THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. NINETEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOBBING , MARCH 8 , 1890. NUMBER 257. ' A BAD MAN FROM OMAHA , Patrick Orowo Buna Amuok In Chicago. THREE MEN BADLY WOUNDED. Ono Woman Shot In tlio Arm nnd Another Knocked Down With Ilia Ilutt of ilia Uuvnlvor. Crazed With Drink. Cutciao , March 7. The most sensational shooting affray which haa occurred in this city for a long tiniu took place today , Pnt- rick Crowo being tha principal. Ho sue- ccoded in wounding a woman slightly and two police ofllccrs and a citizen badly. One of the ofllcers will probably die. Crowo caino bore from Omaha a Abort tlmo ngo nnd has been working In a packing house. Last night bo wound up a protracted uprco In a disreputable house on Clarlc street. 'Ibis afternoon ho demanded at the point of a revolver from Annto Hull , In whoso company ho was , jewels valued ut (1,500 which stio had. The woman Bcrramod and Crowo fired , tbo bul- lut lodging in tbo lleshy part of her arm. Crowo seized tbo Jewcly and rushed toward tun street. At tbo door ho was mot by a colored woman whom.ho knocked sense- lots with the butt end of his revolver. Ho got away tor tha tlmo being , and later In the afternoon pawned the diamonds. OlUcor _ Llnvtlle , who bad been watching for him , mot him at tbo door of tbo pawnshop and at tempted to arrest bun , but was instantly ehot down , tlio bullet passing through Lls face and cutting his tongua In two. Crowo ran down street followed by n hundred citizens. Olllcor Urisco , located eovoral blocks down , attempted , with a drawn revolver , to stop the Hying man , but Crowo promptly planted n bullet In lirlsco's breast and kept on. Sana after do turned and discharged the last cartridge at his pursuers , the bullet striking C. K Cole in the arm. At last Crowo wns cornered In a 'blind ally , but kept tbo crowd at 'bay with his empty revolver until two detectives stole n march on him , knocked him down ana handcuffed him. Fully a thousand peonlo folIowoU the trio to the station yelling "Lynch him I" but the detectives landed him safely behind the bars. Crowo Is supposed to have been crazy from drink. Ho was a packing house employe in Omaha and , according to his statements , IB of a rospectublo family. Crow la u native of Davenport , la. , where his wife is at present. His mother resides at West Side , la. , and Magistrate King of ( South Omaha is his brother-in-law. A SUljiaV/VM03QUJ3 FlS She KnooKs Out u Mayor nnd DelUs u \\holo Police ) Force. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 7.--lSpoclal Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Some time ago James Henderson was arrested In vlllc , Tex. , and fined S15 by Mayor Fit/atrick | for maintaining a nuisanco. Tfils morning Mrs. Henderson , who weighs 175 pounds and is a regular fomalu Hercules and John L. Sullivan combined , went to tlio mayor's court and began abusing that ofllcml In the liveliest stylo. The mayor endured it as long as ho could , but finally ordered Po- liccrnau Sid Hobortson to arrest the virago and take hpr to the lock-up. When tli6 of ficer approached thu wduian she sprang at him with ttio fury of n wild cat , struck tiiin with her llstn , tore his face Into strips with her linger nulls , pulled out nearly nil his mUBtucho and whole handsful of lniir , and otherwise mninicd him. lie ftlll hung to hor. Just then City Attorney E. II. Hall entered the room and passed near the strug gling pair , .lust as ho got within reach ot the woman's list she lot liy with her left "on his jugular and dravo the attorney aeros-i the room , dourly knocked out In ono second. The mayor went to the aid of the pohcoman and received several Sulllvnncsu.uo loft banders in the face nnd head which black cnod his eyes'drcw blood freely , and other wise disfigured him. Hu beat a retreat behind - hind bis desk and ordered u policeman to let the woman go. The female of nilcht gathered up her hat , cnllur mid clonk and loft the room , defying the mayor and all his myrmidons to arrest hor. Up to tonight no ultonipc luul been made to molest ber , nor m any ono likely to follow , for all who bavn experienced her prowess declare they are perfectly satisfied to let her ulonu. TI1K AiVSJL'lJUY GLI2AUGO. IMttuhuri ; Telephones Play Homo * Queer Antics. Pirrsnuuti , Pa. , March 7. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIU Uci.J : I'or'aomo tlmo past tlio residents of this city from Fifth avenue to liable-wood , tbrco mllns out , have boon amazed nnd annoyed by the queer freaks of their usually well behaved telephone * . No body cared very much when the mixture only involved n business , iimn giving the nrlco of u fuvorlto gas Block and bolng an- Bworcd by a servant girl to the olTect that it was quite too high for onions and quite too low for spring lamb. Affairs came to a climax today , however , when scores of telephones rung us steadily as u Duslncss man doua for central , and when an announcement party attempted to answer n ball of electricity would usually prance around the machine. for a moment , then explode with shocking results. Experts toyed with the phones for hours steadily getting the worst of it , when a lucky man Imagined ho hoard the imtaJ ring of a car conductor's punch on a phono. An in vestigation onsucd and an u result the Pitts- burg telephone company baa formally noti fied the Second avenue electric car Hue that unless ttiolr lines nro removed or Insulated by Monclav u suit will result. Insulation will cost the company some 915,000. Ahriihnm Iilncoln'H [ Cujil/r/u/it / / / 181)0 ) liuJamto Giinlan llenitctt. ] \ LONDON , March 7 [ Now York Her- old Ciiblo Special to TUB UiiB.l The fu neral services were hold this afternoon In the drawing room of the United Suites min ister' * house over the remains of Minister Lincoln's ' son. Tbo service- was performed by Kov. J. Munro Gibson , a Presbyterian minister , who was pastor of the church whcro Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln attended when In Chicago , and who baptised your.g Abra bam Lincoln. The mom tiers of the legation nnd their wives , ixcopt Mrs. White , wlfo of the Ural secretary , mid Major Post , military attache , who uro abuenl In tlio south of Franco , were also present. There was an immense num ber of llornl tributes from friends and Ameri can citizens in London , which kept on ar riving up till tlio tluio tbo remains