Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    \ ' . THE OMAHA DAILY B1SB : SATURDAY , MARCH 8 , 1890. 6
_ _ _ _ _
John Tlgho's Alleged Wlfa Vlalta
South Omaha for. Blood.
Ilqv. air. Wlioclor'a IlCRrcti to the
Cmmot Committee Sudden Dentil
or John O'Krlen Oily Notes
nnd Personals ,
A Wnmnii on the Wnrnntli.
One of thn men killed at the boiler explo
sion two weeks ago xvas John Tlglic , the
head flroman In the fatal bollor room. Tlgho
II resided in Omaha on Thirteenth street oppo
site the Darker hotel with a woman who was
supposed by all who know thorn to bo his
wlfo. After Tlgho's body was prepared for
burial the woman appeared on the sceno.
' Ten dollars' found on his person were turned
over to her , as was also tlio wages duo him
at the packing house.
Her undue haste In getting hold of the
money duo Tlcho caused some comment and
; suspicion that nil not right.
' On the arrival of the two relations of TIgLo.
who came from Pcoria , 111. , anil conveyed
) ns bo/y / | back for burial , It was learned that
the woman was never legally married to
Tigho and had no claim on him or any of his
effects. A scnno wan oxpcctcd at the
funeral , but It happily did not occur. Tigho
was a member of Court Magic City , of the
order of Foresters , and bis mutual insur *
anco policy nf $1,000 was payable to his
mother. When ho was Killed ho had a small
* amount on deposit in the Nebraska
. savings bank at South Omaha , The two
relatives of Tlgho , requested Charles
linger , ono of the leading Foresters of the
city , to take charge of the dead man's uffnirs ,
' aud Informed Mr. ' Singer that as soon as
. they reached Peoria they would take stops
to have him appointed administrator of
Tifcho'a estate. .
' Nothing hud been done in that direction
until Thursday , when the alleged Mrs.
Tigbo came down from Omaha with blood in
her oyo. Stio wont to the Nebraska Savings
bank ami demanded of Cashier Gibbon
the money deposited there to the credit
of Tigho. She was Informed she would
Iravo to go to Omaha and secure letters of
administration before the money would bo
forthcoming. SIio returned to Omaha and In
two hours was bacic with the necessary cre
dentials us administratrix. She again do-
, inandcd the money but was refused because
Tigho's deposit book was necessary to close
up the acroutit. She Insisted the book wae
lost , but Cashier Qlobon know It was In the
possession of Mr. Singer. All her efforts to
'got ' the book from Mr. Singer proved un
availing and she returned to Omaha la
the evening vowing vongoaneo on some
South Omaha people who wore balking her
' in her nttnmpts to get possession of the nit-
tanco in the bank to tboilcad man'a ' credit.
In" the meantime Mr. Singer went to
County Judge Shields' office and learned that
thowomun Imdheun appointed administratrix
, and had secured letters to that eiTect The
fact that Tigho had lived with the woman for
two ycurs and acknowledged her during that
Viino as his wlto gave her in common law a
legal claim to him as her husband.
Seeing that nothing could bo done
-Mr. Singer lot the matter drop
nndHf Mrs. Tlgho opppoars on the scone
again she will bo given the bank book
and can sccuro tbo trifle of $28 that it , calls
The Insurance money to bo paid by the
Foresters cannot go to her , as the ccrtillcato
plainly and unequivocally makes it payable
to Tigho's mother. The woman is said to
Jiavo a husband living whom she forsook to
> lvo with Ulgho. She threatened a horsn-
whipping ACPIIO In case ahu failed to
RCcuru what she was after.
, Rov. It. " It. Wln-oIur'H Koirrots.
The following letter of regret was re
ceived too late to bo read at tbo cntortain-
luenUgivcn on Tuesday input in memory of
the birth of Robert Emmet. It explains
itself :
SOUTH OMAHA , March 4. William En-
right , Secretary Irish-American Literary
Qlub , South Ouiaha Dear sir : I wish to
tender you my thanks , and through yon to
the Jrlsh-Amerlcan society , for the Invita
tion to incot with you in the celebration of
the natal day of him wno stands as ono of.
the fairest exponents of the cause of human
liberty , and who dared seal liU patriotism
wit i his life's bloo'l. I refer , sir , to that
{ ynagnillccnt man , Robert Emmet.
