THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : tfKIDAY , MAJtOH 7 , 1890. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. _ No advortlBomontB will bo tnkon for thoao columns nftor I2:3O p. m. TermsOnohjn odvnnco. _ Advertlsments under this bead 10 r nts frt line for ttin llr > t Insertion. 7 cents for each sub sequent Insertion , and ( I.MJ per linn per month. No Advertisements taken for IPM than ! 5i cents for tint Insertion. Eflvon morels will bo counted to the line , they muni run consecutively And mutt Im paid m ADVANCE. All advertise ments must be handed In before 12:10 : o'clock n. in. , and under no circumstances will they ue taken or discontinued by telopbone. 1'artlrs advertising In them columns and hav ing their answer * ndilrrssed In cure of TUB DEB Trill please. ask fora cbecic to enrxhln thnm to ( tot their letter * , as none will b delivered except nn presentation nf check. All ansncra to ad- > ctiamcnu should be enclosed in envelope * . All ndviTtlsmcntii In these columns are pub- llfthedlp both morning nnd evening editions of Tnr. HI.K the circulation of which ngKrcRoti'ii more than IP.oOO paper * dally , anil ghes the nd- > crtls r the benellc. not only of the city circu lation of Tiir. lUc , but l o of Council IlliitTs. Lincoln nnd other cities mid town * throughout this section of the country. _ " " " BRANCH "OFFiCES. Advertising for these columns will Im takes on thbaboratondltlon * . at the following busi ngs house1 who ore authortrnd agent * for TIIR liKBBpeclal notice * , and will quote the satne oehad atthemnlnonice. OMAHA IMtANCII OPPICK-Cornsr V-J of Twenty-sixth and N street * . Nebraska Savings bank building , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOHN W. HELL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth t ) Btreet. _ _ _ /11IA8K A KDDY. Stationers and Printers. 113 \J Honth lethHtrcel. _ SH. r. TH , Pharmacist , ' . ' 115 Cum- Infi "TIT J. IIUOHBr Phannocist , 024 North 16th VT . .Street. . Gi:0. : W. PAKIt , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven- -worth Street. | .rUUfU3rj > IIAKMAOV. 2208 Farnam Street. SITUATIONS AVANTKI1. WANTLD-btuady position by good all- V around printer : sober , "years experience , Age 21. Address C. U Collman , Avoca , la. i 03UOJ WA NTKO A situation In the lumber busi ness by a man of over twenty years ex perience , tnko charge of any department , Address X 40. llee. ( Kff 8J * I "WANTEt8ltuatlonby lady stcnoRraphor. TT four years In law and loan olllco , experience - porionco In wholesale business. IJoxKiS. Council - cil muffs. ca-al 1TUATION Wanted Ily first-class dressmaker - maker , to do cutting and luting , or waist limsher. Addrcn * llox 147. Carroll , la. Ma WANTED Position as coachman by young man experienced with horses and cows. Call at Dlnranco barn. 4118. 11 111 St. WANTED > rATjE HE til' . ( TEN'13 Wliolesaleand''rctall ; 300 per cent profit Free passe * . 40 laborers , cl.50 : 25 girls for housework. Keith. 3I8K S 15th. Tel 1558 ti3.i-7J In grocery store. One acquainted Anov the city. 61 8 luii st. t.JO J " \\rANTEl ) Head cook , 1 < W ; 60 laborers , tl.RO TV per day. Mrs. Ilrega. 311H S 18th. 010 7J WANTI3O Good business man or woman to act us district manager. Must Invest JlllO. Salary SW per month. Cull Thursday or Frl- _ day upon P. A. Flpnr. Mlllard hotel. COO-OT " \ATANTED An experienced ofllce or good VT bilHlnvss man to take charge of a branch house at bt. LouU. Must Invest fc'OJ. balary $7 per month. Call Thursday or Friday upon r. A. Piper. Mlllard hotel. I.Q7-OJ TNTKLLIGENTboy forerrands : one who has JLuorked In office preferred ; state references. > ddresH X4'llleo olllce. 671 OJ WANTED Experienced grocery clerk , ono that Is acquainted In city. Call at Ml 8. 10th Bt. . ticket olllce. 6S3-0 * " \X7"ANTK"D Salesmen at $75 per monthsalary VI and expenses to sell a line of pllver-piutca ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ; here and team fumlshud free ; wrltu ut once for full par UcuInrH und nnmplo case of goods free. Stun- durit SllVerwaro Co , Boston. Muss. 33J T\7AriTEt ) 400roekmen , teamsters and crad- TT ers for I'tall und Nevada ; clieap rates. Albright's Labor agency 1120 I'limam at. 32J MEN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of Canada. We pay j.'X ) to * UW p < > r uionlh and rxpeuses to agents xo sell our Canada grown Block. Add. Mono A. Wellington , Madison , \Vls , \\7 ANTED Canvassers at Singer aewlng uia- Y Y clitoe ofllce. 151H 1)011 gljMBt. _ ! I77 jiiSO QALESMhN Wanted at Onc A few oed kj men to Roll our goodt , by sample to the v hoiesale and retail trade. We are the largest manufacturers In our line. Liberal salary paid. Permanent position. Money ad\anced for wages , QiUertlslng , etc. For terms address Centennial .Mfg. Co. . Chicago , 111. _ 844-ml5t _ WANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery. Tickets Me. Address A. C. Uoss & Co. , Denver. Colo. IBa-nprUt AVANTKD l E II KW. If A NTH f ) Young ladles correspondence by T a young farmer ; matrimony the object. George Howard , Mound Pialrle , Houston Co. , il hin , IK3 7J TANTED Woman cook for Colorado , llaht nork , J25 ; ono for liouglnsVyo. . , 810 ; wailreiset for Columbus anil Fiemont. * ir > and t20 ; girl for Pultamouth. EHCond cook I" , kltch en helpers , nurse gii Is. in fact for all kinds of' work In and out of city , CO for general houso- work. Mrs. Ilrega. 314'8 15th.1111 7J WANTED-A good cook. Apply 2100 Harney st. Itaforeuics required. 54U-7J , WANTIU > A girl for general housework , W28. 17th. 648-8J WANTEl ) Competent Ctrl ; good wages , small family. Apply 1118. . 10th at. 650 WANTKI ) Girl for general housework , must bo neat and good cook , family of it , good wage * . Apply 2C22Furnatn at , 610 DUIOSHMAKING. 1' . JIAG1NN , dressmaker. Lnte'tltter . and designer for btern llrotliers of Now Tork , Is now prepared to execute all orders for costumes and n raps at her present commodl- oils establishment. 11C1 Doilgu st , 677J TJ NO AOUMKNTO to do dressmuklnp In fami- Jlles oollcltLMl. Mb § Sturdy. 6J3 S. 2itn ave. aau A2 FoirnKNT- i o vtii : * . , "TTIOIl HENT 8-room cottage , good yard , 2T 4. JL1 Douglas street ; client ) to deniable pnrtlns. Apply to Nob. tteara laundry , 15 1 Howard st. COU FOU HUNT 6-rnoin house , No. KU 8. 