were ro- inovcd to Klnsal green cemetery , where they have been deposited pending their removal o Spnueiluld , 111 , , . , . . School Imml u > tic Ijentod. CiUMiiKliLUX , S.I ) . , March 7. | Special ' Telegram to TUB DUB. ] The authorities to day gave notice that nil school lauds In tllruio county would bo leased April 10. A school section located within tha city limits Is covered by Bijuntters , luoslh poor people , who will now bo compelled to lease- the lanu held by them or remove therefrom. I'i ndloton'a lloily. CINCINNATI , O. , March 7 , Tbo body of ox- Minister IVndlotonvn Drought hare to night. Tha funeral exorcise * uud Interment take place tomorrow , TEN DOJjlAU3 TO DI3NV15U. The Hock Inland will Mcot the Mis- nloiirl Pnolllu Out. CHICAGO , March 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Hnn. ] Heglnnlng next Monday the Hock Island road will put Into effect both way * , between nil their Mlsiourl rlvor gate ways to Denver and Colorado Springs , n passenger rate of $10. This will ho a frst class rate , and added to the now $5 second class rate between Chicago end the Mis souri river , make * a rate of $15 against the old rate of < SO.CS. The Hock Island had not bolero mot tbo ? 5 rate of Its competitors , but will do so on Monday. It has nollllcd all Its western agents to quote reduced rates to western points using the cut rates as a haftU. The Uoclc Inland claims it is putting in these reduced rules simply to pro tect Itself , tbo Missouri Pacillo having quoted a ? 10 rate from Kansas City to Pueblo contrary to tbo rules of tbo trans- Missouri association , That assoclutlun is practically broken up by tbo action , it being doubtful If It will beef of much further use until Its enior associa tion , the Inter-state Commerce Hallway asso ciation , Is reorganized. A meeting of the Trans-Missouri lines will bo fluid In Kansas City tomorrow , However , to try to agree on some united plan of quoting tbo reduced rates castbouml. The Burlington - ton Is now the only line not quoting a ? 5 second end class rate between Chicago and Omaha , Excursion Kates. KANSAS CmMo. . , March 7. [ Special Telegram to THE DEC. ] The Trans-Mis souri passenger association bas ruled the fol lowing reduced rates : National Drill nnd Encampment nsssocln- tlon , Kansas City , Mo. , Juno 3 to 11 , an open rate of ono faro , tickets to bo sold Juno " to 10 and good to Juno 12. Nebraska State Pharmaceutical associa tion , Omaha. May la to 1& , a rate of ono nnd one-third on the certificate plan Irotu Nc- brnska points. W. C. Mills , secretary , Lin coln , Neb. , will sign the certificates. Independent Order of Oddfellows , Council muffs. In. , April 21 , a rate of ono nnd one- third faro on ttio certificate plan from Ne braska points. C. II. Warren , Council Hlufls , will sign the certificates ; The Missouri Pacillo reserves tbo right to make this rate to Omaha. lownVnntsix Farther Reduction. CHICAGO , March 7. [ .Special Telegram to Tun Uuc.J A hurried mooting of the general managers of the Iowa lines was called for this afternoon to take action on an .unexpected demand by the lown railroad "commissioners for the further lowering of the Iowa distance tariff. The Iowa lines claim that much of the trafllc la that stale is now non-paying , owing to tbo low tariff * dictated by the com missioners. It will bo remembered that at the recant conference between the Iowa commissioners and the railroad men tbo commissioners agreed not to lower the rates without duo notice to tbo railroads. It was In pursuance of this agreement that the notice wns sent and was the cause of today's moot ing. Owing to the absence of the Iowa Central nothing could bn done and the meeting ad journed to Monday. A hot argument over the reductions arose In the meeting between General Managers Hiploy of the IJurllngton anJ Tucker of the St. Paul. Ihe latter ended it by saying : "This demoraliint'on ' in rates will never cease until thoHurlington fathers tlio actions of tbo Hurllngton & Northern. That roud is rcspnsiblo for the whole situation. " Nrlirnnka , Iowa and Dakota Pensions. WASHINGTON , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to THE HKU. | Pensions have been granted as follows to Nobroskans : Original Ham A. Coster. Wulworth. Increase Jo- sliih Hose , Anslcy ; Hoburt M. Myroa , Omaha ; Thomas J. Kirk'Reynolds : Henry O. MeCart , Palmyra ; John Jonos.-Chndron. Reissue Eugene Cedar , Fnrnam. Iowa Pensions : Original invnlld Orin M. Wolton , Clurlndu ; Ezra Blake , Massena ; Jacob Kime , DCS Moines ; Martin S. Me- ' Dovitt , Dos Moincs : Joscphus Lowe , Max well ; Henry H. Abel ! , Spencer ; Milton Hussnll , DCS Molncs ; James Dw.yor , Mount Pleasant ; James H. Baker , Fontunollo. in crease Albert Untdby , Dos Moines ; Charles Phillip ) ) ! , Montezuma ; Robert A. Wells , Emerson ; John C. Hunter , Muscatino ; Aaron Slreols , Iron Hill ; William H. Matthews. Wyman ; John C. Binghnm.Butt : William J. Hopkins , Cedar Kupids ; Levi Thomas , Cotitorvillo ; Joseph L. Dech- nnt. Dodorvlllo ; Dennis U. Smith , Perry ; John D. Mounco , College Springs ; Daniel R. Curler , Centervillo ; Clnrkson Ashmcnd , Hioolifluid ; John H. Keller , Mount Pleasant ; Morris It. Lamb , Hunington ; Nathaniel Doman , Kddyvillo ; Edward H. Sloddard , Battle Creek ; Francis M. Hour , Kollorton ; Wlllinin Nlblock , Wuu- ken ; H. J. Piper , Randolph ; Moses P Steele , East Dos Moines ; Lark L. Thomp sen , Eurlhnm ; Enoa LuddcnVatorloo ; Nicholas Harry , Walker ; William Fresh water , Mount Aye ; Daniel A. Kennedy , Hello Plnmo ; Henry Derbowor , Patterson. Reissue John Mulonoy , Rutland ; Ira Kavnnaugh , Ploasantville. Original widows , olc. Minors of Albert H. Cook , Wavorly , Sarah , widow of Jacob H. Rhoadcs , Cbari- ton. ton.South Dakota Pensions : Increase Chris topher II. Wiley , Planitinton ; John Wholan , Pine Ridge ARoncy. National Capital Notes. Ex-Ropresentatlvo T. J. Campbell of Now York loduy appeared before the hovso com mittee on postoftlccB to advocate tbo passage of thu pending bills to limit the work of pos tal clerks to eight hours dally ot full Rulury and to grant them fifteen days lenvo an nually. Several othora also spoke In favor of the eight hour measures. At the meeting of the bouse committee on elections today u sub committee consisting of chairman Rowoll nud Messrs. Lacy and Crisp reported on the evidence In hand In the Cla.vton-Hreckinrldge Arltnnsas contest and atatcd that owing to the alleged nssns smation of Mr. Clayton , whereby the Investigation was suspended , it is of the highest Importance- that the mutter bo fully Investlgutod. They reported u resolu tion providing for the appointment of a nub- commltlco of live members to move a full and thorough Investigation and If necessary to go to Arkansas to pursue tbo Inquiry. The resolution was adopted by u unanimous vote. vote.The The examination of ox-Postmaster Paul of Milwaukee wus'concluded today. This dis poses ot tbe investigation and the committee will now decide upon the course to bo fol lowed la Us general Inquiry. Suloido ol' a llridrcrnnm. CLEVITANP , O. