Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Unsettled All Day and
OIosoB Heavy.
OntH Quint nml Ivtsy NotliliiK of Any
ConHr < | MCMico Dolnu In I'rovl-
lions Cattle Blow
Jlo s Active.
io , Maroh 7. I Special Telegram to
THE lice.--Tho ] wheat market was unset
tled toi'oy nml heavy when dull , Thcro was
very fair buyi.ig at times and prices ro-
spondcd readily , but each tlmo settled tiaok
when ncgrcss Ivo buying ccasod. There was
119 special soiling pressure cnrly rind May
opened nt the curb prlco of 73c , or tfo
under the close yesterday. On n show of
buying by Pnrdrldgo and some bsarlsh crop
dispatches the orlco touched 7dJ5jftf578'iC , the
best figure of the d.iy. On selling by
Schwartz & Dupeo , Chandler , llrown , Jones ,
Kcnnctt ntid the urowtl , the prlco went off to
73-ViS78)o. Llndhlom was n buyer around
73 4o und W. G. McCormack & Co. , Logan
& Co. and Hobcrt VVnrron were fair buyers
later. Thcro was n rally to 78r , atuhlch
point Hutctilnson turned seller and stopped
the advance , and on the dullness which fol
lowed the price wont on" again to 7Sfc , with
u third llttlo bulge to 78 , ' < u hoforo 1 o'clock.
Cudahy WUH u scllor nt the top and n buyer
ut the bottom. Jcsso Iloyt win rcportod
us buying May heavily at Now York.
Thcro was no impartant news for the day.
Field , LIndluy & Co. had n dispatch from
Kentucky Buying that iho wheat Holds wcro
black nml damned , .ind Jones & Kcnnott
had the satno advices from ether sources.
The opinion provallH that Dodgo'B figures re
garding wheat loft In Hrat hands will bo
bearish. This feeling has boon partly dis
counted In this market already. In the pit
Juno aold off to 77Jjfo and July to 7G.fc. ' The
wheat market closed heavy nt about the hot-
ton. HRUI OH for the day- March 7730 , May
78\c , .Iuno77J c. July 70'ffc. '
' 1 hcru was u good deal of business In corn
1 lit times today , > although It was vory.ulot ( ] nt
other times. The feature of the day was the
weakness of the market In the face of oxton-
slvo covering. March closed nt , 28c , May
sold nt 2J ! ) < @ 30c and 2 ! ) ; c. Other closing
prices were : April USJie , July aOJ CSiiOJ c ;
August 81 ® 31c , September Ulc ,
The shipments reached 220,000 bushels.
Kxport clearances were much lighter than
usual. The selling was principally by re
ceiving houses , and elevator men In particu
lar , who uro the heaviest buyers in the
country. Smith it Co. , covered a big line of
short corn. Poole , .Sherman & Hess were
also buyers , bt. Louis and Now York sold
freely in this market.
Oats were quiet and easier with fluctua
tions confined to u % c range. May was
again most octivoly traded In. At 2l c
buyers took hold fairly , but refused to follow
the advance. The opening was steady , but
a weak fooling eoon developed mid prices receded
ceded } ® ic. This was followed by a slight
reduction and In turn by a further depres
sion , und the market closed quiet nt u % c do-
cllnn for May , but was steady for ether fu
tures. Thcro was nothing withdrawn from
store. Exports from Now York also foil off
decidedly , bolng only HI bushels yesterday.
Car lots of No. 3 In store were slow andS
\S auolablo at 20JcMOJ ; ' , ( c. No. 2 white for May ,
' 22 o WHS bid early , but the close was at
Nothing of any consequence was doing In
tha market for hue products , In fact the
market appeared to bo at n standstill. The
amount of property offered was Hunt and tbo
demand from all sources exceedingly limited.
The receipts of hogs \vuro fair for the latter
nan of the week , accompanied with an ad
vance in prices. This , whllo not adding any
particular strength to the market , toudcd to
check offerings. Advices Iroin eastern
markctn Indicate a very quiet feeling in that
quarter and forciirn news In a general way
was n llttlo moro favorable to seller ? . The
receipts of products were fair und shipments
quite free. The aggregate for too week
will bo largo and Indicates a reduction in
stocks on hand. Speculative trading was
exceedingly light and changes In prices
wcro cun lined within narrow limits. Uus-
inoss was chiefly In the way of evening up
trades. There was very llttlo doing in
transferring contracts. May and July
deliveries were about the only ones traded
in. The market closed comparatively steady.
The demand on shipping account was only
fair. Holders were rather fair In tticir
views , owing to the strength In the hog mar
ket and not pressing their property for sale.
Thcro were some export orders on the uuir-
hot. but a good uroportion of thorn wcro
limited to figures below the views of sellers.
Huyors for domestic markets were rather
alow to pay former' prices. Transactions In
dicated no material change.
oiiiu.vou IIIVK s roc it.
Cmoioo , March 7. [ Special Telegram to
TFIK UiJB.l CATTLR Business was rather
slow nt the opanlng , with most of the sales
men quoting prices weak to a shade lower
on nil descriptions of steer stock. A rumor
obtained wide circulation that there was n
big run In Omaha and Kansas City and that
big buyers claimed they could afford to wait
until Monday , hence bought sparingly and
grudgingly. There were n few cotton cnko
Tcxans In sight that sold at fair prices , such
making an advance of from S3.25 to $3.00
during the past day or two. Prlmo cows
and heifers were steady and common n
Blmdo lowor. The supply of stockers
und fyedors was rather limited ,
Iho donuuul fair and prices steady.
Cholco to extra beeves , $ I.SU@5.0ilj
medium to good steers , 1,8. > 0 to 1,500
Ibs , ? 3.-tO4.0 < > : 1,200 to l. ! l ) Ibs. J3.50
a .80 : UoOto 1.200 Ibs. $3.00(88.00 ( ; stoeliers
and foedeis. 3i.l5c8.CO ( : cows , bulls and
mixed , $1.60(33,50 ( : bulk. .20@'J.75j Texas
corn.fod stcors , $3.00ft3.r ( > 0.
Hods 'Iho demand was actlvo with an up
turn ol a nloklu on about all classes. Puckers
ors paid ? 3.05@I.OO , and shlnpers 5I.OO@4.05.
Uuht sorts sold nt SJ.l > jQ4,05 , largely nt
NKW YOHK , March 7. | Special Telegram
to TUB HER. | STOCKS The vigor with
which the stock market opened was a llttlo
surprising. For n few days past Sugnr
Trusts , Kcadlng and Chicago Gas have mo
nopolized the leading Interest , These stocks
were uctlvo ngalu , but with thorn many
ether stocks received attention , and Lackn.
wanna , St. Paul , Union Pacltlo and Missouri
Paolflo wcro prominent in dealings , Louis-
vlllo & Nashvlllo also Joined the aetlvo list
lator. The activity , howovnr , lasted only
through the llrst half hour , after which the
usual < ] Uiut buslnods was transactod. First
prl''Ch In almost ovarything showed slight
fractional advances over last evening's 11 g.
urea , but Chlrugo Gas was upwhllo Sugar
Iillncrios { ) was 118 per cent lower nt 07J { ' .
The murkot was strong In curly dealings
nml further gains of small fractions were
made , Missouri Pacltlo und Laokuwumia
leading with % per cent oach. Chicago
Gas , however , after opening up Jf to 44 ,
ro o to 45 , but settled back to4l ) . ( . Sugar
on the other hand , uftor Its opening decline
BOOM topped tti host prlco of yoitorduy ,
touching C'JJ ' . Ucst urlcos were uot main-
tuluod lit the latter portion of the hour , and
Heading , after u slight ( rain lost all of Us
Improvement , with something In addition.
