r 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : ; SATURDAY , MARCH 8. 1890. Boys' Long Pant Suits Ages 14 to 17 , Price $8 , We offer at this sale one lot of pure , all-wool , mixed Cassi- mere Suits , made and trimmed equal to any of our fine suits. \Ve will guarantee the goods to be strictly all-wool and silk mixed , Our price to close them is $8. Our price for this suit last year was $12 ; perfect in every respect and in all sizes. 14 to 17 years. Boys' Long Pant Suits Ages 13 to 17. Price $10 , We offer in this line the best value ever placed on our count ers. We have consolidated seven lines of high grade $15 suit's and have marked them into one grand bargain lot at $10 per suit. If you paid $15 for any suit in this lot , you would only pay the regular re tail price. Sizes 13 to 17 years. * Boys' Long Pant School Suits Ages II to 14 , Price $5.50. This is a lot of all-wool Cheviot Suits in a neat brown and black stripe , at $5.50 per suit. When we say strictly all- wool , we mean that and noth ing else. Remember , ages 11 to 14. Price $5.50. Sold last season for $8. Children's Knee Pant Suits , About 5Oc on the Dollar. Don't miss this opportunity. You can clothe your children this week on the following basis : If you bought a suit from us last season of any of these lots for $10 , you can buy it this week for $6 , and a number of popular styles at one-half of last season's prices. Our new goods arc coming in every day and crowding us for room , and it is our inten tion to close out the surplus stock of Children's Suits car ried from last season at prices unheard of for this qality of goods. We will enumerate a few of the bargain lots : Lot i. We offer 250 strict ly all-wool Stripe Cassimere Suits , medium dark color , an excellent style ( cloth made by the Auburn Wool Company ) , at only $3 per suit. Last sea son's price was $6. Lot 2. We offer 250 strictly all-wool xScotch Bannockburn Cheviots ( goods made "by the famous manufacturers , Messrs. Phillips & Kunhardt , unques tionably the best manufacturers of cheviots known ) . We offer this entire line of suits for boys 5 to 13 years old , in medium colors , made up in our best manner , and sold by us for never less than $7 last season and some of them as high as $8 , now all offered at the uniform price of $3.50 per suit. Better send for one of these suits at once if you want them. They will not last more than five or six clays at the most. Lot 3. We offer a line of * 100 genuine English Cheviot Suits of the best quality , in a light brown stripe , made in pleated jackets , a very stylish and desirable garment for boys 5 to 13 years , at the exceptionally - ! ally low price of $4 per suit. | Reduced from $7 last season. We cannot send samples by mail of these suits , as they will be closed out very soon , but we will send a sample suit by ex press to any address , with the understanding'that if you do 'not ' consider the suit worth fully double price charged for it upon examination , you may return it at our expense. Boys' Pantaloons , Price $2.5O. We offer 150 pairs of Boys' Long Pantaloons , sizes from 13 to 18 years , at $2.50 per pair , goods sold all season for $3.50 and $4. These arc heavy weights and suitable for imme diate use. Every pair guar anteed strictly all wool and in every respect reliable. Price , $2.50. Boys' Knee Pants , We will sell 200 pairs of Boys' Knee Pants at this sale which usually cost $ i and $1.25 at 50 cents each. Ages 4 to 12 , Men's Department. Special Sale on Panta loons for Saturday. Price $3.50. Each season we have had a Special Sale of Pantaloons at this popular price , $3.50. It lias always been successful , because we always have what we advertise and you are never disappointed. Our aim is to clean up about 350 pairs of all- wool Cassimere Pants , season able weights , which have al ways sold for $5.50 and $6. Fancy Cheviots , ) Fancy Cassimercs , ULL $3,50 Fancy Worsteds , J Come Saturday. They won't last long. ' t Send your size and P. O * order for $3.50 and we will guarantee satisfaction. No pair of pants worth less than $5 ill this lot. MAIL