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tuts HEE. ] John N. Hodgeson was n young bookkeeper with three houses and lots and n bank account. For seven years ho had been engitgod to Addle May BUnop. Yesterday afternoon ho wont to Miss Bishop's homo and proposed that tha mar riage take place ut once. The visited the probain ofllro , secured a license , and then repaired to the residence of Rev , Dr. Sproiclior of tlio Kuclld Avenue church , whore they were married. They then re turned to the Bishop /csidonco. Hodgeson loft the house n few minutes latoruud going to Ins room , shot himself In the bead uud died , Thu bride did not hear of the HUlcIdo until today , and when aha went after tbo body learned that Hodgoson's relatives wore in possession of It. It may bo roplevlnod tomorrow by tbo bride. No one knows why Hodgesou BUicldod. Opposed to Imperial Federation. QrKUKt' , March 7 , Resolutions condemn ing the Imperial foJoratlon scheme proposed by David und seconded by Premier Mercler wore passed In the legislative- assembly as follows : Resolved , That this houxo Is opposnd to imperial federation , which would prevent Canada having with the other nations of the American rontlnonl relations most favorable to commercial uud Industrial prosperity and social and political development. The Arkansas Contestant Forced to Olmugo His Boat. TOO HOT AMONG THE BOURBONS The Appointment of the Superintend ent of Co'iiHtrnctlon for Omaha's Noiv Federal Unlltllnii Deferred. WASHINGTON UUIIEAU Tun Oxvnx Use , | 513 FOUHTBBSTII STHKEr , WASHINGTON. D. U. . March - . f I It begins to look as though there was more than ono bad disposition entertained by the democrats in the house nnd that they are not only determined to rule or ruin , but to persecute those who do not follow their leads. 1 ho bourbons were greatly incensed at the contestant lu the Fuatbcrstono vs Cale contested election case from Arkansas , which wns determined this week In favor of the former. Both the contestant nnd the conlcstco uro democrats , but the contestant Is an independent democrat , having refused to co-operate with the blood-thirsty element of tbo bourbon party which lead in the assassination of General Clayton , who was the contestant of Clifton III Urocitinrldgo's scat. After Mr. Foath- orstono was sworn In the other day some of the irate democrats began to sneer at him and to show a disposition to persecute him nt every opportunity. The surroundings bo- cnmo so unpleasant for Mr. Fcathorstono tb'at he has refused to sit on the democratic aide of the house where there uro located the only vacant scuts to be found in the hull of the house of representatives , and ho has during tbo past day or so stood round on the republican aldo or occupied lounges or 'scats temporarily vacant by the absence of repub licans. 'Ibis is the only instauce of the kind ou record. It would not have boon be hoved by anyone a week ace tnat such conduct waa passible among oven tno most hostile democrats. It is likely , however - over , that tbo stinging speeches of some of the republicans wrought up the bourbons to the pitch in which they find themselves now and which is venting its spleen upon Mr. Fcathcrstono. Two or three ot the republi cans have offered to trade scats with Mr. Fcathcrstono , among them nro Air. Kelley of Kansas , nnd it is likely he will bo given a seat on the republican sldo by u trade. NOT roil MONTHS. There will not bo an appointment made of a superintendent for the Omaha publio building under two or three months. It is stated at the treasury department that it may not bo made under four or five months. Tlio appointment will bo made upon thu recommendation of the Nebraska delegation in congress , and members of thu delegation say they will not attempt to decide upon any appointment until tbo plans and xpccldca- lions for the building bavo boon perfected In I the ofllco of the supervising architect. It in I customary fur appointments of this class to be made from among good business men. Experience in the superinterfdoncy of thu construction of public buildings will of course bu u strong recommendation , political and other considerations being weighed. Tno appointment will be made from thu population of Omaha. INIlBMNITr IIIOHTS. In thu senate committee- publio lands today Senator Paddock urged for prompt conaidcrnlion-tbe bill 'to-provide forlnduiu- " nity right In the case of scnool land sections where , such lands having been taken by pro * emption or homestead , Bottlers have been discovered to bo on mineral lands or in cluded within an Indian , military or other reservation. Senator Paddoclc offered an amendment to the bill , giving to tbo states the option of relocation within reservation limits in cnscs where tbo school sections for which Indemnity should bo asked lie within Indian or military reservations which maybe bo thrown open subsequent to tbe passage of the net. Nebraska is very lurgoly interested In this questiou and the committee is ex- peeled to report thu bill ot its next mnotiug. The senator also called up and secured u favorable report upon tbo bill to compel ihu commissioner of the general land oftico to account to the states lor 5 per .cent of the public land sales commoulv culled the "five per centum net " Until the administration of Secretary of the Interior Lamar these sums were annually computed in the general land office and credited to the states without further action by concross , but under ono of Mr. Lnmar's and Commissioner Sparks' ruling the amount was arbltrarly withhold. During the last congress Senator Paddock secured an appropriation of ? J3BOO , for Nebraska , the amount being 5 per cent of the sales of public lands since the last , accounting. The present bill will obviate the necessity of any such