7th ave. . near street car. KO VJ HKNT-Elegantly furnished private 1 resident e with all modern convenleucos. also good barn and nice lawn ou cable , only six blocks from P , O. ; no liner location In "Ity ; owner and wife n 111 take room and board If agreeable ; tor particulars address U 68 llee. J COJ _ " * "ijlOlt Itl'.NT Immedlatolr. well furnlshed6- JJ room collage , right by the hltih icnool , city water , nice Ian n , etc.cry destrablo. Call at S2I5 Dodgii MI. i,11.u-j 17IOH HUNT 4 miles from town , a hew house JL : and Hue garden land ; apply 601 N Utli at. grocery. _ 402 lit GItOOM corner flat with modern Improve ments 24tn ntjI > > UTenwortiirt _ . _ irn milJJ TilOIl HEN7 ! m the Eslabrook block IBtli and J-1 Chicago ttreets , tine , oe\eu and elgnt room Hats with every convenience and newly pa pered ; tliet > Huts face east on Jotrerson square vark und theru U no better locutllon In the city , llobirts 402 N Itlth t. tfll mioi npOU HENT-I rge ton room'house ' with all t \ : modern Improvemenls , suitable for board- .ng house , on N I-th , between California and OASS sts , Iteut reasonable. lumitro r xjm 600 yirat National bankjiulldlng. 230 I WANT moro houses to rent , I'arrotto. Oil-it iron HUNT tt-room house. 22d near Len\en- JL1 \ > orthst. , 20. C. F. Hurrliou , 511 N. V. life. fWtt TtOU HENT-8-room house , city water. S cls- tt'rns utuliraii. 1111 Davenport. 010 imoit HENT-T-roolu llat.I.ungo block ; Bli 8 13 JJ _ _ _ * ' Soil HENT-ltouses lu all purta of tho'clty , from $7 to * 10U per mohth , O. V. Sholes . Co. , U First Nat. Dunk. 4(11-8 ( | j > OIl 11KNT Au 8-rooin detached house , fur- JL1 nace. batu , etc. . 20th und Leave n worth. tlO. Da\iil Jaraloson , llee bldg , ' 'iil K ui.ST4iToom tilt , 5w sTTato st. " FOUwNT-4-room : house. 909 N. Mth ave. . city uutiir , iipUudld location , IIH.CO ; ft-room home , 33th. nnd t'orby its ,17 , good well and clitorn. GCO.J. 1'ox. rUiiruxtoablk. 671 7 , T7Ult HEN'IV-Huuges and stores ; property /JL' c r d for , taxes paid. Midland Guarantee , A Trust Co , 1UI4 Faruara at. Absiracts. UII I Kyi ou wish to rent a house or Btoro BOA H. K. _ Coli o. Continental bi-xik. 1U1 T7VJU HKNT-Houses and rfati llTaTl parta ot . * . ' the cltyt flats and unfurnished ruomi a upcolattyi parties dvHlriug rent at from M to tT5 ba aurulo call at Uud firnam , beford rent ing. Hulls ItonUutf An ucy. WlmlTJ FOU ItBNT-The choice Hat In the Her block , cor 10th and Jackion t , nil newly papered and UM All convenience * . Call at 1112 Ilarney. _ _ 8 DOOM fat with steam neat , Jftn it. , near Jones. Ibon. K.Hal.3)l ) ) I'nxton bloct 32 ; FOK HKNT UOOMH FUllNI8Hii > N lrni.V furnished rooms for ladleof1 gents , < XM W 17th st. 020 9J IT 1011 11KNT--Front rooms. 010 Davenport. 018 HANIOMK front room * with flrst-clag Doaril : modern , com enUncea ; references. I70H UENT A nlco front room with large JL closet and conveniences , suitable for one or two gentlemen , 114 per rao. , 2026 Farnam st. Flat A. 672-0 A CHOICE of largo and small rooms deslr- * < Xably furnished , with superior board if de sired. Inferences. 1C3 ! Dodge , cor , 20th st. 67J-7 * "VTlCfcLV furnlihed room * , modern convcn- JL > lonces , terms reasonable. 2017 Leavenworth 'I OIt HE.ST J .urnlnned rooms for light JL1 housekeeping , references exchanged. 2:124 : 8t Mnry'B avenue. 4TJ 7J TVESIHAnLEhome rooms and board for thrfd JJm private famlly.nlcely located.2130Harm > y. 427 6 * OU HENT-Ploasant furnished roons with all conveniences , 610 B. 21 th st. fi&u : , KAHANT rooms with board In corner PK , Paul block , 1822 Chicago st. 1M 8J IJVJIt ItKNT Llegantly furnished rooms ono JU block from P.O. ; modern conveniences ; best location in cityalso ; day boardcn.Call 111817th 417 OJ TilOH HENT auito of front rooms , modern J conveniences , with or without board. $11 per month , 2218 Leavonworth st. f 328 LIT. CLAI It t nropean ii67el. cor. 13trTand OjJodge. Special rates byeez or month. TpOlt ItKMr-Uoomnltb boardTi722lodgeItI' ' LAKO E furnished front room , lOiTFnrnam. 3711 12 * 170OM S and day board ; 1721 Capitol ave. ' JLV gS4-mi'iJ TrUllMBHEDrooin & board 1318 Uavenport. JJ 1&I7T POIl HENT Elegant front room with alcove , well furnished , nc r cable and horse cars. All modern conveniences. Call 2U08 Douglas. KO " 1710II HENT A very largo front and back par J lor unfurnished. 17JO Capitol ave. 732 "MICEroomsmodornconvcnlonces.l621Faru'm TJ1OII UENT One large front room with board. J 1UOO Capitol ave. 675 "VTIOK room , modern conveniences , 1719Dav- IN enuort. 483mOS FOU ItKNT-ItOOMS UNFUIINISIIED UNFUHNIHIIED rooms , C31 S. 17th bet Jacknon and Leavc-nwortb , C27 12j FOU KENT 4 unfurnished rooms. 1712 Doug- lasjt. 014 b CONFUHNlSHEn chambers for housekeeping cJtor man and wife ; no children. 311) ) N 17th. 345 UJ T710II UENT Three nice unfurnished rooms JU cheap to parlies without children. S. W. cor. Ilurt und 22nd sts. References exrnanged. 3M llf TTIOIl KENT > -3 large ilrst tloor. front unfur- JL1 nUlied rooms ut 518 No. 20ta &t , 8 blocks from P. O. 602-8J. FQll 1H3NT-.STO11E8 AM ) OFFICES T710II HENT Desk room lu nicely furnished JJ onico. all conenlences , Itoom 10. Contlnen- tal block. 018 TCTOIl ItENT-Possesslon given March 15. The -T south room In the Y. M 0. A. building , suit- clble for gents' furnishing , hats and caps , boots and shoes , millinery , furs , ladles' fancy goods , or other lines of trade. Apply to A. I' . Hop kins. Commercial national , or Wm. Fleming. 1101 Douglas st. 577-8 TOHEs"aT707 , 70y. 711 S. IOth.22xW each , largo show windows , steam heat furnished , Thos. I' . Hall. 311 Paxton block. 331 Ijion KENT-3-story brick building , 1110 Doug- -L' las St. . suitable for wholesale or warehouse purposes. Also brick store , 1U7 S. 13th st. lu- ( miru of Chas. Kaufmant 1302 Douglas st. 33:1 : tTIOIl KENT The 4-story brick building , with JL ? or without power , formerly occupied by the Dee Publishing ( o. , i'10 ' Farnam st. The build ing IIUM n lire-proof cement basomont.complete steam liontlnK fixtures , water on alt the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the otQce of The Iloo. 015- T71OII UENT First or tnlrd lloor of thenuw- - -I ? story building unlng built between N. Y. Life und Morse building on Farmira st. D. C. Patterson. 518 X. Y. Hfo. 508 ObTOllES , 2403 and 2405 Leavunworth st. 078 nilli WANTED TO JtENT. WANTED To rent a store with basement , not less 70 feet depth ; steam heating per- ferrod. Address X 47 , Dee. US h * MISOKMjANKOUS. ' T ItUNT Houses lUt with.I. II. Parrotte. tUI-uu E. COLE , reliable lire Insurance. H.E. . 333 A UCTION sales every Tuesday.Thursdayand u-XSuturdny morning utlilt louglas ) street. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. US ! _ E. COLE , notary publU uud convi-ancor ' M1O SUIT the convenience of clients engaged JL during the day we open eveiiin ps. 0:30 : to bW. H. U Cole. llooaO Continental Illk. IXM _ 'TV1IESSED clnckens.turkeys and ducksnholo- JL/sale only. Nay & Itoss , 114 N. 12tn st- ! 015 ' , t _ _ _ _ _ _ IF YOU hare stocks ot rnerchamil/to for sale I have customers with the cash. J. H. I'arrotto. room 21. Douglas blK. 420-13 AGKXOV. DT.