ORDERS Will receive the same careful attention that any customer would. Send P. O. order for any of the above lots , with the understanding that we will pay all charges if they are not as represented. THE CITY. Tlio old cable on the ITarnoy street line has hoou removed and the now rope put in. The > curs on that line have ro- BUincd their regular trips. Surah Wclclon mid J. K. McPiorson , both of South Omaha , have boon eon- linoil in the county jail on the charge of boinfr iiibimo. Corlies , Chapman & Dralco have com menced suit in the county court against A. S. Collins to recover $250.45 on account of lumber sold und delivered. Mr. William Dyer of Kansas Cjty nnd Miss Minnie Spoils of this city wore married in Lincoln on Wednesday. The bride is well known in Omaha. Nenl and Shollonborgor occupy their respective collb in the county and city jails umiittng their preliminary exam inations , which take place oil ue.xt Monday and Tuesday respectively. Mr. Thoinuo Ililoy filed n com plaint in the police court charging Mr. P. Milestone with selling coal without a license. Mr. Rilo.v says ho will lllo n half dozen more similar complaints to day."There "There has not boon a serious acci dent on the railroads or in the shops to ono Dorson within my jurisdiction for the last six weeks , ' ' said Dr. Galbraith , the company surgcou. This fact the doctor considers Dhonomenal , as it has not occurred before within tliu last six years. . lcu\-n \ u-hut is iMlorinymen am yolny on in the laboriny KOI Id by rcadiny the Sunday - day lice. TO AVKUT MlUD. . Tlio Chicago NOW.JVnxes \Viirm U'n- < lnr Ui Collar. The following "special" appeared in the Nebraska State Journal and prob- ubly in other Nebraska journals : "WlU. WlllTIS Ul' NllllA3CA. ! "OMui > , Nob. , Feb. ! 25. fSpootal.l The Chicago News , now Unit the world's fair lo cution ha * boon decided , is going to got out nn edition of 100,000 copies to bo called the Nebraska edition , and It wilt contain 'write- ups' of the principal cities and the state aim nu artlclo favoring Omaha for the two polit ical conventions of 1893. " Every statement in this so-called "apodal" is false , the "special" itself is bogus and It ta published with intent to defraud. Whoever subscribes for copies of iv Nebraska edition of the Chicago News or pays for advertising iu suuh an oditlou will bo swindled. The Chicago Dally Nowa is the only paper that has right or tltlo to the tmmo of the "Chicago News. " It does not intend to "got out nn edition of 100,000 copies to bo called the Nebraska edition. " jlllM SllOIS. Swan Swansea walked Into tbo pohco court at noon la his hare foot and detailed a trnni.'o cxporleccc. Ho said that ho had boon wording on the river cutting Ice and carne up town tc buy n now pair of boots. Whlla passing n booming house on Cass street between Twelfth and Thirteenth n gang of toughs pulled him Into the house , took off his boots und then forced him out. He was then com pelled to walk barefooted on the auow and ice to the jail. Court Onicor Koyscr gave ths man an old pair of shoes and the latter disappeared without tiling any complaint against bis as- ealluuta. _ An AbMOluto Cure. The ORIGINAL AUIKTINB OINTMEMJ Is only put up In larao two-ounce tlu boxon , ana U an absolute euro for all sores , burnt , wounds , chapped hand * and all skla erup tions. Will positively euro all muds of piles. Ask for tno OltlOINAU AUIETINE OINT- MIC NT. Sold by Qaodmuu Drug company ul 1 cent * per box by mall 80 oonU. A QUESTION OK LAW. Attorney General IJOPSO Defines Pow er * of IMutroiinlltnii Citio.s. Withlng the past few days a question has been raised in luii city as to the authority of ihu council under the charter to pass ordi nances regulating saloons notably the passage - sago of tlio midnight closing ordinance. ' It was stated that when the legislature inn uncled the charter clothing the pollco commissioners with full power to issue liquor licenses , that by mistake all provi sions giving the city council authority to rcptilato tha liquor trafllo in metropolitan cities were stricken out. Attorney General Lceso was asked