6 , 12. N 0 W , Hamilton coun
ty , Neb. ; U miles from Marfjuetto. small house ,
Btablo , .HO acres of Daature funced , living water ,
) rlce only $10 per acre , 85,4UI > . oue-thlrd IhB'J
crop included. Terms ja.HX ) cash , balance B per
cent interest. F. K. AUlus , owner , railroad
julldlug. Denver. Col. _ ! M
TT10R BALE-800 will buy lot 50x120 in Omaha
JU View , ono block from motor line , nlc ly on
grade. Lots In this addition are worth 81,000 ,
and the above prlco is opeu for a short time
only. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block.
ALL payment down and $15 per month
ASM buy a 4-room houue aud lot on 16th , two
blocks from motor ; first-class chance to aciiulre
a home on easy tnrms. Apply to H , E. Cole ,
; ontlnental block. 273
. bargain-Host lot in Hillside No. 1.
Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap , 0. A. Col-
ard. owner , Kvarney. Neb. 199m22j
INCOLN Place and Carthazo loti prlco
I ! , ( * < ! . Va down , balance 115 monthly.
W. L.83iur. 1L 11. RoAra t'rila Ml
FOR BALE or Trade Improved farm of 8JO
acres in Goupcr county. Neb. , nix mile *
'rom Oxford and I ) . &M. railroad. Atldroao J.
R. Shaw , 4023 Hamilton street , Omaha.
CM mOt
_ '
Tidy cottages built to suit aud told on easy
onus , on lots one mile from the P. O. and shops.
Also m west and north part * ot town.
Don't wait till the boom Is here with its high
> rlces. but buy now. If you do not want a
lomo buy a lot on monthly payments , 1 have
a number of lots in good additions that can bo
sold at bedrock price * on uueji termi.
If you are at wjrk during the dry come
around Monday evening.
Iloom 303 N. Y. Life U'ld'g. 73MO
FOR BALE Three One lots ou second mort
gage plan , cheap. Wilt buildnomo on uuino
ouroulrea It not taken at once , X04 lloo Olllce ,
I71OR BALE Heal ettate-House and lot on
JU Davenport and 24th streets. Price 11,000.
'art caih and balance time , or r t cash and
cooa farm near Oinaba. H. E. Cole , Contl *
uental block.
' " " '
- " - - - -
JI feet , on T Tntnlnth trootJusl
sotitli ot Lake sinKj cheap nt H.MO. One-third /
cr lu
jot7 , block3 , orclmni II 111 add. , on Hamilton
street , near end ot motor. $3,000.
irfit 13 , Mayno's adtl. to Orchard Hill , 62x1,10 ,
just brldgo.on Military roAdlaiO.
T > vo lots for sMo or trade in Uedlck Park art-
Corner lot on California street niul Pleasant
street , very" sitoly. 8.H.OOO.
Lot 1 , block 22 , Carthage , cast trout , corner
on Cumlug street. 81,000.
Corner , 00x153 feet , small house , lu Walnut
Hill , For sale or trade.
70 feat on Saunders street , near Grace street ,
a bargain at W.500.
Some flno lots in Kendall's add , ut a bargain.
Lot 22 , tlk 2 , 31 ayno's Place , on 3'th at. , 81,800.
Lot24 , blkO , Walnut Hill , corner lot , on Cum-
lug street , very cheap at $ l,2oO.
Lot 10 , blk 12. Clifton Hill , corner ou Military
roan. 8950.
Two lots In Rodlck Park to irado for vacant
lot ; will pay some cash difference ,
Tloitso and corner lot m Walnut Hill , for
trade. 81.800.
Crolghtoii lllock.
The northeast corner Sixteenth and Call-
i . . - _
fornla streets , two-story frame block , price
8J5.00J ; cheap. Call for further particulars ,
terms , ets. ' *
COxCO feet on 14th between Dodge and Capitol
ave. , 818,000 ,
Northwest corner Mth and Davenport streets ,
Cflxl33 feet , 840,000.
44 feet north front on Dodge near 15th. st.
House of 8 rooms ; bath , - etc. , etc.
2117 Clark st , 87.000 ; terms to suit.
A lot for $300.00. $10.00 cash and 810 per month ,
call for plats of Seymours addition.
Money to loan on city aud farm property al
.owest rates.
Houses to rent lu all parts ot the city. Cal'
for printed list. .
Notes , Routs , Etc. ,
Collected at _ jlo ratos.
1609 Tarnam street , Omaha.
Agency for the
Eastern Uulldfng an !
Loan Association
of Philadelphia.
Slxty acres , botwoun Thirty-second and
Thirty-eighth streets aud Cumlng id Hamtl-
Groundsoxqulsltoly laid out.
Choicest residence sites In the city.
Thu entire park adorned by the best land *
Bcopo uardiier lu the United States , who has
furnished plans tor the best system ot
Paving , soworuge , water supply and rlectrio
lighting' . .
Reaiouablo prlcaa will bo ulven those building -
ing residences costing $ i. iiO and ujiwaulu ,
jnapuctlon of ground * Invited.
Apply to olllcon ot The llemis Park Co , , Con.
llnental building ,
Directors-George P. llemis , president ; K , W.
Nash , vice president ; John 11. Dumout , nacre-
tary and treasurer : E , L. lilerbowdr , aud Dr.
8. D.Morcer.
fTIOR UALE-On 10 years' time , several well
JL1 improved farms within fr.mi U to 8J miles
of Omaha , Good buildings , orchards aud run *
nju wcter on the land ; ah clear aud title per-
itxt. Will taico good notch as part payment or
n full for any ot the farms. Apply to the
owner , C. McMonemy , Room SO Continental
block , 740-U
D IONT foruet the lot on 24th at. , 81.350. Hug-
elns.SUS. lOthst. 7Jl-llt
IVfORTUAGE PAPER Have a good tint
JJl-mortgaga of 8700 on a No. 1 iao-acre tract ot
land , lu northeastern Nebraska , mortgage run
ning A years , bearing 7 per cent Interest. A
good Invustmont for private party. I want th *
money and will discount Home to make It ,
Apply at once , X 03 , Uee. 757-9
JU city and county warrants ,
Honda , loans , rontaU ,
"Hollo I" Telephone 087. " or cult and see
Globe Loan te Trutt Co , ,
W7 Ho. 16th at ,
II.O. Devrles , Pres , ; Cad t Taylor , vice pres , |
W. li.Tuylur. uec. ima trea * . 7JiHI
OA ACRES in Bon Hi Omaha surveyed and
.iWplutted for building purposes. Price. HuQ
vet acre , 11 , K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block.