While I feel assured -.vould bo impossi
ble for any of us "leeblo follcs" of today to
tuld a lustro of glory to his name , still I
would hnvo been pleased to have been with
.vou nnd joined in your patriotic demonstra
tionunil until a late hour expected to , hut wits
hindered at thu last moment uy an engage
ment which could not bo postponed. Please
pardon my unavoidable nbsonse and carry
my regrets as expressed in this letter to the
Irish-American society of South Omaha.
I am very truly ono of Hobort Emmet's
nduiirors. KOIIKUT L. WHEELED ,
John O'llr CII'H Miuldmi Death.
A well known aud highly icspectcd yard
man died unexpectedly Thursday in his room
at. tbo corner of Twenty-seventh and N
Htri'uts. It was John O'Brion , in the employ
of tbc Arnlonr-Cudiihy packing company nt
tlio .variitt us tfuyor. A few days a.go O'l'rlen
was" solved with hemorrhages , but nothing
tjuvoro wan thought of it. Ill ) had n serious
attttck at 0:80 : last night and died before ho
chuld bo relieved.
O'Uricn came from Chicago auotit
ayear ago. Ho was a very
wealthy man at ono time , but since the
death of bin wife lost all his money aud bus
dltslpatcd moro or loss. Ho has relations < n
Chicago and telegrams received from them
TOday requested that tbo body bo sent thorn
for burial. Tlio remains are in charge of
Undertaker lloafuy and will bo shipped east.
Thu dead mini has a boat of friends in South
Omaha ,
T ho Coopers' htrilce.
There wore no now dovcloptnonts In the
coqpors' strlko .yesterday. The men nro still
out mi J exhibit no signs of woukonlim. They
are ulosutnouthcd In regard to the business
trunaactcd nt their meetings , but are can II-
dunt of a successful tcrminntion of the
trlko. They uro houoful of eottlnir Hum-
iiiQiicl's men to como out at the end of the
A 'Tlinjr WITH Ilnunl. fur Cliioncn.
.Deputy Sbcrirt McCrnokon has attached
n cur load of household goods balancing to
Mrs. .1 nines ' \Yoodn. The attnuhmoiit was
tnndo In bohulf ofV. . \V. Uloiison , the Al-
bVlwht { rroeor.viimn. to HCCUTO nn unpaid
clnlm of $ : < 5. Mrs. Woods was shipping her
IfhUBoholct ulTccts to Chicago and hnd con-
Blgneil tlioin to another party. ' 1 hey wore.
Jn a , car nil roady'to ship when attached.
1 Ilnrulnrtint Work.
'Thursday night burglnrs entered the gro-
icry store of William Parnell.onNstroot hear
( Twenty-fourth. Their stealings nmoutned
llitlo. The only things missed wore one bos
of cigars and n butt of Climax mid 1'ipor
UeWsoioU tobacco. The thieves wore evi
dently lovorsof the weed uiut were short on
n supply ot tobacco.
City Notcn anil
Night Jailer Anderson slipped Thursday
while golnc to the polleo station to go on
itutv and sulTorud n painful sprain in one of
IIIH limb ) . Ho wns aulo to remain nt his post
of duty durlutr ilia night.
Tlio topic social plvon by the Ladioa aid
society of the Proibvtorian church ut the
resilience of Mrs.V. . 11. Cioodman. Twenty-
second uuil J streets Thursday night was a
successful and enjoyable uiTalr.
Tntoroat In tbo revivals in progress at the
Methodist church increases uuil large uudl-
ciH'cs attend the dally services.
Ur , A , W , Lumiir , uastor of the Hnptlst
clmroti in Oinaba. will lecture at thn Motho-
dt t Episcopal church w ( South Omaha on
Monday evening , March 17. Ills subjuct will
bo "Hocollcotions of Southern Life. "
Miss Jennie Morton Is visiting In Donul-
on , la.
Timothy Reunion and James McGuIre are
in Denver on n short visit.
Clark Korsi'lh of the Annour-Ciulahy of.
flee force 11 back from a trip to the Puolllo
r roUst.
/ _ , Ooorgo J. Seltzer , jr. , is visitlnff fclonds in
/ 1 uicago.
Ihotuas Crutly , an old police court cut-
tnmor , called nt the Htntlon ycstordny and
nnkpd to bo locked up for n couple of dnys.
Ho was Ruffcritig from the effects of a pro
longed d runic.
Lafayette Thurlvcn of 1'olk county , Town ,
is visiting his brother , George Thurlvon.
George , ! . Seltzer , foreman of the kilting
canR nt the packing house of Swift & Co. ,
has resigned to commcnco business for him
self. It , K. Urocit has been promoted to Dill
the ploco vacated by Mr. Seltzor.