special legislation In the future and will compel the interior department to pay Its debts to tbo states without forcing them to appear as olaimanls before both houses of congress. I'APPOCK ANNOrED , Senator Paddock is somewhat annoyed at the publication in various nowapapere of the report that ho bas drafted and introduced u bill for tbe summary ropual of the fourth or fifth sections of the Interstate commerce act. These twu sections are the long and short haul nud the anti-pooling section. The bill which the senator introduced was intro duced by request , nnd ut the time of Intro duction Scnutor Paddock stated tills fact , nnd that the presentation of the bill by hini- aolf in no way committed him either to tbo principle or the advocacy of the measure. Senator Paddock thinks that tbo amend ment winch ho offered aomo days ago au tborlzlng tlio Interstate commerce commis sion to compel a reduction of rates on commodities passing wnst nnd east will meet the cuse. The amendment bo introduced does not , ns bus been erroneously stated in sumo of the western papers , simply permit railroad companies to make the reduction under certain circumstances , but empowers the commission to enforce n reduction under the same penalties provided for the violation of tile act. TUB 1IOYINO I'ONOtS. Indian Commissioner Morgan has made a decision upon tlio proposition submitted to him some tlmo ago by theNebrasku delegation to permit thu Ponca Indians to return to the Indian territory , or that portion of them which recently ro-ontored Nebraska from the Indian territory. The commissioner says that these Indiana have shown n migratory disposition during tno past few years whicli should not bo toloraled nnd the permit to leave the reservation for any purpose what ever Is denied. A LIVEIiV DEIUTR. , There wns n lively debute in the senate today over tlio Salt Lake publio building bill. Senator Plumb moved to cut down the ap propriation from 500,000 to $400,000 , and wus ut once antagonized by Senator Pad dock , Senator Puddock said that speaking from an Intimate knowledge of the situation that a more reasonable appropriation bad not boon uiked for ut this session , nud that the amount ought to bo $700,000 rather than $500,000. Suit Lake , no suld , Is a lender among western cities , uud within five years will have 10(1,000 ( people. In reply to Sen ator Plumb's answer that the site ought not cost over ? i\000 , the senator said that such a sue ns is required cannot bo secured for lens than 1100,000 , and ho feared It might cost $150,000 to gut tha area required , to get It centrally located for executive offices , for the courts , for tbo postofllco , for the laud office for the Utah commission , for tbo in ternal revenue and other government ofllcos. Senator Plumb retorted that after a few mere such speeches us that ho was not pre pared to aqy that it would not take $500,000 to buy a site. Last summer It could have boeu got for $25.000 or MO,000 , out , of course , after such an udvertUcmrnt as the senator hnd given to Salt Lake City ho could net tell what the effect would bo. Ho con tended Ihut Helena , which had just been glvau 1400,000 , was a larger and bettor place In every respect than 8Mt' inko and with a better future before lU Scnntor Paddock -1 donot wish to dis parage Helena , but whon'f my friend nays Helena tins n population at largo as Salt Lake ho Is certainly iin'ffccjiiUfttntod with the situation. Salt Lnkerrf bopulntlon is today nt least double that or Holotm and It Helena shall como In the future to bo as great n city ns Salt Lake , with thd vjohdltions favorable to the building up of a great city that exist nt tlio latter place in an .prcoptlonnolo degree - greo , It will do very well lifdiSod , vastly bet tor than its most satiKUino'.frlcnda expect. Scnntor Plumb replied , that the Senator magnified the populatldirot Salt Lake City , and Hint only ' . ' ,700 or SjSOO votes were cast In tbo late election , at which the entire vote was brought out. ' „ Senator Paddock l ! 8Uoposo It Is well known to the senator tlTnt a very largo num ber of these who uudoriordinaay olrcntn- stances form n part of .thoTotlog population of Salt Luke are eliminated on account of a certain unfortunate Condition of things which exists thero. I thlnlcit maybe safe to say that nearly two thousand votes were eliminated under iho Iiiw [ enforced there In respect to the disqualification of certain pee ple. The voting population of Salt Lakn today Is , I venture to sayf 5,000 , and I think tbo population is hard ou to tiO.OOO. Senator Vest also opposed the measure , and the morning hour having expired the bill wont over. _ J" A rAvoiutftcr iiEroni. A favorable report was today made from the bouse committee Ou Indian affairs upon Mr. Dorsov'a bill extending tUe time of pay ment to purchasers of the land of the Omaha tribe of Indians in Nebraska , nnd the meas ure will likely bo adcpiCdS The bill extends tko time till December 1 , 1801 , for the first , payment , the second payment to become duo iu ono year thereafter , -and tha third payment ' ment to bo duo and puv'ublo from the tlmu of tbe second payment , provided that tbo inter- cat on the payments shall bo paid annually nt the time the Interests ore duo , and pro vided that this net , bx90pt us changed o'r modified , shall remain. In , full force and ef fect , and provided further , thntull the lands , the p.ivmcnl for which'Ms hereby extended , shall bo Bubject to taxatidn In all respects by and In the state of Nebraska as ff fully paid for uud patents issued. In response to a sonntb resolution as to what military reservations or pnrts thereof and their area and thu improvements there on have been relinquished by tbo wnr de partment , Secretary Noble has made a state ment an follows relative to the Nebraska : "January 5 , 1887 , Fdrt Mcl'nerdon , 10.500 acres ; July 22 , 18S1 , Camp Sheridan , 19,225 acres ; July 22 , 1834 , Fdr.t Sedgwlck , 40,000 , acres. Fort Hartsuffjs.3urvo.ved and ready for appraisal. Fort .AlcPherson's survey wns authorized by a department letter dated January 3 , 1887. , but bns not yet been ordered owlngjto the exhaustion of tbo appropriation or March "H , 18S5. Camp Sheridan is surveyed. By Inadvor- tcnco of tbo local oftlcqrs several filings and entries were allowed upn said reservation aggregating 7,053 acres * These were con firmed bv the act ot Ottobor 13 , 1888. (25 ( atata 1,201) ) 1'ho