* > r 8 _ _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY MARCH 6 , 1890. _ _ THE CITY. No mnrrlngo licenses were issued yesterday. Tlio collodions * of the internal rovu- nuo ofllco for the month of Fobruury ag gregated $218,020.00. 13. bully , who lives at No. 1803 Hurt Btrcot , whllo scuttling In a St. Mary's nvcnue Baleen Tuesday , foil and brolto bis leg. C. L. Nichols , chief clerk of the rail way mail Borvico at Cheyenne , wns at Chief Clerk Cramer's ofllco ye Btcrday on olllclnl business. George Shatton of Hastings has boon appointed probationary clerk in the railway mall sorvico. His run will bo between Lincoln and Alma. Frank Murphy , who has boon in Now York 'oivsoveral days pnst on business rotating to the pus vorks , returned to this city yesterday morning. A residence owned by T. W. Bailey nt , Twenty-seventh and Blonde streets was damaged to the extent of $800 by lire caused by a defective Iluo yesterday morning. A session of the United States court will bo hold in HaBtlngB , commencing Monday. Judpo Ihmtiy , Clerk Frank and Marshal Slaughter will go to Ilas.t- iugs for that purpose. This evening occurs another en tertainment in the concert course of the Y. M. C. A. This time Prnf. Fred B. Ilobblns and other talented musclana will make their appearance. A number of cases of destitution nro reported to the ladies of the \V. C. T. U , and all part'es who have extra un- dorgnrmcntd for women or children are ( requested to leave the same at the Woman's exchange , 1017 Furnam street. Personal I'arnernptis. J. II. Hell of Aurora IB ut tlio Murray. \V. D. Hurt or Mlnclon Is nt the Casey. J. I ) . Slicclim of Ucatnco Is n guest at the Cuaoy. E. P. Worron of Nebraska City Is at the I'axton. J. W. Holmes of Kearney Is a guest at the Faxton. P. F. Hlrclmrd of Norlolk is a guest at the Murray. A. V. S. Sounders of Heatrlco Is nt the Allllard. O. H. Phillips of Beatrice Is rcRlstored at the Casey. A. J. Snowilou of Kearney Is stopping at the Casey. Frank Ucnshaw of Long Pine is a guest at the Casey. Hobcrt Watt of Aurora Is registered at the Merchants. L. A. McCtindlcss of Lincoln Is at the Merchants. W. II , Duffott of Beatrice is registered at the Murray. M. A. Hartlftan of Hustings is at tlio Merchants. W. C. Milliard of McCook Is registered at the Puxton. N. Mctcnlf and wlfo of Grand Island are UthoMllhird. .T. II. Pnddook of Paddock Grove Is a guest at the Mlllard. A. J , Mctcaif of Kearney Is registered at the iMcrclmnta. A. I-i. Nlghton of Hustings is stopping nt the Merchants. C. C. Flnusbcry imd J. O. Thompson of Alma are at the Paxton. Mr. G. K. Williams , Elk City , called nt TIIK UKK ollluoyesterday. ; B. W. Hunter and wlfo of West Point are among the guests at thu Casey. B. P. Conrad and wife of Lincoln are nniong the guests at the Pnxton , Mr. E. Kosawutcr , editor of TUB Bun , loft Tucsiliiy evening vlu the Northwestern for New York. Isano H. Snow , Biipnrlntcndont of agencies of the Massachusetts Mutual Lifo Insurance company , Is visiting O. II. Jeffries , general agent , Omaha agency. IJr. Franklin Potts of Chicago , a graduate of the Hush medical college , and also of Copenhagen surgical institute of Holland , lias arrived in Omaha and will reside with his son , N. F. Potts , of tlio Western Union telegraph company , at 1007 Wirt street. Mr. A. M. Gnlhoun , ono of the most popular young gentlemen of Nebraska City , shook handsvith his many ivimii friends In this city yesterday. A. M. proven to boa bright young winner wherever Jio coos. ' Mr. Cullioun was accompanied by hls'fricnd , Mr. 11. C. Drusdon. Dr.Diruoypractice limited to catarrli- al disuitBcsof nose and throat. Boo bldg. W. C. A. The ladles of the Woman's Christian asso ciation held their regular weekly mooting ut the Vouilg Man's Christian association building - , ing Tuesday morning uud'dccidcd to hold a Mother Geese carnival nt Washington hall , Friday and Saturday ovonlngs , for the beulU of the Woman's ' exchange. The entertain ment will consist of pantomimns , drills and other unique features , la which some of the prettiest girls of Omaha will participate. A number of cases of destitution wore re ported and the Indies decided to ask for do nations of warm uudnr-garmonu for women. The same can bo loft at the Woman's ex change , 1017 Furnum street , 1'tin Oollooitm Stockholders. Tlio committee appointed by the dissatls * fled stockholders of the Coliseum , consisting of Messrs. II. B. Iroy , W. II. Green , Frank Williams and Henry Boll , mot at the