Androxv Glllcsplo , of the firm of Georito
Adams ft IJurko. nnd ono of the best known
men nt the yards , is very 111.
Ail ttio'UiiIon Men Out fornn Increase
of I'nv.
Another labor strike is on that will prob
ably delay the work of erecting the now elec
tric lamps for street lighting.
The linemen of the city , over ono hundred
In number , met last night and decided to quit
work until their demand for nn increase of
wages is conceded by tholr employers.
The action was taken by the Union Order
of Linemen , which includes the linemen em
ployed by the Electric Light company , the
Western Union Telegraph company , Jho
Union 1'acltlc Railway company nnd the Tel
ephone company. The scale of wages paid
these men has been $2.25 n day for electric
light linemen , nnd $ ' .MOpnr day for telegraph
nnd telephone men. The union men
some time ago naked nn Increase
to 82.CO per day for telegraph nnd telephone
linemen.nnd ! .G5 for electric light men. The
companies interested refused to grant the
Increase of pay , nnd the linemen , at a meet
ing last night , decided to wnlk out until their
demands are complied with. They claim
that thu wages paid hero are lower than uny
city in the west , the scale nt Denver , Salt
Lake nnd other western clttos being ? v.75
and ? 3 00.
President \Vylto \ of the Electric light com
pany sent word to the linemen at their meet
ing last night that any of them who failed to
report for duty nt tbo usual hour this mornIng -
Ing would bo discharged from the company's
" \Ve have no hard fooling In the matter , "
said one of the striking workmen last night.
"Wo have simply asked for our rights and
propose to secure them. Our places cannot
bo tilled , and we are confident of winning
our fight. "
Oh t ye who teach tbo Ingenious youth of
our croat nation , lot them learn the noble
nrt of solf-dofonso , as Salvation Oil is tbo
specific for hurts.
Little Annlo yesterday told us. It her own
way what u good medicine Dr. Hull's ' Cough
syrup is ; it had cured her of n severe cold.
27C ( rcHyious news nf the iccck mayjte
found in the Sunday lice.
Ilarriiijjton Hold to Answer to tlio
Clinriro orOrnnil Ijnrcnnv.
The trial of the colored man Leon Iliir-
rincton , charged by a colored woman named
Putti Hose with stealing goods ana a draft
valued at n total of $150. was tbo ono feature
of interest In police court yesterday after
noon. Uoth parties wore qulto respectable
so far as appearances wore concerned , and
the woman was accompanied by n couple of
as cute and handsomely dressed little col
ored tots an might bo found in a day's travel.
Plaintiff and defendant hud , it BceineU. been
living togetner In a sort of frco and easy
fashion some the past , aud the latter
claimed that certain money which the former
had was plvcn her by him , nnd that in tak
ing what ho had he simply had taken what
belonged to him. She hold that it was no
such thing , and the court said ditto , r.nd
bound Mr. Hamncton over In the sum of
$2,51)0 ) to thu district court to answer to the
charge of grand larceny.
A little incident of tlio argument-making
was that during ono of his bursts of elo
quence City Attornov Shoemaker offered to
bet his month's salary that the prisoner
would bo convicted or bound over. Counsel
for defense came within an uco of taking him
up , but his nerve failed him ut the "put-up"
FOR SOKK TnuoAT. Saturate a flnn-
nol baiulaco with Chamberlain 'a Puin
Balm and bind it on the throat. It
will euro any ordinary case in ono
niulit'a time. Mr. W. B. Puller , tlio
leading merchant at Greoncaatlo , In. ,
says : "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is a
good ono. It cured me of a violent sere
throat. I hnvo sold a number of bottles
tles for rheumatism and always with
good results. " 60 cent bottles for sale
by all druggists.
It Only Talcosi the .Jury Fil'torm Blin-
utrH to Aurco Upon a Verdict.
The arguments in the liowman murder
case wore completed yesterdaj 'afternoon
nud Jndgo Clarkson delivered n short charge
to the Jury. The court room was crowded , a
large portion of the audience being negrou.s.
The Jury retired about 4:30 : o'clock and wore
out about fifteen minutes , when they re
turned with n verdict of ncoutttal. The de
fendant was at once discharged nnd was
congratulated by'tho Jury and the majority
of the spectators.