-ir AlTublTErrentaTagent. Douglas blk. " HEAP and reliable 11 ro insurance. I'arrotto. ( C11-U5 H.B . COLE , rental agent. Continental block , . " Ult brother-in-law goes east today. O today.C3MJ OEHSONAlMrs. . A. M. Tra\ls has returneil X tu the city * nd thoao wlsiiltiir. to see her for professional services in the sick room will find her at 81ii S. 24th St. M'-UJ LOST. _ _ 1 OST Lady's pocket-hoof . containing J50. on Unth and Douglas sts. , Tuesday ; liberal re ward by leaving same at llee olllce. _ HOI 5t I OST or Stolen J23 reward and no ( iimstions 'ankeil for return ot diamond stud lost at 1'attl matinee. Itoom 04 , .Mlllard hotel.811M1 811M1 T OST Ilelweeii Wlncote * Hlloy's olllce. 2Jth -Li and Leavenworth ami UUto Vaclllo street. One blank book about fcJlO luches. ted cover and about 15 1 pages. 15,00 reward If returned to either above udurcss. Wincoto & Iltloy , 48rt- OST A Fur Olove. Army Style , I Indcr w ill J get liberal reward by leaving at lieu CountIng - Ing itoom. rplIE cleanest and best storage lu the city nt X low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha Auction A. Storage Co. 5W rpHAOrCAOB storage at lowest rates. W. M. JL llushmnn. JJ11 Leavonwurth. Sa MUSIC. \\rilOtuned those five Ktmbalt pianos uiod T > by Mudamo I'attl and company at the Mil * lard ? llloomtleld did the work und it is said that ho Is no slouch. Pianos nnd organs ulcvly tuned and regulated for W. IHN. 17th st , BE1TOHE buving a piano examine the new * calo Klmball piano at A. Ilospe,1613 Doug * las Bt. 443 . ( IELLEN1IKCK , teacher of the banjo , G room 913 , Douglas block , or llae office. 2IU I'JIANO lunlng by Georce Illoomfleid , piano X maker. Ill North > ra experience In N , Y. , ChlcuKO and Omaha. Excellent references , AVANTHI1 TO IJUV. \VANTKD-To buy. a team for car- TV rlaae ; must be gentle and fair K"ers. and reasonabla In prlca for canli. Descrlbo your of- fern nnd ailJre X U > . llco olllco. flia 7 \\rANTBU-aood Bocond-hand stioncasej , Aiiaresg-VW Ueooinco. BfrflJ \\rANTKD To buy K lound horse not over 7 Y Y y r * . 23 ) C st. Oil lit WANTED A mall prlcllngprcii Addrti * _ K.J _ , . .SfTOLake t. ng-OJ _ WANTKD Furnlturo. carp t , houaehold goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Ktorage Oa. ! 7.Bmint. _ 338 _ _ . . . ANTIID Good commercial' pnpor. N - W brukit Mortgage Loan Co. ,5 19 I'axton blk. 840 / 1A8H tor all klndi of household poods at 1111 OUonglsu strcot.Omftha Auction A atorace Co. "V\7 ANT.III ) for private party , fai.roo. guou VV paper , right away , or within CO Jays , 0. K. Harrison. 8U N. V. Life. KI3 \V , ANTHD-To Diiy for spot cash , city or VV country parts or w bole stocks of dry ana fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gent'i furnishing goods , cto Call on or address J , L. Hrandeis & Sons , cor ner 13th and Howard. Omaha. fXt. _ ANTED to nny-2.GOT good short time pa- per. 1L H. Henderson. 4QJ 1'axton blk. 417 w ANTED A stocic of drugs. Part cash le trade. llox 61HOmaha , Neb. 127 wFOR FOR TOIt BALE Cheep , n span of mules with Jhame ! s ; uouid trade Tor horse and buggy. 0. 1C. Price , Omaha Iluslness College. KIT 7 * TTOII SALE-Lot In llelraont park. COO } Hall's J-1 safe , iiV ) ; job prlutlnKolllcoln Omaha , J2.200. netted owner Jl.tCS last year. Address X4l ( > ee. 631-cj _ _ Simp Furniture of - room Hat with all modern conveniences , 3 blocks from postonico : rooms all rented. It , C.Colo , lioom 0 , Continental blk. 6230 _ IJ1OH PAI.l IIorse. bucKboard and harness , JL1 Inquire Iluckeyo stable , south VJtU st. city. Foil BAUJ-Canary bird. Dno singer. 1109 8 _ 18tll Bt , _ t _ CO7 | j\OU S A fjE In small lots or by the car. clean J > Millet seed. Write toV. . 0. Boston , Duvld Cty , Neb. _ 44 1-7 _ "inoll SAM ! or trade About $ l(00 new Jew- JL' lry. Will tnko < lear Omaha lot part pay , bal. cash. Addjrosa llox i 8. Cozad. Neb. 4.TJ7 "IjlOIl SA hK One of the tlnest driving teams JL' m Omnlm ; atratd of nothing. styllsQ and prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring currlaso Almost new. Address X . Itce olllce. FUHNITUUi : auction every Wednesday and Saturday. 317 a 11th. Welfg. _ : t4- SAI.1A avhorse power 1'orter engine In good condition , weight MOU pounds , cyl inder 11x10 ; for particulars apply to The llco olllce. _ _ _ 7'J8 71OK SALE or trade-One Hot top desk , one JL1 H-foot standiu ? dose , one lease of section of school land. 4SJ acre * of Improved western land and n sections of U. 1' . railroad land. H. JL1s Henderson. 4.00 Paxton block , _ 314 . IlEHNAItD and Scotch colly fshephard ) s ; dogs for sale. M. P , llrown. Papllllon. Nub. FOK SALE Some good watthcs and dla- mondii cheap. 13. F. Maste , room 4 , With- nell blk. _ 345 THOU SALE Or exchange , half blood Circles- JJ dale stallion , will exchange for good dtiving liorso. George Vradenberg , KS S. lutlu 70 m 12 * _ CIJAinVOYA > "T. II. H. GllOUX.electrlclty.mabsago and mag. netlc treatment , chronic diseases a special ty , simple medicines when needed , 322 N 15th , _ 438 m31J JVfADAMB HLANCir. the greatest mind -Lu. reader and counsellor , has sut.o of parlors at 3 N. 16th sreets. w. corner Chicago and 10th. This lady has a remarkable gift or second sight , tells past and future correctly ; business coulldontlal ; has Just returned ; lost and stolen property , truthfulness of absent friends a specialty. _ _ 347 TjflORTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenorman can be J- consulted on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No. 310N. 15th st. 103 m SOJ MME. De San. magnolia physician and mind reader , lias the power of any two mediums YOU ever met. Tells If the one you love Is true or false. Oivea you advice on divorce , contested wills , business speculation , etc. Parloia HON. Kth st. _ _ _ 441-mflt DK. NANNIE A' . W AHKEN. clairvoyant , med- icnl and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. 11V N. 10th St. . rooms " ana 3. 3IU SHOKTHAXl ) AM ) TYlMiiWlUTIN'G. V\rANTED Educated youne ladles and jjan- IT tlemen to learn shorthand and typewrit ing at the Standard Shorthand Husfuess col lege , Now York Life building ; finest rooms lu the city ; all latest Improvements , olcjctrla light , alavator service ; cheapest scliuol because It la the best ; Instruction thorough , modern , practi cal ; demand for stenographers consttutly in creasing ; success pobltively sure. Call or write for one of our large descriptive catalogues. Address , Standard Shorthand liuslnens Col lege. Frank E. Hell. Manager , N. Y. Life llldg , Omaha. Neb. _ _ _ 70v ) DEPOSITIONS. lOc per folio ; petitions & cor- respondencv.Occopylng, ; ! UJ5. M"ONEY to loan , by II. F. Masters , In any amount from $10 to $10,000 for any time , from one to nix months. I nmk'a loans on niusehold good i , pianos , organs , horses , mules , iiC'ises. Te es , etc. . In any amount , at tho'lonest possible rate , without publicity or removal of. property. .My loans ore HO arranged that you can make n payment at any time and reduce % our In terest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the time you use the money. If you owe a balaAce on your property 1 will take It up and carry it for you , at lliolouest 'rate cousistent with the risk. risk..Morey always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. II. K. .Masters. itoom 4. Withnell Ulock , 15tU and Ilurney sts. ua LOANS made on anr available security. Cen tral Investment Co , Room -5 , Chamber of Commerce. 