ofllco of the concern In the board of trade yesterday - day afternoon to look over tlio books of the ccrotary and treasurer. Mr. W. I. Kiorstond , the former treasurer mid now the president of tbo company , pre sented u cortllloato from O. I. Mears. the present treasurer , to the effect that ho had thoroughly examined and checked up tlio books of the association ns kept by Mr. Kior- Btoad ohd found them absolutely correct. The books of tlio treasurer and secretary were produced and the committee started In on the work of checking them over , which will probably requlra soveriil days to coin- pleto. Pears' 1s the host and purest sonnoror made Hoiil K tnto Kvclinnuc. . The successful entertainment of the Now England excursionists wns u topla of discus sion and n subject of Bolf-congratulntton nt the real estate exchange yesterday. President Ilartumn made a report of ihoatTatr and con- 'Krntulatod the exchange upon having uiuilo 'euult a fuvorublo impression Upon the visit ors. ors.U was announced that tlio dologatoH ap pointed to ( to to Heatrlco would probably vUlt that city ilfty strong tonight. The listing ! Patrick's Hocond addition , lot 8 , block 7 ' 40xlW ! , W.OOO. Campbell's Addition , part of lots 17 and IS. block'J , 47x100 , | J,5'JO. Salon wuru reported : , By Wallace & Bluyno.v , lot 5 , block 18 , Carthage , $ tWQ : U33 aoros In Wueolorcoutity , 10,1)00. ) Tlio Stoiiosrnplinrs. The Oinulia stenographers' association hold Itii regular meeting Tuesday evening ; In the rooms of the Standard shorthand school , tlicro being a larcro attendance. After the illspooal of the usual routlno business , Miss M. U. Fields gave a recitation In a very of- fectlvo manner , which was followed by a well-written essay on "Self Help , " by Miss Lulu Tabor , Mr. HuUoy V. Fitch road from a work on "Suggestions to Students , " which was well received. Mr. Tnonm * P. WlUon , oillcial court stenographer , gave an exhibi tion of rapid writing on the black uoard nt an nlmott incrodlblo rate of speed , and than read back his notes with great tluoncy. The association offers a pruo , to bo competed for at the next regular uicctrtur , Tuesday , March IS , to the uioat rapid wrltor of any system of shorthand who has not held a position over a year. In addition to the prlzo the asioola- .tjou will alia glvo to the successful coinputi- tor a certificate , duly signed by Its oftlceri , tatlug the result of lao cooipoiltlon. THE CUT B Tlio PaiflOiicoi * Unto Vine Threatens to Hocoino OnneiMl. The rate war Is assuming BO mo very threatening aspects , and promises to bccoma more general than was nt flrnt anticipated. Managers and ngonts of western lines no longer hope to bo able to check the down ward tendency of rates and prevent the cut crossing the river. Tuesday , In a mooting of the Tnui5-Mn8ourl passenger association nt Kansas City , the Missouri Pnclllo nave notlco of its intention to Inline- alatoly put Into effect the rate of 15 on llrnt class business to Pueblo. If this Is done then away go the established tariffs everywhere. Whatever reduction the Missouri Pacific makes to Pueblo will bo mot by the Union Pacific nt Denver , Colorado rado Springs and Cnoyonno. The prlco of tickets now from Missouri nvor points to Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo IB $18.15. anil to Cheyenne $10.15. It was re ported that the Missouri Pacific proposed to quote a clean cut of $ $ .15 , and thus brink' the rate down to $10 , but General Agent 1'hll- lippl received a message yesterday In which it Is utatcd that the reduction will bo only M.I 5. If the Union Pactllo in ' forced Into this fight and compelled to make a $10 rnto for Denver and Chcycnno , it will necessarily have to lower Its Ogden and Salt Lake tariffs about $4. The rate cutting on all east bound roads is going on nt a lively pace. Last evening the Northwestern knocked off 25 cents on each ticket , tlio bridge toll , and quoted first class fares , Omaha to Chicago , at $3 , nn.d second class | 5 , The Missouri Pacific also stopped In and tnndo a similar rate to St. Louis. It Is thought now that before Saturday night ilrst class tickets will bo offered at ? . " > and second class ns low as $2.50. Since the Missouri Paclflu broke looio there IB no doubt Unit it will extend the war to Colorado common points. Tlio Standard. "I regard Hood's Sarsapnrilla as hav ing passed above the graclo of what are commonly called patent or proprietary medicines , " saiJ a well known physi cian recently. "It is1 