r 0 - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY , MARCH 8 , 1890. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OKMOK. NO. lii I'BAKli BTIU5ET. rcllured by cturlcr In nny part of the City. IMV.mTON MANAOElt TKLKPHONKSt Hrsjj rsOFrirr. No. < 3. Itir.r.7 lli.iTOit. xn. z ) . MINUIt MI3NTION. N. Y. P. Co. Council BlnlTs Lumber Co. , coal Thatcher coal , 114 Mnlo street. Spritifi good , Keltor , tailor , 310 B'way. Carbon Coal Co. wholesale , retail , 10 1'oarl The Vesper Literary aoclcty moots this ovcn'ng In the 1'ross club rooms at 8 o'clock harp. Jnmcs n. Boulton and Mtnorvn Albright. both of Ilnrilin township , tmvo boon li censed to wed. The funeral services of Urn late Judge Samuel Clinton will be conducted by Kov. O. W. Crofts , assisted by Uov. T. J. Mnckny. The LadlcV Aid society of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal church , corner Twenty- tlfth street and nvonuo 11 , gave a supper last ovonlntf which wus qulto a success. There Is to bo a meeting of the Har aiio- cmtlou this morning to arrange lor the funeral of Judge Clinton. Ho was ono of the oldest members of the bar In this city. Arrangements nro made for a series of npcclnl rcjvlval services to bourn Sunday at the First HuotUt church , under the leader ship of Hcv. f. L. Patterson of Minnesota. Hill A : Young have commenced replevin proceeding * to recover the furniture sol/ed by Cotntablo Cox at the Cotitral house some tlino ago. They hold a mortgage on the KOOUS. The school board will hold n meeting at 8 o'clock Monday morning to approve the registration books , This h rundi-red necos- sar.v by the failure to sccuro a quorum of the board at any of the called meetings. A meter nas been placed In the police sta tion to show whether the arc lights through out the city nro giving the proper Borvico. The lights on the circuit uro thoao in the northern part of the city. The chiipol recently erected by the Bap tists ut the corner of Twenty ninth street nnd Avenue C , Is no.irly completed and will bo dedicated on the 23d of the prcRont month , nt which tlmo nnprosalvo services will bo held. The Sunday School Echo is the name of a llttlo monthly xvhich makes Iti Ilrst nppoar- nnco this month. It is devoted to the inter ests of the Sunday schools of 1'ottawattamlo county , and w published by" Joseph Wells , the local missionary. II. Lyon was before Judgn Avlcswortu yesterday morning for drunkenness. Ho was booked for forgery when arrested , but that charge was removed. Lyon's wife re ceived a draft for $ -5 , and ho endorsed It to get It cashed , after which ho wcnton a spree nod spent all the money. His wife visited the bank and ratified the endorsement , or Lyon would tmvo gone ever the road , The court fined him for intoxication and advised him to swear oft or ho might got In a ilx whuro his wlfo could not keep him out of the penitentiary. As ttio money was all gone , Lyon is boarding out his line at tbo city Jail , Go to Cully's for boys' shirt waists , 32S Broadway. I Wo have just received n Inreo envoice of embroideries. Particulars next week. Cully's 823 IJroadway. Personal I'nrnirrniihs. A. J. Dyer , ox-captbin of police , who was obliged on account of his wifo'a health to rn- move from the HlulTs several months ago , arrived hero yesterday for a short visit. Mrs , Dyer has entirely recovered her health nnd they will return to this city to reside. Mrs. J.V. . Johnson Is in DCS Molncs on a iveolt's visit with relatives and friends. Miss Cornelia Thomas of Falls Citv , Nob. , is In the city , the guest of Miss Fannie Uov- nolda of Sixth nvonuo. She will remain hero Until after Knstor Sunday. Miss Alice Abel , who has been visiting her cousin , Miss Corn Smith of Prospect street , loft Thursday evening for her homo near Hooper , Neb. , accompanied by Miss Smith. Miss May F. Clark , daughter of F. C. Clark , 'who has been in Idaho teaching school , will return homo before Easter. Mrs. S. Masher of Hamburg , N. Y. is a guest of the family of II. C. lieouo. Mrs. Laura Vioroy has returned from a visit to Croston. Mr.T. . 1) . Louis is in the east on a pur chasing tour. William Blood , an account of whoso arrest has previously appeared in these columns , returned to the Bluffs yesterday. Ho was arraigned at Abnrueon , S. I ) . , for ombe/7le- ment , but was released on ball. Tbo water runs when Ulxby plumbs. - J , U , Tipton , real estate , 537 Uroadway. Snvo 60 per cent on tombstones and menu ments. Dcsicn sheet iina price list fr3o. L. Kclloy , 203 Broadway , Council Bluffs. The Olul ) Honmi Vncatod. The last vostlgo of the Council Bluffs Business Men's club has disappeared. Of this organization much has been written , but f all accounts are true Its unwritten history grnatly preponderates over what has thus far l oo > \ made public. Many unfavorable stories aio told by the ox-members and they rejoice that the club has nt last succumbed to what