for an opinion on this pointwhich is herewith given : TUB OPINION. LINCOLN' , Nob. , March 0. To the Editor of TUB BKE : In answer to your favor ask ing if thcro is any authority" in the charter of metropolitan cities for tbo couucil to pass pollco regulations ordinances , such as clos ing saloons ui midnight I will say In my opinion there is sucii power. Section " 2 of the act creating metropolitan cities , provides that the mayor and council shall have uo-.vor to restrain , suppress and prohibit tippling shops , oto. Section 15 of thu same act provides , thu mayor and council shall have the care , man agement and control of the city , etc. , and shall have power to pass , amend or repeal any and all ordinances not repugnant to the constitution ana laws of this stato. In creating the board of llro and pollco commissioners , the power to license the sale of .Intoxicating liquors was omitted , but under the provisions of the general laws ot the state , thu power was given to issue a llconso by such board. Section L'Sof chapter CO.entitled. "Liquors , " provides , tha corporate authorities of all cities , shall huvo power to license , regulate , and prohibit the selling of any In toxicating , malt and spirituous liquors , within the limits of such city , the liuonso not to extend beyond the municipal year , and to determine the amount to bo paid for such license , not less than $1,000. There is n proviso that iu metropolitan cities the power to llconso shall bo vested In the board of llro and oolico commissioners. This , i understand , only gees to the extent of granting the license ; the power to regu late rest * with the corporate authorities , and the corporate authorities nro the same mall cities nr.a villages , i. o. , the mayor and coun cil or board of trustees , and I am ot the opinion mat the regulation of saloons , the ilxlng the amount to bo puld for a llconso , is within the power of the mayor and council , and the granting of n license to the proper poMon on a proper application is vested in the board of lire and pohco commissioners. Yours very truly , WILLIAM LUESE , Attorney General , falters of interest to all will be found m the Sunday JScc. A .Small 'It-.11 \Vroclc. . A small wreck occurred on the Union Paclllo yesterday at Mlllard , Throe cars of corn fiu train No. 23 corning east , wore thrown from the track. Very llttlo damage resulted. The derrick crow was sent out , nnd within n hour all the derailed cars had been lifted buck Into place , and thu track was cleared and the train proceeded on its way. A misplaced switch caused the uccl- aent. Dr.Birnoy.praoticolimlted to catarrti- al diseases of nose and throat. Boo bldg , Mrs. Snrti O. MoYlttlo. Mrs. Sara C. MoVlttio , who died Thursday morning at her homo at Thirtieth nnd Mapla streets , had been u resident of Omaha for many .years and wns widely known and cs. teemed , osDCclally by the earlier settlers of the city. Her Illness was of short durat.ou and Its fatal etinractci was not suspected un til nhortly before the and camo. She was the \v'iu of James McVHtlo. who survives her , and the mother of W. A. Itunkles , of THE UEE , 1C. W. Uunklos , of the Western newspaper union , and Mrs. A , W. Dickerson , of Atlantic , la. The latter arrived Thursday ovonlnir. Funeral services will bo hold at the Into residence Saturday morning at llo'clock , Hor. Dr. Harsba , of tbo Fir it i'rcsbytoriaa church , ofllciatmg. Interment will bo at Piospect Hill cemetery. Not Ono In Ten of the people ) you meet from day to day has perfectly pure , healthy bloo'd. The hereditary scrofulous taint nllliots the large majority of people , while many others acquire diseases from impure , improper food and wrong indulgences. Ileiico the imperative necessity for a reliable blood purifier like Hood's Sar- sapanlla , which oridicntos every im purity , and gives to tlio blood vitality und health. it euros scrofula , salt rheum , humors , boils , pimples , and all other affections caused by impurities or poisonous germs in the blood. All that is asked for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it bo given a fair trial. 