fully entitled to bo considered a standard medicine , and has won this position by lis undoubted merit and by the many remarkable cures it has effected. For an alterative and tonic it has never been equalled. " ni SHOP so AM JAN. Clergy < > T Omaha Sumsost Hint as Hlshop O'Connar'ri Onncljntnr. Tuesday there was a successful mooting of the Catholic clergy of the diocese of Omaha held in this city for the purpose of suggesting some clerio to act as coadjutor to Bishop O'Connor. The meeting was held with closed doors , but ui Its conclusion it was announced that the choice of the assem blage had fallen upon Bishop Scanlan of Salt Lake City. \ Ut. Hov. Lawrence Scanlan , D.D. , the candidate , was born In Ireland about fifty years ago. Ho was educated and ordained priest at the missionary col logo of All Hal lows near Dublin. Ho was immediately sent to the arch diocese of Son Francisco. Utah was desig nated ns the Held of his- future usefulness , and there ho has labored with remarkable success for twenty years. Though there was only a handful of Catholics in Salt Lnko City at the time of his advent , and though even now the members of his faith are very few , ho has succeeded in erecting a fine church , a hospital and a college. Ho is praised ns being u man of great shrewdness and prudence , entirely void of affectation or pomposity , and possessed of tlio faculty oJ gaining and retaining the good will of his fellow-citizens of nil denominations. It is the conviction of those who arc ac quainted with ttio prelate that if the choice of the priests should bu confirmed by Homo , a good , hard-working bishop will receive a deserved promotion and the diocese of Omaha will long have reason to bless the wisdom and good sense of the priests who made the selection. What is more attractive than n prcttv faco' with a fresh , bright compaction ( For it use Pozzonl'a Powder. VAGiiAxr cuus. They nro to bo Hound 'd Up Today on the StivotH. Pound Master Puluski will begin his offi cial duties as dog catcher this morning nt daylight. In the city there ara several thousand dogs and about one hundred of them only have been supplied with tags or licensed. Puluski is allowed ยง J from the owner of each dug 4olxed , and in case the canine is not redeemed at the pound the animal is drowned and the city pays Pulaskl ? l for drowning Him. On the river bank at the foot of Jonea street Pulaskl has built his pound. He lias four stalls for the canines caught. The Hist day they nro placed In stall No. 1 , the .second day In stall No. L' , the third day In No. 3 , and on the fourth dav. If not claimed , will bo placed in a wire crate and dipped in the river until dead. Mr. Pulaskl will have n Hopar- ate space for blooded or pot dogs which ho will perhaps keep a few days longer than ho will the curs. " * The apparatus used for catching the dogs Is n wire slip noose which works similar to a lariat. It closes lightly about the dog'.s throat , but can bo instantly released by loosening the hold. Pulnskl will start out early with a wason , driver and two men und Jlrst clear Third ward of orraut curs. Be fore tonight the pouiul will ba a place of much interest. There will bo a mooting of the stock holders of the Coliseum Building asso ciation at the olltco of II. B. Iroy , Fron- zor block , opposite the jjostolllce , Thursday evening , March Gth , at 7:150 : sharp. By order of CiiAS. J. Bir.r : , , Chairman. AV1THDKEW TUB CHAllCES. It Is Admitted South Omaha Wns Not IBerlinInixtI'd ( iVy\iinir. ( The nicotine hold at William'A. Paxton's ofllco Tuesday night between llvo stock ship pars , packing house managers and railroad ofllclab to patch up existing dilYnroncos , re sulted In an agreement , whereby the ship pers will withdraw the complaints filed by them with the state board of transportation. General Manager Holdrogo of the B. & M. acted as spokesman for tho' railroads , and when nskou to glvo u state ment of the proceedings , tuu ! : ' 'I am satis- tied the shippers were laboring um'or ' n falsa Improsslou when they conceived the Uoa that wo were discriminating against the South Oiiuina stock yards nnu market. Af ter wo gave them an explanation of our tarIffs - Iffs they dcuinod to bo satisllotl and agreed to withdraw their charges. " A It. V ? M. Promotion. Arthur B , Smith , for n long time cli'uf clerk to QenorAl Passenger and Ticket Agent Francis of the B. & M , , has been pro moted. On Ills return from Boston ho found an ofllcial notlco on his dosic appointing him