they believe to bo the inevitable re sult of rank mlamnnagomcnt , Some of them wish , that it had "died a-borniu1 , " but the fact that it did not docs not prevent the ex- hlbltion of more or less hilarity over its final demise. There were a few members , however - over , who stayed by it to the last , and they sighed regretfully when they saw the furnl- turo ro'iovod Thursday afternoon , and taken over the river. The furniture and all tbo property of the club was sold to the Omaha Wheel club for * 500 , and now graces the establishment of that organization. "It makes mo sere to see that stuff go , " remarked - marked a member who witnessed the ro- moviil of the property. "It cost us over $ JBOO , and now It gous for a song. Tba car pets nnd draperies cost ever JSOO , and it seems to mo that wo ought to tmvo realized considerably more out of iho salo. " "Who gets the inonoy that comes in ! " "Tho creditors gobble every cent of It , nnd there ain't enough of It to go around. Wo ain't out of debt yet , nnd I supuoso wo will have to go down In our pockets to dig up enough to make the account balance , " The disconsolate club man ovulnntly felt bad and ho refused to talk any tnoro about the matter. _ _ Dr. H. S. West , porcelain crown and bndgo work , No , 12 Pearl , For sale , on account of sickness , J. Dickey's general merchandise stock , located on Broadway , Council Bluffs , will oo sold ut u discount for cash or tradu for good untn- cumbercd city or Omaha property. Adaress Duquette & Co. , Council BlulTd. Wo want you to list your rental property with ua and wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. Honta collected and special niton- tion given to care of prooorty. li. II , Sboafo & Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. FrnuclH .Murphy Tonlclit. Saturday evening ( tonight ) , Francis Mur phy will lecture to Good Templars. All members of the order are requested to bo present. Special seats will bo reserved for all who como. Members of Council Bluffs and Overtoil lodges will bo furnishoa with badges at the door , J , it , HULL. A. B. MAX , O. W. DuLoN-o , Committee , Gnptnln Hiuln'H Ai > polntmniit. Cuptam B. W. Hlght received notice yes terday that hlj appointment by the president as census commissioner for the western Iowa district had been confirmed by the sonata aud thut his commission would bo forwarded by mall at otu-o. The appointment U a very responsible ono and has boon worthily bo- itowod , The territory comprises twenty-six counties In the eoutDwcitera corner of the state nnd embraces tbo Seventh , Eighth and Ninth congressional districts with the excep tion of Storv county In the Seventh. It takes the line of counties from Harrison to Polk and thence south to Urn Missouri line , Tho'o will bo over AQ ) supervisors and enumerators to appoint , but no appointments will bo definitely made until the specific In structions governing them have bcon rccoivcd from the census bureau. There have bcon some changes In the law and some additional statistic * will be requrlod to bo obtained by the enumerators. The work must nil bo done In the month of Juno and will begin on Juno ! i. _ Don't ' buy any dress goods until you have scon Cully's , 373 Broadway. A complete stock of gents' furnishing goods at Cully's ' , 023 Broadway. Spcslal prices on ladles' muslin under wear all next week at Cully's , 323 Broad way. _ . t - - - - - Best storage rooms , J. R , Snydor. Prcnchor llolmiak'fl Trial. Another batch of Interesting testimony was Introduced yesterday in the trial of Kov. Mr. Holinlck , charged with the murder of Ed Palmer. The testimony was In behalf of thodcfonso , and greatly strengthened Us theory that the conspiracy against Holmt clt was the outgrowth of the minister's opposi tion to the saloons tnoro than the result ; of personal fooling on the part of Palmar. The evldonca of flioso witnesses was to the effect that numoruu * throats had been uttered against Helmick as the result of the division In Ncola In regard to the enforce ment of the prohibitory law ; that these throats worn communicated to Ilolmlck , and ho was warned by his friends to look out or .hero would bo another Haddock uaso ; that the ga-ig who attacked him at his house were not there for the purpose inoroly of throwIng - Ing eggs , but th.it they were armed with deadly weapons. Mrs. Tabor was the first witness whoso testimony was in any way sensational. She lived over the store where her husband kept a restaurant , and there was 'an outsldo stairway to the building. On Sunday night about 12 o'clock she was sitting nt the door way , with only a screen door between her nnd the top of the stairway. Two men carne along , nnd coming hnlf way up the stairway , sat down , and heir1 ig themselves frequently to a flask of whisky , proceeded to talk over n scheme for "doing up Helmick. " They said they were going to "help Ed do a bet tor job