Tennessee Coal also declined 1 pur cent to 58.
The weakness did not long coulluuo through
out the Hat ana the strength of the first half
hour returned boforu noou , when a general
nd vance took place , In which the Granger
grout ) was prominent with gulni of > { to 1
per cent In many stocks , Sugjir oven went
Higher thnn It did early , recovering from
0 ) i to OOJjf. Loulsvlllo moved up on the
second bulge from SI to SI/ , a not gain of
l'i. ' Oregon Transcontinental \yus up 1 to
SOtf , ruw Kuglunu gained K to 44Jf , Atchl-
on > 4 to 33 , Uurliogton J to 101 . Northwestern -
western i per ccut Ut 10UK , Hock
Islandi to 00 , ' , St. Paul } to
G7'i ' Missouri Pacific l' ' # to Wi
Union Pacific X to Ol n second tlmo. West
ern Union wu * not Improved. Heading , after
dropping to 3fl. ' | at 11 o'clock , moved up to
37. All talk of the expected bearish bank
statement of Saturday was forgotten In the
interest created by tha unusual buying. The
cdgo was taken off the buying In Sugar after
midday by a statement that the dividend was
not declared and could not bo without the
approval of the court. This had no effect on
the railroad list , however , which continued
to ndvunco nil round. Tno buying of
Grangers was not extraordinary , but a bo-
Hot that the shorts wcro on the run gnvo the
market n brisk gait and advances were very
flattering to the bulls the net gain * roach *
ing } { in Atclilnnon and Union Pacific , 1 per
cent in St. Paul to 073 , IJ lu Uurllngton to
l" 5f , IJ ln Northwestern to 109Jf , IK ' "
Uock Island to Ul % and 1 In Missouri Pa-
clllo to 733 { . Heading nUo moved up n full
point to 37 * < on covering. Louuvillo closed
1V up at 84 . Other gains wcro less im
portant , but tbo market was broad and
strong to the closo. The total sales wcro
The following ware the closing quotations :
II. 8. ( s ro ulitr. Nofthnrn
IJ.H. 4s coupons . . do oreferrod . 13
U. a , HtsrorfUlnr. . . ! ! ! ) 0. > V > . W . 10n
' do prof erred . H'J
I'liclilctHot 'iH . 'JIH . .
Central I'acldc. . . . : u I' . D..VH , , . 108
Chlcaco.'llurllngtViii C. , M. ASt.l' . 17'i
&Jiilncv Kit1 ; dourarcrred . IH'C
D..L.&W liWl 3t.Puul.fc Omnha. ! lli !
llllnolsC.nural Mil doproferron . 1 -
I. . Ill & W. . tr.ilon I'Aclllc . . . . C4 < j
II \y..8t. i > . a v . i-
I.nko Shore ion do pro for rod. . . . . . -1i !
Michigan Ceutrnt ! ' $ Western Union. , . . KHj
Mlneourll'acllla . . . 7U ! >
MONEV OK CAU , Easy at 2QC per cent.
Pimm MuitoxvTir.u PAI-EII 5 7 per cent.
STRHMNO KxciiANOE Qulot , but steady ;
nixty-day bills , $4.b'JJ4' ; demand , 54. tO.
NKW YOHK , March -fSoocial Tolo ram
toTiiK UEB.I Clu fjllj'.vl.i ; arj tha rain-
Culcdonla , B. II. .I'.W inoadwooil T. . . . .115
Alice . U'O llU Cilito . 1-Ti
Con. C.\l. > t Va VJi rrooliiml . MO
Commonwealth. , . ! W ) .lluiuastaka . "it )''JO : ' ) ' Illorn Silver . KJO
CouistocK , T scj.3WJ Ontario . 3il)0 )
CHIOAOO. .March 7. 1:13 n. ra. close
Wheat Easy .Maroh , "i-Ve ; M' y. 78 c.
Corn Steady March. 2dc ; Mav , 29X J.
Oats Steady ; March , 20 > io ; May , 21 , ' c.
Rye-March. 42 > c.
Uurlov .Nothing doing.
Prune Timothy 51,17.
Flax-Cash , $1.47.
Whisky 1.02.
Pork Steady : March , 10.80 ; May ,
. - .
Lard Steady ; March , ? 5.Sd ; July , SG.07K
@ 0.10.
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat ,
? 2.00 ( .nO ; spring wheat. $1,104.W ) : rye ,
$2.50@2.85 ; buckwheat , $1.00 ( 1.10 per owl.
Provisions Shoulders , $ l.20@4.25 : short
clear , t5.200i5.25 ; short ribs , March , $ -1.83.
Uutter Moro active , steady ; creamery , 10
@ 27c ; dairy. 12@'Jc. : )
Cheese Bettor ; full cream cheddars , 9 } < ,
@ 10c ; flats , ! l } @ 10cj Young Americas.
10(3 ( lie.
Ejjgs In good demand ; fresh , 12@24e.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy und light green
salted , 4K < J'Kc ' ! salted bull , 3c ; green
suited calf , 5 c ; dry Hint , ( ! @ 7c ; dry sailed
hides , Oo ; dry calf , n@0o ; deacons , 20o each.
Tallow Unclmngcd ; No. 1 solid packed ,
3 c ; No. 2 , 3 > 4o ; cake , 4c.
Hocoipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour . 7.0011 7.000
Wheat . a3OdO 2,1.000
Coru . 2(17,000 ( 720,000
Outs . 101,000 107,000
N -w Yorlr , March 7. Wheat Receipts ,
23.030 bushels ; exports , 24.200 bushels ; spot
easier ; No. 2 rod , SOKo 1 elevator ;
SSjaS ( , c , afloat , 87J ® 6'Jc ; f. o. b. ; op
tions steady ; No. 2 rod March closing at
Corn Hocoipts , 35,030 bushels ; oxoarts ,
03,400 bushels : spot cteady ; No. 2 , 3530c ,
elevator ; ; MiJ @J7c , ullout ; ungraded mixed , ; options steady ; March closing at
Oats Receipts , 09,000 bushels ; exports ,
24,000 , bushels ; spot , heavy ; No. 2 white ,
3U@30 > c ; mired western , 27@3Uc ; white
western. 20W@29 < j ; options weaker ; March
closing at 28 > ( c.
Coffpo Options closed firm and BJ ( 10
points up ; sales , 71,500 bags ; March , $17.23
@ 17 ; May , $10 95 ® 17. 10 ; spot Hio higher ;
fair cargoes $20 25.
Sugar -Raw. firm ; roflnod higher ; fair
rclliilng , 5 1-lOc.
Potrolouni United closed , April 04c.
Pork Firm.
Lard Firmer ; western steam , $0.30.
Uutter Fine , steady ; Elgin. 27J c ; west
ern dairy , 5@lSc ; creamery , 13@20c.
Cheese Strong ; western , 10M10 < fc.
Eggs Firm ; western , 10@10 > c.
St. IjouN. March \Vnoat-Lowor ;
cash , 70) ) 0 ; May , 70/70Xc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 2Tio ; May , 20c.
Oats Weak ; cosh , 2uoK ; May , 20jS o.
Pork Firm at 810. 12K.
Lurd Nominal at $5 03.
Whisky-Steady at $1.02.
Uuttor Creamery , 22 ; dairy , 19@31.
Milwaukee , Maroh 7. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 spring , on track and cash , 72r ( < ! 73o ;
May , 72e4' ,
Corn Steady ; No. 8 , 23c.
Outs-Quiot ; No. 2 white , 23c.