assistant general passenger an J ticket ngont. C. H. Davidson , cilof ) rate clerk , Will prob- nbly become Mr. Smith's iucceasor. Donvi-rlH Denver Is making a great outcry against the Union Pacific's now time table , bscauso the train between there and Cheyenne , to connect with the fast ovorlnnd flyer , loaves at ! i o'clock In the morning and requires four hours to tnuko the run. The proprietors of Salvation Oil , the great- cat c-vo on earth for pain , will pay a largo reward if any certificate published by them is not found genuine. Tom , Dick and Harry appear again with their grandmother's recipes for coughs , oto. , but the people know Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup too well. or Ituilw.iv Mulls. On April 1 commonoas the quadrennial weighing of mail matter in the railway mail sorvico. The weighing tests continue for thirty-five days. It Is suppoioJ to last n month , but as the Sunday malls are added to the Monday reports , the work will ac tually bo longer than a month. The weigh ing Is done In order to furnish an estimate for charges for services , Representative Djrsoy has recommended the appointment of the following mall weighers , and they will remrt for duty at the baglnnlng of next month : Alex Peter son of Komio.v , to run on the Union Pacific toOgdon ; E. S. Nosblttof Crawford , from Lincoln to Crawford ; Fred Brown of Fullerton - lerton , B. & M. , batu-jon Grand Island and Ora ; E. Hunter of Wiivno , from Omaha to Sioux City ; Edward Banton of Fremont , from Fremont to Norfolk : Simpson Bover- Idgo uf Fremont , and E. M. Northrop of Norfolk , from Frotnont to Whltowood ; Fran c ICeuyon of Monroe , from Columbus to Cedar Kapids ; Howard Cottorman of Petersburg , on the .Union Pncijlo to Ogdon. Never Ulvo Up. If you suffer with asthma , bronchitis , or any other disease of the throat or lungs , nothing can surprise you more than the ra pidlmprovomcnt thai will follow the use of SANTA ABIE. If you nro troubled with catarrh , mid huvo tried other medicines , you will bo unable to express your amazement ut the marvelous and instantaneous' curative powers of CALIFORNIA UAT-H-OUIIE. These remedies arc not secret compounds , but natural productions of California. Sold nt SI a package ; three for S-2,50 , and guaran teed by Goodman Drug Co. 1O VISIT IHOATIIIOE. The Board of Trade Taken a Hand In tlio Hide Inland Extension. Arrangements are being made for a special car to carry the Omaha delegation to the railroad meeting to bo held at Beatrice to night lu the interest of the proposed Hook Island extension from Omaha to south ern Nebraska. The real estate exchange will send n committee of at least twenty members ana the board of trade will send u delegation equally as largo. The following ofllcial circular , announcing the trip , has boon Issued by the ooard of trade : To the Members of the Omaha Hoard of Trade Gentlemen : Believing that , Omaha is interested respecting the route which the Hock Island railroad line through NuDraaka may bo constructed on , the boatd of direct ors have. decided to send a delegation to at tend the mooting at Beatrice tomorrow , and all members of the board nro hereby ap pointed and asked to become members of this committee. The committee is expected to go via the B. & M. railroad , leaving their depot , nt 10:05 : this morning. Without further notlco. EUCLID MAIITINPresident. ; . MAY ANJJ MA.TUIAIONY. Nebraska's Fish Commislon Presi dent Ancles ( or a llrido. W. L. May of Froaiont , president of the Nebraska llsn commission , was married at the homo of M. E. O'Brien , superintendent of the states fisheries , at South _ Bcud , Tues day last , at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. The bride was Emma Gallon of Friend , and the olliciuting clergyman Hov. A ? E. Dean of South Hend. Yesterday morning , to the surprise of all his Fremont friends , Mr. May presented his wife to them , giving for the first cimo an in timation that his mind had over dwelt upon such a frivolous subject as matrimony. Such a surprise was never experienced oy a civilized community. It could not have boon greater if the genial president hud moved the fisheries from South Bend to his homo city. It was a surprise which was witnessed with the greatest delight bv every colonized fish in Nebraska , thousands of which congregated in ono of the arms of the Platte near Fremont and sang a bridal chorus to the accompaniment of Arlon's lyre.To To the uninitiated it may bo 'necessary to say that Mr. May lias