35J MONF.V to loan , Porrotte. Douglas block. " C3l-a" > _ _ KBYSTONU Mortgage Co. Irfiaus of ijiu to II.OUO ; get our rates before borrowing and nave money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity : notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old and lowest rates. Call , H SOS. Bheely blk , 15th & Howard sts. 353 _ $ .WOWJ or private money to loan on Improved inside property ; cash on hand. Central In vestment Co. , room 2j , Chamoer of Commerto. 3o-t _ M ONLY to loan on norses. wagons , mules , Household goods , ptanos.organs , dlnmondx. at lowest rateThellrst / organized loan olllce In the city. M akes loans tromUU to 3t > 5 days. which CMibepaid in part or whole at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call and boo us when you want money. We can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money id ways on hand. No delay in making loans. 0. F. Ueed & Co. , 319 S. Utu st : over lllugliam & Sons. _ 3. ' 7 OKEbholes. room 'l < > Pint National bank be- Otore making your loans. 3ol PEIt CF.NT residence loans KMttQ to tlO.CHx ) . llulldluglouus at special rates. The Mead Investment Co. , llee building. JOT ' \\7 ANTnD First class Inside loans. Lowest i T rates. Call and sea us. Mutual Investmuut Co. , 1501 Farnam. 'Ml MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents. 1M5 Farnam st. 361 F1IIST mortgage loans at low rates and no do- lay. D. V. blioles Co. , 210 First National bank 351 _ MONEY 30. m or W days on furniture pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson oiiuVxton bin. ana _ IOANS City ami farm loans. ! Jper bought , McCaeuo Investment Co. ilul "IV 1"ONEY to loan on tny security J.IL for short lime at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , Itoom 4 U. Pnxtou block. 3.M _ ATTKli loans at lowest rates : business Oil confidential , j. Ji. F.mlngur , 1117 Farnam st. ay ) _ UNKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay , J , W. Squire. I.'IU Furnam sU. Firnt National bum butidlnt' . . Sta LII1EUAL real estate loans mane by W. M. Harris , room 20 Freuzur blk , opp.p. O. BUILDING I MW-fliJ to 7 percent ; no ad- ditloual charges for commissions or attor ney's tecs. W. 11. Molkle , First Nat , bank bids. IT , E. COM : , laanlsEent , Coutlnental block. ONKY to loan on furniture , orgaus. nlunqs homes and wagons. Iluwkeye Investment Co. , room 33 , Douglas blk. , 10th and Dodge sti. B UILDING loan * . D. V. Sholes Co. , 210 First Natloual ban 1C building. US1 SKCOND morteaee loans , IL13 , Hoard Trade ma , " 13 if J 1.U1NU lounn mudeon " -M Choice city property At lowest rates. I'rtvate funds to loan on brick retldence and business property iioou very ravorabla terms. KlmbatL ChaniD & Ityan , lain Karnain bt. CflmO _ _ UECONO uiorttras * loans. It. Ut Uo r4 Traao. _ TVI IOL/TN ! ' Onarantea i rustlCo , N. . Life -L' LMdfCcomplete nbitrArt 'turnHhml and title * to real estate examlnsJ , j * Meted ft guaranteed 'i I ! W BU8INKS3 CIIANCKS. T71O11 SALE-The only sMfk of drues la town JL1 of MX ) inhabitants , mum be sold at once. Also a flrst-cla.i hotel inrramo place : address U. 11 Larimer , uhlowa. Netc _ Kg OJ TTlOHTL'NKa to contraefnrs worklns a Hro- J-1 proolliiR for old and nenr bulldlnRS. l&oonly charged for patent royalty'ctnbracInK ' land with 3uouO people. Aoilresa X,4iMleo ofllco. C13HJ TTtOIl SALn-Marble Bhbp 1n good location. JL' very clieup : rare chaniwi only smalt capital required. Inquire nt 10 Ljuulng st , , Omaha , _ 583 10J W ANTKI-A partner with rJX ) will buy half Interest In ono of thn best paying In the city. Itoom KJ , Ioiigla block. THOIt SALB Oencral stock of goods and liusl- JU nets In a well located town elnhteon miles from Uniaho , now doing n splendid business ; Rood reasons for nelllnn. Inquire of y. Coiner ut Nobraoka Ha tings bnnx , Omaha , Xob. tm ] _ _ _ 578 * alj TpOH SA1 U A good hotel. In this city , doing X1 a paying business ; a good opportunity. price. K.JUO. Muggins , 3128. inthst , Ml-q- snnd contractors An eztnnslvo quarry with an abundance of available ma terial for lease. Rltuated on the I'latte river 10 miles from Omaha. Tor moro duflnlto Information mation apply to Lewis 8. Iloed A , Co. , Itoom U. Cuamberot Commerce. KUIOJ WANTHD-A partner with live to clcht thousand capital In an established mTg business , either ns bookkeeper or salesman. Address X 14 llee. 4COOJ FOK KXOIIANOK. HKKK'S your chance Tno nlcn clean non- general stocks ot merchandise to trade for clear realty and cash. Itoom XI Douglas block. 1)71-11 Foil TIlADi : An entire section of good , clear farm land In Texas for square nlano nnd household furniture. Lock Uox 'M > . Ited CPU fj rPO KXCHANOK-Lota 1' ' , block 13 , 17. block J. 13 , Albright annex , 10 , Hawley terrace , the three valued at 11,800. all clear , for G-room House In tli owes t part ot the city. Wlllattsnmo 11.003 lucumbrtiuco. C. i' . Harilson , Oil N. V. Llfo. 691-C flllin best opening for a good clothier In the JL state ; the Star Clothing nouse is for sale ; stock about t6UliO. no old goods ; yearly sales 8I5.UOO ; no competition nearer than Sioux City , n distance of K ) mites ; good reasons for selling. I'otter & Johnson , Wokolleld. Neb. Ml UJ TjAOll KXCIIANQK-Flno property in Hans- J- com Place for merchandise , \\lll pay some cash , clothing or furnlthlni : goods preferred ; on ners of stock should mile me at once. C. K. Harrison. N. Y. Life. 633 8 mo EXCHANGE Farm near Norfolk ot 100 JL acres und l.lifO acres of school lease land In Cttster county for hardn are stock. Will add some cash. 0 F Harrison ; Oil N V Life. KKJ-8 IP you have anything to exchange cull on or address U.K. Cole. 116 , Continental block , Olllce open evenings (1:30 ( to 8:3. : . ) . ilQ7 X/OIl Trade u acres good deeded land 10 1 miles southwest of lierttmd. Nob. , cattle preferred. Jno. G. Ballard. llcrtrand. Neb 115-nCi * TTIOll EXCHANOE-Stock ranch In Wyoming. JJ 11,000 acres , fenced. HO head cattle , cloar.for farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. D. A. Powell , tfi'3 Mayno st. , Orchard Hlll.Omaha. 