remainder , 11,153 acres , is ready for appraisal. The Fort Sedgowick reservation is within tno granted limits of the Union Pacillo railroad-company and the aaid company's title to the odd numbered section ! ) which have ntttlcned prior to tno use of tbo reservation for military purposes wns uol impaired thereby but' merely placed in abeyance. Tbo oven numbered sections nro rondy for appraisal. " j TUB AIl T. First Serircnnt Joh'n''jCbffey. Company K , Eighth infantry , now .at Fort Robinson , havlni ; been placed on the retired list as of this date iu couformltyjv'ith law , will repair to his home. , A By direction of tlia ' { .resident the unex ecuted portion of tlio sp.tcnco imposed by a general court martial lift emitted In the case of Louis F. Eaton , Company. H , Slxtcontn infantry , general cTyH martini March 8 , 18S9demrtmonfr of atidPHme 'ccd dho pris oner will bo released from confinement. William Sutler , Company F , Eighth In fantry , now with his company at Fort Niobrara , is trnnsf cried to tbo hosuital corps as a privalo. Sergeant Martin Reap , company C,1 Sev enth infantry , now with his company , will bo discharged ; also John -T. Scanlin , com pany A , Seventeenth infantry , now xvitb his company. 3CCW rOSTMiSTEItS. Nebraska Hrady Island , Lincoln county , G. D. Muthowson , vice H. C. Hurke , re signed. Iowa Chllllcothc , Wnpello county , J. A. Pinecar , vice D. Hay , resigned ; Duncombo , Webster county , F. Folger , vice H. Clausen , resigned. MISCEL1ANEOUS. Charles E. Uruniwoll has been appointed postmaster at St. Michtel , Buffalo county , Nebraska. * Dr. F. H. Rosenberg has boon appointed n member of examining surgeon under the pension ofllco at Lexington , Nub. Thomas Thorson , mayor of Canton , S. D. , Is in the city. Frank Krotchnow , who was reoantly ap pointed n special a entof the interstate commerce commission , had his thumb badly lacerated by an the train while gain ? out of Chicaco recently. J , A. Wakefleld , the Census suporvisor.of South Dakota , is In the city receiving in structions. K. Q. Foster of Douglas county , South Dakota , is in the city rustling around for some of his political frloncls. Senator Allison introdued a lot of peti tions and memorials from his constituents In favor of the free coinage of silver and the service pension bill today , Mr. E. Kosowater arrived this afternoon from Omaha and will nddrces the IIOUBO com mittee on Immigration ou the subject of im migration after lie returns next week from Now York , where ho gd9 tomorrow. It la onloiully unno'jnixul ' this evening that Attorney General Miller has appointed . F. Gurlo.v assistant United States attorney for Nebraska. PEHHV S. HKATU. . United Minn Workerx. Srnisoi'iuiT ) , 111. , March 7. The United Mine Workers of Illinois agreed uuon n scale of prices for machine mining that would equalize prices . .in - dis tricts , subject to modllloition and alteration by thu national executive committee. A two-tblrdn vole tor will bo necessary to niter the constitution.Ttio ofllca of dis trict auditor was creatednud tbo convention adjourned sine die after electing the follow ing ofllcors : Preslderit , Win. Scaofo , Coal City ; secretary-treasurer , Ebonezor Howolls , Hrucovillo : ntnta auditors , John Felkers , Springfield , nud J. L. ' Qohr , Edmunds station ; executive board , George Brain- bridge , Coal City , chairman , nnd vice presi dents , J. C. Tlppott , PeoHn ; George Hubis. Strontor ; James H. Euwards , Sparta , and M. J. Gorns , Smlth.baro.i WASHINGTON , Mnrob 7. Tbo direct tnx bill wns today reported back to the house from the judiciary committee , accompanied by the majority report submitted by Cus- well , and the minority report by Gates. The majority report says the views on the bill lust year meet the npptial of the majority and nro adopted by them la reporting thu bill back ihis ynar. The minority says the mes sage of ox-PrvMdtnt Cleveland Is so accurate and lucid In statement , so cogent lu reason ing and logical In deduction that the mi nority adopts U as expressing their views on the bill. At New York The Celtic , from Liver pool.At At Philadelphia Tl/o Hibernian , from Glasgow. , " At Qucenstown Tuei City oi Chester , from New Vork , for Liverpool. At Quuenstowu Tbo Adriatic , from New York , for Liverpool. Noliuid Wants to ICcslun , KANSAS CITII , March 7 , A ipcolal to the Journal from Jefferson City says City Treasurer Noland handed a written resigna tion to Governor Francis tbis afternoon but the governor has not decided whether bo will accept Iu Nolan J'B boudituen say bis deilclt Is ? yj,718. JAIL BREAKERS FRUSTRATED Innmtos of Otoo County's Bastllo Almost Gain Tholr Liberty- ! STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Ono and One-Third Fnro tor All Points in Ncbrnskn Fremont Will Vole on Klcotrlo Lltflit State Ncua. An Attainted Jnll Hronlc , NemtASKA Cur , Nob. , March 7. [ Special Telegram * to 'J'lir. Bic. : | A bold attempt was made last night by the prisoners in the county jail to gain their liberty. Dan Law rence , one of the prisoners , succeeded In digging out of his cell Into the corridor nnd had knocked off the locks on nil tbo other cells when ho wus detected by tbo deputy sheriff just in time to prevent a general de livery. llcducod Itntra lor the Tonohcr" . LINCOLN , Nob. , March 7. [ Special to Tim HEE. ] Prof. Uossoy , who has boon ap pointed railroad secretary of the state teach ers' association for the coming mooting whlcii It ) to bo bold In the state university on March 2T , 20 and 27has issued the follow ing announcement with reference to the rail road rates : All tbo railroads doing business In Ne braska have agreed to make a reduction in tbo railroad fare ns follows : All persons who attend the meeting of the association may do so at the rate of ono faro and one- third for tlio round trip from points In Ne braska. In order to tnko advantage of this rate , every person must take the proper cer tificate ( which will bo furnished bv tbo local ticket agent ) , duly signed , nt the ofllco where the ticket is purchased. The certllicalos must bo purchased not more than three days previous to the opening of tbo mooting. In order to bo valuable , these certificates must bo signed by the railroad secretary , who will Have his ofllco In the building where the meetings occur. The failure to secure the proper certificate or to have It duly signed , will make It impossible for tbe reJuccd rate to bo