Hyo Quiotv No. 1 , 43c.
Uurloy Easier ; No. 3 , 39o. .
Provisions Firm ; pone , $ i .03.
March 7.Vhoat Slow
and lower ; receipts , 208 cars ; shipments ,
40 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard. March , 78) o ;
May , 7U ) fo ; on track , 7SJK3790 ; No. 1 north
ern , March , 70fc ; May , 77 ; ' c ; on track ,
77Vtfe ; No. 2 northern , March , 74 } o ; May ,
75Bo ; on track , 7 J < f@70o.
Iilvorpool , Maroh 7. Wheat Steady
and demand poor ; holders offer moderately ;
California No. 1. 7s ad per cental.
Corn Steady ; demand fulr ; now mlxod ,
western spot , 3s 7d per cental.
Clnolmmil , March 7. Wheat Easlor :
No. 2 red. 77c.
fern ! Easier ; No , 2 mixed , 32c.
Oats Firmer ; No 2 mixed , 24) c.
Whisky S1.02.
KniiBn < i Oltv. March 7. Wheat
Easier ; No. 2 hard , cash , U3o bid ; No. 2 red ,
cash , ( J7 > jO bid.
Coru No. 2 , cash and March , 21 c bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash and March , cash , 17c Did.
( Jnlcaco , March" . The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , - ;
market weak to lOo lower ; beeves , $ I.SO@
( i.OO ; steers , $3.00 4.00 ; stockers ami feed-
ors$2.4Ui3.00 ( ; Toxus corn-fed steers , 5),00
@ 3.50 ,
Hogs -Receipts , 20,000 : shipments , - ;
market strongtoSodigher ; mixed and heavy ,
$3.b5@4.05 ; light , f3.S5HllU7 ( > f ; sklpt , ? 3.0U@
U.SO.Shnop Receipts. 7,000 ; shlmnonts , - :
market slow ; natives , $3.50 5.00 ; western
corn-fed , J4.SOa5.05 ; Toxuus , $3,50@5.SO ;
lambs , $ } .00gl.25. ( )
KIIIIMIX 4 Uity , March 7. Outtlo Rocolpts ,
5,400 ; shipments , 2,400 ; market steady ;
steers , f3.35' < i4.7o ; cows , $2.00 ( 3.00 ; stack
ers and feoUers , fJ.SU(3.45. (
Hogs Receipts. 8.UOO ; shiumonts. 2,700 ;
market steady ; all grades , $ J.05rf3 ( SO.
.Natiiiiiitl Stuoic Vimli. ICtut Bt.
fjouiH , March 7. Cattle Receipts , 7tXJ ;
shipments , 700 ; market strong ; fair to
fanov native steers , $3.80 4.90 ; atockors
and feeders , $ .2.2. > ( i 3.70.
Hogs Receipts , 4XX ( ) ; shlpmonts , 2OUO ;
market steady ; heavy , * 3.00@4.00 ; packing ,
f3.SOiS.l)0 { ) ; light , $3.750M3.03.
Sloiix Olty , March 7. Cattle Receipts ,
700 ; shipments , 800 ; market unchanged ;
eanuers. 75c ( < ? ? l.23 ; cows , l.tXt1.25 ) ; gtock-
ors , | l.&OG.t2.2S ; feeders , * 2.25"iJ2.1)Oj' ( ) veal
calves , $2.00@3.13.
Hogs Receipts , 2,1,00 ; market steady at
Friday , March 7.
Hocoipts of cattle were estimated at l.SOO
compared with 3,074 yesterday , The re-
coiuts consisted of a few lota of good ateors ,
about forty loads of cows und the balance of
a couimonlsh kind , with u fair sprinkling of
tcodoru. The market opened tlow on every
thing , the beat stoora and fancy cow * alone
showing uo decline. Several loads of steers
were sold enrlv In the day at or above $ { .00.
TUo less desirable hooves were not only
slow but shaded off many of tlion , .uMiiuoli
as lOc. Huycr * and sellers materially differ
In regard to prices ; several purchases
wcro reported steady at yesterday's prices ,
whllo sellers generally think price * opened
fin to lOo lower and growing weaker closed
lOo to 15o lower with a number of loads un
sold. The steer market Is lO Mo lower than
on Wednesday last ; the former on the very
best grades and shading down to Iho latter
on Iho poorer grades. Fancy cows scorn to
nearly hold their own , although the general
cow market Is down lOc to 25o from the high
est point reached this month. A few sales of
cows arc reported barely steady , whllo 5o to
lOo lower Is the general quotation given ,
with a few sales reported , evidently of the
least desirable lots at even moro than lOc
lowor. The market closed weak with a
largo portion of iho sales at the lowest prices
of the day. Although there were a good
many feeders received there were uot
enough to supply the domand.
Receipts of hogs estimated at 3,030 com
pared with 3,740 yesterday. Together with
a dozen stale loads , there were nearly 5,000
hogs on sale. There was considerable sortIng -
Ing , the selected light hogs soiling at $3.80.
Thu quality of receipts was good. The market
opened actlvo with prices Ilrm , sales bolng
moro readily made of lots than yesterday at
steady prices. The average prlco went up
from $3.7 W yesterday to $3.7:2) : $ today.
Receipts of sheep estimated at ISO com
pared with 453 yesterday. The sheeu mar
ket was actlvo and sales made readily nt
steady prices. ]
The following li a t-iblo of prim * patd In
this market for the graloi of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1393 to 10'JO tt > . . $ ? . @ . ! )
Good stooH , 12V ) to lf J Ids. . . 3.5) ( ( dJ.20
Goodstoors , 1030 to 13JO 11 > . . . 3.2) ( H.8'J
Common 10JU to 1150 lb stooM. 2.0. ) rt.t.OJ
Common canners . l.OJ fit ) 2.00
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.110 (2200
Fair to good cows . 1.90
Good to choice cows . 2.20 .
Cholco to fancy cows . 2.05 ( < 44.10
Fair to good bulls . 1.5'J ' ( $3.5 ! )
Choice to fancy bulls . 2.5 J
Light stockers and fi'o Jera . . . . 2.0,1
Feeders , 030 to 1100 Itis . 2.2. ) QffiAO
Fair to choice light boss . 3.75 M3.80
Fiilr to cholco heavy hogs . 3.53 "Ji'i. 70
Fair to cholco mlxod hogs . 3.7d < < W.77 (
Disposition ol Stock. *
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep bought by the packers and leading
buynrs on to-day's inamot :
Uuyers. No.
Swift & Co . 503
George H. Hammond & Co . 209
ThoArmour-CudahyPaekingcoinpany. 271
Omaha Packing company . 57
Lee Rothschild . 57
Hamilton & Stephen . 13
Henton & Underwood 05
Nets Morris . . . . . 45
Shippers and feeders . 333
Hooker & Egan . 83
W. R. VunZaut . 44
Showlne the number of 110155 bought by
the loading buyers on todav's market :
Armour-Cudahy Packing company 1099
Omaha Packing Co ' 701
SwlU&Co 039
George H. Hammond & Co 427
Hogs yesterday averaged 204 pounds , and
04 to the car.
Showing the number of shotip bought on
today's market and the purchases :
Swift & Co ISO
Con ol Ho ; * .
The following table gives the average cost
of hogs on the dates montiono.l , including
the cost today , as nasod upon sales reported :
Date. P.-ica. Dale. Price.
March 1 ? 3 75 March 5 ! 1 \ %
March a 3 70K March 0 a 71 %
March 4 377 March 7 8.72 #
Kiinr > ) of I'rlcos ! loc < .