171OII KXCHANUE-ChoKb Improveil JL1 ka farms. Will nsaiimeitlclit encumbrance If you have anything to otfer'address or call ou Geo. J.SternsdorfT , room U1T-318 First National bane building. ToleDhonu'4CI. ( Ji" TTfOK nXCHANOK-2 lots'ln ' South Omana or JL1 l lot near Vlnton st4 > Ior horses or mules , ifoom 3J , Board Trade. [ , „ Oa5 J WANT a grocery or drnk stocic to invoice II.WO to $ fOJU ; i cosh balancn Improved rwat estate. Lock box 4B3 , Central City , Nob. I' ' " ' TJJfl RlOll EXCHANGE A number ot good unln- JL1 cumbered farms in KaiiHas and Nebraska for storks of goods and good stock , will pay part casn if sultlcfent InducementIs ottered. Money on hand and tilles to land perfect. Correspond ence solicited. E. A. Kyder.'OTJ ' Nortn " 4th st. MO-mSJ / 1HOICE improved farms In Nebraska , Iowa. v nnd Illinois , cler of Incumberance , or KX- chunge for Improved Omaha iiropsrty. Address Xa.lleo. T 7J ,1 FOlt SAtLiT---IUBAXi * , - - - VflCB building alto In Hans com place for -L > W.OOO ; no payment down to party who will build ,2UO house. C.F. Harrison Oil N.V. Life. CHS N ICC lot in Clovordalo , OOxliiO feet , on easy terms. U. K. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental blk. H34 7 SALT LAKE CITY" Parties desiring to in vest In this city will do well to consult the Dieter , Johnson Investment Co. , P. O. Hoxfi"l. and lot ) South Main st . Salt Lake City. Wo han dle choice property only and give the best of references. 017 A G SI'KCl AL pr : nd lerms on a piece of prop- ei ty near ! nls pnrnand Cumlngst. Call today while oiruer Is hero. C. Harrison , oil N. Y. Lite. C3'JO _ TTIOIt SALE Property In the neighborhood of JL' llemls Park no better Investment Call while onner Is here tomorron , C. P. Harri son , Oil N. Y. Life. 604 0 WU HAVI3 beautiful arre property within UM mhos of postoilico. Would you believe It , only $1,500 per acre. An Inside business corner. $25.000. Houses and lots In west part ot city at the lowest prices and easy terms. House and lot on-'Jth street , Hanscom Place , only ii.600. Orchard Hill lots from * IV ) to KKJO. We have sold several recently. Only a few left at these figures. A largo brlcic houne , 8 rooms ana basement , north of Curalnjr. lot WxTO. $ ] , y < X ) . Colsctb , Johnson A : Lovgrcn , Boom 0 , Chamber of Commerce. 663 10 FOK SALE Mxl ? ; ou Jones st. * 300 per foot Address X 3'J Uee. _ 625 o2J ITUGGINB , 313 H. 16th st. 665 10J MAN with S1."JO cau take my farm. 100 acres sandy loam.good land for grain or root crops , IS head of choice cattle , splendid span of large young bays , one handsome saddle pony , ladles' and gents' saddles , now double harness , nearly new frame house. large frost proof root houso. largo barn and cattle shed. hen house , pig pens , corral , food rack , U5 acres fencoa pasture , situated in a beautiful valley settled Ijy a nice class ot American tarmern ana stock raisers , l > i miles from postolllce , 10 rr lies from a goon town , M In the best hay pro ducing and healthiest part of Nebraska , two eood wells of excellent soft water on the farm ; f l.auo takes everything clear of Inrumbranco. Can give good reasons for selling. Address X 47) , Uee olllce. oio-7t _ RKAL ESTATE If you v. ant to sell or rent list It with T. C. Ilriinner , who has a large Hat of customers , lloom 1 , Ware block. B. 15. Cor. ISth and Fiirnaui. 4i3 31 OLD facts for spring reading. f-MU ) buys a 5-roora house , barn , lot 50x100 , tno frontages. Walnut Hill , JuOO cash. M.-iXJ takes a n-room cottage.35 feetof ground , within ono mile of poetofllce , 81,000 cash. JI.&oMgetH a now 6-rooiu house ou 34th , near Hamilton. J5DO cash ; u trio of bargains. AUo dwelllMc propertlOs 'too numerous to mention , from * l,3oo to IlKJult' ' , on terms to suit and locations to nleastf Uvmost / fastidious. Choice business and restdehou lots ahvu > s on top. Cell and investigate.Tn W. A. Spencer , N. U. Cor. 10th and Douglas. fin Qua o _ _ _ T71OII SALE Cheap-lot M Orchard Hill. Call JL1 on E , U. Cooper , 40,1 Paiton block , Omaha , CK1C 045 10 _ _ rpwo cholca lots on smuUuCtish payment , bal- JLnnco Hooond mortgage tp.responslble purlins who will build. H. C.C015E , Continental blk , ttniiaoi N. aith. j soil _ T7iOIlSALK-A beautlfuHcor1. lOOxU * .walks J trees , good barn , U roam house ( Intuited with hardwood , all modern , improvements , In Kountzo Place ; cnenu'aud mi easy terms. 1 now seven room cottage on 31it near Pa cific , . ' ,7110 ! tSOO cash. baUtttfcUOper month. lUrcom cottage , cor. fpt ( rfixl5 ft. , 13,000 ; JAiicasli. bal W..HO per iuqnjl ) , 27 room cottages v. 1th nath'and gas , on Hurt st. near 24tb. tl.O'JO ; Jioawnsh , bal , Jil 00 per mouth , or > \ 111 exchange ( QX Insldo unlncum- bered lot , Horse , buggy and Harness for Rale cheap. Hamilton llros. , lluildurs , 4IWS. IHtli St. G nxfifl feet. N. H. cor. 10th i ncuglai. rail or ad dress Mrs. Kuhlman , ti.K.cor. lllliA , Vlnton. 637 a3 _ _ _ _ 771011 SALK-Cottugoandlotlu Bedford place JJ 403 Paxton block. K. C. Cooper. ) SPECIAL bargains to Investors or borne builders In Clifton Hill. Carthairo i eit Cumtng. Lincoln Place , Jlonmouth pare ami unrl DetloDb additions , Ilayluit soleannncj for thrt properties we handle , can make special prices and terms to gooa partloa. I/iausou roiuenro property at low rates. Wallace & lllayney , UIO llrown Illock , _ _ TT10H8ALK-N. B. cor. 10th and Duuglai , call JL1 or address S. E. cor. llth and Vlnton. I7IOII SALE-'l'ne owner of the se cor , Xld and L' Cunilng li now here and a special deal can bu matin for a home In the neighborhood of tlomU Park. 0. 1' . Harrison , I'll ' N , Y. Lit * . FOU $ ALn-40xlZ7' { . south front. > * t ) ; cheap est lot for the price in Omaha. Apply en the premises , 3US Demtur st. rfMlACKACIR property , the very bcstnlecalu JL Omaha , mint go before the IIth. unparallcl nnnp. L. Waterman. ICO Pnxtou blk. KJ7-7) . buys * nent 4-room cottage IV tultoi $ from P.O. : Center n ar20th ; lot Mr 150 I ) C. Patterson. R18 N. r. Life. 414 TfUVK room cottage * . $ IMJO each , 1100 ca JL ! down , balance 116 tier month Thos. F. Hall , 3IJPaxtonblock. 370 Investors \\o wlllreooUe bids for the purchase of our business property , 1.108 Farnam street , known as the east , ti f cot of lot 7 , block 12J. up to April the first , next ; on ners reserving the right to reject any or all litds. Lehmaun & Hanieru cnreof John II. F. I _ , hniann. B24 south lUh8lrot. _ MU S PUCIAL Ilargaln A very elegant east front property. No. KM Georgia avenue , with a flue u-room modern residence with every con- venlenoe , Including gas fixtures , unwer con nections , handsomely decorated , and In fact n gem of homo ; owner going to leave the city. This property must bo sold by March 1st ; for price and terms see me If you Save any In tention of buying and wnut * nlco place , this will suit yon. D. V. Sholos Co. 2131st Nut'I bank. ' ONMOITTH Park lots at low prices ; motor line , church , schools , nil convenient. Neat five-room cottages at 11.700 , II.HOO. t2.'W. W.40J on easy terms. Values are steadily advancing In this addition. Wallace & lllayney , 310 llron n Illock. SALE East front 7-rootn home , fnll FOH good neighborhood. t-,2JO. C. 1' . Harri son. Oil N. Y. Life. 6M 7 VtMUGII i Wosterneld.reslestate , S.Omaua. V > Ul _ your property with H. E. Cole. LIST CflT BA1UJA1N llancr place , house and lot tl.iUO easy terms ; Wxioi ft ; U houses , f , H and 0 rooms , full lots , lesi than coit. Cash or trade. Addreyaorcill on owner. E. 0. Merrill.44th and Eoward st. Walnut Hill. KiO-m 18J FOll SALlV-Vury cheap , no tradcn. farm of 31J.70 acres sec. 6. 