7 ? < ? < Z the Suntluy Ji'c ' for all important loud itiul tclcyrapliie news. Deceived anil Itnubcd. Thcro were six burlv laborers and ono woman with set tooth nnd glaring eyes in the ofllco of the Albright labor agency Thursday evening. They had paid in ? 10 each for' ' tronsporata- tlon to Milford. Utah , wboro they had boon ' promised employment on the rallroa'd Al bright was out of the city it seems and the money was paid over to a now clerk named Frank Cone. As soon i's ' thu latter tor got tno money ho made an cxcuso to the laborers that ho had to co down to clio railroad ticket olllco and secure the transportation , but would return shortly. The men waited for over an hour before they suspected anything wrong nnd then they discovered that they had been robbod. Co no had skipped for parts unknown with S115 of their hard < oarncd rash. Another labor agent took the matter In hands , nnd secured the transportation for BOVOII people. Albright was wlrou und the police uotilled. A Hold Assertion. Davy Coykcndnll , Tlocla , S. D. , says Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy is the best mudicina ho over handled , As ho Iteops over twenty diUoronl medicines for coughs and colds in stock at his drug store iu Ilccla , this is ubold asser tion , but is undoubtedly true. finca to Hastings. The United States circuit nnd district caurta will convene ut Hastings on Monday next , and Judge Dundy. United States Cam- minstoner Dundy , District Clerk Frank , and the deputy United States marshals will leave for that city on Monday morning to attend to any onlcial alTutrs that may need attention. Persona having any business before the court In that section of the state can bu ac commodated on that date. ' Cnlirbrnln Cat-M-Curo. 1\\o \ \ only guaranteed cure for catarrh , cold In the head , hay foyer , rose cold , cntarrlml ucatncss nnd sere oyos. Hestoro the sense of tasta and unpleasant breath , ro mltlng from catarrh , ICasy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a euro Is warranted by all druggists. Send for circular to MKDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cat , Six months' treatment ford ; sent by null , ft , 10. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. Tlio Pcoplo'H Cliuroli. The People's church ia doing well. Many worship with the congregation at IJoyd's opera house who would not go to divlno sor- vlco anywhere also. Many young mun are found In tbo concrogatlon. Mr. Franklin Smith's chorus is becoming Justly colobrut- od. Oil Sabbath the pastor , Key. Charles W. Savidge , will proaoh on "Laughter" In the morning ; In tlio evening lie will deliver his noted sermon on "Marriage. " The Omaha Commercial college has promised to furnish six young man to act as ush . Pears' soap is tbo most elegant toilet adjunct. The ladles aw not foryotten thaj ul iiiiic/t / of spcclul intcrtsl to them in the Sunday Uce , ( Jl.OSE THE GAP. A Rend Whicli Would ho of Advnn- tniif to Onialin. The real estate exchange entertained a delegation of citizens from Niobrar.i yostor- duy. The latter came to ask the co-operation of the exchange and the business men of Omaha in a railway project. The committee consisted of S. Draper , banker : II. E. Hoao- s tccl. merchant : Frank Nelson , county clerk ; John Lcvger , merchant , and Sanford Horton , civil engineer. After the business of the meeting Mr. Draper was introduced by President Hartman - man and explained the object of his mission , The Norfolk brunch of the Elkhorn road , Mr. Drupor showedruns to Verdigris. From this point to Niobrara. a distance of twclvo miles , a road bed has boon graded und could bo equipped for opnration at nn oxtionso of about ? rr ,000. This would give Omaha direct communication with Niobrnrn and the now country just opened in the Sioux reservation. It would also furnish Omaha connection at Niobrara with tno Milwaukee line to the Jim river valley. The managers of the Elkhorn line have rofuscd to close the gap between Verdigris and Niobrara on ac count , they say , of the feeling that exists in Nebraska against thu railroads. The