The following table showa the range of
prices paid for hogs :
Light and medium hogs $3 75 @ 3 SO
Good to choice mixed hogs. . . 3 70 @ 3 75
Good to choice heavy hogs. . . 3 07) ) 3 72 >
Ranso of Prices Shcup.
The following table showa the range of
prices paid for sheep :
Prime fut sheep fl 40 @ 3 50
Good fat sheep 8 50. ( § jl 00
Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 OJ f 3 73
Lambs , 4 00 @ 0 00
Coinpnriitivj Tit > l'js.
The following tables show t'aa rana In.
prices on hog.s during this and lau week :
Showing the avora3 prlca pild for loads
of hogs on the days nUicat-jJ In 1337 , 1333 ,
1SS9 and 1390 :
Hlsjhost nmt Ijuwuat Hales ut Uogi.
Today. Vestcrday.
Highest 53.SO Highest.$3.80
Lowest i70 Lowest 8.70
Rtoclc UcocliHs.
Official "Yesterday , Estimated Today.
Cattle , 117 cars..8,074 Cattle , 83 cars.1,930
Hogs , 57 cars . . .3.710 Hogs , 5(5 ( cars..3,050
Sheep , 3 cars. . . . 458 Sheep , Icar. . . . IbO
IConrcHcntntivo Sales.
SfEEIl- ) .
17..121. . 40..3 23 O..a33. . . .350
5..190. . ,300
No. Av. Price
ISO westerns wethers 100 505
On the Market \Vlth Sliocp.
E. M. Gibson , Clurks.
On thn Market With Hoss.
John U. Uurgess , H. Blaco , Hcnnard ; A.
Uecknmn & Co. , Oakland ; Horton , Uros. ,
Verdicro ; D. L. Upton , .Pierce ; Dutchor &
Son , Plalnviow ; Coroll 13ros. , Crolchton ;
Stcttor. Valentino ; J. True , Avoca , la. : E.
A. Packard , Manilla. la. ; O. M. Young , IJor-
lin ; O. Hurgess , Weeping Water ; H. N. Loe.
Indlanola ; M T. Jackson , Elunvood ; J. F.
lloberts. Ashland ; E. W. Ulack , C. H. Par-
melo & Co. , Cedar Crcey ; Wright
& Allen , Tamora ; J , P. Tavlor , Ash-
ton ; A. K Charlotonf Arcadia ; B. F.
Siebort , Beaver City ; Donuhuu & D.
Hendloy ; Konyon lirothers , Boelus ; Frank
Hart , Uannebrog ; G. B. , Loucks , Hanson ;
Bank of Coin , Coin , la. ; G. F. Burch , Mc-
Cool Junction , la. ; A. Cash , J. S. Irnun ,
Rising ; Jack Lower , Stromsbunr ; Skmuor
& Lewis , Blue Springs ; Rodcn & K. , Madalo ,
la , ; N. W. M. companyCreston ; J. Noh ,
Clarkson ; duller S. & F. . Dodge ; C.
Schneider , Emloy Brothers , Wlsner ; C. N.
Hutchms. Meadow Grove ; Sangstor & B. ,
Stuurt : Wright & Alton , Hee ; Ticknor B. &
M. , Beatrice ; A. Burly. Abbot ; II. Gund A
Co. , Campbell and Bladon ; H. B. Howlev ,
Wilcox ; Smith & S. , Waverly ; W. A. Fm-
lay , Greenwood.
On the Market With Cattle.
C. S. Dome , Imogono. la. ; A. Huffman ,
Conception , la. ; G. F.,15urch , , McCool Junc
tion , la. ; J. K. McKce , Palmyra ; H. Myers ,
Cheneys ; H. H. Otton , Chester : J. Fnnko ,
D. A. Jones , Pleasant Ualo ; Kellenbarger
Brothers , Mcrna ; J. S. Armour , Graf ton ;
Wright & Allen , Tamora ; D. S. Reunn , Bro
ken Bow ; George W. Beagle , Borwyn ; L.
E. Goodell , Wilbnr : Spelts & 1C. , Bollwood ;
P. Johnson , Herman ; D. L. Upton , Plorco ;
Baxter , Dutcher & Son , Plain view ; Peter
son & N. , P. Diodrlcksen , Bennington ;
John Lemke , Millard ; D.V. . Austin , Neola ,
lu. ; Tim Buckley , Panama , la. ; A. Mil-
uroJt , Berlin ; James Cummins , Talmago : J.
Philpot , Weeping Water ; Dryfoos & H. ,
Oconeo ; U. J. Skoog , Genoa ; . ( .Abraham.
Valley ; Donahue & D. , Heiidley ; W. T.
Bean ; Eustis ; F. M , Marshall , May wood ;
O. P. SlonniKor , Graf ton ; Paxton & D. ,
Geneva ; Joe Dixon , Memphis ; H. Meyers ,
Lincoln ; B. B. Ogg , Fairmont ; J. Cox ,
Hamilton : H. Agor , St. Paul aud Farwoll ;
S. A. Randall , Donlphan ; I. Grlftln ,
St. Paul ; Kcnyon Brothers , Bnelus ;
A. I ) . Cenyon , Frank Hart , Dannobrog ; Eq ,
P. & S. Imp. Co. , North Platte ; H. Ranting ,
Platte Center ; R. Uldrich. , Tobias ; Spelts &
1C. . David City ; Skinner & Lewis , Blue
Surlug ; Chambers & B , , Herman ; W. M.
White , Tokamoh ; C. M. Fowler , River
Sioux , la. ; W. A. King , R. Statulcn , Creston ;
C. Schneider , Snyder ; J , G. Mathorson &
Co. , PilgorjO N. Hutchlns , Meadow Grove ;
George Wright , Wright & Allen , Bee ; J. W.
Williams , Seward ; M. F. Patrick , Ulysses ;
J. W. Conn , Plattamouth ; Paul Bros. , Mc-
Paul , In. ; H. M. Sucksdorf , Council
Bluffs , la.
rinrlzot 31nntioii.
Joseph Dixon brought cattle In from
The board of directors of the hvo stock
exchange will moot Saturday afternoon at
2:80 : o'clock.
The joint executive committee has an-
pointed the following referees : Charles E.
Bognrt and William li. Wnllwork on tbo
purt of the packers aud Sol Hopper and
Cnarlni S. Moloy on the part of the com
mission men.
E. Wlloy Black came In with u load of
hogs from Cedar Creek that uvaragcd 425
A. H. Jones has been appointed by Gov
ernor Thnyer a delegate to the Fort Worth
Reynolds & Davis , regular patrons of this
market from Raymond , sent up a car of
Killonbergor Brothers , Mornn , and G. W.
Beagle , Borwyn , each marketed two cars of
Mr. Alexander , of the firm of Johnson &
Alexander , Audubou , la. , hud two loads of
cattle In.
J. B , Phllbrook of ( Jod'cr had a car of
$5.05 sheep on the market ( , "
J. H. Dutchor marketed hoga and cattle
from Plulnvlow. , , . , ]
Both members of the firm of Wright &
Allen were hero with two curs of hogs and
ona of cattle , from Hoo.mnd two cars of cattle
tlo and ono of hogs from , , Tninora ,
A. E. Charloton. Arcadia , J , Fiu Roberts ,
Ashland , M. T. Jackson , Ehmvood , und W.
A. Finlay , Greenwood , marketed hogs.
R. S'andon and Dr. t. K. Goodoll of WU-
bor , oxtonslvo shippers , had cattle on the
S. A. Randall marketed two cars of cattle
from Uontphon. :
N. J , Skoog , a prominent citizen of Genoa
and a regular shipper , was lu with two cars
of cuttle.