The Nenl-Muscn case came up for hearing
before Judge Wakoloy yesterday afternoon
on n motion to have tbo plaintiff Inuronso his
bond in the Injunction caso. Thn attorneys
for the plaintiff were given until 10 o'clock
this morning to lite an answer showing why
the bond should nut be incnmscd. Tbo
plaintiff secured an order of attachment for
the proprietor- the museum to appear aud
show cause why ho should not be lined for
contempt because ho baa not removed the
exhibit untirolv. The ho-irhig was sot for S
o'clock this afternoon before Judge Clark-
son , \yhich time tl/e / injunction will also bo
Tlio arguments In the case of Darker ag.llnst
Green for tbo possession of the Grand View
stone quarries were made In Judge llopo-
woll's court.
Judge Doano Is hearing the case of Mrs.
Skotehloy va. M. E. Smith & Co , , n suit for
wages us clerk , amounting to $ > 360. The defense -
fonso presented Is that Mrs. Suatchloy wns
cngngtd in selling u stock of goods on which
her husband had given a chattel mortgage to.
M. E. Smith & Co , ngrooing nt. the same
time to soil the goods without expense to the
Licenses were issued to the following
parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Kiuno and Keaulencc. A so.
I Georco Gregory , Kansas City , Mo . 87
( Kx-olino Grlfllth , Omaha . 31
I Louis Finar , Omaha . 'JO
1 Uesalo Sjlbenimn , Omaha. . . . 1SJ
A Curd ol TlinnkR.
Mrs. J. E.MeCluro and daughter wish
to express their heartfelt thanks to
many frioiula for their lovu nnd sym
pathy in their dark hour of sorrow , nnd
when tlio angel of death outers their
housns may they bo supported by the
same lovo.
Kldd , Kdmonson & Morse. Great
combination horse sale at Chicago ,
March 17 to 12o , See nd another column.
The Contract AwnriliMl.
The contractors to whom will bo awarded
the building of the Tenth street viaduct
have been decided on by the Union Depot
company , but their names are with
held until action shall bo taken
by the city council. "Wo Know whom , the
contract will go to , " said a member of the
company , "but have agreed to keep the
matter secret until the city fulfills its obll-
gallon. The only reason J can give for doing
no u that something might occur to causa us
trouble. "
Won't TnlU.
General Ureoka has returned from Wash
ington , Ho declined to answer any ques
tions relating to the building of tbo now fort
or the right of way to railroads which has
been sought through the reservation.
Jca ? tftate men ttml prospective invest'
ors tci'H Jiiul in f/ie / Sunday lice very ra/ua- /
Ik and reliable informulion.
Another Protest KnicrJtl ily Mr
O'Kuefrc Tlio f'ommlAHlonerfi.
The county commissioners mot yesterday
afternoon to consider bills. All the mem
bers wore present except Horlm.
When the minutes wcro rend Mr. O'lCcofto
objected to that portion stating that $500 had
been appropriated for the soldiers' relief
commission on the ground that such action
was Illegal. Chairman Anderson insisted
that the minutes showed what actually took
place , nnd Mr. O'lCcofto wanted his protest
entered on the page.
Mr. Anderson asked Mr. O'Koeffo why ho
had not taken tbo matter into the court , as
ho had threatened , and Mr. O'Koeffo replied
that ho would do so as soon ns the order for
the amount was drawn. Some warm re
marks paused between the two , and the min
utes were finally approved.
The committee on construction submitted
their report on the blllof extras of Hyon &
Walsh , recommending that Messrs. D. L- .
Shnno and John P. Coots , the respective
superintendents of the building , bo in
structed to measure up and examine all such
"extras" charged for and report In writing
the result of their Investigations ; also an
estimated value of nctunl Ingal oitras ac
cording to tholr opinion , The report further
recommended that in the event of Messrs.
Cools and Shnno having miy difference of
opinion on any point or points they be em
powered to refer such difference of opinion
to a third party mutually agreed upon be
tween themselves. Iho report was adopted.
The county cleilt was instructed to notify
all lumber dealers In the city by postal card
that the commissioners will receive bids for
hard pine , soft pine and oak lumber.
The state auditor notified thu board that
they wcro indebted to the state on accoun t
of the Incurable asylum at Hastings in the
sum of MOl.OC. Douglas county has twulvo
patients nt the Hastings asylum. The audit
or submitted a bill for ,905,37 on account
of Insane conllncd in the Lincoln asylum.
The county has sixty-six patients nt Lincoln.
A request from Judge Hopowell for a
clock to bo placed In court room No. 3 was
A petition asking the appointment of
Henry Staffer as constable nf Jefferson pre
cinct was referred.