Nio brara people wanted the real estate and business men of Omaha to join them in urg ing upon iho Hlkhorn manngurnont the ne cessity of extending the line to Niobrara If this extension slio'Mi bo made , Omaha would get a largo trade that now goes to Sioux City over the Milwaukee via Scotia , Dakota. President Hurtman announced that the matter would bo referred to the railroad committee of the exchange and that the board of trade und business men generally would bo asked to join in an effort to induce tlio Blkhoru people to build the proposed lino. lino.Mr. Mr. H. Fowler , n member of the Chicago board of trade und president of the Fowler elevator company of Omaha , was n visitor at the oxchnnto meeting , ilo was called upon by President Hnrtman and expressed his pleasure at mooting the members of such a well-organized body as the exchange. Ho said ho was more than well satisfied with the results of his business venture iu Omaha nnd was hero to arrange for nn enlargement of his nroscnl business establishment. The following resolutions wore reported to the exchange and adopted : Whereas , The Omaha real citato exchange appreciates the value to the commercial lu- torcsts of this city ot thu extension of the Nlabrnru branch of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad to Niobrara , bo it Hcsolvcd , That ! the exchange , In thu nnmn of the people of Oni.il-.t , request of the olll- corx of that road that oyor.ythlng bo donu to further the construction thereof at us early u date ns may bo possible. Whereas , The citizens of Niobrara have appointed a committee of cltizoas to confer ' and work with tno Omaha roul estate ex change for nn extension of the Klkhorn Val ley railroad from .Verdigris to Niobrara , and Whereas , The construction of the twelve miles of road would bo of great value to this community In opening up to our merchants a largo trufllc , bo it Hosolvcd , That the Omaha real estate ex change heartily endorse and co-opurato with the committee In such action us they may deem best , nnd Hcsolvcd , Tlmt.-thls exchange request the Omaha Doard of trade to appoint a commit tee of representative business i\ion \ of the city anu South Omaha to confer with the of- llclnls of said road , In conjunction with the Hon. Mr. Draper's coinuilttoo. Tested by T inc. For bronchial nlToc- ttonscousinotc.Hro\vn's Hronchlnl Trachea hnvo proved their cfllcacy by a test of many yoars. Prlco 25 coins. Must Appoint Another. William Gurle.y , who was notified by tol- rgraph on Thursday that ho had been ap pointed deputy United Status district attor ney to succeed Hoburt Patrick , says that ho will not accept the position. \ fo HUH a Pnln. Shellenburger created a slight ripple of ox- clteinent at the city jail at about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon by giving a low cry of pain and calling for a physician. Whllo the city uiedlcus was t > clug sent for tbo prisoner exclaimed , "O , It's nothing serious , but It hurts me like tbo devil. " A few uiuutoi 1 afterward lr. Gapin arrived , and nftor attending the suspect oamo from tils col ! with a bltt smile on his faca and remarked : "ShollenberKor was probably quito riifht ; 'it1 must have hurt him mighty bad , but 'it' wont kill him not by a long ways. " OMAHA'S imiSATUINO Sl'OTd. Tlio I'nrlc Commission Preparlne to Develop uiitl KmbclllHli Them. The park commission met ycsterdny after noon at the headquarters In the Paxton block. A letter was road from Mr. H. W. S. Cleveland , thu landscape gardener cmpl ayed by tlio commissioners , In which ho stated no would bo hero on .March 15 with the per fected plan for the re-platting of Hanscom park. Ho will also draw plans for the now LeaveD worth and Bolt line parks. The following communication from the committee on designation concerning LSomis park was read : "Your committee to whom was referred the question of thu proper treatment of Uomls park beg leave to report that they have care fully examined the grounds , and do recom mend that said park bo llllcd to very nearly the level of Cuming street , leaving a gcntio alopo toward the centra from