H. II. Sucksdorf of Pottawottamlo county ,
la. , bad two cars of cattld on thp market.
II. H. Oltou of Choatdr was on tbo mark ot
with two loads of hogs.
S. G. Underwood , one of the Iowa pioneers ,
was at the yards visiting his sou Wllllatn 1.
Charles II. Spauldmg of Stewart was In
will ) a car of hogs ,
W. T. Bean came In with t > vo cars of cut-
tlo from Kuatia.
J. W. William was in from Seward with
a car of cattle.
A. Hlackston of Pilgor was down looking
ever tbo market.
J. H. Johnson was on the market with a
car of cattle from Blair.
Conrad Schneider bad a car of hogs on the
market from Snyder ,
Peterson & Nicholson bad cattle on the
market from Bonnlugton.
Socrotury J. C. Sharp will leave Saturday
aftornaou for St. Louis to see W , N. Bub.
cock , general manuger of the stock yards.
lit r. Habcock has been slok for sometime ,
but the doctor expresses a hope that ho will
bo nblo to bo about again within thrco week * .
J , Philpot , Jr , Was In from Weeping
Water with n caro' cattle.
J. D. Ream of Broken Bow was on the
market with u car of cattle.
Ira Grlflln , the well known shipper of St.
Paul sent In thrco cars of catllo.
Messrs. A. C. Davenport of the Stockmnn ,
J. B. Erlou of the Monuro , Colonel K. P.
Savace , Charles L. Hedlngton , A. H. Jones
and Miles French will start this evening for
Fort Worth , Tax. to attend the convention
of cattlemen which will meet In that city on
the llth.
O. M. Young of Berlin marketed n car of
Kcnyon Brothers sent In a car of hogs from
H. Uldrich of Tobias marketed n car of
J. E. Llttlo came up from Lincoln with a
car of cattlo.
Eoos Strictly fresh , lie ; cold storage ,
pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at any
prlco. Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21
( S25C ; creamery , fancy solid packed , 23$24c ( ;
creamery , cholco , 19@22c ; dairy , fancy rolls
and prints , 18@20c ; dairy , fancy solid
packed , 17VJ19c ( : dairy , choice , 13il5o ( ? ;
country roll , choice , ll(312o ( ; country roll ,
good , O lOu ; country roll , fair , Gi < 7o ; poor
stock , 8 ( < Coc.
Poui.Tiiv Turkeys , dressed , f.t ; cy dry
picked , Il ( < 3l2o ; turkeys , Hvo , per lt , 7@3o ;
chickens , fancy , Oo ; chickens , choice , 7 ( < $ ja ;
chickens , live , $3.00(33.50 ( ; geese , dressed ,
fancy , G@10o ; gocio , dressed , choice , 8 ( < ? 9o ;
geese , live , doz. , $ il.00ft7.00 ( , ducks , dressed ,
fancy , lie ; ducks , cholco , 0@10ii ; decks , Hvo ,
dez. , * 2.60@300j pigeoni , doz. . ? 1.00 ,
nGAMU .lack snipe , $1.00tl.2. ( ' > ; golden
plover , $1.00s51.25 ( ; mallard ducks , $3.00ij (
350 : canvusback ducks. $3.00@I5.UO ; red
head ducksi , doz. , $3.00 ; teal ; uuks. ; doz. ,
$1.50@2.00 ; mixed ducks , doz. , $1.50$2.00 :
geese , Canada , $5.50@G.OO ; gccao , Ruiall , $1.00
HuBSWAt No. 1 , 10@19c.
Pies FKET Pickled , kits , 70o ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , S2.3.V pickled tripu , kits , C5c ;
picklnd H. C. tripe , kits , 85c ; splcod pigs
hocks , kits , ft.12.
MKSS Point Pur bbl , S9.75@10.75.
BUCKWHEAT Fr.ouu Per bbl , $1.75.
WOOL Fine , average , 23@2to ; medium.
average , 21@22o ; quarter blood , average , 18
@ 20n ; course , nvurnuo , 13i$17c ( ; cotts and
rough , uvorago , 14ilGe ( ,
PICKLES Medium , per bbl. $1.85 ; small ,
$5.75 ; gherkins , $ J.75 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts , $5.83 ; pts. $3.03.
POTATOES Per bu , 35o ; common , 23c.
M.U'i.B SUdAK Per Ib , 12. } o.
PHOVISIOXS Hams , No. 1 , 1(5 ( Ib average ,
, Je ; 20 to 22 Ibs , Stfc ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 9jc ;
shoulders , 5c ; breaktast bacon , No. 1 , 8c ;
ham sausage , 8c ; dried beef hams , 7c ; beef
tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry. salt meats , 5@
5J4'i. % per Ib ; ham roulette , 0 > < c ; add lo per
Ib for small lots.
HAV Cholco upland. $0.00@0.25 ; midland ,
$4.50 ; lowland , $ J.EO.
CHOI- FKBII$12.50. .
BKA.V $10.50.
Coitx Ulc.
OATS 13c.
BONES ( Quotations are for delivery In
Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , per ton. $10.00013.00 ;
dry country , bleached , $10.00@18.0U ; dry
country , damp and musty , $3,00(3110 ( 00.
SKINS AND Funs Raccoon , No. 1 , largo ,
80@90c ; No. 1. medium , 03@70c ; No. 1 ,
small , 40&JOc ( ; No. 2 , 3 and 4 , l'J@iOc. Mink ,
No. 1 , largo , GU75o ; No. 1 , imfdium , 50@GOc ;
No. 1 , small , 40@51)e ) ; No. 2 , 3. 4. $540.
Otter , No. 1 , largo prime , $5.00@9.0U ; No. 1 ,
medium , $4.005.00 ; No. 1 , small , $2.50 ®
3.50 ; No. 2 , 3. and 1 , $0.59@1.30. Lynx , No. 1 ,
$2.50$3.30. ( Wildcat , No. 1 , 40@50c ; No. 2. 20c. winter , 15c ; fall , lUllu. ( Skunk ,
black , G0@75c : striped. No. 1 , 35@40c ; No.
2. 15@2c ( ) ; No. 3 , 1013c ; No. 4 , 5@10o.
Cross lox. No. 1. $4.00@3.0U ; No. 2 , $ -.00@
2.50. Red fox , No. 1 , § l.UOfd > 1.25 ; . No. 2. 50 ( < §
050c. Grey fox , No. 1 , 40@5Uc ; No. 2 , 20jg (
23o. Mountain wolf. No. 1 , $2.5C ( i3.00 ; No.
2 , $ l.00@1.25. Prarlo wolf , No. 1 , 73@$1.00 ;
No. 2 , 40'Sr.Oc. Beaver , No. 1 , per Hi. * J.OO@
3.50 : No. 2 , per Ib , $2.00@2.40 ; No. 3 , uor Ib.
50@ll5c ; No. 1 , 50c. Bear. buck. No. 1 , $15.00
@ 25.00 ; grizzly , No. 1 , $10.00@r .00 : brown ,
No. 1 , $10.00@20.00 ; cub , $1.0i > @ 3.00 ; buck
skin , Indian dressed , per Ib , $1.00@1.50.
Deer , summer , per Ib , 3Uo ; foil , per Ib , 23o ;
winter , per Ib , 225o ( ) ; green salt , per piece ,
.75ffSOo ( ; antelope , per Ib , 20o ; elk , per Ib ,
10@lSa ; Usher , No. 1 , $3.(0QbOJ. ( ( Martens ,
No. 1 , 75c@l,50 ; No. 3 , 2o ( < $50a. Opossum ,
No. 1 , cased , 10@15c ; No. 1 , open , 7@10c.