12. N 0 W. Hamilton coun ty. Neb. ; Smiles from Marquette , small house , sttiblo , .IK ) acres of pasture fenced , living water , price only 110 per acre , $ % 417.IM , one third Irbil crop Included. Terms { 2.200 cash , balance 0 pur cent Interest. Y. 1C. Aldus , onner , railroad building. Denver , Col. > 8 T71OH SALE-iSOOwlll buy lot 60x120 in Omaha JL1 View , ono block from motor line , nicely on grade. Lots In this addition are worth if.Oofl. and the above prlco Is open for a short tlmo only , H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. SMALL payment down and Sin per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on Kith , two blocks from motor ; first-class chance to acquire a homo on easy terms. Apply to H , E. Cole , Continental block. 272 bargain Host lot In Hillside No. J. SPECIAL lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Collard - lard , owner , Kearney. Neb. ! S m22J LINCOLN Pl co arid Carthase toU price 11.000 , InO ( .own , balarica 415 monthly. W. L , Snor. It , II , lloirt L'f Us. . 5ii FORSALKortrade for Omaha proporty. 243 acres of good land partly under cultivation , near Grand Island , enquire West Ic Frltschor , IQj N 14rh st. 511 in' * T710H SALE or Trade Improved farm of 320 JL1 acres In Gosper couuty. Nob. , six miles from Oxford and it. & M. railroad. Address J. H , Shaw , 4023 Hamilton street , Omalin.KOmOt ( KOmOt TIIK IIKAI/TV MA.KKIOT. INSrilUMBNl'd pUo.M a rasara during resterdar. It II Bpaldlng. administrator , to F M Ilrown.neIM5-Hci.ciU S 5.000 M J K Anams to W J Canned , nnd M of o / sn-7aud und JJot a / avf 20-16-13 , q c d 1 II A Soldoll , trustee , to J W tlurnsdall , lot IK , blk3 , Lake View , q od 1 J W llarnsdall to O F Davis Co. , lot 18 , blk3 Lake View , n-d 2,500 V A Ewelf nnd ivlfo to E A Leavonworth , lot 14 , bite7. Manhattan , wd 1 S M \ \ ultra und husband to J V Patter son. lot O.blfc 5. Hyde Park , n-d C75 I E Morse and husband to .1 V Patterson , lotltt. blk2 , Drake's add. w d 2.500 A M Kitchen and wife to H O Davis , und /i lots 2aud3. blK4. Plalnvlcw. wd. . . 1.2.W AM Kitchen et nl to Globe Loan and Trust compauy.lots 1 to 0 , blk 12 Kitchen * Wuugh'HSUb , wd l.fOO J U Itulpn to H E Kalph , lot 8 , Union Square , wd . . , 1 M Morrison et ol to Mary Dvorak , e 64 ncrtis In nw ne 10-14-11 , ( rellle ) , wd 10.000 Jno liurlolghotal to Wm lloss. lots IB and 1(1 ( , blk 3 , Windsor Terrace , w a . 1,000 B F Daniels and husband to E II Potter , lotT * . fcunnyslde add , w d 3,000 E A Keeler and wlfu to E H McMahon , lot 8 , blk 4 J. ilenson , w d BOO E S Clarke and wlfo to J P Eugle , lot 7 , blk 1. Newport , w d 330 II M Caldw ell , guardian , to V H Caldwell , lots 7.2HW. 21) . 20H , JO and 30 ! { , Mlllard & Caldwell's tt'ld. deed. . * 18,500 V 11 Caldnell and v Ire to G J Fox. lots 20. 2Vi,3 ; > and Jlitf. Mlllard 4. Caldvtoll's add. wd 10,000 FC Graf ton to W L Sclby , lot 14 , blk 18 , Carthage , w d 1.2TO A Gibbon and husband to E .1 Taylor , lots G and 7 , blk : ) , lioggs &HlU'H2d add , w d. 10.000 J ) L Tnompson and wlfo to Matan Lacy , loU 1 , 2 and 3 , Mahoney's add. q c d 2,400 Jacob Komi Is and wife to Minnie Pop- i en , s o 14 lot fl. blfc 4 , Park Forest , w d 250 Albert Hood and wire to Carra Carlson , lot 1 , Albrlgnt At Aylcsworth's add. w d 025 South Omaha Loud Co to L K Pchoen- leber , lots 7 and ( , blk 18 , houtli Omaha , w d 1,050 Loyott tc Woodman to John Hush , pt lot y , all lot 4 und jit lot 0 , Lovott A ; Wood man's sub. w if. l,80fl A 7 Leach and wife to G H Hodges , nw lu-liuil , wd C.OOO G II notifies and \\lfo to E'J Leach.nw 10- Ifi-lUwd 6,000 S 11 Ulrloy to N A Kuhn , trustee. Iot7.blk 2. lots II , 7 and 12 , blK 4. lots 14 and 15 , blk 7 , lots 1 to 0 , blk 0 , Crelgtou Heights. - wd 7,160 Twenty-soven transfers $ 08,054 Iliillillnc Permits. The following building permits wore Is sued yesterday ; J. J. Savllle , repairs to store building , 1101 North Twenty -fourth street t 00 Total . . . . t ZOO In the Iliuli Court ol'.Iilstlci' , Ireland. AclviirtiRoini-nr for < 're < litorH , "PURSUANT to anOiderof the Land Judges JL7 Department of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice In Ireland , mudo by the Itight Hon. John Monrjo In the matter of the estate of .lames Cummlug and others , trustees - tees of the late \VlHlnm Keane King , deceased , owners and petitioners , and bearing date the 2stday ! of January , 1KJ , tno creditors of the said \\llllaiu Keun King , late of Dublin. Ire land , who died at Memphis , Tennessee , Annul- ca , in or about the month of fcoptember. 18SJ , are , on or before the nth uny ot May , IbOJ , to send by post , prepaid , to Mr. Hlcnard Pope Frosts , of No.iCi Loner ( Jurdlnerstreot , Dublin , Ireland , the Solicitor having curilago of pio- ceodlngs , their Christian und BUI mimes , ad dresses and descriptions , and in case ot firms tha names of thn partners and ctylo and title of the Hun , the full particulars of their claims , a statement of their accounts , nnd the nnturo ot the securities ( if any ) held by thorn ; or , lu default - fault thereof , they will be peremptorily ex cluded from the benefit ot said Order , hvery creditor holding any security Is to producotho same before the Examiner , at liLs Chambers , Four Courts , Dublin , on the 4th day of Juno , 1800 , at 11 o'clock In the forenoon , bolug the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims. Dated this 10th day of February , 18TO. J. M. KKNNEDV , Examiner. HICHAHD POPI5 FllOSl'E , Solicitor having carriage , it ! Lon er Qardl- m7molt nor btreet , Dublin. Cnrtlllo.iti- . . This Is to certify that tlm Nebraska Central Hallway company desires an Increase ot Us uti- thrlzed capital stock from ono million dollar * to four millions nv * hundred thousand dollars , and that such Increase and the making ami publlsulngof this certificate , and the nilag thereof with the secretary ot state ot the btato of NubraMka. has boon duly authorized by toe holders ot the majority ot the capital stock of the Notiraska Central Hallway company. In witness wh reef , we lmvn hereunto signed our nanios at Omalin , In the county of Douglas and state ot Nebraska , on the ixih day of AU- KIIM , 18MI. JOHN A. M'HHANB. UEOHGEO. I1AIINUM. Preildont. Secretary , I Corporate I i Seal. f n' ' ] - 0 -n.DUMONT. WILLIAM L. ADAMS , IIKNJA.M1N J. MOttlttS , State ot Nebraska , Douulns county , ss ; lleforo me , u notary public In and for said Douglas county , porson&lly came the above named John A. Mo-inane , ( ieorgtv , L ! llarnum , John II , Dumont , William L. Adams and Hun- jauiln J , Morris , knonn to ma to bo the ld | it- leal persona who signed tne foregoing Instru- inout. and severally &cknonladged the said in- Htriiment to be their voluntary act and deeu , for the uses and purposes therein net forth , lu witness miereor , I liavo heruunto signed my name und affixed my Omaha , Douglas count r. Nebraska thU Wtbd y of Au gust , IHS'J. W , U. IVKS. J Notarial I Notary Public. 