all directions save the east end , which is the natural watershed of the land. WaJbeliovo that the ground is now so low wnd so dominated by the surrounding land that Its value as a park Is next to nothing , while the raising of It an proposed will glvo the city a beautiful park of about llvo acres in a most eligible and central place. Wo think of no objection tu the proposed treatment except the cost thereof , and wo beliovu that tbo greatly increased beauty and utility of the park would justify the expense. "Its treatment as originally proposed no- cos<ntcs about half ns much titling , whluh. whun done , loaves thu p.irk In sucti condi tion that nu imlolinito oxpcnso ( perhaps equal to the cost of the proposed plan ) will huvo to bo Incurred before it could bo inudo attractive. "And your committee do further recom mend that thu nccosnary stops bo taken to buy or condemn block cloven of Bomls 1'ark addition , including ton lots. The acquisi tion ot these lots by the city would about double the size of the park , would glvo a frontage of SOU feet on Cumlng street , and whoa treated ns above pro posed would make a beautiful park ot no mean size ( about ton acres ) , HO contra ! and so easily accessible that wo believe the ben- Ills would warrant the cost. " This was signed by Augustus Pratt , Al fred Mlllard and George 11. Lulio , and the report was adopted , Air , O. II. Howes reported to the board that ho had mndo an approximate estimate and found that It would require 114,000 cublu yards of earth to 1111 Uomls park to a grade that would loavu the lots between the park and Cuining street on a good grade fronting north. The matter concerning the removal of the house , barn and dancing platform in linn- scorn park was deferred until thu next meeting. No spirits or fusil oil maku tha boquot of Cook's extra dry chuinpagno. It's thu pure julco of Urn grape , Gnrlmconmn lluiiuoti'ri Troubles. Garbagoman Bennett hud Henry Coombs and John Walburu arrested again yesterday on the same ch'argo as before , that oC violating lating the or'dmanco pertaining to the ofllco of garbage master. Coombs and Walburu were tried and acquitted on this charge only two days ago. Honnutt Is the real prosecutor iu thltt case , although tliu city has to foot the bills for costs , The defendants Iniuodiatuly gave bonds for their appearance. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. I When Baby iraa olcir , wo gnro her C&Btorta. VHiou tbe wu a Guild , nlie cri J for C&otorla , When aha became Uln , the clunc Vi CturlorU , \Vb7D \ she hatf Colldrco , oho g Te thooi C&rtorU HOUSEHOLD WORDS ALL OVER EUROPE. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Now that its manufacturers are drawing the attention of the American public to thisjirsf and.ever since its invention , the fast of all cocoasit , will soon be appreciated here as well as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manufactur ers request is simply one trlnl , pr , still better , a compara tive test with whatever other cocoa it may be ; then VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA itself will convince every one of its great superiority. It is because of this superiority that the English paper Health , says : "Once tried , always used. " Kr'ro avoid the evil etloctiiol Ten and OofToo.uno constantly VAN HOUl'KN'S COCOA , MliIclii BTlUCNOTIliNiilofthoNRRViHondarefrohnKnndnourUhliiKl ; : ! > overoio. Instantly stops tlio moil rxcrnclutlnK pains : never fulH to Rlvo aaio to the suircrer. For 1'AINt ? , IIUUISKB , HACKACIli : . CONOlJsTIONS , JNfAMMATlONS. ltlliUJI.VT3M ; [ NKUItAl.OJA , rJCIATIUA.iliAnA : 'lli : , TOOTHAUlia or any otlior I'AIN , u fo\v iitipllwtlona ara llku iniiKlc , causing tiio pain tu liihtnntly fiton. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. InternMly tiikon In doses o from thirty to sixty drom In Imir a tumolur of. wntor will euro In few minutes Crump Bpiisms , Sour Sloiniicli , Colic , Flatiilenro , Hturtluiin. Colorn Morljm. Dysun try , rJlnrrlinin , Sick llundiicUe , Nnusoi. VomUlnif. NervomnecH , BlBoploisnuas , Mulart.i , and al- Intornnl pains arlalnc fiom clmnto ofllet or wuter or other cuusea. 