Badcer , No. 1 , full furred , 75c@$1.23 ; No. 2 ,
30@35o ; No. 3 , 10@20c. Wolvorino. No. 1 ,
$4.00(30.00. (
hides , 4 } c ; dry salted hides , 5@Gc ; dry flint
hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5c. Damaged hides 2c
loss. Sheep pelts , green , each , 75c@J1.25 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9@12o ; tallow , No. 1 ,
3 (33 ( 0 : No. 2 , So ; grease , white , 3Jfo ;
yellow , 2 ( it3o. !
VCOETAIILBS New Lettuce , per doz
heads , 45c ; radishes , per doz bunches , 50o ;
green onions , per doz bunches , 80@iOa ; pars
ley , per doz bunctios , : )5o ) ; BOiipbunchcs , per
doz bunches , 45@50u ; celery , Michigan ,
small , per doz bunches , C5@J5c ; celery , Illi
nois , per doz bunches , 45@50u ; celery , Now
Orleans , per doz bunches , 75@90c ; Califor
nia , $1.00 per doz ; spinach , per bbl , $2.50 ; cu
cumber , per t\pz \ , $1.75@2.25 ; oyster plant ,
per doz , 45@50o ; now beets , per Dushol , $1.00
© 1.25 ; now carrots , par doz bunches , 40@oOc :
new turnips , per doz bunches , 40$50o ; pie
plant , per Ib , 0@7c ; newcubbugo , Louisiana ,
per crntet.OO ; now potatoes , Bermuda , per
bb ) , $ (1.00 ( ; tomatoes , Bermuda , 10 Ib boxes
per box , $1.5U@1.75.
VEdurAiiLics Old Sweet potatoes , fancy
Masculine , per bbl , $ -1.00 ; onioim , extra
fancy , per bbl , $ .50 ; ontuns , fair , per bbl ,
$2.50 ; rutabagas , per obi , $2.00 ; carrots , per
bbl , $2.00 ; uarsnips , per bbl , $2.00 ; beets , per
bbl$2.00 ; horse radish roots , per bbl , ft. 00 ;
homo radish roots , per Ib , 7o ; celery roots ,
per bbl , $5 00 ; celery roots , per doz , COo.
Ai-i'LU BUTTEII Per Ib , Ct7o.
Mixcn MEAT So per Ib.
Hoxnv 15@10o per Ib for cholco.
PUESCUVES8@10c per Ib ,
JIILLIES 4@4J < o per Ib.
DIIHSSEO Vuif , Cholco medium , 0 > @ 7e ;
light , 5@0o ; heavy. 8@4c.
BKANS Hand plckod navy , $1.50@l.OO ;
hand picked navy , medium , $1 40@1.50 ; band
Dlcked country , $1.301.40 ; good clean , $1.20
CIIEESK Per ID , full cream Y. A. , 12c ;
full croatn twins , 11 , ' e ; full cream Ohio
swiss , 15c ; full cream Wisconsin swiss , 1 ! ) ®
Mo ; full cream brick swiss , ll@12c ; full
cream llmburgor sxvlss , ll@12c.
FISH Fresh frozen white , trout , plko and
pickerel , per Ib , 7c ; herring , 5 > o ; sturgeon ,
Oiuxacs Per box , Florida brlghts , $3.75 ;
russets , $8.50 ; mosslna , $ J,25 ; California
fancy navels , $525 ; choice. $5.00 : Los An-
coles navels , S450 ; seedlings , Riverside ,
$3853.50 ; mountain , $ .1.25 ; Los Angeles ,
$3.00 ; In live box lots 25o per box less.
LEMONS Per box , mcsslim fancy , $ -1.00@
5.0i ) ; verdolll , good , $350.
BANANAS Per bunch , $2 00@3.00.
MAHUA GitAi'Es--Fanoy , per bbl , $7.50 :
choice , pur bbl , $ U.OO@7 00.
COCOANUTS Per hundred , $1.75.
Al'l'LES Per bbl , $4 00 .41 DO.
CiUNiiEHitiES Per Obl , $12.50@H.OO.
CIDEH Per bbl , remind , $0.50 ; half bbl ,
$3.50 ; hard elder , pure , par bbl , $3.01) ) .
DitiEi ) FHUIT Currants , now. Ou ; prunes ,
casks , 1,300 Ibs , S'.j'o ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
5Kc ; citron pcol , drum , 20 llm , 22o ; lemon
peel , drums , 18o ; fard dates , boxes , 12 11 > * ,
lie ; uurlcots , chclcu'ovuporatod , llu ; apri
cots , jolly cured 25 Ib boxes , lOu : apricots ;
fancy , 25 Ib boxes , 15u ; apricots , cholco bags ,
SO Ibs , 14u ; apples , ovupnratud , 50 Ib boxes ,
9c : apples , Star , 8 c ; apples , fancy Alden ,
5 Ib , lUo ; ap , les , Fancy Alden , 3 Ib , 10 } u ;
Salt Luke , 6 > fc ; blackberries , evujiorated ,
50 Iti boxes , rijfo ; chorrlos , pitted , dry cured ,
13c ; pears , California fancy , , ' 4 * boxes , 25 Ib ,
12o : pouches , Cul. No. 1 fancy , > tfg , unp batfs ,
bO Ib , I5o ; peaches , pared , fancy , 18a ; Salt
Luke , 7o ; uectarlnes , red , 14u ; ncctnrlnei ,
silver , boxes , 15u ; pitted plums. Gal. 25 Ib
boxes , 8J O ) raspberries , ovap. , N. Y , , now ,
2to ) ; prunes , H. C. 0070 , U lO'.fu ' ; orungo
pcol , 15o ; raisins , Cullloruiu London crop
18b9 , $2.35 ; Cul. loose muscatels , crop 1839 ,
$2.00 ; Valoticlas , 1SSS , Oc : Valonolas , now.
) i'o ; Cal. seedless , sks , , 7J ! o ; Ondura layer ,
now , 0 > o ; pruneloss , 12Kc ; dried gropes , 4o.
SUOAIIS Cut flou , 80 ; out loaf cubes l a ;
standard , powdered , 7lac ; XXXX. powdered ,
Bo ; grunulblod , standard , OJgu ; confection-
ors. A , 0 0 ! > vhitoextiaC , O.Vo ; extra C ,
Neb , Oo ; amber , 5 c ;
SoAi-s-Castllo , mottled , per Ib , 610o ;
do white , per 1) > , 12o ,
VfiOErAiiLEs Touiatoos-a Iti extra , $1.00 ;
3 Ib standard , western brands , ODsJOSu ; gal
lens , strictly standard , $2 9J. Corn Finest
grown , tl.t'A ) ; gllt-cdto sugar com , very tine ,
11.60 ; MuMurroy's 2 Ib sugar corn , $1 U ) ; 2
Ib extra , western brand * . MooTll.OOj 2 to
standard , western brands , 70 ( < pOc. Mushrooms -
rooms 1 Ib French , extra line , 82if25i ! ; 1 Ib
French , line , 18.5'ci ( 1 Ib French , ordinary ,
10C'18o. ' Peas-Tros fine , per can , 8 * o ;
dnml flno , per'can,10oj extra , lifted ,
$3.00 ; 3 Ib early Juno , $ l.iW@t.3S ; 2 Ib Mnr'
row , standard brand , 11.10- Ib soaked , We ,
String Hoans 2 Ib high grade. Kofugce , S5o :
3 Ib Golden Wax bc.iiin , 75o ; 2 Ib string
beans , 70c. Lima Boani 8 Ib soaked , 7ftc.