A petition asking the appointment of P.
Mangold as justice of the peace in the sumo
precinct wns also referred
The bill of Mojmt & Griflln for coal fur
nished the county , amounting to $591.33 , was
A number of other small mils were also
read nnd referred. .
The board then adjourned until this after
noon. _
11 lies' iNcrvo anil Ijivor I'll IB.
An important discovery. They net on the
liver , stomach and- bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
euro billlousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Splendid for men ,
women and children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 80 doses for 25 cents. Samples free
at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
the local market resume and the
live stock and telegraphic markets in Uce
Sunday lice.
Thn AY i fo ol' Solomon Sl'r'c * .
Florence Marks , wife ot Solomon M irks ,
t'ao silk thief who was jailed a couple of
nights ago , arrived from Kansas City yes
terday , as telegraphed for by her prisoner
husDand. Shu Is a rather attractive , noitly
attired young woman , though according to
her oxvn words Is a foolish 0113 In some re
spects. She says that her parents are very
wealthy ana eminently respectable residents
of Kansas , where her father is extensively
interested in agricultural mutters. She be
came infatuated with Marus , notwithstand
ing he was always a worth'oas ' follow , and
married him gruatly against tlio wishes of
her parents. She has no idea that she can
bo of any use whatever to her husband under
the present circumstances , as horpirontt ,
she says , n long time ago swore never to lift
a finger for Murks in any way , shape or
Marks will probably have his examination
before Judge llelslev this morning.
Tho'On ly Ouo.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway is the only line running1 solid
vestibuled , electric lighted and steam
hcatod trains between Chicago , Coun
cil Bluffs tuid Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman sleeping cars run on these
lines is niitontod and cannot bo used by
any other railway company. It is the
great improvement of the ago. Try it.
and be convinced.
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacillc
depot , Omaha. atO p. m. dally , arriving
at Chicaco at 9:80 : a. m , Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for tbo train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket otllco , 1501 Parnara st.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PUKSTON , Pass. Act.
TN3ruOAlbMrd ! plaoaj oa roaari during
J. veatordav.
MOiNowton to N.T Gates , lot IS , bit 0.
.Mattheus nub , w cl . $ goo
I < udwltt Jiinuio Henry Qulckunstnlilt , lot
IX' , bllca , Oate City 1'ark. w d . 100
11 II Hakes ivnil wlto lu OS Uoyiiolds , blj
no Ii-t-15-10 , w d . ) , I25
L Sclirooder , Tr , to Trunk Jaios , lot-U , Ulk
8. Ilrowu Purk. ur tl . 4i
M A Wright and husband to W I , bi-lby ,
lot 11. blk If. Carthage.q od . 1
S S Sviimholm to Muix'firuc Jiicobn , a TJ
ft lot II , Iilk7. Hazel Terrace , w il . . . . ] , OlJ )
U N I'Ucnurto JUrg.irat C. Wiulu , lot " ,
blkfi. Kllby 1'lau'j. wcl . J..200
P K Cattor and wtfu to .1 K Copley , lot 1 ,
) ) Uc6 ; Klluy 'lace.v/i * . -'Taj
Kit Potter nndhiiHbancl to K I ) Uunlds.
lotr. . blk7. Illllsldumlil. w (1 . 3,500
31 U 1'ruettoto I1 N 1'eturson , lot H , llur-
detto Court Annex , w d . 200
1'otter \ Cobble Mrs K Slminens. lot "J ,
llk 2. Potter & Cobb'8 odd , \vd . ISD
Henry llieot to 0 A Kofor , lot . bit 1 ,
Hroun I'ark.vd . 2WO
Corn Mncicnmi to Uharlos C'irbott , e'M
it lot Id , blk ; ill ! . South Omaha , w d . 70J
M I. Mackenzie unil nualmnd to Charles
RCorl > Btt , lot 11 , Vlutim Place , w d . . . 1.500
A Aril Kountzuto M I ) I'dielu fit 01 , lot
ll.blkll. 1'latnvlBW , w d . lr CO
i ; K Thoma3snoclal McOavoct
, V O'Kovfo , lot It ) . blK 4 , McGavock &
U'lvouto'i udd , w d . CM
II i : Westguto mut wlfu to W U Ilower-
man , lot"i ) , hlic 4 , Snnnders & Hlino-
biiugh's aa J , w d . . . 3/00
\V 11 liowtirman md wlfo to A A West-
Kiitu , lot -1. blk 4 , Humidors \ Ilimo-
baufjH'H mid. w < 1 . , . . . 0,000
AudrtiNV KlKKSand wlfu to JV Cook , lot
: , blk I , ICnlph I'hico , w d . 0,0(10 (
W II Uussoll and wtfa to B 1 > llostvvlck ,
Jots u.1 ana ill , Vlnton Place , w a .