boon a bachelor pretty nearly all his life and when such as ho de serts the ran us of celibates the survivors need not expect to convince people that they are bachelors from choice. Consistent us Mr. May was as a colib.Uo ho was equally consistent in his abdication ncd his royal ] eke upon his old tune friends. Tinted l > y Tim . For bronchial affec- tions.coughs.otc. , Brown's Bronchial Troches have proved their ofllcacy by a test of many yoars. Price 23 cants. HIM Eighty-Sixth lllrtlidny. Tuesday , March 4 , Connell Furay , father of John B. Furay of the board of public works , celebrated his olehty-sixth birthday. Ho Is halo , hearty and active , and whether ho Is the oldest man In Omaha today or not , itcan safely bo said ho is as youthful In action as any of those In the city , though their years of life have boon a quarter of a century earlier. Mr , . Furay was bora in the county of Don egal , Ireland , Marcu 4 , 181)1 ) , and cnino to the United States in 1S37. Ho located in Highland county , Ohio. There ho remained until 18T7 , when ho cimo to Omaha. His children had boon horci before that time , and the old gentleman found thorn occupying prominent , positions in lifo when ho arrived. Ho has nmo sons and daughters in Omaha and the state , and Is thu grandfather of sixty-thrco children , Ills mother dlod ut the ae of ono hundred and ton and it is hard to tell when the present branches of tlio parent stock will bocoaio mingloil with the great majority. Cook's extra dry champagne is bettor , healthier and purer than the imported arti cle. It has a delightful bouquet. AVritlnir Atlvortlsoinonti. Alden & Faxon , newspaper advertis ing agents , Cincinnati , Ohio , have just issued a very neat Hit of the loading nowspaporri of the United States. The first ton or twelve jwgos are devoted to advertisements , which thov have written - ton for various firms , and which have boon prominent successes ; also hints and suggestions to now advertisers. This linn make u specialty of writing advertisements , and of dovislng meth ods by wiiioli money can bo made out of newspaper advertising. Judging by tholr little book , they have been onu- nontly successful in this direction. This newspaper list will bo sent free on application. fw\r * visn ? The Famous Cocoa of Europe. < Tlio Coming Ono of Amorjca. ? Van Iloutcri's hasjf/tyftr cent more of the flesh-forming | elements of cocoa them is obtained by the best processes of ? other manufacturers. HH "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the world , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN IIou- TUN'S special process ow/ycan this be attained. COT VAX Hortrx'iCocox ( "once tried , aUajsuied" ) rxuiesses the treat adrantase of lennn | Injurious sllocts on tb n rrous system. Ka womlor , therefore , that In all parla ctthtHorlJ , tbli ffttnlar'i Cocoa lirecoiuiuendcd by medical men , ln truil < > rtru J Hud oufTee or other coeous or cliocolutoa , far dully uio by chlldrcu uiudul ii , i | hKleundslck.rlcliuiidpaur. AikorVAX IlOUTEX'ianilfal < natxArr. l | fM r M < 3 YVIUL CURE POLES "I htvdtmfe known Ittvtlu * In bU d > Ing P'lii. ' It Ii the pilnce of r m di i In til form * of htmonholdi , " Or , A M. COLLINS , Cameron , Mo. CATARRH 'H v b tn > eenitint tulftrtr for roil from nvors coldi In head and r. htoit. . Triad moil ov ry known l m dy. Pond'l Extract relieved mo wonderfully , and hai effected almoit a radical cure " F R EDC R 1C E. FINCK , New Yoik City. SORE EYES "It acti like magic In ophthalmia. I like It so much for tore y i " R v , M , JAMESON , LAMENESS " I strongly reconmend Pond's Extract for lameness , and use It constantly. " MICHAEL DONOVAN , N , Y. Athlttlo Club. SORENESS " Had a large eatlne tore on my ankle , which had eaten to the bono. For nlni months I doctored to no purpose * Tried a bottle of Pond's Extract , and was cured Immediately. " MINNIE VANATTA , Lockloosa , Fla. BRUISES "Pond's Extract has been used with marked benefit by our Inmates in many cases of bruises , and has always proved very beneficial. " LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR , New York City , SPRAINS "I have been prescribing Pond's Ex tract , and find It a valuable remedy In strains and affections of like char acter.