Hoslon linked Uoans 3 Ib Lawis , (1.03 ;
crown brand , $1 50. Sweat potatoes , ' \ Ib
Now.lorsoy , $1.00 ; daisy , $1.83. 1'umpn.m
3 Ib now innnpltin , 03c.
OiLs-Korosene-P. W. lOtfe ; W. W.
1''Ke ; headlight , 13c ; gasoline , 180 ; naiad oil ,
$1.83u59.00 ( per doz.
CANNED MEATS 1 Ib lunch tongue , J2.00 ;
2" Ib lunch tongue , $1.75 ( 1 Ib corned hoof.
$1.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef , $8.03 ; 0 Ib corned
beef , (0.50 ; 14 Ib corned bcuf. $11.00 ; 2 Ib
boneless pigs feet , $2.80 ; 1 Ib English brawn ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib English brawn , $2.00 ; 0 Ib Eng
lish brawn , $0.50) ) 1 Ib comproaied ham.
$1.752 ; Ibcomprcssod ham , $8.75 ; lib chipped
beef , $ . ' .00.
FAm.VACnous GOODS Barley , 3)@lo ; fa
rina , 5c ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , ' % Xl'i maca
roni , lOc ; vermicelli. lOo ; rlco , 4 ( 0 0 ; sago
and tapioca , 0@7c : lima beans , Oc.
CorrKK Hoastcd Arbticklo's Arlosa ,
24. c ; McLaughlln's XXXX. 2l < o ; Gorman ,
24j'ge ' ; Dllworth , 84lio ; Aluroniti , 24Xo'
bulk , 84'.fc. '
FISH Codfish , extra Georges , new , 5 } c ;
grand bank , now , 4'sfe ; silver , 2 Ib , blocks ,
Oo ; snow whllu. 2 Ib bank , now , 4U'o ; Turkey -
key cod , lar o middles , bricks , S'4o ; snow
white crates , 12-5 Ib , boxes. 7Jfo : Iceland
halibut , Ho ; medium scaled herring , 83o ;
No. 1 sc.iled , burring , 23o ; domestic Holland
herring , 5oc ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.60 ;
Unssian sardinei , 75u ; Russian sardines ,
plain. 55c ; Imported Holland barring. Crown
brand , SOo ; do. fanc.v milkers , ' . 'Oo ' : mackerel
No. 1 shore , half boU , $13.00 ; bloaters , half
bbls , $18.00 ; wtntollHh , half bbls , $7.00 ; trout ,
half bbls , $5 50 ; family whitollsh $3.00 ; sul-
tnou , $3.50 : 1 Ib mackerel ( herring' * $1.00@
1.10 ; 1 Ib llnnun baddies , $1.75 ; 1 Ib' lousters ,
$1.00@3.00 ; 1 Ib Alaska salmon , Aleut , $1.00 ;
8 Ib oysters , 10 oz. $1.85 ; 1 Ib oysters , 5oz ,
$1.10 ; 3 Ib select , 13 07$2.33 ; I Ib clams , littlenecks
nocks , S1.J3 ; 2 Ib clams , llttlo necks , $3.10 ;
\i Ib tardlncs , Imported , per case , 100s ,
$ ll.00 ( < 1000 ; } { Ib sardines , Imported , per
case , 100s , $15.00(330.00 ( ; Ji Ib. Imported bone
less sardines , 20o ; } Ib sardines. American ,
per 100s , French style , $ l.5drf5.00j ( M Ib sar
dines , American , per case , 100s , French
style. $7.50J3.00 ( ; ) , ' Ib sardines , mustard ,
per case. 50 ? , $1.00 ( 4,35 ; Imported key sar
dines , $13.00.
IJitooMS Parlor , 4 tlo , $3.75 ; 3 tie , $ . ' .23 ;
stables , $3.85 ; common , ? 1.60@1.7u.
COCOA yt ib tin , 40c per Ib.
CIIOCOIATE 32GJ23o per Ib ; Gorman chic
ory , rod , 8c.
HCMI- TWINE Heavy , 14c ; medium , 18c ;
licht , 17c ; 18 li. C. , 30c ; 31 , 80o ; 30 , lOc ; 48 ,
17o ; broom twines , colored,80c.
MATTIIKSS Twixn Very line , 40c ; flue ,
33r ; medium , 85c , binders , 13c.
SAIL TWINE Very flno Has , 83c ; line flax ,
line ; cotton. 22c ; Calcutta hemp , Uo.
Sxi.sona Blls , ijtf ; granulated , \ % < ) \ kegs
1' c ; ukgs , CO , 5s , 5JijO.
STAUCII % @ per Ib.
SIOVK POLISH $8.00555.87 per gross.
UAOS Am. , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per
100 , $17.00.
NUTS Almonds , 15o ; UruziU , 14o ; Illborts ,
12u : pecans , lie ; walnuts , 18 > c ; peanut
coclts , 8c ; roasted , lie ; Tcnncsso pea
nuts , So.
IJuuas ( Grocers' ) Per Ib Uorax , lOc ;
copperas , 8 > o ; 13 , y loaves , lie ; glue , lOc ;
epsom salts , lcglaubcr ; salts , 3c ; sulphur ,
2J u ; blue vftrol , Oc ; alum , 4c ; tartarlc acid ,
42o ; rosln2c ; saltpelor , absolutelypuro , lOc ;
gum camphor. 2 Ibs In box , 1 ocnkcs. . 33u :
hops , JC and % Ib packages , 20c ; sage , ) /and
} -lb packages. 15u ; madder , 18c ; saltpeter ,
lOc ; indigo , 8-lb und 5-lb boxes. S F. C3 ( < j70c ;
indigo , 8 Ib and 5-lb boxes , Mudrls , 75c ; seal
inp wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3 e ; sealing wax ,
25-lb boxes , white , 4e.
Corni : Green Fancy old golden Hio , 24o ;
fancy old pcaberry , 24c / ; Hio , choice to
fancy , 23o ; Hio , prime , 8 Jo ; Hio , good , Sic ;
Mocha , 89o ; Java , genuine O. G. , 880 ; Java ,
good Interior. 24c ; African , 21c.
Hoi'i : Basis Manilla rope , 15c ; sisal rope ,
12 c ; cotton rope , lOo ; now process , 8.J-JC.
COTTON TVVISE Hlbb , vary llao , 3 or 4 py
22c ; line , 20c ; Daisy , 18c ; candle wick , 22c.
OLIVKS Quarts , oor do$3.75 ; pints , per
doz , $ J.25bulk ; , per gal , 04c. .
ViNKo n 30 gr. eider , So ; good , 12c ; white
wine , 15c.
MOLASSES Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
55o ; bukors' , 34i35c ( ; black strap , 20c.
WiiAri'ixo PAi'Eit Straw , per Ib ,
2Kc ; rag , 2) ) c ; manlln , 13 , 5@0c ; No. 1 , 7c"
UAOS Union square , 35 per cent off list.
SALT Dairy , 330 fb in bbl , bulk , $3.10 :
best grade. CO , 5s , $3.30 ; best grade , 100 , 8s ,
$2.40 ; best , grade. 33 , 10s , $2.80 ; rock salt ,
crushed , Sl.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton , 60 tt > bags ,
85c ; bulk , 321 Ib bags , $3.83 ; common , in
bbl , $1.25.