than ho had done the ( Saturday ) evening before. " They were going to way lay HeiaiicK when Ills wife and children were away from homo , so that "they wouldn't raise any howl. " They said they wore going to boat him almost to death. On cross-examination she admitted that she could not tell who thoss two men woro. She found their whisky flash on the stops the next morning. She was a member of Mr. Holmick's church. Her husband used to keep a restaurant , but since the shooting ho had boon running a suloon. Her husband bad not been prosecuted for selling liquors. Mr. Osborno was tbo next witness. Ho was engaged in Witt's store on the morning of the Monday on the night of which day Palmer was shot. Palmer came into the store and began bragging about having been concerned the preceding Saturday night in egging Helmick. Palmer said that Satur day Jilcht ho stood ut the corner of Hel- micK's house with n plccu of iron casting in his hand , so that if Holinlck tackled any of the boys ho was going to puralyzo him. Os berne expostulated with him , nnd told him this was dangerous business , but Palmer said , "Wo'ro going to do up the jtist the same. " Ho further said , "Wo didn't get s itlsfoctlon Saturday night , acd so wo'ro going back tonight. " The prosecution dropped this witness without a single cross question. J. H. Crup wus next called. Sweeney , ono of the egg-throwing crowd , was at work for him. Ho talked with him about this matter , and urged him not to nngatro in it as it wus uot right , and wus dangerous , too. Swoonoy said that Sells ( who was then city marshal ) would tuko euro of the boys , and that a number of the prominent citizens of Neola would like to sea the job dono. Ho mentioned no names but that of Sells. County Attorney Organ protested against the dragging In of the name of Soils , who was now deau , and unable therefore to deny such statements. Dan Austin swore that ho had a talk with Palmer the day of the shooting. Palmer was at work for htm , and uslcod where ho could get some rotten eggs. From some words aroppod by Palmer ho concluded that Palmer had been engaged in the egg-throw ing the previous Saturday night. Ho charged him with It , and Palmer admitted it , further declaring that ho was going again that night , or some night very soon. Ho said that on Saturday night ho stood at the corner of the house and when Holmick cumo out ho picked up u piece of barrel or a board and struck the house with it , scaring Hol mick and making him run. Ed Vickory testified that ho was the next door neighbor to Holinlck. Ho had heard numerous threats against Holmick and had told Helmiclc to look out for himself. On several occasions before the shooting he had escorted Holmick homo , the two walking in the middle of. the street so that they could bettor ward oft any attack. Mr. White , an elderly gentleman , had hoard two men , Lawrence and Beggarly , talking on the street and Baying thut If Hcl- inL'k uept on interfering in their business there .would bo another Haddock case in Neola. Ho told Mr. Holmick nnd advised him to look out and to take to the middle ot the ronu when going homo after dark. On cross-examination ho testified that Lawrence was not In the saloon business , but run a batcher shop. Ho hollovcd Heg- g.irty was a saloon keeper. Ho did not know when ho had kept n saloon , and while .ho told Helmick that thcso threats wcra made becaUHO of the shutting up of saloons , ho did not hoar either of t ese men say the word "saloon , " Tbo threats us hoard were made a year or two before the shooting. Mr. Pruitt testified that Palmer had fre quently said that ho would fix Helmick aud "do him up. " Mr. Brulngton , ronortor of th ? district court , was Introduced to show that some of the baseball clubs of Noolu had expressed throats against Helmick. The nearest ho could swear to it was that they were talking about some preacher , but Iho nauio could not bo recalled by him. C. T. Lovolund testified that during the two years previous to the shooting ho had hoard numerous throats against Holinlck and had told Holmick about them. Ho hud ad vised Holmick to go prepared. J , L. Osborno tried to testify as to a con versation had with Holmick on the Sunday previous to the shooting , but got ruled out by objections on the part of tbo state. Father Schlffmaehor , a Catholio priest at Neola , who has shown much friendliness to tbo defendant in this affair , testified us to Helmick's character. H. T. Lovoll had heard numerous throats nnd had told Holinlck to look out for him self , for ho would got hurt when ho was not looking far it. J. W. Hamilton testified to throats made by Palmer. Ho told Helmick that ho had bettor take euro or ho would got hurt. The night of the shooting was very dark. tionr.v Butler swore that last summer ho hoard Holinlck and Palmer having a wordy controversy on the street. Holmlclc declined Palmer's invitation to