Twenty tiansfertt . ? KU2U
g I'oriults.
Tno followini ; building permits were is
sued yesterday :
Suodlsh liutharan Kmnnnol church , par-
boiuiKO , Nlnetntnth und Uass . t 2o0
II. K Muster : ' , oup-story Iriuuo snecl , Jill-
lard and Calilwell . 80
J. Ik Ilobluson , ono-storyfrnmos neil , 171' '
Castellar. . CO
Do not bo Imposed on by any of the numcroaa
Imitations , eubstltatce , etc. , which are flooding
the \\orld. There la only ono Bnlft's Bprclflc ,
and there la nothing like It. Our remedy con.
talni no Mercury , Potash , Arsenic , or any pois
onous tulwlanco vthotoicr , H build ) up the gen
eral hcilfu from the first dose , and has never
f&nedtoermUcoto couUgtooa blood poUon anil
Its effect * from the eyitem. IJo euro to get the
genuine. Scud your addrcea for our Treatise oa
Blood and Stela niaeaae * , which will be mailed
ftw. SWIFT 8PECIFIO CO. , Atlust Oa.
T8 Nixturo'fl effort J.o axpcl foreign sub-
1 stances from tlio tironchlnl ptvisngcs.
Frequently ! this fcauW intlanuuntlon
anil the need of nn'hhbdyno. No other
expectorant or anodyne is equal to
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting \bo \ mucus , allays
irritation , Induces rcposo , and U the
molt popular ot all cough cures.
"Of the many preparations before the
rmblle for the euro' ' bf colds , coughs ,
bronchitis , and kindred diseases , thcro
is none , within thQ.rango of my export-
oncn , ao reliable as Ay or' * Cherry 1'oc-
toral. For years t was subject , to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
years nio , when no aflllcted , I was advised -
vised to try Aycr'o Ohntry 1'ectoral anil
to lay all other remedies aside. I did
ao. and within n week was well of my
cold and cough. Blnco then I have
nlways kept this preparation In the
house , nnd fcol comparatively .secure. "
Mrs. It. I * . Drown , Dunuiailc , Miss.
"A few years ago I took a severe cold
which affected my lungs. I hud n. ter
rible couch , ana passed night after
night without sleep. The doctors gave
mo tip. I tried Ayor's Cherry I'rctoral ,
which relieved my lungs , Induced sleep ,
nnd afforded the rest necessary for the
recovery of my strength. Jly the con
tinual tis'e ' of the t'edoral , a permanent
rurownsiiITeetod. " Home' I'ahbrothur ,
Uockinghnm , Vt.
/er's / ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by all Druggist" . Price $1 ; uli bottleo , ; 5 ,
( Opposite I'axton IIoteLj
OCSoo honro , 'J a. m. , to 8 p. m. Sunday * . 10 * . a. , to
p. m. _ _ _ _
Specialist * In Chronic , Nerrbus , Skin and Blood Dl-
CffConiultRtlon at office or bjr mall free. Medi
cines tent t > r mall or oiprr'n , socurolr packed , free
from observation. Guarantee * to cure quickly , safe *
If nnd permanently.
Spermatorrhoea , emt
IIJJIIIUUU vuuium imi u > Hesnigut mam
( Ions. Physical decnr. arlflng from Indiscretion , ex
cess or Indulgence. prndULlng slceplcsneM. despon *
denoy , pimples on the face , aversion tosociety , easily
discouraged , lack of confidence , dull unlit for itudr
ur business , nnd tlnds life n burden , bafoly , perman
ently and privately cured. Consult Dr > . Uotts A llctts ,
1 J8 Karnom Street , Umalia , Nub.
Blood and Skin Diseases ssarbffixrtS
results , completely oradlcatoJrltbont the aid of
mercury. Scrofula crjrulpclas , fever ooro" , blotches ,
ulcer * , pains In the heud and bonei. syphilitic eoro
throat , mouth and tongue , catnrrb , etc. , permanently
cured whore others have ( al'ed.