-- . P. BURDICK , M.D. E3U51NS "Had my left hand severely burned , and lost the use of It completely. Secured relief by use of Pond's Extract In twelve hours. " Mrs. A.SHERMAN , Hew York City. HERflORRHACES "Am troubled with hemorrhages from lungs , and find Pond'i Extract the only remedy that will control thorn , " GEORGC W. WARNER , Scranton , Pa. " I have used Pond's Extract in a case of long standing Internal inflammation , and obtained relief within a few hours , " JAMES E. READE , Philadelphia. and should be always kept on hand for em ergencies. " Long experience has taught my fam ily to regard Pond's Extract as one of the absolute necessities of housekeep ing. " ANDREW D. WHITE , Presi dent Cornell University. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. See Landscape Trade-mark on Buff Wrapper. MADE ONLY BY New York and London. DRS. BETTS < & BETTS , VSi FAII.VAM TKHRI. OMAHA , NM. , . Hotel ) Offlo * hour * , 'J a. m. , to 8 p. m. S-mlajt. 10 * . a , to p.m. Specialists In Chronic , Ncrrous , Skin and Blood Dl- eaaps. fWConsultntlon nt ofllco or by mall free. Medi cines aent t > ; mall or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to euro quickly , safe ly find permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY 8 fir ftBSll tloni. rhrslcal decay , nrlalng from Indiscretion , ex. cess or Indulgence * iirculuchiR alenpleaneaa. deapon * dcncy , plmplca on the face , aversion to society , easily dUcourngoJ. lack of contlclanco. dull unlit for eludy or buBlneaB. nnd flnda life a burden. Pnrnly. perntnn- ently nnd privately cure.l. Consult lira. l ) tta A Uetts , KUBFarnkinBtro-it.Onmlia , Nob. and Skin Disease ? results , oomplvtcly ornillctite.l wltliont tbe aid of mercury. Hcrotuli. erysipelas , fever eorei , blotches. ulccri. pains In the head and bonui , syphilitic ore ihroat , mouth and tooKiio. catarrh , eta. , pcramnontly cured nhore others lure fal.cd , Ilrinnnu nml liiaiMer complaint * , U I 111 ( In Painful. l > lllctilt ! , Mo fro. quent bnrnlm or bl(3olurlno. ( . urlno hUh colored or with milky sediment on ston lint : , wink back , uunorr hum. k'leut , cystitis , oto. I'romptly anil safely cured charges reasonable. tnnval complete without cutllntr. cauoilo ordination. Cure * effected at homo t > y patient without a moments pain or annoyance. To Young Hen and MiufllG-Asefl Men , A < 3JTPP fUIDl ? 'rlle awful efforts ot etrly LlUllti UUllU Vice , which brings oriraulo weaknosn , dnatroylntf both .innd nnd body , with all UdreiuUnl Ills , permanently cured. PPTTQ AflflroM tlio.iovlio hmvo Im- L ) Ell 10 paired themselves by linpropor ( nduhicncei and and aolltary habits , which ruin both body and inlud , untlttliu tham for business , study or niiirrlKKo. lUliiuri ) MCK , or those ontcrlntf on that happy life , atari ) of pbysictnldehllltrquickly asilstod. OUniSUGGESS , Is based upon factsfirst practical experience , < oo end- ovary case l especially studied , thua atarllnv arUut. thlrd medlctnes uro prepared In our own la- baiory eiactly to mit uacu case , thus utTtctlug curoi without Injury. tPona rt cents ppstaKa for celebrated works on chronic , nervous nnddiihcatadlieusei. Thousands cured. tW\ friendly loiter nrCKll may save you fu- turn suffurlnii andshnrue. nnd add golden years to llf < fi ? .Ho letters annw rcd tinleRS accompanied by 4 tents In stamps. Address orcull on DI13. UtiTTS iV JIKTHTM , 14)3 Flxni'Mti btrcet , Onmlia. Nob. GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1333. Flos. 3O3-4O4-I70-OO4. THE MOST PEEPECT OP PENS , A GOODRICH , Lawyer. 134 nnnrborn St. , > ( 'hlcuKO. s'i yunri ) BU 'easeful iirnettna. Ail- vlco free ; no publicity. Bne tat fuellUlua In many btate < . MEONLY. Vor lOSTorPAUINa MANnoOUi n ral and NEKVOU8 ) EBl.JT V , , WetkntMof BedyandUJnd , Effecti . _ Uof rrorior xMisestn Older Youoir. M.lx.l - , 1.1.1. HI.MIllllurgllrll'il.rt' . llo l . .Ur . 4 lr..jlk. . HKt lIIIU-lUll l.tk IUUTI10K/IODr. k J.I.I. mr.lll. ( lloaK 1llHt kT-B .UI. I. > d.j. t.illl ; rra IOBUUI ai4 r.rtlo f.uXrl. . . IfrlU Ikia. UtMri | > lli Bo.k , l l. ll. aid Aititu ERIK rVIKD'Ot' r' THIS COMING SEASON We propose to demonstrate what a business can be clone in this city in Boy's and Chil- * ' drcns * Clothing. We have made enormous preparations , and having been especially for tunate in our purchases in that linewe intend touse our boy's department this season for a great advertisement. We want to make a lasting impression on the boys , and teach them while they are young this great lesson , that there is 11O place to folly Clothing like the Nebraska Clothing Company. To begin with we place on Sale the following unapproachable bargains. 