1 Beul. J-eb3Uftt.mor ) Dm o1ntinn Notice. Notice U hereby given that the undtrslfrnod dissolved partnership by tvatual conaont. Hemmer Ilron will continue oa tna corner 2 ! < lh and Farnam streets and Cotucr luih and I'harles streets , who will collect all debt * due ami pay all liabilities for the nbove Mores only. 11. b'chonberRer will continue at Hot ) F'arnnm St. . and he will nay all account * for the said atoru and pay all bills for tnesnlil Hit ) FArnnm street only. J. SOMMKII. sui H. SCIIOMIKIK1FR. ls Tor Ijtiinl > rr. proposals for furnlshtug Douglas county wlih lumb r for the year ending Ism , will be recelvetl at the oinro of the county clerk until noon of Saturday. March loth , 1MW. Spec- ! llcatlDiix nnd ultoa required cau IMS obtained at the office of county clvrk. A cortltled check for Ji'i.OOmust accompany each bid. The Commis sioners rcsorvo the right to reject any or nit bids. Dated Oman : . , March tut , l&u. inldltt P. VilALI.CV. County Clerk. Oregon Short la no At Utnli .Northoru Itnllwny Conimiiy | , Notice I * hereby given that , pursuant to the article * of consolidation nud nrreement , dated .liilvrrth , lsi , theuutuml mei'tinaof thnstock- ho'ilers ot the Oregon Short Line nud Utah Northern Hallway tompany for the election ot directors and mtcli other bustnnss as may legally come before the meeting , will be held at tno office of the company. No. 71 Main street. Salt Lake City. Utah , on Wednesday , the 10th day of March , le'JO , at 10 o'clock n. m. AI.KX. Mi LUII , Secretary. lloston , February 6ih , 1SWJ. t-rrdm Notlco , Notice I > hereby given , that the Omaha Southern llalUi-a } ' fouipauy , has been duly In- coiporaiod undortho law * ot the State ot Nu- bra ka , and docs theroou give public notice us follon * : I. The name of salil corporation Is , "Omaha Southern Hallway Company. " " . 'Ihe principal place of trnusiicting Its bust- ness. Is the city of Oiiinhn , county of Douglas iiud State of Nebraska. : t. The general nnturo of the business to bo transacted by said corporation. Is tne construc tion , operation nnd miilntounuce of a line of rallw.iyof standard Riiago , nnd n telegraph line In connection therewith , from the city of Om ihn lu said county , lu n southerly direction turnugh the counties of DotiKlas. H.irpy , Cuss ami Otoe to Glen Hock , lu the State ot No- 4. Thi ) amonnt ot capUal stock authorlred by the articles of Incorporation , Is Mlireo Million Dollars , ana tbe same ts to be paid us follows : An Installment of ten per cent on each share of stockRh ill be payable at the tlmo of mntani : the subscription , and thoresldua thereof shH be paid In sucli Installments and at such time ana place as may be required by the directors of the company. 5. The existence of said corporation com mences on the CthUar of February , A. D. 181U , and terminates ou the Cth day of February A. 6.'The highest amount of ludobtcdnoss or liability to which tno Incorporation Khali at any time be subject. Is Two Afllllon Dollars. 7. The atrnlrs of the corporation nre to bo conducted by u President , Vlco-Presidont , Sec retary , Treasurer and General .Manager. Witness our hnnds this the 6th dny of heb- ruary , A. D.'IByo. . " „ „ S It. II.CijAHK. OKoumC. Siimr , K. n. MBIIUIAM , U.S. NICHOLS II. S. HAir , . FlOdTOt lucorporntors. RAILROAD TIME CARD. J.cive3 IIIIIUMNHTUN A MO. IUIIH.I Arrive * Uuinlia. I Depot IQtli nmlMnton gtrouta. I Omnliiu III u > n m . . . .Denver Vestibule AIM I ) III 8 M a m A. Coiifordti JjOcal . li 15 p ill ' MlbSOUlU PACIFIC SUUUIIIIAN T11ALV8. UNION PACIFIC SUIIUnilAN TRAINS. These trains aUo atop at lath , Hth , SOlh nnrtSltli streets , Summit and bavldiio Croialng.Vorklng - njeii'n Iraliu do not run Sinulay , CHICAGO. It. I. k PACIFIC. I Arrlvoa Tranifer | Union Depot , Councll llluOii. I Transfer " 6.15 p ml NlKht Kxprum . . " 840"a in 040 a m Atlantla Kiprc . . . . 665 f p m 6UU p ml Veitlbnlu Umlleil , . . UW a m | CIUAilV.NOIll'HWKSTKU.\ ( ( ( . | Arrive * Traiuferl Union Depot , Council lllulta. | Transfer "ulo n in ChlciiKu Kxi > r as , A10 p m 3 10 | i tu . . . . . . .VuMlbulo Limited 0 45 a m 4.53 p in . , , . . . . . , : > turn lifer. , , , 5 45 p in 8 U ) | i m Atlantic .Midi . . 7-10 a in I uvet I CHIUAliO , MIL A , 81' . "l'AUL.1 Arrlvm Traiuturl Union IHipol , Cuiincll Illiilla. I 'rran > rer UlU . .Cliltimo JUII I 645 p m : si tUJO s CliU aitu Kxpicjii li yu u m , K. t ! THT. JOH A uii. ArrlTtti Iruniferl Union Duput , Council HluHi. Tfun for lain u DiU..Kan a > T'Uy lar ) - - . , . liUl p in IU 25 p _ ml . .Kaiiiu Cltr NlKht K prea . . : | 010 a ui T * voFr bSlAIIA& HT. UU1S. ' Tramfurl Ifnlon lleiHil t'ounill llluin. 4 Ii p ml ICIHCAliO , IHJHL'N A OUINOV.I Arrlvei TrBinferl I'nlon Utp l , Ciiupcll llluna.jTfnmfiir V. < J a nil , . . . . ( 'lilcanu li : j > rei . . . . , T. . | rue p ni low p ra ridcuKO KipruM , . 8 A ) n m 6U > v ml . . . . Chlcaito Ku t Mull 5- p ni 7iOpmi : . . lrcflton lAM.41 . . . . 