a fight , and no blows were struck. James Hunter had hcartl Palmer make threats that ho would get oven with Hel mick , and would do him up If ho got a chance. Ho also testified as to the night of the shooting being very dark. Lloyd Smith had heard John Lawrence say that Holmlek had bettor bo uaroful or they would make another Haddock of him. Smith told Holmlok about this , though not till nearly a your aftur ho heard it , and about n month before the shooting. Nathan Crlssuiun was next called , do married Palmer's lister , and was tbo ono who wrote a note to Holmick urging him to advlso the Porter family of Palmer's bad character , and help break off the expected engagement of Palmer to Miss Portor. Palmer came to see the witness about this letter , and at that time was armed with n revolver. The letter was offered In evidence , but the Judge held the proffer undur advisement. Mr. Portnr , Hying near Ncola , testified as tothioaU totha effeci. that if Helmick did not lii-oii his d d mouth shutthoro would bo another Haddock. Ho told Holulck , and advised him to go prepared. The night of the shooting was HO dark that ono could not sou a man live foot away. On cross-oxauiln- atlon ho admitted that ho had not heard the threats directly , but they had been told him by gibers. FROM THE STATE CAPITAL , Van Wyck and Bicharda Visit the City. AN INTERESTING QUESTION. A Nut for the StateIJonnl of Trans portation to Crnok Sequel nl' ( n Runaway Capitol Items. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 7. [ Special to Tun But : . ] The Capital hotel , the best known political resort In the state , was the scene of unusual excitement last night. Ex-Senator Von Wyck and Hon. L. D. Klchards of l''ro- mont , chairman of the republican st ate cen tral committee , were conspicuous figures In Its corridors. It was talked on the streets that these distinguished gentlemen wore In the city , and small-fry politicians of moment soon danced attendance. The word had gene forth that something was up. The bearing of the gentlemen , however , Indi cated notnlngof the kind , "What's up , general I" queried Tun BKE representative approaching the cx-sonutor. "Nothing at all , " ho rospondod. "I had a llttlo private business to look after and dropped into the city without any not'cc. ' " "Your happening hero with Chairman Klchards Is a political accident , then I" "Certainly. I disliked coming up on the morning train nnd took the oycnlng train that I might otijoy my usual rest. " "Your visit has nothing to do with politics , then ! " "Not nt all. not at nil. I will say , however , that I would bo pleased to see an honest , con sistent administration of affairs , n state hoard of transportation and a state legislature that would do something that would materially benefit iho great mass of the people of the stato. I would like tn eco local Interests looked after us they should bo during the coming year. It should bo remembered for once that thcro uro no grave national Inter ests nt stake In which wo as ft people or u state can take a part with any assurance that wo can accomplish anything. Local Interests should bo clearly defined und the coming fight should bo on the line of state control of corporations. Lot the people have an oppor tunity to suy whether or not the state should rule the corporations or the corporations tha stato. I have faith in the people and they will assert thomsclvus If a job is not put up on them at the primaries. " Mr. Htchards was non-committal as to the object of his visit. The opinion prevails throughout the capi tal , however , that ho is after the governor ship , and that Ills-visit at this time had solely to do with his canvass. AN IMPOHTAST QUEUY. Stephens Brothers of Ellis , Gage county , live stock , coal and lumber dealers , query the state board of transportation as follows : "Aro railroad companies obliged to fur nish their own cars , when they have plenty , to bo loaded with grain for points not on their own line of roadi For instance , wo wish to ship seven carloads of corn to Car- rolltowii , III. , ever the Hock Island , Chicago & Alton , nnd this company will not allow us to load their own cars for this point , and toll us that wo must wait until wo can get Chicago cage & Alton cars. This compels us to cancel - col a good sale and means [ quite a damage to u . Now , wo wish to know if wo can lo gaily compel the Hock Inland to furnish their own oars , or even foreign curs , when they hava their own on hand for such points ) " t The board of transportation reserves an swer for u day or two. SEQUEL Or A HL'XAWAY. David Duncan and Emma Snow were mar ried in this city jnlght. Hereon hangs a tale. It will bo roiTiombcred tiiat the hrido was arrested liore u few weeks ago ut the instance of her mother , who lives at Blue Springs , and sent homo. At that time she sought und had secured n place to work at Cumenrn's restaurant , but just before she became domesticated in her duties there the telegram cuina that she was a runaway ana under age. When Interrogated she admitted the charge , but stated that she loft homo be cause her mother wus too poor to provide for her and that ArohioDuncan , her husband's brother , insisted upon marrying hor. The telegram commanding Emma's arrest was sent ut hislinstgatlon. His brother , it appears , however , was muster of the girl's heart and she came hero at his instance , only to suffer the disgrace of arrest. But they bided their time , with the result stated. Archie , however , when too late , appears on the scone with affidavits to the effect that David Is only nineteen und Emma but sev enteen years of ago , whereas the records show thut tha former is twenty-one and the latter nineteen , and Archie says ho proposes to prosecute his brother for perjury. OtPITAL INTELLIGENCE. The Omaha Llvo Stock exchange has withdrawn its complaint against the rail roads of the state. It is suggested hero that discriminations have ceased to bo. The Omaha Savings and Exchange bank filed amended articles of Incorporation with tno secretary of state today. Material changes Ho In the Increase of capital stock. J. H. Danskin of Box Butte county , circu lated among stuto house officials today. Ho is the special guest of Secretary Gilchnst of the state board of transportation. Ho hopes to bo Unltod States receiver at Alliance. The American Loan & Trust company of Ashland filed amended articles of incorpora tion In the ofllco of the secretary of sluto to day. This company increases its capital stock to $ oOO,003. No other material change is made in its power as a corporation. Attorney General Leoso and Secretaries GilkUon and Gilchrlst nro at worn on the complaint to bo Hied before the inter state commerce commission ut its sit ting hero next week. It is entitled the state of Nobruska vs the Chicago , Bur lington & ( Julncy Hailroiul company , the Missouri Pnclflo Kullroud company , the Chicago cage , Hock Island & Pacific , oto. Articles Incorporating-tho Belmont Irri gating Canal and Water Power company were filed with the secretary of state today. Authorized capital stock , $25,000 , which is divided into shares of $100 oaoli. Belmont , Cheyenne county , is fixed upon as the princi pal point lor the transaction of business. Incorporutors : John Erkenbach , Arthur G. Fronoh , I. A. Cox. L. E. Dubold , F. H. Holtmun and Max Buumgartel. CITY NEWS AND NOTES. Judge Applogot of Tccumgob , after a day's visit In the city , returned homo today. The Sholdron-Consaul case Is still on trial In the district court , but it will end on the morrow. H. H. Wilson , osq. , as n non-partisan pro hibitionist , lectures at the First Christian church on next Saturday night. The Sawyer-liubbell case bus bcon de cided. Judge Field hold that usurous in terest had boon charged and decided m favor of the defendant. The case was brought to rjcover f',4UO. In view of the usury charged , the vordlct was for less than (1,700 , ttie amount legally tendered by the defendant. Frank McDonald sold his interest in the Capital hotel today to Omaha parties. Hon. E. P. lioggon is now in solo charge. The Wny They dimmed. The Gliicuffo A ; Northwestern Imvo olmngcd timo. This is the wuy ttioir trains run : The morning passenger lauvosOmuha Union 1'iiuillo ilopot ut 0:15 : every inorn- inff sumo us usual. The limited loaves dully ut1:30 : p in. and. tirrlvos at Chicago B o'clock next morning. It Is the saino popular , ele gantly equipped train , vostibulod , chair car ; diner and now sleepers , direct from Omaha , and in addition now car ries a superb sleeper for Omaha passen gers exclusively. Omaha patrons are appreciating this. The Fast Kaslorn Mail loaves Omaha at 0:15 : p.m. dally after business hours , Arrives at Chicago 1:2-3 : next afternoon. Makes good close connections with limited custom trains on all lines , or gives passengers the afternoon tn Chi cago. Korthwostorn dining cars and now sleepers on tills train. Passengers for points where "Lim ited" and "Eastern Mall" trains don't stop talco the night express ut 0:15 : p , ui. dully except Saturday. Baggage nheolcod from residences. G. T. WEST , R. H. IUTOUIU , City Pasa. Agt. Gen , Agt. City ontco 1401 Furnam at. Tele phone 601. , A CniiNcrvntlvo Censures A rtUnnt4. LONDON , March 7ip-ln [ the commons today Louis J , Jennings ( conservative ) , ijavo no tice that ho would , > mid the following to Smith's motion on the Pnrnoll reports "Tho house conduits the conduct of these who were responsible for the accusations against members of the house of complicity in murder whoa such accusations were based on forged letters. " ' This was received with opposition cheers and Justin McCarthy 'expressed Intense sat isfaction in finding a conservative thus tak ing Independent action * looking to the censur ing of Parnoll's nssai'.ui.ts , Calno ( unionist liberal ) , Hanbury ( con servative ) nnd Lord Randolph Churchill will support Jennings' motion. Negotiations Fall. LONDON , March 7. H Is stated that the Portuguese minister has failed in his ne gotiations with Salisbury for the settlement of tbo Afrlcau dlspulo and will return to Lisbon Immediately ° Haul Car/V / ) Hris/iiii / toii letter about conyrcssionul orators in the Sumhty lice. Buy nothing but those elegant palntnd flower pots nt Lund Bros. They are cheaper than plain ones used to bo. The stock of knit good ) nnd yarns saved from the lira of the Council Bluffs knit ting works will ba closed out at auction this afternoon aud evening nt No. 215 Broadway. liy Diphtheria. O. , March 7. Hon. J. C. Mc Gregor , reading clerk of the house of repre sentatives. died this morning of diphtheria. Mr. McGregor died last Friday , Immediately after the death of four children , making six deaths In the family within a llttlo over two weeks. One of the small children remaining now Is very low , together with McGregor's nged father , for whom there is llttlo hope of recovery. _ _ S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , 07 Pearl street , loan money for Lombard lav. Co. Desirable dwellings for rent at reduced prices by E. II. Sheafc & Co. , rental agents , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. S. M. Williamson soils the Standard and Domestic sowing machines. 100 Main st. Tlsza Ma PKSTH , March 7. In the diet today Tisra stated that differences existed in the cabinet regarding the naturalization of Kossuth , and if they were not settled soon he would ac quaint tha house of bis intentions. Ho denied that a ministerial crisis bad yet arisen. The Pesther Lloyd states that Tisza has offered to resign and that the emperor reserves his decision. - A full line of jellies , preserves and jams just opened. Kclley & Younkcrman. Snvo Ijlfo and Money. The gasoline stove Is moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save life and property by using the C. B. Gas and Eloctrio Light Co.'s gas stove. Drs. Woodbury have removed their donta ofllco to 101 Pearl street , upstairs. C. B. stoamdyo works , 1013 Broadway Confirmation * . WASHINGTON , March 7. The senate con firmed the following' ' , nominations today : Postmasters. South Dakota J. W. Beattlo , Mitchell. Wisconsin D. E. Welch , Buraooo ; D. C. Komington , Muuston. The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rs418 B-way. City Steam Laundry , . 4 Main. Tel. 141. The Loaders of fine watches ana Jotvelry In the city , and the place to buy the best goods ut the lowest prices is the establishment without rivals , the most reliable firm of ' C. " B. JACQCEMIN & Co. Don't forgot , the flnostcleanest , bast mar- market in tbo twin cities is Merchendorf's. ' Gillette & Freeman , decorators , 23 Pearl. The popular wall paper and decorative establishment of P. C. Miller has been reopened - opened with Mr. Miller as manager. The entire stock has been purchased by Jacob L. Jensen , and largely Increased by the addi tion of all the latest styles and designs Dy the best manufacturers. Thn old establish ment is ready for business again , a fact the public will note with interest. World's Knlr Hill. WASHINGTON , March 7. The Chicago dele gation today discussed with the house sub committee the world's fair bill. It ! & thought it will bo finished Monday. The chairman of the Chicago committee , Lyman J. Gage , today received a telegram from a number of Chicago men , representing an aggregate capital of between JoO.000,000 and $75,000,000 , saying : "Wo wish you continued success in Washington. Wo will stand by you and the committee in ovcr.v way. Chicago will now as In the past prove equal to any emergency. You can count on our hearty support. " CURES PERMANENTLY Horse and Cattle Diseases. Tor General Use. The Arms' Palace and Stock Cur Co. , Toledo , Ohio , June , 1883. Wo cheerfully recommend St. Jacobs 01 | as the best for general use on ttnck. H. ARMS i CO. Cold , Swelled Limb * , Inflammation. NcponsctHl.Mny21,18W. My mnro caught cold ; result : > wcllc < ] limbs , Inrr.p between Cure-legs and fnflaiuniiu tlon. Cured her with St. Jacobs Oil. 1 0. GARDNER. AT fnrGOi3T3 AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO. . Baltimore , Md. M.W.Coa , ISrH&DODot SIS. OMAHA , HEB , tOU Ilia THHiTHIKT Olf ALL APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. iTrcatmaat of y ry form of Buiu * reau URDICAL or BUROIOAL inBATMETT. NINKTY ROOWIoffOK PATIKNY8. Boud tAtUndmm. B it'Ao ominoiUtIoni In Wcit. 07\7UITB FOH OIHTOLAUaoa S < formlU i riotTnjuii.OUbl' .OuT tur , ore ' DISEASES OF WOMEN . . \n a tin LITO.T IDDHD i LToro.ii DEriRnsnrua WOIU Dl'KMUOOlmiJIIIT. ( ITIlCTtT JIIVATF.I Only IKlkbli H U U InitltuU m tl5 Bj ttliltr o ( UUUii III MftlHl . [ , . HirT.tlCltMitflaip io 7,8/L. Elji UU.I ui T rf.txlL ltk > < U lilt. J-ttttit ojiliiA jaamoAi , & aujJoioAi. IM BTIXUTJ lltb ai Ootlco BUiitt , OMAHA , " * ' BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THEY ARE WORTHLESS. Jr. A. M. PONDS : EXTRACT Cameron , Mo.t I hau > long WILL CURE YOUR known Its value In bleeding piles. ItUtho ATAR prlnca of remedies In all forms of hemorrhoids , espe cially UIOKO attended with bleed ing. " Mr ? . I'.M.MA HIM , , Imllntuipolls , AS IT CURED THIS MAN'S. Intl. : " I have siifTcml so Intensely ( from piles ) thnt I Imvo wanted loi.