400 excellent Cassimcrc Suits , with Knee Pants at $1.90. They are of good weight and heavy enough to wear right now in this cold Weather. Nothing more durable for Hoys wear was ever placed on our counters. They are excellently made with pleats , and come in three nice patterns. You will open your eyes in astonishment when yo see this suit. 250 splendid all wool Suits , in small checked patterns , beautiful shades and excellent wearing garments at $2.25. We do not say too much when we pronounce this suit worth $4. Thousands of other Suits , for small and big Boys from the cheapest to the finest grades of goods and every suit in our Boy's Department a bona-fide bargain. Out of town patrons have the same advantages as those living here we fill mail orders promptly and if goods are not satisfactory can be returned. Write for Samples. ' IN OUH , SHOE DEPARTMENT we offer this week , as first bargain of the season. 200 dozen excellent Men's Shoes/solid / leather soles and Counters , Seamless , in Congress and Lace , with plain and Cap toe at $1.25 worth regular $ .1.75. Same quality in Boy's Sizes $1.10. t Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets. Wo wish to srty TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS , that \vo are mail- king extcubivo repairs and changes in our store , giving ourselves more roomwhich our increasing business demands. The work is being push ed as fast as possible , and in a few days we will ho able to open and display our spring poods , which are constantly arriving , but which the dirt and dust of repairing compolls us to keep under cover. Tlio only snfti nnd pntuloxs method of extract ing todli , and i tin only muttio.l of Inserting tooth without pluto , remaining clean and dura- ubu. ! mi. IIAUftBEAWOUT , 1509 DOUUhAS Sl'llUr/11 . OMAHA. fErfvf 3t V > " * 3 < * CQ4XaRrt * .KA'feV.V < 2 ; aX&-73nCV * aU , fl Tlio Well Known Specialist , Is iiusurp.ii > 33d lii the treatment of nil forma of I'm- \A1K IIIMKAMKM nnd fetili i tiire.ueuroKimiunK'od. 1m. imti'iicy , Lots of .Munhoinl , nii'l Ainhlllim. Htcrrlluy or IhirrunuM absolutely vurml. bciul fur llu. " 1.1 fo fiuiTi't. " lur .Man or Woinuii , eiich U CLMIII ( Btatnps ) . Kcrvi > UH KoniHlo l > tt > < 'aiefl. curt'd iinlckly urul ticrinuneiitly * Tri'atuuMit by corronpondcjico , itnini forntply. C'oiiHuitiitlonfroo , Olllcutf. U. Uor Ulh and Jackunn Stioc'H , Umuha .S'l'U. 0 O UXtl-l I , IMl Kiw BUT AND SUJflHSORf orltbUM" for lhnp. | < lb | ur. leie. Cur. l liriii > r > llUitr , ell lot > rf lf , lldh olh. Ui. r..il u u , lurroli of rir-trlli > ll.rouih ill fiRTH , n itarlm ll. m la IIKtU II t J \ ll.llllill H S I ill Mrl u. tlnlrl. lurrcal I'rll l , li.lll , or wo foiltil ti.UOalu | U. I1I.LT Kn4 Hup B err CaMpIrl * fi Had Hit. Horst tftltlltr * HftMRlll IlirM In Ihrr * U.ODir > . tlMl 4 P4UI hlffl Krt. BANDED ELEOTRIOCO. . lOaUb.ll.oi. , iHICAHO.IU. Buffering from thu cHi-cu < > ( to decay , vt iiMlna wnltuvu , lott inauhotxl , i to. 1 will Minil a valuable trratlM ) ( M-alrdl contalnlntf full for liomo cun * . I'lllU ! of cliurfe. A plcudld medical work t ihoum ba rrndy \ viert _ _ The Inmost , fastcat nnd Hnest In I ho world , Pasaeneer accommodations unexcelled. Via .Moville , Anchorln , 2 p. 111 , Satiiyilay. March 1st With regular \rvukIytmllliiKi thi'icntter iixi'itrss simviuK New Vork nnd Liverpool via ( Jltaansttwn. City ot Koine. II a m Saturday , April nth Saloon round trip tickets by "City of Homo" will bo available for return passngs by other tlrst class steamers Bulling weekly from Liv erpool. , I'liH&riuers booked for stonmi > rs sMllnc ; enr- Her tlnui H a. m. , may umb.irb the pi'ovlens eve ning. Steamers sail from Pier II , N. it. , foot l.f roy St. . Now Vork. Tourists and travelers will nnd our "circular loiters of mull ! " the tulcU and most conronlont nmmiur In H hlch to curry thtMr lutiil1 * , UH muncyf * can bo ilrtwn anywhere liiMims to meet requirement".and holder : * of Mieh arc thuroby nfltmlcil a nu'iiutof Ulcntttlc'iitlon and Intro luctlon to biinkrrs In all parts of tbe world , besides ninny other advantages. HENDERSON BROS. , Chicago , Ills. II. S. Hall , H. V. Mporos. and C. II. Mares , U I1. Depot. LLfiM LINE OCEAN STEAMERS Passage to and from Great Britain and an parts ot Europe. Montreal-Liverpool route , by the waters ot St. Lawrence , shortest olnll. Ulascow to lloaton , to Phllailelphlu. Liverpool to and from Ualtlmore. Thirty Stc'aroorn. Claos excelsior. AccomtnoilatloiiB unsurpassed. Weehl ) sailings. AM..IX & . . .0on.VcBt. . AR'ts. C.J. Sundoll , nirujcr. 