secured. Parties residing along tbo line of the Mis souri Pacific railroad may como directly to Lincoln , or to Hickman , and then bv the Burlington to Lincoln. The Union Pacillo oflleials have notified all their agents at junction points to honor return certificates. Parties residing on the Hock Island ( In Ne braska ) , may como to Beatrice nnd then to Lincoln. The St. Joseph & Grand Island officials bavo notified all their Nebraska agents to honor certificates. Thu U. & M. and Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad will return from Lincoln only. The railroad secretary requests tboso In tending to como to the assouiition to note foregoing and to bo very curoful to provide the required certificates. Those certificates will not bo good if offered more than three days after the close of the nicotine. These liberal concessions will allow the principals and superintendents who meet on March 24 to come and no on the reduced rate , provided that they take the regular state teachers' association certlllcatcs as de scribed above. Contribution * to Dakota. FREMONT , Nub. , March 7. [ Special to TUB HER. | Tbe people of Fremont ana tlio farmers of Dodge county urf contributing generously to the relief of thu Dakota suf ferers. About n month ago & car of corn washout to Miner county. Yesterday the fitrniors of ( l * latto tow'nSUIpJ" " Hd1ueontlto' * Fremont , shipped a car of corn ; today an other wns shipped from Nickerson , donated by the fanners living in that vicinity ; Me- Pherson post G. A. H. Das sent Sii-l in cash nnd contributed 150 bushels of corn to Howard post of Minor county , and today money wax raised in the city to buy another car of corn. All this relief goes to Minor county , South Dakota. Fremont. Is never behind in its response to the relief of suf fering. Bciunn Artiiitted. ] FULLCKTON , Nob. , March ? . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Ur.c. ] Heury C. Boman , who has been on trial in the district court before Judge Marshall for the past two days , bus just boon acquitted by the jury. The crime charged wau'rapo and Incest committed on bis ninoand twel ve-j car-old daughters. The contest wus stubborn , the jury being out twenty-four hours before reaching a ver dict. Boman showed nut little embarrass ment and his conduct during the entire trial wan ono of almost total Indifference , Ho is a man some thirty-live years of agd. Great interest was sbonn in the trial , the court room being crowded all the while. Stnlo n 1'nlr of Pants. PIATTSMOUTH , Neb. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE. ] A young man giv ing bis name as Sherman Whipplo was arrested today for stealing n pair of pants nnd u revolver froin the farm house of Wlll lnm Wottoncamp. Last Wednesday evening Whipplo rode up to Woticncamp's bouso and asked for shelter which wus given him and no staid there several days. A young man working there noticed several suspicious actions nnd Informed his employer. The nrticles wrro missed nnd so was Whipplo. Tncy followed him 10 town nnd had him ar rested. The missing articles wore found In his possession. To Vote on ISlr-Qtrlo FMCMONT , Nob. , March 7. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Tlio city council ut n special meeting lielii lust night resolved to submit a proposi tion to a vote of the people ut tbo next city election to issue $15,000 In bonds for the pur chasing of an electric llgnt plant for street llgnling. This action was taken on the rep resentation that by operating the plant In connection with ttio waterworks tbo city cnn be lighted by'jitty are lights ut u less cost tlmu It la now paying for ton nru Hunts and itn unsatisfactory of complement of gas and gasoline lamps. Chnrci'd with Inoost. SIDNEY , Neb. , March 7. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE.I T. W. Hpusloy was ar rested hero today upon a chnVgo of Incest preferred by his daughter , * aged thirteen years , who claims that upon the ninth day of last Juno her father violently assaulted her nnd compelled her to submit to his base desires. Upon arraignment Hensloy pleaded not guilty , nnd was bound over to tbo dis trict court lu 3,003 bonds , m default of which ho wont to jail. To Aniiwri * for AsHntilt. PLATTBMOUTH , Nob. , Marcli 7. [ Special to THE BUB. | A complaint was filed today In tbo county court by H. O. Hoback against Harvey Beckner , the charge being assault nnd battery. The assault was committed about two months ago and Hob.iclt , who is quite nn old man , was so disabled a ? not to bo able to appear against Uockner until today , _ Would Not To-tiliy AirnliiMt Him. NEIIIUSKA CITV , Neb , , March 7 , ( Special Telegram to TUB UEB.- Charles Schott , charged with stealing hta wife's money and forging her name , Was acquitted today , as bis wlfo would nut testify against him. hldnny'i * Now SIDNEV , Neb. , March 7. [ .Special Tele gram to Tire BBE.I Hon. Q. L. Blancbard , the newly appointed registrar of the Sidney land oftlce , arrived hero tuday , and will take po8se 3lon of the ofllco on Monday. Tlireo VlllnupN Destroyed. DONUON , March 7. Several earthquake bock * occurred at Kutar'a , Asiatic Hutsla. Tli'ic villages were ( j'jsiroycd , a * . v = i = \ IM.NG. The Party Is Uulnci Tills Hill Fnlls " to i A . WASHINGTON , March 7. After aomo unim portant business the senate ut 13.yo pro ceeded to tonsldor the bills nn tbo calendar. The public building bills having been reached the following were passed : For Sterling , 111. , (50,000 ; Helena , Mont , , $100,000. The bill appropriating $500.000 for Salt Lnko City , Utah , cnmo up nnd Mr. Plumb moved to reduce It to 8100,000. While the dis cussion wns going on the hour ot " o'clock having arrived the bill went over without action nnd the Blair educational bill cumo up ns unfinished business. Mr. Halo opposed the bill. Mr , lllair then addressed the senate. Ho Insisted that the republican party was pledged In Its platform to the passngo of his bill , and ho predicted that If that party failed to make good Its pledge that fact would put an end to the party , Ho wns not mistaken ns to the source from which the misrepresentation nt the north concernIng - Ing the bill hud come. The Jesuitical power of tbo country hnd decided that the way to got control of the 'schools wns first to get control of the press. The press hnd received its full share of attention nud had mani fested its full share of subsurvcncy. The Now York papers were monopolies of the worst kind nud the country papers had been " perverted and poisoned by "them. . After an executive scosion the senate ad journed until Monday. MOIIHL- . WASIIINOTON , March 7. In the house to day Mr. Houghen of Wisconsin , from the committee on elections , reported a resolution In the Alabama contested election case of Threat vs Clark. The resolution , which wus unanimously adopted , declares Clark en titled to tils scat. 