J JTrinaPIT an Illndiler Complaints ,
/ . UlllldlY Potntul. Dimcult , t o fro-
queat bnrnlnz or bloody urine , urine lilnh colored or
with milky sediment nn staaillnR. weak back , gonorr
hcca. glct.cynlUla , ote. Vromntly and safely cured
charKOS reasonable.
moval complete without cnltlnK. caustic ordlllatlon.
Cures elTectod at homo iijr patient without a momenU
imln or annoyance.
To Tonni Men and Middle-Aied Men ,
A JIIDP PflDI ? The awful effects of early
UUIUJ uUnD Vice , which brines orpanio
weaknois , dcstroyliic both niiml and body , nlib all
tadrcaUed Ills , permanently cured.
AilJres.s those who have 1m-
Dullu paired themselves by Irunroper
IndulKOncos nnd and olttiiry habits , which rum botn
body and inlnd , unnttlnic them for business , study or
marriage. . _
MAIIUI I ) 51KN , or these entering on that happy
Uf , aware of physlclal debility , quickly assisted.
Is based upon facts , flnt practical experience , eoc-
end every case u ospeclally studied , thus starting
aright , third medicines nro prepared In aur own la-
bntory eiactly to suit cacli case , thus affecting cures
without Injury.
C7cndtl ! cents postage for celebrated works on
chronic , nervous and dflicato disease * . Thousands
cured. CrT A friendly letter or call may cave you fu
ture Buffering nndslmme. nndaddROidon years to lift
SSfNo letters answered unle&i accompanied by 4
cents In stamps. Address orcall on
HJ3 Furnam truet , Omnha. Neb.
Too Fast
become listless , fretful , without ener
gy , thin and weak. But you can for *
tify them and build them up , by the
use of
Of I.imo nml Soda.
They will take it readily , for it Is al
most as palatable as milk. And it
should be remembered that AS A I'HK-
YI.NTHI : uit cuitKopGoutius ou COLDS ,
UNEQUALLED , .t i < ia < it ti < itions < > ffcrci.
Tlio only unto and painless method of extract
ing teeth , and the only method or Inserting
tooth without plate , remaining cleun and dura-
im. HA.UftIIA.WOUT ,
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
That are worth buying nnd worth \vcnring.
Our success in the shoo business has encouraged us to incronso this department con-wlerablo nnd wo nra
now showing by fnr tlio Inmost assortment of shoes for men nnd boys. OUR SHOES AUK EMl'IIATI-
13ut nsido from this you will find in our shoo department bargains which cannot bo duplicated imywhoro
Excellent workingmen's buff shoes' , seamless , warranted solid leather soles and counters , congress and
Ince with plain and cap toes , at SI.25. \
Moh's good cnlf skin shoes , will outwear several soles , congress and lace , all styles o toes , nt $1.85.
Our most popular shoo is the Men's fine calf Goodyear Walt , nt § 2.50. This is beyond n doubt the best
Tnluo over offered in shoes. They have perfectly smooth insoles and give comfort and satisfaction to the
wearer. Wo have them in all styles of lasts tuul toes. Every shoo store would ask for shoos of same quitl-
ity , ? 3.b'0tol.
The stock in our § 0.90 hand welt shoes is of the finest American Calf and Kangaroo. They are tnndo
by one o the best manufacturers in the country ; arc beautifully finished nnd fit elegantly. You cannot
got n better shoo if you pay $6.
Genuine Cordovan shoes , hand sowed nnd of fine finish att.50.
The very finest French Calf shoos , strictly hand sowed , arc sold by us nt&5.50. Thoio is positively no
bettor shoe made and you make a great mistake if you think by paying more money you got a better shoo.
Every shoo store will charge you for the same quality and make $7.50 or $8.
Boys'shoes , good and strong , from * 1.10 up.
It makes no difference what style of shoe is preferred or what sive vou need , our assortment is immense
and wo can fit nnd suit everybody !
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
They are custom made clothing of merchant tailors , lea on their hands for oneTeason or another.
These we buy in large or small quantities , for ready cash. For example : A suit of clothes costing
originally $4O , we can , according to style and quality , sell for $18 or $2O. Just think of it , a sav
ing of BO per cent , one half of the original cost. Many of them are from the leading tailoring estab
lishments throughout the country.