112 La Salic at. , Clilcago , 111. CdLLAR , BUFFIKEKS : FJIOJI IVertoui Dclilllly , Yonlliriil liiJUi-rclloin. Lout 'Manliooil. ' Be Your Own Physician ii Many men , f rom the effects of youthful Impnidcnco , have hiinifzht about uHulo of uiakiictuiUmt linn ttdiu't-d the t , .m > n ] cyi * . ti-in to much n to Induro ahuuKt ririy > tmir disease , anil the iral tauw * of tlio trouhlrifuMively o cr bdiitfiiiitpttted , they are doctored fur rtcolmnif hut tlic rivlit i ma. Notwithstanding tlio ninny taluahlo rt-inedlrtl tluitliudimlKU-HrolmiipnHluii'd for Iliolcllef of IhliitASii uf patlcnlfl. notto uf the niilhmry niodn f ( rratinvnt iiricta rurti. During our rttenihotnlli'iroanil hos pital practice uo lm > o niciliiuiitrd | ullh and ilU-oveiTdnevb uiidcciiiccntrAtL'd iemo- illts. llioaccoiMuuiliiriut | ! > cilMlonUvf. fcnol an a i-i-rlnln nnd "ln'i'Jv riirr.m t undictlsot cnsi t m our pincilro Imi u luon ri'stori'il to prrfcrt hinlih > > .v II * IIK > ttfti'r all other ii.-mcdlc ralliHl. I'ciftclly pmi'ln- ( rrcdlcnU nuihtM * L cd In the jiivparutlon of tills proiwrlptlon. It Krytliroiylon cnon , I 3 diachin. Jriubihln , 1 8 ditu'hm , 11'lonbs Dlolca , 1 a drachm. ( Uliwiiiln , 8 Krahu. Kit , lunatlin niimi-ni ( alrohollc,9 Krnlns ( ilji-filiic.n a ! Mil. MnkuCOpllK. liikelplllatSp.m.andan. 'v other on coins to hod. Innoinocaualt will > ' ! bo ncHn-Htutry for Iho pitlcnt to lave two Pills ' nt ju dtlmo.muklnif Uionumbcrthrcoadtty. ; ! TliUiciiii'dyUadapU'dtoeierycomlUlonof ; ; iiurvousdcbltltynudwralinoMlni'lthortoi , and csiH'Ually m those ciiKes reiiultln from < linpruilt'iiec. Ihi ) lecilitcratlvo iwwerH of J thljrcituratlvoarotruly aMonUlihiK.aiid Itn < j continued for akliurt tlmochanirra the ! Uniciild , dittilUtnlPd.nervrlcrg condition to J pnuof icnoned llfo nndliror. . i Aowaaixicouitaiitlrliirt-cclptoflottcriiof ; ! n < iuliy lolatho to thu icnieuy , wo uoulil ' my tuthoMuhououldprcfi'rlooUalnltcf lu , l/y rrnilltliiK fl ntfourvly wulnl | cl > . AJO containing W pills , carefully eorn- IMumlrd , will ba rent by return mall from ourprhate Kljonitory.orwovilllfuiiihh which will euro most cawa. for J5 , orcAll on Hew England Medical Institute , 21 Tmnoiit How , lluiton , .Ma . S ' Copyright , 1M . by 1' . II. Ilium. Vftfft BELT . . 3.1830. . . . . . I'BFJ.KCTHO- OALVAKJOUODYI1EI.T , , AliD tUBl-ENSORY Mil i'-curo All Itheumatlo Com- ' ,1 plaints. Lumliaco , General Ji.anil No vous Debility , ODitlventu , Kidney Elitaifi , Nnvouinm Trtmlllng , Bexuil z liiuitlon , 'Watting of , . . cauttd by Indlicittions In < > Married or Rlrgl. life. A HAHt ri cnTBln OR.OWEN'S cLtUlnlu Alto an Ckotrlo Trusn nnd Dolt Combined. H < o < J * .i > oiui for rats lllu > iMlM > tiilii"lti. Mclillll * cfit you fa i > lla .wlt4 ovrioi Mtutka Ibli 11 ( r. Aaarcts OWEN Er.Kormo BELT & AFPUANOB co. AT TMK PARIS , 1559 , The Highest Possible Premium , JWlD-OHliY SRAHD. PRIZE FOR GLWIk'Cs MACHINES , WS \ AWARDED TO mmAND AND THE & 1GR0SS 0F THE * * LEQION OP HONOR , WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER , The President of the Company. WHEELER & WILSON MFC , CO- l rl \Vnlianii Avo. , Chicago. SOM > HV P. E. PLO0MAH & CO I 220 NorthlGth Stront , Onuilw. SPRING VEHICLES * " * * * ' One. { [ > . \ 3 Crently Improved withswingimtiih'ackleiionimo'l " 3 mde. En8l 3trldlncr ' ' ' < ' ' 'mmi > . Spring * length- o en and shortnn accnnmifc to the weight put on them. * Adapted equally well to rouch country or tlno "olty drives. Willclvoyou hoot ontlofnctlon. Icitdti c'cilcur iriny in j six months by buying one of tlwso choice lots in West Portland Park SHOREY , HALL & CO , AboiiiKton Building , Portland , Or , N.W.Cau. I3FH& OODQE ats , OMAHA , HEOt von TUB vn&iruuf T or iu. APPLIANCES FOR DEFOIIMITIIO AND TRUSSES. , of enry foru of llUitia rfijuiriiur MEDICAL or BDROIOAt TBEATUKMT. NIHUTY nOOMS FOM PATIEMT8.1 Uotrd & Atltnduuce , Doit AMoiomtdtUou lu ATMV CTWniTB ton. OlUO'JIJinioa HvfornjlUei > & 4 ict > , Wi ; DISUSES Qf mmn t , : : MM ntTH unrtt innui i LIUU-IN unnnTiir.ir . WOSM iii'iitucoiniiiOMT ( HIICTLT 'RIYATI. ) Only HollrbU M.dlotl luiUtutoatkW a Efultltyot r.ittl. Hj.hiiiini' ii . 4 fr atbtlr t.m vllhevl u.r nr. ITtw UMUrU4 Emev r.r UH .rtllil , err B. firtlti iLit.it l tliU V lu jrt lr tt.d l k n by t mipob4 t u Jlllf biu llli. . , err D | r ur .4. . . uv ] ni iod la pUIn oninr , . ] t\K ftt&ftt \ PnHHt UfaMr. . I , BM I.I . . . vCi IU knCHi hirtv..uiik . . , < .liuj..na.riif tii UI..I ma v.tl.o/.i. .viu. . . .ilau hit. mint [ OAtAIIA UBUIOAI. A HUUOKIAI. IHHTITUra 1IU > od Dod r Utr U. nco.