-ommlt " I linro been n constant sufferer for years ( from about November suicide , but , tlmnlis to your medicine , I am Ut until the following Juno ) from [ torero coliU In my head nnd cured , sound and well and l , only use < two CO-cent thnmt ; It : fact , the whole mucous tissue from the note , down to ' andlncludliiK the bronchial tubes , was moro or loss affected. U bottles of Pond's Extract , aud ono box of Pond's wnsfastdovcloplnirlutoCHKONlC CATAllllH. Ilmd tried Kxtiuct Ointment. " raostlinown remedies nnd wns finally persuaded last March to uj POND'S liXTHAOT. I snuffed It up tny nose nnd Inlmlod It ; gurgled my throat with It nndswnllowcd It. It relieved mo wonderfully and 1ms effected nlinost n radical cure. WHY ENDURE THE AGONY OF I Imvo used It for burn * , bruises , nud sprain * , nnd bcllovolt Invalunblo In such ciuses. I Iwllevo uUo that no family should bo.with out It In the house , fcclluif ngldotlmtltcomprlsca S nwholoPlmrraaco. WHEN YOU CAN BE CURED BY ptclii wlttiln It- 1'INCK. SEE LANDSCAPE TRADE-MARK ON BUFF WRAPPER. * < % are'making such low will save you money. No prices and faivorable dealer in vehicles sho-aid terms that their competitors - buy until lie has Brad- petitors make the ' ley's catalogue , prices above assertion. and terms. - OO.A-1-i. The following testimonials fiom largo consumers or fuel , who have given all kinds of coal practlcul nnd cnlclal tests , are the best possllila recommendations that our celebrated Jllack I'ocrlesa Is the liest coal for all purposes on the market : 1 have clvon the Illnck Peerless Coul a thorough house with lilack Peerless Coal and are thor kitchen tiso , and would nave no other. It ough test , and am satisfied It is tno best coal oughly sntlstlod with it in point or he.it , economy - makes the least sm ki > , ashes and cinders ana 'or a.l purposes In the western market , and I omy and cleanliness. H KVCK ! oir little sinako , clve- ) the ci-eatest doirej of heat of any oonl lave'Duruuil ' thousands of tons or all kinds of leaves llttlo ashes and few clinkers. wo huvo ev r used , and Is by fnr the cheapest conl. W. W. IIIKIII.KII. Ilr.Miv UIM'.MAV & Co. nud clo.uiost tuol In the market. City Steam Laundry. \Vo hnvp used several hundred ton of IllacK IIOtiST&Bl'RTJUN , We have heated our mammoth dry goods Peerless Conl during the winter for boiler and Kiel Hotel. Sold Exclusively by SAPP & KNOTTS , 31 Main St. , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES , COTJNOIL BLTJFF3. I HAVE several houses and lots lo tr.ulo for Council Dluirs or Omaha unimproved prop- Jty. C. . Judd. 303 llroadwiiy. Council llluira. _ . . IlKNT The very desirable residence. No. lIUNotth Klchth street , cor. Washing ton ave. Six large , pleasant rooms. Kent low to right parties. Possession given Immediately , 'i'hco. ( iulttar. YXfANTED A good girl at 30 ( lUgli School > > avenue. / 1ANVAS3KItS Wanted-Uooil steady man \Jcan make J.1 to W n day. ail Hroadway. "T7Ull B AM ; A bargain If taken soon > " > 7 acres JJ 80 rods north of ( Jlmutiuiquti grouuils ; will sell In tun acre lots If doslrod U acres on Urand avenue inside tno city lim its. $ JOj per acre. Choice lots In f nlmns , JIM to $100. Lots In Riddles' sub. . Will to 81XW. ( Two of the choicest residence lots In the city at $1.7 0 each , if taken soon. Kino lot on 7th ave. II ixl.10 : will make 3 good lots ; a great bargain ; only $1,000. U room house on Madison street one block from Hroadway , very cheup. Choice 50 foot lot on Ave H , JlOO. Nice cottage on Park avenue. Residences and vacant lots In all parts of the city. Farms for sale. First mortgage loans. W , C Stacy A : Pon. Kooin 4. Opera Block. Council Illulls. T710K BXCIfANOU A stock of dry goods , no JJ tlons aud m.Illncry. Address i-'rauk st.