$85 custom made suit for $30.00 $00 custom made
$55 custom made suit for $25.00 $55 custom made
$50 custom nmdc suit for $22.00 $50 custom made
$45 custom inndu suit for $20.00 $45 custom made
$10 custom inmlo suit for $18.00 $ il ( custom iiimle
$ ) J5 custom nmilo suit for $1(9.50 ( $ ! )5 custom inmle
$ aO custom iiuitle suit for $1 > 1.00 $30 custom nmdc
Latest styles and elegant garments in silk and satin lined suits nnd spring overcoats. Also Full
Dress Sufis for sale or rent , at the
Remember number and place , 13O9 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb , Open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Saturday until 1O o'clock. All garments altered free of charge to insure a perfect fit.
\Vo wish to say TO OUR FRIENDS
AND PATRONS , that \vo are mail-
king extensive repairs and ohanges
in our store , giving ourselves more
roomwhich our increasing business
cleumnils. The work is being push
ed as fast as possible , and in a few
days wo will bo able to open and
display our spring poods , which are
constantly arriving , but which the
dirt and dust of repairing eompolls
us to keep under cover.
AQOODniCH.LRwyer , 121 Dearborn Br. ,
ChlcuKO. a > vears 6Urcunorul prartlce. Ad
vice freu ; no publicity. Huerlai rucllltlea in
iimuy stateM.
Of Diamonds , Watches , Clocks , Solid Silver and Quadruple
Plated Ware , Jewelry , Optical Goods , Cutlery , Umbrellas , Etc ,
Aru being inntlc by u , while iiiot t dealers complain thai
Iholr "trade Is * dull. " Tlic public appreciate rN3Ja\S2
DIACtCiJASiVS , as evidenced by the liberal patronage we are
receiving. BJU'l' WHBlr notf We save yon fi'roin 25 to 50 per
cent , even oil the most Ntaple poods , and A JtOI lLASC.
hAVICD IS TWO MOMjAECS PI3AI > C. Wo iniiHt pel out of
the Btetall Jewelry , as our I-arpe and In creasing
Wliolesaie 'IVade demands II. Notice our 5 larpe show
wlndou'i IVom day to < lay , and wee what we me
a ATTKNTBON is called o the following :
1OO Fine Steel Carvlii } ; SetNol'tt pieces , only § a ; worth
85. ! i5 i\Jiit Sets nfU a'leltn nnd racu , In ease , only 81 eaeli
worth St ! jieajit ; ; Piano .iunpH , @S2.SO , worth
TIDSJ WKXT ito | > AV , j. Open Saturday Kvtsn iij ; until O
MAX MEYER BRO. , Car , SixleMli aiil Faraam Sts ,
x. it. s't'oets : pon. SAM : .
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
The Well Known Specialist ,
Is iHiiiirp.iiuuil In tlio treatment of ull furiuacif I'm-
VATK DIMKAHIS niulblrlitiuu ucuriit'uuittiitcoil. lni.
puti'iuy , I.OK i > f .Mnjiliuwl. unit AiiilillKin. Slurrllll
or llnrruioLBHtiitiuity [ | | ciiruil. btnit for llixikt 'Tli
tufteiiia from the filict * r juiillifnl vrrum , ; arly
decixr , waitlnti wc&kncu. Ion inauhncxl , i U ? . 1 will
sona a voluablo tn-allw ( Knlcd. coulalnlnii full
l > arllcular for home cure. of rlmrge. A
ipleadhl ine < llcal worlct nhoulii I * rtijd ly vtrr
kniut who la tierrnii > ami ilclillltaiMl. Xildnon ,
fe'rof. I' . C. I'O\Vliiit.JIooauiCouu. :
ssMzSrr * ;
S T mciiiiiTmuihriiiiifcn.
S-i rrru > c3tJ3i.3nb/iiiiiNi
WI.SKK , Httt lor ihliipctlfiapur.
roie , C urr tl ( Irnrrallto Wrftk * n , < rlllof Cnrlr , HIM , Mlh.
jar. ( nnllanaui ( urlfaU or Kt elrlillv ihmulti ill UK K
llidrlf liint.i , ll Imli.ilj , or ITC forfnt * i.6w"u ) ,
UKLT antl Huip > B.ort l'oiudrln | t& . tbil uu. Uflrt raiflfvr.
ftQKllr turfl lu three lAoalliB. K ftl * l ptfuphUt Kr * .
IJtCll iinprua from tiTectt o
III Ml iKist Manhood , VuuthfulKr-
ror > , lm | > olei > exllsuasoioiiieiieto.
can tie cured | > urman ntly anil pri
vately by our Keiual Mpcrlllu Hi'nt l > y mall furII.
Hook unit Utiuli'dl for Hump , lleaoon Mucllful Cuuf
| nnr , IJT W ililniilou trvol , llotton , > U > i