'It.aJain ' I ar I HIOUMITV A PAlIHt' . I ArtUei Tran " f8rl _ I'uloii Dupot. Council lllult JTran for 7 45 a ml' , Hloux Cltr Ac immodatlgn , ! UJ5 n m 6.a > p ml . . . HI 1'aul Kipnm I 1)55 ) p n pltOl'OSAT.a FOU MTMnEU-U , 8 India * J. Sorvlcn , 1'luo Itldga Agency 8. Dakota. Keb- ruary Slit , iwJM I , I proposals inrtorsed " 1'roposal" for Lumber" ami addressed to ln undersigned at I'tna Hlden Agency , aimnnon Co. , S. Dakota , will bo received at this Agency until ono o'clock of March lith. ItnO. for furnish- ln for nnd drltvcrlng at this Agency , about : * "veluimlroiHhotnm\il teotof iiiwrtiMlumber. n fun doscxlpilonothlchmny b obtained br npullciitlou to tlm undcritlgno I. Didders wilt bo required to HtRte lu their bids the proposed prli e of each variety of liimborto ba oircred for delivery under n Con tract , . . IKIITU'IKI ) CIU'I'K * . Kachbld must bo nn'owp.xnto'.t by n cert ( ltd check or draft upon nome I'nltfd Ht.ites l ) - posltory , iuailopijllo ) tottieonlorot Uia un- dvr5lmicd for at leant FIVE per rent of the am. ountor the tmHKwal. Vi htc h check or draft ullt be f orfolt'il to the I'liltcJ Mutes lu case any bidder or bidders receiving nn nuard ahull fail toproniptivcxorutoa rontrnet with B ol and mitlcli'tit surlotlei othorvusoto l > o roturnvd tn the bidder , H. 1) . OALLAOHKK , U , S. ludl m Agent. f-K-d-JI-t Inr Hnpplios. Sealed proposals for furnishing supplies for UK * county poor limiso for tno year ls < u will bo received at thn county clerk's oflk'o until noon of S > aturdny , Miircu 15th. I W. A certllled chock for JVI.IW must nccoiupauy each bid. Specifica tions forHiipplles cun boabtalnnd at the rount ) ' clerk's ulllco. The Commissioner's roaorve tha right to reject any or all bids. Dated Omaha , March 1st. IHQ. mld4t ! I , ( VM * M.r.v. County Clerk. AMERICAN WOMhN. Wliut n Oront 10null li AotrCHS Has to buy or Tin-in. It Is intorostltiK to hear wlint Mrs. Kondull thlnlcs ttbout Amuricnn women anil lliotr posslbiUtlos , snys the Nu\v York Sun. ClmtUnp away , she satil : "Tlio American woman is iv continual surprise lo mo. A iiartl would bo brought up to mo , properly onernvotl , nntl boar- inp the name , say Mrs. Smith. I was out. and the no.xt day I would , got u note from Mrs. Smith , charmingly written , regretting tny absence , and asking \vhon she would Ilnd mo at homo , would write and toll her , and than there would appear tv Intly , well dressed , well educated , who had soon almost every thing there was to see , and talked about Ibson and the latent fails.Vhllo she was with mo another caller would cotno in , and , after Mr ? . Smith went away , the second ono would inform mo that twenty yean ago Mrs. Smith was standing behind" counter , selling Deunnts on a corner or helping her mother in a laundry. I would go to a luncheon at Mrs. Smith's house ; the service was perfect , the rooms exquisitely .Jurnisbod , the hostess - toss herself charming. Now , this could only happen in America , and why ? Takoan English woman In the saino standing , got her a governess to teach her French , got her a music master , some ono to teach her to hold her knlfo and fork correctly , to receive her guests properly , and she simply never could learn. There is something in the American brain especially in the feminine - inino brain , that seems to grasp the right idea with a quickness that is won derful , .which I , as an Kni'Hsh woman , intense'ly admiro. Tliero are no women in the world like them. " The Olily One. The tjnicaco , Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway is the only line running solid volibulcd , olootric lighted and stoatn heated trains Dotwoon Chicago , Coun- uil BlutTbtmd O-naha. The berth reading lamp feature in Uia Pullman sleeping cars run on theao lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the ago. Try it and be convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacilio depot. Omaha , at 6 p. m. dally , arriving at Ghicutro at 9:30 : a. in , Passengers taking this train arc not compelled to got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got. tickets and stoopingcar berths at Union ticket ollico , 1501 Furnam st. P. A. NASH , Gen. Agt. J. E. Pur.STOX , Fabs. Agt. Hioh Mon'n SOIIH. Examples of this law of hcreJUy are plentiful among the financial leaders. The Asters and Vandorbilts of this generation have shown thenibolves well worthy to uphold the great monetary .dynasties founded by their ancestors , and there is not in either family a spendthrift or an unworthy momhor , says the Epoch. W.V. . Astor has done some creditable literary work. Jay Gould's sons are likely to carry out his projects and increase the magnitude of his fortune. Kooort Bonnor's heritage is well cared for by his sons. The Ames family , which started its fortune by making fortunes and incteased it iti Credit MobiKor , has tin able member today in Oliver Ames , who has twice been governor of Massachusetts. "Old Hutch's" son in Chicago is at thirty Uio president of a bank and director of a score of financial institutions. James L. Flood , son of the bonanza prince , and most prominent of the scions of mushroom wealth , has been at the head of the great Nevada bank. 'Jho Wny llmv GlianecU. The Chicago & Northwestern 1mvo changed time. This is the way tlioir trains run : The morning passenger leavesOmahu , Union Pacific depot at 0:15 : every morn ing same as usual. The limited loaves daily at 1:30 : p in. ' and arrived at Chicago 8 o'clock'next morning. It is the same popular , ele gantly equipped train , vostibulod , chair car , diner and now sloopm-3 , direct frotn Omaha , and in addition now car ries a superb sleeper for Omaha passen gers exclusively. Omaha patrons are appreciating this. The Fast Kintern Mail loaves Omaha at 0:15 : p. in. daily after business hours. Arrives at Chicago l:2o : next afternoon. Makes good close connections with limited custom trains on all lines , or gives pasbcngera the afternoon in Chi cago. Northuostorn dining cars anil now sleepers on this train. Passongot-H for points whore ' 'Llin- ited" and "Eastern Mail" trains don't stop take the night express at 0:15 : p. in , daily except Saturday. Baggage nheekod from residences. G. T. WEST , R. R. RITCHIE , City Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. City olllco 1101 Farnam st. Tele phone 601. lid Kni'W When to Get On" . IIo was a muscular countryman , and his greatest talent lay in the direction ot riding untamed horses , says the Atlanta Constitution. It was u Texas pony , full of the oharactori&tlca of that renowned brood , and standing liatlosdly by , awaiting the arrival of some one to try his mottle. IIo found the animal without a man daring enough to mount It , and at once naked for the job , saying that ho had , never yet hoard of the horse that could got away with him , The owner's consent was given Im mediately , and the bold man sprang into the saddle and the pony sprang into the air , bounding off lilto a rocket , ' with the man clinging to itsmauo. Straight down tno street the animal ppud , and probably the man would have maintained his reputation had not the pony taicon n sudden a uuddon notion to turn into a cross street , This idea occurred to It , nnd without consulting the rider the ponoy wheeled into the side highway , wliilo the rider kept on in the course they wore before the change of schedule occurred to the pony. The crowd arrived juat as the man was picking hltnsolf up , and were mot with the remark , as the man Urn nod to * ward the drug store : " I b'loovo that "By jimmlny , boys , dratted horse ud or killed mo ef I hudn't nr got oil when I did. "