'Die speaker hud botoro the house the sen- bill referring to the court of claims the claim of Woodbrldgo for his invention of projectiles for rilled cannon. It wus de feated nftcr aomo debate. The house then went into committee of tbo whole on the private calendur. Without transacting any business of Importance the commute- rose and the house took a recess. Tbo house at the evening session passed flvo private pension bills and adjourned. POSTAL TKLKQllAPH. A K. of 11 , Itcprosontative Sneaks on tlio Problem. WASHINGTON , March 7. The bouse com mittee on postofllcos , etc. , today resumed consideration of the postal telegraph. It was addressed by Italph Beaumont , chair man of the legislative committee of the Knights of Labor. Representative Wade introduced in the last congress a bill for a government telegraph embodying tbo KnlghtHof Labor views , but the bill hnd died with many others. Ho did not think the postmaster gonornl's bill wns n good business proposition. What farmer would buy half n farm when ho could buy a whole farm. The government was abundantly able to buy the whole thing and to carry it on without furninhlngbUHlnos8opportunities ] for some one.clso. Tills country now is practi cally a government of corporations , by cor porations and for corporations. Dr. Green , said Beaumont , wns solicltious about people In the telegraph business wiio would bo ruined by government competition , yet ho waa president of 'ho cor poration that hud repeatedly crushed opposition companies nnd other people who invested money in the telegraph business. Witness favored the Wade bill and said tlio government should own , operate and control its own system. Ho admitted that if the Wanamakcr bill resulted In chuup telegraph rates for the people generally be would bo better pleased than wilh the present sys- item , , . He.wanted ittQWndoJjlll pasacJ , but ns nil legislation WUB the result "of'coin- ' promises , ho should bo glud to see the Wanumulccr bill passed ns the opening wedge , 'S COMMITTEE. Grave Senators A kud if Tlicy Told Talcs. WASHINGTON , Marcli 7. Senator Dolph's special committee having fulled to extract any Information from the newspaper men took another tack and beginning nt tbe head of the list summoned the members of tlio senate before it and put them through u course of questioning similar to that uppllod to the newspaper men. It is understood those summoned today assorted that they bad never discolosod the proceedings beyond the limitations of the rules. The examina tion of the senators will require two or throe days. The Impression prevails that the resolution to imprison correspondents for contempt will full , but there Is a probability that Bomo of them will bo certified to the dis trict for prosecution on tlio chargu of sedition. hand Grant KiirloUm-o mil. WASHINGTON , March 7. The senate oom- mlttco on publ'u ' lands this morning agreed upon and Senator Plumb subsequently re ported n general land grant forfclturo bill framed on the same lines ns the bill passed by the eenato during the lust congress. The bill forfeits to the United States lands op posite to and conterminous with the portion of any railroad not now completed and in op eration , for the construction nnd benefit of which lunus have heretofore- been gruutcd. It Is provided , however , that this shall not bo construed ns forfeiting any lands hereto fore earned by the construction of any portion tion of a railroad under any act of congress making n grant of publio lands. Persona in possession of any forfeited lunda under title derived from the stale or the corporation to which the restored lands were granted are given the right to purchase landn from the United States In quantities not exceed ing ! ! 20 ncres nt the rate of $ l.'Jj per ncre , nt any time within two yonra after thu passage of thu act. Where persons or corporations bold land to which , under the terms of the act , they cannot obtain title from the United Stales , they are given six months within which to move growing crops or any Im provements which may bo tnuda A clauHO added to this flection provides that it docs not upply to any lands In Iowa on wtiluh any person In good faith has made or assorted the right to make pre-emption on homestead settlements. The bill repeals certain sec tions of several acts in regard to land grants In Iowa nnd Minnesota which conflict with its provisions. In homestead entries of for feited lands parties will be irlvcn credit for the time they bavo already been ou tbo lands , ( JnmhlcrH Carved by Chlnamnn , PIUIUIR , B. D. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UEI : . ] A general all-round fight occurred between two Chinamen run ning a laundry and two gamblers today In which ono of the gamblers got a serious cut across the throat , nearly severing the jugu lar vein. Ttio gamblers called for their washing , which was not ready , and after wards blows were resorted to , In which clubs itnd knives were freely used , nil bolng severely injured. Daly nnd Titus wore the gamblers' ' names , and Lee Wall nud Yeo Ilceh ttio Chinamen. A Cavo-ln on the I'OIIIIBJ Ivanln. WiLKKsnAUiii ! , Pa. , March 7. The suburb of Plymouth .known as Curry's Hill was ter ribly shnkon y a cave-In tbis morning , the surface settling in some places ton feet. Ono bouso was completely wrecked nnd several others badly damaged. No one was seriously hurt. Troubles. SAN FIUNCISCO , Cal. , March 7. The pri vate banking llrin of Holloa & Frccros as- mgnod today , Tbo liabilities are estimated at (500.000. Tbo establishment la a branch of ttio banking JIOUSQ of Uolloo & t'rcorci of Paris. It U expooted that ai soon an tbe Una rccelvot remittance * from Paris It will bo uble to pay all Uoiaaudt. IN THE IOWA LEGISLATURE * A LI ttio Tilt in the Houoo Over f ) Local Option Dill. CAPTURED BY REPUBLICANS , Rwnrt Cnatfl the IfculdlnK Voto-w McBorviiy Elected Speaker Pro Tom ol' the i > enate Import- nut Ullts Introduced. Ijoonl Option Illll. Dr.s MOINES , In. , March " . [ Special Tclfl * cram to Tin : Bin : . J The only feature qf Interest In the legislature today was thV little tilt over the reference of Mr. Dcut'ff local liquor bill. The prohibitionists minted It referred to the committee on tlio aup prnsslon of intemperance , which Is cou trolled by republicans. The 'nntl-prohibl < tloutstA wnutod It to go to the committee on police regulations , which Is controlled by the democrats. This inudo n test quostlou' of it , ns the bill Involved thu repeal of the prohibitory law. ff it went to the republican conimltteo tho' democrats knew that they would noQ be likely to see It nguln very BOOH , so pnrty ImcB were strictly druwn. Mr. Kwnrt , the union lubor member from Pow jliielc county , voted with the republicans , giving them -1J votes to tlio democrats 45. The bill , thorjfv fore , goot to the prohibition committee- slumber Its life away. The senate has elected Senator Monorvov president pro tompore. Ho will preside nil Ihrough the session In the absence of tlio lieutenant governor , unless some other sanw tor Is specially Invited to do BO. House. Dns Moi.vns In. , Marcli 7. In the housO today n bill legalizing the annexation of coA tnln territory to the town of What Cheer wan passed , The following bills were Introduced : To provide salaries for justices of thfl pence In lieu of foes ; providing for the per manent support of the state university ; de fining the qualifications of locomotive euglf ncnro ; preventing the sale of tobacco to minors ; to provide a form of taxation of tbo capital stock of banks ; to authorize mutual Insurance companies to consolidate ; defining the ; eligibility of county snpcriutcndents oi schools. Dent's license bill wns referred to the co tu rn itteo on suppression of intemperance , n ro1- publiuun committee. Dent wanted it to go to the committee on police regulations. The vote was close and was decided by Kwurft ( union labor ) voting witli the republicans. DKS MoiNns , la , , March 7. In the senate a Inrgo number of petitions regarding soldiers' monuments woru presented. The important bills introduced were to increase the num. ' bor of judges of tlio supreme court ; to pro : vent the restraint 'of labor and tnule , nud pi-event pools , trusts and conspiracies. Ap propriation bills were Introduced for the stnlo university , agricultural college nnd hospital for the insane ut Clarindn ; also a bill for the permanent support of the univer sity. Adjourned until tomorrow morning , Dlrd of Heart MUoasn. DBS MOINES , In , , March 7. [ Special Tola- gram to TJII : Hcu.l Thia morning Mr. W. W. Ueoii. who boards at tbo DOB Moines house , failed to come to bronkfuot , ' { ho cleric went to his room nnd found him dead in bed. It IB thought that ho died of heart disease. He was a bachelor , sixty tiva years of age , and a carpenter by trade. Spirit Ijako in Mournlni ; . MASON CITV , la. , March 7.- [ Special Tola- ginm to TUB Ben. ] Spirit Lake i in great mourning. As .lames Mulntosh , ac companied by two young lailios , daughters of James Evans , were driving across Uast Okoboji IUKO they drove into an air hole nnd , all were drowned. Tbov were in thu water several hours before their bodies could bo found nnd recovered. No accident ever occurred that bun cast such u pall of gloom over the community. . I'or InrrinKCiniMit 'it' 1'ntonf. Sioux CITV , la , , March 7. [ SpocinJ Tolegrnm to Tim Hun.J The National Cnble railway companyof Now Yorit today Hied m the United States district court tbrco BUits against thu 'Sioux City G'ablo railway company , claiming $40,000 damages for Infringements of the patents of the plain tiff. The patents which are tlio b'usls of lud Bulls were issued in iSTO'to A. S. HolIIdlO and by him nssignuj to thu plaintiff. Onmht Between Two CIIIH , Kr.oicuic , In. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun IJnE. ] L. Payne , n car re * palrer In the employ of the St. Louis , Koq4 kuk & Northwestern railway was Hilled this morning by beiui ; caught between two cars. Ho leaves a wlfo nnd two elilldroui who live at Hamilton , opposite this city. The Ronili Dakota PIIIUUK , S , D. , March 7. ' [ Special Tole-t gram to Tnu Hii.J : ; The appropriation bill tins bothered the legislature nil day and Into tonight both houuoa woru-atlll considering It * . Tnu cMlllculty scorns to bn that tbe two branches cannot agree on the various amounts mumiJ in the bill ; hence , nt n Into hour tonight it begins to look as tfinugh th0 bill might not pass , which would lu.tvu the various institutions in tlio ntuto In n do- plornhlo condition , All ottier matters uro closed up and the session is ready to adjourn when the appropriation bill Is passed. A number of bills wuru sent to tbo gov ernor for his approval. Nicht sessions nro now being bold In both , branches to finish up all business. The nos- siou expires by constitution attwolvo o'clooli tonight , but they will turn the clock buck to finish lim appropriation bills , Orunnl/cd an Inunpunilmit Tjanzuo < Sioux FAU.S , S. D. , March 7. [ Special Telegram to 'liiu HEK. ! A meeting of th6 business men of thu city was hold thin evening and an independent enforcement league organised , owing to the dissatisfac tion over the state league organization. Bishop Hare of the Episcopal diocese of South Dakutu addressed tha meeting , U'ivln bis reasons for opposing the prohibition law < Hu was uualiiBt uny dirk-linlfu policy , but since thn people hnd endorsed thu amend * ment bo WUB willing to abide by their do > cislon. The Independent league , it 19 thought , will create a stir iu slate- circled owing to its opposition to the state league , Sioux Fulls has now two local on forcemeat Very Cold Weather. ST. JoiiNBiiuitr , Vt. , Murch 7 , The therj inometur registered 30 degrees below zero this morning and U'l below at Londonvlllo. TIIOV , N. Y. , Marcb. 7. Tlio tompordtur * at Snrutoira tills morning fell to 1 below zero , tbo coldest there in two years. In the Adlronduclu the mercury ranged from 'M to ! 10 bolow. , allcb , , March 7 , Thu cola weather of thu past few days lint greatly damaged the pouch rup , and tbo prospects are that there will only bo half a crop nexi season. _ ThuVonllior ForoonHl. For Omaha and vicinity Fnlr weather. For Nebraska Light nvlns ; voutbweiU crlv winds ; wurmcr. For Iowa Snow preceded In eastern part by tulr weather ; easterly windi ; warmer , For South Dakota U&ln or mow ; soutU * crly wludu ; warmer ,