CANNED Goons Fruits , California canned
goods , standard brands , 2 Ib , per doz
Apricots , $1.70@1.85 ; apricots , plo fruit ,
$1.50 ; gallons , * 1.50 : blackberries , $2.25 ;
chorrles , block , $300 3.85 ; cherries , white ,
$3.2o@3.50 ; grapes , $1.00@1.80 ; pears , Bartlett -
lett , $3.10 ( $3.35 ; peaches , yellow. ? 2.10@8.30 ;
poaches , lemon cling , $2.85 ; plums , egg ,
$1.C5@1.80 ; plums , golden drops , $ l.tO :
plums , green gages , $1 GoQl.SO ; peucho ? ,
Bay City , with nitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.80 ;
gooseberries , $325 ; quinces , $2.10 ; raspber
ries , $2.70 ; strawberries , $2 CO ; peaches , 3 Ib
eastern standards , SL83 ; 3 Ib pie , $1.10 ; 0 Ib
pie , $2.00 ; gallon plo , $3.00 ; apples , high
standards , $3 50 ; 3 Ib gooseberries , OOo : 2 Ib
strawberries , 90@0."c ; 3 Ib raspberries , $1.00 :
8 Ib blueberries , b0rt 00o ; 3 Ib blackberries ,
C3@70c ; 2 llfstrawherries , preserved , $1.75 ;
5 Ib raspberries , preserved , $1 80 ; 2 Ib black
berries , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama
chopped , $2.00 ; 2 Ib Bahama grajed , $2.75 ; 8
Ib Bahama sliced , $2.50 ; 1 Ib Standard sliced ,
$1.3."i1.50 ; cherries , 2 Ib rod , Baltimore , "
@ 95o ; pours , 2 Ib , $1 25.
B emont Fiut Nalioia ! Baa ,
! J05 South iitli ; StructOinalia. .
Cnpilul $100,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 57,500
HENIIV W. VATKS , I'rojlilcnt.
LEWIS S. HKKII , Vice 1'resldent.
JAV.8iv. . or
It. 17. ClisiiiNd ,
W , II. MluoilKH , Cashto
Cnr. 12th and Farnnin Sti ,
A Qonertvl Hanking llusliuin : Tniua.ictod.
rOnftll DKaiHAIH.H PA-
I llJul. run IIOUCIHT.
Ou Improved and Unlnv
pruvuil IVopaity.
i I'urvhuied or Net'otlatad.
Ttio Negotiation of
. A tipoclnlty.
Correspondence Solicited.
Boom 313 liroxvn liuildlnir ,
Oinului ,
lijwl. HI MJlii : H. MOItKISII.V A C-U.C'om , ITI Kttutli l > . Cljli.itu.
Cnpttnl , - - - $ ' OOOOO
Surplus , - _ - AO.OOO
Ollli era niul Dlroctor-i- I ! , M. Moriomnu , (1
M. Hitchcock , Jos. ( Inrncuu , Jr. . A. Henry. K.
M Anderson , Win. U JI ul , v. pros , ; U II Will
, A. 1 * . MopUm , proi.i A. Mlllard , cnjliier t
K , II , llrynnt , assistant cashier.
Dooto and Shoos.
Bucr euon to H J , Janri H Co.
Wholesale Mannfaclnrers of Boots & Shoes
tor nation Itubber Shoo Co. , lim. 1134 and 1104
llarn yau i. Omaha , N bra ki > .
sronz & ILER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1641 North KUhUtath 8trt tOmana. Nabtuka.
Manufacturer * of Galvanize ! Iiw Cornice
Window-cups nmt mstnl.lo nkrlliihti. John K | > t > n t r ,
proprlitor. 1U and ItU South iota itrcot ,
? " * * - . . - CT- *
Artlata' M otprlots. " "
A. 1JOSPE , Jr. ,
Arlisls1 Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1513 DouKlai.itreet.Oninlin , Nobrnikv
. ' ' GokoJEto.
' '
Jotters of Hard and Soft Coal ,
509 Bomb. 13th lrcat. Ouialia. Nehrmkn.
Shippers of Goal and Coke ,
1H South 13tli itroet , Omnlin , Nebraska. "
Wholesale Cigars ,
tOBKorth CthBtrootOmaha. Neb. "Hello" 1139 ,
Dry Goods an < I JJol I ona. '
M. E. surra & co ,
Dry Goods , Fornishing Goods and Notion ?
1103 and 1101 1)ougl , cor , llth atroot. Omalin , Neb. _ _
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Good ? , Notions
QnU' Kurnlihlnu Oooli. Corner llth and Uirne/
_ itreett. Omaha , NobrmKa.
_ FumUurp. _ "
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnam itre jt , Omaha , Nobrmka.
Furniture ,
Omaha , Itcbras'.a.
CrogorjoB. _ .
Wholesale Grocers ,
IBta and Ljiwunwcrtli utMflU. Orrmlrn. Nobrnsk * . _
Bnilders1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
M bnnIC3 Tooli and Ilurnlo Soulos. 1406 Uouiilal
street , Omaha , Nib.
Lumber , Eto.
Wholesale Luinlicr , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland Cement. StalC
BHcnt for Milwaukee llrdrnullo Cement
nil Cjulnoy Wliltolilina.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
V7O4M1 carptti and parquet flooring. 9tb and UjuglU
itrecU , Ouiabn , Nebrnika. .
Mines and SMDBBrsrf Hard and SoffCoa
LOJ 1 Irst Nuil'.nai 11 link Iliillilliur. Umutin , Nub
Dealer in Lnmlier , Lath , Lime , Sash
DOtTff 4to * Tftrds Corner 7tti and Do u 8 Ins * OtQoj |
" ' "
I-nnto , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Cornel 8th anil Douglas trcct , Omnlia.
tnllllnory an d i < jI otlon.B. " *
Imuorters & Joliliers in Millinery & Notions
3M , 810 and til South lltU itroeU
Notl na.
Wholesale Notions and Famishing Goofo ,
imilarnerilroot , Omttha.
Wholesale Refined and LUliricatlng Oil9 ,
Ailoarttno.otc. Omaha. A. II lllshop. Miiniucrf
Pa p or.
x-uv *
Wholesale Paner Dealers ,
Carry a nice itock of printing , wrapplnit mid writing
paper. Hpeclal attunttuu KlTou to card paper. ,
Safco tto. .1 ,
General Aiconts for
Hall's ' Safes ,
Ml > nil 323 South 10th Bt. . Oman * .
_ Toya , Eto.
U. HARDY A CO. , *
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Allinis , Fancy Gofl'ils ' ,
HOMIO Furnliblna ( Joodi. Children' " CarrUioi. 1JCB
l > arnam itruet. Omtba , nob.
Asrloulturnl ImplomontOt
Aurlcnlt'lImDlBinenls ' , Wagons , Carriage *
Buggies , eto. Wholmula. OinHl.a. NubraiVa. ,
Sleara and Water Snpplies , .
trial uillli , 013 and WJJonos > t.OmnliA.
U.lf , Iton , Acting Munauar. i
Engines , Boilers ant Generalu. . u. , /
fhcat-lron , . . U13-lli
- work tleam pump > n mlllt. -
I.uaionxorlU itrvot , Omaha ,
Iron WorUo.
Wroogtit and Cast iron Bnilfling Wort
ICnifluo.bra § work , gtnoral foundrr.inaclnuo.aa4
blnckiuiUU wurk. Omcu ana worf.i. U , I' , llr
anil IHb itr t , Oiiiaba ,
MM'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , '
Vaulli. Jill work. Iron ibuttor * and fire oicap 4'
U. Auar cu , prop r. Cor , lltli and Jacmon kit. .
Wholtial * manufacturer : * I
t Boors , Blinds and Monldings , ? ,
llranch oOlcB. Htk aaa Uard Kraeti , Oaialia , H b , J
. j