50 Contrt n llottle. Bold Iiy ' Symptoms of Torpid Liver. Toss of nppplUo and ni.Mirai tlio bowpld ntocoHtlid , hut HniiiDtlnifi 'tllruiato nllll JoDscncumir tllurilurai pain Iu thu hvail , no- cnnipnnluil A\lth iv dull , lirarj * H'lunllim In tliulmrk ] iiirtj imln In ilin lighthlilouiuHiu- d r shoul'lcr liliiiln ) fullness alter cntlii - , ivllli a illsliu'liiiiitlnii In L > xi'rtloii of hitily or inliiilllrrltuhllltyof tniiiiicr.lnwiilrlliiloM | ; ornK'iiiurj'.irUliitfciilliieolliiivliiKiK'Klnct- cilsumo duty ; KiMicntl nrnrlcicst llllcl debili ty. If thruil lllMf , " m < > unheeded , MTloiu < llHOil e > i K III mxin lie duveliiiied. No hi-ttor 1-eiiMidy can tin u eil tlmuTilll' rllln. A kln > Hloilmi ) IirinlneoHNiieli u elninio of fcullug iw often to imtonlBh ( lie KUlluiur. Tntt's Liver Pills Cnro Bilious Disoases. Prlco , 25o. Olllco , 39 & 41 Park Place , N. Y. INCOMPAKAMM ! IN FLAVOR. Use It for Hcot Tea , t-'oups , SnuccB , ( Game , 1 ibli , &c , , } Aspio or Mcut Jolty. Ono pound of fi tract of Icof ! equal id furtr pounds ol ICHII bvuf , Uuniiiitu only with Nl < ; nnturn oT J , vuu aa Mhowu iiliuvc , In blue. [ TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES j /unJrcJlo/rAot.im.liHBtjrry Ono. u . . . \ < n „ - QT. fmsf sFvmjL. 3 Orentllf Improved ! Uii ingiDKTb clife on on 1 gtulci. EnBloitrldInK r Wiiiii. ( ' KpilngilunutU- g u nd bert u according to 111 * weUtit imt on them , " 5 Adtpted wjutllr ll to roURh country or line "olti drives.VUlgi' a ueit taturnotlon. ERRORS OF YOUTH , i SUFFOIKUS FllOM INermiK IMilllly , I/ , ViMillifnl Indlicrelluiii , r"w Iioit Manhood. Do Your Own Physician Ij Many men , from the clT ct of youthful Imprudence , have hi nuuht about nitftto uf wiaknc that liai mimed Ihu Kent-mi } loin to much an to Induce almost eveiy other dlftiaae , and the iral rauso of tlm troubta ncarculy over bohnrimiiieclnl , lluy uro diKlun-d for cverjll.liiK liut the rluht ono. Nutwlthstandltiit tlu ) many valnatilo renmllcl tliAtmtHllcal clt ncoltut product d f or HID rrlluf of tht CI.-UK ot jialltnU. none of tht * ordinary inodca of tcalmtnt ) iircctu euro. During our itt'iulvo college mid lion- | > lal ( iiracllcovro Itavo cxiwrlmfnttil Hlih anil dlitcovrred new nnd conctntratt'd rcinu- dies. Tha acuonnxinylnir | ui > icrlptlon li of fered AI a ri-rlnln nnd ucnly cure , ai nundredtof case * In our iuuilioiiav ltu l rvilorvcl to | * rri < t luallli liv lt u > tutor all other remnllviirallwl. Itirfictlyiiiiralii. prodlcnti nm > t bo u.fd In thu | irt' | < arulluu f IhU prfucrlptlon. II Fry tin oiyjon cocn , 1 2 ilracuni , Jci-ubrhln , I 9 drnclim. llclonUn Plolcn , 1 Idroclim , > t. ItfimllH ) nmrnialcohollct ( ) er ln > Dit , Ivptiindra , lBiru'le < . UlyriTlno. ci ' > " ' kuGOplll1akolpUIat3m | , aiidmi- oi her on itolnir tolml. I n emu caws It will lo nix-rHury for the patlLiil to take | wo I'llta at liodllino , maklnir ( ho number thn u a Hay. 1 hit lemndrUiidaptiMl toewry condition uf rvou diillllruuilwvakneanliicltlur [ > cl , ami fcrxtlally In heM cajica reimUlntt from i lni | > rudi'iico. Tlia ii'cujicratlro iiowira of ri-itorutlro aru t iiily aitonUhrnir.and ( to ! ujicuntlniirilfiir DHiort tlmochanuti Ihu . _ . -.d , dfhllltiitiil.nfrvtlcMCOiidmoii Iu I i onuofii'iioovil llfo and rlitor. i ; Aiweitiocoimtjinllirliirucclptonetlenpf ! > lniiilry | nlntlro tu thl > icini-dywn uoulil j f t\y tothoiMiwhowoulit prefrrtoolttalnltoc < in. by remitIIIK ! SI an-curt'ly walnl park. ; no ronlalnlni ; CO pllli , carvfully com- < . iiounded Jll bo vent by return moll from , ' uur private laboratory , or we vtlllfurnlih > ; [ Mickauiii , which III euro uio t caMi , fur J" AdJreM or call oil How England Medical Institute , SI Trtmnut How , Doilon , .Mai , ' \Vftf \ Copyright , IMS. by V. II. Ilium. You can double your money in six months by buying one of these choice lots in West Portland Parks SHOREY , HALL & CO , AbnliiL'tou liiitldiiit ; , Portland , Or , ' NEQSCUK ebtirrii' > irMr WI I I TU wSii IA CUIHIONI "kl.p. . . fcm4 JI.IU.llj. Ctuto mtJI rut. lllu.ltll.J Uok *