- Couucll lllulla.'la. T710II SAL13 At a Dargfln : Ono double saw J2 and sllcer ; ono vonuur machine with gearIng - Ing complete , all new , suitable for basket fuc tory. Innnlre at Snyder's commission house S Pearl st. . Council Hlulls. AIIAHGAIN My residence , afi-rooom house , pantry , bath room , closets , city water , etc. Lot OJxlLU Stable , coal and wood house. Hear ing fruit , line location. One-third down , bal ance to suit. N O. Ward , 4Jo Hroadway. A HAHQA1N Complete roller mill and Haw- xXjnlll for Hale. Capacity of roller mill , forty barrels dally. Will sell farm In connection with mill It desired. Good roasom for selling. All Inquiries In regard to said property sent to tno following address will receive prompt atten tion : C. D. Itool , Heels , la. FOIt BALK Tne seven-room cottage at the corner of 'M avenue and tun street. Also the new Swiss cottage occupied by mo on 3d avenue. Klther property will bo sold on easy terms. W. U. James. / \OUNCIL BLUFFS property for sale at grea \J bargain * . The following , among the mos beautiful homes In the city , will be sold a great bargains , on monthly payment * , or term to inlt : Three new 8-room houses on Lincoln avenue two blocks from electric motor line. Two now 4-room houses four blocks from electric motor line on North Seventh street. One newsroom house four blocki from elec tric motor line on North Seventh street. Three new fi and U-room houses ono block from electric motor line corner Avenue A and Twelfth street. Hesliles the above I have houses and lots In all parts of the city. Ono new 5-room house on Mill st. C. 11. Judd , BOO Hroadway , Council Illulfs. GASH for second-hand furniture , stoves and carpets , A. J. Maude ! , ! K > llroadwfty. FOltSALK-My residence. M3 Willow av enue , on south Hide of 11 tyllis park. Heated by steam , llgntod by electricity aud containing all modern Imnrovements. Lot 100 by1)1 feet Also will soil or exchange for Improved city property , my farm of r > 70 acres , tun miles cast of Council Hlutfs. N. M. I'uiey. Council Hliilfs. UUNIs'lIKD rooms for rent nt 117 Fourth Bt. , Council Illulls. _ VTBW Improved real esttto to trade for unlm Li proved Omaha or Council Illulra property C. II. Judd , 005 Hroadway. 1/iOItSALIS or Kent-Gordon land with houses , L1 byJ. lUlllca KKJJaln st. , Council UlulfJ. sMAXON , Afdiild and Superintend ml Room 2B1 , Meri'iam Book ! , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. CHRIS BOSEN n AND PLANING- MILL Dost equipped , man centrally located factory n the city. All modern latest pattern miiclilii- > ry. OjHjruted by skilled mechanic * . Hueclul attention ulveu to scroll and band sawing , pluu. ngand trlmtng. General contracts and esti mate * for houses nnd building * a specialty. Corner North Main and Myuster streets , Coua- 11111UII8. Telephone . PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary Enjjinoor. Plans , Estimated Specifications. Supervision of PublicWork. . Urown Uuilding. Coucll BlulTa. lowu. _ , I I D7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco pvor American Express , No.11 NQPU U \ \ - Broadway , Council DlufTa , Iowa. _ T QTHNC P. Attorneys at Law. Practice in the SUite and Pod. O I U1ML & oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 3 Shikari-Bono Uloolc , Council BluKs , Iowa. In Carpets , Mattings. Oil Oloth , Bugs , SiU and Lace Curtains and Fixtures , Portieres Drapery , Silks , Plushes , tfoholstery G-oods , Window Shades , etc. Will make prices lower then any hsuse in Iowa or Nebraska. Cal and see us or write for prices and Samples. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET COMPANY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. O.A. . . 33EE3JBHJ & OCXMIE3A-OSTST , Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in Largest Stock und Ixiwcut Prices. Dealers , send for Catalogue. IVos. gp.vaoy itrouilu-ay , ami iioi-aoo g > ler u'itM Cimucll J. D. KDUUNDSOtf. E. I * HllUriAUT , I'roi. Vice I'ros. CIIAS. It. HANNAN. Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , orcouNCir. ui.ui-rs , PnldunCapital SlfiO.ooo.or ) Surplus 35ooo.oo Liability to Depositors335.OOO.OO DIUECTOIIS-I. A. Miller. P. O. ( ( lesion. K. L. Shugart , K. U. Hart , J. I ) . IMundson , Chas. It. Hiinnan. Tmniiict general banking business Largest capltnl and surplus of any bank In Northwestern lown , lutweat on tlmo depojlts - THE - JJ , , Murphy Manufacturing Co , let Avomio nnd 21at Stroot. , Hand and Heroll Sawing. Ho-SawIng mid Planing , Hswlngof ulllClniU , Porcli lli.ickoti Kindling wood JAM ) par load delivered. Clean tmuduat by the birrolio. . All work to ba Unit-class , Telephone . "Your Patronage Solicited. " BELL & BERLIHGHOF , ARCHITECTS AM ) HUI'EUINTHMJHN 1'S. Room 2 , Opera House Hloclf , Council Hlufl * . Iowa. . OmCBIl. W. II. M. I'L'SKT OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Hroaitway. UOUNUin HIjUKKH , IO\VA. I ) lers In foreign and domeitlc exchange Colluctloni imidu aud lotemt paid on tlrn * de- poilw. AUTOMATIC GUHFF ENGINE , % & " \ $ * leM&uffiS Tconomy not Bxcolled , Sizes from l'i to.iOJ H. r E. C. HARRIS , Agt. jw fito 1'earl St. , Council lllulfH. Iowa. Send for dialogue. Complete steam plants f nrnUhcd and tronteil . . . No. 27 Mnln St. , Over Jncque- min's Jewelry Store. y Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro" teeters , Etc , Agents -nteu. F , M , ELLIS & CO. , * ARCHITECTS * & * AND IIUILDINQ SUPI'.ltlNTKNUKNTH. HoonisOlnnil U ! llee llutldlni ; . Omalia Neb. , rud lloonmX'll uud''U ) Merrutu Illoek. Couucl . , Corrt > ipoud nc Bol cited.